Tautology and pleonasm - what they are with examples. The use of tautology in literature as an artistic device. Distinguishing between pleonasm and tautology.

In the eyes of the majority, repeating means proving.
A. France

Talking a lot and saying a lot are not the same thing.

Unjustified addition of words is called pleonasm from the Greek pleonasmos- excess.

The addition can be justified when repetitions are not hidden, when they want to better consolidate what was said, to better convey the mood. Such additions as the best, best, the real truth, path-road, the best, honest-honest, true true, high-high, cold-very cold, clearer than ever

Pleonasm looks good in jokes: face muzzle, stupid fool, joke of humor, free leisure time, small insect bug, Kleine Schweine pig. An acquaintance named his salary salary. I thought it was a joke, but then I discovered this pleonasm in the official text.

When redundant words are used not as a joke, not for emotional gain, they complicate understanding and obscure the meaning.

They want to show their “education” through verbosity. Unter Prishibeev from Chekhov's story says in court “the drowned corpse of a dead man.” Prishibeev is trying to increase his worth in front of the judge and the men with such words. A philosopher I knew was proud that no one understood his lengthy dissertation. When I studied at the Faculty of Economics of the university, our teacher, a famous academician, gave an “A” to the student who managed to write the largest paper in 3-4 hours on a written exam. Others could also get an A, but only if the work was of high quality. This academician taught us that you can be an excellent student in economics through quantity. We all then studied according to Marx, who understood the importance of volume. While working on Capital, he wrote to Engels on June 18, 1862: “I am greatly enlarging this volume, since German dogs measure the value of a book by its volume.”

Of course, if you achieve a large volume by simply repeating the same thing, you will quickly get figured out. One should repeat unnoticed, passing off the repetition as something new, as an interpretation, as the dynamics of thought. But when the same thing is presented as different, it is misleading. These disguised repetitions are called tautologies (from the Greek tauto - the same, and logos - word). It seems deceptively that this is not a repetition, but a clarification of the meaning, that along with transport there are some other types of transportation, and along with liberal freedoms there are some other freedoms. Tautology - special case pleonasm.

A tautology ceases to be a tautology when new meanings are firmly assigned to the words of which it consists. Values ​​that are clearly different from the original values. For example, white linen is a tautology only if “linen” means only white fabric, as it was originally. But today no one understands the word “linen” that way. Therefore, white underwear is no longer a tautology. The same can be said for red paint and black ink.

Pleonasm can take the form of over-specification. And again this disguised excess leads to false thoughts. It is unnecessary to clarify that chamomile is plant-based, pike is fish, Chinese is human, iron is metal, and lion is animal. After all, there are no non-plant daisies, non-fish pikes, non-human Chinese, non-metallic iron and non-bestial lions. It is also unnecessary to talk about square quadrangles, Chinese people, iron metal, lion-like animals, snow precipitation, the child population, historical memory. Maybe as a joke.

But we find such unnecessary clarifications even in laws. Example: cash, debt, penalties, legal options or powers. After all, money is always a means, a loan always generates obligations, a fine is always a sanction, punishment is for an offense, and rights are always opportunities. Talking about cash, debt obligations, penalties and legal options is as bad as talking about apple fruits, pots, trouser clothes, triangular polygons, women's people.

Pleonasm money indicates a poor understanding of what money and means are.

Needless to say, social justice, labor activity, the production process, the educational or negotiation process, since justice is exclusively a social phenomenon (there is no non-social justice), labor is always an activity, and activity, including labor and negotiations, is always a process. Needless to say, life activity or science. After all, life is inseparable from activity, just as science is inseparable from teaching.

It is not good to call technology technology. Energy - energy. The environment in which we live is ecology. The growth of production is economic growth. The center is the epicenter, genius is congeniality. All these are pleonasms, excesses.

Congeniality is from Ostap Bender. But with Ostap Bender everything is clear. He is a con man who used glib words to hypnotize his victims. Technology is justified in calling the science of technology, but not technology itself. Energy is an industry that produces energy, but not the energy itself. Ecology is the science of the environment, but not itself environment. Economics is the science of economy, but not the economy itself. And the epicenter can be very far from the center.

The love of verbal excess smacks of fraud, dishonesty or stupidity.

And now the promised hundred in alphabetical order:

1. location address, address living place
2. vigorous activity
3. water area of ​​water bodies, water area
4. antagonistic struggle
5. appeal
6. arbitration court
7. currency values
8. everything and everyone
9. paid (salary)
10. security guarantees, security guarantees
11. heroic feat
12. public policy
13. accounts receivable
14. actions and deeds
15. valid act
16. business transaction
17. office work, case proceedings
18. democratic republic
19. cash
20. deposit
21. labor, production, entrepreneurial activities
22. promissory note, debt and obligation
23. vital activity
24. given data
25. loan obligation
26. property rights
27. interactive interactions
28. information message
29. execution of the writ of execution
30. true reality
31. historical memory, historical time, historical process
32. punitive repression
33. commercial trade
34. competition
35. credit of trust
36. legitimate law
37. liberal freedoms
38. false utopia, false fiction, false fabrication
39. people and society
40. boundary signs, boundaries, division of boundaries
41. supervision and control
42. taxes and fees, taxation
43. people's democracy, people's republic
44. science
45. indivisible individual
46. ​​illegal gang
47. stipulated by contract
48. operational activities, sales operation
49. experienced expert
50. memorable souvenir
51. revaluation of values
52. constant constant
53. political state
54. rights and freedoms, right to freedom
55. right to legal personality
56. authority, legal opportunity
57. legal justice
58. ownership
59. right of justice
60. price list of prices, tariffs
61. production of work
62. labor, production, educational, negotiation process
63. works and services
64. permissive licensing, permits and licenses
65. current account, account settlements, settlements with accountable persons
66. reality
67. revolutionary coup
68. registration accounting, accounting registers
69. reorganization of the organization
70. vacancy
71. services, customer service
72. maintenance with dependents
73. social community, social society, social structure society
74. social justice
75. fair right
76. grace period
77. accounting accounts
78. superstitious belief
79. commodity market
80. transportation
81. management and control
82. economic management
83. accounting of calculations
84. accounting registration, accounting register
85. accounting and reporting
86. factual circumstances
87. registration form
88. economic economic mechanism…
89. holistic (sometimes holistic) system
90. time pressure
91. integral system (sometimes system integrity)
92. private property
93. man and citizen, man and society
94. penalties, fines and penalties
95. economics of economy (home, folk, rural)
96. economics and management
97. energetic activity
98. ground zero
99. ethic (statist) state, ethic (statist) politics
100. legal rights, legal justice.

Not everyone recognizes pleonasms in the above expressions. For example, I was told that historical memory- a useful phrase designed to distinguish personal memories from the history of an entire people, which in addition penalties there may be reprimand or disapproval, and along with in cash there are non-monetary funds. If you agree with my opponents, I will answer such and similar objections in the comments.

In the Russian language there are the concepts of speech insufficiency and speech redundancy. Speech failure occurs when the meaning of speech is lost if one word or another is missing, for example: He helped his parents in the field, although he was only in his eleventh year. It would be more correct to say: he was eleven years old.

Speech redundancy is the repeated transmission of the same thought. It can take the form of pleonasms, which often appear when combining unambiguous words, for example: long and lasting, bold and courageous.

Pleonasm (from the Greek pleonasmós - excess), the use of words that are unnecessary for semantic completeness. Pleonasm violates the norms of lexical compatibility and is used by authors, in our opinion, most often as a stylistic device to give expressiveness to speech.

Pleonasm is common in colloquial speech. Some pleonastic phrases are fixed in the language and are not considered erroneous, for example: go down, go up, period of time, exhibit of an exhibition (Latin exponatus means “exhibited”), popular democracy (democracy translated from Greek as “power of the people”).

Also, pleonasms are often found in phraseological phrases: shaking, crammed, eating. Such pleonasms do not contradict the literary norm.

Typical examples of pleonasm are the phrases: first premiere (premiere is sufficient - “the first performance of a play, film or performance of a musical work”), atmospheric air(enough air - “a mixture of gases that forms the Earth’s atmosphere”), return back (the verb “return” indicates movement back, to reverse direction), import from abroad (it is enough to import – “import from abroad”).

Ancient stylistics subsumes the verbosity of speech under three concepts: perissology - the accumulation of words of the same meaning, usually synonyms; macrology - burdening speech with unnecessary explanations, for example subordinate clauses; tautology - literal repetition of words of equal meaning.

The latest stylistics applies a general designation to all these concepts - tautology.

Tautology and pleonasm are almost the same thing. But there are subtle differences that separate these concepts. If pleonasm is precisely verbal redundancy, then tautology is identity.

Tautology (from the Greek tauto - the same thing and logos - word), a combination or repetition of the same or similar words, for example: the true truth, entirely and completely, moves further and further away. Often has the appearance of unnecessary repetition. The name “tautology” is especially often used where there is a repetition of words with the same root.

Tautology can manifest itself at different levels.

Often occurs at the lexical level: ultimately (correctly “ultimately” or “sufficiently in the end”).

A peculiar manifestation of tautology can be found at the level of grammar, for example, in the formation of the comparative degree of adjectives: more important (this is a grammatical error since the comparative degree is formed using the suffix -ee or using the word more). Sometimes during education superlatives, for example: “However, no matter how interesting, no matter how wonderful the thoughts that Tyutchev directly expresses in his poems, the thoughts he thought out, consciously - much more remarkable is the innermost content of his poetry, which he put into his poems unconsciously, due to the secret creative intuition"(V. Bryusov "Far and Close")

Often in everyday conversation, a tautology is a lexical error. This happens if the use of cognate words is not justified by stylistic purposes and is of a random nature: connect together, dance a dance, have a sportsmanlike attitude towards sports, confirm a statement. There was a lexical error in the phrase “my autobiography”; it would have been enough to say “autobiography”, since the word itself implies an independent description of a person’s life.

Every day, some tautological phrases in colloquial speech, for example “ask a question,” are becoming more and more widely used. Tautology is meaningless and empty as such, it does not carry any information, and people try to get rid of it as unnecessary ballast that clutters up speech and complicates communication.

Thus, the use of tautology in colloquial speech is a mistake, and in journalism and fiction Tautology is allowed as a means of speech, giving it expressiveness and the desired shade, carrying a specific semantic load.

Repetition is common in folklore complex sentences or isolated groups of words, used to enhance the emotionality of the sound of a phrase. Such repetitions are called refrains; in folklore, such a technique is traditional, so the question “can a refrain be considered a kind of tautology” remains open.

In the practical part of this work we will conduct research by studying tautology in literary works various genres and authors.

Analytical part

Description of the study

Our research consists of several stages:

1. Study of tautology in oral folk art, namely in songs, fairy tales, legends, epics.

2. Study of tautology in proverbs and sayings.

3. Study of tautology in literary works of various authors.

4. Study of modifications of tautology, starting from its use in oral folk art to its use in literary works of various authors.

In this study, we used the comparative analysis method.


Our distant ancestors knew very well about tautology as a method of artistic expressiveness and expressiveness of speech: alone, sadness, melancholy, path, sea, ocean, bitter grief. Near Chernigov, black-black, black-black, blacker than a crow (“Nightingale the Robber”); O bright, bright and beautifully decorated Russian land! (“The Word about the Destruction of the Russian Land”). Tautology in folklore gives sound repetition, the so-called alliteration. Alliteration gives folklore expressiveness.

In the collection of Russian folk tales by A. N. Afanasyev, there is a fairy tale called “Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful,” where you can see two tautological turns at once.

Tautology is found not only in Russian folklore, it can also be found, for example, in Korean folk tales: “The girl went to the lake, cried, burst into tears, her father was no more, he drowned in the lake” (“Lake Zhangche”), in Celtic poetry, which widely uses tautology as an artistic device: “. For in battle, in struggle and in combat, it seemed to him that they were equal. “It is easier to fall from the spear of strength, courage and combat dexterity than from the spear of shame, shame and reproach” (“ Irish sagas", trans. A. Smirnova).

Tautology occupies a special place in proverbs and sayings: friendship is friendship, and service is service; free will; cannot hear by hearing, cannot see by sight; small small less.

Here, the expressiveness and poetry of speech neutralizes semantic redundancy.

In folklore, especially in epics, repetition of isolated groups of words is often found, for example in the epic “Sadko”:

About thirty thousand money:

How to buy Sadka goods from Novgorod,

Bad goods and good ones,

Do not leave any money for the goods,

Not a half-shell difference.

Sadko got up early the next day,

He spoke to the good squad:

“Oh, you good friend!

Take the golden treasury as needed,

Buy the goods in Nove Grad!”

And he dismissed the squad through the shopping streets,

And he himself went straight to the living room row,

How I bought Novgorod goods,

Bad goods and good ones,

Didn't leave any goods worth a penny,

Not even a little bit different!

Similar repetitions, more like a tautology, are present in the literary works of the most different authors. From V. Ya. Bryusov:

Like a kingdom of white snow,

My soul is cold.

What a strange bliss

In the world of cold sleep!

Like a kingdom of white snow,

My soul is cold.

In K. Balmont (“Verblessness”):

Come at dawn to the slope of the slope, -

Coolness smokes over the chilly river,

The bulk of the frozen forest turns black,

And my heart hurts so much, and my heart is not happy.

Motionless reed. The sedge does not tremble.

Deep silence. The wordlessness of peace.

The meadows run far, far away.

There is exhaustion throughout - dull, dumb.

Enter at sunset, like into fresh waves,

In the cool wilderness of a village garden, -

The trees are so gloomy, strangely silent,

And the heart is so sad, and the heart is not happy.

This device is widely used in fiction, usually for the purpose of concretizing the details of the story or enhancing emotional expressiveness, assessments:

The old fear again gripped him all over, from head to toe. (F. Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment”);

“It’s true, you don’t love me, it’s true, you don’t see anything,” and suddenly she threw herself on my neck, wrapped her arms around me, cried, sobbed!” (F. M. Dostoevsky “The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants”, part 1, chapter XII Catastrophe);

“I haven’t seen you for a whole week, I haven’t heard from you for so long.” I crave, I crave your voice. Speak. (A. Chekhov, “Ionych”).

In A. Blok’s poem “Solveig! Oh Solveig! “Oh, Solar Path” is a hidden pleonasm: the name “Solveig” belongs to the heroine of G. Ibsen’s drama “Peer Gynt”, and in Norwegian it means “sunny path”, “sun trail”.

The tautology is especially common in works that have a folklore basis: They will not go back (V. A. Zhukovsky “The Tale of Tsar Berendey, of his son Ivan Tsarevich, of the tricks of Koshchei the Immortal and of the wisdom of Marya the Princess”);

The deliberate use of cognate words serves as a means of lexical expressiveness in fiction and journalism: The law is the law (from the newspaper);

How smart the mind is, how efficient the work is,

How terrible is fear, how dark is the darkness!

How life is alive! How deadly death is!

Like youth young girl!

(Z. Ezrohi)

Tautology has been used from ancient times to the present day. In folk art, this technique was used especially often, had a special expressive coloring and was a feature of folklore.

N. Gogol especially often uses tautology in his works:

Are there really such fires, torments and such strength in the world that would overpower the Russian force! (“Taras Bulba”);

Let me not let you do this,” Manilov said with a smile. ("Dead Souls");

They will laugh with my bitter laughter (N. Gogol).

In his works, Gogol uses tautology to convey the appearance and speech characteristics of the hero.

Tautology creates a grotesque that gives a work or episode a fantastic beginning: Indeed, extremely strange! - said the official, - the place is completely smooth, as if it were a freshly baked pancake. Yes, incredibly smooth! ("Nose").

Tautology is common in satire, a shining example are the works of M. M. Zoshchenko: a relative (“You don’t need to have relatives”); “You laugh and bare your teeth,” said Vasya, “but I, Marya Vasilievna, truly adore and love you (“Love”).

In his works, M. M. Zoshchenko sometimes uses euphemism. Euphemism (Greek ευφήμη - “prudence”) is a word or descriptive expression that is neutral in meaning and emotional “load”, usually used in texts and public statements to replace other words and expressions considered indecent or inappropriate, for example, wife, spouse then is (“Rich Life”).

Non-normative lexical redundancy here acts as a means of speech characterization of the characters; the author creates a portrait of the hero. The author, with the help of tautology, as well as with the help of euphemisms, managed to create a special language of the work, clearly different from others.


In order for the reader to better understand the main idea of ​​the work, writers use various artistic techniques. Often in literary works there is such a device as tautology. By definition, a tautology is a speech error, but the authors use tautology as artistic technique.

“Tautology in many cases enhances the emotional impact of speech if it is introduced as a justified stylistic device, and is not the result of stylistic sloppiness. "(V. Kozlovsky "Dictionary of Literary Terms").

Tautology is considered as an extreme, turning into a “flaw of style”; the border of this transition is unsteady and is determined by the sense of proportion and taste of the era. In folklore, tautology acquires stylistic expressiveness, expressive coloring, and enhances the poetic side of speech; in literature it is used to enhance the emotional impact; in colloquial speech they try to avoid it.

E.N. Gekkina
senior researcher at the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Candidate of Philology

PLEONASM (Greek – excess).

1. A means of lexical expressiveness, based on the use in a sentence or text of words that are close in meaning, creating semantic redundancy.

Pleonasm is found in folklore: once upon a time, sadness-longing, path-path, sea-okiyan. This device is also widely used in fiction, usually for the purpose of specifying the details of the story or enhancing emotions and assessments: Extremely strange indeed! - said the official, - the place completely smooth like a freshly baked pancake. Yes, incredibly smooth! (N. Gogol, “The Nose”); The old fear seized him again everything, from head to toe (F. Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment”); – I didn't see you the whole week, I didn't hear you so long. I I passionately want, I thirsty your voice. Speak.(A. Chekhov, “Ionych”).

2. A type of lexical error associated with a violation of the norms of lexical compatibility, when words that are unnecessary from a semantic point of view are used in a phrase or sentence. For example, in the sentence They ensured the rhythmic and uninterrupted operation of the enterprise definitions express similar meanings; here one of them is sufficient. Author's inscription on the cover of the book Dedicated to my dad - Sergei Mikhailovich pleonastic; Enough Dedicated to my dad...

Typical examples of non-normative pleonasm are phrases in which the meaning of one word repeats the meaning of another: more important (more redundant, since more important means “more important”), first premiere (premiere is sufficient - “the first performance of a play, film or performance of a musical work”), atmospheric air(enough air - “a mixture of gases that forms the Earth’s atmosphere”), ultimately(Right in the end or enough in the end), go back(the verb return indicates movement back, in the opposite direction), import from abroad(it is enough to import - “import from abroad”).

Some pleonastic phrases have become entrenched in the language and are not considered erroneous, For example: go down, go up, time period, exhibition exhibit(Latin exhibitus means "on display"), people's democracy(democracy translated from Greek means “power of the people”).

In fiction and journalism, non-normative lexical redundancy can act as a means of speech characterization of characters: – Here you are laugh And bare your teeth, - said Vasya, - and I really, Marya Vasilievna, warmly love you adore And I love (M. Zoshchenko, “Love”).

TAUTOLOGY (Greek - the same and - word) - a type of pleonasm; the use of cognate words in a sentence or text.

Tautology is found in proverbs and sayings: Friendship is friendship, A service by service; Live life– don’t cross the field; Free will ; in phraseological units: walk around, jam-packed, eat .

Expressively colored tautological combinations are characteristic of folklore: Soon the fairy tale takes its toll, not soon the job is done; let's sit, bitter grief .

The deliberate use of cognate words serves as a means of lexical expressiveness in fiction and journalism: “ Gorky with fur mine I'll laugh "(N. Gogol); " How mind is smart, How business wise, // How fear is terrible, How darkness is dark!// How life is alive! How death is fatal! // How youth young youth! "(Z. Ezrohi), " Law There is law "(from the newspaper).

Tautology is lexical error, if the use of cognate words is not justified by stylistic purposes and is random: put together, dance a dance, have a sportsmanlike attitude towards sports, confirm a statement. Usually an unintentional tautology is spoken of as follows: oil oil.

Municipal educational budgetary institution

"Tabaginskaya secondary school"

urban district "city of Yakutsk"

677911, p. Tabaga, Peleduyskaya street, 4, phone 408-398, 408-344, fax 408-398

Semantic pleonasm as speech error

The work was completed by Anastasia Dobrosmyslova and Evgenia Timkina, students of 9th grade.

Head: Lira Vladimirovna Egorova, teacher of Russian language and literature.

Yakutsk 2015


Distinction between pleonasm and tautology.

Types of pleonasms.

Pleonasm as a means of enhancing emotionality in a literary text.

Semantic pleonasm as a speech error.




Everyone knows the famous saying: “Brevity is the sister of talent,” but not everyone and not always manages to find the exact words in order to simply and clearly express a thought.

A typical mistake that awaits speakers and writers is speech redundancy.

Speech redundancy is the presence of unnecessary words in a statement, verbosity.

Verbosity arises not only from a lack of education, but from negligence in speech and clarity of thought, because, as they say, “the vagueness of the word is an invariable sign of the clarity of thought.”

Relevance: verbosity (pleonasm, tautology) is a fairly common mistake, analyzing which we can talk about a general decline in speech culture. Speech redundancy violates the requirements of logical presentation, and consistency is the basis for the formation of such qualities of speech as accessibility, effectiveness, and relevance. Logic and precision serve as the basis for clarity of speech.

Clarity presupposes the use of such linguistic means, with the help of which the expressed thought is correctly understood by the listener.

This work helps you understand your speech errors (based on pleonasms) and, if possible, correct your speech.

Research problem: recognize pleonasms, separate expressions that have become normative from speech errors.

Target: explore pleonasm as a speech error, see hidden pleonasms, improve your speech culture.

Subject of the study: students of grades 8 - 11.

Subject of study: semantic pleonasms as a typical error in speech.

Practical value The research is that the collected material and results can be used in Russian language lessons, in preparation for the final certification in grades 8-11, and extracurricular activities to improve the speech culture of students of MOBU TSOSH.

Hypothesis: not all semantic pleonasms are speech errors.


1. Study and systematize theoretical material on this topic.

2. Conduct a survey among high school students of MOBU TSOSH.

3. Observe speech in the media, in Internet materials and in your environment.

4. Systematize and analyze data.

Research methods:

Method of collecting information (analysis of literature, information resources, observation);


Statistical research (counting, calculations);

Analysis and comparison.

Research stages:

Stage 1 (October) – study of literature, Internet materials, selection of theoretical material.

Stage 2 (November – December) – survey, processing of results, writing a paper.

The work was based on workshops - reference books on the “Culture of Speech” by Alina Grigorievna Petryakova for grades 8-9 and 10-11; reference book – workshop “Culture of oral and writing business person”, etc.; read the chapter “Pleonasm and Tautology” from the book “Stylistics and Culture of Speech”; dictionaries used, “Modern Dictionary Russian language”, materials from the Internet; The speech of the media and others was monitored.

Distinction between pleonasm and tautology.

Speech redundancy, or verbosity, is manifested in the use more words than are required to express a thought. Verbosity can be caused by pleonasm, tautology, the use of words that add nothing to what is being said, etc.

Pleonasm (from the Greek pleonasmos - excess, excessiveness) is the use in speech of words that are close in meaning and therefore logically redundant.

He holds the steering wheel tightly in his hands.

The helm is the steering wheel, the rotation of which controls the movement of a ship or an airplane, therefore, the word rudder is superfluous.

All guests received memorable souvenirs.

A souvenir is a keepsake, so memorable is an extra word in this sentence.

A variety of pleonasms are expressions like very huge, very tiny, very beautiful, etc.

This girl left a very wonderful impression of herself.

Adjectives denoting a characteristic in its extremely strong or extremely weak manifestation do not need to specify the degree of the characteristic.

An extreme form of pleonasm is tautology.

Tautology (from the Greek tauto - the same, logos - word) is the repetition of words with the same root or identical morphemes.

Tautological errors are very common.

Business leaders are business-minded.

The pilot was forced to make an emergency landing in the English Channel.

But new facts of lawless acts of various figures are being hidden.

Activists are actively involved in working with young people.

At the end of the sixties a difficult situation arose.

And it’s not at all difficult to correct these sentences: in one, replace the tautological word with a synonym, in the other, remove it completely...

It should be noted cases of deliberate use in one context of words of the same root to create some kind of artistic figure or image.

Its appearance changed in changing times.

Like pleonasm, tautology can be used intentionally, as a special stylistic device or way of organizing poetic speech. A tautology that arises as a result of speech negligence is a speech error.

There are phrases whose tautology is not felt as a result of forgetting the original meaning of one of their constituent words: white linen, black ink. Combinations such as the city of Novgorod, the city of Leningrad are not considered tautological, since the morpheme - city (city) is part of a proper name - a geographical name.

Usually, the more helpless the speech is in content and form, the more often the same related words are repeated in it. For example: This article calls for careful consideration of the use of words in various areas of their use; We began our main work with the group from the beginning of the school year; The author of the article uses the genre of a critical article.

There is still no final decision regarding the pleonasticity of certain expressions. Various manuals provide different examples, serious arguments for and against are put forward. It is noteworthy that in some manuals the same examples are considered as pleonasms, and in others as tautology. But we decided to follow Alina Grigorievna Petryakova, whose definitions and examples are given above.

Types of pleonasms.

There are syntactic and semantic pleonasms.

Syntactic pleonasm is the result of overuse service units speeches, for example: “He told me that he had been hired for another job.”(“about that” can be omitted without losing the meaning).

"I know he will come." (The conjunction “that” is optional when connecting a sentence with the verb phrase “I know”). Both sentences are grammatically correct, but the words “about” and “that” are considered pleonastic in this case.

Semantic pleonasm is more a matter of style and use of grammar. Linguists often call it redundancy to avoid confusion with syntactic pleonasm. It can also take various shapes, including synonymous repetition: the semantic meaning of one word is included in another: We went up the stairs.

Each buyer receives a free gift.

Is it too common in oral and written speech? recent years are used unnecessary words that do not add new meaning to what was said?

The following combinations have become unpleasantly familiar: came back, walked towards the house, took the glass in his hands, a valid act.

Particular attention should be paid to combinations in which one of the words is of foreign origin.

Common mistakes:

- price list - (German Preiskurant, from Preis - price and French courant - current);

- deposit - (a deposit is a deposit of savings or securities for storage in a bank for a period specified in an agreement with the accrual of certain interest on them);

- credit of trust - credit (lat. creditum - loan from lat. credere - to trust) or credit relationships;

- subtle nuance - nuance - (French nuance), shade, subtle difference, barely noticeable transition (in color, thought, sound, etc.)

But there are no rules without exceptions. Some pleonastic phrases, despite the opposition of philologists, came into use and, moreover, acquired shades of meaning that justify their existence.

For example, the following combinations have become the norm: reality, activism, etc.

To avoid pleonasms and tautologies, it is necessary to cut off all unnecessary things.

Enough to follow simple rule, if any word can be deleted from the text without reducing the quality (in every sense), then this should be done so as not to fall into the “bottomless abyss without a bottom” as I did literary hero Dartha Herohito:

He glanced at me,

He smiled with a smile,

Then he shook his hand

And he winked instantly.

Unfortunately, at school, speech redundancy becomes the norm due to the fact that we have to sacrifice the “sister of talent” for the sake of the volume of an essay or presentation.

Pleonasm as a means of enhancing emotionality in a literary text.

Pleonasm can also serve as a means of stylistic design of a statement and as a device poetic speech.

Mandatory pleonasms are present in the grammatical system of the Russian language: this is a repetition grammatical meanings at the ends of approval forms: green melancholy(the endings of an adjective, like a noun, express the meaning female, singular and nominative case), duplication of grammatical meanings of the verb prefix and preposition (enter the house, press the brake), double negative constructions (no one came) and etc.

Pleonasms include a variety of stable phrases, combinations and constructions characteristic of colloquial and colloquial-poetic speech: go down the mountain, surrounded on all sides, heard with my own ears; I saw with my own eyes, I dreamed about running; I haven’t read it, but I will say; I won’t eat it, but I’ll take a bite; He will eat something, but who will give it to him? I don’t know, I don’t know; pulls and pulls, but cannot pull; live, live, make good; paths-roads, sea-ocean, call-glorify.

This also includes combinations such as the darkness is dark, completely, completely, black-black, visible-invisible, which contain the intensity value of the feature. Pleonasm is often used by a speaker or writer to create a certain semantic or stylistic effect and is a trope characteristic primarily of poetic speech. For example, from Andrei Platonov: I will remember... you in my head; answered... from his dry mouth.

Abundance of pleonasms – characteristic feature speech of poorly educated people, arising as a result of insufficient knowledge of synonymous means of language or simply poor vocabulary. This circumstance can be played out in fiction, from Mikhail Zoshchenko:

I started to rest. And immediately, you know, very extreme boredom was revealed(“Wonderful vacation”); His illness, you can imagine, is a toad illness. I treated that miller. How did you treat it? Maybe I just glanced at him. I looked and said: yes, I say, your illness is a toad, but don’t worry and don’t be afraid - this illness is not dangerous, and I’ll even tell you straight out - a childhood illness(“Preface to the stories of Nazar Ilyich, Mr. Sinebryukhov”).

The reasons why speakers and writers choose pleonastic constructions are varied. Among them are:

1) Following tradition. Thus, pleonasm is common when expressing certain types of quantitative and spatial meanings in colloquial and clerical speech (an hour of time, a hundred rubles of money, in the month of April, to go down the mountain).

2) The desire for completeness of the information provided, associated with a lack of linguistic competence, for example, misunderstanding of the meaning of terms or foreign words and expressions (we must be tolerant and tolerant; this pavilion is intended for recreation and recreation; current message on a topical topic; we have vacancies). This kind of pleonasticity is characteristic of common speech.

3) The desire to increase expressiveness, mainly in poetic speech:

Oh, if only someone that night

On that terrible night of redemption

To the sufferer in the pouring chest

He poured in one word of consolation!

(A. Apukhtin)

Semantic pleonasm as a speech error.

Pleonasm - the use of words that are close in meaning and therefore unnecessary in speech - violates the logic of the statement and obscures it. Such pleonasm refers to speech errors.

Pleonasticity of speech, as noted above, often arises as a result of the speaker’s carelessness, his inability or unwillingness to think about the meaning of his words, and also, probably, some desire to show his erudition by using unfamiliar words and speech patterns.

And from here they appear deep (bottomless) abyss, jump up, go down, upturned nose, external appearance, today, main and main, grain granary, palm of the hand, me personally, daily routine, in the month of March, dress up festively, miss by, wasted (for nothing, in vain), connect together, build a structure, wide panorama, good income, banknotes and etc.

Many pleonasms have become so commonplace that it is very difficult to isolate them, so errors of this kind are very common.

Pleonastic combinations involving borrowed words are even more common. Usually their meanings are not precisely known to the speaker. Here are the most common speech excesses of this type: to lead first, large mass, memorial monument, folklore, timekeeping, industrial industry, indigenous aborigine, experienced veteran, amendments and adjustments, during the summer season, extreme risk, etc.

In addition to the listed pleonastic combinations of words, the authors of manuals on speech culture name many others : whisper quietly, your autobiography, meeting for the first time, stepping back, wasting, advanced and progressive, biography of life, excessive exaggeration, bequeathing, ultimately, practical experience, immoral offense, price list and vacancy, etc.

Take, for example, the expression today, cited by many linguists as a pleonasm.

Today is the day (“this” - this). Obviously, this expression appeared as a result of the “historical synthesis” of the phrase today and its unsuccessful transformation into a modern form.

Regarding expressions nostalgia for the homeland and nostalgia for the past, they are pleonasms. Ozhegov’s dictionary gives the following meanings of this word:

Nostalgia is a longing for one’s homeland, as well as a general longing for the past.

So this word can be used like this nostalgia tormented me, but not nostalgia for anything. Most likely, the word nostalgia will expand its meaning, and it will become acceptable to say nostalgia for one’s homeland.

Often in pleonastic expressions, as already mentioned, borrowed words are used together with Russian words: traumatic injury, business business, a huge metropolis, etc.

Among semantic pleonasms, several types can be distinguished:

1. A combination of two unambiguous (synonymous) nouns, perceived as denoting different, albeit homogeneous concepts: Swearing and swearing were heard.

2. A combination of an adjective and a noun, in which the meaning of the adjective to a certain extent duplicates the meaning contained in the noun: Dark darkness fell;

3. A combination of two unambiguous (synonymous) verbs: We remembered and did not forget his advice;

4. A combination of two synonymous adjectives: Raskolnikov lived in a small little room;

5. Combination of verb and adverb: The enemies were getting closer and closer.

Pleonastic combinations are also formed due to ignorance of the exact meaning of a foreign word, and sometimes due to careless use of it next to Russian: his well-known humanity and philanthropy; attention to detail and details in the description of characters; this is a criminal offense.

Here are more examples of common pleonasms:

began to revive again(pleonasm that violates the meaning of information);

at a high professional level(at a professional level);

prevent worldwide globalization (Russian word+ foreign with duplicate meaning);

gray hair(gray) hair = (grey) hair;

highest discount(maximum = largest);

unexpected surprise(surprise = surprise);

superior to similar Western analogues(analogue = something similar);

live relatively happily(adding a word to a stable phrase - to live happily = to be completely satisfied with life);

I know for sure(to know for sure = to know exactly); will have to take it upon yourself(take over = do it yourself);

we must give him full credit, he coped with his task(to give due credit = to fully appreciate);

almost completely wiped off the face of the earth(wiped off the face of the earth = completely destroyed);

it will be built by the same company(exactly that = the same);

unexpectedly for himself, he falls under the influence of the same samurai(unexpectedly = didn’t expect it myself, same = the same);

words such as(come into use = become commonly used).

In the list of speech errors given in the workshop - a reference book for grades 10-11, verbosity ranks sixth out of fifteen. Consequently, this is a fairly common mistake, analyzing which we can talk about a general decline in speech culture.

The decline in speech culture, which began at the beginning of the 20th century, is primarily due to the following factors:

The revolution and subsequent repressions destroyed the aristocracy and the intellectual and creative elite - speakers of the literary Russian language; those “who did not graduate from universities” came to power;

The composition of participants in active communication has become more diverse and numerous, not only in terms of age, but also in terms of position in society, political, religious and social views;

Official censorship has practically disappeared, people began to express their thoughts more freely, speech became more open and relaxed;

Public speech became spontaneous, not prepared in advance;

Stars from show business who are not distinguished by education and taste have become the elite and role models;

The number of communication situations has diversified, its nature has changed, it has freed itself from rigid formality and become more democratic;

In our village, the situation is aggravated by the fact that a maximum security colony is located here: prisoners remain in Tabaga and largely determine the language environment.

Still, the majority tries to follow the norms of modern Russian literary language, but there is a lack of language competence, which is due to shortcomings in education, the media and the social environment.

Here typical mistakes in the speeches we hear every day:

- bureaucracy, worn-out clichés ( take action, according to agreement, carry out planning, at the present moment, for today);

- poor lexicon, ignorance of synonyms, hence repetitions, tautologies and pleonasms (city mayor, former ex-prime minister, world globalization);

– the presence of reduced vocabulary, slang, words from professional vernacular, for example, computer scientists, police, former prisoners, and obscene language used as interjections;

– the dominance of foreign vocabulary, including reduced ones, used appropriately and inappropriately. Ignorance of the meaning of a word or its misuse in a phrase, as part of a stable combination (time pressure, quotes have risen in price, accumulate savings, fight back (resistance), prevention of a healthy lifestyle) etc.

What are the ways to eliminate pleonasms and tautologies? Normative speech requires the exclusion of these lexical speech errors from Everyday life. It's very simple: read good books, look into dictionaries more often, do not use words with a meaning that is not clear to us, analyze your speech and take responsibility for every word you say or write.

We cannot influence the media and society, but we can improve our own speech culture, we can help our friends and acquaintances correct some speech defects, and this is already a lot.

In order to identify the level of recognition of pleonasms in the speech of high school students of MOBU TSOSH, we conducted a study among students in grades 8-11 of our school.

Target: explore the level of recognition of pleonasms.

Target group: students of grades 8-11 aged 14-17 years.

Progress of the study: 52 high school students were asked to divide 100 pleonasms into three groups.



For the purity of the experiment, high school students were given a task without explanation, that is, the respondents did not assume that all 100 expressions could contain an error. Schoolchildren decided that 35% of expressions were acceptable in speech, 56% were unacceptable, and 9% were unfamiliar (“never heard of”).

From the results obtained it is clear that many phrases considered pleonasms are perceived by high school students as the norm. This is explained by the fact that many pleonasms, despite the opinion of linguists, are generally accepted ( appeal, arbitration court, security guarantees, provision of guarantees, accounts receivable, valid act, business transaction, office work, case proceedings, democratic republic, cash, deposit, labor, production, entrepreneurial activities etc.)

High school students easily coped with everyday expressions and considered them unacceptable in speech: address of location, address of residence, experienced expert, souvenir etc.

And such book pleonasms as water area of ​​water bodies, water area, antagonistic struggle, constant constant– did not cause any particular difficulties; the majority of respondents considered them unacceptable.

Many pleonasms, one part of which is borrowed, remained unidentified: holistic (sometimes holistic) system, economics and management, energetic activity, epicenter of events, statistic (statist) state, statistic (statist) politics, legal rights, interactive interactions. Firstly, because the meaning of these words is unfamiliar, and secondly, the meaning of many words seems to be known to us, but not completely, these are “familiar strangers”.

But some phrases from Repin’s list that contain foreign words, in our opinion, have ceased to be pleonasms due to the fact that these words have taken root in the Russian language so much that they have expanded their meaning, for example, public policy, business operation, historical memory, epicenter of events etc. Often mistakes take root in language, especially in official business speech, and nothing can be done about it: office work, registration accounting etc.

We also believe that the expressions: man and society, revaluation of values, historical memory etc. - are acceptable in speech, since they are used in a figurative meaning.

The results of the study indicate that in most cases we use words and expressions intuitively, carelessly, without fully understanding the meaning of the words. And this happens, unfortunately, not only in the school environment, but modern society at all.

We would like to note that our work aroused interest among high school students. We think that many will turn to dictionaries to find out “what’s the catch.”


Pleonasm is a common speech error, although few people know what it is, but many intuitively separate acceptable pleonastic expressions from unacceptable ones.

Speech saturated with pleonasms speaks of the speaker’s negligence, of the shortcomings of his education and thinking.

Everything is in the hands of each of us. If a person from childhood learns to take responsibility for the spoken or written word, gets used to turning to dictionaries and classical literature, our speech space will become cleaner and better, which means our thoughts will become cleaner and clearer.


1. Workshop - reference book “Culture of Speech” for 8-9. M., ed. "Flint" and "Science", 2001.

2. Workshop - reference book “Culture of Speech” for 8-9. M., ed. "Flint" and "Science", 2001.

3., etc. Handbook – workshop “Culture of oral and written speech of a business person” M., ed. "Flint" and "Science", 2001.

4., “Stylistics and culture of speech”, chapter “Pleonasm and tautology” ( eBook), 2001.

5. “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” M., “World and Education”, 2013.

6. “Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language” Minsk, “Harvest”, 2002.

7. “Large illustrated dictionary foreign words"M., "Russian dictionaries" "Astrel", 2002.

8. Russian encyclopedia “Tradition” http://traditio-ru. org/wiki/;

9. “The culture of written speech”, article Pleonasm and tautology”, senior researcher at the Institute of Linguistic Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, candidate of philological sciences. http://www. gramma. ru/RUS/?id=8.23;

10. “Academic” http://dic. academic. ru/dic. nsf/enc_literature/3705

11. “One Hundred Pleonasms” http://repin. livejournal. com/13784.html
