Which medical school to apply to. What subjects need to be taken to the doctor? What exams are taken at medical school? Does the university have its own Olympiads for schoolchildren?

From time immemorial, the profession of a doctor has remained the most in demand and popular in society, it is for this reason that every year thousands of applicants ask the question - how to enter the medical school.

This is not an easy task, due to the fact that each university dictates its own requirements, which can often be vague and unclear for the future student. Nevertheless, the basic criteria for admission are common to all educational institutions. Let's try to figure out how to become a doctor.

What subjects should be taken to the doctor?

The state has determined the procedure for admission to higher educational institutions (of any profile) based on the results of the Unified State Exam (USE). Medical universities are no exception.

For medical specialties (medicine, pediatrician, dentist), the following list of exams that must be taken is determined:

  • chemistry– the highest priority area for testing the applicant’s knowledge. It is impossible to do without chemistry;
  • biology– second priority school subject, the results of which count towards the overall passing score;
  • Russian language– the least priority subject, which nevertheless determines the applicant’s score.

Note: specialized mathematics and physics, contrary to popular belief, are not mandatory.

Exams are usually taken centrally by school leavers, however, for individual categories citizens, institutions can organize individual entrance tests(using your tickets), which are assigned by order of the rector.

If a future physician (or dentist) enters programs that are defined as secondary vocational education in the profile of medical training, then additional tests of psychological qualities are also carried out.

Passing score for medical universities in Russia

The threshold for the reserve of points based on the sum of three exams for the specialization “General Medicine” is traditionally quite large and Almost none of the universities falls below the bar of 250 points.

A significant contribution to the threshold of points that must be overcome is made by the competition of the institute and the popularity of this faculty.

For the current year, the list of points for admission to places financed from the federal budget among the most popular institutions was distributed as follows:

  1. Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogov– lower limit 271 points.
  2. First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov– the lower limit for admission to a free place is 269 points.
  3. Moscow State Medical University named after. Evdokimova requires an applicant to score 258 points to participate in the competition.
  4. Kursk State Medical University has a bar of 251 points on the Unified State Examination.

It is worth noting: The bar for extra-budgetary places is traditionally much lower and is in the range of 140-160 points for the most popular universities.

Admission after medical college

Admission to a medical university after final exams after medical school in a secondary specialized education program does not give the applicant any advantages.

After completing your studies, you will have to pass the unified state exam along with other applicants and take part in the competition on a general basis.

Student enrollment also occurs on a general basis, for the first year. There is also no provision for correspondence courses.

There is an opinion that additional training in college will allow you to better prepare for the specialized subjects required to obtain a higher education in the specialty of general medicine, but this is not the case.

The standard of secondary education places maximum emphasis on applied disciplines (using books for practical training), with virtually no mention of general educational issues.

After what grade is it better to enter medical school?

To enter a medical college, it is enough to master the program that completes the 9th grade of the general education school standard.

If you plan to enter a medical higher education institution, then the best option would be to prepare for 11 classes, of which the last two are designed for in-depth study of specialized subjects in the natural sciences.

What the cost of studying

For the capital region, the top line in the ranking is occupied by Moscow State University them. Lomonosov, where the price level for a year of study in the specialization “General Medicine” is 400,000 rubles.

The average cost of training to become a doctor in other universities in Moscow is 288,000 rubles per year. You cannot study by correspondence.

For regional universities, the price bar is slightly lower and ranges from 100,000 to 200,000 rubles, varying depending on the region and the rating of the institution.

For example, a year of training in a medical specialty (ophthalmologist, surgeon, dermatologist, etc.) at Kursk State Medical University is 122,000 rubles.

Is it difficult to get into medical school on a budget?

Is it difficult to enroll? This is an eternal question, in which the personal and mental characteristics of the applicant play a decisive role.

Good mastery will be a big plus school curriculum(including studying specialized literature), the ability to memorize large amounts of information, completing preparatory courses at the chosen university.

You need to understand that competition for admission to medical universities is always high and the applicant is required to show truly exceptional knowledge in specialized subjects.

Upon admission, most educational institutions take into account the applicant’s personal achievements, which, however, will not be able to make a significant contribution to the sum of points:

  • achievements in sports events - victories at world and European championships, titles of masters of sports, etc.;
  • availability of a certificate of basic (secondary) education confirming a silver or gold medal;
  • possession of an incoming high school diploma vocational education with excellent grades;
  • prizes and victories at specialized school competitions.

These additional opportunities will help with admission, but the decisive factor is still the total score on the Unified State Exam.

Targeted admission to medical school

Targeted admission is carried out within the framework of a concluded agreement with the sending organization, which pays for the student’s education in exchange for an obligation to work for a certain number of years.

The number of people who each medical school accepts to target places, determines the quota established by the Ministry of Health Russian Federation.

After applications from organizations are submitted, as well as when the competition reaches 1.2 applicants per quota, the university organizes a separate competitive selection among applicants. Are taken into account Unified State Exam results, however, the passing score is almost a third lower than the overall score.

If a person does not pass the competitive selection for the target place, he can participate in the general competition using his state exam results.

TOP 10 medical universities in Russia

According to the ranking of universities by medical specialties, the first two leaders are located in the capital region:

  1. First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov(Moscow), rating – 7.8/10;
  2. Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov(Moscow), rating 7.4/10;
  3. KazSMU(Kazan), rating 6.7/10;
  4. Northern State Medical University(Arkhangelsk), rating 6.5/10;
  5. Orenburg State Medical University(Orenburg), rating 6.5/10;
  6. Siberian State Medical University(Tomsk), rating 6.3/10;
  7. SamSMU(Samara), rating 6/10;
  8. Moscow State Medical and Dental University(Moscow), rating 6/10;
  9. ISMU(Irkutsk), rating 6/10;
  10. SarSMU(Saratov), ​​rating 5.8/10.

As you can see, regional institutes are not inferior in rating to capital ones, however, the competition for such institutions is often lower and it is easier to get into them.

Documents for admission

When submitting your application, please be aware that you will also need a kit. additional documents– without them the application will not be accepted:

  • a document that proves the identity of the applicant. In addition, this document must contain a note confirming citizenship of the Russian Federation. A passport is best;
  • confirmation of successful completion of a secondary or secondary specialized education program (established state standard);
  • documentary evidence of the results of the Unified State Exam;
  • two photographs of the applicant;
  • documents defining the applicant’s benefits;
  • an application that must contain the applicant’s personal data (last name, first name and patronymic), as well as all data on the above points.

In addition to these documents, it is possible to provide papers that confirm the applicant’s right to priority admission (for example, a document confirming winning a prize at a specialized Olympiad), or to use a special right (the presence of a contraindication to participation in a general competition). These documents are provided at the discretion of the applicant.


Admission to the specialization “General Medicine” often seems like an insurmountable obstacle for many applicants, however, the conditions under which universities admit students to the Faculty of Medicine are quite simple and understandable.

The main thing for an applicant is to focus on passing the exams and show your best results.“Is it realistic to do it?” — the answer to this question is, of course, “Yes,” subject to the proper commitment.

Doctor is considered one of the most important and noble professions in the whole world. After graduating from school, many girls and boys strive to enter the best medical universities in the Russian Federation. How to do this? You can find the answer to this and many other questions in our article.

Rules for selecting a medical university

Choosing a good medical university is quite simple; the most important thing is to adhere to the following rules:

  • Territorial location. Many applicants try to choose an educational institution closer to home so that it is convenient to get there.
  • Kudos. Enough great importance has the popularity and credibility of a particular university.
  • Educational base. When choosing a medical university or academy, you need to pay attention to the teaching staff of the educational institution, the availability of research laboratories, libraries, the quality of food, and living conditions in the dormitory (for nonresident students).

List of documents for admission

Admission to a medical university begins with submitting the necessary documents:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • SNILS;
  • a statement written in your own hand;
  • filled blitzket;
  • certificate of general secondary education or diploma of secondary specialized education;
  • results of the Unified State Exam (USE) in selected and compulsory subjects;
  • 2 photos measuring 3x4 cm;
  • health certificate in form “086-u” (issued by a local physician);
  • special documents confirming the right to receive benefits (orphans, disabled people of group 1 or 2, single-parent or dysfunctional families).
to become a doctor, you need to go through a long and responsible path of study at a medical university

Training courses

You need to think about entering a medical institute or university in advance, starting from the 9th grade. Typically, schools provide various extracurricular activities to help high school students prepare for future exams. Do not skip or neglect such preparation under any circumstances, because it will be useful to you in the future. If possible, you can hire a tutor in the subject that is most difficult for you. It is also recommended to find out when the so-called “Open Day” will take place at the university you have chosen. On this day, employees of the educational institution introduce the future applicant to the rules, the “surroundings” of the university, some teachers, and talk about the curriculum and additional education.

Entrance exams

In order to become a first-class doctor, desire alone is not enough, because you need to pass difficult entrance exams in the following subjects:

  • Russian language - from 65 points;
  • mathematics - from 70 points;
  • chemistry - from 75 points;
  • biology - from 70 points.

Above were the approximate minimum score values ​​for which subjects must be passed. Of course, these figures are approximate and statistically average, because every year different universities set their own threshold. Also, some educational institutions accept the results of the Unified State Examination taken at school, and some educational institutions conduct their own exams.

  • long before passing the exams, a future applicant can go to a hospital, hospital, clinic in his or any other city and take a referral to a certain medical university, so that after graduation he can return to work in this particular healthcare institution; this method is called targeted recruitment;
  • before passing the Unified State Exam do not forget to write an application addressed to the rector of the educational institution for permission to submit documentation to the admissions committee;
  • if you have previously studied at a medical school, then you have some advantages over schoolchildren: you are allowed to immediately enroll in the 3rd year of a medical university, institute or academy;
  • The legislation of the Russian Federation has provided preferential conditions for admission to universities for disabled people, orphans, and children with one parent, so find out about this from the admissions office in more detail;
  • if you already have a higher education medical education, then you will be able to enroll in a specialized university for a master’s degree, internship or residency to improve your qualifications;
  • if the educational institution is not in your city, then be sure to check the availability of places in the dormitory, and also find out about the quality of accommodation there;
  • do not forget to check whether the educational institution has a degree of accreditation and licensing in the state register (this information can be found on the official website or in the dean’s office).

List of the most popular medical universities

Let's look at the top 10 medical universities in Russia. The most popular and prestigious are:

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU);
  • Sechenov Moscow State Medical University (MSMU);
  • St. Petersburg State Medical University named after Pavlov (SPBGMU);
  • St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University (SPBSPMU);
  • Russian Research Medical University named after Pirogov (RNIMU);
  • Yaroslavl State Medical Academy (YSMA);
  • Siberian State Medical University (SibSMU);
  • Kuban State Medical University (KubSMU);
  • Kazan State Medical University (KSMU);
  • Rostov State Medical University (RSMU).

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession of “doctor”

Like any other profession, the specialty “doctor” has a number of its own advantages and disadvantages, which every applicant must take into account before enrolling. Let's look at them in more detail.

The advantages include:

  • official employment, “white” wages;
  • the possibility of part-time work, for example, in paid clinics;
  • work in a friendly team;
  • preferential medical care;
  • annual bonus;
  • demand in the labor market.

The disadvantages of this profession are:

  • increased responsibility;
  • military duty (after admission, students are registered with the military, even girls);
  • irregular work schedule;
  • constant retraining;
  • duration of study at the university (6 years).

In our article you got acquainted with many useful tips we learned about how to enter a medical university, what documents are required, how best to prepare for entrance exams, approximate passing scores, and also how to choose a medical university.

The medical profession is by nature considered a noble and valuable specialization. But today she is completely devoid of nobility, and good doctors can be counted on one hand. Despite the fact that medical schools are filled with students, the country still faces an acute shortage of highly qualified personnel. After all, having a diploma from a medical university does not mean that the student knows how and can work effectively. But if you have long dreamed of connecting your life with medical practice and taking the Hippocratic Oath, then why not take the chance to go to medical school?!

How to choose a suitable medical institute?
You should take the choice of an institute very seriously, as it will become your second home for the next 6-7 years. You should start choosing a university for yourself not in the last half of your senior year, but while still in 10th grade. Only then can you slowly evaluate each selected university separately and settle on 2 or 3 options (fortunately, the state allows you to submit documents to several institutions at once). You should select a university according to certain criteria:
  • educational base: availability of laboratories, libraries, attached clinics and hospitals, cooperation with the morgue, Internet resources;
  • infrastructure: hostel, location of buildings, student life, sports complexes, etc.
For example, if the institute is located in another city, then it is worth finding out in advance whether there is a dormitory and how far it is located from the academic buildings.

You also need to decide on your specialty in advance; this determines how soon your preparation for entering college will begin. When choosing a specialty, you should make sure that future profession will be in demand.

Pre-university preparation
Since it is difficult to enter a medical institute, you should start preparing for the entrance exams 2 years before admission, that is, in 10th grade:

  1. Having studied in advance in what disciplines entrance exams and the Unified State Exam are accepted, the emphasis in your studies should be placed on them. Such disciplines are: Russian language, literature, biology, chemistry, and possibly physics. In biology and chemistry you will have to pass the unified state exam, since the admissions committee requires results in these subjects, and they must be quite high.
  2. If studying the necessary subjects is not so easy, then you can hire a home tutor who will “pull up” your knowledge.
  3. You can enroll in two-year courses at your chosen institute. During this time, teachers will provide all the necessary knowledge for successful admission.
  4. If there is no opportunity to attend courses for 2 whole years, then you can take accelerated courses before enrolling.
In any case, notes written in preparatory courses, will help you prepare for entrance exams.

What documents are required for admission?
To try to enter a medical school, you must submit a certain package of documents:

  • application addressed to the rector;
  • school certificate;
  • Unified State Examination certificate;
  • photocopies of passport;
  • photos;
  • certificate 086-u;
  • insurance policy;
  • military ID or registration certificate (for young men);
  • documents for benefits.
Successful school life can be evidenced by awards and certificates, results of Olympiads in the required subjects, so they should also be presented.

It is better to write an application for budget places, and if you suddenly fail to get in, then it can be rewritten for paid ones.

Entrance exams
As mentioned above, you can enter a medical school with a high Unified State Exam score in chemistry and biology. You will also have to take entrance exams in Russian language and literature. Exams may differ between different faculties, so you need to find out about this in advance.

If the exam is intended to be oral, then the speech when answering should be confident and clear. The gaze should contact alternately with the eyes of the members of the selection committee; confident gestures are encouraged. If the exam is written, then take the trouble to do the work carefully, in clear handwriting, and in no case is it medical.

After passing the entrance exams, the most protracted time begins - the time of waiting for results.

Useful tips
Why not go to a medical college at the institute after 9th grade?! At the same time, you can save time and money, which can be spent on preparatory courses.

In many regions, institutes open special medical schools, which provide additional preparation for admission to a specific university from the first grade. Or you can attend medical classes at odd hours, which provide classes for additional study of biology, chemistry, physics, Russian and literature. By attending them, it will be easier to get into medical school.

It's better to apply to state institute and make several attempts to enroll than to enroll in a non-state one the first time. In the latter, in addition to a dubious diploma, you can receive a number of restrictions in the exercise of medical practice. In addition, when applying for a job, they require a state diploma.

The medical profession is one of the most respected and prestigious, and how could it be otherwise if the health and longevity of almost every person depends on doctors.

If you are firmly convinced that treating people is your calling, and you are ready to overcome any obstacles on the way to your goal, if the pessimistic remarks of skeptics do not bother you, then choose an educational institution and start preparing for admission.

What exams do you need to pass to enter medical school?

Admission to medical universities in Russia is based on the results of the Unified State Exam. Universities set biology and chemistry as core subjects for most medical specialties.

For some areas of training, instead of chemistry, you may need physics or even specialized mathematics, computer science and foreign language, for example, bioengineering, biotechnology or medical biophysics. These details must be clarified on the university website. But usually, applicants to classical areas of training: general medicine, medical and preventive medicine, dentistry, pediatrics and pharmacy need high scores in three exams for admission: biology, chemistry and the Russian language. In total, this is approximately 240 for medical professionals and 280 for hospitals and dentists.

A special advantage during the competitive selection will be prizes and diplomas for participation in Olympiads, various scientific conferences and competitions - for all these achievements, universities add up to 10 points.

You can study at medical universities in Russia on a budget and for a fee. Prices can be found on the official websites of universities, but on average, those who did not get enough points to qualify for the budget will have to shell out from 80 to 400 thousand rubles for each course - the amounts depend on the field of study and the prestige of the university. The most expensive studies are in the faculties of medicine, dentistry and pharmacy, regardless of where the university is located - in the capital or in the regions.

What documents are needed for admission?

If everything is in order with your Unified State Exam scores, then for admission you will need a standard package of documents for an applicant to any Russian university. It includes:

  • statement;
  • personal data form;
  • certificate of complete secondary education (diploma of secondary specialized education);
  • passport (the original must be presented upon enrollment;
  • 3x4 photographs (2 pieces, signed in pencil on the back);
  • medical certificate of the established form 086-u;
  • documents for the provision of benefits, if any.

The results of the Unified State Examination are stored in the federal database, to which admissions committees Universities have access, so no certificates are needed.

You can submit documents for admission in person or by mail. Some universities require preliminary electronic registration applicants planning to send documents through postal operators, so carefully study the university requirements. Many medical institutes accept applications via the Internet; you must submit the originals in person only after enrollment in the first wave. All these details need to be clarified on the websites of universities in the sections “Applicants”, “Applicants”, “Admissions Campaign”.

Where to study to become a doctor

You can become a doctor not only in specialized medical universities, but also in the medical faculties of classical multidisciplinary universities, for example, Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, RUDN University.

When choosing a medical school, you should be guided not only by the prestige of the university. Medical “towers” ​​in Moscow and St. Petersburg are especially popular among applicants; accordingly, the competition in them is much greater than, for example, in the no less worthy Tomsk, Samara, Khabarovsk, Omsk, Kazan or Irkutsk universities. So it is worth taking into account the territorial factor - each region has its own medical university, which trains therapists, surgeons, pediatricians, dentists, gynecologists, ophthalmologists, pharmacists - in general, doctors and specialists of all major profiles.

It’s worth going to distant places only if you want to get a rare medical specialty at the faculties:

  • biotechnology;
  • sports medicine;
  • clinical, medical or special psychology;
  • medical biophysics, biochemistry or cybernetics.

Not all medical universities have such faculties.

You will have to study longer than students of all other higher educational institutions - 6 years. This will give the right to work as local pediatricians or therapists in primary care. medical care- in clinics, outpatient clinics, paramedic and obstetric centers. To obtain a narrow specialization, for example, dermatovenerologist, neurosurgeon, gastroenterologist or orthodontist, after a year of work you will need to enter residency. You will have to study there for another 2 to 4 years - the period depends on the specialization.

The best medical universities in Russia

If you still haven't changed your mind about becoming a doctor, it's time to choose a school.

The leading medical universities in Russia today are:

  • Moscow medical universities: First Medical University named after. Sechenov; Russian national research university them. Pirogov (Second Honey); State Medical and Dental University named after. Evdokimov.
  • St. Petersburg medical universities: State Medical University named after I.P. Pavlova; State Medical Academy named after. Mechnikov.

The leading positions among other medical universities are consistently occupied by Kursk, Yaroslavl, Ufa and Ivanovo State Universities.

In the summer of 2018, Forbes compiled its ranking of universities for the first time; it included 13 medical universities. Each university was assessed in terms of graduate employment statistics, their demand in the regions and the number of entrepreneurs among them, including participants in the Forbes list.

The highest (32nd) position in the general list is at Kursk Medical University, it has even surpassed the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov (who has 34th place), North-Western Medical University named after. Mechnikov (37th place) and Siberian State Medical University, which in 2017 received the honorary status of a “core” university. At the same time, RNIMU named after. N.I. Pirogov was not included in the rating at all.

The largest Russian universities, which have a medical field along with many others, were higher in the ranking than specialized ones - for example, Moscow State University took 6th place, St. Petersburg State University - 17th, and RUDN University - 25th.

But still, the most important thing that those who decide to become a doctor need is not information about the positions of universities in rankings and successfully passing the Unified State Examination, with the results of which you can enter a medical university on a budget, but the desire to devote your life to helping those who in need of medical care, and often for those whose lives hang in the balance. Therefore, it is important for future doctors to have such traits as resistance to stress, the ability to quickly respond to critical situations, and readiness for self-sacrifice. Being a doctor means saving people, giving hope and becoming a real guardian angel in the eyes of others!

According to the latest statistics, the medical profession is still considered one of the most important and necessary. At the same time, about half of school graduates do not even think about studying to become a doctor - they are pressured by the responsibility of this profession. But despite this fact, the number of applicants to medical school is incredibly high. Many young people are wondering how to enroll in a medical university and whether it is worth it. We will help you enroll in any medical institution!

Is it worth enrolling?

Before applying, you should clearly define your goals and accept the challenges that may await you in the future. To do this, answer the questions below.

  1. Why do you want to go into medicine? Don't pay attention to all the fabulous legends surrounding the medical professions. Very often, the profession of a doctor is quite difficult, dangerous and even thankless.
  2. Do you understand the full responsibility of this profession?
  3. Remember that at any medical faculty you will have to study even the slightest subtleties of medical science for a long time and persistently.
  4. Do you like working with people? Are you an active person? Plodding? Thoughtful? All of the above factors are extremely important. For example, you can't be a nurse if you don't love people. Therefore, when choosing a faculty, consider all your advantages and disadvantages.

If you have firmly decided to become, for example, a doctor, we ask you to read the second part of the article.

How to get into medical school

If you are a high school graduate, the process of entering medical school is no different from entering any other institute.

The only caveat is that you don’t stop studying biology and chemistry.

If you already have higher education, then you may well be given time to take the Unified State Exam.

It is worth noting that nowadays it is not necessary to go directly to college. In almost any city you can find various medical colleges, schools or academies.

How to get into medical college

In order to enter medical college you will need:

  1. Completed application.
  2. Passport.
  3. Certificate of secondary education or diploma of higher education.
  4. Special certificate o86/u.
  5. Printed 6 photographs of 3x4 cm format.

Of course, each college can set its own rules for applicants, so it is better to clarify this issue with the chosen educational institution. If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation, then you will probably need the Unified State Exam results.

Some medical colleges and schools can accept students after 9th grade. Therefore, ask yourself the question of how to get into medical school and be sure to find the answer. It is also possible that you will have to pass a written exam in the Russian language, biology or chemistry. Some departments also have a written exam in algebra. If you enroll after the 9th grade, then enrollment will be based on the state final certification, but if after the 11th grade, the admission will be based on the results of the Unified State Examination.

Often the duration of training in any medical colleges and schools is 3 years 10 months for those who entered after 9th grade and 2 years 10 months for those who entered after 11th grade.

Don’t forget about the preparatory courses that are often given by everyone educational institution before admission.

How to enter a medical academy

It is also quite reasonable to enter medical school. The admission process is also quite similar. You will need USE results and possibly pass certain exams.

As you can see for yourself, the admission process has become quite simplified since the introduction of the Unified State Exam. Nowadays, it is becoming less and less common to see entrance exams conducted by educational institutions.

I hope after reading you have no questions about how to enroll in a medical school, college, academy or college. Choose a profession that is interesting to you and is your passion. Good luck!
