Opposition Jupiter South Node. Aspects of Jupiter and lunar nodes in synastry. South Node conjunct the Sun

Current page: 9 (book has 17 pages total) [available reading passage: 12 pages]

Chapter 8
Aspects of the nodes to the outer planets in the natal chart

An outer planet in conjunction with one of the Lunar nodes takes on special significance. This reinforces the importance of that particular outer planet throughout a person's life. Like a connection inner planet with the Lunar Node, which we talked about in the previous chapter, the outer planet in conjunction with the North Node indicates those qualities that should be consciously developed during the current incarnation. A person can feel how something forces him to develop qualities that are correlated with this planet. A planet conjunct the North Node is associated with opportunity and great potential.

A planet near the South Node indicates qualities developed in past incarnations. These qualities are habitual, and to take advantage of them requires only minor effort from a person. In this scenario, a person brings with him into this life something that needs improvement. Talents associated with this planet can be further developed or used more fully, more positively and consciously. Sometimes a planet conjunct the South Node symbolizes working through past failures associated with that planet, or indicates that it takes several lifetimes to learn the lessons symbolized by that planet.

If planets are present on both poles of the nodal axis, then the person has lessons from the past that need to be worked out, as well as baits that will require effort and successful completion of the mission. This is a kind of crossroads on the path of soul evolution, which guarantees a rich life. In this life, a person gets a chance to achieve both material and spiritual progress. The North Node favors material wealth and influential positions in worldly life, while the South Node favors spiritual achievements.

When talking about these connections, you should take a fairly large orb, up to seven degrees or more. However, in this book, when giving examples of specific people, I used a smaller orb (usually three degrees). The more precise the aspect, the stronger its influence.

Aspects of the nodes to Jupiter

Good deeds in the past open up opportunities for spiritual and/or material wealth when the North Node is conjunct Jupiter. People have a healthy desire to acquire material things, and developing financial independence can provide many benefits. Madonna has this aspect in her 2nd House, which is quite interesting considering her "Material Girl" phase. This aspect suits her in other respects, since it indicates a person’s development of higher philosophy and his acquisition of wisdom. This aspect brings a lot of positivism, the most negative manifestation which may be extravagance or excessive optimism. The house in which this connection falls shows in which area of ​​life such enthusiasm will be present. This aspect can give an overly pronounced craving for excesses. However, all this is not bad, because the House of the horoscope also indicates where a person should look for his luck. Similar to the North Node conjunct the Sun, this aspect brings blessings, profit, protection and a life free from karmic debts. In the worst case, the owner of this aspect may develop greed, although this aspect is quite favorable, since any harm it causes is not caused to the owner of the aspect, but to others.

Sometimes this connection brings not so much material as spiritual benefits, but for this people have to work very hard. For example, if we're talking about about dramatic arts, they will appear in many films or roles; if they sing or compose music, they will be the authors of many recordings; if they write, they will publish many books, etc. Their works will be warmly received and loved by the audience, which will contribute to the growth of the authors' material well-being. This aspect is present in a number of talented people. The zodiac sign in which this conjunction falls carries information about these talents and whether they will manifest themselves mainly in the social, material or spiritual sphere. Many owners of this aspect simply enjoy the fruits of good deeds performed in past lives, which often belonged to the material sphere; they are not under pressure, they do not have to solve difficult problems or overcome obstacles. The cosmos smiles graciously on them. They are often very for a long time remain young.

Jupiter conjunct the North Node is expansive in many ways and can cause weight gain. Judy Garland had this aspect, and although she was able to take advantage of the benefits it promised, she developed an addiction to several drugs during her many attempts to control her weight. Here are a few more famous people with this aspect: James Van Praagh, Julio Iglesias, Dick Cavett, Andy Gibb 46
Dick Cavett- Hollywood film actor. Andy Gibb- Australian singer, one of the brothers participating in the super popular team “The Bee Gees”.

Audrey Hepburn and Alois Alzheimer, German psychiatrist, neurologist and professor after whom Alzheimer's syndrome is named.

Rice. 24. Natal chart of James Van Praagh:

Queens, New York

The conjunction of the South Node with Jupiter is also a philosophical aspect. Jupiter rules philosophy, law and theological studies, so a soul with this aspect comes into this world with experience and knowledge that defines its belief system. Such people have very definite views and feel a responsibility to pass on what they have learned in the past. They can use their wisdom to make positive or negative contributions to public morality; their views may be narrow, or they may impose them on other people.

Ron Hubbard, the founder of Dianetics and the Church of Scientology, had this aspect, and with a very small orb. His philosophical teachings not only won the minds of millions of followers, but he himself was an unusually prolific writer; from his pen came many voluminous works designed to free the “Thetan” (human spirit) from the burden of the past. Although Ron Hubbard, who has published more than a thousand works, including science fiction works (he was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most prolific author), is exceptionally illustrative example potential of this aspect, many other prolific writers fall into this group. Tennessee Williams had that aspect. Although this group includes many actors, athletes, politicians and representatives of other professions, it is still mostly composed of writers and philosophers. This also includes many authors, composers, songwriters, teachers and educators. These people have amazing communication skills. They are in the business of spreading the word. They spread beliefs and contribute to moral standards. Twin sisters Ann Landers and Abigail Van Beuren had this aspect (with a large orb). Both sisters had their own newspaper column in which they gave advice to people who asked them questions about proper behavior and etiquette. People with the North Node conjunct Jupiter usually have good intuition, and, thanks to previously accumulated experience and knowledge, they demonstrate talents that they could not find in this life. This aspect often offers amazing potential for spiritual achievement.

A conjunction with Jupiter usually brings many benefits, even when conjunct the South Node. Some people with this aspect are born into distinguished or royal families, although material wealth is not showered on them as lavishly as on people with Jupiter conjunct the North Node. They often have to fight, but good help she has patience. They may have problems with higher education, religion, or traveling long distances. Sometimes their social or philosophical views are unacceptable to the majority. Potential problem What can lead to collapse is excessive expansion. At worst, these people lack kindness - if Jupiter's benevolence is destroyed by the limiting influence of the South Node.

Here are a few people with this aspect: Chastity Bono, Ennis Cosby, Vincent Van Gogh, Jennifer Aniston, Lucille Ball, Steffi Graf, Herbie Hancock, Peter Herkos and Cheryl Tiegs 47
Ennis Cosby– son of actor-comedian Bill Cosby; killed at the age of twenty-eight. Lucille Ball- American comedienne. Steffi Graf- German tennis player. Herbie Hancock- American jazz musician. Cheryl Tiegs– model.

The controversial shocking rocker Marilyn Manson has this same aspect.

The sextile and trine between Jupiter and the North Node resemble in their beneficial effect the conjunction of the North Node with Jupiter, although this effect is less pronounced. In the case of a square, a person may have social or religious views and beliefs that contradict generally accepted ones. He may have limited opportunities, he may have to struggle with financial difficulties - all this prevents him from moving forward in life.

Nodes aspects to Saturn

The North Node conjunct Saturn usually helps to remove some of the restrictions imposed by Saturn. This aspect increases patience, conservatism and practicality, promotes good relationships with senior authority figures who help a person realize his ambitions, especially since a person with this aspect has an excellent sense of timing, that is, he knows when exactly to turn to influential people figures. People with this position often have good relationships with elders, including older family members who help them achieve their goals. Such a person will have to develop greater independence because in the past his actions were guided by his family. It may be a soul approaching the threshold of its maturity; learning to take responsibility, so the cosmos gives her additional help. Self-discipline is one of the most powerful and positive aspects of this aspect; you can use this in your work. When handled constructively, this aspect produces champions of all kinds. When you combine organization, patience, methodology, and setting your own speed, the possibilities for achievement are truly endless. The group of owners of this aspect includes singers, actors, musicians, writers, astrologers, teachers, politicians, athletes and clothing designers. Bill Blass, Zoe Fontana have this aspect 48
Bill Blass- one of the oldest and most famous American designers. Zoe Fontana- one of the founders of the oldest Italian fashion house Sorelle Fontana.

And Pierre Cardin. Since Saturn is exalted in Libra, this conjunction works best in air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Saturn, the famous taskmaster, always poses several difficult tasks for a person. Sometimes this manifests itself in the form of health problems in youth, despite which a person is able to live a very long life. The exact difficulties a person will have to face can be seen from the House in which this connection falls. All these tests should help develop patience and independence.

If the North Node increases the negative influence of Saturn, it can make a person depressed and melancholic; the risk of such a development of events increases if this connection falls into one of the emotional, water signs. In extreme cases, a person can become pessimistic, insensitive, selfish, greedy and even ruthless; this will lead to a variety of problems both for the person himself and for those around him. The topic becomes more acute when this conjunction is in fire signs, especially Aries, or when Mars is involved in this configuration. This is exactly the situation Timothy McVeigh faced. 49
Timothy McVeigh- US Army reservist, Gulf War veteran, organizer of the largest (before the events of September 11, 2001) terrorist attack in American history - the bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995, during which one hundred and sixty-eight people died. Executed in 2001.

The natal chart of which we will discuss in the next chapter. Big number famous people with this aspect they committed suicide.

Rice. 25. Natal chart of Timothy McVeigh:

Lockport, New York

Here are a few more people with the same aspect, but manifested more positively: Hank Aaron, Carrie Fisher, John Fogerty, Florence Henderson, Ashley Judd and George Segal 50
Hank Aaron– Considered one of the best hitters in baseball history. In 1982, his name was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Carrie Fisher- American actress, screenwriter and novelist. John Fogerty- American legendary vocalist and rock musician. Florence Henderson- American actress. Ashley Judd- American film actress. George Segal- American actor and producer.

The South Node conjunct Saturn suggests that the person came into this world with a good dose of Saturnian attitudes. Although this can be very positive, this node position represents a potentially limiting aspect that comes into play from the very beginning of life, due to the restraining and rather pessimistic nature of old, restless Saturn. Rigid habits appearance and a person’s aspirations may be very far from what is considered an acceptable norm in modern society, as a result of which a person creates his own isolated world, withdraws from life and ignores social responsibilities. This is potentially the most difficult legacy past life, which needs to be gotten rid of. People with this type of knot can easily turn into stubborn people who cling to the past. They are full of prejudices and outdated attitudes, they have many connections with older people. The position of the South Node, conjunct Saturn, in a particular House indicates in which area the ideas and attitudes of the past hold a person captive. The specific House in which this connection is located also indicates the degree of anxiety. Sometimes a tragedy, a series of unfortunate events, or a general difficult situation leads to a feeling of despair. Outwardly, a person may appear gloomy or appear unhappy and selfish. In those parts of the body ruled by Saturn, physical problems may be observed - weak bones, rheumatism, problems with teeth or skin.

If this aspect is approached from a more positive point of view - drawing on Saturnian discipline, responsibility, organization and respect for boundaries - it allows people with this conjunction to work with such remarkable skill, precision and experience that it puts them beyond competition. They are inimitable. Performing individual work that requires perseverance and thoroughness, these people are free from the influence of external influences and are able to see all the work to the end. The main influence that this conjunction has on a person is to live a life of hard work and struggle with the limitations placed on such a person. One of the greatest strengths of this connection is that its owners are better able to overcome difficulties than most other people. A breakthrough or reward often comes to such people at the very last moment. When a person solves the problems facing him, the reward is usually very great.

From this aspect can arise a wide range of talents, the most useful of which may be the ability to look at the world philosophically or scientifically and detachedly. Here are some famous people with this configuration: Paula Abdul, Tom Brokaw, Greta Garbo, Mario Lopez, Tina Turner, Jack Nicklaus and Grace Slick 51
Tom Brokaw One of the most trusted and respected figures in broadcast journalism, he is a special correspondent for NBC News. Mario Lopez- American actor and dancer. Jack Nicklaus- an outstanding golfer. Grace Slick- American rock singer and songwriter.

Jim Bakker, the fraudulent evangelist, also had this aspect.

A sextile or trine of the nodes to Saturn indicates that a person's ambitions and goals are, to one degree or another, in harmony with society, and that he can more easily receive the necessary support. As for the square, it is not so easy for a person to satisfy his ambitious plans - he may turn out to be too timid, prone to loneliness and solitude, conservative in his views, chooses his time poorly, or voluntarily isolates himself from society.

Nodal aspects to Uranus

When Uranus conjuncts a node, there is often a spark of genius. Owners of this aspect are very bright personalities with a unique creative flair. When Uranus is conjunct with any of the nodes, similar features are observed; the only difference is that the North Node indicates a new development of Uranian characteristics, while the South Node implies the arrival of the soul into this world already with the baggage of Uranian characteristics.

With the North Node conjunct Uranus, the soul is encouraged to become more adventurous and innovative, leaning towards a more progressive way of thinking. In past lives, these souls were forced to submit to conservatism, they were kept within limits and subjected to routine. In this same life, cosmic forces offer these people their help in learning to see the good in change. Perhaps these souls were afraid of change in past lives. They will have to become more original, inventive, liberal and learn creative thinking. Life has surprises in store for them - they will encounter unusual or unexpected situations, which will make their mind agile and quick.

If we talk about maximizing the potential of these people, they will invent new technologies or unconventional methods that will have a profound impact on humanity or at least on the group of which they are members. They pave new paths and open new pages. These people are at the forefront, they are always at the forefront, very modern and demonstrate an innovative approach in whatever work they do. In this group there are many scientists, researchers, physicists, psychoanalysts, physiologists, as well as politicians and artists, but very few athletes. Here are a few famous people from the group who have this compound: George Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Cheech Marin, Linda Ronstadt, Alicia Silverstone, Frank Sinatra, Donald Trump, Kenneth Starr 52
Linda Ronstadt- American singer-songwriter, one of the pioneers of country rock, winner of eleven Grammy awards. Alicia Silverstone is an American actress, writer and former model. Kenneth Starr- independent American prosecutor, prosecutor in the impeachment case of US President Clinton.

And George White, the astrologer who described the Benefit Line.

There is a certain nervousness in the owners of this conjunction, often rooted in the ruling House; this nervousness can be used and channeled in a constructive direction. The benefit of this House lies in a person’s willingness to accept everything new, to realize the cyclical nature of existence and to benefit from his foresight and insight. However, this connection has extremely strong electrifying energy, so there is a possibility that it can cause irreparable damage to its owner. Those with this compound may become overexcited, get carried away by group enthusiasm, and fail to consider long-term consequences. These are true revolutionaries, prone to radical, sometimes shocking actions. In the worst case, a person is characterized by eccentric and unconventional behavior, he becomes a nonconformist and even a rebel. This aspect was present in the evil genius of Hitler, Martin Bormann, and also in Marshall Applewhite, who persuaded many people to commit suicide. When one of the nodes is conjunct Uranus, a person may admire the idea of ​​euthanasia or timing of death.

Rice. 26. Natal chart of Alice Silverstone:

San Francisco, California

As for the connection of the South Node with Uranus, a person with such an aspect came into this world with one spark or another of genius. He may have a pronounced talent that does not require any formal education to manifest. This aspect was present in Mozart, a recognized musical genius whose composing abilities emerged at the age of four. Perhaps this soul once lived in some ancient developed civilization, Atlantis, Maya or Lemuria, and came to this world already possessing higher insights. Swami Vivekananda had this conjunction in the sign of Gemini. Yogananda, the Indian priest who brought the knowledge of Kundalini awakening to the Western world, had this connection in the third House.

The minds of these people are very original. To the extent that the criterion of practicality can be applied to them, these proposals represent unique solutions and the key to success. There are many artists in this group who work with color - which is not surprising, since it is Uranus that rules the color palette. These people often love color, especially color combinations - prints, paisley or patchwork. Artists, as well as writers, actors, comedians and singers belonging to this group, are distinguished by a wide range of different nuances in their work.

However, at some point these people are led to an unexpected collapse, the nature of which depends on the House where the South Node conjunction with Uranus falls; this collapse is caused by new or changed circumstances.

Here are a few people with this aspect: Louisa May Alcott, Willie Nelson 53
Louisa May Alcott- American writer. Willie Nelson- country music performer.

Carol Burnett, Evel Knievel, Michael Moore, John Travolta and Jennifer Aniston.

Rice. 27. Natal chart of Michael Moore:

Flint, Missouri

There are also several notorious people with a South Node conjunct Uranus. Some of them behaved incorrectly or eccentrically due to nervousness due to this aspect. Some revolutionary events in past lives had a far-reaching impact. These people were extremely nervous types. This aspect was present in Cyrano de Bergerac, whose life was full of reckless courage and danger. At worst, these people are characterized by aggression and extravagance if the energy of this aspect is directed inward. They may do their business in a completely incomprehensible way or use extremely strange methods to solve their problems. They go to extremes and burn bridges behind them. Some of them are called traitors or provocateurs for their actions. Just a few days after I wrote the previous paragraphs, Cho Seung Hee from Virginia Polytechnic Institute fell into a state of insane rage and killed thirty-two people, after which he committed suicide. He had a South Node conjunction with Uranus in Sagittarius, which is associated with ninth house affairs. This breakdown occurred in a country foreign to him, far from his homeland; madness seized him in the highest educational institution. This event is described in more detail in Chapter 9.

As for the sextile and trine of the nodal axis to Uranus, the effect of these aspects is similar (though weaker) to the positive characteristics described above: the ability to benefit from new or changed public opinion and the invention of new methods. In the case of a square of the nodes to Uranus, people become able to cross the boundaries of permitted social norms. The ideas of these people are met with disapproval and resistance, which makes the owners of this aspect very irritable and can make them insensitive and rebellious.

Nodes aspects to Neptune

The North Node conjunct Neptune enhances the gift of imagination. People with this aspect are encouraged to become more empathetic and intuitive. These are visionaries who can achieve prosperity through activities associated with Neptune. They may be drawn to the film industry, the arts, photography or portraiture. They are interested in design, jewelry making and dancing. Poetry and writing can be a favorable field of activity for them. People with this aspect are very creative and artistic. They are full of inspiration and are able to bring about a positive transformation in any work they undertake. They may be fascinated by occult activities and use their dreams to influence the world. These people have a keen sense of what is considered socially acceptable; therefore they tend to be popular. The house in which this conjunction falls indicates the area of ​​life that is controlled by your imagination. A person may have dreams and visions related to this House.

This aspect gives a craving for the sea and water. People with this stance can serve in the Navy and engage in activities that will take them to the water. Leonardo DiCaprio, who became a star in the film Titanic, has Neptune conjunct the North Node. Artists with such an attitude are drawn to depicting seascapes. People with the North Node conjunct Neptune love to travel and can make a career out of it, as it is an extremely favorable area for them.

Rice. 28. Natal chart of Leonardo DiCaprio:

Los Angeles, California

One of the problems in this aspect is the attraction to drugs. At first, owners of this connection may use drugs as a way to achieve enlightenment, but this aspect of Neptune has great temptation and can completely imperceptibly lure a person into its abyss. People with this attitude tend to follow the lead own desires or become a victim of someone else's deception. This group includes various criminals - kidnappers, molesters and rapists.

Here famous people with this connection: Jimmy Carter, Mary Chapin Carpenter, Michelle Pfeiffer, Andy Gibb, Michael Erlewine 54
Mary Chapin Carpenter- American folk and country singer. Michael Erlewine- American musician and astrologer.

Ronald Reagan and Martha Stewart.

People with the South Node conjunct Neptune come into this world endowed with visionary talents. If they reach their full potential, they work in the areas that we have already listed above. They become filmmakers, film makers, artists, painters, photographers, dancers, singers, musicians, actors and designers. Carrie Underwood 55
Carrie Underwood- American country singer.

The fourth consecutive American Idol winner is a great example of maximizing the potential of this pairing; however, it is worth mentioning that her South Node conjunction with Neptune forms a sextile to Saturn and Pluto, which enhances its beneficial effects. Additionally, her North Node is in Cancer, making her a favorite in her home country. She will enjoy fame and adoration for a long time.

However, the question arises of how many owners of this aspect manage to make the most of their unique gifts. The conjunction of the South Node with Neptune imposes strict obligations on a person. They can lead a very mysterious life, and it can be very difficult to “bring them into the light.” These people can share their spiritual insights with other people, contributing to the karmic development of our entire planet as a whole, but many of them prefer to remain in the shadows. Their work may require solitude - some lead quite isolated lives and even become hermits. The cause may be excessive sensitivity. This is an emotional aspect, especially if it falls into a water sign. The influence of the South Node can distort the emotions that feed the mind. Some people end up not feeling part of this world - they feel disconnected, as if they were living on an alien planet. Sigourney Weaver, who has this aspect in her chart, became a star in 1979 with the sci-fi thriller Alien. This feeling of alienation and mental distortion increases the likelihood that those with this aspect will turn to drugs and other deviant methods in an attempt to cope with a crisis. In this same group you can meet drug dealers and those who prefer to engage in secret affairs. The house in which this aspect falls shows the zone in which the action of imagination and visions is strongest, things are distorted or secret affairs are done.

Some owners of this aspect cannot get anyone to pay attention to them. Here's a very interesting example: one teenager's classmates nicknamed him "mouse" to distinguish him from his much more popular namesake. This humiliating nickname stuck firmly with him. This boy had his South Node conjunct Neptune in the first House, so he was shorter than his peers, which made him even worse. general position business He practically became invisible in his environment.

Sometimes this connection confuses a person’s entire life. Jessica Lynch 56
Jessica Lynch- a national American hero, a private in the US Army, who was captured in Iraq.

The South Node conjunct Neptune is in the sign of Sagittarius. While deployed to another country during her military service, she was captured, although she was eventually rescued. The fact that every aspect of her rescue is subject to doubt and controversy (including from Jessica Lynch herself), and that her status as a prisoner of war is highly controversial, only adds to the intrigue and confusion of the story. At Linda Tripp's 57
Linda Tripp- a friend of Monica Lewinsky, who recorded her stories about intimate relationships with former US President Bill Clinton on tape and made them public.

The South Node is also conjunct Neptune.

Ernst Hemingway is a great example of these varied influences. He had this conjunction in the sign of Gemini, and he had a magnificent literary imagination. One of his greatest masterpieces was the story “The Old Man and the Sea.” But his work was fueled and inspired by excessive drinking, and he eventually became an alcoholic. He had extremely bad luck in his travels and suffered serious injuries after surviving two plane crashes. Later, he was treated with electric shock for depression, his memory failed him more and more often, and, in the end, he committed suicide. Several of his closest relatives also committed suicide, leading to speculation about a genetic predisposition to excess iron in the blood, leading to cerebellar damage, depression and other diseases.

Here are a few more people with the same aspect: Louisa May Alcott, Carroll Burnett, Shari Lewis, Wiley Nelson, Elizabeth Montgomery (star of the TV series "Charmed"), Jacques Chirac and Bonnie Raitt 58
Shari Lewis is an American entertainer and host of children's television shows. Bonnie Raitt- American singer, guitarist, author and performer of songs in the styles of blues, country, folk, rock. Winner of nine Grammy awards.

(they all have Uranus conjunct the South Node, and many on this list were born in 1933).

The sextile or trine of the nodes to Neptune resembles, in its best manifestations, the effect of the conjunction of the North Node with Neptune, although it works weaker. When Neptune squares the nodes, a person's psychic sensitivity is blocked or his mystical tendencies may conflict with existing social customs, causing the person to feel lonely, rejected or misunderstood. There may be drug problems or danger of poisoning.

Nodal aspects to Pluto

The North Node conjunct Pluto promotes determination, fortitude and willpower. This connection gives power, the ability to maintain control and physical strength, which a person learns to manage. Perhaps in a past life this soul was suppressed and humiliated, as a result of which it could not achieve its goal, so this time the higher powers made sure that it could not fail again. Therefore, now she will cope with any obstacles if she passionately fights for a cause that she considers right.

People with this aspect can succeed in a variety of areas. They have the energy to achieve their goals. The target ignites them. This successful people: surgeons, athletes (there are many of them in this group), mathematicians, artists and many others. The house in which this connection falls indicates those areas where people have opportunities to increase their strength. Supermodel Lauren Hutton had this aspect in her first House - her strength lay in her physical assets. At Ernst Gallo's 59
Ernst Gallo- founder of Californian winemaking.

This connection was in the ninth house, and he gained his strength away from his home. Billie Jean King 60
Billie Jean King- famous American tennis player.

This aspect was in the seventh house and she gained strength through competition.

In the previous guide, I told you about the beginning of the game. Now we'll talk about one of the most important things in Warframe - the map.

On the map you have regular missions, invasions, events, forays, syndicate missions and quests marked.
Today we will only look at the planets. What resources drop on them and what bosses drop on them, as well as loot from bosses.

1. Planets

Initially, you have 2 planets available: Earth and Mercury.
Let's look at everything in order:

1) Earth: Levels: 1-80; Conjunctions: Venus, Mars, Lua; Node: Venus, Mars; Faction – Grineer; Boss - ; resources: Ferrite, Rubedo, Neurodes, Detonite ampoule. There are also Moon missions on Earth.

2) Mercury: Levels: 6-11; Connections: Venus; Faction – Grineer; Boss - ; Resources: Ferrite, Polymer Kit, Morphides, Detonite Ampoule.

3) Venus: Levels 3-18; Connections: Earth, Mercury; Faction – Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Alloys, Polymers, Circuits, Fieldron sample.

4) Jupiter: Levels: 16-30; Conjunctions: Ceres, Europa, Saturn; Node: Saturn, Europe; Faction – Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Recyclables, Alloys, Neural Sensors, Fieldron Sample.

5) Mars: Levels: 8-30; Connections: Earth, Ceres, Phobos; Node: Ceres, Phobos; Faction – Grineer; Boss - ; Resources: Recyclables, Gallium, Morphides, Fieldron Sample.

6) Saturn: Levels: 21-36; Conjunctions: Jupiter, Uranus; Node: Uranus; Faction – Grineer; Boss – Resources: Nanospores, Plastids, Orokin Power Element, Detonite Ampoule.

7) Sedna: Levels: 30-85; Connections: Pluto, Abyss; Faction – Grineer; Boss - ; Resources: Recyclable materials, Alloys, Rubedo, Detonite ampoule.

8) Europe: Levels: 18-33; Connections: Jupiter, Abyss; Faction - Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Rubedo, Control Module, Morphides, Fieldron Sample.

9) Phobos: Levels: 10-25; Connections: Mars, Abyss; Faction – Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Alloys, Plastids, Rubedo, Morphides.

10) Uranus: Levels: 24-37; Conjunctions: Saturn, Neptune; Node: Neptune; Faction – Grineer; Boss - ; Resources: Polymers, Plastids, Gallium, Detonite Ampoule.

11) Eris: Levels: 30-88; Connections: Pluto; Faction – Infected; Boss – , ; Resources: Nanospores, Plastids, Neurodes, Mutagen Sample.

12) Neptune: Levels: 27-40; Connections: Uranus, Pluto, Abyss; Node: Pluto; Faction – Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Nanospores, Ferrite, Control Module, Fieldron Sample.

13) Ceres: Levels: 12-25; Conjunctions: Mars, Jupiter; Node: Jupiter; Faction – Grineer; Boss - and together; Resources: Alloys, Circuits, Orokin Power Cell, Detonite Ampoule.

14) Pluto: Levels: 30-45; Conjunctions: Neptune, Eris, Sedna; Node: Eris, Sedna; Faction – Corps; Boss - ; Resources: Alloys, Plastids, Rubedo, Mophides.

15) Lua: Levels: 25-30; Faction: Corps; Connections: Earth; Resources: Ferrite, Rubedo, Neurodes, Detonite Ampoule.

16) Abyss: Levels: 10-45; Faction: Orokin; Conjunctions: Phobos, Europa, Neptune, Sedna; Conditional boss - found only on missions level 40+. Resources: Ferrite, Rubedo, Control Module, Argon Crystal.

17) Orokin Ruins: Levels: 10-45; Faction: Infected; Connections: access via keys; Boss - . Resources: Nanospores, Mutagen Sample, Orokin Power Cell, Neurod.

2. Mission types

There are 2 types of missions:

1) Non-endless missions
2) Missions of endless type.

Non-endless missions include:

1) Breaking- a mission whose goal is to deliver a data package to a specific terminal and then proceed to an evacuation point.

2) War is a mission in which you need to destroy members of the Grineer and Corpus factions. The mission takes place on invasion maps, but without receiving rewards from any side. Is a variation of the cleanup mission.

3) Mobile defense -
a mission whose goal is to deliver a data packet to the terminals and protect the terminals themselves for a certain time.
On any card there are 2-3 data terminals that need to be protected for a total of 5 minutes.

4) Murder- a mission whose goal is to destroy the Boss or a specific reinforced enemy (found on alarms). Those killed often drop blueprints and rare resources.

5) Espionage is a mission where players must extract sensitive data from enemy servers, out of 3 in total.

6) The rescue is a mission where the goal is to free a hostage while avoiding detection by the Overwatch. As a reward for completing the game, the player receives one of four spectrum drawings.

7) Raid- a mission whose goal is to find an object and transport it for evacuation, preventing its destruction. He moves due to your shields.

8) Hive is a sabotage mission, the goal of which is to find and destroy three Infected hives, and then proceed to the evacuation point. Unique to the Infected faction.

9) Sabotage is a mission where players must sabotage an enemy base or ship. There are four mission types:

Sabotage a ship's reactor on maps Corps or Grineer;
- Destroying mining equipment on Grineer maps;
Destruction of hives on infected Corps ships;
Sabotage of underwater laboratories Tyla Regora on Uranus.

10) Stripping - a mission whose goal is to destroy a certain number of enemies. The number of remaining enemies is indicated by a counter under the mini-map. The only mission with a limited number of opponents.

11) Capture- a mission whose goal is to find and capture an enemy operative. To capture the target, you first need to catch up and deal some damage to knock it down.

12) Invasion - a mission in which we need to choose a side in the conflict and play 3 missions in a row on its side to receive some kind of reward. Sometimes on these missions there is a task to kill the boss.

13) Mobile defense on Archwing- m Archwing Mobile Defense missions are similar to regular Mobile Defense missions.

14) Archwing sabotage- Archwing sabotage missions similar in purpose to regular sabotage missions.

15) Clearing on Archwing- m Archwing clearing missions have similar objectives to regular clearing missions.

Endless missions include:

1) Survival - a mission whose goal is to hold out for as long as possible against constantly arriving enemies.
After activating the control panel, the supply of oxygen begins to decrease, which can be replenished in two ways:
Life support capsules , which periodically appear on the map, and when used, restore 30% of the oxygen supply.
Personal life support capsules, which drop from enemies upon death with a probability of about 65% and restore 5% of their oxygen supply.
You can leave the mission only after 5 minutes have passed since the start. The reward increases similarly to the rewards for endless defense, but instead of waves, the threshold here is a 5-minute interval.

2) Interception- a mission where the main goal is to hold 4 control points on the map: Alpha (A), Bravo (B), Charlie (C), Delta (D). The side that captures the enemy's data faster will win (progress gauge up to 100%). Initially, all 4 towers belong to the enemy; scoring will begin after you capture the first tower. The capture speed depends on the number of your points (~0.5%/sec for all terminals). The enemy can activate the point through the capture remote control or by entering the tower's coverage area if there is no player inside it. To capture, the player must be within the range of the tower. When you finish holding the towers and reach 100%, you need to clear the area of ​​the remaining enemies.

3) Defense - a mission whose goal is to protect a certain object from waves of enemies. The wave is considered completed if all the enemies that appear are dead.
There are two mission options:
Infinite - every five waves you are given the opportunity to either take a randomly generated reward (which one you can see) or continue protection. It is necessary to take into account that the complexity of the waves gradually increases. Thus, the mission is considered valid if the group completes 5, 10, 15, 20, etc. waves, chose a reward and left.
Limited - you need to defend 10 waves, after which you receive a reward. Such defenses are found on alarms, Nightmare mode and infection outbreaks.

4) Excavations- a mission whose goal is to extract the cryotic resource and receive additional rewards using excavators.

5) Archwing interception- m Archwing interception missions are similar in purpose to a conventional interception mission. The goal of these missions is to hold all the towers .

6) Archwing Defense- m Archwing defense missions have similar objectives to regular defense missions. But unlike the simple game mode, in the Archwing mode there are 2 stationary defense objects that require protection, and not just one.

3. Bosses

There are bosses on every planet, the assassination mission in Orokin Ruins and the sabotage missions in Orokin Tower. There are also 4 minibosses and 2 raid bosses.

1) Councilor Wei Hek - a boss who is located in the Oro (Earth) location, which is only accessible to players with rank 5 or higher. The reward for successfully destroying Advisor Vay Hek and completing the mission is one of the blueprints for the Hydroid warframe. Also, after defeating Heck, there is a chance that he will drop an Argon Crystal.
The fight with the Advisor occurs throughout the entire level. During the first stage, he will fly above you, appearing and disappearing again. You can only damage him at this stage when he reveals his face.

Gulchatay! Show your face


Try to avoid close contact with him, as he can give you an electric shock that will reset your energy reserves.
During the final stage, before his life bar is significantly reduced, he will transfer to his frame - Terra. During the battle, he will make high jumps and be constantly on the move, actively using the Propaganda Drone as well as the Orbital Guidance Drone. He has an ability similar to Rhino's Charge - at a short distance from Terra, he uses it, and if you hit your warframe, you will be knocked down. He can also use his Grineer soldiers for healing, try to kill them right away. After destroying Heck's frame, he himself flies out of the level.
I advise you to take a fairly accurate lethal weapon, or a weapon that hits the area when it comes into contact with the surface.

2)Captain Thief - is the boss of Mercury and the first boss players encounter.

He can be found on the Tolstoj mission. After killing him, the player can receive a blueprint for the Kronus sword or a blueprint and parts for the rare Prophet pistol.
Also, Captain Thief, paired with Lieutenant Lech Krill, can be found in the Iliad location on the planet Phobos. Despite the fact that Captain Thief there is a higher level and stronger than on Mercury, his abilities and tactics have not changed. By completing this mission, the player can receive a blueprint for Dual Gremlins or a blueprint and parts for Mythra, as well as in addition to them blueprints for Trinity parts.
A modified and enhanced Thief is also found in the Abyss.

Phase 1
At the beginning of the fight, the Thief primarily uses his Prophet pistol, teleporting around the room. Even though the damage of this pistol is not too high, it can be dangerous for beginners.
Phase 2
At 70% health, he begins to throw Electric Mines, which are similar to Vauban Tesla's ability and attack players nearby. Even though their damage is not too high, standing within the range is highly discouraged, as this can quickly remove the player's shields and health.
Phase 3
At 40% health, Captain Thief stops using his pistol and starts using the Orokin Laser, which deals much more damage than mines.
At each phase change, Captain Thief teleports a platoon of Grineer soldiers into the room, who attack the player while Captain Thief himself encases himself in a golden-colored, impenetrable Shield Sphere and regenerates his shields. While in the sphere, he completely blocks incoming damage, so attacking him at this time is useless.
At any stage of the battle, you should not get too close, as Captain Thief will start using Kronus. The boss's weak spot is the head, so it is recommended to shoot at it.

In Orokin Tower IV, Captain Thief can appear at any point during the mission, so be prepared and stay close to your team. The updated Thief does not summon allies or use an orb of invulnerability to restore shields, but is still able to teleport, leave mines and use a laser. When teleporting, the Thief knocks down opponents, so it is recommended not to stand still and constantly move.
In the tower, he acquires a new ability - Inferno of Light: by lifting the key up, he summons pillars of light from the ground, which cause area damage. Staying inside such a pillar blinds and disorients the player.
The only vulnerable point on the Thief's body is the luminous sphere in the abdomen; shots to other parts of the body will not cause damage to him.

3) Jackal - the final boss on the planet Venus. He is on the Fossa mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Rhino.

When attacking, separate from heavy machine guns, the Jackal can fire a barrage of missiles that deal very heavy damage and can easily kill you in one hit.
Jackal's second ability is sticky grenades. Its main danger is that the damage caused by grenades is very high, and the explosion itself has a large radius. There is a loud bang when the grenades are released. Grenades fly out like a fan in a certain direction and attach to any surface.
The Jackal can also create large shockwaves (which are created by stomping) if the player gets too close, but they can be jumped over.
When you enter the arena to the Jackal, he will be waiting for you in the center of the room. The introductory cutscene starts after all players get close to him.
The Jackal's body is usually protected by a very heavy shield. Most effective way To damage his main body, shots are taken at the legs, which have no protection. Damaging either leg will cause the Jackal to fall, during which his heavy shield is disabled. At this time, it is necessary to deal as much damage as possible until his armor is restored, although after inflicting a certain amount of damage on him, he will in any case get back to his feet, no matter how quickly you did it.
For a period of time, while the Jackal gets up after being knocked down, he will also be resistant to a certain amount of damage.

4)Alad V (read as Alad Vi, not Alad 5 (five)) - one of the most important characters in the game's storyline, as well as the boss of the Corps faction, which is located on Jupiter. He is accompanied by a robotic pet/guard, Zanuka, which he built from parts of Warframes he dismantled. After killing Alad V and Zanuka, you can get one of the Valkyrie blueprints.

Shields phase
Zanuka has a huge amount of shields that are quite difficult to destroy with just weapons, so it makes sense to force him to drop them himself. To do this, simply dodge Zanuka's attacks and concentrate your fire on Alada. Try to shoot at him from a distance, as his Fire Pulse will not allow you to get within melee range. When you remove Alad's shield, he will summon Zanuka to restore his shields. At the same time, Zanucki's own shields disappear.
At this phase, Meg with the Shield Polarization ability will be very useful.

Health phase
Once Zanuck is left without shields, he is much easier to kill. Remember that Alad cannot die until Zanuka is destroyed. In the event that the player continues to attack Alad and reduces his health to zero, Alad will fall and Zanuka will rush to his aid and revive him.
While Zanuka has not restored his shields, concentrate your fire on him and kill him. After Zanucki's death, killing Alad is not difficult. Although Zanuck is agile, most players will still be much faster, making the speed strategy the best. Zanuk's explosions work more as a support, the real threat comes from the missiles, which can remove all shields in one salvo. Just avoid his attacks until he goes down or take him out of the game with skills like Vauban's Bastille. Zanuka can also be knocked down using Loki's Disarming Radiation ability.

5) Sergeant - final boss of Mars. He can be found in the War mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Meg.

The sergeant is in a large open space filled with boxes. It is highly recommended to eliminate all other enemies and isolate the Sergeant before entering the area. Despite its high damage, it fires slowly, so it is advisable to move in a zigzag to avoid its shots. Like a regular Corps soldier, the Sergeant has the same vulnerabilities, and using a weapon with a magnetic or electrical damage mod can put him in permanent stun.

The Sergeant's movements are visible when using the Enemy Detector, even if he is invisible. Or use a guard with fire damage, because he will continue to shoot at the sergeant, even when he is in disguise and unmasks him by burning.

6) General Sargas Rook - the final boss of the planet Saturn, located on the Tethys mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Amber.

General Sargas Rook is invulnerable for most of the fight, so don't waste bullets. The battle consists of 3 phases.

First phase. Rook fires a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher at mid-range, attacks with an AOE explosion in the melee area, and creates a "carpet bombardment" across almost the entire arena. You can hide from attacks in the control booth in the middle of the arena. To enter the second phase, you need to detonate Ruk's shoulder-mounted grenade launcher. It becomes vulnerable only for 2-3 seconds, at which point it is illuminated in blue and white, which is not always clearly visible. After the grenade launcher is detonated, the second phase of the battle begins.

Second phase. Instead of using a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher, Rook starts using a flamethrower. If you get close to it, it causes a ring of fire that quickly expands in area, knocks you down and deals significant damage. Sargas's stomach becomes a weak spot. The damage mechanics are the same as with a grenade launcher. After the point on the stomach is broken, the third phase of the battle begins.

Third phase. During the third phase, Rook uses the abilities from the 2nd phase, and also summons columns of fire that occupy a large area and are capable of causing significant damage. The back becomes the weak spot.

7) Kela De Thame - The final boss of Sedna. Located in the Merrow location. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Sarina.

Kela De Thame's missiles can be nearly neutralized by constant movement, but this is quite dangerous due to the Grineer rollers she summons. Three rollers at the same time can completely block the player, so if there are fewer of them, it is better to try to kill Kelu as soon as possible.

Fight on the ledges
A good battle option might be to position yourself on the high ledges at the end of the boss arena. Due to the high altitude and distance, it is easy to move away from incoming missiles and render Kela's missiles useless. The best thing about this option is that the drones can easily get stuck in the walls when they try to climb the stairs to reach you. This makes the battle with Kela quite easy. However, you need to be careful not to fall off the ledge if any drone does make it to the top.

Pipe fight.
There is another placement option, on white pipes at the central level. They're long enough to strafe left and right while avoiding missiles, and they're adjacent to two black boxes for extra space. Drones cannot reach you while you are on the pipes, although they can periodically hit you while jumping. Here you also need to be careful not to fall.

8) Raptor is a Corpus boss found in the Naamah mission on Europa. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Nova.

Before fighting the boss, it is preferable to clear the arena of other enemies.
During the battle with the Raptor, you should not constantly be in the open space; hide in containers or in ventilation shafts on both sides of the arena, making short-term forays.
At the beginning of the battle, the Raptor attacks with laser charges, which, thanks to their high speed, you can dodge or hide. Raptor also scatters mines across the field, which will explode when the player approaches. Be careful, because while looking for the boss in the sky, you may not notice the mine under your feet.
Although the Raptor has relatively strong shields, they do not automatically regenerate. Therefore, several times during the battle, after receiving serious damage, the Raptor will fire homing missiles and close to restore shields. You should not try to run away from missiles in open space or hide behind an obstacle - too large a damage zone will not allow you to do this. So, as soon as you hear the sound of rockets being fired, run to a shelter with a roof and wait out the attack.
When the Raptor closes, the vulnerable points are its head and tail.
When killed, its core drops out. It must be thrown down all 3 "chimneys".

9) Teal Regor - the boss of Uranus, located in the Titania location. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the eight blueprints for Equinox.

The boss battle takes place in a unique arena, and takes place in three different phases. The arena itself is three stories high, and it looks like a huge round room with a statue of Regor himself in the center. Along the edges of the room there are movable platforms that move out and form a kind of balcony when the second phase of the battle begins. You start the battle on the middle level, under the feet of the statue.

The battle with Til Regor takes place in three stages:

Stage 1: Teal Regor will appear and begin attacking any nearby players with his ax and shield Ak and Brant. Regor moves extremely quickly, despite his appearance, which makes fighting him difficult. He also uses the smoke screen that Mad Men use to disguise their actions. Throughout the first stage, Regor will teleport around players and try to take them out of the game. Having lost a third of his health, he will "shoot" his fists through the window, flooding the lower floor of the hall, and starting the second stage.

Stage 2: Right after the second stage begins, Regor will teleport out of the room, leaving you to fight a group of Drekar Madmen. Once the players have destroyed all the Madmen, Teal Regor will return back to the room and continue to attack you. Having lost the second third of his health, he will move to the upper level and break the second glass, completely flooding the two lower levels and starting the third phase of the battle.

Stage 3: It is best for you to spend the entire third stage on the upper level of the location, because the lower two will be flooded, and the water will be electrified. Being in water will cause constant high damage (around 50 per second), which can kill Tenno with low shields or health. Also, at the third stage, Regor leaves against you not only the usual Drekar Madmen, but also the Drekar Mad Bombers. By destroying them all, you will force Regor to return to the room, where they will only have to finish off the remaining third of the enemy’s health, after which they will proceed to the evacuation.

10) Mutalist Alad V is a mutated version of Alad V that first appeared in update 15.5. He is the boss of Eris. You can get to it only by making the key Infected Alad V - Murder in the forge after completing the quest "Patient Zero".

The reward for destroying the Mutalist Alad V is blueprints for parts of Misa's wargame.

Mutalist Alad V is completely invulnerable to all types of damage while wearing his collar. Alad becomes vulnerable only at the moment when he uses one of the abilities associated with this collar. Damage types such as toxic or slashing can damage him even if he is invulnerable, but all damage will only be dealt when he removes his collar.

During the battle, other Infected will appear in the arena. The main threat is the Tar Mutalist MOA, which will try to slow you down, and the Swarmer Mutalist MOA, which will release clouds of infected spores, reducing the Warframes' visibility and dealing minor damage over time. It is recommended to destroy the appearing enemies as soon as possible so that they do not interfere with the battle.

11) Pack of Hyenas - These are robots created by the Corps. They can be found on the planet Neptune in the Psamathe mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of Loki's three blueprints.

Hyenas are vulnerable to Warframe abilities such as Rhino's Stomp or Vauban's Bastille.
​If you are playing in a team, try to focus on one Hyena, then finish off the rest.
Hyena Th(Thorium) uses magnetic damage, which means that when you receive damage it can “burn” all your energy, it is recommended to kill it first.

12. Lieutenant Lech Creel the final boss on the planet Mars. Can be found in the War mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Excalibur.

Also, Lieutenant Lech Kril, paired with Captain Thief, can be found in the Exta location on the planet Ceres and knock out parts of Frost from them.

This boss enters the battle in two different phases, using different abilities in each:

Phase 1.
During this phase, Creel only uses Gorgon. With her extremely high fire rate and damage output (29 damage per shot), your shields and health will disappear in a matter of seconds. When trying to get too close, Kreel will start using his Brokk, knocking the player to the ground.

In addition to weapons, he also has two abilities to assist himself in battle. The first of these is Freeze, the same as Frost's Freeze, which serves as a weapon projectile. If it hits a player, it will deal 150 damage and will additionally add a freeze effect on you, significantly slowing down your movements for a few seconds. The second ability is Ice Wave, similar to Frost's ability. Watch Creel's animation: when he raises the hammer in front of him and slams it down, he will create a straight wave of icicles in front of him that deals massive damage.

When the battle begins, Creel is completely invulnerable. However, he has a red energy ball on a cooling tube on his back. This ball can be seen during the cutscene; it is Creel's weak point. Once the ball is destroyed, one of the four cooling pipes is destroyed, forcing him to use Ice Wave, causing Kreel's cryopack to malfunction and him to freeze himself by slamming Brokk into the ground if no one is near him, becoming temporarily vulnerable.

Continue until the four cooling pipes collapse.

Phase 2.
Once Creel's cooling pipes are destroyed, he will go berserk, covering himself in flames. At this point, he will lose his invulnerability, remove the Gorgon and enter the melee using Brokk.
Despite his large size, Creel is extremely fast and can easily catch you. His hammer is very powerful in combat and has a much faster impact speed in the second phase. He also has the ability to knock over the player, although this can be avoided if you are careful enough. Of course, Creel can be smarter than just chasing the player in a circle.
During Phase 2, Krill's Ice Wave will turn into a Flame Wave, which Krill uses in front of him, creating a direct blast that deals temporary fire damage to the player. He can also launch his hammer at the player like a boomerang, similar to a Glaive throw, dealing approximately 300 damage per hit.

There is a huge vulnerability in Kril's defense - a long delay before the shield is restored. However, this disadvantage is compensated by incredibly strong armor, which reduces all damage done to his health.

13) Ambulas - the final boss of the planet Pluto. It can be found in the Hades mission. At the end of the mission, the player receives any of the three blueprints for Trinity.

Before entering the boss, you need to collect 40 Animo navigation beacons.
The mission takes place at the Corpus Outpost. First you need to find the place where finished robots are loaded into Frod Bek's ship. After the entire team has gathered on the take-off site, the lifts are activated. Each wave, two copies of Ambulas will be delivered to the surface (with the exception of the first) and a 2-minute timer will start. To win, you need to disable them, hack 6 copies and protect them until the end of the countdown. If you miss at least 3, then Frod Beck will remain satisfied and leave the planet with a deadly cargo.

14)Lefantis – boss of the Infected, added in update 10. In the original it was supposed to replace J3-Golem (replaced by Alad V), but was moved to Orokin Ruins. It is also the most difficult to kill, since the Lephantis Coordinates necessary to gain access to the boss can only be obtained in the Orokin Ruins locations, and he himself is killed in several stages.

The reward for destroying Lephantis is drawings of Warfame parts Nekros.

When entering the boss room, a short video plays in which the head of the Ancient Infected bursts out from under the floor, opens its mouth and disappears back.

Lefantis will not appear until all players are in the same room.

Phase 1.

This phase of the boss fight takes place in an empty room with the destructible remains of the Death Balls. Heads randomly burst out of the floor, knocking down nearby players. During this phase, the player is attacked by 3 heads with different abilities. You must move around the map, dodging poison bombs, spikes and scythe attacks, while attacking the heads that appear. Don't forget that damage is only dealt to vulnerable spots highlighted in pink; there is no point in shooting at the body. You will also have to kill the summoned Infected Runners and destroy their respawn points.

After destruction, each head drops items in the form of Mods, Energy/Health Spheres and various ammunition. Once all three heads are destroyed, another video of the ceiling collapsing will play, forcing the player to drop down to the level below.

Phase 2.

In the second phase you meet Lephantis himself, all of whose heads are aligned. Head attacks remain unchanged. If you get too close to Lefantis, he will drop his body to the floor and knock down nearby players. The heads are located on different sides, so you can only attack one head at a time. The only way to kill Lephantis is to destroy all the heads. The best way is the alternate destruction of heads, when all players focus attacks on one head. If you stand opposite one of the heads, then the other heads will not be able to deal damage to you (although their attacks will not stop).

During this phase of the fight, Runners, Jumpers and Infestoids appear from the infected spawn points. Puddles of water in the second phase deal electrical damage.

15) Forid - the boss of the Infected, who appears instead of regular bosses when an Outbreak of Infection occurs on the planet. In this case, the player is given the choice of which assassination mission to go through: the original boss of that planet or Phorid.

Phorid's claws deal heavy damage and knockback, making melee combat with him solo or with two players practically suicidal. However, you shouldn't be too far from him either, since Phorid can use Psionic Charges.
Vulnerable to corrosion due to the type of armor it has.

16) Sisters Sprague and Ven'Kra Tel - special Grineer minibosses. They are two of the three minibosses with the Abyss Keys needed to close the Portal. Both have jetpacks, giving them fairly high mobility. Sprague uses Ax (Scindo with Manticore skin) and special abilities melee, and Ven'Kra Tel uses Vulkar and special ranged abilities.

The easiest and fastest way to kill the sisters before they discover you is by shooting at the jetpacks from a weapon that deals high damage per shot. It is well suited for this task Loki with mod installed Silent Invisibility , since otherwise the sisters may hear your shot, and this will lead to their active movement even if they did not see you and, as a result, it will be difficult for you to hit their jetpacks.

17) Lynx- A mini-boss found in some Orokin Sabotage missions. Lynx is similar to bosses such as Ven'Kra Tel and Sprague. In addition to Orokin Sabotage, Lynx is also encountered by players during the Archwing quest.

Also, in the espionage mission there is a Grineer vault, in which a Lynx appears when the alarm is activated.
First, kill the Lynx Leeches (until you do this, no damage will be dealt to the Lynx). Next, you can calmly attack. The boss, unlike the Jackal, is very easy, a couple of accurate shots from any weapon are enough.
It may happen that on an espionage mission in a Grineer location you may come across a vault with Lynx herself in the middle of the room. Initially, the Lynx does not show any activity, but if the alarm is raised, the Lynx will descend and begin an attack. As a rule, the Lynx's level is close to the set level of the opponents on the map, so on Mercury it will not cause any special problems. However, if you don’t want to fight him, you can either run away or set Grineer soldiers on him.

18) Juggernaut Behemoth - a monstrously strong and huge monster of the Infected faction, resembling an enlarged Forid. Appeared as a boss on Eris during the tactical alert Punishment of the Black Cumin. Since update 17.5, he has been present on the mission to kill Golem Jordas as the boss of the first stage.

A very durable and armored boss, in addition, he is vulnerable only at certain points, which are mainly located on his stomach. In a short period of time, after shooting with spikes, vulnerable points open on the back. The simplest tactic against him is to use Nova to slow him down.

19) Golem Jordas is the boss of the Infected on Eris. Combining the flesh of the Infected with the technology of a Corpus ship, Golem Jordas uses powerful weapons combined with impressive armor to combat enemies in deep space. From the Golem you can get parts of the Atlas warframe.

The battle takes place in 2 stages: the first phase - on the Infected ship, the second - in space in Archwing mode.

The first stage of the battle requires reaching the point - the mission goal, where players will encounter the Juggernaut Behemoth. After defeating the mini-boss, the battle moves into the second stage and players move into space (Archwing mode), where the battle with the Golem takes place.
The Golem's only weak point is the engines on its back. During the battle, the boss moves between several points. While stationary, Jordas fires a laser at a random player three times, creates a rapidly expanding medium-radius sphere of fire centered near him, and releases a sphere of electricity that chases one player at high speed. It is recommended to dodge laser shots and avoid collisions with the sphere of electricity. When moving, the boss leaves a path in which infected drones appear. When the boss's health drops below 40%, the Golem will constantly move when the player approaches a sufficiently close distance, without leaving a path with drones behind it.
When killing a boss, it is recommended to use the Corrosive Burst aura.

20) Grastragh Three are a Grineer death squad that hunt those who help the Corps.

When fighting Grastragas, it is worth remembering the following things:

When they appear at the location, the troika will quickly begin to approach you, trying to crush you with numbers and good weapons.
-3 The Death Cube can cause some problems, try to keep a distance between you and the Trinity.
-Use the features of the landscape, climb high and wide boxes, run along stairs, try not to make direct contact.
-Avoid dead ends and narrow corridors; well-shot places are good only as long as your enemies are far from you.
-If possible, lure the Grastragh Three out into the open.

21) Stalker is a dark and vengeful character who appears during quests. His level is significantly higher than that of other enemies. It attacks one player and will not disappear until it kills the target or is defeated. His appearance is preceded by flashing lights and ominous threats in the form of an image of the Stalker with a message, which are displayed only to the target player. After the third message, he appears near the target, regardless of its position. After defeating or killing the victim, the Stalker disappears in a cloud of smoke.

In order for the Stalker to start hunting the player, it is necessary to kill bosses. After killing the boss by the player himself, the Stalker will send a threatening letter, which can be read in incoming messages.

Stalker has three types of weapons in his arsenal. After his appearance, he uses his main weapon called Fear. In the midst of battle, it is possible to use a secondary weapon, Despair. If the Player gets too close, the Stalker will use a scythe with a terrifying blade called Hatred.

Shadow Stalker

After completing the Second Dream quest, Stalker appears in shadow form. Armed with the heavy sword War and equipped with the armor of Pacal, the Shadow Stalker can adapt to damage in the same way as the Sentients. He doesn't use Fear or Despair, which puts him at a disadvantage at long range. Shadow Stalker's main attacks are dealt by the Majestic Blade ability using the heavy sword of War.


  • The stalker comes to players whose warframe level is above rank 10.

  • The Stalker can appear in any location, except for boss kill missions, Syndicates, forays, as well as missions where enemies should not appear (Dojo and Relay).

  • To increase the number of times the Stalker appears, it is worth killing several different bosses.

    • On the mission to kill a Pack of Hyenas, a letter can be obtained for each of 4 Hyenas.

    • A letter for killing Captain Thief can be obtained by killing this boss on the planet Phobos.

  • In a team, only the target will be able to see the Stalker's messages, but all players will see the light flashing. Regardless of whether the Stalker wins or loses, the light will flash as he leaves.

  • The Stalker does not belong to any faction, therefore he can be killed not only by Tenno, but also by members of other factions.

  • The chance of a Stalker appearing is 1.5% (~ 1 time in 65 missions) + 0.5% for each player in the group, if each player has a Stalker mark.

    • There is a delay of 30 to 280 seconds (~4 minutes) before the Stalker appears on any mission.

  • Shadow Stalker is slightly taller than Warframe.

22) Hunter Zanuck is a gray-colored copy of Zanukki, controlled by Alad V. The Reaper appears like a Stalker when the light flashes, and attacks one Tenno. Neutral for other players until they attack him.

You can provoke an attack by Hunter Zanukki by supporting Grineer in invasion missions. After 5 completed missions, a message will be received from Alad V warning of an attack, however, this does not mean that Hunter Zanuka will appear on the next mission.

Zanuck's Hunter only attacks in missions against the Corps (including invasion missions against the Corps).

If Hunter Zanuck kills the target and successfully captures it, a secret mission will start where you will need to collect your weapons/abilities and escape. If you fail this mission, the warframe and weapons become transparent in the inventory and are unavailable for use until the next replay of this mission.

Tracing all possible positions of the Lunar Nodes in the horoscope by sign, house, and their aspects with the planets is not the task of this article. We will concentrate on studying planetary conjunctions with the Lunar Nodes, taking into account an orb of 5-6 degrees.\

Lunar nodes in the horoscope

Let us study how planetary energy is brought to the fore by a planet falling on the Head or Tail of the Dragon, according to the issues discussed. Remember that the Lunar Nodes are points on the ecliptic where the ancient serpent-dragons swallowed the Sun and Moon, where the divine comes into contact with the personal

North Lunar Node conjunct the Sun

When the Sun and the Dragon's Head connect, the ego intensifies. The Sun, being the energy of recognition and achievement, can be beneficial on a personal level when partnered with the Dragon's Head. The conjunction, due to its exceptional material nature, can correspond to fame and material success

Actress Brooke Shields has her Dragon head conjunct her Sun in Gemini in the 9th house. By the age of 11 she was professional model. Within two years, she became a millionaire and was on her way to fame. Manfred von Richthoffen, a German flying ace who fought in World War 1, had this conjunction in Taurus in the 5th house.

He was born into a prosperous military family. His passion for recognition was so strong that in just two years of air combat he recorded more than 80 enemy kills. By his early death at the age of 26, he had achieved enduring fame as the "Red Baron". Finally, Richard Alpert, known as "Ram Das", had this exact conjunction in Aries, in the 10th house.

He was a renowned psychology professor at Harvard, working with Timothy Leary, who embraced Eastern philosophy and became known as the Western Guru, author of Be Here Now, Grist for the Mill", "The Only Dance There is"

Clients also exhibit ego intensification with this Sun/North Node conjunction. A woman with an exact conjunction in Cancer in the 7th house could not find satisfaction in relationships for a long time. She has been married four times and is not giving up. The desire for marital happiness was always “around the corner” in every subsequent relationship.

Another woman with this conjunction in Aquarius in the 11th house is deeply involved in spiritual quests in this life. She participated in several religious groups, but eventually became disillusioned and left. But her passion for community of faith was so strong that she eventually began the all-consuming search again in a new form.

A person with an exact conjunction in Taurus in the 12th house was trying unsuccessfully to sell a "new age" product to the business community. He constantly suffered failures and bankruptcy, but was not disappointed. The passion for recognition of ideas was so strong in him that even bankruptcy did not deter him. We'll probably read about him in the rags to riches section in the coming years because his personal need is so great that he doesn't know the word stop.

The conjunction of the Dragon's Head with the Sun gives an urgent need to fulfill the urge of the ego in the material world. There is a passionate need for recognition. Fame and fortune often accompany such people, but the desire for more never leaves them.

This can lead to spirituality, as in the case of Alpert, but only after the person has become disillusioned with material life. This connection can also lead to destruction, as in the case of von Richthoffen - the impulses of the ego can never be satisfied, more is always required until the balance is upset and the personality is destroyed

South Lunar Node conjunct the Sun

When the South Node of the Moon conjuncts the Sun, the ego is often pushed out of this world. The personality is identified with the unusual, the other, or the otherworldly. The ego needs achievements in this world, but the quest is directed through unusual or spiritual channels. Ultimately, they seek transcendence, which is usually motivated by some perceived personal loss

Mysterious German general Erwin Rommel had in his chart an exact conjunction of the Tail of the Dragon with the Sun in Scorpio in the 10th house. He gained fame as the "Desert Fox" thanks to his unusual desert warfare strategy, and he ultimately sacrificed himself for an even more selfish purpose: his suicide ensured the safety of his family and fame for himself

Famous film actor Paul Newman has this conjunction in Aquarius in the 1st house. Interestingly, his first film, The Silver Chalice, portrays him in a spiritual light. In other films with his participation, such as “Cool Hand Luke”, “Hombre”, “The Mackintosh Man”, etc., he is depicted as a loner and a fighter against traditional beliefs. Unfortunately, he lost his son, Alan Scott Newman, to a drug overdose. Alan also had such a connection within two degrees

Finally, the famous film director Roman Polanski has this exact conjunction in the 8th house. Although professionally very successful, he was touched by personal tragedies: the loss of his mother at Auschwitz; the murder of his wife, Sharon Tate; allegations of his sexual misconduct damaged his reputation in Hollywood and he was ostracized and isolated in Europe

Clients and their loved ones with such a connection in the chart have also experienced a loss of earthly identification. A client with a Dragon Tail/Sun conjunction in the 6th house in Pisces was dishonored by her own father. Later she devoted her life to serving others - she began working in the social sphere. Another client had this connection in the 12th house.

The strong psychic ability to conjure up visual images, combined with out-of-body experiences, initially wreaked havoc on her mind. But when she realized and accepted that there is a reality greater than this world, she directed her energy into life and began to practice healing, drawing energies from a greater reality. Finally, three famous astrologers have such a conjunction: the first in Sagittarius in the 1st house, the second in Scorpio in the 6th house, the last in Virgo in the 12th house

All three are in private practice. All of them experienced personal loss, and this loss changed their earthly identification. They are extremely helpful to their clients in their crises and traumas, since they themselves have experienced similar things. When the South Node is conjunct the Sun, there is a rejection of that with which the person has identified and developed, as in the cases of Rommel, Newman and Polanski.

This usually occurs when there is some kind of personal loss. This conjunction often indicates the individual's awareness of returning to the divine or some other reality in an attempt to comprehend that which is beyond our ability to control or change. On this path, the personality gets rid of the material world and can ultimately become spiritualized. The bite of the snake and the Sun snatch the individual from the dignity of this world, and the children of sorrow become bearers of joy

North Lunar Node conjunct the Moon

The Moon is the planet of awareness. She identifies with the feelings, with the understanding created through the feelings. From this understanding our feelings are formed. When the Lunar North Node connects with the Moon, awareness of feelings and thoughts increases. Sensitivity and restlessness increase as the mind craves more and more satisfaction. This connection increases perception to extraordinary levels, often to the point of genius.

The German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche had the Moon in exact conjunction with the Dragon's Head in Sagittarius, close to the Ascendant. His experience of perception was incredible, which was complicated by syphilis. Ultimately, this led to his death as a result of insanity

Cult killer Charles Manson had this close conjunction in Aquarius in the 10th house. His religious beliefs were so strong that he forced the Manson Family to act on his mad genius.

For the cult priest Jim Jones, this conjunction is in Aries in the 3rd house. His insatiable thirst for spiritual knowledge led him to create a spiritual organization called the Human Temple. Like Manson, he founded a family in true lunar fashion, but when his feelings took the form of paranoia, he convinced nearly a thousand followers to commit mass suicide in Guyana in 1978

In conclusion, how positive example, let us give the example of Karl Marx, philosopher, social theorist, writer, and political figure. He has the Dragon's Head conjunct the Moon in Taurus in the 2nd house. The understanding of social classes presented in the Communist Manifesto and Capital convinced a generation to accept his ideology in the grand social experiment of communism.

Another insightful genius is Emmanuel Swedenborg. He has a Taurus conjunction in the 3rd house. This prominent mystic received a revelation in 1745 and taught that Heaven and Hell do not actually exist - rather, they are states of consciousness here on earth

The conjunction of the Dragon's Head with the Moon brings deep awareness and the ability to influence the masses. Insatiable drive conjunct the Moon can produce great geniuses like Marx and Swedenborg, or mad geniuses like Manson and Jones

Clients with this connection in their chart also demonstrated the power of perception and persuasion. One woman with this conjunction in Scorpio in the 8th house is a multi-level marketing genius who has achieved great wealth through the use of market strategies. Another client with this conjunction in Gemini in the 11th house is a gifted teacher who teaches several disciplines, including massage, homeopathy and kinesiology.

He's incredibly popular. Finally, the lecturer new era(conjunction in e Aries in the 2nd house), traveling around the world, captivates huge audiences with his deepest insight. His mother was mentally ill and created an unusual basis for perceptive tension in the family. This connection brings great awareness, translating into security and success in a general sense for business people, teachers and healers

South Lunar Node conjunct the Moon

The connection of the Dragon's Tail with the Moon takes feelings and thoughts into an otherworldly reality, strengthens the understanding of other planes of consciousness. The individual is aware of a greater reality. This can greatly spiritualize the mind or lead to dementia. Man is given the ability to feel and understand reality in a way that others are not given. This understanding overwhelms the consciousness and weakens its concentration on the material.

One of the greatest saints of India, Sri Ranmana Maharshi, has the Tail of the Dragon and Moon conjunct Cancer in the 9th house. He was born right after lunar eclipse. His philosophy is to simply be yourself. He often translates his vast understanding of the nature of life into the language of silence - an experiential flow for those seeking enlightenment

The great German composer Richard Wagner had such a conjunction in Aquarius in the 9th house. Instead of the universal language of silence, his genius created as a mediator the universal language of music. His awareness soared to other realms, the realms of myth in the cycle of operas "The Ring of the Nibelungs." Its themes reflect the eternal conflict between the forces of light and darkness

The murderer Theodore Bundy has a Tail of the Dragon conjunct Sagittarius Moon in the 4th house. Here we have a receptive consciousness, saturated with madness, obeying only its obsessive, otherworldly compulsions. His manners were so convincing and charming that he seduced and killed more than a hundred women

Clients with the Tail of the Dragon conjunct the Moon have experienced similar heightened awareness. One woman with such a conjunction in the 12th house used her psychic knowledge to help with a real estate sale. Another woman with this conjunction in Pisces in the 4th house came from a very religious family.

Her mother with early years directed her attention to the divine and allowed her to evaluate the religious beliefs of other people. Another woman has this conjunction in Sagittarius. She was very receptive. The prescribed medications led to a deterioration in her ability to perceive reality. Unfortunately, in a moment of despair, she committed suicide.

Finally, one of the clients has this conjunction in Gemini in the 12th house. This woman has very sublime knowledge. She is married to a priest. Other realities invade her perception, which requires prolonged psychotherapy

The conjunction of the Dragon's Tail and the Moon enhances the consciousness of the individual. This enhancement enhances the perception of other areas of consciousness and can create deep spiritual or idealistic knowledge, as in the cases of Sri Ranman Maharshi and Wagner. It can also produce extreme dementia and otherworldly obsessions, as in the case of Bundy

North Lunar Node conjunct Mercury

When the North Node of the Moon is conjunct Mercury, a person's intellectual abilities increase. A strong desire appears to comprehend and name all phenomena perceived by the mind. This often provides knowledge and experience in the field of commerce, etc.

The brilliant financier J.R. Morgan had the Dragon's Head conjunct Mercury in the 2nd house. Here we are dealing with a mind devoted to the vast accumulation of property. From the same area - a conjunction in Cancer in the 9th house for Nelson Rockefeller. Inheriting nearly half a billion dollars from his father, he used these enormous resources to achieve personal and political power

The great French novelist and prolific playwright Honoré de Balzac had an exact Dragon's Head conjunction with Mercury in Taurus on the MC. He was known as a tireless writer, and the number of his characters held in his head and on the pages of novels exceeds two thousand

The dark side is Anton Levi, who had such a conjunction in Taurus in the 2nd house. He is the author of "The Bible of Satan", the founder of the first Church of Satan in San Francisco in 1966. Grigory Rasputin has this conjunction in Gemini in the IV house. It is widely known that the mad monk had a huge influence on Alexandra, the wife of Tsar Nicholas, and on the royal family

Clients with a Dragon's Head Mercury conjunction exhibit varying degrees of acuity intellectual development. A man with this conjunction in Taurus in the 4th house is a brilliant marketing manager for a large computer software company. Another man with such a connection in the 12th house is recruiting staff for a technical support line to solve problems related to computers. Each of these people is quite successful in their field of knowledge

The Northern Lunar Node in conjunction with Mercury enhances the activity of the mind. He becomes insatiable and demands more and more knowledge, measuring, counting and posting valuable information. This combination can serve to create great businessmen, as in the case of Morgan and Rockefeller, or intellectuals, such as Balzac, Levy and Rasputin.

South Node conjunct Mercury

When the South Node is conjunct Mercury, it directs the intellect to explore and measure otherworldly realms of perception. There may be an interest in spiritualism and the occult. The mind is often distracted from everyday life and focused on another reality, imaginary or fantastic

Uri Geller has a Tail of the Dragon conjunction with Mercury in Sagittarius in the 2nd house. His telekinesis abilities have been tested and confirmed by the Stanford Research Institute. Johann Eckhart, nicknamed "Hitler's spiritual grandfather", had this conjunction in Pisces in the 1st house. Eckhart was known as a poet and playwright.

He received imaginary sensations in part as a result of his addiction to alcohol and morphine. Comedian Freddie Prinze has this conjunction in Cancer in the 9th house. This comedian skyrocketed to fame thanks to his quick, witty delivery. Unfortunately, he passed away in a moment of depression.

Finally, John Robbins - heir to the success of Baskin Robbins ice cream - has such a conjunction in Scorpio in the 3rd house. He is a writer, lecturer, visionary spreading the food message around the world in modern times. He is even more trustworthy since he has turned his back on the family’s success

In the everyday world, people who have the Tail of the Dragon conjunct Mercury are also interested in alternate realities and demonstrate unusual mental abilities. One woman with this conjunction in Aquarius in the 3rd house is a sales representative for international health food products.

Another woman with such a conjunction in Gemini in the 12th house traveled all over the world in search of spiritual teachers and information. Another lady with such a connection in Scorpio in the 4th house complains of bizarre dreams and depressive uncontrollable turns of mind. As a result, each of these individuals demonstrates mental “intoxication” or fascination with some kind of mental quest

When there is a conjunction of the Tail of the Dragon with Mercury in the chart, some unusual mental abilities are observed, as in the cases of Heller and Eckhart. The mind is carried away in other areas - from the imaginary in Robbins to the disconcerting like in the Prince. A snake bite poisons and sharpens mental abilities, allowing one to embrace otherworldly phenomena.

North Lunar Node conjunct Venus

When the North Node is conjunct Venus, Venusian characteristics such as artistry, musicality, beauty, and a sense of destiny in relationships are enhanced. This position can lead to fame in the arts, as it envelops the individual in all kinds of attention. Such people are often drawn into karmic relationships with others.

Connie Francis, the popular singer and sensation of the 60s, had her Dragon's Head conjunct Venus in Sagittarius in the 12th house. Her four marriages ended in divorce, and in 1974, beaten and raped, she lost her beautiful voice and lived in isolation for several years. Jean Anouilh, one of the outstanding post-war playwrights, had such a conjunction in Taurus in the 1st house. His characters broke off relationships with others in order to remain alone. His most famous work is "Waltz of the Toreadors"

For Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, this conjunction is in Aries in the 6th house. His work included continued close contact with patients

Astrology teacher J. Arien has such a conjunction in Cancer in the 11th house. She married a man 10 days after he came to her classes. 6 years later he killed her and then turned the gun on himself

Clients have similar painful relationships. A man with such a conjunction in Aquarius in the 9th house is a priest in a large congregation. He is known for his special sensitivity; he claims connections to the group in a past life. Another man with such a conjunction in Cancer in the 12th house suffered constant torment from his wife for several years. When he lost his job, she left him. Finally, a woman with such a conjunction in the 10th house suffered repeated insults and humiliation from her own mother as a child. Now she is involved in such relationships with other special individuals, and the lifestyle of her family is repeated. The individuals described above demonstrate a domineering, personally obsessive way of relating; they are drawn into karmic relationships with others

South Node conjunct Venus

When the South Node of the Moon is conjunct Venus, Venusian qualities are enhanced and can be spiritualized or idealized. There is an acute need for relationships on a different level. This creates an increased spiritual orientation in life and in relationships with others. This orientation may be based on spirituality, idealism, or fantasy

Christopher Isherwood has a South Node conjunct Venus in Virgo in the 4th house. His works are mainly devoted to Vedic philosophy, pacifism and the search for the meaning of life

Michelangelo has this conjunction in Aries on the IC. His frescoes, sculptures, the Sistine Madonna in Rome reflect human relations and the drama of religiosity like never before

Dean Martin, actor and singer, also has this conjunction, almost exactly, in Cancer in the 4th house. He had a predestined relationship with Jerry Lewis and with his son Dino, who tragically died in a military plane crash

On the dark side, we have the example of William Bonin, the famous California killer. He has this conjunction in Sagittarius in the 2nd house. He killed more than twenty boys, recruiting other boys to help him commit his crimes

The client's charts also raise the issue of obsessive relationships. A woman with an exact conjunction in Gemini in the 7th house was sexually pursued by the same man for almost her entire life, and she compared everyone to him. Another woman has this conjunction in Cancer in the 9th house. She communicates exclusively with people of Eastern origin

With the Tail of the Dragon conjunct Venus we see literary and artistic inclinations like Isherwood and Michelangelo. But most importantly, there is a thirst for personal relationships that transcend the boundaries of this world. This can lead to spiritual heights of consciousness, to a close relationship with someone's artistry or someone's deity, or to an obsessive relationship of madness, like William Bonin

North Lunar Node conjunct Mars

When the North Node of the Moon is conjunct Mars, desire intensifies. This can lead to great ambition, inspiration, passion and achievement. Such a person can be a powerful advocate of personal conviction. It is often recognized that Mars is associated with the process of materialization. But if such individuals encounter obstacles on the way to fulfilling their worldly desires, they can easily become angry and become cruel.

Hugo Black, a prominent Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, has the Head of the Dragon conjunct Mars in Virgo in the 10th house. He was characterized as a "militant humanist." Sir Richard Burton, the famous British Orientalist, had this exact conjunction in Pisces in the 4th house. This adventurer traveled through Arabia, Ethiopia, Africa, recording everything he saw, Finally, the actor Sal Mineo had this conjunction in Scorpio in the 10th house. He started on Broadway at the age of 11 with boundless enthusiasm. In 1976 he died a violent death, partly due to his great energy

So we see individuals with enormous energy and passion for what they do. Often it is sheer assertiveness that propels them to the top of their field. The Dragon's Head conjunct Mars gives a constant impatience in search of the next achievement.

In client charts this connection is no less powerful. For one woman this conjunction is in Gemini in the 1st house. She was the president of a corporation appropriately called Rival Intelligence. She later left it for a shelter for abused women. Another woman, who has a very precise conjunction in Aquarius in the 10th house in her chart, has helped create several types of businesses and is now organizing a non-profit enterprise. Both of these women are very successful, true leaders. On their own, they achieved recognition in their chosen cause. Both of them are tireless, and are sure to achieve even more

When the Dragon's Head is connected to Mars, the snake's bite poisons the nature with desire. These individuals passionately pursue what they desire, and this can lead them to power and prestige, as in the case of Burton and Black. However, dissatisfaction with what has been achieved often grows, pushing the individual to start all over again.

South Node conjunct Mars

When the South Node is conjunct Mars, desires increase in the same way as when Mars is conjunct the Dragon's Head. However, the source of inspiration is otherworldly. The need for achievement is often quite idealistic and can be spiritually instilled from time to time. If the strong desires of nature are blocked in any way, individuals may become frustrated, angry and, if provoked, enraged.

Mark Spitz, a famous Olympic swimmer, has an exact Tail of the Dragon conjunction with Mars in the 2nd house. He started swimming at an early age and the desire of his strong nature led him to the title of "World's Best Swimmer" at the age of 17. He broke five world records and won seven gold medals at the 1972 Olympics

Presidential candidate Edmund Jerry Brown has this conjunction in Taurus in the 10th house. He was elected governor of California in 1974. Jerry was known among his friends and co-workers as a workaholic. Here we have the motivating energy of Mars used in an idealistic political cause. This man will never stop and we will hear about him again and again thanks to the tireless Mars conjunct the snake

Finally, King Rama Mongut IV had such a conjunction, almost exact, in Leo in the 11th house. He became famous thanks to the book and film "Anna and the King of Siam", and there was a play about him on Broadway, "The King and I". It is known that he had more than 60 children, and this is all the more remarkable because for 27 years before taking the throne he remained celibate. Here the strong desire of Mars is exceeded by the idealistic religious urge to remain chaste in the face of the divine

The clients demonstrated Martian qualities, defined in a similar way. One man has the South Node conjunct Mars in Libra on the Ascendant. He is a brilliant therapist and massage therapist, his students adore him. Another man has this conjunction in Libra in the 5th house. He achieved fame in the art of war. Here again we are faced with the transcendence of the strong Martian nature due to some greater idealistic spiritual reality. Finally, a woman with such a conjunction in Capricorn in the 2nd house was a victim of a violent sexual relationship. Her husband shot himself with a gun

When conjoined with the Tail of the Dragon, the passionate Martian nature is intensified and poisoned by the bite of the snake, inspiring the individual to idealistic achievements, as in the cases of Spitz and Brown. A passionate nature, intensifying, seeks self-expression in a reality that is not of this world. This reality may be idealistic or religious, like that of King Mongut IV, but it may also not be otherworldly and intrusive

North Lunar Node conjunct Jupiter

When the Lunar North Node conjuncts Jupiter, it creates a powerful unification of forces for great earthly accomplishments. The person may have an exaggerated sense of purpose or importance. This can often lead to greater knowledge and the ability to teach others in your chosen field. There may be grandiose plans with a strong humanitarian and social bent. The poisoning of the serpent of earthly desire and the planet of growth in combination almost always manifest in some majestic way

Jean Claude Killy, the famous Olympic skier, has an exact Dragon's Head conjunction with Jupiter in Leo on the Ascendant. He is one of only two people in the world to win the Triple Crown at the Winter Olympics. Here we see enormous ability, ambition, achievement and recognition

Dr. Louis Berman, a renowned endocrinologist, has this conjunction in Aries in the 4th house. Shy and retired, he helped, thanks to his knowledge, to draw up a diagram of the human endocrine system. He was the first to isolate parathyroid hormone

Finally, the brilliant Nikola Tesla had this conjunction in Aries in the 12th house. He was a scientist, a great theorist and a prolific inventor, his dream was to help humanity

This theme of significance also appears in the cards of ordinary clients. The man has a conjunction of the Dragon's Head with Jupiter in Scorpio in the 3rd house. He claims he can sell anything. He sells art and oriental rugs all over the world. At the age of 18, while selling shoes, he realized that he might as well be selling something much more magnificent. He is very successful and rich and wants everyone to know about it

For a woman, this conjunction is in Libra in the 5th house. She does massage and is sincerely ready to help everyone who comes to her. She continues to expand her skills and knowledge to include other techniques

With the Dragon's Head conjunct Jupiter, greatness can be achieved in the public sphere, as in the cases of Killey and Berman. Individuals are often very knowledgeable and philosophically educated, with infinite knowledge of their subject. Tesla is one of the representatives of this type of people. Their goal is to leave their mark on the world

South Node conjunct Jupiter

When the South Node conjuncts Jupiter, it often signifies deep humanitarian, philosophical or religious inclinations. Such people seem to be able to cover vast topics that are beyond the ken of ordinary people. They passionately desire to understand idealistic or divine principles in their lives. Their head is in this world, but not from it. Often these are the greatest philosophers or social theorists

The great reformer Martin Luther had Jupiter conjunct the Tail of the Dragon in Libra in the 3rd house. He was a famous professor of theology when he broke with Catholic Church and began the reformation in 1525. His understanding of spirituality still influences us today

The great astrologer Alan Leo had this conjunction in Leo in the 12th house. He was one of the founders of the Theosophical Lodge in England. He was practically the only popularizer of astrology at that time. Here we are dealing with a Jovian philosopher who helped astrology harness its Western spiritual roots

The great statesman Sir Winston Churchill had this exact conjunction in Libra in the 1st house. Twice Prime Minister Nobel laureate in the field of literature, this man of the broadest outlook helped England to play a leading role in world politics at a time when it was actually in a state of decline

Other notable individuals are Lord Alfred Tennyson, the Victorian poet, who had this conjunction in Aries in the 11th house, and William F. Buckley, the pompous political pontiff, who had this conjunction in Capricorn in the 9th house.

Clients have similar characteristics, but at a lower level. One client with an exact conjunction of the Dragon's Tail with Jupiter in Scorpio on the MC publishes a successful foreign magazine, aptly named "Planet", - issues of philosophical and religious content. A woman with such a connection in Scorpio in the 5th house is a practicing doctor, traveling around Third World countries, spreading knowledge and healing the sick. Finally, the client with an exact Cancer conjunction in the 12th house is a religious figure who spends a lot of time in spiritual solitude

When the Lunar South Node conjuncts Jupiter, it lifts the individual into idealistic, imaginative and prophetic realms of experience. Their worlds can lead to the spiritual uplift of humanity, as in the cases of Martin Luther, Alan Leo and Winston Churchill. There are also other worlds that can serve as places of abandonment or departure. Snakebite conjunct Jupiter has an idealistic character, reaching into the realms of humanism and spirituality

North Lunar Node conjunct Saturn

The Dragon's Head conjunct Saturn is a powerful combination for earthly mastery. The Snake and Saturn indicate wisdom, since wisdom is experienced knowledge. This wisdom is aimed at earthly affairs. The connection can produce an insatiable need to achieve greater and greater mastery at one's known occupation, as well as a sense of isolation throughout one's life.

Famous French artist Honore Daumier had an exact conjunction of the Dragon's Head with Saturn in Scorpio in the 4th house. His skill and energy were so great that he produced almost 4 thousand lithographs and about two hundred paintings. He became famous in true Saturnian fashion - soon after his death

Augustus Caesar, Emperor of Rome, had this conjunction in Taurus in the 8th house. With this cold, calculating policy, Rome reached its zenith. He ushered in a great, golden age in literature and architecture

Here we have two examples of the great personal mastery inherent in people with this conjunction.

Benvenutto Cellini, the famous artist and jewelry maker of the Renaissance, had an exact out-of-sign conjunction between Taurus and Gemini in the 11th house. It is generally accepted that he was the greatest metal designer of the medieval period. Finally, Guderian, the famous German general of the armored forces, perfectly mastered the skill of conducting tank battles both in the West and in Eastern fronts. He is known for his Blitzkrieg plan, developed early in the war, but he also had experience defending himself at the end of hostilities. Once again we have a great artist and strategist, each possessing outstanding skill in his own form of expression. The experience of each of them was repeated, and both friends and enemies admired them equally.

Of the clients: one woman has an exact conjunction of the Dragon's Head with Saturn in the VIII house. She is a capable executive secretary of a large corporation. Another woman has an almost exact conjunction in Taurus in the 2nd house. She's from very rich family, her father runs the family corporation. She avoids her family, her father and money and lives alone; her goal is to become independent

When the Dragon's Head is conjunct Saturn, greater ability drives the individual to seek power and recognition, as in the cases of Daumier, Caesar, Cellini and Guderian. They often feel lonely at the top. Their great skill and wisdom are admired, and at times students seek their company, dreaming of one day becoming as capable. Here the bite of a snake forces a person to achieve perfection in endurance and independence in search of dominion over this world

South Node conjunct Saturn

When the South Lunar Node is conjunct Saturn, it is a sign of asceticism, experience in the spiritual realms of existence. Such a person has an irresistible need to move away from the everyday world of people. Here, a snake bite can give severe loneliness or a great sense of self-worth, a call to leave this world and enter another. There may be deep depression or religiosity. Such people find spiritual satisfaction in monasteries and places of solitude, in being alone with the divine

Jean Paul Sartre, the famous French philosopher, novelist and playwright, had this conjunction (minutes from exact) in Pisces in the 2nd house. He is the leader of the French intelligentsia after 1939. His philosophy of existentialism suggests that this world has no meaning for the individual and that it is up to each of us to determine our own destiny. Here the snake bite leaves no desires for this world, creating independence and responsibility of everyone for themselves and for everyone

Astrologer Elbert Benjamin, known as S.S. Zain, had an almost exact conjunction (within minutes of each other) of Tail of the Dragon with Saturn in Taurus in the 6th house. Until 1900, he studied to become a natural scientist, until he had a mystical experience. He founded the Church of Light in Los Angeles and wrote a series of religious and astrological books

Another creator of spirituality is the astrologer Max Heindel, who has this conjunction in degrees from the exact one in Libra in the 4th house. Heindel founded the Rosicrucian Fellowship in the United States at the turn of the century. Here we see a call to enter other realms and find a permanent form, something established so that others can follow this spiritual reality

Finally, the great poet, philosopher, artist Camille Gibran had this conjunction (minutes from the exact one) in Taurus in the 9th house. The lone figure in The Prophet speaks eloquently of his skill and insight. Claude Bragdon said of him: “His power comes from some vast reservoir of spiritual life, otherwise it could not be so “comprehensive and powerful.”

In the everyday world we find similar dignity and asceticism. For one client this connection is in the 1st house. He is very rich, but has not changed at all because of it. He has a low sense of self-worth and is mainly occupied with the purpose of his life. For a woman, this conjunction is in Aquarius, a few minutes from the exact one, in the X house.

She followed a spiritual path for almost her entire adult life. She is absolutely truthful. She suffers from feelings of loneliness and depression and intends to overcome them exclusively through spiritual means. Finally, a woman with such a conjunction in Aries in the 5th house has experienced a lot of grief and financial failure as a result of gambling on the stock exchange. She now heads a religious consortium, helping to publish New Age books.

The Dragon's Tail conjunct Saturn produces out-of-this-world mastery like Zain, Heindel and Jibran. Particular attention at this point in the chart is on Saturn, which gives the most realistic planetary energy - this serves to ensure that a person chooses a reality greater than this world. Everyone must find this reality, measure it and subjugate it.

It doesn't matter whether other spheres exist, only what exists for them matters. The snakebite moves these individuals out of this world through asceticism, solitude and at times loneliness to prepare them to enter into new life. The snake bite here leaves the imprint of spiritual creation

North Lunar Node conjunct Uranus

The outer planets, starting with Uranus, move so slowly that they conjunct the Draco nodes for very long periods of time, so these conjunctions are common. However, precise connections at or near the corners of the map are quite unusual

When the Northern Lunar Node conjuncts Uranus at the nodal point of the horoscope, individuality is strengthened, as a result of which special genius tendencies appear, and the person leaves his mark on this world. Increased individualism leads to a strong sense of uniqueness and difference from others. As a result, the person feels misunderstood and, at worst, isolated and alienated

Notorious Nazi Martin Bormann has a North Node conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius near his Midheaven. He was known as Hitler's evil genius and was second only to Hitler in the Third Reich. This is one of the most powerful, but also the most mysterious and least understood Nazis. Here, the snake bite has created an earthly, distorted genius who tries to shape reality in the image and likeness of his unique, frustrated Streltsov vision.

South Node conjunct Uranus

When the South Node of the Moon conjuncts Uranus at an angular point, it gives an increase in individuality. As a result, the person brings experience or spiritual gifts from past lives. Increased individualism gives a strong feeling of uniqueness and difference from others, which often makes a person think that these feelings are not of this world. Sometimes this leads to isolation and hostility towards others

Mozart had his South Node conjunct Uranus in Pisces on the Descendant. This is a powerful spiritual genius. Mozart learned to play several musical instruments at the age of three, and participated in concerts at the age of five, drawing on a special wealth of musical ability from past lives. He is known as one of the greatest musical geniuses of all time. Here the snakebite is bestowed by an otherworldly genius, expressing himself through the universal language of music in the manner of Pisces.

North Lunar Node conjunct Neptune

When the Lunar North Node conjuncts Netoon at the corner point of the horoscope, there is an increased desire for an idealized or highly valued earthly existence. The person feels a real need to surrender to his character and experience, which changes to reflect current circumstances. Since the North Node of the Moon represents the process of involution, there is a need to express one's dreams on the earthly level of existence. This can lead to the experience of spiritual failure and as a result a great understanding of one's own personality. It can also lead to cunning and imbecility as a result of knowledge of worldly fantasies, deceptions and delusions. It all depends on the degree of development of the individual

Famous stage and film actor Rex Harrison has a Dragon's Head conjunction with Neptune a few minutes of arc from exact in Cancer close to the Descendant. He played many roles in Oscar-winning productions of My Fair Lady, Cleopatra, and Doctor Dolittle. This actor masters his craft perfectly.

The Lunar North Node conjunct Neptune allows the individual to relinquish his or her personality, move beyond it, and play multiple roles in this life. Here the snake bite enhances the experience of vision. It also increases the need to lead a high-level material life

South Node conjunct Neptune

If the South Node is conjunct Neptune at the corner point of the horoscope, the person has an intense desire for idealized, spiritual or otherworldly experiences. The personality feels an ongoing need to succumb to its character and experience, coming from another reality, arising in past lives. Since the Tail of the Dragon represents the process of evolution, there is a need to express the image of one's dreams on the spiritual or religious levels of existence. This may lead to religiosity or enlightenment, or it may result in out-of-body experiences and madness.

The German naturalist, doctor, mountaineer Karl Herligkoffer had in his chart an exact conjunction of the Tail of the Dragon with Neptune a few degrees from the Ascendant in Leo. Here is a longing for an otherworldly experience, expressed in conquering the peaks of the Himalayas. It is the experience of belonging to something greater than our earthly realm. The snakebite here enhances the spiritual, sublime vision.

North Lunar Node conjunct Pluto

When the Lunar North Node conjuncts Pluto in corner points horoscope, a person is purposeful to the point of fanaticism. The personality is obsessively involved in a charismatic, transformative, self-destructive experience, in the fire of which it lives, dies and is reborn. There will be a struggle between power and deterrence. This person is constantly experiencing the sharpness of the blade - he is either controlled or uncontrollable. When the fear of being out of control (ultimately the fear of death) is conquered, then the soul is liberated at this level of existence

Renowned preacher Marjo Gertner has a Dragon's Head conjunction with Pluto in Leo a few degrees from the Ascendant. Since childhood, he preached the word of God, performing the functions of a priest for 15 years. This was his calling from God.

He later left the church to become a film actor. In this case, the snakebite created a strong sense of purpose early on. However, this purpose must die and perhaps be reborn in the epic struggle between divine and personal purpose.

South Node conjunct Pluto

When the South Node is conjunct Pluto in one of the angles of the horoscope, the personality becomes involved in charismatic, transformative, self-destructive, religious or spiritual experiences with which the person lives, dies and is reborn again. This personality also constantly experiences the acuteness of being under and without control. When the fear of living unchecked is conquered (and ultimately the fear of death), the individual is liberated on the spiritual or religious levels of existence

The famous model and lover of Alfred Bloomingdale, Vicki Morgan, had the Tail of the Dragon conjunct Pluto in Leo a few degrees from the Ascendant in her chart. In this case, the transformative, self-destructive experiences are otherworldly, since Vicki was engaged primarily in a sadomasochistic relationship with Bloomingdale.

Self-destructive tendencies moved from her sexual relationship with Bloomingdale into the real world when her companion and lover beat her to death with a baseball bat during an argument. Here the bite of a snake calls to otherworldly regions. The blade of restraint and lack of control manifested itself in the world of sexual fantasy.

This obsessive need for a transformative otherworldly experience eventually led her to other areas of fantasy - drug and alcohol abuse. In true fashion with this Dragon's Tail Pluto conjunction, she lost herself and then lost her life

Here the snakebite reveals one of life's greatest divine mysteries - when to restrain oneself and when not to. This is the main question of Pluto. Being in control, we are often unaware of what is really going on in our lives. But paradoxically, being aware of what is really happening in our lives, we are inexplicably more controllable than anything else. One experience is divine, the other is crazy. To know the difference between them, we need wisdom, and for this we need a snake bite

Northern and Southern Lunar Nodes in the horoscope

In this article we have seen that the North Lunar Node and the South Lunar Node are significant points not only on the ecliptic, where eclipses occur. These are significant points in the interpretation of the map. Creation myths and dragon serpent myths, Eastern and Western, helped HIM understand and appreciate these points on the ecliptic. Use their close conjunctions with the planets and your interpretation of the cards will be enriched with important information. These are important tools in measurement. With their help, you can determine where the divine comes into contact with the personal.

, North Lunar Node in Aquarius, North Lunar Node in Pisces

The nodes of the planet are the points of intersection with the ecliptic plane. The nodes of all planets, except the Moon, move extremely slowly and are usually not considered in astrology; the nodes of the Moon move across the Zodiac in the direction opposite to the planets (i.e. they move from Aries to Pisces, and not to Taurus), which means that in general the nodes are retrograde, although they often have fragments of direct movement; they go through the Zodiac in 19 years.

The North Node of the Moon () is also called the ascendant or dragon's head; South node of the Moon () - respectively, descending or dragon's tail;

Through the ascending node, the Moon passes from the southern hemisphere of the sky under the plane of the ecliptic to the northern one, and through the descending node - back. In ephemeris, they are usually limited to indicating the position of the northern node of the Moon, since the southern one is always located exactly opposite in the Zodiac (if, for example, the northern node is at 3° 15" Capricorn, then the southern one will be at 3° 15" Cancer).

The Nodes of the Moon are astrologically closely related to the Moon; they indicate the type of (often unconscious) person’s attitude towards social trends and problems in their dynamics, with the north node relating to the new, which has recently appeared, and the south - the old, or at least familiar. Since the nodes of the Moon play a smaller role than the planets, it is recommended to take the orb for their aspects at 2° (for major aspects with the Sun and Moon - 3°).

The nodes of the Moon also have significance for a person’s inner life.

The South Node denotes those social programs of the subconscious that were developed earlier, in past lives; this is something that a person already easily knows how to do, and he can easily do it; therefore, here a person is tempted to follow previously trodden paths and roads, that is, following internal cliches, which hinders development. The South Node programs give power and instinctive wisdom, and at the same time limit; the south node has the shade of Saturn.

The North Node symbolizes those subconscious programs that govern communication with society, which first arose in this life of a person, they are often associated with the expansion of his social perception and participation at a new level in public programs, so that the North Node has a Jupiter connotation.

The northern and southern nodes always stand in exact opposition (which should not be indicated by a line on the map!), and therefore each person faces the problem of balancing them, which means forming his attitude towards the social past and future, but not in the abstract, but in the form how they are presented in the present.

A person with an accent of the north node (this happens when several planets are in conjunction with him, or he is on the ascendant) lives in the social present, has a poor sense of roots and limitations public consciousness, an enthusiast of social movements, absorbing the superficial energy of new beginnings and not feeling the inertia and force of habit of his fellow tribesmen in social problems and programs, but very sensitive to emerging new social forms and problems. Such people lead with enthusiasm public principles or (if the node is affected) cleverly engage in demagoguery in literally words (i.e. deceiving the masses), I speculate on current slogans.

The South Node person is a social conservative who believes in the gradual evolutionary development of society and denies revolution in particular in his own social conditions. He has a good sense of tradition, loves and knows the history of his people (factory, region), loves reliable and time-tested types social structure and ways to improve it. He's different critical thinking to everything new that has appeared in society; if the node is affected, it is a retrograde; with harmonious aspects, this criticism is accurate and constructive.

Nodes should be interpreted not as two different objects related to different aspects of a person’s external and internal life, but as two facets of a single essence or as two poles, between which there is one planet. In particular, since the nodes are always aspected equally (i.e., if the northern node in the chart is affected, then the southern one is also affected, and if the northern one is harmonious, then the southern one is harmonious), then the problems of relating to the social past and the future are closely related and are solved in parallel. At the same time, the nodes, always being simultaneously in male or female signs, always stand in the signs of different elements, therefore the attitude towards the elements of the future and past in the present is always different in style. If, for example, the north node is in Libra, then the south node will be in Aries. This means that a person (usually without noticing it at all!) has a generally active social position (masculine signs), but has an Aries-like attitude towards traditions and stable social structures - ardently, ardently defending them or also denying them, and towards recently emerging social phenomena - from a detached - aesthetically - coldly - balanced position, carefully weighing the new from all sides.

The northern node in Leo, the southern node in Aquarius gives energy, pressure, practical aspiration in matters of the emerging new in public life and a rather cold and insightful look at existing social traditions, witty and unexpected criticism of the new.

The northern node is in Scorpio, the southern node in Taurus - extreme conservatism in views on traditions, reliance on the past, foundations, and at the same time an emotional attitude towards new social trends, a desire to change and transform everything there.

In the life of the average person, the nodes of the Moon and their aspects play a very important role. Not being able to realize himself through the planets, individually, he often does this through social programs, where it is much easier to fit in than to show PERSONAL initiative and go against everyone. It should be understood that the "new" symbolized by the north node is very different from the new that comes from Aquarius. The North Node relates only to what is already recognized by society as existing and real, and has gained a sufficient number of supporters, but has not yet found its social niche, and joining it is not a social feat. In the same way, the old, traditional in society, which the south node symbolizes, is not a category ruled by Cancer. These are established and familiar social programs, relationships and positions that are accessible and understandable to everyone, which, generally speaking, do not require historical knowledge and excursions for their understanding and perception.

Disharmony for the nodes is caused by the connection of any of them with the planet. If, for example, the north node is in conjunction with Mercury, then the scales of the nodes will be deviated towards a mental and active interest in fresh social influences to the detriment of an understanding of the historical state of affairs; V social activities- frivolity, lightness, a lot of chatter. If the Moon is conjunct the South Node, a person is unusually fond of traditions, he may write folk signs in a special notebook, tied to the usual social structure; in case of defeat - a retrograde at the behest of the soul, possibly a nationalist.

Affected nodes give a person a dangerous impulse to reject society as such, without understanding the difficulties of relationships and the causes of conflicts with it. Here society actively rejects a person, and a person tries to reject society, usually unsuccessfully. At the same time, the defeat of the nodes means the need to establish constructive relationships with society; against his will, he is drawn into public life. Any person with node damage has difficulties at work, which, regardless of success and talent, is initially perceived skeptically or negatively. Sometimes a person works conscientiously, does exactly what is asked, but still the result is not what is needed, and it is not clear what is wrong. This requires a careful study of public interests and adaptation to them, and for some reason they often contradict personal interests or are very at odds with them. A person with affected nodes, as a rule, has a poor understanding of society, both its fetters and its prospects, but, without realizing it, strives to actively participate in public life - and receives bumps and bruises in abundance, if not political prison. At the same time, he is a black teacher of society, his hidden vices are clearly visible; the rigidity of the political system, the weakness and costs of democracy, etc. are exposed. The study of the affected nodes gives a very deep understanding of social problems and prospects, the development of personality and power over society, and its absence is a state of “hangover at someone else’s feast.”

If a person has strong nodes, i.e. there are both intense and harmonious aspects to them, he will be characterized by an active social position (if the nodes are in female signs, it will be largely internal, but will certainly lead to external manifestations), such a person does not understand and usually condemns people with unaspected nodes who have an indifferent attitude towards society and its problems (which, we note, does not mean a low evolutionary level, just that a person karmically must realize and do a lot himself).

Jupiter square to the nodes - in an undeveloped version - is a fanfaron who does not feel well about his society, but believes that he must lead it, and this may be correct, but first he needs to moderate his ambitions, figure out a lot of things and understand the true problems and the current state of society. Depending on the cross in which Jupiter and the nodes stand, this square will look different: in a cardinal cross, a person will act too decisively and speak too loudly, and will carry it too much; in a permanent cross he will be too straightforward and stubborn, and in a mobile cross he will be too inconsistent and inclined to solve all problems at once.

If the planet is half square to one of the nodes and one and a half square to the other, then the obstacles to understanding interaction with social programs are hidden for reasons, but not at all for manifestation. Here a person causes characteristic irritation in society by the way he behaves in social situations, and the person, in turn, experiences similar, but much stronger feelings towards society, and it is very difficult to understand what the matter is. Society must look for ways to unfetter the self-expression of people who do not quite fit into it; a person must learn to respect social reality.

The areas in which the north and south nodes are active must be carefully balanced. Where the south node operates, a person has social programs everything turns out quickly and well, and these types social relations well known to him, but standard for him; They can be used within reasonable limits. At the same time, it is necessary (and the person is interested) to develop participation in social programs running in the sphere of the northern node, where he has a great interest in new trends, but he has little understanding of how they need to be implemented. When a balance of nodes is achieved, a person learns to use the existing social experience and skills in developing fundamentally new (for him, and sometimes for society) social forms and relationships.
