Elective course programs. Rules for compiling programs for elective courses. Analysis of the finished elective. Personal educational results


Elective course “Practicum on solving problems in mathematics”, 11th grade

This program is aimed at mathematics teachers working in 11th grade. The course program includes theoretical and practical parts and can be implemented on the basis of any educational and methodological complex. The content of the special course program “Workshop for solving problems in mathematics” is intended for 11th grade students studying the subject “mathematics” at basic level in the amount of 4-5 hours, but having good and high learning motivation, as well as those wishing to take the unified state exam in mathematics at the profile level. The program can also be used for 10th grade students.


Elective course program in the Russian language “Step by step”, 11th grade

The program is designed for 34 hours per year (1 hour per week), designed for 11th grade students. The elective course is designed to help students repeat and generalize material previously studied, systematize it, deepen existing knowledge, and practice the skills of creating their own written statement.


Author's program elective course in mathematics grade 9 “OGE excellent”

The main task of teaching mathematics at school is the conscious mastery by students of the system of mathematical knowledge and skills necessary in Everyday life. Mastering almost any modern profession requires some knowledge of mathematics. The current task and mission of the school is a certain portrait of the graduate who has high-quality knowledge in the subject and high potential in realizing his goals.


Elective course “Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Mathematics”

The purpose of this course: to provide individual and systematic assistance to graduates in systematizing, generalizing and repeating the course of algebra and geometry and preparing for exams. Course objectives: 1) prepare students for exams; 2) give the student the opportunity to analyze and reveal his abilities.


Elective course in English for 11th grade

Elective course in English for 11th grade “Language in capable hands...”

Elective course " Speak English if you Speak at all "has a scientific and educational orientation. The program is compiled taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Within of this project communication and social skills of students are formed in high school that are necessary for successful intellectual development personality.


Elective mathematics course for grade 9 “Solving word problems”

This course is designed for 9th grade students and is aimed at preparing for the final certification. The course examines the issues of finding solutions to plot problems and the main methods for solving them. The course is aimed at expanding, deepening and systematizing students' knowledge of solving word problems and allows for the implementation of interdisciplinary connections.


Working programm elective course “Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Mathematics”

The elective course program “Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Mathematics (major level)” was developed for 11th grade students based on a demo version of the unified KIM state exam 2018 in mathematics. The program covers an in-depth study of some topics in the subject "Mathematics" necessary to prepare for the Unified State Exam. This program provides systematization of knowledge and skills in the subject “Mathematics”, and also helps to systematize the development of skills in solving Unified State Examination tasks, both with a short answer and with a reasoned solution.

I have developed and are implementing programs for elective courses and elective courses. The author's program for the course "From the engine to the muffler - chemistry is everywhere" is the holder of a 1st degree diploma in the competition of Work Programs on the portal "Network of Creative Teachers" in the "Elective Course" nomination.



Literature for students

  1. Polina Volovik “Collection of problems in inorganic chemistry”, Moscow “Iris Press”, 1999.
  2. O.S. Gabrielyan, P.V. Reshetov, I.G. Ostroumov “Problems in chemistry and methods for solving them”, Moscow, “Drofa”, 2004.
  3. Khomchenko G.P., Khomchenko I.G. “Problems in chemistry” Moscow, “ graduate School", 1997.
  4. Khomchenko G.P., Khomchenko I.G. "Collection of problems and exercises in chemistry for high school", Moscow, "New Wave", 2002.
  5. Internet site:www.newwave.msk.ru


Municipal autonomous educational institution

Average comprehensive school №7

Elective course program

“Solving problems and exercises in organic chemistry”

Grade 10

Compiled by chemistry teacher I.E. Wackengut.

Based on the chemistry program

Ministries Russian Federation for complete secondary school


year 2013

Explanatory note

(Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of the federal component of state standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education" dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 and the programs of the main disciplines educational program primary general education. The elective course “Solving problems and exercises in organic chemistry” is intended for 10th grade students studying the basic course of organic chemistry. The ability to solve calculation problems is one of the indicators of the level of development of schoolchildren’s chemical thinking and the depth of their assimilation of theoretical material. The program is heavily loaded with theoretical material, on the one hand, and the small number of hours in the curriculum for studying organic chemistry, on the other hand, does not allow systematic consideration of quantitative patterns and consolidation of acquired knowledge. The content of this course includes solving problems and exercises of both basic level and advanced problems in organic chemistry. The course is subject-oriented and lasts 34 hours. The content of the course will help students of class 10 to gain real world problem solving experience.

Objective of the elective course:expansion, deepening and consolidation of students’ knowledge in the course of organic chemistry.

Course objectives:

  • promote conscious assimilation of program material;
  • formation of skills and abilities to competently and rationally solve standard problems, as well as tasks of an increased level of complexity;
  • formation of skills and abilities to solve chains of transformations, illustrating the relationships between different classes and groups organic matter.

The program material is designed for 1 teaching hour per week in 10th grade.


conduct an independent search for chemical information using various sources (popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources), use computer technology to process and transmit chemical information and present it in various forms; use acquired knowledge in practical activities and everyday life; critical assessment of the reliability of chemical information received


  • formulations of the theories studied and their significance;
  • the meaning of the concepts: isomerism, homology, hybridization of electronic orbitals, amount of substance, mole, molar mass, molar volume, mass (volume fraction) of a component in a mixture, solution concentration and methods of expressing it, yield of reaction product, solubility of substances;
  • the practical significance of the calculations made, the scope of their application;

After completing this course, students should be able to:

  • draw up structural formulas of organic substances, their isomers and homologues;
  • solve problems to find the molecular formula of a substance;
  • analyze the condition of the task and, based on the analysis, compose a brief record of its content, using generally accepted symbols physical quantities and chemical formulas;
  • draw up algorithms for solving problems and solve problems using them;
  • draw up a plan for the experimental solution of computational and practical problems;
  • correctly formulate the solution to the problem.

After completing this course, students will be able to solve problems in basic organic chemistry, as well as some problems of an increased level of complexity in accordance with the program requirements for a graduate of a secondary school.

Teaching methods:

Forms of work:

Forms of control knowledge, skills and abilities:

provides for control and independent work, tests, control of the number of solved problems, protection of copyright problems.

Rating "5":

Rating "4":

Rating "3":

Rating "2":

Rating "1":

Educational and thematic plan

  1. www.newwave.msk.ru

Literature for students

  1. Gabrielyan O.S. and others. Chemistry 10th grade. Profile level - M.: Bustard, 2011.
  2. NOT. Kuzmenko, .
  3. Khomchenko G.P., Khomchenko I.G. Collection of problems in chemistry for those entering universities - Moscow: New Wave, 2002.
  4. www.newwave.msk.ru
  5. Unified collection of digital educational resources


Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 7"

Explanatory note

The main idea of ​​the program and its validity.The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of general education in chemistry (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia “On approval of the federal component of state standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education” dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 and the program of disciplines of the basic educational program of primary general education. Course “Solving problems and exercises on the course general chemistry in 11th grade" is intended to orient 11th grade students to the natural sciences profile of education. This course seems especially relevant, since with a small number of hours allocated to studying chemistry, it expands the opportunity to consolidate and improve the knowledge and skills of students in the general chemistry course. Allows you to solve a large number of subject-typical and specific problems, implement logical techniques based on the material of assignments in the subject, introduces methods for solving non-standard problems and problems of increased complexity.

Objective of the elective course:expanding and consolidating students’ knowledge in the general chemistry course, developing the skills of competent and rational problem solving.


  • promote deep and conscious assimilation of program material, eliminating gaps in knowledge during the high school course;
  • provide students with the opportunity to realize chemical and mathematical abilities;
  • develop cognitive interests and abilities to independently obtain knowledge, choose the most convenient method of calculation
  • consolidate and deepen the ability to analyze and solve calculation problems;
  • create conditions for preparing students for exams in any form, including the Unified State Examination.

The program material is designed for 1 teaching hour per week in 11th grade.

This program is exemplary and can be used as the basis for an elective course in chemistry or as supplementary material to a basic chemistry textbook, allowing for a more in-depth and meaningful study of theoretical issues.

Principles of program construction.The content of the program is divided into topics, each of which includes questions of different levels of complexity and types of student activities.

The result of mastering the content, studying educational material.

As a result of studying this course, students shouldknow/understand the most important chemical concepts, basic laws of chemistry, basic theories of chemistry, the most important substances and materials.Have knowledge, be able toapply them, think, navigate in a problem situation.

After completing this course, students should know:

  • formulations of the studied laws, their meaning and application to explain various phenomena and processes;
  • the meaning of the main concepts being studied;
  • algorithms for solving basic types of problems;

After completing this course, students should be able to:

analyze the conditions of the problem and, based on the analysis, create algorithms for solving problems and solve problems using them;

  • draw up a plan for the experimental solution of computational and practical problems.

In accordance with the requirements for the level of training of graduates as a result

student studying chemistry at a basic level must:

conduct an independent search for chemical information using various sources (popular science publications, computer databases, Internet resources), use computer technologies to process and transmit chemical information and present it in various forms; use acquired knowledge in practical activities and everyday life; critically assessing the reliability of chemical information coming from various sources.

Teaching methods:search, partially search.

Forms of work: frontal, individual, group, steam room.

A system for assessing the results of students mastering the content of the program.

Control of knowledge, skills and abilities involves conducting tests and verification work, tests. To receive a positive grade for the course, the student must attend at least 75% of classes and complete final tests and tests on each topic of the course.The assessment takes into account the number and nature of errors (significant or insignificant).

Significant errors are associated with insufficient depth and awareness of the answer (for example, the student incorrectly indicated the main features of concepts, phenomena, characteristic properties substances, incorrectly formulated the law, rule, etc. or the student was unable to apply theoretical knowledge to explain and predict phenomena, establish cause-and-effect relationships, compare and classify phenomena, etc.).

Minor errors are determined by the incompleteness of the answer (for example, omission of some uncharacteristic fact when describing a substance or process). These include slips of the tongue, mistakes made due to inattention (for example, for two or more reaction equations in full ionic form, one mistake was made in the designation of the ion charge).

Rating "5":

There are no errors in logical reasoning and solution, the problem is solved in a rational way.

Rating "4":

There are no significant errors in logical reasoning and decision, but the problem was solved in an irrational way or no more than two insignificant errors were made.

Rating "3":

There are no significant errors in logical reasoning, but there is a significant error in mathematical calculations.

Rating "2":

There are significant errors in logical reasoning and decision.

Rating "1":

Lack of response to the task.

Educational and thematic plan





Types of control

Solving calculation problems

Current control

Solutions. Mass fraction of a substance in solution. Molar concentration. Crystal hydrates.

Solving calculation problems

Current control

Solving calculation problems


Doing Chemical Equations Exercises

Solving the control equation

Reactions confirming the relationship between different classes inorganic substances

Doing exercises

Test task

Reactions confirming the relationship between hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing organic compounds

Doing exercises

Control chain of transformations

Total: 34 hours

  1. Problems on the basic laws of chemistry. Finding a chemical formula.

Calculations using a chemical formula. Derivation of formulas based on mass fractions of elements. Deriving formulas from the mass fractions of elements and data to find the true molar mass (density, gas volume or relative density). Deriving formulas for combustion products. Derivation of formulas of organic substances from general formulas. Derivation of formulas based on the known mass fraction of an element in a substance. Deriving formulas from reaction equations in general view, if data for two substances are known. Deriving formulas for reaction equations in general form using the law of conservation of mass.

  1. Solutions.

Mass fraction of a substance in solution. Actions on solutions. Molar concentration. Crystal hydrates.

  1. Calculations using chemical equations.

Calculations: mass, volume, amount of substance of the reaction products, if one of the substances is given in excess (has impurities), if one of the substances is given in the form of a solution with a certain mass fraction of the dissolved substance. Calculations using reaction equations. Problems involving mixtures of substances. Determining the composition of the reaction product (tasks on the “type” of salt). Finding mass fraction one of the reaction products according to the material balance equation. Finding the mass of one of starting materials according to the material balance equation.

  1. Oxidation-reduction reactions.

Oxidation and reduction. Oxidizing agents and reducing agents. Electronic balance method. Half-reaction method (electronic – ion balance). Oxidation-reduction reactions involving organic substances. Classification of ORR: intramolecular oxidation and reduction, disproportionation, autoxidation and self-healing reactions. The influence of the environment on the nature of redox reactions.

  1. Reactions confirming the relationship between various classes of inorganic substances.

Chemical properties of the most important classes of inorganic substances: acid-base interactions, exchange interactions, redox reactions. Genetic relationship between classes of substances. Qualitative reactions inorganic compounds and changes accompanying chemical transformations.

  1. Reactions confirming the relationship between hydrocarbons and oxygen-containing organic compounds.

Chemical properties of the most important classes of organic substances. Methods for obtaining organic substances. Specific properties of some specific substances. Relationships between different classes and groups of substances.

Literature for teachers

Literature for students

  1. Gabrielyan O.S. and others. Chemistry 11th grade. Profile level - M.: Bustard, 2011.
  2. Gabrielyan O.S. and others. Chemistry 10th grade. Profile level - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  3. Gabrielyan O.S. and others. Chemistry 9th grade. – M.: Bustard, 2011.
  1. NOT. Kuzmenko, . Beginnings of chemistry - M.: Exam. Onyx 21st century, 2001.
  2. http://kontren.narod.ru/ege/ege_b.htm
  3. http://www.fipi.ru/view/sections/228/docs/660.html

Course "English before school" R.P. Milruda NEW

This manual is intended for children 5-6 years old who are just starting to learn English, as in preschool institutions, and independently at home with parents or older family members. Course "English before school" R.P. Milruda contains many exciting tasks and exercises aimed at the comprehensive development of a child’s personality through the means of a foreign language.

Download audio course →

A fascinating three-level series of benefits for younger children school age. Contains popular children's songs. Early primary/primary level

Program additional education for primary schoolchildren and preschoolers “The use of rhymes and songs in teaching primary schoolchildren and preschoolers.”

“Formation of listening, reading, writing and speaking skills to prepare junior schoolchildren for final certification in the system of primary general education”

ABC for beginners to learn English language(6-7 years old). Designed for 32 teaching hours. Early primary level.

Program extracurricular activities for 1st grade students “Entertaining English”.

A modern, colorful illustrated dictionary designed for primary schoolchildren Beginner level. Includes: 1500 most frequently used words, bright visual illustrations, various tasks, games, puzzles.

An additional education program for primary schoolchildren using a picture dictionary (based on materials from The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners by Express Publishing).

Language portfolios for teaching materials “English in Focus” (“Spotlight”) for grades 5-9.

Additional educational program "Language portfolio for teaching materials "English in Focus" as an effective means of self-assessment and reflection for primary school students."

A modern grammar course for students of English, consisting of 4 levels from Beginner to Intermediate.

The Concept of specialized education at the senior level of general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated July 18, 2002 No. 2783, outlines the goals of the transition to specialized education, among which we can highlight the goal of creating conditions for significant differentiation of the content of education for high school students with wide and flexible opportunities for students to build individual educational programs. For this purpose, in addition to specialized general education subjects, elective courses are introduced in high school - mandatory courses of students' choice.

A set of specialized and elective courses based on basic general education subjects will form an individual educational trajectory for each student.

Elective courses- compulsory courses chosen by students from the component educational institution, included in the training profile. Elective courses perform three main functions:

1) “superstructures” of a profile course, when such an expanded profile course becomes fully in-depth (and the school /class/ in which it is studied turns into traditional school with in-depth study of individual subjects);

2) develop the content of one of the basic courses, the study of which is carried out at a minimum general educational level, which allows you to support the study of related academic subjects at the profile level or receive additional training to pass the unified state exam in the chosen subject at the profile level;

3) contributes to the satisfaction of cognitive interests in various areas human activity.

The following types of elective courses can be roughly distinguished:

I. Subject courses, the task of which is to deepen and expand knowledge in subjects included in the basic educational school.

In turn, subject elective courses can be divided into several groups.

1) Elective courses of an advanced level, aimed at deepening a particular academic subject, having both thematic and temporal coordination with this academic subject. Choosing such an elective course will allow you to study the chosen subject not at a specialized level, but at an in-depth level. In this case, all sections of the course are deepened more or less evenly.

2) Elective courses in which individual sections of the main course included in the compulsory program of the subject are studied in depth.

3) Elective courses in which individual sections of the main course that are not included in the compulsory program of the subject are studied in depth.

4) Applied elective courses, the purpose of which is to introduce students to the most important ways and methods of applying knowledge in practice, to develop students’ interest in modern technology and production.

5) Elective courses devoted to the study of methods of cognition of nature.

6) Elective courses devoted to the history of the subject as part of the school curriculum (history of physics, biology, chemistry, geographical discoveries), and not included in it (history of astronomy, technology, religion, etc.).

7) Elective courses devoted to the study of methods for solving problems (mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, etc.), composing and solving problems based on physical, chemical, biological experiments.

II. Interdisciplinary elective courses, the purpose of which is to integrate students' knowledge about nature and society.

III. Elective courses in subjects not included in the basic curriculum.

Elective courses, although they differ in goals and content, in all cases they must meet the needs of the students who choose them.

When conducting elective courses, you can use new technical capabilities, in particular electronic teaching aids. This is due to smaller groups and a greater commonality of interests among schoolchildren. There are currently enough a large number of very high quality CDs are created digital libraries, a methodology for using electronic materials both in the classroom and in the process of self-education is being developed.

So, it should be noted that the Concept of specialized training clearly states:

1. Elective courses - compulsory courses of students' choice, which are part of the profile of study at the senior level of school.

2. Elective courses are implemented through the school component curriculum, are intended to provide meaningful support for the study of basic core subjects or serve for intra-profile specialization of training and for building individual educational trajectories.

3. The number of elective courses must be in excess of the number of courses that the student is required to take.

4. Elective courses should be aimed at solving the following problems:

Contribute to student self-determination and/or choice of further professional activity;

Create positive motivation for learning in the planned profile;

Introduce students to the leading activities for this profile;

Activate cognitive activity schoolchildren;

Increase the information and communication competence of students.

The fact that the set of elective courses is determined by schoolchildren themselves puts students in a situation of independent choice of individual educational trajectory and professional self-determination. The main reasons for choice that should be taken into account when developing and implementing elective courses:

· preparation for the Unified State Exam in specialized subjects;

· acquisition of knowledge and skills, mastering methods of activity

· opportunities for a successful career and advancement in the labor market;


· support for studying basic courses;

· professional guidance;

· integration of existing ideas into a holistic picture of the world.

Elective course programs are developed, accepted and implemented by educational institutions independently.

The basic requirements for the content of elective course programs are the following:

1) focus on modern educational technologies;

2) compliance study load students standards;

3) compliance accepted rules program design;

4) availability of a manual containing the necessary information;

5) short duration of the course (no more than 72 hours).

The elective course program must include the following structural elements:

Title page;

Explanatory note;

Educational and thematic plan;


Title page includes:

Name of educational institution;

Information about where, when and by whom the program was approved;

Name of the elective course;

The class for which the program is designed;

Name of the locality;

Year of program development.

The explanatory note includes:

Abstract, justification for the need to introduce this course at school;

An indication of the place and role of the course in specialized training(it is important to show what the place of the course is in relation to both general education and basic specialized subjects: what interdisciplinary connections are realized when studying elective courses, what general educational and specialized skills are developed, how conditions are created for activating the cognitive interest of students, professional self-determination);

The purpose and objectives of the elective course (the purpose of the course - why it is being studied, what are the needs of the subjects educational process satisfies: students, teachers, school community, society; objective of the course - what is necessary to achieve the goals);

Timing of the program (duration of training, stages);

Basic principles of selection and structuring of material;

Methods, forms of teaching, mode of study (the result of studying an elective course is the answer to the question: what knowledge, abilities, skills are necessary to build an individual educational program at school and be successful professional career at the end of it, what types of activities will be mastered, what values ​​will be offered for assimilation will be obtained);

Expected results;

Tools for assessing results.

The curriculum includes:

· list of sections, topics;

· number of hours to study each topic;

Main content components for each section or topic;

Description of methods and means of organizing the educational process, forms of conducting classes;

Didactic materials.

Literature includes a list of references, as well as other types educational materials and aids necessary for studying the course for both the teacher and the students.

Criteria for evaluating the elective course program:

1. The degree of novelty for students. The program includes material not contained in the basic programs.

2. The motivating potential of the program. The program has content that is of interest to students.

3. Developmental potential of the program. The content of the program promotes the intellectual, creative, and emotional development of schoolchildren and involves the widespread use of active learning methods.

4. Completeness and completeness of the content of the program in accordance with the goals.

5. Coherence and systematicity of the presented material. The content is structured in such a way that the study of all subsequent topics is provided by previous or knowledge of basic courses; There are connections between private and general knowledge

6. Teaching methods. The program is based primarily on active learning methods (project-based, research, gaming, etc.)

7. Degree of controllability. The program specifically defines expected learning outcomes and methods for verifying their achievability.

8. Realistic in terms of resources. The program is realistic from the point of view of the use of educational, methodological, material and technical means, and the school’s personnel capabilities.

9. Formal structure of the program. Availability of the necessary sections in the program: explanatory note (with obligatory goal setting), main (thematic) content, expected learning outcomes, bibliography.

I approve

Head teacher:

T.A. Chistyakova

Elective course program

“Formation of ICT competence”

Gabidullina Tatyana Nikolaevna

Explanatory note

The elective course is an integral part of educational work at school. It helps deepen students' knowledge, develop logical thinking, broadens the mind. In addition, this course in computer science is of great educational importance, since its goal is not only to highlight a narrow issue, but also to interest students in the subject and involve them in serious independent work.

The main function of an elective course in computer science is to identify, by means of the subject of computer science, a person’s morality and professional interests. The content of this course does not duplicate the basic course. This is a course that expands the basic computer science course, giving students the opportunity to introduce students to interesting, non-standard issues. Studying the basics of programming is associated with the development of a number of skills and abilities that are of a general intellectual nature and the formation of which is one of the priority tasks modern school. Studying programming develops the thinking of schoolchildren and contributes to the formation of many techniques of mental activity. Here the role of computer science is akin to the role of mathematics in school education. Therefore, it would probably be wrong not to use the really great possibilities of programming to develop the thinking of schoolchildren, the formation of many general educational and general intellectual skills. By studying programming in Pascal, students better grasp the fundamentals of algorithmization, become familiar with the algorithmic culture, and learn the basics of the programmer profession. It expands the basic course in computer science and information technology, is practice- and subject-oriented and gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with interesting, non-standard issues in computer science and test their computer science abilities. The topics covered in the course go beyond the required content. At the same time, they are closely related to the main course. Therefore, this elective course will contribute to the improvement and development of the most important knowledge and skills in the field of computer science, provided school curriculum, will help you assess your capabilities in computer science and more consciously choose a profile for further education.

The program is designed for one year of study. Education is carried out in the form of theoretical and practical classes for students – 1 hour per week, total – 35 hours per year.

When drawing up the curriculum for the elective course, the socio-psychological characteristics and age characteristics of each student and class team were taken into account during the support of the school’s socio-psychological service.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the training course

Personal educational results

readiness and ability to fulfill the norms, requirements, rights and responsibilities of the student;

the ability to conduct a dialogue, work in a team, provide all possible assistance to classmates in the development and creation of projects;

readiness and ability to fulfill moral standards in relation to adults and peers at school, at home, during extracurricular activities;

readiness to choose a specialized education related to the profession of a programmer or partially related to it;

development of cognitive interests and motives aimed at studying algorithmic structures and commands of the programming environment;

gaining skills in forecasting your activities during the creation of projects;

nurturing a caring attitude towards technical means training: computer, microphone, headphones, projector.

Meta-subject educational results

creation and transformation of models and diagrams for solving problems;

making the most choice effective ways solving problems on a computer depending on specific conditions;

constructing logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

mastery of components project activities, including the ability to see a problem, formulate the topic and goal of the project, draw up a plan for one’s activities, carry out actions to implement the plan, correlate the result of one’s activities with the goal, classify, observe, conduct experiments, draw conclusions and conclusions, prove, defend one’s ideas, evaluate the results your work;

ability to work with different sources of information: find information in various sources (textbook text, scientific literature, dictionaries and reference books, the Internet), analyze and evaluate information, convert information from one form to another; create logo projects;

the ability to choose target and semantic settings in one’s actions and actions when solving algorithmic problems;

the ability to express your thoughts in writing; listen and understand; use adequately speech means for discussion and argumentation of one’s position, compare different points of view, defend one’s point of view, give arguments, supporting them with facts.

the ability to build logical reasoning, including establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

ability to correctly turn on and off ICT devices, enter operating system and finish working with it, perform basic actions with screen objects (cursor movement, selection, direct movement, storing and cutting);

implementation of information connection to the local network and the global Internet;

the ability to enter the information environment of an educational institution, including via the Internet, and place various information objects in the information environment;

∙ compliance with safety, hygiene, ergonomics and resource-saving requirements when working with ICT devices, in particular taking into account the specifics of working with various screens.

formation of your own information space: create folder systems and place the necessary information sources in them;

modeling using programming tools;

designing and organizing your individual and group activities, organizing your time using ICT.

Subject educational results:

understanding of the terms “performer”, “system” ma commands";

understanding the term “algorithm”; knowledge of the basic properties of algorithms (fixed system of commands, step-by-step execution, determinism, possibility of failure when executing a command);

drawing up non-branching (linear) algorithms for controlling executors and writing them in a programming language;

understanding (formally executing) algorithms described using repetition constructs (loops), auxiliary algorithms;

creating algorithms for solving simple problems using repetition constructs (cycles) and auxiliary algorithms;

create and execute programs for solving simple algorithmic problems in a programming environmentGoals and objectives of the course

    Forming students' interest in professions related to programming.

    Formation of algorithmic culture of students.

    Development of students' algorithmic thinking.

    Students will master all possible methods for solving problems implemented in the Pascal language.

    Formation of students' skills in competent program development.

    Deepening schoolchildren's knowledge, skills and abilities to solve problems in programming and algorithmization.

Planned results:

Upon completion of training, students must:

    know the concept of an algorithm, its properties, recording methods;

    know the basic basic algorithmic structures: following, branching and looping;

    have an idea of ​​the performers Ant, Robot, Draftsman, Turtle;

    be able to work in various performing environments;

    have an understanding of programming languages, in particular the Pascal programming language;

    be able to work in the ABC Pascal programming environment;

    use basic basic algorithmic constructs when programming in Pascal;

    be able to write programs in Pascal using basic basic algorithmic structures and standard algorithms.

Algorithmization (5 hours)

The concept of algorithm and executor. Executor command system. Forms for recording algorithms. Execution of algorithms for the performer. Graphic representation of the algorithm. Algorithm flowcharts. The concept of a linear algorithm. Condition. Branched algorithms. Graphical representation of the branched algorithm. Cycle. Methods for recording a cycle. Performers: Ant, Robot, Draftsman, Turtle.

Programming (30 hours)

Programming languages, Pascal programming language. ABC Pascal programming environment, ABC Pascal interface elements.

Data. Data types. Constants. Variables, assigning values. Arithmetic expressions, notation rules in Pascal, basic arithmetic operations and their notation in Pascal. Result format. Input and output procedures and their simplest form.

Program structure in Pascal language, linear algorithm. Programming linear algorithms.

Branching. Complete and incomplete branching. Conditional operator, selection operator.

Loops, loop with precondition, loop with postcondition, loop with parameter, iterative loops. Organizing cycles using the branching block.

Graphics in Pascal language. Methods for solving algorithmic problems. Programming algorithmic problems. Data sets. Array processing. String variables. Processing data entered as character strings. Subroutines: procedures and functions, local and global variables.

Correcting errors in a simple program with conditional statements. Array processing.

Calendar-thematic plan

Lesson topic

Characteristics of the main types of teacher activities

Characteristics of the main types of activities of students


Introduction. Safety training

What is an algorithm? Performers are all around us.

Conducts safety training. Explains the algorithm, its properties, examples of algorithms. Formal performer. Executor command system.

Know the concept of an algorithm as a fundamental concept of computer science, definition

algorithm, its properties. Be able to give examples of algorithms. Know the purpose of the performer. Have an idea of ​​the performers, the system of commands of a specific performer, and the formal execution of the algorithm.

Forms for recording algorithms.

Explains the forms of writing algorithms. Graphic representation of the algorithm. Block diagrams

Know the forms and methods of writing algorithms, the concept of a block diagram, block designations. Be able to write the algorithm in known ways.

Linear algorithms. Development of linear algorithms.

Explains the concept of a linear algorithm. Performer Ant.

Have an understanding of linear algorithms. Know the rules for writing a linear algorithm; block designations. Be able to compose linear algorithms for the performer Ant and write them down different ways. Be able to execute linear algorithms step by step.

Branching algorithms.

Teaches how to build branched algorithms. Graphical representation of the branched algorithm. Performer Robot.

Have an understanding of branching algorithms. Be able to build a branching algorithm for the Robot performer.

Cyclic algorithms.

Teaches ways to record a cycle. Performer: The Draftsman and the Turtle.

Have an understanding of cyclic algorithms. Be able to build a cyclic algorithm for the performers Robot, Draftsman, Turtle.

Problem solving.

Explains the main basic algorithmic constructors. Performers: Robot, Draftsman, Turtle.

Be able to solve problems with the help of performers Robot, Draftsman, Turtle using basic algorithmic structures.

Introducing the Scratch executor environment.

Introduces the interface and capabilities of the Scratch performer environment.

Have an understanding of the capabilities of the Scratch performer environment. Be able to solve simple problems in Scratch.

Solving problems in Scratch.

Describes the capabilities of the Scratch environment. Basic algorithmic constructions in the Scratch environment.

Be able to solve problems with various basic structures in Scratch.

Quantities. Algorithms with quantities.

Explains algorithms with quantities. Introduces the KuMIR environment. Teaches how to solve problems in the KuMIR environment.

Have an idea of ​​quantities. Be able to compose algorithms with quantities and write them in algorithmic language in the KuMIR environment.

Algorithms with quantities.

Teaches how to develop algorithms with quantities in the KuMIR environment.

Be able to compose algorithms with quantities in the KuMIR environment, using various basic algorithmic structures.

ABC Pascal development environment. Interface elements.

Introduces the ABC Pascal Programming Environment and ABC Pascal interface elements.

Have an understanding of the ABC Pascal programming environment. Be able to run the ABC Pascal program.

Creation, compilation, execution and debugging of programs.

Forms an idea of ​​a program in Pascal, compilation, execution, and debugging of the program.

Have an idea of ​​the structure of a program in Pascal. Be able to create a program in the ABC Pascal environment, compile and debug.

Syntax and semantics of ABC Pascal l.

Explains the syntax of the Pascal language and the semantics of the Pascal language. Typical mistakes. Error messages.

Have an understanding of the syntax and semantics of the Pascal language. Know typical mistakes when compiling a program and be able to correct them.

Data. Data types. Constants.

Tells simple and composite types data in Pascal language. Variables and constants.

Know the basic data types (simple and compound). Have an understanding of variables and constants. Be able to write them in Pascal.

Numeric data type.

Explains numeric, integer, and real data types.

Know the basic types of numeric data in the Pascal language. Be able to use them when creating programs.

Construction of arithmetic expressions.

Sets problems on arithmetic expressions, notation rules in Pascal, basic arithmetic operations and their notation in Pascal. Result format.

Know the rules for writing basic arithmetic operations and expressions in Pascal. Be able to use them in the ABC Pascal environment l.

Assignment operator.

Forms knowledge about the assignment operator and its notation in Pascal.

Understand the assignment operator. Be able to perform the assignment operator.

The inference procedure and its simplest form.

Have an understanding of the withdrawal procedure and its simplest form. Be able to use it when programming in the ABC Pascal environment l.

Input procedure and its format. The simplest input.

Sets a task on input and output of data in the Pascal language, the simplest forms of the output procedure.

Have an understanding of the input procedure and its simplest form. Be able to use it when programming in the ABC Pascal environment l.

Display information on the screen in text mode.

Explains text mode. Display information on the screen in text mode.

Have an idea of ​​the procedure for displaying information on the screen in text mode. Be able to use it when programming in the ABC Pascal environment l.

Calculations using a linear algorithm.

Introduces the structure of a Pascal program and linear algorithm.

Know the structure of a program in Pascal. Be able to draw a block diagram of a linear algorithm.

Programming linear algorithms.

Explains the structure of a program in Pascal, linear algorithms.

Know the structure of a program in Pascal. Be able to draw up a block diagram of a linear algorithm; program a linear algorithm in Pascal.

Graphic mode.

Explains graphics mode, the Graph module.

Have an understanding of the graphical mode in the ABC Pascal environment l. Be able to connect the Graph module in the program.

Primitives in graphical mode.

Have an understanding of the graphical mode in the ABC Pascal environment l. Be able to connect the Graph module in the program. Be able to draw basic graphic primitives in the ABC Pascal environment l.

Drawing with primitives.

Explains the graphics mode, the Graph module, and basic graphics primitives.

Be able to create drawings using basic graphic primitives in the ABC Pascal environment l.

Boolean data and Boolean expressions.

Explains the logical data type, logical expressions.

Have an idea about boolean type data. Be able to compose logical expressions.

Organization of programs with a branching structure. Conditional operator

Forms an idea of ​​the branch operator, conditional operator, complete and incomplete branch.

Have an understanding of the conditional operator. Be able to draw a block diagram of a conditional statement and program in Pascal.

Compound operator. A variety of ways to record branching.

Explain what a selection operator is.

Have an understanding of the select operator. Be able to draw a block diagram of a selection statement and program in Pascal.

Programming loops with precondition and postcondition.

Talk about the general record of the cycle, the body of the cycle, exit from the cycle

Know the concept of a cycle with a precondition and a postcondition. Be able to describe them in Pascal.

Programming cycles with a parameter.

Explain what a general loop record with a parameter is, a loop body, a counter, exiting a loop.

Know the concept of a loop with a parameter. Be able to draw up block diagrams of basic algorithmic structures and describe them in Pascal.

Have the skills to create a program to solve educational problems.

One-dimensional arrays of integers. Description, filling, output of the array.

Have an understanding of the concept of a regular data type. Be able to describe one-dimensional arrays in a programming language and display their elements on the screen. Have skills in creating programs to solve educational problems.

Calculation of the sum of array elements.

Forms a representation: regular data types, one-dimensional arrays, working with array elements.

Have an understanding of one-dimensional arrays . Be able to describe one-dimensional arrays in a programming language and display their elements on the screen; calculate the sum of array elements.

Creative work“Drawing up algorithms for performers.”

Sets the task of drawing up an Algorithm, an algorithm executor, a SKI, and the main basic algorithmic structures.

Compose tasks for various performers using various algorithmic structures. Develop an algorithm to solve a given problem.

Creative work “Compilation of programs in Pascal language.”

Sets the task of creating a Program, basic basic algorithmic structures in Pascal, simple and compound data types.

Compose problems using various algorithmic constructions in Pascal. Develop an algorithm to solve a given problem.

Final lesson

Checks the quality of learning material for the year

Check the quality of learning material for the year.


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    Nikolaeva T.V. Computer science 7th grade. Toolkit for the teacher. Kostroma, 2005.

    Krylov S.S., Leshchiner V.R., Yakushkin P.A. Unified State Exam 2009. Computer science. Universal materials for preparing students / ed. V.R. Leshchinera / FIPI. - M: Intellect Center, 2009.

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