May you flourish with eternal glory. Above that poor river stands a rich city


Wonderful city, ancient city,

You fit into your ends

And towns and villages,

And chambers and palaces!

Belted with a ribbon of arable land,

You are all colorful in the gardens;

How many temples, how many towers

On your seven hills!..

With a gigantic hand

You, like a charter, are developed,

And over the small river

Became great and famous!

On your ancient churches

Trees grow;

The eye cannot grasp the long streets...

This is Mother Moscow!

Who, the strong man, will take in his arms

Hill of the Kremlin-hero?

Who will knock off the golden hat?

At Ivan the bell-ringer?..

Who will raise the Tsar Bell?

Who will turn the Tsar Cannon?

Who, the proud man, won’t take off his hat?

At the saints' gates in the Kremlin?!

You didn’t bend your strong neck

In your unfortunate fate:

Are the stepsons of Russia

They won't bow to you!..

You burned like a martyr,

White stone!

And the river boiled inside you

Violently flaming!

And you lay under the ashes


And from the ashes you rose


May you flourish with eternal glory,

City of temples and chambers!

Middle city, heartfelt city,

The city of indigenous Russia!

Fyodor Glinka, 1840

Southern wall of the Moscow Kremlin. Dismantled in the 1770s. during the construction of the Great Klemlevsky Palace according to the design of V. I. Bazhenov. Restored to late XVIII V.

Assumption Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin. 1475–1479


There is my homeland, there I lived when I was young;

Above that poor river stands a rich city;

Sometimes I miss him!

There are giant towers in that city!

How I love his paintings

In which with the luxury of carpets

The slopes of all seven hills are clothed -

Gardens, castles and forests of houses!..

Such is it, our hundred-templed, hundred-palatated city!

What is missing there, in Moscow, for the vastness of the eye?..

Bazaars, squares and entire fields

They are colorful all around the high Kremlin!

And this Kremlin, all dressed in gold,

All the sound when the bells sing it,

A poet who is not alien to you,

The Kremlin is glorified

There is an Eagle's cradle

From a great royal family!

Don't believe what rumors say in other people's mouths,

It’s as if our north is so deserted and wild!

You will see what Moscow is like,

Moscow is the holy of Rus', both the heart and the head! –

And you will not leave her out of good will:

There, even in cold weather, they will warm you and treat you;

And you will love our ancient Russian city,

Having eaten Russian bread and salt!..”

Fyodor Glinka, excerpt from the poem “Rhine and Moscow”

Moscow, Moscow!.. I love you like a son,

Like a Russian - strong, fiery and tender!

I love the sacred shine of your gray hairs

And this Kremlin is jagged, serene.

The alien ruler thought in vain

With you, a hundred-year-old Russian giant,

Compare head and - deception

To overthrow you. I struck in vain

An alien for you: you shuddered - he fell!

The universe fell silent... Majestic,

You alone are alive, heir to our glory.

You are alive!.. You are alive, and every stone of yours is

Treasured legend of generations...

Mikhail Lermontov

Expansion of the Moscow Kremlin, the first stone building in Moscow

The creation of the stone Kremlin in Moscow was a great event for the entire North-Eastern Rus'


You have no equal in the world,

Ancient Moscow!

The brilliance of days, forever glorious,

You will always be alive!

The city that Dolgoruky built

In the middle of deep forests,

Grandchildren lifted up lovingly

Above other cities!

Ivan Vasilich is here

The third yoke of slavery shattered,

Here, over a long series of centuries,

There was a source of our strength.

Here I found my obstacle

An army of arrogant Poles;

Here Napoleon had to

To unravel the fragility of happiness.

Here, as it was, so now -

The heart of all Rus' is holy,

Here are her shrines

Behind the Kremlin wall!

Here the paths cross

From all six seas,

The greats studied here -

Trust your homeland!

Expanding, growing,

All in palaces and all in gardens,

You are standing, holy Moscow,

On its seven hills.

You stand shining with gold

Immense domes

Over the East and Sunset

The sound of the bells is ringing!

Valery Bryusov

The center of Moscow is a combination of ancient antiquity and modernism of the latest architecture, uniting Great Rus' and modern Russia.


I've walked around the world a lot,

Lived in dugouts, in trenches, in the taiga,

Was buried alive twice

Knew separation, loved in anguish.

But I’m used to being proud of Moscow

And I repeat the words everywhere:

My dear capital,

My golden Moscow!

At hot machines and tools,

In an endless fierce struggle

People are worried about you

They write letters to friends about you.

And the enemy will never achieve

So that your head bows,

My dear capital,

My golden Moscow!

Mark Lisyansky

“...But it’s too close. In front of them

Already white-stone Moscow

Like heat, golden crosses

Ancient chapters are burning.

Ah, brothers! how pleased I was

When churches and bell towers

Gardens, palace semicircle

Suddenly opened up before me!

How often in sorrowful separation,

In my wandering destiny,

Moscow, I was thinking about you!

Moscow... so much in this sound

For the Russian heart it has merged!

How much resonated with him!”

Alexander Pushkin, lines from the novel “Eugene Onegin”.

Wonderful city, ancient city,
You fit into your ends
And towns and villages,
And chambers and palaces!

Belted with a ribbon of arable land,
You are all colorful in the gardens;
How many temples, how many towers
On your seven hills!..

With a gigantic hand
You, like a charter, are developed,
And over the small river
Became great and famous!

On your ancient churches
Trees grow;
The eye cannot grasp the long streets...
This is Mother Moscow!

Who, the strong man, will take in his arms
Hill of the Kremlin-hero?
Who will knock off the golden hat?
At Ivan the bell-ringer?..

Who will raise the Tsar Bell?
Who will turn the Tsar Cannon?
Who, the proud man, won’t take off his hat?
At the saints' gates in the Kremlin?!

You didn’t bend your strong neck
In your unfortunate fate:
Are the stepsons of Russia
They won't bow to you!..

You burned like a martyr,
White stone!
And the river boiled inside you
Violently flaming!

And you lay under the ashes
Full of
And from the ashes you rose

May you flourish with eternal glory,
City of temples and chambers!
Middle city, heartfelt city,
The city of indigenous Russia!

Analysis of the poem “Moscow” by Glinka

Fyodor Nikolaevich Glinka, an officer and public figure, having retired, writes a hymn to Russian history and victories - the poem “Moscow”. It rightfully takes its place in the golden fund of Russian classical music. poetry XIX century.

The poem “Moscow” was written in 1840. Its author is 44 years old, military battles behind him, bureaucratic service, disgraced for supporting the Decembrist uprising. He collaborates with the magazines “Moskvityanin” and “Sovremennik”, and tries himself in the genre of spiritual poetry.

The work belongs to the genre of civil lyricism (it is also appropriate to call ode and hymn), in size - trochaic tetrameter with cross rhyme. The lyrical hero is the poet himself.

The vocabulary is sublime, solemn, many exclamations and rhetorical questions, appeals to the capital: a wonderful city, an ancient city, who will raise the Tsar Bell? This is Mother Moscow!

This work echoes the 1831 poem in spirit and jubilant intonation. It is aphoristic and easy to remember. The author emphasizes the importance capital letter: Tsar Cannon. In general, there are many complex (two-part) words that make the poem similar to oral folk art: Kremlin the hero, Ivan the bell ringer.

The epithets were chosen with love for the city and the country: wonderful, ancient, poor, white-stone, wild-flaming, full, middle, heartfelt, radical. The city is animated by the poet: you did not bend, you lay there, you rebelled. Metaphor: with a gigantic hand. Perhaps only two words can cause difficulty: charter (scroll, important document) and “vyi” (neck). The author describes the panorama of Moscow with almost photographic accuracy. Admiring the city in the years of its greatest prosperity, he recalls past disasters.

It is also addressed to the rebellious outskirts of the empire: the stepsons of Russia will bow down. In stanza 6, a question mark is adjacent to an exclamation mark to emphasize the impossibility even for a proud person not to humble himself: at the gates of the saints in the Kremlin?! Comparison: like a martyr. F. Glinka uses both forms of the word: city and city. Repetitions: who. Seven hills are mentioned on which the great city stands. The poet wishes prosperity to Moscow and Russia.

Participant Patriotic War 1812, the poet and public figure F. Glinka created the textbook patriotic poem “Moscow” in 1840. Compound landscape lyrics and high spirits are the key to his timeless charm.


Wonderful city, ancient city,
You fit into your ends
And towns and villages,
And chambers and palaces!

Belted with a ribbon of arable land,
You are all colorful in the gardens;
How many temples, how many towers
On your seven hills!..

With a gigantic hand
You, like a charter, are developed,
And over the small river
Became great and famous!

On your ancient churches
Trees grow;
The eye cannot grasp the long streets...
This is Mother Moscow!

Who, the strong man, will take in his arms
Hill of the Kremlin-hero?
Who will knock off the golden hat?
At Ivan the bell-ringer?..

Who will raise the Tsar Bell?
Who will turn the Tsar Cannon?
Who, the proud man, won’t take off his hat?
At the saints' gates in the Kremlin?!

You didn’t bend your strong neck
In your unfortunate fate:
Are the stepsons of Russia
They won't bow to you!..

You burned like a martyr,
White stone!
And the river boiled inside you
Violently flaming!

And you lay under the ashes
Full of
And from the ashes you rose

May you flourish with eternal glory,
City of temples and chambers!
Middle city, heartfelt city,
The city of indigenous Russia!

See also Fyodor Glinka - poetry (Glinka F.N.):

On a pleasant spring evening, The world is dressed like a bluish twilight, The rose is lush...
