What linguistic phenomenon do words illustrate? What linguistic phenomenon is illustrated by the words contours - outlines. Having become acquainted with the etymology of some Russian words. What linguistic concept does the word illustrate?

Path of the Conquistadors

Cover of the collection of poems by Nikolai Gumilyov - “The Path of the Conquistadors”

The collection includes poems:

  • I am a conquistador in an iron shell...
  • I'll be with you until dawn...
  • Song of Zarathustra
  • Credo
  • The dream is night and dark
  • Song about the singer and the king
  • A girl's story
  • Sun Maiden
  • Autumn song
  • A Tale of Kings
  • When from the dark abyss of life...
  • People of the present
  • People of the future
  • Prophets
  • Mermaid
  • Based on Grieg
  • Autumn
  • Sometimes I get sad...
  • Along the walls of an empty house...

There is an assumption that the author later “crossed out” “The Path of the Conquistadors” from the list of his own collections, indirect evidence of which was the reminder in the fourth collection “Alien Sky” that this is the third book of poems. The dedicatory inscription on the book to Vera Melentyevna Gadzyatskaya reads:

This “Way of the Conquistadors”, a collection of discordant poems, is not worthy of your gaze, too bright and calm.


  • “The Way of the Conquistadors” in the Electronic Collected Works

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Anaraud ap Gruffydd
  • art Renaissance

See what the “Way of the Conquistadors” is in other dictionaries:

    Gumilyov, Nikolai Stepanovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Gumilyov. Nikolai Gumilyov Photo of N. Gumilyov in the senior classes of the gymnasium. Birth name... Wikipedia

    Gumilyov, Nikolai Stepanovich- poet. Genus. in Kronstadt. His father was a naval doctor. G. spent his entire early childhood in Tsarskoe Selo. He began his gymnasium education in St. Petersburg and graduated in Tsarskoe Selo [the director here was I. Annensky (q.v.)]. After finishing secondary... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Gumilev- Nikolai Stepanovich (1886 1921) poet. R. in Kronstadt. His father was a naval doctor. G. spent his entire early childhood in Tsarskoe Selo. He began his gymnasium education in St. Petersburg and graduated in Tsarskoe Selo (the director here was I. Annensky (see)).... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Gumilev Nikolay Stepanovich- (1886 1921), Russian poet. In the 1910s one of the leading representatives of Acmeism. The poems are characterized by an apology for the “strong man” of the warrior and poet, decorativeness, and sophistication of the poetic language (collections “Romantic Flowers”, 1908, “Bonfire”, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    GUMILOV Nikolay Stepanovich- Nikolai Stepanovich (04/3/1886, Kronstadt 08/25/1921, near Petrograd), poet, prose writer, lit. critic. Genus. in the family of a ship's doctor. According to some information, the father's family came from a clergy rank. Husband of A. A. Akhmatova, father of L. N. Gumilyov. Big... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Gumilev, Nikolay

    Gumilyov, Nikolai Stepanovich

    Gumilyov N. S.- Nikolay Gumilyov Photo of N. Gumilyov in the senior classes of the gymnasium. Name at birth: Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov Date of birth: April 3 (15), 1886 Place of birth: Kronstadt, Russian empire Date of death: August 1921 ... Wikipedia

    Gumilev Nikolay- Nikolay Gumilyov Photo of N. Gumilyov in the senior classes of the gymnasium. Birth name: Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov Date of birth: April 3 (15), 1886 Place of birth: Kronstadt, Russian Empire Date of death: August 1921 ... Wikipedia

    Gumilev N.- Nikolay Gumilyov Photo of N. Gumilyov in the senior classes of the gymnasium. Birth name: Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov Date of birth: April 3 (15), 1886 Place of birth: Kronstadt, Russian Empire Date of death: August 1921 ... Wikipedia


  • Nikolay Gumilyov. Poems. Poems. Prose, Nikolai Gumilev. Nikolai Gumilyov is a cult poet of the early 20th century, a man who controlled the minds of an entire generation of Russian intelligentsia. The best poetic cycles - `The Path of the Conquistadors`, `Romantic Flowers`,…

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There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

Preparing 9th grade students for writing concise presentation in GIA format

The task of a concise presentation is to briefly, in a generalized form, convey the content of the text, select essential information, exclude details, find speech means generalizations. In a concise presentation, it is not necessary to preserve the stylistic features of the author's text, but the author's main idea, the logical sequence of events, the characters of the characters and the setting must be conveyed without exception.

A concise presentation is considered the most difficult type of presentation because many students do not know how to highlight the main and other important thoughts, and do not know how to distract from unimportant information.

There are three main methods of text compression: 1) exclusion; 2) generalization; 3) simplification. Which compression method to use in each specific case will depend on the communicative task and the characteristics of the text.

Students are not fluent in the named methods of text compression. to the same degree. The most difficult for them is the method of generalization, in which individual essential facts are first isolated (non-essential ones are omitted), combined into one whole, and the corresponding ones are selected. language means and a new text is compiled. The problem is that not all students are able to highlight the main thing and find the essential, as they have difficulty with abstraction. But this process, like other processes of human thinking, can be trained.

At the first stage of teaching the method of generalization, it is useful to give students small texts to write a concise summary with a creative task. Carrying out creative task, students learn to identify the main thing (concept) in the source text. Whatever creative task is offered, it is important that the student reflects on the text, asks himself questions, constructs sentences and checks them during the reading process, and after reading is able to express main idea, make a plan, answer questions.

Creative tasks can be very diverse.

Tasks aimed at the ability to predict the content of a text.

A) Read the title and try to guess who (what) the text will be about. After listening to the text, check your assumptions.

B) Listen or read the beginning of the text (1st sentence, 1st paragraph) on which you will write a summary, and try to guess what will be discussed next (what events will follow, what thoughts will be expressed).

2. Tasks aimed at the ability to highlight the main thing in the text.

A) Find sentences that contain the main idea of ​​the text, or formulate it yourself.

B) Find the main event.

C) Rank the events in order of importance.

D) Put the most important information first, at the beginning of the presentation. Please convey the contents of the remaining parts briefly (compressed).

3. Tasks aimed at interpreting the text.

A) Explain how you understand the statement that...

C) Express your opinion in connection with what you read (write about your understanding of the event).

D) Relate the text you read with others or select one that is similar in meaning.

E) Give a reasoned answer to the question asked by the author.

4. Tasks aimed at creative processing of the text.

A) Make inserts in the text: enter a description of your favorite game, favorite time of year, reasoning about the actions of the heroes, a story about... etc.

B) Complete the text with similar examples.

C) Present the content of the text in a different genre (style).

D) Find general and specific elements in the text. First tell about the particular, and then retell the fragment that represents the general reasoning.

E) Find in the text the parts that serve as the cause and the parts that are the effect.

E) Bring to the forefront the information that is most interesting to you and retell it in detail. Retell the remaining parts concisely.

The next important stage is thinking about the text (reflection, reflection). At this stage, the student asks himself questions like these:

What new did I learn from the text?

What facts were unexpected for me?

What do I think about this?

How does this relate to what I already know?

What thoughts do these facts lead me to think about?

Have I encountered anything similar before - in life, literature, cinema?

What facts, examples, cases can I use in my essay?

A chain of such questions is, in fact, an algorithm for the student’s internal work with the text. This is not the essay itself, but the stage of thinking, comprehending the text and updating your knowledge and ideas is very important on the path to creating the text of the future essay.

Such tasks pursue the following goals:

firstly, to update previous knowledge6 because what we learn is determined by what we already know;

secondly, make learning active; knowledge cannot be “invested”, it can only be “appropriated”;

Examples of tasks for texts.

Exercise. Read the beginning of two texts that talk about the same thing, but in different ways. Find questions hidden in the text. Express your assumptions about the further content of each text. (Between reading the first and second text, time is given to complete the task.)

Leaning over geographical atlas, the German geophysicist Alfred Wegener made an outstanding discovery at the turn of the 20th century: the eastern shores and western shores of Africa can be combined as accurately as the corresponding parts of a dissected picture - a puzzle.

In 1913, geophysicist Wegener published the book “The Origin of Continents and Oceans.” In it, he outlined his famous hypothesis, which was called the theory of movement, or the theory of continental drift.

(What kind of hypothesis is this? What facts support it?)

Exercise. Read an excerpt from the book Magellan by Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. This is the beginning of an artistic biography of the great navigator. Title the text and retell it in detail.

Original text.

In the beginning there were spices. Since the Romans, in their travels and wars, first learned the charm of hot and intoxicating oriental seasonings, the West can no longer and does not want to do without Indian spices, without spices, despite the fact that they were expensive and were constantly rising in price.

At the beginning of the second millennium, the same pepper that now stands on the kitchen shelf of any housewife was counted by grain and was valued at its weight in gold. Its value was so constant that many cities and states paid for it instead. Ginger, cinnamon, and cinchona peel were weighed on jewelry and scales, while tightly closing the windows so that the draft would not blow away the precious dust. No matter what, on modern look, such a price, it becomes understandable when you remember the difficulties of their delivery and the risk associated with it.

What kind of dangers did ships, caravans and convoys with spices have to overcome on the way before they got from the green bush of the Malay Archipelago to their last pier - the counter of a European merchant. How many hands has a product passed through until it reaches the final buyer across seas and deserts! Modern researchers have calculated that Indian spices had to pass through no less than twelve predatory hands before ending up on the European table.

A long, incredibly long way! Is there another, shorter and easier way to achieve your cherished goal? Seafarers began to look for the answer to this question together with monarchs and merchants. The courage that prompted Columbus and Magellan to move west, and Vasco de Gama to the south, was born primarily from a focused desire to find a new route to the east.

No matter how strange it may seem at first glance, it was spices that became the completely earthly, material reason for all those great discoveries that were made in the heroic 16th century. Monarchs and merchants would never have equipped a fleet for the brave conquistadors if these expeditions to unknown countries did not at the same time promise a thousandfold reimbursement of the funds spent.

In the beginning there were spices.

(According to S. Zweig. 306 words.)

Creative task.

The text caused a variety of reactions among ninth-graders. For example:

"Learned a lot interesting facts. For example, the fact that pepper was worth its weight in gold and that when it was weighed, the doors and windows in the house were closed.”

“It turns out that spices traveled a long way before reaching Europe.”

“What seemed most unexpected was that the main, “material” cause of all great geographical discoveries the author counts the spices. One can hardly agree with this. I read about the expedition of Columbus and Magellan, but nothing was said about it. They were looking for something completely different. What does spice have to do with it? The text is, of course, interesting, but Zweig’s thought is somehow strange, I would say paradoxical. Although, maybe there is something in this.”

“It forces you to look at known facts with unusual side, gives rise to different thoughts.”

“It’s probably no coincidence that the text begins and ends with the same phrase.”

Whatever assessment the students gave to the text, the main thing is that it made them think, actively discuss what they read, confront different opinions, take nothing for granted, and finally made them want to learn more about the subject under discussion and turn to other sources of information.

Original text.

Sad collection.

Have you heard the name Galvani? Yes, yes, the same Italian scientist who did experiments with a frog's leg and electric current.

Now they seem to us like hoary old science, but they were once an important page in the study of electricity.

When Galvani told his fellow scientists about his experiments, he was laughed at.

In 1873, the French Academy of Sciences by a majority vote refused to accept Darwin as a member of the Academy, and 5 years later they ridiculed Edison’s invention.

When the physicist de Moncel, at Edison’s request, showed at a meeting of the Academy how the apparatus he had invented for recording and reproducing sounds works, one of the academicians jumped up and shouted at him:

Scoundrel! You dare to come here to fool us with the tricks of a pathetic ventriloquist! Will any of us really agree to believe that a pathetic piece of metal can repeat the noble sound of the human voice?

And the majority of those present supported his angry speech.

Jenner, the scientist who proposed vaccination against smallpox, was ridiculed and reviled. And the doctor who offered pain relief during operations.

The inventor of the steamboat was persecuted. They made fun of the inventor of the steam locomotive. The inventor of the car was teased.

These are just a few excerpts from a very long and very sad collection. A person who made a discovery or invented something new often saw against him not just one opponent, but many. And his opponents usually told him this:

You are wrong, because there are more of us.

Sometimes they said it politely. Sometimes sharply. Sometimes angry. But always with the confidence that if there are more of them, those who say that this cannot be, than those who believe that this is possible, then they are right, and the one who persists is a stubborn person, opposing himself to the majority. It cannot be that the whole company is out of step, and he alone is in step!

Do you think that all these sad stories date back to distant times, when electricity lived only in Leyden jars, steam locomotives and cars were just learning to run, and no one thought about radio?

Of course, we, people of the 21st century, would like to think that all this is in the past. But that's not true.

(S. Lvov. 310 words.)

After the reading there is a conversation.

How many different facts of persecution of inventors are mentioned in the text? (Eight. Words and phrases containing these facts are highlighted in bold in the text.)

What is the meaning of the title?

Imagine that the content of the text needs to be presented in the form of a note of 90-100 words. Write a concise summary.

Creative task.

Do you know of other similar examples? If known, write about it. If not, explain in writing the meaning of the title of the text and formulate the main idea.

Examples of essays on 1 topic.

1. The text by Sergei Lvov is dedicated to the problem of non-recognition of scientists and their inventions. Not only in former times, but even today, many discoveries do not meet with understanding, and those who invented them are ridiculed and persecuted.

Imagine this picture: what would have happened if Newton had not been recognized with his discovery of gravity? Absolutely right, humanity would have fallen behind many centuries, there would not have been many other inventions, man would not have flown to the stars.

For some reason, scientists are often recognized as geniuses only after their death. For example, Giordano Bruno, who claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, was recognized as a heretic and, by order of the Catholic Church, was burned at the stake. And now we bow to the sweetheart of his mind and talk about him as a fighter for the truth in science.

There have always been many such stories, and, unfortunately, they will never end, since there will always be people who do not want “the whole company to be out of step, but he alone to be out of step.” (148 words.)

2. Unfortunately, many examples similar to those that S. Lvov gives in his article can be found in the history of the 20th century. Here are just a few of them.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, whose significance in the history of scientific thought cannot be discussed, has faced misunderstandings from those around him all his life. They did not believe him, he was persecuted in the same way as Galvani, Edison or Jenner.

At one time, they also “didn’t notice” the scientist who developed the aircraft radar invisibility system. And later, the American military accidentally stumbled upon his book, and now “Stealth” is the pride of the US Air Force.

The Soviet Ministry of Defense stubbornly resisted the invention of active tank armor, and then how many lives of soldiers were saved during Chechen war thanks to the installation of this innovation on the T-72 tank!

This sad experience teaches us to be attentive to all, even the most unusual and crazy ideas, so as not to overlook something truly valuable and not to add to the “sad collection” of inventions that were not recognized in time. (140 words.)

The best results are achieved by those students who, in preparation for the exam presentation, learn to understand the text. Presentation put at the “service of understanding” develops a number of important skills:

Understand and remember text based on reconstructive imagination;

Highlight the main thing;

Conduct a dialogue with the text;

Form your own opinion about what you read;

Relate the source text to existing knowledge and personal experience;

Prepare students to practice such a compression technique as generalization.

Equally important when teaching text compression techniques is the stage at which students are presented with linguistic tasks to complete. By solving them, they independently come to conclusions about text compression techniques, and also find out what language tools can be used when compressing text.

Linguistic tasks when practicing the generalization technique.

Read the text. How can a phrase characterize Kuprin’s “many faces”?

He was “one and many-sided.” “One” because he was Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin - an artist of words, original and inimitable. “Many faces” because there were also Kuprins: one was a land surveyor, another was a loader, the third was an accountant at a factory, an athlete, a porter at a station, a singer in a choir. And many, many others. But all this workers' army was combined in one person - the writer Kuprin. (By.)

Read the text. Replace words of one lexical group general concept(in a word).

Our pure-fruit autumn was no less generous. The boulevard was drowned in fallen leaves, yellow, red, marble, foliage of birches, aspens, maples, lindens. (By.)

Read the text. How can you describe the architectural appearance of Leningrad in a few words?

I was born and lived most of my life in Leningrad. In its architectural appearance, the city is associated with the names of Rastrelli, Rossi, Quarenghi, Zakharov, Voronikhin. (By.)

4. Read the text. Shorten the sentence by replacing expressions that are similar in meaning with a common concept (phrase).

Is it possible to be equally interested in the structure of volcanoes and irregular verbs, the laws of particle interaction and the mystery of Ivan the Terrible’s library, the design of a computer and still lifes?.. (According to I. Miloslavsky.)

5.Read the text. Translate private information about attitudes towards people into general idea about it.

Do we, for example, have enough imagination? After all, imagination is not needed at all in order to come up with something non-existent or unrealizable. Imagination is needed in order to embrace with the mind and heart all the richness of life and its situations, in order to see with the mind’s eye the hidden corners of the human soul. Without imagination there is no image of the world and no image of man. And without these images, life becomes flat and simplified, in which we are surrounded only by models and diagrams, and not by real people. (Based on materials from Internet sites.)

6.Read the text. Cut it in half.

These three were lively, funny, sharp-tongued. The conversation was about new books. It was nice to hear how these guys, young builders, showed their taste and independent judgment. They knew the poems of Bulat Okudzhava and had already read the new novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. They were aware of the latest films and premieres that I had not yet seen, and new book releases, which I had no idea about yet. (According to D. Granin.) add examples for the last paragraph.!

After solving such linguistic problems, students come to the conclusion that generalization is the translation of the particular into the general, the condensation of the original information through generalization. You can generalize using the replacement

Homogeneous members of a sentence with a generalizing concept,

Sentences or parts thereof are definitive or negative with a general meaning.

You can also generalize several homogeneous small (private, isolated) questions, facts, examples, form difficult sentence by merging two adjacent sentences talking about the same subject of speech.

A) ruff, golden, root c) antonyms, bicycle, bus

B) pencil, bread, suffix d) doctor, astronaut, conjugation

Find the row where all the words are homonyms

A) area, word, vocabulary, cabbage c) leaf, step, mosquito, boy

B) fingerboard, drill, marriage, bow d) answer, language, exercise, help

3. Determine the type of vocabulary to which the words belong:

Tsybarka (bucket), tsybulya (bow), drobyna (ladder), vecherya (dinner), gutar (talk), hum (drizzle)

4. Find a row where all the words are archaisms:

A) biker, voucher, gendarme c) revolution, language, hit

B) actor, peeit, cheeks d) eyes, locomotive, boat

What are the names of the following stable phrases?

Beat your head, soap your neck, kill yourself, fall back into childhood.

Greek – Greek

a) homonyms b) synonyms

b) paronyms d) antonyms

7. In what example is the word DEAF used in direct meaning?

A) voiceless dissatisfaction c) voiceless consonant

B) deaf to requests d) deaf old man

In which row are the synonyms presented?

A) life - everyday c) high - low

B) arrogance - arrogance d) the room was filled with furniture -

I was forced to study

9. In which row are all words colloquial? A) cashier, razzyava, potatoes c) greedy, potatoes, stash

B) doctor, lame, merry fellow d) electric train, junk dealer, confusion

In which row are all words stylistically colored?

A) quitter, lazy person, truant c) condensed milk, tiny, eyes

B) small, kid, parade d) harmful, mischievous, fool

Test 2

Prince Alexander settled down

In the upper room where the commander lived.

As you can see, the commander has settled down here -

There was a whip of bull sinew lying around. (K. Simonov)

2. Determine the type of vocabulary to which the words belong:

New guy (inexperienced sailor), ancestors (parents), cool (good), flood (tell), ram (bring).

In which row are all phrases - phraseological units?

A) write a report, specific gravity, kick

B) win, leave home, favorite book

D) write well, withdraw into oneself, right angle

D) carelessly, black sheep, beat your backs

What linguistic concept is illustrated by the highlighted words in the poem by M. Tsvetaeva7

“Everything will grind, it will be flour!”

People are comforted by this science.

Will it become torment, what was melancholy?

No, better with flour!

A) homophones c) homographs

B) homoforms d) antonyms

A ) hall full c) thin fingers

B) hall standing ovation ) steep shore

In which example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

A) watch are coming b) it rained c) man passed d) century passed

7 . In what order do both words belong to the vocabulary of limited use?

A) ram, computer c) Internet, ram (bring)

B) poet, actor d) kuren, ancestors (parents)

Which of the following words means “necessary, constant sign, belonging"?

A) attribute b) atavism c) aspect d) association

A) correct - correct, accurate

B) briefing - press conference on policy issues

C) calligraphy - the ability to write correctly

D) consolidation - strengthening, uniting something

What linguistic concept does the word illustrate?

Contours - outlines?

A) homonyms b) paronyms c) antonyms d) synonyms

Test 3

Little critters

They plopped onto his chest with a flourish

And, jumping madly, they fell,

But Sokolov walked on carrion

And continued on his way(N. Zabolotsky)

In which series are all words borrowed from French?

A) speaker, bell-bottoms, coat, muffler

B) wardrobe, plot, hockey, finish

B) repertoire, blinds, foyer, director

D) knockout, sprinter, grace, genre

A) steep boiling water b )steep rise to )heavy luggage d) silk textile

4.In what example is the word KEY used in its literal meaning?

A) key to the cipher b) wrench c) in an optimistic way

D) act in a single manner

What is the meaning of the word ROAD in the sentence “Work is the road to success”?

A) a place to which you need to go or drive

B) travel, being on the road

C) pattern of action, direction of activity

D) a strip of land intended for movement

Which example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

A) He has his own hand in the ministry. B) Pull yourself together

B) Get your hands on it. D) Work tirelessly.

Which of the following words means “a person who condemns all wars and demands peace on earth?

A) nationalist B) pacifist c) chauvinist d) militarist

8.Which word has the wrong meaning?

A) Corrupt - illegally enriching official or politician

B) sold out - a concert or performance in honor of something

C) meticulous - precise to the smallest detail, extremely thorough

D) philanthropist - a rich patron of the sciences and arts

In which sentence, instead of the word EXPLICIT, use the word EXPLICIT?

A) I saw the clear outlines of mountains. B) It was an obvious lie.

C) The colonel felt obvious hostility towards me.

D) This child was an obvious child prodigy.

Determine the meaning of the paronyms below and make up phrases with them

Misprint - unsubscribe, well-fed - well-fed, whiten - whiten, straighten - straighten, assembled - assembled, neighbor - neighbor, deed - misconduct.

Test 4

What type of linguistic homonymy is used?

In the camisole the Eggplant was full of shine,

In the kitchen in the morning he said to Herring:

Cod has become arrogant!

Look, so much cod

I deigned to raise it in a frying pan!

In which series are all the words borrowed?

A) glass, basketball, hockey c) clothing, gates, boat, retail

B) tennis, genre, plot, match d) head, side, entertainer, highway

3. Find a series where only terms are used:

A) vocabulary, syntax, morpheme, suffix c) farm, pattern, tongs, compass

B) newspaper, headline, smoking room, pliers d) kochet, speech, city, galley

4.In what example is the highlighted word used in figurative meaning?

A) hot coffee b) silk shirt c) silk hair d) gold watch

5. .In what example is the word IRON used in its literal meaning?

A) iron ore b) iron will c) iron logic d) iron grip

In which sentence is the word HOUSE used to mean “family”?

A) We know each other at home. B) There were houses in this alley.

C) The Motherland is our common home. D) In ​​the summer we were in a holiday home.

Which row does not have a phraseological turn?

A) step from foot to foot c) kick in the tooth

B) from head to toe d) live in grand style

8. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of his personal interests”?

A) egoist b) philanthropist c) altruist d) philanthropist

9.The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly?

A) diploma holder - student preparing thesis

B) certification – determination of the level of knowledge and skills of an employee or student by specialists

C) antiquarian - amateur, connoisseur and collector of antiquities and antiquities

D) argument - a logical argument, a judgment given to prove something

Orthoepic norms

Option #1

1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

1) hammers 2) friend 3) nap 4) chips

2. In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?

1) peanut 2) spoiled 3) scoop 4) religion

3. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) sorrel 2) excursion 3) expert 4) gypsy

4. Indicate a word in which the stress does not fall on the last syllable?

1) exploded 2) removed 3) created 4) completely

5. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a soft consonant?

1) atelier 2) coffee 3) cottage 4) sweater

6. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) provision 2) mold 3) force 4) picked up

7. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) anatomist 2) started 3) rust 4) winterer

Orthoepic norms

Option No. 2

1. Indicate the verb in which the stress falls on the stem.

1) took 2) collected 3) kicked out 4) lied

2. Which word has the stress on the last syllable?

1) facsimile 2) beets 3) crushed stone 4) porcelain

1) dispensary 2) nettle 3) lived 4) pseudonym

1) Timbre 2) morpheme 3) overcoat 4) cream

1) flounder 2) lighten 3) pullover 4) dancer

6. Indicate the word in which [o] is pronounced in place of the highlighted letter.

1) life 2) acute 3) simultaneous 4) predicted

7. Indicate the word in which stress variations are allowed.

1) combiner 2) blinds 3) apostrophe 4) jagged

Orthoepic norms

Option #3

1. Indicate the verb in the feminine form of the past tense, in which the stress is placed correctly.

1) called 2) took 3) waited 4) knew

2. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) catalog 3) iconography 4) pullover

1) briefly 2) scoop 3) cotton 4) for a long time

4. Indicate the word in which the highlighted consonant is pronounced firmly.

1) cream 2) grotesque 3) overcoat 4) effect

1) oil pipeline 2) salmon 3) promised 4) petition

1) sparkling 2) otherwise 3) popular print 4) kitchen

7. In which words does the stress fall on the second syllable?

    deepen, catalog, dispensary

    intention, cork, took

    accepted, apostrophe, alphabet

    grandfatherly, caught up, phenomenon

Orthoepic norms

Option No. 4

1) heels 2) nursing 3) shoe 4) tradesman

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) congress of rectors 3) at a funeral

2) BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4) from the airportA

3. In which word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) obituary 2) dispensary 3) draw 4) facsimile

4. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a soft consonant?

1) Abstracts 2) Sandwich 3) Terrace 4) Thermos

5. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) Christian 2) understood 3) more beautiful 4) uncork

6. Indicate the word in which stress variations are allowed.

1) convocation 2) gas pipeline 3) cottage cheese 4) icon painting

7. In which words does the stress fall on the first syllable?

    kitchen, dry, mold 3) blinds, carpenter, lied

    waited, leisure, rhubarb 4) agent, loan, driver

Orthoepic norms

Option #5

1. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) expert 2) cleaner 3) envious 4) hyphen

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) aggravateKill 2) customs 3) Christian 4) owners

3. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) scoop 3) took away 4) sorrel

4. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a hard consonant?

1) MUSEUM 2) Tests 3) ACADEMIC 4) Topic

5. Which word has stress on the fourth syllable?

1) inform 2) democracy 3) aristocracy 4) freeze

6. Indicate a word in which two pronunciations are possible in place of CHN - [shn] and [chn].

1) bakery 2) scrambled eggs 3) birdhouse 4) trifling

7. In which row in all words do the highlighted letters represent hard consonant sounds?

1) Macrame, Highway, Tennis

2) modernization, overcoat, shawl

3) cafe, coffee, grotesque

4) integration, hyphen, delicacies

Lexical norms

Option #1

1. What word means “inactive, lacking initiative”?

1) melancholic 2) ordinary 3) laconic 4) inert

2. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of his personal interests”?

1) egoist 2) philanthropist 3) altruist 4) philanthropist

3. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

    hot coffee 3) silk hair

    silk shirt 4) gold watch

4. Which row does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) step from foot to foot 3) kick in the teeth

2) from head to toe 4) live large

5. In what example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

1) the clock is running 3) the person has passed

2) the rain has passed 4) the century has passed

turtle need to use the wordtortoiseshell ?

1) Turtle soup was served for the first course.

2) He approached the goal at a snail's pace.

3) The baby turtles have long since hatched.

4) Turtle shell is especially durable.

Lexical norms

Option No. 2

1. What linguistic concept illustrates words?walnut - Greek?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) synonyms 4) antonyms

2. What is the meaning of the wordlandscape?

    mountainous terrain

    general view of the area

    area with trees and bushes


3. Which of the following words means “a person who helps those in need, who does charity”?

1) philanthropist 2) altruist 3) philanthropist 4) pacifist

4. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

    steep boiling water 3) heavy luggage

    steep rise 4) silk textile

5. In which sentence is it appropriate to use a borrowed word?

1) Yesterday guests came to us on a friendly visit.

2) Depreciation deductions must be made monthly.

3) In many areas of the city, water was at a minimum.

4) He told me about it with climax.

6. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) hall full 3) thin fingers

2) hall standing ovation 4) steep shore

7. obvious need to use the wordclear ?

1) I saw the clear outlines of mountains.

2) It was an obvious lie.

3) The colonel felt obvious hostility towards me.

4) This child was an obvious child prodigy.

Lexical norms

Option #3

1. What linguistic concept is illustrated by the words contours - outlines?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) antonyms 4) synonyms

2. Which of the following words means “one who preaches national and racial exclusivity, incites national hatred”?

1) terrorist 2) chauvinist 3) pacifist 4) militarist

3. Which of the following words means “necessary, permanent attribute, belonging”?

1) attribute 2) atavism 3) aspect 4) association

4. In what example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

1) golden autumn 3) gold bracelet

2) gold hands 4) gold character

5. In which sentence instead of the wordeconomical need to use the wordeconomical ?

1) A new economical car was created.

3) New building materials are very economical in construction.

4) This method is very economical in agriculture.

6. In which sentence instead of the worddouble need to use the worddual ?

1) Our agronomist was the first to think of planting the entire large plot of land with a double row of linden trees.

2) He threw the book away with a mixed feeling of envy and contempt; this double feeling did not leave him for a long time.

3) All this could be a clever trick, designed for the employee to gain the trust of his enemies and start a double game.

4) In this city, all the old merchant surnames were double.

7. Which example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) He has his own hand in the Ministry. 3) Get your hands on it.

2) Pull yourself together. 4) Work tirelessly.

Lexical norms

Option No. 4

1. In which series are not all words included in the synonymous series?

    big, large, huge, colossal

    advantage, superiority, superiority

    meek, gentle, without anger, angelic, good-natured

    shout, roar, bark, roar

2. In what case is the meaning of a word defined incorrectly?

    audience - an official reception with a high-ranking official;

    full house - humorous program;

    scam - an unscrupulous fraudulent enterprise, business, action;

    analogy - similarity between phenomena or concepts.

3. Which of the following words means “rich patron”science and art"?

1) businessman 2) oligarch 3) philanthropist 4) producer

4. In which example is the wordhead

    He's our whole business head. 3) He is a person with head.

    Head infantry column. 4) Put his hat on head.

5. Indicate the sentence in which the phraseological phrase is used without errors.

    He knew how to defend his point of view.

    He passed the exam with grief.

    She doesn't want to rest on her laurels.

    His patience finally ran out.

6. In which series are the words synonymous?

    charming, charming, funny

    express, formulate, name

    thoughts, feelings, thoughts

    implement, bring, realize

7. In which sentence instead of the worddiplomatic need to be usedbeat the worddiplomatic?

    From evasive and excessive diplomatic The employee’s speech left it unclear what changes the team expects in the near future.

    Cautious and diplomatic expressions helped soften a difficult situation in the negotiations.

    Diplomatic etiquette was violated by people who did not own

knowledge about standards speech behavior adopted in this country.

4) He was an exceptionally intelligent man, soft, subtle, very diplomatic.

Lexical norms

Option #5

1. In what row are synonyms presented?

    vital - worldly

    arrogance - arrogance

    high Low

    they forced the room into furniture - they forced me to study

2. Which word has the wrong meaning?

    corrupt - an official or politician who illegally enriches himself;

    sold out - a concert or performance in honor of someone;

    scrupulous - precise to the smallest detail, extremely thorough;

    philanthropist - a wealthy patron of the sciences and arts.

3. Which of the following words means “the science that studies mathematics?”material and spiritual culture of peoples"?

1) mythology 2) ethnography 3) bibliography

4) ecology

4. In which example is the wordkey used literally?

    key to cipher 3) in optimistic key

    nut key 4) act as one key

5. In which sentence is it appropriate to use colloquial and colloquial vocabulary?

    Our athletes completely lost the last competition.

    In his speech, the director drew attention to the fact that some students shirked cleaning the area.

3) Thanks to investments, the plant began operating without any delays. 4) It’s great that the whole class is going on a hike.

6. In which sentence instead of the wordice need to use the wordice?

    It is impossible to describe the brightness and colorfulness of the polar ice seas.

    Lake Ladoga was ice the route that brought life to Leningraders.

    Change ice conditions in the Arctic seas is of great scientific interest.

7. In which sentence instead of the wordpay must be consumedwordpay?

    Establishment pays business trip expenses.

    Wages paid with delay.

    At the end of the year, employees paid bonus.

    For a writer at a publishing house paid fee.

Morphological norms

Option №1

1. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

    eight apples 3) weaker

    a pair of boots 4) the berries have become sweeter

    more beautiful landscape

    both students

    more than eighty-five kilograms

    new treaties

    seven kilograms of eggplant

    in the most convenient way

    new drivers

    five students

    most successfully 3) sore callus

    having done what needs to be done 4) put it on the table


    both hands

    autumn apples are more sour

    died in battle

    great teachers of humanity


    admire the rich Mississippi

    we saw a nest destroyed by a predator

    kilogram of apricots

    both students completed their homework

1) two people 3) big callus

2) the most important 4) directors of enterprises

Morphological norms

Option №2

    both banks 3) sing louder

    a pair of jeans 4) the berry is sweeter

2. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    younger than brother

    our guys

    three hundred sixty-five people

    pair of slippers

3. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    with their girl 3) run faster

    more practical 4) on a beautiful sconce


    vacationed near the coast 3) come quickly

    five cans of sprat 4) this example is more interesting

5. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

    fifty hundred rubles 3) a pair of stockings

    lie down on the sofa 4) a pair of socks

6. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    old trainers 3) put down the bags

    five oranges 4) black veil

7. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) on the forehead 3) six hundred and seven people

2) truncated cones 4) died

Morphological norms

Option №3

1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    new drivers 3) both books

    high speeds 4) put in bags

2. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    the sound disappeared 3) three scissors

    without shoulder straps 4) with two hundred rubles

3. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    beautiful tulle 3) less than five hundred years old

    highest score 4) school principals

4. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    pie with jam 3) from their balcony

    in front of both countries 4) many kilograms of apricots

5. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word. 1) better 3) deaf

2) a pair of jeans 4) nine hundred and ninety-nine trees

6. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    two people 3) big callus

    the most important 4) directors of enterprises

7. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    two thousand years 3) northern fleets

    no places 4) put it in place

Morphological norms

Option №4

1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    pair of jeans

    About eight hundred people came to the rally

    these berries are sweeter

    Didn't receive my ballot on time

2. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    talked about you 3) pie with jam

    put it on the shelf 4) the edge of the book will fray

3. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    a pair of stockings 3) more than fifty rubles

    go today 4) the picture is more beautiful

4. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    plastic buckets

    worst option

    seven hundred sixty seven trees

    kilogram of waffles

5. Give an example in which the norms of shaping are violated.

    no apricots 3) modern printers

    five hundred books 4) the smartest

6. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    delicious cakes 3) five hundred trees

    finger with a callus 4) in two thousand and four

7. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated. 1) seven hundred rubles 3) five students

2) twenty loops 4) experienced trainers

Morphological norms

Option №5

1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    sister is younger than brother

    seven hundred fifty eight

    contrary to forecasts, the weather has improved

    experienced drivers

2. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    the flower quickly faded

    the best remedy


    to three hundred sixty-eight kilograms

3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    the best option 3) beautiful cakes

    five hundred and fifty pages 4) five amperes

4. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

    their computers

    more sullen

    pack of pasta

    five hundred fifty-fifth page

5. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form.

    after finishing school I went to college

    several keychains

    modern fashion tulle

    seventy five kilograms

6. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    five kilograms of tomatoes 3) he is younger

    the old oak tree has dried up 4) delicious cakes

7. Give an example in which the norms of shaping are violated.

    most appropriate 3) two hundred twenty volts

Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Option #1

1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian,

    do not forget to review the rules of spelling and punctuation.

    It is necessary to repeat the entire school course.

    student advice can help you.

    you need to use dictionaries.

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Realizing my mistakes,

    it enriches everyone's experience.

    An unexpected solution may emerge.

    life experience accumulates.

    the person will not repeat them in the future.

3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having become acquainted with the etymology of some Russian words,

    it turns out that many of them are borrowed.

    this often helps to spell them correctly.

    you begin to pay attention to their spelling.

    What is striking is that many of them are taken from other languages.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Listening to your favorite music

    Something new is always discovered that has not been noticed before.

    time seems to cease to exist.

    Every time you discover something new in it.

    she, surprisingly, never gets bored.

5. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Traveling by car,

    Don't forget to study the site plan.

    she was in a good mood.

    first the route is determined.

    you should be comfortable.

6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using an explanatory dictionary,

    The introductory article is read first.

    I was amazed by the richness of our language.

    pay attention to the illustrative material.

    many words will be unknown to you.

7. Indicate a sentence with an adverbial phrase that does not contain an error.

    Having rested and gained strength, the work began to be completed faster.

    Arriving on vacation, we first took care of housing.

    After fixing the pencil, it quickly broke.

    Having entered the tram and having driven a little, the controllers entered it.

“Russian literary language” - Vocabulary. Norms may change. What features characterize the literary language? Linguists. Phonetics. Role in the development of languages. New vocabulary. Place of the Russian language. Literary language. Russian language. Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages. Norm. Peculiarity. Lexical norm. Russian literary language.

“Geography of the Russian language” - Historical background. Vernaculars and dialects. Dialects of the Tamalinsky district. Kiselka. Slovenian. Don. Age slang. Languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting our country. VERBUKHA (from the word itching - to itch, itch). Northern dialect. Aryan language. Spanish – about 300 million people. Northern dialects Southern dialects.

“Modern Russian” - The word “lesson” in pagan times was a type of “magical, witchcraft damage to a person.” Role-playing games (formation of communicative competence). The modern pedagogical concept of “lesson” is originally Russian. The purpose of the lesson is... Language telecommunications: “Language sense” consists primarily of:

“The Great Russian Language” - Changing the appearance of a person. Russian language. A whole war. We live in the conditions of the 4th World War. A Russian person could perceive 43 letters. Fluent Russian language. We must push for the adoption of a language law. Inspiration. There were 43 letters in Cyrillic. Why don’t they dot the E. Take care of our language. The influence of words on human life.

“The wealth of the Russian language” - Language is the connecting link of times and generations. Language is a priceless gift that a person is endowed with. Northwestern Russian dialects. Relevance. Monument to the Russian language. Origin of the Russian language. Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. “The Russian language is a national wealth.” After all, it is the language that preserves both the people and the state.

“Business Russian” - Business letters. Presentation. Creative. Business speech, the language of business documents. School uniform: pros and cons? Lexical norms of business speech. Search engines. A culture of speech. Improve general speech culture. Forms of business communication. Be critical listeners. Business Russian language. Games. Spheres of speech in modern society.

There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

To lesson No. 1.

Training test No. 1


A1. What linguistic concept does the word illustrate? walnut- Greek?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) synonyms 4) antonyms

A2. What linguistic concept is illustrated by the highlighted words in M. Tsvetaeva’s poem?

“Everything will change, there will be flour

People are comforted by this science.

Will it become torment, what was melancholy?

No, it's better flour !

1) homophones 2) homoforms 3) homographs 4) antonyms

A3. What linguistic concept does the word illustrate? contours - outlines?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) antonyms 4) synonyms

A4. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) hall full 3) thin fingers

2) hall standing ovation 4) steep shore
A5. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) steep boiling water 3) heavy luggage

2) steep rise 4) silk textile
A6. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) hot coffee 3) silk hair

2) silk shirt 4) gold watch
A7. In which example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

I) the clock is running 2) rain passed 3) person passed 4) a century has passed
A8. In what example is the word KEY used in its literal meaning?

1) the key to the cipher 3) in the optimistic key

2) a wrench 4) act as one
A9. In what example is the word IRON used in its literal meaning?

1) iron ore 3) iron logic

2) iron will 4) iron grip
A10. In what example is the word DEAF used in its literal meaning?

1) voiceless dissatisfaction 3) voiceless consonant

2) deaf to requests 4) deaf old man
A11. In what example is the word LANGUAGE used in its literal meaning?

1) loosen the tongue 3) delicious jellied tongue

2) flames 4) try on your tongue
A12. In which sentence is the word TABLE used to mean “food, food”?

1) Take a book and notebook and sit down at the table.

2) There was a beautiful service on the kitchen table.

3) His table was simple: he loved lamb and fatty cabbage soup.

4) Round table negotiations took place.
A13. In which sentence is the word BREAD used to mean “food”?

1) The bread was removed and delivered to the elevator.

2) Man does not live by bread alone.

3) My brother loves rye bread.

4) This work is true bread.
A14. In which sentence is the word HOUSE used to mean “family”?

1) We know each other at home. 3) The Motherland is our common home.

2) There were houses in one alley. 4) In the summer we were in a holiday home.
A15. In what example is the word HEAD used in its literal meaning?

1) He is the head of our business. 3) He is a man with a head.

2) Head of the infantry column. 4) Put the hat on his head.
A16. What is the meaning of the word ROAD in the sentence “Work is the road to success”?

1) a place where you need to walk or drive

2) travel, being on the road

3) sample of actions, direction of activity

4) a strip of land intended for movement
A17. In which row are the synonyms presented?

1) vital - everyday

2) arrogance - arrogance

3) high - low

4) the room was filled with furniture - I was forced to study
A18. Which example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) He has his own hand in the Ministry.

2) Pull yourself together.

3) Get your hands on it.

4) Work tirelessly.
A19. Which row does not have a phraseological turn?

1) step from foot to foot 3) kick in the teeth

2) from head to toe 4) live large
A20. In which row are all words stylistically colored?

1) quitter, lazy person, truant 3) condensed milk, tiny, eyes

2) small, kid, parade 4) harmful, mischievous, fool
A21. In which series are all words colloquial?

1) cashier, razyava, potatoes

2) announcer, cool guy, funny guy

3) greedy, potato, den

4) train, junk dealer, confusion
A22. In what order do both words belong to the vocabulary of limited use?

1) ram, computer 3) Internet, ram (bring)

2) poet, performer 4) kuren, ancestors (parents)

A23. Which of the following words means “necessary, permanent attribute, belonging”?

1) attribute 2) atavism 3) aspect 4) association

A24. Which of the following words means “a person who condemns all wars and demands peace on earth”?

1) nationalist 2) pacifist 3) chauvinist 4) militarist

A25. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of his own personal interests”?

1) egoist 2) philanthropist 3) altruist 4) philanthropist

A26. Which of the following words means “a person who helps those in need, who does charity”?

1) philanthropist 2) altruist 3) philanthropist 4) pacifist

A27. Which of the following words means “an announcement that all tickets for a play (or concert) have been sold”?

1) sold out 2) benefit performance 3) premiere 4) sensation

A28. Which of the following words means “a science that studies the material and spiritual culture of peoples”?

1) mythology 2) ethnography 3) bibliography 4) ecology

A29. Which of the following words means “rich patron of science and art”?

1) businessman 2) oligarch 3) philanthropist 4) producer

A30. Which word has the wrong meaning?

1) correct - correct, accurate

2) briefing - press conference on policy issues

3) calligraphy - the ability to write correctly

4) consolidation - strengthening, uniting something
A31. Which word has the wrong meaning?

1) corrupt - an official or politician who illegally enriches himself

2) sold out - a concert or performance in honor of someone

3) scrupulous - precise to the smallest detail, extremely thorough

4) philanthropist - a wealthy patron of the sciences and arts
A32. Which of the following words means “indifferent, indifferent”?

1) impartial 2) apathetic

3) apolitical 4) immoral
A33. Which word has the wrong meaning?

1) diploma student - a student preparing a thesis

2) certification - a determination by specialists of the level of knowledge and skills of an employee or student

3) antiquarian - lover, connoisseur and collector of antiquities and antiques

4) argument - a logical argument, a judgment given to prove something
A34. Which word has the wrong meaning?

1) duplicate - the second copy of a document having the same legal force as the original

2) addressee - the person receiving the postal or telegraphic item

3) dubbing - replacing the speech part of a sound film with a new recording

4) remnants - what remains of what previously existed

Training test No. 2

A1. In which example, instead of the word real need to use the word realistic?

1) real direction in painting

2) reality

3) pursue realpolitik

4) achieve real success
A2. In which sentence instead of the word unit need to use the word the only one?

1) Collective nouns denote a collection of single homogeneous objects.

2) A single good deed will always remain, because it is a need for the individual.

3) His main, singular passion was the love of science.

4) These were far from isolated cases; they were repeated almost every year.
A3. In which sentence instead of the word rigidity need to use the word cruelty?

1) He was striking with the coarseness of his black hair, which in some places had turned grey.

2) I remembered the expression on his face when moments of harshness came over him.

3) An unpleasant harshness appeared in his face and voice.

4) The rigidity of the deadlines alarmed everyone.
A4. In which sentence instead of the word stone need to use the word rocky?

1) On hot summer days, the stone city languished in the sun.

2) A forced smile did not suit his stony face.

3) The traces of bare feet were imprinted into the stone dust.

4) On steep slopes with rocky soil, melting snow water runs down.
A5. In which sentence instead of the word bone need to use the word bone?

1) The bony shell of a turtle is very durable.

2) Living bone tissue human body impregnated with non-living matter - mineral salts.

3) We saw a beautiful bone knife.

4) The daily diet of animals should include bone meal.
A6. In which sentence instead of the word color need to use the word color?

1) The children had colored flags in their hands.

2) These color and light features of precious stones give us a sense of mystery.

3) Colored light bulbs gleamed dimly in the twilight.

4) The book contained many photographs and color drawings.
A7. In which sentence instead of the word regal need to use the word royal?

1) It was almost a royal gift.

2) The royal flow of the Volga in these places is impressive.

3) She walked past with her regal gait.

4) The painting conveys well the regal appearance of the pine trees.

A8. In what sentence instead of words housing need to use the word residential?

1) Models, drawings, and new housing construction projects were exhibited in the hall.

2) Chinatown is followed by a new residential part of the European city.

3) The mayor had to deal with housing problems.

4) Our housing legislation requires amendments.
A9. In which sentence instead of the word ice need to use the word ice?

1) It is impossible to describe the brightness and colorfulness of the polar ice sea.

2) Lake Ladoga was an ice route that brought life to the people of Leningrad.

4) Changes in ice conditions in the Arctic seas are of great scientific interest.
A10. In which sentence instead of the word introduce need to use the word provide?

1) An aspiring writer presented his novel to the readers.

2) Applicants submitted certificates and medical certificates.

3) And she imagined these fields under the hopeless autumn rain.

4) The Russian language is a huge treasury that presents us with endless possibilities.
A11. In what sentence instead of obvious need to use the word clear?

1) I saw the clear outlines of mountains.

2) It was an obvious lie.

3) The colonel felt obvious hostility towards me.

4) This child was an obvious child prodigy.
A12. In which sentence instead of the word spectacular need to use the word effective?

1) Of course, felling a forest is a more spectacular sight than planting it.

2) The white foam of the sea created an extremely impressive picture.

3) Her pose was very impressive.

4) An effective cure has not yet been found against this disease.
A13. In which sentence instead of the word base need to use the word basis?

1) Development basic sciences provides a basis for further search for promising directions.

2) The theoretical basis of the study needs to be improved.

3) When one base changes to another, not only public views change, but also the institutions corresponding to them.

4) In the second half of the last century, the nuclear base of our industry began to develop rapidly.
A14. In which sentence instead of the word economical need to use the word economical?

1) A new economical car was created.

3) New building materials are very economical in construction.

4) This method is very economical in agriculture.

A15. In which sentence instead of the word turtle need to use the word tortoiseshell?

1) Turtle soup was served for the first course.

2) He approached the goal at a snail's pace.

3) The baby turtles have long since hatched.

4) Turtle shell is especially durable.
A16. In which sentence instead of the word human need to use the word humane?

1) She thought that she had finally found a kindred human soul.

2) Protection of human dignity is one of the most characteristic features this publicist.

3) In his works he often depicted human suffering.

4) We found the examiner very human.
A17. In which sentence instead of the word pay need to use the word pay?

1) The institution pays travel expenses.

2) Wages paid late.

3) At the end of the year, employees were paid a bonus.

4) The writer was paid a fee by the publishing house.
A18. In which sentence instead of the word vociferous need to use the word voice?

Control test No. 1.

Vocabulary and phraseology. Lexical meaning of the word. Synonyms. Antonyms

Exercise 1

1) Catalog - “distribution of any objects, phenomena, concepts into classes, groups, sections based on general rules”;
2) nimble - “dexterous in movements, fast, agile”;
3) indigo – “dark green color”;
4) identical – “opposing another, being its opposite.”

Task 2

In which example is the lexical meaning of a word determined correctly?

1) Altruism - “selfless concern for the welfare of others, willingness to sacrifice one’s personal interests for others”;
2) stained glass - “a skillfully made, decorated box for storing jewelry”;
3) obelisk - “a structure in the form of a high pillar that serves as a support in a building or is erected as a monument”;
4) license - “a written or oral agreement on mutual obligations.”

Task 3


1) Arbitrator – “one who judges a sports game, competition”;
2) boar – “wild pig”;
3) frost – “very fine rain”;
4) self-interest - “benefit, benefit for oneself.”

Task 4

Mark the number of the word whose lexical meaning is determined wrong.

1) Glider – “non-motorized aircraft”;
2) drifting snow - “low wind in winter, as well as snow carried by this wind”;
3) clearing – “small deciduous forest”;
4) symbol – “conventional sign”.

Task 5

Which of the following words means “sharply expressed opposition”?

1) Antipathy;
2) contrast;
3) difference;
4) conflict.

Task 6

Which of the following words means “not afraid of danger, going towards it”?

1) Brave;
2) calling;
3) immodest;
4) free.

Task 7

Which of the following words means “the art of designing, constructing and decorating buildings”?

1) Sculpture;
2) construction;
3) architecture;
4) design.

Task 8

Which of the following words means “a list compiled in a certain order, a list of some objects”?

1) Price list;
2) catalogue;
3) classification;
4) newsletter.

Task 9

Which of the following words means “unable to concentrate, inattentive”?

1) Apathetic;
2) indifferent;
3) lazy;
4) absent-minded.

Task 10

Which of the following words means “one who strives for active participation in something, who manifests himself in activity”?

1) Current;
2) active;
3) topical;
4) enterprising.

Task 11

flagrant .

1) Full of rage, indomitable;
2) making a strong impression with its persuasiveness and expressiveness;
3) causing protest by excessive force, the degree of its manifestation;
4) devoid of simplicity, pretending to be original, emphatically unusual.

Task 12

Choose the correct definition of the lexical meaning of the word humane.

1) Addressed to a person, to his rights and interests;
2) humane, philanthropic, imbued with respect for the human person and concern for its well-being;
3) benevolent, showing goodwill;
4) simple and accessible in his relationships with people.

Task 13

1) Hesitate - sway, sway;
2) to discredit - to deceive, to deceive;
3) successor – mentor, teacher, pedagogue;
4) tome – rarity, rarity, unique.

Task 14

For which word are the synonyms chosen correctly?

1) Reputation - style, manner;
2) tulle - curtain, blind, drapery;
3) parable - fable, fable, invention;
4) ghost - phantom, specter.

Task 15

What series of synonyms has been compiled wrong?

1) Skirmisher, initiator;
2) vow, disagreement, refusal, renunciation;
3) initiative, undertaking, initiative;
4) blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard.

Task 16

What word is the synonym for? wrong?

1) Treasure – appreciate;
2) dream - dream;
3) hurry - hurry up;
4) witchcraft is a miracle.

Task 17

Which word has the correct antonym?

1) Generous - stingy;
2) be late - be delayed;
3) shine - flicker;
4) the master is a slacker.

Task 18

In what example wrong Is the antonym chosen?

1) Courteous - rude;
2) respect - despise;
3) dusk - dawn;
4) passive – responsive.

Task 19

In what case was a mistake made in reproducing phraseological units?

1) For now, that’s the point;
2) grated kalach;
3) the heart bleeds;
4) kick your ass.

Task 20

In what case is the highlighted phrase a phraseological phrase?

1) They twisted and intertwined along thick trunks creeping plants.
2) At the frog breathtaking from the terrible height to which she was raised.
3) The baby fell, and the older brother picked him up and put him on his feet.
4) Without straightening your back, raise your hands up.

For lesson No. 7.

Training test No. 1. Phonetics.
A1. Which words have the same number of letters and sounds?

1) smile, knowledge 3) blizzard, happiness

2) trees, entrance 4) terrain, village
A2. Which words have the same number of letters and sounds?

1) blizzard, village 3) statue, assistant

2) bathe, June 4) grammar, to
A3. Which words have more sounds than letters?

1) weeds, only 3) rain, south

2) at night, south 4) singing, furious
A4. Which words have more sounds than letters?

1) at war, passionate 3) twofold, opposition

2) tulip, nimble 4) meaning, phenomenon
A5. Which words have more letters than sounds?

1) defector, live 3) area, hero of the day

2) swim, July 4) get angry, sad
A6. Which words have fewer sounds than letters?

1) count, five 3) sun, anchor

2) southern, stump 4) play, effect
A7. In which word are all consonants soft?

1) life 2) friend 3) steppe 4) write

A8. In which word are all consonants unvoiced?

1) landing 2) jasper 3) hedgehog 4) club

A9. In which word are all consonants voiced?

1) frost 2) southern 3) deep 4) suddenly

A10. In which word is the vowel [o] pronounced?

1) sparrow 2) deacon 3) go 4) carried

A11. In which word is the vowel [a] pronounced?

1) hockey 2) ripples 3) clock 4) tongue

A12. In which word is the vowel [i] pronounced?

1) watch 2) compass 3) live 4) also

A13. In which word is the consonant [t] pronounced?

1) football 2) laughs 3) isolated himself 4) gait

A14. In which word is the consonant [d] pronounced?

1) reliable 2) beat off 3) inscription 4) factory

A15. In which word is the consonant [g] pronounced?

1) snow 2) blue 3) soft 4) globe

A16. In which word is the consonant [v"] pronounced?

1) love 2) influence 3) Tuesday 4) curtain

A17. In which word is the consonant [k] pronounced?

1) pie 2) to the dacha 3) station 4) cinema

A18. In which word is the consonant [z] pronounced?

I) kindle 2) knock down 3) slide 4) slippery

A19. In which word is the consonant [s] pronounced?

1) do 2) today 3) slippery 4) grown

A20. In which word is the consonant [f] pronounced?
A21. In which word is the consonant [b] pronounced?

1) birch 2) bread 3) dove 4) bread

A22. In which word is the consonant [n] pronounced?

1) chill 2) mushroom 3) piano 4) play

A23. Which words do not have the [zh] sound?

1) life, book 3) landscape, friendship

2) defector, guard 4) spread, juggle
A24. In which series do all words have the sound [k]?

1) suddenly, soft 3) circumference, mileage

2) throw, to the house 4) to the point, ride
A25. In which series of words do all words have the sound [g]?

2) for winter, nail 4) guitar, teacher
A26. In which series of words do all words have the sound [w]?

1) lodge, friendship 3) eat, sandy

2) trembling, artist 4) landscape, assistant
A27. In which series do all words have the sound [g]?

1) station, to the building 3) death, catalog

2) friend, exam 4) anecdote, herbarium
A28. In which series of words is there no [s] sound?

1) squeeze, mow, happiness 3) silent, make, cut

2) locomotive, sew, iceberg 4) sit, praise, behind
A29. In which series do all words have the sound [d"]

1) wedding, entrance, house 3) sweet, delegate, horse

2) sit down, wild, report 4) distance, threshing, academy
A30. In which series are there no sounds [z] in all words?

1) splashes, glow, synthesis 3) close, slide, development

2) winter, defector, nail 4) mirror, squeal, make

Training test No. 2. Phonetics.

1. Indicate in which row all words have more sounds than letters:

1) tree, celebrating, sparrow, taken;

2) falls, came, knocked down, June; . 3) bends, appears, diligence, demonstration;

4) announcement, moved out, sun.

2. In which series the spelling of words does not coincide with their pronunciation?

1) Cart, sunset, mushrooms;

2) threshing, scout, low;

3) difficult, sweeping, carving;

4) paper, frost, loud.
3. In which row are all consonant sounds voiced?

1) Look, knocked down, sewed;

2) spark, loud, run;

3) impudent, threshing, threatening;

4) run, dreamed, lived.
4. In what row in all words do the letters e, e, yu, i designate two sounds?

1) Raccoon, passing, apple;

2) to the station, sow, frost;

3) white, ad, move out;

4) boiling, spruce, bending.
5. In which row are all consonant sounds hard?

1) Birds, unusual, shell;

2) tail, release, hotel;

3) medicine, escaped, scurvy;

4) motorcycle, sewed, circus.

6. Indicate the word in which the spelling matches the pronunciation:

1) be surprised;

2) peals;

3) obstacle;

4) surprise.
7. In which word is the stress indicated correctly?

1) Tore off;

2) nap;

3) uncork;

8. In which row in all words does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) Spike (bread), associate professor, pamper;

2) briefly, cakes, August;

3) watermelon, carpenter, sorrel;

4) beets, porcelain, arrest.

9. In which series do all words have unpronounceable consonants?

1) Swish(?) to, participate(?) to participate, artful(?)ny;

2) amateurish(?)skiy, feeling(?)wonderful;

3) forest(?)nitsa, non-usable(?)ny, surrounding(?)ny;

4) month(?)ny, Dutch(?)skiy, dangerous(?)nyy.
10. In which series in all words is the letter combination chn pronounced as [shn]?

1) Scrambled eggs, juicy, boring;

2) brown, durable, excellent;

3) deliberately, of course, boring;

4) bakery, definitely a birdhouse.

Educational test. Orthoepy. No. 3

A1. In which pair of words does stress not serve a meaningful role?

1) Iris - iris 3) Spark - spark?

2) Atlas - atlas 4) clubs - clubs?
A2. Which word has the stress on the third syllable?

1) provision 2) mold 3) force 4) picked up

A3. Which word has the stress on the third syllable?

1) Christian 2) understood 3) more beautiful 4) uncork

A4. Which word has the stress on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) scoop 3) took away 4) sorrel

A5. Which word has the stress on the third syllable?

1) intention 2) started 3) rust 4) winterer

A6. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) started 2) loop 3) ringing 4) whooping cough

A7. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) pamper 2) masterfully 3) flint 4) kitchen

A8. Which word has the stress on the second syllable?

1) briefly 2) scoop 3) cotton 4) for a long time

A9. Which word has the stress on the second syllable?

1) dispensary 2) nettle 3) lived 4) pseudonym

A10. Which word has the stress on the second syllable?

1) rust 2) scanty 3) salmon 4) means

A11. Which word has the stress on the last syllable?

1) facsimile 2) beets 3) cough 4) porcelain

A12. Which word has stress on the first syllable?

1) beginning 2) customs 3) plowing 4) hunk

A13. Which word has stress on the second syllable?

1) wood chips 2) lighten 3) statue 4) catalog

A14. Which word has stress on the third syllable?

1) intention 2) provision 3) mold 4) uncork

A15. Which word has stress on the fourth syllable?

1) inform 2) democracy 3) aristocracy 4) freeze

A16. Which word has stress on the first syllable?

1) watermelon 2) took 3) alcohol 4) willow

A17. Which word has stress on the second syllable?

1) beets 2) call 3) apostrophe 4) pseudonym

A18. Which word has stress on the first syllable?

1) sorrel 2) excursion 3) expert 4) gypsy

A19. Which word has stress on the second syllable?

1) obituary 2) dispensary 3) draw 4) facsimile

A20. Which word has the stress on the last syllable?

1) occupied 2) briefly 3) nettle 4) spark

A21. In which words does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) cement, took, expert 3) statue, beets, got it

2) hyphen, wholesale, convocation 4) cakes, beginning, ringing
A22. In which words does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) kitchen, dry, moldy 3) blinds, carpenter, lied

2) waited, leisure, rhubarb 4) agent, loan, driver

A23. In which words does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) deepen, catalog, dispensary 3) accepted, apostrophe, alphabet

2) intention, cork, took 4) grandfather's, caught up, owners
A24. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a hard consonant?

1) Timbre 2) morpheme 3) overcoat 4) cream

A25. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a hard consonant?

1)Museum 2)Tests 3)Academic 4)Pace

A26. In which word does the highlighted letter represent a soft consonant?

1) Abstracts 2) sandwich 3) Terrace 4) Thermos

A27. In which word does the highlighted letter represent a soft consonant?

1) atelier 2) coffee 3) cottage 4) sweater

A28. In which row in all words do the highlighted letters represent hard consonant sounds?

1) macrame, highway, tennis 3) cafe, coffee, grotesque

2) modernization, overcoat, kashne 4) integration, hyphen, delicacies
A29. In which row do all words with the letters CH N represent the sounds [ШН]?

1) country house, birdhouse 3) of course, filming

2) scrambled eggs, eternal 4) boring, on purpose

For lesson No. 10.



Task 1. The root of the word is written E:

1) an amazing case;

2) developing countries;

3) b...cheer vices;

4) find herbs;

5) exciting excursion.

Task 2. The root of the word is written I:

1) waving banners;

2) captivating image;

3) mature early;

4) the nearest station;

5) oppression of the people.

Task 3. The root of the word is written A:

1) absorb sounds;

2) bless for the feat;

3) wash the linen;

4) honor the hero;

5) will come in handy for classes.

Task 4. At the root of the word it is written O:

1) charming landscape;

2) enjoy the music;

3) conquer the peak;

4) unravel the plan;

5) teach Russian language.

Task 5. At the root of the word I am written:

1) to light the road;

2) stunning success;

3) rebuke bitterly;

4) give communication;

5) make you feel bored.

Task 6. The letter O is written in all the words of the proverb:

1) Don’t waste your time with your tongue - hurry up with your work.

2) From...din to bo...d - mind to head...woo.

3) There is nothing to be afraid of, who does not fight anything.

4) The house is dark and bloody...lach.

5) In a foreign land, the home side is more expensive than riches.

Task 7. Indicate a word with a root vowel that is not checked by stress:

1) bush regional...pihi;

2) sneakers with buns;

3) a talented engineer;

4) undeniable fame;

5) a questioning look.

Task 8. Indicate a word with a root vowel that is checked by stress:

1) recognize capitulation;

2) get a scholarship;

3) acute d...cussion;

4) a unique invention;

5) apologize for being late.





Exercise 1. The root of the word is written A:

1) experienced lawyer;

2) accordion sounds;

3) preliminary preparation;

4) romantic mood;

5) subtle hug...

Task 2. The root of the word is written O:

1) play the role skillfully;

2) comfortable interior;

3) personal affection;

4) engage in propaganda;

5) military traditions.

Task 3. Find a word with the vowel E:

1) a strict examiner;

2) be dependent;

3) maintain discipline;

4) defend a dissertation;

5) artillery training.

Task 4. B The root of the word should be written I:

1) military engineer;

2) intelligent... intelligent person;

3) delegate of the congress;

4) receive a scholarship;

5) theoretical conclusion.

Task 5. Specify a word with two letters I:

1) d...z...rout from the front;

2) in...st...bul un...v...rsiteta;

3) exhaust ventilation;

4) work at the p...r...feria;

5) use pr...v...legies.





Task 1. Indicate the word with the root -MER-:

1) listen with bated breath;

2) obliteration of old customs;

3) freeze in surprise;

4) freezing sounds;

5) dying tree branches.

Task 2. The root of the word is written E:

1) start a discussion;

2) adopt a resolution;

3) memories of the past;

4) combines theory with practice;

5) a reminder about the future.

Task 3. The root of the word is written I:

1) lay out the tablecloth;

2) brilliant success;

3) incendiary speech;

4) lock the audience;

5) combination of sounds.

Task 4. The verb with the root -BIR- is used in the proverb:

1) Clouds will gather - rain, people will gather - strength.

2) The tongue has no legs, but it gets far.

3) He who sows grain will not reap grapes.

4) The fortress from the inside is brut...brut.

5) If you collect a pinch, eat by the handful.

Task 5. The root of the word is written A:

1) write an exposition;

2) offer the necessary assistance;

3) postpone the business trip;

4) expected trip;

5) decompose into component elements,

Task 6. Find the word with the root -CAS-:

1) to... face acute problems;

2) light touching;

3) carry out a tangent;

4) points of contact…dreams;

5) comes to the main question.

Task 7. The root of the word is written A:

1) solubility of salts;

2) different apparel;

3) good solvent;

4) insoluble compounds;

5) putting plans into action.

Task 8. Find a word with vowel A:

1) fuel combustion;

2) gas heating pad;

3) sunbathe on the beach;

4) warm milk;

5) a face filled with a smile.

Task 9. Indicate the word with the vowel O:

1) meet z...ryu;

2) the radiance of the z...rnitsa;

3) burning torch;

4) explore the surroundings;

5) a soul filled with hope.

Task 10. Specify the word with the root -PLOV-

1) good size;

2) sharp fins;

3) strengthen the float;

4) floating ice;

5) brave swimmers.

Task 11. The root of the word is written O:

1) increasing pace;

2) grown in a greenhouse;

3) industries of production;

4) rose hips;

5) grow flowers.

Task 12. The root of the word is written A:

1) jump up from your seat;

2) a small jump;

3) jump over the barrier;

4) jump out from around the corner;

5) arrogant upstart.

Task 13. Find the word with the root -MAK-:

1) wash in the rain;

2) waterproof material;

3) dip the brush into the paint;

4) blotting paper;

5) the shoes began to...sink for us.

Task 14. Indicate the word with the root -ROVN-:

1) compare two quantities;

2) level...accept the conditions;

3) maintain balance;

4) p...get into formation;

5) level the road.



For lesson No. 11.



Exercise 1. The root of the word is written O:

1) hear sh...pot;

2) harsh conditions;

3) flaunt your behavior;

4) black coffee;

5) alkali solution.

Task 2. Indicate the word with the root vowel E:

1) rustle of dry leaves;

2) forest slum...ba;

3) ripe goose...

4) bring some string,

5) suffers from heartburn.

Task 3. Indicate a noun with the vowel O:

1) set fire to the grass;

2) burn garbage;

3) light the torch;

4) convicted of arson...g;

5) burn...g hand.

Task 4. Specify the word with E in the suffix:

1) hotly... argue;

2) canvas bag...k;

3) funny bear;

4) armed uprising;

5) short shirt...n.

Task 5. Find a noun with the suffix -EK-:

1) rare fluff;

4) light snow...k;

5) fast jump...k.

Task 6. At the end it is written E:

1) machine with brick...m;

3) follow the match...m;

4) fight against locusts;

5) be shy about a stranger



For lesson No. 12.



Task 1. The word is written C:

1) how large is the surface;

2) skilled craftsmanship;

3) river wind;

4) bold answer;

5) a convincing test.

Task 2. 3 is written in the word:

1) lowest level,

2) sows fine frost;

3) catchy color;

4) carry on a conversation;

5) high school.

Task 3. The word is written P:

1) ro...ko to object;

2) small scale...;

3) poor health;

4) replace the pro...ki;

5) denim skirt.

Task 4. The word is written F:

1) popular mochi...;

2) residential area...;

3) procession over the orphanage;

4) subtle technique;

5) durable twine.

Task 5. The noun is written with F:

1) be ridiculed;

2) labor money;

3) fresh vatru...ka;

4) durable wood;

5) funny animal.

Task 6. The noun is written with Ш:

1) sit by the window;

2) run along the path;

3) new truck;

4) woolen mittens;

5) dilapidated shack...ka.

Task 7. The word is written K:

1) unforgivable por...;

2) cross the threshold...;

3) reliable growl...;

4) sharp cats;

5) soft bread.

Task 8. The adjective is written with D:

1) malicious violator;

2) surrounding forests;

3) a bulky closet;

4) a rare exhibit;

5) scathing speech.

Task 9. T is written in the word:

1) great mood;

2) wonderful day;

3) traffic safety;

4) lovely girl;

5) an atmosphere of openness.

Task 10. Find a word with an unpronounceable consonant T:

1) meeting of peers;

2) friendship of peers;

3) an interesting interlocutor;

4) a skilled craftswoman;

5) shine in the heights.

Task 11. Indicate the word with the unpronounceable consonant B:

1) honor heroes;

2) participate in the tournament;

3) I can... really hear;

4) delicious food on the table;

5) march over the families of veterans.

Task 12. Find the word with D in the sentence:

1) Trouble is stuck in his envy.

2) Without work there cannot be a clean and joyful life.

3) Honest... dishonest is not a friend.

4) A man is mighty with his heart, a tree with his roots.

5) The secret known to three is no longer a secret.





Exercise 1. Find a word with LL:

1) art gallery;

2) an intelligent person;

3) aluminum... utensils;

4) some privileges;

5) set white...isk.

Task 2. Specify a word with one letter L:

1) collective agreement;

2) conduct a round...quium;

3) crystalline substance;

4) privileged position;

5) a book with illustrations.

Task 3. Specify the word with SS:

1) rich resources;

2) land troops;

3) defense of thesis;

4) stage a play;

5) dessert dishes.

Task 4. Find a word with one letter C:

1) progressive writer;

2) open a discussion;

3) commission fee;

4) work as an assistant...ist;

5) pass the ball skillfully.

Task 5. Specify a word with one letter N:

1) tennis court;

2) cancel the contract;

3) museum - panorama;

4) write an annotation;

5) marble column...ada.

Task 6. Find a word with MM:

1) successful imitation;

2) programmed training;

3) genuine humanism;

4) their brilliant...provisions;

5) the drama of the situation.

Task 7. Specify a word with one letter M:

1) congratulatory telegram;

2) live in em...igration;

3) their persistent...unity;

4) sports commentator;

5) them...game service.

Task 8. Specify a word with one letter P:

1) territorial waters;

2) a small ter...aska;

3) famous cartoonist;

4) own correspondent;

5) build a bar...ikad.

Task 9. Specify the word with PP:

1) cardiology center;

2) correctness in behavior;

3) arbitration court,

4) luminary of science;

5) go through the tour...niket.

Task 10. Find a word with one letter F:

1) effective method;

2) scarce goods;

3) efficiency factor;

4) differential function;

5) indifferent tone.

Task 11. Specify the word with FF:

1) eliminate the defect;

2) work on the periphery;

3) a successful aphorism;

4) differentiated approach;

5) sing dirambs.

Task 12. The word says 3:

1) juniper thickets;

2) connected village;

3) the buzzing of a bee;

4) yeast fungi;

5) rattling…squeezing sound.

Task 13. The word is written Zh:

1) cleared meadow;

2) dawn had barely broken;

3) pass through native places;

4) painful and...burning;

5) grumpy because of the bad weather.

Task 14. A consonant is missing from the word:

1) favorite operetta;

2) loaded three-ton...

3) strict headmistress;

4) new program;

5) crystal purity.

Task 15. The word contains one letter C:

2) Belarusian knitwear;

3) a prudent owner;

4) get up at dawn;

5) a constant leader.



I. Find a trope or stylistic figure.

1. Which sentences use antithesis?

A. The sieve is twisted, covered with gold, whoever looks at it will cry.

B. The white one eats a ripe pineapple, the black one eats rotten pineapple.

V. What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk.

D. The calmed trees silently and obediently dropped their yellow leaves.

2. What examples use parallelism?

A. You led swords to a rich feast.

B.B blue sky the stars are shining.

The waves splash in the blue sea.

V. I admire you: Your eyes, your smile, your speeches.

D. At the beginning of November frosts hit, they were unusually cold.

3. Select examples containing epiphora.

A. There is snow everywhere. The snow-white expanses are pleasing to the eye.

B. The number of steppes and roads is not over,

No account was found for stones and rapids.

B. The head was an exact copy of an egg...

She was also as bald as an egg.

G. Greetings, deserted corner!..

4. Which sentences use inversion?

A. Midnight has fallen, impenetrable darkness.

B. Storm clouds are floating across the sky.

V. The day was hot, the silver clouds grew heavier every hour.

G. An amazing spring has arrived.

5. Which sentences use anaphora?

A. Silence breaks through only occasionally

The cry of a stork flying onto the roof.

B. Wait for me, and I will return, just wait very long.

Wait for the yellow rains to make you sad

V. I would just like to see you,

G. I walked for a long time through the autumn forest, peering into the blue distances.

6. Which sentences use gradation?

A. The troika rushes, the troika gallops, the troika soars upward...

B. And then the thin stem bends, and the cup


V. The shore quickly darkened, became blue, blue, purple.

G. Cloud frowned for a long time, was capricious, and then burst into tears.

7. Mark examples that contain metaphor.

A. I don’t have a single gray hair in my soul.

B. You led swords to a rich feast.

D. A fire blazes in the forest with the bright sun.

8. Mark examples that contain personification.

A. The sleepy birch trees smiled.

B. Anchar, like a formidable sentry,

Stands alone in the whole universe.

V. And the autumn sunset grew decrepit and gray.

G. The rain is crying, the blizzard is howling.

9. Mark examples containing metonymy.

A. Silver cup.

B. Gold and silver on the table.

Q. This is antique silver.

G. Silver chain.

10. Mark the examples containing the epithet.

A. Gold item.

B. Golden character.

B. Golden hands.

G. Golden years.

11. Mark examples containing synecdoche.

A. The student went wrong today.

B. An hour! I'll be free now.

V. And the slave blessed fate.

D. At dusk, the meadows look like the sea.

12. Mark examples containing comparison.

A. The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

B. Rich, good-looking, Lensky

Everywhere he was accepted as a groom.

B. Like a seagull, the sail there is white in the heights.

G. He fell on the cold snow,

On the cold snow, like a pine tree,

Like a pine tree in a damp forest

Chopped under the resinous root.

13. Mark the examples containing hyperbole.

A. Scared me to death!

B. The sunset was blazing at one hundred and forty suns, summer was rolling into July.

V. Vasily made a thousand apologies.

D. Thousands of people in the world are starving.

14. Mark the examples containing litotes.

A. I swear by the first day of creation, I swear by its last day...

B. There is a hut on chicken legs.

B. The pot is two inches from the pot.

G. The shore darkened, became blue, blue, purple.

15. Mark examples that contain parcellation.

A. And on a steep hill,

Where the acorn hid in a hole,

The oak stood. Bearded, brown.

Very wiry. Very gloomy.

B. Wait for me and I will return.

Just wait a lot.

V. I walked quickly. Almost ran. Don't catch up with me.

G. ...where can you find them now, these boys? They probably

They had dinner and went to bed, and they saw their tenth dreams. And the man

standing on the clock. In the dark. And hungry, I suppose.

16. Mark examples that contain an oxymoron.

A. The thaw is boring for me: the stench, the dirt - in the spring I’m sick...

B. Gentle poison.

B. Optimistic tragedy.

G. Even the bird does not fly to him, and the tiger does not come.

17. Mark the examples containing gradation.

A. Oh, nanny, nanny! I'm sad. I’m sick, my dear: I’m ready to cry, I’m ready to cry!..

B. Dawn soon began to filter through. It expanded, blurred, and washed away the colorless dregs.

V. There is a peasant estate right under my window. The house is all lopsided, dilapidated, and is about to fall apart.

G. And now the long road ends, a crystal star touches the Earth.

II. Identify means of expression.

1. 1. The hiss of foamy glasses and the blue flame of punch.

2. A man with a fingernail.

3. There is no end to the steps and roads, There is no end to the stones and thresholds.

4. Out of hateful love.

5. The village was delighted by the event.

A - metonymy, B - alliteration, C - litotes, D - epiphora, D - oxymoron.

2. 1. And the autumn sunset grew decrepit and gray.

2. Empty skies transparent glass.

3. And the dear one’s face takes up the entire porch.

4. Greetings, deserted corner.

5. There were many of us on the canoe: Some strained the sail, Others pressed together with powerful oars.

A - allegory, B - periphrase, C - personification, D - hyperbole, D - metaphor.

3. 1. Below it is a stream of lighter azure.

2. The wild head drooped on his broad chest.

3. Under the windows there is a fire of a white snowstorm.

4. The ice in the lowlands and swamps grunts, crackles, and clicks.

5. The student went wrong today.

A - gradation, B - comparison, C - epithet, D - synecdoche, D - metaphor.

4. 1. Who would have thought that I forgot you?

2. Live to see your gray hairs.

3. You are beautiful - I am terrible.

4. Storm clouds are floating across the sky.

5. Athletics is the queen of sports.

A - inversion, B - rhetorical question, C - periphrasis, D - metonymy, D - antithesis.

5. 1. The day was hot, the silver clouds grew heavier every hour.

2. The stone howled, sang, and flew into the sky.

3. The sleepy birch trees smiled.

4. But I read Adam Smith.

5. When will you stop being late?

A - metonymy, B - metaphor, C - gradation, D - personification, D - rhetorical question.

6. 1. My impudent lorgnette made her seriously angry.

2. The great city hummed like a fairy-tale beehive.

3. The constant blizzard, which had not subsided since the night, shook the whole evening, found something else in the snowdrifts, knocked out a handful or two of white beads from them and pulled the white threads obliquely, across the runway, across the ravine, across the road, stretched, spun, threw them on the sharp spindle of winter.

4. The golden grove dissuaded me.

5. Where are you, smart one, wandering from, head?

A - irony, B - epithet, C - metonymy, D - comparison, D - metaphor.

7. 1. Nature with a clear smile

Through a dream he greets the morning of the year.

2. If not on silver, I ate on gold.

3. The stars shine in the blue sky, The waves splash in the blue sea.

4. You are gray, and I, my friend, am gray.

5. A teaspoon per hour.

A - hyperbole, B - metaphor, C - metonymy, D - allegory, D - parallelism.

Answers and comments

Stylistics test (grades X-X1)

1 -


2; 3-

-1;4 -2;

5 - 3; 6

- 1; 7

- 1; 8 -

3; 9 -

1; 10 -

11 - 2

12 -

2; 13

- 2; 14 -

3; 15 -2


1; 17 -2

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2; 22

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; 25 -

2; 26 - 4

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; 28-

29 - 3

30 -

3; 31

- 4; 32 -

1; 33 -3


4; 35 - 3

; 36 -4

[; 37 -

38 - 1

39 -

1; 40

- 4.

Fine and expressive means of language.

    1 - B, C, 2 - B, C, 3 - B, C, 4 - B, D, 5 - B, C, 6 - A, C, D, 7 - A, D. 8 - A, B, G, 9 - B, C, 10 - B, C, D, 11 - A, B, C, 12 - A, C, D,

  1. 13 - A, B, C, 14 - B, C, 15 - A, C, D, 16 - B, C, 17 - A, B, C.
P. 1. 1 - B, 2 - C, 3 - D, 4 - D, 5 - A. 2. 1 - B, 2 - D, 3 - D, 4 - B, 5 - A. 3. 1 - B, 2 - B, 3 - D, 4 - A, 5 - D. 4. 1 - B, 2 - D, 3 - D, 4 - A, 5 - B. 5. 1 - B, 2 - C, 3 - G, 4 - A, 5 - D. 6. 1 - B, 2 - G, 3 - D, 4 - B, 5 - A. 7. 1 - B, 2 - C, 3 - D, 4 - D, 5 - A.

Stylistics test (grades X-X1).

Topic I. Stylistic resources of the language

Task 1. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. There are ancient sciences, the age of which is measured not even in centuries, but in millennia. There are also young sciences, name them.

1) Stylistics, cybernetics, astrobotany;

2) medicine, astronomy, geodesy;

3) geography, mathematics, pharmacy;

4) linguistics, pharmacology, pedagogy.

Task 2. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation.

Modern stylistics is a developed science with several important directions. Which direction studies patterns and expediency, appropriateness of the use of words, phrases, grammatical forms and designs?

1) Functional style;

2) practical style;

3) phonostylistics;

4) text style.

Task 3. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation.

Which of the listed words and phrases means “a type of language characterized by features in the selection, combination and organization of linguistic means in connection with the tasks of communication”?

1) Language style;

3) pronunciation style;

4) style of speech.

Task 4. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation.

Which of the following words and phrases means “imitation of a style of speech typical of a particular era or social environment, a manner of narration characteristic of a particular genre, literary techniques characteristic of certain authors, etc., usually with the aim of producing impression of authenticity"?

1) Stylistics;

2) stylization;

3) stylistic coloring;

4) stylistic figure.

Task 5. Difficulty level 3, advanced level of preparation.

Name a linguist whose role in the development of the stylistics of the Russian language in the 20th century cannot be overestimated.

1) A.Kh. Vostokov;

2) A.A. Shakhmatov;

3) V.V. Vinogradov;

4) L.Yu. Maksimov.
Topic I. Visual and expressive means of speech

(Tropes and stylistic figures)

Task 6. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. Which of these words form the basis of the Russian vocabulary?

1) Neutral words;

2) book words;

3) colloquial words;

4) there are no such words.

Task 7. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. The following have zero stylistic connotation:

1) neutral words;

2) book words;

3) colloquial words;

4) there are no such words.

Task 8. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. Find contextual synonyms in this text .

“When do you think you'll be back? - Kesselman asked Osipov.

Is Osipov going too? - I was surprised.

“I’m going,” the inspector calmly told me alone...” (L. Likhodeev)

1) Surprised, he said;

2) asked, surprised;

3) asked, was surprised, said;

4) there are no such words.

Task 9. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. The most amazing and most widespread among visual and expressive means is

1) personification;

2) litotes;

3) hyperbole;

4) metaphor.

Task 10. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. Which linguistic means of expression is used in the sentence?

“A bright ray of life falls on all of us, but it immediately disappears as soon as it touches our consciousness.” (N. Dobrolyubov)

1) Metaphor;

2) personification;

3) comparison;

4) synonyms.

Task 11. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. Which linguistic means of expression is used in the text?

Who is made of stone, who is made of clay -

And I’m silver and sparkling!

Who is made of clay, who is made of flesh -

The coffin and tombstones...

Baptized in the sea font - and in flight

Its own - incessantly broken!

(M. Tsvetaeva)

1) Antonyms;

2) antithesis;

3) oxymoron;

4) epiphora.

Task 12. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. Which linguistic means of expression is used in the sentence?

"Empty skies are transparent glass."

(A. Akhmatova)

1) Synecdoche;

2) metaphor;

3) personification;

4) hyperbole.

Task 13. Difficulty level 1, basic level of preparation. Which of the following means of expression is used in the text?

We give you sons as beautiful as night; Sons as poor as night.

(M. Tsvetaeva)

1) Anaphora;

2) epiphora;

3) lexical repetition;

4) gradation.

Task 14. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. What type of vocabulary of the modern Russian language are the highlighted words in the text?

“You cannot think that you are an artist if you have learned to apply a piece of paper to reality and get an accurate image of the real world on it. The fact is that the very appearance of the real world does not fully convey to us its true essence - and the artist’s task is to add to the appearance what it lacks in its truth, or to change it.” (A. Platonov)

1) Conversational;

2) neutral;

3) book;

4) high.

Task 15. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Which synonymous row does not contain a stylistically neutral word?

1) Spin - spin - spin;

2) complain - cry - whine;

3) polite - correct - helpful;

4) persistent - persistent - purposeful.

Task 16. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation.

Depending on the nature of the quality that distinguishes synonyms within a series, four types of synonymous series are distinguished. Specify semantic and stylistic synonyms.

1) Agreement - condition - agreement - contract - pact;

2) shine - sparkle - radiance;

3) spelling - spelling;

4) accessory - attribute - accessory.

Task 17. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Indicate the visual possibilities of word formation.

1) Neologisms, terms;

3) saturation of the text with interjections and onomatopoeic words;

4) sentences with introductory words, appeals, isolated members.

Task 18. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Indicate the visual possibilities of morphology.

1) Oxymoron;

2) lexical repetition;

3) onomatopoeia;

4) direct and figurative use of verb tense forms.

Task 19. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Indicate the visual possibilities of syntax.

1) Expressive use of sentences of different types (one-part, incomplete, non-union, etc.);

2) phraseological units;

Task 20. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Tropes are based on the figurative use of words, and stylistic figures are...

1) identical arrangement of similar parts of the sentence;

2) a special arrangement of words that violates the usual order;

3) special syntactic structures;

4) deliberate interruption of the utterance, conveying the emotionality of the speech.

Task 21. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Which type of metaphor is most expressive?

1) General poetic;

3) linguistic (genetic);

4) all types of metaphors have the same imagery.

Task 22. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. What stylistic figure gives the statement dynamism, liveliness, and the intonation of a natural conversation?

1) Ellipsis;

2) inversion;

3) gradation;

4) antithesis.

Task 23. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation.

Indicate in which sentence the metonymy is based on an external or internal connection between a place and the people in that place.

1) I read Apuleius willingly, but did not read Cicero. (ALushkin)

2) He condemned their villages and fields to swords and fires for the violent raid. (A. Pushkin)

3) The whole field gasped. (A. Pushkin)

4) Not on silver, but on gold. (A. Griboyedov)

Task 24. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. The expressiveness of which means is based on the use of words in a figurative meaning?

1) Metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche;

2) inversion, gradation, anaphora;

3) alliteration, assonance, intonation;

4) paronyms, homonyms, synonyms.

Task 25. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. What expressive technique is based on the use of synonyms?

1) Parallelism;

2) gradation;

3) inversion;

4) antithesis.

Task 26. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. In which series is the stylistic figure of speech used - an oxymoron?

1) A stupid person will judge, a smart person will judge (Proverb);

2) It is better to sing well with a goldfinch than badly with a nightingale (I. Krylov);

3) The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother (Proverb);

4) Eloquent silence, wretched luxury of attire.

Task 27. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. What title of a literary work is based on an antithesis?

1) “War and Peace” (L. Tolstoy);

2) “Crime and Punishment” (F. Dostoevsky);

3) “Donkey and Nightingale” (I. Krylov);

4) “The Master and Margarita” (M. Bulgakov).

Task 28. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation.

A.N. Tolstoy in his article “Moscow is threatened by an enemy” used the following tropes and stylistic figures as figurative and expressive means. Determine which row is synecdoche.

1) A black shadow has fallen on our land.

2) The red warrior must win.

3) You (Motherland) carry goodness and beauty in your heart; You build it (a bright future) with your own hands.

4) Dearer than the homeland, dearer than the heart of our homeland - Moscow; not a step further, not a step back.

Task 29. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Indicate the sentence where lexical compatibility is broken.

1) Accuracy and correctness of speech is an important aspect of stylistics.

2) In literature, as well as in life, the exact choice of words is very important.

4) The artist conveys the beauty of the material and spiritual world through paints, lines, and color.

Task 30. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Indicate a sentence with inappropriate use of emotionally charged words or phraseological units.

1) Literary speech is a kind of mirror literary language.

2) All means of language are expressive, you just need to use them skillfully.

3) Astafiev continually resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.

4) Language fiction has always been considered the pinnacle of literary language.

Topic III. Speech styles

Task 31. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation.

Which of the outstanding Russian linguists identified three styles in the language: high, mediocre (medium), low?

1) V.V. Vinogradov;

2) D.N. Ushakov;

3) L.V. Shcherba;

4) M.V. Lomonosov.

Task 32. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Indicate the main genre varieties of journalistic style.

1) Essays, newspaper and magazine articles, leaflets, speeches on socio-political topics, reportage;

2) monograph, article, review, abstract, report, lecture;

3) various business documents, regulations, laws, decrees, judicial speech;

4) dialogues, casual conversations, private letters, notes.

Task 33. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Indicate the stylistic features of the journalistic style.

1) Ease; concreteness; inconsistency and discontinuity; emotional-evaluative information content; personal character; ^

2) stylistic homogeneity; severity; objectivity of expression; accuracy that does not allow other interpretations; standardization;

3) evaluativeness; conscription; “novelty effect”; collecting; documentary and factual accuracy; restraint; some formality;

4) abstraction; generality; emphasized logic; accuracy; rigor.

Task 34. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. What style of speech does this text belong to?

Barabinsk is the same age as Novosibirsk; in 2003 it turned 110 years old.

Today's Barabinsk is a city with a pronounced specialization. More than half of its working population is employed in transport or in transport service enterprises.

Barabinsk occupies one of the first places among the cities of the region in terms of the size and share of its own income in the city budget: more than 70% of the townspeople earn their own income.

If in 2000 goods worth 84.5 million rubles were produced and services provided, then in 2001 this amount exceeded 125 million rubles, and in 2002 it amounted to 174 million rubles. The largest volume of products is produced by the following enterprises: OJSC Antares, LLC Barabinsky Meat Products, a branch of the Barabinsky Fish Factory, and a feed mill. (A. Yudin)

1) Scientific style;

2) official business style;

3) conversational style;

4) journalistic style.

Task 35. Difficulty level 2, basic level of preparation. Indicate the sentence where the author uses words of a different stylistic coloring.

1) Pushkin’s works are brilliant not only as creations of literature, but also as creations of language, the art of words.

2) Scientific prose affects the mind, artistic prose affects the feelings.

3) The writer, addressing this problem, tries to direct people into a slightly different direction.

4) A scientist thinks in concepts, an artist - in images.

Task 36. Difficulty level 3, advanced level of preparation.

In what series are typical violations of the norms of journalistic style not named?

1) Complication of oral forms of journalistic style with book constructions;

2) inappropriate use of linguistic means of different stylistic colors in the text;

3) abuse of newspaper stamps;

4) information content, a combination of logic and imagery, open evaluativeness.

Task 37. Difficulty level 3, advanced level of preparation.

Indicate the error in determining the lexical and phraseological features of the official business style.

1) Standardized stable revolutions, stamps;

2) general book vocabulary;

3) legal and diplomatic terminology;

4) widespread use of words with abstract meaning.

Task 38. Difficulty level 3, advanced level of preparation.

Indicate the error in determining the morphological features of the scientific style of speech.

1) Predominance of verbs;

2) frequent use of abstract verbal nouns;

3) the infrequency of the pronouns I, you, verbs of the 1st and 2nd person singular;

4) the use of real and abstract nouns in the plural.

Task 39. Difficulty level 3, advanced level of preparation.

Indicate the error in determining the syntactic features of the conversational style.

1) The predominance of common offers with a large number homogeneous members, isolated participial and participial phrases, plug-in constructions;

2) widespread use of interrogative and incentive sentences;

3) an abundance of simple, especially incomplete sentences;

4) dominance coordinating connections in a sentence above subordinates, non-union communications over the allied one.

Task 40. Difficulty level 3, advanced level of preparation.

Determine the style of speech based on typical violations of norms:

unmotivated use of linguistic means with a bookish stylistic overtones; use of clerical phrases; completeness of speech; lack of ease, emotionality; full pronunciation of sounds and sound combinations.

1) Official business style;

2) journalistic style;

3) scientific style;

4) conversational style.





4; 4-2;

5 - 3; 6 - 1; 7


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4; 10

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4; 19

- 1;

20 -

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1; 23 -

3; 24 - 1; 25 -

2; 26-

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1; 28

- 2;

29 -

3; 30 -

3; 31 -

4; 32 -

1; 33 - 3; 34 -

4; 35-

- 3; 36 -

4; 37

- 4;

38 -

1; 39 -

1; 40 -


Preparing 9th grade students to write a concise summary in GIA format

The task of a concise presentation is to briefly, in a generalized form, convey the content of the text, select essential information, exclude details, and find verbal means of generalization. In a concise presentation, it is not necessary to preserve the stylistic features of the author's text, but the author's main idea, the logical sequence of events, the characters of the characters and the setting must be conveyed without exception.

A concise presentation is considered the most difficult type of presentation because many students do not know how to highlight the main and other important thoughts, and do not know how to distract from unimportant information.

There are three main methods of text compression: 1) exclusion; 2) generalization; 3) simplification. Which compression method to use in each specific case will depend on the communicative task and the characteristics of the text.

Students are not equally proficient in the above methods of text compression. The most difficult for them is the method of generalization, in which individual essential facts are first isolated (non-essential ones are omitted), combined into one whole, appropriate linguistic means are selected and a new text is compiled. The problem is that not all students are able to highlight the main thing and find the essential, as they have difficulty with abstraction. But this process, like other processes of human thinking, can be trained.

At the first stage of teaching the method of generalization, it is useful to give students small texts to write a concise summary with a creative task. When completing a creative task, students learn to identify the main thing (concept) in the source text. Whatever creative task is offered, it is important that the student reflects on the text, asks himself questions, constructs sentences and checks them during the reading process, and after reading is able to express the main idea, draw up a plan, and answer questions.

Creative tasks can be very diverse.

Tasks aimed at the ability to predict the content of a text.

A) Read the title and try to guess who (what) the text will be about. After listening to the text, check your assumptions.

B) Listen or read the beginning of the text (1st sentence, 1st paragraph) on which you will write a summary, and try to guess what will be discussed next (what events will follow, what thoughts will be expressed).

2. Tasks aimed at the ability to highlight the main thing in the text.

A) Find sentences that contain the main idea of ​​the text, or formulate it yourself.

B) Find the main event.

C) Rank the events in order of importance.

D) Put the most important information first, at the beginning of the presentation. Please convey the contents of the remaining parts briefly (compressed).

3. Tasks aimed at interpreting the text.

A) Explain how you understand the statement that...

C) Express your opinion in connection with what you read (write about your understanding of the event).

D) Relate the text you read with others or select one that is similar in meaning.

E) Give a reasoned answer to the question asked by the author.

4. Tasks aimed at creative processing of the text.

A) Make inserts in the text: enter a description of your favorite game, favorite time of year, reasoning about the actions of the heroes, a story about... etc.

B) Complete the text with similar examples.

C) Present the content of the text in a different genre (style).

D) Find general and specific elements in the text. First tell about the particular, and then retell the fragment that represents the general reasoning.

E) Find in the text the parts that serve as the cause and the parts that are the effect.

E) Bring to the forefront the information that is most interesting to you and retell it in detail. Retell the remaining parts concisely.

The next important stage is thinking about the text (reflection, reflection). At this stage, the student asks himself questions like these:

What new did I learn from the text?

What facts were unexpected for me?

What do I think about this?

How does this relate to what I already know?

What thoughts do these facts lead me to think about?

Have I encountered anything similar before - in life, literature, cinema?

What facts, examples, cases can I use in my essay?

A chain of such questions is, in fact, an algorithm for the student’s internal work with the text. This is not the essay itself, but the stage of thinking, comprehending the text and updating your knowledge and ideas is very important on the path to creating the text of the future essay.

Such tasks pursue the following goals:

firstly, to update previous knowledge6 because what we learn is determined by what we already know;

secondly, make learning active; knowledge cannot be “invested”, it can only be “appropriated”;

Examples of tasks for texts.

Exercise. Read the beginning of two texts that talk about the same thing, but in different ways. Find questions hidden in the text. Express your assumptions about the further content of each text. (Between reading the first and second text, time is given to complete the task.)

Bent over a geographical atlas, German geophysicist Alfred Wegener made an outstanding discovery at the turn of the 20th century: the eastern shores and western shores of Africa can be combined as accurately as the corresponding parts of a cross-sectional picture - a puzzle.

In 1913, geophysicist Wegener published the book “The Origin of Continents and Oceans.” In it, he outlined his famous hypothesis, which was called the theory of movement, or the theory of continental drift.

(What kind of hypothesis is this? What facts support it?)

Exercise. Read an excerpt from the book Magellan by Austrian writer Stefan Zweig. This is the beginning of an artistic biography of the great navigator. Title the text and retell it in detail.

Original text.

In the beginning there were spices. Since the Romans, in their travels and wars, first learned the charm of hot and intoxicating oriental seasonings, the West can no longer and does not want to do without Indian spices, without spices, despite the fact that they were expensive and were constantly rising in price.

At the beginning of the second millennium, the same pepper that now stands on the kitchen shelf of any housewife was counted by grain and was valued at its weight in gold. Its value was so constant that many cities and states paid for it instead. Ginger, cinnamon, and cinchona peel were weighed on jewelry and scales, while tightly closing the windows so that the draft would not blow away the precious dust. No matter how much such a price may seem to a modern person, it becomes understandable when you remember the difficulties of their delivery and the risk associated with it.

What kind of dangers did ships, caravans and convoys with spices have to overcome on the way before they got from the green bush of the Malay Archipelago to their last pier - the counter of a European merchant. How many hands has a product passed through until it reaches the final buyer across seas and deserts! Modern researchers have calculated that Indian spices had to pass through no less than twelve predatory hands before ending up on the European table.

A long, incredibly long way! Is there another, shorter and easier way to achieve your cherished goal? Seafarers began to look for the answer to this question together with monarchs and merchants. The courage that prompted Columbus and Magellan to move west, and Vasco de Gama to the south, was born primarily from a focused desire to find a new route to the east.

No matter how strange it may seem at first glance, it was spices that became the completely earthly, material reason for all those great discoveries that were made in the heroic 16th century. Monarchs and merchants would never have equipped a fleet for the brave conquistadors if these expeditions to unknown countries did not at the same time promise a thousandfold reimbursement of the funds spent.

In the beginning there were spices.

(According to S. Zweig. 306 words.)

Creative task.

The text caused a variety of reactions among ninth-graders. For example:

“I learned a lot of interesting facts. For example, the fact that pepper was worth its weight in gold and that when it was weighed, the doors and windows in the house were closed.”

“It turns out that spices traveled a long way before reaching Europe.”

“What seemed most unexpected was that the author considers spices to be the main, “material” reason for all great geographical discoveries. One can hardly agree with this. I read about the expedition of Columbus and Magellan, but nothing was said about it. They were looking for something completely different. What does spice have to do with it? The text is, of course, interesting, but Zweig’s thought is somehow strange, I would say paradoxical. Although, maybe there is something in this.”

“It makes you look at known facts from an unusual side, it gives rise to different thoughts.”

“It’s probably no coincidence that the text begins and ends with the same phrase.”

Whatever assessment the students gave to the text, the main thing is that it made them think, actively discuss what they read, confront different opinions, take nothing for granted, and finally made them want to learn more about the subject under discussion and turn to other sources of information.

Original text.

Sad collection.

Have you heard the name Galvani? Yes, yes, the same Italian scientist who did experiments with a frog's leg and electric current.

Now they seem to us like hoary old science, but they were once an important page in the study of electricity.

When Galvani told his fellow scientists about his experiments, he was laughed at.

In 1873, the French Academy of Sciences by a majority vote refused to accept Darwin as a member of the Academy, and 5 years later they ridiculed Edison’s invention.

When the physicist de Moncel, at Edison’s request, showed at a meeting of the Academy how the apparatus he had invented for recording and reproducing sounds works, one of the academicians jumped up and shouted at him:

Scoundrel! You dare to come here to fool us with the tricks of a pathetic ventriloquist! Will any of us really agree to believe that a pathetic piece of metal can repeat the noble sound of the human voice?

And the majority of those present supported his angry speech.

Jenner, the scientist who proposed vaccination against smallpox, was ridiculed and reviled. And the doctor who offered pain relief during operations.

The inventor of the steamboat was persecuted. They made fun of the inventor of the steam locomotive. The inventor of the car was teased.

These are just a few excerpts from a very long and very sad collection. A person who made a discovery or invented something new often saw against him not just one opponent, but many. And his opponents usually told him this:

You are wrong, because there are more of us.

Sometimes they said it politely. Sometimes sharply. Sometimes angry. But always with the confidence that if there are more of them, those who say that this cannot be, than those who believe that this is possible, then they are right, and the one who persists is a stubborn person, opposing himself to the majority. It cannot be that the whole company is out of step, and he alone is in step!

Do you think that all these sad stories date back to distant times, when electricity lived only in Leyden jars, steam locomotives and cars were just learning to run, and no one thought about radio?

Of course, we, people of the 21st century, would like to think that all this is in the past. But that's not true.

(S. Lvov. 310 words.)

After the reading there is a conversation.

How many different facts of persecution of inventors are mentioned in the text? (Eight. Words and phrases containing these facts are highlighted in bold in the text.)

What is the meaning of the title?

Imagine that the content of the text needs to be presented in the form of a note of 90-100 words. Write a concise summary.

Creative task.

Do you know of other similar examples? If known, write about it. If not, explain in writing the meaning of the title of the text and formulate the main idea.

Examples of essays on 1 topic.

1. The text by Sergei Lvov is dedicated to the problem of non-recognition of scientists and their inventions. Not only in former times, but even today, many discoveries do not meet with understanding, and those who invented them are ridiculed and persecuted.

Imagine this picture: what would have happened if Newton had not been recognized with his discovery of gravity? Absolutely right, humanity would have fallen behind many centuries, there would not have been many other inventions, man would not have flown to the stars.

For some reason, scientists are often recognized as geniuses only after their death. For example, Giordano Bruno, who claimed that the Earth revolves around the Sun, was recognized as a heretic and, by order of the Catholic Church, was burned at the stake. And now we bow to the sweetheart of his mind and talk about him as a fighter for the truth in science.

There have always been many such stories, and, unfortunately, they will never end, since there will always be people who do not want “the whole company to be out of step, but he alone to be out of step.” (148 words.)

2. Unfortunately, many examples similar to those that S. Lvov gives in his article can be found in the history of the 20th century. Here are just a few of them.

Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, whose significance in the history of scientific thought cannot be discussed, has faced misunderstandings from those around him all his life. They did not believe him, he was persecuted in the same way as Galvani, Edison or Jenner.

At one time, they also “didn’t notice” the scientist who developed the aircraft radar invisibility system. And later, the American military accidentally stumbled upon his book, and now “Stealth” is the pride of the US Air Force.

The Soviet Ministry of Defense stubbornly resisted the invention of active tank armor, and how many lives of soldiers were later saved during the Chechen war thanks to the installation of this innovation on the T-72 tank!

This sad experience teaches us to be attentive to all, even the most unusual and crazy ideas, so as not to overlook something truly valuable and not to add to the “sad collection” of inventions that were not recognized in time. (140 words.)

The best results are achieved by those students who, in preparation for the exam presentation, learn to understand the text. Presentation put at the “service of understanding” develops a number of important skills:

Understand and remember text based on reconstructive imagination;

Highlight the main thing;

Conduct a dialogue with the text;

Form your own opinion about what you read;

Relate the source text to existing knowledge and personal experience;

Prepare students to practice such a compression technique as generalization.

Equally important when teaching text compression techniques is the stage at which students are presented with linguistic tasks to complete. By solving them, they independently come to conclusions about text compression techniques, and also find out what language tools can be used when compressing text.

Linguistic tasks when practicing the generalization technique.

Read the text. How can a phrase characterize Kuprin’s “many faces”?

He was “one and many-sided.” “One” because he was Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin - an artist of words, original and inimitable. “Many faces” because there were also Kuprins: one was a land surveyor, another was a loader, the third was an accountant at a factory, an athlete, a porter at a station, a singer in a choir. And many, many others. But all this workers' army was combined in one person - the writer Kuprin. (By.)

Read the text. Replace words from one lexical group with a common concept (word).

Our pure-fruit autumn was no less generous. The boulevard was drowned in fallen leaves, yellow, red, marble, foliage of birches, aspens, maples, lindens. (By.)

Read the text. How can you describe the architectural appearance of Leningrad in a few words?

I was born and lived most of my life in Leningrad. In its architectural appearance, the city is associated with the names of Rastrelli, Rossi, Quarenghi, Zakharov, Voronikhin. (By.)

4. Read the text. Shorten the sentence by replacing expressions that are similar in meaning with a common concept (phrase).

Is it possible to be absolutely equally interested in the structure of volcanoes and irregular verbs, the laws of particle interaction and the riddle of Ivan the Terrible’s library, the design of a computer and still lifes?.. (According to I. Miloslavsky.)

5.Read the text. Translate private information about how people are treated into a general idea about it.

Do we, for example, have enough imagination? After all, imagination is not needed at all in order to come up with something non-existent or unrealizable. Imagination is needed in order to embrace with the mind and heart all the richness of life and its situations, in order to see with the mind’s eye the hidden corners of the human soul. Without imagination there is no image of the world and no image of man. And without these images, life becomes flat and simplified, in which we are surrounded only by models and diagrams, and not by real people. (Based on materials from Internet sites.)

6.Read the text. Cut it in half.

These three were lively, funny, sharp-tongued. The conversation was about new books. It was nice to hear how these guys, young builders, showed their taste and independent judgment. They knew the poems of Bulat Okudzhava and had already read the new novel by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. They were aware of the latest films and premieres that I had not yet seen, and new book releases that I still had no idea about. (According to D. Granin.) add examples for the last paragraph.!

After solving such linguistic problems, students come to the conclusion that generalization is the translation of the particular into the general, the condensation of the original information through generalization. You can generalize using the replacement

Homogeneous members of a sentence with a generalizing concept,

Sentences or parts thereof are definitive or negative with a general meaning.

You can also generalize several homogeneous small (private, isolated) questions, facts, examples, and form a complex sentence by merging two adjacent sentences telling about the same subject of speech.

(the motive of the “conquest (discovery) of America” in the works of N. S. Gumilyov)

The work of the great Russian poet N. S. Gumilyov (1886-1921) is one of the brightest pages in the “chronicle” of Russian literature of the early twentieth century. A special role in the poetry, prose and drama of N. S. Gumilyov is played by geographical images, themes, motifs and symbols, which were interpreted and comprehended by the poet not only in artistic, but also in cultural, philosophical and religious terms. In the poet's works, geography develops into geosophy - the philosophy of geography. Lyrical hero Gumilyov's poetry is a traveler, warrior, wanderer, wandering around the world in search of the mysterious “India of the Spirit,” which can be interpreted as a spiritual and poetic peak, a holy land, “the kingdom of poetry,” “earthly paradise.”

Throughout his short, but surprisingly eventful life, Gumilyov experienced great interest in the era of great geographical discoveries, in the topic of the “conquest of America” by the Spanish conquistadors led by Cortes. And in the first, youthful collection “The Path of the Conquistadors” (1905), and in the mature poem “The Discovery of America” (1910), and in poems of the late period, Gumilev developed the theme of the discovery and conquest of new, unknown lands, compared the poet, his role in the world with the mission of a discoverer, traveler, geographer. A stormy surge of interest in the topic of conquest Latin America(Mexico and Peru) Gumilyov survived the conquistadors in the trenches of the First World War. The poet went to war as a volunteer, for the courage shown in battles, he earned the Cross of St. George, but did not stop creating, creating brilliant poems, forming ideas for new works.

On January 15, 1917, from the active army camp in New Bevershof, N. S. Gumilyov wrote to the future “woman of the Russian revolution”, “commissar”, “red Valkyrie” Larisa Mikhailovna Reisner: “The play you ordered for me (about Cortez and Mexico) Every hour it appears before me more and more clearly. Through the “magic crystal” (remember, from Pushkin) I see painfully vivid pictures, hear smells, voices. Sometimes I even jump up, like a dog that has seen a dream that has excited it. It would be wonderful, my play, if I were a more skilful technician. How I now regret the fruitlessly wasted years when, obeying the suggestions of ignorant critics, I was looking for some kind of sincerity and warmth in poetry, and did not practice writing rondos, rondels, lays, vireles. The play about which we're talking about in this letter, should have been dedicated conquest Cortez to Mexico, as a result of which Montezuma's empire fell. Gumilyov highly valued the work of the English writer Rider Haggard, and therefore the starting point for the idea of ​​a play about Cortez and Mexico (along with other sources) was Haggard’s novel “Montezuma’s Daughter”.

Haggard's novel tells the story of the destruction of the Aztec empire, which, according to the novel's protagonist, the English squire Thomas Wingfield, was guilty of sacrificing their children at the altars of Huitzilopochtli and Tezcatlipoca. Haggard, through the mouth of Thomas Wingfield, accused the people of Montezuma of doing evil in the name of good, sacrificing thousands of human lives to their gods, hoping to earn peace, prosperity and wealth. We are talking here about the understanding of the civilizations of South and Central America by Catholic and Protestant consciousness. When Christian missionaries became acquainted with local cults, accompanied by sacrifices, they came to the conclusion that the land discovered by Columbus was the kingdom of the Antichrist. Haggard, through the mouth of the novel's protagonist, accused the “people of Anuak” of bloody and cruel rituals. However, Thomas Wingfield considered the Spaniards even more guilty: “In the name of mercy, they committed such cruelties as the pagan Aztecs had never dreamed of; in the name of Christ they daily violated all his commandments. Will they really triumph, will these atrocities really bring them happiness? I am too old and will not live to see with my own eyes the answer to my question.” However, Thomas Wingfield himself formulates the answer to his question: “I know that all the atrocities of the Spaniards will fall on their own heads, and even now I see this proudest people in the world dishonored, dishonored and ruined, an unfortunate runaway who has nothing but great past. What Drake began recently at Gravelines, God will at another time complete everywhere. There will be no trace left of the power of Spain; the Spanish empire will disappear, just as Montezuma’s empire disappeared.”

In the preface to the novel (“Why Thomas Wingfield Tells His Story”), the decline of Spain's maritime glory is a fait accompli. The novel begins with the death of the Invincible Armada, which perished during a storm off the British coast. In the death of the Spanish Armada, Wingfield sees historical retribution: the country, enriched by the destruction of Montezuma's empire, must lose the looted gold and become as poor as the devastated lands of the Aztecs. If Haggard’s novel became the starting point for Gumilyov’s play about the conquest of Mexico by Cortez, then a deeper approach to the designated topic was associated with the fundamental work of William Warren Prescott “The Conquest of Mexico.”

In the letter quoted above dated January 15, 1917, Gumilyov asked Larisa Reisner to send him Prescott’s book, which was published in 1843 in New York and was translated into major European languages. Prescott’s work inspired Gumilyov so much that on January 22 of the same 1917, the poet wrote to Larisa Reisner: “And what kind of amazing book. It was all compiled on the basis of the writings of ancient chroniclers, some of the associates of Cortes, and Prescott himself was not far from them in the sweet naivety of style and thoughts. (...) It’s just a pity that now we have to change the plan of the play; Prescott convinced me of my ignorance regarding Mexican affairs. But the plan is nonsense, the play will still happen, and I don’t know why you decided that it would be miniature, it’s a tragedy in five acts, a synthesis of Shakespeare and Racine!” .

Gumilev never wrote a play about Cortez and Mexico, but the images of the conquistadors from Cortez’s army, as well as the motive for the fall of the mysterious ancient civilization under the pressure of a handful of Europeans, Gumilyov occupied himself all his life. The first, youthful, collection of the poet - as we said above - was called “The Path of the Conquistadors”. The key for this collection was “Sonnet” (“I am a conquistador in an iron shell”). The lyrical hero of this poem is a knight of the spirit, resting in a “joyful garden” similar to Eden, certainly far from the historical conquistadors from the army of Cortes who destroyed Montezuma’s empire. In “Sonnet,” Gumilyov used only one feature of real conquistadors - their undeniable passionarity, a rare passionarity charge, thanks to which a handful of Spanish adventurers managed to bring the powerful Aztec empire to the brink of destruction.

“The Path of the Conquistadors,” according to Gumilyov, is a road to the unknown, a path to mysterious ancient kingdoms, a dangerous journey, every moment of which can end in death. But even death promises the hero of the “Sonnet” amazing discoveries associated with touching another, higher, good principle of existence: “And if in this world it is not given / To us to unchain the last link, / Let death come, I call anyone! / I will fight with her to the end, / And perhaps with the hand of a dead man / I will get the blue lily.”

The blue lily mentioned in the sonnet is an invariant of the mystical “blue flower” of the German romantics of the 19th century. and Russian Symbolists. The romanticist of the Jena School, poet-philosopher Georg Friedrich Philipp Baron von Hardenberg, who chose the pseudonym Novalis, sang the “blue flower” in the novel “Heinrich von Ofterdingen”. The “blue flower” meant the “soul of the world,” the eternally feminine principle of the universe, Sophia the Wisdom of God. For Novalis, the blue color represented the height of the sky and the depth of the sea, infinity and eternity. “The Blue Flower” is the highest goal for which Heinrich von Ofterdingen sets off on his travels.

In Novalis's novel main character learns about the blue flower from the story of the “mysterious stranger”. “The young man tossed about on his bed and thought about the stranger and his stories. “It’s not treasures that attract me so inexpressibly,” he said to himself, “greed is alien to my soul: I only dream of seeing a blue flower.” He constantly occupies my thoughts, I can neither write nor think about anything else. I have never experienced anything like this: it was as if everything before was a dream, or as if I had rushed into another world in a dream. In the world I lived in, no one would think about flowers; and I’ve never even heard of such a special passion for a flower,” says the main character of “Heinrich von Ofterdingen.” In a dream, the petals of a “blue flower” open in front of the hero, and a “gentle face” appears in the cup of the plant. Before the readers is a symbol of Eternal Femininity, beauty and spiritual depth of the world.

Gumilyov’s “blue lily”, which the lyrical hero of the “Sonnet”, a conquistador in the iron shell of deep and sincere faith, obtains at the cost of his life, refers us to the Bible, to the “Song of Songs”, where the Bride and Groom, souls are compared with the beauty of the “lily of the valleys” united by eternal and unfading love. In Christian medieval iconography, the lily was an attribute of the Virgin Mary. The fleur-de-lis is associated with the monogram of Christ or the cross of St. Andrew, “crossed by the letter “r” and the ancient cross of Eduard Gaulle (St. Andrew’s cross with a vertical line passing through the center).”

The conquistadors called themselves “knights of faith,” bringing the light of Christianity to the unenlightened peoples of South and Central America. Undoubtedly, the Christianization of Montezuma's empire was cruel and bloody and led to the death of one of the world's oldest civilizations, the interest in which was enormous at the beginning of the twentieth century. Poets " silver age Russian culture became interested in the Aztec empire in the context of the theory of “vanished civilizations.” The great civilizations of antiquity were recognized as bearers of “sacred knowledge”, ancient magical secrets.

The fundamental work of William Warren Prescott revealed to Europeans and Russian readers a unique culture destroyed by the conquistadors. Prescott described the latter as cruel and greedy adventurers, who, however, possessed extraordinary energy and courage, shown in battles with the Indians.

In Gumilev’s poem “The Old Conquistador,” the conqueror of America is depicted as a seeker of the unknown, a traveler following a dangerous but attractive route, delving into the “unknown mountains”: “Deepening into the unknown mountains, / The old conquistador got lost, / Condors swam in the smoky sky, / Hovered snowy masses". Condors - American vultures and snowy masses of “unknown mountains” remind us of the Central and South America. However, in the kingdom of the unknown, the conquistador remembers “sunny Castilla” and, dying, invites death to “play with broken bones.” The poem contains the motif of a duel with death as a game in which the victory is undoubtedly won by the courage and passion of the aged adventurer. As we see, the Gumilyov conquistador - traveler, wanderer, seeker of the “otherworldly” - is far from the historical conquistadors described by Prescott.

“Gumilyov’s wanderers are seers, mystagogues, pursuing primarily mystical goals. The main goal they have a complete vision of the world, penetration beyond the limits of phenomenality, and the achievement of this goal is, according to Gumilyov’s idea, on the paths of movement, “divine movement,” participation in which is perceived as asceticism, a spiritual feat. The concept of “wandering” here merges with the concept of “pilgrimage” - a form of obedience equal to that inherent in both the Christian and Muslim religious movements,” Yu. V. Zobnin interprets the theme of “wandering of the spirit” by N. S. Gumilyov. The understanding of the feat of pilgrimage as a form of obedience is characteristic of the biblical tradition and patristic literature. Both in the case of monasticism and in the case of pilgrimage, a person leaves home and his usual life, following some high goal.

Gumilyov’s motif of the path to the unknown is associated with the image-symbol of a geographical map with mysterious routes marked on it. The image-symbol of such a card is present in A. Akhmatova’s poem “He loved three things in the world,” dedicated to N. S. Gumilyov: “He loved three things in the world: / For evening singing, white peacocks / And erased maps of America.”

“Erased Maps of America” points to Gumilyov’s poem “The Dawns Are Still Dazzling” (1907), the lyrical hero of which is called “the seeker otherworldly Americas"("Seeker of otherworldly Americas, / I gave myself to the ship, / So that, looking at the abandoned shore, / Whisper the golden "I love you!" ". "Unearthly Americas" symbolize fertile, paradise lands, similar to the mysterious "India of the Spirit", the image-symbol of which is present in Gumilyov’s poem “The Lost Tram”.

The poetic imagination and the poetic word must comprehend the sacred meanings of the “erased maps of America” and reconstruct their unclear routes. Maps of “otherworldly Americas” require the co-creation of a poet who reads them. Here it would be appropriate to recall the torn map from the series “Captains” (“On the Polar Seas and the Southern Seas”) (“Who is the needle on torn map// Marks his daring path”, and “unknown continents // painful outlines” that appear to the geographer “in the hour of difficult dreams” (poem “Ice drift”. The map requires reading, the “tormenting outlines” of unknown continents - reconstruction, and that is why the geographer’s dreams called "difficult".

The search for the “golden Indian garden”, the mysterious fertile land is the running theme of Gumilyov’s poem “The Discovery of America”. As you know, Christopher Columbus was looking for a western route to India and managed to captivate Juan Perez, the former confessor of Queen Isabella of Spain, and the abbot of the Rabida monastery, located near the city of Palos, with this idea. It was from the port of Palos that Columbus's caravels set out to sea. In Gumilyov’s poem, the prelates, who called on Spanish sailors to take part in Columbus’s expedition, told the people about the “golden Indian garden” awaiting travelers. Gumilyov described the preparatory period of Columbus’s expedition this way: “And no one on the ship running / To wondrous countries, protected bushes, / Dared to think about the future; / My thoughts were empty and dark; / They gloomily measured the bottom with a lot, / They repaired the sails.” And further: “The astrologers on the evening of their sailing / Calculated the stellar events, / Their words read: “Everything is a deception.” / The wind from the left frothed the ocean, / And the horror of the influxes frightened us / The dark prophecies of the Gitans. / And in vain the prelates from the pulpit / Promised them so many rewards, / They promised knightly armor, / They promised kingdoms instead of payment, / And about golden indian garden/ So many stanzas and ballads thundered.”

Gumilev interpreted Columbus’s desire to open a new path to rich and great India, to the “golden Indian garden” as a path to the unknown, to a different existence, to “new, better herbs and lakes.” In this interpretation of the image of Columbus, the poet followed D. N. Anuchin, whose work “On the fate of Columbus as historical figure and about the controversial and dark points of his biography" was published in 1894. In this work, Anuchin drew attention to the following excerpt from Columbus’ letter to the King and Queen of Spain: “I appeared to Your Majesty as an envoy of the Holy Trinity to the most powerful Christian sovereign to promote and spread the Christian faith; for truly God speaks clearly about these overseas countries through the mouth of the prophet Isaiah (Is. 24:15; 65:17), when he declares that his Holy Name should spread from Spain.” In the poem, Gumilyov emphasized the high mission of Columbus, the spiritual nature of this mission: the path of the seeker of the “golden Indian garden” in “The Discovery of America” is illuminated by the Muse of Distant Wanderings, symbolizing eternal, good movement and improvement.

In the poem "The Discovery of America", Columbus initially discovered an unknown land from "tables, drawings and faded pages", making an imaginary journey under the arch of the monastery library, sorting out the drawings with Prior Juan, before making it in reality. Gumilyov brings together anesthesia born of depth (see in the series “Captains”: “What anesthesia the depth once gave birth to for you ...”) and library dust (remember the poem “In the Library,” where “dust is drunker than a drug.”

As already noted by Yu. V. Zobnin, in Gumilyov’s texts the reading process is metaphorically likened to travel. Reading and interpreting the faded pages of ancient books is a journey in miniature, it contains a prototype of the future journey. Reading is also an invitation to travel, a prologue to the journey as a great accomplishment, a work of the spirit. But if the reader is like a navigator, as in the poem “Reader of Books,” then the poet is like a geographer who not only “reads” and interprets space, but also discovers new lands and, most importantly, names them.

In The Discovery of America, Columbus "numbered" the unknown land before discovering and naming it. The verb “counted” is quite natural for this context. In the poem “Hottentot Cosmogony”, only the Creator can “count” the created world (“God, who numbered the whole world...”. According to Gumilev’s logic, to number the created world means to create and know it. Cognition is followed by naming, which gives the created the fullness of being. The poet as the discoverer and namer is able to first “count” a certain space, then open and name it.The name that the poet gives to the space turns out to be the ancient sacred name of this space.

N. S. Gumilyov mythologized the role of the geographer and in every possible way emphasized the spiritual kinship of the geographer and the poet. Gumilyov’s true poet is like a geographer, to whom “in the hour of difficult dreams” (the poem “Ice drift”) the “tormenting outlines of unknown continents” appear. A painful, terrible, suffering process for both the poet and the geographer leads to the “discovery of America.” In the poem “The Discovery of America,” the open land seems familiar to the sailors, dear, seen “in the hour of difficult dreams.” As a matter of fact, for Gumilyov, the poet’s work, the creative process in general, is a prophetic dream about the “dear homeland”, about the “India of the Spirit”. Thus, in the poem “The Discovery of America” we read: “ If a mortal sees a glimpse of paradise, / Only by constantly opening". Therefore, Columbus in the poem “The Discovery of America” is accompanied by the Muse of distant wanderings, who also patronized the poet Gumilyov.

A poet-geographer is a poet-discoverer and namer who, like Adam in paradise, gives names to things. “The discovery of America” is also the discovery of the language of “virgin names” (see the poem “Rose”: “Only virgin names poets are allowed to leave behind the original, ancient names of things. At the same time, the poet is likened to an archaeologist who rediscovers antiquity - temples buried in sand and ancient cities lost in the desert.

In the sacred geography of N. S. Gumilyov, the “fertile land” - the goal and result of the wanderings of the hero-traveler - can be likened to a garden, an island (islands), a virgin, unknown land, a sea coast or an oasis in the desert. In this regard, the poet relied on the biblical tradition of depicting Paradise in the Old and New Testaments, in the Book of Genesis and in the Revelation of John the Theologian: “And the Lord God planted Paradise in Eden in the east; and he placed there the man whom he had created. And the Lord God made to grow in the earth every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river came out of Eden to water Paradise; and then it divided into four rivers” (Gen. 2, 8, 10). In the first case, Paradise is a wonderful garden, Eden, in the second, Heavenly Jerusalem: “And I, John, saw the holy city new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Rev. 21:2 ); “And there will be no night there, and they will have no need of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God gives light to them” (Rev. 22:5); “And the angel took me up in the spirit to a great high mountain and showed me the great city, holy Jerusalem, which came down from heaven from God” (Rev. 21:10).

Gumilyov's wandering heroes have visions of paradise, the Garden of Eden or unknown, blissful lands. So, in the poem “Garden of Eden” we read: “In a golden-lilac mirage / A wondrous garden rises before me.” In Gumilyov’s work there is a theme of “wandering of the spirit,” understood in the context of Christian culture. The theme of the “feast,” the “great eternal bliss of the supper,” which Christ will create for the faithful in the Kingdom of Heaven, the City of God, is directly related to the idea of ​​man as a wanderer and stranger in this world. Wandering as a spiritual phenomenon has its own space, its own “geography” (exodus from Egypt, the earthly world, to Jerusalem - the City of God). Wandering is inseparable from the motive for the construction of the city " inner man" Gumilyov's Columbus is one of these wanderers. That is why the admiral is kept on his earthly paths by the Muse of Distant Wanderings. The mistakes and sins of Columbus pale in the poem "The Discovery of America" ​​before his great feat, based on the desire for "new and better grasses and lakes." Gumilyov's Columbus embodies the idea of ​​eternal movement, understood as improvement and development, as overcoming the inertia of earthly existence with the help of the divine, good rhythm.
4. Zobnin Yu. V. Wanderer of the Spirit (about the fate and work of N. S. Gumilyov) // N. S. Gumilyov: PROetCONTRA. The personality and creativity of N. S. Gumilyov in the assessment of Russian thinkers and researchers. St. Petersburg. : RKhGI, 1995.
5. Kerlot H. E. Dictionary of symbols. M: Refl-book, 1994.
6. Novalis. Heinrich von Ofterdingen. Series "Literary Monuments". St. Petersburg. : Science, 2003.
7. Haggard R. Montezuma's Daughter. M.: Eksmo, 2007.

When studying Russian at school, quite often there are linguistic terms, which are not always clear to schoolchildren. We tried to compile a short list of the most used concepts with explanations. In the future, schoolchildren can use it when studying the Russian language.


Linguistic terms used in the study of phonetics:

  • Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of sound structure.
  • Sound is the smallest particle of speech. Sounds are highlighted.
  • A syllable is one or often several sounds pronounced in one exhalation.
  • Stress is the emphasis of a vowel sound in speech.
  • Orthoepy is a section of phonetics that studies the pronunciation norms of the Russian language.


When studying spelling, you must use the following terms:

  • Spelling is a section that studies spelling norms.
  • Spelling - spelling a word in accordance with the application of spelling rules.

Lexicology and phraseology

  • A lexeme is a vocabulary unit, a word.
  • Lexicology is a branch of the Russian language that studies lexemes, their origin and functioning.
  • Synonyms are words that have the same meaning when spelled differently.
  • Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.
  • Paronyms are words that have similar spellings but different meanings.
  • Homonyms are words that have the same spelling, but at the same time they have different meanings.

  • Phraseology is a branch of linguistics that studies phraseological units, their features and principles of functioning in language.
  • Etymology is the science of the origin of words.
  • Lexicography is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules for compiling dictionaries and their study.


A few words about what Russian linguistic terms are used when studying the morphology section.

  • Morphology is the science of language that studies the parts of speech.
  • Noun - nominal independent It denotes the subject being discussed and answers the questions: “who?”, “what?”.
  • Adjective - denotes a sign or state of an object and answers the questions: “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. Refers to independent nominal parts.

  • A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action and answers the questions: “what does it do?”, “what will it do?”.
  • Numeral - denotes the number or order of objects and at the same time answering the questions: “how many?”, “which?”. Refers to independent parts of speech.
  • Pronoun - indicates an object or person, its attribute, without naming it.
  • An adverb is a part of speech that denotes an action. Answers the questions: “how?”, “when?”, “why?”, “where?”.
  • A preposition is an auxiliary part of speech that connects words.
  • A conjunction is a part of speech that connects syntactic units.
  • Particles are words that give emotional or semantic coloring to words and sentences.

Additional terms

In addition to the terms we mentioned earlier, there are a number of concepts that it is advisable for a student to know. Let's highlight the main linguistic terms that are also worth remembering.

  • Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies sentences: the features of their structure and functioning.
  • Language is a sign system that is constantly in development. Serves for communication between people.
  • Idiolect is the speech characteristics of a particular person.
  • Dialects are varieties of one language that are contrasted with its literary version. Depending on the territory, each dialect has its own characteristics. For example, okanye or akanye.
  • Abbreviation is the formation of nouns by abbreviating words or phrases.
  • Latinism is a word that came into use from the Latin language.
  • Inversion is a deviation from the generally accepted word order, which makes the rearranged element of the sentence stylistically marked.


The following linguistic terms, examples and definitions of which you will see, are often encountered when considering

  • Antithesis is a stylistic device based on opposition.
  • Gradation is a technique based on intensifying or weakening homogeneous means of expression.
  • Diminutive is a word formed using a diminutive suffix.
  • Oxymoron is a technique in which combinations of words with seemingly incompatible words are formed. lexical meanings. For example, "living corpse".
  • Euphemism is the replacement of a word related to obscene language with neutral ones.
  • An epithet is a stylistic trope, often an adjective with expressive connotations.

This is far from full list necessary words. We have provided only the most necessary linguistic terms.


While studying the Russian language, schoolchildren are constantly faced with words whose meanings are unknown to them. To avoid problems in learning, it is advisable to create your own personal dictionary of school terms in the Russian language and literature. Above we have given the main linguistic words-terms that you will encounter more than once when studying at school and university.

Orthoepic norms

Option #1

1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

1) hammers 2) friend 3) nap 4) chips

2. In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?

1) peanut 2) spoiled 3) scoop 4) religion

3. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) sorrel 2) excursion 3) expert 4) gypsy

4. Indicate a word in which the stress does not fall on the last syllable?

1) exploded 2) removed 3) created 4) completely

5. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a soft consonant?

1) atelier 2) coffee 3) cottage 4) sweater

6. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) provision 2) mold 3) force 4) picked up

7. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) anatomist 2) started 3) rust 4) winterer

Orthoepic norms

Option No. 2

1. Indicate the verb in which the stress falls on the stem.

1) took 2) collected 3) kicked out 4) lied

2. Which word has the stress on the last syllable?

1) facsimile 2) beets 3) crushed stone 4) porcelain

1) dispensary 2) nettle 3) lived 4) pseudonym

1) Timbre 2) morpheme 3) overcoat 4) cream

1) flounder 2) lighten 3) pullover 4) dancer

6. Indicate the word in which [o] is pronounced in place of the highlighted letter.

1) life 2) acute 3) simultaneous 4) predicted

7. Indicate the word in which stress variations are allowed.

1) combiner 2) blinds 3) apostrophe 4) jagged

Orthoepic norms

Option #3

1. Indicate the verb in the feminine form of the past tense, in which the stress is placed correctly.

1) called 2) took 3) waited 4) knew

2. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) catalog 3) iconography 4) pullover

1) briefly 2) scoop 3) cotton 4) for a long time

4. Indicate the word in which the highlighted consonant is pronounced firmly.

1) cream 2) grotesque 3) overcoat 4) effect

1) oil pipeline 2) salmon 3) promised 4) petition

1) sparkling 2) otherwise 3) popular print 4) kitchen

7. In which words does the stress fall on the second syllable?

    deepen, catalog, dispensary

    intention, cork, took

    accepted, apostrophe, alphabet

    grandfatherly, caught up, phenomenon

Orthoepic norms

Option No. 4

1) heels 2) nursing 3) shoe 4) tradesman

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) congress of rectors 3) at a funeral

2) BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4) from the airportA

3. In which word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) obituary 2) dispensary 3) draw 4) facsimile

4. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a soft consonant?

1) Abstracts 2) Sandwich 3) Terrace 4) Thermos

5. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) Christian 2) understood 3) more beautiful 4) uncork

6. Indicate the word in which stress variations are allowed.

1) convocation 2) gas pipeline 3) cottage cheese 4) icon painting

7. In which words does the stress fall on the first syllable?

    kitchen, dry, mold 3) blinds, carpenter, lied

    waited, leisure, rhubarb 4) agent, loan, driver

Orthoepic norms

Option #5

1. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) expert 2) cleaner 3) envious 4) hyphen

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) aggravateKill 2) customs 3) Christian 4) owners

3. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) scoop 3) took away 4) sorrel

4. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a hard consonant?

1) MUSEUM 2) Tests 3) ACADEMIC 4) Topic

5. Which word has stress on the fourth syllable?

1) inform 2) democracy 3) aristocracy 4) freeze

6. Indicate a word in which two pronunciations are possible in place of CHN - [shn] and [chn].

1) bakery 2) scrambled eggs 3) birdhouse 4) trifling

7. In which row in all words do the highlighted letters represent hard consonant sounds?

1) Macrame, Highway, Tennis

2) modernization, overcoat, shawl

3) cafe, coffee, grotesque

4) integration, hyphen, delicacies

Lexical norms

Option #1

1. What word means “inactive, lacking initiative”?

1) melancholic 2) ordinary 3) laconic 4) inert

2. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of his personal interests”?

1) egoist 2) philanthropist 3) altruist 4) philanthropist

3. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

    hot coffee 3) silk hair

    silk shirt 4) gold watch

4. Which row does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) step from foot to foot 3) kick in the teeth

2) from head to toe 4) live large

5. In what example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

1) the clock is running 3) the person has passed

2) the rain has passed 4) the century has passed

turtle need to use the wordtortoiseshell ?

1) Turtle soup was served for the first course.

2) He approached the goal at a snail's pace.

3) The baby turtles have long since hatched.

4) Turtle shell is especially durable.

Lexical norms

Option No. 2

1. What linguistic concept illustrates words?walnut - Greek?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) synonyms 4) antonyms

2. What is the meaning of the wordlandscape?

    mountainous terrain

    general view of the area

    area with trees and bushes


3. Which of the following words means “a person who helps those in need, who does charity”?

1) philanthropist 2) altruist 3) philanthropist 4) pacifist

4. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

    steep boiling water 3) heavy luggage

    steep rise 4) silk textile

5. In which sentence is it appropriate to use a borrowed word?

1) Yesterday guests came to us on a friendly visit.

2) Depreciation deductions must be made monthly.

3) In many areas of the city, water was at a minimum.

4) He told me about it with climax.

6. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) hall full 3) thin fingers

2) hall standing ovation 4) steep shore

7. obvious need to use the wordclear ?

1) I saw the clear outlines of mountains.

2) It was an obvious lie.

3) The colonel felt obvious hostility towards me.

4) This child was an obvious child prodigy.

Lexical norms

Option #3

1. What linguistic concept is illustrated by the words contours - outlines?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) antonyms 4) synonyms

2. Which of the following words means “one who preaches national and racial exclusivity, incites national hatred”?

1) terrorist 2) chauvinist 3) pacifist 4) militarist

3. Which of the following words means “necessary, permanent attribute, belonging”?

1) attribute 2) atavism 3) aspect 4) association

4. In what example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

1) golden autumn 3) gold bracelet

2) gold hands 4) gold character

5. In which sentence instead of the wordeconomical need to use the wordeconomical ?

1) A new economical car was created.

3) New building materials are very economical in construction.

4) This method is very economical in agriculture.

6. In which sentence instead of the worddouble need to use the worddual ?

1) Our agronomist was the first to think of planting the entire large plot of land with a double row of linden trees.

2) He threw the book away with a mixed feeling of envy and contempt; this double feeling did not leave him for a long time.

3) All this could be a clever trick, designed for the employee to gain the trust of his enemies and start a double game.

4) In this city, all the old merchant surnames were double.

7. Which example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) He has his own hand in the Ministry. 3) Get your hands on it.

2) Pull yourself together. 4) Work tirelessly.

Lexical norms

Option No. 4

1. In which series are not all words included in the synonymous series?

    big, large, huge, colossal

    advantage, superiority, superiority

    meek, gentle, without anger, angelic, good-natured

    shout, roar, bark, roar

2. In what case is the meaning of a word defined incorrectly?

    audience - an official reception with a high-ranking official;

    full house - humorous program;

    scam - an unscrupulous fraudulent enterprise, business, action;

    analogy - similarity between phenomena or concepts.

3. Which of the following words means “rich patron”science and art"?

1) businessman 2) oligarch 3) philanthropist 4) producer

4. In which example is the wordhead

    He's our whole business head. 3) He is a person with head.

    Head infantry column. 4) Put his hat on head.

5. Indicate the sentence in which the phraseological phrase is used without errors.

    He knew how to defend his point of view.

    He passed the exam with grief.

    She doesn't want to rest on her laurels.

    His patience finally ran out.

6. In which series are the words synonymous?

    charming, charming, funny

    express, formulate, name

    thoughts, feelings, thoughts

    implement, bring, realize

7. In which sentence instead of the worddiplomatic need to be usedbeat the worddiplomatic?

    From evasive and excessive diplomatic The employee’s speech left it unclear what changes the team expects in the near future.

    Cautious and diplomatic expressions helped soften a difficult situation in the negotiations.

    Diplomatic etiquette was violated by people who did not own

knowledge about the norms of speech behavior adopted in this country.

4) He was an exceptionally intelligent man, soft, subtle, very diplomatic.

Lexical norms

Option #5

1. In what row are synonyms presented?

    vital - worldly

    arrogance - arrogance

    high Low

    they forced the room into furniture - they forced me to study

2. Which word has the wrong meaning?

    corrupt - an official or politician who illegally enriches himself;

    sold out - a concert or performance in honor of someone;

    scrupulous - precise to the smallest detail, extremely thorough;

    philanthropist - a wealthy patron of the sciences and arts.

3. Which of the following words means “the science that studies mathematics?”material and spiritual culture of peoples"?

1) mythology 2) ethnography 3) bibliography

4) ecology

4. In which example is the wordkey used literally?

    key to cipher 3) in optimistic key

    nut key 4) act as one key

5. In which sentence is it appropriate to use colloquial and colloquial vocabulary?

    Our athletes completely lost the last competition.

    In his speech, the director drew attention to the fact that some students shirked cleaning the area.

3) Thanks to investments, the plant began operating without any delays. 4) It’s great that the whole class is going on a hike.

6. In which sentence instead of the wordice need to use the wordice?

    It is impossible to describe the brightness and colorfulness of the polar ice seas.

    Lake Ladoga was ice the route that brought life to Leningraders.

    Change ice conditions in the Arctic seas is of great scientific interest.

7. In which sentence instead of the wordpay must be consumedwordpay?

    Establishment pays business trip expenses.

    Wages paid with delay.

    At the end of the year, employees paid bonus.

    For a writer at a publishing house paid fee.

Morphological norms

Option №1

1. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

    eight apples 3) weaker

    a pair of boots 4) the berries have become sweeter

    more beautiful landscape

    both students

    more than eighty-five kilograms

    new treaties

    seven kilograms of eggplant

    in the most convenient way

    new drivers

    five students

    most successfully 3) sore callus

    having done what needs to be done 4) put it on the table


    both hands

    autumn apples are more sour

    died in battle

    great teachers of humanity


    admire the rich Mississippi

    we saw a nest destroyed by a predator

    kilogram of apricots

    both students completed their homework

1) two people 3) big callus

2) the most important 4) directors of enterprises

Morphological norms

Option №2

    both banks 3) sing louder

    a pair of jeans 4) the berry is sweeter

2. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    younger than brother

    our guys

    three hundred sixty-five people

    pair of slippers

3. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    with their girl 3) run faster

    more practical 4) on a beautiful sconce


    vacationed near the coast 3) come quickly

    five cans of sprat 4) this example is more interesting

5. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

    fifty hundred rubles 3) a pair of stockings

    lie down on the sofa 4) a pair of socks

6. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    old trainers 3) put down the bags

    five oranges 4) black veil

7. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

1) on the forehead 3) six hundred and seven people

2) truncated cones 4) died

Morphological norms

Option №3

1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    new drivers 3) both books

    high speeds 4) put in bags

2. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    the sound disappeared 3) three scissors

    without shoulder straps 4) with two hundred rubles

3. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    beautiful tulle 3) less than five hundred years old

    highest score 4) school principals

4. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    pie with jam 3) from their balcony

    in front of both countries 4) many kilograms of apricots

5. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word. 1) better 3) deaf

2) a pair of jeans 4) nine hundred and ninety-nine trees

6. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    two people 3) big callus

    the most important 4) directors of enterprises

7. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    two thousand years 3) northern fleets

    no places 4) put it in place

Morphological norms

Option №4

1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    pair of jeans

    About eight hundred people came to the rally

    these berries are sweeter

    Didn't receive my ballot on time

2. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    talked about you 3) pie with jam

    put it on the shelf 4) the edge of the book will fray

3. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    a pair of stockings 3) more than fifty rubles

    go today 4) the picture is more beautiful

4. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    plastic buckets

    worst option

    seven hundred sixty seven trees

    kilogram of waffles

5. Give an example in which the norms of shaping are violated.

    no apricots 3) modern printers

    five hundred books 4) the smartest

6. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    delicious cakes 3) five hundred trees

    finger with a callus 4) in two thousand and four

7. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated. 1) seven hundred rubles 3) five students

2) twenty loops 4) experienced trainers

Morphological norms

Option №5

1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

    sister is younger than brother

    seven hundred fifty eight

    contrary to forecasts, the weather has improved

    experienced drivers

2. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    the flower quickly faded

    the best remedy


    to three hundred sixty-eight kilograms

3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    the best option 3) beautiful cakes

    five hundred and fifty pages 4) five amperes

4. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

    their computers

    more sullen

    pack of pasta

    five hundred fifty-fifth page

5. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form.

    after finishing school I went to college

    several keychains

    modern fashion tulle

    seventy five kilograms

6. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

    five kilograms of tomatoes 3) he is younger

    the old oak tree has dried up 4) delicious cakes

7. Give an example in which the norms of shaping are violated.

    most appropriate 3) two hundred twenty volts

Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Option #1

1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian,

    do not forget to review the rules of spelling and punctuation.

    It is necessary to repeat the entire school course.

    student advice can help you.

    you need to use dictionaries.

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Realizing my mistakes,

    it enriches everyone's experience.

    An unexpected solution may emerge.

    life experience accumulates.

    the person will not repeat them in the future.

3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having become acquainted with the etymology of some Russian words,

    it turns out that many of them are borrowed.

    this often helps to spell them correctly.

    you begin to pay attention to their spelling.

    What is striking is that many of them are taken from other languages.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Listening to your favorite music

    Something new is always discovered that has not been noticed before.

    time seems to cease to exist.

    Every time you discover something new in it.

    she, surprisingly, never gets bored.

5. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Traveling by car,

    Don't forget to study the site plan.

    she was in a good mood.

    first the route is determined.

    you should be comfortable.

6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using an explanatory dictionary,

    The introductory article is read first.

    I was amazed by the richness of our language.

    pay attention to the illustrative material.

    many words will be unknown to you.

7. Indicate a sentence with an adverbial phrase that does not contain an error.

    Having rested and gained strength, the work began to be completed faster.

    Arriving on vacation, we first took care of housing.

    After fixing the pencil, it quickly broke.

    Having entered the tram and having driven a little, the controllers entered it.





Preparation for the Unified State Exam

Tests and assignments for grades 9-11

Part 1




Marvel at the jewels

of our language: no matter the sound,

it’s also a gift; everything is grainy

large, like pearls themselves...


This manual is intended for Russian language teachers and secondary school students.

The tests are developed in accordance with the school curriculum for grades 9-11.

“Visual and expressive means of language” is one of the difficult topics in the course of Russian language and literature.

Raising a “talented reader”, thoughtful and painstaking work on the text in the literary workshop of great literary artists and, finally, preparing for the Unified State Exam are the main tasks that this manual is designed to solve.

The material is divided into 2 parts.

Part 1– “Secrets of Word Artists” - tests with a single task: “Name the means of expression used by the author.”

Test grade standards:

“5” - 13-15 correct answers,

“4” - 10-12 correct answers,

“3” - 7-9 correct answers.

Part 2- “Lexical resources of the language” - represents a series of training tasks.

Students' work must be assessed according to the following standards:

“5” - 9-10 correct answers,

“4” - 7-8 correct answers,

“3” - 5-6 correct answers.

Test 1

1. And Vaska listens and eats. (I.A. Krylov)

2. The forest is like a painted tower. (I. Bunin)

3.Empty skies transparent glass. (A. Akhmatova)

4. A golden cloud spent the night on the chest of a giant rock. (M. Lermontov)

5. His pen breathes revenge. (A.K. Tolstoy)

6. All flags will be visiting us. (A.S. Pushkin)

7. A boy with a thumb.

8. I swear by the first day of creation,

I swear on his last day,

I swear by the shame of crime

And the triumph of eternal truth...

(M. Lermontov)

9. I am a king - I am a slave, I am a worm - I am God!

(G. Derzhavin)

10. He brought mortal resin

Yes, a branch with withered leaves.

(A. Pushkin)

11. Living corpse. (L. Tolstoy)

12.Under the runners the field creaks,

Under the arc the bell rattles.

(Ya. Polonsky).

13. Life is a mouse race...

Why are you bothering me?

(A. Pushkin).

14. Let a gang surround the hired one...

(V. Mayakovsky).

15. Roar after roar broke the sky,

The rain fell widely and noisily.

(V. Nabokov).

Test 2

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. I see lightning from the darkness

And the wraith of marble thunder...

2. I am more satisfied with the harsh winter.

(A. Pushkin)

3.Debts hung over me like a Domocles sword.

(V. Pikul)

4. “You’re a talker, Fedka!” Gavrik got angry.


5. You, brother, are left with nothing.

(A. Dvorkin).

6.Under it is a stream of lighter azure.

(M. Lermontov)

7.We will go and break the wall.

(M. Lermontov)

8. (Fox to Donkey) How crazy are you, smart one?

(I. Krylov)

9. The heroic horse jumps through the forest.

10.The number of steppes and roads is not over;

No account was found for stones and rapids.

(E. Bagritsky).

11. He brought it - and weakened, and lay down

Under the arch of the hut on the bast,

And the poor slave died at his feet

The invincible ruler.

(A. Pushkin).

That sad joy

That I was still alive?

(S. Yesenin)

13. The Earth is the mistress! I bowed my forehead to you.

(V. Soloviev).

14. I bought Repin and brought Gogol.

15. Swede, Russian - stabs, chops, cuts...

(A. Pushkin).

Test 3.

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1.I recognize you, life! I accept!

And I greet you with the ringing of the shield!

2. In the distance, in the valley, Grieg is playing.

(I. Severyanin)

3. The dark-skinned youth wandered through the alleys,

The lake shores were sad,

And we cherish centuries

The barely audible rustle of footsteps...

(A. Akhmatova).

4. It’s raining, shaggy gray clouds are hanging.

(S. Antonov).

5. The sun gilded the tops of the trees.


6.The forest is singing.

7. The fragile ice lies on the icy river like melting sugar.

(N. Nekrasov).

8. I love you, Petra creation.

9. Subtle, but strong, like a harsh thread,

It is associated with this harsh winter...

(B. Slutsky).

10. The lazy person is afraid when working,

but the idle man does not tolerate the work itself.

(D. Fonvizin).

11. The beginning is not expensive, but the end is praiseworthy.


12.Where there is grief for the wise, there is joy for the fool.


13. He rushes through the seas, playing

A destroyer with a destroyer.

It’s like a sedge clings to honey,

To the destroyer destroyer.

(V. Mayakovsky).

14. And Vaska listens and eats.

(I. Krylov)

15. The golden grove dissuaded

Birch cheerful language.

(S. Yesenin).

Test 4.

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1.The oriole laughs carelessly.

2.Frozen to the point of resounding fragility, the leaves jump, gathering into noisy heaps.

(L. Leonov).

3.The mother of Russian cities is the heart of Russia.

4. Will everything be crushed? Will it be flour?

No, better with flour!

(M. Tsvetaeva).

5. A lazy person is more so based on the disposition of the body, and an idle person is more so based on the disposition of the soul.

(D. Fonvizin).

6. Know how to see the great in the small.

7.You’re not taking according to your rank!

(N. Gogol).

8. The majestic width of the Dnieper...

(N. Gogol).

9. Snow dust stands in the air like a pillar.

(B. Gorbatov).

10. I didn’t eat it on silver, I ate it on gold!

(A. Griboyedov).

11....The black-eyed girl,

Black-maned horse!

(M. Lermontov).

12.Where there was a table of food, there is a coffin.

(G. Derzhavin).

13. At one hundred and forty suns, the sunset is blazing.

(V. Mayakovsky).

14.I came, I saw, I conquered.

(Yu. Caesar).

15. Bear hunting is dangerous, a wounded animal is terrible, but the soul of a hunter, accustomed to dangers since childhood, is brave.

(E. Koptyaeva)

Test 5.

1.Snow said:

When I flock

There will be a river of pigeons,

It will flow, rocking the flock

Reflected pigeons...

(Ya. Kozlovsky).

2. Country of slaves, country of masters.

(M. Lermontov).

3. It is not the wind that rages over the forest,

Streams did not run from the mountains -

Moroz - governor of the patrol

Walks around his possessions.

(N. Nekrasov).

4.The plant decided to work.

It was not in vain that the storm came.

(S. Yesenin).

6. In autumn, the feather grass steppes completely change and take on their own special, original appearance, unlike anything else.


7. The moon came out on a dark night, looking lonely from a black cloud at the deserted fields, at distant villages, at nearby villages.

(I. Neverov).

8. A little man with a fingernail.

9.My friend burned out of shame here.

(I. Turgenev)

10. Now the wind embraces flocks of waves in a strong embrace and throws them with wild anger onto the cliffs, smashing the emerald masses into dust and splashes.

(M. Gorky).

11.Well, eat another plate, dear!

(I. Krylov).

12. The bitter joy of victory.

13.What are you howling about, night wind, why are you complaining so madly?

(F. Tyutchev).

14.Your mind is as deep as the sea.

Your spirit is as high as the mountains.


15. (About Byron). Singer of Gyaur and Juan.

. (A. Pushkin).

Test 6.

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. Need makes them wiser, but wealth makes them stupid.


2. Words can cry and laugh.

(B. Slutsky).

3. The eleventh stanza of Pushkin’s poem “Autumn” - poetic creativity is compared to the movement of a ship.

4. The hiss of foamy glasses and the blue flame of punch.

(A. Pushkin).

5.Bridges demolished by thunderstorms,

A coffin from a washed-out cemetery.

(A. Pushkin).

6. I swear to the wounds of Leningrad,

The first devastated hearths:

I won’t break, I won’t waver, I won’t get tired,

I will not give a grain to my enemies.

(O. Bertgolts).

7. At first I was very upset.

(A. Pushkin).

8. You have to bow your head below the thin blade of grass.

(N. Nekrasov).

9. It was a shame, they were waiting for a fight.

(M. Lermontov).

10. I read Apuleius willingly, but did not read Cicero.

(A. Pushkin).

11 Her nurse lay down next to her in the bedchamber - silence.

12.When you walk along the snowy ridges,

When you enter chest-deep clouds, -

Learn to look at the earth from above!

Don't you dare look at the earth from above!

(V. Ostrovoy).

13.The king of beasts slept serenely.

14. He soon quarreled with the girl. And here's why.

(G. Uspensky)

15.Your biography.

Test 7.

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. Am I wandering along noisy streets,

I enter a crowded temple,

Am I sitting among crazy youths,

I indulge in my dreams.

(A. Pushkin).

2. The rich man feasts on weekdays, but the poor man grieves on holidays.


3.Fathers and sons.

(I. Turgenev).

4. Seahorses turned out to be much more interesting.

(V. Kataev).

5. But our open bivouac was quiet.

(M. Lermontov).

6.Hot snow.

(Yu. Bondarev).

7.When, raging in a stormy darkness, the sea played with its shores...

(A. Pushkin).

8. Not a flock of ravens flew together

On piles of smoldering bones,

Beyond the Volga, at night, around the lights

A gang of daredevils was gathering.

(A. Pushkin).

9. Elena got into trouble here. Big.


10. Every minute of time is precious.

11.Who is not affected by novelty?

(A. Chekhov).

12.Oh, how are you! Fight with a helmet?

Aren't they vile people?

(A. Tvardovsky).

13. The moon rose very purple and gloomy, as if big.

(A. Chekhov).

14. Pyramid poplars look like mourning cypresses.

(A. Serafimovich).

15. There was dead silence.

Test 8.

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1. His sharpness and subtlety of mind amazed me.

(A. Pushkin).

2. There was a ringing silence.

3. Foggy Albion turned out to be hospitable for me.

4. Flerov - he can do everything. And uncle Grisha Dunaev. And the doctor too.

(M. Gorky).

5. I will be waiting for you in the month of April.

6.Dreams, dreams! Where is your sweetness?

(A. Pushkin).

7.And in the door -

(V. Mayakovsky).

8. Whiter than the snowy mountains, the clouds are moving to the west.

(M. Lermontov).

9.I saw it with my own eyes.

10. Her love for her son was like madness.

(M. Gorky).

11. Petrograd lived in these January nights tensely, excitedly, angrily, furiously.

(A. Tolstoy)

12.I would like to know why I am a titular councilor? Why titular adviser?

(N. Gogol).

13.My bosom friend.

14. Here my friend burned out of shame.

(I. Turgenev).

15.Yes, what you know in childhood, you know for the rest of your life, what you don’t know in childhood, you don’t know for the rest of your life.

(M. Tsvetaeva).

Test 9.

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1.Yes, we were very friendly.

(L. Tolstoy).

2. The eloquent silence spoke volumes.

(L. Leonov).

3. Mitrofanov grinned and stirred the coffee. He narrowed his eyes.

(N. Ilyina).

4. An unexpected surprise awaited me at home.

(A. Gaidar).

5. There is a man groaning from slavery and chains.

(M. Lermontov).

6. Below, like a steel mirror, the lakes of jets turn blue.

(F. Tyutchev).

7. It’s not the cuckoo in the dark grove that crows early at dawn, - in Putivl Yaroslavna is crying alone on the city wall.

(“The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”).

8. The Petrel soars proudly!

(M. Gorky).

9. Dear friend, and in this quiet house

The fever hits me.

I can't find a place in this quiet house

Near the peaceful fire!

10. The sea is blue, the field is clear, the clouds are black,

The sun is red - all this is my Rosseyushka.

(N. Klyuev).

11.I got into trouble again.

12.He has seven Fridays a week.


13.Thick and thin.

(A. Chekhov).

14. Why does he need this?

15.Noble nest.

(I. Turgenev).

Test 10.

Exercise. Name the means of expression used by the author.

1.But they can’t go back.

(V. Zhukovsky).

2.Millions of us. We are darkness, and darkness, and darkness.

3.Well then

Sit down, luminary!

(V. Mayakovsky).

4.You are the sweetest of all, the most precious of all, Russian, loamy, hard earth.

(A. Surkov).

5. It (Pushkin’s verse) is gentle, sweet, soft, like the roar of waves, viscous and pure, like crystal, fragrant and fragrant, like spring, strong and powerful, like the blow of a sword in the hands of a hero.

(V. Belinsky).

6. Don’t bury your talent!


7.Mozart and Salieri.

(A. Pushkin).

8.I stood on bow of the ship and listened the talk of the waves.

(I. Andronnikov).

9. Living corpse.

(L. Tolstoy).

10.When you move to fourth grade, then you will find out where crayfish spend the winter.

(N. Nosov).

11. Behind Trinity blew

auto and trams,

regular rails soaring.

(V. Mayakovsky).

12. The enemy is terrible just around the corner, but scarier behind you.


13. The world is generous and stingy, rich and poor.

(V. Alatyntsev).

14. Don’t be afraid of being young and early.

Be young and late- that's the problem.

(E. Yevtushenko).

15. We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language.

(K. Paustovsky).

Test 11

Exercise. Name the means of expression that was used

1. No matter how beautifully we apologize, memory is memory, and it remembers who inflicted the wound and who left a scar, a scar, a black mark in the mind (V. Kharchenko)

2. A hungry Bursa prowled the streets of Kyiv and forced everyone to be careful. (N. Gogol)

3. At the mere suggestion of such a case, you would have to let out streams...what am I saying! Rivers, lakes, oceans of tears!.. (F. Dostoevsky)

4. Lingonberries burn like droplets of blood on still green foliage.

5. This is why I think, friends, that we are able to help the world in its burning hour. (A. Solzhenitsyn)

6. Old Russian literature is amazingly diverse in its incredible role in the social and state life of the country and people. And how can we not join in this miracle – our literature? Forming national consciousness, patriotism?! (D. Likhachev)

7. We take the first and most lasting ideas about good and evil, about beauty and ugliness from it (our native land) and then relate our whole life to these original images and concepts. (V. Rasputin)

8. Not everything in Mayakovsky is chaos and darkness. It has its own gods, its own prayers, its own truth. (K. Chukovsky)

9. Why destroy the independent development of a child by raping his nature, killing his faith in himself and forcing him to do what I want; and only the way I want, and only because I want. (N. Dobrolyubov)

10. Ice formed at zero degrees is even lighter and therefore does not sink. Truly a fabulous property! (V. Chivilikhin)

11. A sociable person lives well: he has half the world as friends.

12. This is how a lead weight sinks if it is placed on the surface of the sea. This is how a tense balloon (let's say, a weather balloon) sinks if you let it go. (V. Soloukhin)

13. It was cold autumn time, and all the leaves from the tree have long fallen off. Only one Leaf, haggard, yellowed from grief, remained on the branch: he was still waiting for Cherry to return. (F. Krivin)

14. Klim heard how Moscow, greeting the Tsar, roared “hurray.” (M. Gorky)

That sad joy that I was alive?

(S. Yesenin)

Test 12

1.Puddles drunk by frost

They are crunchy and fragile, like a crunch.

(I. Severyanin)

2. The hedgehog is visiting,

The hedgehog is visiting.

The hedgehog teaches you to run,

They teach how to crawl.


3.Love sentries stand on Smolenskaya,

The sentries of love at the Nikitskys do not sleep,

The sentries of love along Petrovka are always moving...

The sentries are given a shift.

(B. Okudzhava)

4. I'm stupid, and you're smart

Alive, but I'm dumbfounded.

(M. Tsvetaeva)

5. Women flash past the booth,

Boys, benches, lanterns,

Palaces, gardens, monasteries,

Bukharians, sleighs, vegetable gardens,

Merchants, shacks, men,

Boulevards, towers, Cossacks...

(A.S. Pushkin)

6. A cucumber, the size of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, stands on the horizon.

(I. Ilf and E. Petrov)

7.His well-shaven cheeks always glowed with a blush of embarrassment, bashfulness, shyness and embarrassment.

(I. Ilf and E. Petrov)

8.My wife speaks French and on the phone

9.His sharpness and subtlety of instinct amazed me.

(A.S. Pushkin)

10. Pea Man.

11. Let us not forget the expanse of forests,

Diamonds of rain-tears,

Sanatorium "Russkoe Pole"

In the lace of weeping birches.

(V. Sokolov)

12 Porcelain and bronze on the table. (A.S. Pushkin)

13.We drank the entire samovar. (S. Yesenin)

14. The city was noisy. (Y. Olesha)

15.Moscow! Moscow! I love you like a son... (M. Lermontov)

Test 13

1. There is green melancholy in the red of dawn. (S. Yesenin)

2.How can you look at him?

How can you climb onto bridges?

(A. Akhmatova)

3. My grandfather’s stories had enough historical depth and time layers. Enough to feel like you are in this world for a reason. (E. Grishkovets)

4. Her sons, her dear sons, are taken from her, taken so that she will never see them again. (N.V. Gogol)

5. O my prophetic soul!

O heart full of anxiety,

Oh, how you beat on the threshold

As if double existence!.. (F.I. Tyutchev)

6.Your mouth is like two pomegranate petals...

Your eyelashes are the wings of the black night...

Your soul is an eastern mystery. (M. Lokhvitskaya)

7.Oh, Rus'! Where are you going? Give me the answer... (N.V. Gogol)

8. The double bass drank tea with a bite, and the flute drank tea with a bite. (A. Chekhov)

9. He jumped up, but was afraid to jump. (S. Antonov)

10. Chalk, chalk all over the earth

To all limits.

The candle was burning on the table,

The candle was burning. (B. Pasternak)

11.The horse runs, the earth trembles.

12. This is a steep forest,

This is the clicking of crushed ice floes,

This is the night that chills the leaf,

This is a duel between two nightingales. (B. Pasternak)

13.They got together. Wave and stone

Poetry and prose, ice and fire

Not so different from each other (A.S. Pushkin)

14. In the darkness, the crayfish made noise in a fight. (patter)

15.Oh a storm of brochures and leaflets! (B. Pasternak)

Test 14

1. Two students walked, one in galoshes, the other to the institute.

2.We haven’t seen each other since years. A terrible mess.

3.And we call the future the future.

The coming day is not tomorrow. (B. Slutsky)

4. Gluttonous youth is flying. (A.S. Pushkin)

5. The theater is already full, the boxes are shining,

The stalls and the chairs - everything is in full swing. (A.S. Pushkin)

6. Now the pavement is over, and the barrier, and the city is behind, and there is nothing, and again on the road. (N.V. Gogol)

7.Oh Volga - my cradle! Has anyone ever loved you like I do? (A. Nekrasov)

8. Poor luxury of attire.

9.And the heart beats in ecstasy,

And for him they rose again

And deity and inspiration,

And life, and tears, and love. (A.S. Pushkin)

10. I read Marinina with more pleasure than Dontsova.

11.He is a smart man

12.He lives without grieving, he circles around the world.

13.Thank you, music, for

That you don't leave me,

Why don't you cover your face?

You don't hide yourself for anything. (V. Sokolov)

14.Goodbye, love letter, goodbye! (A.S. Pushkin)

15.Ships of the desert.

Keys to part 1

2.Comparison (direct)


4. Personification





10.Gradation (descending)



13.Rhetorical question




1. Alliteration


3. Phraseologism

6.Comparison (direct)

7. Metaphor



11.Gradation (ascending)


13.Rhetorical appeal




1.Rhetorical exclamation

2.Sound repeats

3.Sound recording







11. Antonyms

12. Antonyms

15Metaphorical epithet




4.Homonyms (homographs)



11.Anaphora (morphemic)



14.Gradation (ascending)

15.Inversion (of the main terms)




3. Comparison (negative)


5.Anaphora (lexical)

6.Gradation (ascending)

7.Inversion (agreed definitions)


10. Expanded metaphor



13. Personification




1. Antonyms

2. Antonyms

3.Comparison (expanded)

4. Alliteration

5.Anaphora (sound)

6.Gradation (descending)

7. Inversion (circumstances of measure and degree)



11. Personification






1. Anaphora (syntactic)


3. Antonyms




7. Personification

8.Negative parallelism, built on negative comparison.



11.Rhetorical question










6.Rhetorical appeal

7. Synecdoche





13. Phraseologism








5. Synecdoche


7. Comparison (negative)



11. Phraseologism

12. Phraseologism

13. Opposition

14.Rhetorical question







5. Detailed comparison

6. Phraseologism

7. Opposition


9. Oxymoron

10. Phraseologism

11. Neologisms

12. Contextual antonym

13. Antithesis


15. Synonymous series






6.Rhetorical question

7. Antonyms



10.Rhetorical exclamation


12. Syntactic parallelism

13. Personification




1. Alliteration

2. Alliteration with assonance











15. Personification





5.Rhetorical exclamation


7.Rhetorical appeal

8. Synecdoche

9. Tautology


11. Alliteration and assonance


13. Antithesis









7. Personification





12. Alliteration with assonance


14. Personification and rhetorical exclamation


Part 2




The word originally

was that bucket

who out of nothing

draw living water

S.A. Yesenin

Test 1

1. Identify a series where all words are ambiguous

A) ruff, golden, root c) antonyms, bicycle, bus

B) pencil, bread, suffix d) doctor, astronaut, conjugation

2. Find a row where all the words are homonyms

A) area, word, vocabulary, cabbage c) leaf, step, mosquito, boy

B) fingerboard, drill, marriage, bow d) answer, language, exercise, help

3. Determine the type of vocabulary to which the words belong:

Tsybarka (bucket), tsybulya (bow), drobyna (ladder), vecherya (dinner), gutar (talk), hum (drizzle)

4. Find a row where all the words are archaisms:

A) biker, voucher, gendarme c) revolution, language, hit

B) actor, peeit, cheeks d) eyes, locomotive, boat

5. What are the names of the following stable phrases?

Beat your head, soap your neck, kill yourself, fall back into childhood.

6.What linguistic concept does the word illustrate?

walnut – Greek

a) homonyms b) synonyms

b) paronyms d) antonyms

7. In what example is the word DEAF used literally?

A) voiceless dissatisfaction c) voiceless consonant

B) deaf to requests d) deaf old man

8) In what row are synonyms presented?

A) life - everyday c) high - low

B) arrogance - arrogance d) the room was filled with furniture -

I was forced to study

9. In which row are all words colloquial? A) cashier, razzyava, potatoes c) greedy, potatoes, stash

B) doctor, lame, merry fellow d) electric train, junk dealer, confusion

10. In which row are all words stylistically colored?

A) quitter, lazy person, truant c) condensed milk, tiny, eyes

B) small, kid, parade d) harmful, mischievous, fool

Test 2

Prince Alexander settled down

In the upper room where the commander lived.

As you can see, the commander has settled down here -

There was a whip of bull sinew lying around. (K. Simonov)

2. Determine the type of vocabulary to which the words belong:

New guy (inexperienced sailor), ancestors (parents), cool (good), flood (tell), ram (bring).

3. In which row are all phrases phraseological units?

A) write a report, specific gravity, kick

B) win, leave home, favorite book

D) write well, withdraw into oneself, right angle

D) carelessly, black sheep, beat your backs

4.What linguistic concept is illustrated by the highlighted words in the poem by M. Tsvetaeva7

“Everything will grind, it will be flour!”

People are comforted by this science.

Will it become torment, what was melancholy?

No, better with flour!

A) homophones c) homographs

B) homoforms d) antonyms


A ) hall full c) thin fingers

B) hall standing ovation ) steep shore

6. In what example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

A) watch are coming b) it rained c) man passed d) century passed

7 . In what order do both words belong to the vocabulary of limited use?

A) ram, computer c) Internet, ram (bring)

B) poet, actor d) kuren, ancestors (parents)

8. Which of the following words means “necessary, permanent attribute, belonging”?

A) attribute b) atavism c) aspect d) association

9.The meaning of which word is indicated incorrectly?

A) correct - correct, accurate

B) briefing - press conference on policy issues

C) calligraphy - the ability to write correctly

D) consolidation - strengthening, uniting something

10. What linguistic concept does the word illustrate?

contours - outlines?

A) homonyms b) paronyms c) antonyms d) synonyms

Test 3

Little critters

They plopped onto his chest with a flourish

And, jumping madly, they fell,

But Sokolov walked on carrion

And continued on his way(N. Zabolotsky)

2. In which series are all words borrowed from French?

A) speaker, bell-bottoms, coat, muffler

B) wardrobe, plot, hockey, finish

B) repertoire, blinds, foyer, director

D) knockout, sprinter, grace, genre

3.In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

A) steep boiling water b )steep rise to )heavy luggage d) silk textile

4.In what example is the word KEY used in its literal meaning?

A) key to the cipher b) wrench c) in an optimistic way

D) act in a single manner

5.What is the meaning of the word ROAD in the sentence “Work is the road to success”?

A) a place to which you need to go or drive

B) travel, being on the road

C) pattern of action, direction of activity

D) a strip of land intended for movement

6.Which example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

A) He has his own hand in the ministry. B) Pull yourself together

B) Get your hands on it. D) Work tirelessly.

7. Which of the following words means “a person who condemns all wars and demands peace on earth?

A) nationalist B) pacifist c) chauvinist d) militarist

8.Which word has the wrong meaning?

A) Corrupt - illegally enriching official or politician

B) sold out - a concert or performance in honor of something

C) meticulous - precise to the smallest detail, extremely thorough

D) philanthropist - a rich patron of the sciences and arts

9.In which sentence, instead of the word EXPLICIT, should we use the word EXPLICIT?

A) I saw the clear outlines of mountains. B) It was an obvious lie.

C) The colonel felt obvious hostility towards me.

D) This child was an obvious child prodigy.

10. Determine the meaning of the paronyms given below, make up phrases with them

Misprint - unsubscribe, well-fed - well-fed, whiten - whiten, straighten - straighten, assembled - assembled, neighbor - neighbor, deed - misconduct.

Test 4

1.What type of linguistic homonymy is used?

In the camisole the Eggplant was full of shine,

In the kitchen in the morning he said to Herring:

Cod has become arrogant!

Look, so much cod

I deigned to raise it in a frying pan!

2. In which series are all the words borrowed?

A) glass, basketball, hockey c) clothing, gates, boat, retail

B) tennis, genre, plot, match d) head, side, entertainer, highway

3. Find a series where only terms are used:

A) vocabulary, syntax, morpheme, suffix c) farm, pattern, tongs, compass

B) newspaper, headline, smoking room, pliers d) kochet, speech, city, galley

4.In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

A) hot coffee b) silk shirt c) silk hair d) gold watch

5. .In what example is the word IRON used in its literal meaning?

A) iron ore b) iron will c) iron logic d) iron grip

6. In which sentence is the word HOUSE used to mean “family”?

A) We know each other at home. B) There were houses in this alley.

C) The Motherland is our common home. D) In ​​the summer we were in a holiday home.

7.Which series does not have a phraseological turn?

A) step from foot to foot c) kick in the tooth

B) from head to toe d) live in grand style

8. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of his personal interests”?

A) egoist b) philanthropist c) altruist d) philanthropist

9.The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly?

A) diploma student - a student preparing a thesis

B) certification – determination of the level of knowledge and skills of an employee or student by specialists

C) antiquarian - amateur, connoisseur and collector of antiquities and antiquities

D) argument - a logical argument, a judgment given to prove something

10.In what example should the word REALISTIC be used instead of the word REAL?

A) real direction in painting

B) reality

B) pursue realpolitik

D) achieve real success

Test 5

1.What type of linguistic homonymy is used?

The realm of rhymes is my element,

And I write poetry easily;

Without hesitation, without delay

I run from line to line.

Even to the Finnish brown rocks

I'm making a pun. (D. Minaev)

2. Antonyms are used to create:

A) homoform b) parallelism c) antithesis d) metaphors

3.What are the origins of words?

Hope, walking, lighting, clothing.

4.In what example is the word LANGUAGE used in its literal meaning?

A) loosen the tongue b) tongues of flame c) delicious jellied tongue

D) try on the tongue

5. Which of the following words means “a person who helps those in need, who does charity”?

A) philanthropist b) altruist c) philanthropist d) pacifist

6.The meaning of which word is incorrectly defined?

A) duplicate - the second copy of a document having the same legal force as the original

B) addressee - a person receiving a postal or telegraphic item

C) dubbing - replacing the speech part of a sound film with a new recording

D) remnants - what remains of what previously existed

7.In what example should the word CRUELTY be used instead of the word CRUELTY?

A) He was striking with the coarseness of his black hair, which had turned gray in places.

B) I remembered the expression on his face when moments of harshness came over him.

C) An unpleasant harshness appeared in his face and voice.

D) The rigidity of the deadlines alarmed everyone.

8.Specify superfluous word in a synonymous series

A) throw b) throw c) throw d) poke

A) vulture b) pipe c) bush d) warrior

10.Which of the words is obsolete?

A) boyar b) president c) governor d) manager

Test 6

1. What type of linguistic homonymy is used?

There is a feather blanket under the back.

Under a feather bed sheet.

Pillows under the ears. (S.Ya. Marshak)

2. Determine the type of antonyms.

Do not consider your enemy a sheep, consider him a wolf.

4. In which sentence is the word TABLE used to mean “food, food”?

A) Take a book and notebook and sit at the table.

B) There was a beautiful service on the kitchen table.

C) His table was simple: he loved lamb and fatty cabbage soup.

D) Round table negotiations took place.

5. In what example is the word HEAD used in its literal meaning?

A) He is the head of our business. C) He is a man with a head.

B) Head of the infantry column. D) Put the hat on his head.

6.Which of the following words means “rich patron of science and art”?

A) businessman b) oligarch c) philanthropist d) producer

7. Which word is obsolete?

A) hut b) house c) tower d) cottage

8.What word has the meaning of “lexically indivisible, stable in its composition and structure, a phrase complete in meaning, reproduced in the form of a ready-made speech unit”?

A) professionalism b) jargon c) historicism d) phraseology

9.Indicate the word that has a homonym.

A) ax b) plank c) current d) papyrus

10.Which of the words is Old Slavonic in origin?

A) crow b) fence c) hedge d) swamp

Test 7

1. What type of linguistic homonymy is used?

The clouds are already red, the pine trees are watching:

Goats dashingly jump over the sawhorses.

The owl shouted:

I did not approve of this matter.

Come on, goats, get in the saddle!

The sun has set!

2.What are these words in relation to each other?

Small, small, tiny, miniature, dwarf, microscopic.

3. Determine the type of antonyms.

We are connected to both the past and the future,

And there is no beginning for us, and there is no end.

4..Which of the words is Old Slavonic in origin?

A) guard b) side c) beard d) gate

5.Which of the following words is borrowed?

A) candle b) lantern c) torch d) lamp

6. Which word is obsolete?

A) raincoat b) short fur coat c) caftan d) coat

7.Indicate the word that has a homonym.

A) cheesecake b) dialect c) marriage d) spring

8.Indicate the extra word in the synonymous row

A) to disturb b) to excite c) to anger d) to upset

9.What word means “ordinary, undistinguished”?

A) original b) ordinary c) archaic d) extravagant

10.In which sentence, instead of the word PRESENT, should the word PROVIDE be used?

A) An aspiring writer presented his novel to the readers.

B) Applicants submitted certificates and medical certificates.

B) And she imagined these fields under the hopeless autumn rain.

D) The Russian language is a huge treasury that presents us with endless possibilities.

Keys to part 2



1. Homographs

3.Dialect words

5. Phraseologisms



1. Omoforms

1. Homophones


3.Old Church Slavonic






1. Omoforms

1. Homophones

2. Contextual

“Russian literary language” - Vocabulary. Norms may change. What features characterize the literary language? Linguists. Phonetics. Role in the development of languages. New vocabulary. Place of the Russian language. Literary language. Russian language. Russian language belongs to the group of Slavic languages. Norm. Peculiarity. Lexical norm. Russian literary language.

“Geography of the Russian language” - Historical background. Vernaculars and dialects. Dialects of the Tamalinsky district. Kiselka. Slovenian. Don. Age slang. Languages ​​of the peoples inhabiting our country. VERBUKHA (from the word itching - to itch, itch). Northern dialect. Aryan language. Spanish – about 300 million people. Northern dialects Southern dialects.

“Modern Russian” - The word “lesson” in pagan times was a type of “magical, witchcraft damage to a person.” Role-playing games (formation of communicative competence). The modern pedagogical concept of “lesson” is originally Russian. The purpose of the lesson is... Language telecommunications: “Language sense” consists primarily of:

“The Great Russian Language” - Changing the appearance of a person. Russian language. A whole war. We live in the conditions of the 4th World War. A Russian person could perceive 43 letters. Fluent Russian language. We must push for the adoption of a language law. Inspiration. There were 43 letters in Cyrillic. Why don’t they dot the E. Take care of our language. The influence of words on human life.

“The wealth of the Russian language” - Language is the connecting link of times and generations. Language is a priceless gift that a person is endowed with. Northwestern Russian dialects. Relevance. Monument to the Russian language. Origin of the Russian language. Explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language. “The Russian language is a national wealth.” After all, it is the language that preserves both the people and the state.

“Business Russian” - Business letters. Presentation. Creative. Business speech, the language of business documents. School uniform: pros and cons? Lexical norms of business speech. Search engines. A culture of speech. Improve general speech culture. Forms of business communication. Be critical listeners. Business Russian language. Games. Spheres of speech in modern society.

There are a total of 25 presentations in the topic

Path of the Conquistadors

Cover of the collection of poems by Nikolai Gumilyov - “The Path of the Conquistadors”

The collection includes poems:

  • I am a conquistador in an iron shell...
  • I'll be with you until dawn...
  • Song of Zarathustra
  • Credo
  • The dream is night and dark
  • Song about the singer and the king
  • A girl's story
  • Sun Maiden
  • Autumn song
  • A Tale of Kings
  • When from the dark abyss of life...
  • People of the present
  • People of the future
  • Prophets
  • Mermaid
  • Based on Grieg
  • Autumn
  • Sometimes I get sad...
  • Along the walls of an empty house...

There is an assumption that the author later “crossed out” “The Path of the Conquistadors” from the list of his own collections, indirect evidence of which was the reminder in the fourth collection “Alien Sky” that this is the third book of poems. The dedicatory inscription on the book to Vera Melentyevna Gadzyatskaya reads:

This “Way of the Conquistadors”, a collection of discordant poems, is not worthy of your gaze, too bright and calm.


  • “The Way of the Conquistadors” in the Electronic Collected Works

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

  • Anaraud ap Gruffydd
  • Fine art of the Renaissance

See what the “Way of the Conquistadors” is in other dictionaries:

    Gumilyov, Nikolai Stepanovich- Wikipedia has articles about other people with the same surname, see Gumilyov. Nikolai Gumilyov Photo of N. Gumilyov in the senior classes of the gymnasium. Birth name... Wikipedia

    Gumilyov, Nikolai Stepanovich- poet. Genus. in Kronstadt. His father was a naval doctor. G. spent his entire early childhood in Tsarskoe Selo. He began his gymnasium education in St. Petersburg and graduated in Tsarskoe Selo [the director here was I. Annensky (q.v.)]. After finishing secondary... ... Large biographical encyclopedia

    Gumilev- Nikolai Stepanovich (1886 1921) poet. R. in Kronstadt. His father was a naval doctor. G. spent his entire early childhood in Tsarskoe Selo. He began his gymnasium education in St. Petersburg and graduated in Tsarskoe Selo (the director here was I. Annensky (see)).... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Gumilev Nikolay Stepanovich- (1886 1921), Russian poet. In the 1910s one of the leading representatives of Acmeism. The poems are characterized by an apology for the “strong man” of the warrior and poet, decorativeness, and sophistication of the poetic language (collections “Romantic Flowers”, 1908, “Bonfire”, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    GUMILOV Nikolay Stepanovich- Nikolai Stepanovich (04/3/1886, Kronstadt 08/25/1921, near Petrograd), poet, prose writer, lit. critic. Genus. in the family of a ship's doctor. According to some information, the father's family came from a clergy rank. Husband of A. A. Akhmatova, father of L. N. Gumilyov. Big... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    Gumilev, Nikolay

    Gumilyov, Nikolai Stepanovich

    Gumilyov N. S.- Nikolay Gumilyov Photo of N. Gumilyov in the senior classes of the gymnasium. Birth name: Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov Date of birth: April 3 (15), 1886 Place of birth: Kronstadt, Russian Empire Date of death: August 1921 ... Wikipedia

    Gumilev Nikolay- Nikolay Gumilyov Photo of N. Gumilyov in the senior classes of the gymnasium. Birth name: Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov Date of birth: April 3 (15), 1886 Place of birth: Kronstadt, Russian Empire Date of death: August 1921 ... Wikipedia

    Gumilev N.- Nikolay Gumilyov Photo of N. Gumilyov in the senior classes of the gymnasium. Birth name: Nikolai Stepanovich Gumilyov Date of birth: April 3 (15), 1886 Place of birth: Kronstadt, Russian Empire Date of death: August 1921 ... Wikipedia


  • Nikolay Gumilyov. Poems. Poems. Prose, Nikolai Gumilev. Nikolai Gumilyov is a cult poet of the early 20th century, a man who controlled the minds of an entire generation of Russian intelligentsia. The best poetic cycles - `The Path of the Conquistadors`, `Romantic Flowers`,…

In this work I want to introduce didactic materials on the culture of speech.

The purpose of this work is to develop students’ speech skills, which are necessary both when passing the exam and in communication. Objectives: 1) introduce the norms of the Russian literary language; 2) train students in the correct choice of the proposed speech structures.

I build my work on this topic sequentially. I start by getting acquainted with the basic norms of the Russian literary language. After this, you can already use task cards. Cards can be considered as working material for repetition. In this case, the check is carried out immediately after the work is completed. This saves time in class and allows you to quickly analyze mistakes made. You can also use the cards to test students' knowledge. For each group of norms there are several options for tasks, which, first of all, reduces the possibility of cheating. You are given 10 minutes to complete the work (according to the number of tasks, there are 7 of them, with the possibility of self-test, plus 3 minutes). As practice shows, this time is enough. This way, minimal time is wasted in class. When evaluating work, the following errors are considered:



Orthoepic norms

Option #1

1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel correctly highlighted?

1) hammers 2) friend 3) nap 4) chips

2. In which word is the letter indicating the stressed vowel sound incorrectly highlighted?

1) peanut 2) spoiled 3) scoop 4) religion

3. Which word has the stress on the first syllable?

1) sorrel 2) excursion 3) expert 4) gypsy

4. Indicate a word in which the stress does not fall on the last syllable?

1) exploded 2) removed 3) created 4) completely

5. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a soft consonant?

1) atelier 2) coffee 3) cottage 4) sweater

6. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) provision 2) mold 3) force 4) picked up

7. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) anatomist 2) started 3) rust 4) winterer

Orthoepic norms

Option No. 2

1. Indicate the verb in which the stress falls on the stem.

1) took 2) collected 3) kicked out 4) lied

2. Which word has the stress on the last syllable?

1) facsimile 2) beets 3) crushed stone 4) porcelain

1) dispensary 2) nettle 3) lived 4) pseudonym

1) Timbre 2) morpheme 3) overcoat 4) cream

1) flounder 2) lighten 3) pullover 4) dancer

6. Indicate the word in which [o] is pronounced in place of the highlighted letter.

1) life 2) acute 3) simultaneous 4) predicted

7. Indicate the word in which stress variations are allowed.

1) combiner 2) blinds 3) apostrophe 4) jagged

Orthoepic norms

Option #3

1. Indicate the verb in the feminine form of the past tense, in which the stress is placed correctly.

1) called 2) took 3) waited 4) knew

2. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) catalog 3) iconography 4) pullover

1) briefly 2) scoop 3) cotton 4) for a long time

4. Indicate the word in which the highlighted consonant is pronounced firmly.

1) cream 2) grotesque 3) overcoat 4) effect

1) oil pipeline 2) salmon 3) promised 4) petition

1) sparkling 2) otherwise 3) popular print 4) kitchen

7. In which words does the stress fall on the second syllable?

  1. deepen, catalog, dispensary
  2. intention, cork, took
  3. accepted, apostrophe, alphabet
  4. grandfatherly, caught up, phenomenon

Orthoepic norms

Option No. 4

1) heels 2) nursing 3) shoe 4) tradesman

2. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) congress of rectors 3) at a funeral

2) BOARD OF DIRECTORS 4) from the airportA

3. In which word is the stress on the second syllable?

1) obituary 2) dispensary 3) draw 4) facsimile

4. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a soft consonant?

1) Abstracts 2) Sandwich 3) Terrace 4) Thermos

5. In which word does the stress fall on the third syllable?

1) Christian 2) understood 3) more beautiful 4) uncork

6. Indicate the word in which stress variations are allowed.

1) convocation 2) gas pipeline 3) cottage cheese 4) icon painting

7. In which words does the stress fall on the first syllable?

  1. kitchen, dry, mold 3) blinds, carpenter, lied
  2. waited, leisure, rhubarb 4) agent, loan, driver

Orthoepic norms

Option #5

1. In which word does the stress fall on the first syllable?

1) expert 2) cleaner 3) envious 4) hyphen

2 . In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?

1) aggravateKill 2) customs 3) Christian 4) owners

3. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?

1) statue 2) scoop 3) took away 4) sorrel

4. In which word does the highlighted letter indicate a hard consonant?

1) MUSEUM 2) Tests 3) ACADEMIC 4) Topic

5. Which word has stress on the fourth syllable?

1) inform 2) democracy 3) aristocracy 4) freeze

6. Indicate a word in which two pronunciations are possible in place of CHN - [shn] and [chn].

1) bakery 2) scrambled eggs 3) birdhouse 4) trifling

7. In which row in all words do the highlighted letters represent hard consonant sounds?

1) Macrame, Highway, Tennis

2) modernization, overcoat, shawl

3) cafe, coffee, grotesque

4) integration, hyphen, delicacies

Lexical norms

Option #1

1. What word means “inactive, lacking initiative”?

1) melancholic 2) ordinary 3) laconic 4) inert

2. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of his personal interests”?

1) egoist 2) philanthropist 3) altruist 4) philanthropist

3. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

  1. hot coffee 3) silk hair
  2. silk shirt 4) gold watch

4. Which row does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) step from foot to foot 3) kick in the teeth

2) from head to toe 4) live large

5. In which example is the highlighted word

1) the clock is running 3) the person has passed

2) the rain has passed 4) the century has passed

6 . In which sentence instead of the word vociferous need to use the word voice?

turtle need to use the word tortoiseshell?

1) Turtle soup was served for the first course.

2) He approached the goal at a snail's pace.

3) The baby turtles have long since hatched.

4) Turtle shell is especially durable.

Lexical norms

Option No. 2

1. What linguistic concept illustrates the words greetsky - greek?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) synonyms 4) antonyms

2. What is the meaning of the word landscape?

  1. mountainous terrain
  2. general view of the area
  3. area with trees and bushes
  4. vegetation

3. Which of the following words means “a person who helps those in need, who does charity”?

1) philanthropist 2) altruist 3) philanthropist 4) pacifist

4. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

  1. hot boiling water 3) heavy luggage
  2. steep climb 4) silk fabric

5. In which sentence is it appropriate to use a borrowed word?

1) Yesterday guests came to us on a friendly visit.

2) Depreciation deductions must be made monthly.

3) In many areas of the city, water was at a minimum.

4) He told me about it with climax.

6. In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

1) the hall is full 3) thin fingers

2) hall standing ovation 4) steep bank

7. In which sentence instead of the word explicit need to use the word clear?

1) I saw the clear outlines of mountains.

2) It was an obvious lie.

3) The colonel felt obvious hostility towards me.

4) This child was an obvious child prodigy.

Lexical norms

Option #3

1. What linguistic concept is illustrated by the words contours - outlines?

1) homonyms 2) paronyms 3) antonyms 4) synonyms

2. Which of the following words means “one who preaches national and racial exclusivity, incites national hatred”?

1) terrorist 2) chauvinist 3) pacifist 4) militarist

3. Which of the following words means “necessary, permanent attribute, belonging”?

1) attribute 2) atavism 3) aspect 4) association

4. In what example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

1) golden autumn 3) golden bracelet

2) golden hands 4) golden character

5. In which sentence instead of the word economical need to use the word economical?

1) A new economical car was created.

3) New building materials are very economical in construction.

4) This method is very economical in agriculture.

double need to use the word dual?

1) Our agronomist was the first to think of planting the entire large plot of land with a double row of linden trees.

2) He threw the book away with a mixed feeling of envy and contempt; this double feeling did not leave him for a long time.

3) All this could be a clever trick, designed for the employee to gain the trust of his enemies and start a double game.

4) In this city, all the old merchant surnames were double.

7. Which example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

1) He has his own hand in the Ministry. 3) Get your hands on it.

2) Pull yourself together. 4) Work tirelessly.

Lexical norms

Option No. 4

1. In which series are not all words included in the synonymous series?

  1. big, large, huge, colossal
  2. advantage, superiority, superiority
  3. meek, gentle, without anger, angelic, good-natured
  4. shout, roar, bark, roar

2. In what case is the meaning of a word defined incorrectly?

  1. audience - an official reception with a high-ranking official;
  2. full house - humorous program;
  3. scam - an unscrupulous fraudulent enterprise, business, action;
  4. analogy - similarity between phenomena or concepts.

3. Which of the following words means “rich patron of science and art”?

1) businessman 2) oligarch 3) philanthropist 4) producer

4. In what example is the word head

  1. He's our whole business head. 3) He is a man with a head.
  2. Head infantry column. 4) Put his hat on head.

5. Indicate a sentence in which the phraseological phrase is used without errors.

  1. He knew how to defend his point of view.
  2. He passed the exam with grief.
  3. She doesn't want to rest on her laurels.
  4. His patience finally ran out.

6. In which series are the words synonymous?

  1. charming, charming, funny
  2. express, formulate, name
  3. thoughts, feelings, thoughts
  4. implement, bring, realize

7. In which sentence instead of the word diplomatic you need to use the worddiplomatic?

  1. From evasive and excessive diplomatic The employee’s speech left it unclear what changes the team expects in the near future.
  2. Cautious and diplomatic expressions helped soften
    difficult situation in the negotiations.
  3. Diplomatic etiquette was violated by people who did not own

knowledge about the norms of speech behavior adopted in this country.

4) He was an exceptionally intelligent person, soft, subtle, and very diplomatic.

Lexical norms

Option #5

1. In what row are synonyms presented?

  1. vital - worldly
  2. arrogance - arrogance
  3. high Low
  4. they forced the room into furniture - they forced me to study

2. Which word has the wrong meaning?

  1. corrupt - an official or politician who illegally enriches himself;
  2. sold out - a concert or performance in honor of someone;
  3. scrupulous - precise to the smallest detail, extremely thorough;
  4. philanthropist - a wealthy patron of the sciences and arts.

3. Which of the following words means “a science that studies the material and spiritual culture of peoples”?

1) mythology 2) ethnography 3) bibliography

4) ecology

4. In which example is the word key used literally?

  1. key to cipher 3) in optimistic key
  2. wrench 4) act as one key

5. In which sentence is it appropriate to use colloquial and colloquial vocabulary?

  1. Our athletes completely lost the last competition.
  2. In his speech, the director drew attention to the fact that some students shirked cleaning the area.

3) Thanks to investments, the plant began operating without any delays.
4) It’s great that the whole class is going on a hike.

6. In which sentence instead of the word ice need to use the word ice?

  1. It is impossible to describe the brightness and colorfulness of the polar ice sea.
  2. Lake Ladoga was ice the route that brought life to Leningraders.
  3. He said these words in an icy voice.
  4. Ice change conditions in the Arctic seas represents
    great scientific interest.

7. In which sentence instead of the word pay? need to use the word pay?

  1. The institution pays business trip expenses.
  2. Wages paid late.
  3. At the end of the year, employees paid a bonus.
  4. For a writer at a publishing house paid the fee.

Morphological norms

Option #1

1. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

  1. eight apples 3) weaker
  2. a pair of boots 4) the berries have become sweeter

2. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. more beautiful landscape
  2. both students
  3. more than eighty-five kilograms
  4. new treaties

3. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

  1. seven kilograms of eggplant
  2. in the most convenient way
  3. new drivers
  4. five students
  1. most successfully 3) sore callus
  2. having done what needs to be done 4) put it on the table
  1. both hands
  2. autumn apples are more sour
  3. died in battle
  4. great teachers of humanity

6. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

  1. admire the rich Mississippi
  2. we saw a nest destroyed by a predator
  3. kilogram of apricots
  4. both students completed their homework

1) two people 3) big callus

2) the most important 4) directors of enterprises

Morphological norms

Option No. 2

  1. both banks 3) sing louder
  2. a pair of jeans 4) the berry is sweeter
  1. younger than brother
  2. our guys
  3. three hundred sixty-five people
  4. pair of slippers
  1. with their girl 3) run faster
  2. more practical 4) on a beautiful sconce

4. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. vacationed near the coast 3) come quickly
  2. five cans of sprat 4) this example is more interesting

5. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

  1. fifty hundred rubles 3) a pair of stockings
  2. lie down on the sofa 4) a pair of socks
  1. old trainers 3) put down the bags
  2. five oranges 4) black veil

1) on the forehead 3) six hundred and seven people

2) truncated cones 4) died

Morphological norms

Option #3

  1. new drivers 3) both books
  2. high speeds 4) put in bags
  1. the sound disappeared 3) three scissors
  2. without shoulder straps 4) with two hundred rubles
  1. beautiful tulle 3) less than five hundred years old
  2. highest score 4) school principals
  1. pie with jam 3) from their balcony
  2. in front of both countries 4) many kilograms of apricots

1) better 3) deaf

2) a pair of jeans 4) nine hundred and ninety-nine trees

  1. two people 3) big callus
  2. the most important 4) directors of enterprises

7. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

  1. two thousand years 3) northern fleets
  2. no places 4) put it in place

Morphological norms

Option No. 4

1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

  1. pair of jeans
  2. About eight hundred people came to the rally
  3. these berries are sweeter
  4. Didn't receive my ballot on time

2. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. talked about you 3) pie with jam
  2. put it on the shelf 4) the edge of the book will fray

3. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. a pair of stockings 3) more than fifty rubles
  2. go today 4) the picture is more beautiful

4. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. plastic buckets
  2. worst option
  3. seven hundred sixty seven trees
  4. kilogram of waffles

5. Indicate an example in which the norms of shaping are violated.

  1. no apricots 3) modern printers
  2. five hundred books 4) the smartest

6. Mark an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. delicious cakes 3) five hundred trees
  2. finger with a callus 4) in two thousand and four

7. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.
1) seven hundred rubles 3) five students

2) twenty loops 4) experienced trainers

Morphological norms

Option #5

1. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

  1. sister is younger than brother
  2. seven hundred fifty eight
  3. contrary to forecasts, the weather has improved
  4. experienced drivers

2. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. the flower quickly faded
  2. best remedy
  3. pretzels
  4. to three hundred sixty-eight kilograms

3. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. the best option 3) beautiful cakes
  2. five hundred and fifty pages 4) five amperes

4. Provide an example in which the norms of shaping are not violated.

  1. their computers
  2. more sullen
  3. pack of pasta
  4. five hundred fifty-fifth page

5. Give an example of an error in the formation of the word form.

  1. after finishing school I went to college
  2. several keychains
  3. modern fashion tulle
  4. seventy five kilograms

6. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.

  1. five kilograms of tomatoes 3) he is younger
  2. the old oak tree has dried up 4) delicious cakes

7. Give an example in which the norms of shaping are violated.

  1. most appropriate 3) two hundred twenty volts
  2. the voice became louder 4) go to the city

Option #1

  1. do not forget to review the rules of spelling and punctuation.
  2. It is necessary to repeat the entire school course.
  3. student advice can help you.
  4. you need to use dictionaries.

Realizing my mistakes,

  1. it enriches everyone's experience.
  2. An unexpected solution may emerge.
  3. life experience accumulates.
  4. the person will not repeat them in the future.

Having become acquainted with the etymology of some Russian words,

  1. it turns out that many of them are borrowed.
  2. this often helps to spell them correctly.
  3. you begin to pay attention to their spelling.
  4. What is striking is that many of them are taken from other languages.

Listening to your favorite music

  1. Something new is always discovered that has not been noticed before.
  2. time seems to cease to exist.
  3. Every time you discover something new in it.
  4. she, surprisingly, never gets bored.

Traveling by car,

  1. Don't forget to study the site plan.
  2. she was in a good mood.
  3. first the route is determined.
  4. you should be comfortable.

Using an explanatory dictionary,

  1. I was amazed by the richness of our language.
  2. pay attention to the illustrative material.
  3. many words will be unknown to you.

7. Indicate a sentence with an adverbial phrase that does not contain an error.

  1. Having rested and gained strength, the work began to be completed faster.
  2. Arriving on vacation, we first took care of housing.
  3. After fixing the pencil, it quickly broke.
  4. Having entered the tram and having driven a little, the controllers entered it.

Option No. 2

Using additional literature,

  1. writing an essay will not be a problem for you.
  2. you can easily complete the task.
  3. Students had to search for the necessary information for a long time.
  4. this helps in preparing for exams.

Having become a creator, an artist 100 - 50 thousand years ago,

  1. Primitive man's consciousness changed.
  2. human transformation begins.
  3. the person remains so to this day.
  4. Perhaps, at first, man was motivated only by practical goals.

3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Using a phraseological dictionary,

  1. I was amazed by the richness of the language.
  2. The introductory article is read first.
  3. explain the meaning of this expression.
  4. Some examples will seem familiar to you.

Exploring the work of Pushkin,

  1. you are amazed at the versatility of the poet’s talent.
  1. features of classicism, sentimentalism and romanticism are revealed.
  1. the versatility of his talent is admirable.
  2. There are many more discoveries awaiting the literary critic.

5. Indicate a sentence with an adverbial phrase that does not contain an error.

  1. Being interested in many sciences, paleontology attracted him most of all.
  2. Afraid of being late for the exam, he woke up very early.
  3. Growing luxuriantly in the summer, you can admire the southern gardens for a long time.
  4. When visiting foreign countries, the beauty of their nature delights us.

6. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Rushing to the exam

  1. Excitement should not overwhelm you.
  2. It turned out that I forgot the cheat sheets.
  3. don't forget what you've learned.
  4. the hours ran quickly.

Escaping the heat

  1. need shade.
  2. hot green tea may help.
  3. Air conditioners help.
  4. animals can hibernate during the summer.

Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Option #3

1. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

While working on an essay,

  1. First, a plan is drawn up.
  2. think over its composition.
  3. you need additional materials.
  4. nothing should distract you.

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After carefully examining the substance found,

  1. Scientists have found that it contains the rarest elements.
  2. its chemical composition turned out to be unusual.
  3. its chemical composition has been established.
  4. it is impossible to determine its use.

Solving the problem,

  1. read the conditions carefully.
  2. reference books are used.
  3. You cannot use a calculator.
  4. there may be several answers.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Reading Russian classical literature,

  1. you will enrich yourself with knowledge of the history of our homeland.
  2. there is a lot to learn from many heroes.
  3. I admire the style of such writers as Chekhov, Bunin, Korolenko.
  4. the life and customs of our people are being recreated.

5. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Analyzing the work of Pushkin,

  1. Many more discoveries await literary scholars.
  2. features of many genres and trends are revealed.
  3. you are involuntarily amazed at the versatility of his talent.
  4. His talent is admirable.

6. Indicate a sentence with an adverbial phrase that does not contain an error.

  1. Having become acquainted with the results of the study, much becomes clear.
  2. After reading the article by a famous journalist, I was left with the impression of understatement.
  3. After walking several kilometers, fatigue knocked us off our feet.
  4. Having a sense of time, you can get a lot done.

Looking me over from head to toe,

  1. his face expressed complete disappointment.
  2. I found this silence strange.
  3. She asked to be notified of her arrival in future.
  4. he needed to sort out his feelings.

Option No. 4

After watching E. Ryazanov’s new film,

  1. we felt sad.
  2. Everyone liked him very much.
  3. I wanted to read the script.
  4. We decided to express our opinion to the director.

Preparing for the Unified State Exam in Russian,

  1. Explanatory and other dictionaries help you.
  2. writing an essay is one of the most difficult tasks.
  3. study all sections of the course and the rules of spelling and punctuation.
  1. Part B assignments require deep knowledge of theoretical material.

3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After reading the aspiring writer’s manuscript for the second time,

  1. I was overcome by doubts.
  2. the proofreader discovered a factual error.
  3. I was informed that it was being prepared for publication.
  4. I thought about his talent.

Going beyond the clouds

  1. the whole neighborhood suddenly took on an ominous appearance.
  2. the sun did not appear for a long time.
  3. it was dusk.
  4. darkness covered the forest.

5. Indicate the sentence in which the participial phrase is used correctly.

  1. By naming similar objects with the same word, there arises
  2. By establishing the relationship of languages, it serves as valuable material for historians.
  3. Without water, birds of prey get moisture from food.
  4. By coming up with a way to record gestures, it would help people of different nationalities communicate.

Studying the history of your country,

  1. the chronicles will help you with this.
  2. read memoirs of eyewitnesses of historical events.
  3. Museums store many unique documents.
  4. archives play a huge role.

7. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing to write an essay,

  1. You need critical literature of your contemporaries.
  2. Extracts from criticism are made.
  3. It is not advisable to use ready-made samples.
  4. Be sure to read the work itself first.

Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Option #5

1. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Having been on an excursion in Taganrog,

1) the photographs captured all the monuments that we saw.

2) we came across a wonderful guide who knew the history of his hometown very well.

  1. in the city they carefully treat everything with which the name of Chekhov is associated.
  2. we saw the houses in which the prototypes of the heroes of Chekhov's works lived.

2. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Approaching the forest

1) I felt scared.

2) it started to rain heavily.

  1. it was starting to get dark.
  2. involuntarily I slowed down my steps.

3. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

While working on the review,

1) the main idea is not immediately determined.

  1. the text was evaluated.
  2. First determine the main idea of ​​the text.
  3. the linguistic means of expressiveness of the text are analyzed.

4. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

After reading the story a second time,

  1. I think he is imperfect.
  2. I liked his composition.

4) some similarities with other works of the same author were discovered.

5. Indicate the sentence in which an error was made when using the participial phrase.

1) Having written the essay, the graduates began to prepare for the next exam.

2) Having met With Through the works of a famous linguist, I decided to become a philologist.

3) By studying the work of this writer, we learned a lot about the past of our country.

4) Preparing for the Russian language exam, explanatory dictionaries will help us.

6. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Preparing for an oral presentation,

  1. understand the essence of the issue.
  2. the personal conviction of the speaker will be required.
  3. I had my own vision of the problem.
  4. the opponent’s point of view became clear.

7. Choose the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.

Returning from work

  1. I stopped by on my way to see a friend.
  2. there were traffic jams on the roads.
  3. suddenly the weather turned bad and it began to rain.
  4. the shops were no longer open.

Syntactic norms

Option #1

  1. He paid little attention to this building.
  2. Having paid the fare, I moved on.
  3. Yesterday we were just talking about this film.
  4. The mountainside along which we descended, covered with thick ferns, was very steep.

2. Indicate the sentence in which syntactic norms not violated.

  1. The conversation with the head of the department lasted a long time.
  2. We haven't seen each other for only a week, but we already miss him.
  3. We bought beautiful fashionable tulle.
  4. He remembered the taiga and how he hunted a bear.
  1. You need to learn grammar to avoid mistakes.
  2. Upon arrival in Taganrog, he called me.
  3. The employee was fired according to the order.
  4. We ate sandwiches with delicious salami.
  1. It got colder and we put on warm coats.
  2. I missed you very much.
  3. The commission established the causes of the accident.
  4. It was raining and two students.

5. Provide a sentence without a grammatical error.

  1. At the last competition, the Zhiguli car came first.
  2. According to the order of the rector, the head of the department went on a business trip.
  3. Those times have passed a long time ago, but we remember them well.
  4. My desk neighbor asked who would go to football with me.

6. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

7. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

  1. Everyone who worked to improve the school garden was thanked.
  1. She is an excellent teacher.
  1. Garibaldi led the movement of Italians fighting for the independence of their homeland.

Syntactic norms

Option No. 2

1. In which phrase are the syntactic norms observed?

  1. strong coffee 3) defeated
  2. spoke for the book 4) according to plan

2. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error?

  1. Despite our persuasion, he did as he wanted.
  2. You should not attach much importance to this information.
  3. The head of the clinic received us quickly.
  1. For an applicant wishing to study at this faculty, it will be necessary to know English.

3. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

  1. The lightning in the darkness seemed whiter and more dazzling, so that it hurt my eyes.
  2. When the Sun rose from over the sea, it illuminated the mountain peaks covered with snow.
  3. The snowstorm grew stronger and stronger, as if hordes of snow giants had flown in from somewhere beyond the Volga and began waving their wide white sleeves.
  4. The view that opens before the traveler who comes to the shore of Lake Baikal remains in the memory for a lifetime.

4. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error (syntactic norms are not violated)?

  1. During the holidays I will go to my grandmother’s village, which is located on the banks of the Don.
  2. Yesterday we returned from school late in the evening.
  3. “I miss you,” I wrote in the letter.
  4. The most ancient literary monuments that have reached us date back to the 11th century.
  1. Bright lightning flashed, and after that a sharp clap of thunder was heard.
  2. The mood of the crew, beyond usual, was high.
  3. Immediately one could hear the wind rustling in the trees.
  4. Despite the stormy weather, a patrol ship set out to sea.

6. In which sentence is the subordinate clause complex sentence cannot be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

  1. Not a single photograph conveyed the special reflection that lay on it.
  2. When the cart that brought Leontyev to the cordon disappeared, he looked around and sighed.
  3. The land from which two people starved cannot be stopped loving forever.
  4. The sound that attracted his attention seemed very strange.

7. In which sentence the subordinate clause cannot be replaced by a participial phrase?

  1. The sea, which raged all night, was already serene and calm in the morning.
  2. The maid was an orphan who, fleeing starvation,
    had to enter the service.
  3. The sky was full of stars, which emitted an even, quiet light.
  4. The fun evening, which began without us, was in full swing.

Syntactic norms

Option #3

1. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

  1. When the performance ended, all the actors came on stage and bowed.
  2. In his diaries, the author describes in detail his trip to the Caucasus.
  3. Turgenev was a writer unusually sensitive to the beauty of words.
  4. Chaliapin was a genius on the dramatic stage as well as on the opera stage.
  1. I not only read newspapers, but also magazines.
  2. You can still find a lot of interesting material in Ogonyok.
  3. This is what students were taught at school.
  4. I took a book lying on the table that belonged to the teacher.

3. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

  1. The flame spread to the pine needles and, fanned by the wind, flared up with a groan and a whistle.
  2. Despite the early hour, the streets were full of people.
  3. Our stay in the bay, contrary to the expectations of many, was prolonged.
  4. This autumn burst into our native places, although at the right time, but still especially suddenly and sharply.
  1. Contrary to the forecast, it started to rain.
  2. After school I will go to my grandmother's.
  3. I returned from school late.
  4. I recovered thanks to treatment.

5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).

  1. The state of affairs in the company leaves much to be desired.
  2. My friend has a big sweet tooth.
  3. We sincerely rejoiced at their success.
  4. Dominic stood almost on the very bank of the river, steeply descending to the rocks visible in the distance.

6. In which sentence the subordinate clause cannot be replaced by a participial phrase?

  1. The wind that rose at night fanned the flames of the fire.
  2. The decoration of the apartment in which he lived alone was very sparse.
  3. The meadows, which were strewn with birch leaves, breathed the sun.
  4. The peasants who accompanied us showed us the house we needed.

7. Choose the correct one from the listed sentences.

  1. I will go to university after finishing school.
  2. Students taking part in the Olympiad and who pass two rounds will receive certificates.
  3. Children, boys and girls, were walking in the park.
  4. The train arrived according to schedule.

Syntactic norms

Option No. 4

1. Indicate the sentence without grammatical errors (correctly constructed).

  1. In the story “The Jumper,” Chekhov condemns idleness.
  2. The whole house was filled not only with sighs, but also with alarming creaks.
  3. For one of the novel's heroes, searching for the meaning of life, the path to inner freedom opens.
  4. A coordinating conjunction is used and connects homogeneous members of a sentence.

2. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

  1. Immediately upon arriving home, I called my friends.
  2. Having arrived a couple of days early and starting work that had been put off for a long time, I suddenly felt insurmountable fatigue.
  3. He was constantly asked whether he would complete the book he had started.
  4. Dense lilacs have grown near his house?

3. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

  1. There are still no reviews for the theater's premiere performance.
  2. His mother was worried about him and Nina.
  3. In winter we missed the sea.
  1. People revere and adore the merits of this famous doctor.

4. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error?

  1. Ivasi was stale.

5. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error?

  1. It should be noted that the audience was highly active.
  2. That's why I'm telling you.
  3. You need to pay the fare.
  4. I miss my family.

6. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error?

  1. Don't pay attention to such trifles.
  2. This was his characteristic handwriting.
  3. Ivasi was stale.
  4. Whoever came to our city admired its provincial antiquity.

7. Indicate a sentence in which syntactic norms are observed.

  1. No one, not even the most famous doctors, could give him a correct diagnosis.
  2. The famous actors involved in the play, as well as all the other participants, performed with great success.
  3. The Cossacks' horses, which were covered with foam from the unbearable heat, climbed heavily along the steep path.
  4. A new article by a famous scientist talks about ancient culture and modern art.

Syntactic norms

Option #5

1. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error?

  1. This behavior is not typical for an educated person.
  2. We drank strong black coffee.
  3. The peasantry has always fought against the landowners.
  4. The floor was presented to the school director.

2. Identify the sentence with a grammatical error.

  1. One of the independent types of art that has existed since the end of the 15th century is graphics.
  2. Everyone who loves Russian culture in other countries knows the names of the great poets and writers - Pushkin, Turgenev, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy.
  3. Upon arrival from St. Petersburg, Gogol settled in the Aksakovs’ house (now on Suvorovsky Boulevard).

4) V.P. Aksakov wrote about his attitude to classical music in the essay “Postscript”.

3. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error?

  1. The poem “Dead Souls” was the last work of art by N.V. Gogol.
  2. Old people are tolerant of children's pranks.
  3. Children rarely listen to and follow the advice of their parents.
  4. The trolleybus driver asked passengers to pay for the fare.

4. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

  1. The state of affairs in our organization leaves much to be desired.
  2. We rejoiced at the success of the graduates.
  3. Many people gathered at the prince's place.
  4. The unbearable heat and drought lasted for more than a month.

5. Indicate a sentence that does not contain a grammatical error.

  1. Everyone who worked to improve the school garden was thanked.
  2. The writer clearly and talentedly showed what worries him.
  3. She is an excellent teacher.
  4. Garibaldi led the Italian movement fighting for
    independence of their homeland.

6. In what sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

  1. I remember opening the book while standing near the kiosk where I bought it.
  2. We have had and still have writers who managed to introduce science into their stories and novels as an essential quality of prose.
  3. The writer is occupied by a dream that lives in everyone’s heart, be it a lumberjack, a shoemaker, a hunter or a famous scientist.
  4. Green's stories were intoxicating, like the fragrant air that knocks us off our feet after the fumes of stuffy cities.

7. Which sentence does not have a grammatical error?

  1. Classes were held according to the schedule.
  2. One of the Russian writers who described Russian life in detail was Ivan Bunin.
  3. For many centuries the peasantry fought against the landowners.
  4. He is not far from the truth in his statements.




Orthoepic norms



Lexical norms



Morphological norms



Syntactic norms (construction of sentences with participial phrases)

Syntactic norms



When studying the Russian language at school, quite often there are linguistic terms that are not always clear to schoolchildren. We tried to compile a short list of the most used concepts with explanations. In the future, schoolchildren can use it when studying the Russian language.


Linguistic terms used in the study of phonetics:

  • Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that deals with the study of sound structure.
  • Sound is the smallest particle of speech. Sounds are highlighted.
  • A syllable is one or often several sounds pronounced in one exhalation.
  • Stress is the emphasis of a vowel sound in speech.
  • Orthoepy is a section of phonetics that studies the pronunciation norms of the Russian language.


When studying spelling, you must use the following terms:

  • Spelling is a section that studies spelling norms.
  • Spelling - spelling a word in accordance with the application of spelling rules.

Lexicology and phraseology

  • A lexeme is a vocabulary unit, a word.
  • Lexicology is a branch of the Russian language that studies lexemes, their origin and functioning.
  • Synonyms are words that have the same meaning when spelled differently.
  • Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.
  • Paronyms are words that have similar spellings but different meanings.
  • Homonyms are words that have the same spelling, but at the same time they have different meanings.
  • Phraseology is a branch of linguistics that studies phraseological units, their features and principles of functioning in language.
  • Etymology is the science of the origin of words.
  • Lexicography is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules for compiling dictionaries and their study.


A few words about what Russian linguistic terms are used when studying the morphology section.

  • Morphology is the science of language that studies the parts of speech.
  • Noun - nominal independent It denotes the subject being discussed and answers the questions: “who?”, “what?”.
  • Adjective - denotes a sign or state of an object and answers the questions: “which?”, “which?”, “which?”. Refers to independent nominal parts.

  • A verb is a part of speech that denotes an action and answers the questions: “what does it do?”, “what will it do?”.
  • Numeral - denotes the number or order of objects and at the same time answering the questions: “how many?”, “which?”. Refers to independent parts of speech.
  • Pronoun - indicates an object or person, its attribute, without naming it.
  • An adverb is a part of speech that denotes an action. Answers the questions: “how?”, “when?”, “why?”, “where?”.
  • A preposition is an auxiliary part of speech that connects words.
  • A conjunction is a part of speech that connects syntactic units.
  • Particles are words that give emotional or semantic coloring to words and sentences.

Additional terms

In addition to the terms we mentioned earlier, there are a number of concepts that it is advisable for a student to know. Let's highlight the main linguistic terms that are also worth remembering.

  • Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies sentences: the features of their structure and functioning.
  • Language is a sign system that is constantly in development. Serves for communication between people.
  • Idiolect is the speech characteristics of a particular person.
  • Dialects are varieties of one language that are contrasted with its literary version. Depending on the territory, each dialect has its own characteristics. For example, okanye or akanye.
  • Abbreviation is the formation of nouns by abbreviating words or phrases.
  • Latinism is a word that came into use from the Latin language.
  • Inversion is a deviation from the generally accepted word order, which makes the rearranged element of the sentence stylistically marked.


The following linguistic terms, examples and definitions of which you will see, are often encountered when considering

  • Antithesis is a stylistic device based on opposition.
  • Gradation is a technique based on intensifying or weakening homogeneous means of expression.
  • Diminutive is a word formed using a diminutive suffix.
  • Oxymoron is a technique in which combinations of words with seemingly incompatible lexical meanings are formed. For example, "living corpse".
  • Euphemism is the replacement of a word related to obscene language with neutral ones.
  • An epithet is a stylistic trope, often an adjective with expressive connotations.

This is not a complete list of necessary words. We have provided only the most necessary linguistic terms.


While studying the Russian language, schoolchildren are constantly faced with words whose meanings are unknown to them. To avoid problems in learning, it is advisable to create your own personal dictionary of school terms in the Russian language and literature. Above we have given the main linguistic words-terms that you will encounter more than once when studying at school and university.

A) ruff, golden, root c) antonyms, bicycle, bus

B) pencil, bread, suffix d) doctor, astronaut, conjugation

Find the row where all the words are homonyms

A) area, word, vocabulary, cabbage c) leaf, step, mosquito, boy

B) fingerboard, drill, marriage, bow d) answer, language, exercise, help

3. Determine the type of vocabulary to which the words belong:

Tsybarka (bucket), tsybulya (bow), drobyna (ladder), vecherya (dinner), gutar (talk), hum (drizzle)

4. Find a row where all the words are archaisms:

A) biker, voucher, gendarme c) revolution, language, hit

B) actor, peeit, cheeks d) eyes, locomotive, boat

What are the names of the following stable phrases?

Beat your head, soap your neck, kill yourself, fall back into childhood.

Greek – Greek

a) homonyms b) synonyms

b) paronyms d) antonyms

7. In what example is the word DEAF used in its literal meaning?

A) voiceless dissatisfaction c) voiceless consonant

B) deaf to requests d) deaf old man

In which row are the synonyms presented?

A) life - everyday c) high - low

B) arrogance - arrogance d) the room was filled with furniture -

I was forced to study

9. In which row are all words colloquial? A) cashier, razzyava, potatoes c) greedy, potatoes, stash

B) doctor, lame, merry fellow d) electric train, junk dealer, confusion

In which row are all words stylistically colored?

A) quitter, lazy person, truant c) condensed milk, tiny, eyes

B) small, kid, parade d) harmful, mischievous, fool

Test 2

Prince Alexander settled down

In the upper room where the commander lived.

As you can see, the commander has settled down here -

There was a whip of bull sinew lying around. (K. Simonov)

2. Determine the type of vocabulary to which the words belong:

New guy (inexperienced sailor), ancestors (parents), cool (good), flood (tell), ram (bring).

In which row are all phrases - phraseological units?

A) write a report, specific gravity, kick

B) win, leave home, favorite book

D) write well, withdraw into oneself, right angle

D) carelessly, black sheep, beat your backs

What linguistic concept is illustrated by the highlighted words in the poem by M. Tsvetaeva7

“Everything will grind, it will be flour!”

People are comforted by this science.

Will it become torment, what was melancholy?

No, better with flour!

A) homophones c) homographs

B) homoforms d) antonyms

A ) hall full c) thin fingers

B) hall standing ovation ) steep shore

In which example is the highlighted word used in its literal meaning?

A) watch are coming b) it rained c) man passed d) century passed

7 . In what order do both words belong to the vocabulary of limited use?

A) ram, computer c) Internet, ram (bring)

B) poet, actor d) kuren, ancestors (parents)

Which of the following words means “necessary, permanent attribute, belonging”?

A) attribute b) atavism c) aspect d) association

A) correct - correct, accurate

B) briefing - press conference on policy issues

C) calligraphy - the ability to write correctly

D) consolidation - strengthening, uniting something

What linguistic concept does the word illustrate?

Contours - outlines?

A) homonyms b) paronyms c) antonyms d) synonyms

Test 3

Little critters

They plopped onto his chest with a flourish

And, jumping madly, they fell,

But Sokolov walked on carrion

And continued on his way(N. Zabolotsky)

In which series are all words borrowed from French?

A) speaker, bell-bottoms, coat, muffler

B) wardrobe, plot, hockey, finish

B) repertoire, blinds, foyer, director

D) knockout, sprinter, grace, genre

A) steep boiling water b )steep rise to )heavy luggage d) silk textile

4.In what example is the word KEY used in its literal meaning?

A) key to the cipher b) wrench c) in an optimistic way

D) act in a single manner

What is the meaning of the word ROAD in the sentence “Work is the road to success”?

A) a place to which you need to go or drive

B) travel, being on the road

C) pattern of action, direction of activity

D) a strip of land intended for movement

Which example does not contain a phraseological phrase?

A) He has his own hand in the ministry. B) Pull yourself together

B) Get your hands on it. D) Work tirelessly.

Which of the following words means “a person who condemns all wars and demands peace on earth?

A) nationalist B) pacifist c) chauvinist d) militarist

8.Which word has the wrong meaning?

A) Corrupt - illegally enriching official or politician

B) sold out - a concert or performance in honor of something

C) meticulous - precise to the smallest detail, extremely thorough

D) philanthropist - a rich patron of the sciences and arts

In which sentence, instead of the word EXPLICIT, use the word EXPLICIT?

A) I saw the clear outlines of mountains. B) It was an obvious lie.

C) The colonel felt obvious hostility towards me.

D) This child was an obvious child prodigy.

Determine the meaning of the paronyms below and make up phrases with them

Misprint - unsubscribe, well-fed - well-fed, whiten - whiten, straighten - straighten, assembled - assembled, neighbor - neighbor, deed - misconduct.

Test 4

What type of linguistic homonymy is used?

In the camisole the Eggplant was full of shine,

In the kitchen in the morning he said to Herring:

Cod has become arrogant!

Look, so much cod

I deigned to raise it in a frying pan!

In which series are all the words borrowed?

A) glass, basketball, hockey c) clothing, gates, boat, retail

B) tennis, genre, plot, match d) head, side, entertainer, highway

3. Find a series where only terms are used:

A) vocabulary, syntax, morpheme, suffix c) farm, pattern, tongs, compass

B) newspaper, headline, smoking room, pliers d) kochet, speech, city, galley

4.In what example is the highlighted word used figuratively?

A) hot coffee b) silk shirt c) silk hair d) gold watch

5. .In what example is the word IRON used in its literal meaning?

A) iron ore b) iron will c) iron logic d) iron grip

In which sentence is the word HOUSE used to mean “family”?

A) We know each other at home. B) There were houses in this alley.

C) The Motherland is our common home. D) In ​​the summer we were in a holiday home.

Which row does not have a phraseological turn?

A) step from foot to foot c) kick in the tooth

B) from head to toe d) live in grand style

8. Which of the following words means “a person who is ready to selflessly act for the benefit of others, regardless of his personal interests”?

A) egoist b) philanthropist c) altruist d) philanthropist

9.The meaning of which word is defined incorrectly?

A) diploma student - a student preparing a thesis

B) certification – determination of the level of knowledge and skills of an employee or student by specialists

C) antiquarian - amateur, connoisseur and collector of antiquities and antiquities

D) argument - a logical argument, a judgment given to prove something
