How to prepare your child for school at home? Practical advice for all parents. Preparing for school at home Preparing your child for school at home

Svetlana Vladimirovna Rogovskaya
Preparing for school at home

The most pressing topic that worries parents of five-year-old children is preparing a child for school.

Preparing a child for schoolmust be carried out from all sides: V kindergarten, at special courses and compulsorily Houses. In kindergarten and school The classes are conducted by specialists, and they will do their job, but only when working together with parents.

I'm like a teacher primary classes I’ll focus on the issue that worries you the most: how in prepare your child for school at home? What should you do for this?

Communicate more with your child, answer his questions, pay attention to him, read together.

Do your classes Housesexciting and fun pastime: turn learning into a game, an ordinary walk into an exciting adventure. Remember that the game creates the most favorable conditions for the development of your child and communication with him.

Walking down the street with your child, count the puddles, cones, Houses, flowers, trees, birds, ask him to name house numbers, read the names of streets and shops, tell where the puddle came from, why there are a lot of cones here, what children play on the playground, what benches in the park are for, etc. While walking, using pebbles, sticks, chestnuts, acorns, lay out numbers, letters, write them with chalk on the asphalt, because it is much easier to remember information visually. Offer your child simple tasks from the life around him. For example: three sparrows and four titmice are sitting on a tree. How many birds are there in total on the tree?

At home In classes with children, count fruits, vegetables, candies, favorite toys, and fairy tale characters. Lay out toys in front of the child, for example, Kinder surprises, ask him to remember, and then, when he turns away, remove one or swap them. The child must find what has changed.

Play with preschooler in words: let him name surrounding objects that begin with a certain sound, or come up with words in which a given letter should appear, find differences in words, which one is longer, which one is shorter, what letters they differ from.

While reading or watching a cartoon together, discuss with your child what he has learned. Be interested in his opinion, ask leading questions. Just don't limit yourself to one-word answers. "Yes", "No" or "Don't know". Ask your child to explain why he thinks this way. At the same time, help him build an explanation logically and bring the thought to the end.

Discuss with children what applies to items of clothing, furniture, dishes, fruits and vegetables, and the like.

At preparing a child for school it’s more important not to teach him to write, but to create conditions for the development of small arm muscles. What ways will help train a child's hand?

1. Modeling from clay and plasticine.

2. Drawing and coloring pictures.

3. Making paper crafts, natural material: cones, acorns, straw.

4. Fastening and unfastening buttons, snaps, hooks.

5. Tying and untying ribbons, laces, knots on a rope.

6. Screwing and unscrewing jar lids.

7. Weaving braids from threads, wreaths from flowers.

8. Sorting out cereals, such as peas, buckwheat and rice.

9. “Display” of the poem. When a child recites a poem, let him show with his hands everything that is said in it.

10. Ball games, with cubes, mosaics, putting together puzzles.

Classes should last no more than 30 minutes, otherwise the baby will lose patience and interest. It is better to alternate activities and combine them with coloring, crafts, etc.

On the threshold schools Perhaps the most important thing is to teach the child independence, develop a certain regime: get up, eat, walk, study, go to bed at the same time - this will help the baby more easily adapt to school.

Already now, dear parents, learn to let go of your child. The fear for your baby may not go away completely, but your task is to teach him to cope without you in the most basic situations.

Be sure to consider the following:

Don’t get angry if your child doesn’t understand something and does something wrong, encourage him to ask questions and solve problems that arise, help him, but at the same time, don’t rush to do something for him.

Development must be harmonious. And remember big role Praise plays a role for a child.

In psychology, there is a point of view according to which you need to praise a child even "in advance", then he will try to match this image. If you tell a child "You're good", "You are clever", "You are capable", "You will succeed", "I believe in you", he develops self-confidence and adequate self-esteem. It's the wrong thing to say to a child "You are the best", because this implies comparing it with others, which is inappropriate to do. If a person develops the habit of comparing himself to others from childhood, he may grow up to be insecure or envious. Strong personalities do not compare themselves with others; they are aware of their uniqueness and originality.

S. V. Rogovskaya, teacher of secondary school No. 2, Mogilev

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As Knowledge Day approaches, parents often wonder: how to prepare their child for school so that their beloved child can easily and quickly adapt to school life, handled the course load without difficulty and kept up with peers? It is necessary to prepare a child for school in advance, that is, not a month, a week or a few days before the start of the educational process. If parents, in their enthusiasm and haste, came to their senses only in August, you should not expect distinctive results from the baby. Competent advice and recommendations practical psychologists will be relevant for parents of future first-graders and will help prepare their child for the new school year.

So, how to prepare your child for school at home?

August preparation. August is quite late. What can a baby learn in a month? During this period, he will only have time to realize the importance of the process itself, necessary for acquiring further life experience. If parents have not had conversations with their child regarding school, stress and long-term adaptation to new living conditions cannot be avoided. It is also unlikely that it will be possible to instill reading skills or teach a child to count. This is not a one-day process that requires willpower, awareness and determination.

Summer period.

If the child went to kindergarten or attended a center early development, you listened to the recommendations of the teachers and diligently followed them, in this case, it is quite possible to prepare your child for school via Skype in three months. To achieve positive results, it is necessary to correctly distribute the load, work with the child daily, create a daily routine, and allocate time for learning, relaxation, active, developmental and outdoor games. Start conversations about school so that when he enters first grade he has an idea of ​​the education system. Motivate him for success, tell him what awaits him soon.

Throughout the year. Within a year, a child can be quite successfully trained and set up for further productive studies. In addition, during this period, both parents at home and teachers in the kindergarten can prepare the baby for school.

Preparation for school from 4 years old. Both pediatricians and child psychologists recommend preparing your child for school from an early age. By this age, the child has already developed self-awareness, his vocabulary is intensively replenished, the grammatical structure of speech is built, and detailed generalizations appear - stories, monologues. Preschool age– the most favorable period for the development of memory and thinking. By the age of four, emotional life becomes constant and balanced. Unlike early childhood, the life of a preschooler is very diverse. The child is included in the systems of the social environment, he has new types of activities, and with them new motives - competition, rivalry, achieving success, motives associated with the assimilation and consolidation of moral norms. Preschoolers have a clear understanding of successes and failures. By this time, the preschooler had managed to form as a personality. IN game form he can already read, draw, write. The age of why begins, the baby shows interest in everything and strives to understand the outside world. There is no need to suppress this initiative; let the child absorb all the useful and significant information. It is very important not to miss this moment and use it to instill value orientations and socially significant skills.

When asking specialists when it is best to prepare a child for school, psychologists will definitely say that educational activities should begin at the age of 4. In this case, going to first grade will not cause unnecessary trouble and will not negatively affect the child’s self-esteem. Of course, the above applies to children who do not have significant deviations or delays in mental development.

Where to start preparing for school?


  • The faster the child becomes familiar with letters, learns to read syllables and recognize sounds, the more successful the process will be.
  • From an early age, read fairy tales and stories to your child
  • Discuss the text you read, ask questions, let your child learn to retell it
  • Make it a rule to learn one letter every day. There are many visual aids, alphabet on magnets, in pictures, books that will make learning fun and productive.
  • Let the child pronounce the learned letter out loud and find it in the text.
  • Association games will help you memorize quickly. Let the baby build an associative series, draw analogies with what he associates this or that letter.


Spelling is closely related to reading. Here you can consolidate your knowledge and perform exercises with the letters that you have already learned.

  • Let your baby learn to write in block letters
  • Use skew-ruled notebooks to teach writing.
  • Give your child an example, write letters on the starting line so that he can do the exercise on his own using your example. If your child doesn’t succeed, don’t blame or scold him for the mistake, point out the shortcomings in a friendly manner and do the exercise again. When writing letters, pay your child's attention to accuracy and attentiveness.

Mathematics classes

For admission to the primary level, mathematics lessons via Skype are extremely necessary.

  • To teach your child to count, it is advisable to purchase visual aids. didactic materials. These could be pyramids with number series and abacus, wooden toys depicting animals and numbers, counting sticks.
  • Count toys, candies, fruits, fingers and toes.
  • Each new lesson, learn a couple of numbers. It is very important that the child remembers them and learns to write.
  • Geometric shapes and the concept of shape and size can be taught using wooden frames or cookie shapes.

You shouldn’t limit your child’s creativity; modeling, drawing, and designing are great for developing fine motor skills, preparing the hand for writing and promoting the development of higher cognitive processes.

Parents of future first-graders are also concerned about the child’s psychological health. How to psychologically prepare him for going to first grade so that he does not feel internal constraint and feels confident? So that the child does not get stuck in corners, interacts with other students, joins in educational process and contacts with teachers, it is important that he is able to: communicate, understand the meaning of learning at school, verbally defend his position, plan activities and set goals, understand the consequences of his behavior, have clear ideas about discipline and the internal regulations of the school. In addition, it is important that the first grader has a favorable psychological attitude and objective self-esteem.

Note to parents!!! Preparing for school should not be limited to reading, writing and arithmetic. Before going to first grade, there should be a parental dialogue with the child, talk with him about how to behave with adults and peers, develop in him a sense of responsibility, independence, and talk about discipline. If you notice signs of negativism, concealment, or groundless aggression in your child’s behavior, immediately consult a child psychologist so as not to trigger the problem and provoke greater alienation.

Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich - teaching Russian language and literature remotely (via Skype)

Education: higher, Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov, Faculty of Philology, teacher of Russian language and literature (1975 - 1980).

Teaching experience:

  • teacher of Russian language and literature in Moscow schools and universities under Labor Code and agreement (1980 - 1993);
  • teacher of Russian language and literature at the Faculty of Pre-University Training
  • (Moscow regional Pedagogical University), (1980 - 2001);


Computer science lessons with tutors via Skype have many advantages:

  • Thanks to the Skype program, the educational process acquires excellent visualization, giving you the opportunity to clearly see and hear your interlocutor during the lesson;
  • A computer science tutor for children using Skype creates an exceptionally friendly learning atmosphere. In order to achieve maximum effect, the teacher addresses only one student;
  • Individual approach to all your listeners. Remote tutors in computer science via Skype develop an individual teaching scheme for each student, using various proprietary developments;
  • A computer science tutor working online lays the foundation of knowledge and skills in the child, passing on experience and developing perseverance, hard work, and desire for goals;
  • The cost of computer science lessons via Skype is 2–3 times cheaper than their face-to-face counterparts, especially when it comes to tutoring services in large cities;

    I teach:

    English for kids, children, teenagers and adults;

    Mathematics from 1st to 7th grades.

The basis for successful schooling is good and timely preschool preparation. It is better to start this process at 3.5-4 years old, because today’s requirements for first-graders are quite high. And if the child is already 6 years old and no one has worked with him before, it will be more difficult to prepare him. There is a list of skills required for a future student, but they are not easy to master in a short period of time. And then it becomes topical issue How to prepare a child for school at home at 6 or 7 years old?

To answer this question, let’s first consider what specific requirements exist for today’s first-grader. A child entering first grade must:

  • be able to introduce himself, tell something about himself, what he is interested in, name the names of his family members;
  • be able to write block letters, distinguish vowels and consonants well, be able to read light text;
  • learn the days of the week, names of months, seasons, say what time of year it is;
  • distinguish between morning, lunch and evening;
  • learn simple mathematical operations: addition and subtraction;
  • understand simple geometric shapes, such as a square, circle, triangle, and be able to draw them;
  • be able to retell short texts;
  • be able to exclude unnecessary items from a number of items and explain your choice;
  • be able to take care of oneself: dress, undress, tie shoelaces, maintain order in the workplace;
  • be able to behave in society, respect elders:
  • learn colors and preferably their shades;
  • describe the picture;
  • be able to count to twenty and from twenty to one;
  • learn the parts of the human body and be able to draw it correctly;
  • be able to answer questions, “When?”, “Why?”, “Where?”;
  • distinguish between animate and inanimate objects;
  • be able to defend your point of view without getting into a fight with those who disagree;
  • be able to speak politely with peers and adults;
  • be able to sit quietly in class, without whims and games with other students;

As you can see, the list is quite extensive and you can acquire these skills in short term very difficult. After all, when preparing for school you need to follow some rules:

How to prepare a child for school at home at 5, 6, 7 years old

It is clear that in order to prepare for school it is not enough to simply learn numbers and letters. It is important to comprehensively develop a child so that he can communicate with peers at the right level, but how to properly prepare a child for school at home at 5, 6, 7 years old and not discourage him from learning?

Knowing something interesting will make it much easier to establish yourself well among your classmates. And vice versa: being poorly prepared in this regard, a child can become an outsider in the team. Of course for children, from preschool institutions It is easier to get used to school than for those who have this preparation at home. But if you still decide to prepare your child for school at home, we bring to your attention our recommendations for these classes.

Reading activities

  • these activities are paramount relative to all others, because having mastered reading, it will be easier for the child to study other subjects (you can read more about how to easily and quickly teach a child to read);
  • letters should be taught in alphabetical order. For clarity, you can sculpt them from plasticine and guess what the letter looks like. For example, “w” - for a beetle, “o” - for glasses, and so on. You can also interest your child by showing letters with your hands or with your whole body. For ideas on how to easily and playfully learn all the letters with your child, see
  • read a simple text to the future student and ask him to find the letter he just learned in it;
  • invite your child to answer questions about the text, tell what it says, and retell it;

Math classes

  • It’s good to start these activities by counting simple, familiar objects, such as toys, candy, fruit. Later, you can gradually switch to counting sticks or special cards. Learn to count with whole numbers;
  • Learn numbers effectively in pairs. For example, 1 and 2, 5 and 6. This will make it easier for the child to understand that if you add one to five apples, you get six apples. In one lesson you need to study one number pair, and at the beginning of the next, repeat what you have learned and only then take on new numbers.
  • to interest your child in geometry, you can study geometric shapes using cookies as an example. Today in stores you will find square, round, and triangular cookies.
  • when simple figures have been studied, you can start drawing them using a ruler;
  • It is useful to alternate all of the listed activities.

Writing classes

  • the baby’s hand should be prepared for writing, because it is not yet ready for this type of activity;
  • Classes for the development of fine motor skills have a very good effect in this regard. At two or three years old, you can use cereals, pasta, and beads for this; learn to tie your shoelaces;
  • teach your child to use children's safety scissors with rounded ends - this also prepares the hand well for writing;
  • first you need to learn how to write block letters, and only having received the first results in this direction, you should start writing capital letters;
  • teach your child to write neatly without going beyond the lines;
  • use a handle that is comfortable for your baby;
  • Finger exercises provide great assistance in preparing for writing. It will be effective if you do it together with your child, saying “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired. We’ll rest a little and start writing again.”
  • The notebook in which you are going to write must meet modern school requirements. Stores offer a wide selection of all kinds of writing aids;

Creative activities

  • teach your child to use a brush, pencils, felt-tip pens, etc.;
  • It’s good if the baby learns to shade shapes without going beyond their boundaries. Use this with large details in drawings;
  • effectively combine creative activities with the study of geometric shapes. For example, you made an applique of a watermelon and immediately noticed that it resembles a circle;
  • and vice versa: you can draw, cut and sculpt letters and numbers. This way the child will better understand what is being studied;

Psychological readiness for school

Psychologists say that a child’s adaptation to school will be smoother if the first-grader has developed certain skills. Here is their list:

  • desire to study, interest in knowledge;
  • the ability to analyze and draw conclusions, compare objects and concepts;
  • understanding the goals of learning at school, awareness of one’s self, communication skills;
  • concentration on what is being studied at the moment;
  • overcoming difficulties, the ability to finish what you start.

To prepare a child for school psychologically, parents should:

  • communicate with the future student, read together and discuss what they read;
  • when discussing a fairy tale or story read, incline the child to think about what is described in the text, teach him to draw conclusions and express own opinion about what you read;
  • Show your child what school is like in a playful way, praise the child during the game, and give careful advice. It’s good if you change the roles of “student” and “teacher”;
  • do not finish tasks instead of your child, teach him to do it independently or with a little help from you;
  • Do not limit the independence of your child. Excessive care can only harm him. If you do not allow your child to learn in due time to independently perform such simple actions as tying shoelaces, fastening buttons, dressing and undressing, neatly putting his clothes in place, etc., he may become the subject of ridicule in the children's group. And vice versa: healthy independence will help the child to assert himself in a new society and gain the necessary authority.
  • Teach your child to communicate with peers: arrange games with other children in the yard or at home, take part in these games yourself, and along the way, gently tell your child how best to communicate with peers and not quarrel.
  • Try never to laugh at your baby alone, and especially in the presence of other children. This can create in a child low self-esteem, from which self-doubt develops;
  • Use positive motivation to encourage your child to learn. Tell him how many new, useful and interesting things he can learn in lessons at school;
  • Teach your child to be disciplined, explain to him why silence is needed in the classroom during the lesson.
  • Teach your child to ask questions to the teacher if something said is not clear. Let him be afraid of not knowing something rather than clarify it with the teacher. Explain to your child that he must take care of his knowledge himself.
  • Help your child learn self-respect and understand that excessive aggression or, on the contrary, timidity can harm him. After all, you need to be able to defend your point of view calmly, without shouting or fighting. Try to play out typical situations that arise between children at school. During the game, you will be able to see how ready your child is for such situations, you will be able to give him advice, teach him how to behave correctly. You can also offer your child your own way out of the current situation, but only after you listen to the child’s opinion on this matter. Of course, you need to encourage the child to do well in any case.

Health issues and school

A special place in preparation for school is occupied by the health of the future student.

It is very important during this preparation and during the training itself to be able to teach the future student something and not harm his health.

At the age of 6-7 years, a child undergoes such important changes as the change of teeth and intensive growth of the whole organism. This is the age when the need for movement in children is very great. And if the opportunity arises to sit at a desk at the age of 7, then from a health point of view, this is much better for the child. If you have to send your child to school at the age of 6, then special attention should be paid to the quality of physical training that your future educational institution offers you. It is very good if the school has an equipped gym and swimming pool. After all, in addition to gaining new knowledge, the child needs frequent physical education lessons so that the blood vessels and heart work actively, so that there is an appropriate load on the joints, etc. Voluntary physical activity during breaks is also beneficial for the health of students, and it is very good if the classroom is ventilated during the absence of students.

On the part of parents, one of the components of healthy preparation for school is proper summer rest before studying. As you know, a child needs rest:

  • from communicating with big amount people and, accordingly, from contact with sources of various infections;
  • from a huge amount of household chemicals and exhaust gases;
  • from catering.

Dr. Komarovsky describes the ideal vacation for a child this way: “a dacha in a village where there are a minimum of people, where a mother or grandmother has prepared something from the garden and where there are certainly no household chemicals.” That is, an ideal vacation for a child from a doctor’s point of view is “an inflatable pool with well water, a dump truck dumped sand nearby, a dirty, hungry child climbs out of the water into the sand and shouts “Mom, let me eat!” If a child spends the summer like this, then his heart, blood vessels, and mucous membranes will work perfectly and he will be ready to meet new friends and, accordingly, new infections.

Developing your child’s natural curiosity, learn the world, people and communication with them. Considering the advice of psychologists, teachers and doctors on how to prepare a child for school at home at age 6, do not forget to show personal interest in the process, which will further inspire the future student. If a first-grader is prepared for school, if he masters the basic skills for learning, his horizons are broadened, and he knows how to communicate with peers, then it will be much easier for him to study at school than otherwise, if he is not suitably prepared.

How to prepare your child for school: video

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Just a few decades ago, children went to school with the minimum knowledge base that was taught in kindergarten. In first grade, children gradually began to become familiar with letters and numbers. The modern school curriculum is quite complex; today's children must come to school with a certain amount of knowledge. A first grader can usually read, write a little in block letters, and add and subtract numbers up to 10. How is that possible? Why study load is it increasing every year? Most likely, this is the spirit of the times. Even 50 years ago, people studied at institutes and technical schools, received an education and worked in their profession all their lives. The current market places modern specialists in more stringent conditions. Today, in order to stay afloat, you need to constantly learn, improve, and develop. Therefore, the curriculum at school becomes more complex, and increased demands arise even for first-graders.

Preparing for school is a multifaceted process that includes skills in various subjects– reading, counting, writing. The child must be able to study various types creativity is drawing with paints and pencils, modeling, appliqué. A child should know colors, shapes, seasons and many, many other interesting things. And the future first-grader must also be socially adapted - this means that the child must be able to communicate with peers and adults and not be afraid of them. In this article we will talk about the multifaceted preparation of a preschooler for first grade, which will allow you to fill the gaps in the child’s learning and emotional state.

What a future first-grader should know

Some parents make a big mistake when they think about preparing for school only in the summer, three months before the start of school. As a rule, this is accompanied by serious workload; in fact, the child does not rest before the school year. It is dangerous for the immune system and nervous system baby. For learning to be comfortable and effective, it should begin long before the start of the school process. Gradually, from the age of three, you can teach your child to count fingers on his hands, tell him about surrounding nature, learn colors, etc. And from the age of five, preparation should be more serious. Children who go to kindergarten and special development centers are much more prepared in this regard. After all, a mother, even if she devotes a lot of time to her child and regularly works with him, cannot cover such an extensive program. Here are some skills and knowledge that a future first grader should have.

These are the basics of mathematics and counting, which first of all consist of an excellent knowledge of numbers. The child must understand the principle of counting to 100. He must be able to count not only from one, but from a given number, for example, he was told 4, and the baby continued - 5,6, 7, etc. Within 10, the child should be able to name adjacent numbers. That is, given the number 7, the child must determine that there is a 6 before it, and an 8 after the seven. The child must be familiar with concepts such as greater than, less than and equal to, he must be able to compare numbers within 10. The future first grader must not just memorize numbers, but also understand their meaning; he must be able to count apples, candies, and other objects. Some schools have requirements that the child must be able to add and subtract within 10, the child must know what plus and minus are. Sometimes not only simple but also reverse counting is required. It is imperative that a 6-7 year old child know the names of the basic geometric shapes - circle, square, oval, triangle, etc. This is the basic mathematical knowledge that a child should have before going to school.

Many children know how to write for school, but only in print, not in capital letters. The child must know all the letters and must be able to write simple words(it is allowed if he confuses E and Z, writes some letters in mirror image). The baby must distinguish vowel sounds from consonants, he must know the difference between a letter and a sound. A future first-grader must be able to divide a word into syllables; he must determine the location of the specified letter in a word - at the beginning, in the middle or at the end. If you think of letters, the child must name several words starting with this letter. The child should be able to hold a pen correctly and trace pictures along the outline without lifting the pencil from the paper. Usually by this age children are able to draw straight and wavy lines and trace various dotted curls in copybooks. A preschooler, as a rule, decorates pictures quite carefully with paints and pencils.


Nowadays, it is very rare for children to come to school who cannot yet read. As a rule, a first grader already knows all the letters and can read syllables. It can be said that reading is a basic skill than earlier child learns to read, the easier it will be for him to learn other subjects. If you have not yet taught your child to read, you should start with vowels. Don’t rush to learn all the letters, introduce your child to the basic ones - A, U, O, M, etc. Then it will be possible to form words from them so that learning is not so boring. Some teachers recommend learning sounds rather than letters. In addition, they are now trying to teach children to read in syllables at once. Otherwise, the child is often simply confused when the letter BE turns into the sound B. After such experiments, the child reads simple words like BE-A-BE-A, and not just Baba.

A child at this age can color pictures well without going beyond their contours. The child must be able to carefully use markers, paints, and pencils. He must be able to shade the designated areas on paper. A child of this age is quite good at sculpting various animals, fruits, vegetables, geometric figures. The baby already has some abstract thinking– he can visually form an ikebana, an applique from dry leaves, make a craft from improvised materials, etc.

The world
By the age of 7, a child should know the days of the week, seasons and months, country of residence and the capital of his homeland. It is very important that the baby can name his full name, parents' name, phone number and address. The child must know the names of the main animals, birds, and fish. He must know how a tree differs from a bush, must distinguish between fruits, berries and vegetables. The baby should know different natural phenomena- thunder, rain, hail, hurricane. It is important to introduce your child to concepts such as morning, afternoon and evening.

This is the basic knowledge with which a child should come to first grade. Nobody says that a child will not be accepted into school if he does not know all this. But it will be much more difficult for a child to master the material if he cannot understand the simplest basic concepts.

How to learn to be independent at school

When sending their child to school, parents must understand that from now on the child will be left to his own devices in terms of hygiene. A primary school teacher, of course, helps children in many ways, but this is still not a teacher or a nanny in a kindergarten. By the age of seven, a child should be able to dress and undress completely independently - tie shoelaces, use zippers and rivets, fasten buttons, open and close an umbrella, change clothes for physical education, fold things, clean up after themselves, and keep their workspace in order. This is as important as being able to read and write.

In addition, the child should be educated and the rules of behavior in society explained to him. He must understand that it is forbidden to run, shout and play around in class. You cannot fight, offend the weak, bully, snap, use foul language, etc. You need to say hello, give way to adults, take care of school furniture, you need to help girls carry heavy loads. All these basic rules a child should know even before entering school, these are the basic standards of etiquette. Raising a child comes from the family, remember this.

In addition to hygiene standards and writing and reading skills, it is very important to prepare the child psychologically for school. Here are some tips and recommendations that may be useful to mothers of future first-graders.

Teach your child to finish what he has started in any situation, be it building a sand castle or starting a book. This will allow him to achieve greater success in school.

If your child does not go to kindergarten or development centers, set up a game of “School” at home, equipping a desk and all the necessary accessories. Change roles with your child so that he can also be a teacher. Give your child appropriate comments without offending or criticizing him. Toys such as dolls and bears can also go to school.

Do not lose your trusting relationship with your child - talk to him more often in a calm atmosphere, talk about your affairs and plans. This is really important; if some unusual situation arises at school, your child will definitely share it with you.

Tell him about something specific more often, keep the child’s attention on a certain subject for 15-20 minutes.

If a child does not succeed in something, as a rule, he gets upset and abandons it. Your task is to teach your child to overcome difficulties. Help your child color the picture, find the right piece of a puzzle or construction set, and correct mistakes. It is important to help the child, but not to complete the task for him.

Instill in your child a sense of responsibility; for this, the baby needs to be given wider freedom of action. If training or hobby groups are located near your home, trust your child to attend additional classes on his own. Of course, you need to call the coach and make sure that the child has arrived, but this is already minor issue. The main thing is for the child to understand that the degree of his responsibility is increasing, and he simply cannot make a mistake.

If a child is rarely in a children's group, this needs to be corrected. Take your child to kindergarten, development centers, visit peers, learn to communicate on the playground. If a child does not get along with children, try to find out the reason for this circumstance. Teach your child to be fair and honest. The child must know the basic “rules of the game” in children’s society. You can exchange toys with a friend only by mutual consent. Whoever is the owner of the toy or book gives permission to play with it. After a quarrel, you need to ask for forgiveness from those you offended. You cannot beat girls and those younger than you. At the same time, you need to teach your child to be able to stand up for himself if he is offended. That is, you shouldn’t be the first to get into a fight, but giving back is not forbidden, especially if you have a son.

Tell your child about school more often, imagine the future period as something very important and necessary. Tell him that the baby has become very big, only kids remain in kindergarten, and it’s time for him to go to school. Talk about it in a rosy and positive way, the child will tune in to the learning process with interest and curiosity.

It is necessary to explain to the child that there should be silence in the classroom during the lesson - only under this condition will the teacher be able to explain, tell and show something. Tell your child what he should do if he wants to ask the teacher something. It should also be clarified that it is advisable to reach out after an important part of the lesson, when the teacher has already explained the new material.

Choose in advance the school and teacher you will study with. Many schools provide zero-grade classes that must be attended on Saturdays. This gives the child an excellent opportunity to meet the teacher, future classmates, the child gets used to the school environment, bells, etc.

These are the basic rules for the psychological preparation of a child, which every parent should know about.

Practical training

Except psychological aspect, you should think about the practical side of the issue. Before going to school, you must have all your vaccinations at least a month in advance to prevent any unexpected reactions. If a child gets up late, he needs to be gradually prepared for early rises; to do this, get up earlier and earlier a couple of weeks before the start of school. Gradually shifting your waking hours will relieve you of sudden stress, which can affect your baby's condition.

In addition, you need to prepare your child for school financially. A first-grader's clothes should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable, they should not wrinkle too much; they should purchase wardrobe items made from natural fabrics that allow air to pass through. Shoes must also be comfortable, the backpack must meet ergonomic, aesthetic and medical requirements. Teach your child that you need to take only the necessary supplies to school, and do not carry everything that is on the desk. A heavy backpack is much more difficult to carry and can lead to excessive fatigue and problems with the spine.

Even before the start of school, pay attention to the desk where your child will study. Make sure that the child sits straight in the chair, does not hunch over, and does not lean too low over the notebook. The future first-grader needs to place a small stand under his feet. Pay attention to the placement of your feet. The knees should be bent at right angles, as well as the shin in relation to the foot. Pay attention to the lighting, the light should fall on the table from the left side, ideally it should be daylight. If you do not pay attention to all these little things, then over time this can lead to deterioration of the child’s vision. According to statistics, every tenth child needs glasses after starting school. Therefore, parents should make every effort to preserve their child’s vision.

Some first graders are very nervous when they go to school for the first time. This can be manifested by body reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting, hiccups, nervous tics, and cold extremities. You need to explain to your child that school is very interesting and great, there you can learn a lot of new things, make friends for life, get necessary knowledge. The more you talk with your child, the calmer he will be. And then everything will go according to plan. Don’t worry too much, you’re not the first, and you’re not the last!

Video: preparing a child for school

Parents have differing opinions on how to properly prepare a future schoolchild for studying at home. Some are sure that the last summer before classes should be spent exclusively in relaxation, others load their child as much as possible so that in the future he will not lag behind his classmates. Only later does it turn out that some children become “overprepared” and are bored in class, others count and read perfectly, but lose things and are completely unable to navigate the building educational institution, still others read English well, but have difficulty learning own language or discomfort in communication. The list can be continued endlessly; primary school teachers have many similar stories. How to find golden mean so that the baby opens with interest new stage In my life?

Psychological readiness of the child for the school process

Psychological preparation for the school process of children is the most important. It is of enormous importance, regardless of what type of educational institution was chosen:

  1. Improving communication skills with other children, accepting oneself in the social position of the student. The experience gained reflects it personal maturity. Psychologists recommend entrusting this mission to professionals working in centers preparing children for the school process. The sooner parents turn to them, the more effective the result will be.
  2. The child must understand that when faced with difficulties, parents and a teacher will always be next to him, ready to help. Together we can cope with any task. Volitional maturity in the process of preparing a child is determined by his readiness to express himself and fulfill educational requirements.
  3. Intellectual maturity is very important for a child. It is determined quantitatively vocabulary words, knowledge about the world around us, the ability to analyze and build a logical chain. A prepared child is able to express his thoughts, complete teachers’ assignments, and communicate freely on topics that are familiar to him.

Skills and abilities that a future student must master

Below is a list general requirements which every child who is about to cross the school threshold must cope with:

  • indicating your full name, your birthday and home address;
  • know letters, navigate vowels and consonants, read short texts(at least by syllables);
  • know the differences between the seasons, be able to describe them (the vocabulary of words is determined);
  • navigate the time of day;
  • name the basic geometric shapes and be able to depict them;
  • remember short texts, be able to retell it (diction and memory are determined).

The following skills should also be included in your preparation for school:

  • correct behavior in public places;
  • taking care of yourself without the help of adults, putting things in order in the workplace;
  • description of what is shown in the picture;
  • counts up to 20;
  • names of color shades;
  • answers to the questions: “who?”, “when?”, why?”;
  • spending quiet time in class for 20-25 minutes;
  • differences in direction “up”, “down”, “right”, “left”.

Preparing for the school curriculum with a teacher

If a decision has been made to study at a specialized center for preschoolers, then parents need to pay attention to the following points when choosing an organization:

  1. Experience of teachers who are involved in working with children. Does the development center have a license to conduct educational activities. The number of students in the lesson, the interior of the room, the availability of auxiliary educational material.
  2. For what programs and has a system been developed? training sessions, what subject is emphasized, how long the lessons last, whether the teacher uses an individual approach to each student - these questions should be of interest first of all. If the children's training center has a narrow specialization, it is worth considering whether this is necessary.
  3. Having an activity that is aimed at developing creativity baby. Such lessons are a mandatory part of preparation.
  4. Pay attention to the general atmosphere in the class: are children interested in learning, do they feel inspired and want to learn more?

Preparing for school at home

Of course, competent specialists in the field of pedagogy will quickly and professionally cope with all the above requirements. But what should those parents do who independently educate their child and prepare him for school? What to pay attention to:

  1. A prepared future student should know all the letters in the alphabet. Then you should gradually move on to reading syllables. It will be much easier for a child in school if he masters reading in advance. The acquired skill will be reflected in the correct sequence of writing letters. By the way, you should start writing in block letters, so your child will master writing faster. Hand training should be regular.
  2. Development of speech and diction. After watching a cartoon or a scientific children's program, invite your child to retell what he heard and saw. Do not neglect his opinion, teach him to express his thoughts without hesitation. The baby needs frequent communication, he asks numerous questions that at first glance may seem stupid to parents, but do not neglect the answers to them.
  3. Numeracy is an important skill that many children should acquire by first grade. Start by counting the plates on the table, the fingers, the number of books on the shelf, and so on. You can then buy counting sticks or continue to develop skills with colored pencils. An ordinary walk can be turned into an exciting activity. You can count puddles or trees, name the colors of leaves and the size (large/small) of animals that you meet along the way, distinguish between inanimate/animate objects.
  4. It is impossible to imagine the intellectual development of children without creativity. To improve fine motor skills, you can create all kinds of crafts. On the Internet you can find a huge number of master classes for every taste. Modeling from clay and plasticine, working with scissors, paints and brushes also helps the child master writing.
  5. Before going to first grade, the child must learn the rules of behavior, independence and safety indoors and outdoors. Wake up and go to bed to rest at a certain time, do homework every day, and do sports exercises for 30–40 minutes. Parents need to learn to let their child go. Let these be almost independent walks in the yard, when mom or dad watch their baby from the side, trying not to interfere in emerging conversations between children, especially in the case of a small conflict. It is important for parents not to get angry or express their irritation if something doesn’t work out for their future student. Each baby is unique and has its own speed of development.

Properly prepared for school curriculum It is easier and more exciting for the child to be in class and take direct part in it. Parental support, friendly relations with other students, the professionalism of the teacher and the correct organization of the curriculum, applied at home or in specialized institutions - all this will help the child prepare for classes at an educational institution.
