Let's compare the results of the first crisis with the second. What word or expression is inappropriate in business writing? Russian Federation – Russian language

Have you noticed how difficult it is sometimes to find what you need? a word that specifically and accurately expresses our thought. But we often hear that the riches of the Russian language are inexhaustible, that there are tens of thousands of words in its vocabulary. However, at the same time, our speech can be poor, inexpressive, and our statements are imprecise in meaning.
Why is this happening? Obviously, the reason for this is the inability (or unwillingness) to choose from many similar words the most necessary one that accurately conveys our thought. After all, what more words in language, the more difficult it is to understand them, so we take the first one we come across, and then it turns out: the choice was unsuccessful, the thought was expressed unclearly, or even completely distorted.
What is it the nature of the occurrence of such speech errors ? Such errors seem to “ask to be spoken” of their own accord; it is no coincidence that they say: an error has “crept in” here. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to prevent errors. To do this, let's try to analyze those that appear in speech as a result of inaccurate word choice (stylists in this case talk about incorrect choice of lexical equivalent).

Words must be chosen in accordance with their semantics, that is, meaning. Using words without taking into account their semantics changes the meaning of the statement. Let's give an example from school essay: "Arkady, who initially followed Bazarov, fell under the influence of his father and uncle and stepped aside, thereby cashing out his weak heart and soul"(the word “cash” has recently appeared in the language and is used only in the speech of financiers and bank employees). The verb “to discover” should have been used, i.e. to manifest, to show. As we see, the wrong choice of lexical equivalent sometimes leads to inappropriate comedy, to absurdity of the statement.
The wrong choice of lexical equivalent can be explained quite simply: we take words from a certain thematic group without bothering to analyze their exact meaning. This negligence turns into unclear statements, and sometimes into complete absurdity: " Tatyana loved her nanny - a gray-bearded old lady". This example demonstrates that the word was chosen by association (gray-haired - gray-bearded). Such errors can be called associative.

Aristotle also warned against logical errors in speech. He stated: " Speech must comply with the laws of logic". If we use the wrong word, alogism (comparison of incomparable concepts) may arise, for example: " The speech of Sholokhov's heroes differs from all other heroes" (should have written: from the speech of heroes of other authors). Such errors in oral and written language are very common: " Let's compare the results of the first crisis with the second" (necessary: with the results of the second) or " If Pushkin loves his Tatyana, then Vera leaves Lermontov indifferent" (followed: if Pushkin, then Lermontov; if Tatyana, then Vera).
An unsuccessful choice of word can lead to a substitution of the concept, for example: " The hospitable hosts fed us a varied selection of national dishes". What did these guests eat? National dishes or their “varied selection”?
The reason for the illogicality of a statement sometimes lies in unclear distinction between concrete and abstract concepts, generic and species names. Thus, the thought in the sentence is incorrectly formulated: " Rus' survived the invasion Tatar-Mongol yoke "(should have said invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, using concrete noun instead of abstract noun).
We often observe the use generic name instead of specific name: "Katerina threw herself into the pond" (referring to the Volga). Such a replacement deprives the speech of precision and sometimes gives the statement an official, clerical tone: " Boris came to Kalinov on the issue of inheritance" ("on the issue" - bureaucracy, giving the proposal a touch of officiality).
Thus, the correct, precise choice of words is one of the indispensable conditions for oral and writing. The best way to avoid speech errors associated with the wrong choice of lexical equivalent, - refer to explanatory dictionary : (for example, on the website

Contents of basic qualification requirements

The state civil servant must show:

  • correct use of grammatical and lexical means of the Russian language when preparing documents;

  • ability to use business writing style when preparing documents and official correspondence;

  • ability to use a variety of linguistic means and tactics verbal communication to achieve various goals;

  • possession and free use vocabulary necessary to carry out professional work activities;

  • the ability to correctly interpret texts related to the socio-economic and legal spheres.

  1. In the word “catalogue” the stress falls on the … syllable:

  • first

  • second

  • third

  1. In the word "quarter" the stress falls on ... syllable:

  • first

  • second

  1. The correct stressed vowel is highlighted in the words:


  • news

  • localities

  1. Correctly spelled words:

  • unprecedented

  • exhausted

  • intriguer

  • incident

  • compromise

  1. Misspelled words:

  • state

  • mock

  • light show

  • pedestal

  • angle

  • escort

  • legal consultant

  1. Correct word:

  • hastily

  • meticulously

  • meticulously

  • meticulously

  • component

  • component

  • campaigner

  • component

  1. Correct spelling:

  • precedent

  • incident

  • precedent

  • price-pricedent

  • precedent

  1. Words starting with "e":

  • successor

  • newborn

  • background

  • settled

  1. Words with "b":

  • June

  • October

  • November

  • January

  • instill fear in subordinates

  • interruptions in the clock

  • talk face to face

  • don't lose sight of

  • lie in a bank account

  1. Correct grammatical form words:

  • making adjustments

  • making adjustments

  • five Georgians

  • five Georgians

  1. A double consonant is used in the word:

  • apartheid

  • applause

  • apologist

  • app...robation

  • ap...arat

  1. The double consonant is used in the words:

  • producer

  • dealer

  • mas...he

  • com…entary

  • dilemma...a

  1. The double consonant is not used in words:

  • power of attorney

  • capitalist

  • dilemma...a

  • op…onize

  • Finnish(language)

  • humanism

  1. The following compound words are written with a hyphen:

  • (social) political problems

  • (socially) significant act

  • (legally) competent employee

  • (official) job growth

  • (socially) dangerous person

  1. Complex words are written with a hyphen:

  • (politico)technological techniques

  • (politically) important decisions

  • (socially) active youth

  • (social) political issues

  • (social) demographic problems

  • hall with four hundred and fifty-seven delegates

  • take care of two hundred and eighty passengers

  • send invitations to three hundred and seventy recipients

  • choose from five hundred and sixty-eight tickets

  1. The correct declension of numerals is:

  • out of eight hundred and fifty respondents

  • meeting with five hundred and sixty-seven voters

  • in two hundred thirty-five ballots

  • hand over passports to one hundred and fifteen residents

  1. Correct spelling and use of numerals in the text:

  • with a weight of up to 5 kg...

  • with a weight of up to five kg...

  • with mass

  1. ... the history of Moscow is rich in events important for the life of the entire country.

  • eight hundred and sixty years old

  • eight hundred and sixty years old

  • eight hundred and sixty years old

  • eight hundred sixty annual

  1. NOT written together with the word in a sentence:

  • The HR department sent a replacement for the (not) authorized employee.

  • The personal personnel record sheet was (not) filled out.

  • An (in)official but very relevant document was published in the news feed.

  1. NOT with the word is written separately in sentences:

  • The judge (without) hesitation corrected his mistake.

  • (Despite the expiration of the contract, the work was not completed.

  • Providing housing for young families is by no means a (un)solved problem.

  • An (un)certified copy of the document may be used for business purposes.

  1. NOT written together with the word in sentences:

  • Written explanations given by (un)authorized persons may be (in)correct.

  • Transactions concluded by an (un)authorized representative of the owner may be recognized as (in)valid.

  • It is prohibited to hold official events by (un)authorized individuals and legal entities.

  1. PROVIDE instead of PRESENT is used in the expression:

  • the book is a practical guide for specialists working in the field of jurisprudence and law

  • A new candidate for mayor was PRESENTED to journalists

  • citizens are GRANTED the right to choose the form for submitting documents

  • a lawyer will REPRESENT your interests in court

  1. All highlighted words are capitalized in the following expressions:

  • great Luke, state Museum of Art. A.S. Pushkin

  • Damocles sword, Warsaw agreement

  • ancient Rus, Mari state pedagogical institute

  • state public historical library , Gordian node

  • crusades hiking, Poltava battle

  1. All words are written with a capital letter in the names of subjects Russian Federation:

  • Jewish Autonomous Region

  • Republic North Ossetia– Alanya

  • Altai region

  • Udmurt republic

  1. Job titles are written in capital letters:

  • Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation

  • Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

  • Secretary of the State Council of the Russian Federation

  • First Deputy Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation

  • Assistant to the President of the Russian Federation

  1. The correct use of capital letters in the words “committee”, “commission” is given in the names:

  • Federation Council Committee on economic policy, entrepreneurship and property

  • Eurasian Economic Commission

  • Technical Committee for All-Russian Classifiers

  • Customs Union Commission

  • Counting Commission

  1. The correct use of a lowercase letter in the words “committee”, “commission” is given in the names:

  • Temporary Commission of the Federation Council for the preparation of legislative proposals to counter terrorism

  • Counting commission

  • Staff of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy, Entrepreneurship and Property

  • Technical Committee for All-Russian Classifiers

  1. Correct use of lowercase and capital letters given in the title:

  • State Duma Council

  • State Duma Committee on Education

  • State Duma Commission on Mandate Issues and Issues of Deputy Ethics

  1. Correct use of capitals and lowercase letters in given in phrases:

  • Moscow school

  • Kaliningrad region

  • Asian countries

  • East Siberian Plain

  • X-rays

  1. The correct use of lowercase and uppercase letters is given in the expression:

  • scope of this Federal Law

  • the solution to this problem is provided for by the concept of reducing administrative barriers and increasing the accessibility of state and municipal services for 2011-2013.

  • requirements for civil service experience for civil servants of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation are established by the Law of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation

  1. Incorrect abbreviation used in words:

  • manager (Head), Academician (academician), i.e. (that is), look. (Look)

  • district (district), prof. (professor), acting (acting)

  • etc. (other), railway (railway), region. (region)

  • g. (city), st. (street), rub. (rubles)

  1. The correct abbreviation is used in the words:

  • 20% fee

  • 20% fee

  • 20% fee

  • Twenty -% fee

  1. Correctly used abbreviations government agencies authorities are:

  • Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation

  • Rospechat

  • Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

  • be attentive to subordinates

  • be honest with a colleague

  • be allowed to participate in the competition

  • allergic to demagoguery

  • make a work report

  1. Correct version of the phrase:

  • trust in law enforcement agencies

  • trust in law enforcement agencies

  • trust in law enforcement agencies

  • powerful tornado

  • final communiqué

  • noisy avenue

  1. The correct word agreement option is:

  • beautiful Delhi

  • fresh vegetable

  • adjustment made

  • cozy Mytishchi

  1. The correct word agreement option is:

  • Arena LLC is registered

  • the director of the department and his colleagues prepared a draft regulatory act

  • plan fulfilled by the plant

  1. Sentences with correct punctuation:

  • He is used to achieving his goals at all costs.

  • The refutation will be published in nothing less than a petit.

  • Anyone could do this job.

  • Out of indignation, the head of the department did not find what to answer.

  • The current situation still inspires optimism - the Russian language occupies a worthy place among the most common languages ​​in the world.

  • About 114 million people know Russian as a foreign or second native language.

  • Now, according to experts, 63 million residents of the former Soviet republics speak Russian fluently.

  • The only former republic of the USSR that has retained the status of Russian as a state language is Belarus.

  1. A sentence with correct punctuation:

  • You must submit the documents no later than tomorrow.

  • Meanwhile, employees of approximately 40% of companies in the country are still paid in dollars.

  • By the way, the dollar exchange rate used in internal settlements is often lower than the official one.

  • It took police officers less than three hours to detain the robber.

  1. A sentence with correct punctuation:

  • The goal of our power engineers is to provide the domestic market with heat and light as much as possible.

  • According to the estimates of the heads of energy enterprises, this year they will have to work in conditions of unprecedented growth in electricity consumption.

  • Last winter the population, and social facilities cities worked smoothly.

  • The logical outcome of attracting investment in the electric power industry should be to solve the problem of energy shortages.

  • Viewers appreciated the films about modern Russian life in an artistic and extremely truthful way.

  • The Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces spoke at the press conference.

  • The main essence of the speaker’s speech is the rationale for the need for fundamental changes in the industry.

  • The first and second days of the business trip went smoothly.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • The public is wondering who will win out of the 8 candidates in the elections?

  • Currently, a sociological survey of journalists is already ongoing.

  • Protesters gathered outside the embassy building with banners and microphones in Russian and English.

  • In the stands for honored guests, the winners of the competition watched the opening ceremony of City Day.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • All local newspapers published a refutation of the slanderous facts.

  • The aggression against a sovereign state was condemned by the international community.

  • US government circles did not dare to recognize Turkey's genocide against the Armenian civilian population.

  • Mastering the Russian language opened up access to the next stage of cultural and civilizational development of many nations and nationalities.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • Linguists are confident that positive changes in the life of any community depend on a positive attitude towards the state language.

  • To stop rising food prices, the authorities intend to conduct commodity intervention.

  • The employees went along with any assignment.

  • The designer's services included furnishing the renovated apartment.

  • The entire creative elite gathered for the opening of the fashion exhibition.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • Both Russia and EU members are interested in continuing cooperation in the field of science.

  • As you know, Umberto Eco is not only an excellent writer, but also a famous scientist.

  • The speaker's speech was striking in its clerical emptiness and poverty of language.

  • The content of the report was based on verified facts.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • In the new Khovrino library, the district government held a ceremony for presenting passports to young Muscovites.

  • Russia will supply gas to its neighbors according to the approved schedule.

  • The mayor demanded to stop illegal construction on landscaped territory.

  • No one knows the Criminal Code better than him.

  1. Sentences with speech errors:

  • The welcoming speech emphasized that the education and intelligence of future specialists will be in demand for the country.

  • IN modern conditions knowledge of the Russian language as the basis of business is becoming necessary for neighboring countries, and not only for them.

  • The speaker, taking the opportunity, called on financiers to spend their expenses more economically.

  • Here's something else we all need to keep in mind: practical interest in the Russian language is growing all over the world.

  1. A sentence that does not contain speech errors:

  • Regulatory legal settlement of relations arising in connection with the provision of state and municipal services.

  • The legal status of a citizen is determined at the legislative level.

  • The citizen submits documents on relevant education and (or) professional qualifications, about academic degrees and academic titles and documents related to the completion of training.

  1. An expression that does not contain speech errors:

  • explanations of mistakes made

  • operate with accurate data

  • emphasize the need for construction

  • deliver on time thanks to precise work

  1. Expressions containing speech errors:

  • do despite an unfavorable prognosis

  • act contrary to established principles

  • desire for activity, need for activity

  • admiration for a feat, respect for a feat

  1. Correct use of phraseological units:

  • get lost in the annals of history

  • apply draconian measures

  • talk nonsense on vegetable oil

  • soar at the apogee of glory

  • find material damage

  • meet modern needs

  • earn respect

  • express concerns

  1. Expressions where the norms of lexical compatibility of words are violated:

  • make efforts

  • increase potential

  • discover a pattern

  • foreshadow defeat

  1. Sentences where errors are made due to the omission of a required word:

  • To improve production performance, it is necessary to unite all workers involved in economic issues.

  • Due to speech insufficiency, the grammatical and logical connections of words in a sentence are disrupted, and its meaning changes.

  • Let's compare the results of the first crisis with the second.

  • Ecological disasters - current problem our time.

  1. Expressions where errors are made due to excessive verbosity:

  • every minute of time

  • in the month of December

  • meet for the first time

  • meet for the first time

  • in summer time

  • erroneous opinion

  1. Legality of power means:

  • recognition of power by the population, acceptance of power as legitimate and fair

  • power has a legal origin, is exercised through the law

  • reasoned recognition of authority

  1. Intentional restriction or deprivation of rights on any basis is called:

  • discrimination

  • segregation

  • genocide

  • eugenics

  • xenophobia

  1. Administrative and political jargons are phrases:

  • talk about the problem

  • underutilize potential

  • talk all evening

  • miss a point

  1. The main political organization of society that protects its economic and social structure on a certain state territory is:

  • Political Party

  • public association

  • administrative-territorial unit

  • state

  1. A dictionary that you can use to find out the meaning of the words: “circular”, “civilist”, “sovereignty”:

  • phrasebook

  • orthographic dictionary

  • etymological dictionary

  • legal dictionary

  1. A dictionary that you can use to find out the meanings of the words: “attaché”, “apocrypha”:

  • dictionary of foreign words

  • orthographic dictionary

  • pronouncing dictionary

  • paronym dictionary

  1. The following words and expressions may be used in official documents:

  • this year

  • current year

  • with this we direct

  • the act was drawn up

  1. The correct figures of speech are:

  • in Moscow

  • in Moscow

  • according to the order

  • according to the order

  • keep in mind

  • keep in mind

  1. Business correspondence is characterized by:

  • use of cliches and stamps

  • double interpretation of the text

  • compliance with a specific type of business letter

  • accuracy and conciseness of transfer of necessary information

  1. Using notes on official documents:

  • allowed

  • allowed in exceptional cases when the corresponding explanation cannot be stated in the text of the document

  • not allowed

  1. Business style genres include:

  • order

  • abstract

  • story

  • thesis

  • order

  • judicial speech

  • article

  1. The given text belongs to the style of speech:
During the period of early Roman legislation there was no question of the transferability of abstract obligations. In modern law, an obligation, without losing its character as a connection between two persons, has acquired an even different character: it is a property value for the creditor, a property encumbrance for the debtor. It thus becomes independent of the personality of active and passive subjects, who can change without affecting the obligation.

  • colloquial

  • artistic

  • newspaper and journalistic

  • official business

  • scientific

  1. Purpose of the cover letter:

  • informing

  • initiating, maintaining relationships

  • giving legal status

  • motivation

  1. The correct form of addressing the addressee in a business letter is:

  • Dear Sergey Viktorovich!

  • Sergey Viktorovich, good afternoon!

  • Good afternoon, dear Sergei Viktorovich!

  • Mr. Ivanov!

  1. Read the text. Indicate proposals that provide specific measures to combat corruption:
Democracy in Novgorod lasted for at least 6-7 centuries (1). What allowed it to survive for so long? (2)

The principles of formation of the ruling elite of the Novgorod principality were very similar to those that existed in early republican Rome: selfless service and frequent rotation of senior officials, primarily princes and mayors (3). In particular, among the special features of Novgorod democracy the following can be noted (4):

The princes and posadniks, that is, the rulers of the state, entered into an agreement with the veche, according to which they were prohibited from having or acquiring any (large) property in Novgorod and in the territories subject to it (5). In case of violation of the agreement, the veche expelled its ruler, which happened quite often (6).

There were certain rules of behavior for major officials (boyars). (7). These rules provided that if any of the boyars abused their official position, the veche could decide to “put the offender on stream” - or, in other words, modern language, confiscate all his property, after which the people and army broke into the boyar’s house and trading warehouses and carried away everything they could carry away (8).

  • 3,5,6,8

  • 1,2,3,4,5

  • 1,3,7

  • 3,7,8

  1. Read the text. Mark the expressions that characterize the corruption component of the activities of officials in Rus':
in the Moscow kingdom.

  • governors ruled in the territories of Siberia entrusted to them

  • the king had no influence on them

  • in conditions of lack of control

  • went all out

  • engaged in robbery of the local population

  • he was met by the royal convoy

  • deprived of incentives to accumulate personal wealth

  • introduced the practice of mandatory rotation of all major officials

  1. Read the text. Mark the expressions that characterize the anti-corruption component of the activities of Russian rulers:
Methods of combating bureaucratic arbitrariness and corruption in the Moscow kingdom. While the governors ruled in the territories of Siberia entrusted to them by the tsar, many thousands of miles from Moscow, the tsar had no influence over them and could hardly control their actions. In conditions of such lack of control, they went to great lengths and plundered the local population. But after some time, the tsar usually recalled the governor back to Moscow. And when he and his convoy reached the Urals, he was met by a royal convoy, which confiscated all the gold, furs and other valuables that were in the retired governor’s convoy. Thus, subsequent governors, knowing what had happened to their predecessors, were deprived of incentives to accumulate personal wealth and instead began to think about how to make their province prosper - in order to receive a reward from the king for this. It is known that Ivan the Terrible, among other measures, introduced the practice of mandatory rotation of all major officials, which was carried out annually under him.

  • the king had no influence on them

  • in conditions of lack of control

  • went all out

  • confiscated all gold, furs and other valuables

  • knowing what happened to their predecessors, they were deprived of incentives to accumulate personal wealth

  • introduced the practice of mandatory rotation of all major officials

  • achieve prosperity of the province under their control

  • If you don't help, you won't go

  • Hand washes hand

  • Time for business - time for fun

  • The quieter you go, the further you'll get

  • A dry spoon is tearing up your mouth

  • Seven times measure cut once

  • Raking the heat with someone else's hands

  1. Popular wisdom reflecting the corrupt nature of activities:

  • Every clerk loves a hot roll

  • The master's work is afraid

  • And the smart one takes when the stupid one gives.

  • Greeted by clothes, escorted by intelligence

  • Skill and labor will grind everything

· provide assistance

· notorious

· assign responsibility

· in order to ensure safety

What word or expression is inappropriate in business writing?

· behind-the-scenes struggle

· difficulties encountered

· intercede

We hereby notify

56. Which answer option does not contain speech errors?

· Protesters gathered at the embassy building with banners and microphones in Russian and English.

· The speaker took the opportunity to call on financiers to spend their expenses more economically.

· Linguists are confident that positive changes in the life of any community depend on a positive attitude towards the state language.

· Here’s something else we all need to keep in mind: practical interest in the Russian language is growing all over the world.

57. Which answer option does not contain speech errors?

· Employees went to any task.

· Let's compare the results of the first crisis with the second.

· The legal status of a citizen is determined at the legislative level.

· The citizen submits documents on relevant education and (or) professional qualifications, academic degrees and academic titles, as well as documents related to the completion of training.

58. Which answer option does not contain speech errors?

· Job responsibilities consist in the selection and management of personnel.

· The request was addressed not to the prosecutor's office, but to the city Council of Deputies.

· In the previous months, we paid a lot of attention to supporting the financial system.

· Contrary to the current situation that has developed now.

59. Indicate the correct verbal-numeric form corresponding to the phrase “ ...twenty percent fee...:»:

· 20% fee

· 20% fee

· 20% fee

· 20% fee

60. Indicate the preferred option for indicating quantity in business writing:

· with a weight of up to 5 kg

· with a weight of up to five kg

· with mass< 5 килограммов

· with a weight of up to 5 kilograms

Read the text of the order.

In order to implement the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” the Law Krasnodar region dated June 28, 2007 No. 1270-KZ “On additional guarantees for the implementation of the right to appeal in the Krasnodar Territory” I order:

1. Approve the attached Procedure for handling citizens’ appeals in the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure).

2. The Department of Economic, Legal Activities and State Register of the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Krasnodar Territory (hereinafter referred to as the Department) shall provide:

b) posting the text on the official website of the Office;

c) familiarization of civil servants of the Department with this order.

3. The order comes into force 10 days after the day of its official publication.

4. I reserve control over the execution of this order.

Determine which of the proposed headings corresponds to the content of the document:

· On measures to implement Federal Law No. 59-FZ of May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”, Law of the Krasnodar Territory No. 1270-KZ of June 28, 2007 “On additional guarantees for the implementation of the right to appeal in the Krasnodar Territory”

· On the Procedure for handling citizens’ appeals in the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Krasnodar Territory

· On approval of the Procedure for handling citizens’ appeals in the Department of State Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects of the Krasnodar Territory

62. Read the document. Indicate the prepositions that should be used in place of the gaps [A] and [B].

Dear founders educational institutions!

…[A]pp. 43, 44 Licensing provisions educational activities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2009 No. 277, the State Inspectorate for Supervision and Control in the Sphere of Education of the Perm Territory maintains a register of licensed educational institutions and places it on the website.

…[B]submission of reliable and timely information in the specified register, we draw your attention to the need to promptly inform the Inspectorate about all changes in the network of educational institutions (exclusion from the register of legal entities, change of status, carrying out the reorganization process in the form of a merger or accession, suspension of activities).

· [A] – “In connection with...”; [B] – “For...”

· [A] – “In accordance with...”; [B] – “For the purposes of...”

· [A] – “According to...”; [B] - “In view of...”

· [A] – “In pursuance of...”; [B] – “As a result of...”

II. Test questions for knowledge of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the fundamentals of the constitutional structure of the Russian Federation

When using a word, one must take into account the impossibility of using logically incompatible concepts. Aristotle also stated: “Speech must comply with the laws of logic.” Otherwise, a logical error may occur: paralogism or alogism(comparison of incomparables). Logical errors can be made both within one sentence, judgment, and at the text level.

Illiterate construction of a sentence can cause an involuntary comparison (contrast) of two logically heterogeneous (different in scope and content) concepts. Such errors arise due to non-compliance logical law of identity. Typical example:

The color of Russian Laikas is different from other breeds(the author of the statement compares the color with breeds, although it was necessary to finish the expression of this thought like this: ... different from the color of huskies of other breeds).

Other examples:

· Speech Sholokhov's heroes are different from all others heroes(should: ...from the speech of heroes of other authors).

· Let's compare results first crisis since second(instead of … with the results of the second).

· Design this machine is similar to the old one sample(Right: … old machine designs).

· The skater received for performance technique assessments, almost equal to winner competitions (need: ... almost equal to the competition winner's scores).

To describe or characterize an object in statements, mutually exclusive concepts can be used. Such errors arise due to violation logical law of contradiction. For example, in the “You can’t make it up on purpose” section of the Krokodil magazine, an advertisement was published that was heard on local radio:

Today a red-and-white dog on the left bank of the river attacked chickens and ate one of them at all, seventeen - to death. (Error in contrasting adverbs at all And to death, which in this context are equivalent. The announcer, apparently, was trying to express the idea that the dog ate one chicken, but only strangled and killed the rest).


· The traitor lay unharmed with a broken head.(Possible edit: ...alive, but with a broken head.)

· They lay wrapped in white sheets, like twin brothers. Among them were both girls and boys(no comments).

Ignorance of the meaning of a word can cause a violation of the third law of logic - law of excluded middle. Classic example We find this error in Moliere’s play “The Bourgeois in the Nobility”:

Mr. Jourdain. ...And now I have to tell you a secret. I am in love with a high-society lady, and I would like you to help me write her a note, which I am going to drop at her feet.

Philosophy teacher. Of course you want to write her poetry?

Mr. Jourdain. No, no, not poetry.

Philosophy teacher. Do you prefer prose?

Mr. Jourdain. No, I don’t want either prose or poetry.

Philosophy teacher. It’s not possible: it’s either one or the other.

Mr. Jourdain. Why?

Philosophy teacher. For the reason, sir, that we can express our thoughts in no other way than in prose or verse.

Mr. Jourdain. Not otherwise than in prose or poetry?

Philosophy teacher. Not otherwise, sir. Everything that is not prose is poetry, and everything that is not poetry is prose.

Compare: There are currently two bathhouses for men and women, located on two floors. And there will be a third onefor engineering and technical workers.

Using a word without sufficient grounds is a violation of the fourth law of logic ( law of sufficient reason). Example:

Now you will see Feature Film“Cruel Romance”, based on the play of the same name by A.N. Ostrovsky "Dowry"(word eponymous this sentence is redundant).

Logical errors often arise when a homogeneous series is constructed incorrectly. In the enumeration, there may be an overlap in the scope of concepts if it is based on different criteria for selecting objects. For example, an insufficiently erudite person may object: This is not an animal, but an insect!(although insects are a subclass of animals as general concept). Compare: All people can thus be divided into old people, Russians and brunettes. Or in a minibus you can often find an advertisement: Free travel only for veterans, participants and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War. But veterans And participants– the concepts are equivalent, and people with disabilities are also participants. Therefore, it was enough to use one of the synonyms in the ad text: participants or veterans. In clerical genres, as well as in the essays of schoolchildren, errors in the use of homogeneous members proposals, which often combine heterogeneous concepts and phenomena. The obvious illogicality of facts in one row is associated with a pragmatic principle, a combination of sharply contrasting elements. Example: Provide Sidorov with financial assistance, because he is in great need: he is dependent on his wife, grandmother, insurance, installment payments for furniture and alimony.

A special group of errors stands out in the construction of the definition. The logical law of identity requires proportionality between the subject (the word being defined) and the predicate (the definition). Failure to comply with this requirement may result in serious logical errors. Such an error was made, for example, in the definition: "Minora citizen who was under 18 years of age at the time the crime was committed.” From this definition we can conclude that only criminals can be minors. Compare:

Square -it is a geometric figure in the form square (an error in the form of another " geometric figure" – circle in the definition).

1. The main tasks of spoken language cannot be:

1) expression of personal attitude towards phenomena, events

2) expression of generally accepted attitude towards phenomena, events

3) dominance of information about an event over its emotional assessment

4) dominance of the emotional-evaluative beginning in the message

5) create conditions for the spontaneous use of linguistic means

limit trusting and free relationships in the communication process

2. It is not typical for colloquial speech:

1) focus on the norms of the literary language

2) complete disregard for the norms of literary language

3) expressive intonation

4) significant role of emotionally expressive vocabulary

6) savings speech means

3. The law of economy of speech means in colloquial speech implies:

1) limiting vocabulary to colloquial words only

2) using a phrase instead of one word

3) using one word instead of a phrase;

4) narrowing the range of book words and terms

5) the use of words whose meanings are specified in the situation

4. It is not typical for the syntax of colloquial speech:

1) complex sentences with sequential addition of subordinate clauses

2) simple sentences, often incomplete

3) violation of word order

4) omissions of sentence members are unacceptable

5) use of words-sentences

6) lexical repetitions, introductory words

5. Colloquial speech of educated people:

1) constantly violates the norms of literary language

2) generally corresponds to the norms of literary language

3) close to book speech

4) involves deviations from norms for the purposes of communicative expediency

5) destroys the unity of the literary language

6. Mark the words with the missing letter E:

2) shock therapy

3) pie with cherry plum

4) distorted image

5) river

7. Fill in the missing vowels:

1) impression___smoldering

2) honest___loving

3) experiment___experiment

4) find reserves from___

8. Insert, if necessary, the missing consonants:

1) remain silent___

2) unprecedented___

3) aluminum___uminium

4) volleyball

9. Mark the sentences where there is no mistake in the use of participial phrases:

1) Having received recognition from the broad masses, it was decided to republish the book.

2) Without walking even a kilometer, he discovered that the path was overgrown with grass.

3) Approaching the house, I became scared at the thought that something could happen there.

4) Idleness is a relative concept, and it doesn’t happen when you’re sitting at home.

5) After undergoing a serious operation, the soldier was saved.

10. Mark the options where the norms of lexical compatibility of words are violated.

1) recover material damage

2) meet modern needs

3) take action

4) earn respect

5) express concerns

11. Mark the sentences where there are no errors caused by missing a required word.

1) Let's compare the results of the first crisis with the second.

2) The beak of the hazel grouse does not differ in color from the common hazel grouse.

3) The entire surface of the earth was a green-golden ocean.

4) The students of our sports club performed better than all other clubs.

5) Each specific speech act requires very specific means


12. Mark the sentences without tautology:

1) The hero purposefully strives towards the intended goal.

2) Clean room new school It made a pleasant impression with its cleanliness.

3) Yuri Gagarin, who is the first cosmonaut, is also an example for modern youth.

4) Studying was easy for Gagarin: he invariably received straight A’s.

5) The roaring guns were deafening with their roar.

13. Mark the sentences that require a comma before the conjunction as:

1) Again one could hear ___ the stream thundering at the bottom of the abyss.

2) Nothing shows the national character like in song and dance.

3) Art ___ is like life: it is inexhaustible.

4) Pushkin’s poems contain ____, as if in a magic crystal, all the extraordinary qualities of Russian speech.

14. Mark the words where the suffix is ​​pronounced ["he]:

1) charmed

2) rated

3) encouraged

4) repeated

5) repaired

15. Find correspondence to the types of speech plans and their characteristics:

