Research Institute of Neurology, National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology and V.M. Bekhterev. Nipni Training Center named after. m. ankylosing spondylitis


Research institutes


Today, the V.M. Bekhterev Institute is a large research and clinical institution employing highly qualified specialists (doctors and candidates of science) in the following fields:

NEUROLOGY: treatment of vascular diseases of the brain, epilepsy in adults and children, organic brain lesions, etc.

PSYCHIATRY: treatment of depression, schizophrenia and other mental illnesses with modern medicines.

PSYCHOTHERAPY: treatment of neurotic, personality, including psychosomatic disorders, various forms gaming and computer addiction, psychotherapy of psychosis. The institute employs professionally trained certified psychotherapists, including those who have undergone training in European countries.

NEUROSURGERY: surgical interventions on the brain and spinal cord, including stereotactic and open operations for epilepsy, drug-resistant mental illnesses, hyperkinesis, consequences of traumatic brain injuries, etc.

NARCOLOGY: The department provides assistance to patients with alcohol, drug, substance abuse and gambling addictions, their relatives, as well as patients with psychiatric problems suffering from various types of addiction.

GERONTOPSYCHIATRY: treatment of mental disorders in old age, paying particular attention to the diagnosis and treatment of motor and speech disorders, post-stroke depression, memory impairment, thinking, cognitive activity.

PSYCHODYAGNOSTICS: psychological diagnostics of cognitive functions, emotional-volitional sphere, personal characteristics in adults and children, family relationships, diagnostics in the field of professional selection and vocational guidance.

The Institute’s staff provides consultations on issues of family relationships, psychological aspects training and education of children, as well as professional selection, career guidance and personnel selection.

Educational programs:

Programs of various levels of study are offered:

  • postgraduate study, clinical residency, one-year internship ,
  • residency (for clinical psychologists) is a special form of retraining for psychologists, which allows them to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills to work in various areas healthcare. In the training system of clinical (medical) psychologists, much attention is paid to training modern methods psychodiagnostics, psychological counseling, psychocorrection and psychotherapy; psychological support of the treatment process. Training is conducted on the basis of the clinical departments of the Institute named after. V. M. Bekhterev and leading medical institutions of St. Petersburg. Depending on the level of preliminary training, programs lasting 1 and 2 years are offered. The form of training is full-time and part-time.
  • primary specializations,
  • a wide range of advanced training programs (general and thematic improvement).

Postgraduate education


Consultations are held from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 15:00.


Consultations with specialists from the Institute. V.M. Bekhterev, including professors, leading specialists highest category, candidates of medical sciences, doctors of medical sciences, are held from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 15.00 (Consultations)

The rights of citizens to provide information about the patient’s health status and complete confidentiality are guaranteed.

Consultations financed from the Federal budget (free consultations):

Consultations without charging a fee to the patient are carried out on referrals from the clinic at the place of residence (on a neurological profile, the validity period of the referral is 1 month) or from a psychoneurological dispensary (on the profile psychotherapy, psychiatry, the validity period of the referral is 3 months) for residents of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region

Initial consultations with a psychiatrist, neurologist, psychotherapist, neurosurgeon can be carried out in order to resolve the issue of subsequent hospitalization:

  • Patients with a disease corresponding to the topics of research plans approved by the institution by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Those arriving for a consultation must have with them:

  • Direction of the governing body of the subject Russian Federation(for citizens of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region, referral from a specialist from a clinic or psychoneurological dispensary);
  • An extract from the medical history compiled by the referring specialist, examination results, etc.

Examinations prescribed after consultation can be carried out for a fee.

Make an appointment for a consultation by calling the reception desk.

Paid consultations:

The Institute's advisory department provides, on a commercial basis, consultative and diagnostic assistance to adults and children on a wide range of mental illnesses and diseases nervous system who do not have documented grounds for providing it on a budgetary basis (lack of referral, patient’s wishes, etc.).

It is advisable to have medical documentation with you (extracts from an outpatient card, examination data, etc.).

Treatment methods

The main principles of treating alcoholism:

    individual approach to each patient suffering from alcoholism and other addictions;

    a combination of detoxification, medication, rehabilitation, psychological and psychotherapeutic methods of treating alcohol addiction;

    involvement of the patient’s relatives and friends in the treatment and rehabilitation process;

    the use of modern rehabilitation measures that ensure high-quality social adaptation the patient after completion of the active treatment period;

    the use of anti-relapse techniques that protect patients from exacerbation of addiction and the emergence of a painful desire to drink alcohol;

    comprehensive support for the patient and his family by qualified specialists throughout the entire path of treatment and rehabilitation.

At the Bekhterev Institute, alcoholism treatment takes place in several stages, which differ from each other, but are in close interaction. It is important to organize an integrated approach, focused on combating physical and psychological dependence on drugs. psychoactive substances, cleansing the patient’s body of alcohol and other toxic compounds, getting rid of concomitant psychological and mental disorders and preventing relapses.

Price list

    Name of service



    Treatment of alcoholism

    from 16478 rub.


    Breaking binge drinking in hospital

    from 2000 rub./ per day

    Detoxification, pharmacotherapy aimed at relieving pathological craving for alcohol, restorative therapy of affected organs.



    from 2000 rub./ per visit

    Esperal, sewing in, torpedo

    from 3590 rub./ per procedure

    Consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist

    from 2000 rub.


Team of specialists

Treatment methods

Price list

    Name of service



    Detoxification in hospital

    from RUB 28,796/ per day



    from 2000 rub./ per visit

    Initial consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist


    Consultation with relatives

    from 1250 rub./ per visit

    no patients


    Introduction of the drug "VIVITROL"

    from 900 rub./ for service

    opioid receptor antagonist


Team of specialists

Treatment methods

Stages and methods of treatment:


    An assessment is being carried out:

    • Social functioning;

      General somatic condition;

2. Therapy .


3.Psychological help.

Team of specialists

Treatment methods

Principles of detoxification in the treatment of drug addiction

The main principle of detoxification for drug addiction is an integrated approach to solving the problem. Each patient is individual, and you cannot begin detoxification measures without a detailed comprehensive examination of the body.

Treatment of drug addiction requires a complete cessation of drug use, which is accompanied by withdrawal symptoms. Patients experience extremely pronounced pain in the muscles, joints, bones, persistent insomnia, headaches, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea - and all these symptoms are accompanied by a feeling of fear and despair. The addict is driven by the desire to find a way to buy the drug and drown out his suffering at any cost.

The detoxification process takes up to 8-10 days, while specialists use various drugs and techniques to help survive drug withdrawal, including powerful analgesics, sleeping pills, and drugs that eliminate cravings. narcotic substance, as well as medications that support and restore the functioning of cells throughout the body, primarily the liver, heart muscle, kidneys, and nervous system. Multivitamins and restoratives are also prescribed. medications. It is important to take a comprehensive approach to the detoxification process, because the outcome of all drug treatment depends on the quality of the procedures used.

Techniques for providing rehabilitation assistance to drug addicts

At our institute, all patients go through several important stages, thanks to which the rehabilitation of drug addicts gives a long-term (often lifelong) positive result. The following points can be highlighted in drug addiction treatment tactics:

    active therapy begins only after the preparatory stage: experienced psychotherapists work with patients, who set the patient up for a long period of addiction treatment, allowing him to understand the full value of a normal life, without pathological addictions;

    Rehabilitation and drug treatment assistance is based on an individually selected program that affects absolutely all areas of the patient’s life, changes his worldview, allows him to return to society as a protected and absolutely full-fledged person, confident that there will be no more drugs in his life;

    active socialization and anti-relapse therapy prevent the development of relapses, and high-quality health care restores disrupted processes in the patient’s body.

Price list

    Name of service



    Detoxification in hospital

    from RUB 28,796/ per day



    from 2000 rub./ per visit

    Initial consultation with a psychiatrist-narcologist

    Drug problems and addictive disorders;

    Mental state. A psychological and clinical-psychopathological examination is performed: basic mental functions, emotional state, personality traits, neurocognitive functioning, etc. are assessed.

Instrumental and x-ray research methods are used;

Laboratory studies of biological material are carried out;

2. Therapy .


  • Drug therapy is aimed at relieving psychopathological disorders, correcting behavior, normalizing sleep, suppressing pathological cravings, preventing breakdowns, and stabilizing remission.
  • Modern pharmacological, highly effective agents with a proven mechanism of action are used;
  • Motivational counseling - aimed at developing patient motivation to participate in diagnostic, treatment and rehabilitation programs;
  • Psychotherapy (cognitive-behavioral) is a set of psychotherapeutic measures aimed at correcting erroneous thoughts, beliefs and negative experiences in order to change maladaptive forms of behavior;
  • Combined treatment - a combination of various methods of therapy (pharmacological, psychotherapeutic) is used to increase the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation measures.

3.Psychological assistance.

  • The department provides psychological counseling on issues related to addiction problems. Counseling takes place on an outpatient basis. Both individuals with addiction and their family members can seek psychological help.
  • It is possible to conduct consultations with relatives without the participation of the patient. Psychological assistance to relatives of patients with addictive disorders is aimed at correcting the current emotional state of the patient, working with experiences caused by manifestations of addiction/changed behavior of a family member with addiction, and improving the quality of life.

4. Rehabilitation (outpatient).

Rehabilitation is a long process of restoring the body after various types dependencies. Rehabilitation activities can be carried out either individually with the patient or with the inclusion of relatives and accompanying persons. Rehabilitation includes systemic drug, psychotherapeutic, psychological and social effects aimed at reducing the normalization of the psychosomatic state, mobilization personal resources, improvement of social and professional adaptation, improvement of family relationships, formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle. The inclusion of family members in the rehabilitation process helps to increase the effectiveness of the measures taken and the duration of remission.

The Bekhterev Institute is a medical institution that has been engaged in clinical practice for many years and specializes in this public institution in the field of psychotherapy, neurology, psychiatry, narcology, psychodiagnostics, gerontopsychiatry and neurosurgery. The staff of this medical institution consists mainly of highly qualified specialists - and doctors.

History of the Institute's creation

Psychoneurological Institute named after. Bekhterev was created by an academician, an outstanding Russian psychiatrist, the founder of the pathopsychological direction and reflexology in Russia - Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev. It was he who organized it in 1907 as a research and higher education institution. For many years, the Bekhterev Institute was the only institution in Russia that successfully combined clinical and pedagogical activities. Vladimir Mikhailovich rightly believed that for future practical and scientific work Absolutely any doctor is required to receive not only medical, but also legal and philosophical education.

The first stage in the life of the Institute

In 1911, the Bekhterev Institute in St. Petersburg, for the first time in Russian medical practice, organized and conducted so-called refresher courses for specialists in the field of neuropathology and psychiatry. Lectures on the latest discoveries and advances affecting these industries were given by leading clinicians over a full six weeks. Twenty-five doctors received appropriate training at these first advanced training courses in the history of Russian medicine. In addition, they were prepared learning programs of a similar type for doctors of other specialties. Unfortunately, the war that began in 1914 did not allow Vladimir Mikhailovich to implement this project.

The second stage in the life of the Institute

In 1919, the Bekhterev Institute was reorganized. The presented educational faculties, according to the relevant order, were transformed into such higher educational institutions as, for example, the St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy, and became the base of several Bekhterev Institute in former USSR became the first institution whose activities were aimed at the development of psychotherapy and the revival of clinical psychology in Russia. Since 1993, this medical institution has been the basis of the World Health Organization in the field of scientific research, training professional personnel and organization of psychoneurological care. In 2001, as a tribute to historical tradition, the Institute was recreated The educational center, which today implements the educational activities of the institute and is the leading one in the country.

Natalya Bekhtereva and the Brain Institute

Speaking about Vladimir Mikhailovich Bekhterev and his main brainchild, it is impossible not to mention Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva, the granddaughter of a famous academician. She followed in his footsteps and graduated from Leningrad in 1947. Natalya Petrovna was very interested in the works of Bekhterev and subsequently wrote more than one book herself. In 1992, she was appointed head of the scientific group of neurophysiology of consciousness, creativity and thinking at the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the latter, by the way, at that time was called the Bekhtereva Institute. In addition, Natalya Petrovna for a long time worked at the research university of experimental medicine. If we talk about the main contribution that the granddaughter of a famous academician left in the field of medicine, then this is a scientific school in the field of physiology of the human brain. It was Natalya Bekhtereva who created it in her time. The Brain Institute, the place of her last work, helped in many ways and allowed her to lay the foundations for future fundamental research.

Bekhterev Institute today

Currently, the Training Center provides training in five main specialties. These are neurology, psychiatry, psychotherapy, clinical psychology and psychiatry-narcology. At the same time, everything was created the necessary conditions for future specialists to receive continuous vocational education through the simultaneous implementation of basic and various additional educational programs. Also, everyone is given the opportunity to master several at once. In addition, training is available according to an individual program. The Institute provides students with the opportunity to participate in work and visit various regional and international scientific and practical conferences, schools and seminars.

Professional programs of the Institute

Main professional educational programs, which are implemented today by the Institute, are postgraduate studies, residency and internship. In addition, the administration of this institution plans to launch a master’s program soon.

Additional professional programs include programs of thematic improvement, advanced training and professional retraining. Persons who are just receiving or already have are allowed to master all of them. In addition, absolutely all programs combine clinical and theoretical training, training in supervision and special skills.

Features of education

If we talk about the features of training at the Bekhterev Institute, then first of all it should be said that during the training of specialists very much attention is paid here educational work. The latter is aimed at expanding erudition, at developing a high spiritual level, commitment to the traditions of a given professional institution, as well as at introducing national cultural values. For graduate students, residents and interns, special lecture programs are provided at the Institute’s museum, as well as mandatory attendance at an excursion seminar within the walls of the Russian Museum.

Upon completion of the training process, each student receives an official document approved by the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. It should be especially noted that currently educational activities of this Institute is produced not only on a commercial, but also on a budgetary basis.

reference Information

This is located educational institution in house number three on Bekhterev Street. The institute (the address has not changed for a very long time) occupies a large three-story building. Today, the administration of a higher educational institution, a counseling department, a laboratory of psychodiagnostics and clinical psychology, a department of community psychiatry and child psychiatry, a physiotherapy department, and a unit dealing with geriatric psychiatry are located here. In addition, at this address there is a training center, a neurosis clinic, a diagnostic research center and much more.

National Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Neurology named after V.M. Bekhterev is one of the largest research and clinical institutions in the North-West region. NMITSPN them. V.M. Bekhtereva accepts patients free of charge (under the compulsory medical insurance policy with a referral from a specialist at the place of residence) and for a fee (for cash payment).


Functional diagnostics:

  • electroencephalography (EEG) with in-depth computer analysis
  • video EEG monitoring of night and day sleep
  • micropolarization (transcranial, transspinal, solar, peripheral)
  • transcranial magnetic stimulation
  • rheoencephalography
  • stabilometry.

Clinical diagnostic laboratory :

  • general clinical studies research
  • biochemical tests of blood and urine
  • determination of coronary risk factors, diabetes mellitus
  • drug monitoring of anticonvulsants
  • hormonal studies
  • immunodiagnostics
  • determination of tumor markers.

X-ray department:


  • duplex examination of neck vessels, arteries and veins


Department of Biological Therapy of Mental Patients:

  • endogenous psychoses

Department of Geriatric Psychiatry (Elderly Psychiatry):

  • depressive states
  • schizophrenia
  • Alzheimer's disease.

Department of Child Psychiatry:

  • obsessive-compulsive disorders (obsessive-phobic, obsessive-compulsive and other disorders, including Tourette's syndrome)
  • epilepsy and epileptiform syndromes
  • schizophrenia, affective, organic and other psychoses
  • childhood autism
  • delays mental development
  • behavioral disorders (leaving home, skipping school, etc.)
  • states of pathological fantasy
  • attention disorders (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)
  • school adjustment disorders
  • other mental, behavioral and psychological problems.

Department for the treatment of patients with alcoholism:

  • alcoholism
  • addiction
  • substance abuse
  • tobacco addiction.

Department of Surgery of Nervous and Mental Diseases:

  • injuries of the central nervous system (defects of the skull bones, post-traumatic epilepsy)
  • temporal lobe epilepsy
  • hydrocephalus of various origins
  • obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • complicated forms of osteochondrosis
  • brain tumors with epileptic syndrome.

Clinic of neuroses and psychotherapy:

  • fears
  • neuroses
  • depression
  • anxiety
  • insomnia
  • headache
  • personal problems
  • family problems.

Department of Community Psychiatry:

  • depression
  • fears
  • obsessions
  • neurotic conditions
  • communication difficulties
  • eating disorders.

Department for the treatment of mental disorders in young people:

  • reactive psychoses
  • endogenous psychoses
  • affective psychoses
  • organic psychoses
  • schizophrenia
  • postpsychotic states
  • mental underdevelopment
  • psychopathy
  • personality disorders
  • anorexia nervosa
  • paroxysmal states
  • epilepsy
  • epilepsy with mental disorders
  • non-psychotic conditions due to organic damage to the central nervous system
  • neuroses
  • neurosis-like conditions
  • diencephalic syndromes
  • addictive behavior in children and adolescents
  • various fears and obsessions.

Department of Therapy for Patients with Addictive Pathology

Department of Rehabilitation of Psychoneurological Patients

Department for the treatment of patients with epilepsy

Department of Integrative Pharmaco-Psychotherapy of Mental Disorders

Physiotherapeutic department

Historical reference

The research institute was founded in 1907 by decree of Nicholas II V.M. Bekhterev for the “study of the brain and its functions” with private donations. It was the first research and higher educational institution in Russia, organized for the scientific development of psychology, psychiatry, neurology and other disciplines studying the human psyche. In 1925, the institute received the name of its founder. During the war, an evacuation hospital was established at the institute. Since 1993, the research institute has been the center of the World Health Organization for scientific research and mental health training.

