What does personality mean to me? Essay “I am a personality. From the point of view of the personological approach, no two people are the same; every person behaves with enviable consistency and differently from others.

Your essay on this topic I would like to start with the definition of personality. Who is this person? In a social studies course, personality refers to the internal characteristics of a person, his thoughts, opinions, interests, worldview and actions.

We see what characterizes a person as a person - his opinions, thoughts, actions. Accordingly, it turns out that if I think, then I am a person. Since I perform certain actions, I am a person. I have my own view of the world and my place in it, which means I am a person.

Therefore, any person past stage socialization is personality. We are all individuals. However, personalities are different. There are people whom you want to imitate, strive for, and admire. There are such people in every field, and each person sets his own ranking of outstanding personalities.

First of all, for children, their parents are most often the authorities. Then, as hobbies and hobbies appear, heroes appear in other areas, it could be a cartoon hero, or a hero from a movie, comic book, etc. The child begins to behave close to the actions of his hero, presenting his personality as close to the ideal of his hero.

In adult life, a person more often looks for an ideal from a professional environment, tries to learn from him, although he often introduces many of his own notes into behavior. Adults already clearly understand the significance of this or that action, because it is by them that they will be judged and assessed as a person.

A real person, I believe, should be the person who tries to do positive things, to behave more or less similar to the moral standards accepted in the society in which he finds himself. Be as honest and respectful as possible. Look neat. Be educated and well read. Have your own interests and opinions on a particular issue.

Every person in his life, before uttering a word, committing any action or inaction, must first of all think for a second, because it is on the spoken word or action that he will be judged as a person.

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Last week in pedagogy we were asked to write an essay on the topic “I as an individual, personality, individuality.” I was indignant: “How can you be asked to write an essay in the 5th year?!” But there is nowhere to go, the week has almost passed and still no essay. I had to write and by popular demand I am publishing the essay I wrote.

Having received the task to write an essay, there was no limit to indignation - writing essays in the 5th year of the Faculty of Mathematics is ridiculous. But there is nowhere to go, so you still have to describe yourself in three different terms. It seems to me that not a single person is able to describe himself objectively, so any essay will turn out to be a somewhat embellished description than it actually is.

Each person, as an individual, has certain psychophysiological properties, which are the foundation for the development of more complex structures, such as personality and individuality. As for me, there are certain prerequisites for the development of my personality. In my family there are mathematicians, builders, teachers, people with good managerial skills. It's at the base genetic code could not but affect the formation of personality. Choleric temperament, according to psychologists, is also established from birth and plays a significant role in the formation of character, which in turn affects all aspects of a person’s life.

According to psychologists, personality has a complex of stable components: temperament, character, abilities, motivation. At the same time, taking into account that temperament is laid down for the most part from birth, the remaining three components are formed. Over time, my temperament becomes less angular and more calm. In particular, the smoothing of temperament occurs due to the development of certain character traits, such as restraint, poise, and composure. At the same time, temperament also determined certain negative traits, for example, hot temper, a tendency to make decisions based on first impressions, and a number of others. As for abilities, obviously, since I am studying and, as I believe, successfully studying at the mathematics department, then I have certain mathematical and logical abilities. It seems to me that they are genetically predetermined, but at the same time correctly developed in childhood. Friends say that I have some speaking abilities. This is particularly evident from the fact that I will never refuse to speak publicly or discuss almost any topic, but from the outside, of course, you know better. Of course, to develop certain character traits, motivation is needed. I would not like to go into details of the definition of motivation, the only thing I want to say is that I have certain life goals, known only to a narrow circle of people, who determine my motivation.

Individuality is a hierarchical organization psychological properties person, i.e. in fact, this is the unity of a person’s psychological properties and personality, their harmony. Moreover, in a narrow sense, the word individuality is interpreted as the originality of the above properties. Therefore, it seems to me that every person has all the character traits and psyche that are unique and inimitable, and all these traits harmoniously complement each other. Therefore, uniqueness and complementarity constitute a person’s individuality. For everyone, it is formed by the traits of the individual and personality.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the three categories discussed above are quite complex and multifaceted, so it is impossible to reveal them well in a short essay, but I tried to dwell on the most significant points for me. And the significance of these moments for me personally can already become a characteristic of my personality, which naturally is still developing and my individuality.

(C) Anatoly Korablev
Group 155, Faculty of Mathematics.

Here's an essay. I warn you right away - I don’t like and simply don’t know how to write to order. If there is a mood and a desire, then the words flow like a river, but now this is not the case, so I rate my “work” as a weak three.

People often think and talk about what personality is. It is always interesting and always exciting, because we are all people and live among people. Yes, everyone has different professions, occupations and positions, everyone performs different tasks. But no matter who any of us is, he is, first of all, a person, and only then a bearer of some social function. What is personality? What are its qualities? To be an individual means to maintain the ability to navigate the diversity of knowledge and situations and to bear responsibility for one’s choices, to preserve one’s unique self. The richer the world and the more complex life situations, those the problem is more pressing freedom to choose one's own life position. A person can preserve his uniqueness, remain himself even in the most difficult conditions, only by remaining an individual. Feels free and at ease in modern life one who constantly learns to navigate it, to choose for himself values ​​that correspond to personal abilities and inclinations and do not contradict the rules of human communication. Man has enormous potential for the perception of cultural and spiritual values ​​and for his own self-improvement. To become an individual, each person must constantly develop and engage in self-education. And everyone knows this and tries to understand themselves, understand themselves, comprehend themselves, comprehend their inner world. We try to compare ourselves with others, to relate personal life from the public, your interest in the world with its interest in yourself, in order to answer the main of the main questions: what am I? how and why do I live? Have I discovered everything in myself? Each person must educate himself. No one will come and abolish in him ill will, envy, hypocrisy, greed, fear of responsibility, dishonesty. The main thing in the spiritual culture of an individual can be considered an active, creative attitude towards life: nature, society, other people, and oneself. We, entering life, need to know that human culture should not be reduced only to erudition and erudition, although this is very important. Human culture is not difficult to evaluate. Only an active, active person who has discovered all its riches can master culture. Art and literature, traditions and customs are very instructive and knowledge of them makes life easier. But there is a sign of a person’s spiritual culture that is very important - a person’s readiness for dedication and self-sacrifice. Caring for people and the desire to help them should become not only kind words, but also good deeds. Throughout life, you need to form and develop the best qualities in yourself and overcome those that interfere with the disclosure of your personality and its self-affirmation in the team. Unfortunately, many people believe that personal freedom is the freedom not to adhere to the laws and order established in society. But such behavior, instead of benefit, only brings harm, and not only the person himself suffers, but also the people around him. Anything can happen in life. You cannot turn a blind eye to its difficulties, trials, and hardships. Each of us has to be disappointed, suffer, lose faith in ourselves, suffer from remorse, be guilty and be offended for no reason. But you need to learn to overcome the pain of insults and injustice and learn a lesson from the experience. In overcoming difficulties, character is strengthened, life experience. If a person masters all this, he will be able to choose the right position in life, distinguish what is important from what is unimportant, and cultivate willpower in himself. We should never forget about enduring values. It is also very important to learn to be demanding of yourself, dedication to work, following duty, loyalty to friendship and opposition to evil, respect for elders and service to your country. To become a person, everyone needs to look carefully at themselves and at life. It is very important to cultivate unity of word and deed, and not to forget that any situation is a kind of school of behavior in life.

People often think and talk about what personality is. It is always interesting and always exciting, because we are all people and live among people. Yes, everyone has different professions, occupations and positions, everyone performs different tasks. But no matter who any of us is, he is, first of all, a person, and only then a bearer of some social function. What is personality? What are its qualities? To be an individual means to maintain the ability to navigate the diversity of knowledge and situations and to bear responsibility for one’s choices, to preserve one’s unique self. The richer the world and the more complex life situations, the more pressing the problem of freedom to choose one’s own position in life. A person can preserve his uniqueness, remain himself even in the most difficult conditions, only by remaining an individual. One who constantly learns to navigate it, to choose for himself values ​​that correspond to personal abilities and inclinations and that do not contradict the rules of human communication feels free and at ease in modern life. Man has enormous potential for the perception of cultural and spiritual values ​​and for his own self-improvement. To become an individual, each person must constantly develop and engage in self-education. And everyone knows this and tries to understand themselves, understand themselves, comprehend themselves, comprehend their inner world. We try to compare ourselves with others, to correlate personal life with social life, our interest in the world with its interest in ourselves, in order to answer the main of the main questions: what am I? how and why do I live? Have I discovered everything in myself? Each person must educate himself. No one will come and abolish in him ill will, envy, hypocrisy, greed, fear of responsibility, dishonesty. The main thing in the spiritual culture of an individual can be considered an active, creative attitude towards life: nature, society, other people, and oneself. We, entering life, need to know that human culture should not be reduced only to erudition and erudition, although this is very important. Human culture is not difficult to evaluate. Only an active, active person who has discovered all its riches can master culture. Art and literature, traditions and customs are very instructive and knowledge of them makes life easier. But there is a sign of a person’s spiritual culture that is very important - a person’s readiness for dedication and self-sacrifice. Caring for people and the desire to help them should become not only kind words, but also good deeds. Throughout life, you need to form and develop the best qualities in yourself and overcome those that interfere with the disclosure of your personality and its self-affirmation in the team. Unfortunately, many people believe that personal freedom is the freedom not to adhere to the laws and order established in society. But such behavior, instead of benefit, only brings harm, and not only the person himself suffers, but also the people around him. Anything can happen in life. You cannot turn a blind eye to its difficulties, trials, and hardships. Each of us has to be disappointed, suffer, lose faith in ourselves, suffer from remorse, be guilty and be offended for no reason. But you need to learn to overcome the pain of insults and injustice and learn a lesson from the experience. In overcoming difficulties, character is strengthened and life experience is gained. If a person masters all this, he will be able to choose the right position in life, distinguish what is important from what is unimportant, and cultivate willpower in himself.

The development of a person's self-confidence has a great influence on his social role, success or failure in work, satisfaction of erotic and sexual life, level of family life and achievement of goals in other areas that he does. A person with a healthy and stabilized self, that is, without the complexity of service, even without an uncritical, narcissistic, pathetic, furious sense of self-worth, is much more socially adaptive, he is more popular among people, he has a greater sense of honor and personal responsibility than people with I am labile.

Essay on the topic of:
"Creative personality in modern society"
in the subject philosophy

I believe that I am a creative person. I have my own views on life, and I live, dancing and enjoying life, no matter what. I respect the society around me, I treat everything that happens around me with understanding, but at the same time, for most of my life I try to somehow improve the environment around me, embellish our gray and boring life, bring into it something new, something something extraordinary, to open people’s eyes to completely unremarkable things that can mean a lot in our cycle of life. I have always been interested in life in all its manifestations, its new discoveries and perspectives. As I go through life, I try to improve myself and never lose heart. I’m trying to strengthen my willpower, train my memory and somehow differentiate myself from “the nightstand that stands next to my bed.” After all, a person is simply obliged to go forward and not stop, to improve everything around him and to improve himself, because then there is no meaning in life, there is no meaning for existence.

The ability to have healthy self-esteem is not only an innate problem, but one must learn to accept self-esteem of self-worth. Family education from an early age plays an extremely important role here. Self-awareness is related to the personality's upward tendency or subordinate tendency and the degree of social participation of the individual.

First of all, we evaluate general relationship with work, way of working. The dynamics of a person’s work and course of action are determined by the degree of physical, mental and emotional fatigue, exhaustion, which is individual and depends on the constitution, neurotype, state of health and the current witness.

What is personality anyway? What kind of person is this? Every person can be a person. A person who knows how to preserve his uniqueness, remain himself in the most difficult situations, all this describes the qualities of a person. A person can feel free and at ease in modern life and adapt to any living conditions, find new and interesting solutions to a particular problem. A person who becomes a person is constantly engaged in self-improvement and self-education. His spiritual world is very organic and contrasting. This person never sits in one place, he is looking for something new and interesting in life.

These are, in particular, human abilities of absolute and minor actions associated with overcoming obstacles. It develops primarily in human work. As a disorder of free activity, we understand. Failure to resolve indifference in setting goals and lack of persistence. . The main qualities that we can characterize an individual are:

The ability to choose between motives and choose the ability to persist in the implementation of a decision that a person has set. These are characteristics that characterize the overall structure of personality. The complexity of the degree of personality development and the type of degree of pathology and the type of originality the degree of integrity the degree of autonomy of the personality the degree of maturity of the personality. It should be emphasized that psychology is trying to convey a theory of healthy personality. A healthy personality is well adapted, socialized, integrated, differentiated and capable of optimal self-regulation and identification.

A creative personality is a person, first of all, with certain ideals and his own views on life. This person cannot always be mistaken for a normal, adequate person. Creative individuals think outside the box, always have their own point of view and stick to it to the last. A creative person is very vulnerable and sentimental, his concept of life is different from others. Most often, a creative person is a person who is to some extent obsessed with one of the types of creativity. This could be musical art, choreography, acting, etc. I am also obsessed with choreography, I have been living this type of activity since early childhood. And using myself as an example, I will explain what life is like for a creative person in modern society.

Personal integration is a matter of worldview, life perspective, personal hierarchy of values. Personal socialization is manifested in the ability to subordinate personal values ​​to higher values ​​and social values. Development, which is not only change, but also the basis, process and purpose of creativity - a constantly repeating psychological process, a process that improves constant action for the preservation of human life both of individuals and of human society. From these first moments, spiritual processes emerged that later received their names and identities.

At the age of 5, my mother sent me to a choreographic group, where I studied for almost 13 years. All these years, choreography has been like the air that I constantly breathe. I couldn’t go a day without training and rehearsals. Even when I was sick, I went to performances and concerts with a high temperature. It seemed to me that if I missed even one class or concert, I would miss half my life. In the choreographic field, everything always worked out well for me, I confidently walked towards the final exams in the group. But this was only one side of my life, which consoled me and allowed me to rest my soul.

Today we designate the names: apparition, knowledge, observation, obscurity, imagination, understanding, understanding and intuition of creation. The practical activity of people is the source of perception by the fact that a person acts on the objects and phenomena of reality as he knows them. However, what a person knows about what and how he does, about what kind of work he gives, what is the content and nature of his practical activity. Perception is always somewhat supplemented and mediated by our knowledge, our experience so far.

It would be impossible to perceive anything like the perception of a real object or phenomenon if we could not rely on past experience. This means that the feeling is more high degree sensory knowledge as a result of complex analytical-synthetic activity of the brain. Therefore, the practical activities of people are a source of tangible influence on their intensity.

The second side of my life was the school environment, in which I spent more time and where I received very great experience communication with people of different character and outlook on life. At school, I learned not only what the Ministry of Education program gave us, but also how to survive in an ordinary environment, where a person with a difficult way of thinking and his own special interest in something is not understood and is considered a “black sheep.” Most of my classmates, my peers, never understood me and thought that I was too arrogant and “starry”. That if I constantly dance and take part in various amateur creative competitions, then I have no place in their social circle.

A characteristic feature of people who appreciate people is that they have a certain meaning. A person who sees objects and phenomena of reality obeys them in accordance with acquired knowledge and practical experience. The person who places it places it in a certain category of words, makes verbally expressed judgments and gives the object a precise meaning. Certainty, as well as the accuracy and speed of knowledge, are related to the strength and differentiation of temporary connections created in past experience. Recognition as a mode of provision is based on the fact that we have objects in all the variety of their qualities and parts, and also on the fact that the qualities and facets of objects are in a certain attractive sequence.

I never refused anyone anything, I could come to the aid of anyone, I was always sincere and open with everyone, responsive and treated everyone with understanding, but, alas, most of my peers only took advantage of this. I never understood why they were all this way to me, why no one wanted to be friends with me. I suffered like this for several years, it was especially difficult in the 8th-9th grade, when everyone had already begun to develop a core, some kind of character, their own point of view. I suffered a lot then, my classmates almost every day tried to hurt me somehow, to prick me
“more painful.” I endured and endured for a long time, but then I broke down. I didn’t want to go to school, I had apathy and misunderstanding. My mother explained to me that I wouldn’t do anything better to anyone, that I needed to go to school, at least finish the 9th grade, and then I was going to go to college so as not to endure all this anymore. And so I finished 9th grade.

In the case of a note, it is unintentional or inexpensive, or we do not consider it unintentional or careless. The goal pursued forces us to make a difference. From the outset, deliberate assessment focuses on an object or phenomenon, trying to go as deeply as possible into all the details. In this case there is a command line for the second alarm system. The object of an object is always expressed this way. The actions that help it to perform are the result of the transmission of the second signaling system to the first signaling system.

Perception perishes due to circumstances or certain interests that cause the object. At the same time, this is the correct classification of criminals. Based on the classification of recipients as analysts, analysts are participants. According to them, we distinguish between visual, auditory, etc. The significant difference between qualifying enthusiasts as a reflection of the subject, the variety of their properties and qualitative issues makes it important that the perceiver's distinction is usually based, in particular, on the analyst when he made the statement.

After finishing 9th grade, when I came to pick up my documents to the school director, the director asked me to stay, she wanted to talk to me about something. And it was then that I understood a lot. The director only said a couple of phrases to me, but they became a turning point for me. She said: “Most of your peers have not done anything since childhood, they walk around the area and just lead a boring life, they have not achieved anything in their lives, but you are a Personality, you are a creative person, you are a person who is not like anyone else , you’ve been dancing since childhood, you somehow realize yourself, but they all don’t have such an opportunity, that’s why most of them try, by humiliating you, like giving you more painful “injections,” to become taller than you. But they will never be taller than you, because almost all of them are just gray mass. Teenagers often, jealous of others, try to somehow suppress this person. And only strong personalities, without giving up, in the future become real people, people with capital letters. So just believe in yourself, be above all of them, live and enjoy life and you will see, life will punish all your offenders for you.”
After these words, I understood a lot, the director opened my eyes, because she was really right. I stayed at school, studied 10th and 11th grades, and you know, following the principal’s advice, I really felt a happy life, full of colors and energy.

Long-term observation leads to the development of intimacy, that is, the ability to resolve the characteristic, but imperceptible and at first glance seemingly insignificant, significant features of an object. Observation of observation is primarily concerned with the extent to which this is the task we have before ourselves. The division of the law, the extraction of minors and specific points are of significant importance. Intimacy is important in all areas of human life and activity. Inventors, scientists, managers, successful writers always teach this property.

A person in the face of the outside world does not know what he is doing at the moment, and not just what he has done before, but the combination and preparation of past and present enthusiasts create such new images. You can imagine a country we have never seen, unknown animals or machines and equipment that do not yet exist. The composer presents a new melody, the composition of his painting, a new design for the instrument designer. The idea that a person could never imagine the creation of images, objects and phenomena that a person has never encountered, the emergence of a moment, the idea of ​​​​what will be created by a strange form of mental action - imagination.

After that conversation, I became more confident in myself, began to win competitions at various levels of creativity, and began to actively express myself not only in dance, but also in other forms of art. And I understood one thing: if I ever have to face such a situation as I had, or my child or my pupil will have such a situation, I will definitely do the same. I will explain to this little man in time who he is and what he should do, I will make him believe in himself, just as an experienced teacher and director of my favorite school made me believe in myself.

The results of the imagination, except that their source is objective reality, have an objective, mass expression. Images, ideas and thoughts are only the immediate and immeasurable results of the imagination, and they not only lead to the final creation of material things, but also to the formulation of phenomena. Thus, image visualization is associated with practice. Practice is the criterion of imaginative propensity. The tambourine is enriched, checked and cleaned only in real time. If it's just in thoughts, it's a little funny and unclear.

This is how a creative personality coexists in modern society. The main thing is that in difficult moments of life, next to such a person, in my opinion, there is the right person who will help cope with difficulties on the path of life and direct all the energy in the right direction. And that’s why, by the way, I chose Pedagogical University. I want to become such a wonderful teacher, so that someday I can help a little person in life’s troubles in the same way.

Every designer of a new car first draws shorts, acquires functional drawings, then simply reworks the entire car in detail and sometimes designs models for completeness. Making them is a support for the imagination and a stimulus for its further development. The image is based on knowledge of reality. The more important knowledge and experience is, the more something new can be created that meets the needs of society. Physiological basis imagination is the creation of new combinations of these temporary connections that were created in previous experience.

I usually spend the summer finishing reading, watching and listening to things that I didn’t have time for during the school year. After the first course I was left with a cycle of 55 lectures by V.V. Petukhov on general psychology, carefully recommended by a favorite teacher.
In one of his lectures, Valery Viktorovich outlined the concept of the subject. She had a profound influence on my worldview and largely shaped my current views on many social issues.
The point is this. Man exists as a natural, social and cultural subject. The natural subject simply adapts to environment, social - appropriates and applies collective experience, and cultural - on the basis of universal human norms, independently and responsibly solves its own problems. It was proposed to understand the personality as a subject, that is, to expand the content of this concept as much as possible. But then animals can also be recognized as individuals, but we so want to amuse our vanity (the crowns of creation, well). No, personality is the prerogative of man.
A. N. Leontyev wrote: “Personality is born twice.” When? The first birth of personality occurs precisely when small man, for the first time I listened to my parents’ “no.” Then the parents can be congratulated - their little blood has become a social subject who has taken the path of self-subjugation social norms. In this understanding, we are all social subjects. We all submit to the prohibitions, laws, and requirements that society imposes on us in exchange for a happy existence in it. Many times I have heard (and I have sinned myself) people say: “I don’t care about other people’s opinions,” “I don’t need anyone,” and so on. Now I understand how presumptuous this is. Man does not exist without people. More or less, more often or less often, but everyone needs the company of their own kind. Simply being among people is enough to be a social subject. I notice how, willy-nilly, it flashes through my head, “Why is she looking at me like that? There’s something wrong with my face”, how I suppress a smile so that “they don’t think too much” (it just so happens that in Russia it’s not customary to smile without a reason, however, there is always a reason, but only you know about it), like me I “communicate” with people, mentally asking them questions, giving them compliments. I like to stealthily look at beautiful girls, then tell my friends stories about evil women, in short, I need people, without them I can lose an important part of my personality.
But a social subject is not a personality, it is still half a personality. This is where the very idea that inspires me lies.
The world is populated by “non-individuals” - social subjects. He exists as a person only in his social group, divides the world into “us” and “they”. We are the good, the right, and “they” are the bad and the wrong, in a word, the enemies. The social subject unleashes religious wars. The social subject came up with racism and nationalism and other “charms” of our life. With all the ensuing consequences. At the same time, he expresses “his” opinion only when he is in a group. Outside of it, he does not have his own opinion at all, he himself does not exist. And all this is not just a theoretical construct. I also feel my social subject. One day I took the cheapest train ticket. To my surprise, the majority of the passengers in the carriage were Hindu students. I never considered myself a person who attaches at least some importance to nationality. But nevertheless, I involuntarily avoided them, expected disgusting antics from them and, in general, was not particularly happy with such proximity. Here it is. This dichotomy was so deeply ingrained in my head that it was no longer conscious. Our social subject goes deeper and deeper into us, exerting a direct influence on absolutely everything we do, think, feel. The social subject is militant in defending his identity; he believes that his membership in a social group is already greatest achievement, and therefore nothing more is required from him. He considers it normal to insult (not to his face, no, except when he’s drunk) representatives of other groups, to consider himself higher, better, more worthy just like that, simply because he is a member of his society. You see people like this all the time. Most likely, there are such people in your immediate circle. Such people broadcast to us from the screens. Such people are brave, flaunt and get excited at public events. It would be nice to give more specific examples, but I doubt it. OK. A social subject sticks “We can repeat” on the rear window of the car. He, being a student, for example, of a higher education institution, snorts contemptuously at the sight of, for example, Ogarevets. He is not confused by the concept of “wrong belief” or “wrong opinion.” He loves to fight with fans of another football team. He loves to teach the “younger” (I put it in quotes because wisdom and age are not always proportional). The social individual trumpets his “we” at every corner, attacking others social individuals, also declaring their “we”. So one tries to prove to the other that he is better. Analyzing what is happening, I am increasingly imbued with the idea that all the troubles in the world are precisely because we are not personal. But is there an alternative?
Let's return to Alexey Nikolaevich. The second birth of personality is the birth of a cultural subject. And this birth can occur repeatedly. I would call this the periodic awakening of a cultural subject. His birth is that moment, the situation when a person begins to think with his own head, and not with the public head. For a cultural subject there are no nationalities, classes, statuses and everything else that the social subject so boasts about. For him, only man exists. For a cultural subject Golden Rule morality (treat others the way you want to be treated) is not some incomprehensible nonsense from a philosophy textbook, but a completely clear, stable life principle. A cultural subject respects everyone because he respects himself. Raskolnikov’s problem is an interesting attempt to declare himself as a cultural subject - to rise above the law and religion, to declare his “I”. But the question was posed incorrectly from the start. I liked how V.V. Petukhov answered this question: you are a trembling creature, because you have the right. The cultural subject declares his “I”, realizing and recognizing the right to the existence of other “I”. The cultural subject is busy with himself. Not with self-praise and narcissism, but with self-criticism and self-education. He is in no hurry to give advice and teach others to live, guided by the Socratic principle “I know that I know nothing.” He is looking for his favorite thing, “looking for himself.” The cultural subject does not use the ready-made, but builds his own philosophy by which he lives. In this regard, the example of the Levins from Anna Karenina is very indicative for me. Kitty was raised and lives in the spirit of Orthodoxy, and feels absolutely comfortable within her group. She - positive example social subject. Constantine came to Orthodoxy, came to faith meaningfully, having gone through militant atheism, scientific radicalism, and formal Orthodoxy. He suffered through his philosophy, and got it through colossal moral efforts. And I consider this an achievement, a sign of a cultural subject. The social subject declares his “I” through “we,” while the cultural one declares it directly. He recognizes and accepts his imperfections, but fights them to the best of his ability. It is the state of struggle, primarily internal, that is, periodically arising situations of personal choice that provoke the birth of a cultural subject, that constitute its main feature.
This all sounds somewhat idealistic. The way it is. The cultural subject is an ideal. All people are social subjects who are closer or further from the cultural subject. It was the cultural subject that became my reference point. Such people, of course, do not exist. But there are periodically cultural subjects, that is, those in whom this part of the personality awakens from time to time (in situations of personal choice). Classical literature abounds with such examples; I find such people among my teachers, among deceased and living figures. As for me, I feel very keenly about my social subject. My interpersonal relationships leave much to be desired, and at times my self-regulation is poor. I observe the beginnings of a cultural subject in myself when I notice my mistakes. Noticing is, of course, good, but it’s so difficult to admit them, to declare to myself that I have such an unacceptable trait. And it is even more difficult to eliminate it. But I think I'm on the right track.
