Bogdanov Mikhail Nikolaevich. Large biographical encyclopedia. CJSC "Ural Radio Stations"

(1878-1919) - famous Buryat public figure, historian and ethnographer. Genus. in a family descended from the North Baikal Buryats. After graduating from the city school in Irkutsk, B. entered the teacher's institute in Kazan, but, dissatisfied with the institute, he left it. Subsequently, B. listened to lectures as a volunteer at Tomsk University, studying issues of philosophy, law and history, then went abroad. In Berlin, he attended lectures by Berlin professors. Classified as a Russian by the Berlin police. to the students of the Social Democrats, who were expelled from Prussia at that time as a restless element, B. was, along with other Russians. students expelled from Berlin. He moved to Zurich, worked at the University of Zurich, but due to lack of funds he was forced to return to Russia. Here, in order to get acquainted with the life and way of life of the Mongolian masses, B. wandered around the Kalmyk nomads, studying the life and characteristics of various Mongolian peoples. He studied with particular interest the history and ethnography of his people, looking for ways to resolve issues of their economic and cultural development. To this end, B., in addition to scientific studies in history and ethnography, took part in resolving practical economic issues. In 1909-1913 he carried out work on land management among Khakassians, in the former Minusinsk district, to regulate the use of irrigation facilities that were in the hands of the rich. In addition, B. worked as an inspector of small loans in Transbaikalia, for cooperation, while simultaneously occupying the position of assistant to the volost clerk (Tsugolskaya vol.).

According to their own political views B. adjoined the s.-r. After February Revolution 1917 B., which was very popular among Buryat and Russian. population of Transbaikalia, was elected to a number of responsible positions - chairman of the committee of public and political organizations, regional commissioner, as well as a member of the Constituent Assembly. During civil war, being forced to hide from the White Guards, B. settled in the depths of Buryatia. At the end of 1919 he was killed in Chita by the White Guards, on the orders of Ataman Semenov.

Among B.'s works, a number of valuable ethnographic essays should be noted in Izvestia of the East Siberian Department of the Geographical Society and in the newspaper Sibir (under the pseudonym N. Tostazhakov); articles on Buryat issues in the newspaper "Siberia", under the pseudonym Gaigan Tsyzhenov, in "Izvestia" of the West Siberian Department of the Geographical Society, etc.; "Essays on the history of the Buryat-Mongol people"; interesting job on issues of land use and land management of the Buryats, published in the form of a “memorandum” (ed. Tsugolsky volost government), and then a number of articles on issues of cooperative construction. Most of the works date from the period 1909-13.

(1878-1919) - famous Buryat public figure, historian and ethnographer. Genus. in a family descended from the North Baikal Buryats. After graduating from the city school in Irkutsk, B. entered the teacher's institute in Kazan, but, dissatisfied with the institute, he left it. Subsequently, B. listened to lectures as a volunteer at Tomsk University, studying issues of philosophy, law and history, then went abroad. In Berlin, he attended lectures by Berlin professors. Classified as a Russian by the Berlin police. to the students of the Social Democrats, who were expelled from Prussia at that time as a restless element, B. was, along with other Russians. students expelled from Berlin. He moved to Zurich, worked at the University of Zurich, but due to lack of funds he was forced to return to Russia. Here, in order to get acquainted with the life and way of life of the Mongolian masses, B. wandered around the Kalmyk nomads, studying the life and characteristics of various Mongolian peoples. He studied with particular interest the history and ethnography of his people, looking for ways to resolve issues of their economic and cultural development. To this end, B., in addition to scientific studies in history and ethnography, took part in resolving practical economic issues. In 1909-1913 he carried out work on land management among Khakassians, in the former Minusinsk district, to regulate the use of irrigation facilities that were in the hands of the rich. In addition, B. worked as an inspector of small loans in Transbaikalia, for cooperation, while simultaneously occupying the position of assistant to the volost clerk (Tsugolskaya vol.).

In his political views, B. was aligned with the Socialist-Revolutionary. After the February Revolution of 1917, B., which was very popular among the Buryat and Russian. population of Transbaikalia, was elected to a number of responsible positions - chairman of the committee of public and political organizations, regional commissioner, as well as a member of the Constituent Assembly. During the civil war, being forced to hide from the White Guards, B. settled in the depths of Buryatia. At the end of 1919 he was killed in Chita by the White Guards, on the orders of Ataman Semenov.

Among B.'s works, a number of valuable ethnographic essays should be noted in Izvestia of the East Siberian Department of the Geographical Society and in the newspaper Sibir (under the pseudonym N. Tostazhakov); articles on Buryat issues in the newspaper "Siberia", under the pseudonym Gaigan Tsyzhenov, in "Izvestia" of the West Siberian Department of the Geographical Society, etc.; "Essays on the history of the Buryat-Mongol people"; an interesting work on issues of land use and land management of the Buryats, published in the form of a “memorandum” (published by the Tsugolsky volost government), and then a number of articles on issues of cooperative construction. Most of the works date from the period 1909-13.

Lit.: Bogdanov, M. N., Essays on the history of the Buryat-Mongol people, ed. prof. N. N. Kozmina, Verkhneudinsk, 1926.

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ZALEVSKY Mikhail Nikolaevich Military engineer of the 3rd rank of the Red Army Major of the Armed Forces of the Conrr was born on September 18, 1895 in St. Petersburg. Russian. Of the employees. Non-partisan. In 1915, he graduated from high school ahead of schedule and entered the Nikolaev Cavalry School. At the end of 1915, he was released to the rank of cornet.

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Bogdanov Yakov, Bogdanov Arthur Bogdanov brothers, criminal authorities. They were allies of Akhat Bratin, but in the future they could rise to the crest of the wave among the authorities, crushing Alik the Greek. Murder of 36-year-old Yakov Samsonovich Bogdanov

Presumably, Mikhail Nikolaevich Bogdanov is the head of the companies, the list of which you see below. It is also possible that company data is managed different people with similar first and last names. This information obtained on the basis of an analysis of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, may be outdated and does not violate 152-FZ “On Personal Data” in accordance with Art. 6 129-FZ "On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs".



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(1878-1919) - famous Buryat public figure, historian and ethnographer. Genus. in a family descended from the North Baikal Buryats. After graduating from the city school in Irkutsk, B. entered the teacher's institute in Kazan, but, dissatisfied with the institute, he left it. Subsequently, B. listened to lectures as a volunteer at Tomsk University, studying issues of philosophy, law and history, then went abroad. In Berlin, he attended lectures by Berlin professors. Classified as a Russian by the Berlin police. to the students of the Social Democrats, who were expelled from Prussia at that time as a restless element, B. was, along with other Russians. students expelled from Berlin. He moved to Zurich, worked at the University of Zurich, but due to lack of funds he was forced to return to Russia. Here, in order to get acquainted with the life and way of life of the Mongolian masses, B. wandered around the Kalmyk nomads, studying the life and characteristics of various Mongolian peoples. He studied with particular interest the history and ethnography of his people, looking for ways to resolve issues of their economic and cultural development. To this end, B., in addition to scientific studies in history and ethnography, took part in resolving practical economic issues. In 1909-1913 he carried out work on land management among Khakassians, in the former Minusinsk district, to regulate the use of irrigation facilities that were in the hands of the rich. In addition, B. worked as an inspector of small loans in Transbaikalia, for cooperation, while simultaneously occupying the position of assistant to the volost clerk (Tsugolskaya vol.).

In his political views, B. was aligned with the Socialist-Revolutionary. After the February Revolution of 1917, B., which was very popular among the Buryat and Russian. population of Transbaikalia, was elected to a number of responsible positions - chairman of the committee of public and political organizations, regional commissioner, as well as a member of the Constituent Assembly. During the civil war, being forced to hide from the White Guards, B. settled in the depths of Buryatia. At the end of 1919 he was killed in Chita by the White Guards, on the orders of Ataman Semenov.

Among B.'s works, a number of valuable ethnographic essays should be noted in Izvestia of the East Siberian Department of the Geographical Society and in the newspaper Sibir (under the pseudonym N. Tostazhakov); articles on Buryat issues in the newspaper "Siberia", under the pseudonym Gaigan Tsyzhenov, in "Izvestia" of the West Siberian Department of the Geographical Society, etc.; "Essays on the history of the Buryat-Mongol people"; an interesting work on issues of land use and land management of the Buryats, published in the form of a “memorandum” (published by the Tsugolsky volost government), and then a number of articles on issues of cooperative construction. Most of the works date from the period 1909-13.

Lit.: Bogdanov, M. N., Essays on the history of the Buryat-Mongol people, ed. prof. N. N. Kozmina, Verkhneudinsk, 1926.

Famous Buryat public figure, historian and ethnographer. Born in 1878 into a family descended from North Baikal Buryats. After graduating from the city school in Irkutsk, he entered the teacher's institute in Kazan, but, dissatisfied with the institute, he left it.

Subsequently, Bogdanov attended lectures as a volunteer at Tomsk University, studying issues of philosophy, law and history, then went abroad.

In Berlin, he attended lectures by Berlin professors. Listed by the Berlin police among the Russian Social Democratic students who were expelled from Prussia at that time as a restless element, Bogdanov, along with other Russian students, was expelled from Berlin.

He moved to Zurich, worked at the University of Zurich, but due to lack of funds he was forced to return to Russia. Here, in order to get acquainted with the life and way of life of the Mongolian masses, Bogdanov wandered around the Kalmyk nomads, studying the life and characteristics of various Mongolian peoples.

He studied with particular interest the history and ethnography of his people, looking for ways to resolve issues of their economic and cultural development. To this end, M.N. Bogdanov, in addition to scientific studies in history and ethnography, took part in resolving practical economic issues.

In 1909-1913 he carried out work on land management among the Khakass, in the former. Minusinsk district, to regulate the use of irrigation facilities that were in the hands of the rich.

In addition, Bogdanov worked as an inspector of small loans in Transbaikalia, for cooperation, while simultaneously occupying the position of assistant to the volost clerk (Tsugolskaya vol.).

In his political views, Bogdanov aligned himself with the Social Revolutionaries. After the February Revolution of 1917, Mikhail Nikolaevich, who was very popular among the Buryat and Russian. population of Transbaikalia, was elected to a number of responsible positions - chairman of the committee of public and political organizations, regional commissioner, as well as a member of the Constituent Assembly.

During the civil war, being forced to hide from the White Guards, Bogdanov settled in the depths of Buryatia. At the end of 1919, he was arrested and killed in Chita by the White Guards, on the orders of Ataman Semenov.

Among Bogdanov's works, a number of valuable ethnographic essays should be noted in Izvestia of the East Siberian Department of the Geographical Society and in the newspaper Sibir (under the pseudonym N. Tostazhakov); articles on Buryat issues in the newspaper "Siberia", under the pseudonym Gaigan Tsyzhenov, in "Izvestia" of the West Siberian Department of the Geographical Society, etc.;

"Essays on the history of the Buryat-Mongol people"; an interesting work on issues of land use and land management of the Buryats, published in the form of a “memorandum” (published by the Tsugolsky volost government), and then a number of articles on issues of cooperative construction. Most of the works date from the period 1909-1913.
