The article presents the results of research work. Basic research. What is an educational project for a student?

Very often, young researchers, especially young men, do not pay due attention to the design of the work, yet this stage is no less, and sometimes more important, than the collection and processing of data. After all, any scientific work makes sense only when other people become acquainted with it and properly evaluate it. Without presentation of the work, it has meaning only for the researcher himself and turns into just a hobby. In domestic science, until recently, insufficient attention was paid to this issue, but now the situation is beginning to improve. Indeed, with a huge flow of scientific information, scientists often simply do not have time to familiarize themselves in detail with a particular scientific work.

Therefore, any work should immediately attract attention; the main points should be clearly highlighted in it: relevance, novelty, practical significance, results of implementation in practice. The work should be clear and clearly illustrated. When speaking at a scientific conference, after the first words of the speaker, it should be clear to the audience what is being discussed and what to expect from the work being presented.

However, we should also warn against the other extreme: if there is nothing interesting behind the beautifully designed posters and illustrations, the scientific report or report turns out to be similar to christmas tree, decorated with empty trinkets.

You need to start with the title of the work. It often happens that the primary name of the research topic changes, and more than once, during the course of the research itself. The final title must absolutely correctly reflect the content of the work and be extremely specific. For example, if you are studying the pollution of a nearby pond, you should not call your work, for example, “Study of the problem of pollution of urban water bodies.” If you like such names, then a clarification is necessary, say, “using the example of pond No. 1 of the Peter and Paul Cascade in Yaroslavl,” etc.

When completing your work, it is best to type it on a computer and print it on a good printer. In addition to the fact that this will save several times time, in the course of such work its author develops skills in working with programs that are absolutely necessary for any researcher, such as “MS Word” and “MS Excel”, which allow you to use any illustrations, automatically build graphs, etc. .d.

If you don't have a computer, you can replace it with a typewriter. As a last resort, simply handwritten work is allowed, but the handwriting must be clear, clear, and easy to read.

The title page of the work must indicate the title of the work, the author, the supervisor, and the institution in which it was completed (laboratory, circle, school). Other special requirements for the title page of the work are usually specified by the institution to which it is submitted. You should not decorate the title page with various drawings, cut-out pictures, postcards, ornate inscriptions, etc. This looks very childish and does not indicate the good taste of the author.

The text must be clean, without blots. If a word or phrase was written incorrectly, you should rewrite the entire sheet, or, in extreme cases, cross them out, but under no circumstances put them in brackets - this is illiterate! Science Literacy Requirements literary work are the same.

The language of the work must be scientific. What does it mean? You cannot use various literary liberties designed to influence the reader’s feelings. What you want to communicate should be perceived equally and unambiguously by any reader. The requirement of scientific accuracy is not as easy to meet as it seems. There is a well-known joke about this. You cannot write “there are no elephants near Moscow.” It should be: “no elephants were encountered near Moscow.”

Any natural science work is written according to approximately the same plan. It usually includes: 1. Introduction. 2. Literature review. 3. Material and methodology. 4. Results and discussion. 5. Conclusion and conclusions. 6. List of used literature. This plan may change slightly, but generally remains unchanged for scientific works worldwide. Let's look at them separately.

Introduction. It is the first chapter of the work and brings the reader up to date: the introduction must reflect the relevance, novelty and practical value of the problem being studied, formulate the goals and objectives of this work, justify them, and try to convince the reader of your views on these issues. The introduction shows how fluent the author is in the topic of the work, his general erudition. It must be taken into account that quite often busy readers look only at the introduction and main conclusions from the entire work. From this it becomes clear that the introduction is of particular importance. After all, if it is poorly written, the reader may simply put your work aside.

The purpose of the work should be formulated specifically, and not in in general terms. For example, you cannot write “The purpose of our work is to study the behavior of seagulls.” There are two inaccuracies here. Firstly, what type of seagulls did the author intend to study? Secondly, their behavior is quite complex: there is behavior during feeding, during nesting and reproduction, hierarchical behavior, relationships between young individuals and their parents, etc. and so on. In addition, the behavior of birds and seagulls in particular depends on the time of year, the place of observation, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to study the behavior of seagulls in general.

Another one typical mistake characteristic for schoolchildren when writing an introduction is as follows. Instead of a scientific goal, an educational goal is set, interesting only for the performer himself. For example, like this: “We decided to learn how to grow asters in the school plot.” Of course, such a goal deserves every encouragement, but there is no science here. After you learn how to grow asters, you can conduct some research with them, but for now such work is not scientific.

Literature review. Quite often, if there is little literature, the literature review is combined with the “Introduction” chapter; this is a matter of taste of the author. A literary review is given in order to bring the reader up to date, to show what has been done on this problem by other authors, to reflect your erudition on the topic of research, to show that the topic of your work has been insufficiently studied or not studied at all, and you are not going to “reinvent the wheel” "

When writing a literature review, you need to keep the following in mind. You cannot mechanically rewrite phrases from different books and articles. This rewriting is called plagiarism (literary or scientific theft) and may even be punishable under copyright laws. Therefore, the literary information that interests the author should be presented in his own words. This task is quite difficult. The author must compare and contrast different points of view on the subject of his research, offer his own interpretations of these views, note their strengths and weaknesses, and present his view on the problem. If it is necessary to make a verbatim quotation from an author, it is necessary to put the quoted text in quotation marks and indicate its source (book, magazine, etc., indicating the publisher, year, volume, journal number, page) so that any reader can verify its authenticity. If you are not quoting from the original source, you must write “quoted from...”.

In a literature review, you do not need to write everything that you found on the subject that interests you, but only what is directly related to the topic of your work. For example, if you are studying the behavior of birds, you should not describe in detail their anatomy, nest structure, etc.

Material and methodology. This chapter describes where, when and by whom, how observations and experiments were carried out, how many of them were carried out, with what accuracy measurements and calculations were carried out, what data processing methods were used. If any standard techniques were used, it does not always make sense to describe them in detail, since many of them are well known. If the technique was developed or modified by the author himself in the process of work, it is necessary to describe in detail both the original technique and the changes. which were included in it. It is necessary to justify the reason for these changes and the opportunities opened up by the changed methodology.

In general, the methodological section of the work must be described in detail, since often an incorrect description of the application of the methodology serves as the main basis for criticism of the work. Very helpful instead of detailed verbal description observation location, attach a map diagram with marked observation points and photographs of these places. It is useful to present the material used in the work in the form of tables.

Results and discussion. This section of the work does not involve rewriting the observation diary or experimental protocol. If publication of these materials is necessary, then this should be done at the end of the work in the form of an “Appendix” and references should be made to them in the text of “Results and Discussion”. The work should present already processed and meaningful material.

This is most easily done in faunistic or floristic studies. Let's say observations were made of the species composition of birds in a city park. In this case, a list of species is given in a systematic order and some information is provided about each species. It is important to separate your own observations from those taken from the literature.

In experimental or environmental work, it sometimes happens that a student tries to summarize all the results in one or more tables, graphs or diagrams and limit himself to that. It is not right. In addition to tables and other illustrative material, the results must be described verbally, with references to these illustrations. It is in the discussion of the results obtained that it appears as if “ scientific person” of their author, his individuality, ability to generalize and draw conclusions.

The order of discussion of the results is usually as follows. First, the most general patterns, then more private. For example, when comparing the behavior of hamsters and mice, you first need to say a few words about the type of behavior of mammals that you are studying in general, then rodents in general, and finally the specific species of hamsters and mice with which the experiments were carried out.

Very often the results obtained need to be compared with those already available in the literature. At the same time, at some points the author usually confirms the literary data, and at others he can refute them. The most important thing when refuting data is convincing argumentation. To do this, sometimes it is necessary to perform additional experiments or conduct broader observations. If such additional research were not carried out, it is necessary to specifically stipulate their necessity, for example: “... as a result of the work carried out, it turned out that our data require additional verification, which will be the subject of our further research in... year.”

In general, when writing “Results...” great importance has a highlight of the author’s personal achievements and thoughts, especially those made by him for the first time (the novelty of the research). The main task of this chapter is to convince the reader of the validity of the conclusions that are drawn at the end of the work.

You should not overload the text with special terms, striving for scientificity. Never use words whose meaning you do not understand; we must try to use only well-known scientific terms. On the other hand, excessive simplification can be harmful.

Conclusions. Conclusions are a brief repetition of the results of the study, formulated in a concise form and without providing evidence, usually numbered, for example:

“As a result of the research, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " etc.

The most important conclusion should be placed first, and then arranged in descending order of importance.

In “Conclusions,” one can also cite prospects for further development of the topic of this research, if any, and indicate the methods by which it will be carried out.

Avoid the following fairly common mistake: conclusions should not be a summary of the work or its “results and discussion” section.

Bibliography. The importance of this obligatory part of the work is usually underestimated by schoolchildren. The bibliography contains a list of all articles and books mentioned in the text. It is needed so that any reader can find any book or article based on the data given in the list. The list is compiled according to a certain standard, which can be found in any scientific article.

Articles and books in the list are usually arranged in alphabetical order by author's last name. If there are several authors, the place is determined by the surname of the first of them. The following order of recording is usually used: surname, initials, title of the book, place of publication (city), name of the publishing house, year. If we're talking about about the article, the order is as follows: surname, initials; article title; magazine, volume, number, year, pages.

When the bibliography is large, it is usually numbered. If the list contains works for foreign languages, they follow the list of Russian literature in Latin alphabetical order.

To avoid embarrassment, the list should include only those works that the author has read himself.

Illustrations. All tables and figures (photographs are also called figures) must have the same numbering. Each table or figure must have a link in the text.

Illustrations can be given in appropriate places in the text or at the end of the work. How to do it is a matter of the author’s taste. It is only important to follow the following rule: tables and figures must follow each other in numerical order, and they must be mentioned in the same order in the text. The quality of the illustrations is the face of the work. Therefore, we must strive to ensure that they are all done as best as possible.

All illustrations must be necessary and reflect only the work itself, and not the personality of the performer.

Sections: Extracurricular activities

Features of educational design research activities.

The activity of designing your own research, which involves identifying goals and objectives, identifying principles for selecting methods, planning the course of the research, determining expected results, assessing the feasibility of the research, and determining the necessary resources.

What is research activity of schoolchildren?

This is a student activity associated with students solving a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution. It assumes the presence of the main stages characteristic of research in the scientific field, according to the traditions accepted in science:

  1. formulation of the problem;
  2. studying the theory devoted to this issue;
  3. selection of research methods and practical mastery of them;
  4. collection of own material, its analysis and synthesis;
  5. scientific commentary;
  6. own conclusions.

Any research, no matter in what field of natural or humanities it runs and has a similar structure. Such a chain is an integral part of research activity, the norm of its conduct.

How can you classify student work, completed as a result project activities.

Problem-abstract – creative works written on the basis of several literary sources; information obtained from people as a result of conversations; data from different sources that require comparison.

Experimental – creative works written on the basis of an experiment described in science and having known result. They are more illustrative in nature.

Naturalistic and descriptive - creative work aimed at observing and qualitatively describing a phenomenon. May have an element of scientific novelty.

Research – creative works performed using correct software scientific point In terms of techniques, they have their own experimental material obtained using this technique, on the basis of which analysis and conclusions are made about the nature of the phenomenon under study.

What types of activities will become available to children.

In the process of joint work between children and adults, conditions are created for the formation of the following elements of project activity:

  • mental activity: putting forward an idea (brainstorming), problematization, goal setting and problem formulation, putting forward a hypothesis, posing a question, formulating an assumption, informed choice of a method or method, trajectories of activity, introspection and reflection;
  • presentational: constructing an oral report on the work done, choosing methods and forms of visual presentation of the results of activities, producing visual items, preparing a written report on the work done;
  • communicative: the ability to listen and understand others, express oneself, find a compromise, interact within a group;
  • search: finding information in catalogues, on the Internet, formulating keywords;
  • informational: structuring information, highlighting the main thing, receiving and transmitting information, presenting various forms, organized storage and retrieval;
  • conducting an instrumental experiment: organizing the workplace, selecting the necessary equipment, selecting and preparing materials, conducting the experiment itself, observing the progress of the experiment, measuring parameters, understanding and interpreting the results obtained.

What is the educational result of project activities:

  1. experience in designing activities by students to solve those identified by research environmental problems;
  2. experience in organizing your own activities and the activities of the population aimed at solving local environmental problems;
  3. developing a strategy to prevent deterioration and improve the condition environment.

At each stage, the project proposes tasks related to the implementation of specific practical activities, providing the population with information obtained during research, and organizing active actions to improve the condition of water bodies.

What is educational project for the student.

This is an opportunity to maximize your creative potential. This is an activity that allows you to demonstrate knowledge, bring benefits, and publicly present the achieved result. This activity is aimed at solving a relevant and interesting problem, formulated by the students themselves in the form of a task, when the result is practical in nature and has important applied significance.

Presentation of research results.

Presentation of results is a very important part of the project. You can brilliantly present not very significant information, or you can negate the result of the work by not properly presenting interesting data, making a bad report.

Preparation for protecting the results of project activities includes:

  1. design of stands, the so-called poster presentation (with photographs, drawings, diagrams, diagrams that clearly represent the essence of the project);
  2. Preparation oral presentation project (statement of the problem, the essence of its solution, using visual aids - slides, videos and others technical means);
  3. creation of a special folder of documents (“portfolio”), in which the progress and logic of work on the project is presented as completely and conclusively as possible.

Each position is aimed at eliciting a lively response from project participants, arousing their curiosity, interest, and creativity.

When defending the results of their own activities, students demonstrate:

  1. knowledge of the content of the problem;
  2. the ability to competently present a developed version of its solution;
  3. the ability to present the results of practical activities done, show changes in the state of the environment and the consciousness of the population;
  4. reasoned and clear, answer questions, defending the developed position, and accept criticism, which should become a factor further development project.

Peculiarities of registration of research results.

When preparing your materials for a presentation of any kind (speaking at a conference, publishing an article, preparing materials for participation in a competition, etc.), you should follow some rules. Here are some of them.

The construction of the text requires a consistent reflection of such stages of work as identifying and assessing the existing problem situation, goal setting, setting research objectives, choosing methods and techniques necessary to implement the research, presenting the results obtained in the form of processed primary information (tables, graphs, diagrams, etc.). d.), analysis and generalization of these results, conclusions.

With a large amount of information obtained, it can be difficult to present experimental data concisely, on 3-5 pages of text, as is often required for presentation. In this case, you need to try to group all the results into logical blocks, put them into tables or graphs, highlight the most important results, identify patterns, and present the rest in a generalized form or arrange them in the form of applications.

It is unlikely that your research can be completed quickly. As a rule, the process of working on a project gives rise to new ideas, the implementation of which may require significant resources and time. This natural process, that's how it should be. Your task is not to delay completing the report due to new circumstances, but to make a short stop “to catch your breath” and “look around.” Limit yourself to the results that have already been obtained in the most advanced area of ​​work, and summarize them. You can leave the unfinished stage for further work as a reserve. It would even be good if at the end of your project report there is a plan for the further development of the project.

Criteria for evaluating results.

Criteria for evaluating the performance of children based on the results research work are:

  1. scientific character (correct application of terms, use of techniques that provide reliable results, etc.);
  2. originality (implementation of original ideas, etc.);
  3. independence (the teacher is only a consultant, a “leading master”);
  4. culture of presentation (language, manners, clarity of presentation, clarity, quality of design);
  5. reasoned conclusions;
  6. references to literary sources.

What is to be assessed?

Any level of achieved results is worthy of positive assessment. Subject to assessment:

  1. the significance of the problem that the project is aimed at solving;
  2. complexity, completeness and volume of research conducted;
  3. compliance of the project with the stated topic, depth of elaboration of the problem;
  4. the degree of creative participation of schoolchildren in conducting research;
  5. degree of independence in performing various stages of work on the project;
  6. practical use of subject and general school knowledge, skills and abilities;
  7. the amount of new information used to complete the project;
  8. the degree of comprehension of the information used;
  9. level of complexity and degree of proficiency in the techniques used;
  10. originality of the idea, method of solving the problem;
  11. understanding the project problem and formulating the purpose of the project or research;
  12. level of organization and presentation;
  13. mastery of reflection;
  14. creative approach in preparing presentation visual objects;
  15. social and applied significance of the results obtained.

We welcome works that compare the results of our own research and data obtained by other teams of schoolchildren, students, scientists, conducted comparative study methods used in different research groups.

The main content of the speech should reflect the essence, personal contribution to the research, the main results: the novelty and significance of the results. The speaker builds his speech on the basis of reading (preferably retelling) a previously prepared text. The speaker must understand that within a certain time he must understand that within a certain time he must present information that can expand the existing boundaries of the conference participants’ ideas on the topic of the research.

The student-researcher must set himself the task of preparing the content of the report and justifying the answers to the questions so that they are understood by a wide range of people. All this will contribute to a favorable impression and disposition towards the speaker on the part of those present at the conference.

2. Rough plan public speaking



1. Greeting

"Good afternoon!"

“Dear chairman (host) of the conference!

Dear members of the commission and those present!”

2. Introduction (name, class, etc.)

“My name is...I am a student of...class, school (gymnasium, lyceum...) No...., city...."

3. Purpose of the speech

“The purpose of my speech is to provide new information on the topic of my research in the field of...”

4. Topic title

"Topic name"


“The relevance and choice of topic have been determined the following factors: Firstly Secondly,..."

6. Briefly about the goal and ways to achieve it

“The purpose of my research is... the main tasks and ways to solve them: 1..., 2..., 3...”

7. Briefly about the new research results

“During the study, the following new results were obtained:

  1. new knowledge of the following nature was obtained:...,
  2. new hypotheses and ideas have been put forward:...,
  3. new problems (tasks) have been identified"

8. Conclusions based on the research results

“Based on the study and the results obtained, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1..., 2..., 3...”

9. Briefly about next steps on this topic

“I believe that this topic has prospects for development in the following directions: 1..., 2...”

10. Gratitude for your attention

“Thank you for your attention to my speech”

11. Answers to questions

“Thank you (thank you) for the question...

A) My answer...

B) Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer, because... consideration of this issue was not part of the scope of my research.

12. Gratitude for interest and questions on the topic

“Thank you for your interest and questions on the topic of my research. All the best"

3. About the form of public speaking

The success of a student researcher at a conference largely depends on the form. The speaker must be aware that the perception and understanding of the proposed new information by conference participants is largely determined by the form of contact with the audience and the form of presentation of research results. The speaker's presence of courage (in the best sense of the word), as a rule, creates a positive emotional atmosphere for all conference participants.

4. Factors influencing the success of the performance

Before, during and after speaking at a conference, the speaker must take into account significant factors directly related to the form of the presentation - these are appearance and the speech of the speaker, the demonstration material used, as well as forms of answering questions during the discussion.

Speaker appearance

  • Clothes are clean, elegant, businesslike, comfortable, and should not be full of colors.
  • Hairstyle is neat.
  • Facial expressions reflect confidence and friendliness towards the audience.
  • The figure is fit: the back is straight, the shoulders are turned.
  • Movements are free, confident, smooth, non-aggressive.


  • Volume – accessible for the perception of words by distant listeners, but without screaming or straining.
  • Pronunciation of words is intelligible, clear, confident, complete (without swallowing endings), with the correct literary stress.
  • The pace is slow in significant areas of information, medium in the main presentation, fast in supporting information.
  • Intonation is friendly, calm, convincing, expressive, without ironic or offensive shades.

Demo material

  • Devices, models, structures and other visual objects.

Visual objects and actions on them are effective means successful interaction with those present. The presenter must provide in advance a place to place visual objects.

When demonstrating the operation of objects or conducting experiments, the speaker must comply with safety precautions for human life, as well as the integrity and cleanliness of the room.

As an example, a description of the methodology for carrying out one of the works performed by students of our school.

Study of the ecological structure of the aquatic biocenosis and the morphophysiological characteristics of aquatic organisms in connection with their living conditions.

Goal of the work: get acquainted with the species composition of the aquatic fauna: identify the features of the adaptation of animals to the aquatic lifestyle and the structural features of different ecological groups.

Materials and equipment: A) for field research: hydrobiological net, plankton net, boat and bottom grab (if these are missing, it is possible to collect bottom animals with a hydrobiological net), tweezers, large photographic cuvettes (2-3 pcs.), 2-3 liter jars with gauze lids (4-5 pcs.), rope (10 m), bucket, field guides for aquatic animals. B) for office research: microscope, slides and cover glasses, dissection needles, tweezers.

Hydrobionts - inhabitants aquatic environment- usually divided into at least three ecological groups: planktonic organisms - unicellular and multicellular animals and small-sized plants (algae, protozoa, some small worms, larvae of some hydrobionts, etc.), freely floating in the water column and not capable of active movement ( They make only vertical migrations and cannot withstand even weak currents, waves, etc.); nektonic organisms - inhabitants of the water column capable of active movement (fish, aquatic mammals, some invertebrates); benthic organisms – inhabitants of the bottom (larvae of amphibiotic insects, crustaceans, some vertebrates). All these environmental groups have character traits adaptability to its environment.


Field studies:

  1. Select an area of ​​the reservoir, write down the initial data in a diary.
  2. Using a hydrobiological net, moving it smoothly under water near aquatic vegetation, collect aquatic nektonic animals. Place the catch in a photo cuvette and examine it, placing some animals in a jar of water.
  3. Using the same net or boat and bottom grab, get animals that live on the bottom (benthos). The dredger is lowered on a cable (rope) from the boat, while measuring the depth. If a net is used, then it is driven along the surface of the bottom, collecting benthic organisms along with the silt. The catch is placed in a photo cuvette and carefully disassembled. Some animals are placed in a jar of water.
  4. After straining 10 buckets of water through a plankton mesh, collect the plankton, which is placed with part of the water in a separate jar.
  5. Considering external structure each environmental group, identify features of adaptation to their environment.
  6. Draw representatives of each environmental group in your workbooks.
  7. Conduct observations of the movement, breathing and feeding of aquatic organisms. Record the observation results in a field diary.

Desk research:

  1. Examine and identify planktonic organisms under a microscope by preparing microslides. Sketch typical representatives.
  2. Create several food chains for aquatic biocenosis.
  3. Determine the percentage of zooplankton and phytoplankton in the sample.
  4. Draw a general conclusion.

Applications for work:

1) Ecological marathon “Clean water for everyone!”(Annex 1);

2) Resource psychotraining "Home of my soul"(Appendix 2);

3) Role-playing game"Nutrition, food production and healthy lifestyle"(

I conducted a sociological survey among students in the third and sixth grades, which included 47 people, containing the following questions:

1. When buying products, do you pay attention to their composition?

2. Do you know how food additives denoted by the index E are deciphered?

3. Do you know how they affect your health?

Results of a sociological survey

This sociological survey showed that only 2% of respondents pay attention to the composition of products, 98% do not know how the E index stands for, and do not know how

Survey results

Also during the research work it was carried out survey students in third and sixth grades. 47 people took part in the survey; they were asked to answer the following questions:

1. Do you like carbonated drinks, crackers, chips?
2. Do you often drink carbonated drinks, crackers, chips?
3. Do you and your loved ones use semi-finished and instant products (soup briquettes, mashed potatoes, noodles, cutlets, etc.) to prepare homemade food?

Analysis of the survey showed that 95% of all students surveyed consume certain products in their diet, 90% of students responded that they really like carbonated drinks, crackers, and chips. Of these, 30% drink carbonated water and 15% crackers and chips very often (almost every day).

10% noted that when preparing homemade food, they and their parents use semi-finished and instant products (noodles, potatoes, etc.).

Supplement Study Results

Using the information provided on the labels, we researched nutritional supplements, used in the production of crackers, chips and carbonated drinks.
The results are shown below:

Analysis of the qualitative composition of crackers

Flint crackers contain the following additives: E621, E551 - taste enhancer. Manufacturer: Factor LLC.

Crackers "3 crusts" with salmon and cheese flavor contain additives: E621, E527, E631. Manufacturer: Bridgetown Foods.

Crackers "3 crusts" with tomato and herb flavors - E621, E627, E631, E160. Manufacturer: Bridgetown Foods.

Analysis of the qualitative composition of chips

Chips "Lays" contain additives: E621, E631, E627
Chips "Estrella" - E621, E627, E631
Chips "Cheetos" - E621, E551

Analysis of the qualitative composition of carbonated drinks

Lemonade contains the following additives: E330, E211, E952, E951, E950, sodium sucrose.

In Pepsi drink- E338 - orthophosphoric acid, E330, E124, E152,
IN orange juice LLC "Sandora" using technology "PepsiCo Inc" - E950, E951, E952, E954, E330, E221.

As a result of the study of samples of carbonated drinks, the following food additives were discovered: E211 - sodium benzonate, E338 - orthophosphoric acid, sweeteners E951, E952, E953, and carbon dioxide, which can lead to serious illness.

As a result of the study of samples of chips and crackers, a high content of flavorings and flavor enhancers was revealed, such as E621- monosodium glutamate, E551- silica, E631- sodium inosinate and many others.

During the study:

  1. Theoretical material on food additives in food products has been systematized.
  2. A connection has been established between the food additive and its effect on the human body.
  3. Recommendations have been developed for the use of products containing food additives.
  4. The main food additives used in the production of carbonated drinks, chips, and crackers have been identified.

This paper presents an analysis of the results of a study devoted to studying the influence of students’ research activities on increasing educational motivation when studying chemistry. The relevance of the study is undoubted and is confirmed by the well-known fact: high educational motivation – the most important condition quality of education. The modern school faces important tasks, the solution of which is associated with a new approach to organizing the impact on the student’s personality. It is necessary not only to instill in students a certain amount of knowledge, but at the same time to form in them cognitive and educational motivation, methods of assimilation educational material, developing cognitive abilities students and their creative potential. This is largely determined by the characteristics of the educational process at school and the use of innovative pedagogical technologies, as well as the quality of work of the school’s teaching staff. So, the article presents the results empirical research, which found that the use of research activities in educational process helps to increase school motivation by developing cognitive motives and motives of self-realization. Thus, we state that high level motivation is necessary for achieving academic success and the overall success of a student’s activities.

motivation educational activities; school motivation; educational and research activities of schoolchildren; research activities

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8. Nemov R.S. Psychology: textbook. – M.: Education: VLADOS, 1995. – 146 p.

The relevance of the study is due to the modernization of modern education, focused on creating conditions for the development of a successful student’s personality in the educational process. We believe that one of the main principles of this approach to education is the orientation educational process to develop student motivation. Analysis scientific literature allows us to assert that in last years The understanding among psychologists and teachers of the role of positive motivation in ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge and skills has increased. Thus, in the works of A.A. Rean revealed that high positive motivation can play the role of a compensating factor in the case of insufficiently high abilities.

All of the above has led us to a clear understanding of the need to include high school students in research activities, which gives them the opportunity to demonstrate their abilities, contributes to the student’s activity and his positive attitude towards the educational process.

Consideration of the process of forming educational motivation of a high school student by including him in research activities is pedagogical problem, which determines the need for its analysis from the position of pedagogical science.

The problem of school motivation is one of the most difficult in modern education. Federal State Educational standard(FSES) general education sets the formation of cognitive interest in educational activities and readiness for self-development and continuing education. Much attention is paid to enhancing the educational and cognitive activity of students, as well as building educational activities taking into account the individual age, psychological and physiological characteristics of students.

Despite the large number of studies on the problem of learning motivation, widely presented in the works of L.I. Bozovic (1969), A.M. Vasilkova and S.S. Ivanova (1997), M.V. Vovchik-Blakitnoy (1983), O.S. Grebenyuk (1983), E.P. Ilyina (2003), M.V. Matyukhina (1984), V.E. Milman (1987), A.K. Markova, T.A. Matis, A.B. Orlova (1990), F.M. Rakhmatullina (1981), A.A. Reana (1990) and many others, we believe that the connection between academic performance and the motives of educational activity has been studied very little.

Issues of motivation for educational activities were raised in the work of R.S. Vaisman in 1971, where the connection between students’ academic performance and scientific interests and the motives of educational activity was studied.

Obviously, today this problem remains just as relevant. IN domestic psychology Such well-known psychologists as A.F. dealt with the issues of motivation of human behavior. Lazursky, N.N. Lange, A.N. Leontyev, S.L. Rubinstein. L.S. Vygotsky was the first to study the issue of the formation of voluntary motivation. A huge contribution to the development of motivation for educational activities was made by L.I. Bozovic, A.K. Markova. All scientists who have dealt with the problem of motivation for educational activities emphasize the great importance of its formation and development among schoolchildren, since it is precisely this that is the guarantor of the formation cognitive activity student, and, as a result, thinking develops, knowledge necessary for the successful functioning of the individual in later life is acquired.

Motivations for learning activities among high school students differ significantly from those among students adolescence due to the upcoming choice professional activity. If teenagers choose a profession according to their favorite subject, then during early youth older schoolchildren begin to become especially interested in the subjects that they need to enter a university. As practice shows, the main motive for a graduate’s educational activity is the need for in-depth study of precisely those subjects that determine further success in the chosen profession. Motives associated with the desire to win a certain position in the class through good grades, typical for teenagers, fade into the background in high school. The grade becomes a criterion of knowledge, it largely loses its motivating power, learning activity is determined by the desire for knowledge.

All of the above determined the topic of our research, which was conducted on the basis of MBOU Secondary School No. 1 in Stavropol among 9th grade students.

In the process of studying the problem of motivation for educational activities and the development of scientific and educational interests of schoolchildren, we proposed developing the skills of scientific research activities in school. Educational and research activities ensure the familiarization of students with general cultural, nationally significant and scientific values, forms a system of subject skills and personal qualities, meeting the requirements of the second generation standard.

Among ninth grade students, we selected schoolchildren who believe that in modern school students should engage in research activities, would like to do so, they need help in learning research methods, and consider the need to introduce electives to help students master research skills. Of these, two groups were composed - experimental and control in such a way that at the beginning of the formative experiment these groups were equivalent in terms of the compared indicators (motivation, academic performance).

Next, the program “Development of skills in research activities in chemistry”, which we developed, was implemented with the schoolchildren of the experimental group, after which we again diagnosed the participants according to all the indicators under study.

Statistical analysis of the differences in the distribution by academic levels of high school students in the experimental and control groups showed the significance of the differences obtained at a significance level of 0.01. This means that, according to high school students, they began to study better - the number of answers “good and satisfactory” decreased (from 45.5 to 31.8% of respondents).

The attitude towards chemistry has changed. The number of choices indicating the external attractiveness of the subject has decreased and the number of choices indicating a deeper interest in the subject has increased, and the share of independence has increased.

Knowledge has also increased scientific methods research and mastery of them: the experiment was mastered by 81.8% of the subjects (22.7% - 1 section), and the observation - 90.9% (during the first survey - 18.2%).

It should be noted that after the implementation of the formative experiment, not all subjects in the experimental group would like to continue to engage in research activities at school (9.1% responded negatively), however, everyone is confident that such an opportunity should be provided to schoolchildren.

It is also interesting that high school students in the experimental group had an increased interest in engaging in research activities not only in chemistry, but also in other fields. school subjects such as biology, physics, history, literature, English language and even social studies. Moreover, students in the experimental group began to more meaningfully perceive what was happening in the lessons, that is, there were no negative answers to the question of whether teachers use elements of research activities in lessons.

The number of schoolchildren who need assistance in learning has decreased almost fourfold research methods- from 86.4 to 22.7% of respondents. But even those high school students who answered affirmatively to the question about help explained that they needed advice, consultation, the opportunity to discuss plans, research progress and results with someone competent, that is, not so much help as guidance.

The opinion of the participants in the formative experiment also changed regarding the need to introduce electives for mastering research skills: 86.4% answered “yes” (1 section 62.8%), there was not a single doubter left, the same 13.6% of respondents who answered “no”, they explained that there is no need for special electives - it is enough that schoolchildren have a choice whether to do such work in chemistry, physics, biology or another subject. For example, there was the following answer: “It would be possible to work in creative groups in a favorite subject during the allotted extra time.”

Let's consider how the use of research activities affected academic performance in general and academic performance in chemistry in particular.

In the experimental group, after the experimental work, the number of high school students with C grades decreased. However, these differences, as shown statistical analysis using the c2 test at a significance level of 0.05 (the empirical value of the chi-square test in both cases does not exceed the critical value of 5.99) are not significant.

The situation with academic performance in chemistry is somewhat different. The number of high school students with “satisfactory” grades in chemistry has been halved. These differences are statistically significant (the empirical value of the chi-square test in both cases exceeds the critical value of 5.99).

The results obtained indicate that the program we developed and tested for developing the research skills of high school students really helps improve academic performance and increases interest in this subject.

To study school motivation, an adapted methodology for diagnosing the type of school motivation in high school students was used.

The purpose of this technique is to identify the student’s level of motivation. School motivation is differentiated into many different types, the predominant type of motivation of the student is revealed - that is, the motivational mechanism that is dominant for him in his educational activities. These types are represented by the scales of the questionnaire: the prestige of studying in the class and family; cognitive interests; achievement motivation; motive of social approval (classmates, teachers, parents); fear of punishment from school and family; awareness of social need; motive of communication; extracurricular school motivation; motive of self-realization, influence of classmates, family, school. In addition to the individual result, it is very important to calculate the average result for the groups. Based on the type of motivation that prevails in children, it is possible to modify the methods and structure of teaching in order to influence the necessary, active mechanisms. The results of this study are presented in the figure.

Analyzing the motivational profiles of the control and experimental groups in the initial and repeated testing, one can notice that there was an increase in seven motivational indicators, and a decrease in one. However, statistical analysis using Student's t-test showed the significance of differences in only two indicators: cognitive motivation and self-realization motivation. Thus, the use of research activities in the educational process helps to increase school motivation, developing cognitive motives and motives of self-realization.

A high level of motivation for educational and research activities is necessary to achieve success in studies and in the overall success of a student’s activities. This confirms that schoolchildren engaged in research activities take an active part in various scientific and practical conferences at various levels. Students become diploma recipients and winners: a festival of research and creative works students "Portfolio", All-Russian competition research works of students educational institutions named after D.I. Mendeleev, Baltic Scientific and Engineering Competition, interregional schoolchildren's Olympiad "Future Researchers - the Future of Science", competition of young researchers of the "Step into the Future" program in the North Caucasus and South federal districts, Stavropol regional scientific-practical conference schoolchildren, regional scientific and practical conference “First steps into science”. In the conditions of the modern educational process, the educational and research activities of students are one of the relevant areas of its development and improvement. Motivation for this type of activity becomes one of the most important professional and pedagogical tasks.

Motivational profiles of high school students in the control and experimental groups


Shumakova A.V., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of General Pedagogy, Preschool and Primary, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol;

Lobeiko Yu.A., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Pedagogical Institute of North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol.

The work was received by the editor on April 22, 2013.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 09/02/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Research work can be presented in various forms. The most common text works are:

Literature review


Research Article

In addition, research work can be presented in the form of a computer presentation or video with text accompaniment. Less often it is demonstrated in the form of a working model or layout with text accompaniment.


A report is a document containing a statement of the results of research activities, published in print or read in an audience. The report should reflect the novelty and practical significance of the topic, reveal its main content and justify the conclusions and proposals of the speaker. All this is noted in the abstracts of the report, which, as a rule, are published in a collection following the results of the event (conference, seminar, etc.).

Literature review

A literary review is a brief description of what is known about the phenomenon under study from various sources. It indicates the areas of research being carried out by various scientists.

When preparing a literature review, you should start with a general familiarization - read the table of contents and quickly skim the contents of the source. Then, when carefully reading the source by chapters and sections, you need to highlight the most important parts of the text. The following is advisable:

Make a plan of the material read, in the points of which reflect the most significant thoughts and ideas;

Write out complete and meaningful quotes from the text you read with exact links to the source, indicating its output data.

After that you need to compare and contrast this information with information obtained from other sources. In conclusion, it is important to give a critical assessment of what you read and write down comments, while paying attention to the objectivity of judgments. In a literature review, you need to show that its author is familiar with the field of study from several sources and is able to set a research task for himself. Preparing a literature review helps the researcher master the material and answer questions reasonably during a scientific report.


A review is a critical analysis and assessment of scientific work. A review of a review can also be considered as a review. scientific work or piece of art before their publication and protection. The review can be published as an article in a newspaper or magazine. Main functions of the review - informative and evaluative.

Research Article

A scientific article is a kind of literary genre. A scientific article should identify the problem and note known attempts to solve it. Based on this, in the structure of a scientific article it is advisable to highlight:

Description of the problem and its relevance for theory and practice;

Brief information about the research methodology;

Analysis of own scientific results and their generalization;

Conclusions and proposals for future research activities;

Scientific report

A scientific report is a document containing detailed description methodology and progress of the study, its results, as well as conclusions obtained in the process of scientific research or experimental experimental activities. The purpose of a scientific report is to comprehensively cover the work performed upon its completion or over a certain period of time.

Structure of a scientific report:

1. Summary plan and program of completed stages of scientific work.

2. The significance of the work carried out, its research value and practical significance.

3. Characteristics of the research methods used.

4. Description of the research results.

5. Conclusion summarizing the results of the study and noting unresolved issues.

6. Conclusions and suggestions for future research activities.


This summary basic information from the primary source based on its semantic processing. The abstract is written in order to study the material in depth. It reveals the essence of the problem under study; Various points of view are given, as well as their own views on it. It answers the question of what is new and significant in the text on the problem of interest. Formulation of the goal: using the verbs “analyze, systematize, answer, create, present, consider, summarize.”

General requirements for developing an abstract

1.Think over the problem, topic and purpose of your work. IN general outline determine its content, sketch out a preliminary plan.

2.Make a list of literature that needs to be studied. As you read, mark, scan, or write out everything that should be included in the work.

3. Develop as detailed a plan as possible for all points and sub-points, indicate where to get the necessary material from.

4.In the introduction to the work, reveal the meaning of the problem, topic, and determine the purpose of the essay.

5. Consistently reveal all the issues provided for in the plan, justify, explain the main provisions, support them with specific examples and facts.

6. Show your personal attitude to the problem in your work, reflect your own thoughts and feelings about it.

7.Write correctly, accurately, divide the text into paragraphs, avoid repetition, formulate conclusions briefly.

9.Each chapter begins on a new page.

11. Be sure to follow the ethics of working with the author’s text, make footnotes, put quotation marks, highlighting quotes.

12.At the end of the work, make a general conclusion.

13.Self-critically read your work, identify and correct all noticed shortcomings, rewrite the work completely.

Abstract evaluation criteria

1. Relevance of the research topic.

2. Compliance of the content with the topic.

3. Depth of elaboration and logic of presentation of the material.

4. Independence in performing work.

5. Correctness and completeness of the use of sources.

6. Compliance of design with accepted standards.

Registration of work. The text of the work uses scientific style, the narrative comes from third faces: In our opinion... As our research has shown...

The work must be written correctly, literary language, typed on a computer on white paper A4. Used for text TimesNewRoman, font size 14 town, line spacing - 1,5 , indentation of the first line of a paragraph - 1,25-1,5 . The text is written on one side of the sheet with margins around the text. Left margin size - 2-3.5 cm, right - 1 cm, upper and lower - 2 cm. Text alignment is done according to width.

All research paper pages, except title page , must be numbered. Page numbers are indicated at the top of the page in the center or on the right.

You should not include too many quotations in your work; citation is used as a method of argumentation.

If necessary, you can express other people’s thoughts in your own words, but in this case you must make a link to the original source. The link is made under the line at the bottom of the page where the quotation or presentation of someone else’s thought ends (the surname, initials of the author, title of the work, publisher, place and year of publication, pages are indicated).

If the work includes tables, then the numbering of the tables should be continuous throughout the work. The word “table” and its serial number (without the No. sign) are written on top of the table itself, then its name and unit of measurement are given (if it is common to all columns and rows of the table).

When referring to a table, you should indicate the number of the table on which it is located. You can tear a table and move it to another page only in one case, if the entire table does not fit on one page.
