What does a circle mean in psychology. Psychogeometric typology of personality: test “5 figures. Psychological properties of the Triangle

In the conditions of the interview, the efficiency in obtaining information about the applicant is important. The results of psychological testing, as a rule, are secondary in comparison with professional skills and work experience, but they can become the actual basis for discussing the personal and business qualities of the candidate, as well as guide what to look for in the course of a further conversation.

A simple and fairly popular psychogeometric test is aimed at diagnosing a personality type. Results Accuracy this method reaches 85%. A sheet with the image of 5 geometric shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, circle and zigzag) is placed in front of the applicant. The applicant is invited to choose the figures in order of attractiveness. That is, the first figure is the one that you like the most, and so on.

The most important thing is which of the figures the respondent places first - this is the so-called subjective form of a person, which allows you to determine the dominant character traits and behaviors. The last figure in the row indicates the form of a person, interaction with which can cause conflicts and misunderstandings.


Tatyana Markova, HR consultant: “Psychogeometry is now popular in many countries. I often use this technique in my work. In each person there is always a certain proportion of the properties of these figures. But looking at the first and last figure, one can speak of both dominant personality traits and those that are in the minority.

Those who put the square in the first place are punctual, accurate, accurate and attentive to details. Their ideal is a planned, predictable life. They are constantly “arranging”, organizing people and things around them. "Squares" can become good specialists - technicians, excellent administrators, but they are rarely good managers. Excessive predilection for details, the need for clarifying information for decision-making deprives the Square of efficiency. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, conservatism in assessments prevent Squares from establishing contacts.

Psychological properties of the Square


Such people are characterized by leadership and the ability to concentrate on main goal to get to the bottom of the problem. The need to be right and manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for themselves, but also for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others.

Psychological properties of the Triangle


A transitional state of personality, which is reflected in confusion and uncertainty about oneself on this moment time. Most character traits Rectangles - inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. At the same time, during this period they are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living.

Psychological properties of the Rectangle

A circle

The one who confidently chooses the circle as his main form is sincerely interested, first of all, in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people, their well-being. It most often serves as the “glue” that holds the work team together and stabilizes the group. They have high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, sympathize. However, they tend to be weak managers and leaders in business. They try to keep the peace, and for this they sometimes avoid taking a "firm" position and making unpopular decisions, fearing to enter into interpersonal conflict.

Psychological properties of the Circle

Positive Negative
Friendly, benevolent Soft-bodied, undemanding, yielding
sympathizer Chatty, likes to gossip
Able to persuade and motivate others Plays on the feelings of others
Calm, not stressful Lazy, poor concentration, low achievement motivation
conflict-free, stabilizing Weak "politician"


This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity. Zigzags simply cannot work productively in well-structured situations. They are annoyed by clear vertical and horizontal connections and strictly fixed responsibilities. In their work, they require independence from others and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. Then the Zigzag comes to life and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work.

Psychological properties of Zigzag

Of course, none of the figures is better or worse. The only question is how important, in the opinion of the employer, for this particular position, certain personal qualities applicant. And if the best psychologists come from the Circles, then the Triangle may well become an excellent leader of regional development.

Psychogeometry was formed as a system in the USA, and its creator is Susan Dellinger. The psychogeometric test allows you to instantly determine the typology of a person's personality, characterize personal qualities and create a scenario for a person's behavior in standard situations. You can pass the Dellinger psychogeometric test online in a few minutes, and the diagnostic accuracy will be about 85%.

Psychogeometric psychology test

Look carefully at the five shapes: rectangle, square, circle, triangle, zigzag. Choose from them the one that best suits you. Try to become aware of your form. If you cannot choose, then mark the figure that first caught your eye. Now rank the remaining figures by writing their names under the correct numbers.

Interpretation of the Dellinger psychometric test

The figure that you chose first will determine the main, dominant features of your character and behavior. The other four figures are modulators that influence the main line of your behavior. The figure to which you assigned the last fifth number will characterize the person with whom it is most difficult for you to find a common language.


Tireless workers who have chosen this figure, they are characterized by perseverance, zeal, a desire to bring any work begun to the end. These people love to collect all kinds of data, the constant need for information, patience, diligence and endurance make them highly qualified specialists in their field. The strength of the Square is the ability for mental analysis, the ability to give out the necessary information almost instantly. People who choose a square are most often left-brained, that is, those who process information sequentially. They are very attentive to details, love order, dream of a planned life. Such people can be excellent technicians and administrators, but the work of managers is not for them, the need for accurate and detailed information deprives these people of efficiency in making decisions. Emotional dryness, rationality and conservatism in decision-making prevent Squares from establishing contacts.


This is a symbol of a leader, such people are able to highlight the main goals, set specific goals for themselves and, as a rule, achieve them. Triangles are also left hemisphere and are able to deeply and quickly analyze the situation. But unlike Squares, who are interested in details, Triangles are focused on the essence of the situation. The need to manage the situation, to be always right makes such a person constantly competing with others, working only to win. Triangles quickly learn new things, absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Such people are often impatient and do not like those who hesitate in their decisions, they are extremely ambitious. Squares want to achieve the best quality of their work, and Triangles strive to achieve high status. The main negative quality of these people is egocentrism, which does not allow them to be especially scrupulous on the way to the top.


This figure symbolizes the transitional state of the individual, so they are characterized by inconsistency and unpredictability. These people can change a lot in one day. They often have low self-esteem, but they need to communicate with other people, although others may shy away from interacting with such a malleable person. At the same time, Rectangles are inquisitive, bold, open to everything new. Such people are easily suggestible, the mime is easy to manipulate.

A circle

This symbol speaks of harmony and the desire to establish good interpersonal relationships, the highest value for the Circle is people. He is the one who holds the work team together, knows how to listen, has a high degree of empathy, perceiving someone else's pain as his own. Such people do not like conflicts and tend to be the first to give in, their motto is "If only there was no war." Those who choose the Circle belong to the right hemisphere, they rely more on intuition, most of all they pay attention to subjective moments - feelings, values. Such people can find common ground even in opposing points of view; they are born psychologists. But the lack of organizational skills inherent in the Triangle and the methodicalness of the Square will prevent the Circle from becoming the head of a serious business.


Those who choose such a symbol have creative, creative thinking. If a person firmly chooses a zigzag, then he is a dissident, he is characterized by intuitiveness, imagery. Zigzag thoughts are often misunderstood by left brain rational Triangles and Squares. Such people do not concentrate on details, they see beauty as a whole, their aesthetic sense is very developed. But the Zigzags do not seek to reach a consensus, they want a conflict of ideas, contradictions, in order to bring something new out of there. They don't like routine monotony, people trembling because of status or agreeing for the sake of appearance. Zigzags cannot work where there is a clear structure, they need independence like air. This sign is the most excitable and enthusiastic, it is a symbol of idealists, such people are expressive and eccentric. But specific details and trifles are not for them, they cannot be too persistent, which prevents them from bringing all their ideas to life.

It may happen that no figure suits you completely. In this case, a combination of two or even three figures can describe your personality.

They say geometric figures can symbolize certain qualities of a person. Looking at the figures, a person chooses a square for its stability, or a circle for round shapes, or a zigzag for quirkiness. What do you choose?

Look carefully at the pictures of the figures. Choose from them the one that you like best and read the description of your character.

People who have chosen , usually restrained, persistent and incredibly hardy personalities. They finish everything they start. Thanks to these qualities, squares reach great heights in their profession and become highly qualified specialists, especially in the field of technology.

The insatiable thirst for knowledge inherent in them, as well as the peculiarity of systematizing and applying the acquired knowledge, elevates them to an absolutely deserved rank - the rank of erudite. Squares are ardent adherents of planning and order, so everything that happens outside the plan and not according to the instructions can unsettle them and piss them off.

Unfortunately, their excessive attention to detail and constant need for clarification interfere with prompt decision-making, which is why they are rarely top managers. Because of their conservatism, pedantry, rationalism and emotional dryness, it is difficult to establish contacts with others.

Triangle is a symbol of leadership. A characteristic feature of people who have chosen a triangle is the ability to focus on the main goal and quickly analyze the situation.

Triangles are energetic, self-confident strong personalities, with great difficulty admitting their mistakes and in the highest degree pragmatic. Often they are very decisive and do not tolerate objections. They are vain and strive to achieve the high position and status of their subordinates.

The desire to be the first and right in everything, to manage the state of affairs makes them constantly compete and compete with others. They know how to make everything and everyone revolve around them, but on the way to their goals they are not very scrupulous in matters of morality. As a rule, brilliant managers, leaders and managers are obtained from triangles.

A circle - this is the most benevolent of the five geometric figures, which in mythology symbolizes harmony. Those who choose the circle are highly sensitive people, with an extremely developed ability to empathize, sympathize and feel other people's pain and joy.

For the Circle, there is no greater happiness than to see the harmony of the surrounding people with each other, therefore, in the event of a conflict, in an effort to maintain peace, he will most likely give in first. Able to hold both the family and the team at work. The circle is a born psychologist.

He appreciates people and is able to "read" them like an open book. A glance is enough for him to catch the slightest signs of hypocrisy, deceit and falsehood. The desire of the Circle to avoid conflict is sometimes to the detriment of the cause. Focus on people, not on business, lack of determination and inability to present themselves often prevent the Circle from becoming a strong manager and leader in business.

Zigzag is a symbol of creativity. The people who have chosen this figure are great originals. That is why stamps and stereotypes are not for them. In addition to a developed aesthetic sense, they often have natural wit and even causticity. Compared to others, Zigzag is the most enthusiastic and excitable person.

If a new idea comes to Zigzag's head, he will do everything to let the whole world know about it. Zigzags are quick-tempered and expressive. Their mood changes more often than the time of day, but at the same time, most Zigzags are charismatic and charming people.

Independence is the main condition for the prosperity of their creativity. In work, they cannot stand rigid frameworks, fixed responsibilities and monotonous constancy, and, unfortunately, they do not always bring the work they have started to the end.

Rectangle symbolizes the state of change, therefore it is a temporary form of personality. Most often, people choose it during a period of extreme dissatisfaction with life and themselves.

Rectangles wholeheartedly strive to change everything for the better and, in order to fulfill their desires, they connect their best qualities: an inquisitive mind, curiosity, courage.

They are open to new things and ready to absorb knowledge for drastic changes, but their openness is on the verge of gullibility and suggestibility, so during this period Rectangles can become the object of someone's manipulation. Fortunately, “rectangularity” is a temporary stage and after the successful implementation of the plan, it will pass!

  • In this article, you will learn what psychogeometry is and how to use it in sales. Get acquainted with the Susan Dellinger test and learn to see geometric shapes in people.

    Straight to the point

    Even if you are one of those people who are not friends with mathematics and geometry, it will not be difficult for you to pass the psychogeometric test. Draw five geometric shapes on paper: a square, a circle, a triangle, a rectangle, and a broken line (zigzag). And now you need to choose only one of them. What will this figure be? Ask yourself: what do you like more, what do you like, or maybe you have a figure that you often draw on the margins of your diary? Which figure would you associate yourself with? Am I a circle? Am I a square? Am I a zigzag? Am I a rectangle? Am I a triangle?

    Now, having chosen the main figure (this will be your first place), arrange the rest in importance. Everything!

    Of course, this is a simplified version, but you can still say that you have already passed the famous psycho-geometric test by Susan Dellinger.

    By choosing your main figure, you reveal your personality type. Indeed, behind the square, circle, triangle, rectangle, zigzag, their special characteristics (dominant character traits) are fixed. But it is also important in what sequence you place the rest of the figures in order of importance - after all, these are kind of modulators that also affect the leading line of your behavior. So let's take a look at the five personality types.


    The square is the most stable figure. Square people also always stand firmly on their feet, they are down to earth, clear, can boast of iron nerves, cold mind. Something always keeps them from rash acts, impulsive decisions. By nature they are conservatives, performers. These people are straightforward and even to some extent tough. It is important for a square to realize itself as a part of a cell, it does not strive to stand out, on the contrary, it is ready to fit into the system, to become a “smooth tile” on a large panel. He desires to be correct in order to conform to generally accepted standards.


    This figure is a leader. Triangles are energetic, strong personalities who are sharpened exclusively on themselves. They are ambitious and adventurous at heart. It is important for them to be in the center of attention, to constantly rise above someone. They have the ability to focus on the main goal and successfully achieve it. Triangles are afraid of being wrong and have great difficulty admitting their mistakes. sharp corners This figure also leaves an imprint on the character: triangles are often sharp, sharp, capable of weaving intrigues.

    A circle

    The circle is the most benevolent of all five figures. For this type of people great importance it is their environment: relatives, friends, colleagues at work. The circle cannot live without a team, its goal is to unite everyone around it. This type of personality is distinguished by excellent communicative talents, circles are excellent negotiators, always ready to support a conversation on any topic. shunned conflict situations, in stressful moments it can be difficult for them to make a decision. They sometimes do not have a clear position, and they always try to run away from direct questions and direct answers. The circle is a non-linear form, and those who confidently identify themselves with the circle are more likely to be “right hemisphere” thinkers (figurative, intuitive, emotionally colored thinking prevails in such people).


    The most creative figure out of all five. This means that a person who associates himself with a zigzag is an original, creative person. Zigzags always have their own picture of the world. They are adventurers, they are attracted by adventure and any change. But the routine, patterns, rules, instructions frighten and annoy them. Representatives of this figure are tireless preachers of their ideas and know how to lure, motivate everyone around them. There are no authorities for the zigzag, he likes to sharpen the conflict of ideas, he is witty, caustic, strives for independence, for diversity in all spheres of life. Unrestrained and excitable, eccentric in actions and words.


    Of the five proposed shapes, the rectangle is the most unstable. People who choose this figure for themselves are actually experiencing a turning point. The rectangle is a temporary form of personality that the other four figures can “wear” at certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the way of life that they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position. The actions of rectangles are often inconsistent and unpredictable. The self-esteem of this type is extremely low, so they often become victims of manipulation and intrigue. Nevertheless, like all people, rectangles have positive qualities that attract others to them - curiosity, inquisitiveness, courage.

    Susan is a psychologist who loves geometry

    Susan Dellinger - Doctor of Philosophy, famous American psychologist, specialist in social psychology and coach personal growth. It is she who is the founder of psychogeometry - a special system of personality analysis. She put forward her geometric theory of human cognition back in the late 70s of the last century. And in 1989, her test was first published with a description of the testing methodology, as well as a description of the figures themselves. The test was translated into Russian only in 1996. Today, many scientists around the world are studying psychogeometry. In May 2006, the first International Conference on Psychogeometry (The World‘s First Psycho-Geometrics Conference) was held.

    Classical testing according to the Susan Dellinger method is often used by HR managers in their work. But Susan Dellinger herself has repeatedly stated that her psychogeometry is also useful in sales. Knowledge of curly psychotypes allows the manager to more easily find contact with the client, present the product from an advantageous position, and avoid conflicts. Moreover, in order to recognize a square, triangle, zigzag, circle or rectangle in the client, you do not need to ask him to choose his favorite shape. The geometry of personality leaves an imprint even on our clothes, not to mention behavior.

    How to recognize a square

    Whether in a retail store or in a major negotiation, the square customer always chooses the role of some kind of inspector. The facial expression is gloomy, disapproving. He treats any product with slight disdain. Square is annoyed when something is shoved into his hands, persistently shown, etc. People of this type start the conversation with specific questions, they always pay attention to the price and characteristics of the product. The seller needs to be immediately prepared that the square rarely makes purchases the first time, usually he needs to think it over and weigh everything well.

    How to sell a square?

    Keep a businesslike style of conversation. Offer without fuss, don't joke around, don't talk too much. The square thinks over all its decisions, so it is pointless to put pressure on it. He rarely makes impulsive purchases. He should not just like the product, but rather fit according to certain parameters. And the task of the seller is to find out these very parameters.

    The buyer-square has a clear algorithm of actions in his head, which he has set for himself: today he will study the offers of the market, tomorrow he will look at the offers, then he will meet with a company representative, etc. The seller can be correctly asked: “By what time do you have to make a purchase (complete the transaction, etc.) so as not to break out of the schedule?”. They don't like to break the rules, disrupt the schedules, cross out their plans.

    When working with a square, it is good to use the "Mirror" technique: copy its movements, posture, manner of speaking.

    To some extent, the square is a dependent figure, it is important for it to be part of a large and even system. In his eyes, you must also be a square. Strangers annoy him.

    Squares often know about your product (service) as much as you do. Do not try to embellish the characteristics of the product and never lie to the square. It will easily lead you to clean water.

    How to recognize a triangle?

    These people are very confident and determined. As a rule, they have a wide, firm step, confident and spectacular gestures. Triangles have a piercing look. They seem to radiate: “I myself know everything!”. In communication, they almost inseparably look into the eyes of a partner.

    If the triangle is interested, eye contact accounts for more than 80% of the communication time; if there is no interest, less than 50%.

    These people appreciate a sharp joke, love to listen, and even more to tell jokes. Triangles tend to make friends with people in high positions in politics, famous scientists, writers, athletes, and then effectively trump it. In a conversation, they know how to present themselves well, at the right time they will definitely mention their awards, brag about a recent good vacation, etc. If a person makes you feel envious, most likely, you have a triangle in front of you. This figure is also easy to recognize by a stylish wardrobe, status accessories (women have expensive jewelry, a handbag, shoes, men have watches, shoes, perfume is a must).

    How to sell to a triangle?

    Triangles love themselves very much, so they try to choose the best. Quality matters to them. First of all, they look at how a product or service will be able to promote them. Even if the triangle concludes a deal on behalf of the company where it works, it will still always appreciate its own interest in this matter.

    Composing commercial offers for a triangle, be sure to focus on the personal benefits that he can get, even if they are very conditional.

    Triangles love pompous parties, social events, go to presentations with pleasure. They are easy to lure with personal offers, VIP cards. In their hearts, they are sure that they even get a discount for their uniqueness and genius. When communicating with such a client, the seller should definitely compliment the triangle, smile, and joke.

    How to recognize a rectangle?

    Rectangles are extremely fickle personalities. They can abruptly change their style of clothing for no reason: either a business suit or flashy ripped jeans. The metamorphoses that occur with a rectangle are easy to distinguish from the desire for diversity inherent in all people, since they have a pronounced impulsive, even hysterical character.

    Rectangles are also characterized by body language: movements are clumsy, sharp. These people often stumble, spill something on themselves, tip over, etc. Rectangles often drum their fingers on the table, twist or nibble on a pencil (pen), cough (nervous “cough”), scratch their hand, rub their face with their hand, clasp and unclasp their hands, etc. Often blush. Constantly late for meetings.

    How to sell to a rectangle?

    Rectangles love everything new. On a subconscious level, they think that with a new thing they are starting a new happy life. Most often they make expressive purchases. With such a buyer, the seller should not delay the presentation, because the mood of the rectangle is like a pendulum: either he passionately wants to buy something, or he sharply realizes that he absolutely does not need it.

    In dealing with such a person, the seller should be gentle and attentive. In fact, the rectangle is easy to please, these are people who have "everything written on their faces", they do not know how to hide emotions. Try to make a deal in one, maximum two or three meetings.

    An important point: when working with such a person, it is very important for the seller not to get close to the rectangle. Do not ask him personal questions, do not try to make friends.

    Rectangles not only look like bunglers, they feel like that, they perfectly see all their “jambs”. If they feel that you know too much about them, they will immediately turn to another company for a product or service, where they will not be labeled a bum. Rectangles feel more comfortable in the crowd, so they prefer presentations, fairs, etc. Staying with a manager one on one is a difficult test for them. But if there are two managers, or maybe three people at once, it becomes easier for them, they feel like they are in the company.

    How to recognize a circle?

    Krug values ​​comfort and convenience, and this is reflected in the choice of clothing. A circle woman will never wear uncomfortable high-heeled shoes, and a circle man will avoid strict dress formal wear. Preference is given to an ensemble of trousers and a jacket (jacket) or a sweater (jumper), as well as shirts without a tie and turtlenecks. That is, they are not concerned with impressing others.

    As for speech, it is often a low, soft voice. The speech is slow and smooth, the words are pronounced very clearly, so there is absolutely no need to strain to make out what the circle is talking about. In "round speech" the pronouns "we", "our" are more common than "I" and "mine".

    Circles often give enthusiastic, positive ratings and compliments, and there are quite a lot of appropriate adjectives and words with diminutive suffixes in their speech.

    Body language: frequent head nods in agreement and approval, a friendly smile, plenty of laughter. The circle constantly looks the interlocutor in the eyes. In communication, he often seeks to touch the interlocutor with his hand, touch his shoulder, etc. Communication for the circle is of great importance, often such people are intrusive interlocutors, whom you “will not overhear”.

    How to sell to a circle?

    The circle is often the first to establish contact, so the seller should just keep the conversation going. Before making a purchase, the circle needs to talk a lot. These people may make a purchase not because they really need the product, but simply as a token of gratitude to the seller for a pleasant conversation.

    Such a client needs full attention. If possible, make sure that he feels comfortable: an armchair - coffee - a pleasant conversation. The circle should feel interest and respect on your part for him just as a person.

    This personality type loves to talk about themselves, and this will help you find a compelling case for your product. It is good if the seller tells how he uses the offered goods. And even better, if the product or service can be used collectively, the social circle will immediately appreciate it.

    Don't criticize your competitors' products or services. Circles rarely complain, and if they do, there is a good reason for it. If you respond fairly to the circle's complaint, they will most likely become your regular customer.

    An interesting point: the circle has a pronounced need to give gifts. They spend significant sums on presents to their relatives, relatives and friends. Often they make purchases for someone.

    How to recognize a zigzag?

    Zigzags are wonderful storytellers, very witty, funny. You will recognize them by their bright, figurative speech. They are very convincing in their monologues and dialogues. The vocabulary of zigzags is usually rich and multi-layered (from literary language, scientific vocabulary to street jargon).

    The zigzag has a swift gait, often they are constantly in a hurry somewhere. On the face is almost always lively facial expressions. This type has a lively gesture. Zigzags during the first minute of a conversation with someone can change a dozen poses.

    It is very important for Zigzags to consider themselves unique, inimitable people. Therefore, zigzags in most situations tend to demonstrate a different approach, a different solution to the issue compared to the traditional approaches and solutions adopted by the majority.

    How to sell your product in a zigzag?

    Speak quickly, concisely and to the point. Emphasize the uniqueness of your product or service. In your presentation, you can mention those outstanding people who contributed with their ideas to the creation of this product.

    Price for zigzags is a minor factor if he likes the product. Try to sell everything that can be included in the package along with the main product (spare parts, accessories or additional services, etc.). Zigzags are usually looking to buy a complete set or kit.

    Psychogeometry, like any other qualification of psychotypes, implies the presence of mixed forms of personality.

    That is, in life we ​​can meet a triangle, "crossed" with a circle or a zigzag - with a rectangle. But as the author of the test, Susan Dellinger, herself claims, most often only one figure prevails in a person. Moreover, it does not change throughout life. An exception is a rectangle shape, as a rule, it is a transitional shape. If you chose a rectangle in the test, look at which figure you put next: most likely, you intuitively gravitate towards it, but you do not have enough special strength to reveal this type of personality in yourself, and you are content with the unstable shape of the rectangle.

    Test: psychological geometry

    It is always extremely interesting to learn something new about yourself, something special and, all the more, pleasant. It is no less interesting to suddenly understand the main character traits of a loved one, or not very close, but still interesting ... This partly explains the general interest in psychology in last years. And psychology, in turn, willingly shares its discoveries and scientific developments in the field of psychodiagnostics with the broadest masses.

    The test that I want to offer you today was developed by specialists specializing in a new and extremely fashionable direction in the psychology of psychogeometry. Of course, the reader is offered a simplified version of it, because, in fact, this test is very serious and time-consuming in processing the results, it requires psychological preparation. But this, simplified, version, in my opinion, is extremely interesting. In any case, you have the opportunity to check.

    Draw four shapes on four small sheets of paper (it is better to draw with a felt-tip pen or a pencil of the same color): a circle, a triangle, a zigzag and a square. Make sure that the figures are the same size and drawn with lines of the same thickness. Now mix the drawings and invite the one whose character you want to know better to decompose these geometric shapes in order of preference. That is, you need to lay out the sheets with the drawings in one line: in the first place put the figure that for some reason causes great sympathy compared to others, in the second place the one that you also like, but smaller, and so on. In the last place, therefore, gets the figure that you like the least. And it doesn’t matter at all: why exactly, the only thing that matters is which figure was in the first place. Well, now let's do some diagnostics.

    If the square is in the first place, then in front of you is, first of all, a tireless worker. Diligence, zeal, an almost manic need to bring any work begun to the end, perseverance, which allows you to achieve completion of the work, this is what true Squares are primarily famous for. Endurance, patience and methodicalness usually make the Square a highly qualified specialist in his field. Add to this the constant need for new information. Moreover, all incoming information is immediately systematized and sorted out. Squares are deservedly known as erudite, at least in their field. In general, mental analysis is the strong side of the Square. They are extremely attentive to details, details, which sometimes still prevents them from seeing the big picture. And most importantly: Squares are real pedants. It is very important for them that everything lies in its usual places, and that events proceed according to a once and for all established scenario. Any deviation from this scenario can unsettle the Square for a long time, make him confused, helpless. Neatness, the order of observance of the rules of decency can develop to a paralyzing extreme. And when the time comes to make a decision, especially one associated with risk, with the possibility of losing status, Squares voluntarily or involuntarily delay its adoption. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness and coldness prevent squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people. This person is unlikely to admire the lovely shape of a flower or a beautiful melody for a long time: the aesthetic side of this life is not his forte. And even if it seemed to you that the face of the Square took on a dreamy, unearthly expression at that moment, then, be sure that in his head at that moment the working plan for tomorrow is simply scrolling in all details.

    Did your counterpart put the figure of a triangle in the first place? This shape symbolizes leadership. And many Triangles feel their destiny in this. The most characteristic feature of the true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and usually achieve them. A triangle is a very confident person who is used to being right about everything. A strong need to manage the state of affairs and be the first, to decide not only for themselves, but also, if possible, for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others. The dominant setting in any business is the setting for victory, winning, success. He often takes risks, is impatient and intolerant of those who hesitate in making a decision or are not ready to follow us. It is very traumatic for the Triangle to be wrong in something, to admit their mistakes, especially in public. If a matter of honor for the Square is to achieve the highest quality of the work performed, then the Triangle strives to achieve a high position, acquire a high status, or, in other words, make a career. The main thing negative quality Triangles are strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. They make everything and everyone revolve around them, without them life would lose its sharpness. Triangles on the way to the heights of power do not show particular scrupulousness in relation to moral standards and can go to their goal over the heads of others. But this, however, is typical for presumptuous Triangles, which no one stopped in time.

    The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. The one who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested, first of all, in good and warm interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the circle is people and their well-being. The circle most often serves as the glue that holds together the work team and the family, that is, it brings harmony, warmth, love. It's about such people, probably, they say the sun has risen. They have high sensitivity, the ability to empathize, sympathize, emotionally respond to the experiences of another person. Naturally, people are drawn to the Circles. Circles are great at reading people and in one minute they are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver. They are trying to keep the peace, and for this they sometimes avoid taking a firm stand and making decisions that are not supported by the majority. For a circle, there is nothing more difficult than to enter into interpersonal conflict. He is happy when people get along with each other, so when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that he will give in first. Circles are not distinguished by decisiveness, are weak in all sorts of intrigues and often cannot present themselves properly by embellishing. All this leads to the fact that Circles are often dominated by stronger personalities, for example, Triangles. The circles don't worry too much about whose hands the power will be, as long as everyone is happy and peace reigns. However, in one Circles show enviable firmness: it concerns violations of issues of morality or justice. The main feature of their style of thinking is an orientation towards the subjective, human factor any problem and the desire to find common ground even in opposing points of view. All this and the ability to feel people in the slightest nuances makes Krug a born psychologist.

    The zigzag symbolizes creativity and creativity. The dominant thinking style of ZigZag is the synthetic style: combining completely different, dissimilar ideas, creating something new and original on this basis. This is the element of Zigzags. By the way, as testing experience shows, about one person out of fifty chooses a zigzag pattern. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and reach an agreement not by concessions, but by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict is resolved, that is, removed. Using their natural wit, they can be quite caustic, opening the eyes of others to the possibility of a new solution. Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured and controlled situations. They are annoyed by a clear hierarchy and instructions, strictly fixed responsibilities and ways of working. They need to have a lot of variety and a high level of stimulation (the approval of others) in the workplace. If you want to get the maximum profit from Zigzag's work, then give him maximum independence in the workplace and he will surprise you, come to life and begin to fulfill his main purpose of generating new ideas and working methods. Zigzags are looking to the future and are more interested in possibility than reality. The world of ideas is just as real for them as the world of things is for the rest. Zigzags are tireless preachers of their ideas and are able to motivate everyone around them. However, they lack diplomacy: they are unrestrained, very expressive, which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, Zigzags are not strong in working out specific details (they are bored with this) and are not too persistent in bringing things to the end, since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost.

    At first glance, this testing looks very simple and accessible to everyone. But this is its uniqueness: despite the seeming simplicity, the accuracy of the resulting psychological characteristics personality is amazing! In addition, it is possible to identify not only the most important features of a person, but also those that he has in the minority; for this, it is enough to see which figure the subject put in last place.

    Mood: Frisbee game
    My music: 190 beats per minute

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