Why UFOs are a Worldwide Conspiracy of Silence and what truth is being hidden from us. What are the Kremlin and the FSB hiding from the people: who is terrorizing Russia? What is the world government hiding from people?

A very strange situation has developed in the world when many eyewitnesses report sightings of UFOs, they see how these unidentified devices not only plow the sky above our planet, but also land and those who control them emerge from them. Of course, 100% confirmation of UFO landing and the presence of aliens on this moment no one provided.

There is an explanation for this paradox and it lies in the fact that people who are in direct contact with UFOs, who are present at the site of their landing and who come into contact with their crew, completely forget about what they have with them cellular telephone, camera or video camera. Many remember the contact vaguely and fragmentarily, as if someone had erased their memory. Some were able to take pictures or videos confirming their statements, but none of them managed to publish this evidence. In some cases, these witnesses simply disappeared, in others, some kind of accident suddenly happened to them.

In this regard, it seems that certain influential forces carefully hide the facts of visits to the Earth by representatives of other civilizations and go to the most extreme measures to maintain this concealment, up to the elimination of unwanted witnesses. Yes - we are deprived of photo and video evidence of the presence of aliens on our planet, but we have enough evidence from people who were involved in government structures and who were not afraid to declare that the governments of various countries not only directly contact with aliens, but also cooperate on various issues.

For example, several years ago, Dr. Edgar Mitchell, a former Apollo astronaut and the sixth man to walk on the moon during the Apollo 14 mission, broke his silence and spoke out. live on the phone to Fox News said that aliens do exist and that the government is hiding this information from the public.

At the time of this statement, Mitchell was 82 years old and had nothing to lose. He broke his vow of silence and declared. that it is time to end government secrecy in this area and that the media is deliberately discrediting the UFO issue.

If contacts with aliens are already a reality, then information about this is kept under seven seals. What prevents them from being officially published? In 2009, when asked by a famous radio journalist about contacts with aliens, information about which is allegedly stored in the “Book of Secrets” in a certain Green Room, which every newly elected president visits, Barack Obama responded with a joke: “I would” tell what is written in “ Book of Secrets,” but then I’ll have to kill you.”

Jokes aside, in 2011 the fact of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations was officially confirmed by the FBI, which declassified part of the archives about the UFO crash in 1947 near the American city of Roswell. Before presenting their archive to the public, Bureau employees carefully erased all conclusions and recommendations from there. In many documents, only the “header” remained, and the text itself was removed “for reasons of secrecy.”

In fact, the first information about the invaders of the Earth appeared in the press and on TV, when an independent group of British television journalists conducted an investigation into the disappearances of many outstanding scientists and talented military personnel in the 60s of the 20th century. Everyone thought that they had gone to other countries to earn money. Journalists interviewed their friends and relatives and discovered strange things: postcards and letters to the homeland of the departed specialists were like two peas in a pod. And although everyone’s handwriting was different, the style of writing was the same, as if they were ordered to write these texts from dictation. After a certain time, contact with these people was completely lost.

For a long time, the US authorities were mainly accused of hiding information about aliens. Most of the “ufological” rumors circulated about Dwight Eisenhower. They suspected that he was the first powerful of the world this entered into “diplomatic relations” with the aliens. In February 1954, while on vacation in California, Eisenhower suddenly dropped out of journalists' sights for several hours. The version of the president’s connections with aliens was confirmed by William Milton Cooper (then he served as a military adviser to the US government): on April 26, 1989, he sent 536 copies of the “Petition of Charges” to each member of the US Senate and House of Representatives. It reported that back in 1954, Eisenhower entered into a contractual relationship with a civilization of “gray” aliens from a planet orbiting the star Betelgeuse in the constellation Orion. Arriving on Earth on spaceships, which astronomers first mistook for asteroids, they landed at Holloman Air Force Base, and later at Edward Base, where Eisenhower’s pre-arranged meeting with the arriving humanoids took place. In addition, Cooper argued that the leaders of many powers and other influential persons have established strong contact with aliens.

As a result, a kind of “secret world government” was formed, known as the Bilderberg Club, based in Geneva. It became secret from the moment information about cooperation with the “occupiers of the Earth” was classified. This club, according to him, plays the role of an overseer, keeping humanity in ignorance, for which orders are given to destroy and compromise scientists who were ahead of their time; inventors who made landmark inventions; archaeologists who “excavated the wrong thing,” and contactees who came into contact with the “wrong people.” The “Petition of the Prosecution” contained lists of members of the secret international government, among whom were named Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, George Bush, Nelson Rockefeller and others.

In 1991, the director of the Geneva Institute of Planetary Synthesis, R. Schneider, published a report by the same Milton Cooper, “The Secret Government,” which stated that from 1947 to 1952, about one and a half dozen alien ships landed on US territory alone. Some crashed, others made an emergency landing. As a result, 65 corpses and... one living alien ended up in the hands of the Americans. The report confirmed the existence of a secret world government that had entered into an agreement with representatives of “other worlds.” According to this agreement, the "initiates" received some "advanced" technology in exchange for permission to use people for research. Why do representatives of the public sector answer negatively when asked whether there are aliens on Earth?

Analysts offer three theories.

  • 1. The purpose of silence is not to traumatize the population with the awareness of the fact of the existence of other life forms in the Universe. This theory assumes that the government knows the level technical development aliens; Having correlated it with the earthly level, it came to the conclusion that in a military sense we have nothing to fear - there should be no conflict with extraterrestrial civilizations.
  • 2. Historically, a certain “world government” has developed on Earth, standing above all countries and peoples and controlling financial flows. And it knows about UFOs, contacts the aliens at the diplomatic level, receiving some kind of “technical assistance” from them in exchange for “modest” requests to allocate territories for them to create enclaves and study the life forms of the Earth.
  • 3. Perhaps members of the “world government” do not want to make the “X-files” public for fear of losing control over people. They believe that the loss of power will be driven by people's need to learn social structure aliens and borrowing technologies from them to restructure the state and society.

According to test pilot Marina Popovich, the first wife of cosmonaut Pavel Popovich, “All astronauts see UFOs without exception, but only a few admit to it.”

American astronaut and test pilot Gordon Cooper, who made two flights into space (in 1963 and 1965), claimed that back in 1951, “while flying over Germany in an F-68 fighter, I personally observed a UFO.” In 1978, Cooper wrote a letter to the UN asking for the creation of a special body that would investigate this phenomenon.

The head of the FBI from its founding in 1935 until 1972, J. Edgar Hoover, regarding the famous 1942 incident (the shooting of flying saucers over Los Angeles): “We must insist on access to these flying machines. In Los Angeles, the military seized the devices and are not allowing us to examine them.”

In 1955, with a strange time for the height of " cold war“The commander of the Pacific Armed Forces, Douglas MacArthur, addressed the military and scientific forces of the nation: “The nations of the world must unite, since the next war will be an interplanetary war... The nations of the world will have to... form a common front against aliens from other planets.”

Mikhail Gorbachev: “The UFO phenomenon exists and must be taken very seriously.”

Richard Nixon, US President from 1969 to 1974: “I still have no right to discuss information about UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence, which is available to the government. Discussion of this issue continues."

Paul Hellier, I former minister Defense Canada: "UFOs are as real as the planes flying overhead."

Speaking about UFOs and aliens, it is worth keeping in mind that they all do not necessarily have to be aliens from other planets of ours solar system. Facts show that representatives of other worlds fly to our planet, but on planet Earth itself there is a parallel civilization living a life invisible to us.

This is what the world-famous Edward Snowden said: “The highest echelons of power do not know what to do with UFOs, and are feeding them to citizens official version that they are all just weather balloons or natural phenomena. But the documents say that UFOs are real. Transport ships This civilization not only fly in the Earth's atmosphere, but have been seen on the seabed, in hydrothermal vents, volcanoes and directly in solar orbit.

The CIA stores data from tracking systems and deep-sea sonars, but they have the status state secrets and even scientists do not have access to this data about these objects. This species is smarter than Homo sapiens and lives in the Earth's mantle. This is the only place where conditions have been more or less stable for billions of years. Extremophiles can live in a variety of temperatures and were able to thrive and develop intelligence at an accelerated rate. Homo sapiens and they evolved at the same speed, but their living conditions in the Earth's mantle protected their civilization from many cataclysms that occurred on the surface of the earth.

The President receives daily briefings about the activities of this civilization and the movement of its devices - UFOs. Analysts believe that their technology has advanced so far that we have little chance of surviving any potential war with them.

The general consensus is that we are just ants from their point of view and there is a small chance that they will not continue to pay attention to us. But the military is also considering the possibility of aggression and the current contingency plan includes a plan to blow up nuclear weapon in deep caves to "seal" the enemy in hopes of destroying their communications, which will prevent further attacks from the depths of the earth."

Who is terrorizing Russia?

Telephone attacks cause panic throughout the country, but the authorities and law enforcement officers behave as if nothing is happening. This raises serious suspicions among experts.

Is the vaunted SORM system worth billions of rubles really not able to perform its functions? © CC0 Public Domain

In tens major cities Due to massive calls from unknown persons about bomb threats, evacuations have been carried out every day for two weeks shopping centers, schools, universities, residential and administrative buildings. However, despite the unprecedented scale of destabilization, the authorities have been silent all this time, and the media have been giving out various not entirely convincing versions about the source of the threats.

Rosbalt asked experts about their versions of what is happening and whether the Russian law enforcement system is able to protect citizens.

Gennady Gudkov, reserve colonel of the FSB, State Duma deputy of the III-VI convocations:

“The problem is that in the situation with calls about ‘mining’, we don’t know for sure whether law enforcement officers don’t want or can’t find the callers. I know for sure that quite recently the FSB received additional powerful technical systems search and search - the so-called SORM-5. Now the FSB is able to very quickly and effectively identify sources of information, threats or calls not only in our country, but also abroad. In addition to this, there is a huge technical intelligence department, an analogue of the DIA, as well as a department that deals with encryption and decryption, etc. That is, Russia is not a whipping boy at all, but a country with serious capabilities to protect its information security. Nevertheless, we have been observing how for the past two weeks mass telephone threats have paralyzed the life of a number of large cities. They cause panic and anxiety among hundreds of thousands of Russians and cause enormous damage to the economy.

At the same time, we still do not have any sane official information from the leadership of the Russian state. Neither the Security Council, nor the presidential representative, nor the leaders of the government and federal structures responsible for our security said anything. This cannot and should not happen in a country where the authorities communicate normally with society. Therefore, suspicions arise.

I understand if our services were faced with some unknown technology that allows us to make these attacks anonymous... But then someone, say, from the leaders of the Security Council, would have to come out and say: “Dear fellow citizens, we are under a massive attack. In all likelihood, this is a group of international terrorists or scammers who are trying to plunge us into anxiety, fear, etc., etc. We will definitely find them - we are just faced with previously unexplored ones technical methods, which do not yet allow us to decipher the source of threats. But we are carrying out such work and will definitely punish everyone involved in what is happening. We have already contacted our partners abroad and asked them to use technical and other capabilities to identify this dangerous gang of criminals.”

But what do we have instead? Silence, incomprehensible “leaks” from incomprehensible sources in structures - either in the FSB, then in the Security Council, then in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, blaming Ukraine, then Brussels, or someone else for what is happening.

Two conclusions can be drawn from this. First: our law enforcement system, special services, and security system are absolutely unable to cope with their tasks. They consume huge amounts of taxpayers' money but fail to protect it. Then we need to take strict measures against them. Second: if our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies are able to act, it means that this is a provocation on the part of the state, apparently pursuing the goal of rallying the people around the government. For example, for the sake of further persecution of the Internet, a ban social networks, human communication systems. Or maybe this is in order to “tighten the screws” on the eve of the presidential elections.

I don't have a third option. Previously, I suspected that this could be an international gang that was practicing methods of destabilization in Russia, perhaps in order to receive some kind of political or financial bonuses. But I discount this version, because if this were so, the country’s leadership would certainly have announced it.

Therefore silence Russian authorities makes me suspect that this could be either a provocation of the state, or an absolute loss of functionality of the entire Russian security system. Unfortunately, there are only these two sad alternatives.”

Leonid Volkov, IT expert and politician:

“The situation with false ‘mining’ throughout Russia clearly demonstrated the powerlessness of law enforcement officers in the face of real cyber threats. And, most likely, this happened as a result of corrupt spending on information security - for example, on the same SORM system. In theory, SORM, as it was intended, could track IP telephony calls. In fact, it turned out that she could not do this.

This leads to a sad conclusion. Providers pay for this system, and we pay providers. According to conservative estimates, SORM costs us about 8-10 billion rubles a year. However, it turns out that the system is completely ineffective and does not allow us to do anything that was required of it.

Of course, there are objective technical difficulties. To determine the source of a call, you need to understand where it is included in the public telephone network via IP telephony. But the fact of the matter is that if SORM had worked as stated, then, of course, the caller could have been found. Hardly we're talking about that law enforcement officers do not want to look for him. I think they simply can't do it because they built an expensive, ineffective system that failed the first serious test.

It seems that the point of creating this system, like almost any major system in modern Russia, was to ensure that someone mastered some budgets. Today this is such an unsightly, harsh truth of life.”

Stanislav Belkovsky, political strategist, publicist:

“Mass evacuation due to calls from “telephone terrorists” may be part of a certain technology related to Vladimir Putin’s preparation for his nomination for a new presidential term. Because now it is the president who must intervene in this situation and put an end to all these chaotic actions and show that he is able to regain control over what is happening. And all these scattered quasi-, pseudo-terrorist structures will be called to order.

The fact that yesterday the leader of the pseudo-existing organization “Christian State” was detained at the request of deputy Poklonskaya largely fits into this scheme.

The President will put an end to this, especially since there is most likely no real mining. There is simply a system of threats, behind which there is actually nothing. “Putin will put an end to it, thereby showing that he is the main and only guarantor of the security of the Russian people.”

Alexey Kondaurov, retired KGB major general, State Duma deputy of the 4th convocation:

“It is not surprising that people in our country feel unprotected from criminal attacks. And I also feel insecure.

Everyone sees the low efficiency of the law enforcement system, including the police, courts, and prosecutor's office. The bias of these special services is also obvious. I think their general goal is to defend power. And the protection of citizens, although declared, is in fact carried out extremely ineffectively.

When you see the same traffic cops on the roads, husking sunflower seeds, you see how they “work” with excessive numbers, you understand that you cannot expect high performance from the law enforcement system.

People come with statements about crimes committed, and they are often refused, or they accept statements, but do nothing to ensure that the crime is solved. There is a lot of evidence of this in the form of high-profile attacks on politicians and public figures.

All this, plus endless corruption scandals, directly indicates that the country’s law enforcement system is ineffective.”

We can endlessly debate whether the world is ready to know the truth, but it is almost impossible to hide the reality of the existence of UFOs. When almost everyone has a smartphone camera with them, which can capture any strange or interesting events, it's much harder for aliens (or government agents...) to hide from us.

“When in doubt, read books, study the press, try to understand what is really going on. There is no doubt that we are being visited,” says former astronaut Edgar Mitchell. However, the official disclosure of all cards has a dark side that ufologists do not want to accept. What will we have to endure if aliens show their faces?

1. Culture shock and panic

Although many people are not interested in the topic of aliens, and others do not believe that there is anything in the UFO videos other than government spy satellites and weather balloons, the reality of the existence of extraterrestrial life will be a real shock to most earthlings. Some will have their ideals destroyed, and others will be horrified that they have been deceived for 60 years or more (if we consider the Roswell incident to be the first major fact of concealing the truth).

When people realize how important information the authorities kept secret from them, mass protests will begin. Of course, governments will present themselves as defenders of humanity, but they will not be able to win our trust again soon .

2. Aliens may be too advanced or different from us

Accordingly, people may seem too wild or primitive to aliens. Some scientists believe that it is not worth revealing anything, much less inviting visitors from space to our planet with all sorts of messages, since the chances are high that the aliens will be interested exclusively in our natural resources.

“If aliens visit us, the result may be similar to the consequences of Columbus’s visit to America. Not a very healthy event for Native Americans...” warns Stephen Hawking. Carl Jung wrote back in 1954 that if the truth were to be revealed, humanity would be in the same position as the savage tribes were in during the period of colonization. We will never be able to reach the controls again.

3. What if aliens are people from the future?

What if the so-called aliens are our descendants who survived the processes of evolution? If this is so, then direct contacts are not only undesirable, but also dangerous, because they can provoke the so-called “time travel paradox” or “butterfly effect.” Scientists suggest that by returning to the past, you can change it and see the future completely different from how you knew it. This sounds fantastic, but indirect evidence already exists that aliens among us are visitors from the future.

During the Rendlesham Forest incident in 1980, Sergeant James Penniston received a coded telepathic message while in contact with an alien ship. Many years later, the data was deciphered, and the words “use of humanity”, “to improve the planet” and the date 8100 were found in it. There is no more surprising and unexplored category than time. Even the most eminent scientists cannot fully understand it, just as they cannot prove the impossibility of time travel.

Albert Einstein was obsessed with this idea. Stephen Hawking noted that technically, traveling into the future is possible if you reach the speed of light or are close to an object of enormous mass, for example, near a black hole. However, he denies traveling to the past, precisely because of the time paradox. But who can say that scientists who will be born hundreds of thousands of years later will not be able to realize the idea of ​​traveling to the past?

Look at the progress humanity has made in just last century. Can we imagine the science of the distant future? Will these future people even have a linear sense of time? Or will further developments in quantum physics show them that the past and future do not exist?

4. Revealing the truth is access to high technologies for which people are not yet ready.

If we look at the events of the recent past, we can say that man and high technology are a monkey with a grenade. Our civilization is too nervous and too cruel to become part of an intelligent interplanetary community, and we are excellent at turning any scientific discovery into weapons. Some ufologists believe that we have already acquired these skills - during the Roswell disaster.

Witnesses say the US military immediately collected the remains of the crashed ship to use in new developments. Stealth aircraft may be the brainchild of an alien intelligence. Researcher Philip Corso in his book “The Day After Roswell” says that other alien developments are still used in military equipment USA.


This is perhaps the most dangerous aspect of uncovering UFO mysteries. What if the American or any other government does not let us know the whole truth, but only shows selected passages? What if this information is given in the wrong context to minimize panic and fear? What if meeting aliens becomes a pretext for artificial deployment? new war, this time – interplanetary?

The government will carry out just a couple of attacks, and people will unquestioningly believe that aliens have come to kill us - just as the events of September 11, 2001 were the reason for the military invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. According to many accounts, some UFOs are indeed the work of the authorities. Using these ships and various special effects, they can stage a full-fledged attack. Psychologically, we are already prepared for such a scenario.

Look at the cinema of recent years. Most blockbusters have dealt with the theme of alien invasion, from 1996's Independence Day to Battle of Los Angeles, The Avengers, Dark Skies (2012) and Pacific Rim (2013). The launch of weapons into space has already been prepared.

Guns placed in orbit will protect us from asteroids and comets. They are the main cosmic threat today, but what will happen tomorrow? The US government has been preparing for war with aliens since Ronald Reagan and his popular UN speech on the topic in 1987. It is possible that those in power will try to unite humanity under the banner of fighting the invaders, using aliens as the new universal scapegoat. People should be aware that they may be facing a fake alien invasion.

We cannot rely on our government and religious leaders. Only understanding people should warn each other about impending misinformation. Undoubtedly, the importance of revealing the truth cannot be denied. But what is frightening is that the authorities will use this truth for their own purposes. Dr. Wernher von Braun, one of the founders of modern rocket science and the “father” of American space program, warned his colleagues about the US government's plans to stage "star wars". He said that space weapons technology will develop at a speed that few can imagine.

By the time we realize what is happening, it will be too late. If aliens are on earth and we are destined to find out about it, such shocking and important information should not come to humanity in a distorted form. No one can take away our right to truth, but we must prepare for such changes.

Eden Shetiya (Disclose.tv), translation by Kristina Plakhova.

In contact with

“Exposing deceitful scientists and academicians!”, “Forbidden knowledge about the world around us!”, “Science is guarding the interests of power!”, “Scheme of a scientific conspiracy,” “Sinister methods of the scientific community,” “Secret knowledge cannot be hidden!”

I’m sure everyone has already encountered similar flashy headlines and the readers of what is written under them. If you try to visualize the ideas of some citizens about scientists and their activities, they will look something like this:

The time has come for me to do my bit, and I also decided to tear off the veil a little from the shining body of truth.

A certain part of citizens has a strong belief in the existence of a dark conspiracy of silence, concealment and falsification of true knowledge. Adherents of the “conspiracy of scientists” version believe that instead of true knowledge, scientific knowledge is brazenly concocted, which in fact is simply scientific and splurge, and they are created for the convenience of defrauding the redneck masses. I will list the most basic and frequent accusations against science, which seem to confirm the existence of a conspiracy:

No. 1. There is an agreement between scientists to hide certain things that are extremely inconvenient for official science knowledge. Scientists are taking such steps because science is extremely conservative, inert, businessmen from science make money on this topic, and too much will have to be revised and canceled, which is uncomfortable and unpleasant.

No. 2. Somewhere in deeply secret storerooms, special storage facilities, secret libraries and gloomy basements, manuscripts, tablets or objects that overturn the entire building sadly languish modern science, but they are not shown for reason No. 1

No. 3. Science is extremely inaccurate, often wrong, and largely untrustworthy for reasons #1 and #2. Therefore, you can trust her only in certain cases, or it is better not to trust her at all. It automatically follows from this that any craziest hypothesis or version has equal rights with scientific theories. Moreover, the fact that people do not have education in the field in which they develop their ideas does not matter.

I answer point by point

No. 1. Scientists' conspiracy. And also: hushing up secrets, hiding artifacts, destroying inconvenient inventions, serving the authorities. (First, let’s define it. A scientist is a representative of science who carries out meaningful activities to form a scientific picture of the world, whose activities and qualifications have been recognized by the scientific community, a person who studies objective reality empirically and operates only with facts that can be reliably confirmed or refuted, a specialist in any scientific field and made a real contribution to it).

A little about my experience of communicating with scientists. My place of work is as a caretaker at the largest archaeological complex and every year I have to communicate with scientists from different fields, some come for work, others just to relax. I can say that it would be difficult to find more dissimilar people. I can’t resist telling you about one funny incident. This happened three years ago, a group of tourists arrived, as usual, and began wandering around the rocks, when suddenly a man separated from the group. Walking straight up to me with decisive steps, he immediately called out his first and last name and asked menacingly, “What did I read from him?” Somewhat confused by such pressure, I answered, “nothing,” and asked, “why should I suddenly read it?” To which he replied that he is a very prominent scientist and I must know him. Right there he literally handed me a thick book to look at, which he carried with him everywhere, on which it was written that he was its author and that he had a lot of all sorts of respectable scientific titles. The next year, I got into a conversation with his colleague, who came to us and worked with him at one time. She said that he is indeed a great specialist in his field, but he has an extremely inflated sense of his own importance. She even remembered a funny episode, how he, having thrown a scandal, demanded from the board publishing a textbook for students in his specialty that he, along with the great classical scientists, be mentioned on the first pages as the founder of this science.

There were other unusual individuals, for example, over the years I came across several times people with Ph.D. and other titles, after communicating with whom it was clear that they peacefully coexisted belief in mystical phenomena and at the same time critical-rational thinking.

The absolute majority among scientists are, of course, ordinary, normal individuals and they have as many oddities and peculiarities as all other people. The only significant difference from the majority is the desire to learn, professionally realized in constant scientific activity. Based on my observations, I can say with absolute certainty that most scientists are interested in the process of cognition itself, and not in the benefits that their status provides. Every scientist, no less than an alternative scientist, painfully wants to know the secrets and mysteries of the universe, it is this desire that brings most people to science. That is, their activities are mainly in the name of an idea and there are simply no tools or incentives to force scientists to unite in the name of serving something. Unite them all with a conspiracy or any other idea (except the idea scientific knowledge world) is completely technically impossible. The global conspiracy of scientists is as absurd as, for example, the conspiracy of nursing mothers, bald taxi drivers or the residents of all the houses on the 3rd floor.

No. 2. Conservatism of science. (And also its inertia, obscurantism, anti-innovation, closed-mindedness, reactionaryness, ignorance). There are countless cases of supposedly ignorant conservatism; I’ll briefly talk about the three most famous. Non-existent meteorites, harmful bacteria, motionless continents.

In 1768, on September 13 in the region. A meteorite fell in Lucay, France, with a large number of witnesses. The Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris had already received similar evidence before, and they finally decided to look into it. A commission was created, which included well-known scientists at that time: mineralogist Fougereau, pharmacist Cadet and physicist Lavoisier. The evidence of people, as well as the stones themselves, were examined in detail. Afterwards, a report was published in the Physical Journal for 1777. In a detailed report it was said that the stone could not have fallen from the sky - this is an invention of eyewitnesses, it is of terrestrial nature and that it does have some unusual properties, but most likely due to the fact that it was struck by lightning. In 1803, after a meteorite fell in Normandy, again on behalf of the (renamed because of the revolution) academy, the physicist Biot compiled an accurate description of its fall. After this, the reality of the existence of meteorites was recognized.

Early 20th century a large number of doctors believed that many human organs were unnecessary, and all bacteria were harmful. This is what the biologist wrote and Nobel laureate Ilya Mechnikov in his “Studies on Nature”: “Now there is nothing daring in the assertion that not only the cecum with its appendage, but even all human colons are superfluous in our body and that their removal would lead to very desirable results.” Considered useless or even harmful: tonsils, appendix, thymus, pineal gland, etc. There were widespread views that the removal of these organs prevents poisoning of the body by waste products of putrefactive bacteria. The practice of mass removal of some of these organs was widespread until the 1950s. Afterwards, it gradually became clear that bacteria are necessary for the functioning of the body and that each organ has its own useful function. All organs were rehabilitated, the last being the tonsils. At the end of the 20th century, it was convincingly proven that they are one of the barriers to pathogenic microbes, in which protective proteins are produced. And the practice of mass removal of them from people was recognized as erroneous. For example, in the USA in the 1930s, more than half of children had their tonsils removed, i.e. in tens of millions of people.

Until the 1960s, the “contraction hypothesis” prevailed - in it, all geological processes on Earth were explained by processes of decreasing its volume, i.e. compression. It was believed that it is compression that forms folds, mountains, cracks, faults and all other features of the landscape. In 1912 L.A. Wegener (German meteorologist and geologist) presented his hypothesis at a meeting of the German Geological Association in Frankfurt am Main. In it, based on the data and observations he collected, he suggested that all continents were moving slowly in horizontal directions. This hypothesis immediately had some supporters. But the scientific community completely rejected this theory. In the 1960s, a huge amount of new data was obtained about the structure of the earth (a detailed map of the world ocean floor was compiled, the convection speed of magma was measured - 1 cm per year, inversions were discovered magnetic field, the fact of the movement of continental plates was established - with the help of precise measurements, etc.) As a result, Wegener's hypothesis, with some clarifications, was recognized as correct. Now it is generally accepted and is constantly updated with new data.

What does all this tell us? Firstly, in recognizing what is wrong (from the point of view modern knowledge) theories science was at that time in its own right, since then (with that level of tools, knowledge, methods and experience) these theories the best way explained the world without attracting unnecessary entities in the form of mysticism and incomprehensibility. Here we need to explain a little: the purpose of any scientific theory is to economically explain as many facts as possible. If a theory appears that explains an even larger number of facts and in even shorter and more understandable formulations, then it will inevitably replace the previous one. This is the essence of science and this is the course of the evolution of scientific views. Therefore, calls to recognize any (mystical, alternative, esoteric, etc.) theory without a sufficient number of facts to confirm it look quite strange. It is usually argued that science will only benefit from this and become more useful. But such actions will be as absurd as attempts to attach to the board spaceship horse and cart, in the hope that their combined traction will increase the overall efficiency of the entire facility.

This is largely why science has made such progress over the years. recent years 200, which has gotten rid of appendages in the form of magic, mysticism, etc. and fundamentally does not engage in research, cannot be reliably measured and researched.

Secondly, there is another feature of science that many people do not like and is a frequent reason for its accusations. Sometimes it happens that there are a certain number of firmly established facts, but still they are not enough to create a theory on their basis. In this case, the problem is simply left for later and, as it were, pushed into a distant drawer - until more facts accumulate and technical capabilities grow. So, for example, it happened with the mass of the universe; they more or less learned to calculate it by the 1950s, but the result was a huge discrepancy with the observed picture. In the early 2000s, large teams undertook targeted large-scale research in this direction using all available possibilities (a network of telescopes, powerful computers, launching space probes, etc.) as a result, dark matter was discovered and dark energy, which explained gravitational anomalies (but ultimately raised even more other questions about the nature of itself), which led to a revision of the model of the universe.

No. 3. Not the precision of science. It should be noted right away that none of the adequate scientists ever claims the complete infallibility of scientific theories. Each of them has its weak points and blind spots. But the fact of the matter is that in any theory of alternativeists (when compared with a scientific theory) there are an order of magnitude more weaknesses and blind spots. Well, then, scientists always recognize the unconditional right of alternative theories to compete with scientific ones, and even more so the right to their existence. But here important condition– they must be well-worked with the involvement of scientific methods. Unfortunately, most of what alternative figures offer cannot even be called a scientific theory; rather, it is some kind of information garbage that grew up on fried, rather than verifiable facts.

You can also often hear the accusation that science does not evaluate, study, consider, or at least expose the many alternative theories that continuously generate many figures and which then find a lively response from some part of the citizens. But this is also easy to explain. One of the generally accepted rules of dialogue looks like this: “the burden of evidence should always lie on the approving side.” Imagine the following situation: a group of people were seated opposite you, giving them the task of telling you all their theories for a couple of hours. And you were given the task of refuting or confirming them. And so you sit, and all these two hours, every ten seconds, they shout out a new ridiculous idea for the structure of the universe. Will you have time to sort them all out and answer them adequately? Science is in the same situation, the number and variety of non-scientific hypotheses is such that even 100 times more There are not enough scientists to expose all this. And it is not the function of science to directly combat illiterate theories.
