Character types. Reactive character traits Psychological feature of a sanguine person

The labile type is a psychotype, a characteristic personality pattern. Sometimes it’s an accentuation of character.

The labile type is most fully described under various names: “emotionally labile” (Schneider, 1923), “reactive-labile” (P. B. Gannushkin, 1933) or “emotionally labile” (Leongard, 1964, 1968), etc. In N.I. Kozlov’s classification, this is a Person of Mood.

Brief description of the psychotype

The main feature of the labile type is extreme mood variability, rapid and little predictable switching of emotional state...

Rich sensory sphere, high sensitivity to signs of attention. Strong heartache with emotional rejection from loved ones, loss of loved ones and separation from those to whom they are attached. Sociability, good nature, sincere affection, social responsiveness. They are interested in communication, are drawn to their peers, and are content with the role of a ward.

Labile type and external assessment

Labile teenagers are very sensitive to all kinds of signs of attention, gratitude, praise and encouragement - all this gives them sincere joy, but does not at all induce arrogance or conceit. Blame, condemnation, reprimands, and lectures are deeply felt and can lead to hopeless despondency.

More about the labile type

Portrait of a labile type according to N.N. Kozlov

We all come from childhood. A man of mood, however, differs from the rest in that he remained like that in childhood. His is the soul of a child, it is bright, sincere, spontaneous and naive. Look

People can be divided in different ways, but there is one principle of division that distinguishes them by their actions. The division of people into proactive and reactive types is based on their different attitudes towards different issues; it is this difference that determines their radically different behavior in different situations. And this, in turn, becomes the reason for more or less success for these people.

There are many differences in the views and attitudes of proactive and reactive people, but we have tried to highlight the most significant ones, those that most determine the distinctive actions of people and, therefore, in our opinion, most help or hinder a person from achieving the intended goal, the desired success.

The biggest difference between proactive and reactive people is their different attitudes toward success. For proactive people, success is expressed not in money, property and authority, but in the sense of social benefit created with their help. They feel, see, appreciate the benefits that are created as a result of their work, and this is what gives them a feeling of special success. Everything else that follows this success is less important to them.

This is where their different attitudes to life come from. For the proactive person main goal life is to have time to create maximum benefit. They try to act in such a way, think in such a way, and work in such a way as to create maximum benefit throughout their lives. They know perfectly well that what and how much you get in return depends on how much you do and how useful it is. And the greater the public benefit you create, the more freely you can choose the form of return. Get it in the form of money, respect, or any combination of them.

This is where their different attitudes towards time begin. For proactive people, time is the main, most valuable resource. They perfectly understand that those who are better able to use this most important resource will have more time. They plan and change their plans, but never go with the flow, they set themselves clear goals in time, and always try to achieve them. They fall asleep earlier and get up earlier in order to accomplish more and better things planned for that day. Every day for them is another step towards their intended goal, even when they devote this day to rest. Because they know that they rest in order to work better later, and not vice versa - to work in order to rest well later.

The attitude of proactive people towards their work differs. They believe that what they do is a tool for self-expression, creativity, and creating more. They are constantly trying to improve the methods, approaches and means used in order to do more and better in time. For them, excellence in business is the main condition for achieving the goal. They try not to waste time on things that they can’t do well, they can’t, and don’t give them pleasure, because they know that perfection can only be achieved in the work that you like, it turns out, where you use the maximum of your abilities and properties, where you feel like fish in water. It is by finding such a thing, doing a lot, and doing better and better, that they try to achieve the goal of life - to do the maximum that they can. That is why proactive people, as soon as they see that they are doing something they don’t like, quit their jobs, but when they understand that they are doing the right thing, they fight to the end in order to create the best working conditions. In contrast to reactive people, who also feel that they are wasting time, but get used to such work, they themselves do nothing to improve their working conditions, and try to dispel the discomfort caused by the feeling of wasted time, mainly by complaining to loved ones about managers, employees, work, however without result.

Different attitudes to business also come from different attitudes of proactive and reactive people to the environment. Business for proactive people is an opportunity to take care of the environment, loved ones, colleagues, and society as a whole. Any business they do is imbued with concern for others. Since proactive people know very well that caring is the most important motive and desire that drives a person to do special, worthwhile things. Caring helps a person find both the strength and the idea to better care for those he loves and who are important to him. Whereas for reactive people it is much more important that others take care of them, take into account their interests and mood, otherwise they feel in an unfair environment. They do things more in order to prove to themselves and others their advantage, abilities, capabilities, and to earn respect for this, rather than to bring any benefit to anyone.

The difference in attitude determines the different attitudes of proactive and reactive people towards learning. If reactive people study in order to get a title, diploma, or the right to do something, after which they believe that books and studies are just a waste of time for them, and now it’s time to enjoy what they suffered during their studies, for For proactive people, learning is a constant, continuous process, which is the main opportunity to achieve excellence in what they do. To do more and better, which gives them the opportunity to achieve their life's purpose. Accordingly, proactive people never stop learning, every day they try to devote at least half an hour to reading a book that interests them, listening to a lecture, or thinking for themselves, working on a question that will make it possible to find something new, interesting, and worthwhile.
It is precisely the attitude towards learning that is one of the main things that determines the different attitudes of proactive and reactive people towards other people. Proactive people know that everyone around them is better in some way. They look for the best in them, value and respect them because of this difference, and try to learn and adopt this best from others. Whereas, reactive people, on the contrary, look for the worst in people in order to feel superior and enjoy it. Accordingly, their attitude towards people is more arrogant, more secretive and mocking. As a result, relationships with reactive people are more difficult and stressful, while relationships with proactive people are pleasant and interesting.

The attitudes of proactive and reactive people towards their subordinates are extremely different. Reactive people perceive subordinates as low-ranking employees in relation to themselves, who are mainly used to perform menial tasks. They try not to entrust them with anything that will help them express themselves and that will cause them to increase their self-esteem. Because they think, or subconsciously believe, that in this case they may have a competitor who will have a claim to their place. Accordingly, they block the best ideas coming from employees, or, having slightly altered them, attribute them to themselves. They always try to present to managers that their subordinate employees are mostly ignoramuses, slackers, unmotivated, and they have to do everything themselves. This makes them feel more secure.

Whereas for proactive people, subordinates are first and foremost full members of their team. They know well that if they want to do and accomplish more, this can only be achieved with the right team, where the more will be done, the more involved Creative skills every person, where people will open up to the end, try very hard, ideas will appear, and they will fight to the end to implement their ideas in life. Proactive people know that creating such a team environment is a prerequisite for getting things done the most and the fastest, which is why they try to create conditions for employees where they will give their best, increase self-esteem, learn and receive more, and will create more value. Because the main benefit of a team leader is not in the authorship or execution of any specific idea, but in leading a team that produces and executes the best ideas, and this helps them both in achieving their own life goals and in receiving better evaluation from managers and others.

And finally, the biggest difference between proactive and reactive people is still in their attitude towards their own successes or failures. Proactive people believe that the main reason for their success is luck, their employees, friends, family members, to which fortunate circumstances were added, and in the end all this led to success. Whereas, during a failure, they believe that they missed huge chances, misjudged the situation, made the wrong decisions, and did not give people the opportunity to help in a timely and correct manner. This approach helps proactive people to learn more from any failure and to analyze well what changes need to be made in their behavior and attitude in order to avoid making similar mistakes. And success causes less complacency. As a result, proactive people are never satisfied with their successes. They always strive to achieve more, and openly express gratitude to everyone around them for helping them achieve this, and this helps them achieve even greater success.

Then, as reactive people believe that success is the result of their special abilities and diligence, accordingly, they themselves deserve fame and greatness from this success, and failure is due to the situation and people around them, and they always look outside themselves for the culprit for unachieved goals, unsolved tasks, incorrect steps. This attitude creates in them less motivation to seek opportunities for their own improvement, makes it easier for them to be satisfied with what they have achieved, makes it difficult and stressful for others to work with them, and daily relationships with them, which becomes the reason for even greater failure.
* * *
Proactive and reactive people are distinguished only by their attitude to different issues, however, it is these attitudes that determine their different behavior in specific situations, which in turn also often becomes the reason different results. We are not saying that proactive people are better than reactive people, but they tend to achieve more in life, and this is precisely the result of such relationships. Being proactive is not at all difficult, the main thing is to understand the difference and make the appropriate choice.
"Strategy and Organization"

The problem of character in personality psychology is a relatively little-studied area. The term character was introduced into science by the ancient Greek scientist Theophastus (4th century BC). In Greek, character is a trait, a sign, a sign, a feature. Before Theophastos, Aristotle used the word “ethos” to denote the active side of personality - which means character, custom. The history of the doctrine of character shows diversity even in the starting positions when determining this side of the personality.
The concept of character can be represented in two meanings: general (broad) and more specific.
In a broad sense, character is individual, pronounced and qualitatively unique psychological traits of a person that influence his behavior and actions.
A. Kovalev and V. Myasishchev define character as an individually unique combination of essential personality traits. K. Platonov refers to character as a set of the most pronounced and relatively stable personality traits that are typical for a given person and constantly manifest themselves in his actions and actions. K. Kornilov character is the main individual psychological feature of a person, expressing his basic life attitudes: worldview, interests, moral beliefs, ideals - and receiving their realization in the uniqueness of human activity.
In a narrower sense, character is defined as the mental makeup of a person’s personality, expressed in its orientation and will.
B. Teplov believes that character is manifested both in the goals that a person sets and in the means or ways in which he achieves these goals. Character is determined by a person’s attitude towards the world, towards other people, towards himself. B. Ananyev refers to character as those personality traits that reflect the main orientation and are manifested in a way of action that is unique to the individual.
It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of personality traits and character when they are close and sometimes coincide. Character is the psychological uniqueness of a person, the integral of all his properties. Basically, character is the unity of relationships and the ways of their implementation in a person’s experiences and actions.
Character is psychological education, which contains a person’s fixed emotional relationship to typical life situations and stereotypes of cognitive and behavioral “patterns” of response to these situations that are in a certain way associated with it. Character as a system of certain stereotypes of emotional, cognitive, behavioral response to typical life situations, is formed under the strong influence of a person’s worldview and orientation, but does not overlap. It determines reactive rather than proactive human behavior.
The task of studying character structure is to isolate and systematize character traits and establish their relationship.
Character traits are understood as being sufficiently indicative of a person and allowing one to predict his behavior in a particular case with a certain probability.
While every personality trait is a personality trait, not every personality trait is a personality trait. In order to have grounds to be called a character trait, the personality trait must be sufficiently expressed, sufficiently interconnected with other character traits into one whole, so that it systematically manifests itself in a necessarily various types activities. It should be noted that every whole is not equal only to the sum of its elements, and character as a whole is something more than just the sum of individual character traits. Character represents that part of the personality structure that includes only personality traits that are sufficiently expressed and sufficiently related friend with a friend as a whole, to constantly manifest itself in various activities.
G. Allport notes that character and temperament are often used as synonyms and are identified with the concept of personality. He pointed out that each of them is different from his own personality. The word “character” evokes an association with a certain moral standard or value system in accordance with which a person acts. For example, when we hear that a person “ good character", That we're talking about that personal qualities socially or ethically desirable. From Allport's point of view, character is an evaluative concept and an evaluated personality, but personality is not of an evaluative nature.
Temperament, according to Allport, on the contrary, is the “primary material” (along with intellect and constitution) from which personality is built. Representing one of the aspects of genetic given, temperament limits the development of individuality. According to Allport, “you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear.”

Psychology can provide almost all the answers to questions about human behavior. This science can explain why some people become leaders, while others try to avoid attention throughout their lives. An important role in personality characteristics is played by the type of temperament, which is influenced by such a concept as reactivity. In psychology, this is often taken as a determining factor in an individual's response to various external stimuli.

Temperament as perceived by philosophers and scientists of antiquity

Even ancient philosophers argued that a person has a number of characteristics given to him at birth, which are subsequently formed into a set of traits or so-called character. It is impossible to significantly change these features; they can only be easily adjusted under the influence of society and education.

Scientists of that time could not imagine what temperament or character depended on, but they made attempts to substantiate their numerous theories in proportion to knowledge in medicine and psychology. The founder was Hippocrates, who was the first to define each of the types that are still used today. But the famous doctor explained temperament by the predominance of one or another liquid in the human body.

Years later, European scientists tried to put forward their own typology based on the physical characteristics of people. This version was subject to much criticism in scientific world and is now practically not used.

Temperament through the eyes of Hippocrates and Claudius Galen

Hippocrates defined personality temperaments, and his student and follower Claudius Galen wrote a large scientific treatise, where he described each type in detail and detail, specifying the liquid that is contained in the maximum quantity in human organs.

Based on Galen's theory, there were the following types of human temperament:

  • sanguine - in this person was a large number of blood, which influenced his actions and emotions;
  • phlegmatic - it was the result of the predominance of phlegm;
  • choleric - had an increased bile content;
  • melancholic - suffered from an abundance of black bile in the body, corroding his internal organs.

Almost until the eighteenth century, this theory was perceived as the only correct one. And only the hard work of modern scientists dispelled the fantastic assumptions of Hippocrates, although the names and characteristics of temperaments have remained unchanged and are actively used.

Division into temperaments in modern psychology

He made a great contribution to the development of psychology. As a result of research, he found out that a person from birth has his own, which determines his behavior. Moreover, this theory is equally effective for animals and people. Subsequently, Pavlov’s research became the basis for the work of Soviet and European psychologists. As a result, a scientifically based typology of human temperaments emerged:

  1. Sanguine. People of this temperament easily adapt to new conditions, are active and efficient. For the most part, they are friendly and tall. They are sensitive to the mood of others and are extroverts.
  2. Choleric. This temperament characterizes irritable and hot-tempered people. They get distracted from their work very quickly and find it difficult to concentrate. The expression of emotions in choleric people is violent and short-lived; they can also be considered extroverts.
  3. Phlegmatic person. Such people are very efficient, but it is difficult to switch from one thing to another. They are little emotional and are able to remain calm in any situation. All their movements are slightly slowed down, the same goes for facial expressions. Phlegmatic people are classified as introverts.
  4. Melancholic. Melancholic people are very sensitive, but not too active. They are touchy, but timid and inhibited. Such people have low productivity and have difficulty meeting new people. The slightest trouble causes violent emotions in them, paralyzing any activity.

To determine a person's temperament, it is necessary to consider him in relation to a number of properties. Psychology has a productive system that allows you to analyze the type of nervous system and classify it.

Basic properties of temperament

Defining temperament is impossible without eight aspects that characterize it:

  • sensitivity;
  • activity;
  • ratio of reactivity and activity;
  • plasticity and rigidity;
  • reaction rate;
  • extroversion or introversion.

An experienced psychologist assesses the personality for each aspect and determines the type of temperament. The most important parameters are considered to be reactivity and activity. It’s worth talking about them in more detail.

Reactivity in psychology: definition

It is difficult to say when psychology became a serious science and began to consider a person’s personality taking into account all aspects of temperament. But the scientific community believes that Wolf Solomonovich Merlin was the first to introduce such a concept as reactivity in psychology. This gave impetus to further research into the psycho-emotional differences of individuals, which eventually resulted in a fundamental scientific theory.

At the moment, it can be argued that reactivity in psychology is the uncontrolled reactions of an individual to any stimuli of an external and internal nature. The intensity and duration of these reactions largely determine. Subsequently, psychologists came to the conclusion that it is emotional reactivity that is responsible for performance and productivity. In psychology, this has acquired particular importance; many large corporations in the West use the concept of reactivity when selecting new personnel.

Reactivity and speed of decision making: is there a relationship?

Based on the results of numerous studies and tests, psychologists have found that the speed of decision-making and reactions to various life situations depends on reactivity.

People with high reactivity often make decisions under the influence of emotions and the moment; many of their conclusions and reactions are incorrect. But in a critical situation, they can save the life of not only one person, but also many others. The same cannot be said about individuals with low reactivity. They think about every decision for a long time and are not able to make it at a specific moment under the influence of stimuli from the outside world.

Formula for Reaction Intensity in Emotional Reactivity

Since reactivity in psychology is a reaction to an external stimulus, it would be natural to assume that it has certain strength. IN modern world There is even a formula according to which you can determine the degree and intensity of the reaction.

In people with low reactivity, intensity is in direct interaction with the strength of the impact. The more pressure you put on such a person, the more intense his reaction is.

Otherwise, everything happens to people who are easily excitable. The intensity of their reaction is absolutely independent of the strength of the impact. Even slight pressure triggers an intense reaction in the individual. This makes highly reactive people unpredictable and difficult to manage.

Reactivity in psychology: examples of manifestation in everyday life

In order to have a complete understanding of reactivity, let's give a simple real-life example. Let's say you're dreaming of a vacation after a hard year of work. Your friends are also going to relax, but one goes to the mountains, and the other dreams of a lazy beach holiday in a warm country. Both of them invite you to come with them, but after much deliberation you decide to go on a trip to the sea and the sun. At that moment, when you are ready to voice your decision to a friend, he begins to argue that you must go with him and have no right to do otherwise. Here great importance has your reactivity. What will you do? Will you begin to resist the pressure and abandon your already planned and much-desired vacation on the beach, going to the mountains as a protest? Or stick to the original plan, no matter the pressure put on you?

People who are capable of doing harm to themselves are characterized by increased reactivity and often draw the wrong conclusions from the situation. Moreover, the opponent’s personality does not play a role in making a decision; it can be a close friend or a stranger. A tendency to make hasty and incorrect decisions is revealed in those people who have increased reactivity. In psychology, this is considered to be a constant, which is used as a starting point in determining a person’s temperament.

Reactivity and activity: features of the relationship

It has long been proven that the productivity of any human activity is determined by the ratio of reactivity and activity. In psychology, this was expressed in several formulas that emerged as a result of special and lengthy research. Highly reactive individuals have little activity, since they cannot work with concentration and are constantly distracted by the slightest external stimuli. In addition, this type is also affected by internal stimuli - thoughts, emotions, memories. All this significantly reduces labor productivity.

Individuals with low reactivity usually have the highest activity. They are able to solve one problem until a result is achieved, without being distracted by anything in the world around them. Such people are able to work for weeks and months until they get what they want. Scientists who have given the world great discoveries are often classified as this type.

The psychological reactions of many people cannot be controlled, but with certain knowledge, it is possible to predict a person’s behavior and draw conclusions about his capabilities on the way to the top of his career.

Everyone knows that each of us has a different character, but not everyone uses this knowledge. This is completely in vain, because armed with knowledge about a person’s character, you can predict his behavior and correct it personally.

Moreover, in order to understand the character, you do not need to communicate with a person for a long time, you just need to look at him carefully. We assure you that you will be able to see a lot!

Most people think that intelligence is what makes a great scientist.
They make mistakes - it's character.

Albert Einstein

Character as a personality quality

Character is a set of stable mental properties that determine characteristics human relationships and behavior.

When talking about character, we mean a complex of personality traits that significantly influences a person’s actions. Character is determined nervous system, and its development - by the environment.

There are 4 categories of character, which form:

  1. Attitude towards team members and society as a whole- responsiveness, respectful attitude towards others, contempt, callousness;
  2. Traits that demonstrate a person's attitude towards his work- integrity, responsibility, laziness, passivity;
  3. Traits that reflect a person's attitude towards himself- self-criticism, pride, shyness, egocentrism.
  4. Traits that demonstrate a person’s attitude towards material things- sloppiness, neatness.

Classification of human character according to E. Kretschmer

Psychologist E. Kretschmer put forward a theory that character is directly related to a person’s physique.

Kretschmer's theory describes 3 body types and 3 character types that correspond to them.

1. Asthenics

People with a practically undeveloped chest and weakened muscles. They are usually thin, have an elongated face, long arms and legs ().

The type of character that is inherent in such people schizothymics– closed, stubborn people who do not adapt well to changing conditions.

2. Athletics

Tall people with a developed chest, strong skeleton and muscles.

They correspond ixothymics– calm and unimpressive people who cannot tolerate change.

Mental disorders in these people can cause the development of epilepsy.

3. Picnics

People are short, tend to be overweight, have a short neck, and expressionless facial features.

The type of character inherent in these people is cyclothymics– contact people who express their emotions. They adapt to new conditions quite easily.

Their mental disorders lead to prolonged depression.

Ernst Kretschmer (German: Ernst Kretschmer) (08.10.1888, Wüstenrot, near Heilbronn - 09.02.1964, Tübingen) - German psychiatrist and psychologist, creator of a typology of temperaments based on body features.

Character traits

There is another classification that provides 4 main character traits:
  1. Emotional- cheerfulness, balance, cheerfulness, etc.
  2. Strong-willed- self-control, desire to achieve success.
  3. Intellectual- prudence, observation, thoughtfulness.
  4. Moral-responsibility, justice, kindness.
Knowing these properties of a person’s character, one can predict and “edit” expected actions and actions.

Personal status

Character is adjusted throughout a person’s life. Lifestyle includes how a person thinks, feels, and acts in certain situations.

With the formation of a lifestyle, the person himself is formed. Of no small importance are the life circumstances and social conditions that take place in the lives of each of us.

However, character formation takes place in different groups (class, group of friends, team at work). Character will depend on the status of the individual in the team, as well as on what values ​​are supported by the reference group.

The team creates favorable conditions for the development of the best character traits, and since this is a mutual process, the team itself also changes thanks to the individual. The character itself determines life values and the person's position.


People with one or another orientation in their character can choose completely different paths to achieve their goals, resorting to their own methods and techniques.

Character traits are clearly displayed in a situation where a person must choose behavioral tactics.
