Professional development of a teacher’s personality. Professional development of a teacher is an urgent problem in the development of modern society Professional pedagogical development

1. The basic characteristic of a teacher’s activity is considered to be pedagogical skill, by which they understand a fairly good command of the system of teaching and educational skills, which in their totality allow him to carry out educational activities at a competent professional level and achieve more or less successful training and education of schoolchildren. The totality of various professional skills of a teacher (educator) is called pedagogical technology.

The concept of “pedagogical technology” usually includes two groups of components.

First group is associated with the teacher’s ability to manage his behavior:

- mastery of your body (facial expressions, pantomime);

– management of emotions, mood (relieving mental stress, creating creative well-being);

– social-perceptual abilities (attention, observation, imagination);

– speech technique (diction, speech rate) and etc.

Second group components of pedagogical technology is associated with the ability to influence a person and reveals the technological side of the pedagogical process: didactic, organizational, constructive, communicative, diagnostic-analytical and other skills.

2. The next stage of teacher professional growth is pedagogical skill, which is traditionally understood as brought to high degree perfect teaching and educational skills, reflecting the special refinement of methods and techniques for applying psychological and pedagogical theory in practice, which ensures high efficiency of the educational process. Today it also includes at least four more components: a system of knowledge, special abilities, pedagogical technology and the humanistic orientation of the individual.

3.Readiness for innovation - this is a personal manifestation of a creative style of activity, which uniquely combines a certain personal orientation (desire, need to introduce new things), knowledge and practical skills to implement new methods and forms of implementation professional activity (“alloy” of psychological, theoretical and practical readiness).

4. Pedagogical creativity According to these authors, there is a higher level of teacher qualifications. It is connected not so much with the production of new ideas and principles, but with their modernization and modification.

5. Teacher's readiness to create proprietary technology , characterized by consistency methodological techniques, the originality of their combination in a holistic system, corresponding to the unified plan and personal experience of the teacher, his author’s style pedagogical activity– one of the most important indicators of personal development.

6. The most important condition, mechanism and result of the formation of a teacher’s readiness to create an original pedagogical ( didactic, educational, educational) technology is individual the author's style of activity of the teacher.

Analysis of the complex of modern requirements for the professional activity of a teacher allows us to identify seven components of professional competence and specify each with a number of indicators:

1) cognitive component (special competence in the field of the taught discipline, which includes the presence of a basic pedagogical culture, knowledge of the conceptual foundations and provisions of the taught discipline, the ability to establish intra- and interdisciplinary connections, general erudition);

2) project component (competence in the field of goal setting, planning, design, modeling and design of the pedagogical process);

3) communicative component (psychological and pedagogical competence, manifested in openness, conflict-free communication, demonstration of enthusiasm in studying the topic, interaction taking into account personal, gender, age, individual characteristics, knowledge of developmental psychology, compliance with the requirements for literacy, expressiveness, logic oral speech);

4) organizational component (managerial competence in the field of managing the cognitive activity of students, taking into account their capabilities and abilities, managing the professional practice of students, the research work of students, the formation of the personality of the future teacher in educational and extracurricular activities, his professional and personal growth);

5) methodological component (competence in the field of methods of developing knowledge, skills, the use of modern educational technologies, the ability to evaluate students’ work in a timely, transparent, objective manner, sum up the results of the lesson, updating students’ achievements, and determine the prospects for self-education);

6) reflexive component (autopsychological competence in the field of objective analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of one’s professional activity and its results, the ability to see alternative actions that will qualitatively improve the results next time);

7) personal component (competence in the field of professional and personal self-improvement).

Teacher's professional development

This is the goal and process of acquiring knowledge, skills, ways of doing things, allowing him not in any way, but in the optimal way to realize his purpose, to solve the problems facing him

tasks for training, education, development, socialization and preservation of the health of schoolchildren.

M.M.Potashnik, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, full member of RAO

This is an independent and/or someone-controlled on a rational (conscious) and/or intuitive levels “increase” in the diversity of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, methods of activity,

necessary for solving pedagogical problems and situations.

A.V.Mudrik, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member. RAO

This, on the one hand, is spontaneous, on the other hand, purposeful, always the author’s personal self-construction of the teacher himself as a professional from internal qualities (genetically given pedagogical inclinations, natural physicality, temperament, ethnicity, character, interests, beliefs, worldview, professed values) and external sources by choosing from those offered or imposed by the school management, head teachers, methodologists scientific knowledge, pedagogical experience, cultural heritage, etc.

M.V. Levit, Ph.D.


There are five levels of professionalism:

1. Pre-professionalism includes three stages:

a) initial familiarization with the profession;

b) adaptation in the profession;

c) self-actualization:

– awareness of oneself as an individual;

– development of self-diagnosis abilities;

– determining your capabilities and your purpose in the profession.

At the first level - the stage of development of professionalism - mastering ways to solve basic professional problems, developing an individual professional style, style of teaching, as well as awareness of one’s strengths and weaknesses as a professional, which is extremely important for analyzing one’s own individual methodological system.

2. Professionalism – this is fluency in a profession, mastery that helps optimize an individual methodological system.

3. Super professional can manifest itself as a creator in pedagogical activity, a generalist, and finally, a professional, capable of further self-design and, consequently, the construction of an author's methodological system.

4. Post-professional period is the stage of completion of professional activity, when the teacher can already serve as a consultant, expert, mentor, teaching others design technologies author's program, technologies, methodological and pedagogical systems.

5. In addition, a special group includes non-professional teachers who, regardless of their length of service, perform work according to their own or others’ professionally distorted standards.

Teacher professional development is carried out in two ways:

through self-education - one’s own desire, setting goals, objectives, consistently approaching this goal through certain actions;

through conscious, voluntary participation in events organized by the school, i.e. factor of the influence of the surrounding professional environment on the teacher’s motivation and his desire to develop and grow professionally.

29. Self-education of primary school teachers.

One of the components of professional development of teachers is self-development, which presupposes the ability to carry out self-knowledge, self-design, and self-realization.

Self-education is a human cognitive activity that is carried out voluntarily, controlled by the person himself, and is necessary for the conscious improvement of any qualities of an individual.

Forms of organizing self-education:

Course training or retraining on PDA

Getting the second higher education

Distance training courses, conferences, seminars, Olympiads, competitions

Individual work on self-education

Network pedagogical communities

Baleva V.V. Professional development of a teacher within the framework of continuing education // International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities. – 2016. – T. 2. No. 1. – pp. 58-61.


V.V. Baleva, student

Novosibirsk Stateth pedagogical university

(Russia, Novosibirsk)

Abstract: B The article presents research into the problem of teacher professional development within the framework of continuing education. The essence of the concept of “lifelong education” is revealed, and Also its applicability in teaching activities. Opportunities for improving the professional competence of a teacher are described.

Keywords: continuing education, functions of continuing education, teacher, pedagogical activity, teacher competencies, advanced training.

A teacher, like any other subject of social activity, must take care of his professional and personal development. The modern world does not stand still, it is constantly developing, supplemented, new technologies are being introduced, all this requires a person to acquire new knowledge and skills, to increase their competence in a particular issue. A teacher is no exception, because he is a carrier of information, which implies its constant updating.

According to B.M. Bim-Bada , lifelong education is an organizationally supported system of state and public institutions and corresponding to the needs of the individual and society, the process of growth of the educational (general and professional) potential of the individual throughout life. The goal is the development and formation of personality during periods of its physical and socio-psychological maturation and stabilization of vital forces and abilities, and Also and during periods of decline organism. Also not discontinuous education iseducation that occurs throughout life and is ensured by the unity and integrity of the education system, the creation of conditions for self-education and comprehensive development of the individual, a set of successive, coordinated, differentiated educational programs various stages and levels guaranteeing citizens the realization of their rightsfor education and providing the opportunity to receive general educational and vocational training, retraining, and improve qualifications throughout life.

In our understanding, continuous education is education throughout a person’s life, constant updating and addition of existing knowledge, through the comprehensive development of personality and self-education.

In the modern context, understanding the essence of lifelong education allows us to identify several of its main functions, namely professional, social, and personal.

The professional function ensures the development of the necessary professional competencies and qualifications in an adult, and Also , the formation of new professional opportunities by an adult, an increase in his work dynamics.

The social function helps to complement and enrich the process of interaction of an adult with society, the economic sphere, and the state as a whole through familiarization with language, culture, new types of activities, universal values, modern technologies of social interaction, including information, forming adult literacy in various spheres.

The third function ensures the satisfaction of individual cognitionspersonal needs of an adult, interests, hobbies and, as a rule, accompanies everyday life.

Thus, to ensure sustainable and effective development of human capital and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, continuous education of adults is a key component of this process.

A changing society has set new challenges for teacherstechnical education, namely:

A ) raising the educational qualifications of society, its humanization and humanitarization education;

b) training of specialists who are capable of independently, with full responsibility, making non-standard decisions, possessing scientific communication skills, and Also not only skillfully reproduce ready-made methods for organizing the educational process, but also creatively rework them in order to create their own. The content of the professional training program for a modern teacher should include the competencies of innovative activity, since currently a teacher is required to have innovative abilities and readiness to perceive and participate in the innovative search and implementation of innovations.

A. Chickering , a specialist in the field of adult education, described 7 areas (vectors) of development, such as: competence, fixing and achieving goals, the ability to establish friendships, establishing identity (a sense of individualself-identity), a combination of all socio-psychological properties of the individual.

Continuity of professional development is necessary for personal individualand professionalteacher experience. In this regard, in the system of continuous education, special attention must be paid to professional development.

Pedagogical education is the most important part of the educational system, which provides training for the full functioning of the entire education system. This position is also proven by the fact that pedagogical education reflects all processes and aspects of the education sector, and Also because the quality and level of training of teaching staff determine the prospects for the development of education as a whole. At the same time, the goals and functions of teacher education are derived from the main function of education in society.

The social transformations taking place in society dictate new requirements for the professional activity of a teacher, his personality and abilities. The education system is constantly evolving, due to and with that new social demands make it relevant to consider the requirements for the professional development of teachers. Targets in society are changing, and accordingly there are changes in the educational environment. Therefore, the teacher strives to develop in himself the qualities required by modern society. How complete a student’s development will be largely depends on the professionalism of the teacher.

Markova A.K. The following blocks of teacher professional competence are designated, and these are:

A) professional (objectively necessary) psychologicalcultural and pedagogical knowledge;

b) professional (objectively necessary) pedagogical skills;

V) professional psychological positions, attitudes that the profession requires of him;

G) personal characteristics that ensure the teacher’s successful acquisition of professional knowledge and skills.

Based on the requirements of modern society, we can determine the main ways to develop the professional competence of a teacher:

1 way. Help from methodological associations and individual teachers in the organizationnization of activities, taking into account teaching experience, level of professionalism and individual requests of the teacher’s personality. Methodological work should help improve the teacher’s qualifications and increase competence.

Method 2. Advanced training courses are an effective way to develop the professionalism of a teacher.

3 way. Implementation various forms pedagogical support.

4 way. Self-training and self-development of a teacher, etc.

The main condition for the professional development of a teacher is awareness of the need to improve one’s own competence. This implies updating theoretical and practical knowledge, improving the skills of specialists in connection with the constantly increasing requirements for their competence. Only those who already have a diploma of secondary or higher vocational education can take advanced training courses.

Advanced training can be divided into 3 types, namely short-term (at least 72 hours), thematic and problem-based seminars (accelerated acquisition ZUNov necessary to work in new conditions) and long ( in-depth study of current problems in the profile of a teacher’s professional activity to update knowledge or prepare to perform new professional functions). The purpose of advanced training is to optimize the teaching process, professional growth and constantimprovement of teachers. (Y.K. Babansky, P.I. Kartashov, M.M. Potashnik, etc.).

Professional development is also carried out through the participation of teachers in a variety of methodological work. Here the following problems are solved: For example : study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience, implementation in practiceachievements of pedagogical science; increasing the level of subject and psychological-pedagogical training of teaching staff; advisory assistance in organizing pedagogical self-education, etc. Such methodologicalThis work can be in the form of:

studying and discussing regulatory documents, Federal State Educational Standards, timespersonal programs;

exchange of experience between colleagues;

presentation and discussion of own developments, pedagogical innovations, etc.

Pedagogical self-education can also be a form of teacher training. A condition for productive work is the teacher’s activity according to a personal self-education plan drawn up for the year andincluding the following sections:

goals and objectives of self-education work;

participation in the methodological work of an educational institution;

attending advanced training courses and problem topicsinarov, passing certification;

study of methodological, psychological, pedagogical and subject literature, normative documents;

raising the general cultural level (reading fiction, journalism, visiting a museum, theaterra, watching TV shows, etc.);

results of self-education work.

Thus, the professional development of a teacher within the framework of lifelong education is carried out both by the teacher himself and by society, which dictates the conditions and provides opportunities for this. Regulation of this process occurs through regulatory documents, such as Federal State Educational Standards , the Law “On Education”, etc. Continuing education helps a teacher maintain and improve his professional level, master various competencies throughout his teaching career.


1. Bim-Bad B.M. Pedagogical encyclo queer dictionary. – M., 2002.

2. Zakharova E. A. Requirements for the professional development of teachers in the conditions of postgraduate education // Young scientist.– 2011. – No. 3. T.2.

3. Continuous development conceptadult education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. URL: (date of access: 04/10/2016)

4. Markova A.K. Psychology of teacher work: Book. for the teacher.M.: Education, 1993.

5. Dictionary of agreedterms and definitions in the field of education of the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States.– M., 2004.



V.V. Balewa, student

Novosibirsk state pedagogical university

(Russia, Novosibirsk)

Abstract. This paper presents the study of the problem of professional development of teachers in continuing education. The essence of the concept of “continuing education”, as well as its applicability to the pedagogical activity. Possibilities for improving the professional competence of the teacher.

Keywords: continuing education, continuing education functions, teacher, teaching activities, teacher competence training.

potential personality teacher professional

Psychologists, based on the position of S.L. Rubinstein, there are two models of teacher work: the model adaptive behavior and a professional development model.

The model of adaptive behavior is characterized by:

Passive, conformal acceptance by the teacher of the goals and values ​​of the cereal,

Submission to the environment, lack of desire for independence from outside influences,

Inability to behave flexibly, subordination of professional activities to external circumstances,

Low level of development of professional self-awareness,

Using proven algorithms for solving pedagogical problems.

The professional development model assumes:

The ability of a teacher to go beyond the continuous flow of everyday teaching practice and see his professional work as a whole;

The ability to accept, realize, evaluate the difficulties of the pedagogical process, independently and constructively resolve them. Consider difficulty as a stimulus for your own development;

The teacher’s awareness of his potential capabilities, prospects for personal and professional growth;

Ability to search, creativity, willingness to make choices;

The teacher’s awareness of responsibility for everything that happens to him and his students;

The ability to plan and set goals for professional activities, changing for the sake of achieving them.

Professional development of a teacher is understood as:

How the growth, formation, integration and implementation in pedagogical work of professionally significant personal qualities and abilities, professional knowledge and skills,

As an active qualitative transformation of one’s inner world, leading to a new way of life - creative self-realization in the profession.

Let us emphasize that:

· Professional development is understood primarily as self-development, i.e. the internal activity of the teacher for the qualitative transformation of himself, self-change;

· Professional development is inseparable from personal development and can be considered as a process of self-design of a teacher’s personality;

· The formation of his professional self-awareness is considered as a fundamental condition for the professional development of a teacher;

· The psychological mechanism for the development of self-awareness is the transformation of the teacher’s own activities into the subject of practical education;

· The result of development is the creative self-realization of the teacher, the formation of an individual style of activity.


The concept of reflection arose in philosophy and meant the process of an individual’s reflection on what is happening in his own mind. In the context of philosophical issues, reflection is usually interpreted as:

The ability of the mind and thinking to turn towards itself;

Analysis of knowledge in order to obtain new knowledge;

Self-observation of the state of mind and soul;

A way out of preoccupation with life activity into the mental plane, an act of research aimed at the foundations of one’s own fulfillment.

Reflection acted as one of the explanatory principles of the organization and development of the human psyche, and above all its highest form - self-awareness.

An analysis of works devoted to the study of reflection shows that it is studied in four main aspects: cooperative, communicative, personal and intellectual.

Cooperative aspect

Reflection is interpreted as the “release” of the subject from the process of activity, his “exit” to an external position in relation to it (G.P. Shchedrovitsky).

In this case, the emphasis is on the results of reflection, and not on its procedural and psychological mechanisms.

Communication aspect

Reflection is considered as an essential component of developed communication and interpersonal perception, which is characterized as a specific quality of human cognition by a person (A.A. Bodalev).

Personal aspect

Reflection is understood as a process of rethinking, a mechanism of differentiation in each developed and unique human “I” of its various substructures and integration of the “I” into a unique integrity.

Intellectual aspect

Reflection is defined as the subject’s ability to identify, analyze and relate his own actions to the objective situation (V.V. Davydov). This understanding of it serves as one of the grounds for revealing ideas about the psychological mechanisms of theoretical thinking and implementing them in developmental and educational psychology.

We understand reflection as a process of comprehension, rethinking and transformation by the subject of the content and forms of his experience, which give rise to an effective attitude of the individual as a holistic “I” to his own behavior and communication, to the activity being carried out. Sociocultural and material-ecological environment of a person.

Let us emphasize that:

· Professional pedagogical reflection is a complex psychological phenomenon, expressed in the teacher’s ability to enter into an active research position in relation to his activities and to himself as its subject for the purpose of critical analysis, comprehension and evaluation of its effectiveness for the development of the student’s personality;

· It's about about the constant reflection by the individual of ways of effective self-determination and self-construction in the context of ideals and values ​​emerging in culture; this kind of reflexive self-design ensures the creation of new ways of behavior, communication and activity, as well as semantic prospects for realizing the individual’s potential in creativity;

· Reflection is the main tool for the professional development of a teacher, the formation of his individual style of activity.

Reflective learning

The main ideas underlying the development of the reflective learning model:

· Learning from experience;

· Learning based on continuous reflection.

The process of reflective learning can be described in the form of successive steps:

· Action;

· Mental return to the action, situation and their specific description;

· Determination of the most significant features of the situation;

· Development of alternative courses of action.

· Implementation of alternative courses of action.

1. action

2. looking back at the action

3. awareness of significant aspects

4. development of alternative courses of action

5. attempt to implement an alternative course of action

The reflexive-innovative learning model, based on continuous systematic reflection, can be represented by processes of holistic rethinking of experience.

Reflective-innovative learning model

The basic principle is that the present situation and the experience of the subject of the decision cannot serve as a means or hint for a creative solution.

Existing experience turns out to be only material for identifying the meaning-generating capabilities of a person, which provide a reflexive process - comprehension, rethinking and effective transformation of the reality of his life (S.Yu. Stepanov). As soon as such a rethinking occurs, a prerequisite for the generation of something new arises. The ability to rethink the experience of one’s activities is one of the main prerequisites for a person’s further self-development. By developing a person’s reflexive abilities, we thereby ensure the renewal of thinking, worldview, and system of value orientations.

Psychological and pedagogical support for such processes is possible by creating a reflexive and innovative environment. When creating it, one of the main principles of reflective-innovative learning is the principle of living knowledge and practical methods before their theoretical comprehension and analysis.

The next principle is that the reflective-cognitive process as a whole and each of its elements separately should be based on the interests of the participants in this process.

Creating a reflective environment involves the use of various methods of teaching reflection and learning based on continuous reflection. One of these methods is the “Pedagogical Diary”; options for its use have been developed in European (in particular Dutch experience) teacher training.



OH. Cube, primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary school No. 9 named after. K.H.Nekhaya" A.Vochepshiy

“He who comprehends the new while cherishing the old can be a teacher.”


Today, every educational institution strives to live and work in a new way. This is required by modern society, which needs highly educated, purposeful, erudite, competitive, spiritually and physically healthy individuals who can take their rightful place in society.

Improving the level of teaching at school - relevant methodological problem, which worried and continues to worry leading foreign and domestic scientists and methodologists. It sounds especially sharp on modern stage, when new pedagogical technologies and new technical capabilities appeared.

The priority goal of modern education is not the reproductive transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities from the teacher, but the full formation and development of the student’s abilities to independently outline an educational problem, formulate an algorithm for solving it, control the process and evaluate the result obtained - to teach how to learn. The country's educational system faces a difficult task: the formation of a mobile, self-realizing personality capable of lifelong learning. The leading slogan of previous years, “Education for Life,” has been replaced by the slogan “Education throughout life.” The main factors for building a personal development vector are the ability to navigate the sea of ​​information and the ability to make the right decisions based on data from various sources.

It should be noted that the most vulnerable aspect of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in secondary schools seems to be the preparation of the teacher, the formation of his philosophical and pedagogical position, methodological, didactic, communicative, methodological and other competencies.

Working according to the standards of the second generation, the teacher must make a transition from traditional technologies to technologies of developmental, personally oriented teaching, use technologies of level differentiation, teaching based on a competent approach, “learning situations”, project and research activities, information and communication technologies, interactive methods and active forms of learning.

Thus, the changes taking place in the country, in society, and the implementation of the priority national project “Education” make new demands on the modern teacher.

What is he like, a modern teacher?

It is perhaps difficult to answer this question unambiguously. In my opinion, this is a person who is capable of creating conditions for the development of creative abilities, developing in students the desire for a creative perception of knowledge. To teach them to think independently, to independently formulate questions for themselves in the process of studying the material, to more fully realize their needs, to increase motivation for studying subjects, to encourage their individual inclinations and talents. The modern teacher is in constant creative search, as well as in search of an answer to the pressing question “what to teach schoolchildren?” A modern teacher combines love for his work and for his students; he knows how to not only teach children, but is also able to learn from his students. He must bring out the best qualities inherent in the soul of each child, encourage children so that they receive joy from the acquired knowledge, so that, after graduating from school, they are clearly aware of their place in society and can work for its benefit, and are ready to participate in the decision current and future challenges of our society.

A modern teacher is a professional. The professionalism of a teacher is determined by his professional suitability; professional self-determination; self-development, i.e. purposeful formation in oneself of those qualities that are necessary to perform professional activities. I believe, that, distinctive features of a modern teacher are constant self-improvement, self-criticism, erudition and a high work culture. Professional growth of a teacher is impossible without self-educational needs. Statement by K.D. Ushinsky that a teacher lives as long as he learns, in modern conditions acquires special significance - life itself has put the problem of continuous teacher education on the agenda. A. Diesterwerg wrote, referring to the teacher: “He is only capable of actually educating and educating until he works on his own upbringing and education.” The ability to “make oneself” in accordance with social and moral ideals, in which professional competence, richness of spiritual life and responsibility would become the natural conditions of human life, the most urgent need of the day.

Professional self-development, like other activities, is based on a rather complex set of motives and sources of activity. Usually the driving force and source of teacher self-education is the need to increase self-education.

Today, external and internal sources of self-development activity are differentiated. External sources (requirements and expectations of society) are the main ones and determine the direction and depth of the necessary self-development. The teacher’s externally evoked need for self-education is further fueled by a personal source of activity (beliefs, sense of duty, responsibility, professional honor, healthy pride, etc.) - this need forms a system of actions for self-improvement, the nature of which is largely determined by the content of the professional ideal.

For the development of processes of self-development and self-education, the level of formation of self-esteem is of great importance. Psychologists note two methods for forming correct self-esteem. The first is to correlate the level of your aspirations with the result achieved, and the second is to compare them with the opinions of others. That is why it is very important for every person who has chosen the teaching profession to form an ideal image of a teacher in their minds.

It is very important for a teacher to never stop there, but to move forward, because a teacher’s work is an excellent source for boundless creativity. “Don't limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to only what they think they can do. You can achieve so much more. You just have to believe in what you are doing” (Mary Kay Ash). For a modern teacher, his profession is an opportunity for self-realization, a source of satisfaction and recognition. A modern teacher is a person who is able to smile and be interested in everything that surrounds him, because the school is alive as long as the teacher is interesting to the child.

In my opinion, an important part of professional self-development is the self-educational work of a teacher.

Mastering skills and abilities independent work begins with the establishment of a hygienically and pedagogically sound daily routine. You need to plan your academic and extracurricular activities in such a way that there is time for both self-educational work and cultural recreation.

The activities of a teacher, who is characterized by a culture of mental work, exhibit the following components:

Culture of thinking as a set of skills of analysis and synthesis, comparison and classification, abstraction and communication, “transfer” of acquired knowledge and techniques of mental activity to new conditions;

A stable cognitive process, skills and abilities to creatively solve cognitive problems, the ability to focus on the main, most important in this moment problems;

Rational techniques and methods of independent work to obtain knowledge, perfect command of oral and written language;

Hygiene of mental work and its pedagogically appropriate organization, the ability to wisely use one’s time, expend physical and spiritual strength.

The most effective way of professional self-education of a teacher is his participation in the creative searches of the teaching staff, in the development of innovative projects for the development of an educational institution, proprietary courses and pedagogical technologies.

Self-development has a kind of double pedagogical result. On the one hand, these are the changes that occur in personal development and professional growth, on the other hand, mastering the very ability to engage in self-development. You can judge whether a future teacher has mastered this ability by whether he has learned to carry out the following actions:

Goal setting: set professionally significant goals and objectives for self-development;

Planning: choose means and methods, actions and techniques for self-development;

Self-control: compare the progress and results of self-development with what was planned;

Correction: make the necessary amendments to the results of work on yourself.


The current socio-economic situation in the modern world is characterized by the fact that many areas human activity, including education, are rapidly developing due to the introduction of various innovations. And a person in such a situation will have to be not only a performer in their implementation, but also a direct creator of innovative processes. And today, the readiness to meet every professional situation with dignity, to be ready for retraining in rapidly changing conditions is very important for every teacher. According to psychologists, human activity in such conditions can be aimed at better and more complete adaptation to the environment at the expense of one’s internal resources and one’s own reserves (O.S. Sovetova), where personal development will be the key factor in dynamic development.

The previous foundations, where organized, systematic self-education was carried out mainly in all kinds of courses, in clubs, public universities, etc., turn out to be insufficient. Their place is increasingly filled by the independent work of each person on various sources of knowledge only with a little consultation from specialists in a particular field of science and practice.

Teacher self-education is based on accepting the goal of self-training, the content of pedagogical knowledge that provides the information base, realizing oneself as a subject of the innovation process, assessment and self-assessment of the achieved result in accordance with the accepted goal.


1. Balakina L.L. Communicative competence as a factor of adequate reflection of modern information and communication culture in education. – Tomsk: CNTI, 2004. – 198s.

2. Elagina V.S., Nemudraya E.Yu. Communication activities as an important component of a teacher’s pedagogical competence // International Journal of Experimental Education. – 2009. - No. 5. – P.41-42.

3. Elagina V.S. Formation of pedagogical competence of students of a pedagogical university // Modern science-intensive technologies. - 2010. - No. 10.-P.113-116.

Over the past decades, the sociocultural situation in our country has changed significantly. Russia is becoming an open country, building a market economy and a rule of law state, which increases the degree of freedom and responsibility of a person for his own well-being and for the well-being of society. Human capital in the modern world is becoming the main resource for the development of any country, a factor ensuring its stability and progress. Russia, like any country, needs mobile and highly qualified specialists who are capable of making independent responsible decisions in the face of the uncertainty of a rapidly changing world, which, of course, places special demands on the education system. An analysis of the directions of modernization of education in Russia shows that the main expected change is achieving a new quality of education that corresponds to the main factors of development of modern society:






Professional development of teachers as a factor in improving the quality of education

Saint Petersburg



1. WHAT IS THE UNDERSTANDING OF THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION IN MODERN RUSSIA?................................................... ........................................................ ........................................


3. WHAT WAYS AND FORMS OF PREPARING A WORKING TEACHER FOR CHANGES IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS IS IT APPROPRIATE TO USE TODAY?................................... ........................................................ .........

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….

BIBLIOGRAPHY ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Over the past decades, the sociocultural situation in our country has changed significantly. Russia is becoming an open country, building a market economy and a rule of law state, which increases the degree of freedom and responsibility of a person for his own well-being and for the well-being of society. Human capital in the modern world is becoming the main resource for the development of any country, a factor ensuring its stability and progress. Russia, like any country, needs mobile and highly qualified specialists who are capable of making independent responsible decisions in the face of the uncertainty of a rapidly changing world, which, of course, places special demands on the education system. An analysis of the directions of modernization of education in Russia shows that the main expected change is achieving a new quality of education that corresponds to the main factors of development of modern society:

Informatization of social life (establishing the priority of constructing personal knowledge based on independent work with a variety of information).

The formation of an open society, which ensures a significant expansion of the human environment and numerous intersections of individual environments.

The formation of civil society, which increases the degree of freedom and, consequently, human responsibility in the implementation of life activities.

The formation of a new cultural type of personality (the characteristics of which are activity, independence and responsibility of the individual).

Professionalization throughout life (which implies a person’s readiness to learn and relearn throughout his life). These factors have a direct impact on the field of education, on the modern understanding of the quality of education and, consequently, on the professional pedagogical activity of a teacher. The quality of graduate training as a social order school is determined through the requirements for a graduate, when the traditional characteristic of quality - the level of acquired knowledge - is transformed into a different result of education - competence in various spheres of a student’s life (not only in the cognitive or educational sphere itself), sustainable motivation for learning throughout life. Proof of this can be the guidelines of strategic documents that determine the development of education in the Russian Federation, as well as the parameters of international measurements of the quality of education. The opinion of students and their parents regarding the priority tasks of the school can also be considered as a social order for the education system, reflecting the main meaning school education- formation of individual potential - and focused on achieving, first of all, personal results. Society's requirements relate to the quality of the result and reflect such human characteristics as initiative, independence in decision-making, motivation for continuous education and professional growth, which constitute the characteristics of the modern cultural personality type. An important aspect of understanding the quality of education at the present stage is the need to provide quality education for all students. These are the goals put forward by the UNESCO Education for All program. However, if in a number of countries around the world there are acute problems such as ensuring the population’s access to education, involvement in the system primary education, ensuring quality education for women, then in Russia the goals of implementing the “Education for All” program have certain specifics, namely ensuring equality of the population of the corresponding age in the opportunity to receive a quality education, regardless of social status, family income, level of training, place of residence ( This means, first of all, the difference in the capabilities of urban and rural schools), etc. The quality of resource provision for Russian schools is very heterogeneous. However, today it is absolutely clear that in the mass practice of education there is the potential of the teaching corps. The educational results of Russian schoolchildren today are very high in the field of so-called academic knowledge in school subjects- knowledge of facts, laws, procedures, algorithms, etc. At the same time, it is clear that the modern quality of education requires more - the ability to apply school knowledge to solve life problems. Thus, in modern conditions of development of domestic education, it is extremely important to understand how exactly should professional and pedagogical activity will change, since it is the teacher who is the main subject of changes in education and without his active participation progressive changes are impossible. Therefore, it is so important to determine the content of teacher training to solve the problems of providing quality education for all students. It is quite obvious that in this context it is necessary to establish the necessary changes in the professional training of future teachers at a pedagogical university, as well as the possibility of improving the qualifications of working teachers in this area.

Currently, the Russian education system is going through a rather difficult and very protracted transition period. The modernization of the education system is faced with new tasks aimed at increasing the efficiency of the educational process. One of these tasks is the need to develop a system of moral and material incentives to retain the best teachers in schools and constantly improve their qualifications. In this regard, the importance of the effectiveness of the process of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff at various levels of education increases.

To improve qualifications, first of all, it is necessary to develop professional skills and culture, update the theoretical and practical knowledge of specialists in the education system in accordance with modern requirements to the level of qualifications and the need to master innovative methods for solving professional problems, which include assistance in determining the content of the teacher’s self-education; providing assistance and support to teaching staff in preparing for certification and introducing innovations into the educational process .

Improving the quality of teaching and education in secondary schools directly depends on the level of training of teachers. It is undeniable that this level must constantly increase, and in this case, the effectiveness of various advanced training courses, seminars and conferences is small without the process of self-education of the teacher. Self-education is a need for a creative and responsible person in any profession, especially for professions with increased moral and social responsibility, such as the profession of a teacher.

The process of professional development of teaching staff can be made more effective and a number of shortcomings can be eliminated through the active use of information and communication technologies.

It can be stated that before Adolf Diesterweg (1790-1866), didactics was an educational process almost completely independent of the teacher. “The power is not in the teacher, but in the method.” - was the motto. Understanding the method as a way of activity of a teacher, as something inseparable from him, personal, and bringing all of Disterweg’s didactics. The school is in constant motion, and with it the teachers are in constant motion. To be on the move for a teacher means to think, to improve oneself, to be critical of all teachings, opinions, views, and not to take anything on faith, by virtue of authority. Disterweg points out the highest principle of all upbringing and education: “Independent activity in the service of the true, the beautiful, the good.” If a teacher wants to prepare others for true life, he must recognize three propositions as indisputable:

1) just as no one can give to another what he does not own, so no one can develop, educate and educate who is not developed, not brought up, not educated;

2) a teacher can act educationally and educationally on others; it is necessary to act only to the extent and extent to which he himself is involved in upbringing and education, to which he has mastered it;

3) a teacher is able to truly educate and educate only as long as he himself works on his true upbringing and education. That is, Disterweg placed the teacher, his personality, at the basis of the educational process, which cannot be replaced by a method, plan, program - “The spirit of a teacher cannot be replaced by anything.” The most important didactic principles of Disterweg: “Teach in accordance with the nature of what is being taught, in accordance with the culture of the time and country, and it is also necessary for the teacher to take into account the nature of the subject being taught. Disterweg divided all knowledge into knowledge “posteriori” and “priori” (according to its source, experience or reason). The first group is history, geography, etc.; the second group is mathematics and philosophy. There are mixed subjects (God's law, grammar). The first group of subjects - knowledge is communicated, the second - knowledge develops from the mind of students. The educational power of the second group of subjects is much higher than the first. The method of teaching a particular subject must be consistent with the source of our knowledge and the nature of the subject; man determines the method and the subject determines the method. Start learning from the point at which the student stands and lead him further without interruption, without gaps, thoroughly and constantly forward, then you will achieve the general goal of learning, the development of initiative and full knowledge subject. “Teach with energy!” Didactic power and didactic ability are terms introduced by Disterweg.

The ideas put forward in pedagogy by G. Pestalozzi, F. Frebel, A. Disterweg were in demand by pedagogy of the 20th century, so the author of the cultural-historical concept of mental development L.S. Vysotsky substantiated the decisive role of training and education in the development and formation of the most important psychological structures and functions.


The main sociocultural factors that have the greatest impact on understanding the quality of education at the present stage are:

− informatization of social life (establishing the priority of constructing personal knowledge based on independent work with a variety of information);

− the formation of an open society, which ensures a significant expansion of the human environment and numerous intersections of individual environments;

− the formation of civil society, which increases the degree of freedom and, consequently, human responsibility in the implementation of life activities;

− the formation of a new cultural type of personality (the characteristics of which are activity, independence and responsibility of the individual, the ability to make decisions and evaluate the moral significance of actions and choices);

− professionalization throughout life (which implies a person’s readiness to learn and relearn throughout his life). The modern understanding of the quality of education has necessitated the need to consider in the study the characteristics of these relations on the part of the state, society as a whole and the teachers themselves. The requirements of the state are formulated in documents defining directions and mechanisms of education modernization. According to the strategy for modernizing the content of general education, the main goal of general secondary education in Russia is the preparation of a well-rounded personality of a citizen, oriented in the traditions of domestic and world culture, in the modern system of values ​​and the needs of modern life, capable of active social adaptation in society and independent life choices, to the beginning of working activity and continuation vocational education, to self-education and self-improvement. The goals of education are manifested primarily in a different definition of the quality of education: modern quality of education is the quality of the result, manifested in the readiness of a school graduate for independent life, the quality of the process, which is determined by changes in the professional and pedagogical activities of the teacher, as well as the quality of the system, understood as high-quality education management, which also implies the participation of teachers in it through the delegation of responsibility for certain aspects of management activities. Society’s requirements are recorded in the materials of public pedagogical discussions in the media, including with the participation of parents, in the requirements of employers, and the characteristics of requirements for a graduate of one or another level of education, the order of the school is determined through the requirements for the graduate, when the traditional characteristic of quality - the level of acquired knowledge - is transformed into another result of education - competence in various spheres of the student’s life (not only in the actual cognitive or educational), sustainable motivation for learning throughout life. The opinion of students and their parents regarding the primary objectives of the school can be considered as a social order for the education system, which reflects the main meaning of school education - the formation of individual potential - and is focused primarily on achieving personal results. Society's requirements relate to the quality of the result and reflect such characteristics of a person as as initiative, independence in decision-making, motivation for continuous education and professional growth, which constitute the characteristics of the modern cultural personality type. It is clear that before discussing a new quality of education that meets the requirements of modern society, it is necessary to determine what is meant by the quality of education. Quality education is determined in the following ways:

− definition of superiority (features);

− absence of shortcomings;

− ability for continuous improvement;

− adequacy of the goal;

− compliance with minimum standards;

− competitiveness of the country.

We believe that in one way or another these definitions of quality are interrelated; each of them only highlights some aspect of the general problem. The most productive for our reasoning are two definitions - the adequacy of the goal and the competitiveness of the country. Today, any state determines its policy in the field of education, focusing on how certain changes in the field of education ensure the competitiveness of the country. Obviously, a slightly different understanding of the quality of education comes into force here, namely “quality as adequacy of the goal,” since the formulation of the goal of education is always sensitive to sociocultural changes in society. Consequently, this understanding of quality is decisive for the education system. In the modern understanding, the quality of education as a category often seems interconnected with the quality of a person. Depending on what specific content and system of requirements the components of a person’s “quality structure” are “saturated,” a model of human quality is determined, which has a systemic impact on the potential quality of education and its content. And vice versa, in educational programs, in the selected priority range of values ​​that “education” is going to cultivate in a person, the corresponding model of human quality is implicitly reflected. The explanation for this is quite obvious: education creates “human capital”, which, in combination with “physical capital” and gives an increase in productivity and quality. This has always been true, but it is doubly true in a globally technologically complex economy. Today, quality is usually viewed in two aspects:

− practical aspect as meeting requests and expectations;

− technical aspect as the nature of an object or phenomenon, that is, a complete set of implemented quality characteristics and their meaning associated with requests and expectations. By the end of the millennium, the quality of education was considered among such concepts as accessibility and efficiency; education development programs of UNESCO, the European Union, and many

accessibility and efficiency." What is the history of searches in the field of quality of school education? Since in modern Russia, included in the global educational space, today the position expressed by the international community and recorded in the documents of the UN and UNESCO is understood, we found it possible to present an understanding of the quality of education precisely through this position. In UNESCO documents, one of the first definitions of the quality of education appeared in the report of the International Commission on development of education “Learning to Be: The World of Education Today and Tomorrow.” The Commission identified the main goal of social development as the eradication of inequality and the establishment of a democratic society based on the principles of justice. In particular, the report states that “the purpose and content of education should be reconsidered to ensure a new quality of society and a new quality of democracy”1. The concepts that were new at that time: “lifelong learning” and “relevance” were considered particularly significant. The report emphasized the importance of science and technology. It was argued that improving the quality of education is possible only in educational systems that create opportunities for learning the principles of scientific development and global progress in the format of a local socio-cultural context of learning. About two decades later, UNESCO presented the report “Education: The Hidden Treasure” Within)" International Commission on Education for the 21st Century. The report argued that lifelong learning is based on four foundations: − learning to know, which means that students daily construct their own knowledge from external (information) and internal (experience, motives, values) elements; − learning to do, which means practical application learned; − learning to live together, which characterizes the desire for a life free from any discrimination, when everyone has an equal opportunity with others for their own development, the development of their family and local community; − learning to be, which highlights the skills necessary for each person to full development of one’s own capabilities; This understanding of education provided an integrated approach to schooling and, accordingly, to understanding the quality of education

2. The major UNESCO program “Education for All” is also devoted to issues of quality of education. Until the end of the 20th century, the main objective of this program was to ensure access to education and there was a natural orientation towards the quantitative aspects of educational policies in countries around the world. In 2000, the declaration of the Education for All conference in Dakar clearly stated that the quality of education is a determining factor in the participation of children in education. It was concluded that problems with school attendance and dropout problems do not arise if children are taught well and they make progress in learning. Thus, new aspects of the quality of education are highlighted, in particular, not only the result of education seems significant, but also ensuring a high-quality learning process, creating adequate conditions for obtaining a high-quality result. So, in understanding the quality of education, there is a shift in emphasis: if previously low educational results can be was explained by the fact that schoolchildren cannot achieve good results due to their abilities or low motivation to study, now the problems of creating, first of all, pedagogical conditions so that every child finds his own path in education are emphasized. Thus, it becomes obvious that there is a change in the content of the effective aspect of the quality of education, which demonstrates not only training, as measured by the score on the final exam. Curricula in school education are designed in such a way as to ensure the diversified development of students. School curricula, at least those that cover the period of compulsory education, are aimed at developing both skills and understanding in a wide variety of areas of education: languages ​​(native and foreign), mathematics, physical education, music and drawing. Thus, a comprehensive education implies that the student successfully masters various subjects, including reading and writing in the folk language, the main sections of mathematics, only by developing knowledge, skills and abilities. Schools also see their task as ensuring the development of personal and social skills - leadership, teamwork, self-confidence, empathy, intrinsic motivation and personal independence. Therefore, all aspects of a student’s development are not limited to mastering specific

knowledge and skills, but consist in the formation of general social skills and qualities necessary for the development of the student’s personality as a whole.


So, in modern education, equal attention is paid to the acquisition of both “cognitive” skills (thinking, explanation, understanding, ability to work with information, in general the ability and willingness to learn), and “non-cognitive” and “emotional” (relationships, interpersonal communication, flexibility, diligence, determination, self-discipline, responsibility). Obviously, a modern person and worker need both groups of qualities. Understanding the quality of education at the level of an educational institution is illustrated through the requirements that characterize a graduate. Let us present some opinions of teachers and school administrators. I see my students, over time, being able to be responsible for themselves and direct themselves. True learning occurs when students are able to think critically, ask themselves questions, and develop their own thoughts about the subjects and phenomena they are studying. The main practical result of training: to understand what you yourself want to learn, to be able to study and assimilate it, to independently evaluate your achievements and to understand what exactly new experience brings to life. When the whole system works normally, children become inquisitive students who receive positive emotions from reading books, from observing and learning new things. They become people strong enough to defend their opinions, people who, regardless of the decision to join the army, go to work or further study, continue to learn and grow. They understand themselves and understand what learning gives them. Modern life poses difficult challenges for school graduates. These tasks are not only about choosing a profession or institution for continuing education. In general, this is determining your place in life, understanding yourself and the ability to build life plans and implement them. This means that the teacher must first teach how to make the right choice and take responsibility for it. Our school has such an opportunity - a choice of tasks and subjects when designing an individual educational route. I really hope that studying at our school helps schoolchildren become active, independent and responsible citizens. These statements by teachers and principals of different schools illustrate the general approach to defining the goals and results of education, which determine its new quality as a characteristic or feature of modern education. The organization of children's education is focused on the following educational outcomes: graduates become active members of the community in which they live and work, responsible for their learning, and willing to work for a better future for everyone. The task of achieving a new, modern quality of education is paramount. From a national perspective, the new quality of education is its compliance with the modern vital needs of the country's development. In pedagogical terms, this is the orientation of education not only towards the student’s assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also towards the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. Within the framework of this study, teachers’ opinions regarding the influence of sociocultural factors on education were studied. The first step in solving this The task was to identify teachers’ opinions about the significance of the identified factors. It turned out that the quality of education is manifested through determining the results of school education. The results of a study of teachers’ opinions about priorities in activities show that they have remained virtually unchanged over the past decade. In addition, it is from the point of view of modern priorities in relation to the results of school education that the fact of the dominant importance of the knowledge component for the overwhelming number of teachers (about 70%), which is supplemented by such guidelines as “development of cognitive abilities” (74%) and “preparation for admission to a university" (50%) to the detriment of such indicators as "experience of social interaction" (20%), "experience of social activities" (26%). With this emphasis on the knowledge component of school education, we also note the fact that 17% of teachers believe that modern school still does not provide enough knowledge. A study of students’ opinions about the primary tasks of the school suggests the following: students proceed from the fact that the school should, first of all, prepare them to independently solve various life problems, form in them a certain attitude towards themselves, certain personal qualities, develop their cognitive needs and capabilities and provide preparation for future work. An analysis of the responses of students’ parents to the same question showed that their positions basically coincide with the position of students, however, parents are more focused on the knowledge results of education, and children are more focused on the development of personal potential, which is expressed in the ability to act independently and creatively, the qualities of education are manifested through determining the results of school education. The results of a study of teachers’ opinions about priorities in activities show that they have remained virtually unchanged over the past decade. In addition, it is from the point of view of modern priorities in relation to the results of school education that the fact of the dominant importance of the knowledge component for the overwhelming number of teachers (about 70%), which is supplemented by such guidelines as “development of cognitive abilities” (74%) and “preparation for admission to a university" (50%) to the detriment of such indicators as "experience of social interaction" (20%), "experience of social activities" (26%). With this emphasis on the knowledge component of school education, we also note the fact that 17% of teachers believe that modern school still does not provide enough knowledge. A study of students’ opinions about the primary tasks of the school suggests the following: students proceed from the fact that the school should, first of all, prepare them to independently solve various life problems, form in them a certain attitude towards themselves, certain personal qualities, develop their cognitive needs and capabilities and provide preparation for future work. An analysis of the responses of students’ parents to the same question showed that their positions basically coincide with the position of students, however, parents are more focused on the knowledge results of education, and children

To develop the individual’s potential, which is expressed in the ability to act independently and creatively


Preparing a teacher to work in a modern school, providing quality education for all, obviously should be carried out in the following logic: from professional reflection of pedagogical activity, as a result of which teachers came to the conclusion about the need to achieve quality education for all and, in connection with this, the need for changes in professional activities; further to the design of changes in activities, their implementation, analysis of results and the adoption of new values ​​of education and professional teaching activities. The main idea of ​​mastering new functions of pedagogical activity by working teachers is based on the provisions of the concept of the person’s attitude to work by McGregor-Maslow, which is characterized through the following parameters:

1. The main motivation for professional activity is self-realization of both managers and employees. The desire for self-realization puts forward new goals and values, which is primarily manifested in the search for and mastery of something fundamentally new.2. Maximum responsibility. Authority is achieved through recognition of talents, knowledge, and merit.3. The spirit of team, cooperation, creative atmosphere, when leadership is carried out not by subordinates, but by the creative process.4. A combination of autonomy and individualism with collectivism and teamwork.5. Self-learning. 6. The value system is based on social goals and ethical values.7. The work is carried out by creative groups and structures for various purposes.8. The desire for innovation allows you to quickly respond to external conditions and change them. Based on this concept, we can propose principles for organizing the activities of a school, the guiding principle of which is the professional development of teachers:

Understanding the school as a learning organization that unites people with common values;

Focus on creating conditions for human self-realization, constant renewal of professional and pedagogical activities, determined by the internal desire of the teacher and school for excellence, which include:

− creation of a corporate education system;

− delegation of powers;

− development of a system of incentives for pedagogical initiatives.

The second basis for the development of forms for mastering new functions of professional pedagogical activity by working teachers was the analysis of the existing (both positive and negative) experience of mastering new things by teachers as part of advanced training. To do this, we used research data within the framework of the state program “Children of Chernobyl”, as well as research from the St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Education to study the needs of school teachers - in which areas of teaching they most require new knowledge and what professional problems they face most interested. The implementation of this problem analysis made it possible to determine the content of activities to organize teachers’ mastery of new functions of professional pedagogical activity. It turned out that teachers most of all consider themselves ready for the actual teaching (learning) activity and less⎯ to other areas of pedagogical work. Most of all, teachers associate the need for advanced training with the need for new knowledge (for about 70% of teachers this is the main motive om to attend advanced training and retraining courses). In second place⎯ resolving the contradiction between the need for new knowledge and its current level. Requests from students, parents, and administration influence educational no more needs e 9% of teachers. Obviously, we can conclude that the knowledge orientation of professional pedagogical activity is transferred by teachers to their own teaching. At the same time, the degree of maximum satisfaction with all courses is approximately the same (a small number of teachers are maximally satisfied, mostly teachers show average satisfaction). It can be assumed that the focus of advanced training courses on the knowledge component is not satisfactory in modern conditions due to the demand for the use of new educational technologies in the workplace, methods of recording and assessing the achievements of schoolchildren, which involve self-assessment activities, and skills related to the creation of an educational environment. It is clear that in the knowledge paradigm it is very problematic to master such skills. It is also important to conclude that in case of professional difficulties, teachers most often turn to their colleagues, then to the administration of the educational institution. This means that the possibility of using the potential of the teaching staff of an educational institution is quite high. Mastering new functions by teachers can be carried out within the framework of two strategies, as a result of which teachers assign new values ​​of education and learn to implement them in their professional teaching activities through new functions. These are the strategies:

− innovative activities in current areas of development of domestic education;

− advanced training “on the job” in the format of corporate training. It is important to build both strategies in the logic of pedagogical reflection. For this, it was important to organize meetings (pedagogical councils, scientific and practical conferences, round tables, pedagogical readings), where it was possible to discuss the problems of modern education, the logic of which could be as follows:

− characteristics of one or another aspect of the current situation in education;

− highlighting the essential features of the situation, contradictions;

− identification of several alternative methods of action or characterization of an alternative method of action in the experience of a particular educational institution or teacher; assessment of methods of action from the point of view of the capabilities of children, the capabilities of an educational institution or teacher, as well as the possibilities of organizing the pedagogical process. Let us give an example of the organization of innovative activities of teachers in one of the districts of St. Petersburg. Of course, a positive fact is the organization of such work in an educational institution within the framework of experimental work or the implementation of an institution’s development program. However, in the case of systemic changes, work at the district or city level is immeasurably more significant. In our example, innovative activity was determined by the specifics of the school’s participation in the implementation of the program for the development of the district’s educational system. Pedagogical forums were organized in the district:

− scientific-practical conference “Current situation of education”;

− seminars for directors educational institutions, head teachers for educational work and experimental work;

− pedagogical readings for teachers of educational institutions in the district. As a result of discussions, the grounds for developing a development program were determined:

− analysis of the modern sociocultural situation;

− problems recorded in the district’s education system;

− results of the implementation of the previous program for the development of the district educational system (RDS).

The next stage was the holding of a design seminar, at which priority directions for the development of the regional educational system for 2003–2007 were identified:

− implementation of a competency-based approach in general education;

− informatization of education;

− creating conditions for the implementation of the diverse educational needs of students;

− focus on the child’s success in learning;

− ensuring the professional growth of teachers and the realization of the innovative potential of teaching staff. At the seminar, as a result of the work of creative groups, these areas of development were presented through the subprograms of the Development Program “Quality of Education”: “Competency-based approach”, “ Profile school", "Informatization of education", "Comfortable school" and "Teachers". The general goal of the program was formulated as follows: the formation of an open socio-pedagogical system that ensures lifelong education in educational institutions as cultural centers microenvironment capable of satisfying the needs of various social strata of the population, promoting the professional growth of teachers and realizing the creative potential of teaching staff. The goal was specified in the main objectives of the program:

− to ensure the quality of education corresponding to modern


− to promote the implementation of strategic directions for the renewal of the Russian school and regional education system;

− contribute to the formation of an open information educational environment in the region;

− to create conditions for the realization of the innovative potential of the district’s teaching staff. Teachers mastered the management function not only during the development of the Program for the Development of the District Educational System, but also during the period of their participation in the work to implement the program:

− in the activities of subprogram councils that provide their scientific, methodological and organizational support;

− in the project activities of groups developing projects within the framework of subprograms and ensuring their implementation.

The pedagogical community of the district chose the mechanism for implementing the ROS Development Program project activities, taking into account its innovative potential, focus on solving current problems, productivity, and presentation of the results. It was the participation of educational institutions in the development and implementation of projects that made it possible to organize teachers’ mastery of the functions of promoting the child’s education, design, management (in terms of coordinating the activities of subjects of the educational process), reflection and self-education. Let’s imagine how the work was organized to help teachers in the district’s schools master new functions of professional and pedagogical activity. It should be noted that the Program for the Development of the District's Educational System has become a system-forming factor in the overall work to improve the quality of school education and create a field for discussion of common problems. Each educational institution, voluntarily participating in the implementation of the development program, determined the most significant topic for its own development. Let us consider how teachers carried out their activities to master new functions. The choice of direction of activity was made at the pedagogical council, which in some schools was preceded by:

− administrative meetings (including extended ones - with the invitation of the most experienced teachers-methodologists or teachers who are effectively testing modern methods of organizing the educational process or developing their own methods);

− seminars of methodological associations;

− meetings of temporary creative teams.

At the pedagogical councils, the problems of school education in the modern sociocultural situation were discussed, proposals for implementing the necessary changes in the professional activities of teachers were discussed, and specific areas of these changes were selected as priorities for a given educational institution. The choice of the direction of innovative activity, therefore, was carried out on the basis of an analysis of the capabilities and interests of the teaching staff, the problems of the educational institution (in particular, the characteristics of the student population). In this approach to organizing a teacher’s activities to master new functions, there is a certain risk: the direction of innovative activity may not be significant for every teacher. Neutralization of this risk was carried out, firstly, by the voluntary participation of teachers in innovative activities, and secondly, by the positive attitude of the part of teachers who are more receptive to innovation and their active work in presenting achievements and involving colleagues in common work. In mastering the function of promoting the education of schoolchildren, school teachers The district worked in three directions:

− updating the content of education taking into account modern educational goals;

− testing of educational technologies that make it possible to most successfully implement the tasks of modernizing the content of education and achieve the set goals;

− development of a system for assessing student achievements that is adequate to new educational goals. The results of the work were:

− selection of topics for educational and scientific research on various subjects and having an interdisciplinary nature;

− topics of project work (subject-specific, interdisciplinary, social);

− methodological development of integrated lessons, which were carried out by two or even three teachers of different subjects;

− collections of situational problems.

It is clear that work on the content of education was ensured by the use of educational technologies, in particular, technologies of project-based and research-based learning, which were especially actively used by teachers. The criteria for selecting these technologies were: interactivity, activity-based nature, focus on supporting the individual development of the student, providing him with the necessary space of freedom to accept independent decisions, creativity, choice of content, teaching methods, dialogicality, shifting the emphasis from memorizing information to studying reality. As a result of the work of teachers in the district, a bank of methodological developments for lessons, extracurricular and extracurricular activities has been formed using educational technologies of project-based and research-based learning. Promoting the education of schoolchildren, carried out through the selection of content and the choice of educational technologies, naturally resulted in the search for new forms of recording student achievements, since the named innovative ways of transforming the educational process into an educational one required expanding the methods and forms of assessment educational results. For this purpose, teachers tested:

− various portfolio options (portfolio of works, portfolio of achievements);

− creative books for schoolchildren;

− specially designed student diaries (a version of the traditional diary modified for modern purposes). These forms of assessing and recording the achievements of schoolchildren allowed teachers to assess educational results, which are not covered by the modern system of assessing students’ knowledge and skills:

− activity;

− organization;

− creativity;

− focus on individual progress;

− ability to work in a group.

The second strategy for teachers to master new functions in the workplace can be conventionally called “corporate training.” The idea of ​​so-called corporate training, which is considered as a way to improve the skills of the teaching staff in general, and of an individual teacher in particular, is becoming widespread in modern schools. The idea of ​​corporate training was born almost half a century ago; the pioneers in this regard were such large corporations as IBM, General Motors, and Silicon Valley enterprises. Since the 80s of the last century, the idea has become widespread in the business world. At the same time, two models are developing that do not contradict, but rather, as practice shows, complement each other.1. The company, as a training organization, becomes a resource center for related companies, while disseminating its experience of innovation through the provision of new types of services - high-quality education and training.2. The company, as a learning organization, uses training on innovative and continuous improvement methods to increase the flow of ideas from all its employees. In addition, the so-called “inverted” management is used, when each employee is delegated part of the responsibility for the common cause. Probably, completely new business models that have emerged in the last 10-15 years can be called the biggest lesson taught by the world of business to the world of education. D. A. Moore, one of the developers of the "high-tech life cycle" in Silicon Valley companies, argues that in most industries, 2% of employees are innovators, and 13% are eager to embrace new things. In terms of high-tech industries, this means that 2% of workers are enthusiasts of new technologies, 13% are visionaries, 35% are “pragmatists” who will use the proposed idea only if it has already been “polished”, 35% are “conservatives”, who will accept innovations only under pressure from clients, and the remaining 15% are “skeptics”.

All this has a direct bearing on the education system. Based on the researchers' observations, education systems around the world operate according to the same bell-shaped curve as industry: about 2% of teachers are innovators, and 13% are ready to be the first to adopt and put new ideas into practice. Unfortunately, there are practically no mechanisms in the education system that can make innovations instantly accessible to teachers. To summarize this block of discussion about new opportunities for increasing the professional growth of teachers in the format of corporate training, let us present a model of a learning organization compiled by Gordon Dryden for the British company The Burton Group PLC. Model of the learning organization Overall focus on the future Understanding the “shape of the future”, the “learning revolution”, the “thinking revolution” and the “instant communications revolution” The dual task of senior leaders Management: set and implement short-term goals by involving other people. Leadership: Lead the construction of a new, sustainable world of the future, setting ever more ambitious goals for ourselves

Corporate culture

Everyone is an enthusiastic student.

Everyone is a teacher, mentor, coach.

Everyone is a creative thinker

Everyone makes a positive contribution.

Everyone is their own manager.

Everyone actively participates in the affairs of the organization

Training and development

Formulation and implementation of both personal and corporate goals. Training in general does not necessarily have to be about job-related skills. It is enough to add cognitive skills and teach a person to learn using modern learning technologies and relying on critical thinking. Information exchange cycle Creating, simplifying and storing any important information should be an extremely easy and transparent process, in addition, the information should be accessible to everyone. People need to be encouraged to share their ideas with others and break the “no idea here” syndrome. The ideas of partnership, co-action, interaction in training and advanced training of teachers are gaining strength today and in existing forms of advanced training and retraining of teachers. As for corporate training, it is for these reasons that we can believe that corporate training is a powerful source and incentive for the professional growth of teachers modern school. The idea of ​​corporate training today is especially effectively implemented when training takes place within the framework of problems necessary for an educational institution for development, in the format of innovative activities or experimental work, conducting research or implementing projects. Let's consider what corporate training opportunities are for educational institutions:

− the ability to respond flexibly to the changing situation in education;

− continuous nature of training, that is, professional development in the workplace is carried out continuously throughout the entire professional career teachers;

− the possibility of carrying out not only subject retraining of teachers, but also interdisciplinary and extracurricular retraining;

− the possibility of organizing teamwork among school teachers;

− the opportunity to disseminate the valuable experience of individual school teachers in priority areas of development of the education system;

− continuous professional development of the entire school staff, and not just individual teachers;

− providing continuous qualified methodological assistance to specific teachers to solve a specific problem;

− the opportunity to take into account the characteristics of both the teacher himself and the school in which he works to a greater extent. Schools today use the following models of corporate teacher training:

1.) Traditional model, which includes theoretical and practical classes; practical activities on the application of mastered methods of solving problems; consultations; organization of reflective activities of teachers.

2.) Organization of “team” work of school teachers to solve a specific problem common to all. School teachers are involved in the process of developing a specific product, for example, a package of various teaching materials, an educational and methodological complex, a system for assessing the educational results of students in parallel grades or levels of school education, etc. The developed product is tested by different teachers in practice, then the results are discussed and necessary adjustments are made. To train teachers, training seminars, workshops, and trainings are organized. Teachers of various specialties are united in creative groups. To examine the developed products, the school creates, for example, an expert council, conducts psychological and pedagogical consultations, etc. 3). Organization of independent research activities of the teacher. As part of the training seminars, teachers become familiar with the organization of pedagogical research and select topics for independent micro-research, which is carried out either in a microgroup or individually. The topics of micro-research of various micro-groups are consistent with the school development program. To conduct research, teachers use pedagogical research methods known to them (analysis of documents, literature, surveys, interviews, observation, etc.), and various diagnostic techniques. Training seminars are conducted either by invited specialists or by tutors - specially trained teachers of a given school. A presentation of the interim results of the microgroups’ work is definitely planned. As part of the training seminars, the most important problems for the school are discussed, and ways to solve professional problems are discussed. The main risks of organizing corporate training include: 1. Formalization of the content of teachers' activities, the predominance of theoretical forms of teaching over practical ones.2. Isolation of meaningful activities within a separate educational institution from existing practices in the district and city educational space.3. Lack of an effective information system about training in a separate educational institution. Overcoming these contradictions is the establishment of horizontal connections between educational institutions, the creation of professional communities of teachers, network interaction at the level of individual methodological associations of different schools, which became possible thanks to the common work of teachers and educational institutions on the implementation of the Development Program for the district educational system. The results of corporate teacher training were presented at scientific and practical conferences, pedagogical readings, seminars on project issues, and at meetings of the expert council at the district education administration. Thus, the tasks of ensuring quality education for all can be solved as a result of preparing working teachers for the successful implementation of new functions of professional activity, and first of all the function of promoting the education of the child.


In modern conditions, the status of education is changing, since since the second half of the 20th century, the contribution of education to economic growth and to improving the quality of life through the category of human capital, which is determined by a person’s education, has been seriously studied. This is why the problem of the quality of education and its new understanding has become extremely relevant. Today, the influence of the sociocultural context on the quality of education is being seriously considered. The sociocultural situation determines the requirements for a school graduate, which, in turn, are reflected in the requirements for the quality of education and determine its goals, realized by the teacher in his professional activities. In the situation of education in the Russian Federation, in terms of achieving quality education for everyone, such a function of the teacher’s professional activity as promoting the education of every child becomes relevant. school age. Promoting the education of a schoolchild involves creating, through pedagogical activities, conditions for the child to demonstrate independence, creativity, and responsibility in educational process and the formation of his motivation for continuous education. Along with the leading one, subordinate functions of the teacher’s activity are distinguished: the function of designing an individual educational route; control function. The teacher’s acceptance of new functions depends on his cultural and professional identity, which is manifested in value systems implemented in the process of professional and pedagogical activity, which allows us to conclude that creating conditions conducive to a child’s education is possible if the teacher is ready for understanding changes based on professional pedagogical reflection, which serves as the basis for his self-education. The conducted research allows us to conclude that the guideline for the necessary changes in professional pedagogical activity should be awareness of new values ​​of education and readiness to implement new functions of professional activity. This conclusion defines the main idea of ​​preparing a teacher to master new functions of professional activity: since new values ​​cannot be transmitted by means of information and subsequent reproduction, they must be mastered by the way of living. To do this, it is proposed in higher education to: 1) comprehend the role and place of pedagogy and other general professional disciplines in the professional training of teachers; 2) determine ways to pedagogize the professional training environment for teachers; 3) implement changes in the process of implementing professional educational programs based on competency-based and contextual approaches. As for the training of a working teacher, the participation of teachers and teaching staff in innovative and experimental activities to solve the problems of modern education becomes a strategy for mastering the function of promoting the education of schoolchildren. At the same time, the idea of ​​corporate teacher training can be adopted as a tactical solution for organizing teachers’ mastery of new functions. So, today, given the existing shortage of funding for the education system and differences in the resource provision of schools, the pedagogical potential of the teaching corps is not sufficiently used. It is precisely this resource that must be relied upon in the current situation in Russia. This is how the main problem can be solved Russian education- achievement of quality education for all children studying in school.


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