It is very difficult to study at university, what to do. Eternal students: why do people quit studying at universities? How to bring back your love of learning

Name: Anastasia

I've never felt so bad before. My friends turned their backs on me, my parents don’t support me, they only make things worse. I am alone, in a strange city, I have no friends here, no one. I don’t like the specialty I chose; I’m generally silent about my stream and group.
I didn't intend to go to best university countries (Kyiv, KNU named after Shevchenko) they took me on the budget, but I didn’t really think about it, everyone only dreams about it, here in Ukraine. The faculty is also prestigious. But I just can't study here. I've been crying every day for three months now. I've never felt so bad. I'm alone, in a strange world that I simply hate.
I do not know what to do. My parents yell at me. Like, what a fool you are, study and that’s it. But I can’t go there! It's hell for me!
It’s so bad, and just half a year ago everything was so good, I’ll die in this hell.
What should I do?((
Transfer? Is it possible? I'm ready for anything! At least go to work on a Mac.

For several years now, they have been trying to discourage school graduates from going en masse to study to become lawyers and economists, systematically reducing the number of budget places for these specialties. The country, they say, needs doctors, teachers and engineers, not managers. This was confirmed by a new monitoring of graduate employment conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science: almost 40% of lawyers and about 20% of economists do not find work in the first year after graduation. This is not the case in any other specialty. And the “next generation” quickly reoriented.

School graduates took certificates and money to technical and pedagogical universities. And they, in turn, began to raise the bar. To enter one of the leading pedagogical universities in the country, you need to score at least 240 Unified State Examination points in three subjects (based on the results of 2015). Let us remind you that universities have the right to set their own minimum passing scores and list entrance examinations(indicated on the website). A total of 3-4 subjects (required Unified State Examination in the Russian language, a specialized subject and one or two at the choice of university or creative competition(in sports, music, design, etc.). Less is possible only for residents of Crimea for the places allocated for them by the university. “This year we have increased the passing minimum for the Unified State Exam in social studies - from 42 to 45 points,” says Olga Knyazeva, executive secretary of the admissions committee of Moscow State Pedagogical University.- As always, the most big competition at the Faculty foreign languages. The popularity of the profession of speech therapist, educator, and teacher has increased sharply primary school, a teacher-defectologist - there are vacancies for them in schools and kindergartens, and you can get a job as a tutor in rich family. The demand for physical education teachers has increased.”

In engineering universities, applicants are storming fashionable information and nanotechnologies. “Last year, the highest passing scores were in applied computer science and mathematics, electronics and nanoelectronics, up to 20 people applied for a place, I think the trend will continue,” shares Alevtina Chernikova, Rector of NUST MISIS. “This year the minimum passing score has increased from 200 to 210.” However, the real chances of entering a good Technical University those who scored an average of about 240 Unified State Examination points in three subjects. To study at the capital’s medical university, you need to have a minimum of 260 (in outdated language, “A” in all subjects) - this was last year the minimum score for those enrolled in the Second Medical University - RNIMU named after. Pirogov.

“Despite statements that there are too many lawyers and economists graduating, competition for these areas will still be high. Moreover, in the most prestigious specialties, almost all places can again, as in previous years, be taken by beneficiaries and winners of Olympiads. This is jurisprudence, foreign regional studies, international relationships, - warns Maxim Nazarov, Vice-Rector of RANEPA. “In addition, there is a great demand for complex programs with in-depth study of languages, mathematics, economics, etc.”

Universities lure smart people with large scholarships. “For guys who passed the Unified State Exam with high scores, we have planned additional scholarships - up to 30,000 rubles per month, because a high-quality applicant in the future increases the recognition of the university throughout the world,” says Vladimir Filippov, rector of RUDN University. At MISIS, freshmen with a Unified State Examination score of 230 or higher will receive 20 thousand monthly in addition to the regular academic scholarship.

Looking for Brains

Some universities act more cunningly - they obviously recruit more students than budget places, with the expectation that the less intelligent ones will drop out during their studies. The percentage of expulsions after the 1st year can reach 30%. Because Unified State Examination points and even victories in Olympiads are not at all an indicator of a school graduate’s ability to study at a university.

“Children have the wrong guidelines: the child studies in order to enter, and not to receive an education,” believes Alexander Shevkin, mathematics teacher. - A teacher at Moscow State University recently told me a story. One day, two first-year students literally came up to her with tears in their eyes and complained that they passed the Unified State Exam with 100 points, but did not understand the professor’s explanations. The school is determined to train students for the Unified State Exam. Children and their parents are afraid that they will not pass and will not enroll; teachers are afraid that due to low Unified State Exam scores their salaries will be reduced. And instead of teaching math properly and thinking independently, they teach you how to solve standard problems. As a result, the student does not understand the professor. And almost the entire 1st year is spent on completing and relearning what was done poorly at school.

It is no coincidence that leading universities conduct their own additional exams. They want to select guys based on their ability to learn in their profession. The Unified State Exam does not take you anywhere. That’s why children apply for several professions at once - both dentist and veterinarian, no matter where they get the job. It's horrible! What kind of dentist would he be if he agreed to be a veterinarian? And what kind of veterinarian will he be if all his life he has dreamed of being a dentist, but he has to pull the burden of being a veterinarian?

Our education reformers are taking the worst that the West has. They cannot fundamentally teach children the way teachers have always been able to Soviet school, and teach narrow skills, in fashionable terms - competencies. Now, with the help of the Unified State Exam, we have brought education to the point where children learn only what needs to be passed at state exams. We need to reorient education towards Russian interests, and not towards the interests of our “well-wishers” from overseas.”

My name is Anastasia, I'm 21 years old. I feel like a vegetable. I finished school at the age of 17.
It was easy for me to study, i.e. not to study, but to receive grades “for beautiful eyes.”
When I went to university, I simply couldn't study. The guys came with luggage
school knowledge, and I came empty. I studied for 2 months, then ran away from home, leaving for
another city to a guy I talked to on the Internet. Family - mother, stepfather, grandmother,
grandfather barely survived the blow that I dealt them with this act. I'm with the guy too
she acted horribly because she was simply using him. Then it seemed to me that he was mine
the only way out. There were moments when I loved him, I waited like a dog from work until night, we
wanted to get married. But then, apparently through my mother’s prayers, I returned home. I'm with a guy
broke up and left him. I took my documents from the university and started helping with the sisterhood.
mercy. In the summer I entered another university as a correspondence student. On first
session I was simply shocked - I liked it incredibly, good classmates,
I absolutely admire the teaching staff! But. I still didn’t know how to study. Session
It was easy, I passed everything, there were only tests. Then I got a job at an Orthodox church
cleaning lady I didn’t prepare for the exams, I didn’t study anything. Since then, every session I've had
with tails. By some miracle I was transferred to the second year. Now I have a lot of tails for the 2nd
course, they don’t transfer to the third, they should have expelled them long ago, but they keep them until the last minute. A
I what? I don't teach anything. People, this is something incredible!!! I do not know what to do. I
I just can’t bring myself to study! If a miracle happens and I still sit down
textbooks, I can’t stand it for more than an hour and a half. My head is starting to hurt, constantly
I want to eat and sleep. I was released from work for the session for a month, I was not allowed to attend classes,
so that I hand over the tails first. Actually, they kept me for the second year, but they allowed me anyway
pass the tails and transfer to the third year. I work 2/2 12-14 hours a day, constantly
on foot. Maybe I was just very tired and took the session psychologically as
long-awaited vacation? But not a fact. I am in terrible despondency, help, I beg you. What should I do?
At least just pray. No one to real life please contact me, so please advise
something for me... I can’t do it alone, I’m scared, I don’t know how this will all end... At the same time
I terribly regret that I study by correspondence. I feel like I'm missing out on a lot.

Anastasia, age: 21 / 01/29/2013


Anastasia, of course, training in correspondence department very different from full-time education,
because requires greater self-discipline and motivation to acquire knowledge. If you don't feel
inclination towards studying at university and cannot understand for yourself why you are studying at higher education
educational institution, then don’t study. Not everyone gets it higher education. The main thing is to be
a decent person, and the level of education is the tenth question.

Friend, age: no age / 01/31/2013

In my opinion, you simply lack a person who would be an authority for you and lead you, maybe
be forced to do what needs to be done. All people need an example, preferably living at the same time as
by us and by our side. This could be an older brother, friends, acquaintances and others. Without examples a person cannot
can set goals and know exactly what to do. If you are not satisfied with something in your
life, then ask for advice from someone you respect, and do as he says, and wipe away the nagging, they
don't suit your pretty eyes!

Jorge, age: 20 / 01/31/2013


1. Maybe you shouldn’t kill yourself so much over the university - I would recommend this problem to you for now
just put it off, especially since most likely this may not be the problem at all.

2. Think about what you want in life. - Why do you need higher education? JUST
TRY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR MOTIVES... And don’t rush to scold yourself here and think of something. Just
First, understand the motives that guide you, without evaluating them, just formulate them. Then
consult about your goals and motives with knowledgeable, wise and experienced people whom YOU can
trust. This may be a relative or a priest or any other adult, but he must
inspire confidence in you and be competent, have life experience. Formulate them and simply ask
question: I want about this and exactly what YOU think higher education can help me with
and is it bad that I can’t study???
Just listen to what he says and don’t rush to conclusions. You can consult with several
people (If there are no close people, then look for a good priest (wise and kind).

Perhaps this will help you organize your thoughts more clearly in your head (I think this is overdue for you),
What do you not like in this case: either your failures in studies, or simply disrespect for
yourself, or the aimlessness of life, or something else. This is where you need to decide over time.

3. I would also recommend that you think about the moral side of your life: I don’t know, of course.
Your real biography, but based on their letter... dumped the guy, blow to relatives, school grades
for beautiful eyes... All this, to put it mildly, needs to be changed, or rather not this, but those character traits
that allow you to do this. If YOU go to church or work there, then listen to
what the priests say. Read or watch Osipova A.I., Kuraeva - for me in due time
Osipov helped a lot. In the long term, you need to cultivate honesty, certainty in
life, sincerity, kindness, rationality and so on. This is a very serious point. Very.

4. Turn to God for help sincerely and constantly cultivate your best qualities.
Go to confession, study Orthodoxy more deeply. Not at the level of theory, but at the level of practice. Let
You won’t be able to do everything right away, but introduce something little by little into your life.
Our sincere aspirations and our heart are important to God.

5. I would also recommend that you realize that it is important to do something for now and something for later:
work both to solve immediate problems and to develop a strategy for your life. I'm not a psychologist, but I
it seems that NOW you just need to calm down, rethink your goals, maybe set them already
a little more adult, find some kind of outlet in the form of sports or fitness or another club,
talk to reasonable person. And in the future, you need to grow as individuals. Do your own thing
physical and spiritual health constantly: build good relationships with your loved ones
as much as possible, find your place in life, its taste, find something sacred in yourself, start a family,
cultivate in yourself qualities that are called virtues (kindness, honesty..) and so on.

And lastly: learn to think broader and bigger, to go beyond the situation where you see
The problem is to experience life through your experience and develop intelligently, holistically. And at 21 it's not too late
change yourself... one might even say that it's time :)))

Once again I repeat that I am not a psychologist and not much older than you. Everything I wrote here is based on
Only from my life experience and maybe something is wrong. And I wrote to you because I was in
situations of dead end and despondency, when you don’t want to live and you need to try very hard to get out of bed.

Sorry if it's long and confusing. I sincerely wanted to help!!!

“How did you leave? Why?!" - I hear this phrase every time I try to answer the question about why I am not at the university now. “You must have had something bad happen that made you have to leave, right?” Of course, no one just leaves the university, right? Or not?

Realizing that, apart from such a reaction, my leaving will not cause anything else, I try not to answer this question or avoid discussions, because everyone considers it their duty to tell me that I did the wrong thing. Over time, I realized that there is no point in feeling ashamed of my decision, especially if I think I did 100% the right thing.

Therefore, I want to tell you why the university in its current state is not what I, you and your children need.

We want to be like the others

Remember what happens in schools to children who wear glasses or try to do well in school. At best, they will not be accepted into the company of the “cool”; at worst, main goal this company will make their lives miserable. But, of course, what do they like to say there? “They are children, they don’t understand.” Well, yes, they don’t understand.

So, from childhood we want to be just like others. What does “everyone else” do after school? They are trying to get into university. Preferably on a budget. If this is successful, the maximum goal is achieved. If not, then your parents will have to spend thousands of dollars on your education or choose a simpler educational institution - a technical school or a fashionable college, which, in fact, is the same technical school.

The time begins that is spoken of as the best time in a person’s life, meaning by this, of course, not study. But rather that you will drink (a lot), communicate with the opposite sex and sometimes go to classes, trying to sit through at least half of it. After re-reading this paragraph, I realized that it doesn’t sound so bad.

And for most people this is enough. They forget about how much time is wasted, how much money is spent on studies that do not bring any benefit. For example, I did not study at the most expensive university in Ukraine, and during this time I spent $7,000 on study alone. I think this is my parents' biggest investment in me. Was she justified? Alas.

Studying at university is not the only way

How many courses could I take with this money? Courses from real professionals who have dedicated decades to their work, who love what they do and are ready to share useful knowledge. How many books could you buy? I’ll finish with trivial questions; you already know the answer.

Studying at university is no longer a guarantee professional success in future.

One reason for this is motivation. When we do what we like, we are guided by. That is, we like the process itself. Money, encouragement or praise fade into the background. After all, you see, it is much more pleasant to do something and enjoy not only the reward, but also the process itself.

Unfortunately, the university is going in a completely different direction. Studying involves boredom, monotony and lack of interest, all for the sake of an ephemeral number in a paper journal. And if these ephemeral numbers are good, then in five years you can get an ephemeral red plastic piece of paper. This is worth living for.

This is akin to when you drink cola for a long time and forget that you can quench your thirst with water. Or when you drive for a long time and forget that you can walk from work to a cafe. It's the same with the university.

We forget that the process of learning, and then working, can be pleasant.

I have a friend who also left university. Four years of study at the university made it possible for him to understand that he wanted something different. In his case, it's design. Just six months of intensive self-study, several unsuccessful attempts get a job, and he still works as a web designer. This is not yet the company of his dreams, but it is definitely one of the steps on the road to it. This example is very inspiring.

This does not mean that you should lock yourself in a room and not have contact with other people. Seminars, conferences, people with similar interests - you have a huge number of ways to communicate with interesting people, and most importantly - to study. When you study not for a reward in the future, but simply because you like it, the process itself is incredibly annoying.

I was finally able to articulate what I dislike most about university:

There is no passion in studying at university.

Moreover, if you come there with your passion, it will probably be taken away from you. Universities in their current state kill the desire to learn. This even applies to medicine, which defenders of standard education love to cite as an example. In my city, the medical university has long earned the reputation of being the most bribery educational institution. Remember this when you come to see a young specialist.

Wouldn't it be more logical to choose interesting subjects yourself? But no, a financier needs to learn philosophy, a physician needs to learn the history of economic thought, and an architect needs to learn chemistry. Expanding your horizons - is that what they call it? I don’t want to expand my horizons with useless knowledge multiplied by the subjectivity of the teacher.

By learning on your own, you can choose your own path.

Do you want to learn English language? You can create a program that will include watching movies in the original with subtitles, reading English books, learning new words from articles on the Internet and using Duolingo. This is much better than sitting every day with Golitsinsky’s textbook, which over time begins to cause nausea.

With the advent of services such as, it becomes clear that something needs to be changed in the current education system. Self-education makes it possible to feel that your knowledge is useful and will be useful in real life. You won't always move forward, sometimes you'll have to change something radically, but it's still a thousand times better.

Getting a university degree is no longer safe and far from the most interesting life path. Don't try to be like others, be special and forget that university is the only way. There are others too.

“How did you leave? Why?!" - I hear this phrase every time I try to answer the question about why I am not at the university now. “You must have had something bad happen that made you have to leave, right?” Of course, no one just leaves the university, right? Or not?

Realizing that, apart from such a reaction, my leaving will not cause anything else, I try not to answer this question or avoid discussions, because everyone considers it their duty to tell me that I did the wrong thing. Over time, I realized that there is no point in feeling ashamed of my decision, especially if I think I did 100% the right thing.

Therefore, I want to tell you why the university in its current state is not what I, you and your children need.

We want to be like the others

Remember what happens in schools to children who wear glasses or try to do well in school. At best, they will not be accepted into the company of “cool” people; at worst, the main goal of this company will be to make their life unbearable. But, of course, what do they like to say there? “They are children, they don’t understand.” Well, yes, they don’t understand.

So, from childhood we want to be just like others. What does “everyone else” do after school? They are trying to get into university. Preferably on a budget. If this is successful, the maximum goal is achieved. If not, then your parents will have to spend thousands of dollars on your education or choose a simpler educational institution - a technical school or a fashionable college, which, in fact, is the same technical school.

The time begins that is spoken of as the best time in a person’s life, meaning by this, of course, not study. But rather that you will drink (a lot), communicate with the opposite sex and sometimes go to classes, trying to sit through at least half of it. After re-reading this paragraph, I realized that it doesn’t sound so bad.

And for most people this is enough. They forget about how much time is wasted, how much money is spent on studies that do not bring any benefit. For example, I did not study at the most expensive university in Ukraine, and during this time I spent $7,000 on study alone. I think this is my parents' biggest investment in me. Was she justified? Alas.

Studying at university is not the only way

How many courses could I take with this money? Courses from real professionals who have dedicated decades to their work, who love what they do and are ready to share useful knowledge. How many books could you buy? I’ll finish with trivial questions; you already know the answer.

Studying at university no longer guarantees future professional success.

One reason for this is motivation. When we do what we like, we are guided by. That is, we like the process itself. Money, encouragement or praise fade into the background. After all, you see, it is much more pleasant to do something and enjoy not only the reward, but also the process itself.

Unfortunately, the university is going in a completely different direction. Studying involves boredom, monotony and lack of interest, all for the sake of an ephemeral number in a paper journal. And if these ephemeral numbers are good, then in five years you can get an ephemeral red plastic piece of paper. This is worth living for.

This is akin to when you drink cola for a long time and forget that you can quench your thirst with water. Or when you drive for a long time and forget that you can walk from work to a cafe. It's the same with the university.

We forget that the process of learning, and then working, can be pleasant.

I have a friend who also left university. Four years of study at the university made it possible for him to understand that he wanted something different. In his case, it's design. Just six months of intensive self-study, several unsuccessful attempts to get a job, and he still works as a web designer. This is not yet the company of his dreams, but it is definitely one of the steps on the road to it. This example is very inspiring.

This does not mean that you should lock yourself in a room and not have contact with other people. Seminars, conferences, people with similar interests - you have a huge number of ways to communicate with interesting people, and most importantly, learn. When you study not for a reward in the future, but simply because you like it, the process itself is incredibly annoying.

I was finally able to articulate what I dislike most about university:

There is no passion in studying at university.

Moreover, if you come there with your passion, it will probably be taken away from you. Universities in their current state kill the desire to learn. This even applies to medicine, which defenders of standard education love to cite as an example. In my city, the medical university has long earned the reputation of the most bribery educational institution. Remember this when you come to see a young specialist.

Wouldn't it be more logical to choose interesting subjects yourself? But no, a financier needs to learn philosophy, a physician needs to learn the history of economic thought, and an architect needs to learn chemistry. Expanding your horizons - is that what they call it? I don’t want to expand my horizons with useless knowledge multiplied by the subjectivity of the teacher.

By learning on your own, you can choose your own path.

Do you want to learn English? You can create a program that will include watching movies in the original with subtitles, reading English books, learning new words from articles on the Internet and using Duolingo. This is much better than sitting every day with Golitsinsky’s textbook, which over time begins to cause nausea.

With the advent of services such as, it becomes clear that something needs to be changed in the current education system. Self-education makes it possible to feel that your knowledge is useful and will be useful in real life. You won't always move forward, sometimes you'll have to change something radically, but it's still a thousand times better.

Getting a university degree is no longer a safe and far from the most interesting path in life. Don't try to be like others, be special and forget that university is the only way. There are others too.
