How to get rid of laziness and apathy: we increase our energy. How to deal with apathy and indifference to life How to overcome apathy and laziness

Hello everyone, this is Olga Ryshkova. What is laziness? Is it a hereditary property or a condition that occurs as a result of some kind of disease? If so, is there a cure for laziness?

No one blames a cat lying for hours for laziness. For her, as for other animals, laziness is a way to save energy. This is especially true for animals that eat low-calorie plant foods.

Human laziness promotes our progress - we are transported by cars, washing machines are washed for us, conveyors and forklifts work in factories. But here we are talking about talented inventors. And our desire for idleness, which beckons us to the sofa, where does it come from?

If a person has slept for 8-9 hours, wakes up broken and after 2-3 hours he has drowsiness and apathy again, this should make him wary. Everyone experiences bouts of laziness, but few people think about its sources. There are several medical reasons that in everyday life are called the simple word "laziness", but in fact they have a scientific justification.

Reason 1. Thyroid hormones.

They affect the functions of the human body and, in particular, the rate of biochemical reactions and energy exchange between cells. What we perceive as laziness may be a violation in the functioning of the thyroid gland. If it synthesizes insufficient hormones, metabolism slows down. This is called hypothyroidism - an underactive thyroid gland. A blood test and ultrasound will help to detect it.

Reason 2. Adrenal hormones.

The so-called laziness, lack of interest in life and pleasure from things that previously pleased a person can be somatic signs of stressful conditions.

Catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine) and cortisol are stress hormones that we need to adapt to any situation. They are produced by the adrenal glands.

During stress or intense work, their level in the blood rises. The more often and stronger the stress, the more adrenal hormones in the blood. This is an internal defense mechanism against severe physiological stress.

But only if the hormonal system is working properly. If a person lives in a state of constant, chronic stress, when the adrenal glands are forced to drive stress hormones into the blood for months and years, these glands become exhausted.

The adrenal glands can no longer respond with the release of hormones if necessary. Plus, tissue receptors adapt to them and stop responding to them. The person becomes lethargic, lethargic, tired. What? That's right, lazy.

This is the kind of situation that calls for lifestyle adjustments or even professional medical help to deal with stress ailments and get on with life.

Reason 3. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).

If a person is psychologically tired (for example, in a stressful situation), his mental abilities deteriorate. Outwardly, CFS may look like simple overwork, but it is accompanied by a deterioration in immune defense and impaired oxygen delivery to tissues. Scientists consider the herpes virus to be the cause of the development of CFS (its forms are the Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus), I wrote about this in detail in the article “ Herpes virus is the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome».

CFS is not the usual periodic short-term fatigue depending on the intensity of work. This state lasts for a long period of time, half a year or more without any enlightenment with a constant feeling of fatigue, memory impairment, irritability. Chronic fatigue syndrome and its companion laziness can be contracted like the flu.

Reason 4. Defense mechanisms of the psyche.

Such mechanisms are connected when a person needs protection from mental and emotional overstrain and when the subconscious mind does not want to do what a person is doing consciously. This is a common situation when a person looks lazy, not hardworking enough, but this is not due to the fact that he does not want to do anything, but to the fact that what he does is not very interesting to him. This is a normal resistance that should not be fought. It is better to find out what is really interesting to this person.

Behind laziness, there may simply be a lack of desire, a lack of motivation, goals, unclear prospects for the future, or an avoidance of failures. Such problems will help to identify communication with a psychotherapist.

Reason 5. Protective mechanisms of the nervous system.

Such mechanisms are triggered in violation of the regime of work and rest, as well as during prolonged intense work of the brain. The body turns on the mechanism of laziness to protect itself from nervous exhaustion.

Working late and at night quite often leads to disruption of circadian or circadian rhythms. The sleep-wake cycle must be observed and if a person continues to be awake at night, the body does not accept this, he must sleep at night.

If, due to the specifics of the work, night activity becomes the norm for a long time, the body adapts to chronic stress and loses the ability to rest normally. Physical endurance is impaired.

The accumulated situation with sleep disturbance leads to the depletion of compensatory capabilities and fatigue and weakness quickly increase. You can defeat lethargy and laziness if you change your lifestyle. It is recommended to reduce the load at least a little, review the rest cycles and the mandatory introduction of active types of recreation, including physical education, into the life.

Reason 6. Genes.

We agree that, in addition to the above reasons, someone has an ordinary predisposition to idleness. Scientists have found that out of the 17,000 genes we have, 36 are related to a character trait called laziness and these genes are inherited.

But if you didn’t find lazy people in your pedigree, and it haunts you, think about the fact that the body can signal laziness about its problems.

But if doctors don't find medical reasons for your laziness, then it's time to take on yourself.

Indifference and unwillingness to take any action are familiar to many people. If at least once to succumb to these feelings, they will constantly haunt a person. Each time, taking the side of laziness and apathy, it will be very difficult to achieve something and make yourself work. Dislike for work and complete detachment from the events taking place around have not yet made anyone happy. Every person strives to return the desire to enjoy every moment and realize their old dreams. You can cope with such a task if you know how to get rid of laziness and apathy.

Definition of laziness and state of apathy

The unwillingness to work and the desire to spend the time allotted for doing work at one's own discretion is characteristic of laziness. A person with this quality does not make volitional efforts to overcome various difficulties. Lazy people are of no value to society, since their contribution to the development of society is absent.

A state similar to laziness is considered to be apathy, which is expressed in a person’s indifference to surrounding people and events, as well as in unwillingness to perform any actions. She doesn't show up right away. At first, a person is burdened by work without the opportunity to rest even on holidays, then the state of oppression intensifies, irritation appears in addition to everything. As a result, exposure to such unpleasant emotions leads to apathy, which is characterized by a lack of vitality. Such people have a feeling of emptiness in the soul and their own worthlessness. In this state, it is difficult for a person to make himself even cry, he is too lazy to perform any action.

It is quite easy to distinguish a person with apathy and laziness in the crowd. Such people neglect the rules of hygiene, look untidy. Their apartment is rarely cleaned. People themselves are removed from society and reality. They close themselves from the surrounding problems in their own world.

Causes of apathy and laziness

Many factors contribute to the development of these conditions.

These include:

  1. The presence of serious pathologies and diseases in a person (AIDS, endocrine and neurological disorders, schizophrenia, Pick's or Alzheimer's disease).
  2. Frequent depression.
  3. Taking antidepressants or antipsychotics.
  4. Overwork.
  5. Lack of motivation to do the job.
  6. Feeling of the uselessness of the required actions, which appears at the level of intuition.
  7. Lack of preparation for unexpected problems.
  8. Inability to plan with a large daily workload.
  9. Constant desire for rest.
  10. Soul feelings. For example, a quarrel with a loved one.

In addition, the prerequisites for the appearance of apathy and laziness are the mistakes of parents in raising their children. From a very early age, a person is programmed with the need to unlearn at school, get a diploma of higher education and work only in their specialty. The child does not express his opinion, fearing the condemnation of loved ones. As a result, people without understanding perform all the actions required of them, struggling with emerging laziness. The fear of not living up to the expectations of their parents gives rise to a state of depression, and as a result, leads to apathy.

Methods of dealing with laziness and apathy

Before choosing the right way to deal with the disease, you need to determine the source of laziness and apathy. Very rarely, the state of indifference and unwillingness to work arises due to physiological disorders. Basically, apathy and laziness are provoked by psychological factors. To cope with them, you need to apply all your will and perseverance. Only a person with a weak level of attention and unstable to problems will find it very difficult to get rid of an indifferent state. To help such people, special methods have been developed to overcome laziness and apathy.

How to deal with laziness?

For many people, getting another person to work is much easier than getting themselves. To cope with your own laziness, it is enough to follow these recommendations:

  1. Determine the importance of the work to be done. It is difficult for any person to follow even the most well-written instructions if they do not understand its meaning and the end result of their activities. In order not to be lazy, you need to know what will happen if the task is not completed on time. When a person knows that unwanted work can be done later, then the desire to complete the task will quickly disappear.
  2. A person needs to be motivated. Often people perceive work as a routine that is repeated day after day. It is easy to change the attitude towards it, it is enough to determine the benefit for yourself and others and imagine the joy of its implementation. If this type of motivation does not work, you can go the other way. It lies in the fear of problems arising from work not done. Any of the options for the development of events at the end of the upcoming activity can eliminate laziness.
  3. You need to recharge your batteries. A person can succumb to laziness due to chronic fatigue. If this is the main reason, then you need to rest at least a few minutes before doing new work. Switching attention helps a lot: just walk or do simple exercises. Computer work requires a mandatory five-minute break every hour. This time is enough to gain strength and start it again.
  4. Make a plan for completing the task. It will be much easier to cope with the feeling of laziness if you break the work into stages and set a deadline for each of them. It is advisable to paint a detailed plan on paper.
  5. Take the side of laziness. It is enough for 10 minutes not to occupy yourself with anything and think only about the upcoming work. It is important to exclude all telephone conversations and communication on social networks during this period. This is enough time to draw up detailed steps to complete the work. When 10 minutes have passed, there will be a desire to start the task according to the plan outlined in your thoughts.

The main tips that will help a person return the love of life are:

  1. Give in to apathy. You don't have to deal with this condition. It is better to watch an interesting series and enjoy this simple activity. So you can spend the whole day and the next morning the apathy should disappear by itself.
  2. Conduct an analysis of the cause of apathy. Most often, the source of this state is hidden in the absence of goals in life. A person needs to know why he works, what he wants and can get from it, what he will achieve in a year.
  3. Change environment and environment. If the same indifferent people are next to a person, then it will be very difficult to solve the problem of how to get rid of apathy and laziness. The social circle of people should consist only of optimists with whom it will be comfortable to communicate.
  4. It is important for a person to define a goal in life and write a plan to achieve it for the next 3 years. Using such a personal diary, it is easier to keep track of your progress. As a result, there will be no time for sadness.
  5. Start playing sports. During exercise, the human body produces a hormone of joy. This state can be overcome by apathy.
  6. Start believing in your own strength. This method helps to cheer up and strive again for the best. First, it is enough to recall any school awards or achievements at work. The realization that they are given only to the best helps to cope with apathy.
  7. Spend time with friends. This will help to relax and get rid of the senseless blues.
  8. Create and constantly monitor your own mode of rest and work. It is important to saturate your day with moderate work and not be idle all the time.
  9. Provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Proper nutrition and the rare use of alcohol helps not only to improve health, but also to normalize the emotional state.
  10. A person in a state of apathy should protect himself from negative information that comes from the media.
  11. Listen to pleasant music to relax and accumulate positive energy.
  12. Get rid of unnecessary and old things. You can change the environment and add new sensations.
  13. Learn to manage your condition. Reading the literature describing the mechanism of the appearance of psychological problems can help in this.

When is medical attention needed?

Special techniques for getting out of a state of apathy and combating laziness may not help all people. Sometimes specialist advice is required.

There are 2 main points at which you need to make a visit to the doctor:

  1. Long time in a state of apathy and laziness. If, after a week or 10 days after the onset, the symptoms of indifference do not disappear, but intensify, then you should worry and contact a professional for help.
  2. A strong manifestation of apathy and feelings of laziness. The main signs of the advanced stage of these conditions include unwillingness to get up in the morning for work, lack of appetite, ignoring going to the shower and the rules of self-care. Such manifestations should not be overlooked. It is urgent to consult a doctor.

A psychotherapist or, in his absence, a psychiatrist will help you get out of a state of apathy and cope with laziness. You can make an appointment with them through the contacts of the psycho-neurological dispensary. The contacts of this institution can be found on the Internet. Therapy of apathy and chronic laziness will be carried out with the help of drugs.

To return to a person the joy of life, diligence in work, faith in one's own strength and the desire to realize one's own dreams can only be taken in a timely manner.

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Indifference, indifference, apathy and laziness. How to get rid of them? If a person asked such a question, is he really that hopelessly lazy? And even more apathetic. He feels that something bad and wrong is happening to him. Wants to deal with it. It is most important. Are you already thinking how to overcome laziness and apathy, yourself, at home? So, you realize the problem, there is a big chance to get rid of it. Although laziness often comes with apathy, we need to separate the two concepts.

When a person is too lazy to do something, it means that he does not feel pleasure from this action. Indeed, sometimes people with such enthusiasm can perform truly difficult, difficult tasks. Because they are truly passionate about what they do. In order not to be too lazy to do something, one must either get carried away seriously, or do it only because it is necessary, out of a sense of duty. There is a third option - if you do not do it, you may be punished - fired from work, for example.

Too lazy to get up early in the morning, too lazy to go to work. Maybe laziness simply because the plans for the coming day do not arouse the slightest enthusiasm? Laziness, it's more of a feeling. That is, what a person experiences in a certain period is not permanent. You can read a book, watch movies, go for a walk. To do anything, but not what circumstances or obligations oblige us to do. But as soon as the thought comes precisely about the need to do something specific, then laziness just comes. Why? Little will.

Dealing with laziness consciously

Recognition of the problem. Realize that doing something specific is too lazy. And it is necessary to do. This means that it should be done with pleasure or done only because it is necessary. This has already been said at the beginning. It is difficult to enjoy an unpleasant or boring activity, but it is possible.

A wish. After awareness, the desire to change oneself should come. There must be an incentive. No stimulus, no response. No desire, no action. Even when something is done without desire, as it seems from the outside, in fact, this is not true. If the action occurs, it means that there was a desire to do it. Stimulus is a response. Nothing else.

At this moment, a person conquers himself. Stimulates self-development? So, often praise yourself for what you have done. Loudly, out loud and alone with yourself. Praise yourself more often. To scold or criticize there are well-wishers without you. So just be positive about yourself. This will stimulate the desire to do, one of the ways to get rid of the bad.

Developing a habit. Do what laziness, preferably every day. If you can do it a little, then do it a little. Exactly as much as does not cause tension or internal resistance. Gradually increase the time. As soon as you feel tension or displeasure, leave. After about a month, a habit will arise to do it already without tension. But, everything must be done strictly without omissions. Two or three passes - the countdown starts again.

Reasoning. It is worth asking yourself the question - why am I doing this? Perhaps you can live without it? Then the question of laziness disappears by itself. The fight against laziness is always a fight with yourself. Always and constantly. This requires will. Consequently, a person, by training his will, will get rid of laziness. Get rid of the bad in the house, life, apathy, indifference, resentment. From unnecessary dull things, thoughts. Do something that brings pleasure, but can be stretched out over time. This is how you organize yourself. For example, you can go to foreign language courses. Or play sports. Even at home. So that there is no question of how to defeat laziness and apathy, first of all. To love life. Think positive more often. Look for positive emotions.

Results tracking. Be sure to monitor how successfully you cope with laziness. And yes, with your life. Write a plan for the day in the morning. At the end, be sure to mark what has been done, do not forget to attribute a positive assessment of yourself. If not done, write reasons. Too lazy to write? Speak out loud. But be sure to track the results.

Apathy. How to be with her?

A person cannot be constantly in a state of euphoria, joy and happiness. This is at least strange. Every day there are many events that bring negative emotions and feelings. Sometimes this negativity reaches too large dimensions, then such everyday feelings lead to negative states of the soul. And this is more serious, it can be for a long time. And give rise to apathy, fatigue.

If this condition lasts for a week or two, approximately, then it is not scary. In the end, everyone has the right not to rethink their lives, the state of sadness. But not to such an extent that you already forget how to eat, change clothes, communicate with loved ones and others. Then it already looks like depression, it must be distinguished from apathy, depression will not go away by itself, serious treatment will be required,. So let's focus on apathy. The state of mind when you don't want anything. Lasting a certain period (short). Occurring periodically. The main thing, again, is if this is recognized as a problem. So how to overcome laziness and apathy, how to become energetic again?

After all, life is not happy. Not even something that does not please, but does not cause any emotions at all. The man does not love himself. Rejects its value. Performs daily duties automatically, without emotion. Generally does not react to what is happening with some stronger feelings than a formal smile or monosyllabic phrases. Going to bed every day, does not make plans for tomorrow. This must be fought. If you think about it, then it's already very good.

Fight with yourself and indifference

Looking for the positive. No psychotherapist or doctor will help get rid of apathy until the person himself wants to help himself. Do something with yourself that will bring him closer to happiness. Is there anything at this stage that will help make you even a little happier and more joyful? Surely there is. Every day you need to do something exclusively for yourself, first of all, something good. This should be the rule of thumb. Something real and achievable. Not just repeating to yourself every day how good you are, but really do good and pleasant. Be sure to designate this action for yourself consciously. By doing something good, you will experience positive emotions.

There is one interesting, from the point of view of psychology, James-Lange theory. According to her, in emotional experiences, the bodily, physical state of the body is primary. That is, when you feel joy, physiological changes first occur in the body - the pulse quickens, blood vessels expand, which give an incentive for mental change. And if such physiological changes are stimulated, then they will be followed by changes in the experienced emotions.

Of course, this applies primarily to more “primitive” emotions, and not deep feelings of love, affection, for example. But nonetheless. If you try to do something in a state of sadness that is inherent in a feeling of joy - for example, smile, move more energetically, then after the physiological and changes, positive psychological ones can also come. The theory is highly controversial. But still. Short-term joys also contribute to the emergence of deeper positive states of the soul, free from apathy.

Spend your time and energy wisely. If you feel that the burden of duties is already unbearable, filter out everything unnecessary in a calm environment. Daily routine duties, at first glance, easy, for example, washing dishes after dinner late at night, can only add depressive thoughts and increase stress in such a state (apathy).

How to deal with laziness and apathy? Do what you want to do now, not later, fight with yourself. Love yourself and respect your desires. Set realistic goals and achieve them. At the same time, to be able to painlessly for oneself refuse unfulfilled desires. What is the point of "driving" yourself into depression if you are not able to fly into space, for example?

In ancient Greece, apathy was equated with illness, and this is not surprising. Philosophers of the time characterized the general depression as insensitivity. A person prone to apathy is characterized by increased indifference to the world and others. He is not interested in career and personal growth, apathetic people are suicidal. If laziness and depression are noticed at an early stage, you can try to fix the problem on your own.

Method number 1. Start your morning right

  1. It is important to start the morning right, otherwise the whole day will be dull. The same goes for Monday: how you meet him is how you spend the whole working week.
  2. Each person has his own biorhythm, which must be followed. Some people are used to waking up at 7 am, others prefer to sleep until noon. Proceed from the individual characteristics of the body.
  3. Try to start the morning with your favorite drink and dessert, turn on cheerful music, recharge with positive. Do not forget about breakfast, it will tell the body that it's time to wake up.
  4. Often people are lazy due to insufficient saturation of the body. For this reason, dieting girls are advised to include vitamin complexes in their daily diet. They improve mood and normalize the psycho-emotional background.
  5. If for some reason you need to wake up early, take a contrast shower in the morning and drink a cup of coffee with sugar. Next, do a fifteen-minute exercise to come to combat readiness faster.
  6. If the morning passes in a hurry, the whole day will be the same. Try not to swear at people on public transport, greet colleagues with a smile. Try to love what you don't like, you will notice how life will be filled with new colors.

Method number 2. Change the scenery

  1. Don't think of yourself as a negative person. Find joy in everyday things. If this possibility is not available, proceed to radical methods.
  2. Change your place of residence or make repairs in the apartment. Rearrange the interior items in places, hang bright pictures and family photos on the walls. Re-paste wallpaper, buy new furniture, lay soft carpets. It is important to create your own "light" corner in which you will feel comfortable.
  3. If there is no desire and opportunity to deal with housing, go on a tour abroad. It is not necessary to buy expensive tours, limit yourself to a three- or five-day tour. The best option is a beach or mountain holiday with many excursions.
  4. In cases where the material condition does not allow traveling, go to friends or relatives in a neighboring city. You can also take a field trip every weekend.

Method number 3. go in for sports

  1. Sport is considered to be the most effective way to combat laziness and apathy. Physical activity speeds up blood circulation, makes the heart muscle work at an accelerated pace.
  2. Sports activities help to get rid of negative thoughts, loads suppress stress and have a beneficial effect on overall health.
  3. Experts conducted research and found that people who play sports are much less likely to become depressed. Also, such activities are shown to girls and women who spend a long time at home (non-working category of citizens).
  4. Of course, it is necessary to relax after a hard day, but it is better to combine lying on the couch with light loads. Rock your abs or buttocks, squat, jump rope.
  5. Yoga is considered an excellent option, it helps to focus on the internal state and overcome chronic fatigue. You can also consider breathing exercises (Pilates), stretching (stretching), water aerobics, swimming.
  6. Sports activities include intensive walking. Give her at least half an hour a day in the evening. As a result of such manipulations, sleep is normalized, the morning will begin with a positive wave. Avoid the elevator if possible, walk instead of taking the bus (2-3 stops).

Method number 4. Make the most of your working time

  1. If by the nature of your service you are forced to spend 5-6 days a week at work, do not perceive your activity as hard labor. Since you need to earn money, try to bring the working rhythm into a more life-line.
  2. Do not live from one weekend to another, learn to enjoy every day, despite the grumbling of the authorities, a small salary or a boring team.
  3. Chat with colleagues, start the day with a pleasant compliment and friendly gatherings over a cup of tea. You will learn a lot from these people, maybe even make new friends.
  4. In any job, you need to find time to relax. Try to cut out a short break every 2 hours. Visit the dining room or go to the park for a walk, lie on the couch, drink tea with cake, sit on social networks.
  5. Try to make sure your work schedule is correct. Start the morning with difficult tasks, do them as they come, do not try to do everything at once. At the end of the working time, leave petty things that do not take up a lot of mental or physical resources.
  6. Try to make your workplace as comfortable as possible. Place frames with photos of children, relatives and friends near the computer. Equip the space with figurines and other little things. Bring your favorite mug from home, set aside a drawer for cosmetics.
  7. Many people can afford to do useless things at work, like watching YouTube videos or reading stupid quotes. Do not be like them, read a book, start learning English, develop in any convenient way.

Method number 5. Set goals and objectives

  1. Correctly set priorities will help to overcome apathy in a short time. If possible, get a notebook, paint in it every day. Specify which primary and secondary tasks you need to complete.
  2. If you have global goals, mark them in red. Desires are highlighted in blue with the mark “I want”. If the goal is too big, break it down into smaller sections.
  3. For example, you dream of a house with large windows and a terrace. First you need to buy a plot, then build a foundation, etc. It is advisable to stipulate a specific section in terms so as not to stretch the goal for many years.
  4. As you complete small tasks, you want more, such a move will provide additional incentive. Instead of lying on the couch, you will start thinking about how to achieve this or that goal.
  5. To achieve a specific dream, make it concrete. If you want to buy a new car next year, imagine how you eat while driving. Visualization will stimulate you and make you work.
  6. When it comes to self-improvement, set a goal to learn spoken English/Spanish/Chinese by the New Year. In the case of sports, make a bet with your friends that in 5 months you will pump up the press or lose weight.
  7. Do not set yourself impossible goals, act wisely. Remember to move slowly but surely. Otherwise, while you are standing still, others take a step forward, thereby leaving you behind.

Method number 6. Get rid of unnecessary things

  1. Try to timely get rid of old things that are fraught with negative memories. These can be gifts from an ex-boyfriend or old things associated with sad moments.
  2. Regularly sort out your wardrobe, take out everything that you do not wear to the dump. No need to store old things "just in case", a cluttered space is depressing.
  3. Once a week, clean the apartment, if possible, keep only the necessary things on the shelves. Get rid of figurines that collect dust.
  4. Try on all the shoes you have. Surely you will find never worn shoes that are tight in the toe / heel. Offer good shoes to friends, and take the old ones to the trash.
  5. It is also worth getting rid of electrical appliances that were left "before repair". If a man does not take on an unbearable burden, there is no need to save up a box of trash. Replace old dishes with new ones without chips or cracks.
  6. The above actions will revive you. One has only to try to throw out one or more old things, as the mood immediately improves. You will start updating your wardrobe as needed, nothing will relieve apathy better than shopping.

Method number 7. Learn to rest

  1. The modern rhythm of life leaves its mark on society. More and more people are immersed in work entirely, depriving themselves of precious rest. It is important to remember forever that you will not earn all the money in the world, learn to relax.
  2. After completing your daily plan, allow yourself to sit back and read a book. Immerse yourself in your favorite activity, watch your favorite series or take a hot bath.
  3. Massage and relaxation are considered an excellent option for relaxation. Give the body the opportunity to recuperate, otherwise apathy will develop into depression.
  4. Active people relax by traveling or having fun. Passive ones spend hours watching TV, it all depends on personal preferences. Do what makes you happy.
  5. Observe the regime of work and rest, try to return from work on time, you do not need to work until victorious. It has been scientifically proven that workaholics are more easily apathetic than people who lead a measured lifestyle.

Method number 8. Get rid of monotony

  1. In most cases, people do not become lazy because they do not want to do something. Such behavior is justified by monotony, which obliges you to do the same thing every day.
  2. To get rid of sleep stupor, try to add variety to your daily life. For example, if your job is to fill out paperwork, set aside 5 minutes per hour for exercise.
  3. You can also drink tea, go for a walk, talk on the phone with friends. With this, you need to move away from the PC without performing several tasks at the same time.
  4. Do exercises for your hands and eyes, look for any opportunity to take a walk. Go to the water cooler, consult with colleagues at the next table. At this time, the brain will rest a little, you will have the strength for new achievements.

Change the scenery, go on a trip or rearrange your apartment. Avoid monotony, communicate more with work colleagues, learn to relax, play sports. Set tasks and goals, get rid of unnecessary things, start the morning right.

Video: what to do if you don't feel like doing anything

School of Yuri Okunev

Greetings, friends! With you Yuri Okunev.

Have there been periods in your life when you absolutely didn’t want to do anything? Well, nothing at all. Absolutely. You slept until dinner, did not leave the house for several days, did not answer the calls of relatives and friends, and spent days lying on the couch in an untidy, cluttered apartment.

Gone? If so, then I'm really happy for you. If the state in one form or another remains with you for a long time, then you need to talk right now about how to deal with laziness and apathy. Otherwise, it’s not far from a deep nervous breakdown.

In general, you need to worry about any psychological or physiological condition that prevents you from living a fulfilling life. But the thing is that when you are in a depressed state, you are far from always able to sensibly assess the situation and understand that there are really big problems.

Another thing is that depression in its symptoms is very similar to chronic fatigue. Therefore, in order to understand exactly how to deal with the disease, you need to know what, in fact, it consists of.

It is important to consider that if an unpleasant condition lasts a couple of weeks or even months. If people around you begin to notice serious changes in your behavior (not for the better, of course). If you start to avoid work, communication, just going out into the outside world, then this is an objective reason to shout: “Help, save, I’m desocializing!”

Maybe I'm just lazy in life?

Everything is possible, of course. And in that case, I'm glad you're reading this article. Perhaps this is the first step towards changing your worldview and lifestyle. After all, laziness on the scale of "Oblomovism" is a crime both against oneself and against humanity, to which each of us can potentially benefit.

Therefore, let's agree right away - any manifestation of laziness, apathy, total disorganization and others like them will be considered a disease that requires competent comprehensive treatment.

How to overcome laziness and fatigue

Before choosing the type of weapon, you must first decide with whom and why you are going to fight. So let's list the most common causes of this vile condition.

Reasons for apathy

  • Disorders in health. There is a whole bunch of diseases accompanied by total apathy. In particular, this applies to hormonal problems.
  • Overloads. Emotional or physical, mental. These are all our overwork in training, at work, at school, fatigue after quarrels, etc. In this case, the body reacts to an external stimulus with apathy - as if it turns off to take a break.
  • Life style. We have already talked about this option. If you are “like this since childhood”, this does not mean that nothing can be changed in adulthood. As long as you are alive and relatively healthy, there is always a chance to improve your life!
  • Negative. Our psychology is directly dependent on the emotional state. Various kinds of troubles, defeats, disappointments, failures, hard blows of life cause serious damage to the psyche. As a result, after such “shocks”, we close ourselves into our own “shell” in order to sit there, wait it out, get sick and survive what happened.

Having understood the reason, - on your own or with the help of a doctor - you need to find an adequate solution to the problem. Strong intrinsic motivation is essential. Absolutely nothing without it, because. this is the same driving force that will pull you out of the "swamp".

As an example, I can offer several options.


  • Get acquainted with biographical and telling about people who managed to make their lives bright, despite the hardest trials and obstacles. Think about disabled people, orphans, poor people who live thousands, millions of times worse than you. And you have enough conscience to complain about your life after that??? Seriously? What if you think again?
  • Look around - how many happy, successful people who live a full, rich life. Are you ready to yield to them the joys that could be yours? Rather, go out and take all the good things that fate has prepared especially for you!
  • Opposite motivation is also possible. Remember the "wasted years"? Are you sure that instead of vivid memories of an eventful life in old age, you want to indulge in despondency and sadness due to the lack of such??!! Before it's too late - get out of bed, leave the house and do things that you will be pleased to think about in 10, 20, 50 years!

After you have set yourself up for recovery, proceed to an active fight against the blues.

Ways to deal with laziness

  • Treatment. Serious health problems should be treated by qualified professionals. And only so! Do not fool yourself with all sorts of tinctures and poultices. Traditional medicine is priceless, but common sense has not been canceled.
  • Relaxation. Any overload really requires a break. But this does not mean that you need to lock yourself in the house, lie down in bed and prepare to die in the prime of life. You just need to slow down and pay attention to your loved one (s). Give yourself a week to enjoy and relax.

Go fishing, go shopping, have a picnic with friends, go on a weekend abroad, go to the movies, make dumplings with your family, and organize a Belly Feast. Be sure to normalize the time of getting up and going to bed. Be sure to do sports every day (at least just exercise), ventilate the apartment, let lots and lots of light into the rooms.

  • Revision of the daily routine. If you are a chronically pathological sloth, then there is only one option - a total change in the principles of life. "Purposefulness, punctuality, activity, planning and strict adherence to the planned points" - from now on this is your life motto. Start with a proper sleep routine and a few must-have items on your daily to-do list. Then complicate the tasks, make longer lists, set more difficult goals.
  • Positive. The larger the scale of the troubles, the more positive you must respond to them. The main thing is not to go to extremes that echo biblical passions. Again, turn on your brains - you don’t need new problems later ???

Always start recovery small. For example, you find it hard to get out of bed. Make an effort on yourself - get up, take a shower, put yourself and the room in order, make a cup of tea and only then lie down again. The second stage is to go out and sit on a bench near the entrance. Third, take out the trash. Fourth - walk the cat. Fifth - go to the grocery store. And so on, in ascending order.

I hope that the article made you at least think about the problem. If after it you finally tore off the fifth point from the sofa, then I'm just happy. You can read more on this topic. Well, you will find the most detailed information and the most direct professional, practical and simply friendly help on my . You can sign up right now.

And if you still have questions, I invite you to an individual consultation. Details.

I will end with this. Until new posts. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter. Your Yuri Okunev!
