Report on self-education in kindergarten. Self-education report (from work experience). We build our self-education using the positive experience of colleagues


Director of the State Educational Institution " high school No. 17 Bobruisk"




about self-education of teachers

State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 17 of Bobruisk"

  1. General provisions

Self-education is a multi-component, personally and professionally significant independent cognitive activity of a teacher, which includes general education, subject, psychological, pedagogical and methodological self-education.

The essence of self-education is the teacher’s mastery of the technology and culture of mental work, the ability to optimally solve problems, and independently work on one’s own professionalism to improve performance. pedagogical activity, manifested in qualitative changes personal development students.

Self-education is a specially organized independent systematic activity aimed at achieving certain personally and socially significant goals, satisfying cognitive interests, general cultural and professional needs and increasing professional competence.

2. Goals of self-education

Self-education is the basis for improving the professional level of a teacher. The main common goals are educational process teachers are:

  • increasing the level of psychological and pedagogical education;
  • deepening theoretical knowledge in the taught disciplines;
  • increasing the level of methodological skills;
  • searching for ways to improve the quality of education;
  • optimization of forms and methods of training;
  • increasing the cultural level and erudition of the teacher;
  • realization of creative potential.

In the process of a teacher’s work on self-education, goals and objectives are specified depending on the chosen topic and stage.

3. Contents of work on self-education and criteria for choosing the direction of self-education

Individual self-educational activities allow the teacher to determine the content and methods of work depending on his individual characteristics, methodological requests and specific conditions of activity. However, the formation of self-education content by each teacher depends on the problem that the teaching staff of the educational institution is working on, the methodological association and the individual problem in the teacher’s work.

4. Algorithm for organizing self-educational activities of a teacher:

1) self-diagnosis, problem analysis professional activity, recording problems and their causes;

2) conscious decision-making about the need professional development, self-determination based on analysis of teaching activities, professional needs, motives, goals;

3) updating the problem field of self-education;

4) determining the strategy and tactics of self-development, choosing a topic, developing a plan, selecting forms and methods of working on the topic;

5) implementation of the self-education plan; accumulation and systematization of both theoretical and practical material on this topic;

6) demonstration of accumulated material (presentation, invitation to a creative laboratory, exhibition, report, series of open lessons, publications in pedagogical periodicals);

7) adjusting the progress of the plan, its content (if necessary);

8) self-analysis and self-assessment in the process and following the results of the implementation of the plan;

9) determining the paths of creative growth: choice new topic self-education, setting goals, formulating tasks, choosing areas of activity.

5. Stages of work on the topic and deadlines for implementation

Stages of self-education work:

  • diagnostic and theoretical;
  • practical;
  • generalizing.

The period of work on a self-education topic is up to 3 years.

6. Design of self-education materials

Self-education materials are filed in a separate folder or are one of the sections of the portfolio.

Self-education folder sections:

  1. Title page
  2. Planning work on self-education:
    • long-term plan (for 3 years);
    • individual plan for the current academic year.
  3. Theoretical part (not photocopies) various articles from magazines and other sources, and material systematized by the teacher with refraction through his subject: an essay, report or speech at the Moscow Region, teacher council on this issue).
  4. Study of effective teaching experience (includes the development of different teachers on a given topic or problem with an indication of the author);
  5. Practical part (personal methodological developments teachers within the framework of the topic of self-education, designed accordingly: title page etc.)
  6. Creative report on the topic of self-education.

6. Forms of work on self-education

The most effective forms of self-education are consultations, conversations, open lessons and events, problem seminars, workshops, round tables, methodological dialogues, panoramas of experience, presentations.

Individual forms of work:

  • work with literature;
  • studying effective teaching experience;
  • analysis of own activities, etc.
  1. Forms for summing up the results of self-education work

Forms for summing up the work on the topic of self-education are:

  • creating a list of information sources;
  • presentation of messages;
  • lectures;
  • discussions;
  • open lessons and their discussion;
  • exhibitions of lesson developments and extracurricular activities;
  • festivals of pedagogical excellence;
  • creative report;
  • presentation;
  • self-analysis of pedagogical activity.
  1. Control over self-education work

Participants in administrative control over self-education are the school director and his deputies for educational and educational work. The administration of the educational institution controls the timely selection of the topic of work, the preparation of long-term and individual plans. Leaders of methodological associations of subject teachers monitor the stages of implementation of plans.


at a meeting of the methodological

state council

educational institutions

"Secondary school No. 17 of Bobruisk"

Protocol No. 1


Long-term plan for self-education

for 20_- 20_

FULL NAME. teachers ________________________________________________

Teaching experience _________________________________________________

Education __________________________________________________

(specify educational institution, year of graduation)

(indicate category, year of assignment)

Advanced training courses (indicate the topic, where they took place, date):



Self-education topic



When did work on the topic begin?


When is it planned to complete work on the topic?


The purpose of self-education:



Whose experience is planned to be studied on this topic, creative collaboration on the topic



Stages of work

The content of the work


Practical solution


Practical stage

Generalization stage

Individual plan for self-education

for ______/_____ academic year

teachers ______________________________________________________________






Report ________________________________________________________











Approximate definition and formulation of tasks at each stage of self-education work

The first year of work on the topic of self-education

(diagnostic-theoretical stage)


  • analyze the results of teaching activities and identify problems;
  • determine the topic of self-education based on self-diagnosis;
  • plan self-education activities;
  • study and systematize theoretical material on the topic of self-education;
  • analyze the practical experience of colleagues on the stated problem;
  • develop criteria that determine the effectiveness of self-education activities;
  • test in practice certain methodological techniques, etc.;
  • systematize theoretical material (in the form of an abstract);
  • prepare a report;

Second year of work on the topic of self-education

(practical stage)


  • continue to master individual techniques and technology strategies...
  • adapt theoretical material to specific situation(class, subject);
  • develop lesson notes and conduct them;
  • develop questionnaires and diagnose student performance;
  • carry out creative collaboration with colleagues who work on this topic;
  • prepare a report;
  • take part in methodological events related to the topic of self-education (master class, seminars, conferences, etc.).

Third year of work on the topic of self-education

(generalizing stage)


  • create your own developments in line with the chosen topic;
  • develop and conduct open lessons;
  • systematize materials on the topic of self-education;
  • conduct a final diagnosis of student performance;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of the application...
  • prepare a final report on the topic of self-education with conclusions and recommendations for other teachers;
  • take part in methodological events related to the topic of self-education (master class, seminars, conferences, etc.).

Report on the work done on self-education

  • justification for choosing the topic;
  • purpose and objectives of work on the topic, deadlines;
  • analysis of the state of the issue based on information sources of available experience in solving the problem;
  • what system of measures is provided (or implemented) for the teacher to solve the problem in specific conditions;
  • what is the expected result and the form of its presentation.

Information about attending lessons and teaching events of colleagues




Form of conduct


Accounting for speeches on the topic of self-education



Where was the performance heard?


Analysis of performance based on the results of teacher self-diagnosis


Criteria for the effectiveness of self-education

  1. The topic meets the needs of the teacher and is problematic in nature.
  2. The plan is well drawn up (the goal is correctly defined, tasks are set, there is a procedural and substantive component).
  3. There is a scientific validity of the plan.
  4. The effectiveness of teaching activities in this direction has been determined.
  5. The significance and prospects of pedagogical work are traced.
  6. There is a positive trend in student performance results.
  7. The teacher's interest in continuing self-education is obvious.
  8. The teaching council has shown interest in this topic.
  9. The ability for creative activity in solving assigned problems is visible.
  10. Social (ability to take responsibility for the activities of others), psychological (understanding of the role of self-education) competence is formed.
  11. The ability to use information technology in one’s work develops.

Forms and methods of managing teacher self-education by the administration of an educational institution:

  1. Submitting issues related to self-education to pedagogical councils, methodological council meetings, and methodological associations of subject teachers. Systematic explanation of the role of self-educational work, organization of presentations by teachers on the exchange of experience.
  2. Individual conversations between school leaders and teachers about the main areas of self-education.
  3. Acquisition and replenishment library fund literature on issues of self-education and self-improvement, as well as new products in psychological and pedagogical literature.
  4. Conducting series of lectures, group and individual consultations, seminars, etc.
  5. Summing up the results of the teacher’s self-educational activities, defining tasks and content for the new school year.


to identify the teacher’s ability for self-development

When answering the “questionnaire surveys, please give points according tocorresponding to your opinion: 5 - yes: 4more likely yes than no: 3 - both yes andno: 2 - rather no:I- No.

1. I strive to study myself.

2. I leave time for my development.

3. Obstacles that arise stimulate my activity.

4. I seek feedback because it helps me learn and evaluate myself.

5. I reflect on my activities, setting aside special time for this.

6. I analyze my feelings and experiences.

7. I read a lot.

8. I widely discuss issues that interest me.

9. I believe in my abilities.

10. I strive to be a more open person.

11. I am aware of the influence that the people around me have on me.

12. I manage my professional development and achieve positive results.

13. I enjoy learning new things.

14. Increasing responsibility does not frighten me.

15. I have a positive attitude towards promotion at work.

16. I subscribe to newspapers.

17. I subscribe to methodological literature.


1. Own inertia.

2. Disappointment as a result of previous failures.

3. Lack of support and assistance from managers.

4. Hostility of others (envy, jealousy, etc.), who do not perceive changes in you and the desire for better.

5. Inadequate Feedback with team members and managers, i.e. lack of information about yourself.

6. State of health.

7. Lack of time.

8. Limited resources, cramped life circumstances.

Stimulating factors

1. School methodological work.

2. Training courses.

3. Example and influence of colleagues.

4. Example and influence of leaders.

5. Organization of work at school.

6. Attention to my problem by managers,

7. Trust.

8. Novelty of the activity, working conditions and the possibility of experimentation.

9. Self-education.

10. Interest in work.

11 Increasing responsibility.

12. Opportunity to gain recognition in the team.

Sample self-analysis plan

professional activities of teachers

1.Formal characteristics: taught academic subjects; classes in which the teacher works; professional category; teaching experience.

2. general characteristics self-education plan for the past period: complete implementation of the substantive component of the plan, solving problems, achieving goals.

3. Analysis of professional and pedagogical effectiveness:

Personal and professional achievements (upgrading the category, participation in innovative activities, methodological decades, professional competitions, scientific and practical conferences, creation of original didactic systems, generalization (self-generalization) of work experience, completion of advanced training courses, publications from work experience, development of personal and professional competencies, etc.);

Student achievements (results of academic performance, effectiveness of participation in olympiads, competitions, scientific and practical conferences, level of personal development, cohesion of the student team, formation of motivation to achieve success, etc.).

4 . Professional and pedagogical training:

Course development and its impact on personal and professional development;

Participation in intercourse work (in work methodological formation, school-wide and extracurricular activities) and its significance in professional development; completeness of implementation of the topic of self-education;

Familiarity with the addresses of effective teaching experience and studying the work experience of colleagues on issues relevant to a given teacher;

Work with scientific, methodological, reference literature;

The importance of interaction with colleagues; external cooperation;

The influence of the conditions created in an educational institution on the self-improvement of professionalism of a teacher (the presence methodological office, reference and methodological literature, classroom; positive moral and psychological climate in the team; level of management culture of members of the administration, etc.);

The influence of personal and professional development on the quality of the educational process.

5. Analysis of professional and pedagogical activities:

Implementation of the educational process (used technologies, techniques, methods, techniques, means);

Differentiation and individualization of the educational process; work with gifted children, with candidates for medals;

Provision of additional educational services (types and forms of work);

Participation in school-wide and extracurricular educational and methodological events;

Activities to improve the work of the classroom;

Management of the process of professional development of colleagues (internship, mentoring, conducting a master class, etc.).

6. Conclusion: what results have been achieved and what contributed to this.

7. Determining prospects for further self-development: goals, objectives, directions and content of activities.

Based on the individual program, the topic of self-education for a specific period of time is determined, and an action plan is developed. The main tasks are “overgrown” with specific content, as well as mechanisms, methods and means of their implementation.

Report on self-education of a kindergarten teacher y - a document containing data on the results of mastering the selected topic, its practical testing and theoretical study. The teacher reads out the information contained in it at a meeting of the teachers' council, necessarily reflecting in it information about:

  • working with methodological literature to improve professional skills;
  • implementation of innovative approaches in practice;
  • held events (master classes, seminars) with the provision of notes and theses;
  • analysis of the work done with reasoned conclusions and generalizations.

Self-education of kindergarten teachers

The current level of development of education requires a rethinking of all methodological techniques and the active inclusion of each teacher in the process of self-education. Teachers, even realizing the importance of professional self-education, do not always have the skills to carry out such activities. They often note a lack of time and motivation, limited resources and special life circumstances that impede professional development. Self-education is needed not only by young professionals, but also by those who have been moved to a new position, as well as experienced educators whose pedagogical tactics require improvement.


Published in the “Directory of a Senior Preschool Teacher” guidelines on self-education of educators, improvement of professional skills and in-depth study of the chosen topic

Download the checklist

As a rule, a list of self-education topics for educators is selected by a methodologist or senior educator. In rare cases, the teacher can independently determine the topic, assessing his own difficulties and gaps in knowledge, choosing perspectives professional growth. It has the right to develop in any direction; it is only sufficient to substantiate the relevance of the topic and its significance for improving the educational process in kindergarten. Thus, teachers often choose as a topic a problem that causes them difficulties, requires additional study, or one of the annual tasks of the kindergarten. Teachers choose a new topic for self-education every year, or expand the one they dealt with last year.

  • Young specialists are often engaged in developing pedagogical skills, mastering a person-centered approach in preschool educational institutions, and developing pedagogical skills and constructive abilities.
  • Experienced teachers with more than 5 years of professional experience consider the design of the educational process, develop skills in working with scientific and methodological literature, the introduction of ICT, theoretical knowledge and creative approach, research skills, and activity design skills.
  • Teachers without special education, as part of self-education, master methods of working with preschoolers and adaptation in the teaching environment.

Schematically, the work of self-education is a sequence of five stages, at each of which the teacher is provided with methodological assistance by senior colleagues and methodologists of the institution.

Stage Activities of the teacher Responsibilities of the senior teacher Results submission form
Diagnostic The teacher realizes the need for self-education, assessing his own level of training. Based on this, he sets goals and objectives, analyzes the difficulties he encounters, formulates the problem, and studies scientific and methodological literature to solve it. The senior teacher diagnoses and analyzes the degree of preparation of a colleague, assesses the teacher’s level of motivation to work on himself. Conducts surveys and interviews. Interview and consultation with the manager, senior teacher.
Prognostic After determining the topic of work, goals and objectives are named, a work plan for self-education is drawn up, as well as methods and techniques necessary to solve the problem. It is mandatory at this stage to predict the results. Consults a colleague, gives him methodological recommendations and advice on choosing and developing a topic for self-education. Speech at pedagogical events DOW.
Practical The teacher in practice uses a set of methods and techniques that he has defined to solve the problem. Selectively analyzes the results obtained and conducts self-assessment of activities. Draws intermediate conclusions based on current results. Provides comprehensive assistance in self-education and helps create the necessary conditions for this. Open classes, performances at pedagogical events of preschool educational institutions.
Generalizing The teacher actively introduces successfully tested skills and knowledge into his practice, publishes manuals, methodological developments, compiles report on self-education of a kindergarten teacher. The teacher’s work on the topic is assessed and analyzed by studying teaching materials, used by the teacher while attending events.

Speech at a meeting of the pedagogical

Implementation The teacher not only uses, but promotes the experience gained, distributing it among colleagues and educators from other preschool educational institutions. A senior colleague helps the teacher correctly document the results of self-education, reviews his work, and advises. Abstract, individual creative report, etc.

Practice shows that the most difficult issues of pedagogical activity for preschool teachers are the theoretical foundations of psychological and pedagogical problems, the ability to plan areas of work, and analyze the results of education, upbringing and development of students obtained in the classroom. That's why thanks self-education report preschool teacher according to Federal State Educational Standards Teachers systematize the work performed, analyze their own achievements and results, so that in the future they can easily rebuild their activities and make adjustments to them.

As a result of work on self-education, the teacher creates specific products:

  • didactic materials, multimedia and interactive aids, materials that can be used for certification or by other teachers to improve the quality of teaching and educational work;
  • notes of seminars, trainings, open classes, master classes, classes and presentations at meetings of the teachers' council;
  • recommendations for improving techniques, methods and forms of working with preschoolers, scenarios, methodological developments, manuals, research, publications in magazines or on the official website of the kindergarten.

Teachers can present the results of self-education in any form, including creative reports, speeches, workshops, open classes, master classes demonstrating the effectiveness of the work done.

Self-education report forms for kindergarten teachers

In addition to the usual report on self-education of a teacher in a preschool educational institution Teachers can, upon completion of work on the chosen topic, present the results of their activities to:

  1. Meetings of the pedagogical council and methodological association. The report can be presented in the form of a presentation using tables, posters, drawings, diagrams and other visual aids.
  2. Trainings are events at which teachers share their experience and skills acquired during the development of the chosen topic. Trainings perform an important educational function, and if they are focused only on the transfer of knowledge, they are called seminars. On seminar classes teachers listen to information on various topics or the chosen issue, and during the trainings they develop pedagogical skills and abilities.
  3. Master classes are one of the forms of demonstrating the results of self-education and disseminating teaching experience through an open presentation or display of achievements. The instructor speaking at the master class presents his work, models practical situations, and uses gaming technologies to master the skill and generalize experience.
  4. Abstracts - form annual report on self-education of preschool teacher, which allows you to briefly summarize the results of the work done and make a concise overview of the methodological literature studied in preparation for the development of the topic. Abstracts with a critical review of the literature and independent research are considered especially valuable. analytical work, reflecting the teacher’s point of view on the problem, his practical experience. It is important that the abstract is descriptive and informative, and not instructive in its presentation of the material.
  5. Articles in journals are one of the forms of reporting for experienced teachers, which allows them to demonstrate and argue the effectiveness of their own development or methodological manual, highlighting the innovation to the teaching community of the city or region so that they can benefit from the results of their colleague’s work.
  6. Notes on self-education from the first person. Not the most popular, but effective form of reporting, which is based on reflection and self-analysis of work on the topic.
  7. School of excellence - suitable for educators with their own methodological and practical experience. The teacher acts as the head of a school of excellence, advises colleagues, explaining the reasons for his actions, the algorithm of the work done, the progress of using certain pedagogical techniques and ways of organizing educational work. The school involves several screenings, before the start of which the teacher asks his colleagues whether his recommendations and developments were useful to them, and whether they managed to implement them into their practice. Three to four students are sufficient for school activities and presentation of the results of self-education work.

In parallel with these forms, to present the results of self-education, kindergarten teachers use pedagogical exhibitions, portfolios, creative laboratories, relay races of excellence, creative workshops, consultations for colleagues and much more.

The most popular form is the creative report, which allows you to:

  • demonstrate fragments of experience accumulated during the work, elements of proven pedagogical technology;
  • hold personal and thematic exhibitions of experience;
  • study business and scientific-methodological literature;
  • analyze the results obtained during an open discussion with the author of the work.

A creative report is a short (10-20 minutes) presentation to colleagues at a meeting of a methodological association or teachers' council. During the preparation of creative self-education report for 2019 for preschool teacher It is important for him to justify the relevance of the work performed, describing the algorithm for obtaining and developing teaching experience, noting the reasons that prompted him to study the chosen topic, the difficulties encountered, and the results achieved. The teacher should not only provide scientific basis experience, but also to describe its essence, characterize and analyze their own developments and educational technologies. It is desirable if, as confirmation of the effectiveness of the chosen methods, the teacher can demonstrate evidence of positive changes in the upbringing and development of children, and can compare the goals set and the results achieved.

At the end of the creative performance, colleagues and opponents selected from among them ask the teacher questions about the text. When assessing the quality of work, the completeness and content of the answers given by the teacher are also taken into account. The rest of the assessment is subject to the relevance of the chosen topic, the teacher’s ability to analyze and justify the chosen concept, the ability to set goals and objectives of the work, as well as to apply the entire available methodological arsenal to achieve the goals. Colleagues and reviewers evaluate the novelty of creative and pedagogical approach, justification of innovations and their compliance with the problem posed.

Report on self-education of a kindergarten teacher: approximate structure of the document

Despite common features and the structure of all reporting documentation on self-education is similar, there is no single established template. Every kindergarten installs self-education report form for preschool teacher, taking into account regional or territorial characteristics, the profile of the institution. The document contains the results of the work done for a selected reporting period, usually one academic year (however, if necessary, teachers can make reports two or even four times a year). The supervising methodologist or the head of the kindergarten has the right to make adjustments to the text of the report, as well as use them to prepare reports on the progress of self-education of teachers in the institution entrusted to him.

Often, a kindergarten already has an established structure for reporting documentation, otherwise everyone has the right to independently choose the format that is suitable for them. As a rule, it is presented in the form of an abstract or presentation, created using any suitable computer program. Not knowing, how to prepare a self-education report for a preschool teacher in the form of an abstract, it is enough to follow standard documentation standards. For writing, A4 format documents are used, Times New Roman 14 font, line spacing 1.15 and spacing 10 pt with mandatory width formatting. The pages of the document are numbered, and the list of references used is drawn up in accordance with the current standards for working with bibliography. The text part of the document can be formatted in the form of tables, in the columns of which all stages of topic development are succinctly formulated.

In general, the structure of the report is arbitrary, but it should include characteristics of the following points:

  1. Subject. The teacher must justify the feasibility of choosing a specific topic, its connection with the target guidelines of the Russian preschool education system, and explain its practical value. At this stage, it is important to emphasize on what methods and programs the choice of this topic is based, its relationship with the preliminary work of the teacher.
  2. Goals and objectives of the work. It is important to remember that the goal of self-education is not filling out reports and formal reports, but improving professional skills, revealing creativity And personal qualities, optimization of the educational process in the institution. The objectives must strictly correspond to the goal, contribute to the development of modern pedagogical technologies, practical testing of methods, efficient work with the pupils.
  3. Relevance of the work. May be based on the results of pedagogical monitoring or diagnostics of the effectiveness of educational and educational work with children. The practical activity of a teacher during self-education involves monitoring the degree of development of students and analyzing the conditions necessary for developing a topic.
  4. Methodological basis of the issue, analyzed literature. When compiling a list of references, you can include not only specialized publications and monographs, but also publications and books on sociology, child psychology, teaching and upbringing methods. The selected manuals should be evaluated in the context of best teaching practices and experience working with preschoolers.
  5. Events organized to achieve set goals, summing up the results for each of them. Additionally, principles, techniques and methods of work are indicated. The teacher indicates classes, club work, sports and game events, competitions, open master classes and excursions that he conducted to test or implement the selected pedagogical technology. If, during the reporting process, he uses photographs of children from events, according to ethical and legal standards they should not be transferred to third parties or put on the global network without the consent of the parents. Violation of the personal data agreement is subject to criminal and administrative liability.
  6. Results of work on the topic, reflection within report on self-education of a kindergarten teacher according to the Federal State Educational Standard. It is extremely important that the educator can analyze the results of his work, evaluate the significance of the discoveries made for the development of the educational process in the institution, and indicate how his work influenced the level of development of children and the development of their skills.
  7. Planning work for the next year. The teacher outlines the prospects for professional activity.

Using the self-education report, the teacher can, without waiting for the right to receive additional vocational education, identify shortcomings in your work, gaps in knowledge, and also address them by attending consultations, webinars, seminars, master classes and methodological association meetings.

Teacher self-education report: methodological assistance to a young specialist

Kindergarten directors often recommend that young professionals take up a particular topic for self-education in order to demonstrate their professional suitability and resistance to stress. The manager provides sample report on self-education for a preschool teacher and expects high-quality performance of the task. It can be difficult for a novice teacher to cope with it; for this it is necessary to approach the task thoroughly. If the teacher makes some mistakes in the report, he will be reprimanded the first time, the second time the consequences will be more serious and inaccuracies will result in a reprimand, and the third time even dismissal is possible.

In order to correctly formulate the topic of work in the report, it is necessary to take as a basis the problem that interests the teacher, the area in which he is experiencing difficulties. You can also use the results for this pedagogical diagnostics or observing pupils, take into account the age of the children with whom you have to work.

To develop the chosen topic, you will have to study not one, but dozens of different sources of information, including reference books, magazines, electronic databases and forums. Among all the methodological literature, it is advisable to start the search with basic pedagogical works, gradually expanding it to the experience of colleagues and pedagogical innovations. Sources of information in other languages ​​are of particular value, since using the experience of teachers in other countries will allow you to successfully develop educational system RF. It is important for the teacher to learn how to work with library catalogs, correctly formulate search queries on the Internet, and practice the experience of collecting, processing and systematizing information.

To take into account all the nuances of working on a topic, you should use a voice recorder or notepad, recording the entire process in it. For the rest you need:

  • briefly, concisely and to the point describe the results of work on the topic;
  • strictly adhere to the deadlines for submitting reporting documentation;
  • indicate innovations and pedagogical technologies that have been discovered or tested;
  • demonstrate the creative component of the work, creativity in developing a theme and composing a non-standard report on self-education of a kindergarten teacher.

Today, in our society, for the first time in its history, we can observe rapid and profound changes. The lifestyle itself regarding education has changed radically. Indeed, in earlier times, obtaining one diploma was a sufficient condition for continuing a person’s entire work activity. However, today it has burst into our lives new standard: “Education for all, education throughout life.” This principle especially applies to educators, whose professional task is to create all the necessary conditions for the formation of personality little man. Achieving this goal is impossible without self-education of the teacher.

Definition of the concept

What is self-education? This term refers to systematic, independently organized cognitive activity. Its main focus is the achievement of personal and socially significant goals that contribute to the satisfaction of cognitive interests, professional and general cultural needs, as well as improving professional qualifications.

Only with the help of self-education can the teacher’s individual pedagogical style be formed and his activities be comprehended.

Levels of self-education

It is believed that the process of increasing professional knowledge organized by a person himself goes through three successive stages:

  • adaptive;
  • problem-search;
  • innovative.

Each of these stages of self-education differs in its increased quality indicators. Thus, the first level is typical for beginning teachers. Its completion contributes to adaptation to the profession. As for the problem-search level, at this stage there is a search for original methods and effective methods of work. The most high degree development is observed at the third stage of self-education. The innovative level involves the creation by a teacher of a socially significant product of his activity, which has practical novelty.

Goals of self-education

Why does a teacher need to improve his skills? Among the goals of self-education of this specialist are:

  • deepening methodological knowledge;
  • improvement and expansion of methods of education and training based on expanding psychological and general pedagogical horizons;
  • growth of a specialist’s general cultural level;
  • mastery of modern achievements of advanced pedagogical science and practice.

Directions of self-education

In what areas can teachers working with preschoolers deepen their knowledge?

Among them:

  • reading newly published regulatory documents related to issues of preschool education;
  • familiarization with the latest achievements of physiology and anatomy, child psychology and pedagogy;
  • study of scientific, methodological and educational literature;
  • familiarization with the innovative practice of preschool educational institutions;
  • studying new pedagogical technologies and programs;
  • increasing your general cultural level.

Self-education topics

What specific direction is most important for an educator? The topic he chooses for self-education must certainly be related to the problems that the preschool educational institution team is addressing, as well as to the main areas of activity of the kindergarten. This will make it possible to most effectively solve the problems facing the institution as a whole.

The topic should also be selected taking into account the professional skills and experience of the teacher. It should be understandable and close to him. Only in this case will it be possible to obtain an effective result and unleash the creative potential of the teacher.

You can choose a topic taking into account existing recommendations. For example, it is best for young professionals to focus on studying the following information:

  • on the formation of the foundations of a teacher’s skill;
  • on awareness of the values ​​of development, learning and personality model education;
  • to improve constructive abilities and skills.

For those who have been working as a teacher for more than five years, it is recommended:

  • master methods that allow you to design educational processes, which will improve their efficiency and quality;
  • to develop the ability to analyze scientific and methodological literature, as well as improve the practical application of acquired knowledge and activate their creative abilities.

For more experienced, creative educators, the following is important:

  • develop your own abilities in redesigning work with children based on trends in the achievements of psychology and pedagogical science, as well as social public order;
  • show creativity;
  • promote your own achievements;
  • develop research activities.

If the teacher does not have an education, then he is recommended to consider topics that allow him to:

  • master the methodology of working with preschoolers;
  • adapt to teaching activities.

It is worth keeping in mind that creativity cannot be taught. However, self-education can motivate a teacher to take certain steps for professional development. And to control this process, a teacher’s report on self-education is needed. This document will allow the management of the preschool educational institution to evaluate the work of the specialist and, if necessary, provide him with the necessary methodological assistance.

How to write a teacher report on self-education? To do this, it is important to adhere to a certain sequence of presenting information.

Choosing a theme

The educator's report on self-education must include a description of all stages of this process. The first of these is choosing a topic. What should it be based on? The topic of self-education is within the professional interests of the teacher, as well as the entire preschool educational institution.

It also directly depends on the level of his qualifications. The teacher’s report on self-education in the section justifying the topic of work should also contain the tasks and goal of increasing skills and knowledge.

Activity planning

The teacher’s report on self-education must contain an individual plan that describes what is important to accomplish, master, and do within what time frame. The teacher develops it at the beginning of the year. At the same time, the form in which the report on the teacher’s self-education in the kindergarten should be provided, as well as the timing of its final preparation, is discussed with the senior teacher.

Theoretical study of the topic

The report on the self-education of a kindergarten teacher should contain a list of the work being done that is necessary to more effectively solve the problem facing the teacher, namely the following:

  • familiarization with the subject of self-education and accumulation of material;
  • studying the necessary specialized literature;
  • maintaining reporting documentation.

All stages of the work done should be reflected in the kindergarten teacher’s self-education report. This may include an indication of the teacher’s participation in GMO, which allowed him to enrich his work experience, as well as to attend seminars, consultations and advanced training courses.

Practical activities

The teacher’s report on self-education must contain a description of the work on applying knowledge, skills and abilities in working with children.

Practical activities are as follows:

  • in monitoring on a selected topic, which is done at the beginning and end of the academic year;
  • analysis of the conditions that are necessary for the implementation of the chosen topic;
  • developing and conducting conversations, educational situations, entertainment and celebrations;
  • organizing exhibitions where children's works are presented;
  • implementation of creative projects among their students;
  • organization of circle activities;
  • production of attributes and manuals, card files, etc.;
  • creating a modern subject-development environment for children.


The self-education report of a preschool teacher should end with an analysis of the work done. This will allow us to evaluate not only the effectiveness of solving problems to eliminate a particular problem, but also the degree of improvement of the teacher’s qualifications. In what form should the educator's report on self-education be provided?

The requirements of the head of the preschool educational institution will be a priority in this matter. In addition to drawing up a report, a teacher can report on the work carried out on self-education in the following way:

  • making a presentation;
  • by conducting open screenings at the preschool educational institution;
  • making a presentation on the developmental environment he created in the group and pedagogical developments;
  • by publishing an article.

However, it is worth remembering that, regardless of the chosen topic, a report on the self-education of a preschool teacher should not be only colorfully presented information. Work to improve skills and knowledge will yield positive results only in cases where it is carried out systematically, purposefully and systematically. This process will become a prerequisite for the formation of increased professional skills and creative activity of each of the preschool teachers. Based on the self-education teacher’s report, a plan for such work should be drawn up for all kindergarten specialists.

Topic “Speech development”

As a sample, consider the self-education report of teacher 2 junior group. The first section of this document outlines the reasons for choosing this topic. Thus, a teacher’s self-education report on speech development should explain that at the age of 3 to 4 years this issue becomes very relevant. Children who are in early preschool age need work with them on the comprehensive development of speech. This area includes activities to activate and enrich the child’s vocabulary, develop competent speech construction and coherence.

  • enrichment of children’s passive and active vocabulary in a variety of lexical categories;
  • expansion and revitalization vocabulary children based on acquiring knowledge and ideas about their immediate environment;
  • studying methods, techniques and techniques for activating children’s speech skills;
  • increasing your own level of knowledge by studying specialized literature, as well as innovative technologies and methods of modern teachers on the Internet;
  • combining the efforts of teachers and parents in solving problems of speech development in children.
  • observations;
  • games, including round dancing and verbal, finger, didactic and active;
  • reading fiction;
  • conversations;
  • articulation gymnastics;
  • learning songs and poems.

When conducting circle work with children, the report should also describe it. In conclusion, it is necessary to point out the results of teaching activities. This is an increase in children’s speech activity, an increase in their vocabulary, children’s emerging interest in communicating with peers and others, etc.

This section should also indicate the replenishment of the subject-developmental environment of the group, increasing the level of competence of parents in matters related to speech development children. The report should also describe plans to continue work in this direction, taking into account the use of innovative techniques and the use of new methodological literature.

Theme "Fine motor skills"

This concept refers to the precision of hand motor abilities. This function It also contributes to the development of the child’s speech.

The teacher’s report on self-education “Motor skills” should describe the relevance of the topic. This function contributes to the development of children's intellectual abilities. With poor motor skills, children awkwardly hold a pencil and spoon and are unable to fasten a button or lace their shoes on their own. It is sometimes difficult for them to work with puzzles, assemble structural parts, etc.

The report also states the purpose of the activity, which is to develop hand coordination and fine motor skills. The objectives of the work, which should also be described in this document, are to improve these abilities in the child.

What follows is a description of the forms of work with children, as well as the methods and techniques used. These can be physical education sessions and self-massage of the hands, modeling figures from plasticine and designing from paper, drawing with stencils and didactic games, learning lacing and playing with mosaics, puzzles, etc.

At the end of the report, an analysis of the work done should be carried out, indicating an improvement in motor skills in children. It should also be explained that children have learned to better understand the phenomena occurring in the world around them, adapt more easily to society and practical life, and have become more self-confident and independent.

Theme "Game"

This area of ​​self-education allows you to more effectively solve problems regarding the physical health of preschoolers. And this is the main goal of a teacher’s work.

The teacher’s self-education report on play must contain planning for the specialist’s activities, which is carried out in the following areas:

  • study of specialized literature;
  • working with children;
  • conversations with parents;
  • self-realization.

The teacher's report should also include a description of the practical activities carried out with the children during the year. It could be:

  • sports festival on the theme “Russian folk games”;
  • an exhibition of children's works on the topic “Favorite Games”;
  • open display of the results of educational activities;
  • conversation with parents about the role of outdoor games in a child’s life, etc.

At the end of the report, the teacher should point out the successes of the children’s physical development, including improving their ability to jump and run, climb, throw a ball, etc.

teacher: Moskaltsova A.I.

“The use of active innovative forms of interaction between the teacher and the families of pupils in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education.”

Relevance of the topic

Family and family education also plays one of the main roles in the process of raising a child. Family is one of the greatest values ​​created by humanity. Parents are the creators of the child’s personality, and the child is a kind of vessel that is filled with knowledge transmitted to him from his parents. The child learns all primary information about the world around him in the family. It is during preschool childhood that a child is most open to the world. He perceives good and evil, trying, with the help of adults, to draw his own conclusions and judgments about many objects and phenomena that surround him. The relationship between parents and children is a decisive moment of socialization.

The family and kindergarten are connected by common tasks in raising the child. Therefore, what is important here is not the principle of parallelism, but the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions: family and kindergarten.

Targetmy work: increasing the role of the family in raising children preschool age, creating the necessary conditions for the development of trusting, responsible relationships with the families of pupils, ensuring the holistic development of the preschooler’s personality, increasing the competence of parents in the field of education.Create the necessary conditions to develop and establish trusting, responsible relationships between the teacher and the families of the pupils, uniting them into a team; with the development of the need to share with each other their problems in the development of children and jointly find solutions to them. Ensure the holistic development of the child’s personality.


1. Study pedagogical, psychological, methodological literary sources on the problem.

2. Organize cooperation with parents in educational process .

3. Use traditional and non-traditional forms of work with families of pupils in modern conditions.

4. Develop initiative and creativity in children and their parents.

5. Form a responsible attitude towards health and life safety.

6. Create an atmosphere of kindness, mutual understanding and trust in the team of children and parents.

7. Involve parents in various forms of activities in raising preschool children.

I work in three areas: working with teachers, working with children, working with parents.

1.Work with teachers:

Consultation for educators:“Interactive forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families”;

Preparation of booklets “Interactive games”, “Art therapy exercises”

Pedagogical Council "Interaction with families of pupils in the context of individualization of education"; - generalization of pedagogical experience on the topic of self-education: “The use of active innovative forms of interaction between the teacher and the families of pupils in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education", report at the teachers' council (work system)

2.Working with children

This year I conducted the following activities with the children:

Thematic classes: “My family” - fine arts; “Our family traditions” FCCM

Conversations: “The happiest day with the family”; "Evening with the Family"; “Traditions of your family”;

Games: s/r “My Family”; d/i “Birthday”; s/r " Family celebration»; game exercise“Who am I?”;

Drawing competition: “My grandmother”, “Portrait of my mother” - by March 8

3.Working with parents

To ensure that work with parents is diverse, I use different forms of work: conversations, consultations on certain topics, group parent meetings, workshops on various issues, oral journals, the most important tasks of which are to summarize the best experience of family education.

Questionnaire “Child's rights in the family”; “Every home has its own traditions” - mini-questionnaire

Folders - moving: “Winter walks with children: healthy and useful”, “Reviving a family tradition home reading" - individual conversations: "Family traditions", "Secrets of raising a polite person", "Evening in the family"

Consultation “Children’s safety on the roads”, “Prevention of postural disorders in preschool children”, “The role of books in raising children”

Photo gallery: “How I spent the summer, “My family - everyday life and holidays”

Musical holiday “Supergrandmothers and supergrandfathers”

Parent meetings: “A healthy mind in a healthy body: training with parents “In the rays of the parental sun”; “!Child’s readiness for school: training: qualities of a child who is ready and not ready for school”

Publication of a newspaper for parents “Our Znayki: everything about them and for them”- environmental quest "Nature Experts"

These events helped to establish warm, informal, trusting relationships, emotional contact between teachers and parents, between parents and children, and created emotional comfort in the group. Parents have become more open to communication.

I have developed my own specific system for working with parents. The family, in my opinion, is the first and main character in the upbringing and education of a child. This makes it possible to improve the quality of children, since parents know their child’s capabilities better and, as they say, are vitally interested in his further advancement.

Dynamics analysis showed:

Parents became active participants in all activities in the group, reliable helpers, and learned to interact with each other as play partners. The use of various forms of work has yielded certain results: parents have turned from “spectators” and “observers” into active participants in meetings and teacher assistants, and an atmosphere of mutual respect has been created.

The establishment of trusting and business relationships with parents, the active manifestation of the creative abilities of parents and their active participation in organizing and holding holidays are noted.

There is an increase in the pedagogical culture of parents regarding the physical development of children.

From comparative analysis questionnaires, conversations, test results, you can see an increase in the level of interest of parents in the problem of physical development and health of children: the number of families who follow the same daily routine as the kindergarten has increased, use methods of hardening children recommended by medical workers in preschool educational institutions and echoing the methods of hardening children in the group.

In working with children, we observe: a decrease in the incidence rate, an increase in the level of formation of motor skills in children, the development of physical qualities, the formation in children of interest and the need for systematic physical exercise.

Conclusion: I consider the topic of self-education that I have chosen to be relevant at this time, since the main content of work on the topic of family is the basis for the formation in children of social experience in nurturing attachment to loved ones.As a result of the work done, use various forms and methods of communication with parents, the level of psychological and pedagogical literacy has increased, and the level of culture of interpersonal communication among children has increased. Working closely with parents has yielded positive results. I would like to continue working in this direction in the future.

In the 2015-2016 academic year, I took on the topic of self-education: .

Relevance: The events of recent decades in our history force us to take a fresh look at the seemingly quite familiar and completely understandable meanings of the words - patriotism and citizenship. Modern children have distanced themselves from national culture and the socio-historical experience of their people.

The period of senior preschool age is conducive to the education of patriotic feelings, since it is at this time that the formation of cultural and value orientations, the spiritual and moral basis of the child’s personality, the development of his emotions, feelings, thinking, mechanisms social adaptation in society, the process of realizing oneself in the world around us begins. Also, the period of senior preschool age is favorable for the emotional and psychological impact on the child, because images of perception of reality and cultural space are very bright and strong and therefore remain in the memory for a long time, and sometimes for a lifetime, which is very important in the education of patriotism.

Problem: Is it possible to increase the motivation of 5-6 year old preschoolers in instilling patriotic feelings?

Goal: Improve your theoretical level, professional skills and competence on this topic: to study the ways, means and methods of patriotic education of preschoolers 5-6 years old.


  1. Analyze the literature on this topic.
  2. To study the principles of patriotic education of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten.
  3. Develop a card index of games for the patriotic education of 5-6 year old children in kindergarten.
  4. Set up a corner for patriotic education in the group.
  5. Orient the family towards the spiritual, moral and patriotic education of children.

When starting to work on this topic, I used the following literature:

  1. N.F. Vinogradova "Our Motherland" . M., Education, 2002
  2. HELL. Zharikov “Raise your children as patriots” M., Education, 2001.
  3. E.I. Korneeva “Folklore holidays and entertainment in the patriotic education of preschool children” . M., Education, 2007.
  4. E.Yu. Aleksandrova et al. - System of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions: planning, pedagogical projects, development of thematic lessons and event scenarios, Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.
  5. E.K. Rivina “State symbols of Russia M., Education, 2005.
  6. R.I. Podrezova “Planning and notes for classes on the development of children’s speech in preschool educational institutions” (Patriotic education): M., Education, 2007.
  7. L.V. Loginova “What can a coat of arms tell us?” : M., Education, 2007.
  8. L.A. Kodrikinsky “Where does the Motherland begin?” : M., Education, 2007.
  9. G.Zelenova, L.E. Osipova "We live in Russia" (civic-patriotic education of preschool children): M., Education, 2007.

During the 2014-2015 academic year, I studied in detail the topic of self-education: “Patriotic education of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten” .

The choice of topic is connected with the goal of introducing more deeply to the methods, techniques and methods through which we, teachers, can cultivate in children patriotic feelings for what is most dear to them.

Raising children's love for their fatherland - this problem has always been relevant in modern stage, as ideals crumble, value guidelines, as the ecological way of life has changed.

The problem of patriotic education is becoming acutely relevant, but at the same time becoming extremely complex. These difficulties are caused by the rethinking in society of the very concept of patriotism, the unresolved question of what content should be used to cultivate this feeling and quality.

Patriotism is a worldview defined by love for the Motherland, native land, devotion to one’s fatherland, and the desire to achieve a better future for it.

We all know that patriotism is manifested in a feeling of pride in the achievements of one’s native country, in grief for its failures and troubles. In respect for the historical past of your people. In a careful attitude towards people's memory, towards national and cultural traditions.

But how to teach all this to preschool children, in what form is it best to convey this knowledge to children.

The study of the topic began with the section: “Patriotic education of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten” . I studied the book by A.D. Zharikova “Raise your children as patriots” M., Prosveshchenie, 2001. I prepared a mobile folder for parents. Which talks in detail about patriotic education in preschool educational institutions. Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks of a preschool institution. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content - it is love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a feeling of one’s inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s homeland.

Patriotic education of a child is a complex pedagogical process. It is based on the development of moral feelings. A child’s sense of homeland begins with his relationship with his family, with close people mother, father, grandmother, grandfather - these are the roots connecting him with his home and immediate environment. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, he is amazed at the plague and what evokes a response in his soul.

In October, I continued studying the topic from the section: “Principles of patriotic education of children 5-6 years old in kindergarten” . I studied an article from methodological literature on the topic “Moral and patriotic education of children” M., Education, 2007. I consulted with parents on this issue. I studied in detail the principles of patriotic education: The principle of personality-oriented communication provides for the individual-personal formation and development of a person’s moral character. Partnership, complicity and interaction are priority forms of communication between teachers and children.

The principle of cultural conformity. "Openness" different cultures, creating conditions for the most complete (taking into account age) acquaintance with the achievements and development of culture modern society and the formation of diverse cognitive interests.

The principle of freedom and independence. Allows the child to independently determine his attitude to cultural sources: perceive, imitate, combine, create, etc.; independently choose a goal, determine the motives and methods of action, and further apply the result of this action (activities) and self-esteem.

The principle of humane and creative orientation. This principle ensures, on the one hand, the obligatory receipt by the child, in interaction with the cultural environment, of a product characterized by creative elements: imagination, fantasy, "opening" , insight, etc., usefulness, novelty; and on the other hand, creating conditions for the manifestation of diverse relationships (friendly, humane, business, partnership, cooperation, co-creation, etc.)

Principle of integration various types children's activities.

The implementation of the principle of integration is impossible without "quite certain security" , which includes the content of education, methods of its implementation, subject-developmental conditions of the organization (Wednesday).

In November, I continued studying the topic from the section: “The relevance of creating a favorable developmental environment for patriotic education” . The study began with an article by L.A. Kodrikinsky “Where does the Motherland begin?” : M., Education, 2006.

The group was replenished according to the age of the children (5-6 years) Patriotic education corner: "Russia is my homeland" !, where children can visually get acquainted with their native country, hometown, symbols, look through books, illustrations, and look at photo albums. A card index was also prepared didactic games on patriotic education.

Based on visual material, conversations, and games, I introduced the children to my hometown, began to form an idea of ​​Russia as a native country, of Moscow as the capital of Russia, the children became acquainted with the sights of the capital of our Motherland, with cities.

The created aesthetic environment enriches children with new impressions and knowledge, encourages active creative activity, and promotes intellectual development.

In December - January, the study of the topic continued: “Didactic games for patriotic education of children 5-6 years old” . I studied the book by E.Yu. Alexandrova, etc. - System of patriotic education in preschool educational institutions: planning, pedagogical projects, development of thematic lessons and event scenarios, Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. Within two months, I carried out a selection of didactic games on patriotic education: "Military professions" , "Collect the flag" , "Guests of the City" . "Birds of our region" and many others. DIY games were made: “Loto “Serving Russia!” , "Russian patterns" , “Sights of Balashov” , "Travel to Balashov" , large-scale layouts were also designed: "My kindergarten" , “Pedestrian zone of Balashov. Center" , "Train Station" . The group had a project: “My favorite city is Balashov” . Where the final event was a visit "Museum of Local Lore" .

As visual material during educational activities, conversations, and leisure activities, I use story-based pictures, illustrations and posters of my own making. Visual material must meet certain requirements: objects must be known to children; didactic material must be varied; visual material should be dynamic and in sufficient quantity; meet hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements

In February, I continued studying the topic from the section: “Patriotic education of preschool children through visual arts» . I continued to study methodological literature. During NOD and independent creative activities in drawing and appliqué, children depicted the Russian flag, telling where it can be seen, drew their native places in the city of Balashov, the Kremlin in Moscow, and made postcards for the holidays: February 23, May 9.

In March, I continued studying the topic from the section: “Our small Motherland is the city of Balashov” , when studying this section, I used the site: http: //www. bfsgu. ru/. A presentation was prepared and shown to the children: "Through the streets of our city" . The study of this site was the creation of albums "History of our city" , "Modern Balashov" . "Sights of our city" , "Red Book of the Saratov Region" , "Nature of our region" .

In April-May I finished studying the topic with the section: “The role of parents in the formation of patriotic feelings in children” . Studied methodological literature on the topic “Moral and patriotic education of children” , Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. Patriotic education and moral education connected to each other. Therefore, we must not forget that the moral atmosphere that shapes the child’s character is created in the family. The microclimate in the family has a great influence on the child. In order for a child to develop a feeling of love for the Motherland, it is necessary to cultivate in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives. Develop the ability to see and understand the beauty of the surrounding life, the desire to learn more about the features of the region, nature, history. To form a desire to bring all possible help to working people, our native nature, and our land. As a result of this work, a survey of parents was conducted, in which parents answered questions about patriotic education in the family. As a result of summing up the results of the questionnaires, conclusions were drawn: most parents devote time and tell their children about their small homeland, about Russia, read books about the war, about heroes, visit the sights of our city and cultural and leisure places: "Museum of Local Lore" , "The House of Merchant Dyakov" , "Children's library" .

The formation of patriotic feelings is more effective if the kindergarten establishes a close connection with the family. The need to involve the family in the process of familiarizing preschoolers with the social environment is explained by the special pedagogical capabilities that the family has and which cannot be replaced by a preschool institution: love and affection for children, the emotional and moral richness of relationships, their social rather than selfish orientation, etc. All this creates favorable conditions for the development of higher moral feelings. In its work with families, a kindergarten should rely on parents not only as assistants to the child care institution, but as equal participants in the formation of a child’s personality.


  • The level of developed patriotic knowledge and correct attitude towards the world, country, and nature among preschoolers has increased significantly.
  • Children have developed an interest in history, local fiction, natural resources of the native land.
  • The number of participants in competitions and local history events held in kindergarten, aimed at developing creativity, curiosity, and nurturing love for their small homeland, has increased.

Prospects for the 2017-2018 academic year:

  1. Continue work