The brain works like a quantum system. How consciousness controls matter. Introduction. The "problem" of consciousness

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A new theory explains how fragile quantum states can persist for hours and even days in our warm, wet brains. Experiments are already being prepared to test it.

Matthew Fisher, who proposed a theory about the influence of quantum effects on brain function

The mere mention of "quantum consciousness" makes most physicists uncomfortable, since the phrase seems to remind them of the mutterings of some New Age guru. But if the new hypothesis is confirmed, it will turn out that quantum effects do play a role in human consciousness. Matthew Fisher, a physicist at the University of California, Santa Barbara, surprised many last year by publishing a paper in the Annals of Physics suggesting that the nuclear spins of phosphorus atoms could serve as rudimentary qubits for the brain—making it capable of quantum-like operation. computer.

Even 10 years ago this hypothesis would have been rejected as nonsense. Physicists have made similar mistakes before, most notably in 1989, when Roger Penrose suggested that the mysterious protein structures, "microtubules", play a role in the formation of consciousness using quantum effects. Few people believed in the reliability of such a hypothesis. Patricia Churchland, a neurophilosopher at the University of California, on this topic, that to explain consciousness we might as well talk about “fairy dust in the synapses.”

Fischer's hypothesis has the same difficulties as microtubules: quantum decoherence. To build a working quantum computer, you need to combine qubits—quantum bits of information—to get them into an entangled state. But entangled qubits are very fragile. They must be carefully protected from any noise in the environment. A single photon colliding with a qubit will disrupt the coherence of the entire system, destroy entanglement, and destroy the quantum properties of the system. Quantum processing is difficult to do in carefully controlled laboratory conditions, let alone in the warm, wet, complex mess of human biology in which maintaining coherence for long enough is virtually impossible.

But over the past decade, there has been growing evidence that some biological systems can work with quantum mechanics. For example, in the process of photosynthesis, quantum effects help plants convert sunlight into fuel. Scientists also suggest that migratory birds have a "quantum compass" that allows them to use the earth's magnetic field to navigate, and that the sense of smell also has roots in quantum mechanics.

Fisher's idea of ​​quantum processing in the brain fits into the new scientific field of quantum biology. Call it quantum neuroscience. He developed a complex hypothesis involving nuclear and quantum physics, organic chemistry, neuroscience and biology. And although his ideas face a high level of understandable skepticism, some researchers are paying attention to them. "People who have read his work (and I hope there will be more of them) cannot help but come to the conclusion that the old man is not so mad after all," wrote John Preskill, a physicist at Caltech after Fischer did there report. “He may have touched something. At the very least, it raises some very interesting questions."

Senthil Thodadry, an MIT physicist and longtime friend and colleague of Fisher, remains skeptical, but believes that Fisher has changed the central question—does quantum computing occur in the brain—in a way that makes it possible to test the hypothesis thoroughly. “It is generally accepted that, of course, there can be no talk of any quantum computing in the brain,” says Todadri. – He claims that there is exactly one loophole in this regard. So the next step will be to see if this loophole can be closed.” Indeed, Fisher is already assembling a team to conduct laboratory tests that will answer this question once and for all.

Looking for a spin

Fischer belongs to a dynasty of physicists. His father, Michael I. Fisher, is a renowned physicist at the University of Maryland whose work in statistical physics has won numerous awards. His brother, Daniel Fisher, is an applied physicist at Stanford University specializing in evolutionary dynamics. Matthew Fisher followed in their footsteps, building a very successful career as a physicist. In 2015, he received the prestigious Oliver I. Buckley Award for his research into quantum phase transitions.

So what drove him away from mainstream physics towards the controversial and confusing mess of biology, chemistry, neuroscience and quantum physics? His struggle with clinical depression.

Fischer remembers well the day in February 1986 when he woke up, not feeling well in his body, and feeling like he hadn't slept in a week. “It seemed to me that I was pumped full of drugs,” he said. Sleep didn't help. Diet changes and exercise did nothing, and blood tests revealed no abnormalities. But his condition persisted for two whole years. “It was like a headache all over my body, every waking moment,” he says. He even attempted suicide, but the birth of his first daughter gave meaning to his continued struggle with the fog of depression.

He eventually found a psychiatrist who prescribed him a tricyclic antidepressant, and within three weeks his condition began to improve. “The metaphorical fog that had surrounded me and was blocking the sun began to thin out, and I saw that there was light behind it,” says Fisher. After five months, he felt as if he had been reborn, despite serious side effects from the medication, including excessive blood pressure. He later switched to fluoxetine and has been constantly monitoring and adjusting his medication regimen since then.

His experience convinced him that the drugs worked. But Fischer was surprised by how little neuroscientists know about the exact mechanisms that make them work. This piqued his curiosity, and with his background in quantum mechanics, he began to consider the possibility of quantum processing in the brain. Five years ago, he began an in-depth study of the issue, based on his own experience taking antidepressants.

Since almost all drugs used in psychiatry are usually complex molecules, he concentrated on one of the simplest, lithium, a single atom - so to speak, a spherical horse, which is much easier to study than fluoxetine. By the way, this analogy, according to Fischer, is quite suitable for this case, since the lithium atom is a sphere of electrons surrounding the nucleus. He focused on the fact that the common isotope lithium-7 can usually be purchased at a pharmacy with a prescription. Would using a rarer isotope, lithium-6, lead to the same result? In theory it should, since chemically these isotopes are identical. They differ only in the number of neutrons in the nucleus.

After digging through the literature, Fisher discovered that experiments comparing lithium-6 and lithium-7 had already been conducted. In 1986, scientists at Cornell University studied the effect these two isotopes had on the behavior of rats. The pregnant rats were divided into three groups - one was given lithium-7, one was given lithium-6, and the third served as a control group. After the birth of offspring, rats treated with lithium-6 had a much stronger maternal instinct, expressed in care, care and nest building, than in the other two groups.

This amazed Fischer. Chemically, the two isotopes must be identical, and even more so in the moisture-filled environment of the human body, they should not show any differences. So what could be causing the differences in behavior observed by the researchers?

Fischer believes the secret may lie in the spin of the nucleus, a quantum property that affects how long each atom can remain coherent—isolated from its surroundings. The lower the spin, the less the nucleus interacts with electric and magnetic fields, and the slower the coherence is lost.

Since lithium-7 and lithium-6 have different numbers of neutrons, they also have different spins. As a result, lithium-7 loses coherence too quickly for quantum consciousness to function, and lithium-6 can remain entangled longer.

Fisher discovered that two substances similar in everything except quantum spin, and ours, that they have different effects on behavior. To him, this was a tantalizing hint that quantum processing plays some functional role in consciousness.

Quantum protection circuit

However, the challenge of moving from an interesting hypothesis to actually demonstrating that quantum processes play a role in brain function is daunting. The brain needs some kind of mechanism for long-term storage of quantum information in qubits. It is necessary to entangle many qubits, and this entanglement somehow chemically must influence how neurons work. There must also be a mechanism for transmitting quantum information stored in qubits throughout the brain.

This is a very difficult task. In five years of searching, Fisher identified only one suitable candidate for storing quantum information in the brain: phosphorus atoms, the only common biological element other than hydrogen with a spin-half small enough to increase coherence times. Phosphorus cannot create stable qubits on its own, but its coherence time can be extended by binding it to calcium ions to form clusters.

In 1975, Aaron Posner, a scientist at Cornell University, discovered a puzzling clustering of calcium and phosphorus while studying X-rays of bones. He drew the structure of these clusters - nine calcium atoms and six phosphorus atoms - and they were later called "Posner molecules" in his honor. These clusters reasserted themselves in the 2000s when scientists, simulating the growth of bones in an artificial liquid, noticed them floating in it. Subsequent experiments found evidence of their presence in the body. Fischer believes that Posner molecules could serve as a natural qubit for the brain.

That's the big picture, but the devil is in the details, which Fisher has been studying for the past few years. The process begins in the cell with a chemical called pyrophosphate. It consists of two bonded phosphates, each consisting of a phosphorus atom surrounded by several spin-zero oxygen atoms. The interaction between the spins of the phosphates entangles them. They can pair up in four different ways: three configurations add up to a spin of 1 (a weakly coupled triplet), and the fourth produces a spin of zero, or “singlet,” a state of maximum entanglement critical to quantum mechanics.

The enzymes then separate the entangled phosphates into three free ions. They remain entangled even after separation. This process, according to Fisher, is faster for singlets. These ions in turn can combine with calcium ions and oxygen atoms to form Posner molecules. Calcium and oxygen have no nuclear spin, so the overall half-integer spin, critical for long-term coherence, is conserved. These clusters protect entangled pairs from external influences so that they can remain coherent for as long as possible. Fisher estimates it could be hours, days or even weeks.

In this way, entanglement can spread over quite large distances within the brain, affecting the output of neurotransmitters and the functioning of synapses between neurons—a frighteningly long-range effect in the version of the brain at work.

Testing the theory

Quantum biology researchers are intrigued by Fisher's proposal. Alexandra Olaya-Castro, a physicist at University College London who has worked on quantum photosynthesis, calls it "a well-thought-out hypothesis. It does not provide answers, but only opens questions that can lead us to tests of individual steps of the hypothesis.”

Oxford University chemist Peter Howre, who studies quantum effects as applied to the navigation of migratory birds, agrees with her. “A theoretical physicist offers us certain molecules, mechanisms, and all the technology of how they can influence the functioning of the brain,” he says. “This opens up opportunities for experimental testing.”

Fisher is now trying to conduct experimental tests. He spent a sabbatical at Stanford working with researchers to replicate a 1986 study with pregnant rats. He admitted that preliminary results were disappointing and the data did not provide enough information. But he believes that if the 1986 experiment was better replicated, the results could be more convincing.

Fischer applied for a grant to conduct more in-depth experiments in quantum chemistry. He gathered a small group of scientists from various specialties at his university and attracted scientists from the University of California at San Francisco. First, he wants to figure out whether calcium phosphate forms stable Posner molecules, and whether the nuclear spins of phosphorus from these molecules can become entangled for long periods of time.

Even Hour and Olaya-Castro are skeptical about this, especially about Fischer’s estimates of the time frame – a day or more. “Honestly, I think it's very unlikely,” Olaya-Castro says. “The longest periods of time related to biochemistry and occurring in the brain are no more than a second.” (In neurons, information is stored for microseconds.) Hour calls this possibility “remote,” talking about seconds at most. "It doesn't dismiss the whole idea, but it seems to me that long-term entanglement would require other molecules," he says. – I don’t think these are Posner molecules. But I’m interested in how the idea will develop.”

Some people believe that no quantum processes are needed at all for the brain to function. "Evidence is emerging that everything interesting about consciousness can be explained by the interaction of neurons," Paul Thagard, a neurophilosopher at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, told New Scientist.

Many other aspects of Fisher's hypothesis also need to be thoroughly tested. He hopes that he will be able to carry out the experiments necessary for this. Is the structure of the Posner molecule symmetrical? How isolated are nuclear spins?

More importantly, what if these experiments prove that the hypothesis is wrong? Then we may have to completely abandon the idea of ​​quantum consciousness. “I believe that if the nuclear spin of phosphorus is not used in quantum data processing, then quantum mechanics does not play a role at all in the operation of consciousness over long periods,” says Fisher. - From a scientific point of view, it is very important to exclude this. It will be useful for science to know this.”


  • neurobiology
  • quantum entanglement
  • qubits
  • neurophilosophy
  • quantum consciousness
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The closest and most unknown thing to us is our consciousness. This article reviews several leading theories about consciousness and emphasizes iissiidiological ideas about the nature and principles of its functioning.

Introduction. The "problem" of consciousness

Questions about the origin of consciousness and the mechanism of its work are as old as philosophy. At every turn of the development of civilization, these global and eternal questions gave rise to many disputes and hypotheses. There are many theories in philosophy that attempt to define the nature of consciousness, from the dualism of Rene Descartes to the emergent theory of John Searle. In this work, I analyze three theories, which, in addition to considering certain philosophical aspects, are closely based on the material basis of scientific concepts. The development of quantum mechanics, neurophysics and biology has opened the door for scientists to the principles of the brain, and, as a result, opportunities have arisen to study in practice the nature of the emergence and functioning of consciousness.

Before considering the features of these theories, I want to make a small digression and give the most common points of view in science on issues of consciousness. In my opinion, most questions about the nature of consciousness can be reduced to one of two categories: concerning the material aspect of consciousness, or the mathematical aspect.

Materialistic aspect of understanding the nature of consciousness

The materialistic aspect of consciousness implies the presence or absence of a connection with matter, and confronts us with existential questions: “consciousness and matter are two different substances?”, or “is consciousness of material or immaterial origin?”, or “what comes first - matter or consciousness? ”, or “Does consciousness have a material carrier, or is it a special kind of substance still unknown to scientists?”, and a host of others. The answers to these questions can be generalized into two groups:

1) Consciousness and matter are different substances, and consciousness is a completely separate property of nature, which is fundamentally different from physical actions and is not governed by physical laws; consciousness is a substance that was in the Universe from the beginning and is always present in it.

2) Consciousness and matter have an inextricable connection and exhibit one or another degree of mutual influence.

The first group does not imply a direct connection, therefore consciousness automatically becomes an immaterial substance, which is not possible to measure or conduct experiments on. With this approach, the scientific method does not work and we can only talk about philosophical aspects or religious dogma in matters of origin. In this work, the first category is not of interest to us.

The second group implies some connection between consciousness and matter and, therefore, can potentially be subject to scientific methods knowledge through matter. In the second group, two points of view can be distinguished, differing in the role of man in the universe:

2.A) Consciousness is a product and consequence of work human brain.

2.B) The effect of consciousness is not unique to humans, but is associated with individual quantum events inherent in all of nature; The human brain is only a specific mechanism for implementing the dynamics of human consciousness. Consciousness is not a consequence of processes in matter, but is only reflected by its dynamics through matter.

Approach “A” implies that consciousness is not some independent independent quality of nature, but arose as a result of the long evolution of organisms and is caused by processes in the neurons of the brain. In this case, consciousness is secondary in relation to matter and is essentially a by-product of physical processes in matter. In this approach, one can confidently identify a period in the evolution of the universe when matter already existed, but consciousness had not yet appeared - evolution had not reached the required level of development. De facto, at the moment this is the dominant point of view in science. The connection between the functioning of the brain and the phenomenon of consciousness presupposes the existence of the latter only in humans and, as a consequence, according to this point of view, consciousness is not an integral and obligatory mechanism of the functioning of the Universe.

Approach “B” is largely based on the principles of quantum mechanics, and assumes that self-conscious processes are inherent in the very nature of the universe - like ways of manifestation of consciousness that are still little understood by us various types, which manifest themselves through the reduction of their own quantum states. Such acts of self-awareness act on the basis of strict physical laws of nature, but these laws are not yet fully understood by us. In approach “B”, consciousness is not a consequence of the work of the brain, but, along with many other processes of nature, is an organizing principle in the Universe.

The mathematical aspect of understanding the nature of consciousness

Understanding the principles of the relationship between matter and consciousness can be attributed to issues of physics, biology or neuroscience - areas of human knowledge that have direct relation to matter. The second aspect actively studied by scientists and philosophers is the connection of consciousness with mathematics and calculations. This aspect is aimed at finding out whether consciousness is based on computational processes and algorithms or is a priori incomputable and unmodelable? The answers to this question can also be divided into two categories:

1) Yes, consciousness is fundamentally computational and can be modeled.

2) No, consciousness cannot be projected onto any numerical methods, and is not subject to full modeling.

Supporters of the first category can be divided into two groups, depending on the degree of association of consciousness and the calculation process:

1.A) The nature of consciousness is abstract computational processes. Specifically, the sensation of awareness (of a thought or feeling) is the result of performing the corresponding computation. The very fact of performing calculations (for example, a computer simulating intelligent behavior) indicates the presence of consciousness.

1.B) Human consciousness is a characteristic manifestation of brain activity. Any physical activity can be simulated through one or another set of calculations, but the numerical simulation itself is not capable of causing awareness.

Proponents of the second category are of the opinion that consciousness is not a computable substance. At the same time, some of them believe that consciousness is absolutely unknowable, mystical and beyond the control of science; the other part has a similar opinion, but connects the work of consciousness with brain activity and suggests that humanity has not yet reached the required level of understanding of the laws of nature:

2.A) Human consciousness is the result of corresponding physical activity of the brain, but this physical activity cannot be properly algorithmized or modeled by computational means.

2.B) Consciousness cannot be explained in physical, mathematical and generally scientific terms.

Without extremes and dogmatism

As you may have noticed, there are extremely polar points of view in both the materialistic and mathematical aspects. One extreme is deep materialism, which essentially denies the role of consciousness; this point of view is now noticeably dominant in natural sciences. It asserts itself through the arguments of ardent supporters of theories of artificial intelligence, supporting the idea of ​​​​embodiing consciousness with the help of computers and algorithms. The second extreme is a mystical and sometimes religiously dogmatic approach, which completely denies the possibility of understanding consciousness in any way.

In this work I have tried to avoid considering such extremes and dogmatism. I am impressed by a position that is based on scientific research determination, cognitive curiosity and lack of conservatism. Over the years, science has demonstrated its powerful world-cognitive potential, and it is obvious that there are still many more unusual discoveries ahead that will force us to radically reconsider our views on the nature and connection of consciousness and matter.

The three models of consciousness discussed in this work have some common features, which I would characterize as a balanced and compromise approach. The materialistic aspect in all three models is considered from the position of an inextricable connection between consciousness and matter, while not only people, but also all objects in the Universe are endowed with the ability to self-awareness, and the basis of the process of self-awareness is quantum processes. The mathematical aspect of consciousness in these works is based on the current inconsistency of physical and mathematical apparatus for fully modeling the mechanism of consciousness. So, let's move on to a more detailed consideration of each of them.

Modern models of consciousness

Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, "OrchOR model"

Before considering the “OrchOR” model of consciousness, I will give a short quote from the first chapter of the book “Shadows of the Mind” [P3] by Roger Penrose: “Consciousness is part of our Universe, and therefore any physical theory, which does not give it its due place, is obviously unable to give a true description of the world. I am inclined to think that so far no physical, biological or mathematical theory has not come close to explaining our consciousness and its logical consequence, intelligence, but this fact should in no way discourage us from searching for such a theory.”

"OrchOR" (“Orchestrated Objective Reduction”, “orchestrated objective reduction”) model of consciousness [P1] was first put forward in the mid-1990s by mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose, currently head of the department of mathematics at the University of Oxford, and renowned anesthesiologist and neuroscientist Stuart Hameroff, professor at the Center for the Study of Consciousness at the University of Arizona. According to this model, consciousness operates on the basis of “orchestrated” (mutually coordinated) macroscopic quantum-coherent processes occurring in clusters of special microtubules of the cytoskeleton of brain neurons (see Figure 1-1).

Experimental quantum physics often deals with states of matter that are unusual for everyday life, including very low or very high temperatures, ultra-low pressures, the highest energy densities, and other unique conditions. It is almost impossible to create such conditions in biological organisms. Therefore, for many years in science it was a priori understood that it was pointless to look for quantum effects in biology. Despite numerous criticisms questioning the possibility of the existence of quantum processes in too “warm, humid and noisy” conditions of brain biostructures, the authors of the “OrchOR” model have consistently substantiated their hypothesis in many works over the course of twenty years. IN Lately new experimental results have appeared from independent researchers confirming this theory, for example, the extraordinary stability of quantum states in plants has been shown [P4]. The recent discovery of quantum vibrations in microtubules inside brain neurons by a team of researchers led by Anirban Bandyopadhyay, Ph.D., at the National Institute of Material Sciences in Tsukuba, Japan, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Technology, MIT), confirms the assumption that EEG rhythms also arise from deeper microtubule oscillations [P7].

Let's move on to the essence of the theory. Regarding the mathematical aspect of the nature of consciousness, the authors provide evidence that the activity of consciousness is not a computable process that could be simulated on a computer (the non-computability of a problem means that it cannot be solved in a finite number of steps). The basis for the proof is the corollaries of Gödel’s theorem relating to the Turing machine, and its detailed presentation is given in the work of R. Penrose “Shadows of the Mind” [P3, part 1].

Having decided on the mathematical aspect, the authors study the materialistic aspect in detail in search of physical processes that reflect the mechanisms of the work of consciousness. It is further argued that describing the functioning of the brain based on the impulse interaction of neural networks is not enough to describe the phenomenon of consciousness. R. Penrose gives numerous arguments in favor of the need to use quantum concepts to describe the functioning of the brain [P3, part 2, section 7.1. “Macroscopic quantum procedure in brain function”]. The search for the place where an incomputable process manifests itself in consciousness leads to an attempt to discover the connection between the macroworld of the neural networks of the brain and the microworld of the quantum states of protein complexes, and also reveals fundamental problems in quantum theory itself.

To determine the role of consciousness in quantum processes, the authors are forced to ask the question whether the reduction of the wave function is a real physical process or just a scientific illusion. The Copenhagen interpretation, which postulates the collapse of the wave function in the process of measurement (conscious observation), nevertheless, places the very concept of consciousness outside of physics. It does not explain fundamental reality, only interpreting the results of experiments. The authors of the OrchOR model insist that science needs a new theory of wave function reduction that would be on the border between the quantum and classical levels. To solve this issue, it is proposed to introduce an objective reduction (OR) procedure, which would correspond to moments of conscious self-observation of the system over its own states.

Information about "OR" And "OrchOR» processes (based on materials from [P1], [P5] and [P6]):

According to ordinary quantum theory (part of the standard “Copenhagen interpretation”), each choice of an eigenstate is completely random, and the probability of its occurrence can be calculated from the previous state. The procedure for reducing the wave function (R) is usually interpreted as the action of measurement on a quantum system - that is, an action that transfers the system from a quantum state of superposition to a classical unambiguous state. In other words, with a quantum superposition of two states through such a measurementThese two states become distinguishable. Technically speaking, quantum state reduction or "wave function collapse" probabilistically replaces the superposition with one or another of these alternative states.

Within this theory, the slight curvature of space-time caused by the mass of an elementary particle was ignored, since it was assumed that where quantum theory is essential, the effects of gravity can be neglected. However, according to the authors "OrchOR", this is unacceptable, because these small changes in the structure of spacetime can have significant consequences because they have subtle but fundamental effects on the very rules of quantum mechanics.

As part of the proposedOR-procedures are expected, Whateach quantum statesuperpositionscorrespondsbifurcation (division)Universeat elementarylevel. PresumablyThe OR process occurs when such separation reaches a critical value of the distribution of gravitational masses - the one-graviton Penrose limit.ThisSeems likeonhypothesissetsEverett's worlds, however, separation processesUniverseonhimselfPlanckianlevelunstable, Andspontaneouslyreducefrom- behindobjectivepropertiesnature4-dimensionalgeometryspace- time, formingOR-process.

Being a mechanism of quantum self-observation of the system over itself, each self-organized OR act is considered as a separate event of consciousness. Consequently, consciousness can only be maintained under conditions where OR can occur: 1) a high degree of coherence of the quantum state of the superposition of a collective of particles, existing for a period of time large enough for the threshold of quantum gravity to be reached, and short enough for relate to thinking processes; 2) the OR process requires isolation from the “noise” of the environment until a spontaneous reduction of the state occurs.

In the model "OrchOR" quantum coherence arises and is isolated in the microtubules of brain neurons as long as differences in the mass-energy distribution between tubulins , in superposition, will not reach the instability threshold associated with quantum gravity.Quantumcalculation« orchestrated» reversecommunicationfromproteins,relatedWithmicrotubules,That's whythisprocessnamed« orchestratedobjectivereduction"("Orch OR"). The resulting “self-collapse” of the coherent state of microtubules, which is considered irreversible in timeOR-process, creates an instant “now”. Cascades of suchOR events create the passage of time and the “stream” of consciousness. By reaching the threshold of quantum gravity, the OR event has a fundamental relationship to the geometry of spacetime. We can say that a cascade of OR events “maps” the direction of selection of physical geometries of space-time.

Consciousness, like thisway, issequencediscreteevents, emergingfromtwo alternatingphases:1) phasesisolatedquantumcoherentsuperpositions, Vwhichquantumstatemicrotubulesisolated; And2) decoherence, - VthisphaseinformationmicrotubulesinteractsWith« Not- conscious"in partsbrain, nervoussystemAndexternalpeace. AlternationthesephasesagreesWithneurophysiologybrain, For exampleFinefamous 40- hertzgamma- oscillationselectroencephalograms.

Addition: “It is interesting to compare our considerations with some of the views that have been formulated regarding the nature of the development of conscious experience. For example, in Buddhism one finds the idea of ​​consciousness as consisting of a sequence of individual discrete events; experienced meditators describe individual “glimmers” in their experience of subjective reality. Buddhist texts describe consciousness as “momentary collections of mental phenomena” and also as “separate, non- related friend with a friend and passing moments that die as soon as they arise.” Some Buddhist texts even specify the frequency of conscious moments. For example, the Savastivadins described 6,480,000 “moments” in 24 hours (an average of one “moment” every 13.3 ms), and some Chinese Buddhists described one “thought” every 20 ms. These observations, taking into account variations in frequency, correspond to our “Orch OR” events. For example, a pre-conscious interval of 13.3 ms would correspond to an “Orch OR” involving 4 x 10 12 coherent tubulins, and 20 ms would correspond to 2.5 x 10 10 tubulins. Thus the Buddhist 'moments of experience', Whitehead's 'events of experience' and our 'Orch OR' events seem to agree satisfactorily with each other."

So, in the OrchOR theory, tubulins, which form microtubules, act as material carriers of quantum computers - qubits (see Figure 1-2). Studies of the processes of switching the state of tubulin (a protein that forms the structure of microtubules), carried out by Stuart Hameroff with colleagues Rich Wattomi Steen Rasmussen, showed that their coordinated interaction occurs according to the principle of a “cellular automaton”. This study also allows us to conclude that quantum processes in microtubules give each neuron the same potential for information processing as the brain as a whole has at the synaptic level. That is, this is a huge increase in the “biological potential” of the brain for processing information according to the classical scheme.

Neural activity in the brain typically occurs over time intervals of tens to hundreds of milliseconds, requiring the isolation of a superposition state of microtubules spanning thousands of neurons. Based on the principles of the OrchOR model, it can be assumed that simple organisms can also have consciousness, but the periods of isolated superposition would be longer, so moments of consciousness would not occur often. While the human brain can have about 40 conscious moments per second, a simple worm can only have one per minute (and is much less complex than ours).

However, meticulous studies of quantum processes in microtubules do not help solve the mystery of the nature of consciousness. The authors have not yet undertaken to explain what information the “cellular automaton” processes.

According to the authors, the vast majority of brain activity is unconscious, and our consciousness is like the tip of this “iceberg”. However, they argue, there are no clearly defined areas of the brain that “house consciousness.” At some point, neurons can be “unconscious”, and at the next moment they can perform some kind of conscious function. The transition from one to another, which the authors propose, is orchestrated objective reduction (OrchOR). Thus, consciousness is both a self-organizing process on the edge of the quantum and classical worlds and a connection between biological systems and the Planck level of the Universe.

However, in the absence of the necessary theoretical ideas, judgments regarding the possession of consciousness remain (for the most part) in the category of assumptions. My own assumption on this matter is this: for some time now I have been quite sure that on planet Earth consciousness is not the exclusive prerogative of man.

Roger Penrose "Shadows of the Mind"

Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff view feelings and conscious experience from the perspective of philosophical panprotopsychism, in which the constituents of conscious experience are fundamental and elemental entities "embedded" in the Planck scale of fundamental spacetime geometry. The general premise of the model is that all phenomena and, in particular, the electron have proto-consciousness, and, according to the ideas developed by the authors, the proto-consciousness of a free electron manifests itself at the moment of its localization, transformation from a wave into a particle.

Each action of “objective reduction” that occurs in nature with a quantum particle during its transition to the classical state is also accompanied by an act of manifestation of “proto-consciousness”. In fact, matter “observes” itself, recording every discrete change in its states. And the more complexly organized the complex of matter particles turns out to be, the more “conscious” this observation is.

OR events can be thought of as elementary constituents of the "subjective experience" of matter, or qualia. However, most of these events occur without being part of any coherently organized structure. Accordingly, there is no accumulation of experience associated with these ubiquitous protoconscious events. However, these moments of proto-consciousness turn out to be primitive ingredients of real full-fledged consciousness when they are properly organized (orchestrated) together into a coherent, coherent whole.

The authors of the “Orch OR” theory claim that their point of view is consistent with the philosophy of A.N. Whitehead, who proposed that consciousness is a sequence of "events of experience" occurring in the "basic field of protoconscious experience." Thus, the Planck scale of extremely small scales, described by loop quantum gravity, string theory, quantum foam and other theories, is a kind of “prime matrix”, on the basis of which conscious experience arises through a variety of quantum processes.

To summarize the position of Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff briefly, consciousness is an intrinsic feature of quantum processes in the Universe and an essential ingredient in the physical laws of nature. These laws have not yet been fully comprehended by people, but there is no reason to doubt that, ultimately, they can also be described by the standard methods of science.

Max Tegmark, “Consciousness as a State of Matter”

In his work “Consciousness as a state of matter” [T1] Max Tegmark ( Dept. of Physics & MIT Kavli Institute, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139) poses the problem from the opposite - he does not seek to experimentally identify physical processes that reflect the conscious activity of matter, but tries to formulate fundamental principles, the observance of which would make it possible to identify a special hypothetical substance - “perceptronium”, which would be capable of self-awareness. Of course, such a task does not seem completely feasible at the moment, but such research would allow a much deeper understanding of the nature of consciousness.

So, in Tegmark’s reasoning about the nature of consciousness, three components can be distinguished:

1) An attempt to consider consciousness as a state of some physical substance. Task: it is necessary to understand what properties of a substance give it the opportunity to become self-aware and, if possible, learn to model such a substance.

2) Formulate information principles for the organization of consciousness. Task: knowing that information is the basis of all evolutionary processes, it is necessary to answer the questions: how this information is organized (material level - computernium and perceptronium), how it is stored (computers, environments, media) and how it is processed (principles of interaction).

3) Solve the problem of quantum factorization of consciousness. To search for a connection between the perceptronium and the information principles of the existence of consciousness, we put task: find criteria for quantum factorization.

Let's look at these components in more detail. In search of a hypothetical material carrier of consciousness, the author in his reasoning starts from a comparison of the three classical states of matter (solid, liquid and gaseous) and concludes that the most important principle in the organization of matter is not its chemical composition, but the relative position of structural elements and the corresponding ability to change these states.

Perhaps this is a completely logical assumption - biological structures are formed by a small diversity chemical elements: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, sodium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus and another three dozen of the most common elements in the earth’s crust. From this “structural material” you can “assemble” a lot of various combinations, from soap to the human brain. In this, Max Tegmark sees important questions about the organization of matter: how atoms are arranged among themselves, how they interact, and how perturbations in this structure can reflect conscious activity due to the storage and processing of information.

The author suggests that “ consciousness can be understood as another special state of matter. Just as there are many types of fluids, so there are many types of consciousness." This state of matter must have certain properties - the ability to store and process information. M. Tegmark proposes to call this hypothetical state of matter “perceptronium”.

It is important to mention here that in the principles of organizing the information structure of consciousness, Max Tegmark closely relies on the “Theory of Information Integration” [T2] by Giulio Tononi from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. In 2008, G. Tononi proposed that a system exhibiting consciousness must have two basic properties:

  1. Information content: The system must have a large set of available states, that is, the ability to store a large amount of information. It can also be generalized that consciousness is essentially a phenomenon of information.
  2. Wholeness (integration): This information must be integrated into a single whole, that is, so that it is impossible to decompose the system into almost independent parts. This feature reflects the fact arising from our experience that each individual phenomenon of consciousness is a single whole that cannot be decomposed into individual components.

D. Tononi's theory is based on two key points. First, every conscious state contains a huge amount of information. A typical example of this is every frame in a movie. Having seen one frame from a film, you instantly associate it with a “specific object of perception.” That is, you can distinguish a given frame in a film from any other frame. Consequently, consciousness is capable of storing and distinguishing a huge number of visual images. The second key statement is that all the information collected in the mind is tightly integrated with each other. For example, it is impossible to see the world without relying on all the information available in the mind. When we look at an orange, we cannot separate the perception of color (orange) from its shape (round). Even if the processing of color and spatial shape of an object is localized in different parts of the brain, conscious experience cannot be dispersed into separate parts.

The proposal is that consciousness is determined integrated information that it can process, and, as a consequence, the level of consciousness is determined by the volume integrated information. Tononi's theory suggests that consciousness arises as a special property physical system- her integrated information that is defined in such a way that it can be measured quantitatively using mathematical equations.

Asking questions about the properties of the perceptronium, M. Tegmark formulates five basic principles that any substance with consciousness must have, and which can distinguish a substance with consciousness from other physical systems:

Attempts to identify the basic information principles of consciousness are due to the desire of M. Tegmark to answer an even more global question - to get closer to solving the problem of quantum factorization: Why do conscious observers like us perceive a particular factorization of Hilbert space corresponding to classical space (rather than Fourier space, say), and more generally, why do we perceive the world around us as a dynamic hierarchy of objects that are both strongly unified and relatively independent?

The factorization problem arises because quantum mechanics describes everything that happens in the Universe using only three mathematical entities or tools: (1) an object called the Hamiltonian, which in the form of a matrix describes the total energy of the system; (2) a density matrix, which describes the relationships between all the quantum states in a system, and (3) the Schrödinger equation, which describes how these things change over time.

The problem with this minimalist mathematical toolkit is that when the entire universe is described in these terms, the system ends up with an infinite number of solutions. And these feasible solutions include all possible quantum mechanical outcomes, as well as many other, much more exotic, possibilities.

The essence of the problem is this: why in reality do we perceive the Universe as that classical three-dimensional world with which we are all so familiar in everyday life? After all, it does not at all follow from obviously correct mathematical equations that the world we perceive should look exactly the way it does. To explain this mystery, so far incomprehensible to theorists, Tegmark gives the following illustrative example. When we look at a glass of ice water, we perceive the liquid and the solid ice cubes as independent things. Although at a deep level they are in fact closely interconnected with each other as parts of the same system. How exactly does this division, or “factorization,” occur? Of all the possible solutions, why do we perceive this particular solution?

As a result of the synthesis of the theory of integral information, information principles of consciousness and the laws of quantum mechanics, Max Tegmark makes the following conclusion: “ The general Hamiltonian cannot be decomposed using a tensor product, which would correspond to the decomposition of the cosmos into non-interacting parts - instead, there is an optimal division of our Universe into integrated and relatively independent parts. Based on Tononi's work, we might expect that this decomposition, or some generalization of it, is what conscious observers perceive, because an integrated and relatively autonomous information complex is, by and large, what a conscious observer is!" And " Thus, the problem of quantum factorization is both very interesting and very difficult».

As Max Tegmark himself admits, he does not yet have an answer to this question, but the remarkable feature of his approach is that it shows how these problems can be formulated in terms of quantum mechanics and information theory. Formulated in a way that allows for detailed analytical analysis and understanding of the problem. At the same time, this leads to many other, very diverse problems of a new kind, also amenable to scientific analysis. And although the problem of consciousness is still very, very far from being resolved, the very fact that it has finally begun to be formulated mathematically is noteworthy - as a set of problems that researchers can already fully understand, study and discuss.

A hint for such a radical hypothesis as put forward by M. Tegmark can be the information presented by O. Oris in his multi-volume monograph “Iissiidiology”. Here, questions of the nature of consciousness are examined from a completely unexpected angle; the author offers information obtained in a unique way - in meditation, by accessing an information repository similar to the “Akashic Chronicles”. Despite the radical views, the information from Iissiidiology surprises with the extraordinary intuitive integrity of the “picture of the universe.”

O. Oris, “Iissiidiology”

About Self-Awareness

The central theme of Iissiidiology is the question of the origin and mechanics of the functioning of self-consciousness. The word “IISSIIDI” means energy-informational centers of human self-awareness, and Iissiidiology itself can be called meta-knowledge, which at the conceptual level unites a huge amount scientific directions, which interprets fundamental concepts of nature in a fundamentally new way and claims to be a universal “theory of everything.”

The knowledge presented by O. Oris is based on information obtained in the process of deep meditation in altered states of self-awareness. Since at the moment the statements of Iissiidiology have not received experimental confirmation that in models of such a high level of integration of philosophical thought does not occur quickly, I will allow myself for now to classify this knowledge as a hypothesis.

The issue of the phenomenon of self-consciousness in Iissiidiology is key and has been examined in many ways. To describe it, the author proposed a complete revision of the principles of the organization of matter and tried to answer key questions about the origin of information and energy, the principles of the formation of space-time, and the relationship between matter and energy on a cosmological scale. Since, unlike the two theories discussed above, Iissiidiology claims to be a universal platform for describing the universe, which forms its own ideas on almost every issue, I will have to use special terms and explain them along the way.

What is self-awareness from the point of view of issiidiology? In the most general terms, its “formula” looks like this [I1, section 4]:

Information + Energy = Self-awareness

Where Information is understood as a certain primordial essence underlying everything, and Energy is an unbalanced state of Information that forms all material forms and processes. To clarify this formula, I will make a small digression to clarify the terms “Information” and “Energy”.

Information and Energy. SSS model

By information we usually mean a formalized idea of ​​something in some way. The word information is typically associated with zeros and ones, the binary representation of numbers used in computers. Despite the fact that everything that surrounds us carries within itself various information, we can formalize only a very insignificant part of it. Claude Shannon is considered the “father” of the current “information theory,” who described some principles for manipulating it. He himself means by the term “information” something fundamental that is not subject to further simplification. The founder of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, spoke about the nature of information as follows: “Information is not matter or energy, information is information.”

The difficulty in defining this concept lies in understanding the principles of the structure of the entire universe. We are only a tiny part of the overall process of cosmic evolution. The time of more or less conscious existence of humanity is measured in several thousand years, in contrast to the billions of years of the existence of the Universe. With our minds we are able to grab only a tiny piece of those majestic evolutionary transformations that fill the universe. And it is extremely difficult to determine from this tiny fragment of the whole life the laws that drive existence! Our ideas about the cosmological “Beginning of Everything” are very, very conditional, and are based on a primitive extrapolation of currently observed universal processes to very distant stages of the development of the cosmos and the universe. For our observation and analysis, only “one cosmic second” is available, entangled in a series of “cosmic millennia”. For this reason, we are not dealing with the “original information” underlying it, but only with the thinnest intermediate “layer” of those processes that led us to this point of self-awareness.

How can we go beyond this extremely narrow area of ​​our development? How to “rewind the tape” and figure out how “Everything” began? To answer these questions, the “cosmic observer” will need to gain access to those levels of consciousness that organize and direct the course of universal evolution. Familiar to us empirical methods knowledge here is powerless, they are only able to analyze the current observed situation, not allowing us to look “beyond the horizon” of the current “layer” of existence and to know the root causes that gave rise to everything that we are now able to see.

Oris was able to gain access to the levels of self-consciousness containing the primordial causes of the universe's evolution in deep meditation, and with the help of the mechanism of multi-level transmission of ideas he adapted the information received to the form of perception that is familiar to us. Thus, to describe the ideas about the complete process of the evolution of the universe, a universal “CCS model” was created (in short, the CCC model, where “CCS” means Information) [I1, section 4], which is a hypothesis about how, based on the initially existing Information the formation of universal Energy occurs, and then how this universal Energy, resonantly interacting with Information, self-transforms itself level by level, manifesting itself through the universe.

The SSS model allows us to look “beyond the boundaries of time and space known to us.” It describes the principles of transformation of matter, which take place as the information complexity of Self-Consciousness grows. Within the framework of this model, levels of matter are described that are in no way similar to the three families of elementary particles already known to us. Thus, in the direction of the conditional involution/disintegration of Energy-Information (in relation to our type of materiality) there are “super-inertial worlds”, in which even the familiar concept of duality, as well as the wave process, completely loses its meaning, and where time seems to stretch and freezes in the endless act of movement towards one of the poles. In the other direction - integration (evolutionarily more developed), on the contrary, Energy-Information undergoes “super-compression” and is structured by super-dynamic and, by our standards, super-energetic particles, which are already devoid of duality-wave properties, simultaneously combining our ideas about plus and minus, about north and south poles. The SSS model implies a multi-world principle of organization of the universe and postulates a continuous change in the properties of matter, reflecting the dynamics of Self-Consciousness.

I would like to note that, according to the author, the information underlying Iissiidiology belongs to evolutionarily more developed scenarios of humanity and is adapted to our perception on the basis of the terminology that is characteristic of the current level of development of science and society. Therefore, if some points seem too confusing or devoid of ordinary logic to you, do not despair, this knowledge is focused on intuitive and meditative forms of perception, for which many moments of consistent reflection do not work.

The basis of the SSS model is the concept of Information as a certain primordial immaterial Essence, on the basis of which our Universe and the entire universe develops. The Iissiidiological concept of Information is in no way associated with any material concepts. These are the same non-localized and abstract concepts as “1”, “2”, the number “pi” or “square root of 7”. Information is not something that can be touched or imagined (after all, when imagining the word “sour”, many people will imagine a lemon), but only countless properties characteristic of objects, processes or phenomena.

The second basic component of the SSS model is the concept of Energy, which is formed as a result of the initiation of the initial state of Information by an external factor - Impulse-Potential [I1, section 4]. Impulse-Potential (hereinafter referred to as IP) creates a disturbance in the original SSS structure, which manifests itself as dissonance tending to complex self-balancing. The result of self-balancing and annihilation of all energy disturbances in each part of the SSS structure is a more perfect final state of Information.

The function of Impulse-Potential is not limited to just the act of initiating Information, but also includes a guiding role in the processes of integration (Synthesis) of information fragments into special structures - Configurations of Self-Consciousness. It is the Impulse-Potential that “pushes” each Configuration of Self-Consciousness towards its continuous complication.

I will make a brief summary of the chapter on Information and Energy. Within the framework of the SSS model, the concept of Information is introduced as a certain spatially non-local essence underlying all processes in the universe. Information has an initial and final state, and the transformation between them is carried out under the influence of the Impulse Potential. The mechanism of transformation is Energy, which, within each self-conscious process, creates the opportunity to combine as much “amount” of Information as possible, thereby providing such a Configuration of Self-Consciousness with a higher level of integrity and integrity.

Self-awareness as a process of interaction between Energy and Information

Let's return to the basic formula: “Information + Energy = Self-awareness.” As you may have already noticed, the concept of Energy in Iissiidiology is derived from Information. At the same time, it makes no sense to talk about Information without Energy - Information does not exist in its independent form, it has no way for its manifestation. Therefore, Energy and Information, being inextricably linked by the principle of their emergence and manifestation, continuously “go side by side”: Energy provides a step-by-step process of complicating information structures, and Information provides a structural and filling function, creating rules for Energy to transform and combine its different types with each other. This continuous process of self-transformation of Energy based on Information is Self-Consciousness.

As mentioned above, Energy is a sign of imbalance and incompleteness (i.e. the presence of internal dissonances) of the process of transformation of Information from the initial to the final state through an infinite number of intermediate stages. Although all the Energy formed at the moment of initiation of the initial state of Information by the Impulse-Potential has a common source of origin, it is divided into an infinite number of portions (quanta). Each such portion carries a piece of Information and provides a change-complication of the Configuration of Self-Consciousness that “absorbed” this quantum, exactly by the information volume of this quantum. As a result, a “new, slightly improved” Configuration of Self-Consciousness is formed, and the process itself is called “quantum shift”.

In Iissiidiology, the concept of quantum is tied not to the carriers of one of the fundamental interactions, but to the mechanism of functioning of Self-Consciousness. The Iissiidiological quantum is a “portion” of Energy-Information, which ensures the transformation (Synthesis) of each Configuration of Self-Consciousness in the general evolutionary process. To explain the mechanism of quantization of Self-Consciousness, the concept of the “rotation principle” is introduced, which provides a step-by-step mechanism for its operation.

It is important to note here that all objects and phenomena of the material world we observe have their own conditionally separate Configurations of Self-Consciousness. This is each of us (humans), and every plant, and every animal, and every cell of our body, and even every atom or elementary particle. Of course, it is difficult to imagine that each element of this world has its own consciousness, and this consciousness is continuously undergoing evolutionary transformations.

If we consider our biological bodies as an example, it turns out that it is very difficult to determine who “we” are. After all, our body consists of a huge variety of self-conscious Forms: organs, tissues, cells, organelles, proteins, minerals, etc. And, each of these elements is subject to the influence of the rotation principle, quantumly changing its Configuration of Self-Consciousness. Can you imagine what an incredible “kaleidoscope” of events flashes every second inside our body?

Iissiidiology offers a complex multi-level system of “species evolution”, which has practically nothing in common with Darwinism, and is based on the principles of cosmic evolution of Collective Cosmic Minds, organizing universal processes of all levels and scales. Roughly enough, we can say that the universe at the highest levels of evolution merges into one universal common Self-Consciousness, which at lower levels is divided into an infinite number of interdependent parts. Each such part organizes its own time flow and is inextricably linked with the other parts, taking part in the global integration process of stage-by-stage unification and merging.

Explanation of the term “Self-awareness”. It is important to note one feature here. If you noticed, the issiidiological term “Self-consciousness” is always used in singular. There is an explanation for this... Self-awareness at different stages of integration (the process of transforming Energy-Information of the SSS structure from the conditionally “initial” to the conditionally “final” state) is, as it were, differentiated into separate parts according to the relationships of a certain level. This creates the illusion of temporary “separation” of these parts (for example, in a car factory, before the assembly line we see a set of parts, and after that we see a car). But this is only a way and feature of organizing universal Energy Information, which allows, as a result of the interaction of parts with each other, to gradually and consistently become a whole.

The principle of non-local participation of Information in the structure of the universe allows us to assert that every point of Space-Time potentially structured by all Information, and each fragment of Information is projected to each point to one degree or another. Thus, all Information, as well as all Energy, are permeated with countless connections within themselves and among themselves. This absolutely integral and absolutely interconnected system is called the SSS-Essence. To a rough approximation, such a system can be described as a fully connected graph in which every node is connected to every other one.

At the same time, penetrating and embracing with its connections all the infinite variety of fragments of Information and types of Energy, Self-Consciousness is not something monolithic, homogeneous and unchanging. In its structure, Self-Consciousness represents an infinite number of conditionally self-sufficient, but at the same time interconnected, locally self-aware processes (individual Configurations of Self-Consciousness) of the interaction of Information and Energy, acting simultaneously, absolutely in concert, and representing a single, complexly orchestrated evolutionary process.

Each, as it were, “separate” Configuration of Self-Consciousness has its own local ideas about its role in the general evolutionary process. At its own level of self-awareness, such a configuration has a certain completeness of freedom of choice, and it may seem to it that everything that happens to it is an accident, devoid of patterns. But at a slightly higher level of awareness of it and similar configurations, other, more general and universal patterns (principles of organizing cause-and-effect relationships) are manifested, organizing the joint evolutionary process of seemingly disparate elements. In Iissiidiology this is called the superadditive effect of Self-Consciousness, and in the works of Giulio Tononi it is called the principle of “information integration”.

In the same way, we - people - recognize ourselves as self-sufficient and self-aware, most often without suspecting that all our thoughts, feelings and actions are orchestrated in the most detailed way at a higher level of Self-Awareness, which has a higher degree of integration of Information.

Such an illusion of our self-sufficiency and independence is due only to the inability of our biological structures (primarily the brain) to process the quantity and quality of Information that correspond to the next level of integration. The consistent complication of our ideas about the structure of the universe simultaneously complicates our biological forms, allowing us to gain access to ever higher levels of Energy-Information integration.

Access to individual sections of Information is carried out through the corresponding type of Energy. What types of Energy your current Configuration of Self-Awareness consists of, that part of all Information you can access.

Let me summarize the chapter briefly: Any object in the universe has self-awareness; Self-awareness is an endless step-by-step process of self-integration (Synthesis) of initially disparate Information with the help of Energy under the influence of Impulse-Potential; such a process is called evolution, and the consequence of the evolution of consciousnesses of all types is their merging and unification into a single universal configuration at the level of the “higher mind of the universe”; The Configuration of Self-Consciousness of each object undergoes a continuous process of quantization (receiving and processing portions of Energy Information); quantization of various Configurations of Self-Consciousness participating in the general evolutionary process is carried out as a process of mutual exchange (synergy or emergence), leading each participant to informational intercomplexity.

The connection between Self-Awareness and Space-Time. Many worlds and quantization

Although the SSS model is a rather abstract hypothesis, in Iissiidiology there are ideas that are closer to physics. Several sections of the book series “Fundamentals of Iissiidiology” and the book series “Immortality is available to everyone” are devoted to the principles of organization of Space-Time and the role of Self-Consciousness in it [I1, section 4], [I2, section 6], [I3, section 17], [I5 ].

One of the principles of Iissiidiology in relation to Space-Time is the dependence of its structure on the processes occurring in Self-Consciousness. Iissiidiological ideas about Space-Time are not tied to the concepts known to us from classical physics about linearity and the universal sequence of the flow of time. Each point of localization of Space-Time is only a medium that allows one to reflect one or another process of transformation of the corresponding Configuration of Self-Consciousness and all configurations among themselves. Thus, the structure of Space-Time is conditionally subordinated to the “needs” of the transformation processes occurring in Self-Consciousness.

Such an environment makes it possible to organize and streamline the process of interaction (exchange of Energy-Information quanta among themselves) of different Configurations of Self-Consciousness in a special and each time individual way. The environment is organized in such a way that each Configuration, during each quantum shift, could receive the amount of Energy Information that it needs in order to transform into its next “version”. In turn, this Configuration, in order to maintain the equilibrium of the process of interchange of Energy-Information, must emit “outside” such a quantum of Energy-Information, which is necessary for all configurations surrounding it for their own transformations. This process of mutual stimulation of changes in Configurations is called emergence or synergetic effect.

It is also important to note here that any object or phenomenon in Iissiidiology is considered as complex, that is, having its own internal structure. This also applies to seemingly indivisible objects such as an electron or a photon. The presence of a complex structure allows any object to choose not just one next state, but to select from a variety of available states that correlate with the priority of processes occurring in its own structure. Each internal process, striving to increase its priority, creates the possibility of shifting the entire Configuration towards its own implementation. Thus, the process of evolutionary transformations in each Configuration of Self-Consciousness is multidirectional in nature.

Due to the principle of self-consciousness of all objects and phenomena in the universe, such a universal environment for interaction (Space-Time) will have an extremely heterogeneous structure. Each area of ​​such an environment, geometrically reflecting an object or phenomenon, will be influenced by evolutionary processes occurring in the corresponding Configuration of Self-Consciousness. Since various Forms of Self-Consciousness: electron, atom, molecule, crystal, cell, planet, interstructure each other, as if included in each other’s structure, forming a kind of emergent ensemble, then the environment (Space-Time) should also have every opportunity to build the corresponding mechanism of commutation between different-scale and different-type Forms of Self-Consciousness.

For the convenience of describing the chains of information and energy transformations that all Configurations of Self-Consciousness undergo, the concepts of world, continuum, multipolarization, development scenarios and rotation cycle are introduced in Iissiidiology. In some ways, this approach is similar to Everett’s multi-worldness, but, unlike the latter, it takes into account the evolutionary orientation of all processes in Self-Consciousness, and the mechanisms of “navigation” in myriads of worlds and in the structures of Collective Cosmic Minds are described in detail. The mechanism for choosing directions for quantum shifts of Configurations of Self-Consciousness under the influence of transformative processes is called the skruullerrt system.

Particular attention in Iissiidiology is paid to the description of the phenomenon of Time. Being a structural element of the Multiverse and having a strict “subscription” to the transformative processes of Configurations of Self-Consciousness, Time has a super-branched structure. In fact, each act of quantization of any Configuration of any type of Self-Consciousness has a local connection to its unique temporary quantum flow. All these, as it were, separate quantum streams of Time are inextricably linked into a system of transitions between successively evolving Configurations, which is very complex in terms of its organizational principle.

It is also important to note that Time is not some general indicator characteristic of the entire universe. Each type of Self-Consciousness (atoms, cells, plants, crocodiles, minerals, planets...) is structured by temporary flows of its types, radically different from the flows of other types of Self-Consciousness.

Brief summary: 1) Space-Time is a universal environment for the manifestation of processes occurring in Self-Consciousness; 2) quantization of processes occurring in Self-Consciousness leads to quantization of Space-Time; 3) the principle of mutual structuring (emergence and synergy) of similar and heterogeneous Configurations of Self-Consciousness creates a complex structure of differentiation-commutation of such an environment; 4) the principle of multipolarization of transformative quantum processes to which each Configuration of Self-Consciousness is subjected gives rise to an infinite multiplicity of transitions between individual states of Space-Time (worlds), forming a skruullerrt system.

Multi-level heterogeneous structure of Self-awareness and types of materiality

Having described some ideas about the energy-informational basis of Self-Consciousness, now I want to pay attention to the features of the evolutionary process of transformation of Energy-Information [I1, section 2], [I1, section 3].

As mentioned above, various Forms of manifestation of Self-Consciousness (electrons, atoms, cells, plants, people, animals...) can be conditionally correlated with different ways of integrating Energy-Information at different stages of this process. We can distinguish two sides of general evolutionary transformations in the Self-Consciousness of the SSS-Essence (Energy-Information). The first is the ways in which information fragments are connected (integrated) into more complex structures. And the second is to what extent the integration of fragments has already occurred.

Regarding the first side. The different composition of interacting fragments determines the type of Configuration of Self-Consciousness. In total, Iissiidiology considers 12 groups of information fragments, each of which has a very complex and diverse structure [I2, section 5]. Each group is called “Pure Cosmic Quality”, has its own name and consists of an infinite number of fragments. The combination of fragments belonging to different groups, carried out in different proportions, forms different types of Configurations of Self-Consciousness (whale type of Self-Consciousness, badger type of Self-Consciousness, plant type, molecular, human...).

For example, our human type of Self-Consciousness is structured primarily by fragments of two groups called “ALL-Will-ALL-Mind” and “ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom”. At the same time, fragments belonging to other groups also participate in the formation of our configurations, but to a noticeably lesser extent.

Here it is important to emphasize that the concept of Configuration of Self-Consciousness is not the semantic equivalent of the concept of Form of Self-Consciousness, which in the case of Self-Consciousness of our type is our biological body. Do not forget that any Form always consists of much smaller elements, each of which also has its own Configuration of Self-Consciousness. Therefore, when we say Form of Self-Consciousness, we always mean an emergent (synergistic) combination of a huge variety of different types of Configurations of Self-Consciousness, united by a general integration evolutionary process.

In the case of our human forms, the energy-informational synthetic process of our type of Self-Consciousness, roughly speaking, is expressed in the form of higher nervous activity of the brain. While all other organs and systems of the body ensure the functioning of several key parts of the brain, thus realizing the self-conscious processes of their types.

So, the combination of information fragments belonging to different groups into the Configuration of Self-Consciousness leads to the formation of Self-Consciousness of a certain type. In Iissiidiology, each type of Self-Consciousness is called Collective Cosmic Mind (CCM). The structure of any Collective Cosmic Mind (CCM) consists of an infinite number of Configurations of Self-Consciousness, each of which is a unique combination of fragments of different groups in different proportions.

An example of KKR is humanity, whose Configurations of Self-Consciousness are manifested in an infinite number of development scenarios (ours and other “alternative versions” of evolution). The forms of manifestation of Self-Consciousness of the human type in parallel scenarios of our planetary Essence and other planetary Essences, according to O. Oris, can be so different that, despite belonging to the same Collective Cosmic Mind, in a hypothetical meeting we would not recognize our “brothers in mind” "

Regarding the second side. Within the structure of each KKR, there are many Configurations of Self-Consciousness, fundamentally differing in the “level of complexity” [I3, section 17, “karmonation geometry”], that is, the conditional number of united information fragments. The more fragments there are, the higher the degree of integration of this Configuration with the others and with the Whole. As a result of the integration process, all fragments must unite into the Whole, which will become the highest manifestation of the Self-Consciousness of the universe.

The “level of complexity” (degree of integration) determines which Configurations can interact with each other. Indeed, in order for the emergent ensembles of Configurations that form the Form to harmoniously coexist within the framework of the general evolutionary process, they must continuously exchange quanta of Energy Information that are understandable to each other. If there is a significant difference in the “level of complexity” of their Configurations energy potentials may differ so much that they simply cannot interact. Therefore, for a clear and detailed gradation of the possibilities of interaction between different Configurations of Self-Consciousness, the concepts of “range of dimensionality” and “resonance of dimensionality” are introduced in Iissiidiology [I4]. These parameters reflect the possibility of interaction of certain types of Self-Consciousness with each other.

Returning to the first paragraphs of the section on Iissiidiology, we can say that different ranges of dimensionality are those “horizons” beyond which we are not able to look in order to understand the origin of the universe. Each range of dimensions represents a special type of materiality, which has its own set of particles - carriers of interactions, its own types of fundamental interactions and its own special structure of Space-Time.

According to the issiidiological classification, our conscious existence belongs to the range of 3-4 dimensions (the numbers in this case are very arbitrary), where the predominant integration of information fragments of two groups occurs. It is not possible to quantitatively describe the number of fragments structuring each of our Configurations of Self-Consciousness. The author of Iissiidiology uses such abstract numbers as zillion and zilliard for this purpose, only correlating “levels of complexity” for different dimensional ranges.

Let me give an intermediate summary. The entire set of Configurations of Self-Consciousness of the SSS-Entity has a structural division according to two principles: 1) the type of information fragments that form the Configuration - determines the type of Self-Consciousness and the “qualitative dimension”; 2) the level of informational “complexity” of each Configuration - determines the “vibrational dimension” of Self-Consciousness. Knowing the type of Self-Consciousness and the vibrational dimensionality of its manifestation, which in total give the full dimensionality (or simply dimensionality), we can quite accurately determine its “location” in the complex structure of the Multiverse of the universe, and at the same time say, with Configurations of Self-Consciousness what types and what dimensions are possible potential interaction.

Getting acquainted with Iissiidiology, I had an involuntary comparison of the two evolutionary theories- O. Oris and C. Darwin. If in Darwinism the classification of Forms of manifestation occurs according to morphogenetic characteristics and covers the spectrum of flora and fauna living on our planet in the time stream known to us, then the iissiidiological classification is based on a completely different principle - the main role is played not by morphogenetics, but by the type of information processes of Self-Consciousness - but the boundaries of classification have expanded to the noospheres of other planets, other time streams and other ranges of dimensionality. Also, as I have already said, the information principle of classification (according to belonging to a certain type of KKR) also excludes the possibility of unambiguously identifying a Form of manifestation of Self-Consciousness of any type with its Collective Cosmic Mind - such an unambiguous identification would be incorrect due to the fact that each Form represents a unique emergent ensemble of many other Forms and processes, which are Configurations of other KKR.

Having touched upon the concept of dimensionality above, I would like to make a few clarifications. First, the issiidiological dimension has no relation to the geometric dimension of space that is familiar to us, but rather carries the meaning of the possibility of “positioning” the Configuration of Self-Consciousness in the structure of the Multiverse.

Secondly, Iissiidiology correlates the concepts of dimensionality and type of materiality, explaining that at each level of Energy-Information integration there are unique carriers of Energy, which in the process of evolutionary transformations are transformed into “new”, more synthesized types of Energy, manifested in continua of higher complexity ( dimensions).

The configurations of Self-Consciousness of representatives of current humanity occupy in the structure of Self-Consciousness of the SSS-Essence only the “thinest layer”, which, in turn, smoothly passes into two other “layers”, which are located conventionally “above” and conditionally “below”. Each “layer” is a type of materiality, it is a type of Energy from which this type of materiality is constructed. All “layers” are closely interconnected by energy-informational relationships, providing the opportunity for Configurations manifested in the conditions of one of the “layers” of materiality to gain information access to other “layers”.

As a rule, Configurations of Self-Consciousness, inscribed in a certain “layer”, can receive information access only to the closest “tightly adjacent layers”, which we habitually interpret as the near future or the recent past. By the way, the mechanism for transmitting Knowledge of Iissiidiology works on this principle, with the peculiarity that the Configuration of Self-Consciousness of Oris has access to “layers” of the Multiverse that are very remote towards a higher degree of integration.

The metaphorical concept of “layer” has its own name in Iissiidiology - “resonance of dimensionality”. The totality of dimensional ranges forms a range of dimensions, figuratively representing a “large layer” of the Multiverse. Each range of dimensionality represents a separate type of materiality and is characterized by its own carriers of Energy. In our range of dimensions, a small part of Energy carriers is already known to science: bosons and fermions, and the other, most part, according to O. Oris, our scientists have yet to discover.

More integrated levels of Self-Awareness of the SSS-Essence (for example, the 4-5 dimensional range) reflect the action of more general principles and mechanisms characteristic of many people and their behavior patterns. These levels integrate Information not only from our development scenarios, but also from billions of others, conditionally parallel to ours (but also belonging to the 3-4 dimensional range). The carrier of such more integrated information are other types of Energy that are currently not available to us. These types of Energy have their own spatio-temporal localizations of manifestation (for example, resonazones of the 4th-5th dimension), which in Iissiidiology are called Flux, Walds and others, forming their own types of materiality, information from which is projected to us in a very distorted form.

Figuratively, this can be represented as a projection of a complex 3-dimensional figure onto a plane - we can form an idea of ​​only one of the sides of such a figure, the rest of the information is distributed among many other projections, and the whole picture belongs to another dimension.

It’s the same with our type of reality. It is formed by a certain type of materiality, capable of reflecting only strictly defined types of universal Energy Information. Everything that is “below” or “above” can be presented to us only in the form of projections that significantly distort the original meaning. The closest types of reality in the direction of differentiation of Energy-Information are called pre-walls, and in the direction of integration - flux. Both there and there - other types of materiality are represented by other sets of particles and other types of fundamental interactions.

Physical equivalents of the Configuration of Self-Awareness and the Quantum of Self-Awareness

What is the Configuration of Self-Consciousness in the material world, and not within the framework of the SSS model? To describe the material structures of the universe in Iissiidiology, the universal concept of “Form-Creator” is introduced [I1, section 1, 1.0049-1.0054]. It is understood as any Energy potential, be it a photon, electron, neural network or water pressure in the depths of the ocean, correlated with the Collective Cosmic Mind of a specific type.

The most studied type of Self-Consciousness is human, therefore it is most convenient to talk about its form-carriers. In Iissiidiology, a lot of attention is paid to the Form-Creators of the human type of Self-Consciousness, and although the overall picture looks quite complex and “foggy” in places, the author continues to deepen and detail it.

I will briefly describe my understanding of this issue. As I mentioned above, any Form of Self-Consciousness is structured by many different types of Configurations of Self-Consciousness. Our biological body, although considered “ours,” can just as easily be attributed to the atomic type of Self-Consciousness (Collective Cosmic Mind), to the molecular type, to the cellular type and many others. The Configurations of Self-Consciousness of each of these Forms, acting on the principle of emergence (synergy), are involved in the general integration flow and constitute its integral part. Thus, through our biological body, an almost unimaginable number of different types of Configurations of Self-Consciousness are simultaneously realized, each of which is assigned its own unique task. To find the “director of this orchestra”, you need to determine the type of Energy that corresponds to the desired type of Self-Consciousness (KKR).

Iissiidiology claims that the materialized “directors” of the human type of Self-Consciousness are “intergenic Creator-interpreters” and “intergenic Creator-regulators” [I6, section 9, chapter 1]. In genetics, these structures are considered to be genetic “garbage”, due to the fact that these chromosome regions have not yet found their functional purpose. According to O. Oris, it is the Creator-regulators and Creator-interpreters that determine the entire biochemistry of our brain and our body, setting the program for the production of certain hormones and creating conditions for experiencing the entire spectrum of emotions. The brain and central nervous system perform the role of a “command-analytical center”, carrying out the secondary “director’s” functions of coordinating the processes of interaction between the level of “personal Self-Consciousness” and the level of the “collective unconscious” (see “Fundamentals of Iissiidiology”, Volume 1, Section 2).

Many other parts of DNA that have already been functionally studied by scientists are not directly related to our type of Self-Consciousness, but are correlated with many other types of Collective Cosmic Minds (for example, GRGLOYGLY, TSMERIIRRGMA, CEFKTRA, LUURSFID and others [I6, section 10, chapter 5], jointly forming an emergent ensemble of Formo-Creators, activating the biological “suit” of our type.

Within the framework of this small work, I will not be able to touch upon the structure of the “nine Levels of the Collective Mind of the Tertiary Energy-Plasma,” but I consider it important to note that the designated division into groups of human and non-human Formo-Creators is very arbitrary. The lowest of the nine, described in Iissiidiology, levels of the KKR SSS-Essence in the range from 0 to 12 dimensions, consists of an infinite number of simple, and the power of this is very universal, Form-Creators (like bricks or cubes in a construction set), which are equally capable of implement our evolutionary programs both as part of the multi-level Configuration of Self-Consciousness of our type, and through the Self-Consciousness of other, biologically similar Forms. This lowest level, called the "collective unconscious", is both human and non-human; his Formo-Creators participate simultaneously in many different types of emergent ensembles (dogs, cats, pigs, whales...), giving the opportunity to higher levels of Self-Consciousness to receive a joint experience based on common semi-conscious psychisms and experiences. A more true human type of Self-Consciousness gradually crystallizes in higher levels of Self-Consciousness, which have more pronounced signs of the human Collective Cosmic Mind.

As you can see, there are a huge number of non-human types of Self-Consciousness and the corresponding types of Formo-Creators involved in our Form of Self-Consciousness. Each of these Configurations is continuously subject to the action of the rotational principle and, through quantization, is transformed into the next “version” of its Configuration, resonating with the next “version” of its Form of manifestation. Thus, every second our biology is exposed to billions of local quantum processes, each of which, as a self-aware member of the “emergent quantum ensemble,” exhibits both some degree of independence and some degree of interdependence.

If we add to this that the Form-Creators of the human type of Self-Consciousness are also divided into thousands and millions of subtypes that correspond to certain patterns of behavior and emotional manifestations, then you can clearly imagine how difficult it really is to orchestrate what we call our Form of manifestation .

Self-Awareness Quantization Frequency

As mentioned above, the human type of Self-Awareness functions in accordance with the principles of rotation and multipolarization. Every moment the principle of “rotation” is implemented, that is, a quantum of Energy-Information of the human type is projected into the current Configuration of Self-Consciousness, as a result of which an integration-synthetic transformation is carried out, and Self-Consciousness is shifted to the next Configuration. Taking into account the principle of multipolarization (multi-directionality), there should be several “next” Configurations.

The average quantization frequency of the Self-Awareness of the human type in our type of Reality is approximately (~) 328 times per second, while the boundaries of this parameter lie in the range from 250 to 400 times per second. So many times per second, “intergenic Creator-interpreters and Creator-regulators” reconfigure DNA in their own way, each time launching another “program” for experiencing a thought, feeling or emotion.

~1/328th, although considered one human moment, is, of course, a very short interval of time for experiencing a feeling or emotion. In this case, we are talking about a complex spectral process, filled with a whole range of psycho-emotional components. In the structure of our Configuration of Self-Consciousness, within ~1/328th of a second, many Formo-Creators are realized simultaneously and in parallel (about ~386 groups of intergenic Creators) and each of them has its own “weighting coefficient”, making its contribution to our general psycho-emotional state . In the next moment (~1/328 of a second), either the “weighting coefficients” of the Formo-Creators will change, then only the shade of feelings will change (the proportion of hormones will change), or their composition will partially change, then we will begin to experience a different feeling (new hormones will be released).

In both cases, in ~1/328th ~386 different Formo-Creators manage to interact with each other, who together and at the same time in very different ways “unpack” the quantum of Energy-Information coming through the entire multitude of channels of the system perception. Depending on the information composition of the “unpacked” quantum and the degree of resonance of each of the Formo-Creators with it, various perturbations occur in the spectral composition of the Configuration, providing in the next instant branching along ~386 vectors. Moreover, each of ~386 vectors shifts the Configuration of Self-Consciousness to the corresponding “new” world of the Multiverse, where a person has the opportunity to experience experiences corresponding to this vector under appropriate life circumstances. An analogue of branching in physics is the multidirectional transition of a system from a superposition state to many different mixed (decoherent) states.

For greater clarity, each Formo-Creator can be conditionally compared with a separate neural subnetwork. Then at every moment ~386 such subnetworks can be active, each of which has access to information received through the channels of the perception system, and the coordinated average result of their interaction becomes the “soil” for the functioning of other Formo-Creators (non-human type) responsible for specifics of biological processes. Such an average result could be, for example, the activity of the intestines, excretory system, hematopoietic system or musculoskeletal system.

So, within ~1/328 of a second, intergenic Formo-Creators restructure DNA, as a result of which a new ratio of electrochemical potentials of CNS neurons is formed, which leads to the production of new “portions” of hormones and the experience of new feelings (in all the richness of their shades).

I would like to remind you that the value of ~1/328 of a second has a wide range of values, from 250 to 400. Such a large difference is due to the need to synchronize individual groups of intergenic Creators (and the corresponding neural subnetworks) into a unitary coherent process, allowing for a more multifaceted and versatile “unpacking” Quantum of Energy-Information. The pattern here is quite obvious - the greater the number of intergenic Creators can simultaneously enter a common stable coherent state, the greater the potential of Energy will become available to them for unpacking, and the more complex the structure of the unpacked quantum will be.

Complex (multicomponent) coherent states of intergenic Formo-Creators are less stable and at the same time require more astronomical time for their formation. As a result, when Self-Consciousness shifts into the area of ​​their activity, the frequency of the rotational shift decreases towards 250 times per second.

Involving a large number of Formo-Creators in the process of “unpacking” at once allows the Configuration of Self-Consciousness to take a multifaceted view of the situation. Those Formo-Creators, who in other directions of multipolarization would be realized separately, in this case acquire the opportunity to act together. An example would be the situation if you only hear the world, or only see the world, or perceive the world only by touch or taste - each of these methods is informative, but by using all the senses in a complex, you will be able to create a much more holistic picture peace.

Since I touched upon the issues of quantization of Self-Consciousness, I would like to return to the principle of emergence in the formation of the Form of Self-Consciousness. As mentioned above, our biological Forms are giant emergent ensembles of different types of Self-Consciousness, each of which plays its own unique and irreplaceable role in the general evolutionary process. Cells - their role, molecules - their role, organs - theirs.

And, if the quantization frequency of our type of Self-Consciousness is in the range of 250-400 times per second, then for other types this parameter can reach enormous values, orders of magnitude higher than ours. With such differences in frequencies, how are these processes “connected” to each other? How does a cell manage to quantize its Configuration thousands of times in order to accurately and on time “keep up” with the moment our quantization begins? How are quantum processes in biology subordinated to each other, and what makes it possible to coordinate and orchestrate this unimaginable “ensemble” of different types of Self-Consciousness in such an amazing way? The answers to these questions lie in the peculiarities of the resonant principle of interaction between various QCRs, which O. Oris has so far outlined in fairly general terms. More detailed issiidiological information on this topic will certainly greatly help the development of the “Orch OR” model of consciousness of Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff, helping them determine exactly what problem a cellular automaton operating on quantum processes in the microtubules of brain neurons is currently solving.

Iissiidiology and science

Now I want to return to the beginning of this work and dwell on the question of how the concept of Self-Consciousness in Iissiidiology relates to the materialistic and mathematical aspects of the interpretation of this concept in science.

In relation to materialism, Iissiidiology takes a firm position - consciousness and matter have an inextricable connection, moreover, O. Oris offers an empirical formula of consciousness in which matter (Energy) is its component along with Information. Self-conscious properties are also postulated in all elements of the universe, and the mechanism for realizing Self-Consciousness is described using energy-informational quantum processes of synthesis. Human consciousness is only one of the types of Self-Consciousness, realized according to a specific Scheme of Energy-Information Synthesis. In the understanding of Iissiidiology, matter is the “exponent” and “manifestation” of the processes occurring in the Collective Cosmic Minds, organizing the processes of evolution of the universe.

The energy information SSS model answers in detail the questions that formed the mathematical aspect. Consciousness not only cannot be projected onto any numerical methods, but even potentially cannot be modeled due to the fact that our entire universe is essentially already a huge, full-scale, operating model of quantum processes occurring at different levels of TOO-UU ( Collective Cosmic Intelligences). Each of our Forms is already a local version of the super-powerful supercomputer of Self-Awareness, implemented in the multi-world model of the universe, and processing zillions of bits of information instantly.

The principle of many worlds, postulated in Iissiidiology at the level of the axiom of the world order, leaves no chance of creating a complete model of consciousness. Every moment, the Self-awareness of each of us is quantized and synthesized, replenished with absolutely new, previously inaccessible information, on the basis of which it is “restructured” and localized (through the process of decoherence) in the new world. As a result, new information blocks of the SSS-Entity become available to us. At the same time, without fully mastering the mechanism for choosing the direction of the synthetic process, we sometimes ourselves cannot imagine in which worlds we will perceive ourselves tomorrow. Is it possible to simulate your consciousness in such a situation? Of course not. We ourselves are an endless evolutionary process of development.

At the same time, despite the fundamental impossibility of mathematical and algorithmic modeling, there is hope that the progressive development of science, leading us to an increasingly deeper understanding of the principles of the world order, will in the near future make it possible to much more deeply understand not only the physical aspects of materiality, but also the information principles of the functioning of consciousness. This would make it possible to build a more detailed and reliable model of the universe, returning to consciousness the undeservedly selected role of the initiator and coordinator of our materiality. And then, as the author of Iissiidiology claims, absolutely new, currently incredible technologies will appear at the disposal of mankind, which will make it possible to create devices such as renewable energy sources, materializers, teleporters, time flow displacement devices and many other wonderful and useful devices that we not yet available. They are inaccessible due to the activity in our consciousness of grossly selfish and aggressive levels that divide the world into black and white, right and wrong, and also completely deny the possibility of the existence in the Universe of someone more developed than man.



Three theories - three different approaches. The first theory belongs to the creative tandem of R. Penrose and S. Hameroff and is based on the symbiosis of the new edition of quantum mechanics and research in the field of quantum processes in neurons. The discovered processes of alternating changes in the quantum states of tubulins in the microtubules of neurons lead the authors of the “OROrch” model to think about quantum computing implemented in biological structures. It is obvious that such a large-scale computing structure is capable of processing gigantic volumes of information, and this, most likely, according to the authors’ assumption, is directly related to the mechanism of the functioning of consciousness. Although it is not yet possible to understand what the “supercomputer” of the brain calculates.

The theory of O. Oris, set out in Iissiidiology, gives an idea of ​​the nature of the emergence and mechanisms of functioning of consciousness. At the same time, the information obtained by the author in meditations has so far received only partial confirmation in the course of experiments. An interesting point that gives rise to deep reflection is the quantum processes described by O. Oris in various forms Self-awareness, for example, quantization (step-by-step change) of individual DNA fragments, which are currently considered “garbage” by geneticists. Iissiidiology provides a detailed description of the essence and purpose of these quantum processes, and most importantly, explains the principles of the evolution of such emergent quantum ensembles.

Here I see clear parallels with the “OROrch” model, which currently finds some signs of consciousness in brain neurons, but cannot find answers to more global issues and identify deeper cause-and-effect relationships. Combining the ideas set forth in Iissiidiology and the “OROrch” model would make it possible to much deeper and more clearly identify the place and purpose of quantum computing discovered in neurons, connecting the Iissiidiology theory of consciousness with “OROrch” practice.

The second “zone of intersection” of the two theories is the general issues of quantum mechanics and the principles of the organization of matter at elementary levels. The mechanism of objective reduction proposed by the OROrch model has much in common with the ideas of issiidiology about the role of consciousness in the world order. R. Penrose's assumption about the existence of a mechanism of self-observation of the system over itself, when each self-organized OR act is considered as a separate event of consciousness, deeply resonates in meaning with the iissiidiological concept of the existence of countless Configurations of Self-Consciousness, individually organizing rotational quantum dynamics based on their own principles of organization of evolutionary processes .

Here I also see complementarity between the two theories. R. Penrose, in the absence of information about the role of consciousness in the organization of matter, is “forced” to attribute the initiating role in the commission of OR-acts to quantum gravity, but at the same time, it makes sense to identify such acts of gravitational collapse of the wave function with individual manifestations of consciousness. O. Oris, in turn, calling OR-acts “rotational Shifts in the Configuration of Self-Consciousness” also correlates them with moments of curvature of the geometry of Space-Time, but at the forefront he puts the organizing and directing role of evolutionary mechanisms that organize, as it were, separate Configurations and Forms of manifestation of Self-Consciousness into a single evolutionary process.

As for the theory of “perceptronium” by Max Tegmark, there are deep reflections on the principles of the organization of consciousness, and an attempt was made to identify the conditions of quantum factorization, which would allow limiting the multiplicity of solutions to the wave equation. Simulations of various solutions of quantum factorization lead the author to think about the many-worlds nature of the universe and even to the hypothesis of quantum immortality.

And here I also see powerful parallels between the issues of quantum factorization and the iissiidiological concept of the organization of Self-Consciousness and Space-Time. The countless number of solutions to the wave equation is in full accordance with the existence of an infinite number of “worlds” in the slloogrent (quantum-holographic) structure of the universe. The difficulties of carrying out factorization, in my opinion, lie in the lack of understanding of the principles of the organization of evolution - evolution collective consciousness of the universe. As I wrote at the beginning of the essay, it is incredibly difficult to understand the essence of the processes occurring in the world of elementary particles if you do not know “how it all began”!

Iissiidiology offers to look at the issues of quantum mechanics from a completely different “height” and approach the issues of quantum factorization taking into account the huge evolutionary heritage of transformative processes in matter, as well as with a completely new understanding of the role and principles of the organization of Self-Consciousness. The new theory of the evolution of Self-Consciousness (and not material objects), set forth in Iissiidiology, allows us to identify criteria that organize all the many species of flora, fauna and mineral kingdom into a single “ensemble”, emergently conducted by the structures of the Supreme Collective Cosmic Mind of the Universe.

The analysis carried out by M. Tegmark when creating the idea of ​​“perceptronium” is a wonderful way of detailing at the applied level the more global concepts set out in Iissiidiology. A set of features (informational, dynamic, independence, integration, utilitarianism) identified in the process of modeling the “perceptronium”, although at the moment they relate only to the human type of consciousness, but also contribute to the deepening and detailing of the general picture of the principles of evolution of different types of Self-Consciousness. So, for example, the principle of “information integration”, introduced by D. Tonnoni and used by M. Tegmark, has a deep analogy in Iissiidiology in the form of the concept of slloogrence as a fundamental principle of organizing Levels of Self-Consciousness.

In conclusion, I want to emphasize once again that each of the three theories allows an extraordinary look at issues of consciousness, complementing each other and forming a new, more universal and holistic picture of the world. As for the contradictions, only time will tell whose ideas are more universal and whose reflect the specifics of more highly specialized theories.

Parallels to Think About

Also in summary, I would like to note the remarkable tendency of complementarity of advanced theories, the combination of which allows us to understand the connection between matter and consciousness much more deeply. Thus, in the “OROrch” model, the authors propose to introduce the concept of objective reduction of the wave function (OR) arising under the influence of gravity (chapters 6.10, 6.11 and 6.12 in [A3]). Iissiidiology, in turn, without deeply touching on the problems of quantum mechanics, offers a micro-macro model of the multiworld, in which the branching of development scenarios in the structure of the multiverse is determined by the activity of the corresponding levels of Self-Consciousness. If we proceed from the analogy in our reasoning that the activity of broader neural networks is responsible for the process of quantization of higher levels of Self-Consciousness, then we can make the assumption that the time of the process of increasing gravitational displacement will be “wasted” on creating an increasingly complex structure of the neural network. The more time passes until reduction is achieved, the more neurons will be able to unite into a network. The reduction process in this case will be multipolarized in many-world space-time, depending on the value of the one-graviton Penrose limit for the corresponding world (scenario), see figure “R1”.

This assumption correlates well with the information of O. Oris that the process of quantization of our type of Self-Consciousness, carried out at a higher level, takes large periods of time. So, if in the case of activity of medium levels of Self-Awareness the average frequency is about 328 times per second, then in cases of activity of high levels, the average frequency decreases to approximately 250-270 s -1.

S n - initial state of the Self-Consciousness Configuration before quantization

C to i - a set of final states, depending on the quantum ħ i

50, 80 and 120 million - the size of the generated neural network that implements quantum ħ 1, ħ 2 and ħ 3, respectively

1/400 sec, 1/328 sec and 1/250 sec - Δ t before reduction

Also, parallels can be drawn between Iissiidiology and the “OROrch” model in the issue of the presence of Self-Consciousness of elementary particles. The “OR” process, as mentioned above, is a moment of conscious introspection of the system over its own states. And since one, two, or a zillion particles can form a self-observing system, we can assume that the process of self-observation occurs at different levels of matter aggregation, from the electron to macromolecules and cellular formations. This correlates with the postulate of Iissiidiology about the self-consciousness of any manifestations of the universe and the implementation of the quantization process at each level of matter aggregation.


[P1] S. Hameroff, R. Penrose. "Orchestrated Objective Reduction of Quantum Coherence in Brain Microtubules: The "Orch OR" Model for Consciousness", 1996

[P2] Penrose R. “The New Mind of the King. On computers, thinking and the laws of physics" (“TheEmperor`sNewMind. Concerning Computers, Minds and The Laws of Physics”), 4th ed., M.: URSS, LKI, 2011. - 402 p. — ISBN 978-5-382-01266-7

[P3] Penrose R. “Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness”, M. Izhevsk: IKI, 2011. - 688 p. —— ISBN 5-93972-457-4

[P4] Article "Quantum Coherent Energy Transfer over Varying Pathways in Single Light-Harvesting Complexes", authors Richard Hildner, Daan Brinks, Jana B. Nieder, Richard J. Cogdell, Niek F. van Hulst, Science magazine 21 June 2013, Vol. 340 no. 6139 pp. 1448-1451, DOI: 10.1126/science.1235820

[P5] Stuart Hameroff, M.D., Overview: Could Life And Consciousness Be Related To The Fundamental Quantum Nature Of The Universe?, page address on Stuart Hameroff's website

[P6] S. Hameroff, R. Penrose. Conscious Events as Orchestrated Space-Time Selections.// Journal of Consciousness Studies (2 )1:36-53, 1996.), Abstract of the article prepared YU.P.Karpenko, Parapsychology and psychophysics. - 1998. - No. 2. - P.85-88.

[P7] ScienceDaily, January 16, 2014, “Discovery of quantum vibrations in “microtubules” inside brain neurons supports controversial theory of consciousness,”

[T1] Max Tegmark, "Consciousness as a State of Matter", arXiv:1401.1219,

[T2] ​​Giulio Tononi, “Consciousness as Integrated Information: a Provisional Manifesto”, Biol. Bull. 215, 216, (2008)

[I1] Oris O.V., "Iissiidiology. Volume 1. Fundamentals", 2012, ISBN 978-5-85247-644-9

[I2] Oris O.V., "Iissiidiology. Volume 2. Fundamentals", 2013, ISBN 978-5-85247-666-1

[I3] Oris O.V., "Iissiidiology. Volume 14. Immortality is available to everyone", 2011, ISBN 978-5-85247-509-1

[I4] A. Khokhryakov, “Theory of dimensionality. General provisions.", link:!science-physic-multiworld-art2/c1i6e

[I5] A. Khokhryakov, “A new approach to the multiworld nature of the universe”, link:!science-physic-multiworld-art1/c163x

"Qualia"- from lat. qualia - properties, qualities. A term used in philosophy to designate sensory phenomena of any kind. They can be defined as qualities or sensations, such as redness or pain, and are considered separately from their effect on behavior, as well as from any physical conditions that may have caused them. In more precise philosophical terms, qualia are properties of sensory experience. (

Computertronium(or computation) is a hypothetical material used as a kind of programmable matter, a substance for computer modeling of virtual or real objects. (

In mathematics, factorization or factoring is the decomposition of an object (for example, a number, polynomial or matrix) into a product of other objects or factors that, when multiplied, give the original object. For example, the number 15 is factorized into the prime numbers 3 and 5. As a result of factorization, in all cases, the result is a product of simpler objects than the original one. The purpose of factorization is to reduce an object to its "basic building blocks", such as a number to prime numbers.

Iissiidiology is a set of the latest cosmological ideas about the universe and man and demonstrates, in essence, a radically new constructive approach to conducting, analyzing and interpreting any kind of scientific research, which creates the prerequisites for revising and updating existing scientific provisions and ideological norms. The radicality lies in the fact that these ideas are based on the principles of multi-worldliness and self-consciousness of the nature of any material unit, postulating a multi-level and multi-dimensional structure of space and consciousness.

Iissiidiological principles of self-awareness and emergence apply both to the whole (object) and to any part of it, depriving Self-Consciousness of an absolute connection to any form or object of the material world. For this reason, the term “Self-consciousness” is often used independently, and the presence of a certain conditional object, its carrier, is always implied.

Multiverse- the universe in a many-worlds interpretation (not an issiidiological term commonly used in science). Unites all the countless worlds in all time streams.
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    According to ancient beliefs and traditions, the Third Eye is a sign of the gods. It allowed them to contemplate the entire prehistory of the Universe, see the future, and freely look into any corner of the universe. Hindu and Buddhist deities are usually depicted with a third eye, vertically located above the eyebrow level. With the help of the third eye, the god of creation Vishnu pierces the veils of time, and the god of destruction Shiva is able to destroy worlds. The all-seeing eye gave the gods remarkable abilities: hypnosis and clairvoyance, telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to draw knowledge directly from the cosmic mind...

    Many people devote their entire lives to regaining their once-lost “divine” abilities. They consider one of their primary tasks to be the opening of the third eye. This takes years and years of spiritual asceticism. And the most amazing thing is that these people actually acquire paranormal psychic abilities.

    It would seem that all these are myths and fairy tales, and all the supposed achievements of ascetics are nothing more than glitches"Schizos". After all, we have been taught for so long that there is nothing in nature except matter (substance and physical fields), and all these phenomena do not fit into the framework of the usual ideas about reality. But this is from the point of view of classical physics. And from the point of view of quantum theory? What if there is some rational grain behind all this? It is no coincidence that for many millennia such an area of ​​human knowledge as esotericism has been preserved and continues to exist. It is well known that any knowledge quickly fades into oblivion if there are no objective processes behind it, and, conversely, only that which stands the test of time remains. Mystical techniques and practices of expanded perception of reality have probably undergone the most stringent and lengthy test and still passed it. But, if they cannot be explained in any way by classical physics, then perhaps quantum theory will shed light on this issue and, finally, reveal to us what causes such unusual capabilities of a person when his “Third Eye” is opened.

    First, let's try to figure out what the pineal gland is? Santi describes the pineal gland as follows*:

    "Pineal body ( corpus pineale) is a cone-shaped formation 6 mm long and 4 mm in diameter, attached to the roof of the third ventricle by a flattened leash ( habenula). This gland is also called the pineal gland. The pineal body is located at the bottom of the transverse sulcus of the brain, directly under the splenium of the corpus callosum, between the superior colliculi of the roof of the midbrain. It is tightly covered with the soft membrane of the brain. Habenula bifurcates, forming dorsal and ventral plates, separated by a pineal space. The ventral plate merges with the posterior commissure, while the dorsal plate continues beyond the commissure, closely adjacent to the roof epithelium. At the point of attachment to the visual thalamus, the dorsal plate thickens, forming stria medullaris thalami(strip of the epiphysis). This thickening is a bundle of fibers of the column of the fornix and the middle strip of the olfactory tract. There is a transverse commissure between the brain stripes at the posterior end, commissura habenularum, in which the fibers of the stripes partially intersect, reaching the pectoral nucleus of the visual thalamus. The interior of the pineal gland consists of closed follicles surrounded by ingrowths of connective tissue. The follicles are filled with epithelial cells mixed with a calcareous substance - “brain sand” ( acervulus cerebri). Calcareous deposits are also found in the epiphysis and along the choroid plexuses.

    The function of the pineal gland is unknown. Descartes believed that the pineal gland is the “seat of the spirit.” Reptiles have two pineal bodies, anterior and posterior; the posterior one remains undeveloped, and the anterior one forms a rudimentary cyclopean eye. In the New Zealand lizard, the hatteria, it protrudes from the parietal foramen and has an imperfect lens and retina, and its long leash contains nerve fibers. The human pineal gland is probably homologous to the posterior pineal body of reptiles.”

    * Santee H. Anatomy of the Brain and Spinal Cord. Quote. by: Manly P. Hall. Melchizedek and the Mystery of Fire. K.: Sofia, 2001.

    Reading the description, you probably noticed that the pineal gland contains the smallest “sand”, about the role of which modern science knows practically nothing. Studies have shown that this substance is not present in children under about 7 years of age, in people with mental retardation, and in general in all those who suffer from certain mental disorders. Occultists know that this sand is the key to human spiritual consciousness. It serves as a link between consciousness and body.

    H. P. Blavatsky wrote in The Secret Doctrine*: “ ...This sand cannot be neglected<...>Only this sign of the internal, independent activity of the Pineal Gland does not allow physiologists to classify it as an absolutely useless atrophied organ, a remnant of the previously existing and now completely changed human anatomy of some period of its unknown evolution. This “sand” is very mysterious and baffles the research of all materialists.” And she further adds: “With a few extremely rare exceptions, this “sand,” or golden-colored stone, is not detected in subjects until after they reach the age of 7 years. Fools have very few of these calculi; in congenital idiots they are completely absent. Morgagni, Grading and Gam were wise men of their generation and are so today too, since they are still the only physiologists who establish a connection between these calculi and the mind. For, having summed up the facts that they are absent in small children, in the elderly and in idiots, the inevitable conclusion becomes that they must be connected with the mind.”

    * Blavatsky E.P. Secret Doctrine. T. 3. M.: Eksmo-Press; Kharkov: Folio, 2002.

    About the pineal gland itself, H. P. Blavatsky says: “The Pineal Gland is what the Eastern occultists call Devaksha, the “Divine Eye.” To this day, it is the main organ of spirituality in the human brain, the seat of genius, the magical Sesame, uttered by the purified will of the mystic, which opens all approaches to the truth to those who know how to use it.”*.

    * Ibid.

    E. I. Roerich in a letter to Dr. A. Aseev writes: “What is Ringse?<...>You, of course, know about that luminous substance, like sand, observed on the surface of the pineal gland in a developed person and which is completely absent in children under seven years of age and born idiots, as well as in cases of deep decrepitude. This sand is mysterious substance Ringse, or deposit of psychic energy.<... >the deposits of psychic energy can be found in many organs and nerve channels”*.

    * Archive of A. M. Aseev, vol. I. Letters of Elena Ivanovna Roerich to Alexei Mikhailovich Aseev. Published in the collection: Roerich E. I., Roerich N. K., Aseev A. M. Occultism and Yoga. Chronicle of cooperation. T. 1. M.: Sfera, 1996.

    S. Muldon, H. Carrington in the book “Projection of the Astral Body” note: “Inside the brain there is a special organ - the pineal gland, until recently an almost unstudied area, although in the East it has long been known that it is directly related to occult phenomena. Nowadays, many Western and Eastern psychic experts recognize that the pineal gland not only has physiological significance, but also serves as a link between the physical and spiritual worlds. Swami Bhakta Vishita says: “The pineal gland is a mass of nervous tissue located in the brain almost in the center of the skull and just above the upper end of the spine. It has the shape of a small cone and is reddish-gray in color. It is located in front of the cerebellum and is attached to the third ventricle of the brain. It contains a large amount of solid particles similar to grains of sand, known as brain sand. It got its name because of its shape, reminiscent of a pine cone. Eastern occultists assert that the pineal gland, with its special arrangement of nerve cells and small grains of brain sand, is closely related to the volitional transmission and reception of mental vibration.”

    Scientists have also repeatedly suggested that brain sand crystals are capable of receiving radiation of a non-electromagnetic nature. So, back in the 60s and early 70s of the twentieth century, the famous Soviet physical chemist, professor at Moscow University Nikolai Ivanovich Kobozev (1903-1974), analyzing the phenomenon of consciousness, came to the conclusion that the molecular matter of the brain itself is not capable of providing thinking; this requires an external source of flows of ultra-light particles - psychons. According to this hypothesis, a person does not think of his own free will, but because he has a pineal gland with brain sand that captures cosmic radiation, and psychons are the main carriers and transmitters of mental and emotional impulses.

    Cosmic energy in the East is called Qi, prana, etc. It is usually defined as a form of energy that fills the Universe and manifests itself in a special way in the human body. This subtle force is capable of being transmitted from one organism to another and is the energy on which numerous occult and magnetic phenomena are based. It is very similar to the “animal magnetism” of Western occultists. I note that according to all its characteristics and distinctive features this subtle energy corresponds quite well to the energy-informational processes accompanying nonlocal quantum correlations.

    A. M. Panichev and A. N. Gulkov in their article* put forward a hypothesis according to which the brain sand in the pineal gland is the control center and carrier of the information hologram in the human body and other highly organized animals. This is already very close to the concept of a quantum computer and the physics of entangled states. At the beginning of the book, I already mentioned that the holographic theory can serve as a good qualitative illustration of the physics of quantum information. Only, to be more precise, “brain sand” is presented to the authors as spent “living crystals”, which are assigned the main role of the control center. In the process of life activity, “living crystals” gradually “overgrow” organo-phosphorus-calcium membranes, that is, inside the pineal gland, in an environment oversaturated with calcium and phosphorus salts, they are gradually transformed into aggregates of “brain sand”. The unusual information properties of “brain sand”, noticed during experiments by S. N. Golubev**, indicate, according to the authors, only that all information about the body remains recorded in them.

    * Panichev A. M., Gulkov A. N. About carriers of information holograms in biological systems:

    ** Golubev S.N. Biostructures as fractal mapping quasicrystalline geometry // Consciousness and physical reality. 1996. T. 1. No. 1-2. pp. 85-92.

    Currently, histochemists have found out what the structure of brain sand is*. Sand grains range in size from 5 microns to 2 mm; their shape often resembles a mulberry, that is, they have scalloped edges. They consist of an organic base - a colloid, which is considered the secretion of pinealocytes and is impregnated with calcium and magnesium salts, mainly phosphates. Method X-ray crystallographic analysis showed that calcium salts diffraction patterns epiphysis are similar crystals hydroxyapatite . Brain grains of sand in polarized light exhibit birefringence with the formation of a “Maltese” cross. Optical anisotropy indicates that the crystals of salt deposits of the pineal gland are not crystals of the cubic system. Due to the presence of calcium phosphate, sand grains primarily fluoresce in ultraviolet rays, like colloid droplets, with a bluish-white glow. A similar blue fluorescence is produced by the myelin sheaths of nerve trunks. Typically, salt deposits take the form of rings - layers alternating with layers organic matter. Scientists have not yet been able to find out anything more about “brain sand”.

    * Shmatov S.V. Synthesis of scientific and esoteric knowledge about the pineal gland // Medicine of the future in the light of the synthesis of the scientific worldview of East and West: Abstracts. r abstracts and reports of the medical scientific and practical conference May 1-2, 1998. Tomsk: SSMU, 1998. P. 42-45.

    So, the most interesting thing is that it turns out that this “sand” contains calcium hydroxyapatite! It was he who was discussed as one of the most suitable “candidates” for the role of the physical basis of a quantum computer! A striking coincidence, and probably not accidental.

    Combining data on the elemental base of a quantum computer with biological data on the pineal gland and the structure of brain sand, we can make a very interesting assumption: The pineal gland of the brain is an integral part of the quantum computer in our head, and “brain sand” is the physical basis of the quantum processor

    The computer in our head is quantum, with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, there is a direct connection with esotericism, which is based on the use of the quantum properties of this computer (non-local correlations, “psychic energy”).

    A person has the opportunity to take advantage of the “magic” nonlocal properties of the entangled states of the qubits of his quantum computer. It turns out that everything esoteric practices essentially mean that a person is trying to “switch” his brain from the classical mode of functioning to the quantum mode. Engaged in mystical practice, he is trying to use the non-local resource of entangled states and control it, doing almost the same thing that physicists are now striving for when working on the technical implementation of a quantum computer!

    From theoretical foundations Quantum mechanics implies that for the appearance of additional quantum correlations, the presence of classical interactions is necessary. That is, in order for our soul to have the opportunity to realize itself and develop further, it must have a material basis, a “conductor” in the objective world. Crystals may well be such a “conductor.” hydroskiapatite in brain sand, acting as the physical basis of the quantum computer in our brain. By the way, with ultrasound examination, the pineal gland becomes visible in the human embryo on the 49th day after its conception, approximately at the same time when the sex of the child becomes discernible. Nature first of all begins to form the processor of our future quantum computer, onto which the rest of the hardware is “screwed”. Formation begins from subtle quantum levels, and if reincarnation takes place, then it is at this time that the quantum astrosome is “captured” for the next incarnation. According to Buddhist beliefs, the life force of the deceased needs just 49 days to enter the next incarnation.

    After the birth of a child, his quantum computer is still clean; it is not loaded with any programs that allow him to navigate our dense world. And the computer itself, as a device that can be used, is not yet ready for use - the final “assembly” is not yet completed. It’s like in the physics of quantum information: what’s the point of any interacting systems being connected by non-local correlations - that doesn’t make them quantum computers for us. To make a quantum computer, you need to organize qubits that can be selectively manipulated, perform logical operations and obtain a result. The child is the same - at first he is closer to the Subtle World; his pineal gland does not yet have qubits on which he could perform logical operations. Brain sand and crystals hydroxyapatite how physical carriers of qubits are formed gradually, as the child grows up, when he begins to master mental constructs and logical operations. It turns out that to some extent the opinion of occultists is true that brain sand is a deposit of “psychic energy”, and the point of view according to which the pineal gland is the connecting link between the body and consciousness (“the seat of the soul”) also seems quite reasonable.

    This conclusion is confirmed by another quote from the book by M. P. Hall: “A small child lives primarily in invisible worlds. His physical organism is still difficult to control, but in those worlds with which he is connected through the open gate of the pineal gland, the child is aware of himself and actively acts (at least to some extent). Gradually certain manifestations of his higher consciousness are absorbed physical organism and crystallizes into the finest sand found in this gland. But until consciousness enters the body, there is no sand in this gland.”

    In terms of quantum computing, the pineal gland is the physical carrier of the qubits of our quantum computer. With its help, we navigate in the dense objective world, but, since the computer is quantum, we can “look” into the subtle levels of reality. After the death of our body, the need for a material carrier of qubits disappears - we no longer need to perceive dense planes of reality, so we can safely leave dense qubits in our mortal remains. But their quantum “cast” continues to exist, taking with it what was developed in the dense world. To perceive subtle levels, fine structures alone are sufficient, and in this case, the quantum halos of once dense qubits act as the physical basis of our quantum computer. Consciousness continues to function according to approximately the same principles as before, but is localized only at the quantum levels of reality - there is already its own “brain sand” and its own “crystals” hydroxyapatite».

    Not only people, but also animals have “brain sand”. It’s likely that their quantum computer is just more primitive and has an earlier version of the “operating system.”

    The proposed hypothesis about a quantum computer in the brain can be developed in various directions, both classical, such as the creation of artificial intelligence, and esoteric - here it is appropriate to talk, for example, about the possibility of transferring the process of teaching esoteric techniques to more accessible language in terms of programming a quantum computer. Quantum computer programming clubs are already being created on the Internet.

    An interesting option for how to control a quantum computer in our brain is the method of V. M. Bronnikov’s school for turning on a “biocomputer”. This is a kind of “monitor” that can be connected to a quantum computer in the head and which allows you to manage its quantum resources. Moreover, on the “internal screen” you can even organize a familiar interface like the Windows desktop with icons for launching individual “programs” - just like on a regular personal computer.

    By the quantum resource of a computer, as is customary, here I mean a non-local quantum resource, that is, the ability of a computer to manipulate the entangled states of qubits both among themselves and with the environment (control decoherence). In our normal state of consciousness, we use only the classical resources of our “head computer”. But you can also use quantum resources. There are many ways and options for their practical application. The biocomputer is just one of them, the most technologically advanced and closest to ours. to the usual look on computer.

    If you familiarize yourself with the method of its activation* and practical application, you can be convinced that the work of the biocomputer is connected with the pineal gland of the brain. At the first stage, before turning on the quantum computer, it is necessary to acquire stable skills in forming a clot of energy in the tailbone, learn to lift it up the spine and “splash out” this flow of energy through the eyes (exercise “Energy surge”). Then you can start turning on the “inner vision screen”.

    * See the exercises “Energy surge” and “Turning on the screen of internal vision” in the methods of the Bronnikov school:

    Here is a description of this exercise:

    “The student is asked, with his eyes closed, to imagine (form) a white dot on a dark background, expand the dot into a horizontal line, then expand this line vertically into the screen. All operations are initially performed at the command of the teacher.

    In the following lessons, at the command “turn on the biocomputer,” students carry out the program for turning on the screen independently. The switching process lasts 3-5 seconds. After finishing working with the screen, it is turned off in the reverse order of turning it on. For children, turning on, off and working with the screen is very easy. Adults manage this with difficulty; for some of them the screen does not appear at all, which may indicate relatively low brain activity or the presence of insurmountable psychological barriers or attitudes.

    When the screen appears, it becomes possible to use the imagination to obtain vivid pictures, animate them, record the necessary information, etc.”

    To turn on the biocomputer, you need those same “energy bursts” that were mentioned just above. They are necessary to form the “white dot”. That is, the upward energy flow is a “trigger”, a kind of “button” that must be pressed in order to send a “signal to the monitor”. Energy bursts are also required to turn off the “monitor”.

    So, in order to switch to the quantum mode of operation of our brain computer, we need to form a flow of energy moving along the spine from bottom to top (something similar to the raising of Kundalini in Indian Kundalini yoga). Since the pineal gland is located above the spinal column, we can say that we place it in the external field. There is an analogy here with NMR methods and, in particular, with the practical implementation of a quantum computer, when a quantum “processor” (in Isaac Chuang’s experiment, a test tube with liquid) is placed in an external magnetic field.

    But the analogy with NMR does not end there. Read the following excerpt from the already mentioned book by Manly P. Hall:

    “The pituitary gland is the negative pole, but plays an important role in spiritual consciousness.<...>Possessing feminine polarity, the pituitary gland acts as a constant temptress. In Egyptian myth, Isis, possessing the qualities of the pituitary gland, uses her charms to induce the supreme sun god Ra (symbolizing the pineal gland) to reveal his secret name, which he eventually does. The corresponding physiological process is worthy of more detailed consideration.

    The pituitary gland begins to glow subtly. Slightly flickering rings of light begin to emanate from it, gradually extinguishing at a short distance from the gland. As occult development proceeds, due to a proper understanding of the relevant laws, the rings surrounding the pituitary gland become brighter. Their distribution is uneven: they lengthen towards the side of the pituitary gland that faces the third ventricle and widen, forming elegant parabolas, towards the pineal gland. Gradually, as the flow intensifies, they come closer to the slumbering eye of Shiva, coloring the pineal gland golden orange and gently moving it. Under the influence of the gentle warmth and radiance of the fire of the pituitary gland, the divine egg begins to tremble and move; the majestic mystery of occult unfolding is being accomplished.<...>

    The pineal gland is the link between human consciousness and the invisible worlds of Nature. Whenever the pituitary vault comes into contact with this gland, a person experiences a brief flash of clairvoyance, but in order to achieve coordinated work of these organs, many years of dedicated physiological and biological preparation of a special kind are required.”

    What’s surprising is that this is a classic NMR scheme! Most often, an additional alternating magnetic field directed perpendicular to a constant external field is used to observe magnetic resonance.

    The line connecting the pituitary gland and the epiphysis lies quite close to the plane perpendicular to the line of the spine. The pituitary gland thus plays the role of a coil that is perpendicular to the external magnetic field in classical NMR.

    One more point: in NMR they try to use the strongest possible external field, since this increases the resonance signal, that is, a more accurate, detailed picture is obtained. This principle is valid for a biocomputer and similar methods for opening the “Third Eye”, that is, in order to see a clear “picture”, you need to be able to create a sufficiently powerful flow of energy. But it is not the absolute value of the magnetic field that is of decisive importance, but its gradient (within the pineal gland), however, the larger the field itself, the better. Naturally, we are talking only about an analogy. What can be common with NMR here is only the basic diagram, at least in its most general terms. Brain sand has a complex layered structure, and the role of qubits can be played, for example, by individual layers of these deposits - then magnetic fields with a strong gradient will not be needed, and “energy bursts” will be quite sufficient.

    And the crystals themselves hydroxyapatite in our body are not ideal - they contain inclusions, for example, metal ions, which give them different color shades. It is still difficult to talk about the role and significance of these inclusions. If we were dealing with physics and a quantum computer on single crystals hydroxyapatite calcium, then any inhomogeneities and foreign inclusions would only complicate the task. Even if there was an ideal crystal, it would be necessary to “uncouple” the 31 P - 1 H interactions, which, however, is quite easy to do. And the interactions of protons with isotopes 43 Ca and 17 O, which have magnetic moments, can be neglected due to their low percentage in natural compounds (43 Ca - 0.145% and 17 O - 0.037%).

    But this is physics, which requires the ability not only to conduct experiments, but also to quantitatively describe what is happening using theoretical models. A large number of parameters only complicates the description and conduct of experiments. They usually start with the simplest situations, and then they can “screw up” and look for more effective solutions.

    And when it comes to biology, who knows... We don’t need a mathematical model in our head for the operation of our quantum computer. It was not designed by us. Although I have hope that someday we will understand the basic principles of its operation.

    Indirect evidence also supports the idea that the quantum computer in our brain works in a similar way to NMR. For example, the effect of alternating magnetic fields on the pineal gland has been noted, which is being studied quite intensively due to interest in melatonin, which is produced there. And these experiments confirm that the pineal gland is one of magnetically sensitive organs in our body*. There are a lot of publications on this topic in the West. The article named in the footnote** contains a large list of literature on this topic.

    * Temuryants N., Shekhotkin A., Nasilevich V. Magnetic sensitivity epiphysis. Biophysics. T . 43. Issue. 5. 1998. C . 761-765;

    ** Pfluger D. H, Minder C. E. Effects of exposure to 16.7 Hz magnetic fields on urinary 6-hydroxymelatonin sulfate excretion of Swiss railway workers. J. Pineal Res. 1996 Sep; 21(2):91-100,

    The analogy with NMR can be very useful and productive for understanding the basic principles of the operation of a quantum computer in the brain. It is no coincidence that the first experiments on the practical implementation of a quantum computer were carried out using NMR methods - today this is not only a strong experimental base, but also powerful theoretical methods, which make it possible to describe spin dynamics and explain the essence of ongoing processes using simple models. By the way, I can recommend a large review article* in Rev. Mod. Phys., dedicated to modern NMR methods as applied to quantum computing. One of its authors is the same I. Chuang, who is famous for the creator of the first prototypes of quantum computers. Ultimately, these methods may not be used in industrial designs of a quantum computer. However, due to the fact that NMR methods are very well formalized, they are an excellent model example of the theoretical foundations of quantum computing.
    * Vandersypen L. M. K., Chuang I. L. NMR techniques for quantum control and computation, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76 , 1037, (2004).

    Crystals hydroxyapatite As a model basis for a quantum computer in the brain, they are good because they have a theoretical description of a specific quantum computing mechanism that allows one to simulate the operation of a crystal as a carrier of quantum memory registers (qubits). Moreover, the theoretical modeling is quite simple - quasi-one-dimensional structure hydroskiapatite Calcium makes it possible to reduce the problem to a linear chain of interacting nuclear spins (qubits); theoretical methods for describing such one-dimensional systems in NMR are well developed.

    By and large, any quasi-closed system of interacting subsystems can be considered a quantum computer. There is only one small “but” - in order to purposefully use the nonlocal quantum resources of such a system, you need to be able to manage quantum correlations between its subsystems. There is a distant analogy here with esoteric practice - in order to use our magical abilities, we must be able to control our quantum correlations with the environment, interactions at subtle energy levels, that is, “conduct” energy information flows.

    For example, if you take a specific system, say water (or ice crystals), then it is impossible to isolate qubits in it, much less indicate a method that allows you to selectively manipulate them. Although the non-local correlations inherent in water (its informational properties) undoubtedly play a very significant role in our lives, as well as in life on Earth in general.

    But in the case of hydroxyapatite calcium, it is clear what and how needs to be done for this crystal to work as a quantum computer. Therefore, even as a model system, it can provide a lot for understanding the physical foundations of the work of consciousness. The simplest thing is to imagine that we have an ideal single crystal inserted “in our forehead” instead of the pineal gland hydroxyapatite, and, therefore, it is already possible to simulate the work of consciousness using approaches used in quantum computing.

    Within the framework of the proposed hypothesis, it is also interesting to analyze the following question: what happens to a person whose epiphysis is removed? Such operations are carried out in the presence of a malignant tumor. How do patients behave after surgery? On the Internet I have come across descriptions of cases where, after removal of the epiphysis, people experience the so-called “bi-placement”. Here is one such description*:

    “I have seen many neurosurgical patients who had their epiphysis removed due to a tumor. They classically demonstrate virtual “bi-location”, in which they exist simultaneously in dream reality and in the present. They exist in a vivid dream state while they are conscious, and can alternate these two states of your consciousness. When testing these patients, it is revealed that their orientation in “this” reality is somewhat different from the norm and may seem a little strange to the casual observer. Interestingly, these patients exhibit a completely fixed gaze with little discernible eye movement. And what’s even more curious is that when they move in “this” reality, they move the same distance in the “other” reality. One gentleman, whom I helped to get to the bathroom, stopped halfway and for some time could not go further due to the fact that in his “other” reality he was at the races, and the place where we were in the hospital corridor was simultaneously perceived by him as track boundary. We did not move until the path was clear of horses that could have knocked him down.”

    Here I see an analogy with a broken quantum computer, when the ability to select a suitable “picture” of perception from a superposition state is lost, and they remain superimposed on each other. But at the same time, the human body is a fairly reliable system, and many of its basic functions are duplicated, so removal of the pineal gland does not lead to a total “turn off” of the quantum computer (our consciousness). Crystals hydroxyapatite is present not only in the pineal gland, but also in the surrounding tissues; in general, there is quite a lot of it in our body. And the quantum “cast” of the pineal gland continues to remain in place, connected by non-local correlations with other functioning parts of the system. Therefore, our quantum computer does not turn off, but continues to work, it is only sometimes " buggy“, but these failures according to the symptoms of “bi-placement” themselves clearly testify in favor of the quantum hypothesis with its superposition of states of perception. By analogy with a quantum computer, this “failure” can be represented in this way: we carry out quantum calculations, but we cannot output the result, we cannot decohere it on dense qubits and see what happened. There are simply no dense qubits, the pineal gland is removed - the result is not transferred to a material medium, it cannot be “read” by other material structures of the brain as perceptual information about the objective bodies around us. In the best case, in place of the pineal gland, its quantum halo remains - subtle energy structure, and the brain “reads” information from there, but there is no way to distinguish the subtle “ghost reality” from the real one - both perception pictures are contained in the subtle structure. The brain is not able to choose the one that belongs to the dense world, since there are no dense carriers of this information from where it can be read.

    Since the pineal gland and the medullary sand play such an important role in our brain computer, it makes sense to take a closer look at the medical research in this area. For this purpose, the article by I. V. Syaesk “Brain sand of the human pineal gland” * is well suited, which contains all the basic information about the structure of the pineal gland and the composition of brain sand.

    * Syaesk I.V. Brain sand of the human pineal gland // Scientific and practical bulletin: Man in the social world: problems, research, prospects. Vol. 1/2001 (No. 5). P. 44.

    A number of modern researchers have proven that deposits of brain sand in the pineal gland are the result of metabolic activity of pinealocytes, and not a pathological process during which calcification occurs necrotic gland tissue, as was previously thought for a long time. A decrease in the formation of brain sand is associated with a variety of diseases, while an increase in its amount does not indicate a specific pathological condition.

    Research has shown that brain sand grains of varying sizes and densities occur among both pinealocytes (the cells of the pineal gland) and arachnoid cells (the cells of the choroid). The increase in the size of sand grains in areas of calcification occurs through appositional growth. The sand grains are surrounded by collagen fibers and form concentric layers of varying densities. In these layers, needle-shaped structures similar to crystals were found hydroxyapatite.

    These irregularly shaped multi-layered concentric deposits of the pineal gland contain:

    1) hydroxyapatite Ca 5 (PO 4 ) 3 OH;

    2) calcium phosphate Ca 3 (PO 4) 2;

    3) calcium hydrogen phosphate Ca 3 (PO 4 ) 2 H 2 O;

    4) carbonate apatite CaCO 3 OH;

    5) calcite CaCO 3 .

    In addition to this inorganic component, there is also an organic one, which has two components: hormonal (this includes more than 10 hormones of the pineal gland) and non-hormonal (in the structure of the membranes and cytoplasmic matrix of pinealocyte cells). Hormonal component of the organic component of brain sand: indolamines - melatonin, serotonin; tryptophan derivatives - 5-hydroxytryptopol, 5-methoxytryptamine, 5-methoxytryptopol, norepinephrine, adrenoglomerulotropin; peptides - arginine, vasotocin, pinoline, thyrotropin releasing factor.

    The combination of organic and inorganic components of brain sand gives it great strength, comparable to the strength of steel.

    Properties of pinealocytes due to their ability to form the inorganic component of brain sand in the form of crystal deposits hydroxyapatites and calcium hydrogen phosphate cannot be considered specific. Similar processes—deposition of the above-mentioned compounds—occur in other somatic cells of the body under physiological conditions, both intracellularly (in mitochondria and lysosomes) and extracellularly ( glycosaminoglycans, collagen fibers). The etiology of this process is unknown. According to I. V. Syaesk, the formation of the inorganic component of brain sand cannot be considered separately from the process occurring in the body, known as “calcification” - these are links in a single process, the function and significance of which have not been thoroughly studied modern science. Inorganic deposits in the form hydroxyapatites, carbonapatites, calcium phosphate arise as a result physiological processes in the vascular ventricles of the brain, bone tissue, dentin and tooth enamel, etc. They also occur in pathological processes: in atherosclerotic plaques and heart valves in the early stages of atherosclerosis, in osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis.

    Quantum physics has radically changed our understanding of the world. According to quantum physics, we can influence the rejuvenation process with our consciousness!

    Why is this possible?From the point of view of quantum physics, our reality is a source of pure potential, a source of raw materials from which our body, our mind and the entire Universe are composed. The universal energy and information field never ceases to change and transform, turning into something new every second.

    In the 20th century, during physics experiments with subatomic particles and photons, it was discovered that the fact of observing the experiment changes its results. What we focus our attention on can react.

    This fact is confirmed by a classic experiment that surprises scientists every time. It was repeated in many laboratories and the same results were always obtained.

    For this experiment, a light source and a screen with two slits were prepared. The light source was a device that “shot” photons in the form of single pulses.

    The progress of the experiment was monitored. After the end of the experiment, two vertical stripes were visible on the photographic paper that was located behind the slits. These are traces of photons that passed through the cracks and illuminated the photographic paper.

    When this experiment was repeated automatically, without human intervention, the picture on the photographic paper changed:

    If the researcher turned on the device and left, and after 20 minutes the photographic paper was developed, then not two, but many vertical stripes were found on it. These were traces of radiation. But the drawing was different.

    The structure of the trace on photographic paper resembled the trace of a wave that passed through the slits. Light can exhibit the properties of a wave or a particle.

    As a result of the simple fact of observation, the wave disappears and turns into particles. If you do not observe, a trace of the wave appears on the photographic paper. This physical phenomenon is called the “Observer Effect”.

    The same results were obtained with other particles. The experiments were repeated many times, but each time they surprised scientists. Thus, it was discovered that at the quantum level, matter reacts to human attention. This was new in physics.

    According to the concepts of modern physics, everything materializes from the void. This emptiness is called the “quantum field”, “zero field” or “matrix”. The void contains energy that can be converted into matter.

    Matter consists of concentrated energy - it is fundamental discovery physics of the 20th century.

    There are no solid parts in an atom. Objects are made of atoms. But why are objects solid? A finger placed against a brick wall does not go through it. Why? This is due to differences in the frequency characteristics of atoms and electrical charges. Each type of atom has its own vibration frequency. This determines the differences physical properties items. If it were possible to change the vibration frequency of the atoms that make up the body, then a person would be able to walk through walls. But the vibrational frequencies of the atoms of the hand and the atoms of the wall are close. Therefore, the finger rests against the wall.

    For any type of interaction, frequency resonance is necessary.

    This is easy to understand with a simple example. If you shine a flashlight on a stone wall, the light will be blocked by the wall. However, cell phone radiation will easily pass through this wall. It's all about the differences in frequencies between the radiation of a flashlight and a mobile phone. While you are reading this text, streams of a wide variety of radiation are passing through your body. This is cosmic radiation, radio signals, signals from millions of mobile phones, radiation coming from the earth, solar radiation, radiation created by household appliances, etc.

    You don't feel it because you can only see light and hear only sound. Even if you sit in silence with your eyes closed, millions of telephone conversations, pictures of television news and radio messages pass through your head. You do not perceive this, because there is no frequency resonance between the atoms that make up your body and the radiation. But if there is resonance, then you react immediately. For example, when you remember a loved one who just thought about you. Everything in the universe obeys the laws of resonance.

    The world consists of energy and information. Einstein, after much thought about the structure of the world, said: “The only reality existing in the universe is the field.” Just as waves are a creation of the sea, all manifestations of matter: organisms, planets, stars, galaxies are creations of the field.

    The question arises: how is matter created from a field? What force controls the movement of matter?

    The scientists' research led them to an unexpected answer. The creator of quantum physics, Max Planck, said the following during his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize:

    “Everything in the Universe is created and exists thanks to force. We must assume that behind this force there is a conscious mind, which is the matrix of all matter."


    At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, new ideas appeared in theoretical physics that make it possible to explain the strange properties of elementary particles. Particles can appear from the void and suddenly disappear. Scientists admit the possibility of the existence of parallel universes. Perhaps particles move from one layer of the universe to another. Celebrities such as Stephen Hawking, Edward Witten, Juan Maldacena, Leonard Susskind are involved in the development of these ideas.

    According to the concepts of theoretical physics, the Universe resembles a nesting doll, which consists of many nesting dolls - layers. These are variants of universes - parallel worlds. The ones next to each other are very similar. But the further the layers are from each other, the less similarity there is between them. Theoretically, in order to move from one universe to another, spaceships are not required. All possible options are located one within the other. These ideas were first expressed by scientists in the mid-20th century. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, they received mathematical confirmation. Today, such information is easily accepted by the public. However, a couple of hundred years ago, for such statements one could be burned at the stake or declared crazy.

    Everything arises from emptiness. Everything is in motion. Objects are an illusion. Matter is made up of energy. Everything is created by thought. These discoveries of quantum physics contain nothing new. All this was known to the ancient sages. Many mystical teachings, which were considered secret and were accessible only to initiates, said that there is no difference between thoughts and objects.Everything in the world is filled with energy. The universe reacts to thought. Energy follows attention.

    What you focus your attention on begins to change. These thoughts are given in various formulations in the Bible, ancient Gnostic texts, in mystical teachings that arose in India and South America. The builders of the ancient pyramids guessed this. This knowledge is the key to new technologies that are used today to control reality.

    Our body is a field of energy, information and intelligence, in a state of constant dynamic exchange with the environment. The impulses of the mind constantly, every second, give the body new forms to adapt to the changing demands of life.

    From the point of view of quantum physics, our physical body, under the influence of our mind, is capable of making a quantum leap from one biological age to another, without passing through all the intermediate ages. published

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

    © Fotolia, Andrea Danti

    Quantum computer in the human brain?

    20 years ago, mathematician Roger Penrose and anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff laid the foundations for a theory of how the human brain and consciousness work. One of its elements implied the existence of quantum states that resist decoherence in internal structure neurons. In a recent article about their theory, scientists claim that they were able to find compelling arguments in favor of this hypothesis. However, although both of them are highly respected in scientific circles, their proposals are still viewed with great skepticism.

    Almost 20 years ago, the great mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose published a book that was the result of his reflections on the nature of mind and consciousness. Also, in this piece called Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness, he talked about a number of ideas that were proposed in the 1980s by anesthesiologist Stuart Hameroff. In particular, it stated that Gödel's incompleteness theorem contradicted the conclusions of Alan Turing's work on artificial intelligence: the point is that calculations on a sufficiently complex machine can lead to the emergence of a conscious human mind.

    According to Penrose, Gödel's results implied that human intelligence and consciousness could not be reduced to calculation. Thus, he joined the camp of those who believe that the “hard problem of consciousness,” as Australian philosopher David Chalmers put it, cannot be solved by reducing consciousness to the execution of certain algorithms. In other words, although we can associate a mathematical structure with the perception of sound or color, it cannot be reduced to this very structure and calculation, just as simulating a star, a cyclone, or an electromagnetic wave on a computer does not create these objects in reality. Moreover, like other scientists before him (Einstein, Schrödinger and Bell), Penrose thereby expressed his dissatisfaction with the current state of quantum physics.

    New quantum physics

    As is known, in quantum mechanics the probability amplitude of a physical system (otherwise it is also called the vector of the wave function) changes in a clearly defined way, since it is controlled by only one law: the Schrödinger equation. However, when we need to measure some physical quantity of a system, such as the location of an electron or its spin, the second law also comes into play, causing the wave function to change in an abrupt and uncertain way. All this is a little reminiscent of how an attempt to establish the presence of a certain note in a musical passage in the form of spherical sound waves diverging around the piano would lead to the disappearance of all other notes except one, which was chosen according to the law of probability.

    It would take several books to cover all the problems raised by what physicists call “wave packet reduction”: it is closely related to the introduction of probability amplitudes and simply the laws of probability in quantum physics. In particular, it led to the emergence of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox and the Schrödinger's cat paradox. As Penrose describes the situation in detail in the book, he acknowledges the validity of the theory of decoherence regarding the paradox of Schrödinger's cat, he believes (and he is not alone in this) that the problem has not yet been completely solved.

    In his opinion, we need some new physics (as a consequence of a quantum theory of gravity, which standard quantum mechanics must give only approximate values) if we really want to solve all the puzzles and overcome all the difficulties that some aspects of quantum theory pose for us. Moreover, this new physics must contain mathematical elements that cannot be reduced to algorithms, as Penrose's perception of Gödel's theorem suggests. Finally, it could shed light on the difficult problem of consciousness.

    Quantum cellular automata in neurons

    Based on the results of such reflections, which he presented in a slightly abbreviated version in the book “The New Mind of the King. About computers, thinking and the laws of physics" (The Emperor's New Mind. Concerning Computers, Minds and The Laws of Physics), Penrose turned to Stuart Hameroff. He talked about these attempts as a biologist and anesthesiologist: thereby he tried to understand the work of the brain and the physical basis of consciousness. Having joined forces, scientists proposed the following theory.

    They took as a basis the statement that most of the work of our brain is perfectly explained using the laws of classical physics, in particular, at the level of the connectome, that is, neural connections. However, something new appears at the level of synaptic connections. These connections are heavily influenced by structures found in the cytoskeleton of neurons: microtubules. They are something like fibers that consist of tubulin dimers (these proteins have a dipole moment). According to Penrose and Hameroff, these polarizing proteins turn microtubules into something like cellular automata, capable of storing qubits and performing calculations beyond those typically attributed to a neural network. If this is true, then the information processing capabilities of the human brain are much higher than is commonly believed today. In addition, this further delays the prospect of creating a sufficiently powerful computer that would be able to correctly simulate its operation.

    Are microtubules quantum computers?

    In addition, and in a major criticism in the scientific community, Penrose and Hameroff stated that microtubules could be efficient quantum computers, although decoherence theory states that this is not possible. Brain cells and microtubules are too hot and too exposed to ambient noise to allow long quantum calculations. In other words, even if we go down to the level of tibulins, the objects we have to deal with are still too hot and large to exhibit quantum properties.

    Be that as it may, Penrose and Hameroff replied that we cannot be sure of anything here. We know that at the macroscopic level, objects can exhibit quantum behavior, which manifests itself in properties such as superconductivity and superfluidity (so far we are really talking only about extremely low temperatures, but in the future scientists hope to create superconductors that could work at normal conditions). In addition, we know that the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen effect actually works despite the distance of several meters between quantum systems. Signs of quantum coherence are also characteristic of biological systems and have been observed in them at low temperatures for several years. In particular, this applies to photosynthesis. It is possible that evolution managed to circumvent the obstacle of quantum decoherence.

    Shadows of Mind Physics

    There is one even more controversial hypothesis in the theory of Penrose and Hameroff. If quantum calculations are indeed carried out in microtubules, they are under the influence of quantum gravity, which in turn involves processes that are inconsistent with the Penrose calculation outside of traditional quantum mechanics. In particular, this happens at the level of wave packet reduction when measuring data with the so-called objective reduction.

    According to Penrose (as, indeed, Einstein, and such recognized physicists as John Bell and Gerard "t Hooft), the quantum physics at our disposal at the moment can become only a partial (albeit very effective in practice) solution to problems quantization of energy and wave-particle dualism. Thus, at a deeper level of reality, there is a physics of consciousness still unknown to us (it includes classical quantum theory): at the moment we see only its shadow in the connectome and microtubules. As the existence of a spatial Just as the physics of the mind becomes truly perceptible when we approach the speed of light and intense gravitational fields, the physics of the mind only reveals itself when we consider very complex objects.

    Scientific speculation and pseudoscience

    As you can easily guess, here we come to the very heights of scientific speculation, where the risk of getting lost among metaphysical and non-scientific considerations is especially great. Moreover, as we all know, some famous scientists like John Hagelin and Nobel Prize winner Brian Josephson are now using only pseudoscience when trying to approach the problem of the physical basis of consciousness.

    The hypotheses of Penrose and Hameroff are today perceived very critically in the scientific community, but they do not believe that these specialists have crossed the forbidden red line. Rather, it seems that their proposals are on a par with Schrödinger’s thoughts in his famous book “What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell (What is Life? The Physical Aspect of the Living Cell) 1944: His theories helped pioneers of molecular biology advance to the discovery of DNA.

    Signs of quantum coherence in microtubules

    Last year, Penrose and Khmeroff published a paper in Physics of Life Reviews about their theory of the origin of consciousness. The magazine published several articles commenting on and criticizing their theory, as well as their responses. Be that as it may, it is regrettable to see among these articles the publication of the famous American doctor Deepak Chopra, who was noted for more than chaotic theories. However, the most surprising thing is that Penrose and Hameroff are now talking about signs of quantum coherence in microtubules. In this they are based on the work of Indian specialist Anirban Bandyopadhyay, who has been studying microtubules for several years together with colleagues from the National Institute of Materials Science in Tsukuba, Japan.

    Penrose and Hameroff's papers are truly puzzling because only extensive knowledge of quantum physics, neurobiology, and solid state physics would allow them to pinpoint exactly what to believe in the theoretical constructs they put forward. It is difficult to say whether we are witnessing the first major steps towards a change in the scientific paradigm (comparable in scale to the revolution in biology in the 1940s) or whether we are simply talking about many failed attempts by brilliant scientists to demystify the relationship between mind and matter. In any case, Penrose and Hameroff are clearly following in the footsteps of Schrödinger, Pauli, Wigner and Linde in physics and Alfred Whitehead and Karl Popper in philosophy. Hopefully, work in quantum computing will help us expand our understanding of these issues in the coming decades.

    The reasoning of Penrose and Hameroff provides food for thought, but we still remain at the stage of working hypotheses that need to be developed and tested in practice (both scientists, by the way, are not trying to deny this fact at all). Now they resemble tightrope walkers who are trying not to fall into the pit of pseudoscientific quantum mysticism and not fall into the trap of fearful positivism, refusing to look for new and dangerous paths in the terra incognita called the physics of the mind.
