What to do if you don’t know where to go: choosing a profession, life priorities and advice from psychologists. How to choose a profession when you don’t know what you want? (Where should I go to study?) I don’t know where I want to go

Every person in life has to face the question: what to do if you don’t know where to go. After all, you really want to find your place in life and do it the first time. A favorite job and the right chosen profession is a fundamental aspect, since a person’s internal harmony, as well as his health and personal happiness, depend on it. That is why experienced specialists recommend that you familiarize yourself with the maximum amount of information and choose exactly what your heart desires.

Skills in demand by employers

To decide what to do if you don’t know where to go, you need to analyze all the necessary skills for your future job. It is important to understand that studying is only a small part of a lifelong professional journey. Next you will have to look for a job, which will become one of the main indicators of a person’s well-being and comfort for many years. Today's employers require many different skills from future professionals.

The top ten list contains the following skills that are especially in demand in the labor market:

  1. Oral communication. The ability to clearly and correctly formulate your thoughts.
  2. Written communication. Ability to express your thoughts in writing, no grammatical errors.
  3. Social communication. Ability to work in a team.
  4. Entrepreneurial trait. Ability to respond to market demands in this direction.
  5. Personal initiative. The ability to progressively and independently resolve issues, participate in developments, and propose your own ideas.
  6. Analytic skills. Ability to extract useful information, apply it in practice. Feel the consistency and pattern in your work, draw the right conclusions.
  7. Organization and planning of work. Skills of pragmatism and practicality in the broadest sense of these words.
  8. Determination. The desire to achieve your goal, regardless of obstacles and circumstances.
  9. Flexibility and ability to compromise. The ability to sense the situation and always act tactfully and correctly.
  10. Time management. Discipline, punctuality, ability to correctly prioritize and manage time.

Exercise for schoolchildren on choosing a profession

Experienced specialists helped decide where to go if you don’t know what you want. They came up with an easy exercise for teenagers that will help systematize their desires and come to a certain decision. To do this, you need to make two lists: “what I can do” and “what I like to do.” You need to sit down, concentrate and sincerely answer the questions asked. You don’t have to remember all your skills and desires at once; you can add to the list over the course of several days, weeks or even months. After a certain time (at your discretion, when all the wishes are listed), it is recommended to analyze the list and pay attention to a more impressive column. She is the one who will tell you what to do if you don’t know where to go. The choice of direction will be obvious.

Rules for talking to a teenager

In order for a conversation on the topic of your chosen profession to be constructive and unobtrusive, you need to follow some rules for its conduct. This atmosphere will become trusting, and the future professional will be able to open up completely, without being afraid to express his opinion. Parents or older friends are advised to:

  • Keep the conversation concise, casual, but constructive.
  • Find the optimal place to talk (during a car ride, in dim lighting, etc.). Eye contact is not necessary in this case, and the conversation can be stopped at any time.
  • You shouldn’t be straightforward and ask specific questions “head-on”; the right decision would be to ask the teenager’s opinion or ask him to dream about a given topic.
  • Construct the conversation as a game, do not require specific evidence of choice.
  • If a child does not know where to go, you should not lecture or criticize him. We need to give him the right to choose, let him find those sources of information that he likes (conversations with other people, reference books, reviews, different points of view).

Advantages of entering after ninth grade

The decision to leave and not finish studying school curriculum sometimes it comes as a terrible surprise to parents. They don’t even imagine how many opportunities open up for their child in this case. If a teenager is constantly doing poorly in school or his performance has gradually begun to decline, he simply needs a change of environment. Even to study you need to have a calling, and this is not a banal phrase. Maybe a growing person is just tired and wants to try himself in a different status (many teenagers have a desire to grow up faster). Parents should urgently respond if they hear the phrase: “I don’t know where to go after 9th grade.” After all, there are many advantages to studying in this format:

  • in educational institutions, ninth-graders are provided with more budget places;
  • there are more places in the dormitory;
  • higher education can be obtained several years earlier;
  • by the end of his studies the student already has a permanent job;
  • Availability professional experience at a young age;
  • benefits when entering a university (if it is a secondary educational institution).

Disadvantages of admission after ninth grade

The child is lost in doubt and says: “I don’t know where to go after 9.” Since he has not made his choice, he should think carefully about the upcoming step. Parents must assess the situation, listen to the teenager’s wishes and make an important decision. Perhaps there is no point in leaving school and entering adulthood if the child is not mentally prepared for radical changes. Before you graduate from school, there is still time to make your choice and find your calling. Disadvantages of care after 9th grade are:

  • anxiety of parents and the teenager himself;
  • wrong choice of profession (being too young to determine your vocation);
  • several wasted years;
  • the certificate may not pass the competition and you will have to pay for study;
  • admission to a specialty with fewer requirements after an unsuccessful certificate competition (where they will take you);
  • if forced to choose an unloved profession, training will become painful for the teenager.

Professions for guys

To the question of what to do if you don’t know where to go, there is a universal answer - you should try yourself in one of the proposed professions. They are suitable for young men who want to start their adult life after the ninth grade:

  • locksmith;
  • turner;
  • milling machine operator;
  • welder;
  • electrician;
  • painter;
  • plasterer;
  • builder;
  • crane operator;
  • driver;
  • PC technician;
  • plumber;
  • cook.

These professions are the most in demand today, since there is a shortage of professional workers in the country. Some specialists in these areas receive salaries several times higher than certified masters in less in-demand professions.

Professions for girls

If a girl is plunged into doubts on the topic “I don’t know where to go,” she should consider simple, but very popular professions. Graduates of the ninth grade are offered the following directions:

  • salesman;
  • merchandiser;
  • cashier;
  • seamstress;
  • cook;
  • cosmetologist;
  • interior or clothing designer;
  • educator;
  • housemaid;
  • nurse;
  • florist;
  • hairdresser;
  • stylist;
  • visagiste.

Choosing an educational institution after the eleventh grade

“11th grade, I don’t know where to go” - many future graduates face this problem. Today there are a lot of proposals on this topic; you just need to decide on the right direction and objectively assess your strengths and capabilities (including material ones). There is no harm in the fact that someone chooses to temporarily abandon their studies and prefer to work for a year or two. This way you can get to know yourself and your future profession better. Gaining invaluable experience is sometimes the main decision of a lifetime. You can go work in several places, find out all the positive and negative sides chosen specialty, and only then settle on one option. Or you can choose an educational institution that suits your liking and budget, which will become the starting point in your professional life.

Studying at a university

The university is considered the most prestigious choice, as it provides a person with higher education and hope for great prospects. But in life everything is not so simple, since there are a lot of certified specialists, and very few good workers. The advantages of studying at a university will be the presence of a diploma, acquired knowledge and the opportunity to get a prestigious job where higher education is a necessary condition. Disadvantages will be the lack of work experience after graduation, lack of jobs, 4-5 wasted years and high cost of training. Applicants should think carefully about their choice, study diligently, acquire additional knowledge, acquire skills, and start looking for a job before graduating from university.

Studying at a technical school or college

If you have doubts like “I don’t know where to go after 11th grade,” choosing a technical school or college (college) would be an excellent solution. The advantages will be: receiving a scholarship, sparing study load and relatively cheap fees (costs several times cheaper than studying at universities). The only disadvantage is the lack of opportunity to occupy leadership positions or jobs with the indispensable condition of having higher education. But this drawback is easily eliminated, since it will be much easier to enter a university with certain skills in this area.

Specialized courses

An excellent solution for graduates who do not have the opportunity to study at universities are professional courses. They have quite a lot of advantages, since the courses can be studied remotely, the profession is trained within a few months, and the cost is low. Upon completion, people receive diplomas and practical skills that will allow them to quickly start making money. The disadvantages are the lack of a diploma, the possibility of getting a job with career growth, and the lack of courses in small towns. Experts recommend mastering the profession well, gaining experience and continuing education in this area.

Any decision of a future specialist will be correct if he listens to the call of his heart. With the help of parents or older friends, making your choice will be much easier. And if it turns out to be wrong, it’s never too late to learn new profession, if a boy or girl strives to succeed in the professional field.

It’s good if a high school student has already decided on his future profession. We have many examples of purposeful guys who are preparing to become engineers, IT specialists, philologists or doctors. Hours-long classes occupy all the time of future artists and musicians. Children and their parents are concerned with comparing admission conditions in different universities, cities and countries, preparing for exams, collecting documents and writing motivation letters correctly. But another situation is not uncommon.

Time is running out, the arrival is just around the corner, and the future candidate has not yet been decided what he wants to do in life. Perhaps this is economics, or maybe finance, or even Chinese philology, but definitely not graphic design or psychology. Although, why not? Parents are panicking, the graduate is stressed, the environment adds anxiety: have you made up your mind? Have you already decided where to go? No, but the Ivanovs have applied to five universities and are waiting for an answer, the Petrovs’ son is preparing a portfolio, and the Sidorovichs’ daughter sits at night studying material for the exam. What should a graduate and parents do in such a difficult situation?

1) Take a deep breath - exhale and calm down: life does not end with the end of the introductory campaign. Moreover, in some Polish universities Admission possible until the end of September. If there is no decision today, it does not have to be made tomorrow. A mistake in choosing a university, a hasty decision will end up costing more.

2) In a calm state, it makes sense to think: what type of training is the graduate now ready for? What is his level in English ? Which level of Polish, if studying in Poland is considered? What grades does he have and, most importantly, knowledge on topics? subjects he liked at school?

3) We remembered our favorite subjects, we are slowly determining our area of ​​interest. In such a situation, the easiest way to do this is by process of elimination: physics? no (we ignore engineering), history? boring (questionable humanities) numbers? not mine ( exact sciences and finances are most likely crossed out). Together with the parents, because they know their child like no one else, calmly thinking about character future profession . An introvert will prefer working with data or numbers; an extrovert cannot live without communication and will most likely be happy working with people. A creative and spontaneous person will find it difficult to fit into a banking corporate culture, and a lover of order and system will have a hard time in the atmosphere of a design bureau or PR agency.

4) If you have found your area of ​​interest, then you can consider basic education in one field or another, choosing a good enough university to get a strong base. This could be economics, English philology, mathematics, chemistry, energy, cultural studies, journalism, law, computer science or general psychology. The purpose of education in this case is to introduce people to the environment of interest and provide the basics. Should not be chosen as basic education construction railways, air transport safety or health tourism. Here, the more general the specialty looks, the better, unlike the case when the graduate clearly knows what he wants to do. Before admission, it is advisable to still have time for language classes , so there is time for this decision until September.

5) It happens that the sphere cannot be felt. This is neither good nor bad, it is no one's fault or mistake. Our education system is structured in such a way that admission to a university occurs at the age of 17, at the age of trial and error. The same Poles go to school at age 7, receive a certificate at 19, and end up at university closer to 20, which is dramatically different from our 17s. So, we return to point 2) and think about in which country would you like to study?, and in the future live and work. If Europe is included in the circle of interests, and Poland can be considered as a step into the European community or an independent country to live in, then there is a simple solution. You can sign up for preparatory department at the university (relevant for boys) or at annual courses at language school (who doesn’t need a deferment from the army). Living in Warsaw or another major Polish city, studying Polish language or English, or both at once, our graduate will be able to freely attend a huge number of free lectures, master classes, educational and educational events, which are held in many universities. For example, throughout the year, Civitas University invites graduates to free lectures on subjects taught in different faculties, so that students can “taste” different material and make an informed decision. Every week somewhere there is a conference announcement, somewhere an open day, somewhere a lecture or a discussion screening of a documentary or feature film. Walk, listen, choose. You can still attend courses for maturists (preparation for matura) in those subjects in which there is a lack of knowledge (see point 2). They are usually held in the evening and are inexpensive.

Everyone has their own path, and it does not necessarily follow the path of the best student in the class or the family favorite. Due to the specifics of education and life in our country, it is sometimes difficult for our graduates to even imagine what specialties exist. What professions can provide decent income for a normal life in a civilized country. And we don’t think that the year of preparation for admission can be called a “lost” year. Rather, it will be an excellent, fruitful year under the motto "seek and find".

Don't worry, don't stress, as the Poles say. Come to us for a consultation before the recruitment crunch sets in. Good luck to all applicants, and patience and health to their parents!

It’s difficult to figure it out on your own, even if you have a lot of interests. After all, you need to know what professions there are: what a person does, what object he works with, and what requirements this profession places on a person. This is what you need to know when choosing a profession.

To tell the truth, there are about ten suitable and pleasant professions for each of us. But you can’t go down ten different paths: you have to choose the most pleasant and most suitable profession.

What determines the choice of profession?

Here we will not open America to you. The choice of profession depends on the interests, abilities, values ​​of the person choosing, age, financial capabilities and family plans, and place of residence. But even if you know all this about yourself, what to do with this knowledge? And how do you understand what profession they indicate? There are two ways: try to diagnose yourself or trust me.

How to choose a profession yourself

Try the tests. There are career guidance tests and there are tests for professions. Try both. There is a 7 step method for choosing a profession. It is not a test, but it helps you understand your desires. You can finally listen to interviews with professionals, read books about professions, and even try to work during the holidays in some company and carefully look at what people do there. And all this can help a lot, but if it doesn’t help, then I will help.

Final exams - time to think about the future

The closer the final exams are, the more pressing the question arises of where to go after 11th grade. Graduates decide what specialty they will pursue and which educational institution they will apply to. After all, it depends on what exams they will need to pass. Probably every child in childhood was “annoyed” with the question of what he will become when he grows up. IN

At such moments, children answer simply: who will be an astronaut, who will be a doctor. That is, they say what first comes to their mind. Almost none of them take into account their hobbies and interests. Of course, everything changes over time.

Is it worth going to the first university you come across?

But nevertheless, the majority of schoolchildren, until the last bell, cannot decide on the final choice of their future specialty and do not know where to enroll after 11th grade. Usually they go to where they pass based on their Unified State Exam scores. They walk like blind kittens, unaware and unaware of what awaits them ahead, and after just a couple of months of study they realize that they have chosen “the wrong thing,” “not theirs.” More courageous individuals take the documents and leave, while others endure in the hope of receiving a diploma, which, in their opinion, will give at least some guarantee of well-being in life. On the one hand, they are right. But I would like to point out that you won’t get anything real, because a real specialist only turns out if a person really loves the work he does. Therefore, initially, when choosing a profession, you need to understand yourself, your inner world, understand what you like, and only then pick up the booklets and choose an educational institution.

Where to go after 11th grade?

First of all, figure out the direction. At this time there are only two of them: humanitarian and technical. They are completely opposite to each other. A techie prefers exact sciences, while a humanist is inclined to reading, writing and creativity. You shouldn't go to technical university, if you do not understand physics, even though such specialties are considered prestigious in our time. All your years of study will be torture for you. Do you like to read and write? Go to the Faculty of Humanities. The second stage in solving the current problem is choosing a specialty. This must be done in a calm environment, quiet and without pressure. When you are alone, take a piece of paper and write on it all the professions that are really interesting to you. Now analyze the list and choose the most popular and promising specialty.

Choosing an educational institution

The last point in deciding where to enroll after 11th grade is choosing an educational institution. If the universities in your locality do not teach the specialty you have chosen, feel free to enroll in other cities. Distance shouldn't stand in the way of your dreams. Moreover, with the advent of the Unified State Exam, it has become easier to enter a university in any city in our country: the admission rules are the same everywhere. Just be confident in your own abilities. Check availability educational institutions can be found in special brochures for applicants. They also make it easy to find information about where you can go after college.

Drawing conclusions

Never rely on someone else's opinion. Of course, listen to what adults say and advise you, but remember: you create your own future and therefore must make your own choice. And believe me, the solution to the question of where to go after 11th grade is already within you. Listen to yourself and you will definitely achieve success!
