What's stopping me from working? What prevents employees from being more productive? Reluctance to admit to yourself that you chose the wrong job

At any job, we are always faced with the fact that we are prevented from doing our direct work. These could be office colleagues or employees from another department. Even if you become an individual entrepreneur and work alone, someone will still constantly interfere with your work.


Imagine that you are sitting and making a prepared plan for the day. And then they start adding one task after another to you. The problem is compounded if you have multiple managers working on you, each of whom may approach you personally. In this case, there is no need to talk about any productivity, since our brain is a single-tasking machine. And at the same time he can only work on one task or project.

It especially interferes with work - VKontakte, Skype, ICQ and cellular telephone. All experts who study the capabilities of the brain confirm that a person cannot do two things at the same time; a person also cannot work productively in a state of stress or when he is constantly pulled out of the work process by meetings, meetings and coffee breaks.

A colleague who decides to ask you something can also be a distraction. Not to mention any events. For example, in a local technology park there are often interesting events. But if you visit each of them, there will be almost no time left for work.

Or another example. I give lectures at a local university. The week before last I was invited to a meeting in the middle of the workday. And last week they offered to undergo a medical examination.


Colleagues will definitely interfere with your work. They don’t do this on purpose, but if you agree with everything they suggest, then you can go to fluorography day and night, take blood tests and sit in counter-productive meetings.

When I started working from home as an individual entrepreneur, I was faced with a wall of misunderstanding among people close to me. They don’t understand that I, like all people, need to work a lot and persistently in order to get outstanding results tomorrow.

Whatever interferes with your work, you need to try to protect yourself from external interference. Clearly setting plans helps me with this. Now I can afford to take a break from work. But I try to do this only after the optimal plan has been completed and the desired results have been achieved for the day.

What conditions interfere with work, demotivate, disincentivize employees. Demotivating factors at work. (10+)

Principles of personnel motivation - Demotivating, disincentivizing, interfering factors, working conditions

... and a demotivating factor:

Wage. A person needs a salary to provide for his basic needs. It should provide his usual lifestyle. Independent and bright man will not work for a company for long, no matter how wonderful this company is, if he is in Everyday life constantly encounters financial difficulties. The salary should be enough to live on.

On the other hand, our observations have shown that an excessive increase in income in our country sharply reduces labor productivity. This effect can be explained very easily:

  • A person has a new concern - where to spend extra money.
  • Our traditions do not encourage excessive earnings; it seems preferable to people to work less and receive less. High wages encourage people to work less.

It depends on which category the employee belongs to:

  • An employee who forms the main income of his household. He must provide his family with food, basic needs and some entertainment.
  • Young specialist. Most likely, he does not yet have the burden of obligations on his shoulders. He is more interested in rapid career growth than in salary right now.
  • An employee whose family income is auxiliary. The amount of income is not particularly important, since it disappears imperceptibly into the total family income. However, such an employee is interested in not having work interfere with other household responsibilities, and in large one-time bonus payments that emphasize the importance of his/her work for the family budget.
  • A man who measures everything in money the main objective- earn as much money as possible. This rare bird in our area.

Optimal rate wages depends little on qualifications, experience, age and knowledge.

In most cases, the salary should be enough to live on and no more. Bonus payments should not be regular and should recognize truly outstanding achievements. Employees who made a truly serious contribution, took responsibility, fought for the interests of the company, worked for results and got results should be really well paid and financially rewarded. Employees who work carelessly, from call to call, without enthusiasm, do not deserve high pay.

Unclear obligations and agreements, failure to fulfill obligations by management. Demanding demands on employees is perceived calmly and adequately only if management places high demands on itself. Employees appreciate predictable and clear management. Traditions of fulfilling their obligations can exist in a company only if everyone without exception is committed to them.

It is important that general distrust can be caused not only by a deliberate refusal of their obligations, but also by different understandings by the parties of the agreements reached. Make a rule that all obligations are recorded on paper and only then are they valid. Phrases, comments and assumptions expressed orally have no consequences.

Create clear agreements, record them on paper, fulfill your obligations, demand fulfillment of obligations by the other party.

Poor working conditions. Stuffiness in the room, poor technology, unstable computers - all this irritates employees, interferes with normal work, and prevents them from showing decent results. Working in an uncomfortable office, in poor conditions, undermines self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

Create decent working conditions for your employees.

Conflicts in the team. Tense relationships and conflicts distract from work, take up time and energy. People no longer think about the success of the company, but about how to kill their neighbor.

Strictly suppress conflicts and intrigues. It is better to fire a couple of instigators than to endure tension.

Blurred responsibility, red tape, overorganization. How much time do employees spend on coordinating and resolving administrative issues? Can this time be used for the benefit of the company? Are orders often given and then forgotten? If a company has a tendency to forget given orders, then after a while orders are no longer taken seriously at all.

Determine your authority and areas of responsibility. Employees must know exactly what issues to contact whom.


What conclusions can be drawn from the above regarding the motivation system?

  • You should not expect that the appearance of a table indicating how much money, who receives and for what, will radically change the situation with motivation.
  • The development and implementation of a motivation system primarily involves active and deep work with management, changing attitudes and traditions.

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Do you often stay late at the office on Fridays because you didn't get things done in 40 hours? According to Hays research, 87% of employees Russian companies recycle. There are several reasons for this:

  • ill-conceived personnel policy, lack of specialists;
  • management is in no hurry to help, ignoring professional problems teams;
  • work processes are not debugged;
  • distractions.

About the last point. According to statistics, managers work, attention, no more than 4 hours! The main problem is external factors. Colleagues who are often distracted by questions or extraneous conversations. Too many phone calls and meetings. Work with incoming documentation and e-mail. Did you know it's up for review? Email does the average specialist spend up to 28% of their working time? If you add up all the factors, it turns out that the main resource, time, is spent ineffectively. The vast majority of subordinates know how to avoid dismal performance indicators by following simple rules:

  • do not be distracted by social networks/entertainment portals and forums;
  • compliance with time management;
  • ability to delegate powers;
  • do not be distracted by communication with colleagues;
  • management should not interfere with work processes.

In order to understand how much time a company is losing (and ultimately money), it is necessary to analyze processes and, based on this information, change approaches to organizing work.

How to stop being distracted and start working?

This is not difficult to achieve, the main thing is to approach the assessment and analysis correctly. Now the IT market offers many solutions, the implementation of which helps to improve work and reduce costs. If we are talking about the need for long-term monitoring and construction of high-quality new system management, it is worth turning to time tracking programs. In this article we will talk about the possibilities of an accessible and easy-to-manage system. And, most importantly, it helps solve the following problems:

  1. It will help to evaluate the work of the entire company/specific division/specific specialist and compare the data. This will help identify errors in personnel policy. There are often departments where there is an overabundance of employees, and vice versa. Uneven distribution of labor inevitably leads to errors. Some are constantly stressed due to overwork, others produce minimal performance indicators.
  2. It will help you not to be distracted. In CrocoTime it is easy to set up lists of useful/useless programs and sites. The agent records every action. Turning on and off the computer, the amount of time spent in specialized programs and websites, as well as distractions. If someone ignores the rules and communicates on social networks during the day, this will be visible in the reports.
  3. Helps you plan your day/week/month. The manager of the entire department or company, or each specialist independently, can set a list of tasks and adjust it. Monitoring will show how much time is spent on meetings; sometimes all leading specialists are gathered for unimportant reasons for planning meetings and meetings. Sometimes it is enough to appoint the head of the department, who will then inform his colleagues about the decisions made. You can also schedule how often you check your email. For example, morning/evening.
  4. Helps determine work standards for each employee. By comparing who spends how much time performing similar functions, it is easy to determine the optimal efficiency indicator. This will eliminate overtime and identify those who are unsuccessful. Perhaps people lack competencies or are not in the right place.

CrocoTime will help you debug the mechanics of processes. But there are also moral factors that influence efficiency.

  1. Learn to say “No.” You should not agree to answer all requests from colleagues for help in resolving some issues. You must understand that you have been hired as a specialist to perform a specific list of responsibilities. Exactly the same as your colleagues. Don't do their work for them to the detriment of your performance.
  2. Do boring work in the first half of the day, leave other things for dessert. This will get rid of procrastination and, over time, eliminate the habit of putting everything off until the last day from your professional life.
  3. Don't be shy to ask for help. This is a very simple rule, but many people ignore it. Remember that you came to benefit the company, and not to please your vanity. Your mistakes are costly for the employer and are not a plus for your professional karma.
  4. Leave work at work and don't ignore legal breaks. Rest is recommended for a reason; it is vital for the body. If you work hard, your brain will begin to build protective mechanisms. And this means increased fatigue, inattention, heightened reactions to stress, and health problems.

Being effective doesn't mean working hard, it means being smart about the process. Pay attention to how much you do or don’t do, reconsider your approaches and don’t be afraid to automate processes.

Let's look at demotivators that reduce staff performance. What to avoid when working with colleagues, as well as when communicating with employees. This question concerns the management team. It is necessary to properly motivate employees, to be loyal, then the impact and efficiency of work will reach a higher level.

In the material we will consider in detail the very concept of demotivation, and also learn about its methods and moral demotivating factors.

Every director must know that the foundation for the successful development of any company is the high performance of its employees.

The basis of productivity and effective work is the correct motivation, its tools used in practice. Every director must understand what actions to take in relation to his subordinates so that they are willing to work and go to work with pleasure.

Biased punishment reduces work efficiency

The concept is also called material demotivation. Sometimes management sees that their lower-ranking colleagues are shirking their direct responsibilities and want to somehow encourage them.

To do this, they “cut” the staff’s salaries. (Since you, citizens, are lazy, work without enthusiasm, then I decide to pay you less).

But it is worth noting that decision incorrect. Because it’s unlikely that anyone will perform feats for such a low fee. If an employee has worked poorly before, then the measures taken will not be an incentive for him. In such a situation, management is removed from their position and a more competent and objective person is found who is able to properly motivate subordinates.

Disrespect and constant nagging discourage any person from fulfilling their duties. If you never praise the working staff, but convince them that they are stupid, untalented, and like zero specialists, then it is difficult to expect full return from them.

There is another way that negatively affects the attitude of colleagues (see), it is latent. These are employees, so-called saboteurs, gray cardinals. In teams there are colleagues who treat their duties irresponsibly, they constantly chat on their mobile phones, sit in in social networks. Such an attitude has a detrimental effect on the service of the entire workforce, because many follow a bad example and imitate it.

Let's discuss the most common ways of putting material and moral pressure on colleagues:

Financial factors

  • Lack of premiums, incentives, bonuses for the good work of employees.
  • Material expenses of employees are not reimbursed. For example, mobile communications, business trips, etc.

Moral factors that reduce employee performance

  • Employees' interest in developing new projects and ideas is not encouraged.
  • Any initiative from the staff is rejected.
  • There is no clear system of tasks for each position (see).
  • Regular overtime, overtime workload.
  • Tasks are set that are too difficult for employees.
  • Incorrect treatment of co-workers.
  • Ignoring the rules of business etiquette.
  • Failure to fulfill promises, lack of career growth.
  • Strong pressure from the manager, frequent nagging, installation of controlling tools. For example, this could be installed beacons on phones, minute-by-minute reporting on the work done.

Expert opinion: What reduces employee performance?

Olga Nilova

Lead Recruitment Consultant Kelly Services CIS

Many factors can influence staff performance. I would break them into two parts: personal circumstances and external factors.

Personal circumstances affecting the quality of work

Among the personal aspects, it is worth noting the motivation of employees to perform work, as well as the knowledge and skills necessary to perform certain functions.

An employee is unlikely to be effective if he categorically does not like what he does. This may be due not only, for example, to the initially wrong choice of profession, but also to the fact that the employee is “burnt out” and needs a new challenge. An employee exhausted by monotonous work is definitely not ready for productive work. Just like an employee who does not have the necessary experience and competencies to perform the work assigned to him will definitely show poor results.

External factors affecting employee productivity

External circumstances include unfavorable working conditions, lack of resources, too much work and poor relationships in the team.

Imagine that you work in an office with poor ventilation, in which case the lack of oxygen can not only reduce productivity, but also negatively affect the health of employees. Or are you distracted by the endless squabbles and conflicts of your colleagues: this will not only spoil nervous system, but also to take away precious work time.

What demotivating factors do managers use without knowing it?

IN last years Issues of personnel motivation occupy one of the first points in terms of personnel management. In an effort to achieve efficiency, managers develop various systems motivation for your employees. But are these methods always effective?

For example, the fine systems still used in many companies: there is an opinion that this increases the motivation, for example, of sales managers. It is possible for such an employee to try to work better, but how long will he work in this company? big question. Or constant criticism and instructions: the manager thinks that this will be beneficial and the employee will adjust his work, but in fact, this method can achieve complete demotivation.

It is very easy to demotivate an employee. It's enough to give him what he doesn't really need. For example, transfer him from an executive to a management position. Out of politeness, the employee will agree to the promotion, but will feel out of place. As you know, not all people strive for career growth.

Poorly established communication can also have a negative impact on motivation: it happens that the manager sets tasks unclearly and, as a result, the employee does not understand what is required of him; the employee is often given unrealistic deadlines for completing tasks. All this subsequently also leads to burnout and demotivation of staff.

Now you are familiar with the factors that can affect Negative influence on effective work personnel. As a result, the company’s development is delayed and work is performed poorly. Try to draw the right conclusions; you should not make these mistakes when managing colleagues. Be honest, respectful and patient with employees. Show employees that you value them and the services they provide, thank them for their work. Then your organization will become strong, powerful, and blossom before your eyes.

When distractions are prevalent in the workplace, it becomes too irritating and makes it difficult to concentrate. Our whole life consists of days, days of minutes. Short but regular 10-minute distractions can add up to quite a long period. We need to remember that life is too short to waste it.

If a person is constantly distracted, he will be forced to trail behind the crowd. And no one will have the desire to stop and wait. Because in this life everyone plays for themselves. No one will feel sorry for the lagging behind, because he himself chose his tactics.

What prevents a person from achieving his goal?

Distractions become challenging obstacles to achieving your goals. Unnecessary movements force us to waste time, and the goal, however, is still illusory. Unnecessary things take up so much effort, but human resources are not limitless. As a result, after doing so many manipulations that lead to nothing, we feel extremely tired, but the main task remains untouched. Did you know that there are several areas where distractions can be eliminated or minimized?

Get rid of bad habits

In order to work productively, the human body requires a lot of energy. You just have to give up most of your bad habits, and you will notice how life moves to a whole new level. Do not underestimate the effect of water treatments, exercise, rest and proper balanced nutrition. All of the above should become an indispensable attribute of the daily routine. Don’t forget about getting good sleep, get used to going to bed at the same time and don’t clutter the rest area with electronic gadgets.

For self-organization and proper distribution of resources, you can use the services of a personal trainer who will develop an individual program for you and teach you how to find motivation.

TV is the main source of waste

Eliminate TV from your life, which is considered the main transmitter of garbage for our consciousness. At least when setting up your workplace, you can always “forget” to take this useless box with you. If you often work at home, place the TV in the furthest room. This trick usually works well.

Silence helps you concentrate

How often do we find ourselves working as if on autopilot? Everywhere there is a cacophony of sounds, barely audible speech, voiceover of text messages, radio, continuously working fax. How to concentrate in this stream of sounds? And as soon as we hear our favorite hit on the radio wave, we immediately turn our attention to it. But the first and most important action should not be listening to the song. By volitional decision we must order ourselves to get up and turn off the receiver.

So, we came to the conclusion that we had to keep the situation under control and get rid of most of the distracting sounds. Writing a report will be much easier and more productive when our brain is immersed in a state of silence. Consider this when your project has a clear deadline.

Unload the day ahead

A very good way to avoid distractions is to set a schedule for the day. Time management is more effective when priorities and urgent matters are written out on paper before your eyes. Think about the fact that in the office there are too many tasks assigned to you that, in principle, you should not do. Record this and avoid them in future.

How much time do you spend listening to your co-workers' problems, reading email, and answering customers on the phone? You have always done this because you are used to it. But now it’s time to take care of your important and priority matters. And let one of your colleagues knock on your office door with another incredible story. You can always refer to being busy, because half of the items on the list of important things have not yet been crossed off.

Organize your workplace

As we remember, in organizing an effective work process, the scourge and main obstacle are constant unmotivated breaks. But as soon as you properly prepare your workplace, get rid of unnecessary photographs, color engravings and bright trinkets, the breaks will decrease on their own. Your eyes will no longer wander around the wall, looking for cute things and constantly getting distracted.

Make sure the office is reasonably clean and fully ventilated. Fresh air is necessary for your thoughts. Stock up drinking water and a light snack - in this case, hunger and thirst will not further distract you.

Eliminate access to personal email

Your workplace is almost perfectly prepared, all that remains is to eliminate the biggest distracting aspect of an office worker - a computer with mail and chats turned on. You will be constantly distracted, responding to messages that simply have no end in sight. Sound signals will especially distract you. Even if there is nothing important in this message, your curiosity will get the better of you. Therefore, take the trouble to turn off all chats and social networks.

If you conduct important business correspondence, install a special application on your gadget that blocks social sites. Just for fun, you can control the time you spend visiting certain resources by installing an application that records your web activity.

Set the time

If you set clear time intervals for completing a particular task, you can significantly increase your work efficiency. Therefore, in the morning, when you plan your schedule, draw a small column next to the column of important things for today. In it you will record the time that needs to be spent on completing the task. It is not critical if you are a little late with your schedule, it is purely for your orientation and assistance with future planning.

Close the door

Stephen King, the great master of horror, is not only a recognized genius in his genre, but also a conscientious and prolific writer. In one of his books, he gives the reader this advice: “If you can’t do something literally, do it figuratively.” Warn everyone that you will be busy for some time and urge them not to disturb you. This way your working time will be devoted only to work. Turn off your phone or put it on silent mode. This way, no outside influences will come between you and completing an important task.

Task management

An important skill such as task management is taught in leadership courses. Just a few simple rules will significantly simplify and speed up the work process. Break down large-scale tasks into smaller parts. After all, as you know, no one can eat an elephant in one bite. Eliminate fears and concerns from your consciousness, tell yourself that they do not exist, and this is just a figment of your imagination.

If, on the contrary, your work is overloaded with small tasks, collect one coherent task from them. To do this, sort out actions of a similar nature and perform them one after another systematically. Sort money transfers, bill entry or phone calls separately. First, complete all the transfers, then deal with the accounts, and then take care of the calls. However, your own sequence may be different.

Extra hour for work

The one extra hour you spend at work, either by arriving early or staying overtime, will allow you to get a lot more done. Plus, by leaving an hour earlier, you'll likely save time that you could otherwise spend in traffic.
