UFO objects. Unknown flying object. UFO from parallel worlds

Unidentified Flying Objects For the article on the sports implement, see Flying disc.

UFO (unknown flying object, English unidentified flying object [UFO]) - "the perception of an object or light visible in the sky or above earth's surface; phenomenon, ghost, trajectory, general dynamics and the nature of the glow of which does not find a logical, generally accepted explanation, is a mystery not only to eyewitnesses, but also remains unexplained even after a careful study of all available evidence by specialists capable, if possible, of identifying the phenomenon from the point of view of common sense.”. Many people believe that the appearance of UFOs is an anomalous phenomenon.

Since there are documented cases of sightings of flying objects that could not be identified, it is correct to question not the existence of UFOs, but their alien origin.

In other words, if there is a message about the observation of any strange phenomenon above the earth, the case has not been identified with any meteorological or astronomical phenomenon known to science, and no evidence of a hoax has been established, then they say that we are talking about an unidentified flying object, about UFO. If such an explanation is suitable for this case, then they talk about identified flying objects (IFO). Most cases still find an explanation and become OLO. Of all the reports of these phenomena, only - remains unidentified. Some evidence remains unidentified simply because of a lack of information about it.

Most often, a UFO means an unusual flying object, the appearance of which is associated with a visit to Earth by other intelligent beings.

Types of UFOs

"Solid" objects

"Solid" objects(English) "hard objects") Western ufologists often call UFOs that have the appearance of solid bodies, that is, in appearance they consist of matter. Some of these objects may even appear to be metallic. According to D. Keel, emphatically “hard” objects (“Trojan horses”) are not a real form of UFO, but exist solely to distract people’s attention from the actions of “soft” objects.

Below are the most commonly reported types of "solid" unidentified flying objects. Nevertheless, the possible forms and types of UFOs described in the press, of course, are not limited to them.

1. Disc-shaped objects. Disc-shaped objects can have different sizes. The disks could have something like antennas, stabilizers or windows. The discs could glow brightly or shine like metal. In some cases, disc-shaped UFOs could appear to be made of "metal plates." The most common types:

  • “Adamski saucer” - a UFO allegedly observed by J. Adamski;
  • a flat disk with a segment of a sphere (called a "dome") on top, positioned so that the entire object is radially symmetrical, and the radius of the flat disk greatly exceeds the radius of the maximum section of the segment, which is shaped like a circle;
  • “plate” in the shape of Saturn, consisting of a ball and a flat disk so that the flat disk lies together with the great circle of this ball in the same plane (the radius of the disk is much greater than the radius of the great circle of the ball; in general, the object is radially symmetric);
  • disk with truncated cone above or above and below, so that the radius of the larger base of this cone, being less than the radius of the disk, is in the same plane with it and is inferior to it in size - a radially symmetrical (in the case of two cones, also symmetrical relative to the disk) object with a radius a smaller base much higher than the height of the entire object;
  • “mushroom-shaped” objects are “plates” thinning towards the bottom with a relatively long thick cylinder or truncated cone with a generatrix, almost equal in height, in the lower part, and radial symmetry is observed.

2. Triangular objects. The most famous triangular UFOs are the so-called "Belgian triangles"- objects capable of abruptly changing the speed and direction of flight, observed in Belgium in the 1990s and the observation of triangular and boomerang-like objects with lights over highways and over a nuclear power plant in Hudson Valley (New York) (it was suggested that the UFO was a hoax, arranged by pilots from Stromfield [also in New York State] airfield)

3. Fusiform objects- UFO in the form of two cones with a common base. Such objects were reported to fly with the axis of symmetry perpendicular to the ground, and the presence of certain “wires” was sometimes noted at the top.

4. Egg-shaped objects. See, for example, "Incident in Sokkoro".

5. Aircrafts. In some cases, sightings of unidentified “aircraft” such as airplanes (e.g. “ghost planes”), black helicopters (see "The Case of Cash and Landrums"), airships (“airships”), rockets (“ghost rockets”), either without identification marks, or endowed with properties uncharacteristic of aircraft known to science. For example, on the morning of February 25, 1942, unknown “planes” appeared over Los Angeles, on which the US air defense opened fire from anti-aircraft guns, firing about 1,430 shells at them. One of the objects, according to eyewitnesses, hovered motionless despite shells exploding near it, then moved along the coast between Santa Monica and Long Beach at a speed of approximately 6 miles per hour. Three people died, not counting the victims of heart attacks.

6. Augers(from English "shank", Although English name phenomena "Flying rod") - rod-shaped objects from several centimeters to several tens of meters. As a rule, they move along their axis silently and at high speeds - which is why they are inaccessible to human perception, but are quite easily recorded by photo and video equipment. In many cases, augers have a blade-like structure around the rod, like a brace. The flight of certain types of flying insects, birds, rockets, optical effects, etc. are often mistaken for augers. Some details about augers can be found in the article “Rods flew across the sky”. Many examples of this type of objects are presented in documentary film "UFO in Russia. The most convincing evidence"(Russia, 2004: scriptwriter Yulia Korobko, directors Konstantin Murashev and Vladimir Andrienkov). The theory that augers are biological species unknown to science is in vogue.

"Soft" objects

"Soft" objects ("soft objects") are called UFOs that do not give the impression of consisting of a substance, in particular, a mysterious glow, fog with unusual properties, lights. In the book (English) ) J. Keel concludes that unidentified flying objects are of an electromagnetic nature, and their appearance in the form of bunches of light is most consistent with their true appearance. Glowing silhouettes and objects make UFOs and their “inhabitants” related to angels and ghosts materialized in spiritualistic seances, and contacts with UFOs are related to religious visions and mediumistic trance.


Some elements of UFO encounters may seem absurd to eyewitnesses or researchers. For example, ufologist John Keel describes a case in which a woman claimed to have seen a UFO on which was written "UFO", there is a known case when a UFO had an image similar to a stylized drawing of lightning on the background of a circle; Kiel also described "wheelless vehicles driving through desert areas a few inches above the ground", mentioned "about giant gondola-shaped machines with many rows of windows that hovered over the Kaitatiny Mountains in northern New Jersey". Even in reports about "airships" it was said that half-peeled potatoes were dropped from the UFO, or the UFO could get caught on something with a "metal anchor on a rope" hanging from it, so that someone was forced to descend from the UFO to "rope" that cut... There are also no less ridiculous reports of the landing of unidentified flying objects and the appearance near them of humanoid creatures (enlonauts), coming into contact with eyewitnesses, collecting plants or soil, according to eyewitnesses, “playing” and “walking” near the UFO. In some cases, eyewitnesses noted a certain “childishness” in the behavior of the enlonauts; there is information about their seemingly meaningless behavior. The true nature of UFOs can and should be known only through the joint efforts of scientific institutions and authorities of the world's states, in view of the comprehensive development of the phenomenon being studied.

Some reputable ufologists, such as Allen Hynek or Donald Keyhoe, rarely investigate such cases. According to Coral and Jim Lorenzen Lorenzen), leaders of the ufological organization APRO, these aspects of contacts with UFOs are just as, if not more, in need of comprehensive study, since they are integral components of the “flying saucers” phenomenon and can shed light on their nature. Ufologist Jacques Vallee is famous for collecting, researching and describing such “absurd” phenomena. In the book "Passport to Magonia"(1959) Vallee compares similar cases of UFO encounters with folklore reports of contacts with mythical creatures. According to D. Keel, the absurd manifestations of the UFO phenomenon are not accidental and are intended to undermine confidence in eyewitness reports. And in the book "A parallel world" Vallee develops the idea that absurd UFO cases form a new myth, and the goal of the unknown creators of “flying saucers” is to use this myth to influence the subconscious over thousands of years and implant reflexes and a certain way of thinking in humanity. Valle confirms this hypothesis by the similarity of the enlonauts' remarks with the psychological techniques of M. Erickson, the similarity of the abduction scheme with the rite of passage into a secret society. Also, the absurdity in the behavior of a UFO brings it closer to other paranormal phenomena, in particular, poltergeists.

UFO sighting sites

There is no consensus on “windows”. Some researchers tend to consider the increased brightness of a particular astronomical object during a given period, for example, Mars, as the cause of “waves” of UFO reports. There are opinions that “waves” of such messages arise in states experiencing certain difficulties. (For example, the surge in reports of "flying saucers" in the late 1940s has been attributed by some to the Cold War.) Some believe that the public's fascination with new science fiction works (such as movies) stimulates stories of UFO sightings.

“Waves” of UFO sightings in the second half of the 20th century
Scandinavia ("ghost rockets")
June July western USA
August eastern US
October France
november midwest and southwest USA and South America
June August Australia, western Pacific
May - August Argentina
summer - spring first in the midwestern United States, then east

There have also been reports of UFOs being observed in outer space by astronauts or of UFOs being filmed by artificial satellites. So in June 1965, from a ship making its 20th orbit in low-Earth orbit Gemini 4 Astronaut James McDavitt observed an unidentified object from which “long arms stick out”. McDivitt took a photograph of it, but after developing it he could not find the photograph.

UFO eyewitnesses

Many reports of UFO sightings are inaccurate; they may not indicate the exact date, location, or characteristics of objects. It is the ufologist’s task to obtain the most detailed information about the incident from an eyewitness. Often, eyewitnesses may base their descriptions on their personal ideas about the nature of UFOs. (Ufologist Jenny Randels [eng. Jenny Randles] quotes a phrase from an eyewitness who, in response to the question: “Could it be a cloud?” answered: “Yes, I know it looked like that, but I think it was a UFO disguised as a cloud.”.) That is why ufologists least value the testimony of single eyewitnesses, not supported either by the testimony of other eyewitnesses or photographs. Ufologists recommend that in the event of a UFO sighting, if there is such an opportunity, first of all, draw the attention of other people to the UFO and photograph it, remember its location. The most reliable are the testimony of pilots and scientists.

During contacts with UFOs and after them, some people may develop burns, they may suffer from nausea and headaches. Especially when close contacts(Look "Classification of contacts with UFOs") witnesses experienced depression, spatial orientation was disturbed, and increased excitability occurred.

Classification of contacts with UFOs

Below is a classification of reports of UFO encounters proposed by ufologist Allen Hynek.

Contacts over long distances

This is the name for sightings when the eyewitness and the UFO are separated by “hundreds of kilometers and kilometers.” Among them are:

  1. « Night Lights. Clearly visible, well-defined lights of an unknown nature, usually red, orange or white. This group includes the lion’s share of UFO sightings at long distances.”.
  2. « Daytime drives. These are objects observed during the daytime, usually oval or disk-shaped, metallic in appearance. They are recorded high in the sky, close to the ground and are often seen in a state of motionless hovering. Daytime drives can instantly gain enormous speed.".
  3. « Radar “bursts” on the radar screen, especially those coinciding with visual tracking of UFOs, are considered very valuable evidence of the reality of the observed objects.".

Close Encounters

Official power

The official government denies the existence of UFOs.

In mid-May 2008, the British government opened access to classified materials about contacts with aliens from 1978 to 1987. There is no evidence of contacts with aliens in the documents. The documents contain eyewitness accounts of contacts with aliens.

In France, the national space agency published similar materials on its website. Among them are police reports, photographs, eyewitness accounts, with the help of which scientists are trying to explain the appearance of mysterious objects in the sky.

Famous UFO Sightings Explained

Some cases of UFO sightings can be given a more or less reliable explanation. In such cases we talk about observation identified flying object . There are cases when the noise around UFOs is a consequence of political games or an ordinary joke.

Shortly after the inauguration of the 44th US President Barack Obama, a UFO was spotted in the skies over Washington. It was recorded by a camera from an American TV channel. According to the comments of eyewitnesses, the object did not look like a bird, since visually it was flat and without wings. However, it may have been a regular helicopter.

UFO in culture

UFO and science

It is known that among the UFO researchers there were also scientists, even with scientific degrees: for example, Allen Hynek and Donald Menzel were professors of astronomy (Hinek from Ohio University, Menzel from Harvard University). However, most scientists still do not recognize the possibility of the existence of flying objects of an as yet unknown nature - UFOs. A. Hynek in the book "UFO: an attempt at a scientific approach" gives a case: “One summer evening in 1968, a reception was held in Victoria (British Columbia) on the occasion of an astronomical symposium. More than one hundred astronomers from different countries. Suddenly a man entered the hall and announced that unidentified flying objects had appeared in the sky. A light chuckle passed through the tables, but quickly died down and the people returned to their conversations. Not a single scientist went outside to see the mysterious natural phenomenon with his own eyes!” .

Hynek continues:

There are two types of scientists who deny UFOs. The first type includes scoffers who do not even try to deal with any specific case of observing a phenomenon. The second type includes scientists who, after verification, are inclined to admit the reality of UFOs, but only as a purely psychological phenomenon. The position of the second group of scientists still deserves attention, since they have materials for discussion. The views of the first group, on the contrary, do not stimulate discussion, because, in their opinion, since there is no phenomenon, then there is no subject of discussion!

Among possible reasons, for which science is not engaged in the study of unidentified flying objects, we can highlight:

  • the inability to predict in advance the location of a UFO, which makes it difficult to study;
  • a small amount of high-quality ufological literature, coupled with an abundance of mass and occult literature on this issue;
  • lack of understanding by scientists of the difference between UFOs and OLOs;
  • the prevalence of parascientific hypotheses trying to explain the origin of UFOs;
  • interest in ufology on the part of religious fanatics and people with mental disorders.

According to researchers, people who claim to have seen a UFO may have mistaken the sprite system for a flying saucer. The "candles" in sprites (visible vertical columns of light) can reach a height of 20 km, and a bunch of such "candles" can have a diameter of up to 70 km.

“Lightning creates an electric field, which creates flash sprites,” says Colin Price, a geophysicist at Tel Aviv University. “We now understand that only certain types of lightning can trigger high-altitude flashes.”

Sprite is a rare type of thunderstorm discharge, a kind of lightning, only striking upward from the clouds. Sprites are difficult to see, but they appear in almost any thunderstorm at an altitude of 55 to 130 kilometers. For comparison, “ordinary” lightning occurs at an altitude of no more than 16 kilometers.

This phenomenon was first recorded in 1989 by accident. Sprites do not hang motionless in the sky, but make “dancing” movements.

Using special equipment, the researchers were able to record sprites at an altitude of 56-129 kilometers from the ground, which is significantly higher than the usual “lightning-fast” level. In addition, sprites are spherical in shape.

UFOs and screen arts

From the very beginning of the “flying saucer” craze, disc-shaped flying objects immediately populated Hollywood movie screens in the early 1950s. In the movie "War of the Worlds"(English) "The war of the worlds";) D. Pal (1953) the Martians are trying to take over the Earth using greenish-red “flying saucers” that, in addition to red heat rays, emit green crescents that annihilate military equipment. The movie was also popular "The Day the Earth Stood Still"(English) "The day the Earth stood still" ) (), in many ways similar to reports of contacts by J. Adamski: first a robot-like and then a human-like figure emerged from a landing of an unidentified disk-shaped object. The latter introduced himself as a space alien and expressed fears for the fate of humanity, which was discovering nuclear weapon. Such films mainly created anxiety among Americans who were waiting for the Third World War, so on January 16, 1953, at a meeting at the Pentagon, where they were concerned about the abundance of reports of UFO sightings in the United States, they decided:

According to the commission, a large-scale program, combining the efforts of all interested departments, should pursue two goals: education and debunking.

The purpose of the training is to develop skills in identifying unusually illuminated objects (probes, airplanes), as well as natural phenomena (meteors, fireballs, mirages, luminous night clouds)... The training will undoubtedly lead to a reduction in reports as a result of erroneous identification, which causes so much confusion.

Debunking should reduce public interest in “flying saucers”, which today cause a strong psychological reaction...

The basis of such education could be stories, initially mysterious, and later explained. Tricks largely lose their attractiveness as soon as their secret becomes known. The educational program must dispel the gullibility of the public and, consequently, its susceptibility to skillful enemy propaganda.

The Commission further concluded that repeated reports of these phenomena may indeed pose a threat to the orderly functioning of political security agencies in these troubled times... National security agencies should immediately take appropriate measures to deprive unidentified flying objects of special status, which was given to them, and the aura of mystery that they, unfortunately, acquired

As a result, it was decided to produce entertaining films, also animated ones, ridiculing reports of UFO sightings: this was planned to reduce the dangerous public interest in this issue.


In 1947, businessman Ken Arnold, flying his personal plane past Mount Raniere near Washington, saw nine shiny, disc-shaped objects moving near him at incredible speed. Describing this incident, Ken Arnold compared them to saucers bouncing on the water. Several similar encounters that occurred in the late 1940s began a boom around so-called Unidentified Flying Objects. Over the past decades, the excitement around UFOs has subsided, however, the problem itself has not disappeared and continues to arouse keen interest among the public. As historical chronicles testify, people have encountered something similar to flying saucers for centuries. But, as will be indicated below, these heavenly visions were caused more by the psychological mood of the peoples of the Earth than by the intervention of extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, science fiction played the first role in this. It became a phenomenon generated by the Renaissance, when the theological picture of the world was rejected, and with it the Christian picture of the future. Fantasy novels that appeared before the 19th century gravitated towards the genre of allegory or Gothic novel. Only in the 19th century. fantasy began to take on a scientific form, although the latter in it was in close contact with the occult. One of the founders of this kind of fiction should be considered Edgar Allan Poe, who, together with other authors of the late 19th century. wrote about a race of superhumans equal to the gods. Such creatures could appear only through mastery of the hidden psychic energy “vril”, which transfers them to a higher level of development. Such theories are not surprising, that is, their inspirers were themselves occultists.

The next element in humanity's fantastic competition for the militarization of space was the appearance of unidentified flying objects on Earth. Their goal is to “save” people from various disasters. It’s interesting that in Arthur C. Clarke’s book, the creatures from these UFOs appear to people in the form of devils. The goal of instilling ideas about UFOs was also facilitated by films based on the theme of the appearance of superbeings from outer space, benevolently invading human civilization.

Basic Beliefs in Connection with the UFO Phenomenon

The UFO phenomenon has been assessed in different ways. Some considered it a hallucination and an error of perception. Others began to view UFOs as a psychological and religious phenomenon. In particular, psychoanalyst Carl Jung, a student of Freud, published the work “Flying Saucers - a Modern Myth about Phenomena Visible in the Sky” in 1956. In this work, Jung expressed his opinion that “flying saucers” are projections of the collective unconscious, visualized fears and expectations that have taken on the characteristics of a myth. This is, rather, a sign of the times that has nothing to do with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is interesting that the phenomenon associated with visions in the sky took this form only in the 20th century. In trying to explain it, it is important to see its connection to science fiction. The deep essence of fantasy is its myth-making. Myth is the expression in images and symbols of the deep experience of the relationship between the world, man and the supernatural. Main content science fiction became a myth about man - about the possibilities of his evolution and his hidden capabilities. Important features The science fiction myth has become: (a) antipathy and even hostility towards Christianity, in contrast to which there is the inclusion of overtones of an eastern or occult nature into the genre; (b) the object is a superman of the future, who has grown to such a state through evolution or a meeting with another supercivilization; (V) " future world“reminiscent of the current reality of occult phenomena: telepathy, levitation and disappearance-reappearance, possession of other people’s bodies, etc.; (d) gravitates towards the utopia of liberation of man from the power of matter through scientific knowledge. Indeed, modern researchers of science fiction have established its invisible connection with the world of the occult, especially with occult meditation.


Many researchers and UFO observers have come to the firm conclusion that these are phenomena of a psychological nature that are not subject to the influence of the physical laws of the material universe. Scenes of UFO phenomena are deeply absurd, and are accessible precisely to people who are exhausted and exhausted. peace of mind through the absurdities and contradictions of life. So, the purpose of UFOs is to involve people in the search for occult powers as opposed to biblical Christianity. Their source is the spiritual world. ( END OF MATERIAL A. Grigoriev and V. Alekseev)

A view from a non-Christian perspective

In the book « Modern myth about "heavenly signs" C. G. Jung wrote in the 1950s that reality, surrounding a person, incurs projections from the collective unconscious. The latter seeks to compensate for the one-sided development of consciousness (for example, excessive rationality in our time or ignoring everything that is not related to faith in the old days) and projects onto the celestial space, if you look at it for a long time, images of sparkling machines (our era) or shining angels (past). Thus the collective unconscious uses numinous ideas to attract individuals to achieve harmony between consciousness and the unconscious. Related religious and UFO visions can be visible to several individuals at once: the collective unconscious finds an outlet for its images and symbols through a few selected people...

UFOs have been depicted in religious paintings

Many sacred religious books talk about unidentified flying objects, such as biblical (vision of Zechariah, Ezekiel, John the Evangelist, flights of Elijah in a chariot of fire) and eastern ( "Tandshur", "Kandshur") sacred texts. Some ufologists explain this by saying that UFOs actively contributed to the emergence of some religious teachings.

For example, in John Keel’s book, which was sensational in America around the 1960s, "UFO: Operation Trojan Horse"(English) "UFO: operation "Troyan horse"") describes: winged creatures flying out of rounded flying objects, healings by unidentified flying objects and prophecies received from UFOs that subsequently came true; Such cases are characteristic of antiquity, the 19th and 20th centuries. According to Keel, ultra-beings that caused heavenly visions have since ancient times encouraged people to create religions, inspired and transmitted sacred knowledge. In the old days, ultra-beings supported people’s faith in God, but now, when God has gone out of fashion, they fuel faith in the “Space Brothers” - the helpers of humanity.

These mysterious UFOs

From time to time, newspapers and magazines publish reports that so-called unidentified flying objects (UFOs) have been discovered in an area. People often try to explain these phenomena by the intervention of unknown “aliens from outer space,” believing that the atmosphere has been well studied and cannot present any surprises. In fact, there are still many “blank spots” in the ocean of air: after all, people are just beginning to understand the most complex system called the atmosphere. In any case, some UFOs may well be classified as unstudied natural processes, occurring in the atmosphere.

For example, at the boundary of two air masses with different temperatures, densities and amounts of impurities, a volume of air sometimes forms in the form of a biconvex lens. Sharply different in physical properties from neighboring layers of air, it can reflect light at one angle. In this case, the observer will see a “flying saucer made of silvery metal.”

If there are several such intermediate volumes of air, then over time one of them may disappear from the field of view, finding itself at an unfavorable angle, and instead of it, another “flying object” will appear at some distance from the first one. This gives the impression that the “plate” is moving, and at high speed.

References to the fact that the weather when the UFO appeared was quite ordinary are unconvincing. Strictly speaking, there is no “ordinary weather” and in any weather there is a place amazing phenomenon. Of course, this does not mean that all UFOs are volumes of air that reflect light in an unusual way, or oddly shaped clouds. But maybe sometimes it’s worth thinking about and finding the natural cause of a mysterious phenomenon.


Let us list the main phenomena that cause reports of UFOs. They can be divided into three classes: astronomical, atmospheric and man-made.

Astronomical phenomena. The Moon and Venus are often the culprits behind UFO reports. Of course, on a clear night it is difficult to confuse the Moon hanging high in the sky with anything, but there are circumstances that make its identification difficult.

Very often this is cloudiness that hides the stars, but usually cannot completely eclipse the Moon. A particularly strong “UFO effect” occurs when clouds are moving across the sky: the illusion appears that the Moon is moving in the opposite direction, suddenly disappearing and appearing in gaps between dense clouds. In addition, it is distorted beyond recognition by translucent clouds.

When driving fast at night, a person gets the impression that this luminous object is chasing him. A particularly strong effect occurs when he sees not the Moon itself, but a glare from it in the window of a car, train or plane: its shape is often bizarre, and its movement is very strange, because it reacts to the slightest changes in course.

The moon can be quite visible during the day, but many people do not suspect it. Having accidentally seen the “night star” in the daytime, some people get lost and do not recognize the Moon.

The Moon is known to appear much larger at the horizon than when it is high in the sky. Here the physiological feature of vision misleads people. As a result of all the effects described above, the Moon is very often mistaken for a UFO.

Much of what has been said about the Moon also applies to Venus, which is also often mistaken for a UFO. As a rule, this occurs during the evening visibility of Venus. Not everyone knows that the “morning star” - Venus - can be very bright in the evenings. In mid-latitudes it is especially visible in the spring, when twilight comes relatively early and Venus remains above the horizon for a long time after sunset. Closer to the equator, its visibility practically does not depend on the time of year.

The book by D. Goldsmith and T. Owen, “The Search for Life in the Universe,” describes a curious incident that happened in 1967 in the town of Milledgeville (Georgia, USA). In the pre-dawn hours, a police officer saw a “bright red luminous object similar in shape to a soccer ball” in the east near the horizon and chased it along with his partner in a patrol car for 12 km. Gradually, the object rose higher, changed its color from bright red to orange, and then to white and began to resemble a star. Police said the object was so bright that they could see the hands of their watches by its light.

The Milledgeville police report sparked interest in UFOs throughout the state, and in the following days similar reports came from many places. The police were helped in their “hunt” for UFOs by a plane from which bright object noticed another, less bright one. As the plane pursued them east, both objects moved away and moved upward.

As it turned out, the bright object was Venus during the morning visibility period. And Jupiter “accompanied” her.

Stars can also take on very unusual shapes. The culprit of these surprises is, as a rule, atmospheric refraction - the refraction and bending of light rays. The sun, for example, near the horizon can take the form of an ellipse, a bag, a trapezoid with rounded edges, a segment, etc.

o Comets are also often mistaken for UFOs.

Atmospheric phenomena.

There are several types of physical objects that are certainly involved in UFO stories.

Sometimes observers manage to see clouds of exotic lens-like or elliptical shapes, which are mistaken for classic “flying saucers”. A similar formation was observed, for example, in February 1977 in Yalta. Such clouds can be very bright, reflecting light. Behind the cloud there may be a long trail of ice formed by water droplets. Sometimes it is one cloud in a completely clear sky, but there may also be chains of “squadrons” of clouds. Interesting feature Lenticular clouds are characterized by their immobility even in strong winds. Despite the apparent mystery, such objects are known to meteorologists, and in German literature they were called “torpedo clouds.” Often they actually resemble a streamlined projectile, the body of a dolphin, and sometimes they look like a shuttle or a spindle...

And this is how they arise. The flow of air flowing around obstacles on the surface of the earth forms air waves. As a rule, they occur on the leeward side of mountain ranges or behind individual peaks. Typically the length of these air waves is 4-19 kilometers. On the crests of waves, at altitudes of 2-6 kilometers, moisture condenses in the rising air and a cloud forms. Since the process of cloud formation is continuous due to the simultaneous evaporation of moisture on one side and the replenishment of condensate on the other, lenticular clouds do not change their position in space, but “stand” in the sky as if glued.

o Bright meteors and fireballs have also long been a source of wonder and become sources of myths and legends. The bolide can be visible even during the day, and after it has flown by, a smoke trail can be observed for a long time. It happens that the flight of a space “guest” does not end on Earth - it can fly back into space, as it did on August 10, 1972 over the state of Wyoming (USA). Some "extraterrestrial" materials that are sometimes discovered also appear to be related to meteorite impacts.

o Halo - faintly luminous circles, arcs, spots, pillars, crosses, ribbons near or around bright celestial bodies and ground-based light sources can also be mistaken for a UFO. The reason for the appearance of this phenomenon is associated with the refraction and reflection of light rays by ice crystals in the air. Thanks to light dyspression, the halos are always slightly rainbow-colored. Rare types of halos are still quite often mistaken by UFO observers.

o Another noteworthy phenomenon is false suns. Sometimes in calm weather at sunset or sunrise you can notice pillars of light on both sides of the Sun, as if rising to the sky from under the Earth. These are rays reflected from vertically located ice crystals, from which slowly descending cirrus clouds form. Individual sections of the pillars are sometimes so bright that they also create false suns.

o St. Elmo's Lights (the name comes from the glow that was periodically observed in thunderstorms over the medieval towers of St. Elmo). These lights are the glow of a static charge at the ends of pointed tall objects at high voltage electric field in the atmosphere.

In addition, sources of UFO reports include:

o Polar Lights.

ball lightning

o Ball lightning, which is a brightly glowing electrical discharge. Its nature is currently not well understood. Can make quiet buzzing, whistling, hissing sounds. Disappears silently or with a loud crash, emitting sparkling sparks. After ball lightning disappears, a strong-smelling haze often remains.

o Vertical columns of light from ground sources. In severe frosts, the light of a bright street lamp or spotlight gives an interesting effect. A clearly visible luminous pillar extending very high into the sky. Several nearby lanterns appear from afar as a kind of curtain or light wall. It looks like the calm northern lights that are also sometimes seen.

o Brocken Ghost. If you climb to the top of a mountain in the evening or morning, when the Sun is low above the horizon, then under favorable conditions you can see your shadow on a nearby cloud or layer of fog. This optical phenomenon, which can be observed not only in the mountains, but also from an airplane, is called the Brocken ghost (the name is given in honor of the Brocken mountain peak in the Harz Mountains in Germany).

Mount Brocken

o The bizarre shadow of an airplane on the clouds can be mistaken for a cigar-shaped UFO (in this angle the shadow will not have wings).


Birds and other flying animals. The most common birds can be the source of reports of UFO sightings. The most interesting effects can occur when rays are reflected from the plumage of birds. Unexpected effects can also occur at night, when street lights reflect off the breasts of low-flying birds. In addition, flocks of birds cause unidentified blips on radar screens.

o Luminous organisms. In some living organisms (bacteria, fungi, invertebrates, fish), the phenomenon of bioluminescence is known - luminescence caused by the enzymatic oxidation of special substances (in a significant number of species - luciferins). This type of chemiluminescence may be the cause of false UFO sightings.

A number of luminous insects live on the territory of our country. The most interesting are the subtropical fireflies (Lampyris), found on the Black Sea coast. Observing a firefly flying along an intricate trajectory and, moreover, “flashing up” at intervals of half a second leaves an indelible impression.

Birds carrying glow worms or moths in their beaks can easily be mistaken for flying saucers. Fish or flies can be infected with luminous bacteria and glow brightly in the dark. Naturally, they attract the attention of birds, and some UFOs are undoubtedly of this nature.

The glow of the sea in the form of stripes and spots can be caused by luminous planktonic organisms.

o For decades, pilots have regularly reported that a strange colorful glow can be seen high above thunderclouds. What is it: a UFO or equally mysterious ball lightning? And, in general, can eyewitnesses be trusted? After all, until now there has been no reliable evidence: no numbers, no photographs.

Finally, last summer, geophysicists David Santman and Eugene Wescott (both from the Geophysical Institute at the University of Fairbanks, Alaska) managed to put an end to any speculation on this topic. Over the course of 12 nights, they and their assistants ascended on two NASA research aircraft equipped with highly sensitive video cameras, radio detectors and satellite navigation instruments. They took off from Oklahoma City and headed to where the strongest thunderstorm was raging in the Midwest - there, in the stratosphere, above the clouds at an altitude of 20 km, scientists, in fact, registered some mysterious flashes. However, they needed to be patient - such a radiance accompanied only every hundredth lightning.

However, the game was worth the candle: Saintman and Wescott found themselves in the very center of these visions. “They looked like some kind of red ghosts, with hair standing on end, with purple-blue tentacles reaching down,” the researchers recalled. “Completely unrelated blue rays rushed upward, towards the ionosphere, at a speed of 100 km/sec ". Instruments on both planes, flying at a distance of several kilometers from each other, made it possible to accurately calculate the world of colorful phantoms: in a few thousandths of a second, a glow with a power of about 1 megawatt fills a volume of over a thousand cubic kilometers.

But genuine physical nature this phenomenon still remains a mystery. It is unclear, for example, whether we are talking about electrical discharges here, as is the case with ordinary lightning, or not? It is curious that all these flashes are not accompanied by thunderclaps. And finally, will these “red ghosts” or “blue rays” pose a threat to 21st century jet aircraft that will have to fly high-speed passenger services high in the stratosphere?

Technogenic phenomena.

These are airplanes and helicopters, balloons and rockets, satellites and active experiments in the atmosphere and space.

o Few people know that many countries regularly launch balloons, mainly to study the atmosphere. Hundreds of launches a day occur all over the planet. Most of them are uncontrollable balloons, and the wind can carry them almost anywhere on Earth. Thus, in 1970, a record was recorded for the duration of a balloon flight: being in the air for four seconds more than a year, the device completed more than 100 world travels at an altitude of almost 35 km.

Balloons have different diameters (from 3-4 to 100 m) and different shapes: in France, for example, they often launch easy-to-manufacture balloons with a tetrahedron-shaped shell, i.e. regular tetrahedral pyramid. Sometimes cylindrical shells or bundles of several dozen small balls are used. The appearance of such a structure in the air can cause the most unexpected reaction among unprepared spectators. Balloons look especially impressive at dusk: brightly illuminated by the sun against the darkened sky, they are visible hundreds of kilometers away. Recently, lighter-than-air vehicles with a solid lens-shaped shell have been designed. By appearance they cannot be distinguished from a classic flying saucer. And yet, such devices of a rare form are observed by few, but rocket launches are visible at a distance of 1000 kilometers or more.

The level of competence of eyewitnesses to the appearance of a UFO is easy to judge in the case of mass surveillance such phenomena that occur in connection with space launches or experiments in the atmosphere. Dozens of messages came each time after experiments in the atmosphere on July 17, September 19 and October 18, 1967 at the Kapustin Yar missile test site near Volgograd. At the same time, the errors of different people in determining the time reached 1 hour, and in the direction - 1/4 of the circle (instead of the east, for example, north was indicated). When describing the “Petrozavodsk phenomenon,” such errors led, in particular, to the impression of a multitude of objects scattered over a large territory. If it is possible to restore an accurate picture of the incident, specialists in many cases can easily solve it.

Petrozavodsk phenomenon

o Meteorological and space experiments.

To study the upper layers earth's atmosphere Meteorological rockets are periodically launched, designed to release special substances at an altitude of 150-500 km. (sometimes in several stages). The resulting artificial cloud (barium, sodium, etc.) begins to glow under the influence of solar radiation, and due to physical processes, occurring in the cloud, its color may change.

Barium vapor released from a spacecraft at a great distance from the Earth turns into a bright plasma cloud, with the help of which scientists carry out various studies, conduct optical observations, and determine the trajectory of spacecraft.

The first artificial comet was formed in 1959 during the flight of the Soviet automatic interplanetary station Luna-1.

MPS “Luna-1”

On October 9-10, 1967, the first joint Soviet-French experiment in the field of space meteorology and aeronomy took place. Aeronomy Service employees National Center space research France and employees of the USSR Hydrometeorological Service at the Druzhnaya observatory on Hayes Island (Franz Josef Land, 80 degrees 30 minutes north latitude) launched two MP-12 meteorological rockets with containers containing a substance for creating luminous sodium clouds at altitudes from 120 to 180 kilometers. Observations of artificial clouds were carried out to determine the temperature in the upper atmosphere. (Science and Life, No. 5, 1973, p. 124).

In the early 70s, West German and American physicists, conducting joint research on electrical and magnetic field The Earth ejected about 15 kilograms of tiny barium particles over the territory of Colombia (at a very high altitude), which formed a plasma cloud observed from different points in America. Stretching along the magnetic lines of the globe, barium made it possible to clarify their location.

In 1979, rockets launched from the Swedish test site in Kiruna also released jets of barium into outer space. Under the influence of sunlight, barium easily ionized and created a glow that can be detected at a great distance using ultra-sensitive television installations. The barium cloud was supposed to shed light on some of the processes associated with the aurora.

On December 27, 1984, a joint Ampte experiment was carried out over the Pacific Ocean by the USA, England and Germany. During the experiment, bright barium and lithium clouds appeared. The "Comet" had a central core and a tail that expanded at speeds of up to 800 meters per second. A few minutes after its appearance, the tail acquired an irregular shape with clearly visible “density waves” extending up to tens of kilometers. These “waves” were perceived by observers as multi-colored concentric arcs or circles. The entire heavenly fireworks display took about 10 minutes.

From July 2 to July 20, 1999, NASA carried out a series of geophysical rocket launches from the Wallops Island spaceport. Using a two-stage Taurus-Orion rocket, the ejection was carried out at an altitude of 69 to 154 kilometers. chemical compound trimefulaluminum to create an artificial cloud. The artificial clouds created were visible from a great distance.

o Kite. Despite the fact that in Lately In Russia it is almost impossible to see a flying kite, we must take into account that this children's fun is a traditional entertainment in various countries of the world (for example, China and the USA).

o Lighting and signal flares.

o Airplanes and helicopters.

o Artificial Earth satellites. Over several decades of the space age, about 20 thousand artificial space objects were launched from Earth.

Here is one of the reports from eyewitnesses of an unusual phenomenon associated with an artificial satellite: “It was on October 30 this year at about 7 o’clock in the evening. From west to east, fiery arrows flew in a group at the height of the clouds (no stars were visible) ... The flight took place very quickly and without noise. The color of the arrows was red and as they flew, the arrows dimmed and lit up again. The group of arrows was 100-200 meters long, the thickness of the arrows from the ground was like a thick rope...". "On October 30, 1963, at about 7 p.m., when I was driving to Kyiv... I saw across the highway with right side some foggy substance flew over to the left, like a long cylinder, 5-6 times its width. The length of this projectile, at a glance, occupied the entire width of the highway with its sides. The projectile had a width, i.e. parallel to its length, approximately 16 rows of portholes... glowing pink-red-orange...".

Many hundreds of similar messages about the observation of some strange celestial phenomenon on October 30, 1963 were sent by witnesses to newspapers, magazines, radio and television from the Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine, and some regions of the RSFSR. Among the drawings that the authors provided in their messages, there were images of spaceships with windows, antennas, wings, stabilizers and other technical attributes. Residents of almost the entire territory of Ukraine and border areas saw similar heavenly fireworks 20 years later - on December 2, 1983. And again, many of the listed details were repeated in the observers' descriptions.

And no matter how strange and contradictory these messages were in assessing the color, shape, size, trajectories of the observed phenomenon, Ukrainian astronomers, having studied several hundred messages, came to an unequivocal conclusion: over the mentioned territories, in the first and second cases, the disintegration and combustion of artificial satellites in the atmosphere was observed Earth (satellite).

An equally grandiose spectacle is watching the launch of a launch vehicle from one of our three cosmodromes. First, the eyewitness sees a bright luminous point low above the horizon (5-15 degrees), followed by a haze, similar to the contrail of an airplane. Then the trail lengthens and widens, acquiring a characteristic “fish-like” shape. At the head of this formation there is always the same bright point, which is a torch from the operation of rocket engines. Sometimes a change in the color of the torch and the appearance of jets are observed. This indicates that the second stage of the launch vehicle has come into operation.

In the next phase, the “fish” transforms into a hemisphere (when viewed from the side) relative to the flight path. During other phases, “crosses” and “flower” petals may be observed - all these are external manifestations of the operation of groups of jet engines. Flashes, light cones, and “whiskers” of luminous jets are often observed. This means that the launch vehicle has left the dense layers of the atmosphere. In the final phase, this celestial fireworks begins to blur and eventually disappears... In the night sky, such a phenomenon, under certain atmospheric conditions, can be observed for 20-40 minutes at a distance of many hundreds of kilometers from the launch site.

o Effects similar to meteorites are caused by outdated space technology burning in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Modern satellites have a special backup system that ensures their destruction: the device is “retracted” from orbit into near-Earth space, where then its bulk burns up. Since the beginning of the space era, more than 6 thousand man-made objects have already left orbit, and every day another 5-20 transition compartments, rocket stages, hatches and other fragments of spacecraft are added to this figure. There are still about three thousand tons of “space debris” remaining in orbit - more than nine thousand objects measuring over ten centimeters.

o As a result of a certain property of the video camera’s aperture, an object may appear on the film that can be mistaken for a UFO. Erroneous perception may also be due to a photography defect caused by aberration and internal reflection in the camera lens. There are also cases when telescope lenses (due to their characteristics) built a split image of a bright star that was outside the field of view. As a result, again, an incorrect judgment could be formed about what was captured on film. Well, we should also not forget about such common cases as film defects, overexposure, the appearance of spots due to the use of low-quality optics, and much more.

o As for the exaggerations and fantasies of eyewitnesses, this is a special problem that has been proven experimentally more than once. Various ufological organizations have repeatedly conducted experiments simulating UFOs in order to study the behavior of eyewitnesses. As a result, the latter argued and proved that it was precisely a UFO and at the same time attributed to it such characteristics that the object used for imitation did not possess at all.


IN modern world More and more falsifications are appearing: forgeries of documents, photos and videos about UFOs. Phenomena perceived by eyewitnesses as the results of UFO activity are also faked. A typical example is crop circles. More than once, the authors of these “mysterious” circles themselves have admitted to their creation. Moreover, most often this is done either for fun or to create a sensation, sometimes even by the reporters themselves... Faking photos and video materials is generally difficult to explain rationally. It often happens that in the media, incl. Exaggerated information is published electronically, for example, about an expedition carried out, and with elements of fantasy. Maybe in this way the researchers want to maintain their rating? It’s hard to admit that the expedition was almost in vain...

UFOs are unidentified flying objects that periodically appear in our skies in different parts of the planet. Alien ships have constantly interested ordinary people and some scientists. Skeptical astronomers continue to claim that UFOs do not exist. Nowadays, only one thing can be said for sure: humanity has not yet been able to either confirm or refute the theory of the existence of aliens. This article contains the most Interesting Facts about UFOs, starting with information about the first alien objects seen.

  • The term “UFO” was first used in his book by D. E. Keyhoe in 1953. By the way, the book is called “Flying Saucers from Space.”
  • Attention to alien flying vehicles was attracted by the pilot K. Arnold, who in 1947, during a flight, noticed 9 unidentified objects hovering in the air. The news of this quickly spread throughout the world, after which ordinary people began to literally seek contact with aliens. Arnold, in turn, saw objects above Mount Rainel, which is located in Washington. It was Kenneth Arnold who called UFOs flying saucers, after which the term became popular and often used.
  • The term “UFO” was officially introduced by the United States Air Force. This happened in 1953. Air Force employees used the above term to refer not only to unidentified objects in the form of saucers, but also to other devices various shapes, the origin of which was difficult to determine.

  • Most modern scientists believe that alien ships do not deserve such attention, since they cannot visit our planet so often. It is known that news about UFOs appear on the Internet with enviable regularity. If all of them were true, then we would already be able to establish direct contact with the aliens.
  • In the late 50s and early 60s, UFO news was incredibly popular in the United States. Later it turned out that almost all such news was, in fact, about U-2 - reconnaissance aircraft that were classified for several years.
  • All films about aliens and alien technology can be divided into two groups. The first group, which is the most popular, demonstrates the hostile behavior of the aliens. In such films, aliens attack people, colonize our planet, turning our lives into Hell. The second group of films shows us a completely different behavior of UFOs - friendly. In such cinema, aliens try to teach us something high-tech, reveal their secrets and even save people. Besides this, there is another category of UFO films in which we save aliens. Such films appear less often. Based on the above, we can assume what exactly we expect from aliens.

  • In ufology there is a term “ufonaut” - an ancient astronaut. Representatives of this science believe that “ufonauts” often visited our planet in the distant past. This theory is proven by various archaeological finds and architectural monuments of ancient cities.
  • In 1967, six unidentified vehicles lined up in the sky over England. The government officially approved the plans of scientists and military personnel who intended to study UFOs. This event attracted widespread attention, but it was later revealed that the whole thing was a hoax.
  • The Bermuda Triangle is also credited with a connection with aliens. Researchers believe that there may be an alien permanent base underwater in that area, which is often visited by aliens. This explains the mysterious disappearances of ships and planes, which to this day have not been found.
  • Famous astronomer Carl Sagal has always been skeptical. He doubted that the highly developed alien civilization would like to establish contact with us. Despite his beliefs, he still participated in the world famous SETI project.

  • In the late 30s, Orson Welles quoted the science fiction book “War of the Worlds” in his radio broadcast. He described what was happening in it so believably and realistically that thousands of Americans believed that they were really attacked by aliens. Mass panic began about halfway through the book. People quickly packed their things and tried to leave. Fortunately, the shocked population was calmed down in time.
  • On July 8, 1947, the wreckage of an alien ship was allegedly discovered in Roswell. A little later, the government announced that this ship was, in fact, an earthly experimental flying machine. For months, people refused to believe it, accusing the government of deliberately hiding the truth about UFOs.
  • In the USSR, alien saucers often turned out to be new types of military equipment.
  • A 1996 social survey showed that 71% of Americans believe that authorities are hiding the truth about flying alien machines from them. Moreover, many were confident that the government had long ago established contact with the aliens and entered into certain agreements with them.
  • The first photograph of an unidentified alien vehicle was taken in 1883 by an astronomer from Mexico named J. Bonilla.
  • The first to report abduction by aliens were the spouses Betty and Barney, whose last name was Hill. The abduction, according to them, occurred in 1961 in New Hampshire. The testimony of the spouses completely coincided, despite the fact that they were interviewed separately and under hypnosis.

  • In modern times, there are official organizations in the world engaged in the search and study of UFOs. The most famous are: MUFON, CUFOS and the Unidentified Flying Object Research Foundation.
  • Aliens abducted not only ordinary people, but also military personnel, and in front of their leadership. So in 1953 he disappeared without a trace Ensign F. Yu. Monkla. He was sent to intercept a UFO that was hovering over the state of Michigan. Moncla's plane approached the unidentified aircraft, after which it was enveloped in a bright light, and when everything stopped, it turned out that the plane was no longer on the radar. The pilot and his plane were never heard from again.

Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are commonly understood as phenomena observed in the sky or above the earth’s surface, the nature of “behavior” and appearance of which do not have a generally accepted, logical explanation, i.e. cannot be compared with any astronomical data known to science, meteorological phenomenon. On the other hand, there is no evidence of a hoax.

When the phenomenon nevertheless finds its logical explanation, the UFO automatically goes into the category of ILO (identified flying object). This is often what happens. As a percentage, this is only 5-10% of all reports of strange flying objects that have appeared.

Today, many proactive public organizations have been created (in our country this is “Cosmopoisk”), whose task is to register and analyze UFO phenomena.

In some countries, there have been cases where UFO sightings were recorded by civilian and military government agencies, including as part of secret programs (for example, Project Blue Book).

For the first time, the hypothesis of an alien origin of UFOs, publicly voiced by a current head of state, was the official appeal in 1979 by the President of Grenada at a session of the United Nations General Assembly. In addition, the theoretical origin of UFOs was assumed by US Presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.

To date, a whole search program has been created extraterrestrial intelligence(SETI), suggesting the likelihood of detecting its activity in deep space using technical means. In our age of development of the Internet and computer technology, there is a tendency to distribute information processing on tens of thousands of computers of ordinary users.

In the mass consciousness of ordinary people, UFOs are certainly associated with intelligent alien beings visiting Earth. However, most people, including scientists, question the likelihood of such visits, being confident that a UFO is nothing more than an anomalous a natural phenomenon. And yet, sometimes some of the former military, astronauts, or officials, after leaving service, publicly acknowledge and become adherents of the alien nature of UFOs.

Eyewitnesses of a UFO and its declassification

A distinctive feature of most reports of UFO sightings is the lack of precise characteristics - specific dates, locations and descriptions of objects. Often, when describing, eyewitnesses proceed from their own ideas and feelings about the nature of UFOs. Finding out extremely detailed information about a particular incident is carried out by ufologists, who least of all trust the testimony of single eyewitnesses that are not confirmed by other persons or photographs. From this point of view, the most reliable ufologists consider the testimony of either scientists or pilots.

Sometimes UFO witnesses claim that they had direct contact with representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence, who abducted them or simply in the form of an exchange of thoughts. To confirm their words, people showed burns, complained of nausea and headaches, some experienced depression or increased excitability, and spatial coordination was impaired.

The first human encounter with a UFO occurred on June 24, 1947. On this day, American Kenneth Arnold saw nine flying objects similar to saucers.

Access to classified materials about “contacts” between people and alien beings in the period from 1978 to 1987. was opened by the UK government only in May 2008. They consisted exclusively of eyewitness accounts, not confirmed by any reliable facts. Moreover, the most interesting parts of these materials were classified. Subsequently, some of them were deciphered, in particular the episode of combat contact.

Similar materials containing police reports, photographs and eyewitness accounts were published on the website of the French national space agency.

The first official publication of UFO video footage from 1987 in China, where for a long time collection and processing of information by scientific and military structures was carried out, took place at the end of 2008.

In 2010, materials on the topic of UFOs were made public by Brazil and New Zealand.

In April 2011, FBI specialists declassified documents and published them on the official website, according to which in 1947 three round objects, raised to the center, with a diameter of approximately 15.25 m were discovered in New Mexico. Each so-called flying saucer contained three bodies no more than 90 cm high. Some argue that this document is a widely known fake.

As for our country, information of this kind was allowed to be published only after publicity was declared. But even during post-Soviet democracy, officials did not evaluate numerous publications on the topic of UFOs, despite the fact that at that time the military was actively studying and collecting information on this matter.

And today there is not a single piece of evidence, confirmed by science, about the connection of alien life with UFOs.

Distant contacts

They mean observations when there are tens or more kilometers between the eyewitness and the UFO.

They are divided into:

— night lights - good visible lights white, orange or red, with clear outlines, the nature of which is unknown. This group accounts for the majority of UFO sightings;

- daytime disks - objects, usually oval or disk-shaped, that can be observed during daylight hours. They appear to be made of metal. Capable of developing incredible speed almost instantly. They are often spotted hovering motionless near the surface of the earth or high in the sky;

- radar bursts - observed on radar screens, especially coinciding with visual tracking of UFOs and considered extremely important evidence of the reality of the existence of these objects.

Contacts at short distances (close)

These are contacts with a UFO within a radius of no more than two hundred meters.

There are:

- contacts of the first kind - when, during observation, a UFO is in the air and, from the point of view of visual sensations, its interaction with people, animals and in general with environment not happening;

- contacts of the second kind - in such cases, during the interaction of extraterrestrial intelligence with the environment, interference is noted in the operation of radio-electronic devices, the ignition system of cars is turned off, as well as the appearance of strange traces and unusual imprints on the ground. Often such contacts are registered in close proximity to central highways;

- contacts of the third kind - messages indicating the presence of UFO representatives, the so-called humanoids, i.e. humanoid creatures. As a rule, there is no direct contact or negotiations between them and earthlings, but recently information has increasingly appeared about the detention of witnesses for some period of time in order to conduct a “medical” examination;

— Contacts of the fourth kind are the abduction of eyewitnesses.

UFO Variations

- solid objects are, according to Western ufologists, UFOs that look like solid consisting of matter. Sometimes they look like metal. Some scientists note that this is a fake form of UFO, existing only to divert human attention from the actions of so-called “soft” objects;

- disk-shaped objects - can be of various sizes, glow brightly or shine like metal, have some kind of antenna, porthole or stabilizer on the disks;

- objects in the shape of a triangle - the most famous of them are “Belgian triangles”. They mean objects that have the ability to sudden change flight speed and direction. This phenomenon was observed in 1989-1990 in Brazil and over nuclear power plants and Hudson Valley highways in New York State;

- spindle-shaped objects - they mean two UFO cones that have a common base and some wires on top;

- egg-shaped objects - an example is “The Incident in Sokkoro”;

- aircraft - sometimes messages appear that describe cases of sightings of unidentified aircraft: ghost missiles, airplanes, black helicopters or airships that do not have the identifying features characteristic of science. Thus, on February 25, 1942, a case was recorded when unknown aircraft were discovered in the skies of Los Angeles, which were fired upon by US anti-aircraft defense systems. At the same time, at least 1,430 shells were fired. However, according to eyewitnesses that the shells exploded in the immediate vicinity of one of the objects, it first hovered motionless, and then began to move at a speed of about six miles per hour along the coast in the middle of Santa Monica and Long Beach. Three people died, and there were also victims of heart attacks;

— augers are objects in the form of rods, the size of which varies from several centimeters to tens of meters, often having a formation in the form of blades, similar to a rotor. As a rule, they are capable of moving at high speed and silently along their axis, and therefore are inaccessible to human perception, but can easily be recorded using photographic and video equipment;

- boomerang-shaped UFOs - an example is the well-known so-called “Phoenix Lights”;

- soft objects - do not give the impression of objects that consist of matter, but only emit a mysterious glow or appear in the form of a fog that is not characteristic in its properties.

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From this article you will learn:

Unidentified flying objects - UFOs - one of the most mysterious phenomena in the world. To deny the fact that from time to time something appears in the sky above our planet that modern science unable to classify, meaningless. There are too many witnesses and eyewitnesses to this phenomenon. And most of them are completely trustworthy people. So the classic “I don’t believe it” is not appropriate here. And if so, UFOs need to be studied, and first of all, classified.

Unidentified natural anomalies

Ufologists distinguish three main types of UFOs. The first is various natural and atmospheric anomalies observed by people. From a certain angle, and even from a great distance, such phenomena may well pass for incomprehensible material objects. The most common examples of UFOs of the first type are ball lightning and various types of air lenses that cause refraction of solar rays.

Earth UFOs

The second type includes artificial objects of earthly origin, which, due to their remoteness or poor lighting, cannot be identified at the time of observation. This is the most boring type of unidentified flying object.

Indeed, what is so interesting that can be seen in an out-of-date weather balloon or a light aircraft caught in a reflected ray of sunlight?

UFO - alien ships

The third type of UFO is the most mysterious. It is this type that is considered abnormal, and it is this type that is studied by ufologists in all countries. And paranormal lovers around the world are hunting for photographs of such objects like crazy. The third type of UFO includes objects that are clearly of man-made origin, but which, due to their technical perfection, simply cannot be creations of modern earthly civilization.

Ordinary people usually indiscriminately call UFOs of this kind “flying saucers,” considering them spaceships aliens.

This is true, but only partly. Real UFOs, those whose origins defy simple explanation, are also divided into types or groups. Anomalous groups.

The first anomalous group includes alien ships. It must be said that, contrary to popular belief, these UFOs are the rarest. Alien spaceships can be recognized by one thing - their crews always strive to come into contact with us, earthlings. The methods can be different - from pursuing our planes, ships and other equipment, to direct contact with representatives of the human race. There are also known cases of alien abductions. It is not difficult to explain the motives of space UFO pilots - they crossed the expanses of Space with a specific purpose, mission, and strive to fulfill this mission.

The next type of anomalous UFO is the most common. But at the same time, it is the most difficult to study. This combination of characteristics is determined by the nature of such UFOs.

UFOs like aliens from the future

The fact is that these objects are of terrestrial origin. That is, they were built by people. Just not in our time, but in the future. UFOs of this type are devices for moving through Time. In the future, the possibility of traveling through Time will undoubtedly be open. And, naturally, people will begin to use this technology to study the deep past of the Earth. In all likelihood, travel over ultra-long time distances (on the order of several million years) will be carried out not in one time jump, but in several. The Time Machine will have to appear periodically in different eras, one of which will be our present. Naturally, Time travelers will avoid all contact with reality as much as possible, so as not to provoke any time paradox. That is why people see a UFO of the second anomalous type, but are not able to make contact with it.

UFO from parallel worlds

The latest variety of anomalous UFOs are guests from parallel worlds. The dimensions of the Continuum, as is known, do not end with the number “three” - in the four-dimensional Hyperworld, an infinite number of three-dimensional Universes coexist in parallel.

Periodically, connecting portals appear between them, and then material objects from one world penetrate into another. We also perceive such objects as UFOs. Unfortunately, due to large differences in the structure of matter, guests from another world cannot exist with us for a long time. They are destroyed. This explains the difficulty in studying UFOs from parallel Universes.
