How to correctly create personal financial goals. Life goals - the more, the better! List of life goals

Every person has their own the main objective in the life he aspires to. Or even several goals. They can change throughout life: losing their importance, some are removed, and others, more relevant, appear in their place. How many of these goals should there be?

John Goddard's Life Success

Successful people claim that 50 human life goals is not the maximum. The longer your list of goals, the better you will be able to understand your true desires.

For example, John Goddard, at the age of fifteen, set himself not even 50 vital, main goals that he sought to achieve, but 127! For the uninitiated, information: we are talking about a researcher, anthropologist, traveler, holder of scientific degrees, Member of the Society of French Explorers, Royal Geographical Society and the Archaeological Society, multiple record holder of the Guinness Book of Records.

On his half-century anniversary, John celebrated - he achieved 100 of his 127 goals. One can only envy his rich life.

Goals to avoid shame and pain

A happy person is called accomplished and successful. No one will call a loser happy - success is a component of happiness. Famous phrase Almost everyone remembers Ostrovsky from “How I Became Tempered” about how to live my life. The end of the quote is especially striking: “So that it doesn’t hurt excruciatingly...” So that at the end of your life you don’t feel pain and shame for wasted time, you need to set goals for yourself today.

To consider life successful, a person must achieve 50 of the most important life goals in old age. Summing up his life, a person compares what he dreamed of with what he achieved. But it happens that over the years it is difficult to remember many of your desires and goals, so it is difficult to make comparisons. This is why it is so important to write 50 most important goals in life on a piece of paper and periodically re-read the list.

Another important aspect is to try to write it down. This means that your goals must meet five important criteria: specific, measurable, relevant, achievable, and time-bound.

Human needs

Before making a list, you should understand what is priority and vital for a person. Air, drink, food, sleep - the 4 most important needs organic life. Second in line are health, housing, clothing, sex, recreation - required attributes lives, but minor ones. Unlike animals, humans tend not only to satisfy the basic needs of life; they want to do this while receiving aesthetic pleasure.

It is impossible for a person to live without satisfying primary needs, and without satisfying secondary needs it is difficult. Therefore, if at least one link in this chain is destroyed, the person suffers physically, firstly, morally, secondly. He's unhappy. But even if all the vital needs of an individual are satisfied, his life cannot be called happy. This is such a paradox.

Therefore, the 50 vitally important, priority goals of a person must necessarily include points, through the implementation of which the primary and secondary needs of a person would be satisfied.

Adding to the list such goals as “buying your own house” or “relaxing at sea”, “doing the necessary medical operation” or “getting your teeth treated and inserted”, “buying a fur coat” and “buying a car” may not be so important for complete happiness ( why - will be discussed below), but achieving them makes living on earth more comfortable for people. To satisfy these needs and achieve the goals listed above, an individual needs money. And, when selecting the 50 most important goals of a person, the list must include an item regarding the financial condition of the individual. Examples of such goals:

  • find a high-paying job;
  • open your own business;
  • ensure that the business generates a net income of more than $10,000 per month, and the like.

Sample list of 50 goals

Spiritual self-improvement:

  1. Read the collected works of J. London.
  2. Complete English courses.
  3. Forgive grievances against parents and friends.
  4. Stop being jealous.
  5. Increase personal efficiency by 1.5 times.
  6. Get rid of laziness and procrastination.
  7. Write at least 1000 characters daily for your unfinished novel (personal blog).
  8. Make peace with your sister (husband, mother, father).
  9. Start writing Personal diary every day.
  10. Attend church at least once a month.

Physical self-improvement:

  1. Go to the gym 3 times a week.
  2. Go to the sauna and pool weekly.
  3. Do a set of exercises every morning;
  4. Every evening, take a walk for at least half an hour at a brisk pace.
  5. Completely abandon the list of harmful products.
  6. Once a quarter, go on a three-day cleansing fast.
  7. In three months I will learn to do the splits.
  8. In winter, go on a ski trip to the forest with your grandson (son, daughter, nephew).
  9. Lose 4 kilograms.
  10. Douse yourself with cold water in the morning.

Financial goals:

  1. Promote monthly income up to 100,000 rubles.
  2. Raise the TIC of your website (blog) to 30 by the end of this year.
  3. Go to the level of receiving passive income.
  4. Learn to play on the stock exchange.
  5. Learn to make custom websites yourself.
  6. Repay your bank loan early.
  7. Entrust all housework to automatic machines in order to save time for earning money.
  8. Save on pointless and harmful things: cigarettes, alcohol, sweets, chips, crackers.
  9. Purchase all products from wholesale stores, except perishable ones.
  10. Buy a summer house for growing fresh organic products.

Comfort and pleasure:


  1. Contribute 10% of profits to the orphanage every month for gifts for children.
  2. Organize a New Year's performance with gifts for orphans using the efforts of a local theater - finance it.
  3. Do not pass by those asking for alms - be sure to give alms.
  4. Help a homeless animal shelter by donating money to feed the dogs.
  5. For the New Year, give all the kids at the entrance a small present.
  6. On Elderly Day, give all pensioners a set of groceries.
  7. Buy a computer for a large family.
  8. Give unnecessary things to those in need.
  9. Build a children's playground in the yard.
  10. Help the financially talented girl Tanya go to the “Light Up Your Star” competition in Moscow.

Demand as the main component of happiness

In addition, for complete happiness of an individual, something else is necessary. And this “something” is called recognition. Only when in demand does a person feel his importance, pleasure, and happiness. Each person has their own criteria for recognition. For some, a simple “thank you” for preparing dinner is enough. Others feel a feeling of complete happiness from the manifestations of tenderness of a sexual partner - this is recognition, the identification of an individual among all others.

For some, it is enough to bring sterile cleanliness to the house and hear words of admiration from their neighbors, while others need to see delight in the eyes of those they meet when they see their appearance, figure, outfit, hairstyle. For others, it is important to recognize them as excellent parents. For the fourth, recognition on a broader level is necessary. These fourth people do not limit the circle of people with whom they want to be recognized: relatives, loved ones, neighbors, fellow travelers, passers-by.

These are scientists, pioneers, major businessmen, creative people and a number of other professions. The most successful are people who receive recognition both from their loved ones, friends, children, neighbors, and from colleagues, fans, viewers, readers - a wider circle of people. It is important to add the appropriate items to the list of “50 goals in my life.” Examples of such goals could be:

  • find your soul mate to create a family, who (who) will be such and such, for whom I will feel respect, love (passion), feelings must be reciprocated;
  • help my son successfully finish school;
  • give children higher education;
  • defend a thesis;
  • release your own collection of stories (disc of songs) or organize an exhibition of paintings.

Intermediate goals

Achieving global goals requires actions to help move forward. Therefore, it is necessary to write intermediate goals related to advanced training, education, and acquisition of skills. And in the list of “50 human life goals,” examples of these could be:

  • read the collected works of Dostoevsky;
  • reading manuals for businessmen, authored by John Rockefeller (for example, "" success;"
  • studying life stories and the paths to success of major figures in science and culture;
  • studying of foreign language;
  • obtaining a second education.

This list can be continued at your own discretion, based on the main goals.


To achieve the main goals, incentives are needed that occupy the position of intermediate goals. They are included in the list by designating; “50 intermediate human life goals”. The list of these goals includes the following items:

  • go on a trip around the world;
  • buy a new laptop;
  • make repairs in the apartment;
  • update your wardrobe for the new season.

Some may write the items “to have facial plastic surgery” or “to perform abdominoplasty.” After all, for many, improving their appearance is a hidden desire, which they are sometimes ashamed of. But when compiling a list of motivating goals, you must definitely write down those that will give a person pleasure in life. These goals do not have important life needs, but without joy and pleasure a person languishes, he is bored with life, and the meaning of achieving his main goals is lost.

Charity is the most important human goal

Studying the path to success of John Rockefeller, everyone sees: he is a philanthropist. Donating a tenth of profits to charity is the main rule of his life. According to psychologists, helping people is useful and extremely pleasant. Therefore, in the “50 vital goals”, when compiling a list, you should include points relating to this aspect of life. By doing charity, a person enjoys receiving recognition.

The Christmas trees are decorated, champagne is in glasses, herring is under a fur coat: everyone is looking forward to 2018. Are you sure that you haven’t forgotten anything? For example, write down your main goals for the year. With a clear plan, the future doesn't seem so foggy, and your dreams look more real. In this article we tell you how to properly plan the coming year with SMART goals and not be disappointed with the result.

How NOT to make goals for the year

I decided to start 2017 off with a bang. I wanted a new life, work, more money, travel, beauty and to do the cross splits. I made a plan for the year. She identified 4 main areas for development:

  • income;
  • trips;
  • health;
  • foreign language.

I did everything wisely: I deciphered each goal and divided it into stages. The plan turned out to be detailed and realistic - I believed in myself and that I would have time to accomplish my plans.

The plan stretched over 4 notebook pages

A year has passed, it's time to take stock. And then a complete fail began: not a single goal was achieved, only some stages were completed, but absolutely not on time! I admit, during the year I looked at the plan only 2 times, and at the end of the year I didn’t want to look at all. Why, if I already know that I didn’t have time to do anything?

But my eyes are afraid, but my hands are doing: I opened my notebook, re-read my unsuccessful to-do list, thought about everything and understood what was going on.

Why nothing worked for me: error analysis and advice

1. Too many goals

There are 4 of them in total, but decoding each one took 7-10 points. For example: “body improvement” included the gym, yoga, Pilates, contrast showers, jogging in the morning and 2 online courses on proper nutrition. It is not right. Billionaire Warren Buffett has a useful recommendation on this matter:

Warren Buffett, one of richest people world, chairman of the board of directors of Berkshire Hathaway holding:
- Make a list of 25 goals that you want to achieve over the next few years or throughout your life. Everything that is not included in the top 5 is now taboo. You should avoid the remaining goals until you complete the first five.

2. Didn’t check or adjust the plan

The plan is not reinforced concrete. Their creative and professional goals for a year can be adjusted in accordance with changes in life. You need to be flexible.

3. Didn't complete microtasks every day

It is better to take 365 small steps than one big one, but with great difficulty (and never). You need to work on your goal a little every day: choose the color of the upholstery, call the editor, do 20 pull-ups, etc.

4. Didn’t create a thematic environment around yourself

An appropriate environment helps you achieve your goal faster: you can sign up for training courses on the topic, enter into discussions with experts on social networks, and read specialized books. Then a movement arises around: promising acquaintances appear, tempting offers appear, the amount of knowledge and motivation grows.

5. Didn’t visualize goals

There is not enough text, even if it is written in your favorite notebook. Visualization helps to tune the mind and activate the subconscious: diagrams, calendars, photographs of what you want (a new office, a bank account, a country). There are special services for planning and visualization, for example: Smart Progress.

The bugs have been worked out, and now it’s time to get started new list. And I will do this according to the SMART system.

How to make goals for the year using the SMART system

The SMART system was initially used by managers to set tasks for employees, but now everyone uses it, including for the organization Everyday life.

Let's look in more detail at how to create goals for the year using SMART technology, and give examples of setting goals and objectives using SMART.

Specific - specific

First, the goal must be clear and specific result. Determine what exactly you want to achieve so that the task does not turn into an ordinary “I want.” An abstract goal leads to abstract results.

Measurable - measurable

Second: it’s easier to achieve your goals when there are specific numbers or other criteria you are aiming for. Otherwise, when summing up the results, you will not even be able to give an accurate answer: the task was completed or not.

Achievable - achievable

Thirdly, the goal should be real, otherwise how will you achieve it? Consider all the difficulties, deadlines and your capabilities. If you set a goal that is too ambitious and beyond your capabilities, by the end of the year you risk being disappointed in yourself and in all this planning.

Relevant - significant

In management, this smart criterion means the value of the goal for the company, and in everyday life it determines why you set this task for yourself. Before writing your goal, think: why are you striving for this?? What will this give you in the end?

Time bound - with a deadline

Fifthly, if you don’t set a deadline, you will get stuck in the jungle of procrastination. You will put off your plans until the last minute. Certain date plays the role of a magic kick-off: the closer the cherished deadline, the higher the productivity. Just don’t need to do everything at the last moment, it’s better to do it a little bit every day.

SMART Goal Example: Smart Goal Setting

Now that I have the SMART system in place, one of my goals will look like this:

Target: July 2018 - I’ve been relaxing as a savage for 2 weeks on Lake Baikal and writing a detailed photo report for the blog.

  1. February 2018 - buy a map of Russia, create a detailed travel itinerary and calculate the cost of travel (transport + accommodation + food + equipment).
  2. March 2018 - choose suitable parking spots, read blogs on the topic, watch videos and talk with travelers on forums.
  3. April-May 2018 - make a detailed list of equipment for the trip and buy everything. Pack half of your backpack, buy non-perishable food items and medicines.
  4. June 2018 - buy tickets for the Moscow-Irkutsk train and completely assemble the backpack.
  5. July 2018 - complete all work projects, notify customers about vacation. The first blog entry is from the train. The journey begins!

If not all goals and objectives for 2018 are completed, then do not scold or criticize yourself. Calmly analyze everything, find out what the reason is and draw conclusions. In the meantime, there is still time before the New Year, summarize your results for 2017, and then sit back and visualize yourself in the coming year.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! We discussed the need for goal setting many times, learned to do it correctly and point by point, adhering to the plan and classification. And today, for example and motivation, I have prepared a list of 100 goals in a person’s life, some points of which may be useful and inspiring to you. After all, if you remember the article “”, such an irresponsible and unconscious way of life can lead to depression. And so, when there is a plan for many years, there is no time to even get sick.

Basic Rules

For successful , harmonious development and advancement, and this is precisely why a person sets a goal, I have identified 5 main areas, ignoring which will not provide a feeling of fullness and quality of life. The main rule is not to keep this list in your head; you must put it on paper. This will add responsibility to the process, and will also remind you of some things that can easily be forgotten when trying to fulfill your most pressing dreams for a given period.

The list can be hung in your room or office so that it is in front of your eyes, or kept from prying eyes if there is information that you do not want to share with others. I wrote down other people's goals, they can serve as examples for you, because everyone has different interests and needs. Just try on each item for yourself and listen whether it suits you or not.

Let me remind you that I write about my goals.


1.Spiritual development

To better understand why we need it, I recommend reading the article. In short, I can say that it is thanks to him that we can call ourselves not just a person, but an individual, and raise our self-esteem and level of self-confidence.

  1. Practice positive affirmations
  2. Start/finish learning a foreign language
  3. Deal with accumulated grievances, realize them and let them go
  4. Read 100 best books for development
  5. Listen to your feelings and sensations in order to correctly recognize, every evening remembering at least 5 feelings that you experienced during the day
  6. Learn to concentrate for a long time by practicing meditation daily
  7. Take a driving course
  8. Create a collage with wishes
  9. Attend church once a week
  10. Practice the alpha visualization method daily
  11. Learn to come to terms with the imperfections of other people, accepting them for who they are.
  12. Realize the meaning of your purpose
  13. Get to know yourself better by researching using various techniques and noticing your mistakes and analyzing them
  14. Watch 50 films based on real events and motivating achievements
  15. Start keeping a diary, writing down the most significant events and thoughts
  16. Meet a new and interesting person once a week
  17. Conquer your fear of public speaking
  18. Learn to argue your opinion
  19. Learn sign language and basic manipulation techniques
  20. Learn to play the guitar

2.Physical development

In order to have enough energy for accomplishments, it is very important to monitor your health and maintain physical fitness.

  1. Do the splits
  2. Learn to walk on your hands
  3. Visit the gym at least 2 times a week
  4. Stop drinking, smoking
  5. Add to diet healthy foods, and minimize consumption of fatty and sweet foods
  6. Take a self-defense course
  7. Take a contrast shower daily
  8. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day
  9. Learn to swim in different styles
  10. Go to the mountains and snowboard
  11. Visit the sauna once a week
  12. Try yourself as a vegetarian for a month
  13. Go camping all alone for two weeks
  14. Pass a full medical examination
  15. Once every three months, arrange a cleansing diet
  16. Do exercises for 10 minutes in the morning
  17. Learn to do push-ups with clapping and on one hand
  18. Stand in plank position for 5 minutes
  19. Take part in a marathon
  20. Lose 5 kilograms of excess weight

3.Financial development

  1. Buy a car
  2. Create an alternative, passive source of income (rent out an apartment, for example)
  3. Increase your monthly income several times
  4. Pay off your last bank loan and never take out a new one
  5. Make repairs in the apartment
  6. Buy a plot on which to build a summer house
  7. Control waste by making only necessary and intentional purchases, without reacting to supermarket marketing tricks
  8. Create your own business
  9. Save money and put it in the bank at interest
  10. Invest in a good idea
  11. Save money for a trip around the world
  12. Start additional work in the IT field, in free time by creating and promoting websites
  13. Give parents a ticket to a sanatorium
  14. Give children a good education
  15. Buy a house on the seashore and rent it out
  16. Travel with loved ones to a sanatorium every year
  17. Do charity work (donate money for treatment to those in need, distribute toys and unnecessary things)
  18. Purchase food for nurseries once a month
  19. Start a charity organization
  20. Purchase several hectares of land and rent it out to farmers
  21. Increase your financial literacy. (Take a course on financial literacy).

4.Family development

The role of the goal is to strengthen relationships with the family, not only your own, but also your parents’. This is the foundation, so to speak, the foundation thanks to which we accomplish feats and survive during the difficulties that fate presents.

  1. Give your wife a small gift or treat every day
  2. Celebrate your wedding anniversary by the ocean
  3. Get together with the whole family for every holiday
  4. On weekends, visit parents and help with household chores
  5. Babysit grandchildren
  6. Celebrate your golden wedding with your wife
  7. Raise happy and loving children
  8. Travel with family
  9. Be sure to spend every weekend with your family outside the home, in nature, on a trip or to the cinema.
  10. Help my son master martial art and support him at championships
  11. Play games with family on Saturday nights
  12. Teach children to ride a bike
  13. Once a month, arrange a romantic evening for your wife
  14. Teach children to drive and repair a car
  15. Together with my wife and children, draw a family tree and tell the kids stories about their ancestors that we ourselves remember
  16. Several times a week, instead of my wife, helping the children with homework
  17. Once a month, my wife and I rent a hotel room so that the two of us can relax and have a change of scenery.
  18. Write letters of gratitude to your relatives for some holiday
  19. On weekends, go to a restaurant, or cook lunch and dinner with the whole family
  20. Go with your sons to the kennel and choose a dog for them


In order to feel joy and have an interest in life, it is important to take care of yourself, do unexpected things and allow yourself to relax. In this case, there will be enough energy to realize other goals, and the level of pleasure and value of life will go through the roof. Allow yourself to fulfill even minor fantasies, some childhood dreams, and you will feel how your well-being changes. You can see what they are like in my examples:

  1. Visit Antarctica
  2. Feed the sharks
  3. Ride in a tank
  4. Swim with dolphins
  5. Go to a desert island
  6. Visit some festival, for example, Oktoberfest in Germany
  7. Swim in 4 oceans
  8. Hitchhiking
  9. Visit the base camp at the summit of Everest
  10. Go on a cruise
  11. Fly in a hot air balloon
  12. Live in an eco village for a couple of days
  13. Milk a cow
  14. Jump with a parachute
  15. Ride a horse yourself
  16. Travel to Tibet and chat with the Dalai Lama
  17. Visit Las Vegas
  18. Ride through the desert on quad bikes
  19. Try scuba diving
  20. Take a general massage course


Each checkmark placed opposite an item will bring satisfaction, joy and pride from the fact that I was able to achieve what I wanted. Life is very multifaceted, so add your own areas, your own options, and to speed up the process of realizing your desire, I recommend reading the article. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates.

Whenever possible, I write reports on achieving my goals, perhaps you will be interested or you will simply decide to support me with a comment on the article. to my articles about moving towards goals. Good luck to you and make your dreams come true!


Hello my dear readers! Welcome to the blog! I am very, very glad to see you!

In continuation of our conversation about life without haste (see article) - a new trend of our era, a new look at your life, I want to say this.

The idea of ​​“slow living” does not mean “doing nothing” while lying on the lawn. Against. Adherents of this lifestyle specifically choose a job that will NOT “take away” all their time, but only a small part of it. For what?

Yes, just in order to have time to do and try the most in your life. To have balance in life between work (business), personal life . To have more free time to communicate with family, to achieve your goals, to fulfill your desires. To make your dreams come true.

Other useful articles: * * *

1. Are you interested in knowing which 50 goals in a person’s life list are the most popular now among people from different countries?

2. Why are goals needed in a person’s life (examples) and how can they change life?

There is, I would say, some kind of mysticism in this issue. Do you know what unites successful people who became happy because they did what they loved all their lives? They are united by a common quality inherent in all of them - determination and an irresistible desire to achieve their dreams or goals. All of them very early, even in childhood or adolescence, set themselves and wrote down a list of goals and did everything to achieve them.

An example is the life of John Goddard, a Guinness Book of Records holder, explorer and traveler, an outstanding anthropologist, holder of scientific degrees in anthropology and philosophy.

But don’t be embarrassed and compare yourself with this hero. Such people are the exception rather than the rule. It’s just that John Goddard’s example clearly shows how written goals help you live a more interesting and vibrant life.

How many goals should a person have? The more you write on your list, the easier it will be for you to find your deepest desires and dreams, make them come true and become happy.

3. Which goals are more important, financial or goals of spiritual and personal growth?

This question is very similar to the question “What came first, the chicken or the egg?” Now I’ll explain why. Materialists will say that if you have money, you can easily realize all your dreams and achieve your goals. For example, start traveling around the world. To buy a house. Learn languages. Therefore, first you need to fulfill your financial goals - find new job, build your own business and the like.

For information: who are Materialists and Idealists. Materialists believe that matter is primary and gave rise to consciousness. Idealists, on the contrary, believe that consciousness is primary and it created matter. This contradiction is called by many the main question of philosophy.

But my grandmother always told me (without knowing it, she was an Idealist) that if God is in first place, then everything else will follow and will be in its place. She said: “You don’t have to wait for financial well-being to have a child. Because if God gives a child, he will also give for the child!”

Using logic, prudence, and pragmatism, it is difficult to understand this grandmother’s principle and even more difficult to apply it in life. Because it is difficult, impossible to explain it from a scientific, materialistic point of view.

But sayings and proverbs (I call them the quintessence of the centuries-old experience of our ancestors) seem to be trying to convey to us the knowledge and wisdom of previous generations.

This wisdom is based not on logic and pragmatism, but on observations of the connection between actions and events, both in the life of one person and entire generations:

  • Man proposes, but God disposes (Russian proverb)
  • Easy come easy go ( English proverb“What is easily gained is easily lost”)
  • What happens happens at the right time (Chinese proverb “Accidents are not accidental”)

List of proverbs different nations we can continue ad infinitum. But how can even these three proverbs of different nations be explained from the point of view of logic and materialism?

Based on these considerations and being an idealist, I compiled goals for myself in the following sequence: Spiritual improvement -> Personal growth and relationships -> Physical health -> Financial goals.

Spiritual improvement:

1. Don’t judge, watch your thoughts

2. Conquer your talkativeness, listen to others

3. Charity: transfer money monthly to those in need (orphanage, children's hospital, elderly neighbors)

4. Complete the house for parents, help parents

5. Help children until they get back on their feet

6. Do not interfere in other people's affairs unless they ask for advice.

7. Give alms to those asking for alms - do not pass by

8. Do not retell other people’s sins (Boorish sin)

9. Go to Temple for Sunday services at least 2 times a month

10. Do not store, but give unnecessary but good things to those in need

11. Forgive offenses

12. Fast not only on Lent, but also on Wednesdays and Fridays

13. Visit Jerusalem for Easter

Personal growth and relationships:

16. Get rid of your laziness, stop putting things off

18. Take your time, live in a slow-life style, leaving time for communication with your family, contemplation, reading and your hobbies

20. Learn to cook deliciously for family and friends, go to master classes

21. Learn to grow herbs, vegetables, fruits and flowers in your garden

22. Go to Latin American dancing with your husband

23. Learn to take professional photos

24. Improve English - watch movies and read books

25. Go on a spontaneous car trip with your husband without planning anything.

26. Learn to do daily cleaning for 15 minutes instead of general cleaning of the whole house.

27. Meet more often with children and friends, go to concerts, performances, exhibitions

28. Travel the world 2 times a year with your husband, children and friends

29. Go on a trip with your husband not for 2 weeks, but for several months to Thailand, India, Srilanka, Bali

30. Ride an elephant, swim with a dolphin, a huge turtle, a sea cow

31. Visit the Serengeti Park in Africa with your husband

32. Visit America with your husband

33. Take a cruise on a multi-deck ship with your husband

Physical health:

34. Get a massage periodically

35. Do exercises every day

36. Go to the sauna and pool once a month

37. Every evening - a brisk walk

38. Avoid harmful foods completely

39. Once a month – 3-day hunger strike

40. Lose 3 kg

41. Drink 1.5 liters of water per day

Financial goals:

42. Increase income from a vending enterprise - a network of payment terminals

43. Increase your monthly blogging income

44. Become a professional webmaster

46. ​​Raise your blog traffic to 3000 visitors per day

47. Make money on affiliate programs

48. Write one blog article every day

49. Purchase products from wholesale stores

50. Swap a gasoline car for an electric car

51. Organize the work of your projects in such a way as to receive passive income

52. Learn to save, open a savings account and replenish it monthly

You can, of course, write all your goals in any order. Actually, this is how they should be written. I divided them into 4 groups to make it clear that in life we ​​need to maintain a balance between goals for Business and Finance, Relationships, Health, and Spirituality. In general, I always write down all my tasks, goals, dreams in a row. Below in section 4 “How to make a list of your goals?” I will tell you about this in detail.

I gave my goals as an example only. They are different for everyone and change over time. For example, parenting goals are not on my list. This is because they have already been completed - our children have grown up and live independently.

4. How to make a list of your goals? 50 goals in a person's life list in the present tense

Working in large banks, on large IT projects, I completed many interesting trainings on psychology, motivation, stress management, time management, emotional intelligence, personal growth. At these trainings we were taught production techniques goals and intermediate tasks to achieve them.

But I especially liked this simple and effective technique:
  • You need to mentally “turn off your consciousness” and, without hesitation, start writing by hand on a blank sheet of paper all your desires, goals, tasks - large and small.
  • You need to write as much as possible, the main thing is to “don’t turn on your brain” and don’t stop.
  • Write also “today’s” problems, for example, “so that my son passes his test” or “take out the trash from the garage” or “buy a live Christmas tree in a pot for the New Year.” And global ones, for example, “so that children choose professions they like”, “so that they successfully graduate from universities.”
  • Then break down your goals into short-term, medium-term and long-term. Also highlight the actual goals and what can be called tasks to achieve these goals.

By the way, I often came across this idea in the books of successful people, but did not attach any importance to it. They all say that it is important to write down desires and goals and this helps in some incomprehensible way to fulfill them.

If you are thinking about goals, then you will probably also be interested in this useful article. It will help you take a different look at your personal finance goals. After reading the article, you will understand how easy it is to provide yourself with a decent “pension”, without even waiting for retirement age! Be sure to pass on this simple but valuable knowledge to your children, because in our schools it is not customary to teach personal finance issues.

5. How to achieve goals, slowly and to the delight of yourself and your loved ones?

We know that everyone is different. They have different psychotypes, abilities, charisma, efficiency, intuition. That's why everyone lives, creates, realize their dreams and goals in DIFFERENT WAYS, based on their abilities and character.

Let's look at a small example. I will now describe the “portrait” of my successful friend:

  • He is an optimist, this helps him a lot in his business.
  • He has good abilities, but he is lazy.
  • At some moments, when he needs to get together and do something important, laziness recedes and he becomes assertive and purposeful.
  • He is also a very spontaneous person. If he gets excited about an idea, he immediately implements it without thinking. Because of this, there are often losses, but in general the job is done quickly.
  • He often relies on intuition and if something “doesn’t go well,” he easily puts it aside, knowing that in “due time” it will be done easily.
  • He does a lot of things absolutely selflessly, helping people.

Now you can roughly imagine (based on this characteristic) how my friend achieves his goals: sometimes lazily, sometimes impulsively, sometimes assertively and purposefully, sometimes relying on intuition. But he never goes against his nature, character, his moral principles. And this is the secret of his success.

Do you understand what I'm getting at? I want to say that we are all different and what you definitely shouldn’t do when achieving your goals is don’t break yourself. There is no need to drive yourself into a state of stress, no need to reproach yourself for being sluggish. And never go against the dictates of your heart and do something you don’t like just because everyone has such a goal on their list.

For example, I don’t like to exercise in the gym. Let everyone go, but I won’t, because I tried it several times and was convinced that it didn’t bring me pleasure, and therefore no benefit.

Don’t listen to anyone who says that you need to devote so much time to your goal each day, that you need to schedule everything by day and hour. In this case, you will turn into a slave to your ambitions. You need your goals in order to live, love, be interesting. happy man, do what you love.

Live slowly, enjoy life, give up rushing at home, at work and in relationships with all people. To this idea of ​​slow life Many progressive people from many countries have already come. And stop reproaching your children for their sluggishness the way your parents reproached you (I recommend an article on how to raise happy children and unleash their intellectual and creative potential:). Since we are talking about children, I also recommend that you read an article about progressive and about, which will be in demand in 10 or more years.

Conclusion: In order to start living a more interesting life, without delay, sit comfortably now and write, without thinking, as many small and big things, goals, objectives and desires as possible.

And then, if the mood strikes, you can divide them into financial, personal and others. For big and small. But I will tell you that I always write down my life goals, desires and dreams in a row. And I divided them today for the first time just for this article, so that it becomes clear what the goals are.

Do you like this approach to business? No tediousness! I like this new positive approach to life - do everything with joy, as your heart tells you!

Finally, I suggest you watch a wonderful video describing the genius and simple way, How to joyfully and effectively achieve results in 4 areas of life goals. I loved the idea of ​​setting small goals along the way to big ones and celebrating each one's accomplishments! At the same time, cover all 4 areas of your life and set only one goal at the beginning. I'm taking this cool idea to heart!

I wish everyone inspiration and self-confidence!

See you soon!

If the mission sets general guidelines, directions for the functioning of the organization, expressing the meaning of its existence, then the specific final state to which the organization strives at each moment in time is fixed in the form of its goals. In other words,

Strategic goals are specific results and achievements, distributed over time, that are necessary for the implementation formulated in the mission.

Goals are a specific state of individual characteristics of an organization, the achievement of which is desirable for it and towards which its activities are aimed

The importance of goals for an organization cannot be overestimated.

Goals are the starting point for planning activities, goals are the basis for building organizational relationships, the motivation system used in the organization is based on goals, and finally, goals are the starting point in the process of monitoring and evaluating the work results of individual employees, departments and the organization as a whole.

Depending on the period of time required to achieve them, goals are divided into long-term And short-term.

In principle, the basis for dividing objectives into these two types is the time period associated with the duration of the production cycle.

The goals that are expected to be achieved by the end of the production cycle are long-term. It follows that different industries must have different time frames to achieve long-term goals. However, in practice, goals that are achieved within one to two years are usually considered short-term, and, accordingly, long-term are goals achieved in three to five years.

Dividing goals into long-term and short-term is of fundamental importance, since these goals differ significantly in content. Short-term goals are characterized by much greater specificity and detail (who should do what and when) than long-term goals. Sometimes, if the need arises, intermediate goals are also set between long-term and short-term goals, which are called medium term.

Requirements for goals

Goals are absolutely essential for the successful functioning and long-term survival of an organization. However, if goals are incorrectly or poorly defined, this can lead to very serious negative consequences for the organization.

The goal of an organization is its future desired state, the motive for the behavior and actions of its employees. Unlike the mission, goals express more specific areas of the enterprise's activities.

Doran created the SMART GOAL checklist (see Table 2.1), which is very useful in formulating goals.


The goals at each level reflect the overall goal, and the lower the level, the more detailed the goals.

The goals of the organization are formulated and established based on the overall mission and certain values ​​and goals that are oriented by senior management. To truly contribute to the success of an organization, goals must have a number of characteristics.

First, goals should be specific and measurable. By expressing its goals in specific, measurable terms, management creates a clear frame of reference for subsequent decisions and evaluation of progress. It will be easier to determine how well the organization is working towards achieving its goals.

Secondly, goals should be oriented in time. It is necessary to determine precisely not only what the organization wants to accomplish, but also when the result should be achieved. Goals are usually set for long or short time periods. A long-term goal has a planning horizon of approximately five years, sometimes longer for technologically advanced firms. A short-term goal in most cases represents one of the organization's plans that should be completed within a year. Medium-term goals have a planning horizon of one to five years.

Thirdly, goals should be achievable to serve to improve the efficiency of the organization. Setting a goal that reduces the organization's capabilities due to insufficient resources or due to external factors can lead to disastrous consequences. If goals are unattainable, employees' desire for success will be blocked and their motivation will weaken. Since it is common in everyday life to link rewards and promotions to the achievement of goals, unattainable goals can make the means an organization uses to motivate employees less effective.

Fourthly, to be effective, the organization's multiple goals must be mutually supportive, i.e. actions and decisions necessary to achieve one goal should not interfere with the achievement of other goals.

Directions for setting goals

Depending on the specifics of the industry, the characteristics of the state of the environment, the nature and content of the mission, each organization sets its own goals, specific both in terms of a set of parameters of the organization, the desired state of which acts as the goals of the organization, and in the quantitative assessment of these parameters.

Goals will only be a meaningful part of the strategic planning and management process if senior management formulates them correctly, then communicates them to everyone in the organization and encourages their implementation. The strategic planning and management process will be successful to the extent that senior management is involved in setting goals and to the extent those goals reflect management's values ​​and the firm's actual capabilities.

Key spaces for defining organizational goals are presented in Table 9.1.

There is a general consensus among strategic planners that financial goals are the most important. Profit occupies a leading position in the hierarchy of goals of a commercial organization.

Goals are always achieved under certain restrictions that can be set by the organization itself and influenced from the outside.

Internal limitations may be the principles of the company, the level of costs, production capacity, financial resources, the state of marketing, management potential, etc.

External restrictions may include legislative norms, inflation, competitors, changes in economic conditions and income levels, the financial condition of main partners and debtors, etc.

However, despite the situational nature of fixing a set of goals, there are four areas in which organizations set their goals:

1) income of the organization;

2) work with clients;

3) the needs and welfare of employees;

4) social responsibility.

As can be seen, these four areas concern the interests of all entities influencing the activities of the organization, which were mentioned earlier when discussing issues of the organization’s mission.

The most common areas along which goals are set in business organizations are as follows.

1. In the area of ​​income:

Profitability, reflected in indicators such as profit margin, profitability, earnings per share, etc.;

Market position, described by indicators such as market share, sales volume, market share relative to a competitor, the share of individual products in total sales, etc.;

Productivity, expressed in costs per unit of production, material intensity, output per unit of production capacity, volume of products produced per unit of time, etc.;

Financial resources, described by indicators characterizing the capital structure, cash flow in the organization, the amount of working capital, etc.;

The capacity of the organization, expressed in target indicators relating to the size of the capacity used, the number of units of equipment, etc.;

Development, production of a product and updating of technology, described in such indicators as the amount of costs for implementing projects in the field of research, the timing of the commissioning of new equipment, the timing and volume of product production, the timing of introducing a new product to the market, the quality of the product, etc.

2. In the area of ​​working with clients:

Work with customers, expressed in such indicators as speed of customer service, number of complaints from customers, etc.

3. In the area of ​​working with employees:

Changes in organization and management, reflected in indicators that set targets for the timing of organizational changes, etc.;

Human resources, described using indicators reflecting the number of absences from work, staff turnover, employee training, etc.

4. In the field of social responsibility:

Providing assistance to society, described by such indicators as the volume of charity, timing of charitable events, etc.

A core vision and business philosophy are necessary to establish the strategic goals of the organization's owners, managers, employees, and to gain the trust of customers and other stakeholders so that there is no conflict of interest. Correct definition of goals is a global prerequisite for the successful development of management strategy at any level.

It's not just the message, the business philosophy, and the core vision that are used to shape strategic goals. Extremely important sources of information are data on internal and external environment, expected market dynamics, competition and other factors (see Fig. 2.2).

Figure 2.2 - The process of formulating and monitoring strategic goals

Hierarchy of goals (“goal tree”)

In any large organization that has several different structural divisions and several levels of management, there is hierarchy of goals, which is a decomposition of goals over high level to a lower level goal. The specificity of the hierarchical construction of goals in an organization is due to the fact that:

Higher level goals are always broader in nature and have a longer time horizon for achievement;

Goals of a lower level act as a kind of means for achieving goals of a higher level.

For example, short-term goals are derived from long-term ones, are their specification and detail, are “subordinate” to them and determine the activities of the organization in the short term. Short-term goals set milestones on the way to achieving long-term goals. It is through the achievement of short-term goals that an organization moves step by step towards achieving its long-term goals.

Based on the large number of enterprise goals, their individual nature and complex relationships, a special model is used to analyze them - the goal tree model.

To build such a model, goal statements should consist of the following elements:

Scale of the goal (to what extent should the goal be achieved?);

Timeframe for completing the goal (how long will it take to achieve the goal?).

The method of structuring goals provides for a quantitative and qualitative description, time frame for achievement and analysis of hierarchically distributed interrelated and interdependent strategic management goals.

Structured goals are often presented graphically as a “tree” of goals, showing the connections between them and the means to achieve them.

The construction of such a “tree” is carried out on the basis of deductive logic using heuristic procedures. It consists of goals of several levels: general goal - main goals (subgoals of the 1st level) - goals of the 2nd level - subgoals of the 3rd level and so on until the required level.

To achieve the general goal, it is necessary to realize the main goals (essentially, these goals act as a means in relation to a higher goal); to achieve each of the main goals, it is necessary to implement, respectively, its more specific goals of the 2nd level, etc.

Typically, classification, decomposition and ranking procedures are used to build a “tree” of goals. Each subgoal should be characterized by a coefficient of relative importance. The sum of these coefficients for the subgoals of one goal should be equal to one.

Each level of goals (subgoals) should be formed according to a certain criterion for decomposing the process of achieving them, and any goal (subgoal) should preferably be attributed to an organizationally separate unit or executor.

The hierarchy of goals plays a very important role important role, since it establishes the “connectedness” of the organization and ensures that the activities of all departments are oriented toward achieving top-level goals. If the hierarchy of goals is constructed correctly, then each division, achieving its goals, makes the necessary contribution to achieving the goals of the organization as a whole.

In conclusion, we can note the main differences between the mission and goals of the organization (Table 9.2).

Established goals must have the status of law for the organization, for all its units and for all members. However, immutability does not follow from the requirement that goals are obligatory. It was said earlier that due to the dynamism of the environment, goals can change. It is possible to approach the problem of changing goals in the following way: goals are adjusted whenever circumstances require it. In this case, the process of changing goals is purely situational in nature.

But another approach is possible. Many organizations engage in systematic proactive goal change. With this approach, long-term goals are set in the organization. Based on these long-term goals, detailed short-term goals (usually annual) are developed. Once these goals are achieved, new long-term goals are developed. At the same time, they take into account those changes that occur in the environment, and those changes that occur in the set and level of requirements put forward in relation to the organization by subjects of influence. Based on new long-term goals, short-term ones are determined, upon achievement of which new long-term goals are again developed. With this approach, long-term goals are not achieved, since they change regularly. However, the organization constantly maintains a long-term goal orientation and regularly adjusts its course to take into account new circumstances and opportunities that arise.

One of the most important points that determine the process of setting goals in an organization is the degree to which the right to make decisions on goals is delegated to the lower levels of the organization. As acquaintance with real practice shows, the process of setting goals in different organizations proceeds differently. In some organizations, goal setting is completely or largely centralized, while in other organizations there may be complete or almost complete decentralization. There are organizations in which the process of setting goals is intermediate between complete centralization and complete decentralization.

Each of these approaches has its own specifics, its advantages and disadvantages. Thus, in the case of complete centralization when setting goals, all goals are determined by the highest level of management of the organization. With this approach, all goals are subordinated to a single orientation. And this is a definite advantage. At the same time, this approach has significant drawbacks. Thus, the essence of one of these shortcomings is that at the lower levels of organizations there may be aversion to these goals and even resistance to their achievement.

In the case of decentralization, the process of setting goals involves, along with the upper and lower levels of the organization. There are two schemes for decentralized goal setting. In one, the process of goal setting goes from top to bottom. The decomposition of goals occurs as follows: each of the lower levels in the organization determines its goals based on what goals have been set for the higher level. The second scheme assumes that the process of goal setting proceeds from the bottom up. In this case, lower levels set goals for themselves, which serve as the basis for setting goals at a subsequent, higher level.

As you can see, different approaches to goal setting differ significantly. However, the general thing is that the decisive role in all cases should belong to top management.

Strategic objectives

The distinction between goals and objectives is based on the level at which they operate in the organization. The tasks also relate to individual divisions of the organization or its branches.

It is also possible for tasks to be present in goals, but at the department level if they are included in the process of achieving goals. In this case, the tasks are a reformulation of general goals, in the part of their achievement that is assigned to individual divisions (for example, the company’s goal to obtain a certain percentage of sales growth can be reformulated as specific tasks of a production unit, marketing department, transport department, financial service, etc.). d.).

Objectives are more short-term in nature than goals, as they are related to planning current activities. This often results in tasks that are multiple in nature, as they are operational in nature and may vary depending on the company's line of business.

The purpose and main objectives form the background against which proposed strategies are formulated, as well as the criteria by which they are evaluated.

Key objectives establish what the organization intends to accomplish in the medium and long term to achieve the goal.
