Minerals of Pleshakov 3. Properties of minerals. We are excellent students

1. Think and write down which of your needs are met by minerals.

Our car runs on gasoline, which is made from oil, we cook food on a stove that runs on gas to make a barbecue in the country, we need coal, dishes are made of clay

2. Practical work "Exploring minerals."

Objective: identify minerals and establish their properties.

Equipment: samples of minerals issued by the teacher; atlas-determinant "From the earth to the sky".

Progress of work (according to the tasks of the textbook).

  1. Consider a sample of a mineral. Guess the name of the textbook based on the illustrations.
  2. Set and write down in the workbook the properties of the mineral: solid or liquid, color, transparent or opaque, dense or loose. Ask the teacher if the fuel is a mineral or not.
  3. Think about where this mineral is used. On what properties is its application based?

Fill the table.

Evaluation of the work performed (whether the goal was achieved): goal achieved

Presentation: inform the class about the results of the work, listen to other messages. Discuss as a group how you can identify the minerals you have studied.

3. Question Ant wants to know how minerals are used. Mark with a "+" sign in the appropriate column. Do this first with a simple pencil.

4. The teacher asked Seryozha to talk about minerals. But he could only say one sentence about each. Guess what minerals he had in mind. Write their names in the boxes.

5. Show with arrows which photographs show a quarry, a mine, a drilling rig.

6. Our Parrot, a lover of secrets and riddles, has come up with a task for you. A treasure is hidden in an old mine. Find the path to the treasure and mark it with an arrow. Start your journey from the elevator.

The path is indicated in the figure by a thin blue line.

7. On the instructions of the textbook, find out in the local history museum what minerals are mined in your area. Write down their names

limestone, oil, sand

8. Here you can write down the plan of your report about the mineral or the main information about it.

1. Name of the mineral
2. Where is mined
3 Mineral properties
4. Using it in business activities

Aluminum ore - bauxite

The well-known metal aluminum in its pure form does not occur in nature. It is mined from aluminum ores - minerals containing various compounds of this substance. The most famous and widely mined aluminum ore is called bauxite.

In our country, bauxites are mined in the Urals, Siberia, the Baikal region and the Kola Peninsula. There are also bauxite deposits in Hungary, Central and South Africa, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, France and India.

After special treatment, pure aluminum is released from bauxite. It is a very light weight silver-white metal. It is easy to forge, conducts heat and electricity well, and, unlike most metals, is virtually non-corrosive.

Due to its properties, aluminum is widely used in industry. It is used to make dishes (pots, pans, trays, spoons and forks), aluminum foil for baking and packaging, wires, pipes, it is used in the production of microcircuits, paint is made from aluminum, as well as frames for scooters and bicycles, aircraft fuselages and much more. other .

Use the recording when speaking in class. Listen and rate other guys' posts.

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Slides captions:


Minerals are the wealth of the earth's pantries that a person uses in the economy.


Minerals are rocks and minerals that a person uses in the economy.

Clay Clay is a secondary product of the earth's crust, a sedimentary rock formed as a result of the destruction of rocks in the process of weathering.

Application Clay is the basis of pottery, brick production.

Limestone Limestone is a sedimentary rock of organic origin. It dissolves in water in small amounts.

Granite Granite (Italian granito, - grain) - Consists of quartz, potassium feldspar and micas. Granites are very widespread in the continental crust.

This mountain of iron ore will be used in steel production.

Oil Oil (Greek ναφθα - flash, ignite) is a flammable oily liquid, red-brown, sometimes almost black in color, although sometimes it is also slightly colored yellow-green and even colorless oil, has a specific smell, is common in the sedimentary shell of the Earth ; one of the most important minerals for mankind


Coal Coal was the first type of fossil fuel used by man. Coal is a sedimentary rock, which is a product of deep decomposition of plant remains (ferns, horsetails and club mosses). Most coal deposits were formed approximately 300-350 million years ago.

Instructions: 1. The name of the mineral. 2. Solid or liquid fossil? 3. Strong or fragile? 4. Determine the color, transparency. 5. Where can I use, apply.

1. What minerals are used in construction? a) sand, clay b) granite, peat c) coal, salt 2. Which minerals serve as fuel? a) oil, ore b) coal, peat c) limestone, gas

3. What minerals are mined using drilling rigs? a) granite, sand b) coal, ore c) oil, gas 4. People of what profession are looking for mineral deposits? a) builders b) geologists c) miners

5. Most minerals are: a) liquid b) solid c) gaseous 6. Oil and gas are extracted a) on land b) at sea c) both on land and at sea


Technological map of the lesson

Subject: World around

Class: 3 "b"

Topic: "Minerals"

The goals of the teacher's activity:

To acquaint children with minerals, their properties and applications.

Planned results:


Develop ideas about the shape, size, color of objects;

Learn to distinguish samples of minerals;

They will form the concept of "minerals", master knowledge about the properties of minerals, their use and methods of extraction.


- are able to cooperate with the teacher and peers;

Morally assess the learned content of the lesson.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Equipment: okr. world 3 class.ch2. A.A. Pleshakov. Publishing house "Enlightenment" 2012.

Stage, methods and techniques


Planned results


Teacher activity

Student activities



Verbal: teacher's word

Now we have a lesson in the world around us. Let's check the readiness for the lesson. You should have a textbook on your desk, workbook, ruler, pencil, pen.

Now those who are ready for the lesson and want to learn new things will sit down.

To greet;

Get ready for the lesson;

L: to form a positive attitude to the lessons;

staging learning objectives and her decision

Verbal: answers on questions;


formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson;

Guess the riddles:

This master is white-white

The school does not lie idle:

Runs across the board

Leaves a white trail. (Chalk)

He really needs the kids

He's on the paths in the yard

He is at the construction site and on the beach

It even melted into glass. (Sand)

In mom's kitchen

The assistant is great.

He is a blue flower

Blooms from a match. (Gas)

Won't run without her

No taxi, no motorbike

The rocket won't go up

Guess what it is? (Oil)

If you meet on the road

Then the legs get stuck a lot.

And to make a bowl or a vase-

She'll be needed right away. (Clay)

What are all these clues called? (minerals)

That's right, the topic of our lesson today is "Minerals"

Let's define a number of questions that we have to answer during the lesson. (What is Minerals? What minerals are there? How do people use in their lives? How do they extract? How should minerals be protected?)

What is the purpose of our lesson? (Study minerals)

That's right, well done!

Anwser the questions;

Determine the topic of the lesson;

Set lesson goals

R: determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson with the help of a teacher;

Solving private problems


educational dialogue;


answers on questions;


Practical work in groups;

Practical: protection of works;

Now answer the question: what are houses, schools, factories built from?

What are cars and airplanes made of?

Correctly. It takes a lot to build a house sand, cement, limestone ; to make machines, machine tools, cast iron is needed,steel, copper, aluminium. But they built cars, planes, but they themselves will not go and will not fly. What else do they need? (children's answers)

Yes, they need the fuel they get from oil .

Fuel is also needed for heating residential premises and industrial enterprises. All these substances occur at different depths in the bowels of the earth and on its surface. To enjoy these riches, they must be mined. That's whyoil, coal, peat, sandand other substances necessary for people, which are extracted from the bowels of the earth or from its surface, are called fossils.

Why are they useful? (children's answers)

Well done! Minerals are the wealth of the earth's pantries that a person uses in the economy.

All minerals are divided into three groups: combustible, ore (metal) and non-metallic (construction).

We will get acquainted with minerals, and divide them into groups.

Do you know what minerals are used as fuel?

The fossil fuels arecoal, peat, oil, natural gas. All this different types fossil fuel.

What is the importance of fuel? (children's answers)

When these fossils are burned, heat is generated. It is necessary for the operation of factories, factories, heating houses, cooking.

Fossil fuels are a valuable raw material for the chemical industry. For example, from oil make petroleum jelly, drugs, soap, plastics, gasoline, kerosene. And from hard coal – paints, perfumes, also medicines and plastics. Plastics are made from natural gas .

Let's talk about ore minerals. Many of the objects around us are made of cast iron, steel, iron, which are not found in nature in their pure form. These metals are smelted from ores. from iron ore - cast iron, steel, copper - copper. 800 billion tons of iron ore have been explored.

Look around. What items are made of metals?

Well done. Let's move on to the third group.

Why do you think they are called construction?

Name the minerals belonging to this group (sand, clay, limestone, peat, coal).

And now we will practical work in groups.

(Studying the properties sand, coal)

Samples of minerals have been brought to your laboratory for research. Your task: to consider a mineral, to study, to list its properties. You need to write down all the research in a journal-notebook on page 28 and draw a conclusion about the possible use of this mineral.


1. The name of the mineral.

2. Solid or liquid fossil?

3. Strong or fragile?

4. Determine the color, transparency.

5. Where can I use, apply.

So let's compare your work. The first group read your research. Okay, raise your cards, those who have the same. Well done!

Anwser the questions


Express your assumptions;

Do practical work in groups

TO : participate in a learning dialogue;

expressing one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy;

K: argumentation of one's opinion and position;

taking into account different opinions, coordinating different positions in cooperation.

P: extracting the necessary information;

TO: express your opinion;

R: learn to speak

your guess;

P: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher

Dynamic pause

Dynamic pause. Video.

Perform physical exercises.



What do you think is the most important mineral? Why? - Who has a different opinion? (Everyone needs minerals. This is a natural wealth that needs to be protected, spent sparingly, carefully.)

Remembering our lesson, answer the test questions.

Which minerals are used in construction?

a) sand, clay

b) granite, peat

c) coal, salt

Which minerals serve as fuel?

a) oil, ore

b) coal, peat

c) limestone, gas

What minerals are mined using drilling rigs?

A) granite, sand

b) coal, ore

c) oil, gas

What occupations are people looking for mineral deposits?

a) builders

b) geologists

c) miners

Most minerals:

a) liquid

b) solid

c) gaseous

Oil and gas are produced

a) on dry land

b) at sea

c) both on land and at sea

What is not a combustible mineral?

a) hard coal

b) granite

c) peat

What mineral is liquid?

a) oil

b) clay

c) gas

Share your work and check the key test on the slide.

Perform testing

P: search and selection of the necessary information;

Summary of the lesson.


Verbal: answers on questions;

- Can our economy do without natural resources?

- Minerals are the source of our life.

Tell me, what will happen if minerals disappear from our Earth?

What should a person do in order to make good use of the wealth of underground storerooms?

Minerals are the treasure of our Earth. Therefore, like any other treasure, they need to be protected and protected.

The reserves of minerals on Earth are not endless. It is necessary to properly and carefully treat underground riches that cannot be recovered.

- What tasks were set at the beginning of the lesson?

How do you think, did we cope with the task at the lesson?

What helped us in our work?

What discoveries did you make?

Thank you for your active participation in the lesson, goodbye!

Record d.z

Anwser the questions;

Summing up the lesson

R: carry out final control

R: understanding the reasons for success and failure in studies;

  • 2.3. Strengthening anthropogenic impacts and their consequences in countries with different types of socio-economic systems
  • 2.1. Natural conditions and resources. Classification. Their economic essence
  • 3.2. The role of natural conditions and resources in the development and distribution of productive forces
  • 3.3. Minerals
  • 3.3.1. General characteristics and classification of minerals
  • 3.3.2. Minerals of the Republic of Belarus
  • 4.1. Essence, functions, tasks of economic evaluation of natural resources
  • 4.2. Theoretical foundations and methods of economic evaluation of natural resources
  • 4.2.1. Cost and rent concepts of economic evaluation of natural resources
  • 4.2.2. Taking into account the time factor in the economic assessment of natural resources
  • 4.2.3. Other Approaches to the Economic Valuation of Natural Resources
  • 5.1 Laws and principles of ecology
  • 5.2. Basic equation of material balance
  • 5.3. Criteria for sustainable development. Weak and strong stability. Main indicators of sustainable development
  • 6.1. main methods of economic assessment of environmental protection measures and the environment
  • 6.2. Methods for assessing damage from environmental pollution
  • 6.3. Indicators of the effectiveness of environmental measures
  • 6.4. Consideration of time, risk and uncertainty factors
  • 6.4.1. Taking into account the time factor in the justification of environmental decisions
  • 6.4.2. Risk and uncertainty analysis
  • 6.5. The concept of social efficiency of environmental costs and the social effect of environmental protection measures
  • 7.1. Economic functions of the environment and alternative options for its use
  • 7.2. Two types of environmental production costs. environmental costs
  • 7.3. Economic damage from pollution and environmental degradation
  • 7.4. Model of optimal use of the environment
  • 7.5. Transformation surface and efficient allocation of resources between economic and environmental goals
  • 8.1. The concept, causes and classification of external effects
  • 8.3. Internalization of externalities from the position of property rights. Coase theorem
  • 9.1. pure private and pure public goods
  • 9.2. demand for a public good. free rider problem
  • 9.3. Definition of effective environmental quality
  • 9.3.2. Cost-benefit analysis
  • 9.3.3. Economic assessment of environmental quality
  • 9.3.4. Lindahl solution (combination of public and private solutions)
  • 9.3.5. Mechanisms of public choice. Arrow's impossibility theorem
  • 10.1. Environmental and natural resource factors in the system of macroeconomic indicators
  • 10.2. Integrated System of National Accounts (SNA)
  • 10.3. Sectoral structure of environmental pollution. Main indicators of nature intensity and environmental friendliness of production
  • 11.1. Goals and principles of modern environmental policy
  • 11.2. criteria for choosing environmental policy instruments. Moral condemnation.
  • 11.3 Composition of administrative and control instruments of direct environmental and economic regulation
  • 11.4. Instruments of indirect environmental and economic regulation
  • 12.1. Monitoring the state of the environment. Environmental monitoring. The main indicators of the degree of environmental pollution
  • 12.2. Solid waste management
  • 12.4. regulation of emissions caused by industrial accidents and natural disasters
  • 12.5. regulation of contaminants in consumer products
  • 12.6. National Environmental Monitoring System of the Republic of Belarus
  • 13.1. Ecological systems in the spatial dimension
  • 13.2. the contribution of the environment to the country's international competitiveness. relationship between environmental and trade policy
  • 13.3. transboundary environmental pollution and the main tools for its regulation
  • 13.4. Global environmental problems and the main tools for their solution
  • Topic 14. Nature management and nature protection in the Republic of Belarus
  • 14.1 Organizational structures of environmental management in the Republic of Belarus
  • 14.2 Legal regulation of environmental protection in the Republic of Belarus
  • 14.3 Formation of the system of paid nature use in Belarus and its effectiveness
  • Figure 14.2 - The system of paid nature use in the Republic of Belarus
  • 14.3.1 Environmental tax (Chapter 19 of the Special Part of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus)
  • The objects of taxation of the environmental tax are:
  • The following are not recognized as objects of taxation as an environmental tax:
  • Table 14.1 - Environmental tax rates for emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere, (rubles)
  • 14.3.2 Tax for the extraction (withdrawal) of natural resources (Chapter 20 of the Special Part of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus)
  • 14.3.3 Land tax (Chapter 18 of the Special Part of the Tax Code of the Republic of Belarus)
  • The objects of taxation are land plots located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus, located:
  • 14.3.4. Utilization fee for vehicles.
  • The types and categories of vehicles for which the recycling fee is paid are determined in accordance with the appendix to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated 04.02.2014 N 64 "On the recycling fee for vehicles".
  • The object of taxation is a vehicle:
  • The main regulatory legal acts governing the payment are:
  • 14.3.5. Collection from manufacturers
  • The tax base is the value of the procurement (purchase) volume, determined on the basis of procurement (purchase) prices. Established by decisions of the regional and Minsk City Councils of Deputies in the amount not exceeding 5%.
  • The main regulatory legal act regulating the payment is the Tax Code, chapter 33.
  • 14.3 The main shortcomings of the current system of paid nature use
  • R p =

    [ (Z − C) a − Kprev . ]p

    where B – recoverable reserves in terms of end products;

    T is the term for the development of reserves;

    Z - closing costs for a given region (or for the country as a whole) for final products, (under certain conditions, the functions of closing costs can be performed by world prices);

    C - estimated current operating costs per unit of final product;

    α – factor of taking into account the time factor, including the estimated life of the estimated field (calculated according to a special formula);

    Kpriv - forthcoming capital investments associated with exploration, development, processing of a unit of annual end product, taking into account the time factor (that is, estimates reduced to a year).

    The issues of economic evaluation of natural resources will be considered in more detail later.

    The natural resource potential is the most important part of the country's national wealth. According to scientists from the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, carried out in the 70s, the share of Belarus in the total natural resource potential

    The USSR accounted for 1.2%, which significantly exceeded its share in the total area of ​​the country - 0.9%. This excess is due to better provision of land resources (above the world average), more favorable climatic conditions, sufficient water and forest resources. At the same time, a relatively low concentration of mineral and raw materials, especially fuel and energy, is noted on the territory of Belarus.

    The natural resource potential of the country and its individual regions changes in the process of nature management, which is due, on the one hand, to the depletion of certain types of natural resources due to their exhaustibility and irrational use. On the other hand, scientific and technological progress opens up opportunities for involving new types of natural resources in the national economic turnover, expanding the country's raw materials and fuel and energy base.

    3.3. Minerals

    3.3.1. General characteristics and classification of minerals

    All fossil substances (solid, liquid and gaseous) and geothermal energy are concentrated in the upper layers of the earth's crust. Numerical assessment of the average content chemical elements in the bowels of the earth, various types rocks produced using clarke of a given substance(expressed as a percentage, in g / t, etc.).

    Clarks of elements- a system of average contents characterizing the abundance of chemical elements in a large geochemical system;

    system (in the earth's crust, lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, on the Earth as a whole or in space). It is expressed in mass, volume, atomic percent (%), ppm (‰), parts per million (g / t) or in relation to the content of one of the most common elements, such as silicon.

    More than 99% of the mass of the earth's crust are clarks of the following elements: oxygen - 47%; silicon - 29.6; aluminum - 8.05; iron - 4.65; calcium - 2.96; sodium - 2.50; potassium - 2.5; magnesium - 1.87%. Knowledge of clarks is important in prospecting and industrial evaluation of mineral deposits.

    minerals(mineral raw materials) is commonly called a natural mineral formation of the earth's crust of inorganic and organic origin, which can be used in the national economy.

    Rock deposits that are enriched in one or more minerals (regardless of their practical value) are simply called

    mineral (geological) deposits . Those of them that represent

    they are natural accumulations of minerals, in terms of quantity, quality and conditions of occurrence suitable for industrial and other economic use, are called mineral deposits. Mine-

    ore accumulations with small reserves or poor ores (which makes development economically inexpedient) are usually considered as ore occurrences. In the case of improvement in mining techniques and extraction of useful components, ore occurrences can move into the category of industrial deposits.

    Minerals, depending on the area of ​​economic application, are divided into the following groups:

    fuel and energy(oil, natural gas, fossil coal, oil shale, peat, uranium ores);

    ore, which is the raw material basis of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy (iron and manganese ores, chromites, bauxites, copper, nickel, tungsten, molybdenum, tin, noble metal ores, etc.);

    mining and chemical raw materials (phosphorites, apatites, cooking, potash

    and magnesium salts, sulfur and its compounds, barite, boric salts, bromine and iodine-containing solutions);

    natural (mineral) building materials and non-metallic

    minerals, as well as ornamental, technical and precious stones (marble, granite, jasper, agate, rock crystal, garnet, corundum, diamond, etc.);

    hydromineral(underground fresh and mineralized waters). The quantitative assessment of mineral resources is expressed by reserves of

    minerals, identified and explored. The value of explored reserves varies depending on the size of mining, gradually

    exploration penalties (increase in proven reserves), as well as from the development of geological knowledge about the structure of the earth's crust.

    Geological exploration data make it possible to calculate the volume of minerals, and by multiplying the volume by the density, determine the reserves of minerals in terms of weight. When calculating the reserves of liquid and gaseous minerals, in addition to the volumetric method, the method of calculating the inflows in wells is used. For some mineral deposits, the amount of reserves of valuable components contained in them is calculated, for example, reserves of metals in ores. Mineral reserves in the bowels of the earth are measured in cubic meters(building materials, combustible gases, etc.), in tons (oil, coal, ore), in kilograms (precious metals), in carats (diamonds).

    According to the degree of reliability of the determination of reserves, they are divided into categories. In the CIS countries, as well as in former USSR, there is a classification with division into four categories: A, B, C1 and C2.

    Category A reserves are the most explored with precisely defined boundaries of occurrence and are quite prepared for extraction. Category B includes previously explored mineral reserves with approximately defined boundaries of occurrence. Category C1 includes generally explored deposits with reserves estimated using extrapolation of geological data. Category C2 includes prospective reserves discovered outside the explored parts of the deposits. As a rule, data on mineral reserves of categories A and B are used in the development of current plans and forecasts for the development of the national economy. The remaining categories of reserves (C1 and C2) are taken into account when substantiating long-term forecasts and planning exploration work.

    Mineral reserves are also divided according to their suitability for use in the national economy. on balance sheet and off-balance sheet. The balance reserves include such reserves that it is advisable to develop with modern level technology and economics; off-balance - stocks that, with the existing equipment, cannot be effectively used. There is also a category of predictive - geological reserves, estimated approximately as possible.

    The most important principle of the economic evaluation of minerals is the observance of national economic interests when choosing the optimal option for using resources. Here it is supposed, first of all, their complex development, the maximum reduction of losses during extraction and processing, compliance with environmental protection measures.

    3.3.2. Minerals of the Republic of Belarus

    Geological research intensively carried out in post-war years, refuted the previously existing idea of ​​Belarus as a country poor in mineral resources. At present, almost 5 thousand deposits, representing about 30 types of mineral raw materials, have been discovered and explored in its depths. The most important minerals, the extraction of which has the most significant impact on the country's economy, are potash and rock salts, oil, peat, building materials and raw materials for their production, underground fresh and mineral waters.

    Fuel mineral resources of Belarus include oil, oil gases, peat, brown coal and oil shale.

    A total of 52 oil fields have been taken into account, of which about 30 are being exploited, and the rest are classified as explored or mothballed. In accordance with the quantitative assessment of oil content, the initial recoverable oil resources are estimated at 338.3 million tons, the remaining reserves of industrial categories A + B + C1 - at 67.6 million tons and 8.4 billion m3 of associated gas. The availability of proven oil reserves at the level of annual production (about 2.0 million tons) is approximately 35 years. The needs of the national economy for oil are growing (up to 15.0 million tons in 2010) and the current production volumes will be able to cover them only by 10–15%.

    Peat resources significantly depleted due to intensive use in the previous stages of the economic development of Belarus. If the total predicted peat resources are estimated at 3.0 billion tons, then only 240 million tons are suitable for industrial extraction. The rest of the reserves are within nature protection zones or are part of the land fund. The annual extraction of fuel peat is about 4–5 million tons, and about the same amount of peat is extracted for agricultural needs, which provides for the needs of about 20–25 years.

    Brown coals have been discovered on the territory of the Belarusian Polissya, the predicted reserves are 1350.8 million tons. The most studied are three deposits - Zhitkovichskoye, Brinevskoye and Tonezhskoye with total reserves of 150.0 million tons. In the future, brown coal can be a real source of energy and local household fuel, as well as be used as a raw material for individual chemical industries.

    Shale deposits in the south of Belarus they form a large shale basin with an area of ​​more than 20 thousand km2. Probable reserves (up to a depth of 600 m) are estimated at 11 billion tons; the Lyubanskoye and Turovskoye deposits have been previously studied. Oil shales are considered as a potential resource

    rye base for the development of energy, the chemical industry and the production of building materials.

    Mining and chemical raw materials are represented by potash and rock salts, phosphorites, mineralized brines. Potassium salts are of the greatest economic importance, the industrial reserves of which in two explored deposits (Starobinsky and Petrikovsky) amount to 6.9 billion tons, and the predicted ones are over 80 billion tons. The Starobinskoye deposit is being developed, on the basis of which four mining departments of Belaruskali operate. The prospects of the Petrikovskoye deposit are associated with the introduction of a highly profitable technology for producing potash concentrate from salts with a high content of magnesium chloride.

    Reserves of rock salt rated as practically inexhaustible. Only at three explored deposits (Mozyrsky, Davydovsky and Starobinsky) they exceed 22 billion tons. The Mozyrsky field is being exploited, on the basis of which a salt-refining plant operates with an annual production of about 400 thousand tons of salt, and supplies of edible salt for export are expanding. Rock salt can also be used as a raw material for the production of soda ash.

    On the territory of Belarus, two phosphate-bearing basins: Sozhsky - in the east and Pripyatsky - in the south. The Sozh basin includes two previously explored deposits: Mstislavlskoye and Lobkovichskoye (forecast reserves are estimated at 30 million tons), as well as a number of promising areas. Within the Pripyat phosphorite-bearing basin, the Brest phosphorite-bearing region was identified (projected reserves of phosphorus anhydride - 52.9 million tons). It is necessary to search for phosphorite deposits with more favorable conditions of occurrence and higher quality of the ore.

    The territory of Belarus is promising for ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Two iron ore deposits have been discovered (Okolovskoye and Novoselkovskoye) with total reserves in category A + B + C1 - 340 million tons and predicted - 1.5 billion tons, their use will largely be determined by the solution of the fuel and energy problem in the country. Swamp iron ores are found almost everywhere, more than 300 deposits are known, until the 60s. XIX Art. local metallurgical enterprises worked for them. At present, swamp iron ores serve as raw materials for the production of mineral paints. Deposits of davsanite ores (Zaozernoe deposit) were found in the sedimentary rocks of the Pripyat trough, promising as a raw material for the production of alumina and soda ash. A deposit of rare-earth-beryllium ores has been discovered in the rocks of the crystalline basement of Belarus.

    Belarus has a fairly powerful mineral and raw material base for the production building materials. The most significant reserves of cement

    raw materials, dolomite, chalk, building and facing stone, clays for the production of rough ceramics and light aggregates, silicate and building sands, sand and gravel and other materials. At the same time, there is a shortage of glass sands and clays for the production of high-quality bricks.

    Exploration and involvement in the exploitation of mineral underground waters is expanding. 58 sources of mineral waters with total reserves of 14320.8 m3 per day have been explored, 50 sources are being developed. Mineral waters are used for the purposes of sanatorium treatment, and are also sold through the distribution network as mineral medicinal and table waters.

    Belarus is rich in mineral brines, the reserves of which within the Pripyat trough are estimated at 1830 km3, they contain 680109 tons of mineral matter. Highly mineralized brines (the rock was called "Belarusite") can serve as a raw material base for obtaining iodine, bromine, potassium, magnesium and many other elements. The project "Industrial brines of the Pripyat trough" has been developed, the implementation of which will make it possible to annually produce about 160 tons of bromine and 1.2 tons of iodine. The search for new deposits of ores of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, diamonds, gold, amber and other types of minerals is also promising.


    minerals- these are rocks and minerals that a person uses in the economy.
    There are many minerals in the world. Consider the properties of some of them.

    properties of minerals


    State Color

    Main property

    Where is used


    liquid; light; oily





    Solid; heavy





    Very hard

    red, grey, white



    Natural gas is a mixture of several gases formed in the depths of the earth due to the decomposition of sedimentary organic rocks. Pure natural gas is colorless and odorless.

    Oil is a combustible oily liquid, red-brown, sometimes almost black in color, although sometimes it is also slightly colored yellow-green and even colorless oil, has a specific smell, is common in the sedimentary shell of the Earth; one of the most important minerals for mankind.

    Iron ore is a mineral formation of a natural nature, which has in its composition iron compounds accumulated in such a volume that is sufficient for its economic extraction. Of course, iron is present in all rocks. But iron ores are precisely those ferruginous compounds that are so rich in this substance that they allow the industrial extraction of metallic iron. It is used to make cast iron, which is one of the main raw materials for steel production.

    Granite (Italian granito, - grain) - Consists of quartz, potassium feldspar and micas. Granites are very widespread in the continental crust.

    Peat is a combustible mineral; formed by the accumulation of plant remains that have undergone incomplete decomposition in swamp conditions.

    Coal. Coal was the first type of fossil fuel used by man. Coal is a sedimentary rock, which is a product of deep decomposition of plant remains (ferns, horsetails and club mosses). Most coal deposits were formed approximately 300-350 million years ago.

    Limestone is a sedimentary rock of organic origin. It dissolves in water in small amounts. Decaying contributes to the formation of karst caves, as well as at great depths under the influence of the deep heat of the earth, it provides a source of gas for mineral waters.

    Clay - is a mixture of mineral materials that are products of the decay of various rocks. This is a stone, worn down by time and external influence to the state of powder. The last stage of stone evolution. Clay is the basis of pottery and brick production. Clay is everywhere.

    Geologists- people involved in the study and search for minerals.

    deposits I - places where minerals lie in the depths of the earth and on its surface.

    Career- This is an open pit with minerals.

    Mines- these are deep wells in which minerals are mined ..

    Oil is used to make gasoline

    Gas - with its help cooking dinner

    Clay - bricks are made from it

    Ore - steel is smelted from it

    Sand - children play with it

    Granite - monuments are made from it.

    Peat - it is mined in swamps

    Coal - it is mined in mines

    Salt - it is added to the soup

    Limestone - Lime is made from it

    Minerals are an invaluable treasure of our Earth. It is very important to protect and protect them. After all, the reserves of minerals on our planet are not endless. You need to use them correctly and carefully.
