School guide. Work program for the educational complex '"Starlight Starter" work program in a foreign language (grade 1) on the topic Star English Program

Explanatory note

This work program was developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard primary education, taking into account spiritual and moral education and planned results, with the gymnasium curriculum, program for English language For educational institutions grades 2-4 (R.P. Milrud, Zh.A. Suvorova), recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (2011). This work program is designed for 68 hours, 2 hours per week for 4th grade students learning English at a basic level.

The program promotes the development communication skills younger schoolchildren, which has a positive effect on the development of students’ speech in native language;development of their cognitive abilities; formation of general educational skills of students.

The activity-based nature of the subject “English” corresponds to the nature of a junior schoolchild who perceives the world holistically, emotionally and actively. This allows you to include foreign language speech activity in other types of activities characteristic of a child of a given age (play, aesthetic, etc.), and makes it possible to carry out a variety of interdisciplinary connections.

The program is designed taking into account the implementation of interdisciplinary curricula:

“Formation of universal educational activities” (UAL);

“Formation of ICT competence of students” (ICT);

“Fundamentals of semantic reading and working with text” (SFiRT);

“News of educational, research and project activities” (UIiPD)

This work program takes into account the peculiarities of teaching English to primary schoolchildren. It fully meets the requirements of the time, ensures the formation of personal, meta-subject and subject competencies. Significant attention is paid to the formation value guidelines and aesthetic ideals. Included are materials that expand the understanding of junior schoolchildren about Russia and form a sense of pride in their country and its achievements in various fields.


The curriculum of the municipal educational institution "Gymnasium No. 7" provides for the study of English in the 4th grade at a basic level at the rate of 2 hours per week / 68 hours per year. Availability of a propaedeutic course in first grade and extracurricular activities in the third grade (1 hour per week) they allow you to adjust the calendar and thematic planning according to the curriculum by condensing the material in the Special days section. Exercises in the textbook and workbooks allow you to take into account the different abilities of students

Course Objectives

The integrative goal of teaching English to primary schoolchildren includes the development of primary school communicative competence at an elementary level in the forms of listening, speaking, reading and writing available to them, that is, the main four types of speech activity.

Learning English in primary school has the following goals:

    educational (formation of elementary level communicative competence in oral (listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing) types of speech activity);

    educational (formation of social skills in students using the English language, studying the culture of peers from other countries, familiarization with age-appropriate foreign folklore and children's fiction, broadening their horizons and developing intercultural ideas);

    developmental (development of intellectual functions and universal learning skills of junior schoolchildren, increasing their speech capabilities, strengthening educational motivation in learning English and expanding cognitive interests);

educational (cultivating the moral qualities of the personality of a junior schoolchild, strong-willed self-regulation, tolerant attitude and respect for representatives of other cultures, a responsible attitude to study and assigned work, a sense of patriotism).

general characteristics course "STAR ENGLISH"

Studying English in primary school is of an active, activity-based nature and this corresponds to the age characteristics of a primary school student, for whom active interaction with the outside world is a natural form of cognition. This means that mastering a foreign language is integrated with other activities of a child of primary school age, including games, educational tasks, artistic creativity, drawing and coloring, modeling from available materials, competition, etc. Great importance For successful mastery of the English language in primary school, it has its connection with other subjects included in the primary school curriculum. This not only increases motivation to learn English, but also expands the cognitive capabilities of younger schoolchildren.

Taking into account the set educational, educational and developmental goals of studying the subject “Foreign Language” in primary school, the following are formulated tasks:

    to form in younger schoolchildren an attitude towards a foreign language as a means of interpersonal and intercultural communication on the basis of mutual understanding with those who speak and write in the target language, as well as as a means cognitive activity through oral communication, reading, listening and writing;

    develop at an accessible level the systemic linguistic ideas of younger schoolchildren about the language being studied, its functioning in oral and writing, expanding the linguistic horizons of students and ensuring the assimilation of lexical and grammatical means;

    create pedagogical conditions for introducing younger schoolchildren to a new world of communication in the language they are learning, overcoming the language and cultural barrier and creating motivation for mastering new communicative and social skills;

    to cultivate the personality traits of primary school students, their moral and value orientation, emotional and sensory sphere, as well as cognitive abilities, thinking and creativity in the course of mastering language knowledge on a communicative basis;

    include younger schoolchildren in a new social and communicative experience through educational games, dramatization, folklore, music, modeling life situations, discussing age-appropriate problems, educational cooperation and project activities;

    teach elementary school students universal cognitive strategies and ways of working with the components of the educational and methodological kit, multimedia application, educational information on the Internet, symbolic and graphic representation of knowledge, as well as educational cooperation.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results

The presented program ensures the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results. Personal results:

    formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality; formation of values ​​of multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

    developing a respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture of other peoples;

    mastering initial adaptation skills in a dynamically changing and developing world;

    acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

    formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

    development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

    developing skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

    awareness of a foreign language as a means of international intercultural communication, bringing people together, ensuring friendly contacts and business interaction, expanding cognitive capabilities, relevance and mobility of a person in the modern world;

    formation of ideas about the world as a multilingual, multicultural, diverse and at the same time united community, open to friendship, mutual understanding, tolerance and respect of people for each other;

Meta-subject results:

    mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

    mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    developing the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways achieving results;

    developing the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

    mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

    mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with goals and objectives; consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with the objectives of communication and compose texts in oral and written forms;

    willingness to listen to the interlocutor and engage in dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

    willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

    formation of the general outlook of junior schoolchildren with the gradual development and complication of the linguistic picture of the world around them, reflecting natural phenomena, interpersonal relationships, educational and work activities, the sphere of art and culture;

    mastering general educational skills and universal cognitive actions, which include extracting information from materials on printed and electronic media, converting information from graphical form into text, using reference books and dictionaries, searching for information using ICT, individual search for a solution, pair and group interaction in cognitive purposes, transformation of information for the purpose of understanding, communication of information;

    maintaining the cognitive goal when performing educational tasks with components of the educational-cognitive set and transferring the developed skills, as well as universal cognitive actions, to new educational situations.

Subject results:

A. In the field of communicative competence:

    language concepts and skills (phonetic, spelling, lexical and grammatical);

    speaking (elementary dialogue of an etiquette nature, dialogue in typical situations accessible to the child, dialogue with questions and encouragement to action, monologue statements with descriptions of oneself, family and other people, objects, pictures and characters);

    listening (listening to the speech of the teacher and other students, perception of the main content of simple audio texts and video fragments using language material familiar to students);

    reading (perceive with understanding texts of a limited volume that correspond to the thematic material studied and the interests of students, observing the rules of reading and meaningful intonation);

    writing (technique of writing letters and observing spelling rules, relying on a sample, writing filling in blanks and forms, signatures under objects and phenomena, greeting cards, personal letter of limited volume);

    sociocultural awareness (English-speaking countries, literary characters, fairy tales of the world, children's folklore, songs, norms of behavior, rules of politeness and speech etiquette).

B. In the cognitive sphere:

    the formation of elementary systemic linguistic ideas about the language being studied (sound-letter composition, words and phrases, affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences, word order, function words and grammatical word forms);

    the ability to carry out tasks according to a learned model, including composing one’s own dialogical and monological statements on the studied topic;

    transferring skills in working with Russian-language text to tasks with text in English, which involve predicting the content of the text based on the title and images;

    the ability to use educational and reference material in the form of dictionaries, tables and diagrams to complete tasks of various types;

    carry out self-assessment of completed educational tasks and summarize the acquired knowledge based on tasks for self-control.

IN. In the value-orientation sphere:

    perception of language as a universal human value that provides cognition, transmission of information, expression of emotions, relationships and interaction with other people;

    familiarization with age-appropriate cultural values ​​of other peoples and one’s own country, famous heroes, important events, popular works, as well as standards of life;

G. In the aesthetic sphere:

    acquaintance with samples of native and foreign children's literature, samples of poetry, folklore and folk literary creativity;

    the formation of aesthetic taste in the perception of fragments of native and foreign children's literature, poems, songs and illustrations;

    development of aesthetic assessment of samples of native and foreign children's literature, poems and songs, folklore and images based on samples for comparison.

D. In the labor sphere:

    the ability to maintain the goals of cognitive activity and follow its tasks when mastering software educational material and in independent study;

    readiness to use modern educational technologies accessible to age, including ICT, to increase the efficiency of their educational work;

    initial experience in using auxiliary and reference literature to independently search for missing information, answer questions and complete educational assignments.

4th grade, third year of study

(68 hours, 2 hours per week)

Introductory module

Module No. 1. “In the city”

Module No. 2. " Space trip

Module No. 3. “Animal world”

Module No. 4. “Who was it?”

Module No. 5. “Rules of Conduct”

Module No. 6. “Food”

Module No. 7. “Knights and Castles”

Module No. 8. “The History of Willow”

Module No. 9. “Magic Garden”

Module No. 10. “Hike!”

Main content lines

    basic types of speech activity, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and related communication skills;

    language skills in using lexical, grammatical, phonetic and spelling means of the language;

    sociocultural awareness and intercultural communication skills;

    universal cognitive actions and special learning skills.

The formation of students' communication skills is the main content line of the implementation of the educational program. Communication skills are inseparable from language skills, without which the process of communication in a foreign language becomes impossible. Students' language skills are formed in the created educational and communicative environment and serve the purpose of teaching communication in the foreign language being studied. They are integrated with the communication skills of schoolchildren. The formation of communicative skills involves a parallel study of the culture of native speakers of the foreign language being studied and the formation of sociocultural ideas in younger schoolchildren. The interconnection of the content lines of the educational program in a foreign language ensures the unity of this academic subject.

Mastery of types of speech activity is carried out in their close relationship, however, the specifics of teaching a foreign language in primary school presuppose oral advance, since the formation of reading techniques and spelling skills occurs more slowly compared to elementary speaking and we understand simple speech by ear.

Subject content of speech

The subject content of students' speech in oral and written form is developed in accordance with the educational, educational, educational and developmental goals of the teaching and educational process for younger schoolchildren, meets their age characteristics, cognitive interests and capabilities, as well as the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary school education. The subject content of students’ oral and written speech in its productive and receptive form includes the following topics:

Acquaintance. With classmates, a teacher, characters from children's works: name, age, city, country. Greetings, farewells (using typical phrases of speech etiquette).

I and my family. Family members, their names, ages, appearance, character traits, interests/hobbies, professions. My day (daily routine, household chores). Grocery shopping: clothes, shoes , some food, fruits and vegetables. Favorite food. Family holidays: birthday, New Year/Christmas (gifts and congratulations). Valentine's Day.

The world of my hobbies. My favorite activities/hobbies (reading, collecting, designing, drawing, music). Sports (game sports, winter and summer sports). My favorite fairy tales . Day off (at the zoo, circus). School holidays.

Me and my friends. Name, age, birthday, appearance, character, interests/hobbies. Joint activities. Help a friend.

Correspondence with foreign friends. Favorite pet: name, age, color, size, character, what it can do.

My school. Classroom, educational subjects, school supplies. Classroom activities. Rules of conduct at school. School holidays.

The world around me. My house/apartment/room: names of rooms, their size, furniture and interior items. My city/village ( general information). Favorite season. Weather. Classes at different times of the year. Nature: plants and animals. Wild and domestic animals. Habitats.

Country/countries of the language being studied and native country. General information: name, capital, major cities. Literary characters from popular books of my peers (names of book characters, their appearance, character traits, what they can/can’t do). The plots of some popular English fairy tales. Works of children's folklore in English (rhymes, poems, songs). Some forms of verbal and non-verbal etiquette in English-speaking countries in a number of communication situations (at school, while playing together, when talking on the phone, at a party, at a table, in a store).

Communication skills by type of speech activity

IN speaking

    Dialogue form

Be able to lead:

    etiquette dialogues in frequently encountered situations of everyday, educational and intercultural communication;

    question-answer dialogues (requesting and receiving information);

    situational everyday dialogues (discussion and organization of joint actions).

    Monologue form

Know how to use:

    typical communicative types of statements (description, message, story, characterization (characters)).

In listening

Perceive and understand by ear:

    speech of the teacher and classmates in educational communication;

    short messages, stories, fairy tales in audio recordings.

    aloud texts limited in volume on previously studied language material;

    aloud and silently limited texts that complement previously studied thematic material;

    silently limited in volume texts containing additional language material and new information.

IN letter

    writing technique (calligraphy and spelling);

    basic written speech skills based on a sample (congratulations, note, short personal letter).

Calligraphy and spelling. English alphabet. Sound-letter correspondences. Basic letter combinations. Transcription. Apostrophe. Basic rules of reading and spelling. Writing active vocabulary words.

Phonetic side of speech. Clear pronunciation and aural differentiation of all phonemes and sound combinations of English speech. Compliance with basic standards English pronunciation: long and short vowels, pronunciation of voiced consonants at the end of a syllable and words without deafening, pronunciation of consonants without softening before “narrow” vowels. Diphthongs. Binder “r” ( there is / there are and similar cases). Aspiration. Emphasis on a word or phrase. Unstressed pronunciation of function words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions). Intonation highlighting of semantic groups in a sentence. Rhythm and intonation in declarative, exclamatory and imperative sentences, general and special questions.

Lexical side of speech. Approximately 600 units of productive and receptive vocabulary in accordance with communicative situations accessible to primary school students based on age-appropriate topics. The most common, simple and stable phrases, evaluative vocabulary, phrases of speech etiquette, accepted in the culture of English-speaking countries. International words. Lexical ideas about simple ways word formation in the form of suffixation ( -er, -tion, -ly etc.), compounding ( ice cream) and conversions ( drink to drink ).

Grammar side speeches. Statement (narration), motivation and question as the main communicative types of sentences. General and special questions. Interrogative pronouns: what , who , when , where , why , how. Word order in affirmative and interrogative sentences. Place of negation in a sentence. Simple sentence. Simple verbal predicate ( I need water). Compound nominal predicate ( The cake is sweet). Compound verb predicate ( I want to play ). Incentive offers in the affirmative ( Go home now!) and negative ( Don t come late ! ) forms. Impersonal sentences in the present tense ( It is spring). Turnover there is / there are in sentences. Simple common sentences. Simple sentences With homogeneous members. Compound sentences with conjunctions and And but. Complex sentences with because . Grammatical forms indicative mood ( Present , Future , Past Simple , Present Continuous,). Formation of the past tense using regular and irregular verbs. Infinitive. Verb to be in the function of a linking verb. Verb to do as an auxiliary verb. Basic modal verbs ( can , may , must , should , have to). Verb constructions like: like reading , to be going to , I'd like to… . The only and plural nouns (rules and exceptions). Article (definite, indefinite and zero). Nouns in the possessive case. Education is positive, comparative and superlatives adjectives with rules and exceptions. Personal pronouns in the nominative and objective cases. Possessive, interrogative, demonstrative, indefinite ( much , many , little , few , no , some , any) pronouns and their derivatives ( somebody , anybody , something , anything , nobody , nothing) and cases of their use. Adverbs of time ( never , usually , often , sometimes , yesterday , tomorrow), degrees ( much , very , little), mode of action ( well , slowly , quickly). Cardinal (up to 100 0) and ordinal numbers (up to 100). Prepositions ( in , on , at , with , into , to , from , of ).

Results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education in English language

Achieving personal, social and cognitive development students is the main result of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education in English.

In the process of implementing the program, a primary school graduate will achieve certain personal results of mastering the academic subject “Foreign Language”. For a primary school graduate

1) the foundations of Russian civic identity will be formed, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, an awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality; values ​​of multinational Russian society; humanistic and democratic value orientations;

2) a holistic, socially oriented view of the world will be formed in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

3) a respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture of other peoples will be formed;

4) initial adaptation skills will be formed in a dynamically changing and developing world;

5) the motives for educational activities will be developed and the personal meaning of learning will be formed;

6) aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings will be formed;

7) ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people will be developed;

8) skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations will be developed;


    will master the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, search for means of its implementation;

    will develop the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

    will develop the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

    will master the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

    will actively use speech means and means of information and communication technologies for solving communicative and cognitive problems;

    will use various methods of searching (in reference sources and open educational information space on the Internet), collecting, processing, analyzing, organizing, transmitting and interpreting information in accordance with communicative and cognitive tasks;

    master the skills of meaningful reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with goals and objectives; will consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with the objectives of communication and compose texts in oral and written form;

    will be ready to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

    will be able to determine common goals and ways to achieve them; will be able to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

In the process of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, certain subject results. Primary school graduates

    will acquire initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language based on their speech capabilities and needs; master the rules of speech and non-speech behavior;

    will master the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in a foreign language at an elementary level, thus expanding their linguistic horizons;

    will form a friendly attitude and tolerance towards speakers of another language based on familiarity with the life of their peers in other countries, with children's folklore and accessible examples of children's fiction.

In the process of mastering the English language, students will develop communication skills by type of speech activity.

In speaking the graduate will learn:

    conduct and maintain elementary dialogue: etiquette, questioning dialogue, incentive dialogue;

    briefly describe and characterize an object, picture, character;

    talk about yourself, your family, friend, school, native land, country, etc. (within the scope of primary school topics);

    reproduce by heart small works of children's folklore: rhymes, poems, songs;

    briefly convey the content of the text read/heard;

    express your attitude towards what you read/heard.

In listening the graduate will learn:

    understand by ear the teacher’s speech during the lesson; coherent statements by the teacher, based on familiar material and/or containing some unfamiliar words; statements from classmates;

    understand the basic information of what you hear (short texts and messages based on what you have learned speech material, both during direct communication and when perceiving an audio recording);

    extract specific information from what you hear;

    respond verbally or non-verbally to what is heard;

    understand by ear different types text ( short dialogues, descriptions, rhymes, songs);

    use contextual or linguistic guesswork;

    do not pay attention to unfamiliar words that do not interfere with understanding the main content of the text.

In reading the graduate will master reading techniques, i.e. learn to read:

    with the help of (learned) reading rules and with correct word stress;

    simple uncommon sentences with correct logical and phrasal stress;

    basic communicative types of sentences (narrative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory);

    short texts with different strategies to ensure understanding of the main idea of ​​the text, complete understanding of the text and understanding of the necessary information.

    determine the meanings of unfamiliar words by familiar word-forming elements (prefixes, suffixes) and by known constituent elements of complex words, analogies with the native language, conversion, context, illustrative clarity;

    use reference materials ( English-Russian dictionary, linguistic and regional reference book) using knowledge of the alphabet and transcription;

    understand the internal organization of the text;

In a letter the graduate will learn:

    write off correctly;

    perform lexical and grammatical exercises;

    make captions for drawings;

    answer questions in writing;

    write greeting cards for holidays and birthdays;

    write personal letters within the framework of the topic being studied, based on the sample;

    draw up the envelope correctly (based on the sample).

Language tools and skills in using them

Graphics, calligraphy and spelling

The graduate will learn:

    recognize words written in different fonts;

    distinguish letters from transcription signs;

    use the English alphabet;

    write all the letters of the English alphabet and basic letter combinations (in semi-printed font);

    compare and analyze letters/letter combinations and corresponding transcription signs;

    write beautifully (master the skills of English calligraphy);

    write correctly (master the basic rules of spelling);

    group words in accordance with the learned reading rules;

    use a dictionary to clarify the spelling of a word.

Phonetic side of speech

The graduate will learn:

    distinguish by ear and adequately pronounce all sounds of the English language;

      understand and use logical stress in a phrase or sentence;

      observe the rule of no emphasis on function words;

      correctly pronounce sentences with homogeneous members (observing the intonation of enumeration);

    distinguish the communicative type of sentence by its intonation;

    correctly pronounce sentences from the point of view of their rhythmic and intonation features - narrative (affirmative and negative), interrogative (general and special questions), imperative and exclamatory sentences.

Lexical side of speech

The graduate will learn:

    understand the meaning of lexical units in written and oral text within the scope of primary school topics;

    use lexical units in speech that serve communication situations within the scope of primary school topics in accordance with the communicative task;

    use word formation rules;

    guess the meaning of unfamiliar words using different kinds guesses (by analogy with the native language, word-forming elements, etc.).

The grammatical side of speech

The graduate will learn:

    understand and use in speech the studied nouns with the definite/indefinite/zero article, adjectives in the positive, comparative and superlative degrees, quantitative (up to 1000) and ordinal (up to 100) numerals; personal, possessive and interrogative pronouns, verb have (got ) , linking verb to be, modal verbs can , may , must , have to , typestemporary forms Present/Past/Future Simple/Present Perfect , design to be going to to express future actions, adverbs of time, place and manner of action, the most common prepositions for expressing temporal and spatial relations;

    use basic communicative types of sentences, impersonal sentences, sentences with turnover there is / there are, incentive sentences in the affirmative and negative forms;

    understand and use the indefinite, definite and zero articles;

    understand and use demonstratives in speech ( this , that , these , those) and undefined ( much , many , little , few , some, any,no) pronouns and their derivatives;

    understand and use in speech the plural of nouns formed according to the rules and not according to the rules;

    understand and use in speech compound sentences with unions and And but;

    understand and use complex sentences with a conjunction in speech because .


The presented course is a version of the international course adapted to Russian conditions - its creation is based on the fundamental documents of modern Russian education: Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, new Federal Basic Curriculum, sample English language programs for primary general education. This initially ensures full compliance of the goals and objectives of the course, topics and learning outcomes with the requirements of federal documents.

The offered course also meets the requirements of European standards (Common European Framework). Taking into account this provision, students become participants in a process organized by the Council of Europe to improve the quality of communication between native Europeans different languages and cultures. This will allow them to better understand each other, communicate more freely, and lead to closer cooperation.

The program is based on such methodological principles as communicative-cognitive, personality-oriented and activity-based.

The main goals of the course correspond to those stated in the standard of primary general education in a foreign language. This is the formation and development of foreign language communicative competence of students in the totality of its components: speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory and educational-cognitive. Particular emphasis is placed on personal development and education of students, development of readiness for self-education, universal learning activities, mastery of key competencies, as well as the development and nurturing of the need of schoolchildren to use English as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation; development of national identity, desire for mutual understanding between people different cultures and communities.

Formation of communication skills by types of speech activity in the educational complex “Star English –4”


Development dialogical speech is achieved primarily by tasks make up a dialogue based on the picture. In addition, students participate in dialogues in connection with the text they read or listened to. Dialogue speech uses phrases of both a meaningful and etiquette nature. Schoolchildren know how to say hello, greet others and return their greeting, offer congratulations and respond to congratulations, thank, apologize; they know how to conduct an interrogative dialogue, they know how to ask questions: who? What? Where? Where? How? Why? etc. The volume of dialogic utterance is 2-3 replicas on each side.

Actively developing monologue speech . Based on the studied supporting text, students compose short stories about themselves, about a friend, about their family, about their daily routine; about the house; describe people, animals; cartoon characters, tell a story based on a picture, etc. The volume of a monologue statement is 5–6 phrases.


The educational complex “Star English –4” is designed to develop students’ communicative listening skills. For this purpose, regular work with audio recordings is provided in class and at home. Students constantly hear authentic speech from native speakers, which forms their image of sounding English speech and helps them develop adequate pronunciation. Listening with understanding and repeating after native speakers helps students easily learn the rhythmic and intonation features of English speech, imitating them. Listening with understanding is helped by supporting pictures, which contributes to the development of linguistic guesswork in younger schoolchildren.


The educational complex uses traditional and new approaches to teaching reading (global reading - wholesale - word reading) and a combination of “whole word” reading with reading according to rules, the effectiveness of which for this age group has been proven by practice. Practice has shown the effectiveness of the following sequence of teaching reading techniques: listening and repeating new words and structures after the speaker, reading the same words and structures, using them in dialogue, then reading and listening to dialogue texts with already familiar structures. Next, students not only learn familiar words, but also learn to read new words and phrases in connected text (texts up to 100 words, articles are not taken into account).

In the fourth grade, an intensive study of the basic rules of reading takes place. The educational complex also presents texts with sociocultural content without being written to disk. However, students have the necessary reading skills to independently read these texts and extract the necessary information (names, location, names of objects, etc.).


The educational complex “Star English -4” consistently teaches writing as a type of speech activity. A variety of written tasks are provided: from copying texts in which missing words must be inserted, to writing notes, postcards, personal letters, congratulations, stories and mini-essays based on a sample.

Language tools and skills in using them

Graphics, calligraphy, spelling

In the second grade, students are introduced to the English alphabet not in the traditional way from the alphabet to the sounds of letters, but from speech sounds to letters. Each sound has a corresponding picture in which that sound occurs and a soundtrack, which makes it easier to remember the sound-letter correspondence. In addition to imitating sounds and memorizing letters corresponding to sounds, students are gradually introduced to some rules for reading letters, and this combination of memorization (recognition) and knowledge (understanding) greatly facilitates the process of reading words and sentences.

In the fourth grade, students fully master all transcription signs and basic reading rules. They also become familiar with the apostrophe, common letter combinations, and spelling rules.

MK involves intensive training in writing vocabulary from an active dictionary. This kind of exercise is given both in the textbook (book for students) and workbook, as well as in the language portfolio.

Phonetic side of speech

The educational complex “Star English –4” is provided with discs with audio recordings for classes in the classroom and at home, as well as DVD videos. Thanks to “sounding” materials, students develop adequate pronunciation that corresponds to the educational norm. They comply with phonetic norms (long and short vowels, diphthongs, etc.), do not deafen voiced consonants at the end of a syllable or word, do not soften consonants before vowels, and use the connective “r” ( there is / are ), correctly place lexical and phrasal stress, observe the intonation of enumeration, intonationally highlight semantic groups in sentences, practice dialogues recorded on disks by repeated listening and act them out. Special phonetic exercises in each module help students distinguish by ear the sounds of English speech and their combinations. Pronunciation skills are strengthened through a large number of rhymes and songs.

Lexical side of speech

Active vocabulary is presented on flashcards and demonstration posters, which makes it easier to memorize. The textbook presents the simplest stable word combinations ( be late, ride a bike, go to bed, go home, have fun, have breakfast, lunch, supper, put on a jumper it. d.), evaluative vocabulary ( Well done. Fine . Yummy . It s fun . Etc.) and speech cliches as elements of speech etiquette, reflecting the culture of English-speaking countries ( Nice to see you . Welcome back. See you later. Happy Birthday! Here you are. Let's me see . Excuse me , where s ...? and etc.).

The educational complex “Star English -4” contains vocabulary intended for receptive assimilation (in texts of a regional nature and in texts on interdisciplinary connections). The excessive vocabulary available in the textbook allows for a differentiated approach to teaching schoolchildren, taking into account their cognitive needs, abilities and capabilities.

The textbook gives an initial idea of ​​the methods of word formation: suffixation (suffixes - er , - or , - tion , - ist , - ful , - ly , - teen , - ty , - th ): teach teacher , friend friendly ; compounding: bathroom , sunglasses ; conversion: dream to dream , hope to hope . International words are also presented in UMK materials (project , portfolio , garage , tennis , football etc.).

The grammatical side of speech

Grammatical phenomena are presented on the pages of the textbook in the section Grammar land, where grammatical phenomena are presented in the form of communicatively used structures. At the end of the textbook there is a grammar reference book with explanations of grammatical phenomena in Russian. All program material on grammar is contained in the textbook. The workbook contains additional tasks to strengthen students' grammatical skills. These tasks can also be used to monitor and self-monitor the development of grammatical skills in younger schoolchildren.

Forms and methods of control and self-control

In the educational complex “Star English –4” there are the following forms of organizing control and self-control of students’ knowledge:

Portfolio : written and oral assignments in the textbook, summarizing the material studied.

Board Game : game in a workbook to consolidate the studied language material.

Checkpoint : assignments in the textbook aimed at students’ self-assessment and self-monitoring of knowledge of the module material.

Language portfolio:creative works to each module for use in communication tasks.

Evaluation chart for games and activities (formative evaluation ): assessment of the activities of each student in the lesson with comments.

Evaluation chart for each unit (cumulative evaluation ): assessment of the developed skills of each student, as well as the motivation for learning in sections of the textbook.

Thematic content of the modules

Textbook for 4th grade:

In Town . Names of shops and buildings. Indication of routes. Description of the microdistrict.

A Space trip . Name of professions. Actions and deeds every day. Favorite school subjects.

Animal Elections . Names and descriptions of animals and their homes.

Who Was It ? Feelings and description of appearance in the past.

The Country Code. Diseases. Tips for a healthy lifestyle.

Yumville. Description of fruits and vegetables.

Knights and Castles. Description of yesterday and last week.

Willow s Story. Description of the past and conversations about professions.

The Fairy Garden. Conversation about the future.

Port Fairy. Things for the trip. Vacation plans.

Additional lessons: Happy New Year! , Valentine's Day/Peter and Fevronia Day .

Components of the educational complex “Star English-4”

Textbook ( Student s Book )

The textbook is aimed at developing students' interest and involvement in learning English. New vocabulary is presented clearly and
in an effective way through dialogues, songs, games and listening activities. The textbook consists of two parts and has a modular structure. Each part includes four modules. Each consists of approximately 10 lessons and a review section and contains interesting and
exciting topics for young learners. The textbook also contains many creative tasks that encourage the child to think and speak in English. Each page is aimed at active participation and interaction on the part of children, to develop their receptive and productive skills. Starter Unit is included in Part 1, where students learn the alphabet as well as basic reading rules, transcription icons, and learning to read.

Our School

Chapter Our School /Our school presents new vocabulary on interdisciplinary topics. Students use English to complete tasks related to other subject areas such as art, mathematics, health and safety, etc. This motivates them to learn the language and promotes independence and cooperation in learning.

Students reinforce learned vocabulary through simple but meaningful and engaging dialogue.
Go Green!
Chapter GO GREEN!/ Learn to love nature gives you the opportunity to learn more about our environment through fun and creative activities.

Grammar Land

This section is devoted to studying and consolidating
grammatical structures presented in
module. The section starts with
presentation of the theory. Then a variety of exercises are performed. Large sections Grammar Land /Country Grammar can be studied over several lessons.

Word Lab

Students continue to consolidate their acquired knowledge
using the section exercises Word Lab /Word Workshop.
Our World / My World

Students get acquainted with the culture and way of life in other countries, and also study their own country in the section Our World / My World /Our world/My world.


This section introduces students to Russian folklore. In the textbook for 4th grade - “The Stone Flower”. This story is presented in a narrative form with funny songs to evoke maximum positive emotions in children.


Chapter Phonics /World English sounds helps students learn to distinguish the sounds of English in oral speech and also start reading. Exercises
are accompanied by funny illustrations, improving pronunciation and
intonation is fun and interesting.

Students have the opportunity to repeat and consolidate the studied linguistic phenomena of each module in the section Checkpoint /Check yourself!

In the textbook for grade 4 there is a section Troll Tales, in which
students consolidate the studied linguistic phenomena in the form of funny educational dialogues with the participation of the main characters - trolls.

Workbook ( Workbook )

Yestʹ dva dopolnitelʹnyh podrazdeleniĭ v kontse knigi, soderzhashchiĭ meropriyatiya ko Dnyu detyeĭ i Novyĭ god,
kotorye dolzhny bytʹ ohvacheny, kak preddverii sootvet·stvuyushchih torzhestv.

YA books
Book nahodit·sya v polnom tsvete i
soderzhit interesnyh meropriyatiĭ, kotorye
konsolidirovatʹ yazykom v
kazhdogo modulya. Book sostoit iz dvuh
detalyeĭ i mozhet bytʹ ispolʹzovana kak v
class or homework.ntroduction
Book vklyuchaet v sebya:

The workbook is made in color. It is intended to consolidate the language material of all modules of the textbook with the help of a variety of exercises in all types of speech activity. It can be used both in the classroom and at home after completing the relevant module material in the textbook.

The workbook includes:

I . Stickers

The textbook contains exercises using stickers. The type and purpose of these exercises vary to provide students with opportunities to use language in unusual and engaging ways. There are also
“reward” stickers (reward stickers) so that children can be proud of themselves and feel satisfied with the results achieved. The teacher can use them when he feels that the children need to be praised and encouraged.

II . Board Games

Each part of the textbook contains two board games, one for every two modules. The purpose of board games is to provide
atmosphere of relaxation, confidence and consolidation of the studied material.
III . Characters Cutouts

It will be fun for students to act out the dialogue themselves, and on behalf of fairy tale characters textbook. Paper dolls can be cut out and used during any communicative activities at the lesson.

Language portfolio ( My Junior Language Portfolio ) is the property of the students. It will be replenished throughout the entire period of study at school. This is creative independent activity child.

The language portfolio is designed to motivate and maintain interest in learning English. The goal is to help students reflect and realize their progress in language learning.
In practice, a language portfolio may include projects or any other written works, computer disks with works and drawings done in class or at home, videotapes with favorite stories, songs, school plays, etc., certificates, teacher reviews and simply collections of objects or pictures.

Collection of test tasks ( Test Booklet )

The collection includes control tasks that are completed upon completion of work on each module. Also contains tests for intermediate (mid-year) and final control.

Consistent preparation of students for current and final tests helps to minimize the feeling of fear and uncertainty in children.

Certificate of Achievement
Upon completion of the course, each student receives Certificate of Achievement , which is filled out by the teacher and ceremonially presented at the end of the year.

Book for teachers ( Teacher s Book )

The book for the teacher contains detailed lesson plans, keys to the exercises in the textbook, keys and recommendations for working with the components of the teaching materials, recommendations for assessing tests, recommendations for staging a fairy tale, thematic planning, a resource bank (materials for assessing students’ knowledge, skills, Templates /Materials for crafts). The teacher's book contains additional exercises and games that allow the teacher to implement a differentiated approach, as well as texts of listening exercises.

s Certificate dostizheniĭ

Ih chuvstvo dostizheniya.
Teacher's book

shag plany urokov, a takzhe

Studencheskaya book i

slova i yazykovye modeli,

, a takzhe dlya tapescripts
proslushivanii dyeyatelʹnosti.

Buklet soderzhit ispytaniĭ modulya testov. V seredine-of-god, a takzhe konets goda Vyĭti ispytaniĭ, a takzhe
vklyuchen i mozhet bytʹ ispolʹzovana v kachestve testa na sleduyushchiĭ urovenʹ.
s Certificate dostizheniĭ
Eto zapolnyaet·sya po okonchanii kursa. Tselʹ dannogo sertifikata yavlyaet·sya voznagrazhdenie studentov, a takzhe datʹ
Ih chuvstvo dostizheniya.
Teacher's book
Book uchitelya obespechivaet stepby-
shag plany urokov, a takzhe
otvety k uprazhneniyam v oboih
Studencheskaya book i
Books On takzhe soderzhit dopolnitelʹnye
idyei o tom, kak predstavitʹ novye
slova i yazykovye modeli,
dopolnitelʹnye meropriyatiya i play,
, a takzhe dlya tapescripts
proslushivanii dyeyatelʹnosti.

Handout ( Picture Flashcards)

The booklet contains pictures that serve as a visual support for introducing and consolidating vocabulary and help the teacher avoid translation and long-winded explanations.

Posters ( Posters )

Eight double-sided posters contain pictures illustrating the active vocabulary of each module on a thematic basis. On one side there is the vocabulary being studied with pictures and illustrations for the song. On the other side there are pictures for acting out dialogues.

Audio course for classroom use ( Class CD )

Audio recordings contain recordings of new words, dialogues, songs, as well as other tasks from the textbook and workbook.

Audio course for self-study at home ( Student ` s CD)

The disc includes recordings of new words, dialogues, and songs so that students can listen to them at home, thus practicing pronunciation skills and intonation.

Video course (DVD- video )

The video material includes new vocabulary, dialogues, songs, as well as the basic language patterns that students learn in each module, bringing the characters of fairy tales to life. Students have the opportunity not only to hear their favorite characters, but also to observe them, which increases their interest in the material being studied.

K – set

D – demonstration


Names of objects and means of logistical support



Printed products (library collection)

 “Star English” textbooks for grades 2–4.

 Federal state educational standard for primary general education.

 Sample program of primary education in a foreign language.

 Milrud R.P., Suvorova Zh.A. English language. Work programs. 2–4 grades.

 Books for teachers for the educational complex “Star English” for grades 2–4.

 Bilingual dictionaries.

Printed materials (for personal use of students)

"Star English" for grades 2–4:

 Workbook.

Test tasks.

 Language portfolio ( My Junior Language Portfolio O).

Printed manuals

 Alphabet (wall chart).

 Cash register of letters and letter combinations.

 Transcription signs (table).

 Grammar tables for main sections of grammatical material contained in sample programs ah primary education in a foreign language.

 Handouts ( Picture Flashcards) to the educational complex “Star English” for grades 2–4.

 Situational posters for each module of the textbook “Star English” for grades 2–4.

 Maps in a foreign language:

Geographic map of the countries of the language being studied.

Geographic map of Europe.

 Posters on English-speaking countries.

Technical means training and classroom equipment

 TV.

 VCR/video player.

 Interactive whiteboard.

 Tape recorder.

 Computer.

 Multimedia projector.

 Exposure screen.

 Chalkboard with a set of devices for attaching tables, posters and pictures.

 Stand for displaying students’ creative works.

 Teacher's desk with cabinet.

 2-seater student tables with a set of chairs.

Screen diameter at least 72 cm

Size no less than 150 x 150 cm

Multimedia learning tools

 CD for classroom use*

 CD for self-study at home*

 DVD-video*

Software for interactive whiteboard – IWBS (Interactive Whiteboard Software)*

 Website of additional educational resources of the educational complex “Star English”

*Included in the educational complex “Star English”.

Games and toys

 Dolls, soft toys, balls, etc.

Board games in English (lotto, Scrabble and etc.).


    Federal state educational standard for primary general education // Bulletin of Education. – 2010. – No. 3.

    Sample general education programs. Elementary School. – M.: Education, 2010. – (Series “Second Generation Standards”).

    K. M. Baranova, D. Dooley, V. V. Kopylova, R. P. Milrud, V. Evans. Educational complex "Star English" for 4th grade. – M.: Express Publishing: Education, 2011.


Minutes of the department meeting

Head of the department



Deputy Director for HR



Working programm compiled on the basis of the English language program. Work programs for grades 2–4. A manual for teachers of general education institutions and schools with in-depth study of the English language” R. P. Milrud, Zh. A. Suvorova. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2012.

For this work, we use the educational and methodological set “UMK “Starlight -4” in 2 parts, authors: Baranova K.M., Dooley D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P., Evans V.; 2012, publishing house: “Express Publishing”, “Prosveshcheniye”.

Multicultural education of modern primary schoolchildren includes the study of English as an important subject necessary for successful socialization in modern multilingual world. The English language is the subject of a philological cycle and forms the communicative competence of a junior schoolchild, contributing to his multicultural education, language development, broadening his horizons, nurturing moral qualities and the formation of social skills together with the Russian language and literary reading, as well as other educational programs in primary school subjects.

In connection with the integration of Russia into a single European educational space, the process of modernization of the Russian school education system is intensifying. As a result of this process, the goals, objectives and content of teaching foreign languages ​​at school are updated.

The study of foreign languages ​​seems especially important in the light of the formation and development of all types of speech activity, which involves the development of a set of analyzers: auditory, speech-motor, visual, motor in their complex interaction.

It should be emphasized that mastery of the basics of speech must be sufficiently strong and stable at for a long time. It should serve as a kind of foundation for subsequent language education and improvement with the aim of using a foreign language in the future professional field of activity after completing this stage of training.

In light of the ongoing changes in communication (types of speech activity such as writing and reading are becoming more and more relevant), it should be noted that training in these particular types of speech activity is becoming increasingly important.

In the process of teaching foreign languages, not only the problems of practical language proficiency are solved, but also educational and general educational ones, since they are most closely related to practical language proficiency. Proficiency in a foreign language provides the opportunity to express the same thought through different lexical and grammatical units not only in a foreign language, but also in their native language, makes thought processes more flexible, develops students’ speech abilities, attracts students’ attention to various linguistic forms of expressing thoughts in their native language and foreign languages. It is no secret that by mastering a foreign language, students better understand their native language. By studying a foreign language, students develop and train memory, will, attention, and hard work; horizons expand, cognitive interests develop, and skills in working with texts of any type are formed.

In the light of modern trends, teaching foreign languages ​​requires an integrative approach to teaching; accordingly, in the educational process it is necessary not only to develop the skills of foreign language speech communication, but also to solve problems of an educational, cultural, intercultural and pragmatic nature.

The proposed work program is intended for grade 4 and is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education, taking into account the concept of spiritual and moral education and the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

Course Objectives

The integrative goal of teaching English to primary schoolchildren includes the development of elementary level communicative competence in elementary school students in the forms of listening, speaking, reading and writing available to them, that is, the main four types of speech activity.

Communicative competence at the elementary level is a program-limited set of skills necessary for interpersonal and intercultural communication in English with speakers of other languages ​​and cultures, using acquired oral and written linguistic means, in age-appropriate and achieved level of socialization typical communicative situations available to elementary school students.

Learning English in primary school has the followinggoals :

    educational (formation of elementary level communicative competence in oral (listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing) types of speech activity);

    educational (formation of social skills in students using the English language, studying the culture of peers from other countries, acquaintance with age-appropriate foreign folklore and children's fiction, broadening their horizons and developing intercultural ideas);

    developing (development of intellectual functions and universal learning skills of junior schoolchildren, increasing their speech capabilities, strengthening educational motivation in learning English and expanding cognitive interests);

    educational (nurturing the moral qualities of the personality of a junior schoolchild, strong-willed self-regulation, tolerant attitude and respect for representatives of other cultures, a responsible attitude to study and assigned work, a sense of patriotism).

General characteristics of the item

Studying English in primary school is of an active, activity-based nature and this corresponds to the age characteristics of a primary school student, for whom active interaction with the outside world is a natural form of cognition. This means that mastering a foreign language is integrated with other activities of a child of primary school age, including games, educational tasks, artistic creativity, drawing and coloring, modeling from available materials, competition, etc. Of great importance for the successful mastery of English in primary school is its connection with other subjects included in the primary school curriculum. This not only increases motivation to learn English, but also expands the cognitive capabilities of younger schoolchildren.

Taking into account the set educational, educational and developmental goals of studying the subject “Foreign Language” in primary school, the following are formulatedtasks:

    to form in younger schoolchildren an attitude towards a foreign language as a means of interpersonal and intercultural communication on the basis of mutual understanding with those who speak and write in the target language, as well as as a means of cognitive activity through oral communication, reading, listening and writing;

    to develop at an accessible level the systemic linguistic ideas of younger schoolchildren about the language they are studying, its functioning in oral and written speech, expanding the linguistic horizons of students and ensuring the assimilation of lexical and grammatical means;

    create pedagogical conditions for introducing younger schoolchildren to a new world of communication in the language they are learning, overcoming the language and cultural barrier and creating motivation for mastering new communicative and social skills;

    to cultivate the personality traits of primary school students, their moral and value orientation, emotional and sensory sphere, as well as cognitive abilities, thinking and creativity in the course of mastering language knowledge on a communicative basis;

    include younger schoolchildren in a new social and communicative experience through educational games, dramatization, folklore, music, modeling life situations, discussing age-appropriate problems, educational cooperation and project activities;

    to teach elementary school students universal cognitive strategies and ways of working with the components of an educational and methodological set, a multimedia application, educational information on the Internet, symbolic-graphic representation of knowledge, as well as educational cooperation.


Along with the Russian language and literary reading, the English language is included in the number of subjects of the philological cycle and forms the communicative culture of the student, contributes to his general speech development, broadening his horizons and education.

The presented program provides for the study of English in a secondary school: 68 hours in 2nd grade, 68 hours in 3rd grade and 68 hours in 4th grade.


The presented program ensures the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results.

Personal results:

    formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia, awareness of one’s ethnicity and nationality; formation of values ​​of multinational Russian society; the formation of humanistic and democratic value orientations;

    the formation of a holistic, socially oriented view of the world in its organic unity and diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions;

    developing a respectful attitude towards other opinions, history and culture of other peoples;

    mastering initial adaptation skills in a dynamically changing and developing world;

    acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

    development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions, including in information activities, based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom;

    formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

    development of ethical feelings, goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people;

    developing skills of cooperation with adults and peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

    awareness of a foreign language as a means of international intercultural communication, bringing people together, ensuring friendly contacts and business interaction, expanding cognitive capabilities, relevance and mobility of a person in the modern world;

    formation of ideas about the world as a multilingual, multicultural, diverse and at the same time united community, open to friendship, mutual understanding, tolerance and respect of people for each other;

Meta-subject results:

    mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

    mastering ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

    developing the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results;

    developing the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

    mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

    mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts of various styles and genres in accordance with goals and objectives; consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with the objectives of communication and compose texts in oral and written forms;

    willingness to listen to the interlocutor and engage in dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

    defining a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

    willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation;

    ability to work in the material and information environment of primary general education (including educational models) in accordance with the content of a specific academic subject.

    development of social skills of a primary school student necessary for communication in both native and foreign languages ​​within the limits of accessible and age-appropriate speech situations, the child’s communicative needs and his language abilities;

    formation of the general outlook of junior schoolchildren with the gradual development and complication of the linguistic picture of the world around them, reflecting natural phenomena, interpersonal relationships, educational and work activities, the sphere of art and culture;

    mastering general educational skills and universal cognitive actions, which include extracting information from materials on printed and electronic media, converting information from graphical form into text, using reference books and dictionaries, searching for information using ICT, individual search for a solution, pair and group interaction in cognitive purposes, transformation of information for the purpose of understanding, communication of information;

    maintaining the cognitive goal when performing educational tasks with components of the educational-cognitive set and transferring the developed skills, as well as universal cognitive actions, to new educational situations.

Subject results:

A. In the field of communicative competence:

    language concepts and skills (phonetic, spelling, lexical and grammatical);

    speaking (elementary dialogue of an etiquette nature, dialogue in typical situations accessible to the child, dialogue with questions and encouragement to action, monologue statements with descriptions of oneself, family and other people, objects, pictures and characters);

    listening (listening to the speech of the teacher and other students, perception of the main content of simple audio texts and video fragments using language material familiar to students);

    reading (perceive with understanding texts of a limited volume that correspond to the thematic material studied and the interests of students, observing the rules of reading and meaningful intonation);

    writing (technique of writing letters and observing spelling rules, relying on a sample, writing filling in blanks and forms, signatures under objects and phenomena, greeting cards, personal letter of limited volume);

    sociocultural awareness (English-speaking countries, literary characters, fairy tales of the world, children's folklore, songs, norms of behavior, rules of politeness and speech etiquette).

B. In the cognitive sphere:

    the formation of elementary systemic linguistic ideas about the language being studied (sound-letter composition, words and phrases, affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences, word order, function words and grammatical word forms);

    the ability to carry out tasks according to a learned model, including composing one’s own dialogical and monological statements on the studied topic;

    transferring skills in working with Russian-language text to tasks with text in English, involving predicting the content of the text based on the title and images, expressing one’s attitude to what was read, and supplementing the content of the text own ideas in elementary sentences;

    the ability to use educational and reference material in the form of dictionaries, tables and diagrams to complete tasks of various types;

    carry out self-assessment of completed educational tasks and summarize the acquired knowledge based on tasks for self-control.

IN. In the value-orientation sphere:

    perception of language as a universal human value that provides cognition, transmission of information, expression of emotions, relationships and interaction with other people;

    familiarization with age-appropriate cultural values ​​of other peoples and one’s own country, famous heroes, important events, popular works, as well as standards of life;

    the prospect of using the language being studied for contacts with representatives of a different culture, the opportunity to tell friends about new knowledge gained through a foreign language, the likelihood of using basic knowledge of a foreign language on foreign tours with relatives.

G. In the aesthetic sphere:

    acquaintance with samples of native and foreign children's literature, samples of poetry, folklore and folk literary creativity;

    the formation of aesthetic taste in the perception of fragments of native and foreign children's literature, poems, songs and illustrations;

    development of aesthetic assessment of samples of native and foreign children's literature, poems and songs, folklore and images based on samples for comparison.

D. In the labor sphere:

    the ability to maintain the goals of cognitive activity and follow its objectives when mastering program educational material and in independent learning;

    readiness to use modern educational technologies accessible to age, including ICT, to increase the efficiency of their educational work;

    initial experience in using auxiliary and reference literature to independently search for missing information, answer questions and complete educational assignments.


Main content lines

The content of the foreign language course is:

    basic types of speech activity, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and related communication skills;

    language skills in using lexical, grammatical, phonetic and spelling means of the language;

    sociocultural awareness and intercultural communication skills;

    universal cognitive actions and special learning skills.

The formation of students' communication skills is the main content line of the implementation of the educational program. Communication skills are inseparable from language skills, without which the process of communication in a foreign language becomes impossible. Students' language skills are formed in the created educational and communicative environment and serve the purpose of teaching communication in the foreign language being studied. They are integrated with the communication skills of schoolchildren. The formation of communicative skills involves a parallel study of the culture of native speakers of the foreign language being studied and the formation of sociocultural ideas in younger schoolchildren. The interconnection of the content lines of the educational program in a foreign language ensures the unity of this academic subject.

Mastery of types of speech activity is carried out in their close relationship, however, the specifics of teaching a foreign language in primary school presuppose oral advance, since the formation of reading techniques and spelling skills occurs more slowly compared to elementary speaking and we understand simple speech by ear. By the end of a foreign language course in primary school, mastery of different types of speech activity occurs at a more even pace.

IN thematic planning The content of foreign language teaching has been expanded in all sections (subject content of speech, communication skills and language means), which allows you to study a foreign language more intensively and in depth at the rate of 3 hours per week.

Communication skills by type of speech activity

IN speaking

    Dialogue form

Be able to lead:

    etiquette dialogues in frequently encountered situations of everyday, educational and intercultural communication;

    question-answer dialogues (requesting and receiving information);

    situational everyday dialogues (discussion and organization of joint actions).

    Monologue form

Know how to use:

    typical communicative types of statements (description, message, story, characterization (characters)).

In listening

Perceive and understand by ear:

    speech of the teacher and classmates in educational communication;

    short messages, stories, fairy tales in audio recordings.

In reading

    aloud texts limited in volume on previously studied language material;

    aloud and silently limited texts that complement previously studied thematic material;

    silently limited in volume texts containing additional language material and new information.

IN letter


    writing technique (calligraphy and spelling);

    basic written speech skills based on a sample (congratulations, note, short personal letter).


2014 – 2015 academic year

Subject: English

Class: 2

Total for the year: 68 hours

Number of hours per week: 2

Teacher: Morgunova Ekaterina Igorevna


Sections and topics

Planned completion dates

Lesson date

Introductory section . ( Starter Unit)

Updating the knowledge base, getting acquainted with the new educational complex.


VerbTobe, possessive pronouns.


Introducing the verb "Havegot" Listening.


Verb "can" Etiquette dialogue in the sphere of everyday communication. (Greeting, introduction. Maintain intonation and correct stress.)


Use of basic communicative types of speech. (Introduction of your family members, a short story about them, about your favorite food) Creation of a mini-project.


Listening comprehension of the teacher's speech and small accessible texts. Expressive reading aloud of small texts.


Analysis of letter combinations and their transcriptions.


Visual perception of text (Familiar words, grammatical structures, understanding of content.)


PresentContinuous(Present continuous tense. Use of the present continuous tense in questions and negatives.)



Prepositions of direction of movement. Listening to dialogue using timePresentContinuousand studied prepositions.)



Numerals. Listening to new words, repeating after the speaker. Operating active vocabulary in the process of communication.



Listening and reading text. Understanding the content. Learning new words.



Pronunciation of letter combinations in wordsshAndou. Listening perception of teacher speech. Compliance with the norms of pronunciation of these letter combinations in reading aloud and oral speech.



Monitoring students' knowledge.

13.10- 17.10.14

Topic No. 1 ( In town ) In the city


Prepositions of place. Listening comprehension of new words.



Indefinite articlea, anwith nouns.



Formation of the plural of nouns.



Learning new words on the topic “In the city.” Listening to the text.



Visual perception of text, auditory perception. Repetition of transcription signs.




Topic No. 2. ( A space trip ) Travel into space.


Learning new vocabulary on the topic “Journey into space.” "What time do you wake up?" Studying clocks in English.



Present simple tense in affirmative sentences, questions and negatives.


2 3 .

Adverbs denoting frequency of action (Adverbsoffrequency)


24 .

Study of transcription sounds. Reading and listening to text.



Control of learned material.


Topic No. 3. ( Animal elections Animal Elections

2 6 .

Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.



Listening and reading text. It uses the present simple tense.



Study of transcription sounds. Perception of them by ear.



Control of learned material.

Topic No. 4. "Who was that?"



Verbtobein Simple past tense (PastSimple).



Negative and interrogative forms of the verbtobein the Simple Past Tense.



Study of transcription sounds. Listening comprehension and expressive reading dialogue.



Control of learned material.


Topic No. 5. "Rules of behavior outside the city"


Introduction of vocabulary and its activation in speech. Modal verb "must" Affirmative and negative forms.



Use of the verb "Haveto" Doing grammar exercises.

19.01- 23.01.15


Affirmative and negative forms of the verb "should" Listening comprehension of a short text on a given topic.

19.01- 23.01.15


Listening to a dialogue on the topic of modal verbs. Reading practice, full understanding of the text. Learning active vocabulary.



Practice both reading and listening “The Stone Flower”.



Monitoring student knowledge


Topic No. 6. (Yumville) Food .




Teaching grammar. Words "alot, many, much» with nouns



Teaching listening and reading, repeating vocabulary. Use"a few, a little"



Teaching writing. Reading with full understanding. Question and answer dialogues.





Monitoring students' knowledge.


Topic No. 7 Knights and castles


Introduction of vocabulary and its activation in speech. Simple past tense (affirmative form).



Interrogative and negative forms of the simple past tense. Repetition of vocabulary.



Teaching dialogical speech. Repetition of grammar.





Monitoring students' knowledge.


Topic No. 8 “Willow’s Story”


Introduction of vocabulary. Development of reading skills.



Teaching grammar. Irregular Verbs in the past time. Performing lexical and grammatical exercises.



Irregular verbs in interrogative and negative form. Activation of vocabulary on the topic.



Teaching speaking and writing. Repetition of grammar. Practice reading “Stone Flower”



Monitoring students' knowledge.


Topic No. 9. Magic garden.


Introduction of vocabulary and its activation in speech. Ordinals.



Teaching grammar. Question words. Doing grammar exercises.



Activation of grammar in speech. Simple future tense. Performing lexical and grammatical exercises.



Teaching writing. Repetition of grammar.



Reading and listening practice “Stone Flower”



Monitoring students' knowledge.

27.04- 1.05.15

Topic No. 10. On vacation ( Port Fairy )

62 .

Introduction of vocabulary and its activation in speech.

27.04- 1.05.15

Activation of grammatical structure in speech. Design"To be going to"



Teaching grammar. Present perfect tense. Irregular Verbspast participle.



Reading and listening practice “Stone Flower”



Listening and reading text. Question and answer dialogues.



Reinforcing the material covered. Repetition of vocabulary.



Monitoring student knowledge


Monitoring and evaluation of student activities

In the educational complex “Star English 2” there are the following forms of organizing control and self-control of students’ knowledge:

Portfolio: written and oral assignments in the textbook that summarize the material studied.

Board Game: a game in a workbook to reinforce the language material learned.

Checkpoint: tasks in the textbook aimed at students’ self-assessment and self-monitoring of knowledge of the module material.

Language portfolio: creative works for each module for use in communicative tasks.

Evaluation chart for games and activities (formative evaluation): evaluation of the activities of each student in the lesson with comments.

Evaluation chart for each unit (cumulative evaluation): assessment of the developed skills of each student, as well as the motivation for learning in sections of the textbook.

Monitoring the level of students' achievements in English is carried out in the form of assessing different types of speech activity using a five-point system.


Grade "5 “is set if the communicative task is solved and the students fully understand the content of foreign language speech that meets the program requirements for each class.

Grade "4 " is set if the communicative task is solved and the students understand the content of foreign language speech that meets the program requirements for a given class, with the exception of individual details that do not affect the understanding of the content of what they heard as a whole.

Grade "3 ” is set if the communicative task is solved and the students understand only the basic meaning of foreign language speech that meets the program requirements for a given class.

Grade "2 " is given if students did not understand the meaning of foreign language speech that meets the program requirements for a given class.


Grade "5 “ is given if communication took place, the students’ statements corresponded to the assigned communicative task, and at the same time, their oral speech fully complied with the norms of a foreign language within the program requirements for this class.

Grade "4 “ is given if, if communication took place, the students’ statements corresponded to the set communicative task and at the same time the students expressed their thoughts in a foreign language with minor deviations from language norms, and otherwise their oral speech corresponded to the norms of a foreign language within the program requirements for this class.

Grade "3 “ is put in the event that if communication took place, the students’ statements corresponded to the set communicative task and at the same time the students expressed their thoughts in a foreign language with deviations from language norms, which, however, do not interfere with understanding the content of what was said.

Grade "2 “ is put in the event that if communication did not take place, or the students’ statements did not correspond to the set communicative task, the students poorly mastered the language material covered and expressed their thoughts in a foreign language with such deviations from language norms that do not allow them to understand the content of most of what was said.


Grade "5 “is set if the communicative task is solved and the students fully understand and comprehend the content of the read foreign language text to the extent provided for by the task; the students’ reading complies with the program requirements for this class.

Grade "4 “is set if the communicative task is solved and the students understand and comprehend the content of the read foreign language text, with the exception of details and particulars that do not affect the understanding of this text, to the extent provided for by the task, the students’ reading complies with the program requirements for this class.

Grade "3 “is set if the communicative task is solved and the students understand and comprehend the main idea of ​​the read foreign language text to the extent provided for by the task; the students’ reading basically meets the program requirements for this class.

Grade "2 “is set in the event that the communicative task is not solved - the students did not understand the content of the read foreign language text to the extent provided for by the task, and the students’ reading did not meet the program requirements for this class.

Logistics of the program

Educational and methodological literature

    StarlightExpress Publishing: Education, 2012.

    English textbook for grade 4 "StarlightExpress Publishing: Education, 2012.

    Starlight» K.M. Baranova, J. Dooley, V.V. Kopylova and others. Part 1. – M.:Express Publishing: Education, 2010.

    Workbook for the English textbook for grade 4 "Starlight» K.M. Baranova, J. Dooley, V.V. Kopylova and others. Part 2. – M.:Express Publishing: Education, 2010.

    Starlight» K.M. Baranova, J. Dooley, V.V. Kopylova and others. Part 1.

    Teacher's book for the 4th grade textbook "Starlight"K.M. Baranova, J. Dooley, V.V. Kopylova and others. Part 2.

    Audio course for classroom useto the 4th grade textbook "Starlight» K.M. Baranova, J. Dooley, V.V. Kopylova and others.

    Video course for classroom activitiesto the 4th grade textbook "Starlight» K.M. Baranova, J. Dooley, V.V. Kopylova and others (DVD- video)

    Collection of exercises for the 4th grade textbook "Starlight» E.V. Sakharov, M.L. Bakhtin, K.K. Romanova. M.: Education, 2014.


Explanatory note.

The introduction of new standards entails changes in the language policy of educational institutions. The creation of a flexible system for choosing languages ​​and conditions for their study, as well as the variability of forms and means of teaching reflect current state theory and practice of teaching a foreign language.

The modern system of teaching English is characterized by the fact that the content of training presents activity component: activities that include specific universal learning activities that provide creative use knowledge to solve life tasks, initial self-education skills. Mastery skills to learn and know is a priority goal at the initial stage of training. Achieving this goal is implemented in the training system, which formed the basis for the creation of this work program. The program is intended for teaching schoolchildren in Russian educational institutions and schools with in-depth study of the English language based on the program for 1st grade R. P. Milrud, Zh. A. Suvorova English for beginners in the “Starlight Starter” series

When forming the structure and content of the work program, the target settings were taken into account Federal State Educational Standard for Primary Education , the main requirements of the current Sample program of primary general education , creation experience pan-European multi-level standards in teaching foreign languages.

This English language program for grade 1 is based on regulatory documents:

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of basic general education”

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated March 31, 2014 No. 253 “On approval of the federal list of textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of existing state accreditation educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education.”

    Sample program for 1st grade English for beginners in the “Starlight Starter” series

General characteristics of the item.

Educational complex "Star English" for beginners is intended for 1st grade students of general education and schools with in-depth study of the English language, in which it is possible to begin learning English at this stage. It is designed for 2 hours per week.

In the first grade, teaching children English is based on the principle of advanced development oral species speech activity, listening and speaking. The main attention is paid to the development of spoken language and replenishment vocabulary.

The textbook provides for frequent changes in types of work, alternating types of activities is ensured: educational tasks, dynamic exercises, quiet periods (coloring, drawing, making crafts in accordance with the material being studied) and changing types of speech activities (listening, speaking) within one lesson.

The educational complex provides tasks and exercises that allow students to use all channels of information perception. Thus, for visual children, different types of visual aids are provided: colorful textbook illustrations, a booklet with handouts, pictures cut out from a workbook, posters and a video. The texts of the teaching materials are recorded on discs with sound and musical design, which meets the needs of auditory children; for kinesthetic children, songs and rhymes accompanied by movements are offered. This way, every student has a chance to absorb most of the information.

The textbook has a modular structure. The program consists of eight main modules:

Thematic planning

Topic name

Number of hours

Let's get acquainted!

My briefcase

My toys

My animals

My feelings

Time to play


The academic subject “English” is one of the important subjects in the system of training a modern primary school student in a multicultural and multilingual world. It is one of the subjects of the philological cycle and forms the communicative culture of the student, contributes to his general speech development, broadening his horizons and nurturing feelings and emotions, and creates interest in the cultural diversity of the world.

English as an academic subject is characterized by:

- multifunctionality(can act as a learning goal and as a means of acquiring knowledge in the most various areas knowledge);

- interdisciplinary(the content of speech in a foreign language can be information from different fields of knowledge, for example, the surrounding world, literature, history, art, etc.);

- multi-level(it is necessary to master, on the one hand, various linguistic means: lexical, grammatical, phonetic, and on the other, skills in four types of speech activity).

A special feature of the subject “English Language” is that the process of forming language skills and students’ mastery of skills in all types of speech activity make it possible to lay the foundations of a culture of learning necessary for mastering the content of most academic disciplines.

Goals and objectives of the course.

Integrative goal teaching a foreign language in primary school is the formation of elementary communicative competence of a junior schoolchild at a level accessible to him in the main types of speech activity: listening, speaking, reading, writing. Studying a foreign language in primary school is aimed at achieving the following goals: formation ability to communicate in a foreign language; communion children to new social experiences using a foreign language; development speech, intellectual and cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren; upbringing– diversified development of the student through the means of a foreign language.

Studying the subject “English Language” is aimed at solving the following tasks: formation of ideas about a foreign language as a means of communication; expansion of linguistic horizons junior schoolchildren; ensuring communicative and psychological adaptation; development of personal qualities a junior schoolchild, his attention, thinking, memory and imagination; development of the emotional sphere children; inclusion of younger schoolchildren to new social experiences; development of cognitive abilities.

Place of the subject in the curriculum.

At the first stage of general education, the basic foundations and foundation of all subsequent education are formed: the foundations for the formation of a child’s educational activity are laid, universal educational activities are formed, cognitive motivation and interests of students are ensured, and the foundations of moral behavior are formed.

The basic curriculum provides for teaching English at the initial stage, starting from 1st grade.

Meta-subject results.

Meta-subject results of mastering a subject are understood as methods of activity applicable both within educational process, and when solving problems in real life situations. Meta-subject results language learning are:

    Development of the ability to interact with others;

    Development of communication abilities, expansion of the student’s linguistic horizons;

    Development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of a primary school student, formation of motivation to learn a foreign language;

    Mastering the ability to coordinate work with different components of the educational and methodological set.

Subject results.

Subject results for mastering the academic subject “Foreign Language” are formed on the basis of the following requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education:

    Acquiring initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language.

    Mastering the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in English at an elementary level, expanding your linguistic horizons.

    Formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards speakers of another language.

In accordance with the Model Foreign Language Program developed within the framework of the new standard, subject results are differentiated into 5 areas: communicative, cognitive, value-oriented, aesthetic and labor. In the cognitive sphere: the ability to compare linguistic phenomena of the native and English languages; the ability to recognize grammatical phenomena that are absent in the native language, for example articles; ability to systematize words; ability to use linguistic conjecture; ability to act according to a model; ability to use reference material; ability to use a bilingual dictionary. In the value-orientation sphere: the idea of ​​English as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions; introduction to the cultural values ​​of another people through works of children's folklore. In the aesthetic sphere: mastery of basic means of expressing feelings and emotions in a foreign language; developing a sense of beauty in the process of getting acquainted with examples of accessible children's literature. In the labor sphere: the ability to follow the planned plan in one’s educational work; ability to maintain a dictionary.

As a result of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, students achieve personal, meta-subject and subject results

Requirements for the level of student preparation:

As a result of studying a foreign language in primary school (1st grade), the student must


    alphabet, letters, sounds of the language being studied;

    basic meanings of the studied lexical units (words, phrases)

    basic rules of reading and spelling of the language being studied;

    the name of the country of the language being studied, its capital;

    names of the most famous characters in children's literary works;

    rhymed works of children's folklore (accessible in content and form).

be able to

    observe, analyze, give examples of linguistic phenomena

    distinguish the main types of sentences by intonation and purpose of the statement;

    compose an elementary monologue statement based on a model, by analogy.

    Anduse acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life:

    understand by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates;

    understand the meaning of the adapted text (mostly klorny character) and be able to predict the development of its plot;

    highlight the subject and predicate of the text; be able to ask questions based on the meaning of the text read;

    question the interlocutor, asking simple questions (who, what, where, when), and answer the interlocutor’s questions, participate in a basic etiquette dialogue;

    be able to introduce yourself, your family and friends;

    politely greet and say goodbye to peers and people who are older in age;

    briefly describe your home, family, favorite objects and activities, your hobbies and your friends, talk about your favorite toys, animals, best friends and spending time with them; ask your peers about your favorite activities and hobbies;

    expressively play your speech role in a group production of a children's play, fairy tale, or game;

Material and technical support of the educational process.

Printed products:

    Federal state educational standard for primary general education.

    Approximate basic educational program of an educational institution. Primary school (English language).

    English language. Work programs. “Starlight Starter”

    Textbook for 1st grade, Starlight. Starter / Star English. For beginners. 1 class. Evans V., Dooley D., Baranova K.M., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P. Education

    Books for teachers.

    Bilingual dictionaries.

    Workbook for the textbook.

    A book to read.

Printed manuals:

    Alphabet (cards, wall chart).

    Cash register English letters letter combinations.

    Transcription signs (cards).

    Grammar tables.

    Maps in English: geographical maps of the countries of the language being studied.

    Posters for English-speaking countries.

    Visual aids.

Planned results

Studying a foreign language contributes to the formation of a communicative culture among schoolchildren, broadening their horizons, cultivating feelings and emotions; in addition, as a result of completing the program, students become more motivated to study the subject and desire to communicate in a foreign language.

First level results This is the acquisition by schoolchildren of knowledge of regional studies, phonetics, a set of vocabulary, elementary speech structures, and the ability to differentiate a word and a picture.

Second level results this is knowledge of the alphabet and vocabulary for each letter, the ability to use learned words in etiquette and other mini-dialogues, as well as the ability to conduct these dialogues, knowledge of poems and songs, and the ability to perform basic written exercises offered by the textbook.

Third level results

Younger schoolchildren acquire skills of basic communicative competence, i.e. ability and willingness to communicate in a foreign language at an elementary level, taking into account their speech capabilities and needs in different forms. Upon completion of the program, the student is able to conduct an etiquette mini-dialogue, masters a fairly wide vocabulary, knows the English alphabet, reads the words covered, has transcription skills, correct pronunciation sounds that are not in your native language.

Used Books:

Calendar and thematic planning

Lesson objectives

Language competence

Speech competence

Language portfolio / projects


Additional learning tools


Vocabulary and colloquial expressions





Module 1. Let's get acquainted! (8 ocloc'k)

Let's get acquainted!

Formation of speaking skills (Greetings and farewells)

Who's this? This is (Willow). Open / Close your books. Who is it? What's your name? Yes/No. Hello, I'm (Mary). Goodbye, (Sue).

No. 1, 2 p. 4, No. 3 p. 5

No.1 p.4, No.4 p.5

Module 1. part 1. p.2-3

Poster Hello

Merry rainbow.

(Colors). Development of speaking skills. Formation of interdisciplinary connections

What's your favorite color? Who's this? What color is this? Colors : red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange. It's (orange).

No.1 p.6, No.3 p.7

Colored cards

Let's listen to the story.

Formation of listening skills. Formation of writing skills (A-B)

Uch. With. 9-10, 126-127

[x], , [b]

Who's this? Hello, (Frosty)! Goodnight. Hello, I'm (Frosty). Come with me! Welcome (to the Magic Forest)!

№3 p.127

№1 p.8, №1 p.126

№2 p.126

Module1 part 1. With. 6-7, poster Hello , My Alphabet, cards Apple/Bed

Colors are all around us.

Development of speaking skills

What color is the (sun)? Sun, tree, apples, oranges, frog, flower. Fold the paper in (thirds). Draw a pair of eyes. Cut out a long tongue. Glue it into the frog’s mouth. It's (green). Hello, I'm (Max the frog).

No. 1 p. 10, No. 2, 3 p. 11


Handout Aa-BbAlphabet

No. 3 p. 11 (Making a frog)

Module 1 part 1. p.8

Handout Aa - Bb Alphabet

My favorite color is.

Development of writing skills (Сс – Dd)

Uch. With. 12-13, p. 128-129

What color is the (sun)? red, blue, green, yellow, pink, orange. Hello, I’m (Alvin).My favorite color is…

No. 1, 2 p. 12, No. 3 p. 13

No. 3 p. 13, No. 1 p. 128, No. 3 p. 129

Module1 part 1. p.9, cards Apple / Bed / Cat / Dog poster My Alphabet

What colour?

Formation of sociocultural competence (Transport of Russia, Great Britain and Germany)

UK, Germany, Russia. What color is this? Bus, mail box, tram. (It's) red. My favorite color is (red).

No. 1 p. 14, No. 2, 3 p. 15


handout Cc -Dd Alphabet

Module1 part 1. p.10-11, My Alphabet. c .ABC, world map, handout Cc-Dd Alphabet

Development of listening and speaking skills (Tale “Turnip”, part 1)

What's this? Yes, it's a little seed. Seed, big, small, eat, grow, garden, plant, like. Please grow very big. I like turnips!

Drawing “My turnip”

Flashcards 1-7,

Check yourself.

p.19, test No. 1


Module 2. My briefcase (8 hours)

My briefcase.

Formation of lexical skills

Show me (red)! What's this? What color is it? School items : schoolbag, pencil, book, pen, rubber, pencil case. My (pen) is (blue). It's a (book).

No. 1 p. 20, No. 3, 4 p. 21

p.20-21, No.2 p.20

Module 1 part 2. p.12-13

Poster My Schoolbag , cards for Bingo

My school supplies.

Development of lexical skills

Let's count! How many...? Two (flowers)! Numbers: one, two, three, four, five

No. 1 p. 22, No. 3 p. 23

c.22 (digits)

"My school supplies", 1

Module 1 part 2. p.14-15

Various school supplies

Let's listen to the story.

Development of listening skills. Development of writing skill (Ee – Ff)

Uch. p.24-25, 130-131

How many...? Time for school! What's this? It's a...!

With. 24-25, No. 1 p.130

"Time to learn!"

Module1 part 2. p.16-17, My Alphabet. c.DEF poster My Schoolbag, My Alphabet, cards Apple / Bed / Cat / Dog / Egg / Fish

The world around us.

Development of speaking skills

Living things / non-living things. Eat, breathe, have babies, grow. Ant, bat, tree, It's (red).

No. 1 p.26, No. 2 .27,

Handout Aa - Ff

Module 1 part 2. p.18, handout

What's in my briefcase?

Improving vocabulary skills

How many (pencil cases)? One, two, three, four, five. This is my (pencil). It's (red).

№1, 2 p.28

"My school supplies", 2

Module1 part 2. p.19, Flashcards 8-13

Let's play!

Development of sociocultural competence (Children's games in Russia, Great Britain and Cuba)

UK, Cuba, Russia. Playground games (tug of war, hopscotch) Correct! One point for Team A! Go to school! School is cool! Say your name and go to school! (Ma-ri-a)!

No. 1 p. 30, No. 2, 3 p. 31

Module 1 part 2. p.20-21, Flash cards 8-13, cards with numbers 1-5

Improving listening and speaking skills (Tale “Turnip”, part 2)

What's this? Yes, it’s a giant turnip. Pull, call

Let's act out a fairy tale

sculpting episode 1-2 of a fairy tale

Flashcards 14-15,

Check yourself!


Module 3. My home (8 hours)

My house.

Formation of lexical skills

What's this? What color is the (door)? Chastidom : house, roof, window, floor, wall, door. This is the (roof). This is my house. The (window) is (green).

No. 1 p.35, No. 2, 3 p.35

p.35 (parts of the house), No. 1 p.34

No. 3 p. 35 (Making a house)

Module2 part 1. p.22-23 poster My Home, flashcards 16-21

Furniture in the house.

Development of vocabulary and speaking skills

What's this? Where's the pencil? Where's (Woody)? Items of furniture : table, chair, bed, cupboard. It's a (table). This is mine (chair). It's (red). Woody's on the (table). Woody's in the (cupboard).

No. 1 p.36, No. 2 p.37

p.37 (pieces of furniture), No. 3 p.37

No. 1 p.36 (Manufacture of furniture)

Module2 part 1. pp. 24-25 flash cards 22-25,

Let's listen to the story.

Development of listening skills. Development of writing skill (Gg – Hh)

Uch. p.38-39, 132-133

What's in your house? Who's this? What's this? Where's...? Hello, (Alvin). This is my (table). Where's Frosty? Frosty's in bed. Glass, hen

№1 p.38, №1 p.132

Module 2 part 1. p.26-27 posters My Home , MyAlphabet cards with furniture items,

Where do the animals live?

Development of speaking skills

This is a (doghouse). HomeAnimals : nest, basket, fish tank, doghouse. Dog, fish, bird, cat

№1 p.40, №2 p.41

No. 3 p.41 (making a house for an animal), “My animal is in the house”

Module 2 part 1. p.28

What do I have in my house?

Improving vocabulary, listening and writing skills (Ii – Jj)

Uch. pp.42-43, 134-135

Where's the (blue) book? (On) the (table). This is room. Look! This is my (bed). Iguana, jug.

№1 p.42, №1 p.134

No. 2 p. 42, No. 3 p. 43, No. 2 p. 134, No. 3, 4 p. 135

Creating a collage of furniture pieces

Module 2 part 1. p.28 poster My Alphabet Furniture cards

Module 4. My toys (8 hours)

My toys.

Formation of lexical skills

How many (planes)? Let's count! What have you got? Yes/No. Toys : doll, ball, car, train, plane, teddy. Here's a (doll). I've got a (red ball).

p.49 (words), No. 1 p.48

Module 2 part 2. pp. 32-33 flash cards 16-25, 28-33, poster My toys

Let's count the toys.

Development of lexical skills

Count six pencils. What is it? Is it a train? Numbers : 1-10. (Three) and (three) is (six). I've got a...

p.51 (numbers), No. 2, 3 p.51

Making finger figurines

Module 2 part 2. p.34-35, flashcards 28-33,

Let's listen to the story.

Development of listening and writing skills (Kk – Ll)

Uch. pp.52-53, 136-137

Let's play! Where's the ball? It's in the tree! I've got a (doll). Kitten, lion

p.52-53, No. 1 p. 136, No. 3 p. 137

№2 c.136

Module2 part 2. p.36-37, sheets A4 posters My toys , My Alphabet, flash cards Apple – Jug, Kitten – Lion

Cleaning time.

Development of speaking skills

Coffee can, money box, marbles; recycle glass, paper, aluminum

No. 1 p.54, No. 2, 3 p.55


Module 2 part 2. p.38, Coffee can for everyone, handout Kk -Ll

My favorite toy.

Improving vocabulary and speaking skills

How many? Big/Small. The (big ball) is in the (big) box. This is my favorite toy. It's a...

No.2 p.56, No.3 p.57

№1 p.56

Module2 part 2. p.39

New Year holidays.

Development of sociocultural competence (New Year and Christmas in Russia and Great Britain)

Uch. p.122 - 123

It's Christmastime! Merry Christmas! Santa, reindeer, Christmas tree, presents, sleigh. What's this? Jingle Bells! It's (ball). A)(ball) for (Alvin). Thank you!

No. 2 p. 122, No. 3 p. 123

Making a New Year's card

Extras. p.84-88, materials for making postcards

Toys abroad.

Development of sociocultural competence

UK, China, Russia. toys: yo-yo, Matryoshka. (Three) and (two) is (five). (Five) is (blue)! I've got a big car. Kelly's got a small car.

No. 1 p.58, No. 2,3 p.59

Aa–Ll, printouts

Module 2 part 2. p.40-41, world map

Check yourself!(Fairy tale "Turnip", part 4)

Can they pull the turnip out?

c .60

No. 2 p. 61, test No. 4

Module 5. My face (7 hours)

My face.

Formation of lexical skills

What's this? Touch your eyes. How many eyes? What color is it? Parts of the face: nose, hair, ears, eyes, mouth, tongue. He's got (ne big eye). Look at me! I’ve got (five big eyes and one big mouth).

No.2 p.62, No.3,4 p.63

No.1 p.62, No.3 p.63

No. 4 p.63 (Making a monster mask)

Module3 part 1. p.42-43, My face

Time to take a bath.

Development of lexical skills

Woody is dirty. Shampoo, brush, soap, toothpaste. Now Woody is clean. What's this? wash your hands, wash your face, brush your teeth, brush your hair. It’s a/an… (It’s) orange.

No. 1 p.64, No. 2 p.65

Module 3 part 1. p.44-45, TV printouts p.108-110, flash cards 40-43

Let's listen to the story.

Development of listening and writing skills (Mm – Nn)

Uch. With. 66-67, 138-139

Little Red Riding Hood, Big Bad Wolf. Who's this? What's this? Hello! / Bye! Lovely flowers! Thank you! You've got big eyes! Smile! Milk, nest

No. 1 p.66, No. 1 p. 138, No. 3 p. 139

№2 p.138

Module3 part 1. p.46-47, flashcards 40-43, poster My face

Animals are around us.

This is a (cat)/ It’s got (small eyes). Cat, dog

No. 1 p.68, No. 2 p.69

No. 3 p.69 (Making an unusual animal)

Module 3 part 1. p.48, pictures of different animals,

Mister Potato.

Improving vocabulary skills

What color? What's this? He's got (yellow hair)/ Look at (Miss) Potato. (She)'s got (red hair).

printouts (Aa – Nn)

No. 3 p.71 (Drawing Miss or Mister Potato)

Module 3 part 1. p.49, A4 sheets

Favorite cartoon character.

Development of sociocultural skills (Cartoon characters from America, Great Britain and Russia)

UK, USA, Russia. Stitch, Mickey Mouse, Pinocchio, Lightning McQueen from cars, Wallace and Gromit. He's got (a big nose)

№1 p.72, №3 p.73

Making your favorite cartoon character

Module 3 part 1. p.50-51, world map

Development of listening skills (Tale “Turnip”, part 5) and letters (Oo – Pp)

Uch. p.74, 140-141

Check yourself!

Can they pull the turnip out? Pull, turnip. Orange, pen

p.74, No.1 p.140, No.3 p.141

Poster My Alphabet ,

Module6. My food (9 hours)

Time for lunch!

Formation of lexical skills

What's this? Food: bananas, eggs, milk, sandwich, biscuits, cheese. I like (biscuits). Give me some, please. Look! (Bananas, eggs and sandwiches)!

No. 1 p. 7 6, No. 3 p. 77

No. 2 p.74, No. 1, 2 p.76

Module 3 part 2. p.52-53, flashcards 34-49, poster MyFood

What is good for us?

Development of lexical skills

What's your favorite food? Is it(eggs)? (Six) students like (bananas). Food/drinks: tea, pizza, apples, popcorn, ice cream, cola. My turn! I like... Yummy! I don’t like… Yuk! Picnics are yummy! Come on, everyone!

Module 3 part 2. p.54-55, flash cards 44-55, A4 sheets for each

Let's listen to the story.

Development of listening and writing skills (Qq – Rr)

Uch. pp.80-81, 142-143

Who's this? Let's have a picnic! What's your favorite food? (Pizza), yum! Queen, rabbit

№1 p.80, №1 p.142

No. 2 p. 142, No. 3 p. 143

Module3 part 2. p.56-57, flashcards 44-55, poster My Food, My Alphabet

On the farm.

Development of meta-subject connections

We get apples from a tree. apples, milk, eggs, cheese, bananas, cow, tree, chicken

No. 1 p.82, No. 2 p.83

printouts Aa - Rr

Drawing a farm

Module 3 part 2. p.58, printouts, A4 sheets for each

Congratulations mom!

Development of sociocultural competence (International Women's Day in Russia)

Uch. p.124-125

Mother's Day. Love, kisses, hugs. This flower is for you, Mum! Happy Mother's Day! Oh, thank you! Heart

No. 4 p. 125 (Making flowers for mom)

Extras. p.86-87, A4 sheets

Favorite dish.

Improving vocabulary and speaking skills. Development of writing skill (Ss – Tt)

Uch. pp.84-85, 144-145

Does Frosty like (ice cream)? Do you like (ice cream), Frosty? Yes. Yummy! No. Yuk! I like (pizza). Yummy !Snake, tree

No. 1 p.84, No. 2 p.85

No. 3 p.85 (Drawing your favorite dish)

Module 3 part 2. p.59, sheet A4

Tea time.

Development of sociocultural competence (Tea drinking traditions in Great Britain, China, Turkey and Russia).

UK, China, Turkey, Russia. Do you drink tea? Biscuits and milk, change places! I like (apples).

No.1 p.86, No.2,3 p.87

printouts Aa - Tt

Module 3 part 2. With. 60-61, printouts, world map

(Tale “Turnip”, part 6)

Can they pull the turnip out? Pull, turnip

p.88, No.1 p.18

Making a collage based on a fairy tale

pictures based on a fairy tale, album sheets, glue

Check yourself.


Module 7. My animals (6 hours)


Formation of lexical skills

What's this? How many (cows)? Animals: cat, cow, hen, dog, sheep, horse. The (sheep) goes (baa)! Look! Two (yellow cows)! This is a (cat). The (cat) goes (miaow)!

No. 2 p.90, No. 3,4 p.91

№1 p.90

Module4 part 1. p.62-63, flashcards 44-61, poster My Animals

We play the game “What animal are you”

Development of lexical skills

(Pips), (fly) like a (bat)! What can (you) do? Actions: jump, climb, swim, fly, run. I’m a (horse) and I can (jump). It's a (bat). It can (fly).

No.1 p.92, No.3 p.93

No. 3 p.93 (Making paper animals)

Module 4 part 1. p.64-65, flashcards 56-66,

Let's listen to the story.

Development of listening and writing skills (Uu – Vv)

Uch. pp.94-95, 146-147

Who's this? Let's play! Can you (swim)? No, but I can (jump)! Yes, I can! I can (fly)! Umbrella, van

No. 3 p. 147, No. 4 p. 147

No. 1 p.94, No. 1 p.146

No. 2 p. 146, No. 4 p. 147

Module4 part 1. p.68-69, posters My Animals, My Alphabet

Animals on the farm.

Improving lexical and speaking skills and developing meta-subject connections

What can a (lion) do? Can you (jump)? It can (run). Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. How many animals are there on the farm? Willow says, jump! This is my farm. Look! A (horse), ...

No.1 p.96, No.2 p.97, No.1 p.98, No.2 p.99

Drawing a farm

Module 4 part 1. p.68-69, pictures of wild animals and birds, flash cards 56-61

Animals abroad.

Development of sociocultural skills (animals of Australia, Peru, China and Russia) and development of writing (Ww – Xx)

Uch. pp.100-101, 148-149

Australia, Peru, China, Russia. Koala, llama, panda. A (green) (koala) ...Window, fox

No. 1 p. 100, No. 2-4 p. 101

No. 2 p. 148, No. 3 p. 149

Module 4 part 1. p.70-71, world map, flash cards 56-66

Development of listening and speaking skills (Tale “Turnip”, part 7). Check yourself.

Look at the big turnip! Pull, turnip, ground



Module 8. My feelings (7 hours)

My feelings.

Formation of lexical skills

Uch. p.104-105

What can you (smell)? Senses: see, smell, hear, taste, touch. Snail, rabbit. I can (see) with my (eyes)! I can (see) a (snail)! I can (smell) the …, but I can’t (smell) the …

No. 2 p. 104, No. 3, 4 p. 105

№1 p.104

Module4 part 2. p.72-73, flashcards 56-72, poster My feelings

Day Night.

Development of lexical skills

Uch. p.106-107

Is it (day) or (night)? Sun, moon, day, night, stars. It's day/night!

No.1 p.106, No.3 p.107

Module 4 part 1. pp. 74-75, flash cards 73 -77, sheet A4 of each

Let's listen to the story.

Development of listening and writing skills (Yy – Zz)

Uch. pp.108-109, 150-151

, [I], [j], [z]

Who's this? I can (see the moon)! It's a fairy party! This is fun! I love the Magic Forest! Yo-yo, zebra

№1 p.108

№4 p.151

No. 1 p. 108, No. 1 p. 150

№2 p.150

Module4 part 1. p.76-77, poster My feelings

What do you see around you?

Improving lexical skills, developing meta-subject connections

Uch. p.110 - 113

What can you see? Koala, snail, bat, mouse, lion. I can see a (bat) at night. (Alvin), what can you see? Is it day or night? It's (night). I can see (the moon, stars, a bat)

No. 1 p. 110, No. 2 p. 111,

No. 1 p. 112, No. 3 p. 113

Module4 part 1. pp.78-79,

Traditions abroad.

Development of sociocultural skills (Symbols of Great Britain, Italy, Russia)

Uch. p.114-115

UK, Italy, Russia. Big Ben, fish and chips, bagpipes, Coliseum, violin, St. Basil's Cathedral, balalaika

No. 1 p. 114, No. 2, 3 p. 115

Material from the Internet

No. 2 p. 112 (Making a folding book)

Module 4 part 1. p.80-81, world map, A4 sheets for each, landscape sheet, markers

Check yourself.

Uch. p.119, test No. 8


Improving listening and speaking skills (Tale "Turnip" part 8)

Uch. p.116-118

p.116-117, preparation for the dramatization of the fairy tale

p.116, No.1 p.118

flashcard 1-78

Time to play! (2 hours)

Improving speaking skills

Preparation for the dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Making costumes and scenery

presentation for a fairy tale

Improving speaking skills

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip”

Corrective lesson

Used Books:

    English language: textbook for beginners / [K.M. Baranova, D. Dooley, V.V. Kopylova and others]. – M.: ExpressPublishing: Education, 2013. - 160s – (Star English).

    English: Workbook for Beginners / [K.M. Baranova, D. Dooley, V.V. Kopylova and others]. – M.: ExpressPublishing: Education, 2013. - 160s – (Star English).

Additional benefits:

    Audio course for self-study at home

    Audio course for classroom use

    Handouts (PictureFlashcards)

Work program in English for 1st grade according to the educational complex of K. M. Baranova "Starlight Starter"

The English language work program is designed to work with 1st grade students in a secondary school. The work program is designed for 99 hours of the school curriculum with a load of 3 hours per week. The program implementation period is 1 year.
The work program was developed on the basis of the Program for the subject “English Language” by R. P. Milrud, Zh. A. Surova for grades 2-4 (collection “Manual for teachers of secondary schools with in-depth study of the English language” Publishing House “Prosveshchenie”, 2014. )
The program was developed in accordance with the provisions of the regulatory and directive documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, based on the mandatory minimum content of general education in a foreign language and the English language program for primary classes, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
When drawing up the work program, the targets and value bases of the gymnasium’s activities, the level of training of students, the capabilities of the teacher, the level of educational, methodological and logistical support of the gymnasium were taken into account.
Course Objectives
The integrative goal of teaching English to primary schoolchildren includes the development of elementary level communicative competence in primary school students in the forms of listening, speaking, reading and writing available to them, that is, the main four types of speech activity.
Learning English in primary school has the following goals:
1. educational (formation of elementary level communicative competence in oral (listening and speaking) and written (reading and writing) types of speech activity);
2. educational (formation of social skills in students using the English language, studying the culture of peers from other countries, familiarization with age-appropriate foreign folklore and children's fiction, broadening their horizons and developing intercultural ideas);
3. developmental (development of intellectual functions and universal learning skills of junior schoolchildren, increasing their speech capabilities, strengthening educational motivation in learning English and expanding cognitive interests);
4. educational (cultivating the moral qualities of the personality of a junior schoolchild, strong-willed self-regulation, tolerant attitude and respect for representatives of other cultures, a responsible attitude to study and assigned work, a sense of patriotism).
Taking into account the set educational, educational and developmental goals of studying the subject “Foreign Language” in primary school, the following are formulated tasks:
1. to form in younger schoolchildren an attitude towards a foreign language as a means of interpersonal and intercultural communication on the basis of mutual understanding with those who speak and write in the target language, as well as as a means of cognitive activity through oral communication, reading, listening and writing;
2. develop at an accessible level the systemic linguistic ideas of primary schoolchildren about the language being studied, its functioning in oral and written speech, expanding the linguistic horizons of students and ensuring the assimilation of lexical and grammatical means;
3. create pedagogical conditions for introducing younger schoolchildren to a new world of communication in the target language, overcoming the language and cultural barrier and creating motivation for mastering new communicative and social skills;
4. to cultivate the personality qualities of primary school students, their moral and value orientation, emotional and sensory sphere, as well as cognitive abilities, thinking and creativity in the course of mastering language knowledge on a communicative basis;
5. include younger schoolchildren in a new social and communicative experience through educational games, dramatization, folklore, music, modeling life situations, discussing age-appropriate problems, educational cooperation and project activities;
6. teach elementary school students universal cognitive strategies and ways of working with the components of the educational and methodological set, multimedia applications, educational information on the Internet, symbolic-graphic representation of knowledge, as well as educational cooperation.

Studying English in primary school is of an active, activity-based nature and this corresponds to the age characteristics of a primary school student, for whom active interaction with the outside world is a natural form of cognition. This means that mastering a foreign language is integrated with other activities of a child of primary school age, including games, educational tasks, artistic creativity, drawing and coloring, modeling from available materials, competition, etc. Of great importance for the successful mastery of English in primary school is its connection with other subjects included in the primary school curriculum. This not only increases motivation to learn English, but also expands the cognitive capabilities of younger schoolchildren.
The course provides for the development of all aspects of speech activity:
In the first grade, teaching children English is based on the principle of advanced development of oral speech activities, listening and speaking. The main attention is paid to the development of spoken language and replenishment of vocabulary.
1. Teaching listening is based on texts of a different nature: songs, rhymes, texts of dialogues. The tasks are varied and take into account different level preparation of students: listen and show the picture, repeat after the speaker, listen and learn the rhyme, listen and circle the desired object, listen, color and write, listen and answer the questions.
2. In the process of learning to speak, monologue and dialogic speech skills develop;
3. Learning to read occurs on the basis of the phonetic method, based on teaching sound-letter relationships. First, students listen to the word and correlate it with the picture, then the listened word is correlated with its letter image. Thus, words are memorized based on hearing and vision. The problem of explaining the difficulties of English spelling is removed.
The textbook provides for frequent changes in types of work, alternating types of activity is provided: performing educational tasks, dynamic exercises, quiet periods (coloring, drawing, making crafts in accordance with the material being studied) and changing types of speech activities (listening, speaking) within one lesson.
The educational complex provides tasks and exercises that allow students to use all channels of information perception. Thus, for visual children, different types of visual aids are provided: colorful textbook illustrations, a booklet with handouts, pictures cut out from a workbook, posters and a video. The texts of the teaching materials are recorded on discs with sound and musical design, which meets the needs of auditory children; for kinesthetic children, songs and rhymes accompanied by movements are offered. This way, every student has a chance to absorb most of the information.
The textbook has a modular structure. Each module consists of 8 lessons that have a clear structure and sequence of exercises. The uniformity of the module's lessons makes the work of the teacher and the student easier, since students quickly understand the usual settings, know what they are required to do, and pay full attention to the content of the assignments. In addition, the textbook has a separate section, My Alphabet, designed for 14 lessons. This section introduces primary schoolchildren to the English alphabet and contains tasks aimed at developing initial writing skills.

The volume of the program according to the curriculum is calculated at 99 hours per year, 3 hours per week.

The presented program ensures the achievement of personal, meta-subject and subject results.
Personal results.
Personal results of mastering an academic subject are understood as a system of value relations of students to themselves, other students, themselves educational process and its result. Personal results studying English in primary school are:
1. Formation of civil identity of the individual;
2. Formation of goodwill, respect and tolerance towards other countries and peoples;
3. Formation of readiness and ability for self-development;
4. Formation general idea about the world as a multilingual and multicultural community;
5. Awareness of language, including foreign, as the main means of communication between people;
6. Getting to know the world of foreign peers.
Meta-subject results.
Meta-subject results of mastering a subject are understood as methods of activity that are applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations. Meta-subject results of language learning are:
1. Development of the ability to interact with others;
2. Development of communication abilities, expansion of the student’s linguistic horizons;
3. Development of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres of a primary school student, the formation of motivation to learn a foreign language;
4. Mastering the ability to coordinate work with different components of the educational and methodological set.
Subject results.
Subject results for mastering the academic subject “Foreign Language” are formed on the basis of the following requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education:
1. Acquisition of initial communication skills in oral and written form with native speakers of a foreign language.
2. Mastering the initial linguistic concepts necessary for mastering oral and written speech in English at an elementary level, expanding your linguistic horizons.
3. Formation of a friendly attitude and tolerance towards speakers of another language.
In accordance with the Model Program for a Foreign Language, developed within the framework of the new standard, subject results are differentiated into 5 areas: communicative, cognitive, value-oriented, aesthetic and labor.
In the cognitive sphere: the ability to compare linguistic phenomena of the native and English languages; the ability to recognize grammatical phenomena that are absent in the native language, for example articles; ability to systematize words; ability to use linguistic conjecture; ability to act according to a model; ability to use reference material; ability to use a bilingual dictionary.
In the value-orientation sphere: the idea of ​​English as a means of expressing thoughts, feelings, emotions; introduction to the cultural values ​​of another people through works of children's folklore.
In the aesthetic sphere: mastery of basic means of expressing feelings and emotions in a foreign language; developing a sense of beauty in the process of getting acquainted with examples of accessible children's literature.
In the labor sphere: the ability to follow the planned plan in one’s educational work; ability to maintain a dictionary.
As a result of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, students achieve personal, meta-subject and subject results.

The content of the foreign language course is:
1. basic types of speech activity, including listening, speaking, reading, writing and corresponding communication skills;
2. language skills in using lexical, grammatical, phonetic and spelling means of the language;
3. sociocultural awareness and intercultural communication skills;
4. universal cognitive actions and special learning skills.
The formation of students' communication skills is the main content line of the implementation of the educational program. Communication skills are inseparable from language skills, without which the process of communication in a foreign language becomes impossible. Students' language skills are formed in the created educational and communicative environment and serve the purpose of teaching communication in the foreign language being studied. They are integrated with the communication skills of schoolchildren. The formation of communicative skills involves a parallel study of the culture of native speakers of the foreign language being studied and the formation of sociocultural ideas in younger schoolchildren. The interconnection of the content lines of the educational program in a foreign language ensures the unity of this academic subject.
Mastery of types of speech activity is carried out in their close relationship, however, the specifics of teaching a foreign language in primary school presuppose oral advance, since the formation of reading techniques and spelling skills occurs more slowly compared to elementary speaking and we understand simple speech by ear. By the end of a foreign language course in primary school, mastery of different types of speech activity occurs at a more even pace.
In thematic planning, the content of foreign language teaching has been expanded in all sections (subject content of speech, communication skills and language means), which allows you to study a foreign language more intensively and in depth at the rate of 3 hours per week.

Subject content of speech.
The subject content of students' speech in oral and written form is developed in accordance with the educational, educational, educational and developmental goals of the teaching and educational process for younger schoolchildren, meets their age characteristics, cognitive interests and capabilities, as well as the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary school education. The subject content of students’ oral and written speech in its productive and receptive form includes the following topics:
Acquaintance. With classmates, teacher, textbook characters. Greetings, farewells, colors (using typical phrases of speech etiquette).
My briefcase. Classroom, educational subjects, school supplies. Classroom activities. Rules of conduct at school. Numbers 1-5.
My house. Parts of the house, pieces of furniture and their location.
My toys. Numbers 6 – 10, names of toys and their sizes.
My face. Parts of the face, sizes, emotions.
My food. Food, preferences.
My animals. Animals and their actions.
My feelings. Feelings and sensations.

Communication skills by type of speech activity
In speaking
1. Dialogue form
Be able to lead:
1. etiquette dialogues in frequently occurring situations of everyday, educational and intercultural communication;
2. question-answer dialogues (requesting and receiving information);
3.situational and everyday dialogues (discussion and organization of joint actions).
2. Monologue form
Know how to use:
1. typical communicative types of statements (description, message, story, characterization (characters)).
In listening
Perceive and understand by ear:
1. speech of the teacher and classmates in educational communication;
2. short messages, stories, fairy tales in audio recordings.
In reading
1. Connect letters into syllables, syllables into words.
2. Read in order to extract and understand linguistic and thematic information:
aloud texts limited in volume on previously studied language material;
aloud and silently limited texts that supplement previously studied thematic material;
silently limited in volume texts containing additional language material and new information.
In a letter
writing technique (calligraphy and spelling);
basic written speech skills based on a sample (congratulations, note, short personal letter).
Language tools and skills in using them.
Calligraphy and spelling. English alphabet. Sound-letter correspondences. Basic letter combinations. Transcription. Apostrophe. Basic rules of reading and spelling. Writing active vocabulary words.
Phonetic side of speech. Clear pronunciation and aural differentiation of all phonemes and sound combinations of English speech. Compliance with the basic norms of English pronunciation: long and short vowels, pronunciation of voiced consonants at the end of a syllable and words without deafening, pronunciation of consonants without softening before “narrow” vowels. Diphthongs. Aspiration. Emphasis on a word or phrase. Unstressed pronunciation of function words (articles, conjunctions, prepositions). Intonation highlighting of semantic groups in a sentence. Rhythm and intonation in declarative, exclamatory and imperative sentences, general and special questions. Intonation of enumeration. Intonation of interjections and introductory words.
Lexical side of speech. Approximately 200 units of productive and receptive vocabulary in accordance with communicative situations accessible to primary school students based on age-appropriate topics. The most common, simple and stable phrases, evaluative vocabulary, phrases of speech etiquette, accepted in the culture of English-speaking countries. International words. Lexical ideas about simple ways of compounding words (ice cream) and conversion (drink - to drink).
The grammatical side of speech. Statement (narration), motivation and question as the main communicative types of sentences. General and special questions. Interrogative pronouns: what, who, when, where, why, how. Word order in affirmative and interrogative sentences. Place of negation in a sentence. Simple sentence. Simple verbal predicate (I like water). Compound nominal predicate (The cake is sweet). Compound verb predicate (I want to play). Incentive sentences in affirmative (Go home now!) and negative (Don’t come late!) forms. Impersonal sentences in the present tense (It is spring). Simple common sentences. Simple sentences with homogeneous members. Grammatical forms of the indicative mood (Present Simple, Present Continuous). The verb to be functions as a linking verb. The verb to do as an auxiliary verb. Basic modal verbs (can, may). Verb construction like: like reading. Singular and plural nouns (rules and exceptions). Article (definite, indefinite and zero). Nouns in the possessive case. Formation of positive, comparative and superlative adjectives according to rules and exceptions. Personal pronouns in the nominative and objective cases. Possessive, interrogative, demonstrative, indefinite (much, many, little, few, no) pronouns and cases of their use. Adverbs of time (never, usually, often, sometimes, yesterday, tomorrow), degree (much, very, little), manner of action (well, slowly, quickly). Quantitative (up to 100). Prepositions (in, on, at, with, into, to, from, of, unde, by. Imn front of, behind, between).

Thematic content of the modules in the educational complex “Star English” (“Starter”)
1. Hello! Introduction, greeting and farewell, colors
2. My schoolbag. Numbers 1 – 5, name school subjects and games
3. My home. Parts of the house, pieces of furniture and their location
4. My toys.Numbers 6 – 10, names of toys and their sizes
5. My face. Parts of the face, sizes
6. My food.Food, preferences
7. My animals. Animals, their actions
8. My feelings. Feelings and Sensations

Each module contains interesting and exciting sections.
1. Craftwork. Drawings, making simple crafts.
2. Our school. New vocabulary on interdisciplinary topics.
3. Go green. Creative tasks on the environment.
4. Portfolio. Individual assignments, independent work of students
5. Our world/my world. Getting to know the culture and way of life in other countries, exploring your own country
6. Story land.Russian fairy tales in English
7. Checkpoint. Repetition and reinforcement of the module

Additional sections for modules
1. Fun Time! Repetition of vocabulary from all modules
2. Season's greetings Materials on the topic “Christmas”
3. Mother's Day Materials on the topic “Mom’s Day”
4. My alphabet Introducing the letters of the alphabet

Material and technical support for the English language program

For students:
1. Baranova K. M., Dooley. D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud L.P., Evans R. English language. Primer. M.: Education, 2014
2. Baranova K. M., Dooley. D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud L.P., Evans R. English language. Workbook for beginners. M.: Education, 2014
3. Language portfolio (My Junior Language Portfolio).

For the teacher:
1. Sample programs for academic subjects: Primary school. AT 2
part - M.: Education, 2011 - (Second generation standards)
2. Baranova K. M., Dooley. D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud L.P., Evans R. Methodological recommendations for the textbook “Star English” English for beginners. M.: Education, 2014
3. Bilingual dictionaries.

Printed manuals:
1. Alphabet (wall chart).
2. Cash register of letters and letter combinations
3. Transcription signs (table).
4. Grammar tables for the main sections of grammatical material contained in sample programs of primary education in a foreign language.
5. Handouts (Picture Flashcards) for the educational complex “Star English”
6. Situational posters for each module of the textbook “Star English”
7. Maps in a foreign language:
Geographic map of the countries of the language being studied.
Geographic map of the world.
8. Posters on English-speaking countries.

Multimedia teaching aids:
1. CD for classroom use
2. CD for self-study at home

Games and toys:
1. Dolls, soft toys, balls, etc.
2. Board games in English (lotto, Scrabble, etc.).

Test and assessment works in academic subjects are assessed in accordance with the “Substantial assessment of the educational achievements of junior schoolchildren in conditions of non-grade education”, developed by the creative team of the gymnasium, as well as in percentage terms of the maximum possible number of points awarded for the work.
The course provides the possibility of establishing the degree of achievement of intermediate and final results through a control system in the form of reproductive tasks, sheets of activity tasks.

Requirements for the level of student preparation:
1. alphabet, letters, sounds of the language being studied;
2. basic meanings of the studied lexical units (words, phrases)
3. basic rules of reading and spelling of the language being studied;
4. the name of the country of the language being studied, its capital;
5. names of the most famous characters in children's literary works;
6. rhymed works of children's folklore (accessible in content and form).

As a result of studying a foreign language in primary school (1st grade), the student must be able to:
1. observe, analyze, give examples of linguistic phenomena;
2. distinguish the main types of sentences by intonation and purpose of the statement;
3. compose an elementary monologue statement based on a model, by analogy.

Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life:
1. understand by ear the speech of the teacher and classmates;
2. understand the meaning of the adapted text (mainly of a folklore nature) and be able to predict the development of its plot;
3. highlight the subject and predicate of the text; be able to ask questions based on the meaning of the text read;
4. question the interlocutor, asking simple questions (who, what, where, when), and answer the interlocutor’s questions, participate in a basic etiquette dialogue;
5. be able to introduce yourself, your family and friends;
6. politely greet and say goodbye to peers and people who are older in age;
7. briefly describe your home, family, favorite objects and activities, your hobbies and your friends, talk about your favorite toys, animals, best friends and spending time with them; ask your peers about your favorite activities and hobbies;
8. expressively play your speech role in a group production of a children’s play, fairy tale, or game;

Levels of mastering the program:

Short– The child constructs a statement (sometimes with the help of the teacher) on the topics studied, using the studied grammatical structures. Describes an object, highlighting 1 feature. Allows violations in the pronunciation of hissing, whistling and sonorant sounds. Vocabulary does not correspond to the program (low level). Reproduces songs, rhymes, dialogues by heart only with a teacher or musical accompaniment by a native speaker (tape recorder). Makes mistakes in their execution. With the help of the teacher, he conducts an etiquette dialogue in everyday communication situations (greets, says goodbye, finds out how things are, gets to know each other). If there is a lack of language resources, he switches to communicating in Russian.
When demonstrating an alphabet card with a word for this letter, he may make mistakes in the name of the letter and word. When graphically reproducing letters, he makes mistakes. Makes mistakes in transcription reading and recognition of transcription symbols.
Average– The child independently constructs a statement on the studied topics, using the studied grammatical structures, highlighting 2-3 features. The vocabulary matches the program. Allows slight irregularities in the pronunciation of hissing, sonorant, and whistling sounds. He knows songs, rhymes, and dialogues by heart, but makes small mistakes in some of them. Shows interest in verbal communication, but is not active enough in it. Conducts an etiquette dialogue in everyday communication situations (greets, says goodbye, finds out how you are doing, gets to know each other). Uses facial expressions and gestures in cases where there are not enough linguistic resources.
Makes minor mistakes when naming and writing letters. Makes minor errors in transcription reading and recognition of transcription symbols.
High– The child independently describes the subject using the studied grammatical structures, highlighting 3-4 features. The vocabulary matches the program. Knows songs, rhymes, and dialogues by heart. Correctly pronounces sonorant, whistling, hissing sounds. Independently conducts an etiquette dialogue in everyday communication situations (greets, says goodbye, finds out how you are doing, gets to know each other). Understands by ear the speech of the teacher, classmates and small accessible texts in audio recordings, built on the studied language material: short dialogues, rhymes, songs. The child is proactive and independent in the creative performance of a song or mini-dialogue. Uses facial expressions and gestures in cases where there are not enough linguistic resources. Fluently navigates the alphabet: pronounces and writes letters correctly. He recognizes the words presented by the teacher without errors, that is, he is ready for further learning to read. Recognizes transcription symbols without errors and reads transcriptions of words.
Criteria for achieving program goals:
1. systematic diagnostics of cognitive growth of students in the field of learning English;
2. a system for assessing children’s learning and a system for monitoring knowledge and skills (marks of success - stickers, differences in a competition, quiz - balls, toys);
3. effectiveness of training according to the program. Acquiring a high level of mastery of the content of the program (possession of a vocabulary of active vocabulary, the ability to construct simple dialogues from phrases, songs and rhymes learned by heart);
4. increasing the level of education;
5. interest in classes;
6. motivation for further learning.
Mechanism for determining the effectiveness of the program:
1. organization of practical activities taking into account the program content of training and individual characteristics students;
2. assessment of acquired knowledge (in the form of role-playing and vocabulary games, quizzes and competitions);
3. survey of parents and teachers in order to study the dynamics of the child’s growth in interest in the discipline being studied, changes in the amount of knowledge in this area.

is an educational and methodological set (UMK) for students in grades 2-11 of general education institutions and schools with in-depth study of the English language. Authors: Baranova K.M., Dooley D., Kopylova V.V., Milrud R.P., Evans V.. UMK "Starlight"- it's innovative a joint project Russian publishing house "Prosveshcheniye" and British Express Publishing, which reflects current trends in Russian and foreign methods of teaching English. UMK "Starlight" developed by famous Russian and foreign (British) authors. The production of UMK began in 2010.

UMK "Star English" meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for primary school, the federal component of the State Standard of Basic and Secondary (complete) general education in foreign languages ​​and model English language programs for primary, basic and secondary (complete) general education.

Starlight textbooks for grades 2-4 included federal list textbooks recommended for use in the implementation of state accredited educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 31, 2014 N 253).

UMK Starlightfor 2-4 grades of general education institutions, schools with in-depth study of the English language, gymnasiums and lyceums is designed for 3 hours per week.

UMK "Star English for Beginners" » (Starlight Starter) is intended for 1st grade students of general education and schools with in-depth study of the English language, in which it is possible to begin learning English at this stage. It is designed for 2 hours per week. In the first grade, teaching children English is based on the principle of advanced development of oral speech activities, listening and speaking. The main attention is paid to the development of spoken language and replenishment of vocabulary. Composition of the educational complex "Starlight Starter" : tutorial, workbook, teacher's book, audio course for classroom lessons, audio course for self-study at home, posters (on the publisher's website) and handouts (on the publisher's website).

Composition of the educational complex “Starlight” ( "Star English") for each year of study (grades 2-4):
- textbook (in 2 parts);
- workbook (in 2 parts);
- a book for teachers (in 2 parts);
- control tasks;
- language portfolio;
- audio course for classroom training;
- audio course for self-study at home,
- video course (DVD-video);
- handouts (on the publisher’s website);
- posters (on the publisher’s website);
- work programs (grades 2-4).

Textbook (Student's Book) and a book to read are placed under one cover:
- 2nd grade - “The Tale of the Fisherman & the Fish.”
- 3rd grade - “Sivka-Burka”.
- 4th grade - “The Stone Flower”.
The journey into the world of the English language takes place with fairy-tale characters Frosty, Woody, Willow, Erlina and Alvin, which will involve students in the magical world of the English language and awaken the desire to learn it. The textbook consists of 8 thematic modules. Each module is in turn divided into lessons. One textbook spread is one academic lesson.

Workbook just like the textbook, it includes 8 modules corresponding to the section of the textbook. Exercises of various formats are aimed at consolidating lexical and grammatical material. The workbook contains stickers and figures of textbook characters that can be cut-outs.

Teacher's Book includes textbook pages and corresponding detailed guidelines, scripts for audio exercises, keys to textbook and workbook exercises, materials for assessing student knowledge.

Test booklet include eight tests in two options (A, B), corresponding to the format of the final assessment for primary school. At the end of the collection there is a final test on all the material studied (Exit test), as well as keys to all tests.

Audio course for classroom activities (Class CD) necessary for the teacher to use in class. Contains all the textbook exercises intended for listening during the lesson. These discs can be used by students at home to practice listening skills.

Audio course for self-study at home (Student’s CD) designed directly for students. Contains textbook exercises to be completed at home. The disc also contains tracks for Workbook necessary to complete homework.

Video course (DVD-video) Each textbook contains bright, colorful animated videos corresponding to the material in the textbooks, professionally voiced by native speakers. The reading book included in the textbook is presented on disk in the form of a cartoon for each episode.

Handouts (Picture flashcards) - these are bright colorful pictures that provide visualization of what is being studied lexical material. These illustrations will be an excellent help in memorizing new words, and will also provide additional incentive and motivation to learn English.

Posters are component of teaching materials"Star English" for grades 2-4. Double-sided posters contain pictures illustrating the active vocabulary of each module on a thematic basis.

Until the 2014/2015 academic year, the educational complex “Star English” for grades 2-4 was part of the “Perspective” textbook system.

According to the site:
