Train your mind and body to perfection. Strength of spirit: how to develop and strengthen strong-willed qualities. #2 Run into problems

- What is spiritual power?

Spiritual strength is the strength of the spirit. According to the teachings of the Church, a person consists of spirit, soul and body. Man is built according to a hierarchical principle, according to which there is a main thing, there is a subordinate, and there is a subordinate to a subordinate. In other words, there is lower and higher.

Man was designed by God to be dominated by the spirit. So that the spirit rules over the soul, the soul over the body. The highest is the spirit, the lowest is the flesh. In fact, after the Fall everything became the other way around: man ceased to be spiritual, man became carnal. Very often in modern man the flesh dictates to the spirit, suppresses the spirit and controls it. That is, voluptuousness, lust and other passions often guide our actions.

I think spiritual strength is when the spirit comes into its own, when it dictates to the body and soul what to do and what not to do.

- Spirit, soul are subtle matters invisible to the eye. In order for people to understand what this means, let's look at an example. A person has some choice. Feelings and emotions lead him to one decision. And with his mind he understands that it is better to do differently. Here is the mind, consciousness - what does it refer to, the soul or the spirit?

I think to the spirit, of course.

In general, it’s really difficult to understand what is from the heart and what is from the spirit. This is how I define it for myself. Now, I have various thoughts and feelings that constantly fill me: memories, thoughts, feelings, desires, emotions. And among them there are, relatively speaking, good ones and some unkind ones. But in me there is a certain part of my “I” that evaluates this. She tells me: “I want bad things now. It would be disgusting if I did that.” That part of my “I” that can evaluate what is happening in my heart and mind, this is the spirit. The spirit knows good and evil, knows a certain value system and lives in them.

The soul is like this: “I want this,” or vice versa, I don’t want something. In general, there are “want” and “need”. “I need” is from the realm of the spirit, and “I want” is from the realm of the soul. And when a person acts precisely from the “need” and not from the “want,” he is a spiritually strong person. When “I want” prevails over “I must,” it means that spiritual strength is not at its best.

- Is the concept of “willpower” identical to “strength of spirit”?

In the world, outside the Church, these concepts are almost identical. In my opinion, spiritual strength and willpower are very close concepts. Willpower is the ability to force yourself to do something you don't want. But I would say that fortitude is greater than willpower, because I would also include the ability for courage as fortitude - this is still not quite willpower. I would classify strength of spirit as patience, perseverance in suffering, in sorrow - this is still not quite willpower. Strength of spirit is when a person rejoices in sorrows...

Therefore, I believe that where there is spiritual strength, there is usually willpower, but where there is willpower, there is not always spiritual strength. For me, fortitude is always a positive characteristic, it is a focus on the positive, on the good. And willpower... There were many scoundrels, terrible villains, who achieved great results in their atrocities precisely because they were very strong-willed people. But to say about some Stalin, although he was strong-willed and purposeful in his own way, went towards his goal, that he was a strong-willed man, I wouldn’t dare.

There are exceptions when there is strength of spirit, but there is no special willpower. So I read about a priest who was unworthy of holy orders - before the revolution he served in a small town. He was susceptible to the disease of drunkenness, and he drank so much that it was obvious to everyone around him; he was often found on the street in a state of “rest position,” as they say. People somehow tolerated him, but, nevertheless, no one respected him either as a priest or as a person. He served himself, he served when he was able, he was on the verge of being banned from serving... And then the revolution happened, and he ended up in the Cheka. He was tortured and forced to renounce his beliefs. They beat him, then threw him into a cell, and the prisoners asked: “Father, what do they demand from you?” - “They demand from me that I confirm that Christ stood for the same thing that the Bolsheviks stand for - that there be equality everywhere, etc. But I cannot confirm this, because Christ said “Give it!” they say “Take it!” “It’s a big difference.” In the end he was shot... Was he a strong-willed man? I think - strong. But is he strong-willed... If these persecutions had not happened at that time, perhaps the man would have died drunk somewhere under the fence and no one would have ever said a kind word about him. But when he had to stand up for his own faith, I think his strength of spirit manifested itself.

- Why was this power given to man - the power of the spirit? Everything that is given to us is given for a purpose.

On this occasion, I would like to recall a passage from the Gospel that we read on the days of the memory of John the Baptist. Jesus Christ says the following words about John the Baptist: “What did you go out into the desert to see—was it a reed shaken by the wind?” These words always touch me. Indeed, a person is very often “a reed (that is, a reed) shaken by the wind.” While there is no wind, this reed stands upright, but as soon as the wind begins to blow, the reed sways. And this is precisely the strength of spirit - this is the ability of a reed not to sway under the influence of the wind. When a man like John the Baptist appears, a reed that is not shaken by the wind, he conquers everyone around him with his power, because power attracts. Why did people go to John the Baptist - because they felt: “I am a wavering reed, but he is not, he has a steadfast and direct spirit that is not shaken by the wind.”

I think that being a reed shaken by the wind is a pitiful and unworthy fate for a person. A person must strive to gain firmness, without which there will be no joy. The stronger the spirit of a person following the path of good, the more joyful and cheerful the person’s soul. And weakness always entails a lack of joy in the heart, despondency, melancholy, sadness...

- How to strengthen the strength of spirit?

Just like body strength. Body strength is strengthened by proper nutrition and exercise, gymnastics. It’s the same with the spirit - proper nutrition and gymnastics. Only nutrition and exercise of the spirit and soul are still another nutrition and exercise...

A person who wants to be strong in spirit usually knows what role the people with whom you communicate play. It affects us. The kind of person I become myself largely depends on what kind of people I communicate with - “be with the venerable reverend,” as it says in the Psalter. “Whoever you mess with, that’s how you’ll gain.” Communication with spiritually strong people is also nourishment for the soul.

It is very important what books a person reads. Vysotsky has a wonderful song, it contains the words:

If the path is cut by your father's sword,

You've wrapped salty tears around your mustache

If in a hot battle I experienced what it costs,

So, you read the right books as a child...

I'll paraphrase: "If you become worthy person“It means you read the right books as a child.” This is true - I am sure that a lot depends on what a person reads as a child. Reading is also an exercise, of course, at any age...

And church people still know the word “ascetic”. What is asceticism? Its meaning, of course, is not to deny yourself everything. This is a system of exercises aimed at subjugating the soul and flesh to the spirit. That is, just for the development of fortitude. A person consciously makes certain efforts that strengthen his spirit. For Orthodox people, the main exercise is fasting. This is a very strong, serious exercise. Anyone who has experience of fasting knows that you usually come out of fasting feeling much less like a reed blown by the wind than before it.

For believers, I want to especially say: the main source of spiritual strength is participation in the Holy Spirit. Today, I think, it is no coincidence that we are talking about this topic on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, when they received power from above. Look - the apostles - can we call these people strong in spirit before Pentecost? Hardly: we see that the people who abandoned their Teacher fled in horror - they were very good, kind, pure - but they were not strong people. And when the power from above descended on them at Pentecost, they became completely different people. Therefore, we Orthodox believe that the most important means of becoming a spiritually strong person is to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit. How? Everything that happens in the Church, the entire mode of life of a church person - fasting, prayer, Divine services, the Sacraments - all this is aimed at acquiring the grace of the Holy Spirit. And then - according to the extent to which I am filled with this grace - to the extent I become a spiritually strong person.

- Many people believe that playing sports also strengthens the strength of the spirit, since sports also require discipline, a regime - that’s how you say, subordination of the lower to the higher, you have to endure fatigue and pain, overcome your body weaknesses...

I completely agree with this. Some Orthodox authors are critical of sports. Usually in their books the emphasis is placed on the fact that sport is a competition, that competition is always a desire to be first, and where there is a desire to be first, there is always vanity, and we, on the contrary, must be humble... I’ll be honest with you I’ll say - I don’t share this point of view and I think it’s no problem to strive to be the first. Being first is not bad, but being proud of those who are not first is bad.

Of course, sport mainly develops willpower. But, as we said, fortitude and willpower are not opposite concepts. Willpower is a wonderful quality.

In general, I am convinced that who a person will become in this life, what he will achieve, to what level of perfection he will rise, largely depends on willpower. A strong-willed person swims against the tide in this life. Victory always comes through effort. There are so many beautiful, wonderful, kind, but weak-willed people who could not become what they were called to become because they did not have the will...

That's why I have a positive attitude towards sports. I’ve never played sports myself, but I enjoy watching those young people who are seriously involved in it. When I watch a girl go to figure skating practice every morning, at 4 or 5 am, before school... What an effort you need to make on yourself - I think it’s very good.

- You spoke about the importance of willpower and fortitude for success. In principle, for all people who consider themselves losers, who can’t do anything, for them the topic of fortitude should apparently be a very important topic. They should pay attention to this so they can stop being losers.

Certainly. Most of my friends who turned out to be “losers”, as a rule, believe that the reason for their failure is not in them, but in the fact that they are not cunning enough, not adapted enough... I had one friend who studied with me at the institute. When you meet him, there is always some kind of caustic sarcasm: “Well, of course, everyone has settled down, but I can’t adapt, I can’t do this, I can’t do that...” And he simply cannot pull himself together and really force himself to work. Of course, the easiest way to find the cause of failure is in circumstances. There are also unfortunate circumstances, but still I think that 90% of success is always in inner strength, which we call fortitude.

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Your feedback

The thoughts in the article are correct. But to offend Stalin at every opportunity, I see that many church ministers are happy. Comrade believers, I don’t want to offend anyone here, but to call Stalin a man of weak spirit is stupidity. The country under his leadership survived and won the war. the most terrible war in human history, has made an unprecedented leap forward. It was not the icons over Moscow or the prayers that helped to win, but the economic structure of the country, built under the leadership of Stalin. If it weren’t for this, you would now be praying according to the Catholic canons at best, and at worst, we would all be exploring the sacraments afterlife. Consider Hitler as a demon without fortitude, why don’t you cite him as an example? I understand the church’s resentment towards the Soviets, but let’s not spit on our history - choose examples more carefully. Thank you for the article.

Timur, age: 24 / 02/11/2019

It seems that in the end he confused the strength of spirit and the power of will due to his convictions, after all, he himself told the difference that the strength of the spirit does not necessarily go hand in hand with the strength of the will, the strength of the spirit is the ability to distinguish and follow the good, but the story with the drunkard showed that the strong in spirit on the material level may be weak, which means the world also needs willpower

Dfgh, age: Fggh / 10/23/2018


Edward, age: 44 / 08/06/2017

Good article, simple and insightful. Explains the topic perfectly.

Julia, age: 23 / 02/28/2017

Thank you very much for the article

Logan, age: 14 / 01/22/2017

Thank you, now something is clear

Serik, age: 27/05/25/2016

Thank you. very good and necessary words.

Igor, age: 30 / 05/14/2016

thank you great article reveals general concepts that without “work you can’t catch a fish out of a pond”

Mikhail, age: 29 / 03/29/2016

What a pity that one rarely hears in sermons such deep analyzes of the meanings and necessary concepts of life. You often hear: the history of icons, a superficial analysis of the Gospel, stereotyped calls for various spiritual things. It’s good that young people can read such wonderful articles.

Artemis, age: 21 / 03/11/2016

Thank you, very true thoughts

Faraday, age: 52 years / 05/08/2015

Very good article, thanks!

Mikhail, age: 28 / 05/06/2015

Thank you, my brother, well said, I only realized before the article that in order to achieve meekness, humility, Love, you must have willpower, and most importantly, the Power of the Spirit! I immediately typed in a search on how to achieve the power of the Spirit and found your article, it was very simple, and most importantly, explained clearly!!!

Alexander, age: 54 / 04/02/2015

Thank you, I knew that faith in God strengthens the spirit. And here everything is like confirmation.

Payne 1, age: 17/12/03/2014

How simple and clear! I took a lot of useful information from the article. Do you have any other articles? Where can I read them?

Nadezhda, age: 61 / 11/24/2014

Thanks a lot! I enjoyed reading it and will try to follow the advice.

Lyudmila, age: 41 / 10/25/2014

Great article. Huge gratitude. AND THANKS!!! You can learn a lot for yourself from this article.

Firuz, age: 49 / 09/22/2014

Thank you very much! Very good examples, everything is laid out on the shelves. Thank you very much again!

Dmitry, age: 32 / 05/19/2014

Thank you very much!! Now I understand for myself the difference between fortitude, soul and willpower and how to develop fortitude.

Sergey, age: 15 / 05/10/2014

Thanks a lot!!! Very clear!!!

Paletti, age: 45 / 03/03/2014

Many thanks for the guidance!

voin, age: 33 / 02/10/2014

Katya, age: 35 / 01/06/2014

My father was wounded during the war and lay in a hospital in Vienna, the Chief Physician then said: “If a fighter has the Power of Spirit, he will survive, even if the wound is severe, and if he has lost heart, then the doctors will not be able to help!

Vera Klishteeva, age: 58 / 12/26/2013

The first concrete answer from a knowledgeable person. And not the stupid philosophy of idle talkers.

Ronin, age: 31/12/20/2013

After reading your article, for many of the circumstances stated in it, it was as if I saw my mirror image, took a more realistic look at my shortcomings and outlined ways to eradicate them. Thank you, I will try to practice strengthening my spirit, or rather, I will strengthen my spirit because it has gained control over my soul and body! To be honest, I came across this page quite by accident while searching for an answer to a prayer found in the handwritten notes of my late mother, and now I quite clearly understand that nothing just happens...

Vasily, age: 30 / 07/23/2013

thank you! good answer to my question!

love, age: 57 / 06/12/2013

Lydia, age: 23 years / 06/06/2013

Very informative and sensible, dear.

Vika, age: 17/16.11.2012

Thank you for the article, my faith in God has strengthened even more and I have a desire to develop fortitude.

Vladimir, age: 18 / 11/14/2012

Thanks a lot!

Arseny, age: 13 / 05.11.2012

Two and a half years ago, terrible grief came to my family, my home. Since then, I have weakened in faith, if not completely lost it; I have weakened in spirit and in body too. Your article is simple and powerful. Thank you.

Sergey, age: 52 / 07/04/2012

Thank you very much for the article)

Andrey, age: 26 / 06/26/2012

Thank you! Knowledge is power! God grant me, teach me how to gain spiritual strength! and cope with carnal desires!

Darling, age: 33 / 06/20/2012

Wonderful article! very inspiring! My husband especially liked it; now he looks at sport with different eyes - as a effective method cultivating willpower and spirit.

Nadya, age: 23/05/25/2012

Interesting and informative article, thank you!

Oleg, age: 32 / 05/21/2012

Thanks a lot!!

Yura, age: 21/20.02.2012

Thank you for the article.

Oleg, age: 16/02/19/2012

Very interesting article. Thanks for it. I discovered a lot for myself.

Kirill, age: 21 / 01/18/2012

See also on this topic:
Strength may differ ( Alexander Ipatov, President of the Russian national federation Oyama Kyokushin Karate-Do)
To develop fortitude, you need to set a goal and go towards it ( Yuri Borzakovsky, Olympic champion)
The story of one righteous warrior ( Pavel Okhapko)
My two victories ( Yulia Gaginskaya)
Anna German: “Why is washing floors happiness?”
The story of the legendary Valentin Dikul
Anti-Crisis Man ( Mikhail Shlyapnikov)
Alexey Nalogin: the right person ( Alexander Botov)
“I hear music with my heart!” ( Marina Korets)

If you observe nature, you can be surprised every day. A duck is building a nest, a blade of grass is breaking through the asphalt, ants are scurrying around underfoot. Everyone is working at full capacity. This strength is the strength of the spirit - innate quality of living organisms. We must live, we must develop, we must improve our “anthill” - this is the motto of all nature. Or almost all of it.

Man, you see, is a “biosocial” being, the crown of the universe. We can lie around and scroll through the news instead of doing productive work. IN modern society We don’t have a spark that pushes us towards development. We become weak, our body overpowers us.

For a normal person, this goes against conscience (spirit, nature), so depression occurs and self-esteem decreases. We are losing control over life, we are controlled by desires, fashion and simply stronger people.

To regain power and become the sole owner of your life, in this article we will look at 4 areas of activity. You will learn how to develop steely fortitude and “squeeze” maximum results out of it.


Strength is generated only through pain. In the gym, in life – it doesn’t matter. It’s as if you are fighting with yourself, forcing yourself to do something or resist. This is standard growth rate, which all athletes chase. They understand that pain is a sieve through which the weak are eliminated and the strong rise.

Pain appears due to the fault of the brain. It is difficult for him to break an ingrained habit and choose the difficult path instead of the easy one. This causes dissonance, a state of unwillingness and...

To cultivate fortitude, you need to be a champion accept this state and learn to use it for development. Below we will look at 3 ways to cause and overcome pain in yourself.

#1 Act without sparing yourself

When you feel sorry for yourself, you reinforce the habit of giving up. Your body acquires power, you indulge its desires. The next time you have a choice - to do or not to do - you will be guided by past behavior. This means that your piggy bank will gradually be replenished with negative experiences and excuses. The feeling of guilt will dull accordingly, you will allow yourself to be a rag and will not give your best.

  • “Okay, I’m not ready yet...”

  • “Oh, weakling, it didn’t work out again. Okay, this is all because of......"

  • “It’s okay, it’ll work out next time”

Don't feel sorry for yourself, fight habits. Love the process of overcoming. The more often you do according to the inner voice(conscience, soul), the more you develop fortitude. Remember that you are only as happy with yourself as you can control your life.

#2 Run into problems

Instead of a shameful and negative experience, in the piggy bank better put your victories. You can overcome habits and develop as much as possible, or you can artificially create discomfort. This way you will quickly start moving and develop arguments to increase your self-esteem.

If you have accumulated anger and no longer have the strength to tolerate your weaknesses, this is the ideal way to release energy. Place yourself in extreme conditions, . As soon as you move, strength will come, and the desire to live and develop will return.

You can try for example:

  • Start with the little things. Watch your posture, stop “carrying pieces”, .

  • Extreme. Sit on a fast, get up at 6 am, run 3 km every evening, open your own business.

After such feats, you will be able focus on your victories. They will give you confidence to further development fortitude.

#3 Start over with a clean slate

Sometimes you just don't have the courage to take a decisive step. You seem to understand the destructiveness of the problem, but any endeavors quickly end. , not enough torque to get moving.

In such cases, you need to make a small revolution with yourself. Ruthlessly break down everything old and start building something new in its place. In this way you will instantly break into real life and feel the pleasant pain of change.

If you do it conscientiously, it will be painful and difficult. But there are a number of advantages:

  • Massiveness of changes

  • Instant release of energy and anger towards yourself

  • Feeling full of life

  • Increasing confidence in your abilities

  • Feeding changes from each other (for example, running in the morning - getting up at 6:00)

Don't wait for the moment, live here and now, as the Pepsi advertisement says. Your life is not a rehearsal for something important, so don’t be afraid to change and release your reserves of strength. It is at such moments that strength of spirit and strength of character are trained.


To develop mental strength, you have there must be a motive. Without a strong reason, you will use only willpower, at some point you will break down and reproach yourself more than before. Therefore, the first priority will be to set goals.

We hear about this from every word, but we write them reluctantly. A piece of paper with goals lies in some nightstand for months and forgets what its owner looks like. But this is bad: we are like an airplane that flies as long as there is kerosene, and does not know its direction. Someday the kerosene (motivation) will run out and it will fall down.

At least write again now, why do you need all the changes. This little investment of time will help you "lock in" desired result so that there is no opportunity to escape. When you write down what you want, you will receive documented evidence of your real priorities. It will “prompt” how to direct events so as not to succumb to them as before.

Internal mood

Strength of spirit is an internal state. If earlier we looked at how to develop it through outside intervention, now we will look at how to synthesize it spiritually. Communication between external and internal influences will quadratically strengthen our inner core.

#1 Principles

You don't have to appear super-confident, try to please everyone and be a leader. It is enough to have a firm position in life. When you act in accordance with it, you feel your “backbone”, the presence of character.

To be independent and like yourself you need:

To develop a firm position in life, you need to find your principles. To do this, you need to delve into your head and understand what you would like. always do and wouldn't want to never do. You can also analyze current behavior and take a couple of examples from there. For example, for me it's:

  1. I strive to achieve my goal with all my might.
  2. I don’t get lost or embarrassed in front of others
  3. I don't touch if they don't touch me
  4. I don’t make fun of friends to gain another person’s authority.
  5. Other

Find your principles for yourself. They will become a framework for your behavior, a guide for your decisions. They will help you gain understanding of yourself, thereby strengthening your fortitude.

#2 Cleansing

Nothing is worthy of your worries. No fear, no emotion should oppress your life. Today you are alive - tomorrow you are not, all this is empty.

While you live, you must give yourself to the fullest, because for infinity it makes no difference whether you die in a day or in 1000 years. Everything will be forgotten, everything will go nowhere. Compared to the Universe, your fear is a small thing, it will not change anything and will not contribute anything. You alone amuse yourself with it at the everyday level, when so many amazing and beautiful things are happening around you.

Get rid of all grievances, forgive, forget about the past. Become a new person who lets go of all the petty issues. Of course, in life it won’t turn out as beautiful as in the text, but at least ease your soul a little. After all, what is inside you will be the material for building strength.

#3 Material for construction

As history shows, strength must be based on goodness. All sorts of Hitlers and Mussolinis were convinced of this at by example. Their fascism could not last long enough and sank into oblivion.

It's the same in our lives. You must become a kind, pleasant and positive person, only then can you fully develop fortitude. Those around you will feel your warmth and dedication and this will help you grow faster. By filling yourself with love for the world, you will provide yourself with the building blocks of a powerful and pleasant character.

A small disclaimer: you don’t have to be gentle to be kind. Be strict, don't let others take advantage of your kindness. Let them know that you know how to give, but only of your own free will.

#4 Live life to the fullest

Live the way they show in the movies. Position yourself like superman. Give it your all now.

A weak person locks himself in his closet and lives according to a schedule, when a strong-willed person gives everything he has to achieve results. If there is a Ferrari in the world, then you need to ride it. If there is Paris, then you need to visit it. You were born into this world with a 1 in 400,000,000,000,000,000 chance, and if there is something worthwhile here, you should try it.

When you work at full capacity, self-belief, confidence, and success come. The whole body is excited by the busy rhythm of life, character is tempered by endless problems, and strength of spirit increases from their solutions. Feed your soul with action and strength will come as a side effect.

To become a fully-living person you need:

  • Never give up

  • Work to the maximum everywhere (training, work)

  • Don't be afraid of risk

  • Concentrate on your desires, do not look or listen to others

  • Know what you want

  • Never be afraid of anything

  • Find a source of energy - books, a loved one, authority

Act as if you have already gained mental strength. Don’t try to develop it - it takes a long time, try to immediately plunge into the transformation. By changing something today, you will see results faster. Of the 100 people who read the article, be the one who not just a waste of time to read, but will radically change your life.


And this is a very small addition that cannot be ignored. Yours physical state defines internal. In most cases, thin or fat people not confident enough in themselves (although there are funny people who are overweight). This results in weakness and imbalance of character.

Author's Preface to the Second Edition

Dear readers!

I have to warn you!

Behind Lately Dozens of different books have been published under my name: this Norbekov system, and another Norbekov system, and expanded, and supplemented, and improved, and accelerated, and God knows what else!

A few years ago, somewhere on the periphery, a book on the treatment of diabetes mellitus was published, which I DIDN’T WRITE, but my name was on the cover. Do you already understand what I'm talking about? I have a whole library of such works at home.

Another such book was recently published with the subtitle “The Complete Norbekov System.” It is beautifully published and attracts attention. But to make it clear to you, I’ll explain.

What I am trying to convey to you is not really mine. It does not and cannot belong to anyone at all. This knowledge was passed on to me from the Mentors, and to them from their Mentors. And so from century to century, from millennium to millennium. In depth, at the very basis of this system lies ancient knowledge, containing such subtleties that not everyone can comprehend!

I won’t go into details now, but I will say one thing: to become a master, a student undergoes training for forty years! Can you imagine?!

And before being sent on this thorny path, he is taught for three years how to be a student. Then they prepare for twelve years, and only after that the real study begins. The mentor imparts knowledge to the student bit by bit.

The summer of 2002 marked the thirty year anniversary of my apprenticeship.

What do I mean by this?

On the one hand, I myself have not yet completed my studies. On the other hand, I did not pass on even a tenth of the knowledge that I had already mastered to my students. Moreover, I haven’t put it on paper yet! Where then, please tell me, can the FULL COURSE appear?! ABOUT full course I haven't even started talking yet. I prepare and prepare and prepare for this because this is my life's work.

I am grateful to the people who write on my behalf about the system and, thus, about me. But I want to say: I myself would have written COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY!

They actually write something completely different! And I wouldn’t want to take on other people’s merits. It will be better if you form an opinion about me based on my own works. You will recognize my real books right away, from the first page.

If you are a man, you will first feel a firm, friendly handshake; if you are a lady, then the touch of my lips on your hand... and only then will you receive a blow to the head or a slap on the butt. These strange sensations of yours will precisely mean that I wrote this book myself.

“Bring back health and youth. A Practical Guide for Men and Women” is my first miserable experience of writing a book in Russian.

Following it, a revised and expanded edition was published - “The Road to Youth and Health. A practical guide for men and women." The rework was done without my consent, and the book turned out to be dead.

And here is “The experience of a fool, or the key to insight. How to get rid of glasses" - my first beloved child, my first tender, bright and pure love.

Shaking with fear, so as not to offend you with my “attacks,” I nevertheless released her as my soul told me. This is where my essence leaked out. This book is mine business card and your main guide for the future! And a whole series of books is planned for the near future, in each of which I have something to say.

The book you now hold in your hands is written “based on” my first books. This is a textbook, more likely Toolkit for those who are ready to say goodbye to their illnesses, who have truly decided to work on themselves, who want to find out what the power of their spirit is capable of. Your feedback and accumulated work experience forced me to make some additions and changes to this edition. I hope you find this book useful.

There is a saying: “He who does not know how to work, teaches. He who can do neither one nor the other writes a book.” Well, what should I do if, unfortunately, I can work?!

With all my heart I am with you,

Mirzakarim Norbekov

From the editor

The practical work and creative research of the author allow us to speak of him as a healer and scientist of global scale, for his work has already helped hundreds of thousands of sufferers (including many thousands of those whose illnesses were considered incurable) to return to a full life, gaining health, youth and good spirits.

The author himself at one time suffered from a serious kidney disease, but he not only found a way to cope with his illness, but also dared to prove in practice that any person can independently overcome any disease.

A feat comparable to the feat of Prometheus. The only difference is that the mythical titan taught people to use fire stolen from heaven, and Mirzakarim Norbekov shows people the amazing properties of the “flame” of the soul, which is in everyone. The name of this “flame” is fortitude, spirit.

“Well, again you’re talking about lofty matters, but I, for example, have hemorrhoids! - some skeptic may say. “Spirit is an immaterial substance, but my hemorrhoids are real.”

Don't rush to conclusions, dear skeptic. Read this book carefully and you will understand that you can cure your hemorrhoids yourself.

Is it worth talking about such a small thing when both bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus recede before Norbekov’s self-healing system? There are no candles, no oxygen pillows, or any other means, but magical changes occur in the patient’s condition. The blind begin to see, the deaf begin to hear, the dumb begin to speak!

The first step towards this was the book “Lessons of Norbekov”.

This book takes you further along an amazing path of self-discovery. You will continue to get acquainted with the principles of the Norbekov system, find practical instructions on improving vision, hearing, training emotions and much more, and women will be able to master the technique of non-contact gynecological automassage, which helps solve many, many problems, as well as restores the fullness of sensory perception.

All the exercises offered in this book are easy to perform and accessible to women, children, mature people, and even those who have already considered themselves old people. Taken together, they resemble graceful dance steps that bring youth and health to the performer.

However, everyone who has tried his hand at choreography knows that in dance you must not confuse movements or lose the rhythm, otherwise, at best, you will become a laughing stock for others, and at worst, you will fall.

If you have set out on the path of self-healing according to this system, you always need to remember this and strictly adhere to the established training regulations.

Health system M.S. Norbekova harmoniously combines the physical and spiritual principles. Maybe that's why it gives fantastic results. So there will be no mistake if you choose Mirzakarim Norbekov as your mentor.

We wish you success.

Keys to the self-healing system

Dear readers!

Chronic diseases most often occur in those who initially wrote themselves down as losers. Ponder this and try to embrace the following with all your heart, soul and mind.

You are now being given the keys both to the entire system of self-healing as a whole, and to each of its exercises separately. Please read this section carefully and always refer back to it as needed before starting class.

It was written in order not to preface each exercise of the system with similar instructions, otherwise the thin book you hold in your hands would turn into a plump volume, and, unfortunately, not many people like to read.

Usually people do not really trust lengthy reasoning and truths that seem truism to them. I never trusted them either. As a result, six intense years of persistent training were, one might say, in vain for me.

For six whole years I wandered through the wilds of my own stupidity, the support of which was the opinion that I myself knew and understood everything very well!

Once upon a time, when I was still a very young man, I sat, like you, in front of my Mentor, and he talked, talked, talked. About the fact that everyone needs to believe in their own strength, that they need to strive for success, that they always, and especially during training, need to be in a joyful mood; if it doesn’t come on its own, then you have to learn how to create it.

In general, then it seemed to me that the Mentor was talking all sorts of nonsense, hanging noodles on my ears, and I sat and thought: “When will this burden end, when will we finally do what I came here for?”

After all, I was already an old-timer in the kidney department of the city hospital, where I was given artificial blood purification two or three times a week. Without this there is death.

First, the kidneys fail, then the heart and liver begin to malfunction, then the entire body collapses. These were the prospects that awaited me, this is what I was so eager to get rid of at that moment.

Classes have started. In order not to offend the Mentor, I tried to create some kind of mood in myself. Sometimes I succeeded, sometimes I didn’t. The mentor was patient, and with his help I still cured my kidneys, but I still had a problem that men don’t talk about out loud.

Having healed my kidneys, I began to read special literature, building my own concept of self-healing, and even began to pass on grains of my knowledge to others. But my problem did not go away, despite the hard training that I did not give up.

Every day I started with a ten-kilometer run, when I returned, I plunged into an ice hole, lived (in winter) in an unheated room with a temperature below zero. I mastered yoga and slept on a board studded with nails. The training took 6–8 hours a day.

As a result, I became the silver medalist of the first USSR karate championship, as well as a master of sports in hand-to-hand combat. But my impotence remained with me. Six years of hard work brought no benefit. Why? Because I was just pumping up my muscles, eh my spirit during classes not only did not help me, but also worked against me.

At first I started studying with great enthusiasm, but after a month or two I was overcome by doubts. After a year or two, they were replaced by frenzy and embitterment at the injustice of fate, which transformed into despondency. And I continued to pull the usual strap. My stubbornness turned against me. In other words, it, so to speak, strengthened my weakness.

Doubt is our main, almost our only enemy. Start practicing with thoughts: “What if it doesn’t help? The day has passed, but where is the result? - and that’s it, you’re dooming yourself to failure.

One day my Mentor asked me:

- Why do not you get married?

27 years in the East is already maturity. I had to explain myself.

“You brainless ass,” the Mentor told me, “you have been treating other people for so many years and cannot figure out the cause of your own troubles.” Why didn't you tell me everything right away?

Yes, it’s easier for any man to hang himself than to admit it!

The mentor took charge of me again. He thoroughly shook up my spirit and made me believe in myself. Then I realized that by doing the same exercise, you can:

a) benefit;

b) achieve nothing;

c) harm yourself.

It all depends on how determined you are to win and how determined you are to achieve your goal.

When I returned home, I announced to everyone that I was getting married. Nine months later, my first son was born, and a year later, another. After that, I opened a small school for men with potency problems. Until now, letters come to me from all over the world.

And now, in anticipation of your numerous questions, dear men, I can tell you with full responsibility: start with the health system offered to you. Several million people have already gone through it, many of whom have restored their health, found happiness in fatherhood and motherhood, achieved success in business, and improved relationships with themselves and the world around them. And you can do it.

It is the human spirit that is fundamental driving force physical and spiritual healing, achieving goals and victories in everything.

Train your spirit, because only what is trained develops, and start doing it right now.

Illustration for what was said

“People suffer not from what happens, but from their attitude towards what happens.”

You can paraphrase this saying of Montaigne like this: your victory in a situation depends not on the circumstances that make up this situation, but on your attitude towards them.

At one time I happened to be a karate trainer. In my group there was a young man who had brilliant abilities and studied with great zeal. You could say he spent his days and nights in the gym. But he had a problem - fear.

There are no fearless people. Fear, as an instinct of self-preservation, allows us to see danger and escape from it. However, it’s bad when it starts to control us and takes over our psyche.

This is exactly what happened to my brilliant fighter. Fear deprived him of self-confidence. He mastered fighting techniques impeccably and during training did not miss a single blow, but in contact combat he was a coward and lost to almost everyone.

But in battle it is not technique that wins, but spirit.

One day a man came to visit me who was the winner of the championship Central Asia in martial arts. I asked him to hold exhibition fights with my guys, but warned that one of my guys was superior to him in all respects. What's wrong with him, they say, even such a master should keep his ears open.

In other words, I planted a spark of doubt in my own abilities in the champion’s soul. And he said to the guys:

“One arrogant guy came to us, considering himself an invincible fighter. He wants to warm up and beat the dust out of you, but I know that any of you can handle him with just your left. Even you! – and pointed to the newcomer, who still barely knew how to move. And then, as if casually, he turned to the cowardly young man:

– You are the most technical among us, intimidate the upstart, drive him a little around the hall.

The meeting took place. And what do you think? My “coward” had a great fight and defeated the champion. When he found out the name of the master he met in the dojo, he felt sick.

The lesson was not in vain. In the early nineties in Hiroshima at the Asian Olympic Games, my “coward” won first place among martial artists. As a coach, I am proud of his success to this day.

The conclusion, I hope, is clear. You can become a winner in everything only by defeating yourself. Never forget this.

Chapter 1 Health as a lifestyle

The purpose and meaning of self-health training

Components that make up the self-healing process.

The image of health and youth, its meaning and role in the practice of self-healing.

Why do we get sick? Because we live based on false attitudes. For example, since childhood we have become accustomed to considering the postulate “a healthy mind in a healthy body” as an axiom, despite the fact that it is fundamentally incorrect.

Many young and physically healthy people refute this postulate with their behavior. They are immoderate in their search for pleasure, unbridled in their passions, drink, smoke, and take drugs. In a word, they, without hesitation, do everything to weaken and prematurely age their body. Does such behavior indicate high spiritual health?

No! A person who does not care about his body, considering it as something secondary, can also be considered spiritually defective, but the body is the temple of the soul. It is no coincidence that in the East a sick person is considered a criminal.

Doctors of the ancient East identified many reasons leading to the development of the disease. Among the external ones are wind, cold, heat, dryness, improper lifestyle - overwork and idleness, poor diet, bad habits.

Among the internal ones are excessive emotional experiences, both positive and negative.

The health of the body is ensured by the health of the spirit, and not vice versa. The human body is provided with an eight to tenfold safety margin from birth.

If you are overcome by illness, do not panic and, most importantly, do not sit idly by. Find the strength to reconsider your attitude towards life, replenish your protective resource.

The self-healing system, which will be discussed below, has proven its effectiveness in practice. Its elements are simple and accessible. Any person, looking at the list of exercises, will say: I can do this, and this, and that, and even this...

It’s all true: each of the exercises is truly within the capabilities of each of us. Why, one might ask, does not every one of us become healthy if we take with all tenacity, but mechanically practice the proposed exercises of the system? Here is the answer: Mechanical training without meaning and purpose leads nowhere.

For example, consider a person learning to swim.

Feeling a strong bottom under his feet, he easily performs movements that can keep him afloat, but when he gets into a deep place, he drowns. What's the matter?

In the absence of the ability to cope with the situation, in the wrong attitude towards it. This kind of person:

Panically afraid of drowning (emotionally determined to lose);

Sees nothing, hears nothing (unable to correctly assess his position);

Blows bubbles, chokes (cannot breathe);

Flounders at random (does not know how to coordinate movements);

Gets tired quickly (not physically strong);

Does not imagine himself swimming (has not formed his image of a swimmer in his soul).

Conversely, a person who can swim:

Not afraid of water;

Sees waves, the shore, other swimmers, hears the splash of oars, the roar of boats, noise

waterfall (i.e., able to objectively assess the situation);

Breathes correctly;

Measured in movements;

Does not get tired (knows how to save energy);

Feels like a swimmer.

The last point is the most important of those listed, because it collects the effectiveness of all the others into a single whole.

The image of a swimmer, supported by a burning desire to freely and confidently cut through the surface of the water, helps those who are learning to swim to put together the skills acquired in training and get results.

Depending on how vividly this image is created and how great the desire to swim, a person gains the ability to either cross the Hellespont or splash lightly in calm water, holding on to the walls of the pool. Here everyone is free to choose what they like.

The patient, caught in the whirlpool of illness, has no choice. He needs himself and in the most short time cope with your illness. To do this, you need to shake yourself up physically and spiritually and tune in to the Image of health and youth, which will really help you regain both youth and health within 30–40 days.

Is this possible? After all, miracles don't happen. This health system says yes with absolute certainty. This can be confirmed by thousands and thousands of people who have overcome their illnesses that were considered incurable.

They, without resorting to drugs or any other auxiliary means, managed to gain youth and health on their own.

The system has helped many get rid of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, thyroid disease, auditory neuritis, optic neuritis, benign neoplasms (especially gynecological ones, such as cysts and fibroids) and many others. etc.

What is the secret of these incredible, magical, fabulous metamorphoses? In the magnificent properties of our body, given to us by generous Nature.

Our body from birth was endowed with mechanisms of self-healing and biodefense, but they were lulled by the way of life modern life devoid of physical and spiritual dynamics. To awaken them, we will need to return to the original (baby-like) state of active comprehension of the world (as if to be born again).

However, no one can be born twice. What remains for us? It remains - by artificially demonstrating the will and desire to recover, to “stir up” oneself, to awaken inner strength and with the help of specially selected exercises, restore mobility to the joints and spine, and by training emotions, cleanse the soul of “toxins”, returning it to childhood serenity.

In addition, we have to engage in figurative thinking training in order to gain the opportunity to massage our internal organs and joints through mental concentration of the sensations of warmth (T), tingling (P) and cold (X).

Such a massage, improving blood circulation and activating nerve endings in the most remote corners of our body, will eliminate interruptions in the functioning of the kidneys, liver, lungs, and intestines, thoroughly cleanse them and set them up for major repairs, activate the work of the endocrine glands, and improve nutrition of the joints and spine. It will smooth the skin, restoring its elasticity, eliminate wrinkles and scars, giving the order to rejuvenate the entire body. The result will not be long in coming.

Working on yourself using this system will improve your vision, sharpen your hearing, increase male potency, and help a woman cope with gynecological diseases, reveal and increase her sensuality.

Yes, yes, dear readers, you are absolutely right. This book gives you a magic wand, Aladdin's lamp, a seven-flowered flower, or some other item that can work miracles.

This “object”, imbued with the wisdom of millennia, whatever you call it, promises each of you the fastest and most effective help, its effectiveness is similar to the effectiveness of the mythological living water.

Almost all students who have completed the full-time course unanimously declare this. The same is evidenced by numerous letters from correspondence students who independently practiced this health system and completely healed themselves.

The source of these “miracles” is within each of us, and magic will become a reality only if your desire to become young and healthy is sincere and ardent, if all your aspirations are directed towards the goal and if your whole being is permeated with the light of the Image of Youth and health, which you yourself call from the depths of your soul.

This Image, each person has his own, is like a drawing on his fingertips, it is made up of your wonderful memories and sensations.

No one can do this work for you, I can only tell you which direction to move and how to act, that is, tell you what it should be - your personal, unique Image of health and why it is needed.

Actually, we have already talked about why the Image of health and youth is needed. Any machine will quickly become unusable if it does not work in a certain operating mode; any computer requires a certain program in order for it to properly perform its functions.

A person is not a machine or a computer, but a very complex living being in which the physical, intellectual and spiritual principles are organically combined.

Intelligence is also called consciousness, reason. Spirituality refers to the emotional and moral manifestations human, they form a substance called “soul”.

The image of health and youth will help create inner harmony. It is in tune with all the bright moments of our lives that inspire us. Each of us is familiar with this feeling, and each of us has its own unique pattern.

For one, the Image of Youth may be associated with a walk through a blooming spring garden, for another - with a delightful dance at a school graduation party, for a third - with climbing shining mountain peaks, for a fourth - something else...

When embarking on a search for your ideal, tune in to a wave of joyful anticipation and always imagine yourself as you would like to be. Young, fit, beautiful - and whatever you do, do it with love for yourself and the world around you.

Create your own Image of Health and “impose” it on yourself so that you feel a “response” in your body. Remember also the sensations in your soul - light, freedom, purity, peace and harmony.

Yes, we constantly live in a world of stress. Stressful situations do their job, clogging our soul with resentment, irritation, and anger.

Improper nutrition clogs the body; false attitudes poison our minds and lead us astray from the true path. We become obese, sit in front of televisions, lose physical mobility, and stop reading.

Imaginative thinking gradually becomes dull, our spirit withers, consciousness ceases to guide the body. It is not surprising that ailments and illnesses begin to overwhelm us at this moment.

To get rid of them, first of all, you should learn to imagine your one and only ideal Image of youth and health and constantly merge with it. Then the healing process will become an avalanche and all the exercises of the system will give a fantastic result: youth and health will return to you.

It is very important to create your own specific and clear Image of health. You should be in this image 24 hours a day. Here is the story of a girl who had diabetes.

“I didn’t always feel good, so I wasn’t allowed to do a lot. When all the children were swimming and splashing in the water, I sat on the shore, looked at them and felt too weak for such games, too heavy.

I imagined walking along the beach and leaving very deep footprints in the sand. My feet seem to be stuck in the sand, and I can hardly lift them, they are so heavy. I even closed my eyes to rest...

And one day I imagined that my legs were becoming lighter and lighter, I wanted so badly to run, and for this I needed light legs... I tried to imagine myself as light as a feather, and imagined that my footprints were becoming smaller and smaller, and I I run faster and faster... like the wind, along with everyone...

Every day I went to the beach, I imagined it was really like this.

After a few days I felt better; then I began to play and run a little, like everyone else, and I kept imagining how light my legs were and how they hardly left any marks on the sand. I always imagined myself being healthy and light.”

The story of this girl is like a beautiful fairy tale. However, she recovered.

“Grow a green tree in your heart, and one day a songbird will make a nest there,” says a Chinese proverb.

The green tree is the essence, the image of health, which we will diligently and painstakingly form in the soul, and the bird of unfading youth will not hesitate to settle in its crown.

In the second chapter we will talk about training emotions, correcting mood and forming imaginative thinking, which help create a cherished image, as well as the role of forgiveness and the practice of self-immersion, which can evoke in the soul the Image of youth and health, which will open the doors to a new full life.

People learn what fortitude is when they face difficulties. Some people give up and fears arise, while others seem to have a second wind and resources to overcome, and the person becomes even stronger after overcoming the trials.

What does fortitude mean?

The moral and spiritual concept of fortitude denotes a qualitative phenomenon characteristic of a person who has embarked on the path of spiritual improvement or has gone through adversity with honor, but has not broken down and remained human. The strength of the spirit must be cultivated consciously, as was done in ancient times by people of the military class, and by people who devoted themselves to communication with the Divine.

What kind of strength of spirit is there?

To understand the phenomenon of fortitude, there are many descriptive words, each of which, like the facet of a diamond, highlights qualitative components, for example, invincible fortitude, immediately evokes an association with valiant warriors fighting for their land. What other epithets can describe the strength of spirit:

  • unbending;
  • indestructible;
  • majestic;
  • amazing;
  • mighty;
  • extraordinary;
  • endless.

The problem of fortitude

People who survived severe hardships and adversity, but remained human in the high human understanding of this word, grew spiritually and acquired an inner, unbending core. The problem of fortitude is a confrontation with a reality when a weak person may not be able to bear the burden, but a strong person will, but at the cost of what effort? Nobody would want to be in his place. The problem with the strength of the human spirit is that no matter how strong a person is in spirit, the pain of overcoming remains a companion to this strength.

What is the difference between fortitude and willpower?

Strength of spirit and willpower are complementary concepts. If we analyze these two phenomena into their components, then about willpower we can say that this is overcoming constant inertia, following discipline and the intended path, without turning off, without giving yourself concessions, with a lack of self-pity. Strength of spirit is going beyond the ordinary understanding of oneself only as a body, strength of spirit does not allow one to drown in despair and heavy thoughts, it is the force that lifts a person above existence.

How to develop fortitude?

People with an inner core who have achieved success regardless of circumstances and hardships evoke respect and admiration. Many people want to be like such people, discarding all the difficulties they have faced, but they would not have become like this if they had not gone through all this. Others understand the cost of this and ask the question: how to increase the strength of spirit in yourself and cope with all life’s tasks? There is only one answer: start developing the strength of spirit in yourself consciously.

Developing mental strength - exercises

Training for fortitude is not some kind of single, one-sided repetition of certain rituals and exercises; in total, it is both exercise and conscious placement of oneself within the framework of difficult trials and circumstances, being true to oneself, no matter what happens around, nothing should relax or lead away from the goal cultivating your spirit. Exercises play their role, they are necessary and important, they are part of conscious tests and building discipline, without which it is difficult to cultivate the spirit.

Exercises to develop fortitude:

  1. Reconsidering Beliefs. Templates are the enemy of spiritual growth. Find time to write down all your limiting beliefs and say goodbye to them gradually.
  2. Positive intelligence. Negative thoughts are ineffective and control a person, because fear negates all noble motives. It is important to practice affirmations for fortitude, for example: “I can handle this!” “My spirit is growing and strengthening every day, I am becoming a stronger person in spirit!”
  3. Energy control. It is important to learn to control your mental energy and not waste it; an excellent solution would be to start practicing qigong.
  4. Physical strengthening of body and spirit. Sports, hiking in the mountains, mountaineering strengthen a person's endurance.

Mantra of fortitude and energy

The development of spiritual strength occurs through self-testing, overcoming obstacles, and the spirit needs energy, which can be carried out by certain mantras. People who practice mantras have long been convinced of their effective power. The practice of mantras itself requires discipline and concentration, which already has a beneficial effect on the strength of the spirit. For powerful results, it is recommended to read any mantra at least 108 times a day for a month.

The mantra “Govinda Hare” has strong energetic vibrations, by practicing it a person improves spiritually, the mantra is easy to remember and very melodic: “Govinda Hare, om namah Shivaya.” This is a direct praise of the gods Krishna and Shiva. Chanting their names increases the strength of the spirit to the skies, as the Indians believe, for whom the names of the creators Krishna and Shiva are sacred.

Prayer to strengthen fortitude and willpower

The best prayer is the one that comes from the heart. Sometimes a person lacks support from the outside, which means the time has come to turn to the Divine and a prayer for strength of spirit addressed to the saints will do its job, you just need to believe in it. What prayers and appeals to saints can you read to strengthen your spiritual strength:

  • prayer to your guardian angel;
  • prayer of the Optina elders;
  • prayer of St. Dmitry of Rostov from despair;
  • prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Tattoo meaning fortitude

Tattoo artists claim that one of the most popular tattoos among male and female clients is the fortitude tattoo with an image of a dragon on the shoulder or back. Why dragon? In Chinese mythology, this is a mythical animal with power over two worlds: the above-ground and underground. It carries magic, spirituality, nobility and strength. The victory of the spirit over the physicality is the dragon. The owner of a dragon tattoo receives its qualities: fortitude, endurance, magic, perseverance in achieving their goals.

Films about fortitude

When there is no one around in difficult moments of trials, you can watch films about willpower and spirit, and this will be an excellent motivation to move on in life and not lose heart, but to cultivate it. The heroes of these films know from their own experience what fortitude is:

  1. « Pollyanna / Pollyanna" This girl Polianna faced a lot of challenges. But her loving heart and fortitude melted the hearts of the small town and its callous inhabitants.
  2. « Three days to escape / The Next Three Days“His wife is guilty of murder, but he doesn’t believe it and tries in every possible way to get her out of prison. A film about the power of love and fortitude in the face of vicissitudes of fate.
  3. « Favorite / Seabiscuit" In this drama there are victories and defeats, love of life and despair, and the horse Sukhari, homely and not stately, an extension of his master, together they are one powerful force of spirit. The film helps you feel the taste of life again when it’s bad and hard.
  4. « Soul Surfer" This real story famous American surfer Bethany Hamilton, who lost her arm due to a shark attack during training. But Bethany did not give in to the circumstances and continued training and participating in competitions.
  5. « Wild" True stories always motivate, this wonderful film is based on the biography of Cheryl Strayed, an American writer and screenwriter. During a difficult period in her life, Sharyl decides to go on a difficult journey on foot and return a different person.

Books about fortitude

They exude confidence and inflexibility, they have gone through many tests and emerged from them with honor, and they know that only through obstacles does the strength of the human spirit grow; they are the heroes of books that have become bestsellers. What is power and fortitude in the books of famous writers:

  1. « Wolfhound» M. Semenova. A series of books about a man nicknamed Wolfhound, he is a warrior who has nothing to lose, because all his relatives were destroyed. He will pass through worlds, time, space, hard labor and wars, and this will only strengthen his fortitude.
  2. « See you soon» J. Moyes. The main characters are the girl Lou Clark, who was left without work, and he is Will, a young guy who made the most of life and suddenly became disabled. Lou gets a job as a nurse for Will, but he is sarcastic and constantly makes fun of the girl. But Lou does not despair and strives to arrange Will’s life so that he stops feeling outside of active life. They are both strong-willed individuals, both are beautiful and their love is the most beautiful thing that could happen to them, even if only for a short time.
  3. « You changed my life" A. Sellu. The acclaimed film “1+1” was based on this book. Sometimes fate brings together people who seem to be so different and all that remains is to throw up your hands “for what?” Both heroes will learn a lot from each other and both will grow spiritually.
  4. « Spark of life" EM. Remarque. War is the most cruel test of life; it squeezes a person into circumstances where the choice is negligible, and the person is completely vulnerable. But even under these conditions, a person learns, passes tests, and his fortitude grows stronger.
  5. « Notes on napkins» G. Callahan. True strength of spirit manifests itself in difficult times for a person. This book is a true story in which the author writes about himself and his family. Garth lived the normal life of an average American until he learned that he had cancer. And every day became like his last. The diagnosis did not break him and several years have passed, and Garth continues to make every day of his life and the lives of his loved ones unforgettable.

Hello, dear friends!

We often oppress ourselves for our mistakes, saying: “I absolutely lack fortitude!” What kind of power is this? How is it connected to our sense of self? With giving up bad habits, countless promises to start life anew? How to train fortitude?

I would like to address these questions in today’s article, and also introduce you to several exercises for leveling up a new, improved skill.

The core of a person, his inner power and potential are closely related to self-control and awareness. Like any muscle in our body, it requires pumping and training to strengthen and harden.

Dumbbells are suitable for triceps, and the ability to quickly write SMS is suitable for thumbs. In the case of self-control, the situation is similar. Filling the physical and spiritual vessels must occur in a comprehensive manner.

Who is this strong-willed man? Firstly, this is a person who knows exactly where she is going and where her route is from. Such a person was able to realize his true purpose and was not accustomed to waste his time on trifles.

Secondly, he confidently achieves one goal after another, while simultaneously helping other people who met on his thorny path. Such an individual loves to win in a battle with himself and circumstances. His reactions to what is happening nearby are always positive, because he is convinced that negativity is a destructive emotion.

Willpower plays a decisive role in the development of a person. She is able to heal an individual and protect him from fears, experiences of the past and, of course, from self-pity for his loved one. The code of a strong-willed person is based on these three pillars. And I would like to write about this in more detail.

The first rule for developing iron fortitude is to overcome fear!

If you delve deeply into your subconscious, you can safely come to the conclusion that most of our fears are imaginary. People often fear what has not yet happened or what has already happened, denying the fact of accepting the situation.

There are also real fears. But what's the point of running away from them? The fear that we have looked into the eyes of ceases to be a kind of monster under the bed for us. We completely control him and surpass him after such an intimate acquaintance.

But fear, which we avoid in every possible way, can really destroy us. I invite you to say goodbye to all illusory and real fears today! To do this, you need to decide to get rid of the ill-wisher and create a list of frightening aspects in life.

Opposite each point, write down the most terrible option for the plot development and the most promising one. Think carefully about the situation. What do you choose, live. as before or put an end to this list of problems and move on with your head held high?

The second rule for developing iron fortitude is to stop feeling sorry for yourself!

Thinking that life is not fair and full of negativity is stupid. This puts into your mind the idea that you have absolutely no control over what is happening. And this is scary and relates to the first rule.

Self-pity and resentment towards the Universe bring nothing except devastation, destruction and lack of self-respect. It forces you to follow the same route for years.

Allow yourself to break out into light, freedom and faith in an optimistic future created with your own hands! Get rid of grudges against people. In the case where it has accumulated under the heart, and in some cases, is buried there, no forward movement is expected.

Forgive loved ones, acquaintances and friends. Practice strengthening your willpower through actions, not empty words. Get rid of the accumulated rubbish of feelings with a call, explanation or meeting. This is how you will speed up your “recovery”.

The third rule for developing iron fortitude is to let go of the past!

The desire to cling to one’s native swamp is understandable and common to many. This is better than emptiness. Familiar feeling, right? Understand that for change to occur, you need to train endurance.

By letting go of the past, no matter what it was, good or bad, you open up to new and fresh flows of energy, filling your spiritual vessel. You should not live with regrets about lost happiness, about possible ups or fateful meetings.

It is this action that takes away the supply of vitality and makes you give up faith in a successful and bright future. Live for today, realizing the full share of responsibility and the colossal number of opportunities before your eyes!

How to strengthen your mental strength?

1. Environment

How do we strengthen the physical shell of our soul? That's right, exercise, proper nutrition and attention. Caring for the spiritual should be built in a similar way.

A person who wants to be strong in spirit usually understands what role the people with whom he interacts play in his life. Don’t waste your time on those who are sincerely trying to pull you back by assuring you that nothing will work out!

2. Warm up

Building strength with exercise " I will!"Excellently stimulates achievement motivation and works with willpower. Try to come up with a daily ritual for yourself. Practice creating a positive habit, such as five minutes of meditation every morning.

Before the exercise, say the phrase “ I do this with pleasure and to strengthen my spirit.». Muscular system Self-control involves using willpower on a daily basis. It is this skill that will harden you in all strong-willed rounds.

Friends, this is the point!

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See you on the blog, bye-bye!
