Profession psychologist. Prospects for the profession Psychological characteristics of the profession

Love is the desire to repeat childhood experiences, multiplied by libido. Childhood largely determines a person’s destiny. The cause of most of your mental unhappiness is emotional undernourishment in the same childhood, an unsatisfied desire to fall asleep in your mother’s arms or find protection in your parents. If you want to forever eradicate romance in yourself and lose faith in any “higher” feelings, you should become a psychologist.

But seriously speaking, this profession is unfairly underestimated in many countries of the world, in particular in the post-Soviet space. Due to mentality, some historical and cultural factors. But the more qualified psychologists there are, the fewer children jump out of windows, the more less people suffers domestic violence and leads a frankly miserable existence, unable to understand himself. A qualified specialist can help a person become happy and get rid of the ghosts of the past. Who are psychologists, how in demand is this profession and how to get it? Let's talk about this further.

Description and features of the profession

A psychologist is a specialist who studies the manifestations, methods and forms of organization of mental phenomena of the individual in different areas of human activity.

Contrary to popular belief, this is not a doctor; do not confuse specialists in the field we are considering with psychiatrists.

A psychologist cannot make diagnoses or prescribe medications, and cannot prescribe treatment for psychiatric disorders (for example, depression). Psychology is not a medical science. Its object is mental processes and states in various areas activities (work, education, business, relationships, etc.).

Specialists are divided into theorists (researchers) and practitioners. Theoretical psychologists are scientists who study certain patterns psychological mechanisms people, conduct research, put forward hypotheses and identify patterns. Practitioners are engaged in applied science - they apply knowledge in a certain field of activity, often for the purpose of organizing psychological assistance. Among the practitioners there are clinical, children's, sports, pedagogical, general psychologists and specialists in other fields.

Key features of the work of a psychologist

  • The specialist works with mentally healthy people and is not a psychiatrist.
  • The position is mandatory in some educational, social and government institutions(for example, in schools and orphanages).
  • There are significant, sometimes contradictory differences in the theoretical educational base and in the programs of universities.
  • The activities of psychologists in Russia are not licensed or regulated - the regulatory framework contains only the “Code of Ethics”.
  • Many scientists still refuse to recognize psychology as a science, pinning their hopes only on clinical psychiatry.

A psychologist works not with patients, but with clients. Most often, people turn to him in traumatic and stressful situations. This could be the death of a loved one, a difficult divorce, depression due to illness, violence, or the birth of a child. The help of a specialist is also relevant for obvious difficulties in socialization and communication with people, for anxiety and the inability to build a happy, fulfilling life.

Where to study and what to take

Choosing a profession as a psychologist confronts the applicant with a difficult choice - to fight for a place at a prestigious university or to be content with more realistic chances. Unfortunately, this specialty rarely leaves a choice. Graduates achieve the greatest success prestigious universities, or specialists who worked hard on their education on their own. Graduates of unclaimed universities, institutes and faculties can rarely count on career growth due to frankly poor professional training.

It is important for an applicant to fight for a place in one of best universities countries. Otherwise, the likelihood of making a dizzying career will tend to zero.

After receiving your diploma, you will not be able to get a job in a prestigious consultation and will gain experience in ordinary, low-paid positions. According to statistics, only 20% of graduates work in their specialty. Too much will depend on you. But how to develop professionally when you receive a salary of 15-20 thousand rubles, and work for two people? Therefore, it is important to strive for the best educational institutions.

TOP 5 best universities in Russia training psychologists:

  1. Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.
  2. RSUH (humanitarian university).
  3. St. Petersburg State University.
  4. Medical University named after. Sechenov.
  5. High School of Economics.

If you give examples from domestic experience, then among the famous practicing psychologists it is difficult to find specialists who graduated from modest provincial universities. In particular, one of the most sought-after and highly paid psychologists in Russia, Mikhail Labkovsky, graduated from Moscow State University. Lomonosov. This does not mean that graduates from less prestigious universities have no chance. This means that they will have to work hard and educate themselves, while students at top universities will receive strong training during their classes. The differences here are too significant.

Rating of the TOP 11 best online schools

International school foreign languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic. Computer courses, art and design, finance and accounting, marketing, advertising, PR are also available.

Individual lessons with a tutor to prepare for the Unified State Examination, Unified State Examination, Olympiads, school subjects. Classes with the best teachers in Russia, more than 23,000 interactive tasks.

Online school to prepare for the Unified State Exam in 4 subjects: Russian, mathematics, English, physics. Classes are held on a modern IT platform, including video communication, chat, simulators and a task bank.

An educational IT portal that helps you become a programmer from scratch and start a career in your specialty. Training with guaranteed internship and free master classes.

The largest online school in English, which gives you the opportunity to learn English individually with a Russian-speaking teacher or native speaker.

English language school via Skype. Strong Russian-speaking teachers and native speakers from the UK and USA. Maximum conversation practice.

Online school of the new generation English language. The teacher communicates with the student via Skype, and the lesson takes place in a digital textbook. Personal training program.

Distance online school. Lessons school curriculum from 1st to 11th grade: videos, notes, tests, simulators. For those who often miss school or live outside of Russia.

Online university of modern professions (web design, internet marketing, programming, management, business). After training, students can undergo a guaranteed internship with partners.

Largest site online education. Allows you to obtain a sought-after Internet profession. All exercises are posted online, access to them is unlimited.

An interactive online service for learning and practicing English in a fun way game form. Effective training, word translation, crosswords, listening, vocabulary cards.

What qualities do you need to have?

An analytical mind and the ability to remain calm even in the most emotionally charged situations are key qualities that a psychologist should have. Imagine: hundreds of clients contact a practicing consultant every month. Each of them has their own problem, each of them is stupid in their own way, 99% expect instructions for action from a specialist, which do not exist and cannot exist.

The skills of not losing composure, looking at things soberly and analyzing situations with a cool head come to the fore.

A psychologist should not empathize with the client - he is constantly faced with other people’s traumatic and stressful situations, and taking all this “on oneself” is simply unacceptable. Otherwise, objectivity is lost, and the specialist himself may soon find himself seeing a psychiatrist.

Another important quality is independence from assessments and opinions. 9 out of 10 of your clients are likely to be unhappy with the consultation because they were hoping to receive instructions or learn a secret. And the task of a psychologist is only to direct a person’s thoughts into the right direction– he must himself understand the problem and ways to solve it.

Pros and cons of the profession

When high school students write an essay on the topic “My future profession psychologist,” they rarely understand the essence of this specialty. Many people think that they will simply talk to people and express the correct (actually subjective) point of view. But ideas about the correctness of one’s own judgments are broken already during the first classes at the university. Often students “swallow” information from textbooks, but refuse to accept it as truth. She is too different from their ideas. Therefore, weigh all the pros and cons in advance so as not to waste time and experience a bitter feeling of disappointment.

Key advantages of the profession:

  • Interesting work from a scientific and practical point of view.
  • The opportunity to help people and make them happy.
  • A chance to become successful, recognizable and popular.
  • High wages for well-known consultants.
  • An opportunity to understand yourself while studying.

Disadvantages of being a psychologist:

  • Significant preferences for graduates of prestigious universities.
  • Low respectability of the profession in Russia and the CIS countries.
  • Low salaries for ordinary specialists.
  • Emotional complexity of work, increased responsibility.
  • Minimum budget places in universities.

Low respectability is mainly related to mentality. In most countries in the post-Soviet space, the very fact of an adult turning to a psychologist is often assessed negatively. Allegedly, this is a banal weakness, an unwillingness to show will and the ability to solve one’s problems on one’s own.

The absence of a licensing system for specialists in private practice also leaves its mark - many narrow-minded people call themselves psychologists, conduct dubious trainings and write frankly delusional books, casting a shadow on qualified colleagues and the specialty as a whole.

How in demand are psychologists?

Despite the low respectability of the profession, specialists remain in demand. A separate group here consists of child psychologists who work in educational and social institutions.

Another really popular, but rare specialty is a specialist in the field of sports.

Practice shows that it is incredibly difficult to find qualified sports psychologists in Russia, while athletes are in dire need of them.

What areas can you work in?

  • Education. Child psychologists are in demand in schools and kindergartens. Specialists work in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, in health centers and in temporary detention centers for children and adolescents who find themselves in difficult situations. life situation, in special, correctional schools and boarding schools.
  • Private consultation. Many specialists open their own consultation or work under more sought-after, popular and eminent colleagues. It is a common practice for a novice psychologist to gain experience as an ordinary specialist for some time and then open a private consultation.
  • Law enforcement agencies and the army. Psychologists are in demand in law enforcement agencies - they interact with military personnel and police officers. They work with security officers, conscripts, suspects and convicted people. A special role is given to specialists who interact with children who have broken the law.

Psychologists are also in demand in social institutions - in orphanages, rehabilitation centers, in organizations and institutions dealing with the problems of dysfunctional families. Specialists work with athletes, with officials, and also provide consultations on hotlines. There are military psychologists and employees who provide assistance to relatives of disaster victims.

What is the salary of psychologists

On average in Russia it is 25.7 thousand rubles. At the same time, about 40% of government employees budgetary institutions they are content with a salary of 17-20 thousand rubles. In Moscow, the average salary is 35 thousand rubles. Maximum salaries, according to experts, exceed the mark of 1 million rubles. Abroad, qualified specialists earn even more.

Mostly popular psychologists who run private consultations or give lectures or conduct seminars earn a lot. Presentation is especially important for them, and their personal brand is important. The cost of one appointment with a sought-after specialist usually exceeds 70 thousand rubles, while ordinary employees are content with their salary. Considering the fact that the activities of psychologists are not licensed, it is impossible to talk about any regulation of the size wages there is no need to do so on the part of the state.


Introduction to the profession of a psychologist will not scare you if you weigh the pros and cons before entering. This interesting job combined with utmost responsibility, it de facto depends on you whether a person will cope with a difficult situation and whether he will become happy. Even a high-class specialist often does not have to wait for gratitude from clients.

Sometimes you even have to go against your principles. For example, sports psychologists - often they are forced to literally “break” a child in order to make him a real champion, hungry for victory. Therefore, think carefully: do your ideas about the profession correspond to reality?


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The emergence of the profession of psychologist at the beginning of the century was associated with social objectives maximum use of individual human resources in labor and educational activities: a person had to work well and study well. This is reflected in the history of labor psychology and in the history of educational psychology. Ultimately, this allowed the emergence of a whole branch of psychological knowledge - the psychology of individual differences. Essentially, a psychologist at the dawn of the existence of this profession began to work with one of the most important characteristics of individual life - with the characteristics of the prospects for personal development, thus taking (even temporarily) responsibility for determining this prospect in fairly specific manifestations of the success of educational or work activities. A personality is characterized not only by what it does, but also by how it does it. This topic is especially relevant for future psychologists. After all, a psychologist must be a versatile trained specialist and his professional erudition must include not only knowledge of psychology, but also a certain body of knowledge in the field of other humanities disciplines. The professional skills of a psychologist determine the success of his practical activities, and professional skills allow the psychologist to effectively perform his work. The more experience, the more professional skills a specialist acquires.

The goal is to evaluate professional and personal qualities future specialist, as well as his activities from the point of view of professional ethics.

The purpose of this topic is to consider the basic requirements for the preparedness of a psychologist in the disciplines that are necessary for successful work.

1. The term "professional"ssia"

Let us think about the question: “What is a profession?”

Profession - (from the Latin “profiteer” - I declare my business) a type of work activity that requires special training and is usually a source of livelihood.

Zeer E.F. defines a profession as “a socially valuable area of ​​application of a person’s physical and spiritual forces, allowing him to receive in return for the labor expended the necessary means for existence and development” [Zeer E.F. Psychology of professions.. M.: Academic project, 2006. P.30].

E.A. Klimov identifies the basics of professional choice and names three main components - the “three pillars” of career guidance: 1) taking into account the desire to work in a given profession (“I want”); 2) taking into account abilities, opportunities to master a given profession and the ability to work productively in the future (“I can”); 3) taking into account needs National economy in the chosen profession (“must”).

As for the existence of many directions in psychological science, this is indisputable. It’s another matter when you find yourself on a market where you are required to have very specific practical knowledge and skills. For example, you with a diploma in psychology are trying to get a job as a recruiting manager in a recruitment agency. How do you really assess your knowledge in this field of activity, having graduated, for example, from the department of general psychology?

For example, having received a specialization in clinical psychology, you can try to get a job in a psychiatric clinic. I think that this is a completely feasible option, but the salary will leave much to be desired.

Another area of ​​activity where psychologists often work is public organizations occupies the social sector. I think that this is a completely acceptable option, but, again, not every organization can guarantee a decent level of earnings.

2. Haracharacteristics of the profession "psychologist"

The profession of a psychologist is multifaceted. Depending on the chosen specialization and the level of professional tasks being solved, both its place in the system of professions and the requirements for a specialist change. For example, in the classification of professions by purpose professional activity The profession of a research psychologist is exploratory, a psychodiagnostician is gnostic, and a consulting psychologist is transformative. According to working conditions, a theoretical psychologist can be classified as a profession that works in a microclimate close to that of everyday life, and an applied psychologist can be classified as a profession that involves working in conditions of increased responsibility for people’s lives and health.

A professional is a subject of professional activity who has high levels of professionalism of personality and activity, has high professional and social status and a dynamically developing system of personal and activity normative regulation, constantly aimed at self-development and self-improvement, at personal and professional achievements, which have a socially positive meaning.

Of particular importance in the profession of “psychologist” is the personality of the holder of the profession - his professionalism, activity, motivation, ability to understand another person and influence him. Therefore, the development of personality, its professional important qualities(PVC) is the most important condition the success of a psychologist in his professional life. PVC is the psychological qualities of a person that determine productivity, quality, effectiveness and other activities. (Zeer E.F. Psychology of professions. M., 2006. P.54).

The need for this type of activity is due to the fact that in our society there is a known shortage of psychological knowledge, there is no psychological culture that presupposes interest in another person, respect for the characteristics of his personality, the ability and desire to understand his own relationships, experiences, actions, etc.

3 . Profprofessional qualities of a psychologist

The most important quality of a psychologist is professional competence. It includes professional knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities.

A psychologist must be a versatile trained specialist. Therefore, his professional erudition includes not only knowledge of psychology, but also a certain body of knowledge in the field of philosophy, history, pedagogy, cultural studies, law, economics, philology, sociology, mathematics and computer science, concepts of modern natural science.

Professional skills determine the success of a psychologist’s practical activities, his ability to apply psychological knowledge to the performance of his duties: specific actions, techniques, psychological “techniques.”

Professional skills are established, easily and confidently performed professional actions that allow a psychologist to effectively perform work. The more experience, the more professional skills a specialist acquires.

The characteristics of professional competence also include: a range of professional capabilities, perfect mastery of tools, techniques and technologies of professional activity. The professional competence of a psychologist is manifested in the creative nature of his work, in the active search for innovative approaches and innovative technologies, personal initiative and professional communication skills.

Let us consider the basic requirements for the preparedness of a psychologist in the disciplines that are necessary for successful work.

In the field of psychology, a specialist must:

1.understand the goals, methodology and methods of professional activity of a psychologist; familiar with the tools, methods of organizing and conducting psychological research;

3.understand the specifics of the subject of psychology, its connections with other disciplines; know the main branches of psychology and the possibilities of applying psychological knowledge in various areas of life;

4.know the history of development and modern problems psychological science;

5. know the laws of evolution of the psyche of animals, the similarities and qualitative differences between the psyches of animals and humans; phylogenesis and ontogenesis of the human psyche;

6.understand the brain mechanisms of mental processes and states;

7.know the nature of human activity, the functions of the psyche in human life;

8. know the patterns of formation and functioning of his motivational sphere;

9.know psychological patterns cognitive processes(sensations, perception, memory, imagination, thinking, speech);

10.know the mechanisms of attention, emotional phenomena, processes of volitional regulation;

11.have an understanding of personality and individuality, personality structure and driving forces its development;

12.know the psychological patterns of communication and interaction of people in groups, intergroup relations;

13.know the patterns mental development person at every age level;

14.know the basic principles of educational psychology;

15. know the criteria for the norm and pathology of mental processes, conditions, human activities, ways and means of compensation and restoration of the norm;

16.have an idea of ​​the psychological problems of human labor activity;

17.know the main areas and types of activities of a psychologist;

18.know the basics of psychodiagnostics and psychological counseling;

19.know the basics of psychotherapy, correctional and developmental work of a psychologist;

20. master methods of psychological education and teaching psychology.

4 . Personal qualitiesqualifications of a psychologist

The professional and personal in the activities of a psychologist are very often closely interconnected. The profession leaves its mark on the lifestyle and personality of the psychologist, and personal characteristics reflected in the preferred area and types psychological activity. Moreover, in fact, personality practical psychologist is an instrument of his work and sometimes plays more significant role than psychotherapeutic techniques.

Professionally important personal qualities of a practical psychologist:




















flexibility of behavior,

high level of general and social intelligence,

listening skills,


skillful use of non-verbal means of communication,

openness, resistance to stress.

5 . Mainy areas of activity of a psychologist

The main areas of activity of a psychologist:

1. Mental (and spiritual) development of the child. Special problems here include: psychological assistance to the child in overcoming complexes; satisfying emotional needs in acquiring personal identity in the processes of cultural, ethnic and ethical self-determination; psychological assistance in avoiding emotional trauma when realizing the inevitability of death or in the event of the actual loss of parents and close relatives; assistance in the development of sustainable value and moral standards.

2. Existential and personal problems of a teenager. The main direction of work in this area is assistance in overcoming the crisis of psychological separation from parents and identification of a teenager with other significant persons. Essentially, a psychologist-consultant and psychotherapist are faced here with the entire possible range of problems of adolescence - feelings of inferiority, awareness of the limited capabilities of parents, sexual problems, the struggle for personal and social status, processes of transformation of infantile religious consciousness, etc.

3. Marriage and family. The Institute of Marriage remains one of the most intense areas of activity of counseling psychologists and family psychotherapists. Marital and parental conflicts, family crises, family relationships are common problems in this area. The already common 50% of divorces with slight variations in first marriages, in addition to the traditional problems of premarital counseling, conventional family and marital psychotherapy in recent decades, have brought to one of the important places the problems of psychological assistance to divorced, unmarried and unmarried people, as well as counseling and psychological support when concluding remarriages.

4. Problems of mental and personal health. Traditional preventive and ongoing care for mental and somatic diseases, mental and spiritual suffering associated with mood disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, everyday stress, conflicts, borderline states, etc.

5. A separate and deeply developed area of ​​psychological assistance is such an important and almost completely absent area of ​​activity in our country as psychological assistance to the dying and grief psychotherapy. In American psychotherapy only recent years one can count more than 700 works covering this problem of psychological assistance.

6. Problems of old age. Developing a worldview that is adequate to him, satisfying the emotional needs of older people, responding to emerging religious problems, regular patronage and assistance in organizing an appropriate style and way of life - all this is the usual range of concerns of psychological care in the West.

7. Prisons, hospitals, barracks, college campuses are long-established areas of work where problems of personality, communication, mental state, and spirituality are problems that are as common as they require constant effort.

8. Psychological assistance and support in crisis situations: sudden death, suicide attempt, rape, betrayal, loss of love, job, etc.

9. School counseling, covering problems of relationships between teachers and students, students among themselves, issues of relationships with parents, problems of school performance, development of abilities, behavioral deviations, etc.

10. Professional counseling, which includes both general guidance in choosing a particular profession and specific questions: how to create a “resume”, how and where to get a second profession, where to find a job according to your capabilities, etc.

11. Psychological assistance related to cross-cultural issues: barriers to adaptation, overcoming ethnic prejudices and stereotypes among emigrants.

12. Management consulting (consulting in organizations). Originating in the 1970s, to date this type of socio-psychological assistance has a wide range of capabilities, including assistance in accepting management decisions, training communication skills, monitoring and resolving conflicts, working with personnel, etc.

6 . Structure and mainsections practical psychology

psychologist personal profession ethical

From whatever position - assistance, assistance, support or accompaniment - one considers the activities of a practical psychologist, in any case we can talk about five main areas of this activity:

1) psychoprophylaxis, which implies work to prevent disadaptation (disturbances in the process of adaptation to the environment) of organization personnel or children in educational institution, educational activities, creating a favorable psychological climate in the institution, implementing measures to prevent and relieve psychological overload of people, etc.;

2) psychodiagnostics, the most important goal which is the acquisition of psychological information about a person or group, “specific knowledge about a specific person, obtained on the basis of a generalized scientific theory”

3) psychological correction, understood as a targeted impact on certain areas of the client’s psyche, aimed at bringing its indicators into line with age or other norms;

4) psychological counseling, the purpose of which is to provide a person with the necessary psychological information and create conditions - as a result of communication with a psychologist - to overcome life difficulties and productive existence in specific circumstances;

5) psychotherapy within the framework of the psychological model, aimed at helping the client in productive personality change in cases of serious psychological problems that are not manifestations of mental illness.

To perform these tasks, the psychologist uses various shapes works:

Organization of a psychological relief room, in which cycles of conversations are held on psychohygienic topics on the preservation of mental health, training in methods of self-regulation of emotional and volitional states, procedures for restoring psychophysiological resources;

Preparation educational materials on individual development of auto-training techniques;

Determination of the psychohygienic minimum for students and staff of an educational institution in different conditions their life activities;

Scheduled appointment and psychological examination by a psychologist during medical examination, children’s admission to school and when transferring them from other educational institutions, as well as other events.

Interesting fact.

Let us describe some requirements for the premises and equipment. The room, first of all, must be isolated from noise, vibration and other distracting and unfavorable factors. The optimal air temperature is considered to be from 20 to 22° C. Soft chairs with armrests are installed in which you can take a reclining position. In addition, multi-colored lighting is installed around the perimeter of the room, and a screen (preferably concave in shape to create the illusion of volume) is installed in a convenient place for the projection of slides or films. As for technical equipment, the room is equipped with an aeronizer; it is advisable to install an air conditioner. A rhythm stimulator, relaxation glasses, and video systems with relaxation videotapes are also used. The color interior should be dominated by colors that calm the nervous system. The floor should be soft, harmonizing in color with the color of the walls (a soft floor muffles sounds, the feeling of a soft covering under the foot calms a person).

When creating a color-light composition of a room and the color-light effect on people throughout their stay, it is recommended to take into account the psychophysiological effect of colors. Red, orange, yellow are used to a limited extent - i.e. shades that promote excitement, increase the activity of the central nervous system. To create positive emotions, the psychotherapeutic effect of demonstrating video images of nature is used.

In accordance with the tasks, the content, volume and tempo of the music changes three times; light-color effect; light level; pose; breathing rhythm; verbal formulations.

Psychological counseling is a type of psychological assistance that consists of explaining to a person his psychological difficulties, relieving psychological stress, increasing his competence and providing direct assistance in solving complex personal problems that he faces in life. personal life, professional activities and other situations, prevention and overcoming crisis situations, as well as correction of non-adaptive behavior patterns.

A psychologist involved in correction works according to the following scheme: what is; what should be; what needs to be done to get what is due. To determine the need for psychological assistance, both the subjective feeling of psychological distress by the student themselves and generalized ideas about the norm of mental health are very important, which make it possible, with a certain degree of probability, to determine the presence of deviations from it in a particular person. Mental norm - accepted in a given society at a specific stage of its historical development certain rules and requirements for various parameters of manifestations of human mental activity.

7 . Code of honor

The “Code of Honor” (professional ethics, deontology of practicing psychologists) requires development general rules and principles of conduct, assessment of professional compliance, as well as compliance with certain ethical standards aimed, first of all, at protecting the interests of the client’s personality.

The main ethical principles are:

The principle of confidentiality.

The principle of competence.

The principle of responsibility.

The principle of ethical and legal competence.

The principle of qualified propaganda of psychology.

The principle of client well-being.

The principle of professional cooperation.

The principle of informing the client about the purposes and results of the examination. These principles are consistent with professional standards accepted in the work of psychologists in the international community.

8 . Ethicalcode of practical psychologist

Below is an example code of ethics that regulates the moral actions of a practical psychologist in the education system in various situations:

1. The professional activity of a psychologist in the education system is characterized by special responsibility to children,

2. In cases where the personal interests of a child conflict with the interests of the educational institution, other people, adults and children, the psychologist is obliged to perform his functions impartially.

3. The work of a psychologist is based on the principle of professional independence and autonomy. His decision on professional issues psychological nature is final and cannot be canceled by the administration of the educational institution or higher management organizations.

4. Only a special commission consisting of highly qualified psychologists and endowed with appropriate authority has the right to cancel a psychologist’s decision.

5. When working with children, the psychologist is guided by the principles of honesty and sincerity.

6. In order to be able to help children, the psychologist himself needs trust and appropriate rights. He, in turn, bears personal responsibility for the correct use of the rights given to him.

7. The work of a practical psychologist in the education system is aimed at achieving exclusively humane goals, which involve removing restrictions on the path of free intellectual and personal development every child.

8. The psychologist builds his work on the basis of unconditional respect for the dignity and inviolability of the child’s personality, respects and actively protects his fundamental human rights, as defined by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

9. A psychologist is one of the main defenders of the child’s interests before society and all people.

10. A psychologist must be careful and prudent in the choice of psychodiagnostic and psychocorrectional methods, as well as in his conclusions and recommendations.

11. A psychologist should not take part in anything that somehow limits the child’s development, his human freedom, physical and psychological integrity. The most serious violation of a psychologist’s professional ethics is his personal assistance or direct participation in matters that harm a child. Persons once found guilty of such violations are once and for all deprived of the right to work with children, to use a diploma or other document confirming the qualifications of a professional psychologist, and in cases determined by law are subject to trial.

12.The psychologist is obliged to inform those to whom he is subordinate.

13.The psychologist must counteract any political, ideological, social, economic and other influences that could lead to a violation of the rights of the child.

14. A psychologist is obliged to provide only such services for which he has necessary education and qualifications.

15. In the case of forced use of psychodiagnostic or psychotherapeutic (psychocorrectional) techniques that have not been sufficiently tested or do not fully meet all scientific standards, the psychologist is obliged to warn interested parties about this and be especially careful in his conclusions and recommendations.

16. A psychologist does not have the right to transfer psychodiagnostic, psychotherapeutic or psychocorrectional techniques for use by incompetent persons.

17. A psychologist is obliged to prevent the use of psychodiagnostic methods and psychological influence by professionally untrained people, and to warn about this those who unknowingly use the services of such people.

18.Children of teens and older school age have the right to individual consultation with a psychologist in the absence of third parties, including teachers, parents or people replacing them

19. The psychologist should not prevent the examination or consultation of an adult child, at his request, to be carried out in the presence of other persons, with the exception of special cases related to the conduct of a medical-psychological or forensic psychological examination, determined by law.

20.Individual data psychological examination teenage children and adolescence the psychologist has the right to inform or transfer to third parties only with the consent of the children themselves. At the same time, the child has the right to know what is said or conveyed about him and to whom.

21. Teachers, parents, their substitutes, and the administration of educational institutions are allowed to communicate only such data about children that cannot be used by these persons to harm the child.

22.Using funds mass media and other available means of obtaining it, psychologists are obliged to warn people about the possible negative consequences of their seeking psychological help from incompetent persons and indicate where and from whom these people can receive the necessary professional psychological help.

23. A psychologist should not allow himself to be drawn into such matters or activities where his role and functions are ambiguous and could cause harm to children.

24. A psychologist should not make such promises to clients that he is unable to fulfill.

25. If a child’s examination or psychological intervention is carried out at the request of another person: a representative of an educational authority, a doctor, a judge, etc., then the psychologist is obliged to notify the child’s parents or persons replacing them about this.

26. The psychologist is personally responsible for keeping confidential information about the children he examines.

27. When applying for a job in an educational institution, the psychologist must stipulate that, within his or her professional competence he will act independently, and also familiarize the administration of the institution in which he will work, and other interested parties with the contents of this code of ethics. He must draw the attention of all persons who will be associated with him in his professional work to the need to maintain secrecy and observe professional ethics. The psychologist must warn that professional interference in his work can only be carried out by a higher authority of the psychological service, vested with the appropriate powers. He must also stipulate that he cannot comply with unethical demands from others.

28. Violation of the provisions of the code of ethics by a professional practical psychologist is considered by the court of honor of the association of practical psychologists, and, if necessary, by a higher one professional organization included in the structure of the psychological service of the education system.


It is difficult to imagine modern life without psychology. The profession of psychologist has become very firmly established in various sectors of the national economy, medicine and education. Psychologists work in the medical field, in production, in education, in institutions social protection. The problems with which a particular psychologist works are very relevant: deviant behavior, mental disorders, increasing work efficiency, learning new skills, etc.

Psychologist - certainly with higher education and an academic degree, who regularly and successfully passes an authoritative exam to obtain a license in one of the following areas: social Psychology, psychodiagnostics, clinical psychology and counseling itself. Essentially, in this case we are talking about four specialists, indicating their specialization, qualifications and the possibility of combining their efforts both in private practice and when working in corporate, academic or government psychological services.

The activities of a psychologist are very diverse. Currently, the Institute of Psychology is just beginning to develop and the boundaries of self-realization in this area are not visible. Having received the education of a psychologist, you receive not only invaluable knowledge in Everyday life, but also the opportunity to apply this knowledge in various fields. The main thing is not to stop and develop dynamically over time.


1. Barkhaev B.P. Introduction to the profession of psychologist. - M., 1999;

2. Petrovsky A.V., Yaroshevsky M.G. Fundamentals of theoretical psychology. - M., 1998;

3. Markova A.K. Psychology of professionalism. - M., 1996.

4. Vachkov I.V., Grinshpun I.B., Pryazhnikov N.S. Introduction to the profession of “psychologist” - M., 2002-464 p.

5. Klimov E.A. Introduction to the psychology of professions. - M., 1998;

6. Klimov E.A. Psychology of professional self-determination.-Russia, 1996.

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The profession of a psychologist is multifaceted. Depending on the chosen specialization and the level of professional tasks being solved, both its place in the system of professions and the requirements for a specialist change. For example, in the classification of professions according to the goals of professional activity, the profession of a research psychologist is classified as exploratory, a psychodiagnostician is classified as gnostic, and a psychologist-consultant is classified as transformative. According to working conditions, a theoretical psychologist can be classified as a profession that works in a microclimate close to that of everyday life, and an applied psychologist can be classified as a profession related to work in conditions of increased responsibility for the life and health of people. With all the variety of psychological specialties (especially for a practicing psychologist), what they all have in common is that they all:

    require highly qualified labor and lengthy training;

    belong to the group of professions “person - person”;

    the main means in them are functional means of labor;

    assume a developed level of personal qualities such as reflection, empathy, criticality and non-judgment, interest in people, etc.

Professional is a subject of professional activity who has high levels of professionalism of personality and activity, has a high professional and social status and a dynamically developing system of personal and activity normative regulation, constantly aimed at self-development and self-improvement, at personal and professional achievements that have a socially positive meaning.

Of particular importance in the profession of “psychologist” is the personality of the holder of the profession - his professionalism, activity, motivation, ability to understand another person and influence him. Therefore, the development of personality, its professionally important qualities(PVC) is the most important condition for the success of a psychologist in his professional life. PVC is the psychological qualities of a person that determine productivity, quality, effectiveness and other activities. (Zeer E.F. Psychology of professions. M., 2006. P.54).

3. History of the formation of the profession of “psychologist”

The demand for psychological knowledge was acute in the second half of the 19th century, which, of course, was associated with the development of society, capitalist production relations, into which significant masses of people were included.

The beginning of the development of psychology as an independent science dates back to 1879, when the first psychological laboratory was founded at the University of Leipzig. It was led by Wilhelm Wundt, a philosopher and at the same time a psychologist, who decided to study the content and structure of consciousness on a scientific basis.

In 1884, at the London international exhibition, the English scientist Galton (who is rightfully considered the founder of psychodiagnostics) for the first time demonstrated experiments on studying abilities and measuring individual characteristics of people (height, weight, muscle strength, visual, auditory discrimination).

The next significant stage in the development of psychology is traditionally considered to be the development of psychoanalysis by S. Freud, who not only became the author of psychoanalysis as a scientific and psychological school, but also an outstanding psychotherapist-practitioner who developed and successfully applied the method of psychoanalysis for the treatment of neuroses.

In 1886, Freud received a scientific scholarship to study in France with the psychiatrist Charcot. In 1890 he published the book “The Interpretation of Dreams.” In 1893 - “On the psychological mechanism of the phenomena of hysteria”” “Essays on hysteria”. In 1910, around Freud, there was an association of other young psychotherapists - C. Jung, A. Adler, Rank, Ferenczy, Abraham, etc. Since 1911, the international psychoanalytic society was formed. Psychoanalysis had an unusually strong influence on the development of culture, philosophy, and civilization in general. Western society 20th century, and led to the development of psychotherapeutic psychological activities.

Regarding the initial stages of the development of psychology in Russia, it is important to note that Russian scientists, doctors, and psychotherapists maintained close contacts with their colleagues from European countries. Many events in Russia took place with a very slight lag from European ones. Thus, the first experimental psychological laboratory was opened in St. Petersburg in 1885 by the outstanding Russian physiologist Ivan Mikhailovich Sechenov. The development of this laboratory subsequently led to its transformation in 1908 into the Psychoneurological Institute.

In Moscow, the first psychological laboratory was opened by Georgiy Ivanovich Chelpanov in 1907 at Moscow State University. In 1912, the Institute of Psychology was created (now it is the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education). The development of experimental psychology and its spread in Russia proceeded at a rapid pace. Subsequently, experimental laboratories were opened in pre-revolutionary Russia in cities such as Kharkov, Kazan, Kyiv, Saratov, etc.

The development of psychology led to the need to unite people involved in it professionally - psychologists. In 1906, the first congress on educational psychology took place in St. Petersburg; its organizers were outstanding child psychologists A.P. Nechaev and N.E. Rumyantsev.

After the revolution, the development of psychology in the Soviet Union followed a contradictory and tragic scenario. The popularity of pedology, the psychology that studied child development, in the 1930s was abruptly ended by the government decree “On pedological perversions in the Narkompros system” in 1936. Since this tragic year, the development of practice-oriented psychology has practically stopped.

However, you cannot stop what is needed in society. In its different spheres there is a need, a need. Academic psychology continued to develop. The need for psychological research was determined by the development of the defense industry, aviation, and astronautics. These areas of psychology were developed in our country as closed, secret. The methodology of Soviet psychology developed. The theory of activity (the teachings of Rubinstein, A.N. Leontiev), psychological theories of learning (V.V. Davydov, L.V. Zankov, etc.) are generally recognized in world psychological science.

In the 80s, the need to introduce universal secondary education and the difficulties of implementation of this project necessitated the creation of a school psychological service. For about 10 years in the USSR, under the leadership of Academician Yu.N. Babansky, an experiment was conducted to create a school psychological service. The experiment took place not only in Moscow and Leningrad. But also in other regions of the country: Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Tartu, Vilnius (Estonia), etc. The results of the experiment were approved and summarized and became the basis for the adoption of the “Regulations on the school psychological service", adopted in 1989.

The introduction of the position of educational psychologist into the staff of schools in the early 90s became the reason for the opening of the specialty “psychology” in Russian pedagogical institutes and universities. Since that time, the intensive development of the system of psychological professional education began. Over the past decade and a half, practice-oriented psychology has been developing rapidly and intensively: psychological knowledge and culture are becoming in demand in many areas of modern society.

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Psychology(in Greek "soul and word") is the academic and applied science of behavior and psychological processes in the psyche of people and animals. Psychologist is a specialist in the field of psychology engaged in the scientific study of the human psyche. The task of a psychologist is to help explore the situation on an emotional level, better understand your current needs, realize ineffective “patterns” of your behavior, get out of a vicious circle of repeated mistakes, and then take steps to change your life.

Demand for the profession

Quite in demand

Representatives of the profession Psychologist are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities graduate a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified Psychologists.

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Useful articles

Description of activity


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Psychologist cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Psychologist, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Psychologist You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Psychologist(related or similar specialty). Average vocational education not enough to become Psychologist.

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Job responsibilities

The psychologist examines how psychological, economic and organizational factors of production influence the work activities of the organization's employees. The purpose of this work is to plan measures to improve working conditions and increase work efficiency. Determines psychological factors and draws up social development programs. Compares theoretical results psychological research with practical activities, prepares recommendations and proposals for the work done. Analyzes the reasons for staff turnover, selection and placement. Participates in the formation of work collectives, designs a system for organizing labor and working time. Conducts consultations with enterprise managers on socio-psychological problems of production management and social development of the team.

Type of labor

Mainly mental work

Profession Psychologist- This is a profession predominantly of mental work, which is largely associated with the reception and processing of information. In progress Psychologist the results of his intellectual reflections are important. But, at the same time, physical labor is not excluded.

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Features of career growth

The profession of a psychologist is not a careerist one. However, a specialist at the beginning of his career can work in psychological centers, private psychological counseling offices, in educational and medical institutions, manager for organizing trainings and seminars. Then you can build a career in a specialized psychological service, engage in private consulting, or open your own company.

  • The advantages of being a psychologist
  • Disadvantages of being a psychologist

Profession of psychologist in modern world relevant, prestigious and popular as ever. Many educational institutions, industrial enterprises, rescue and human assistance services have specialists who help troubled souls find a way out of problematic situations. Almost every university graduates psychologists - demand creates supply.

What is psychology? From ancient Greek this word is translated as “the science of the soul,” because psychological problems for a long time were considered mental wounds. Even now in our dictionary there is such a word as “mentally ill,” although we all already know that the problems of such people are embedded in the brain. Psychology studies thought and emotional processes, personality structure, ways of connecting a person with the outside world, the subtleties of communication and relationships, and the specifics of self-perception. Psychology is divided into theoretical and practical. The first is engaged in the study of normal and abnormal mental states, the second is in the correction of problems.

It is not difficult to become a psychologist today. You can go to university if the decision to help people came at a young age. If this is a mature solution, then you can leave the existing one as a base higher education and take courses, of which there are a huge number offered today. The main thing is not to fall for the scammer’s bait: find out thoroughly about the institution and teachers, get feedback, and ask what kind of knowledge is given in these courses.

Studying to become a psychologist and becoming one are not quite the same thing. Let's start with the fact that not everyone knows thoroughly how psychologists differ from psychotherapists and psychiatrists.

Psychotherapist and psychiatrist are medical specialties that are in demand in hospitals and various medical centers. They assume the presence medical education, since doctors in this specialty must know human anatomy, prescribe medications, and be able to carry out diagnostics using various equipment.

Psychology is a humanitarian field that does not require medical education. It reveals the mechanisms of mental processes and provides an understanding of the reasons for their violation. Help for patients is provided through explanatory conversations, trainings, and practices.

Where to go with a psychology degree? Of course, everyone dreams of opening their own office to earn good money from consultations. But the fact is that a private psychologist is, first of all, a name and reputation; a beginner will not be able to make a profit by renting an office and hanging advertisements on poles. Therefore, you first need to work in a government structure. This:

  • kindergartens, schools, colleges, universities;
  • rehabilitation centers (teenagers, victims of domestic violence, prisoners, people with addictions, etc.);
  • rescue services (EMERCOM, ambulance service);
  • military units;
  • sports facilities.

After obtaining some practice, you can aim for the position of psychologist in a private enterprise - a factory, design bureau, IT company. Here psychologists participate in personnel selection, organize trainings, develop corporate ethics, and, of course, conduct personal conversations. They are responsible for the positive, efficient and creative attitude of the team.

Private practice is conquered by those who have been working in the field of psychological assistance for a long time, have proven themselves well and already have a small circle of private clients. Psychologists often combine work in government agencies and private practice.

The advantages of being a psychologist

1. Help people

It's nice to know that you did something important. Psychologists save people from suicide, help solve family problems, and give advice in resolving conflicts. Every life saved, family saved, or person who doesn’t fall on a slippery slope is on the account of a psychologist. And when you know that you are bringing benefit to people, you understand that your life has not been lived in vain.

2. Help yourself

Many go to study to become a psychologist in order to understand themselves and understand their own problems. According to statistics, a quarter of psychologists themselves have psychological problems. Is it good or bad? Practicing psychologists often become people prone to depression, and in this case this is even good. Firstly, they can understand the patient like no one else, because they themselves have encountered his troubles. In addition, helping others is considered the best cure for depression. People who are aware of their importance and necessity are less likely to suffer from decadent states.

3. Experience human depth

We have penetrated the depths of the earth, dived into the ocean, soared into space, split the atom... But we still do not know ourselves thoroughly. Man is the most unexplored area of ​​science. But even the knowledge that we have is amazing. Having studied even the very basics, we understand how interesting and unforgettable it is to penetrate into the deep layers of human souls and understand them. And at the same time, the specialist will always have room for new discoveries.

Disadvantages of being a psychologist

1. Emotional burnout

During their practice, psychologists have to deal with the worst nightmares of the human psyche. They will always see someone else's grief, they will look into their eyes, looking for sympathy and solutions to problems.

If a psychologist works in a school, then he will deal with children who are beaten by their parents, teenage drug addicts and thieves, young hooligans - in general, the most problematic students. If he works in a psychological or physical rehabilitation center, he will see dozens of mutilated bodies and lives every day. The list can be continued for a long time, but the meaning is the same - the psychologist will have to see the most painful side of human nature. Will he be able to stand it? This needs to be recognized and decided in advance.

2. Vest for a friend

“Oh, you’re a psychologist! Please advise what to do, I have this situation here...” Every acquaintance and semi-acquaintance, hearing that you are studying to become a psychologist or working as one, will ask for help or advice. Many people have to politely refuse and advise them to sign up for a consultation. Naturally, not everyone likes this - only people who understand are able to agree that a psychologist at least sometimes wants to take a break from the burden of other people's problems. But there are many who will be offended and consider you an evil and callous person. There's nothing you can do about it.

3. No room for error

Being a psychologist is not just a job. This is a vital role. A psychologist, like a politician, a judge or a teacher, must have a sparkling, crystal-clear biography. He is obliged to take care of himself, because for people he is something like a worldly priest - they open their souls to him, let him into the most hidden corners of their lives. Can a family psychologist who has three divorces under his belt work in his specialty? Will a patient with alcohol addiction trust a psychologist? “Healer, heal yourself first,” they will tell him. And really, how can you help others if you can’t help yourself?

What personal qualities does a psychologist need?

To become a psychologist, you must first of all be an altruist, since in such a profession no money can compensate for the emotional difficulties that a specialist faces. Only love for people can become a saving beacon, helping to understand why this is all being done. You need to have a lot of responsibility, because for many patients a psychologist is the only hope. You need to be stress-resistant, because clients can be different, including hostile ones. You need to be tactful and delicate, because there are touchy patients. And, what is very important - sociable. Anyone who is able to communicate for a long time and not experience emotional fatigue can become good psychologist. If you get tired of communication, then think again - is this your thing?

The essence of the psychologist's profession is to disassemble, brick by brick, all the motives and factors that guide people's behavior. If we draw a parallel, then a psychologist is a mechanic of the human soul who understands how this whole complex and intricate device works and is able to fix it in case of problems.

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