Chernyshevsky Nikolai Gavrilovich. Punctuation in quotes

Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is formatted as direct speech, then the appropriate punctuation rules apply:

  • Belinsky wrote: “Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him”;
  • “Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him,” wrote Belinsky;
  • “Nature creates man,” Belinsky wrote, “but society develops and forms him”;
  • The speaker quoted Belinsky’s words: “Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him,” and with this he ended his speech.

Quotes consisting of several paragraphs are highlighted with quotation marks only once, and not before each paragraph: M. Gorky wrote: “Herzen is the first Russian thinker, before him no one looked at Russian life so comprehensively and deeply.

His mind is exceptional in strength, just as his language is exceptional in beauty and brilliance...”

If the quotation is syntactically linked to the author's text, forming subordinate clause, then the first word of the quotation is written with a small letter: Chekhov wrote that “language should be simple and elegant.” If the quotation is conveyed in your own words, then quotation marks are not placed.

If the author's words follow the quotation, then the first word of the quotation is written with capital letters, even if in the cited source it begins with a small letter (the omission of part of the text is indicated by an ellipsis): “... This is the key to the future triumphs of our people in the field of art, education and humanity,” N.G. wrote about Lermontov. Chernyshevsky.

If the quotation is not given in full, then the omission is indicated by placing an ellipsis: before the text of the quotation (after the initial quotation marks), when the quotation is not given from the beginning of the sentence; in the middle of a quotation, when part of the text is missing; after the text of the quotation (before the closing quotation marks), when the quoted sentence is not fully quoted.

If the text continues after a poetic quotation, then a dash is placed at the end of the poetic line: Tatyana’s husband, so beautiful and so complete... characterized by the poet with these two verses:

And above everyone

And he raised his nose and shoulders

The general who came in with her, Tatyana’s husband, introduces Onegin to her as his relative and friend (V.G. Belinsky).

If the quotation is given in full and is framed as direct speech, then the appropriate punctuation rules apply.

a) A.V. Lunacharsky wrote: “It is impossible to be literary critic without having established for yourself general principles theory of art."

L.N. Tolstoy said about Chekhov’s mastery: “Chekhov is Pushkin in prose.”

I.V. Turgenev said: “There is no happiness outside the homeland, everyone takes root in their native land.”

Belinsky wrote: “Nature creates man, but man develops and shapes him.”

b) “Modernity is a great virtue in an artist,” Belinsky asserted.

"Twelve million people are outlaws!.. Horror!" - Herzen wrote in his diary.

“Brevity is the sister of talent,” said Chekhov.

“His mind is exceptional in strength, just as his language is exceptional in beauty and brilliance...” - M. Gorky wrote about Herzen.

c) “There is no doubt,” Turgenev said about Pushkin, “that he created our poetic, our literary language and that we and our descendants can only follow the path paved by his genius.”

“Someone else’s bread is bitter,” says Dante, “and the steps of someone else’s porch are heavy.”

“What is so powerful about literature? - wrote M. Gorky. “By saturating ideas with flesh and blood, it gives them greater clarity, greater persuasiveness than philosophy or science.”

“Herzen is the first Russian thinker,” writes M. Gorky, “before him no one looked at Russian life so comprehensively and deeply.”

If the quotation is syntactically linked to the author's text, forming a subordinate clause, then the first word of the quotation is written with a small letter.

Belinsky wrote that “to study a poet means not only to get acquainted with his works, but also to experience them.”

M. Gorky wrote that “language is a tool, you need to know it well, master it well.”

Chekhov argued that “brevity is the sister of talent.”

L.N. Tolstoy wrote that “in art, simplicity, brevity and clarity are the highest perfection of the art form.”

Dobrolyubov wrote about Pushkin that “in his poems, for the first time, living Russian speech was revealed to us.”

DI. Pisarev pointed out that “the beauty of language lies solely in its clarity and expressiveness.”

“...The more decisively a writer renounces his personality, the more easily he loses the small and insignificant and the deeper, wider the significant and objective in the world around him opens up to his perception,” wrote M. Gorky.

“...The language of every people, whose mental life has reached a high development, is flexible, rich and, despite all its imperfections, beautiful,” wrote N.G. Chernyshevsky.

“...To study a poet means not only to get acquainted with his works, but also to experience them,” wrote Belinsky.

“...Language is a tool, you need to know it well, master it well,” argued M. Gorky.

“...In art, simplicity, brevity and clarity are the highest perfection of the art form,” wrote L. Tolstoy

“...In his poems, for the first time, living Russian speech was revealed to us,” Dobrolyubov wrote about Pushkin.

“...The beauty of language lies solely in its clarity and expressiveness,” pointed out D.I. Pisarev.

If the quotation is not given in full, then the omission is indicated by placing an ellipsis.

L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “... in art, simplicity, brevity and clarity are the highest perfection of the art form, which is achieved only with great talent and great work.”

Speaking about the merits of the language of folk poetry, Fadeev recalled: “It is no coincidence that our Russian classics... recommended reading fairy tales.”

Gogol said this: “At the name of Pushkin, the thought of a Russian national poet immediately dawns on me... In him, as in the lexicon, lies all the wealth, strength and flexibility of our language.”

Speaking up for culture oral speech, Chekhov wrote: “In essence, for an intelligent person, speaking badly should be considered the same indecency as not being able to read and write...”.

Belinsky wrote: “ study a poet means not only to get acquainted with his works, but also to experience them.”

M. Gorky wrote: “...language is a tool, you need to know it well, master it well.”

Dobrolyubov wrote about Pushkin: “... in his poems, for the first time, living Russian speech was revealed to us.”

DI. Pisarev pointed out: “... the beauty of language lies solely in its clarity and expressiveness.”


Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828–1889). Russian writer, critic. N. Chernyshevsky wrote the novels “What is to be done?”, “Prologue” (unfinished); stories “Alferyev”, “The Story of a Girl”; cycle “Small Stories”, plays; works on aesthetics and literary history, including “The Aesthetic Relation of Art to Reality”, “A Critical Look at Modern Aesthetic Concepts”, “The Sublime and the Comic”, “Essays on the Gogol Period of Russian Literature”, “Writings and Letters of N.V. Gogol” ", "On sincerity in criticism", "Poverty is not a vice", "Childhood and adolescence. War stories of Count L.N. Tolstoy”, “Provincial Sketches of Shchedrin”, “Russian man on rendezvous”, “Isn’t this the beginning of change? Stories by N.V. Uspensky", philosophical works, etc.

Without grammar no one can do without.

Without compression there is no artistry.

Wealth- a thing without which you can live happily. But welfare- a thing necessary for happiness.

Be rude means forgetting your own dignity.

In a linguistic sense people are all people who speak the same tongue.

IN science the fruits of the experience and reflection of the human race are preserved, and most importantly On the basis of science, concepts improve, and then morals and life.

In stories and stories - Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol the general property is the brevity and speed of the story.

There is power in truth talent; wrong direction destroys the strongest talent.

What is the rationale for respecting scientists? The fact is that respect for them is only a modification of respect for science, love for knowledge, love for truth; only a transfer of these feelings to our feelings towards individual people.

The most important capital of a nation is moral qualities people.

Reproduction of life - a general characteristic feature art, constituting its essence; often works of art have another meaning - an explanation of life; They often also have the meaning of a verdict about the phenomena of life.

Everything is real, good things have been acquired fight And deprivation the people who prepared it; and a better future must be prepared in the same way.

Supreme patriotism- a passionate, boundless desire for the good of the Motherland.

Where not life- No ideas; where there is no infinite variety, there is no life.

Flexible, rich and beautiful for all its imperfections language every people whose mental life has reached a high level of development.

Hypotheses, even erroneous ones have a good side: they stimulate the activity of thought.

Hungry Human, Of course, he can’t feel good; but even a well-fed person does not feel good when the groans of the hungry, unbearable for the human heart, are heard around him.

The petty pursuit of individual spectacularity prevails. words, individual phrases and entire episodes, coloring of faces and events with not entirely natural, but sharp colors.

Human activity empty and insignificant when not animated by an idea.

For treason homeland extreme baseness of soul is required.

Before Pushkin No one has ever written in such a light and lively language, in which both simplicity and poetic charm were combined; no one has ever been able to impart so much precision, expressiveness and beauty to Russian verse.

If our children If they want to be truly educated people, they must acquire education through independent knowledge. And the most necessary preparation for being able to acquire it should be diligent study of the French, German and English languages.

If Human loses the love of honesty, he will quickly become involved in so many bad actions that he will acquire the habit of dishonest rules of life.

Eat People, to whom every truthful word seems harsh, no matter how moderate it is.

Alive Human cannot help but have strong convictions. Only those who do not have them can not have convictions: and only stupid people or unscrupulous people can not have convictions.

Make sure your pupil became a man in the true sense of the word.

Search happiness V selfishness- is unnatural, and the fate of an egoist is not at all enviable: he is a freak, and being a freak is inconvenient and unpleasant.

True It is called truth only because it is the opposite of error and lies.

True Love cleanses and elevates every person, completely transforming him.

The historical significance of every Russian person is measured by his services to his homeland, his human dignity by the strength of his patriotism.

Each individual Human- debtor to society for his mental development.

Whoever everyone is happy with does not do anything good, because good impossible without insult evil.

When man recognizes equality women with himself, he refuses to look at her as his belonging.

When we're talking about on coercive measures to prevent harm then it is self-evident that it is not suitable to prevent a less significant harm by inflicting a more significant one.

Who hasn't studied person in himself, will never achieve deep knowledge of people.

Who works with love, he contributes poetry in every way work.

Personal happiness impossible without the happiness of others.

False in their main idea works They are weak even in purely artistic terms.

They flatter then, to dominate under the guise of submission.

Be in love not only those who love to shout about their love can; at smart person the feeling is expressed both in word and deed, for others only in deed, and, perhaps, the stronger the more silent it is.

We judge book by the book itself, and not by the name displayed on it.

Our civilization It is just beginning, and we cannot imagine, even with the most ardent imagination, to what power over nature it will bring us.

No need to prove that education- the greatest benefit for person. Without education, people are rude, poor, and unhappy.

Ignorance one should never boast: ignorance is impotence.

It's ridiculous to start case, when there is no strength for it. If you screw things up, it will be disgusting.

You can't deny the truth only because I personally don’t like her at all.

No external compulsion can't support person neither at a mental or moral height, when he himself does not want to stay on it.

No situation justifies inaction; you can always do something that is not completely useless; you should always do everything you can.

The norm of human actions should be justice.

Nowadays there are quite a lot of people who don’t think aesthetics science that deserves special attention.

One honesty not enough to be right and useful; We also need consistency in ideas.

All good ones are especially similar books in that they certainly arouse in the reader a desire to think about what is fair, beautiful and useful for people.

From a smart and scientist person one must demand a lot; if he says trifles, he can in all fairness be reproached for it - the condescension to which simpletons are entitled would be inappropriate in relation to him.

Reject progress - the same absurdity as rejecting the power of falling.

Father And mother! All panegyrics are nothing before these sacred names, all pompous praises are emptiness and insignificance before the feeling of filial love and gratitude.

Errors of people The fears of a strong mind are precisely that they are created by the thoughts of many other people.

Patriot is a person who serves homeland, and the homeland is, first of all, the people.

There are very few major works on each subject; in all the others, it only repeats, dilutes, and spoils what is contained much more fully and clearly in these few. You need to read only them, everything else reading - just a waste of time.

Poet does not know thoroughly the life and heart of man: this knowledge is achieved only by a deep study of philosophy.

The right to live and be happy is an empty ghost for person, not having the means to do so.

Practice- the great exposer of deceptions and self-delusions...

The beautiful and beautiful in person is unthinkable without an idea of ​​the harmonious development of the body and health.

Compulsion by its very essence it is harmful: it brings grief to the oppressed and punished, it spoils his character, arouses in him annoyance at those who prohibit and punish, leading him into hostile clashes with them.

Nature dispassionate towards person she is neither his enemy nor his friend; It is either a convenient or an inconvenient field for his activities.

Nature And life produce beauty without caring about beauty: it actually appears without effort and, therefore, without merit in our eyes, without the right to sympathy, without the right to indulgence.

Progress It is based on mental development, the root side of it is success and the development of knowledge.

Enemy, he who does not stand on ceremony regarding the delicacy of his words gives the right to answer him in the same way.

Empty and colorless life only in colorless ones of people, who talk about feelings and needs, without actually being able to have any special feelings and needs, except for the need to show off.

Reasonable only the one who kind, and exactly as much as he is kind.

Extravagance itself carries a limit. It ends with the last ruble and the last credit. Stinginess endless and always at the beginning of its career; after ten million, with the same groan, she begins to put off the eleventh.

Child, who suffers less insults grows up to be a man more conscious of his dignity.

The Russian public likes the style of writing in prose that he followed Pushkin. He loved simplicity in prose and shunned floridity.

It is not those who represent the most pathetic figure People, who have an erroneous way of thinking, and those who do not have any definite, consistent way of thinking, whose opinions are a collection of incoherent scraps that do not stick together.

Family Love- the most important and most beneficial of all good feelings person.

Word production in Russian language, like inflection, differs, in comparison with the same aspect of other modern European languages, by much greater variety.

Accidents life indifferently strike the remarkable and the unremarkable of people, indifferently favor both.

funny awakens in us a sense of self-worth.

Slender and conscious beliefs develop into person not otherwise than either under the influence of society, or with the help literature.

Essence poetry to concentrate the content; diluting with water kills it.

Only he loves who helps his beloved woman rise to independence.

Work Doctors are truly the most productive work: by protecting or restoring health, the doctor acquires to society all those forces that would perish without his care.

Work there is activity of the brain and muscles, constituting a natural, internal need.

Everyone has good writer sometimes your own syllable.

Scientist literature saves people from ignorance, and graceful - from rudeness and vulgarity.

Scientist must look the truth value it more than your personal desires or relationships.

Character the means must be the same as the nature of the goal, only then can the means lead to the goal... Bad means are only suitable for a bad goal.

Character A person’s life is most clearly revealed in what kind of rest is easier and more pleasant for him.

Artistry is that every word should not only be in place, but that it should be necessary, inevitable, and that there should be as few words as possible.

Honesty only in personal affairs, not accompanied by any specific concepts about general issues public good, brings too little benefit to society.

What is the sweetest thing for person? Life: because all our joys, all our happiness, all our hopes are connected with her.

What you imagine unclearly, you will express unclearly: inaccuracy and confusion of expressions only indicate confusion thoughts.

Feeling self-esteem is developed only by the position of an independent owner.

Language Gogol in our time - an exemplary Russian language; no one wrote prose in Russian better than Gogol.

Clear in original should be clear in translation...

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(BU) of the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (GU) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (ZO) by the author TSB

Zolotarev Nikolai Gavrilovich Zolotarev Nikolai Gavrilovich (real name; pseudonym N. Yakutsky) [b. 9 (22).11.1908, Kharbalakhsky nasleg, Verkhnevilyuisky district], Yakut Soviet writer. Member of the CPSU since 1929. Served in border troops, was at party work. In 1948-61

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SL) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (SP) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (HL) by the author TSB

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (CHE) by the author TSB

From the book of Aphorisms author Ermishin Oleg

From the book Dictionary of Modern Quotes author

Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky (1828-1889) writer, scientist, philosopher, publicist, literary critic... Without war, no people are freed from any foreign yoke... Without acquiring the feelings of a citizen, a male child, growing up, becomes a male being

From the book Petersburg in street names. Origin of names of streets and avenues, rivers and canals, bridges and islands author Erofeev Alexey

POLETAEV Nikolai Gavrilovich (1889-1935), poet 152 Portraits of Lenin are not visible: / There were no similar ones. The centuries will finish painting, apparently, / An unfinished portrait. “No portraits of Lenin are visible...”

From the book Legendary Streets of St. Petersburg author Erofeev Alexey Dmitrievich

CHERNYSHEVSKY PASSAGE The passage runs through the territory of Apraksin Dvor from the Aleksandrovskaya Line to the junction of Stepanovsky Proezd and Torgovy Lane, west of buildings No. 15 and 16. The name of the passage was given in the 1860s along the parallel Chernyshev Lane (now Lomonosov Street).16

From the book The Newest Philosophical Dictionary author Gritsanov Alexander Alekseevich

Chernyshevsky Proezd The passage runs through the territory of Apraksin Dvor from the Aleksandrovskaya Line to the junction of Stepanovsky Proezd and Torgovy Lane, west of buildings No. 15 and 16. The name of the passage was given in the 1860s along the parallel Chernyshevsky Lane (now the street

From the book Anti-Religious Calendar for 1941 author Mikhnevich D. E.

CHERNYSHEVSKY Nikolai Gavrilovich (1829-1889) - Russian philosopher, writer, public figure. In 1842-1846 he studied at the Saratov Theological Seminary. In 1850 he graduated from the Faculty of History and Philosophy of St. Petersburg University. Until 1853 he taught literature at the Saratov gymnasium.

From book Big dictionary quotes and catchphrases author Dushenko Konstantin Vasilievich

From the author's book

POLETAEV, Nikolai Gavrilovich (1889–1935), poet 376 Portraits of Lenin are not visible: There were no similar ones. Centuries have already finished painting, apparently, an unfinished portrait. “No portraits of Lenin are visible...” (1923)? Poletaev N. G. Selections. poetry. – M., 1938, p.

From the author's book

CHERNYSHEVSKY, Nikolai Gavrilovich (1828–1889), publicist, critic, writer 33 Good is<…> superlative benefits. "Anthropological Principle in Philosophy" (1860), II? Chernyshevsky, 7:290 Here: “In practical matters, all prudent people have always been guided

If language were a product not of the poetic spirit, but of the logical spirit, there would be only one language. Friedrich Goebbel. // Flexible, rich and, despite all its imperfections, beautiful is the language of every people whose mental life has reached a high level of development. Nikolai Chernyshevsky. // Knowing many languages ​​means having many keys to one lock. Francois Voltaire. // He who does not know foreign languages ​​has no idea about his own. Johann Goethe. // The more foreign languages ​​you know, the better. By getting to know them, a Russian person will become even more firmly convinced of what a wonderful gift has been entrusted to him. The Russian language is wonderful. And the best thoughts about the future will be expressed on it. Nicholas Roerich. // Without knowing other languages, you can’t love your own language. Udmurt proverb. // I was a completely normal trilingual child in a family with a large library. My head speaks English, my heart speaks Russian, and my ear prefers French. Vladimir Nabokov. // Any study of foreign languages ​​develops the mind, giving it flexibility and the ability to penetrate into someone else's worldview. Dmitry Pisarev. // A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life. Karl Marx. // As many languages ​​as you know, there are as many people in you. Azerbaijani proverb. // Language is the environment in which “I” and the world are united. Georg Gadamer. // The boundaries of my language mean the boundaries of my world. Ludwig Wittgenstein. // How many languages ​​you know - how many lives you live, how many times you are human. Czech proverb. // To learn the customs of any people, try to first learn their language. Pythagoras. // It is not words that are important, but their meaning, and a person’s spiritual world will not become wider just because he learns a dozen languages. I knew polyglots, but I didn’t notice that they were smarter than other people. To learn to speak the language of a foreign country perfectly, to truly get to know its people and its literature, you need to devote your whole life to it. Somerset Maugham. // But you still cannot express everything you want in a foreign language. Even Leo Tolstoy said that in French he had some other, flatter thoughts. Dostoevsky is known to have said that any Parisian coiffeur can come up with and put into circulation a word, and it will take root, but a Russian Frenchman who has lived for years in Paris and speaks excellent French cannot. // It was painful for the polyglot Nabokov to make the transition in his work from his beloved Russian language to English: “My love, forgive the apostates!.. I doubt that anyone who could survive this could truly understand this torment.” Native language is the true and only wealth of a writer, and abandoning it in his work is as deep a personal tragedy as the inability to return to his homeland. // To note that it would not hurt him to thoroughly study any foreign language, Sergei Yesenin replied: “I don’t know and don’t want to know. I’m afraid to stain mine, my dear, with someone else’s.” // I love my Russian as much as possible natural language. Archpriest Avvakum.

INSTEAD OF POINTS INSERT AN ADJECTIVE Russian forest The Russian forest is good in winter. On... day you will go out into the forest on skis. They lie under the trees... and... snowdrifts. Above... the paths, the trunks of... trees bent under the weight of frost. Such a... hat will fall off the top of... the spruce tree, and will crumble... into dust... The... pine trees will sleep. ... the shadows of their ... trunks lie on ... snowdrifts.

RUSSIAN FOREST The Russian forest is good in winter. On a quiet winter day you will go out into the forest on skis. There are deep and clean snowdrifts under the trees. Above the forest paths, the trunks of young trees bent under the weight of frost. Such a white cap will fall from the top of a tall spruce and crumble into silvery light dust... They are sleeping tall pine trees. The bluish shadows of their slender trunks lie on the white snowdrifts.

The forest, like a painted tower, purple, golden, crimson, like a cheerful, motley wall, stands above a bright clearing. Birches with yellow carvings Like towers, fir trees darken, And between the maples they turn blue, Here and there, in the through foliage, There are gaps in the sky, like windows. The forest smells of oak and pine, and Autumn, a quiet widow, enters her motley mansion.

WORDS-ANTONYMS Cheerful (sad, sorrowful, dreary, gloomy, gloomy, gloomy,...) Rich (poor, beggar,...) New (old, ancient, antique,...) Hot (icy, cold,...) Close (distant, distant ,...) Ugly (beautiful, wonderful,...) Tall (small, short, stunted,...) Rude (polite, delicate, gentle, Affectionate,...) Beautiful (ugly, ugly,...) Young (old, ancient,...) Soft (hard, hard,...) Gentle (rough,...)

SYNONYMOUS WORDS 1. Purple (eggplant, lilac) 2. Red (crimson, scarlet, fiery, bloody, purple) 3. Yellow (gold, sunny, amber) 4. Blue (turquoise, sky, cornflower blue) 5. Green (emerald ) 6. Brown (coffee, chocolate)

A poem about the importance of adjectives. Very entertaining - Adjective. It will be difficult without him, If it disappears. Well, imagine this: Without signs of an object, how can we argue, talk, have fun and joke? What will happen then? Is it worth it to suffer? We won’t say “beautiful”, We won’t say “ugly”, We won’t say to mom “dear, Beautiful, beloved”. To father, and brother, and sister, We will not be able to speak anywhere about these wonderful adjectives.

  1. Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is formatted as direct speech, that is, accompanied by the words of the author citing it, then the appropriate punctuation rules apply (see § 119–122):

    Belinsky wrote: “Nature creates man, but society develops and forms him.”.

    “Twelve million people are outlaws!.. Horror!..“- Herzen wrote in his diary, referring to the serfs in Russia at that time.

    “Therefore, in order to understand the history of art and literature of this or that country,” G. points out. IN. Plekhanov, “it is necessary to study the history of the changes that have occurred in the situation of its inhabitants.”.

    The speaker quoted Gorky’s words: “Every individuality is the result of a social grouping” - and ended his speech with this.

    If the text continues after a poetic quotation, then a dash is placed at the end of the poetic line, for example: “Tatiana’s husband, so beautifully and so completely described from head to toe by the poet with these two verses:

    ...And above everyone

    And he raised his nose and shoulders

    The general who came in with her -

    Tatiana’s husband introduces Onegin to her as his relative and friend” (Belinsky) (a comma and a dash are placed before the words “Tatiana’s husband”, which are repeated in order to connect the second part of the author’s words with the first part, see § 113, paragraph 2 ).

  2. If a quotation consists of several paragraphs, then quotation marks are placed only at the beginning and at the end of the entire text, for example:

    In the article “From the history of Russian literature” A. M. Gorky wrote:

    “What makes literature so powerful?

    Saturating ideas with flesh and blood, it gives them greater clarity, greater persuasiveness than philosophy or science.

    Being more readable and, due to its liveliness, convincing than philosophy, literature is also the most widespread, convenient, simple and victorious way of promoting class tendencies.”.

    Often, to more clearly indicate the boundaries of a quotation, especially if there are quotation marks inside it, an additional special printing method of highlighting the quotation is used (typing in a smaller format, setting in a font of a different size, etc.).

  3. If, when giving a quotation, the author underlines certain words in it (such places are highlighted in a special font), then this is specified in a note enclosed in brackets, indicating the author’s initials, preceded by a dot and a dash, for example: ( emphasized by us. – A. B.), ( italics ours. – A. B.), ( our detente. - A.B.). Such a note is placed either immediately after the corresponding place in the quotation, or at the end of a sentence or quotation as a whole, or as a footnote (in the latter case, the note is placed without parentheses).

§ 125. Ellipsis when quoting

  1. If the quotation is not given in full, then the omission is indicated by an ellipsis, which is placed:

    1) before the quotation (after the opening quotation marks), which is not syntactically related to the author’s text, to indicate that the quotation is not given from the beginning of the sentence, for example: L. N. Tolstoy wrote: “... in art, simplicity, brevity and clarity are the highest perfection of the art form, which is achieved only with great talent and great work.”;

    2) in the middle of a quote, when part of the text inside it is missing, for example: Speaking about the merits of the language of folk poetry, the speaker recalled: “It is no coincidence that our Russian classics... recommended reading fairy tales, listening to folk speech, studying proverbs, reading writers who possess all the richness of Russian speech.”;

    3) after the quotation (before the closing quotation marks), when the quoted sentence is not fully quoted, for example: Speaking in defense of the culture of oral speech, Chekhov wrote: “In essence, for an intelligent person, speaking poorly should be considered the same indecency as not being able to read and write...”

  2. A quotation ending with an ellipsis is followed by a period if the quotation is not an independent sentence, for example: M. IN. Lomonosov wrote that “beauty, splendor, strength and wealth Russian language This is clear enough from books written in past centuries...”.

§ 126. Uppercase and lowercase letters in quotations

  1. If the quotation is syntactically related to the author’s text, forming a subordinate clause, then the first word of the quotation is written, as a rule, with lowercase letter, For example: Speaking about Pushkin's poetry, N. A. Dobrolyubov wrote that “in his poems, for the first time, living Russian speech was revealed to us, for the first time, the real Russian world was revealed to us.”.

    The first word of the quotation is written with a lowercase letter even in the case when it, being syntactically unrelated to the previous author’s words, is not given from the beginning of the sentence, i.e., has an ellipsis in front of it, for example: D. AND. Pisarev pointed out: “... the beauty of language lies solely in its clarity and expressiveness, that is, exclusively in those qualities that accelerate and facilitate the transition of thought from the writer’s head to the reader’s head.”.

  2. If a quotation precedes the author's words, then the first word in it is written with capital letter and in the case when it is not given from the beginning of the sentence (i.e. in the quoted text this word is written with a lowercase letter), for example: “...The language of every people, whose mental life has reached a high development, is flexible, rich and, despite all its imperfections, beautiful,” wrote N.. G. Chernyshevsky.

§ 127. Punctuation when referring to the author and source of quotation

  1. If an indication of the author or source of a quotation immediately follows it, then it is enclosed in parentheses, and the period after the quotation is omitted and placed after the closing parenthesis, for example: “The significance of Belinsky in the history of Russian public thought is enormous”(Lunacharsky).

    The title of the work is separated from the author's surname by a dot and is not enclosed in quotation marks; a dot separates the output data, for example: “Human memory is amazing.. After all, it seems that all this happened recently, and yet there is no way to reconstruct the events harmoniously and consistently.”(Bulgakov M.A. Theatrical novel. M., 1973, p. 394).

    The first word indicating the source of the quotation is written in this case with a lowercase letter, unless it is own name, For example: The approach of a thunderstorm is artistically described as follows: “Lightning flashed between the distance and the right horizon, and so brightly that it illuminated part of the steppe and the place where the clear sky bordered on blackness. The terrible cloud was approaching slowly, in a continuous mass; more black rags hung on its edge; Exactly the same rags, crushing each other, piled up on the right and left horizons.”(from the story “The Steppe” by A.P. Chekhov).

  2. If the indication of the author or source of the quotation does not appear directly after it, but is placed below, then a period is placed after the quotation. Epigraphs are usually written without quotation marks, and references to the source are written without parentheses. For example (epigraph to chapter one of “Eugene Onegin”):

    And live in a hurry and feel in a hurry.

    TO. Vyazemsky
