What is needed to pass the Unified State Exam. How to pass the Unified State Exam for a graduate of previous years: step-by-step instructions. What's wrong with mathematics?

How to pass the Unified State Exam if you don’t know anything? A similar question is asked by many graduates who are worried about upcoming exams, believing that they are completely unprepared for them. This article provides detailed recommendations that will allow you to prepare for the upcoming Unified State Exam and successfully pass it in an extremely short time. In general, you need to remember that it is advisable to prepare gradually and in a timely manner. This will avoid panic on the eve of exams and prevent the possibility of getting a low score. But, even if there was no time to prepare at all, you can always cope at the last moment, taking into account a number of tips.

You should know! Practice shows that most students believe that they know the subject worse than they actually do. The Unified State Exam tasks are, of course, difficult, but they are designed so that everyone can score at least the minimum passing score, of course, if they attended classes at school. That is why you should not worry in advance and set yourself up for failure.

What to do if you don't know anything? The first thing you need to do is calm down. Each of the examinees somehow made it to the eleventh grade, passing more than one test, including the mandatory OGE at the end of the ninth grade. That is why to say that a student knows nothing is, at the very least, incorrect. Of course, every graduate is worried about the option that he will get, because it can be quite difficult. But even if this happens, you still shouldn’t panic, but it’s better to gather your thoughts and remember the school course on the subject that is being taken.

What score can you expect if you don’t know anything?

What score can you expect if you don't know anything? It is impossible to predict exactly. Still, everything depends on existing knowledge. It is important to understand that the Unified State Examination in any of the subjects presupposes the presence of a test part, which theoretically you can try to guess. But keep in mind that it is not always enough to check a box or cross. Sometimes you need to enter a missing word (for example, certain exam tasks in the Russian language) or a short answer (base and profile in mathematics).

At the same time, many tasks are simple, as they are designed for basic knowledge. You can score a minimum score using them. Remember that it is mandatory to successfully complete the Unified State Exam in Russian (at least 36 test points) and mathematics (a score of “3” or higher is required for the basics, and 27 test points for the profile). This will allow you to obtain a high school diploma. If only one subject is passed, the second one can be retaken in the autumn session (retake). If both fail, then a retake is possible only after a year.

Primary and test scores for all subjects (including elective subjects) are summarized in the table below.

You can take the Unified State Exam with a higher score. However, if the stock of knowledge is still small, then you should not count on the maximum mark of 100 points. And don’t worry in advance: there are many different universities in the country, so you can easily find one where you can enroll with the scores you get (of course, if they are more than the minimum).

It is very important to consider how the brain works in stressful situations. Although, of course, you still can’t do without a good knowledge base on the chosen subject. Practice shows that those who considered their knowledge insufficient to successfully pass the Unified State Exam often wrote the exam better than excellent students who could not cope with stress during testing.

How to successfully pass the Unified State Exam?

How to successfully pass the Unified State Exam if there is very little time before the exam. It is advisable to start preparing at least a couple of months before the “X” day. If there are at least two or three weeks, then such a situation cannot be called hopeless either.

Note! For each subject, to obtain a minimum score, you need to know five basic tasks well. If you answer them correctly, a passing grade is guaranteed. The solution to poor preparation in this case is to spend two to three days on each type of task. As a result, you will thoroughly understand basic tasks and will even be able to hone your skill in solving them to perfection. As a result, earning the minimum score will seem like an easy task.

  • don't be nervous;
  • try to set yourself up for success;
  • remember that you know something for sure, after all, you went to school;
  • try to solve everything you have time;
  • try to write even tasks with detailed answers (essay in Russian, essay on history, etc.), because it is enough to write at least something in accordance with the topic and rules to earn 4-5 or even more points;
  • Write down the answers, even if you are not sure of them.

You should not try to cheat on the Unified State Exam in any subject. If this is noticed, the work will be cancelled. In this case, the graduate loses the opportunity to earn even the minimum score. The only solution would be to retake summer (elective subjects) or autumn ( compulsory subjects) months.

Remember that you have already completed one final assessment - the OGE in ninth grade. Passing the Unified State Exam is very similar. You can cope with this task too. The main thing is to stop worrying and remember at least the basic things in the subject in which the exam is being taken.

Additionally, we offer you to watch a video that tells you how to successfully pass the exam and earn 100 points.

Similar materials

Since 2009, the Unified State Exam has been a form of final exams at a lyceum or school, as well as a form of entrance exams to universities. The list of compulsory disciplines is represented by mathematics and the Russian language. Other items are chosen at your discretion. It could be foreign language, literature, computer science, physics, geography and others.

The number of optional subjects selected for delivery is not limited. When compiling a list of disciplines, students are guided by the requirements of the higher education institution chosen for admission. educational institution.

They take the Unified State Exam from May to June. The legislation provides for early and additional periods of delivery. The first occurs in April, and the second in July. Graduates of the current year who:

  • Conscripted into the army;
  • Going to a Russian or international Olympiad;
  • Are sent for treatment abroad;
  • They graduate from a Russian-language school in a country with a difficult climate.

The additional period provides for the delivery Unified State Exam by foreign citizens, graduates of previous years, graduates of primary vocational education.

On Russian territory, the conduct of the state exam is controlled by federal Service for supervision in the field of science and education with the support of executive authorities Russian subjects. If testing is carried out abroad, in addition to Rosobrnadzor, the founders of an educational institution that has passed state accreditation participate in the procedure.

The evaluation of the final certification results is based on a 100-point system. For each discipline, a minimum score is set, the overcoming of which confirms that the student has mastered the school educational program. Unified State Exam results are considered valid for 4 years following the year in which the student received them.

If the result of a participant in the final certification according to mandatory academic discipline does not reach the established minimum level, re-taking is provided in an additional period. If the second pass was unsatisfactory, you are allowed to try your luck again, but in the fall. In the case of an elective subject, everything is more complicated. A certification participant who does not score the minimum number of points is forced to wait a year to retake the test.

Important! State testing participants who are removed from the classroom for misconduct, cheating, or cell phone use are subject to severe penalties. Their results are canceled, as is the right to retake an additional period. Re-taking is allowed after a year. So there is no point in cheating in the exam.

Pedagogical practice shows that schoolchildren, instead of preparing for exams, relax and chat with friends. In the old days, in the absence of knowledge, quickly made cheat sheets came to the rescue of lazy schoolchildren.

The introduction of the Unified State Exam has significantly complicated the procedure for passing state testing. Commission members closely monitor each student, and the use of cheat sheets and electronics is severely punished. How to successfully pass certification if during the preparatory period things did not come to study? I have some advice on this matter.

  • If before doomsday a few more weeks, start preparing. Use the services of a tutor and pay special attention to solving trial tasks. Learning the basics is the key to success if you don't know anything.
  • If the test is in a few days and you don’t have time to study the material, skim the pages of the textbook. It is possible that in important point will come to the rescue visual memory. I talked about how to improve memory in one of the articles.
  • When test day arrives, stay confident, grab your pass, passport, some pens and pencils, a ruler and eraser, and go. Also make sure that you have a bottle of mineral water and a chocolate bar in your backpack.
  • Once in the classroom, choose a seat you like, sit comfortably at the table and take a few deep breaths. Don't worry. You attended classes throughout the year and probably something remained in your memory.
  • After receiving the package with forms and assignments, slowly fill out the registration information. When the teachers give the go-ahead, get down to business. You have 4 hours at your disposal.
  • Start with what you know. Having completed easy tasks, switch to more complex tasks. Even if there are difficulties with the decision, do not rush to leave the audience. Sit until the last minute. There are often cases when the correct answer comes at the last moment.

People who are well acquainted with the procedure for passing the final certification claim that many schoolchildren greatly exaggerate the complexity of the situation and lower their level of knowledge in their thoughts. It's all to blame severe stress. If you strive to achieve a goal, curb your panic, calm down and get ready to work. This is the secret of success.

What Unified State Examinations are taken in 11th grade in 2019?

According to available information, to obtain a certificate in 2019, passing tests in 11th grade in mathematics and the Russian language is not enough. Now you need to pass an additional optional exam.
If you do not plan to study at university, opt for a simple school discipline.

The full list of subjects available for choice is presented in literature, chemistry, physics, history, geography, social studies, computer science and foreign languages.

So, today we will talk about how to pass the Unified State Exam. Actually it's quite interest Ask, which many schoolchildren puzzle over. This is especially true for those who want to study nothing and still get good scores. And so today we will try to find out everything that can relate to graduation school exams. In fact, if you put everything “on the shelves”, then everything will be extremely simple and understandable.

What is this?

First, we need to understand what we will be dealing with today. This is especially important for school graduates. The Unified State Exam will affect them in grades 9 and 11.

In fact, what is commonly called the unified state exam is nothing more than a test of the student’s accumulated knowledge in a particular subject. There are so-called mandatory profiles, and there are additional ones. It is thanks to such verification that school graduates can enter a university in one direction or another. “If I pass the Unified State Exam (mathematics, specialized level), I will be able to enroll in mathematics or physics,” is how many applicants reason.

But everything is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. Just a year ago a very interesting change was introduced. Previously, everyone took the Unified State Exam at the same level and in all selected subjects, with the exception of the compulsory ones - mathematics and the Russian language. At the moment, the exam in the mathematical discipline is divided into 2 parts - basic and specialized. If you do not need mathematics for admission, then choose option 1. Are you thinking about math faculty? Then you will have to take a specialized exam. But this is not all that can be said about our topic today. Let's try to understand how the exam works and how to pass it.


All students are sent to different schools (USE bases) on the appointed dates, where they must pass the final assessment of knowledge. As a rule, compulsory subjects are taught on different days. But the optional ones can cost several pieces per day. If it turns out that the subjects “matched”, then you will have to write an application at your school so that you will be given the opportunity to take some discipline another time.

“If I pass the profile Unified State Exam (mathematics), as well as other exams, I will be able to enter good university"- this is exactly what many school graduates think. But in reality, the situation turns out to be not particularly encouraging. The competition among applicants is enormous, the scores vary, and the tension increases every time. This is understandable - every year more and more stringent rules are invented conducting the Unified State Examination and now we will get to know them.

After settling the situation with several exams in one day, it is worth preparing for the test, and then arriving at the appointed place at the right time. There are just some small rules that everyone must follow.

First, you should not have a mobile phone with you. And no gadgets at all. Sometimes even a harmless player can cause removal from the exam. If you managed to bring a mobile phone with you (now they will check you right at the entrance), then try to make sure that it does not ring. And you better turn it off.

You also cannot withdraw from the exam (exit) or leave the classroom on your own. This is allowed only in the presence of an accompanying person and only 2 times maximum. Of course, if you really need to go to the toilet or feel unwell, you may be allowed to go out more often.

The examinee has the right to bring a chocolate bar with him to the exam (unfolded so that it does not rustle) and a bottle of water. You will need to place them on the edge of the table at which you are sitting.

It is prohibited to take bags into your workplace. They are usually left at the entrance to the classroom - there are usually several chairs there on which you place your backpacks.

Communicating and talking during the exam, as well as freely moving around the classroom and cheating is strictly prohibited. After looking at these rules, many begin to think about how to pass the Unified State Exam. And answering this question can be very difficult. But we will figure out how to implement the idea. But first, let’s figure out whether it’s necessary to take the exam at all.


To be honest, whether you need to take the Unified State Exam or not, everyone decides for themselves. But in general it is customary to undergo this type of knowledge assessment. This is generally a mandatory item for applicants. If you do not plan to enroll, but want to become a housewife or work “for yourself” without higher education, then you must pass a knowledge assessment in the Russian language and mathematics (basic level).

As already mentioned, applicants are required to pass exams to enter a university. Usually educational establishments A list of specialties and subjects required for admission is posted in advance. At the moment, the student must make his choice before February 28. From now on you will have to prepare to test your knowledge.

In addition, the required passing scores will also be posted on the universities’ websites. The higher the amount for all selected subjects that are needed for the specialty, the better it will be for you - the greater the chance of entering on a budget.

In general, you are required to pass the Unified State Examination in mathematics and Russian language. Next there will be several subjects (sometimes one), which will give you the opportunity to choose a specialty. Plus, universities also choose the main science in which priority competition for budget-funded places will be held. For example, at the math department it is mathematics, at the medical department it is biology, at the philological department it is Russian, at the physical and technical department it is physics, at the physical education department it is Physical Culture, in historical - history, and so on. The higher the score in this subject, the better.

As a rule, which exams to take, everyone decides for themselves. It has already been said many times that it depends on the faculty and specialty you choose. For the most part, schoolchildren take Russian language, mathematics and social studies. These subjects are enough to enroll in management or economics.

If you didn't pass?

What to do if you haven't passed the Unified State Exam? A lot of people think about this. To be honest, there are several fairly simple options for action here. The first is to come at the appointed time to the exam point in the subject and try to retake it. Of course, you will have to prepare well. This is exactly what will be your lifeline if you decide to go to university.

The second option is to get a certificate of listening to lessons at school and go to work. As a rule, this prospect does not make schoolchildren very happy. This is understandable - no one wants to end up with a “nose” when you spent 11 years at school.

In addition, some school graduates can take the Unified State Exam at the university where they want to enter. Usually, this opportunity Only those who have already passed the validity period of the knowledge assessment have it. Please note that it can be very difficult to pass the re-test. Is it possible to take the Unified State Exam at school again? No. In the best case, you will actually be allowed to take a retake or sent to a university for testing.

Preparing for the "execution"

Many people are interested in how to pass the Unified State Exam. And now we will try to give you some very interesting and simple tips, which will definitely help you in solving the problem. Let's start by doing a little preparation for the process.

Pay attention to the time remaining before the exam. If you “came to your senses” within a week, you will have to work hard to solve the problem. But when you start to panic long before the “doomsday”, you can relax a little. The thing is that now, as a rule, they prepare for the Unified State Exam in schools, in graduate classes, directly in the classroom. Or at a time specially designated for this matter.

Besides, you will have to calm down. Panic and tension are something that can drive anyone crazy. If you are nervous, you will most likely forget all the information you were taught.

Also inquire about the required scores for admission to the university. They are usually not very high (for a contract basis). It is also advisable to prepare for the fact that you will not be on budget when you take the exam. It's about preparing finances. If they are your personal and not your parents’, then this will not only be an incentive to save money, but also a reason to relieve stress. After all, many mothers and fathers put a lot of pressure on their child, saying that they will have to pay for his education.

The last step is to find a quiet and peaceful place to prepare, where no one will disturb you. Sometimes this can be a park, a hotel room, a rented apartment, or even your own room. Everything depends on you. Now that a little preparation has been done, you can think about how to pass the Unified State Exam.

Own mind

The first scenario is usually the most honest. After all we're talking about about passing the exam using your own knowledge. To do this, of course, you will have to learn material on a particular subject. There is no need to cram it - in a tense environment you can simply forget to “cram.”

In order for the exam to be successful, you must have the desire to pass it. And, of course, zeal for this. You can try to educate yourself - some people learn the material better when they “dig” into it and understand it themselves. If you constantly need control in this matter, then it is better to enroll in specialized courses to prepare for the Unified State Exam.

Remember that you cannot study all the material in the subjects in the last days. During this period, it is better to simply skim the text in order to refresh what you read. Don't overload your brain, otherwise you will simply fail the exam. And then you will have to go for a retake. But passing exams with your knowledge is far from the most popular way to solve the problem. Quite often, students are interested in how to pass the Unified State Exam in any case: with or without knowledge in their heads. And now we will try to help such applicants.

We delay the moment

The second scenario is not entirely fair. But he is able to help those who rely only on their own strength and knowledge, but for some reason do not have time to learn everything. You can delay the moment of judgment a little by having a good reason for being absent from the exam. This may be evidence of a difficult situation in the family or illness (treatment).

Nowadays you can get a certificate of illness very quickly and easily. As a rule, some doctors are willing to make concessions to some students. In extreme cases, some depict a real illness. Usually this is an acute respiratory viral infection with fever. And if you have doctors in your family, then the problem is solved very quickly.

If you provide all evidence of your illness, your exam time will be rescheduled. During this time, you will be required to prepare to the end, and then make your dream come true. Honestly, there are other methods that help answer how to pass the Unified State Exam. Which ones exactly? Let's figure it out now.

Ordering answers

On the Internet today you can “run into” a bunch of offers to provide ready-made answers to the Unified State Exam. There are several options for the development of events - obtaining ready-made answers from the exam database, as well as an individual solution directly during the exam.

It’s worth noting right away that this is not the cheapest pleasure. Moreover, there are no guarantees that the answer is correct. IN Lately students try to order ready-made answers, because it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to photograph the forms with assignments right in the classroom.

In reality, this scenario does not work very well. Often you will just pay the scammers and also get answers from another exam. Or completely made up. Maybe some of the options will coincide with reality, but that’s not what we need, right? Thus, it is worth worrying about other methods to solve the problem.

Gadgets to help

Particularly cunning and resourceful schoolchildren try to cheat on exams using various gadgets. Sometimes these are just "spurs" on the phone, sometimes - formulas, occasionally - complete material and even answers on a particular subject. It depends only on the student’s intelligence.

True, recently a rather interesting way of cheating with the help of gadgets is the use of the so-called micro-earphone. You call your friend, place the earphone in your ear (it will not be visible), and then use the phone to communicate with him. Read the task and wait for the answer.

But don’t delude yourself ahead of time. Currently, bringing gadgets into the territory of the Unified State Exam is prohibited. And if you manage to do this, then you risk being kicked out of the exam. Then you will not be able to find out how you passed the profile Unified State Exam or the basic exam, because the results will not be given to you. They will be cancelled. And you will have to be tested again.

Sometimes, of course, you manage to bring your phone to the exam. But don’t rejoice - most Unified State Examination points install special signal blockers. Thus, no communication on the territory of the “base” will be “caught”. Neither the Internet nor a mobile phone will help you.

Preparing cheat sheets

How to pass the Unified State Exam? To be honest, you can try to prepare cheat sheets. This is a fairly old and already proven method that can help many students. You don't even have to use them. The Spurs' help is based on something different.

The thing is that while writing them, you read and try to remember more material. Thus, writing cheat sheets is the same as studying a subject, but with a little safety net. You will be sure that if you forget something, you will always be able to spy on the material. The main thing is to hide the clues. How to do it? Decide for yourself. Some people write the entire textbook on a small piece of paper in small handwriting and then hide it in a shoe or sock, while others write a lot of “stickers” and “stuff” them all over their pockets. Choose the option that suits you best.

The main thing is that cheat sheets really help. At a minimum, they force you to involuntarily read and remember the material, and their presence also helps to calm your own nerves. It is calmness that often becomes the key to success.


So, today we got acquainted with the unified state exam, the rules for its conduct, as well as several common opinions about how you can pass this test.

In general, the Unified State Exam is very important for a student. Without this verification, it is now impossible to enroll in a university. But it is precisely this type of assessment of knowledge that becomes the cause of many troubles and deaths - nervous breakdowns and suicides among schoolchildren, as well as discord even in the most friendly families. Therefore, try to remain calm on the eve of the exam. If you can’t do this on your own, then seek the help of a neurologist and psychologist.

When do we remember about the Unified State Exam? It’s very good if 2-3 years before delivery. Dangerous if within a couple of months. If you are thinking about preparing for the Unified State Exam in a year, nothing has been lost yet, there is a chance for a high score, says Elena Provozen, head of research and development at MAXIMUM Education. She tells you how to prepare for the Unified State Exam independently and as efficiently as possible.

Most high school students remember the exam exactly one year in advance, at the moment when they finally decide on a specific specialty at the university. Often this choice is accompanied by unpleasant surprises. For example, the understanding comes that in order to become a linguist, it is not enough to pass the Unified State Exam English language, you need literature, which, of course, was never planned to be handed over.

“Life didn’t prepare me for this,” many schoolchildren think and choose other specialties, giving up the dream of studying foreign languages.

Is it possible and required exams pass and good Unified State Examination points get it for them? Yes - but you have to take your preparation seriously.

The demo version, specification and codifier will help with this. If you haven’t come across these concepts yet, don’t be afraid, we’ll figure it out now.

Demo version- this is one of the exam options. In it you can see example tasks from CMM (control and measuring materials). The demo version also contains a scoring system and instructions for filling out the answer form.

Specification- a document that will help you get a complete picture of the structure of the exam (what the CMM consists of).

Codifier contains a list of all the topics a student needs to know.

But if a high school student looks at the list of topics, it probably won't help them. It might even scare you. For example, in the mathematics codifier there is an item: “Analysis of mathematical models.” What does it mean? What specific problems should a student be able to solve? Unclear.

There are, of course, exception items where the codifier is clear. In social science, a codifier is a specific set of topics that can and should be used. For example, paragraph 5.4 of the Unified State Examination codifier in social studies: “Constitution Russian Federation. Fundamentals of the constitutional system of the Russian Federation." Everything is clear, there can be no doubt about what to prepare for.

The list of topics from the codifier must be correlated with tasks for which you can prepare for exams. Collections of tasks for the Unified State Exam are available on the Internet, but pay attention to their relevance - the list of tasks may change from year to year.

Take specialized testing at a specialized center or write a trial exam.

The goal is to understand what level you are right now. Unfortunately, you cannot rely on school grades for two reasons. Firstly, the grade in the subject reflects the student’s knowledge on a specific topic, and the Unified State Exam evaluates knowledge from the 5th to the 11th grade. Secondly, the school grade does not at all reflect the graduate’s familiarity with the exam format.

It is important to understand how relevant your knowledge is today. Which topics do you know and which ones do you need to repeat? IN different subjects it looks different.

For example, in mathematics, a schoolchild may be able to do word problems, but with planimetry and trigonometry they may not be so good. Or everything is fine with algebra, but geometry fails. You need to understand in time where there are slacks and where preparation for the Unified State Exam needs to be accelerated.

Another example is social studies. It has five thematic blocks that are taught in different classes: economics, law, politics, man and society, social relations. That is, it is quite possible that a whole section has fallen out and it is this that needs to be intensively prepared.

Try to be as objective as possible with yourself, and if possible, seek an assessment from professionals.

Build a preparation plan for the Unified State Exam

Many are preparing by deciding Unified State Exam options from collections. This is good training, but, unfortunately, this method will not allow you to systematically cover all topics and all types of tasks. Imagine how many options you need to sort out in order to meet all the dates you need to know for the Unified State Exam in history? Infinitely many.

Instead, it is better to start from a list of tested topics or exam tasks and work on each block on a variety of tasks. FIPI Bank will help you with this; all the main types of tasks that you may encounter are presented there.

Learn theory, but don't forget to develop skills

In order to prepare for any exam, you need:

  • learn theory on the subject;
  • develop skills.

Both items are required. Everything is clear in theory. To learn theory means to know the facts that exist in every subject. These could be specific dates, some definition or formula.

But with skills... what does it mean to develop skills? Each subject has its own skills. In mathematics there is the skill of solving problems, in social studies there is the skill of giving examples, in the Russian language there is the skill of identifying the problem of a text and identifying the position of the author.

There are skills in all subjects. Even in something as theoretical as history. In this exam there is a task where you need to provide arguments for your own position.

Make a plan of the topics you need to know by the end of the year. Additionally, constantly practice skill training. Developing skills and learning theory are two processes that must go hand in hand. If you concentrate on one thing, you will definitely lose points on another.

Track your progress

It may seem to us that preparation is going according to plan: we are learning theory, writing notes, solving assignments. But progress needs to be confirmed. How?

Write a test exam, and then compare the result with what happened “before”. Analyze your mistakes and draw up a plan for further work based on this analysis.

Objectively assess and address your weaknesses

During preparation, pay attention to problems that are not related to knowledge of the subject. For example, errors due to carelessness. It is very important to work with them. After all, no one will then raise your score for writing the correct answer in the wrong box. Even after the appeal.

Analyze mock exams and unsolved (incorrectly solved) assignments. If you make a mistake due to carelessness, train attentiveness. If you didn’t know some material, repeat it or learn it. You knew, but you forgot - repeat.

This also includes time management. You should know how much time you will need to solve the first and second parts of the exam, check and enter answers into the form.

Prepare mentally for the exam

You are taking an exam on which your future will depend. You may understand this, but when you come to the exam, you are faced with an unfamiliar task and fall into a “stupor”.

Prepare for this. You will probably encounter a difficult task. That's how it should be. Just skip it.

Also, prepare yourself for unusual situations. You should know what to do if:

  • forgot your passport;
  • The pen stopped writing;
  • filled out the form incorrectly.

Go through the exam rules to avoid surprises. After all, many graduates who have been preparing for the Unified State Exam for a year do not know that the exam begins not after they get to their seats in the classrooms... but when they are given the KIM. And sometimes you have to wait quite a long time.

Don't settle for plan B

And one more mini-tip that will help you pass your exams with maximum scores. You need focus. Decide on a specialty. Then choose universities that offer this specialty and where you would like to study. Based on this choice, prepare for exactly those exams that are needed for admission.

Uncertainty about the specialty creates uncertainty about those taking the test. Preparing Plan B (2-3 additional subjects) will create additional stress and will not allow you to pay due attention to those subjects that will give you the opportunity to get your dream profession.

Don't settle for plan B.

It takes away the strength and nerves of future students. When state test failed, the candidate wonders how and when the Unified State Exam retake occurs, and how to prepare for it.

What subjects can be retaken?

When the Unified State Exam has passed, and the results do not satisfy the test taker, school graduates from 2019 and previous years have the opportunity to request a repeat Unified State Exam on reserve dates. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation provides candidates with several chances to try their hand. You can retake not only basic subjects such as Russian and mathematics, but also:

  • biology;
  • geography;
  • foreign languages;
  • computer science;
  • history;
  • literature;
  • social science;
  • physics;
  • chemistry.

In addition, the retake of the Unified State Exam “Mathematics” is postponed to summer and autumn. At this time, it will be possible to change the level of certification, and if you fail to pass the basic one, then try yourself at the specialized one. If you select one level for the first time, you will not be able to change it before the knowledge test. You can try your hand at the basic exam, if you passed the specialized one, by retaking the exam. To do this, when resubmitting documents, indicate the desired option.

To improve the level of knowledge before the next state test, everyone is recommended to take advantage of preparation courses for the Unified State Exam. You can find out how to prepare on specialized websites or in specialized institutions.

At the beginning of September, the Unified State Exam “Russian Language” will also be retaken. To increase your passing score and get desired result Those taking the Unified State Exam are advised to prepare. Despite the knowledge acquired at school and additionally, experts note that the candidate needs to develop the ability to concentrate on the task at hand and be attentive to details.

For those receiving a school certificate, Russian and mathematics are the main subjects. If desired, the student can choose an unlimited number of other subjects that he needs for admission and further studies.

Re-taking the Unified State Exam in the same year

For those who received an unsatisfactory score, retaking the Unified State Exam 2019 is possible for anyone who has not achieved the minimum score for obtaining a certificate in Russian, mathematics and other subjects. In addition, a re-test of knowledge level is assigned to those who missed the exam for a valid reason and provided a document confirming this, or the student did not have enough official forms. In the latter case, an appeal is filed.

The following reasons are considered valid:

  • disease;
  • an unforeseen incident at the Unified State Examination point;
  • operation;
  • feeling unwell during certification;
  • death of relatives;
  • injury preventing surrender.

By providing a document about what happened, a person receives a second right to retake the exam on a reserve day in the summer or fall. The recertification schedule looks like this:

  • biology - 06.27, 01 and 02.07;
  • geography - 06.22, 01 and 02.07;
  • computer science and ICT - 22.06, 01 and 02.07;
  • foreign languages ​​- 27.06 and 29.06, 01 and 02.07;
  • history - 06.27, 01 and 02.07;
  • literature - 06.28, 01 and 02.07;
  • social studies - 06.28, 01 and 02.07;
  • physics - 28.06, 01 and 02.07;
  • chemistry - 06.27, 01 and 02.07.

Those who fail math or Russian are given a second chance in June, July and September. You can change the level from “B” to “P” in the first subject on June 25 and July 2, and in the second - on June 26 and July 2. In September, dates for recertification are scheduled for the 3rd, 16th and 21st for Russian and 6th, 18th and 21st for mathematics. Other items accepted:

  • biology - September 9, 17 and 21;
  • geography - 9, 17 and 21.09;
  • foreign languages ​​- 13, 20 and 21;
  • computer science and ICT - 11, 19 and 21;
  • history - September 9, 17 and 21;
  • literature - 11, 19 and 21;
  • social studies - 11, 19 and 21.09;
  • physics - 9, 17 and 21;
  • chemistry - 11, 19 and 21.

Those who pass the knowledge test in the fall still have time to enroll in the chosen university as a part-time or full-time student. In order not to miss the moment, you need to find out the deadlines for submitting documents at educational institutions.

Those who were disqualified during or after the certification are not allowed to retake the Unified State Exam 2019. This can happen if a graduate fails to appear for an exam without a valid reason or is removed from the classroom due to disorderly conduct. In addition, those who are caught cheating or using mobile phone on the exam.

To increase their chances of success, graduates are recommended to attend preparation courses for the Unified State Exam. Such services are provided by both individuals and specialized organizations.

Retaking the Unified State Exam next year

If a student fails all attempts to improve the passing grade, he is allowed to try again the following year. To do this, he must submit an application before February 1 and improve his knowledge in basic subjects. In addition, those who have achieved the minimum score in basic and specialized subjects and want to improve it can try their hand in 2020.

In 2019, an innovation appeared according to which retaking the Unified State Exam for graduates of previous years who received a certificate in mathematics is no longer possible. Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam will increase the chance of getting the required grades next year, and you can sign up for them both online and in person by coming to the institution.

Application deadlines

An application for re-taking the state exam must be submitted within the same time frame as for the first time. Before February 1 of the coming year, those interested leave an application on the website and submit the established package of documents to the nearest examination point. In addition to candidates, parents or legal guardians can submit applications for them.

14 days before the event, you must come to the specified address to receive notification of admission to certification. The paper will indicate the candidate’s individual number and the date, place and time of the knowledge test.

Application procedure

In order not to miss the next knowledge test next year, you need to submit an application online and indicate which subjects are subject to retake, and then prepare a package of documents for registration. Papers required for certification:

  • passport;
  • school certificate or college diploma;
  • certificate from a secondary vocational educational institution (if still studying);
  • SNILS (if available);
  • document from a medical institution (for those with health problems);
  • consent to the processing of personal data.

To get a repeat exam, you need to submit the listed papers to one of the nearest state certification points. The fact that a candidate has been admitted to the exam must be found out at the place where the documents were submitted.

When a candidate is registered for certification at an address, the person can undergo a second knowledge test at any specialized point, regardless of his place of registration and residence. The examinee is reinstated at this educational institution for the duration of certification.

In addition, it should be recalled that depending on the subject, you can only take a pen, ruler and calculator to the exam. Bringing cheat sheets, smartphones and other devices is prohibited.

All state certifications are held at 10:00 local time, and it is recommended to arrive 45-60 minutes in advance so as not to miss the introductory part. When entering the classroom, you must present your passport, because without it it is impossible to get to the Unified State Examination.

To find out the result of the knowledge test, you need to go to the website of the Ministry of Education or personally visit the exam point or registration location. Results in Russian language and mathematics must be announced no more than 6 days after passing. Scores for other subjects appear 3-4 days after the end of certification.

Once you get a second chance, you shouldn't miss it. The time and effort spent preparing for the exam will pay off in the end for those who know what they want.
