We improve ourselves. How to improve my self Is it possible to improve my self

Improving oneself is not an easy path, but those who have embarked on it and continue to go in this direction believe that this is the main goal in human life. Self-improvement includes key tasks, and each of us must cope with them. How to improve my self?

Take responsibility - this is the first thing to do for a person who has begun to cultivate himself. Take responsibility for your life into your own hands, stop blaming other people and circumstances for your failures. Everything that is happening now with you and who you are is only your merit, and you alone can change everything.

You need to choose the direction in which you have to move through life or any of its large-scale segments. Such a difficult decision must be carefully considered. You need to connect your logic and intuition, take into account your aspirations, dreams and talents.

You don't have to limit yourself to anything. This is primarily about the absence of any framework that you can build yourself. The main thing is faith in yourself, and then there is no room for an excuse why you cannot do something. You can do everything.

Have patience. The results do not come immediately, everything takes time, so do not be upset if you do not see a momentary result. Quick results are usually deceptive, it usually takes time to see that your efforts have justified your expectations.

Improving my self

Every day that you live does not pass just like that - every day you get a lot of useful experience that you must not miss and learn with high quality. Do not miss all the important moments that happen in life, and draw the right conclusions in a timely manner.

Eastern wisdom says that if you sow a habit, you will reap a character. Create daily positive habits that will eventually replace all negative ones. For example: daily reading, walking, meditation, keeping a diary of events - all this will positively affect your life.

Stop being afraid. On the way to the top, it is fear that stops us, it does not allow us to take the next step and rolls us back a few positions. Look at fear and you will stop being afraid - with such an attitude it is easy to do what you need.

How to improve my self? Another wisdom that must be remembered and used is the one that says: what thoughts, such is the world. Even if you are thinking about something difficult or unpleasant, tune your mind only positively. Adjust your view accordingly, as all things are determined by which side we look at them.

In addition to thoughts, life creates our environment, it moves and nourishes it. It is necessary to make sure that there are people around you who can inspire and please you, with whom you can exchange positive energy and do what you love. After communicating with such people, you will grow internally and feel harmony - this is exactly what is necessary for your personal self-improvement.

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Personal development is not rocket science. It can be developed gradually and slowly. Even the little things you do or the effort you put in have a much bigger impact on your life than you think. It all depends on how YOU want others to perceive you.

To improve our personality, we offer the following 21-step program, created on a daily basis.

Day 1: explore yourself

At some point we all wonder what we are or who we really are. If you are able to find the answer to this question, consider that you have already overcome half of the obstacles. If not, you must analyze yourself and understand what you are passionate about. When you start doing things that you love, you feel positive vibes. Then people begin to notice you, recognize you, appreciate your work and much more. In the end, you will gain experience in your favorite business and be able to become the best in your field.

Analyze what makes you happy in both your personal and professional life. You will instantly feel the difference when you start doing the things you love the most.

Day 2: Observe the people around you

There is no better way to understand yourself and life around than observation. Each combines both advantages and disadvantages at the same time. If you are attracted to a person, try to find out exactly what qualities attract you to him, what positive aspects he has, why others like him or what causes admiration of others. This activity will allow you to find the good qualities in the person you meet, and you will be able to realize these good qualities in yourself. The more merit you have, the better your personality.

Day 3: Be bold and ready to explore

To improve, always ask yourself the question: “Where am I today?”. It's not about the physical space, but about the internal state. If you feel like you can't get a valid answer, analyze where you went wrong or what prevented you from getting what you really wanted. We all create comfort zones, whether at home or at work, and then try not to leave them. Try to abandon this zone. Get out there and see how many adventures life has in store for you. It's fun and exciting to do what you really want and not be shielded by a shield that limits you and your options. Meet new people, go on adventures and be confident in what you do. Take your time, but be sure to move forward!

Day 4: Love and Praise Yourself

Have you congratulated yourself for doing something good? If you haven't done it yet, start right now! There is no better feeling than complimenting yourself when you did something really well. Compliments always have a positive effect, and when you give them to yourself, you know that you really DID a great job. Praise makes you feel upbeat, happy, and helps bring other people closer to you. Don't forget that you DESERVE the admiration and interest of others!

Day 5: Admit your mistakes

We are all human, and humans make mistakes. Accept the fact that no one is perfect, not even you. Admitting even one mistake is a really big step in personal development. Trying to be a perfectionist, you only doom yourself to a series of disappointments and constant dissatisfaction with both your own life and the world around you.

Day 6: Live a conscious life

Spend time only on what is important for you and others at the same time. Stop worrying about failure. Only they will help you understand how you can become better. Don't get distracted by TV programs or computer games that aren't helpful, but only make you feel sluggish and exhausted. Once you start living life in a conscious way, you will attract more positive experiences to you.

Day 7: Choose optimistic people

We are our thoughts and actions that are influenced by others. Always try to be with people who see only the positive in life and are more willing to help you change your mindset. Avoid people who are always pessimistic about life. They will only burden you with doubts and you will not be able to achieve anything.

Day 8: Expand your horizon

If you want others to see you as an interesting person, you must become one. And the acquisition of knowledge is one of the best methods. Cultivate the habit of collecting additional information. It can cover anything that interests you. Reading books, articles, communicating with people - all these are different ways of obtaining information and improving knowledge, which in the end will make you an interesting person and a great conversationalist.

Day 9: Be yourself

Never pretend to be someone you are not. People hate to be deceived and you should understand that they can easily recognize if you are real or hiding behind a mask. People appreciate the real you, not you as an actor. There is a big difference between these concepts. Therefore, develop an interesting personality in yourself so that you do not have to flaunt an empty image.

Day 10: Learn something new

Your mind is like a big sponge, absorbing more and more as you feed it. Explore all sorts of things from different areas of life. Never underestimate yourself as if you can't learn more. Learn something new, find new hobbies, read unfamiliar books, etc. - and you can discover unexpected talents and qualities in yourself that others will notice and appreciate. Information rejuvenates the mind and opens up new perspectives for you.

Day 11: Be positive

Think about what kind of people you would like to be friends with: a person with a sense of humor and a positive attitude towards life, or someone who constantly whines and complains? Similarly, if you are the person who openly complains about everything, people won't reach out to you. You must face all your problems. Therefore, there is no point in thinking about them. Instead, develop the habit of being a positive, fun-loving person all the time that makes your friends laugh. Only then will you be welcomed wholeheartedly in all companies.

Day 12: Believe in yourself

Doubt makes you give up, so believe in yourself! Repeat this every day and you will see how your life will change. Everything you dream of can be achieved, you just need to believe in your own strength.

Day 13: Find a role model

We are all, to some extent, influenced by one person or another. And all because we like their personality. Watch them, take advice from them, listen to the answers to questions. In times of crisis, this is the best way to improve your own personality.

Day 14: Exude confidence

Most people confuse personality with appearance. Personality does not mean being smart and looking pretty. It's too easy. But the confidence in your eyes, the cruelty in your voice, and your body language are exactly the traits that characterize the right kind of personality. Keep working on it, because confidence is the key to success. Such personalities always attract others to them.

Day 15: Variety

Life rules, social norms, guidelines that will help change personality - all this quickly gets boring. Mix your daily routine with spicy, unexpected and even a little crazy activities. Then your life will become bright and exciting, and the process of self-improvement will not seem boring and routine.

Day 16: Don't scream

People who talk loudly look too noisy and annoying. When in society, you must know how and when to speak. Speak softly but firmly. This will demonstrate your self-confidence and diplomacy.

Day 17: Know when to get into an argument

Sometimes your opinion may differ from the opinion of others, and this does not mean that only you are right, and the other person is not. Accept the views of others, because you yourself can be wrong. People will respect you for understanding, not trying to impose their views.

Day 18: Help other people

Sometimes, your friends or those to whom you are attached can get into a difficult situation. Protect them and they will be grateful for the rest of their lives. This shows that you care about them and are ready to help at any time, and such people are respected and admired.

Day 19: Improve your body language

Body language is one of the first things people judge you on. Make eye contact when you communicate, it demonstrates your confidence and openness. Never speak while looking down at your feet, but keep your head high. Stand tall, never slouch. Always smile pleasantly, because it does not require extra effort, but it has a great return.

Day 20: Motivate yourself

Motivating yourself and others is the best tool in improving the personality of a person, which creates positive waves around himself and attracts others. In addition, self-motivation contributes to the achievement of goals and makes a person successful.

Day 21: Build your brand

If you are unique and different from others, people will remember you even if they have only met you once. Leaving behind a brand is the best way to make sure you are a GREAT PERSON.

We have the power to shape our characters the way we want. When we develop ourselves, we improve not only our own personality, but also the people around us. I hope this simple article will help those who are looking for ways to improve their personality. Implement it and you will see noticeable changes in yourself!

You get exactly what you deserve and not a drop more. You yourself came to such a life, physical appearance, work, wallet thickness and relationships with girls.

What steps have you taken for a beautiful press and athletic appearance? What courses did you take and what did you study for a new job? How hard have you been working and what new things have you tried? Have you brought your appearance to an attractive state for girls by starting to dress well, take care of yourself and keep cleanliness?

Any achievement is the result of our actions. If you only dream of being athletic and rich before going to bed, and do nothing, there will be no success. Come up with a dream and go for it, and not sit on your ass and dream about it.

1. Desire to succeed

How much do you want to achieve your dreams? Have everything that is in your imaginary world? Only laziness and fear of the unknown stand in your way. If the desire to succeed is real, then a person achieves what he dreams of.

2. Change the environment

Each person presents an averaged version of their five closest friends. If your comrades only have booze and women on their minds, then nothing good will come of it. Surround yourself with new people. Those who go in for sports, go to trainings and look for ways to realize themselves. Change your environment and your lifestyle. Look for strong, confident and proactive friends. Then you will reach out to them and grow.

3. Work hard

Start working, or rather work hard. Stop idly wandering around and doing nothing. Eagerly absorb knowledge and develop while others drink and hang out. Invest in your development, education and opportunities, not iPhones and show-offs. Start the path to your dream today. Everyone is afraid of failure, but there is nothing worse than realizing at the age of 70 that you didn’t take a risk and didn’t try what you dreamed of all your life.

I am not a supporter of imposing my opinion on anyone, so this material is the result of a good spring morning and the inspiration that came to me.

I believe that you need to develop yourself at any age and constantly raise the bar with new goals and objectives: learn to sing, drive a car, earn a million for the first time, spend it, learn the language of the country where you are going for the winter, learn to relax and enjoy life ... perhaps , everyone can replenish the list for a long time. Therefore, the importance of developing yourself on your own and with the help of other people is difficult to overestimate - and more on that.

What does it mean to develop yourself

The fact that you need to develop yourself as a person today they say, starting almost from kindergarten. Moreover, what I don’t particularly like, many people tell what this development should be like and what it should be based on only from their experience and from their own bell tower.

I am convinced that you need to develop yourself regularly, and each age has its own characteristics of this process. Speaking about what it means to develop oneself, I would immediately like to dwell on the fact that this is a complex concept, which is based on such fundamental points:

  • Development of oneself as a person;
  • Develop yourself creatively, intellectually and spiritually;
  • To improve in a certain social sphere;
  • Development of oneself as a representative of a business or a certain profession.

Plus, your role in the family, in the social world, and even your reputation is taken into account.

How much does it cost to develop yourself

Many philosophers have been looking for and are looking for answers to this question, but they cannot offer us a universal recipe suitable for everyone. Maybe it's for the better, because everyone's comfort zone is different, and its boundaries cannot be fit into a certain framework.

It is important to understand that development is a continuous process, just at each stage there are new goals and tasks to solve.

I would like to emphasize that development at 3 years is no less important than development at 25. Many of our habits, inclinations and even creative moments are instilled from early childhood, so why not constantly develop and improve them. And here we are talking about hunger (in the good sense of the word), about creative, spiritual, intellectual hunger, when, feeling thirsty, you strive to fill yourself with fresh water. First you are satiated with a few drops, and then one glass is not enough for you.

Types of self-development

Open any textbook on psychology or NLP and you will see such a huge classification of types of self-development that you will be surprised that such aspects even exist. And let you call me a conservative, in some sense of the word, but I will focus on 5 main points that are important to me, and in which directions I try to develop myself every day. At the same time, a useful addition will be material on how to find yourself, which contains the main tools to help you find your real self.

Today, it is often said that the process of teaching a child and an adult (in particular at a university) should be turned into a fun game, thereby triggering development mechanisms. It’s hard to disagree with this, because, remember, when we first took a felt-tip pen or a brush for drawing - a masterpiece, to put it mildly, was so-so, but each time our skills improved and our skills became more conscious. Among what develops me, I can single out the desire to discover new countries, because the local color, traditions, and inhabitants strongly influence and set me in a creative mood.

Professional Development

In order to develop yourself in this way, the main focus should not be on school, university, technical school or academy. The question is that there you will be given certain skills and abilities, but how useful will they be to you in your further development? If you asked me how I developed myself from a professional point of view, I would say that I used the “5 P” rule (brought it myself, dear readers and investors. Use it to your health)

  • Adopted the experience and knowledge of others;
  • Practiced and experimented;
  • Traveled;
  • Enjoyed life;
  • Looking positively into the future.

This set of mental practices will help you develop yourself in different areas, because you must admit that you always want to be an active person who can support a conversation about music, travels around the world, learns new languages, and has information about what is generally in the world of finance happens, and knows how the ether is mined, and how the lagman is prepared.

sports development

In a healthy body healthy mind! Therefore, I am convinced that along with intellectual, professional and creative development, one should not forget about its sporty appearance. No one wants to walk at 30 and feel 50 years old, so from my own experience I’ll say that a light but regular sports load, frequent walks, swimming have not harmed anyone, but they have significantly improved both external forms and mood.

intellectual development

I believe that a person is not obliged to know everything, after all, he is not Wikipedia, and no one forces him to be one. But learning new things, striving to learn something new is an important tool in self-development. That is why I always offer readers materials from various fields, from how to choose a miner for cryptocurrency mining to what remote work is, and how to completely reformat your life in order to receive income and not be a cog in the office system.

Important: It's never too late to learn and it's never a shame. Learning is fun and necessary throughout one's life. Do not be afraid to ask questions, the answers to them are your suitcase of knowledge.

Meditation, relaxation techniques, rest, healthy, calm and regular sleep help to develop spiritually and enjoy life. Sometimes something needs to happen in life to understand that developing oneself spiritually is just as important and essential as engaging in external or mental improvement.

Among many of my acquaintances who regularly relax, practice spiritual practices, change their place of residence and have a positive outlook on life, almost all of them are positive and optimistic people who give the world solar energy, and the world gives them a hundredfold.

Among the main features of spiritual development is faith in the best and healthy egoism. You cannot become calm and enjoy life if you do not receive it directly from yourself.

Combining all these types of self-development, one can live as a harmonious person who inspires others and also receives positive energy from others.

How much do you need to develop yourself

The answer to this question directly depends on what you want to get out of life, what small and global goals you are pursuing, and how well you have the tools to achieve them. I am convinced that this should be done throughout life and constantly increase the tasks, as well as hone them for a certain age and needs. At the same time, I am also sure that our close environment helps to develop ourselves and directly affects our harmonious portrait as individuals.

That is why it is always so reverent to watch the Oscars ceremony, when the winners thank those who have been there throughout this journey. Although, it is worth noting that everyone in life has certain crises that require a solution, and sometimes, having reached a certain such an alluring goal, it becomes lazy to develop oneself further and one wants to fold one's hands and do nothing. In this case, I give myself one day of good rest - without work, the Internet, mobile and news - I enjoy the rest, and after a couple of days such a depressive state abruptly disappears.

I think, dear readers of GQ Blog Monitor, you definitely like to develop yourself creatively, especially since there are a lot of ways to do this. One of them can be considered a series of webinars that will start in May. As part of these online practices, we will explore the main types of personality, character and behavior, as well as how they affect our world and our investment policies.

Traditionally, putting a dot in the material from the heading “Thoughts”, I would replace it with three dots. I wish you to develop yourself from different sides and get indescribable pleasure from it. And since the material ends with an ellipsis - an open ending, your helpful comments and valuable tips below it will help make it more complete and informative.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov argued that "everything in a person should be beautiful: the face, and clothes, and the soul, and thoughts." It is difficult to argue with the great classic, and besides, there is nothing to do: modern technologies easily solve problems with the first two points (face and clothes), and Elle Girl tells what to do with the other two.

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Choose who you will look up to. When embarking on a complex plan to work on yourself, you first need to understand in which direction to move. To do this, you need to decide on the authority - the person you would like to be like. Ideally, we are not talking about one person, but several at once: we are all not perfect, and by choosing one single idol, you run the risk of sooner or later coming face to face with his shortcomings, which are unlikely to please you. Therefore, it is much more effective to find your authority in each of the areas. For example, you want to be more sociable - and you know that your friend Masha is literally the soul of the company. And you also like people with a good sense of humor - and this is where your boyfriend is a real pro. So you have a lot to learn from them. Don't be shy about telling people (especially those close to you!) what qualities you find attracted to them, and don't be afraid to ask appropriate questions. As for alignment with the stars, it is certainly better than nothing. However, you cannot know what celebrities are like in real life - which means that you risk living with false ideals.

Find your hobby. Hobbies are another necessary item in this regard. And there is no need to convince us that you are not a creative person at all, and nothing suits you. Hobbies are not only drawing or singing. You can collect coins, learn how to make a professional make-up or go hiking in the mountains.

It does not matter at all what your hobby will be - the main thing is that you will do it with your soul.

You will see, you will soon have like-minded people, and a new calling will provide new goals in life, the successful achievement of which will make you stronger and cooler.

Read as much as possible. Long lists of literature for the summer are the nightmare of most students. However, teachers are not tyrants (although sometimes it seems that the opposite is true) and, trying from a young age to instill a love of literature, they act in your interests. Reading at least broadens one's horizons, increases vocabulary, improves the quality of speech and distracts from pressing problems. As a maximum, it helps to find goals in life and cope with difficult situations (even in classical literature, you will surely find examples that surprisingly coincide with your problem, which seems to you the end of the world).

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Get a diary. Some at the word "diary" make a displeased grimace, remembering the overly romantic young ladies who write all sorts of nonsense in their diary. In fact, firstly, it helps to learn how to express your thoughts, secondly, to get rid of unnecessary emotions (this is how you pronounce it, but at the same time do not pour out your negativity on the unfortunate listener) and, thirdly, monitor your progress and failures (this knowledge teaches to draw competent conclusions from any relationship, adjust goals in life and generally enjoy the little things).

Time that you could have spent sleeping, reading, or hobbies is wasted by typing “ahahah” on your keyboard in response to another meme that you will forget in an hour.

At the same time, communication as such, of course, should be an important part of your life - but we are talking about face-to-face contacts. Agree, even the time spent on such a seemingly ordinary activity as shopping with a girlfriend is remembered with more warmth than the same two hours spent in a group chat.

Make lists. If you really want to work on yourself, then you can't do without lists. First of all, we are talking about lists with your goals. Second, make lists of what you want to read/watch/buy. And, thirdly, do not forget about the lists with the necessary things for the day. It may sound wildly dull, but try it - and you will feel an incomparable sense of satisfaction when you put ticks next to each other in front of completed items. At such moments comes the confidence that you can do any difficulties.

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Train your memory. Up to several dozen different thoughts can rush through our head in a minute. To structure this chaotic flow, the brain has to strain, but without the help of memory, all its efforts are in vain. So memory is an important tool necessary for self-development.

One of the most effective and useful ways to train your memory is to learn foreign languages.

You can also memorize quotes from books and movies, play games that involve brainstorming (like chess), and for the laziest, give up taking notes on your iPhone, which leave our memory without work.

Don't forget about sports. In a healthy body healthy mind! Remember this? If not, then it's time to remember your physical education teacher and start doing at least five minutes of exercises in the morning. Sport not only improves health, but also disciplines, helps to distract from bad thoughts and, again, find like-minded people. In addition, after an effective workout, as a rule, you feel such an increase that it seems you can move mountains.
