What is the difference between a graduate student and a resident? Medical education: what is it - residency. Fundamental differences between residency and internship

Residency (clinical residency) is a stage in the multi-level structure of higher medical education in Russian Federation. Residency is a form of continuous professional education for doctors in medical higher educational institutions and research institutions (research institutes), at medical faculties of universities, and at postgraduate institutes for doctors.

The main objective of residency is to prepare highly qualified specialists for independent work in health authorities and institutions or in private practice.

Persons admitted to clinical residency are clinical residents . Residency training lasts two years with a break from the main place of work. In some specific cases, depending on the specialty of training, by decision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the period of study can be extended to five years.

Clinical residency training in our country is carried out in those specialties that are provided for by the current “Nomenclature of Medical Specialties”, curriculum and program for each specialty.

Mandatory minimum professional educational program for a specific medical specialty is established by the relevant state standard.

The training program and curricula, as a rule, are approved by the academic councils of institutions that train clinical residents.

Due to the fact that changes periodically occur in the state educational minimum standard for a professional educational program for each specialty, all training programs, as well as curricula, are reviewed every five years.

What is a targeted clinical residency?

Doctors are accepted into targeted clinical residency in accordance with the plan of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation or on the basis of an agreement between the institution that trains clinical residents and the institution or organization that sends a specialist for training. The selection of candidates for the target clinical residency is made by the head of the sending institution or organization.

A distinctive feature is that doctors who have completed a targeted clinical residency are required to return to the disposal of the institutions or organizations that sent them, but at the same time have the right to terminate employment contract. As for institutions or organizations that sent doctors for training in a targeted clinical residency, at the end of the training period they are obliged to employ residents for permanent work in a specialty not lower than the position they previously held.

Final year students of medical universities and institutes are often faced with various questions: “What is the difference between an internship and a residency?” or “Why does a doctor need postgraduate education at all?” Understanding this issue is quite simple.

The educational process in any higher educational institution is considered fully completed when the graduate receives an appropriate diploma confirming the level of his professional knowledge. A state-standard education document first of all indicates that a newly qualified specialist has a direct path to the labor market and vacancies.

university after graduation

However, with the graduation of students from higher medical institutions, the situation is somewhat different. Here, every graduate will have to learn the difference between internship and residency. A person who has graduated from a university, even with honors, will not immediately be allowed to make responsible decisions related to the treatment of patients.

And although it is quite possible for yesterday’s student to find a job in a clinic or hospital, he will be able to perform his medical duties only under the close attention of his supervisor, scientific advisor. This is when the next transition period from student to professional work begins - residency and internship. The difference between these two concepts is small.

The importance of completing an internship and residency

In fact, both of them are the passage of the stage of formation of individualism and independence of the doctor after receiving the diploma. In addition, this approach was enshrined at the legislative level back in 1994. The order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved the procedure for admitting specialists to medical and pharmaceutical activities. To set out on an independent medical professional life, a university graduate must receive another important certificate - a certificate of professional aptitude, which will become a symbolic pass to independent healing.

Residency and internship (all students of medical educational institutions know what it is and look forward to going through these stages) are the main task facing certified specialists, the implementation of which is necessary to complete postgraduate education and comprehensive professional training.

More information about interns

Internship is the primary postgraduate training for accomplished young professionals and graduates of educational institutions. higher levels medical or pharmaceutical accreditation. Former students of specialized forms of ownership often entered internships. As a rule, internships take place in places where elements of practical training of specialists and treatment of outpatient and inpatient patients are maximally combined.

It is easier to understand what internship and residency in dentistry are with an example. This is where future dentists of the highest class undergo the final stage of their studies in the relevant areas. Having received a certificate for the right to engage in this activity, former interns can find a job in any dental clinic of private or state ownership or open their own medical institution.

Residency is...

What is the difference between internship and residency, you can find out by finding out the meaning of the second category.

Residency is also a type of specialized postgraduate training for people who have completed their studies at medical universities. educational institutions. Its main focus is the desire to achieve the highest skills and abilities necessary to provide full specialized assistance at the proper level.

It turns out that postgraduate training periods include both residency and internship. The difference between the two concepts is contained in the nomenclature of specialties in the medical and pharmaceutical fields approved by order of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation.

Differences between the two types of preparation

In more detail we can talk about the existing distinction between interns and residents, where the former are trained in basic specialties, and the latter are trained during residency and gain in-depth knowledge.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Higher and Postgraduate Education” vocational education"contains a provision confirming that residency and internship differ only during the postgraduate educational process. Interns and residents, improving their qualification level, acquire the status of students of higher educational specialized institutions. In fact, they are formally equal to the status of university students.

To understand for sure what residency and internship in medicine are, you should identify the purpose of undergoing these types of training.

Features of the internship

Basically, internship training determines the professional future of a medical school graduate. An intern who has received a certificate, as a rule, continues his medical practice in municipal or private clinics, on an outpatient basis.

The main types of training that a medical university graduate undergoes in order to independently treat people include the following:

  • supervision of patients, filling out relevant documentation directly under the supervision of the internship supervisor;
  • periodic duty with subsequent presentation of a report at the morning “five-minute meeting”;
  • gaining experience in the work of diagnostic units of a medical institution, in units or intensive care.

Residency and internship (the difference does not play any role here) include the mandatory development of skills in performing medical procedures. In addition, both interns and residents need to visit scientific societies and take an active part in conferences.

Specifics of residents’ employment during training

It is worth highlighting a few more positions in which residency and internship differ. The difference lies, for example, in the fact that interns undergo a certain number of classroom lessons per year, the total number of hours of which should not exceed 120. At the same time, highly qualified residents are trained according to developed curricula.

The creation of such educational programs is mainly carried out by graduating departments. Mandatory points of the training plan are:

  • independent supervision of sick patients;
  • just like interns, residents gain a lot of medical experience in laboratory, diagnostic (ultrasound, CT, MRI, ECG, encephalography, endoscopy and many other types of examination) departments;
  • for surgical residents, the main requirement in the residency process is considered to be participation in operations;
  • participation in practical seminars.

A feature of residency training can also be called the fact that some days in the week, according to curriculum, are allocated for independent disciplinary study.

The duration of internship and residency is different. During the course of 1 year, the intern undergoes internship training, after which the intern passes exams and receives the appropriate certificate. Residents are trained for 2 years.

What is graduate school

An interesting fact is that many people still confuse what internship, residency and graduate school are. And if everything is clear with the first two terms, then not only medical graduates can enroll in graduate school after graduation. This option of postgraduate study is suitable for those who have decided to connect their future with scientific work and research in a particular field. Writing a dissertation, defending it and awarding a scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences is what successful and hardworking graduate students will ultimately receive.


Residency and internship have quite a lot of common points during training. What it is and why it is generally necessary to undergo postgraduate training will become clear not only to specialists and graduates of medical institutions.

In order to take responsibility for the health of patients, predict the condition of patients and timely adjust treatment, high-quality qualification training is necessary. This is why interns and residents go through a long learning curve.

Where and how does learning take place?

Training takes place at the clinical departments of universities. Training can be carried out in full-time and by correspondence, but the second option, as a rule, can be used by an already established doctor. In this case, residency may also not be necessary in all specialties. The range of training is determined by the future and existing needs of the healthcare system. Important stimulating conditions are the opening of large specialized scientific and practical centers, improvement of the material and technical base and an increase in the need for specialists in a certain field, which affects wages and bonuses.


We continue to understand what residency is like. You can already understand what it is. But how does the preparation happen? In addition to the individual approach, the level of professional training, work experience in the specialty and the conditions in which the work was carried out are taken into account. professional activity. All this cannot but affect learning. Therefore, an individual plan is developed and approved for each doctor. To train specialists, the most qualified personnel from the available teaching staff are attracted.

Educational plans

Although they are developed individually for each specialist, they still take into account standard programs. For maximum efficiency, the entire departmental team of the department is involved in the work. Regarding the workload, we can say that it includes work in diagnostic departments, mastering practical skills, supervising patients, participating in operations (this is important if residency in surgery) and seminars. You can also often find that 25% of teaching time is used to train a specialist in related disciplines. But this is used only for better performance of the tasks assigned to the specialist.

Certificate of completion of training

To confirm knowledge and completion of appropriate training, the graduate is issued a state diploma. It indicates that the person has received an education. True, initially a person is almost never given the opportunity to conduct independent activity. This is done in the best interests of the patient. This is necessary to prevent a situation where human life ends up in the hands of an amateur who cannot save it. Initially, a person studies under the guidance of an experienced curator. He is also assisted (albeit insignificantly) by the institution’s staff.

Difference in medical training

Residency is often confused with internship. One can only imagine how tired the doctors themselves are of this. So let's figure it out and find out how internship differs from residency. To do this, let's get acquainted with all the necessary terminological base. So, internship is the primary postgraduate training of graduates of medical educational institutions, which is aimed at ensuring that a specialist can carry out medical activities to provide qualified medical care. The wording is similar to that at the beginning of the article. But if you look into it and look into the documentation, you will find out that residency provides the knowledge needed to provide specialized medical care! Therefore, it takes longer - 2 years versus one for an internship. The training process includes supervising patients, maintaining medical records (carried out under the supervision of the supervisor), duty, lectures, seminars (up to 120 hours per year). It is necessary to perform diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and so on. That is, most of the time a person carries out practical activities. And always under the control of your mentor. Although different types training and are focused on achieving a common goal, they are assigned different tasks. Thus, a resident doctor must be able to work independently in health care institutions. That is why attention to their preparation is so important.

How does admission work if we are interested in residency?

Dentistry, surgery or something else – it doesn’t matter what the goal is. Let's look at how the learning process happens. It is carried out in isolation from medical practice. Can be carried out on a contract basis or at the expense of the budget. Typically, the training period for a specialist is two years. But if a person studies on a contract basis, then this period can be doubled. For clinical residency, you must have practice for at least three years (or complete an internship and have a recommendation from the academic council for training). Then there are interviews with members of the commission and passing exams. Training is carried out at the clinical sites of the departments of the university to which the person is admitted. For the entire period of training, the resident receives a supervisor, who can only be a professor or associate professor. If a person has successfully completed his studies and has experience in research work, the academic council can issue a recommendation for admission to graduate school. If you want to study for a residency, then you need to find out about all the details and time for submitting documents in advance. You need to focus on the end of spring (recommended) or the beginning of summer. In addition to the usual package of files, it will be necessary to provide a diploma of higher education in one specialty, an extract from the work record book, a list scientific works, rationalization proposals and inventions.


So we figured out what residency is, what it is, found out the differences between it and graduate school, and also figured out how admission and educational process. This step is important for every person who wants to study his specialty well and become a skilled doctor. It is no secret that medical areas are complex and at the same time important for society. Alas, we cannot now say that the work of doctors is appreciated as much as we would like. Similar words can be applied to many professions, such as teacher, firefighter and a number of others. But you can change the current state of affairs only by working to improve yourself as a person and society as a whole. Although, if we take such areas as surgery and dentistry, then it is not a problem for a valuable (that is, a professional with golden hands) employee to make good money here.

Internship and residency are words related to medicine, namely to medical education. If you don’t know medical professionals, it will be difficult to understand these terms alone. But, as always, we will help!

So, internship is a year-long continuation of medical education at a medical institution. She is primary. Residency is a two-year training and is considered more complete. Both options allow you to effectively apply the knowledge already acquired by a medical student in practice, and all actions of an intern or residency student are performed under the supervision of experienced personnel. However, internship alone is often not enough to achieve the desired heights in a medical career. And sometimes even an internship is required to enter residency. In general, the medical specialties that a residency focuses on, such as neurosurgery, are more complex than those that interns practice. Perhaps these are all the differences between internship and residency. In any case, in our country students medical universities They study for quite a long time before they start treating people on their own, which is good news.

Conclusions website

  1. Internship lasts one year, residency – two years
  2. In most cases, an internship is considered incomplete preparation; sometimes it cannot be counted towards promotion
  3. The list of specialties available for residency and internship may differ.

Internship and residency are the final stage of medical education, crossed with active practice in medical institutions. How is an internship different from a residency? To answer the question, you will have to delve into the principles of training in medical universities.

What is residency and internship

Both options for postgraduate education have a pronounced practical orientation, differing markedly from each other. What is residency and internship in medicine?

Residency- postgraduate education, which is conducted for graduates of medical universities, universities and institutes. The main objective of the residency is to train specialists to work in government agencies of the Ministry of Health or private practice.

Residency classes include:

    seminars, listening and passing tests for a course of lectures;

    clinical rounds of patients in city hospitals, work with medical histories and epicrises;

    participation and speaking at thematic conferences within the chosen topic;

    working with patients undergoing treatment.

For applicants Full-time study requiredlasting for2 of the year(sometimes can be extended up to 5 years). The number of budget places is determined by an annual document from the Ministry of Education; tuition is also possible on a paid basis. Similar educational establishments work on the basis of large universities or research institutes. Training is carried out according to individual plan from highly qualified specialists (from a candidate of science and above).

Additional Benefits of Residency

The following differences can be distinguished between residency and the abolished intern level:

    issuance of documents confirming completion of postgraduate studies;

    obtaining a certificate allowing independent practice;

    additional scholarship from the Ministry of Health, including in targeted areas;

    vacations of a duration corresponding to medical leave;

    the possibility of early completion of studies after one and a half years (75% of the total duration of the program) subject to the completion of the curriculum;

    the possibility of extending the period of study during pregnancy, illness or other emergency circumstances.

Admission procedure

The procedure for admission to residency training is described in the document - http://docs.cntd.ru/document/456065114

The entrance exam is conducted in the form of a test, which takes 60 minutes to complete. The minimum number of points to pass the test is 70 out of 100. The test is organized admissions committee, composed of residency teachers. The results become known the next day and should be posted both on the organization’s official website and on the information stand.

During admission, the results of the specialist’s accreditation may be taken into account if they were carried out in the same year or a year earlier.

Internship and postgraduate studies

Internship is called the first year after graduating from medical school, during which the graduate is engaged in medical practice under the guidance of doctors. The difference between internship and residency is the lack of opportunity to make decisions - responsibility for making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment lies with a more experienced doctor. After a year, the intern is issued a certificate with a mark on the specialty obtained and he can begin to conduct full-fledged practice. The internship depends on the specific hospital and the doctor supervising the young specialist.

Important! From January 1, 2018, the internship was abolished, and young doctors have the right to full-time work in clinics and outpatient clinics from the very first year.

In addition to these options, there is also a classic graduate school, which lasts three years and is needed for scientific activity, writing a dissertation.

How does an internship differ from a residency?

The main difference between internship and residency from a medical student's perspective is their future medical career. If a doctor wants to advance to head of department or later move to an administrative position, he needs residency training. For ordinary professionals who want to start working immediately after receiving higher education, an internship would be more suitable. Now they can start practicing right away, without spending several years on additional training.

Help in applying for an internship

Residents are distinguished by a more in-depth immersion in their specialty - two years of almost individual training under the guidance of outstanding specialists make their presence felt. They must undergo a similar practice as interns, but manage patients and report documented decisions taken residents have to do it on their own. The advantages include part-time work, no hospital duty, and little responsibility to patients. Disadvantages: the difficulty of enrolling on a budget and the cost of paid training in case of failure.

The interns were immersed in hospital life from the first days; the lack of responsibility for making diagnoses and prescribing medications did not free them from the difficult routine.

The total volume of classes in the classroom could not exceed 120 hours annually; the rest of the time was devoted to practice.

For comparison, for residents this period is not limited and is set by the program. Internship training was more general in scope, in contrast to in-depth residency training.

Assistance in applying for residency

Completing a residency gives a significant competitive advantage when applying for a job - any hospital will first of all hire a specialist with additional education than the average graduate intern. In the first years, interns will be expected to work in clinics as therapists and exhausting, assembly line work in city hospitals.


Residency is an additional two years of study after graduation. People apply for it for a further career in the Ministry of Health or for the future, to become the head of a department in a few years. Provides in-depth education in the specialty and the opportunity to start working under the supervision of the best doctors in the city. A residency graduate receives permission to enter private practice. The career benefits are offset by the difficulty of admission and training.

Internship - until 2018, a mandatory year of postgraduate practice for those who did not enroll in residency. About a month of lectures and a year of work in a hospital without the right to make decisions allowed you to become a full-fledged doctor for free, a year earlier than residents. At the same time, those who have completed their internship cannot open private clinics (important for dentists, psychologists, orthopedists) and occupy leadership positions.
