Write an essay on the topic of nature conservation. An instructive story of the educator about the protection of the environment. Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory group. Some interesting essays

Nature is a beautiful world that surrounds a person. These are mountains, fields, forests, rivers, lakes. Nature gives people shelter, food and clothing, this is the air they breathe. Not protecting nature means not protecting yourself and your loved ones.

Currently, a huge problem of mankind is an ecological catastrophe on earth. There is daily pollution of rivers, seas and oceans by production and industrial waste, air - by caustic fuel of vehicles.

Hectares of forests are constantly cut down, animals and birds are exterminated at the hands of poachers, fish die from poisonous emissions of enterprises into water bodies.

Each person should think about how to preserve nature, how to preserve it for future generations of people.

To constantly admire the beauty of natural resources, you need to burn fires, store garbage only in the places designated for this. Do not break branches, do not pick off the leaves of trees unnecessarily, do not destroy bird nests and anthills.

To date, scientists and scientists are actively engaged in the development of software systems for the creation of treatment facilities, non-waste production. Large scientific work conducted on the use of environmentally friendly sources electrical energy such as solar and wind power plants.

Wars between states on earth can also lead to an end human civilization. From nuclear weapons all living things will perish, mutation of living organisms will occur.

To prevent the liquidation of all life on the planet, it is necessary for everyone, even the head of a country, an enterprise, even a simple citizen, a schoolchild, to understand their place in life, that only by treating nature and others with love, carefully protecting them, you can save the human race on earth and save him from certain death.

Composition The problem of nature conservation

Labor protection is a specific set of actions that are aimed at preserving or restoring the natural resources of our planet. In addition to resources, measures are also taken to conserve nature and animals.

The problem of destruction and irreversible processes of flora and fauna is relevant, because today human activity covers the vast geography of the planet. All activities have negative impacts on nature and animals. If we turn to statistics, then since the 80s, 1 species of animals has died every day, and vegetation every week. Forests, reservoirs, just every day any part of our nature is under threat. Every year, humanity uses more than 1 billion tons of various fuels, the waste of which goes into the atmosphere. Plants and factories pollute the rivers. With this, fish and plants that grow in the aquatic environment die. Recently, the issue that concerns the integrity of the planet's ozone screen has become an edge.

The planet has the ability to regenerate and self-purify, but given all the negative factors that people create, this possibility is reduced to almost zero. Therefore, our planet requires specific and decisive measures to minimize the impact of negative factors. After all, not only nature and animals are under threat, but also the human species itself. They began to build production facilities that practically do not carry any waste, treatment facilities. Also introduced norms for the use of pesticides, the exclusion of any pesticides. They also began to build reserves or protect territories where rare animals live and rare plants grow. The world community for nature conservation has compiled lists of rare endangered animals and plants - the Red Book.

In all legislative spheres of almost any state, laws are provided that should implement penalties for violation of the rules of nature protection. This contributed to the improvement of the situation in the field of nature and animal protection. In the world there is a special organization of the United Nations, which advocates for the protection of environment.

Today, the issue of nature protection is in the first place, along with other important issues in the world. You need to start small, with the consciousness of every person living on earth. Next, take care of minimizing waste, as well as provide endangered animals with continued existence and population growth.

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 grade

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Today, nature conservation requires close public attention. More recently, a person used natural resources unlimitedly, since there was an opinion that natural resources on our planet are inexhaustible. But over time, human needs became more and more, and natural resources became less and less.

In our time, the issue of nature conservation is particularly acute. Trying to improve their life, people do not think about the fact that they cause irreparable harm to nature. Is it possible to protect nature from man, and if so, who should do it? Most likely this question is wrong. Nature is in our hands, and every person is obliged to remember this and not harm her, and not even pass by indifferently, seeing how someone does it.

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Everyone should do their best to protect nature. You can start small - with clean streets, parks, forests, reservoirs.

The scientific and technological revolution caused great damage to nature. Fortunately, people have understood this and are trying to find a solution. environmental issues. The search for alternative energy sources is being carried out. The energy of wind, sun, water are inexhaustible resources, therefore, new technologies are being developed regarding the use of these types of energy.

We must take care to leave our descendants a rich and clean planet where people will live happily.

Nature protection in our region is the most important set of measures in the current difficult environmental situation, which is observed in many regions of the country. Such activities are carried out not only in Russia. There are a huge number of international organizations that control the state of the environment throughout the Earth.

Organizations for the protection of nature in Russia

Protecting the environment is something everyone should do. Often, due to irresponsible and negligent attitude towards the world around you, man-made disasters and mass pollution occur. It is necessary to protect nature both on a private and global scale. Everything starts small. Everyone should control themselves and their loved ones, not litter, take care of nature, etc.

Nature conservation in our region is regulated by the actions of many organizations that specialize in this. The main ones are listed below:

  • VOOP - All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature.
  • ecological
  • RREC - Russian Regional Environmental Center.
  • "Green Cross" and others.

The WOOP was founded in 1924 and is still active today. main goal society is to preserve the environment. Participants carry out a set of measures to maintain the diversity of fauna and flora. The society is engaged in education of the population, introduction to the masses. Participants advise the subjects of nature management, are engaged in environmental protection activities and much more.

The environmental movement in Russia is a relatively new phenomenon. In 1994, the "Green" society was founded, which appeared on the basis of the "Kedr" organization. Until 2009, the so-called environmental political party operated, but later its activities were terminated. The "Green" movement considers its goal to change the attitude of the state and the population towards the outside world. Participants believe that only organized political measures can achieve results.

The RREC appeared only in 2000. The center was approved by the Academy of Civil Service and under the President of the Russian Federation. The purpose of establishing the RREC was to establish links with similar centers in other countries. This is necessary to promote cutting-edge ideas for the well-being of life. Thanks to dialogues between environmental organizations, it is possible to stabilize the state of Russia, introduce and promote standards and methods for environmental protection.

The non-governmental organization "Green Cross" also appeared not so long ago - in 1994. The goal of the participants is to educate the population of the ability to live in a good neighborhood with nature.

International Organizations for the Conservation of Nature

There are many such communities all over the world. The most famous are:

  • "Greenpeace".
  • Fund wildlife.
  • International "Green Cross".
  • International Union for the Conservation of Nature, etc.

Nature protection measures

The Law on Nature Protection says that everyone must conserve, rationally use and, if possible, restore natural resources.

It is necessary to maintain the purity of waters, forests, atmosphere, take care of the world around us - representatives of flora and fauna, etc. There are certain measures to protect nature:

  1. Economic.
  2. Natural sciences.
  3. Technical and production.
  4. Administrative.

Government programs to protect the environment play a huge role for the Earth as a whole. In some regions, excellent results have been achieved. But you need to understand that everything takes more than one year. A prime example the environmental program for water purification serves in several years. After a few years, its successful outcome is obvious. However, this set of measures was very costly.

Similar measures are being taken at the regional level. In 1868, a decision was made in Lvov to protect marmots and chamois living freely in the Tatras. Thanks to the assembled Sejm and decisions animals began to be protected and saved from extinction.

In connection with the current environmental situation, it was necessary to take a set of measures that limited the use of natural resources in industry, etc. The use of pesticides was prohibited. The set of measures also included measures to:

  • land restoration;
  • creation of reserves;
  • cleaning up the environment;
  • streamlining the use of chemicals, etc.


Nature protection in our region is largely based on the principles of work of international organizations, although it is of a regional nature. "Greenpeace" - the most famous community, which has offices in 47 countries around the world. The main office is located in Amsterdam. The current director is Kumi Naidu. The staff of the organization is 2500 people. But Greenpeace also employs volunteers, there are about 12,000 of them. Participants promote an environmentally friendly lifestyle, urge people to protect and protect the environment. Problems that Greenpeace seek to solve:

  • preservation of the Arctic;
  • climate change, fight against warming;
  • whaling;
  • radiation, etc.

International Union for Conservation of Nature

International organizations for the protection of nature appeared at different times. In 1948, the World Union was established. It is an international non-profit organization whose main goal is to preserve the diversity of animal representatives and flora. More than 82 countries have joined the union. More than 111 governmental and 800 non-governmental institutions have been opened. The organization employs more than 10,000 scientists from all over the world. Members of the union believe that it is necessary to maintain integrity and peace. Resources should be used evenly. The organization includes 6 scientific commissions.


Nature protection in our region is an integral part of the international fund. This public organization, which is engaged in the conservation of wildlife throughout the world, considers its mission to achieve balance, harmony between man and everything that surrounds him. The Fund's symbol is a giant panda, which is listed in the Red Book. The organization hosts many activities, including:

  • forest program;
  • protection of rare species;
  • climate program;
  • ecologization of oil and gas fields, etc.

Nature protection in our region is the duty of every inhabitant of the country. Only together can the natural grandeur of the surrounding world be preserved intact.

Nature protection is a set of measures covering the protection, rational use and restoration of objects of living and inanimate nature.

Here are just a few disturbing facts. Every year, 100 billion tons of minerals (25 tons per person) are withdrawn from the bowels of the Earth. Of these, more than 90% goes to waste. The amount of oxygen consumed individual countries, already exceeds its production by the plants of these countries. The rain forest (the main "lungs" of the Earth) has been destroyed by more than 40%. Its felling continues at a speed of more than 20 hectares per minute! Nearly 1,000 animal species and 25,000 plant species are now threatened with extinction. The main reasons for this are destruction, over-harvesting, suppression of native species by animals relocated by humans from other geographic areas, and environmental poisoning. natural environment chemicals. Mankind, having accumulated unheard-of technical power, does not cease to strive for the benefit of today. This entails the impoverishment of earthly riches and undermines the foundation.

The conflict between man and nature did not arise suddenly. It grew gradually. Even our ancestors noticed that with an excessive increase in the number of livestock in a limited area, fat pastures turn into deserts. Thoughtless hunting, burning forests, extermination of fish in reservoirs often left people without the necessary funds. Therefore, even in ancient times, people cared about the reasonable use of natural resources, their conservation and enhancement. There were bans on catching animals, grass pastures, deforestation. They began to allocate reserved lands, protect and breed valuable animals and birds. These were the first feeble attempts to balance the use of natural resources with their protection and restoration. However, the balance was not reached. And nature, and with it humanity, as an integral part of it, suffered more and more damage.

By the beginning of the XX century. it became clear that special and effective measures were needed. The first International Congress for the Protection of Nature took place in 1913. But the problem of the impoverishment of the Earth continued to worsen. In the second half of our century, it has become one with other, closely interrelated global problems: saving the world from a nuclear catastrophe, protecting the environment, increasing the number of people on Earth (population explosion), fighting hunger, overcoming the energy crisis. The cause of nature protection, as well as the cause of peace, concerns every person on Earth, depends on his mind, activity and good will. It requires the efforts of all states and peoples.

Only a deep knowledge of the laws of nature, their correct application in practice, general natural science education and upbringing will give mankind the opportunity to overcome the disaster that is now called the ecological crisis, that is, the consistent impoverishment of nature, threatening the death of many species of plants and animals, and ultimately undermining the basis of human existence. The experience of a number of countries, primarily socialist countries, and international cooperation have already shown that with a scientifically substantiated organization of the protection of natural resources and their rational use, many environmental difficulties can be overcome.

Grafting a cedar onto a pine makes it possible to achieve the promotion of this valuable plant to new areas. Voronezh state reserve.

Bustard. Red Book.

Gray cranes and Siberian Crane (right). Sterkh - rarest bird listed in the Red Book. Oksky State Reserve.

Plot of virgin feather grass steppe. Central Chernozem Reserve named after VV Alekhin.

Avdotka. Red Book.

Pink seagull. Red Book.

Black stork. Red Book.

In many reservoirs of our country, the white water lily has become a rare plant. She needs to be protected at all costs.

These bustards are bred in an incubator. The grown birds will be released into the wild.

Nature is everything that surrounds us: flowers, trees, ponds, forests and much more. Thanks to nature, a person is alive, because we breathe natural air, eat what the earth gives us, wear things made from natural materials, a person is inextricably linked with nature, without it he will not have life, so we must love, protect and protect nature.

To date, one of the main global problems is an environmental problem. Man daily pollutes nature with emissions from factories, exhaust from vehicles, garbage.

Huge areas of forest are cut down every day, rare animals and plants die at the hands of man. To preserve nature as it is now, everyone should try.

Gotta stick to simple rules: you don’t just need to break tree branches, pluck leaves from them, pick flowers and catch butterflies, because you can admire all this every day. Do not leave fires in the forest, throw matches and unextinguished cigarettes, they can lead to huge fires. There is no need to leave garbage on the streets, because it gradually accumulates and rots for many years.

We must try to increase natural wealth,

Don't reduce them. If everyone plants one tree, after many years a huge forest will be obtained. This is how we help nature recover.

Realizing all the danger of environmental problems, people are trying to correct their mistakes. Reserves and parks are created to preserve rare species of plants and animals. The production uses technologies that protect nature from hazardous waste. In Japan, a machine was created that uses water as fuel, such an invention can significantly purify the air of harmful impurities.

If every person thinks about the state of nature, many problems can be avoided.

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