What are the characteristic personality traits? Human character traits, good and bad. List of positive human character traits

Characteristics of the student

Personal data.

  • Last name, first name.
  • Date of Birth.
  • School, class.
  • School specialization.

  • inhibition predominates.

Academic performance.

  • Playing sports (what kind).

Focus of interests:

  • For educational activities;
  • For work activity;
  • On relationships between people.

Relation to the matter:

Social activity.

Hard work.






Attitude towards people:


Honesty. Truthfulness.


  • Doesn't seek justice.



  • Closed, uncommunicative.

A sense of camaraderie.


Politeness, tact.

Attitude towards yourself:


Self confidence



Volitional personality traits






  • They don't like him in the class.



  • When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material. But even material that requires mechanical memorization is easily remembered by him.


Emotional reactivity.

General emotional tone.

  • Emotionally balanced.

I. Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student’s personality

Home | Life Safety Fundamentals | Lesson materials | Materials for life safety lessons for grade 11 | Lesson plan for the academic year | Requirements of military activity for the moral, individual psychological and professional qualities of a citizen

Basics of life safety
Grade 11

Lesson 27
The requirements of military activity for moral,
individual psychological and professional qualities of a citizen

One of the most important varieties human activity- military activities. Its goals are set out in the Federal Law “On Defense”. These include repelling aggression directed against our country, armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory Russian Federation and performing tasks in accordance with international treaties. Military activity is recognized as a priority over other forms of activity, since it has features that we have already discussed in Chapter 1 of this section. Modern military activities are diverse. Conventionally, it can be divided into three main types: combat, combat training and everyday activities.

Combat activity is the main type of military activity. It is carried out during combat operations. They are usually understood as organized actions to achieve certain goals in battle. The main types of combat operations are offensive and defensive. IN modern conditions fighting characterized by high maneuverability, decisiveness, transience, sudden changes situation and the widespread use of various types of weapons and military equipment.

Combat training activities (carried out in order to ensure successful combat activities) consist of a system of activities for the training and education of military personnel and the preparation of units and units for joint combat operations. In its process, military personnel are given classes and training on various subjects training, live firing, and exercises are the most effective form of field, sea and air training for personnel.

Daily activities cover almost all other aspects of the life of military personnel. In each military unit it is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. They regulate these activities in order to maintain internal order and discipline in units and units, ensuring high combat readiness, training of military personnel, organized performance of other tasks and preservation of the health of personnel. Performing their duties in daily activities helps warriors withstand the rigors of combat.

Military activity places high demands on military personnel in terms of the level of vocational training, education, health, physical fitness and psychological stability. In each branch of the Armed Forces and branch of the military, this activity has its own characteristics, which are determined professionally important qualities military personnel (Table 8).

Main General requirements, imposed by military activities on each military personnel, - high level combat skill, discipline and psychological preparation.

Combat prowess presupposes the professional preparedness of a warrior that will ensure the most effective use of weapons and equipment, as well as the use of combat conditions to achieve superiority over the enemy.

Warrior Discipline lies in his respect for the laws of the state and the moral norms of society, the rules of community life and military duty. The highest expression of discipline is readiness for self-sacrifice in battle.

Psychological preparation is a set of measures to develop high combat activity in soldiers and to develop in them such character traits as courage, boldness, bravery and selflessness.

Of great importance for successful military activity are mental and moral and ethical qualities of conscripts. These qualities form the structure of a citizen’s personality and are inherent in all people. The main of these properties are personality orientation, character, abilities and temperament.

The orientation of the individual is manifested in ideological beliefs, moral principles and worldviews on certain problems. This property characterizes a person in relation to what he strives for and what he values. The main requirement for the orientation of a warrior’s personality is the correspondence of his moral development, life goals, personal decisions, beliefs and aspirations to the interests of our society and the tasks of increasing the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces.

Character is understood as a set of traits that make up a person’s individual personality, manifested in the characteristics of his behavior and attitude to the surrounding reality. The main character traits required for successful military activity are presented in Diagram 31.

The next personality trait is abilities that allow you to quickly master a particular specialty. The development of appropriate abilities in military affairs allows those drafted into the Armed Forces to short term acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the service. Abilities are determined by such indicators as the level of development of thinking, memory, observation and imagination, sensitivity of the organs of vision, hearing and touch, adaptability to the production of precise movements, etc.

Temperament is closely related to a person’s character and abilities. It reflects the peculiarities of the course of mental processes and states.

The main components of temperament: general activity, motor manifestations and emotionality. There are four types of temperament: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic. Each of them manifests itself differently, but each can find application in any type of military activity corresponding to it. It is difficult for a person to change anything in his temperament, but it is possible to make his positive aspects more meaningful and somewhat smooth out the negative ones.

Military activity has a pronounced collective character. The elements of a team are people occupying different positions and performing certain responsibilities. Therefore, an important place in the psychology of a military team is occupied by interpersonal relationships, which reflect the warrior’s position towards each of his comrades. These relationships bind all military personnel of the collective and have great importance for their psychological compatibility. The compatibility of team members is formed on the basis of instilling in soldiers a sense of sympathy, trust and respect for their comrades, and readiness to act together with them. Important role in educating team members in the spirit of camaraderie, trust, mutual assistance and mutual assistance belongs to the commander. According to the charter, he is obliged to educate his subordinates, take care of team unity and strengthen friendship between soldiers.

In conclusion, we note that military activity is a complex phenomenon in many respects. It is socially necessary and in demand and occupies the most important place in any state.


1. What types of military activities can be divided into?

2. What is meant by combat activity?

3. For what purpose do they carry out combat training activities?

4. What documents regulate the daily activities of military personnel?

5. What is called combat skill?

6. What is the discipline of a warrior?

7. What is personality orientation?

8. What is meant by personal character?

9. What indicators are used to determine a person’s abilities?

10. What types of personality temperaments do you know?

Characteristics of the student

Section 1. General information about the student.

Personal data.

  • Last name, first name.
  • Date of Birth.
  • School, class.
  • School specialization.

Information about your health status.

  • Does he get sick often (often, moderately, rarely).
  • Chronic diseases (which ones).
  • Features of operation nervous system:
  • gets tired quickly; gets tired after prolonged exercise; tireless;
  • quickly moves from joy to sadness for no apparent reason; adequate change of mood;
  • stable in the manifestation of mood;
  • excitement prevails; excitation and inhibition are balanced;
  • inhibition predominates.

Academic performance.
(excellent, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory)

Extracurricular activities (systematic).

  • Engaging in socially useful work (what kind).
  • Classes in amateur performances (what kind).
  • Classes in circles, clubs, headquarters, brigades.
  • Playing sports (what kind).
  • Organizational work (what kind).

Section 2. Manifestation of personal qualities in the child’s behavior.

Focus of interests:

  • For educational activities;
  • For work activity;
  • On artistic and aesthetic activities;
  • For achievements in sports, tourism;
  • On relationships between people.

Relation to the matter:

Social activity.

  • Actively participates in all public affairs, regardless of his own time.
  • He takes an active part in public affairs, but tries not to waste his time on it.
  • Not active in public life, but carries out instructions.
  • Rarely takes part in public affairs.
  • Refuses to participate in public affairs.

Hard work.

  • The student always does any work willingly, looks for the work himself and tries to do it well.
  • As a rule, he willingly takes on work, trying to do it well. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.
  • Rarely takes on work willingly.
  • Most often he tries to avoid any work.
  • Always avoids doing any task.


  • He always completes any task assigned to him well and on time.
  • In most cases, he performs the work assigned to him well and on time.
  • Often does not complete the work assigned to him on time (or does it poorly).
  • He very rarely does the work assigned to him.
  • He never completes the tasks assigned to him.


  • He is the initiator of many things, without seeking to receive recognition from anyone for it.
  • Quite often he is the initiator of a new business.
  • He rarely starts a new business on his own.
  • He almost never starts a new business on his own.
  • He never initiates any business.


  • Always correctly distributes his work over time and completes it according to plan.
  • In most cases, he distributes his work correctly and completes his work on time.
  • He knows how to distribute correctly and completes his work on time only if he must report for each stage.
  • More often than not, he does not know how to properly distribute his work over time, and wastes time in vain.


  • Constantly actively learns something new in different fields of science and culture.
  • In most cases, he is interested in acquiring new knowledge from various fields of science and culture.
  • It is rare to strive to learn something new; as a rule, is interested in one limited area of ​​​​knowledge.
  • As a rule, does not show interest in acquiring new knowledge.
  • Indifferent to any kind of new knowledge.


  • Always keeps his things in perfect order. He always walks neatly and smartly, both at his desk and at the blackboard. Takes care of public property and always tries to put it in order.
  • Keeps his own and those lent to him in proper order (books, notes). Helps to put public property (desks, equipment, etc.) in order, rather out of duty.
  • Does not show much desire to maintain order around him. Sometimes he comes to school unkempt and sloppily dressed. Indifferent to those who damage public property.
  • Often does not take care of his own appearance, the condition of their books; things, does not protect public property, even spoils it.
  • Does not care at all about keeping his things in proper order, he is always unkempt and sloppy. On occasion, without hesitation, he damages public property.

Attitude towards people:


  • He always shows concern for people he knows and doesn’t know, and tries to provide help and support to anyone.
  • He is inclined to show concern for strangers if this does not interfere with his personal plans and affairs.
  • He often shows indifference to other people's affairs and concerns if it does not affect him personally.
  • As a rule, he is indifferent to the concerns of others and does not help them on his own initiative.
  • He considers it unnecessary to show concern for unfamiliar members of society; he lives by the motto: “Mind your own business.”

Honesty. Truthfulness.

  • Always truthful towards your parents, teachers, and comrades. He speaks the truth even when it is unprofitable for him.
  • Almost always truthful towards his parents, teachers and comrades.
  • Often tells lies for his own benefit.
  • He almost always tells lies if it benefits him.
  • Always inclined to tell lies.


  • Actively fights what he considers unfair.
  • He does not always fight what he considers unfair.
  • Rarely opposes what he considers unfair.
  • Doesn't seek justice.
  • Completely indifferent to manifestations of injustice.


  • In his actions he is always guided by considerations of benefit to the cause or other people, and not to his own benefit.
  • Almost always guided by considerations of benefit to the cause or other people.
  • He is rarely guided in his actions by considerations of benefit, rather than his own benefit.
  • His actions are often guided by considerations of his own benefit.
  • His actions are always guided by considerations of his own benefit.


  • Always willing to come into contact with people, loves to work and relax with others.
  • As a rule, he enjoys communicating with people.
  • Try to communicate with a limited circle of people.
  • Prefers individual forms of work and rest.
  • Closed, uncommunicative.

A sense of camaraderie.

  • He always helps his comrades in difficult work and in difficult moments of life.
  • As a rule, he helps his comrades.
  • Helps his comrades when asked.
  • Very rarely helps his comrades; if asked, he may refuse to help.
  • He never helps his comrades at work or in difficult moments of life.


  • He always sympathizes with others, his comrades often share their concerns with him.
  • Sincerely sympathizes with others, if not too absorbed in his own thoughts.
  • Absorbed with your own feelings so much so that it prevents him from sharing the feelings of other people.
  • Almost does not know how to sympathize with others.
  • He does not know how to sympathize with others at all; his comrades do not like to “borrow” from him.

Politeness, tact.

  • All his actions and words demonstrate respect for other people.
  • Almost always shows due respect for other people.
  • He is often impolite and tactless.
  • Often unacceptably harsh and rude. Often starts quarrels.
  • Always harsh, uncontrolled both in communication with peers and in communication with elders. In a quarrel, he insults others and is rude.

Attitude towards yourself:


  • Never flaunts his merits or merits.
  • Sometimes, at the request of his comrades, he talks about his actual achievements and merits.
  • He himself tells his comrades about all his real achievements and merits.
  • He often brags about things he hasn’t done yet or about things in which he takes very little part or has little to do with.
  • He boasts about even minor achievements and exaggerated merits.

Self confidence

  • Never consults with others, does not seek help even when it should be done.
  • Completes all tasks and assignments without the help of others. Ask for help only when truly necessary.
  • Sometimes, when performing a difficult task, he asks for help, although he could handle it himself.
  • Often, when completing tasks or assignments, he asks for help and support from others, even if he can handle it himself.
  • Constantly, even in simple matters, needs the encouragement and help of others.


  • He always listens attentively to fair criticism and is persistent in correcting his own shortcomings.
  • In most cases, he reacts correctly to fair criticism and listens to good advice.
  • Sometimes he listens to fair comments and tries to take them into account.
  • Critical comments and advice are treated inattentively and no attempt is made to correct shortcomings.
  • Rejects any criticism. Refuses to admit his obvious mistakes and does nothing to correct them.

The ability to calculate one's strengths.

  • He always soberly assesses his own strengths, choosing tasks and tasks that are within his capabilities, not too easy and not too difficult.
  • As a rule, he is correct, weighing his strengths and the difficulties of the task.
  • Sometimes there are cases when a student poorly balances his strengths and the difficulties of the assigned task.
  • In most cases, he does not know how to balance his strengths and the difficulties of the case.
  • Almost never knows how to correctly balance his strengths and the difficulties of a task or task.

The desire for success, championship.

  • He always strives to be the first in everything (in studies, sports, etc.), and persistently achieves this.
  • Strives to be among the first in many areas, but pays special attention to achievements in any one area.
  • He strives to achieve recognition and success in one thing, especially one that interests him.
  • It is very rare to strive for success in any activity; one is easily content with the position of “middle peasant”.
  • He never strives to be the first in anything and gets satisfaction from the activity itself.


  • Always carefully weighs his words and actions.
  • Does not always carefully control his words and actions.
  • For the most part, he acts rashly and counts on “luck.”
  • He almost always acts rashly and does not control himself carefully enough.
  • Constantly acts thoughtlessly, counting on “luck.”

Volitional personality traits


  • Always enters into a fight, even if the opponent is stronger than himself.
  • In most cases, he enters into a fight, even if the enemy is stronger than himself.
  • He cannot always bring himself to fight an opponent stronger than himself.
  • In most cases, he retreats before force.
  • He always retreats before force, he is a coward.


  • Always independently, without hesitation, makes responsible decisions.
  • In most cases, he makes a responsible decision without hesitation.
  • Sometimes he hesitates before making a responsible decision.
  • Rarely does one decide to make any responsible decision.
  • Unable to make any responsible decision on his own.


  • Always achieves what is planned, even if long efforts are required, and does not give up in the face of difficulties.
  • As a rule, he tries to accomplish what is planned, even if difficulties are encountered. Opposite cases are rare.
  • He completes his plans only if the difficulties of completing them are insignificant or require short-term efforts.
  • He very rarely completes his plans, even if he encounters minor difficulties.
  • When faced with difficulties, he immediately gives up trying to accomplish what he has planned.


  • Always knows how to suppress unwanted emotional manifestations.
  • As a rule, he knows how to cope with his emotions. Cases of the opposite nature are rare.
  • Sometimes he doesn’t know how to cope with his emotions.
  • Often cannot suppress unwanted emotions.
  • Poor control of his feelings, easily falls into a state of confusion, depression, etc.

The position of the child in the children's team.

  • He enjoys unconditional authority among almost all his classmates: he is respected, his opinion is taken into account, and he is trusted with responsible matters.
  • Enjoys authority among most of his classmates.
  • Enjoys authority only among some of his classmates (with some group, only among boys or among girls, etc.)
  • Enjoys authority among other students.
  • Doesn't enjoy authority in class.


  • He is the favorite of the class and some shortcomings are forgiven.
  • In the class, the guys treat him with sympathy.
  • He is liked only by some of his classmates.
  • He is liked by some guys.
  • They don't like him in the class.
  • Is a recognized authority in any extracurricular association (sports school, music school, club, yard company).
  • Enjoys authority among the majority of children from any extracurricular association (sports school, music school, club, yard company)
  • Enjoys authority among individual members of extracurricular associations (in a sports school, club)
  • Is a member of any extracurricular association. But he doesn’t enjoy authority there (sports school, club).
  • Not a member of any extracurricular association.

Features of mental processes and emotions.


  • Always easily and quickly focuses his attention on the teacher's explanation. He is never distracted in class and does not make careless mistakes in class.
  • Listens quite carefully to the teacher's explanation. He is rarely distracted; sometimes he makes mistakes due to inattention.
  • Doesn't always listen carefully to the teacher's explanations. Periodically distracted, often makes mistakes due to inattention, but corrects them when checking.
  • He listens attentively enough only if he is interested. Often distracted. Constantly makes mistakes due to inattention, and does not always correct them when checking.
  • As a rule, he is slow and has difficulty focusing his attention on the lesson, and learns little from the teacher’s explanations due to constant distractions. Makes many careless mistakes and does not notice them when checking.


  • When memorizing, he always understands the structure and meaning of the material.

    The most significant characteristic personality traits of a person

    But even material that requires mechanical memorization is easily remembered by him.

  • When memorizing, he can only remember what he has previously understood and understood. Material that requires rote learning is difficult to learn.
  • Material that requires mechanical memorization is learned very easily; it is enough to look at it 1-2 times. Has a habit of not understanding the structure and meaning of the material being learned.
  • When memorizing, he understands the material for a long time. When presenting, he makes mistakes in form, but conveys the meaning accurately.
  • To memorize the material, he mechanically repeats it many times, without analysis or comprehension, and makes semantic errors.


  • He quickly grasps the essence of the material, is always among the first to solve problems, and often offers his own original solutions.
  • He understands the material quickly enough, solves problems faster than many, and sometimes offers his own original solutions.
  • Understands the material satisfactorily after the teacher’s explanation, solves problems at an average pace, usually does not offer his own original solutions.
  • Among the latter, he grasps the essence of the teacher’s explanations and is distinguished by a slow pace of thinking and solving problems.
  • Understands materials only after additional lessons, solves problems extremely slowly, and blindly uses known “patterns” when solving problems.

Emotional reactivity.

  • He always reacts emotionally and vividly to any life phenomena; he can be deeply moved, to the point of tears, by a story or a movie.
  • Usually he reacts emotionally vividly to life events, but rarely can he be deeply moved by anything.
  • Rarely shows a lively emotional reaction to events.
  • There is practically no live emotional reaction.

General emotional tone.

  • He is constantly animated, very active in all areas of school life, intervenes in everything, takes on all matters.
  • He is lively and moderately active in all areas of school life.
  • Lively, active only in some areas of school life.
  • Compared to his comrades, he is less active and lively.
  • Almost always lethargic, apathetic in all areas school life despite being healthy.

Emotional balance.

  • He is always calm and does not have strong emotional outbursts.
  • Usually calm, emotional outbursts are very rare.
  • Emotionally balanced.
  • Increased emotional excitability, prone to violent emotional manifestations.
  • He is quick-tempered and often has strong emotional outbursts over minor issues.

Each person has his own psychological characteristics. There are no two identical people on earth. Everyone has characteristics that are determined in mental processes: an individual has perception, subjective memory and the characteristics of its processes that are unique to him. The level of intellectual development, qualities such as attention and imagination also differ in individual characteristics.

Each person is a unique personality. People differ from each other in abilities, character traits, characteristics, temperament, manifestations of will, emotionality, needs and interests.

Each person has his own personal attitudes, rules and norms of life.

However, all people common features body structure. All, having individual characteristics, are united by the presence of mental processes (sensations, perception, memory, thinking, etc.), common structural elements of personality characteristics. Everyone’s brain and other physiological systems function according to the same laws.

Thus, in each person one can observe manifestations common to all and individual (single) manifestations peculiar only to him.

Human characteristics are divided into two classes: typical (inherent in a group of subjects) and individual (inherent in only one subject).

Typical features are differences, in other words, features that distinguish a certain group of people on some basis. In psychology, intergroup differences are divided into three main levels: neurodynamic, temperamental and characterological.

Typical features at the neurodynamic level are manifested in varying degrees of severity of the properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, lability, balance between the processes of excitation and inhibition). Based on existing neurodynamic characteristics, people are distinguished with a strong or weak, mobile or inert, balanced or unbalanced nervous system.

Typical characteristics at the temperamental level are characterized, in contrast to the properties of the nervous system, by differences in mental activity, and not physiological processes. Temperament properties include:

reactivity, which is characterized by the intensity of mental reactions (degree of fear, depth of feelings, etc.);

sensitivity, which is determined by the lowest intensity of external influences that cause a mental reaction (the higher the sensitivity, the faster the mental reaction appears). Sensitivity is associated with the properties of the nervous system (weak nervous system - high sensitivity);

activity - a person’s energy in deeds and actions (the predominance of excitation processes);

plasticity is expressed in the ease of adaptation to new conditions (the opposite property is rigidity, which means inertia of attitudes, slowness of switching from one conditions (situation) to others);

extroversion is associated with the personality’s focus on the environment (ease of contact with strangers, etc.);

introversion is determined by the personality’s focus on oneself (a special attitude towards one’s own thoughts, experiences, difficulty establishing contacts with other people, etc.);

emotional excitability is essentially identical to sensitivity.

Each property of temperament under certain conditions acts either as a positive or as a negative quality of personality. For example, a student’s high sensitivity helps to better understand the psychology of another person. At the same time, such a student is the most mentally vulnerable. He experiences failures acutely.

Term character introduced by the ancient Greek scientist Theophrastus (VI-III centuries BC). Translated from Greek, this word means “trait”, “sign”, “sign”. It is believed that character is a combination of permanent and essential personality traits that form a certain mental makeup. Character properties are usually separated from temperament properties. This division is based on the condition that the properties of temperament are determined to a greater extent by the genotype (the innate type of the nervous system), and the properties of character - by the phenotype (the warehouse of the higher nervous activity, which is formed as a result of a combination of congenital characteristics and living conditions). Character traits include strong-willed qualities and the orientation of the personality, including feelings, interests, etc. In other words, with a narrower understanding, they should include only those features of a person’s personality that characterize his attitude towards something.

It is customary to distinguish between five main groups of character traits: the first group is determined by traits that reflect a person’s behavior in relation to society and other people. These are collectivism, tactfulness, politeness, sensitivity, goodwill, truthfulness, humanity, etc. The opposite of them: individualism, tactlessness, rudeness, deceit, flattery, cruelty, envy, impudence, etc.;

the second group is characterized by traits characteristic of a person in activity (work, study, etc.). These are hard work, perseverance, initiative, etc. The opposite of them: laziness, irresponsibility, dishonesty, lack of initiative, etc.;

the third group is traits that reflect a person’s attitude towards things. These are accuracy, thriftiness, generosity, etc. Their opposites are: sloppiness, wastefulness, stinginess, etc.;

the fourth group is determined by traits that express a person’s attitude towards himself. These are criticality, demandingness, modesty, pride, etc. The opposite: arrogance, boastfulness, arrogance, arrogance, etc.;

the fifth group is characterized by traits that reflect a person’s attitude to the world around him, to social phenomena and events. These are adherence to principles, optimism, etc. The opposite: unprincipledness, pessimism, etc.;

An essential feature of character traits is the stability of their manifestation in various situations. This property are mentioned when talking about a person’s strong or weak character (manifestation of activity in counteracting external circumstances). In this case, there is also a judgment about the inconsistency of character (the presence in a person of properties that lead to contradictions in actions and deeds).


Distinctive Personality Traits

So, what is personality, given these limitations? Personality is a person taken in the system of his psychological characteristics that are socially conditioned, manifest themselves in social connections and relationships by nature, are stable, determine the moral actions of a person that are of significant importance for himself and those around him. Along with the concepts of “person” and “personality”, the terms “individual” and “individuality” are often used in science. Their difference from the concept of “personality” is as follows.

If the concept “person” includes the totality of all human qualities, characteristic of people, regardless of whether they are present or absent in this particular person, then the concept of “individual” characterizes him and additionally includes such psychological and biological properties that, along with personal ones, are also inherent in him. In addition, the concept of “individual” includes both qualities that distinguish this person from other people, and properties common to him and many other people.

Individuality is the narrowest concept of all discussed. It contains only those individual and personal properties of a person, such a combination of them that distinguishes this person from other people.

Let's consider the personality structure. It usually includes abilities, temperament, character, volitional qualities, emotions, motivation, and social attitudes.

Abilities are understood as individually stable properties of a person that determine his success in various types activities.

Temperament includes qualities that influence a person's reactions to other people and social circumstances.

Character contains qualities that determine a person’s actions towards other people.

Volitional qualities cover several special personal properties that influence a person’s desire to achieve his goals.

Emotions and motivation are, respectively, experiences and motivations for activity.

Social attitudes are people's beliefs and attitudes.

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Characteristics for a student at the military registration and enlistment office is a certificate containing a description of the characteristic and distinctive features and qualities of a teenager and reflective opinion educational institution about him. This document is needed when it becomes necessary to evaluate the young man and establish government regulations regarding him. It is the content of the characteristics that largely determines whether a conscript will serve in the army or not. Therefore, the characteristic personality traits of the student indicated in this document for the military registration and enlistment office must be stated clearly and reliably.

Document for the military commissar

Along with other standard documents, the reference is attached to the conscript’s personal file. After a thorough study by a psychotherapist during conscription events, depending on its content, a decision is made on what types of troops the conscript is fit for.

The characteristics from the place of study for the military registration and enlistment office are important because they contain an assessment of the young man’s social activity, initiative and behavior in society. Such documents play an important role, so here it is necessary to indicate the socio-psychological nuances of the person being characterized. Equally important is data on student performance.

Characteristic content value

However, this is only in theory; in practice, the characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study are purely formal. Most often, its content is taken into account when we're talking about on distribution to elite types of troops. In this case, representatives of the commissariat examine the psychological portrait of the young man. If the information specified in this document has a negative connotation, then the conscript is unlikely to serve in the Airborne Forces, detachments Marine Corps or Presidential Regiment.

Psychologists at the military commissariat carefully study the character of the conscript and, if he wishes, to enter alternative civilian service. Since the pacifist attitude of a young man is difficult to document, the characterization becomes the main document confirming or refuting the moral attitude of the conscript.

Who can give a personal assessment

Characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office for a student from school can be presented in two forms: ordinary or psychological. The first option is a mandatory certificate. It is written by the class teacher. In this case, the characteristics will contain the main points that will tell about the student’s family, his academic performance, intellectual development, O social status, class position, level of self-esteem and basic psychological qualities. Thus, a pedagogical certificate must contain complete and comprehensive information about the young man.

From a higher or secondary vocational educational institution, for the military registration and enlistment office, the characteristic personality traits of the student (student) are recorded by an official - an employee of the dean's office.

Psychological characteristics

Sometimes, at the request of the competent services, it is requested psychological characteristics. Except general information about the conscript, this document must contain points describing the psychological characteristics of the young man. In this case, the characteristic personality traits of the student are described for the military registration and enlistment office by a psychologist.

However, before characterizing a young man, it is necessary to conduct a whole range of studies in order to fully identify his main features. In addition to the results, you will also need to describe the methods used to research and test the student. A description of the young man’s behavior during tests will also be of no small importance.

Document form

The characteristic does not have any strict form of filling out; however, when completing it, certain rules and points that must be specified should be taken into account. Such an assessment is written in a free style by hand or printed.

Document structure

The rules for writing characteristics for a student at the military registration and enlistment office mainly consist of certain generally accepted formulations. The structure of the certificate defining the main character traits of a young man should include:

  • A block with personal information, which indicates the student’s full name, date of birth, residential address, place of study, year of admission to the educational institution.
  • A block containing information about family composition, financial situation and intra-family relationships. Next of kin are listed here.
  • A block describing the psychological portrait of a young man, including information about his moral qualities and behavioral norms.
  • A block informing about behavior at the place of study and relationships with classmates and fellow students. The GPA, level of physical fitness and proficiency are indicated. foreign languages.
  • Successes and achievements in the learning process. Participation in the public life of the educational institution.
  • Hobbies of a young man, his habits.

The characteristic personality traits of the student described in the certificate for the military registration and enlistment office should not only contain the good qualities of the conscript, but also indicate his shortcomings. The responsible person must enter information, if the young person has been brought to the police station, about conflicts and tendencies to mood swings, outbursts of anger or depression. Despite the fact that many samples of characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office do not contain this point, it should not be missed under any circumstances.

The importance of accurate information

Reliable and complete information about personal qualities the conscript will help avoid unwanted situations. Timely informing the military commissariat employees about the character traits of the young man prevents the emergence of possible conflicts during service.

Specifics of writing a general psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student

Some descriptions of examples of characteristic personality traits of a student for the military registration and enlistment office, in addition to generally accepted points and blocks, may contain detailed information about developmental disabilities or motor skills disorders in physical or cognitive activity and features of speech. The items characterizing the student’s mental abilities must necessarily reflect information about the characteristics of the ability to analyze and synthesize information obtained through visual and auditory perception.

Here the emotional-volitional sphere of the student can be characterized: sensitivity, prevailing moods, level of psycho-emotional excitability, presence of outbursts of anger, subordination, suggestibility. Also, if present, the pathological attractions of the young man are indicated.

When describing the characteristic personality traits of a student for the military registration and enlistment office, the teacher has the right to draw conclusions about the orientation of the personality. He is obliged to indicate the main interests, criteria of self-esteem and responsibility of the student. The tasks of the responsible person include forming an assessment of the behavior of the student’s norms and rules of behavior in society, determining the place and role in the team, indicating the level social adaptation youth and relationships with others.

In the characteristics compiled, the responsible person has the right to reflect his own conclusions about the student or indicate the general opinion of the teaching staff.

Sample characteristics of a student to the military registration and enlistment office from school

Characteristics for a student of grade 11 "B"

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5"

Barnaul, Altai Territory

Petrov Vladislav Fedorovich

Petrov Vladislav Fedorovich born in 1990 has been a student at MBOU “Gymnasium No. 5” since 2008. He is currently completing his studies in the 11th grade.

The level of physical fitness is high. Healthy, physical fitness group - main. Doesn't use alcohol or drugs. Has a negative attitude towards smoking. There were no reports to the police.

Height - 172 cm, weight - 70 kg. Physical development corresponds to age standards.

Family composition:

  • Her mother works as a cook in a school canteen; she has a specialized secondary education.
  • My father works as a technologist at a woodworking enterprise; he has a higher education.
  • My brother is in 6th grade.
  • There are maternal grandparents on the father's side.

They live in their own house, living conditions are good.

The family belongs to the average level of material wealth.

Relationships in the family are warm and trusting. At home, the student is treated with care and understanding, compliance with school discipline and the level of academic performance are monitored. In turn, the student treats loved ones with respect. His father enjoys special authority.

During his time at school, the young man showed himself on the positive side. The teaching staff characterizes him as a responsible, hardworking and conscientious student. Disciplined, modest, independent, sociable and friendly towards peers. Own opinion knows how to defend.

By main subjects curriculum has ratings of "good" and "excellent". GPA - 4.1

By character - calm, balanced, strives to prevent conflict situations. When a conflict arises, he tries to come to a compromise. He has many friends and enjoys authority among his comrades. Always ready to help classmates and support in difficult times.

Active participant in social and sports activities of the educational institution. He strives to complete school assignments with full dedication. Since the second grade, he has been involved in athletics and periodically takes prizes in regional, city and regional sports events.

Date - 01/15/2018

Director - Cherepanova Galina Petrovna

Class teacher - Frolova Irina Viktorovna


Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study are a kind of resume. Therefore, the determination of the main characterizing qualities and personal assessment must be approached with special responsibility. After all, not only the effective distribution to certain troops, but also the likelihood of conflict situations during military service depends on how accurately and reliably the facts are presented.

Properties, or personality traits, are characteristics that most accurately describe a person’s deep-seated characteristics, that which gives an idea of ​​his manner of communicating with society, reacting to certain situations, not only at a given specific moment, but also during long-term contact with others.

Personality traits can have a social nature and be innate characteristics of a particular individual.

Classification of personality traits

The main character traits are usually divided into three groups:

  1. The attitude of the individual to society, the people around him (in other words, the attitude to the external environment).
  2. Attitude towards one's own person.
  3. Attitude to learning and work, that is, to activity.

Emotional Traits, such as apathy or cheerfulness, aggressiveness or good nature, impulsiveness or isolation, love of love, capriciousness, hot temper, melancholicity, and so on, are formed even on early stage development of the psyche, that is, in early childhood.

Intelligent character traits ( prudence, insight, independence, etc.) and strong-willed(masculinity, assertiveness, prudence, pedantry, etc.) character traits, on the contrary, are acquired throughout life, formed under the influence of various external situations.

The following characteristics are not personality traits:

When forming a person’s personality, natural predisposition will be of great importance, as well as the influence of temperament and hereditary genes on it.

However, one should not underestimate the role that a child’s environment plays in the development of his character. It is no less important than innate characteristics. Baby learns the world and learns to act in different situations in one way or another. At first, this process occurs reflexively, and then becomes the result of a conscious choice. It is this choice that determines further development personality, its growth.

Basic character traits

In any person you can find an interweaving of a wide variety of personality traits, both positive and negative. Although it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that a particular character trait is positive or, on the contrary, negative, for example, a tendency to various kinds of adventures can either help in prosperity or cause huge problems, depending on how deliberately a person participates in adventures.

Envy, for example, is commonly referred to as an extremely negative personality trait, but it can motivate the person experiencing envy to move forward and achieve much more than others. In general, we can say that the determining role is played not so much by a specific character trait, but by the ability to correctly apply it, as well as its combination with other personality traits. But from a moral point of view, the most characteristic personality traits are still usually divided into negative and positive.

Negative traits

Positive features

The list of positive character traits could go on for a very long time, but the most significant include:

Of course, all of the above is not an axiom, and it is almost impossible to predict how a particular person will react to a particular situation, how he will behave in it, even if you know him closely. Besides, negative traits character you can:

  • decrease,
  • turn into positive ones.

However, this is achieved through long and hard work on oneself, and, unfortunately, not many people can do this.
