Technologies in the educational process of the university. Modern educational technologies. Innovative technologies for monitoring academic performance at a university

use of modern teaching technologies at the university

Dzyuba E.A.

In modern psychological and pedagogical science, learning technologies are considered as one of the ways to implement a personal activity approach to learning in the classroom, thanks to which students act as active creative subjects educational activities. Of particular interest are technologies that make it possible to bring the educational process to the level of the student’s personal meaning.

Key words: technologies in the educational process, linguistic personality, value-semantic sphere of the learner.

In the age of “multicultural dialogue” (P. Shchedrovitsky), the development of a multilingual and multicultural linguistic personality is especially important. Linguistic personality in the field of foreign languages ​​is an indicator of a person’s ability to take full part in intercultural communication, the ability to realize oneself within the framework of a dialogue of cultures. In other words, this is the formation of skills in understanding one’s own culture and the culture of other peoples. Referring to the definition of Yu.N. Karaulova, linguistic personality - there is a multi-layered and multi-component set language abilities, skills and readiness to carry out linguistic actions of varying degrees of complexity: actions that are classified, on the one hand, by types of speech activity (speaking, listening, writing, reading), and on the other, by language levels (phonetics, grammar, vocabulary). The successful formation of an autonomous linguistic personality is directly related to the development of the student’s educational competence, i.e. ability to manage your educational activities.

Modern teaching technologies, in our opinion, are the most relevant ways to solve the problem.

The term learning technology (or educational technologies) is used to denote a set of methods of work of a teacher (methods of his scientific organization labor), with the help of which the learning goals set in the lesson are achieved with the greatest efficiency in the shortest possible period of time to achieve them.

The term became widely used in the literature of the 60s. XX century in connection with the development of software

mated learning and was originally used to refer to technology-assisted learning.

In the 70s the term has become more widely used: both to denote training using TSO and as rationally organized training in general. Thus, the concept of “teaching technology” began to include all the main problems of didactics related to improving educational process and increasing the efficiency and quality of its organization.

Nowadays, there has been a differentiation of two components of the content of the term: technology of teaching (Technology of Teaching) and technology in teaching (Technology in Teaching). The first term denotes the methods of scientific organization of teacher’s work, with the help of which the best way the set learning goals are achieved, and with the help of the second - the use of technical teaching aids in the educational process.

The most important characteristics of learning technologies are considered to be the following: a) effectiveness (a high level of achievement of the set educational goal by each student), b) efficiency (a large amount of educational material is absorbed per unit of time with the least amount of effort spent on mastering the material), c) ergonomics (learning takes place in an environment cooperation, a positive emotional microclimate, in the absence of overload and fatigue), d) high motivation in studying the subject, which helps to increase interest in classes and allows you to improve the best personal qualities the student, to reveal his reserve capabilities.

Most researchers consider learning technologies as one of the ways to implement a personal-activity approach to learning in the classroom, thanks to which students act as active creative subjects of educational activity (I.A. Zimnyaya, E.S. Polat, I.L. Bim, etc. ).

In the methodology of teaching foreign languages, modern teaching technologies usually include:

Collaborative learning;

Design technologies;

Use of intensive teaching methods (communication technology, gaming technology, problem-based learning);

Information and communication technologies, the use of technical teaching aids, distance learning;

Multi-level (differentiated) training;

Modular training.

Collaborative learning. This teaching technology is based on the idea of ​​student interaction in a group of classes, the idea of ​​mutual learning, in which students take not only individual but also collective responsibility for solving educational problems, help each other and are collectively responsible for everyone’s success. In contrast to frontal and individual learning, in which the student acts as an individual subject of educational activity, is responsible only “for himself”, for his successes and failures, and the relationship with the teacher is subjective in nature, when learning in cooperation, conditions for interaction are created and cooperation in the “student - teacher - group” system and the collective subject of educational activity is updated.

The concept of teaching has received practical implementation in a number of variants of the technology of such training, proposed by American teachers E. Arnoson (1978), R. Slavin (1986), D. Johnson (1987) and is focused on creating conditions for active joint activity of students in different learning situations offered teacher. If you combine students into small groups (3-4 people) and give them one common task, stipulating the role of each student in completing the task, then a situation arises in which everyone is responsible not only for the result of their work, but, what is especially important for this learning technologies, for the results of the entire group. The task is solved through joint efforts, and strong students help weaker ones to successfully complete it. This is general idea learning in collaboration, and to complete the learning task, a study group is formed

in such a way that there are both strong and weak students. One mark per completed task is given per group.

Various options for collaborative learning have been developed (Polat, 1998). Here it is important to emphasize that when organizing educational activities using cooperation technology, the individual independent work of the student becomes the initial part of the collective activity.

Collaborative learning techniques are implemented as students perform game tasks in the communication situations offered to them. An important condition for mastering a language is communication in the target language. According to our observations, learning in cooperation is learning in the process of students communicating with each other, and purposeful work in cooperation can increase interest in classes and significantly increase the time of speech practice for each student in class.

Project-based learning technology. This learning technology is a further development of the concept of collaborative learning and is based on modeling social interaction in a learning group during classes. Students take various social roles and prepare for their implementation in the process of solving problematic problems in situations of real interaction. The popularity of project technology is explained, first of all, by the fact that the project task that the student has to complete directly connects the process of language acquisition with the acquisition of certain subject knowledge and the ability to actually use this knowledge. Thus, the focus on creating a project as a personal educational product makes the process of mastering subject knowledge personally significant for the student, personally motivated.

From the above it is clear that the project method involves students solving a problem. And to solve it, the student needs not only knowledge of the language, but also possession of a certain amount of subject knowledge necessary and sufficient to solve the problem. According to the fair statement of one of the developers of this teaching technology, E.S. Polat, “the project method is the essence of developmental, personality-oriented learning. It can be used at any level of learning."

Let us list some general didactic features of project technology, which determines the structure and content of the projects that students will prepare in language practice classes.

1. Dominant activities in the project: role-playing, informational, project-oriented.

2. The subject-content side of the project: a mono-project (within one communication situation or one area of ​​knowledge, or an interdisciplinary project (affects situations and a range of knowledge from different subjects).

3. The nature of coordination of actions during the implementation of the project: with open, explicit coordination (direct) or with hidden coordination (implicit, simulating the possible nature of the action in a given situation).

4. The nature of the project: several members of the study group who are united by an interest in completing the project, the whole group, students educational institution.

5. Duration of the project: short-term, long-term.

Of course, project technology is best suited for use in working with more prepared and developed students. To the greatest extent, this technology can be used in the profiling of training. For this reason, project technology is increasingly becoming a part of bilingual education, i.e. such training, which is organized on the basis of a specific subject area of ​​knowledge (content-based language learning). Most experience education on a bilingual basis has been accumulated primarily in regions with a natural bilingual environment (for example, Canada, Belgium) and is now relevant for neighboring countries. Education on a bilingual basis, one of the ways of implementing which can be project-based learning technology, provides for: a) students’ mastery of subject knowledge in a certain area based on the interrelated use of two languages ​​being studied (native and non-native) and b) mastery of two languages ​​as a means of educational activity.

The relevance of training on a bilingual basis as a component of in-depth language education is determined, first of all, by the global tendency towards integration in various spheres of life, which determines the tendency towards the integration of subject knowledge, aimed at understanding the holistic picture of the world. Given these trends, bilingual education provides students with greater access to information in different subject areas and creates additional opportunities to compete in the pan-European and global talent market.

IN methodological literature Various project options in the field of language learning are proposed (eg, Koryakovtseva, 2002). These can be gaming - role-playing projects (acting out a situation, dramatizing a text), information projects

(preparing a message on a proposed topic), publishing projects (preparing materials for a wall newspaper, radio broadcasts), scenario projects (organizing a meeting with interesting people), creative works (composition, text translation).

Multi-level training. The problem of differentiation of learning is one of the central ones in the student-centered approach. To form a positive self-esteem, it is important to objectively understand in which direction a person is able to achieve the greatest success. This is a problem of self-actualization. Psychologists define self-actualization as an activity specially organized by a subject in order to identify potential opportunities. If such comprehension has come, then another need arises - for self-realization, i.e. in using your abilities to achieve success. According to psychologists, self-realization is an activity specially organized by a subject for the purpose of realizing his subjectively felt purpose, as well as the achieved result of this activity. This success is needed not only by a specific individual. It is no less necessary for society, since the more successfully individual individuals realize their potential, the more successfully the entire society as a whole develops. A person who has failed to find himself, his I, may turn out to be a burden to society not only professionally, but also psychologically. With such people there is more psychological problems, which the family and society have to decide. Therefore, differentiation of training at a certain stage is very useful. In this case we're talking about not about teaching according to individual plans, but about differentiation as a didactic principle.

The circle is closed, because taking into account the individual differences of students can be understood as taking into account the basic properties of the student’s personality. Thus, personally oriented learning by definition, is differentiated learning. In the pedagogical literature, the concepts of “internal” and “external” differentiation are distinguished. Internal differentiation is understood as such an organization of the educational process in which the individual characteristics of students are taken into account in the conditions of organizing educational activities in the classroom. In this case, the understanding of differentiation of training is very similar to the concept of individualization of training. With external differentiation, students of different levels of training are specially combined into study groups. Thus,

with internal differentiation, i.e. in the classroom, personally oriented learning is achieved, for example, through such pedagogical technologies as collaborative learning and the project method, due to the variety of techniques provided within their framework. With external differentiation, students, based on certain individual characteristics, are united into study groups that are different from one another. In didactics, differentiation is distinguished by abilities (by general abilities; by particular abilities; by inabilities); according to the projected profession; by interest.

Differentiation by general abilities occurs on the basis of accounting general level learning, student development, individual characteristics mental development- memory, thinking, cognitive activity. The remaining individual differences of students are taken into account when organizing internal differentiation in the classroom through appropriate teaching technologies.

Differentiation by particular abilities provides for differences among students in their abilities for certain subjects: some students are more successful in humanitarian subjects, others - exact sciences; some are historical, others are biological, etc.

A differentiated approach to learning can be implemented using modern information technologies and multimedia projects. The teacher formulates the topic of the project taking into account the student’s individual interests and capabilities, encouraging him to engage in creative work. In this case, the student has the opportunity to realize his creative potential by independently choosing the form of presentation of the material, the method and sequence of its presentation. At the same time, the criterion for assessing the student’s activity is his efforts to master this material and apply it creatively.

Computer simulation of an experiment allows each student to complete a task at a pace convenient for him, change the experimental conditions in his own way, and study the process independently of other students. This also contributes to the development of research skills and encourages a creative search for patterns in any process or phenomenon.

Computer testing, like any testing, also makes it possible to individualize and differentiate tasks through multi-level questions. In addition, tests on a computer allow you to return to unworked questions and “work on mistakes.”

Testing using a computer is also much more attractive for the student than traditional testing.

traditional test or test. Firstly, the student is not directly connected with the teacher, he communicates primarily with the machine. Secondly, tests can also be presented in a game form. If you answer incorrectly, you can hear a funny sound or see the disapproving shake of the head of some funny character. And if the test is successfully passed, the student will be presented with a virtual laurel wreath, fanfare will sound in his honor and fireworks will flash in the sky. Naturally, such testing will not cause stress or negative emotions.

information and communication technologies. ITC has taken a strong place in the process of teaching a foreign language. Practice shows that they have many advantages over traditional teaching methods. Among them are the individualization of learning, the intensification of independent work of students and the increase in cognitive activity.

The computer is a learning tool that enhances and expands the capabilities of its educational activities. By using a computer in the classroom, you can achieve the assimilation of more material, organize independent work and effective control. Which corresponds to the main learning objectives English language: formation and development of communicative culture and training in practical language proficiency.

ICTs offer beneficial options for presenting creative ideas and, of course, add new ones. Texts and dialogues can be typed and processed electronically, exercises can be added to them, saving time on their creation, audio cassettes can be conveniently replaced with electronic videos, and colorful illustrations can be easily turned into presentations in the author’s own processing. This allows you to: train different kinds speech activities, combine them in different combinations, form linguistic abilities, create communicative situations and automate language and speech actions.

Multimedia resources provide invaluable assistance in preparing didactic material, presentations and the lessons themselves.

Students use ICT to complete project assignments and written works. By completing writing projects various topics, students can submit them on electronic media, and also send them to the teacher by e-mail or leave a message on the teacher’s personal page on the Internet.

It should be noted that any completed task requires processing or refinement depending on the level of knowledge and skills of the students. Writing tests

And test papers, the use of ICT tools can greatly diversify the types of tasks and options.

Internet - unlimited opportunities for teaching English. To do this, you can use almost all network capabilities: e-mail, online conversation, search engines, reference directories, access to information resources, publications, video conferences, teleconferences.

The introduction of ICT into the process of teaching a foreign language has a positive effect on motivation. Students get the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills in new environments. Many computer programs enable students to learn with passion, i.e. playing. The process of assimilation of the material is much faster and easier. The next important factor is the successful use of an individual form of work. For example, in such a complex section of language learning as grammar, not all students easily learn the rules and structures. The computer gives everyone the opportunity to individually work on one or another grammatical material, with or without the guidance of a teacher. In this case, students work independently. Internet technologies make the educational process more open to new ideas and sources of knowledge. Electronic publication of articles and presentations is possible. The Internet makes education and self-education fun and attractive for both students and teachers.

Of course, it cannot be said that the use of ICT will help solve all problems in teaching a foreign language, but it is an effective remedy against monotony.

Information technologies make it possible to radically change the organization of the learning process for students, shaping their systems thinking; use computers to individualize the educational process and turn to fundamentally new cognitive means.

The use of modern information technologies expands the scope of the educational process and increases its practical orientation. The motivation of students in the educational process increases, and conditions are created for their successful self-realization in the future.

technical means training (tSO). Technical teaching aids are equipment and technical devices used in the educational process for transmission and storage educational information, monitoring the progress of its assimilation, the formation of knowledge, speech skills and abilities. If the ABCO system is individual, i.e. created for

work with a specific educational complex, and is designed for a specific contingent of students, then the TSO system is largely universal and suitable for use in various forms and types of training. The specificity of TSO lies in its ability to serve such forms of training and control that cannot be carried out without special equipment.

The current stage of technology development is characterized by a transition to the creation of multifunctional educational complexes and automated computer-based training systems. Such complexes and systems have universal didactic capabilities; they allow training to be conducted online, taking into account the individual capabilities of students, and to provide distance learning using modern technologies.

In relation to language teaching, TSO is usually divided into the following groups of means: sound technical, lighting, sound and lighting, programmed teaching tools.

An idea of ​​the system of modern TSOs is given in Table. 1.

table 1 technical training aids

Sound-technical Lighting-technical Sound-light-technical Programmed training tools

Tape recorder Overhead projector; Film projector; Computer;

cassette; Filmoscope; Equipment CD-ROM;

Player (Walkman); Epiprojector; for home laptop;

Radio; Camera; cinema; Micro-

Player Digital Video Recorder; computer.

gramophone records, camera; Camcorder;

CDs Kodoscope; TV;

(CD, CD-ROM); Portable Electronic

Radio; text translator

Mobile scanner (scan- (Language

telephone; teacher pen);

Dictaphone. S-Rep). DVD player.

Audiovisual teaching aids (AvSO).

Audiovisual teaching aids mean aids designed for visual, auditory or visual-auditory perception of the information contained in them. Taking into account the channel of information receipt, AVSO is usually divided into auditory (phonograms), visual (videograms), and visual-auditory (video phonograms).

The listed teaching aids can be educational, i.e. contain methodically processed material specifically designed for language acquisition (educational filmstrips, films, computer programs, etc.), and non-educational materials used as educational materials, but initially not being such.

misya. Natural media included in the educational process (for example, television programs) are also used in the classroom.

AVSO are an effective source of improving the quality of learning due to the brightness, expressiveness and information richness of visual and auditory images that recreate communication situations and introduce the country of the language being studied. At the same time, the didactic principle of clarity, the possibility of individualizing training and, at the same time, mass participation of students (for example, when watching television and films) are successfully implemented in the classroom. The motivational side of learning increases, and the systematic use of ABSO makes it possible to compensate for the lack of a language environment at all stages of classes. An idea of ​​modern ABCOs is given in Table. 2.

table 2 Audiovisual teaching aids

Phonograms Videograms Videophonograms

Recording Magnetic recording Radio broadcasts Natural: objects, actions. Artistic and visual: educational drawings, reproductions of paintings, slides, filmstrips, photographs, geographical maps. Graphic: tables, diagrams. Movies Videos TV programs Computer programs

pedagogical technologies based on the intensification of student activity

Gaming technologies. Games in general and role-playing games in particular are powerful educational tools. In humanistic pedagogy, we are interested in role-playing and business games with a problem orientation, i.e. Such educational games that allow, through dramatization and plot, to play out possible ways to solve problems and get out of problematic situations. This allows you to delve deeper into the problem, to pass it “through yourself,” i.e. through a character whose role the student assumes.

The purpose of business games is to simulate professional situations. And such activity is extremely important. Many experts note that young people, graduates prestigious universities, sometimes get lost when faced with the need to solve professional problems in non-standard situations.

This is true for role-playing games as well. You can read about the national holidays of Great Britain, but a completely different perception and understanding of the national characteristics of the inhabitants of this country arises if you try to act out such a holiday, prepare it and take part in it, comparing

it with similar domestic holidays. You can get acquainted with the education system in the UK, USA, Germany, France, but it’s a completely different matter to try to “live” at least one day in such a school, experiencing, albeit not fully, the features of another educational system, another culture, comparing it with ours, and reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of both systems. In other words, role-playing and problem-oriented business games allow for deeper personal level delve into the essence of the problem, “live” this problematic situation in your character and search for a way out of it.

Role-playing game means different types role-playing activities: from role-playing, dramatization, dramatization, simulation to the role-playing game itself (D.B. Elkonin, G.A. Kitaigorodskaya, R.S. Alpatova, E.I. Matetskaya, K. Livingstone). Role-playing should not be confused with gaming activities. Role-playing in education is always educational in nature, it has a certain didactic goal, it presupposes a certain deployment scenario, although it can change during its implementation in accordance with the nature of the relationships between the characters and their vision of the problem. Role-playing games also differ from traditional educational (didactic) games, which also have a didactic task, but do not involve dramatization. Role-playing games can be based on fictitious situations (for example, fairy-tale, fantastic) or quite real ones, reflecting real events. If the game has a problem orientation, i.e. also contains a certain problem that needs to be resolved, this allows students to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon being studied.

Business game is a means of development creative thinking, including professional; imitation of specific economic objects and processes; imitation of the activities of managers and specialists, employees and consumers; achieving a certain cognitive goal; fulfilling the rules of interaction within the assigned game role. According to A.A. Verbitsky, a business game allows you to organize the knowledge, skills acquired at all previous stages of learning, and combine them in your mind into an integral dynamic system.

Any game necessarily involves the own activity of its participants. That is, in a game a person acts not so much according to instructions, but rather on his own, since he imagines the situation that has arisen and, finding himself in it, tries to find a way out of it. A game is an action that is meaningful to its participants. It is only important to place the accents correctly. In problem-oriented role-playing and business games, an indispensable condition is reliance on existing knowledge

facts, experience in this subject area and related areas. Participants in the game cannot rely only on their own intuition and imagination; they must demonstrate their erudition in this matter and build their character’s activities accordingly. In the activity, they must demonstrate knowledge of the context of the problem.

The educational meaning of any educational game and gaming methods lies in the formation and further improvement of the skills and abilities necessary in real conditions, and the right to make mistakes. In a game situation, mistakes are acceptable. They are not punishable in the usual sense and can even become a new interesting twist in the game situation. This applies to both role-playing and business games. This is why they are used as a teaching method, to warn future specialists and ordinary people against possible mistakes in their professional activities, life situations, teach how to competently look for a way out of any problematic situations.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that role-playing and business games with a problem orientation are very productive in nature, which is expressed in imitation, modeling social meaningful relationships between the participants in the game, in the ability to apply knowledge, creativity, practical skills in various areas in simulated situations. This is an effective tool for developing critical and creative thinking.

technology of communicative teaching of foreign language culture. Communication-based learning is the essence of all intensive foreign language teaching technologies. Intensive technology was developed by the Bulgarian scientist G. Lozanov and gave rise to a number of practical options in our country (intensive courses by G. Doli, A.G. Gorn, etc.).

In higher education, the theory and practice of communicative intensive teaching of a foreign language was developed by G.A. Kitaygorodskaya.

The conceptual provisions of this technology can be summarized as follows.

1. A foreign language, unlike other subjects, is both a goal and a means of learning.

2. Language is a means of communication, identification, socialization and familiarization of an individual with cultural values.

3. Mastering a foreign language differs from mastering a native one:

Methods of mastery;

Density of information in communication;

The inclusion of language in subject-communicative activity;

The set of implemented functions;

Correlation with the sensitive period of speech development.

The main participants in the learning process are the student and the teacher. The relationship between them is based on cooperation and equal verbal partnership.

In the learning process, almost everything depends on exercise. The exercise, like the sun in a drop of water, reflects the entire concept of learning. In communicative training, all exercises should be speech in nature, i.e. communication exercises. E.I. Passov builds 2 series of exercises: conditional speech and speech.

Conditional speech exercises are exercises specially organized to develop a skill. They are characterized by the same type of repetition of lexical units and continuity in time.

Speech exercises- retelling the text in your own words, describing a painting, a series of paintings, persons, objects, commenting.

Problem-based learning. The technology of problem-based learning is not new: it became widespread in the 20-30s in the Soviet and foreign school. Problem-based learning is based on the theoretical principles of the American philosopher, psychologist and educator J. Dewey (1859-1952), who founded in Chicago in 1894 experimental school, in which the curriculum was replaced by play and work activities. Classes in reading, counting, and writing were carried out only in connection with the needs - instincts that arose spontaneously in children as they matured physiologically. Dewey identified four instincts for learning: social, constructive, artistic expression, and investigative.

To satisfy these instincts, the child was provided with the following sources of knowledge: words, works of art, technical devices, children were involved in play and practical activity - work.

Today, problem-based learning is understood as such an organization training sessions, which involves the creation, under the guidance of a teacher, of problem situations and the active independent activity of students to resolve them, as a result of which the creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills, abilities and the development of thinking abilities occurs.

Problem situations can be different in the content of the unknown, in the level of problematicity, in the type of information mismatch, and in other methodological features (Fig. 1).

Problem-based methods are methods based on the creation of problem situations, active cognitive activity of students, consisting in searching and solving complex issues that require

actualization of knowledge, analysis, the ability to see a phenomenon, a law behind individual facts.

In the modern theory of problem-based learning, two types of problem situations are distinguished: psychological and pedagogical. The first concerns the activities of students, the second represents the organization of the educational process.

A pedagogical problem situation is created with the help of activating actions, questions from the teacher, emphasizing the novelty, importance, beauty and other distinctive qualities of the object of knowledge. The creation of a psychological problem situation is purely individual. Neither a cognitive task that is too difficult nor too easy creates a problematic situation for students. Problem situations can be created at all stages of the learning process: during explanation, reinforcement, control.

The technological scheme of problem-based learning (statement and resolution of a problem situation) is shown in Fig. 2.

The teacher creates a problem situation, guides students to solve it, organizes

search for a solution. Thus, the student is placed in the position of the subject of his learning and, as a result, he develops new knowledge and masters new ways of acting. The difficulty of managing problem-based learning is that the emergence of a problem situation is an individual act, therefore the teacher is required to use a differentiated and individual approach.

Options for problem-based learning are search and research methods, in which students independently search and study problems, creatively apply and obtain knowledge.

modular training. The main goal of a foreign language course is to prepare a widely erudite specialist using the means of a foreign language, who in the learning process acts not only as independent discipline, as much as a subject subordinate to major disciplines, which is a medium of special knowledge in the implementation of an educational professional program, opening up a wide range of

Problem situation

X - object of activity

X - mode of activity

By level of problem

X - condition for performing the activity

1 - occurring regardless of techniques

called and



3 - called by the teacher, allowed by the student

4 - independent formation of problems and solutions

By type of information discrepancy

surprise [conflict| [suggestions | rebuttals [inconsistencies | ¡uncertainties!

According to methodological features







heuristic conversation




problematic problem solving




research and laboratory work

gaming problem situations

Figure 1. Classification of problem situations

Fig 2. Technological diagram of problem-based learning

Greater opportunities to get acquainted with foreign experience in the field of the chosen specialty.

The content of classes using modular learning technology consists of a system of modules. The module allows the student included in general activities, consistently, piecemeal, produce conscious interaction in the area of ​​common goals. Thanks to the module, the student doses the content, understands what information is discussed and for what purpose. The goals of interacting subjects can be based on two points: either on the structure of the topic (elements, norms of connections, functions, properties), or on the method of study (methods, algorithms by which the system works). The module serves as an invariant means of actively organizing content and carrying out information exchange. He is in high degree guarantees satisfaction of existing needs this moment in humans. The main purpose of the module is to develop human thinking and consciousness.

A module means a complete, completely autonomous course, which includes training in both individual and all types of speech activity, depending on the goals and objectives that need to be realized in the process of passing the material. With complete independence of the individual modular course, it is, however, dependent on other modules and is integrated into the general foreign language course.

The main condition for the functioning of each module is the provision of its program and didactic material, consisting of the following main components: a set of relevant authentic texts/textbooks; student workbook; minimum dictionary; didactic materials for working with TSO, computer databases and Internet resources; educational and methodological multimedia developments for independent work of students. The latter type of educational literature will undoubtedly become increasingly important due to the shortage of classroom hours and the resulting need and importance for students to master the methods of self-education. And the construction of educational and methodological development for students’ independent work in the form of materials for working on a computer opens up wide opportunities both for independent work in a computer class and for distance learning, which, as practice shows, is becoming increasingly widespread. Transferring the material of the entire module to magnetic media would solve many of the problems currently facing foreign language departments, and, above all, the problem of the lack of qualified teaching staff.

The modular system of teaching a foreign language has a number of advantages. It “connects” all levels of education and reduces the gap between those that have arisen in last years due to objective reasons, high requirements for the level of foreign language proficiency of a graduate of a non-linguistic university and a limited number of study hours allocated to a foreign language by educational institutions professional programs. It is unified and can be used by various departments of foreign languages ​​at any faculty and department: the module can be compressed or expanded depending on the clock grid. The system is mobile and even on modern stage makes it possible to carry out different forms of student training - from the level of the international standard in groups of referent-translators to teaching students a new language from scratch, since the linguistic and extralinguistic content of the same module may differ in volume and degree of complexity. At the same time, unified requirements are imposed on the material of the modular course, uniform forms of student reporting, and the goals and objectives carried out and solved during the course of the module are standardized. Due to the logical sequence and continuity of all stages of language training, the modular nature of training contributes to the systematic mastery of linguistic material, the expansion of background (linguistic, cultural, cultural, etc.) knowledge of students, and the improvement of skills in the main types of speech activity. And finally, the selection and organization of a module by a certain teacher leads to the specialization of this teacher, the delimitation of spheres and responsibilities, to the transition from the category of “multi-teacher”, using the methods and didactic material of other authors, to the category of “single-subject teacher”, creator of his own course, program and educational literature, the result of which - with a responsible approach to solving this problem - can only be an increase in the level of teaching a foreign language.

The modular nature of training makes it possible to determine the integration connections between foreign language modules and modules of special disciplinary cycles, to identify, on this basis, a possible combination of these educational areas and to conduct “binary” lessons and even entire cycles of classes. The modular approach combines traditional and non-traditional methods of teaching foreign languages ​​in the best possible way, meeting the requirements that didactics usually impose on teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic - artificial - environment.

In our opinion, it is advisable to use all the above-mentioned teaching technologies in the educational process for mastering intercultural communication.

In modern education, increasing emphasis is placed on working with information. It is important for students to be able to independently obtain additional material, critically comprehend the information received, be able to draw conclusions, argue them, having the necessary facts, and solve emerging problems. Working with information in a foreign language, especially if you take into account the opportunities offered by the global Internet, becomes very relevant. Thus, in the process of acquiring intellectual skills, the teacher’s help will consist in the selection and use in his practice of technologies that are focused specifically on such types of activities.


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The use of innovative technologies in the educational process of a university is currently an extremely important and necessary element of the learning process. This also applies to the university’s training of qualified lawyers.

By innovative technologies in the educational process of a university we mean the use and application of new methods and techniques of interaction between teachers and students, ensuring the effective achievement of results in educational activities.

Among the innovative teaching methods at the university, the following should be highlighted: the use of computer technologies; use of interactive learning; project activities; conducting practical training sessions; modeling of professional activity in the educational process; game simulation; use of health-saving teaching technologies; application of telecommunication technologies, etc.

The task of innovative development of the education system is provided for in a number of regulatory legal acts Russian Federation.

For example, in the Strategy for Innovative Development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 8, 2011 No. 2227-r, one of the main tasks of innovative development in the field of education is to create conditions for the formation of such innovation competencies among citizens as : ability and readiness for continuous education, continuous improvement, retraining and self-training, professional mobility, desire for something new; ability for critical thinking; ability and willingness to take reasonable risks, creativity and entrepreneurship, ability to work independently, willingness to work in a team and in a highly competitive environment; possession foreign languages, which presupposes the ability for free everyday, business and professional communication. At the same time, the education system at all stages in terms of content and methods and technologies of education (teaching) should be focused on the formation and development of skills and competencies necessary for innovative activities.

In the Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy of the Russian Federation for the period until 2025, approved by Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 29, 2014 No. 2403-r, one of the priority tasks of the state youth policy is the development of educational work with youth, innovative educational and educational technologies, as well as creating conditions for self-education of young people.

The need to form a flexible and diversified system of vocational education that meets the requirements of the labor market and the needs of an innovative economy, both in terms of educational programs and in terms of conditions and material and technical equipment of the learning process, is provided for in the forecast of long-term social economic development of the Russian Federation for the period until 2030, developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2015 No. 497 approved the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2016-2020, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the effective development of Russian education, aimed at ensuring the availability of quality education that meets the requirements of modern innovative social oriented development Russian Federation, and one of the tasks is the creation and dissemination of structural and technological innovations in higher education.

Thus, the development and application of innovative technologies in the educational process of a university is a task of paramount importance, the significance of which is confirmed at the legislative level, which makes the study and development of innovative educational technologies relevant for each participant in the educational process, and first of all, for the teacher.

Innovative educational technologies must be used by an educational organization. The leader who carries out such work will be among the leaders in his field. After all, the application of each new knowledge helps maintain the organization’s competitiveness among other educational organizations.

Most managers believe it is important to improve the skills of their employees, considering training as a means of self-improvement and self-education of the employee. Thus, according to the “Andersen model”, self-learning is considered through the concept “any knowledge is based on a conceptual apparatus.”

The activities of any educational organization presuppose a movement forward, towards development, otherwise its self-destruction will follow. To do this, the organization determines the goals of its activities: operational and strategic. From the current state, the organization must move forward towards its development prospects, using various innovative technologies. Any pedagogical technology must include an element of personal development. Each goal, each innovative technology must be filled with comprehension of the activity, which will allow innovative pedagogical technologies to be used most effectively.

For example, V.P. Bespalko believes that “... modern technologies in education are considered as a means by which a new educational paradigm can be implemented. Trends in the development of educational technologies are directly related to the humanization of education, which promotes self-actualization and self-realization of the individual.

In modern conditions in higher education there is an urgent task of updating the content and methods of teaching through active use in the educational process the results and technologies of scientific research, increasing the efficiency of independent creative work students, development of cognitive activity, creativity, creating a situation of success, organizing counter efforts of the teacher and students.”

For a self-learning organization, the following stages of development can be distinguished:

1) convincing people of the need for change (it is necessary to overcome the inertia of thinking);

2) a breakthrough in knowledge (any new knowledge will be a breakthrough in thinking);

3) a breakthrough in thinking is one of the goals of the educational process.

In the activities of an educational organization, multi-level consciousness becomes important, through which, using emotional methods, it is necessary to formulate a vision of the situation that will allow us to evaluate collective work, and involvement in the final result is extremely important in the work of the organization.

Currently, a person strives for a job that would be strong, stable and active for him. An important condition for the employee, including teaching worker and for the student, his competitiveness will be, i.e. the ability to teach yourself to learn faster and better than your competitors. A teacher or student must have competence - a motivated ability to complete the assigned work.

In the process of learning, a person develops a system for applying new knowledge, the implementation of which in practice will allow him to become a special person. If a person is not capable of work or does not want to work, then there are the following ways to train him:

1) single-loop training (certain adaptation);

2) double-circuit training (training in elements of self-development and self-improvement);

3) deuterium training (a person is not only able to master the technology, he becomes a generator of further development).

There are three basic approaches in educational technologies:

1) Prussian (strictly regulating);

2) French (more free approach);

3) modern approach (a certain direction of activity).

According to G.K. Selevko, pedagogical (educational) technology is a system of functioning of all components pedagogical process, built on scientific basis, programmed in time and space and leading to the intended results. The structure of pedagogical technology is considered by him in the system of three main interconnected components:

1) scientific: technology is a scientifically developed (developed) solution to a specific problem, based on the achievements of pedagogical theory and best practice;

2) formalized-descriptive (descriptive): technology is represented by a model, description (verbal, text, diagram) of goals, content, methods and means, action algorithms used to achieve planned results;

3) procedural-activity: technology represents the process of carrying out the activities of objects and subjects, their goal setting, planning, organization, implementation of goals and analysis of results.

Consequently, pedagogical technology functions both as a science (the field of pedagogical theory), researching and designing the most rational ways of teaching, and as a system of algorithms, methods and regulations of activity, and as a real process of teaching and upbringing. It can be represented either by the entire complex of its aspects, or by a scientific development (project, concept), or by a description of an algorithm (program) of action, or by a process actually carried out in practice.

As shown Scientific research, the activity of teachers in implementing the pedagogical strategy for training lawyers is to design and implement in practice technologies for training specialists in higher education based on specific pedagogical concepts of training.

Currently, basic teaching concepts are widely used at universities: associative-reflexive, phased formation of mental actions, problem-based activity, etc. Their requirements are manifested in the design of specific teaching technologies and logically interconnected sequences of didactic cycles of training sessions.

The optimal design of technology for teaching students at a university is achieved by answering the following questions: what to study? – how to study? – in what order? – in what form? – in what training sessions?

The concept of associative-reflexive learning includes the following provisions:

1) process of assimilation professional knowledge, their formation in students is nothing more than the formation in the mind of a future lawyer of a system of associations, starting with the simplest - reflexes. Hence, learning based on this concept is the process of developing conditioned reflexes and a system of reflex-associations in the student;

2) the mechanism for assimilation of knowledge and the formation of associative systems among students has the logic of “perception - comprehension - memorization - application in practice.”

The main element of the mechanism for assimilation of knowledge by a student in the learning process is its comprehension.

Research into the teaching practice of universities shows that a future lawyer acquires a specific amount of professional knowledge and develops his skills when the student and teacher implement the following stages of the learning process in various classes: perception, comprehension, memorization and application in practice.

The highest form of development of learning at a university based on the associative-reflexive concept is problem-based learning. Conducted scientific research has shown that in the technology of traditional teaching, the stage of “comprehension” is expanded by substages: creating problem situations in the classroom, developing students’ interest in thoughtful intellectual activity, modeling the mental activity of students with a focus on creativity. To organize problem-based learning, new forms and methods of teaching students are being developed: intellectual warm-up, methods round table", organizational and mental games, etc.

The next concept of learning is the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions. Basic provisions of the concept:

The process of assimilation of knowledge and formation of skills occurs during the student’s mastery of a certain activity (by performing specific actions, the lawyer gains knowledge about them);

The assimilation of knowledge and the formation of skills in students proceeds through the gradual transformation of “material” actions (external activities) into an internal (mental) plan;

Training based on the theory of the gradual formation of mental actions does not involve the student’s preliminary memorization of knowledge for further application, but rather the mastery of certain actions, during which the future lawyer acquires professional knowledge.

A study of the pedagogical theory and practice of training specialists at a university shows that this teaching technology should include eight interrelated sequential didactic stages:

1) the initial stage, ensuring students’ understanding of the significance and necessity of forming specific professional actions, stable motivation to study;

2) the key stage, at this stage, through a problematic presentation of educational material, diagrams of the indicative basis of action are created, i.e. systems of instructions on how to perform specific actions;

3) the stage of materialized action performed by the student on the basis of specific samples of documents using layouts, models, diagrams, documents, while simultaneously pronouncing each operation loudly, which ensures the formation of primary skills in presenting theoretical material and solving a typical problem using a given algorithm;

4) external speech stage;

5) the stage of external speech “to oneself”;

6) stage of mental activity;

7) stage of final generalization;

8) stage of monitoring the success of training.

Pedagogical teaching technology based on the concept of the gradual formation of mental actions is implemented in the educational process of the university through didactic cycles of classes, in which preference is given to practical exercises.

The weaknesses of this teaching technology include: low level of creative learning among students; excessive fragmentation of educational material; not all educational material can be programmed; the possibility of updating the content of knowledge in a specific specialty is reduced, etc.

Based on the problem-based concept of learning, the design of pedagogical teaching technology and didactic cycles of classes with future specialists is carried out.

This concept was created on the basis of two approaches to training specialists: problem-based and activity-based approaches. The use of this teaching technology at a university is carried out through the implementation of specific didactic stages by teachers in the classroom. For example, the assimilation of content and methods of practical activity by future specialists begins with introductory classes. Future professional activity appears to students as general idea and a description of the system of actions that they need to master. At this stage, the selection and construction of the content of classes must meet the following criteria: a general demonstration of the place and role of this content in the professional development of a specialist, a demonstration of the practical significance of solid knowledge acquisition.

The next stage should be teaching reproductive strategy, developing reproductive knowledge, skills and abilities in students to perform specific types of activities. The content of training is characterized by the following criteria: limitation of the volume of educational material; its repeatability; modeling standard professional situations future profession. At this stage, teachers need to introduce productive activities. All activities of teachers in classes for productive training of students should consist not so much in consolidating knowledge (this is a function of reproductive training), but in constructing, together with future specialists, new knowledge and ways to solve complex social situations. The main stages of students’ cognitive activity when implementing this strategy will be: perception and comprehension of the problem situation created by the teacher, identification of the underlying contradiction, awareness of the essence of the difficulty; justification and design of a model of possible actions to resolve the problem situation; individual practical actions in accordance with the created model; analysis of the action taken, checking the correctness of the problem solution; reflection of thinking during the action.

At the same time, practical professional activity requires specialists to comprehensively apply the acquired knowledge from various academic disciplines and develop complex professional skills. To implement these requirements, teachers must introduce complex classes into the educational process that can ensure the formation of a system of knowledge and complex skills in students, as well as the development of active thinking and activity in them.

The current pedagogical practice of universities indicates that problem-based learning technology is implemented through the following didactic cycles of training sessions using active and interactive teaching methods: multivariate professional games; interdisciplinary didactic cycles of training sessions, game complexes; professional trainings, role-playing games; case study; intellectual attack on the problem, etc.

In modern pedagogical practice of law universities, new requirements have emerged for the introduction of interactive student learning in law schools. Psychological and pedagogical analysis of this training shows that interactive training is a type of problem-based activity training for students. The main features of interactive learning for students are equal pedagogical interaction (pedagogical cooperation) between teachers and students in the classroom (interaction), a high level of student independence and the availability of work results for each student.

Interactive learning (eng. interact - interact; be in interaction, act, influence each other) is joint problem-based learning through action. Collaboration of participants with the teacher and with each other. Participants interact, work in a team, the teacher helps them as an organizer.

Training consists of solving practical problems that participants face or may face in their professional activities.

An important part of the training is the independent activity of the participants, the presence of a specific work result for each student. Recommendations for the use of interactive methods for organizing the educational activities of participants relate to the structure of the lesson and the teacher’s work technique. The following stages of the interactive lesson can be distinguished:

1) formation of student motivation;

2) agreement with students on expected results;

3) providing students with the necessary professional information;

4) determining the rules of interactive interaction during the lesson;

5) summing up the lesson.

In the learning process, teaching tools are used, which include:

Tools given to the teacher and students (speech, facial expressions, gestures);

Educational literature;

Visual aids;

Software and methodological support for computer technologies;

Special equipment (simulators, audio classes).

The most effective means of teaching in modern training of specialists high school are computer-based educational and methodological complexes (AOS, electronic textbooks and etc.). It is promising to create a new type of training for specialists based on external information networks such as the Internet. For example, training specialists through distance education, i.e. by providing a complex of educational programs using a specialized information and educational environment based on computer teaching aids (e-mail, teleconferences by e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, digital libraries, electronic textbooks, online teleconferences, electronic lectures, etc.). Distance learning can compete with correspondence training for specialists and, in part, with full-time and distance learning.

IN Lately Universities pay attention to didactic (educational) support for the process of training specialists, creating educational and methodological complexes as a means of didactic support for modern training of higher education specialists. An educational and methodological complex is a broader concept than a collection of normative documents. It also includes the software that is intended for use in all types of classes (plans for seminars and practical classes, questions for an individual interview, a list of basic and additional literature used didactic materials, technical training aids, etc.). Research has shown that the educational and methodological complex is an effective means of didactically supporting the process of training lawyers in higher education.

Among the innovative methods of teaching students used by universities are:

1) Goal – setting goals;

2) Realitu - examination of the current situation for reality;

3) Options – defining a list of options and action strategies;

4) Way/Will – intention, will.

The educational process uses such types of intensive technologies as an active educational lecture, seminar, buzzing group technology, mind maps, a folder with incoming documents, an information labyrinth (basket method), etc.

A detailed analysis of intensive interactive technologies used in the educational process is given in the work of A.P. Panfilova.

Situation analysis technologies for active learning include the following: situational analysis and its types, traditional analysis specific situations(method of situational exercises, situational tasks; method of situational training; method of case analysis; method of “incident”; method of analysis of critical incidents); method of playing roles (dramatization); game design.

Among the innovative technologies, one can highlight the technology of brainstorming (brainstorming): reverse brainstorming; shadow brainstorming; combined brainstorming; individual brainstorming; shuttle brainstorming; method "635"; brainstorming on a whiteboard; solo style brainstorming; visual brainstorming; brainstorming in Japanese (K. Jay method), brainwriting.

Heuristic techniques for intensive idea generation are divided into: the method of morphological analysis; dismemberment technique; inversion method; nominal group method; program-role method; technique for eliminating deadlock situations; forced relationship method.

Comprehensive active learning technologies include: group discussions; Balint session; Master Class; creative workshop; assessment center.

In the learning process, methods of educational discussion and group games are actively used. Discussion involves developing the knowledge of each group member based on the knowledge of other participants. For example, A.G. Sanina considers discussion as “the most important tool for the formation of one of the key competencies - communication, and a properly conducted discussion, unlike a traditional lecture, allows you to see that each statement can be interpreted differently, that a seemingly unchangeable truth can be viewed from different points of view , without claiming that it is the only and objective one.”

The group game method is a simplified model of any aspect of life; such learning models give the result of individual and group freedom; they are actively used in the innovative educational process. So, according to P.V. Usanova, “business games allow you to increase the efficiency of mastering lecture material and diversify your portfolio seminars teacher. This will allow you to better navigate and understand the essence of the processes being carried out in the future when carrying out professional activities.”

An experimental study showed that the widespread introduction of various educational activities into the traditional pedagogical process of training lawyers in higher education improves the traditional didactic cycle of classes, for example, lectures - independent work - games, independent work - lectures - games; eliminates the uniformity of the didactic lesson cycles themselves; improves the quality of modern training of specialists in higher education.

In the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education (FSES) in specialty 030900 – “Jurisprudence” there is no academic discipline “Introduction to the Profession”. Consequently, students at the university do not purposefully and plannedly form a professional portrait of a specialist. This academic discipline should be introduced into the educational process of training a lawyer.

The training of lawyers in higher education should be carried out through the implementation of such pedagogical techniques and methods that would contribute to the formation and development of students as professionally trained specialists.

It has been established that the introduction at a university of a pedagogical system of didactic design, experimentally tested in the study, ensures the formation of stable ideas about the future profession in students, increases their motivation to master their specialty, and develops specific types of professional activities in future specialists. And, as a result, it increases the level of preparedness of graduates to perform their chosen profession.

Training of lawyers is a complex and multifactorial process, the implementation of which requires the resolution of many problems, including: professional design of the didactic profile of a specialist; design and implementation of a multi-stage pedagogical process for preparing a specialist; justification of the content of strategies for its preparation in each semester of study; selection of pedagogical teaching technologies for each strategy; designing new didactic cycles of classes and educational and methodological complexes, etc., and in this process, undoubtedly, an important place should be given to the use of innovative pedagogical technologies by the university.


1. Bespalko V.P. Pedagogy and progressive teaching technologies. – M.: Institute of Prof. arr. RAO, 1995. – 336 p.

2. Sanina A.G. Organization of tripartite discussion in the educational process based on the integration of science, education and business / method. allowance: Modern technologies of teaching at a university (experience of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg) / ed. M.A. Malysheva - St. Petersburg. 2011. pp. 94-95.

3. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia of educational technologies. In 2 volumes. T.1. – M.: Public Education, 2005. P. 37-38.

4. Modern training of lawyers: bachelors, specialists and masters at Russian universities (experience in design and implementation): monograph / edited by. ed. ON THE. Davydova. – Moscow: Prospekt, 2016. – 208 p.

5. Orinchuk V.A., Tuvatova V.E. Practice of using innovative educational technologies in higher education / InvestRegion. – 2014. – No. 3. – P. 58-61.

6. Panfilova A.P. Innovative pedagogical technologies: Active learning: textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments / A.P. Panfilova. – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2009. – 192 p.

7. Usanov P.V. Using business games in the educational process / method. allowance: Modern technologies of teaching at a university (experience of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg) / ed. M.A. Malysheva - St. Petersburg. 2011. P. 44.

Introduction of educational technologies in universities

Note 1

Currently, one of the pressing problems in the education system is ensuring accessibility to higher education for all segments of the population. The solution to this problem was achieved through the introduction of educational technologies in the country's universities.

The introduction of educational technologies provides the opportunity to create a qualitatively new educational environment. One of the priority areas in this area is the introduction of modern electronic technologies into the educational process, namely distance learning.

From a pedagogical point of view, distance learning technology is interesting as a system that allows you to make the most of all modern technologies and at the same time meet the necessary learning requirements. Remote form education is characterized by the flexibility of organizational forms, the ability to individualize the content of education, and, if necessary, intensify the learning process and exchange of information.

E-learning technologies are used in the following forms:

  1. Full-time and part-time forms. These forms of training contribute to the organization of independent work of students and constant monitoring of the educational process.
  2. Extramural. When organizing the educational process, the use of information technology is one of the main forms of presenting educational material and contributes to the development of practical work skills.

The introduction of modern technologies into the educational process of a university makes it possible to combine classroom and electronic forms of learning. The combination of two forms of learning is called blended learning, which ensures that the best features and qualities of electronic and classroom forms are used in the educational process.

The advantages of the classroom form of training are:

  • ensuring social interaction that students need not only to satisfy the need for communication, but also for the purpose of comprehensive personal development;
  • teaching methods are familiar and understandable to students;
  • an educational space is being created in which every student has the opportunity not only to gain their knowledge, but also to experience communication, establishing connections, making acquaintances, etc.

Main advantages of e-learning:

  • allows you to independently choose and determine the pace, time and place of training;
  • provides flexible schedules and training programs, the opportunity to form individual plan training;
  • makes it possible to timely update the content of educational content.

The introduction of modern computer educational technologies in universities contributes to the formation and development of the level of independence of students. The use of computers allows us to resolve the existing crisis in education, which is associated with a shortage of teaching staff. Educational material, can be presented in the form of audio and video lectures, which students can view and listen to at a convenient time and, if necessary, several times. At traditional education this is impossible.

Another innovation introduced by the use of computers in education is interactivity, which allows the development of an active learning process. The active process has a positive effect on independent work students to search for and assimilate new information.

Note 2

Thus, the main type of educational technologies introduced into the educational process of universities are information and computer learning technologies.

Requirements for the introduction of educational technologies into universities

The introduction of computer technologies into the educational process of a university requires compliance with a number of requirements:

  • availability of good hardware and software basis;
  • availability of necessary training for teachers;
  • Availability of developed electronic educational and methodological materials.

Much attention when introducing technology into the educational process of a university concerns educational and methodological materials. It is necessary not only to replace book publications with electronic ones, but to expand the existing library collection"deep". That is, to supplement printed publications with electronic resources, primarily where the book does not have the opportunity to work. However, it is important to preserve the main purpose of textbooks, books and manuals - the transfer of information. This is necessary, since book publications are still unrivaled in terms of convenience and breadth of application.

The availability of electronic resources and publications helps to provide the educational process with the necessary materials. In addition, electronic resources greatly facilitate the systematization and search for necessary information. Their use is quite wide - obtaining educational information, using them during practical tasks, conducting certifications, etc.

Innovative technologies for monitoring academic performance at a university

Modern educational technologies, in addition to optimizing and increasing the efficiency of the educational process at a university, also contribute to the organization of continuous monitoring of students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Monitoring the level of knowledge and skills, implemented through modern technologies, allows you to control the level of quality at all stages of training, and not just at the time of certification, as was the case when using traditional education schemes.

Currently, modern technologies offer the following monitoring elements:

  • academic activity
  • boundary control;
  • results of practical assignments (coursework, laboratory works, individual tasks);
  • final control.

Modern universities are successfully implementing a program for the development and implementation of electronic educational technologies in the educational process. The library of electronic educational and methodological complexes integrated into the distance learning system of universities is integrally linked with the educational quality control system embedded in them by ensuring an objective assessment of results, since all types of activities are recorded, and the teacher evaluates only alienable results, the analysis of which can be available to the teacher , dean, curator, customer of training.

Dunaeva T. Yu. Possibilities of modern educational technologies in the educational process of a university / T. Yu. Dunaeva, T. F. Kamaliev. // International Journal of Humanities and natural sciences. – 2018. – 3. – pp. 68-70.


T.Yu. Dunaeva, Ph.D. biol. Sciences, Associate Professor

T.F. Kamaliev, student

Kazan State Energy University

(Russia, Kazan)

Annotation . The article discusses the role of information and social technologies in education, which ensure universal computerization of students and teachers A holders and allow by using carry out optimization using IT technologies effe k effective provision of educational servicesin the higher education system.It is shown that the integration of information skills into curricula requires the cooperation of university administrations and teachers tocomputerization of education at the university.

Keywords: higher education, forms of computerization of education, IT technology O gies, optimization of the provision of educational services.

In modern technological society T there is a growing understanding that trad And The national scheme for obtaining education (primarily school) is outdated and needs to be replaced by a continuous education O learning and lifelong learning. Lifelong learning refers to three types of education and training:

formal education (universities, other educational institutions that issue certificates of education);

spontaneous learning (during all e daily human activity, St. I involved with his work, family or home y g om);

informal learning(outside the educational institution.

For new forms of education, prerequisite A avoids intensive use of new e o b educational technologies.

Different approaches to determining o b educational technology can be sums And to act as a set of ways to implement And tion of curricula and training programs O gram, which is a system of forms, methods and means of teaching, both from baking to education achievement ny goals.

Information educational technologies arise when used And We use information and computer technology. Educator b new environment in which operations are carried out b educational information technology about giya, defining there are computers working with it about nents:

technical (computer and internet);

software and hardware ( computers software);

– organize ational-methodological (ins T manual for the implementation of the technical part of educational activities,organization tion of the educational process).

Educational technologies in higher education are understood as a system of science h nal and engineering knowledge, as well as met O materials and means that are used to create, collect, transfer, store and b processing information in pr edmetnoy region with ty of higher school. Thus, does not exist direct relationship between effe To efficiency in the implementation of training programs and the degree of integration into them accordingly T current informationbut communication technologies.

AND information, communication and audiovisual technologies in the scoop p subordination solving the problem of creating a new educational environment where they are included into the educational process to implement new educational fashions e l her.

Today one of characteristic features O b educational environment is possible and number of students and teachers and say goodbye to educational and methodological mothers A lamas teaching multimedia m plexes throughout the university at any time I and at any point in space.

Application of computer programs multimedia and the Internet for educational dissertation ciplins allowsuniversity teachernot only diversify traditional forms of education,but it’s up to you to decide h ny tasks, for example, increase motive tion and visibility in teaching, differentiation guide students’ work when performing their training tests Use development of information technologies on in classes helps to do teaching more sustainably and efficiently. How to show practice, computer technology canuse in various situ a tions at different stages:

– in classroom lessons the computer acts as a powerful demonstrator And means, providinghigh level of visibility;

- O online testing – one from f format for conducting knowledge control, skills and abilities. This form has a number of advantages in societies ( saving time when checking;

objectivity in assessing knowledge, st a statistics of learning material by individualstudent and the entire group/stream).

Modern higher education institutions e tions have internet connection in frame of various government programs for the development of education. With the help of I n internet technology teacher and st u dents can use Internet services that facilitate learning and speed up educational process .

In the educational process of a higher educational institution, the study of IT involves solving problems at several levels:

introduction of new information tools And on-line technologies in educational sphere o cess;

increasing the level of computer (information) training of participants in the educational process;

system integration into information technology education, supporting And those involved in scientific research, learning processes and organizational management;

construction and development of a unified education system A vocative information space n stva.

In technological terms, information And The online educational environment is represented by the Moodle program –course management system (e-learning), also known as learning management system e nium or virtual learning environment . It is a web application that allows you to and ability to create websites for online learning. The program is distributed And rocko, also because it is free T Noah. Each teacher creates an element To the throne resource of its discipline and ra h placed in the program. Students can o T take the course and study it at any time convenient for you.

Other educational available e resource – s social networks – an interactive multi-user website.

You can use the resource didactically How:

Bulletin board. Can use about becoming a teacher for official messages and announcements of upcoming events y tiy;

organizing thematic groups For constant consultation and information R emotional support for all involvedics of the educational process.

In addition to electronic educational resources (EER), there are EER, for example And measures, website of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, portals “Certificate”, etc.

Thus, ICT is the new h opportunities in educational activities O style, where the main role is played by the teacher A body, who with his personal qualities e must maintain interest st at dents during the course and prompt n O new forms of work.


1. Training duringthroughout life – is there such a concept in Russia?[Electronic resource]: (access date: 01.02.2018).

3. Sayfutdinova G.B.,Mironenko A.S. Possibility of using information and communication technologies and social networks in independent work of university students // Problems of modern pedagogical imageovaniya. Yalta, 2017. Issue. 54. Part 7. pp. 183-188.


T.Yu. Dunaeva, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor

T.F. Kamaliev, student

Kazan state power engineering university

(Russia, Kazan)

Abstract. The article examines the role of information and social technologies in education that provide universal computerization of students and teachers and allows, with the help of IT technologies, to optimize the effective provision of educational services in the higher education system. It is shown that the integration of information skills into the curriculum requires the coo p eration of the administration of universities and teachers to computerize the education in the university.

Keywords: higher education, forms of computerization of education, IT technologies, optim i ration of educational services provision.

1. Technological approach to education

3. Didactic foundations for designing professionally oriented teaching technologies at a university.

4. Innovative pedagogical technologies and their characteristics.

1. Technological approach to education

The emergence of the term “technology” in pedagogy was facilitated by the rapid development of scientific and technological progress in various fields of theoretical and practical human activity, as well as the desire of teachers to achieve guaranteed results in their professional work.

There are serious scientific discussions around the concept of “learning technology” all over the world, which do not allow us to give an unambiguous, universally understood definition.

The concept of “technology” has become firmly established in public consciousness in the second half of the 20th century and became a kind of reference point for scientific and practical thinking. Its regulatory impact is that it encourages researchers and practitioners in all fields human activity, including in the field of education:

· find reasons for the effectiveness of the process;

· mobilize best achievements science and experience to ensure that the required result is obtained;

· build activities on an intensive, i.e., as scientific as possible, and not on an extensive basis, leading to unjustified expenditure of effort, time and resources;

· pay great attention to forecasting and designing activities in order to reduce the number of procedures for its possible adjustment;

· use the latest information tools in the process of their development, automate routine operations as much as possible.

Manufacturability is becoming a dominant characteristic of human activity and means a transition to a qualitatively new level of efficiency, optimality, and knowledge intensity of the educational process.

Technology is not a tribute to fashion, but a style of modern scientific and practical thinking. It reflects the focus of applied research (including pedagogical research) on the radical improvement of human activity, increasing its effectiveness (subject to guaranteeing the achievement of the goal), intensity, instrumentality, and technical equipment. Technology is an activity that maximally reflects the objective laws of the subject area and therefore ensures the greatest correspondence of the results to the goals under given conditions.

Technology (as a process) is characterized by three features:

· dividing the process into interconnected stages;

· coordinated and step-by-step implementation of actions aimed at achieving the desired result (goal);

· unambiguous implementation of the procedures and operations included in the technology, which is an indispensable and decisive condition for achieving results adequate to the set goal.

All technologies developed and currently used in the world can be divided into two types: industrial and social. Moreover, this division is not conditional, but fundamental.

Industrial technologies include technologies for processing natural raw materials (oil, gas, wood, etc.) or obtaining finished products from them (metal, rolled products, individual parts and assemblies, etc.). Social technology is a technology in which the initial and final result is a person, and the main parameter subject to change is one or more of its properties (qualities).

The peculiarities of social technologies and their difference from industrial ones are that they are, first of all, more flexible; they are not so rigidly determined. Selection of a certain sequence of even the most effective processes or activities cannot guarantee full effectiveness. The fact is that a person is too multifactorial a system and is influenced by a huge number of external influences, the strength and direction of which are different, and sometimes opposite, as a result of which it is often impossible to predict in advance the effect of one or another influence. Social technologies adapt to any conditions: they are able to correct the shortcomings of individual processes and operations that make up the technological process. The peculiarity of social technologies is that they play a huge role Feedback, which allows even the repetition of individual elements of the technological process to be organized at the correction stages. And finally, social technologies are more complex in their organization. The difference between social technologies and industrial ones is due primarily to the fact that the sphere pedagogical activity cannot be characterized by a clear substantive definition, an unambiguous set of functions, or the separation of professional actions themselves from spontaneous communication and experience. The operational side of pedagogical activity cannot be separated from its personal-subjective parameters, rational regulation - from the emotional one. Subjectivity, delay, and variability of the result do not allow us to ensure the same level of predictability and guarantee as in industrial areas.

It should be emphasized that any technology is an intermediate link between a certain science and the corresponding production. The well-known truth about the need for such a link, unfortunately, is completely ignored in the education system. It is clear that the law of physics cannot be directly used in production, bypassing their technologization.

Meanwhile, hundreds of works on educational problems, as well as in official documents, talk about the direct implementation of the results of pedagogical research into teaching practice, although this is impossible in principle. In pedagogy, teaching technology now acts as such an intermediate link, representing, as it were, a projection of the theory of learning onto the activities of teachers and students.
