English language in medical colleges and schools. English for medical colleges and schools - Kozyreva L.G. Approximate word search

7th ed. - M.: 2007 - 3 16 p.

Tutorial prepared in accordance with the State educational standard for secondary medical schools. The manual focuses not only lexical material on medical topics, but also basic grammatical material typical of medical literature. In addition, the lexical material covers such basic sections of medicine as first aid for various painful conditions, patient care in therapeutic and infectious diseases departments, pharmacy, dentistry, obstetrics and gynecology. This textbook is the third updated edition, in which the English grammar reference book is expanded, more attention is paid to articles and prepositions, and the volume of lexical material is increased. This textbook is intended for teaching English to students of medical colleges and medical schools.

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English alphabet 3
Section 1
Introductory and corrective course 4
1. Why you need to study foreign languages in a secondary special educational institution? 4
2. Reading English vowels 5
3. Reading combinations of English consonants 6
4. Word and phrase stress 7
5. Verbs to be - to be; to have - have 8
6. Articles 9
The main cases of using the definite, indefinite articles and their absence 10
7. Word order in English sentence 12
8. Questions in English 13
9. Test and generalization exercises 15
Phonetic exercises Improving student pronunciation 17
10. Several statements about language learning.
Do you agree or disagree with these statements?
Discuss this problem 21
Section 2.

Basic course 24
1. Our college 24
2. Body parts 26
3. Internal organs person 27
4. In the therapeutic department 28
General nursing care. Patient care items 28
Hypertension 31
Work of the Human Heart 32
Heart Disease 34
First Aid 35
Bleeding 37
Fracture 38
At the Doctor's... 39
The Patients Need Your Help 40
Headache 42
Pneumonia 43
Bronchitis 45
Rickets 46
A case from the Practical Medicine 47
A case 48
Taking a Past History and Family History 49
Some Ways to Reduce Stress 52
Case Report 53
Appendicitis 55
5. In the infectious diseases department 56
Diphtheria 56
Hepatitis 57
German meats (Rubella) 58
Mumps 59
Whooping cough 61
Chic ken pox 62
Poliomyelitis 63
Typhoid 64
Tonsillitis 64
Tetanus 65
6. Pharmacy 66
Basic dosage forms 66
At a Chemist's 69
Pharmacy 71
Water 73
Tablets 74
Plant 76
Solution 78
Panadol Extra Soluble Tablets 79
Ester, 81
Importance of Carbon Chemistry 82
Biochemistry 84
Vitamins 86
Some Rules for Drugs Taking 89
7. Dentistry.- 90
Basic dental terms 90
Teeth 93
L visit to the dentist 94
At the Dentist's 95
8. Obstetrics and gynecology 97
Basic obstetric and gynecological terms... 97
Pregnancy 99
A Diet for Pregnant Women 101
Protein, minerals, vitamins 102
Vitamins 105
A Visit to a Gynecologist 106
Smoking 107
Grammar exercises 108
Pronoun The Pronoun 108
Prepositions 109
Degrees of comparison of adjectives.
Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives 111
Numerals. The Numeral 113
Turnover There + to be 113
Present Simple J14
Past Simple 115
Future Simple 116
Modal verbs 117
Passive Voice The Passive Voice 118
Present Progressive (Continuous) 119
Past Progressive (Continuous) 120
Future Progressive (Continuous) 120
Present Perfect Tense 121
Past Perfect Tense 122
Present Perfect Continuous J22
Past Perfect Continuous 124
Future Perfect Continuous 125
Coordination of tenses Sequences of Tenses 126
Section Z.

Well oral speech 130
Hippocrates - "the father of Medicine" 130
The Hippocratic Oath 132
Medicine in the Middle Ages 133
Developments of the Middle Ages 134
Rapid Scientific Advances 135
The Developments of the Twentieth Century 137
Florence Nightingale - the Founder of the Nursing
Profession 138
Edward Jenner (1749-1823) 140
Mechnikov I. 1 141
Louis Pasteur 144
Robert Koch 146
D. I. Ivanovsky - the Founder of Virilogy 147
Professor Lesgaft 148
A Prominent Russian Scientist I. M. Sechcnov 150
Health Service in Russia 151
Health Service in England 154
Medical Service in the USA 155
Great Britain 156
The Union Jack 158
London 159
The United States of America 160
Washington 162
Interesting Facts 163
The United Kingdom 163
The Untied Kingdom 163
Great Britain 164
Holidays in England 164
Easter eggs 164
I'm in love! 165
Ghosts and witches 165
Christmas 166
The Russian Federation 167
Moscow 169
D. I. Mcndeleycv (1834-1907) 172
Cancer Cells 174
What Must You Know about Aids? 176
Causes of Some Diseases 177
Cigarette smoking 177
Alcohol 178
What is Your Learning Line? 178
Some Interesting Facts About English Language 179
It is Interesting to Know 180
Question 180
Answer 180
Discuss Your Signs 181
Time for Fun 184
When I am ill 184
Proverbs 185
Anecdotes 186
Jokes 189
World Pies 193
Russia's TV epidemic creates a global threat 197
Try to remember: 198
The report on smoking raises new worries 199
Section 4.

Grammar reference 201
I. The pronoun 201
Personal pronouns 201
Possessive pronouns 201
Demonstrative pronouns 202
Intensifying and reflexive pronouns 202
II. Prepositions of place, movement, time 203
Classification of prepositions 203
W. Shapes English verb 205
IV. Degrees of comparison of adjectives 207
Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives 208
V. Numerals 209
Turnover There + to be 210
V.J. Times of the group Indefinite (Simple) Active 211
Present Indefinite (Simple) 211
Formation of interrogative and negative forms Present Indefinite (Simple) 212
Past Indefinite (Simple) 213
Formation of interrogative and negative forms Past Indefinite (Simple) 213
Future Indefinite (Simple) 214
Formation of interrogative and negative forms of Future Indefinite (Simple) 214
VH. Passive Voice Simple 215
VJ11. Modal verbs and their equivalents 216
Equivalents of modal verbs 217
IX. Band Times 219
Continuous (Progressive) Active 219
X. Times group Perfect Active 220
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
(Present continuous-final tense) 223
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
(Past continuous-total tense) 226
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense
(Future perfect continuous tense) 227
XI. Coordination of times 228
XII. Verbal noun 230
Basic features of a verbal noun 230
XII. The Gerund 230
Gerund forms 231
Functions of the gerund in sentence 231
Signs of difference between a gerund and a verbal noun 232
X]V. Direct and indirect speech 233
Section 5: Remember Grammar 234
Test and generalization exercises 234
Punctuation marks Punctuation 245
Section 6. Table irregular verbs List of Irregular Verb 246
Section 7. Basic Greek-Latin terminological elements used in English in education medical terms 250
Section 8. List of the most common abbreviations and abbreviations adopted in medical literature 272
Section 9. English-Russian dictionary.....289

Average professional education L. G. Kozyreva, T. V. Shadskaya ENGLISH FOR MEDICAL COLLEGE AND SCHOOLS Textbook Fourteenth edition, stereotypical Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a textbook for students of medical schools and colleges Rostov;on;Don “Phoenix” 2012 UDC 811.111 (075.32) BBK 81.2 English;9 KTK 8032 K 59 Kozyreva L.G. K 59 English language for medical colleges and schools: textbook / L.G. Kozyreva, T.V. Shad; sky. - Ed. 14;e, erased. - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2012. - 315, p. - (Secondary vocational education). ISBN 978;5;222;19661- 8 The textbook was prepared in accordance with the State; national educational standard for secondary students; Qing educational institutions . The manual focuses not only on mother's vocabulary; al on medical topics, but also basic grammatical material typical of medical literature. In addition, the lexical material covers the following; new branches of medicine, such as first aid for various painful conditions, patient care in therapeutic and infectious diseases departments, pharmacy, dentistry, and medical science; wool and gynecology. This textbook is the third updated edition, in which the English grammar reference book is expanded, more attention is paid to articles and prepositions, and the volume of lexical material is increased. This textbook is intended for teaching English to students of medical colleges and medical institutions; Ditsin schools. UDC 811.111(075.32) BBK 81.2 English;9 Kozyreva L.G., Shadskaya G.V., 2011 Design, Phoenix LLC, 2012 ISBN 978;5;222;19661-8 216 English for medical colleges and schools Her hand was broken. Her arm was broken. The passive voice is formed with the help of auxiliary; of the powerful verb to be in the appropriate tense + Participle II of the semantic verb. In Russian, verbs in the passive voice are not; are translated: 1) by a combination of the verb to be (in the past and future tense) with the short form of the participle sufferer! no collateral. The text was translated. The text has been translated. 2) reflexive verbs. Medical texts are translated by the students. Medical texts are translated by students. 3) indefinitely! personal form, i.e. without a subject. The patient was examined. The patient was examined. 4) a verb in the active voice. The text was translated by the students. The students translated the text. VIII. Modal verbs and their equivalents Modal verbs denote not the action itself, but the speaker’s attitude towards it. They express a way; reality, possibility, permissibility, obligation. Time Present Past Future Indefinite (Simple) The injection is given The injection was given The injection will be given Section 4. Grammar reference 217 Modal verbs are used in combination with in; the finitive of a semantic verb without the particle to. These verbs: 1) do not have impersonal forms; infinitive, participle; tiya, gerund. 2) do not change either in persons or in numbers (they do not have an ending in the 3rd person singular). He can make this mixture himself. 3) form an interrogative form by substituting; new verbs can, must, may before subjects; mi, and the negative form - by adding the negative particle not after the modal verb; heads (the negation of not in combination with the modal verb can is written together as cannot). 4) can and may have present and past forms; th time (could, might), the verb must has only; to the present tense form. Along with the modal verbs can, may, must is; their equivalents are used. Equivalents of modal verbs I. Expression of obligation 1) must + infinitive without the particle to in the present tense; expresses the command: You must do it at once. 2) to have + infinitive with the particle to in the present, past and future tense expresses must; 218 English for medical colleges and training. Often translated into Russian with the verb “have to”. My friend had to leave for a month. My friend had to leave for a month. 3) to be + infinitive with the particle to in the present and about; in the past tense means obligation, you; resulting from a preliminary agreement. The doctor was to examine the patient immediately. The doctor had to examine the patient immediately. 4) should + infinitive without the particle to is used to express modal duty or advice, from; referring to the present or future tense. You should take the drug today. You should take your medicine today. II. Expressing the ability or possibility of performing an action 1) can + infinitive without the particle to in the present tense; me. could + infinitive without to in the past tense. He can translate English newspapers without a dictionary. He could translate English newspapers without a dictionary. 2) to be able + infinitive with the particle to in the present, past and future tense. The nurse will be able to give you a stomach wash out in ten minutes. The nurse will be able to pump your stomach in 10 minutes. Section 4. Grammar reference 219 III. Expressing the permissibility of performing an action 1) may + infinitive without the particle to in the present tense; me. might + infinitive without to in the past tense. You may take this ointment any time you like. 2) to be allowed + infinitive with the particle to in the present; present, past and future tenses. She was allowed to pass the examination. IX. Group tenses Continuous (Progressive) Active Group tenses Continuous (Progressive) Active increased; they mean an action that continues, has continued or will continue at the time in question, i.e. action is expressed in the process of its commission. These forms are formed using the auxiliary verb to be in the present, past or future tense + Participle I of the semantic verb. Continuous forms are translated into Russian by gla; goals of the present, past or future tense; nor imperfect appearance. 220 English for medical colleges and schools Table Continuous(Progressive) Tenses to be + ing!form (Participle I) Time Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form 1. Present I am I am not Am I He is He is Is he She is writing She is not writing Is she writing We are We are not Are we They are You are not Are you They are not Are they 2. Past I was I was not Was I He was He was Was he She was writing She was not writing Was she writing We were We were not Were we You were You were not Were you They were They were not Were they 3. Future I shall be I shall not be Shall I be He will be He will not be Will he be She will be writing She will not be writing Will she be writing We shall be We shall not be Shall we be You will be You will not be Will you be They will be They will not be Will they be X. Group tenses Perfect Active The Perfect form always indicates that the action is for; finished or will end by a certain point in; standing, past or future tense and thus expresses precedence. The Perfect form is usually translated into Russian by verbs in the past or future perfect form. Section 4. Grammar reference 221 The Perfect form is formed from the personal form of the verb to have in the appropriate tense (Present Indefinite (Simple), Past Indefinite (Simple), Future Indefinite (Simple) + Participle II of the semantic verb. Present Perfect is used: 1) to express ended action when the time is not specified. I have taken arterial pressure. 2) With circumstances indicating the period of time; menu, which has not ended until now: today, this week, this month, this year. He has finished his work today. 3) With adverbs of indefinite time: always, ever, never, often, rarely, already, just, yet. I have never seen London. I've never seen London. In this case, the verb in the Present Perfect is translated into Russian using imperfective verbs. 4) to denote an action that began in pro; shlom and ongoing in the present, from the word; mi since - since and for - during. In this case, the verb in the Present Perfect is usually translated into Russian by a verb in the present tense. I have lived in Rostov&on&Don since 1985. I have lived in Rostov&on&Don since 1985. Past Perfect - expresses an action that ended before the beginning of another action or a specified moment in pro; shlom. The surgeon had finished the operation by 12 o’clock sharp. 222 English for medical colleges and schools The doctor had begun his morning round before the professor came. Future Perfect - expresses an action that is law; lasts until the start of another action or until a specified point in the future. The surgeon will have finished the operation by 12 o’clock sharp. The doctor will have begun his morning round before the professor comes. Please note that despite the fact that the second main verb in the sentence - comes is translated into Russian as the future tense, in the English version; those verb is in the form (Present Indefinite (Simple). Present Perfect Past Perfect Future Perfect affirmative; affirmative I have consulted a doctor. I had already consulted a doctor by 5 o'clock. I shall have consulted a doctor by 5 o'clock tomorrow. interrogative Have you consulted a doctor? Had you consulted a doctor by 5 o'clock? Will you have consulted a doctor by 5 o'clock tomorrow? negative I have not consulted a doctor. I had not consulted a doctor by 5 o'clock yesterday. I shall not have consulted a doctor by 5 o'clock tomorrow. Time Form Section 4. Grammar Reference 223 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense The Present Perfect Continuous is formed using the auxiliary verb to be in the form of Present Perfect and Present Participle (present participle) of the semantic verb. 1) Present Perfect Continuous expresses an action, to; something that began in the past and continues in the present moment. When using this tense it is usually uka; The period of time during which the action is performed is specified. It can be indicated: a) using detailed expressions such as all my life, these two years, all this week, all this year, lately, etc. I have been working all this week hard all this week I work a lot. b) using prepositional phrases, usually with the preposition for: It has been raining It has been raining for two hours. He He He She Has She She It It It We We You Have You They They They I have been working (I've been working) Affirmative form has been working ('s been working) have not been working (haven't been working) has not been working (hasn't been working) has been working been working have been working ('ve been working) Interrogative form Have I been working Negative form I have not been working (haven't been working) 224 English for medical colleges and schools c) using since. He came back at three o’clock and since then He has been working since. The Present Perfect Continuous is usually used with dynamic verbs. With static verbs (to be, to see, to hear, to love, to like, to want, to know, to have, etc.) these kinds of actions are expressed using the Present Perfect. I have know John since 1987. In negative sentences as with dynamically; mi, and with static verbs, usually used; is the Present Perfect. Mike lost his job 3 years ago. He hasn’t worked since In some cases, both the Present Perfect and the Present Perfect Continuous are used with the verbs to live, to work, to study, to teach. He has lived in Paris He lives in Paris for 5 years.5 years. He has been living in Paris for 5 years. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that when the sentence indicates how long the action takes, Section 4. Grammar reference 225 Russian present tense corresponds to Present Perfect Continuous or Present Perfect, and in the absence of such an indication - Present Continuous or Simple Past. He has been waiting for you a long time. He is waiting for you. He is waiting for you. I have known her for three years. I know her. 2) Present Perfect Continuous is also used to express a long-term action that began in the past and ended immediately before the moment; volume of speech. The period of time during which it was committed; the action may or may not be specified. In these cases, the Present Perfect Continuous translates; sya into Russian with the past tense of the verb neso; perfect look. I feel tired as I have been working in the garden for several hours. 226 English for medical colleges and schools The Past Perfect Continuous Tense The Past Perfect Continuous is formed with the help of auxiliary; the powerful verb to be in the form of Past Perfect (had been) and Present Participle (present participle) of the semantic verb. 1) Past Perfect Continuous is used to express; tion of actions that began before a specified moment in the past and continued until that moment. In this case, the time period is usually indicated; nor during which the action took place. He had been sleeping for two hours when we returned. returned. The Past Perfect Continuous is usually used only with dynamic verbs. With statal verbs of this kind of action you; are expressed in Past Perfect. 2) Past Perfect Continuous is also used to express a long action that has ended He he He She she She It it It We Had we We You y ou You The y the y The y I I I Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form had been working ('d been working) been working had not been working (hadn't been working) Section 4. Grammar Reference 227 immediately before the moment of the occurrence of another past action. They stopped talking When I came in I understood that they had been talking about me. about me. The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Future Perfect Continuous Tense) Currently, more and more often for pronouns of the first person singular and plural(I and We) up; auxiliary verb will instead of shall. The Future Perfect Continuous is formed using the auxiliary verb to be in the form of the Future Perfect (shall have been, will have been) and the Present Participle (with; parts of the present tense) of the semantic verb. Future Perfect Continuous is used to express; tion of a long future action that will begin I I I We We We He he He She She It it It Y ou y ou Y ou They they They Affirmative form Negative form Interrogative form shall (will) have been working will have been working shall (will) will have been working have been working will not have been working shall (will) not have been working 228 English for medical colleges and schools earlier than another future action (or moment) and will still be performed at the time of its occurrence. The Future Perfect Continuous is used when a period of time is indicated during which the action will take place; come to pass By the first of September By September 1, I shall have been working in the medical college for 15 years. for 15 years. XI. Agreement of tenses If the verb; predicate in an English sentence is in the present tense, then the verb; predicate is complementary; The subordinate clause can stand in any tense required by its meaning. He says that he studies at the Medical college. He says that he studied at the Medical college last year. He says that he will study at the Medical college next year. If the verb; predicate of the main sentence is in the past tense, then in English the predicate; my additional clause is like this; it must stand in one of the past tenses, in co; compliance with the rule of tense coordination. 1) If the actions of both predicates are the same; temporarily, then in an additional subordinate clause the predicate is used in the form Section 4. Grammar reference 229 Past Indefinite (Simple) or Past Continuous (Progres; sive), which in this case are translated into Russian; Russian language with a verb in the present tense. She said that she was a dentist. She said she was a dentist. She said that she was working at the polyclinic. She said that she works at a clinic. 2) If the action expressed by the predicate is completed; corporal subordinate clause, precedence; there was a lot of action, expressed by the predicate the main sentence, then in subordinate clause gla; goal; the predicate is used in the Past Perfect and re; is indicated by a verb in the past tense. She said that she had finished school two years ago. She said she graduated from school 2 years ago. 3) If in an additional subordinate clause; When an action that will happen in the future is expressed, then instead of the auxiliary verbs shall/will, the auxiliary verbs should/would are used, the so-called form Future;in;the; Past. It is translated into Russian with a verb in the future tense. She said that she would work at the surgical department. She said she would work in the surgical department. Contents 309 Contents English alphabet...................................................3 Section 1 ........................................................ .....................4 Introductory! corrective course............................. .................4 1. Why do you need to study foreign languages ​​in a secondary specialized educational institution?......4 2. Reading English vowels...... ...........................5 3. Reading combinations of English consonants............6 4. Verbal and phrasal stress........................7 5. Verbs to be - to be; to have - to have...................8 6. Articles............................. .........................................9 The main cases of using the definite, indefinite article and their absence...............10 7. Word order in an English sentence........12 8. Questions in English......... ...................13 9. Test and generalization exercises............15 Phonetic exercises Improving student pronunciation..... ........................................................ ..........17 10. Several statements about language learning. Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Discuss this problem........................................21 Section 2. Basic course...................................................24 1. Our college................................................... ...............24 2. Body parts.................................... ...............................26 3. Human internal organs.................. ..................27 4. In the therapeutic department.................................... .28 310 English for medical colleges and schools General nursing. Nursing Items...................................................28 Hypertension....... ........................................................ .......31 Work of the Human Heart................................. ..........32 Heart Disease. ........................................................ .............34 First Aid.................................... ....................................35 Bleeding......... ........................................................ ............37 Fracture................................... ....................................38 At the Doctor's......... ........................................................ ...39 The Patients Need Your Help...................................40 Headache................................................... .....................42 Pneumonia............................ ........................................43 Bronchitis....... ........................................................ .............45 Rickets................................... ....................................46 A case from the Practical Medicine.... ...........................47 A case................... ........................................................ ......48 Taking a Past History and Family History................49 Some Ways to Reduce Stress........ ................................52 Case Report................. ........................................................ ....53 Appendicitis............................................ .....................55 5. In the infectious diseases department..................... .......56 Diphtheria.................................... ...............................56 Hepatitis................. ........................................................ .....57 German measles (Rubella)..................................................... ......58 Mumps.................................... ................................59 Whooping cough.................. ........................................61 Chickenpox... ........................................................ ..............62 Poliomyelitis................................. ...........................63 Typhoid................ ........................................................ .......64 Tonsillitis.................................... ...........................64 Tetanus.................. ........................................................ ......65 6. Pharmacy.................................... ....................66 Basic dosage forms.................................. ......66 Contents 311 At a Chemist's.................................... ...........................69 Pharmacy................................... ...................................................71 Water ................................... ........................................73 Tablets.... ........................................................ .....................74 Plant........................ ........................................................ .76 Solution................................................... ...........................78 Panadol Extra Soluble Tablets................... .....................79 Ester........................ ........................................................ ..81 Importance of Carbon Chemistry..................................82 Biochemistry....... ........................................................ .......84 Vitamins................................... ................................86 Some Rules for Drug Taking............ ...............................89 7. Dentistry.................. .....................................90 Basic dental terms....... .............90 Teeth................................... ...........................................93 A visit to the dentist.. ........................................................ ...94 At the Dentist's............................................ ...................95 8. Obstetrics and gynecology.................................. .......97 Basic obstetrics; gynecological terms..97 Pregnancy.................................... ...........................99 A Diet for Pregnant Women.................. ........................101 Protein, minerals, vitamins.................. .......................102 Vitamins........................ ...............................................105 A Visit to a Gynecologist.............................................106 Smoking ........................................................ .....................107 Grammar exercises.................................. ......108 Pronoun The Pronoun.................................... 108 Prepositions.................................................... ..109 Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.................................111 Numerals. The Numeral...................................113 Turnover There + to be.... ...............................................113 312 English for medical colleges and schools Present Simple............................................... ...................114 Past Simple................................ .....................................115 Future Simple........ ........................................................ .....116 Modal verbs. ........................................................ .117 Passive Voice The Passive Voice.......................118 Present Progressive (Continuous)....... ...................119 Past Progressive (Continuous)............................ ..............120 Future Progressive (Continuous)................................. .....120 Present Perfect Tense.................................... ..........121 Past Perfect Tense.................................. ...........................122 Present Perfect Continuous............................ ...................122 Past Perfect Continuous.................... .....................124 Future Perfect Continuous............................. ...................125 Coordination of tenses Sequences of Tenses................126 Section 3. Oral speech course. ....................................130 Hippocrates - “the father of Medicine”.. .....................130 The Hippocratic Oath......................... ...........................132 Medicine in the Middle Ages.................. ...........................133 Developments of the Middle Ages................................. ..........134 Rapid Scientific Advances.................................... ..........135 The Developments of the Twentieth Century................137 Florence Nightingale - the Founder of the Nursing Profession...... ........................................................ ..............138 Edward Jenner (1749-1823)................... ..........140 Mechnikov I. I...................................... ........................141 Louis Pasteur...................... ........................................144 Robert Koch...... ........................................................ .........146 D. I. Ivanovsky - the Founder of Virilogy....................147 Professor Lesgaft......... ...................................................148 A Prominent Russian Scientist I. M. Sechenov..............150 Health Service in Russia.......................... ....................151 Health Service in England............................ ....................154 Medical Service in the USA............................. ...................155 Contents 313 Great Britain............................ ....................................156 The Union Jack......... ........................................................ .158 London................................................... ...........................159 The United States of America.................. ....................160 Washington............ ........................................................ ....162 Interesting Facts............................................. ...............163 The United Kingdom.................................... ...................163 The United Kingdom............................ ...........................163 Great Britain.................... ...................................164 Holidays in England........... .......................164 Easter eggs........ ........................................................ .....164 I'm in love!.................................... ........................165 Ghosts and witches.................... ...............................165 Christmas...... ................................................166 The Russian Federation................................................ 167 Moscow................................................ ........................169 D. I. Mendeleyev (1834-1907)................... ..................172 Cancer Cells................................. ...................................174 What Must You Know about Aids?...... ...........................176 Causes of Some Diseases.................. ...........................177 Cigarette smoking.................... ................................177 Alcohol................ ........................................................ ...178 What is Your Learning Line?.................................... 178 Some Interesting Facts About English Language..........179 It is Interesting to Know......................... ....................180 Question........................... ........................................180 Answer........ ........................................................ ..........180 Discuss Your Signs.................................... ....................181 Time for Fun........................ .....................................184 When I am ill...... ........................................................ .......184 Proverbs.................................... ...............................185 Anecdotes.................. ........................................................ ..186 Jokes................................................... ...............................189 314 English for medical colleges and schools World Pies........ ........................................................ ..........193 Russia's TB epidemic creates a global threat.................197 Try to remember:......... ................................................198 The report on smoking raises new concerns. .....................199 Section 4. Grammar reference..................................201 I. The pronoun...................................................201 Personal pronouns.... ........................................201 Possessive pronouns..... .......................201 Demonstrative pronouns............................. ..........202 Intensifying and reflexive pronouns..............202 II. Prepositions of place, movement, time......203 Classification of prepositions.................................... ...............203 III. English Verb Forms...................................205 IV. Degrees of comparison of adjectives......207 Formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives.................................... ...............................208 V. Numerals.................. ........................................209 Turnover There + to be.. ...............................................210 VI. Tenses of the group Indefinite (Simple) Active..........211 Present Indefinite (Simple)......................... .............211 Formation of interrogative and negative forms of Present Indefinite (Simple)........................... ....212 Past Indefinite (Simple)............................................ ....213 Formation of interrogative and negative forms Past Indefinite (Simple)................................... 213 Future Indefinite (Simple)............................................214 Formation of an interrogative and negative forms Future Indefinite (Simple)..................................214 VII. Passive Voice Simple.................................................... .215 VIII. Modal verbs and their equivalents............216 Equivalents of modal verbs............................217 IX. Group times................................................... ...219 Continuous (Progressive) Active...................219 Contents 315 X. Perfect group tenses Active........................220 The Present Perfect Continuous Tense (Present long & final tense)....... .......223 The Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Past Continuous Tense).......226 The Future Perfect Continuous Tense (Future Perfect Continuous Tense).... ............227 XI. Coordination of times...................................................228 XII. Verbal noun..........................230 Basic features of a verbal noun.................. ...................................230 XII. The Gerund. ....................................230 Forms of gerund......... ............................................231 Functions of the gerund in a sentence ..........................231 Signs of difference between a gerund and a verbal noun.................. ...................................232 XIV. Direct and indirect speech...................................233 Section 5. Remember the grammar...... .........................234 Test; generalization exercises...................234 Punctuation marks Punctuation. ................................245 Section 6. Table of irregular verbs List of Irregular Verb....... ...................................................246 Section 7. Basic Greek! Latin terminological elements used in English in the formation of medical terms..................................................250 Section 8. List of the most common abbreviations and abbreviations adopted in the medical literature..................................................... 272 Section 9. English!Russian Dictionary...................................289 Series “Secondary Vocational Education” Textbook Lyudmila Georgievna Kozyreva , Shadskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna FOR MEDICAL COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS ENGLISH LANGUAGE Executive editor V. Kuznetsov Technical editor G. Logvinova Signed for publication on 04.04.2012. Format 84x108/32. Paper type No. 2. NewtonC headset. High printing. Conditional oven l. 16.8. Circulation 2500 copies. Order No. Phoenix LLC 344082, Rostov-on-Don, lane. Khalturinsky, 80. Printed from ready-made transparencies at ZAO “Kniga” 344019, Rostov-on-Don, st. Sovetskaya, 57.

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Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a query, you can specify the method in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search taking into account morphology, without morphology, prefix search, phrase search.
By default, the search is performed taking into account morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in a phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include synonyms of a word in the search results, you need to put a hash " # " before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthetical expression, a synonym will be added to each word if one is found.
Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate Search words

For an approximate search you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

Year of manufacture: 2007

Genre: English

Format: PDF

Quality: Scanned pages

Description: The textbook “English for medical colleges and schools” was prepared in accordance with the State educational standard for secondary medical schools.
The manual contains not only lexical material on medical topics, but also basic grammatical material typical of medical literature.
In addition, the lexical material covers such basic sections of medicine as first aid for various painful conditions, patient care in therapeutic and infectious diseases departments, pharmacy, dentistry, and obstetrics.
The textbook “English for Medical Colleges and Schools” is the third updated edition, in which the English grammar reference book is expanded, more attention is paid to articles and prepositions, and the volume of lexical material is increased.
This textbook is intended for teaching English to students of medical colleges and medical schools.

"English for medical colleges and schools"

Introductory and corrective course

  1. Why do you need to study foreign languages ​​in a secondary specialized educational institution?
  2. Reading English Vowels
  3. Reading combinations of English consonants
  4. Word and phrase stress
  5. Verbs to be - to be; to have - to have
  6. Articles
  7. Word order in an English sentence
  8. Questions in English
  9. Test and generalization exercises
  10. Several statements about language learning. Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Discuss this problem

Main course

  1. Our college
  2. Body parts
  3. Human internal organs
  4. In the therapeutic department
  5. In the infectious diseases department
  6. Pharmacy
  7. Dentistry
  8. obstetrics and gynecology

Speaking course
Grammar reference

Remember the grammar
Table of irregular verbs List of Irregular Verb
Basic Greco-Latin terminological elements used in English in the formation of medical terms
List of the most common abbreviations and abbreviations adopted in medical literature
English-Russian dictionary

  • English for medical colleges and schools This textbook is intended for teaching English to students of medical colleges and medical 1998-2015 Internet Solutions LLC.
  • Book: English for medical colleges and schools: Textbook.
  • 12Technological College No. 28 (author Farmonov Rusta · Technological College No. Naberezhnye Chelny Medical College. Everything is fine.
  • English for medical schools and colleges = English for medical schools and colleges, but can also be used as.

ENGLISH FOR COLLEGES = ENGLISH LANGUAGE. and schools For students and students of medical and pharmaceutical colleges and schools. PREFACE. SHORT COURSE IN PHYSICS WITH EXAMPLES OF SOLUTIONS. TASKS

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The book "English for medical colleges and schools: A textbook" - Kozyreva, Shadskaya. Buy a book, read reviews | ISBN 9. The textbook was prepared in accordance with the State educational standard for secondary medical schools. The manual contains not only lexical material on medical topics, but also basic grammatical material typical of medical literature.

In addition, the lexical material covers such basic sections of medicine as first aid for various painful conditions, patient care in therapeutic and infectious diseases departments, pharmacy, dentistry, obstetrics and gynecology. This textbook is the third updated edition, in which the English grammar reference book is expanded, more attention is paid to articles and prepositions, and the volume of lexical material is increased. This textbook is intended for teaching English to students of medical colleges and medical schools.

Approved by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as a teaching aid for students of medical schools and colleges.

Download the English language workbook for Kozyrev medical schools. Shadskaya ENGLISH LANGUAGE FOR MESCHICI COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS Educational doc Kozyreva Dragonfly British for kids this reference book contains the main systematic information about grammar and syntax French. Title: GDZ in English. English textbook online l. At the end of 1.99.0s there were 2 operating in India.

English for Medical Avanesyants Grif mo is a true textbook designed for teaching the British language to students of medical colleges and medical hardcover. By this number we will recognize you and tell you about your medical discounts and personal special offers! A textbook for students of medical colleges, schools, as well as practicing nurses in English. In the OZON online bookstore you can buy an English textbook for medical colleges and schools. Series or issue: Secondary vocational education 8. Download: - A crane lifts the causing photo effect 9. The optimal bank of tasks for preparing for the Unified State Exam, the Unified State Exam Schools, English language, study guide, Verbitskaya The manual uses original materials technical literature in English on ship energy.

Their reactions are spontaneous, emotions run high, attention constantly switches from one thing to another. In addition, the lexical material covers such basic sections of medicine as first aid for various painful conditions, patient care in therapeutic infectious diseases departments, pharmacy, and dentistry.

The manual contains an Abstract to the book "English for medical colleges and schools: Study guide" The study guide was prepared in accordance with the State educational standard for medical schools.
