Tamara Naumenko mass information and its influence on modern processes of globalization. The concept of information and its properties Information and its impact on humans

The word "information" comes from Latin language. In translation, informatio means “message”.

Mass information is information for the masses, which can represent any large community of people. This could be the entire society as a whole, a people or nation, a class or stratum, as well as people living in the same region or belonging to a particular profession.

As you can see, the masses can be different. A feature of mass information is its focus on a specific vocabulary for the most successful and effective communication.

Media characteristics

Mass information has a number of characteristics:

  • Lack of direct contact with the audience.
  • Satisfying the masses' need for up-to-date information.
  • Formation of a unified position of the masses in relation to various issues.
  • Availability.
  • Regularity.
  • Return contact.

Each of the characteristics has its own development paths and is aimed at achieving universal ideals.

Development of mass media

Since ancient times, various means of communication have developed. At first, the person himself appeared to them - the head of the clan or elder, leader. Knowledge was transmitted orally and in writing - using sheets of parchment or papyrus, clay tablets or inscriptions on stone. In a sense, these media can be called the first mass media.

In the first century, newspapers already had the appearance of modern bulletins. They were copied by hand for the purpose of distribution. Later, “flying sheets” became popular - news, first copied by hand, and then, after the invention of the printing press, distributed by postmen for a small fee.

With the advent of the era of printed thought, new genres emerged: chronicle, reportage, pamphlet. By the nineteenth century, the role of the media had increased significantly. Newspapers and magazines become an important part public life: from them they learned about many events. Announcements of the arrival of ships, stock exchange news, transcripts of parliamentary debates, reviews of theatrical productions, sports news, rumors and sensations were published.

With the beginning of the use of newspapers in political struggle, the media are divided into several categories: elite, mass, specialized (for example, religious or scientific) and the so-called yellow press.

The phenomenon of mass information was identified - this is the ability to influence the opinion of a wide audience. The media of the twenty-first century has abandoned coercive influence on the masses. Now they express the opinion of society and leave everyone the right to accept it or not.

What are the types of mass media?

A herald comes out to the central square and announces a new royal decree. This was before the advent of the classical press. With her appearance, the city streets were filled from early morning with newsboys shouting last news. But this is also in the past. With the advent of radio on city streets, the latest news came from loudspeakers.

But the era of television came, and people glued themselves to the screens. The news program is published regularly at the most convenient time. And if the news is of a universal scale, transmissions are interrupted at any time for the sake of it.

And finally the Internet era is coming. Currently, more than half of people get their news from this source. Social media have become powerful media and continue to develop.

Media under the Tsar

Initially, the Russian press appeared at the behest of the Tsar. It was the newspaper “Chimes”, or “Newsletters”. The “Vedomosti” that followed it was the brainchild of Peter the Great and served the purpose of communicating reforms to the public masses, promoting and explaining their essence. Along with this, business correspondence was practiced, which was enough to notify the necessary sections of society.

The eighteenth century is called the era of Russian Enlightenment. At this time, the media are thick literary magazines, similar to almanacs. The first newspaper was published by the Academy of Sciences. This was in 1727. There are no political essays yet; many materials are reprinted from foreign sources. It was called “St. Petersburg Gazette” and existed until the 1917 revolution.

By the beginning of the twentieth century, there was still no freedom of speech in Russia. The existence of censorship made it impossible to publish liberal newspapers. The multi-party press appeared only in 1905. This was the time of satirical magazines. April 1917 brought the Press Law. The number of national, party, and youth newspapers has risen sharply. All layers of society had corresponding periodicals.

Media in the USSR

With the introduction of a one-party system in the country, tightening control over the press followed. The Press Decree introduced restrictions on opposition to existing ideology. The abolition occurred only in the nineties of the last century.

During the war, the Sovinformburo was created, which transmitted the latest news by radio. Post-war media until 1986 depicted the advantages of the socialist system and conveyed biased data about socialist construction. The developed radio network resisted the transmission of signals from abroad.

The current situation in Russia

Currently, the country's media, which have done a lot to promote democratic ideas, are faced with the impossibility of existing in market conditions. Dependence on advertisers, subscribers and the need to maintain a material base led to the fact that some ceased to exist, while others came under the control of political structures.

The Russian media, with few exceptions, do not have economic independence. In these conditions, the journalist himself becomes the guarantor of responsibility for collecting and transmitting reliable information. His degree of morality, political and social self-identification. The barrage of information that has hit the Russians requires the correct presentation of the facts.

Because mass information- this is a powerful weapon that can influence the adoption of personal opinions and, by and large, control the masses of people. After all, decisions that are made by a person on the basis of unreliable information cannot be correct. In this regard, the right to information arises.

Constitutional right to receive information

The UN has enshrined in the Declaration the right to receive reliable information. It is enshrined along with the rights to life, housing, and work. The Constitution of the Russian Federation confirmed the right to freely search, receive and disseminate information.

The laws of the Russian Federation regulate the exercise of this right. It may be refused if they are not complied with. For example, when violating the rights of others, in the interests of state security and other conditions. The Law on Mass Media is constantly updated with clarifications. For example, on January 1, 2018, additions and changes to the Law on Mass Information on media activities came into force.

Media Law

There are several media laws. All of them regulate the dissemination of information in various areas: the Internet, the media of foreign agents and others. The Basic Law on Mass Media, adopted in 1991, has been constantly updated since then. The main changes are worth considering in more detail.

  • Media companies are not required to obtain prior approval before publishing information material.
  • The distribution of media products cannot be prohibited.
  • An interview with an official may be censored.
  • Promotion of violence and pornography is prohibited.
  • Dissemination of secrets protected by law through the media is prohibited.
  • It is prohibited to highlight methods of producing substances harmful to health.
  • It is prohibited to disclose data on the methods of carrying out anti-terrorist actions by the authorities.
  • Registration of mass media is carried out through a special procedure through control bodies in the field of communications.

A federal information system has been created to control the media space (Article

Media activities in emergency situations

There is a concept of “personal security culture”. This is a complex of moral principles, social skills and special knowledge about the stereotype of behavior in a dangerous situation. The role of the media is significant in the development of such a complex. By explaining to citizens their possible actions in a crisis situation, they form mass consciousness and increase the indicator of personal safety culture.

In the media always, and especially during the period natural Disasters or other misfortunes, lies the responsibility of generating different flows of information for different groups of people. One and the same fact, presented in several different interpretations, will cause different responses. For people at the epicenter of an emergency, a psychological approach is required. The influence of frequently repeated descriptions of what is happening will cause apathy and depression in them, so news in this zone is formed extremely carefully. For the territory of the country not affected by the emergency, the flow of information will be different, calling for humanity and compassion. And for external countries - third.

The activities of the media may not contain the work of journalists at all. This concerns live broadcast, government broadcasts or broadcasts from the scene without comment.

The rating of electronic versions of media is increasing

Russian media outlets that produce products in electronic and printed form tend to reduce the output of printed products. According to a statistical survey conducted in October 2017, it turned out that almost half of readers (47%) prefer electronic information.

The volume of production of paper periodicals has decreased significantly, although about 80% of respondents have not yet given up on it.

Compared to 2015, when 77% of respondents read printed versions, in 2017 only 55% remained. Moreover, a third of those surveyed said they were ready to completely switch to online content.

Media and youth

Mass information is a credible message on which people will make personal decisions. The success of their actions and consequences depend on how reliable the news heard or read by people was.

Social networks have literally become addictive to the younger generation. Communication is replaced by messages, and a lot of time is spent on viewing events. Qualitative information is negligible. The generation of children born during the era of digital information often has a poor understanding of the real world, replacing it with a virtual one.

It has been noticed that crime has increased sharply in those countries where television is developing. Viewing scenes of cruelty and violence has a long-term effect, destructs the personality, dulls empathy and is addictive.

Along with the negative influences of the media, there are also positive ones. These are children's programs, competitions, educational shows. The need to carve out media space to create a positive impact stream in the twenty-first century has become clear.

The influence of the media on society

It is not for nothing that the modern model of society is called informational, since never before has information occupied such a large place in its life. The ability of the media to convey information to people at high speed imposes a certain responsibility on the formation of mass consciousness.

The media plays a role in society significant role, forming a common opinion, a stereotype of behavior in various situations, an attitude towards the phenomena of the surrounding world. Only analytical information can expand horizons and provide a choice of action, instill independence in thinking. But increasingly, educational programs include advertising or ready-made recipes for behavior.

There is a standardization of opinions and massification of personality. Mass information is a tool that can benefit society if guided by the moral hand of an incorruptible journalist. Otherwise, it turns into a dangerous weapon. It is always directed against the public mass - you and me. Therefore, in the information society, professional journalists in the highest sense of the word are valued more than ever before.

In the modern world, a person simply drowns in a mass of information that constantly affects him.

Everywhere you look there are sources of information that, of course, have an impact.

In this article we will talk about what information is and how, in connection with this, a person can protect himself and reduce the level of manipulation of his consciousness.

After all, surrounding information affects a person’s needs, aspirations, goals and desires.

Through a certain presentation of information, you can force a person to do anything.

First, let's understand what information is.

Information is...

This term can be defined as follows.

Information- information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by humans or special devices; messages informing about the state of affairs, the state of something.

A person receives information from television, radio broadcasting and communications.

Traditional remedies:

  • printed periodicals of the media (newspapers, magazines, etc.);
  • fiction, educational and scientific-journalistic literature;
  • television and radio broadcasting;
  • theatrical and concert activities;
  • film distribution;
  • museums;
  • exhibitions, etc.;
  • electronic sources.

Modern methods of information include:

  • printed (all information is on paper or another kind of basis)
  • ethereal (sound sources)
  • electronic.

The electronic system includes radiotelephone networks, audio and video recordings, CDs and, of course, computer systems with the global Internet network.

All of these methods of mass media are of great importance in the life of society and have a direct or indirect impact on people.

The means of mass communication are capable of so globally changing the life of an individual and various societies that “information bombs” are among the most effective weapons in various types of wars - economic, political, ideological.

And the media is not only capable, they are doing it now.

It is difficult to overestimate both the creative and destructive power of mass communication.

Due to the abundance of information, it is difficult for a person to navigate the information flow and distinguish false information from true information. The so-called “yellow press” has become widespread in the information services market, providing information without comment or information for which it does not bear legal responsibility.

Our country is undergoing a real revolution in the development of information networks. Foreign radio stations received freedom to broadcast, in addition to state-owned ones, private television and radio companies and satellite communication systems appeared.

What should you do to protect yourself from the negative influence of the media?

1) First of all, it is necessary to develop an active life position.

To do this, you need to have information on the issue you are interested in from different sources, and be able to analyze this information in order to draw a conclusion about where and in which source the information is more complete and reliable. We must learn to give an objective assessment of current events.

It's healthy to analyze and reason.

2) When receiving information, it is necessary to know whose ownership the given media is (whether it is state-owned or private) in order to understand the target orientation of this or that information.

3) Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eliminate bad habits. Since a weakened, sick and exhausted person is easier to manage and manipulate.

4) Expand your consciousness. Try to perceive information in a comprehensive and multifaceted way.

The media are becoming an increasingly significant factor in human existence and development, especially at a young age.

You need to approach information consumption consciously, just like the products you select for your consumption.

The information a person relies on builds his reality and determines his worldview.

Therefore, you should be aware of the perception of incoming information.

Think about how you perceive information. Please take some time to think about this article. Now answer your questions:

  • Do you watch TV?
  • Do you believe everything you hear on the news?
  • Does advertising influence you? (Many people are absolutely sure that advertising certainly does not influence them, but as soon as they compare the list of things they buy with what is advertised on TV, their opinion changes)

However, everything large quantity people realize that watching TV is a waste of time and not very useful. But such people actively use the Internet, which also has enough advertising and informational influence on people.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

It is necessary to be aware and expand consciousness, then any influence on a person will be useless.

And here is my secret, a very simple secret;
only with the heart can you see
that exists but remains invisible to the eye.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

From the author

A brief summary of some points of my spiritual path will help, I believe, to better understand the article “On the perception of information and its impact on human health, on countries and on relations between states.”

Instead of a preface

At the age of 7-8 I often “flyed”. And I still remember these bright and colorful astral flights, from which I tried to bring cheesecakes and muffins (I have a big sweet tooth).

The conclusion that I made at that time: you cannot take anything material with you from the subtle worlds to the physical world.

Then a vision of energy channels opened up and a purely childish curiosity to play with them appeared, which sometimes led to very painful sensations in the physical body (although I was playing with energy flows).

Personal conclusion: without proper knowledge, don’t go where you shouldn’t.

At the age of 15, my sister and I were very fond of telepathic games: pointing to the chosen card, taking a hidden object from the table, etc.

The conclusion I came to during the games: the exchange of thoughts exists (I didn’t know about telepathy in those years).

At the age of 20, I began to "launch" my sister in astral travel to other worlds. This self-indulgence almost led to her death during one of her trips (not through my fault). I barely managed to save her.

Conclusion: traveling in time and space using the energy of another person is real, but extremely dangerous.

Over the next 10-15 years, I gained experience in disease diagnosis, treatment, clairvoyance, dematerialization and teleportation. And he returned to his favorite topic - travel in time and space. During one of them, with a relative, we saw the collapse of the USSR, the sequence of republics leaving it and the creation of independent states. It’s interesting that even 4 years before the collapse of the great power, we knew about such “little things” as the formation of either the Ural or the Urals Republic, which only lasted for about 3-4 days. During such trips, these “little things” are the most “tasty” proof that this is not fantasy. Events that occurred in subsequent years fully confirmed the previously received information.

I knew about the events currently taking place in Ukraine two years before they began. The involuntary witness present was quite frightened by the predictions. (Either because he considered this a manifestation of pure madness, or because he realized the depth and importance of the events that were about to happen).

Conclusion from the experience of many years of traveling in time and space: obtaining information about future (and past) events is feasible under certain conditions, but it is very difficult to determine the time of their manifestation on the physical plane.

My work as a journalist allowed me to meet many famous psychics in the 80s. But only Nikolai Levashov’s answers to the questions that interested me were consistent with my personal conclusions and the experience I had by that time. We became friends, which allowed us to communicate and discuss many sensitive topics. After arriving in the USA at the invitation of Nikolai, I took up my favorite job - research activities by the influence of a person’s thoughts on the reality around him.

Treating patients with energy provided a livelihood and the opportunity to conduct independent research. Therefore, in 2006, I refused a very tempting offer from the famous Japanese researcher Dr. Yamoto (who became widely known after publishing photographs of frozen drops of water) about joint research in the field of studying the influence of human thoughts and emotions on the structure of water.

The results of my experiments that water receives, stores and transmits the information embedded in it were confirmed by research conducted 3 years later at the University of Berkeley, California.

In my spare time, I developed new unconventional methods for treating diseases. For example, Maui Ocean Healing and State of Dual Consciousness, which have shown their effectiveness in practice.

Using the State of Dual Consciousness method, I also received convincing answers to questions that I had been thinking about for decades: about the purpose and meaning of life, about death, about life after death, about God, etc.

The information received was so simple and clear that it made me think: why don’t others see and perceive this?

Further application of the State of Dual Consciousness method gave an answer to this and many other questions: about karma, about previous lives, about freedom of choice, about fate, about influence and about the relationship of all processes and events occurring in the world, etc. Quite scrupulous an area that involves a radical revision and complete rejection of the leading dogmas, ideas and widely held opinions in modern society.

The State of Dual Consciousness method allowed not only to quickly and effectively cure patients with certain types of mental disorders (sometimes even in one session); to receive confirmation of certain philosophical and theosophical conclusions of ancient thinkers, but also to highlight places where the ruling groups “edited” and/or completely removed very important “little things” from ancient methods, which to this day makes it possible to restrain the spiritual development of people practicing these methods.

The information and knowledge gained from State of Dual Consciousness differs significantly in depth, quality and understanding from the information and knowledge obtained by reading literature on these topics. Using this method, any evolutionarily mature person can gain access to information of the past, present and future, which, without any doubt, will change not only his worldview, but his entire subsequent life.

From 2000 to 2011, I conducted research on the influence of human thoughts on the energy of water at the Center for Functional Research (CFR), California. The research results were presented at the Anomaly Engineering Conference (PEAR), in Princeton, Pennsylvania, and in Italy at the 2010 International Conference of the Society for Scientific Research.

I am the founder Research Institute in Energy Healing (Portland, Oregon); co-author of the book “Secrets of Healers” (2002), member of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), Institute Scientific Research(ISE), Clinics for Integral Transformation (CIT) and Extraordinary Services and Technologies, Inc. (ESTI).

Do information and its perception really have such far-reaching consequences for a person?

To get an answer, we must first understand what kind of information is pouring into us through television, radio, newspapers, the Internet and other media. Almost unanimously we will come to the conclusion that most of it, to put it mildly, does not reflect reality or distracts us from reality. The vast majority of time in the media (especially noticeable in television programs) is devoted to various genres of entertainment, diluted with pieces of disparate information and presented to us in a form that benefits the owners of television channels, radio stations and other media.

Those who own or control the media are people just like us, with their own life goals. But their goals are mainly to make more profit. Therefore, they will, without any doubt, present the information they have in a light favorable to themselves in order to extract the greatest possible profit. It is quite natural that some details of the information in this case will be hidden, some will be highlighted, elements of fantasy will appear - so that the news becomes more attractive and intriguing... Or a big lie will be invented.

For those who still doubt this fact, I would suggest recalling at least one name among family members, friends, colleagues, government officials who publicly and day after day would talk about the repulsive features of their characters, about unseemly acts that they have committed in the past or plan to commit in the future .

I'm sure you won't find any!

Many are known historical facts, when the opinions of individuals, dictated by obtaining a certain benefit, led to a distortion of events and radically changed public opinion. Let's take reincarnation for example. Most have not heard of it at all, and those who have heard it either acknowledge it or categorically deny it.

Perhaps the reason for denial lies in the lack of proper information in society?

History says that reincarnation was widely accepted at the beginning of Christian teaching. But in 325 AD, the first Ecumenical Council, convened by order of the Roman Emperor Constantine I in the city of Nicaea (now Iznik, Turkey), with the participation of 318 Christian bishops, decided to remove the word “reincarnation” and everything connected with it from religious texts.

And today - almost 17 centuries later - we are fully reaping the fruits of the bishops’ decision to “edit” the information.

“All means are fair” is the motto of individuals who prioritize the achievement of their financial, political, geopolitical and other goals.

Information circulating in the media is also aimed at creating a certain emotional response in the audience: happiness or sadness; fear or anger, love or hate. ...It's quite effective method creating favorable soil for the formation of public consciousness in preparation for future, but already planned today, reforms. Forming the proper emotional mood of the population will elevate the villain to power and easily denigrate or destroy an honest person, overthrow a legally elected president or plunge the country into the abyss of war... And all this will be the result of the presence of small or big lies in the edited information.

This and other methods of processing public consciousness have been well known since time immemorial. And only today they have become very effective thanks to the widespread introduction of technologies that make it possible to quickly convey “truncated” information to millions of people on all continents and direct public opinion in the right direction over much larger territories. And this, in turn, caused an increase in the number of participants in the conflict, a sharp increase in the number of armed conflicts and wars; and created a great threat to humanity.

"Top secret"

If anyone disagrees with the above and continues to think that they are getting the full information, let me then give an example of a well-known fact about the various levels of secrecy that exist in society and are recognized as necessary. “Confidential”, “Personnel Only”, “Top Secret” and other similar stamps on documents are put into circulation to limit the number of people gaining access to confidential information. The more classified the information, the fewer people have access to it.

It is not without reason that they say that there is nothing more valuable in the sublunary world than timely information received. After all, it means being first in line and getting more benefits faster than everyone else.

If you received inside information about the stock market in a timely manner, you will instantly become rich; if you received information about the weaknesses of a political opponent, you will win a political campaign; if you have received complete information about the military enemy, you will win the military campaign, etc., etc.

Thus, the more complete the information, the greater the chances of becoming a winner in any area of ​​social, financial, military, political and other activities. And hiding important information from opponents is an integral part of increasing your existing chances of winning. Thus, in order to achieve far-reaching goals, it is necessary to obtain as much detailed information as possible, on the one hand, and on the other hand, to hide, as much as possible, information from rivals.

The richer and more influential a person becomes, the more opportunities he has to obtain secret information and to hide it. Let's imagine that a certain group of people has collected a certain amount of information that must be kept secret. Let us conventionally denote it by the word - ...formation. For various reasons (financial reporting, presence of witnesses, leaks to the media, etc.), it does not seem impossible to hide it all. Therefore, it was decided to make part of it public. For example, let's say some of the information posted was "...ation".

The published information, even if in abbreviated form (after all, no one knows that this is only part of it), will cause a lot of comments, heated discussions and national debates, during which people will try to “get to the bottom” of the truth. Some will be convinced that this is “observation”, and some will come to the conclusion that this is “unification”.

Followers of different opinions will unite, organize groups and parties, attract finance, scientists and researchers to their side to reinforce their logical conclusions. Articles will be published, books will be written and discussions will take place. Interviews will flood television, radio and the Internet. Numerous comments from “experts” will appear in support of this or that opinion. Masses of people will be involuntarily drawn into this process, and almost everyone will have to decide which side to take. When differences of opinion reach a climax, armed groups will enter the fight, up to full-sized armies, which will defend “the only correct opinion” with weapons in their hands. Local military conflicts will break out, countries will be drawn into a full-scale war...

History is replete with examples of violent clashes and wars between groups advocating different points of view. Let us recall, for example, the religious wars. They have been going on for centuries and are not over yet. And all only because different people interpreted differently... partial information contained in ancient manuscripts.

It is difficult to reach an agreement between two powerful groups who have different views on the same problem, but it is even more difficult to reach an amicable solution when there are more than two parties involved in a conflict of opinions.

Children and adults

Children play with cars in a sandbox that they claim is theirs, as well as their toy cars. Children wear shiny glass or plastic decorations and do not intend to share toys, the sandbox, or their decorations with other children. They will defend their “precious” property with fists, tears, and turn to caregivers for support and help.

Time has passed... the child has grown up... Now he has diamonds instead of glass jewelry, dozens of luxury cars, and the whole country is a playing field. And he will protect his “precious” property in the media, with the help of the armed forces, even nuclear weapons, and with the help of a cohort of scientists, researchers and lawyers who will always support and prove his legal right to own this property.

They say that in Lately humanity has made great progress in its development. As for me, I see the same child who, in order to defend his opinion, exchanged only toys, means and supporters for more “influential” and more powerful ones. What do you see?

This schematic diagram is universal in understanding the mechanism of the emergence of different opinions. You just need to insert the required number of groups that have different opinions; names real people(from school or university), countries (USA - Russia, US - EU countries, etc.), religions and religious beliefs (Christianity - Islam, etc.) to ensure that it is applicable to any level modern society- from kindergarten to a country or to a group of countries.

Opinions and health

Understanding the origins of conflict of opinion is important in many ways, but today we'll focus on just one: its impact on our health.

It is known that a person comes to a certain opinion after processing the information available to him using logic. This process depends on age, education, social environment, human interests and many others - conditions are well known and studied by many researchers from different countries and at different times.

But there is another factor that must be taken into account when considering the formation of differences of opinion. This is the level of human spiritual evolution. Souls embodied in human bodies differ in the number of past lives and, thus, in their past experiences, which influence the process of processing the information available to a person and the development own opinion. This means that two people of the same gender, same age, same race, living in the same social environment, etc., will process the same amount of information differently and come to different opinions. It's like fingerprints - you won't find a single person with similar fingerprints among billions of people.

If you look at the subtle energy bodies of a person, you will be surprised to find that they also have a unique structure, characteristic of each person. None of them are repeated in the aura of another person. The second thing that will surprise you even more is the changes that instantly occur in energy bodies (aura) and directly depend on a person’s thoughts and emotions. Stress, negative emotions and negative thoughts attract so-called low frequencies and form “heavy” energy particles. Following the law “like attracts like,” they attract other small particles of “heavy” energy. And with each new stress, with each new portion of negative emotions, you increase their number. Ultimately, a “low-frequency energy block” appears in your aura.

The newly formed block “narrows” the channel through which energy flows to different parts of the body, and causes a lack of energy in maintaining the normal functioning of organs.

Imagine that your water pipes are clogged with a thick layer of mineral deposits. Will you be satisfied with low water pressure when you take a shower? Or a dam that has blocked the natural flow of a river... Will the fields below the dam receive enough water for agricultural needs?

This is exactly what happens in the human body: the flow of energy weakens and is no longer sufficient to maintain the normal functioning of organs.

If you tend to regard any information received as truth; unconditionally agree with the opinions of various “experts”; you become emotional after reading the comments and are ready to defend your point of view (sorry, the point of view of “experts”) to everyone who does not share this opinion; then this means that you have already created “heavy energy blocks”. Therefore, get ready for numerous visits to doctors and in the very near future...

One more small detail: we all have “seeds” of numerous diseases sitting in our subtle energy bodies. Stressful situations, due to differences of opinion in our case, create favorable conditions for them to flourish. The result is the same: the appearance of diseases and visits to doctors.

The process of formation of “energy blocks” can take years, and the disease will appear as if out of nowhere, unexpectedly and without any “reasonable explanation”.

Prescribed drugs and medications will not help restore health because they do not target energy blocks and cannot remove them from the subtle energy bodies. Even pharmaceutical companies have admitted this, saying that their drugs “relieve symptoms” but do not cure...

And now you are left alone with a disease that you created. What to do?

One option is to turn off the TV and radio, cancel newspaper subscriptions and stay away from the Internet. Start reading books on spiritual topics, reflect on the goal human life, about the nature of difficulties or the difficulties you face in life. Meditate on any spiritual topic that is of greatest interest to you. In the future, expand the list of topics and dare to find answers, for example, about life after death, about the existence of God, about fate, about freedom of choice, free will and others. Open your heart and mind, because there are many phenomena in the world that cannot be explained by human logic.

Do not dwell on the conclusions you came to during reflection - they are temporary. And they will change as soon as you receive an additional “portion” of new information or acquire your first spiritual experience. Some of them will transform you. They will change your usual way of life in hundredths of a second, and you will take a new path, the existence of which you categorically denied before.

You should not expect an immediate improvement in your health immediately after you turn off the TV and stop “fist fighting” with your opponents. It will take at least six months before you notice the first tiny positive changes in your health. This period is necessary for the appearance of microscopic particles with higher frequencies in subtle bodies and their further attraction of particles with similar frequencies. At some point they will become dominant and begin to influence the “energy block”.

Your recovery will begin.

How to manage your health depends only on you... on what frequencies you choose for your goal... those that will worsen your health or those that will keep it in good shape for a long time.

The recipe is so simple that the question inevitably arises: why don’t they use it? The answer is also simple: because most of us want to get “everything yesterday” without any effort on our part. Some of us find it very difficult to accept that healing is a long process that consists of many smaller processes in between. And no one can ignore them in order to achieve recovery faster - no matter what noble goals you pursue. This, by the way, also applies to the issue of the desire and desire to achieve the speedy opening of internal psychic abilities...with or without the help of a healer.

Can you name at least one of the newborns who, at the time of birth, already had a scientific degree and a CEO salary? large company? Will the apple tree give you fruit in the middle of winter, even if you really need it?

It doesn’t matter whether you beat a tambourine or dance around a tree, sing songs or curse it in the hope that it will help. Will it help?

Even a child knows that a tree will bear fruit when it is created for it. the necessary conditions: sufficient amount of water, fertilizing, absence of drought, frosty nights during flowering, insect pests, etc., etc.

So many conditions... and only for the tree to bear fruit...

Why do some still believe that the processes occurring in the human body are much simpler than in a tree and can be ignored?

Has anyone gotten rid of the disease within one day? ... Or after one visit to the doctor? ...Or to a healer? - Of course not!...

Because recovery processes follow their own laws and require compliance with certain conditions that people are not yet able to understand. They cannot be ignored or replaced with a frantic desire, a noble goal, or an excuse for lack of time. Example: imagine that you live in an area where robbery, beatings, and vandalism are common and typical. You're sick and tired of it all and want to move to a quiet place where the neighbors are friendly, you don't get robbed in broad daylight, and no one slashes your car tires. But you understand perfectly well that in order to realize your desired dream of moving, you need to save up enough money. And for this you need to work, work and work again, denying yourself many things, and be prepared for hardships and difficulties.

If you decide to improve your health, you may face the same problems: financial, unforeseen difficulties, the need for hard work, and a lack of patience.

Intriguing detail

There is another reason to think about your health in connection with the “edited” information circulating in society. And this reason is very intriguing...

Even the richest and most powerful individuals who have all the necessary means and conditions to obtain any information and from any source will never be able to obtain complete information.

The reason lies in the limitations inherent in human senses. More precisely, in limiting the range of frequencies within which our senses operate. We know that a person can hear, smell or see in a certain range of frequencies. But there are also frequencies that are beyond the range of human senses, which also contain information that interests us, although for the vast majority of people access to it is completely closed.

The range of vision of cats is wider than that of humans, and the cat plays with astral entities invisible to human eyes. The dog, wagging its tail, runs to the door, knowing that its owner is returning home, although he is not yet visible. The deer hears the slightest rustle, which a person cannot perceive.

To expand the range of perceived frequencies, man invented microscopes, night vision devices, radars, microphones, etc. Yes, they are a good help, but they are still not able to cover all existing frequencies and therefore do not give us access to receive information in full.

"Back to normal"

Now let's go back to the beginning of the article and remember how much information was received by a narrow circle of people.

It was "...FORMATION", which, as we now know, was incomplete, since part of the information remained "hidden" in a frequency range inaccessible to the average person.

What was hiding there? ...at subtle energy levels?

In this schematic drawing, as before, you need to insert only the required number of groups with different opinions; names of real people, countries or groups of states; religions and religious beliefs to ensure that it is applicable to any level of modern society - from kindergarten to a country or to a group of countries. It also shows how far out of touch we will be if we accept information on faith, no matter how complete and plausible it may seem to us.

So, the full amount of information, as we see in Fig. 3, was “INFORMATION”. And only a small part of it, contained in the two letters “IN...” was missed.

It would seem like a trifle... But it completely changed the meaning of ALL information collected by a person, and turned out to be fatal in the implementation of the plans, because:

  • Any information received in " physical world" will always be incomplete.
  • Any conclusion drawn from incomplete information will be incorrect, leading to the development of unviable opinions and doctrines.
  • Plans developed on the basis of these opinions and doctrines will not be implemented due to their inconsistency with the real state of affairs.

1. Therefore, actions taken on the basis of partial information by a limited group of people can only give temporary, but not always expected results, and strategic plans... will never be achieved.

2. Not only strategic, but also most tactical plans of individuals close to a limited group of people will be doomed to failure, since they were built on the basis of twice-cut information. And, although the losses of these individuals will be much more significant than those of members of a limited group, nevertheless they will not be so great compared to the losses of the bulk of people involved in the implementation of these concepts and policies.

3. A large group of people involved in adopting a particular opinion will gain nothing in the long run, but many of them may even lose what they had before. Over the past decades, there have been numerous cases of people losing their homes, savings, and lives by relying on public information and the opinions of reputable “experts.”

If you choose the path of discovering and developing intuitive abilities, it will restore health and give access to information located in the “subtle worlds.” This will allow you to see not only the true motives of individual figures hiding behind the cloak of “edited” information, but also the entire playing field, with all the moves of the figures for many years to come, which will allow you to maintain your health; avoid stress and losses in the future.

But here’s the paradox... even the most capable clairvoyants who have access to the information of the “subtle bodies” will also receive only part of it!

And the higher we rise in our spiritual development in the hope of collecting all the information from “higher subtle levels”, the more we will realize that each of us has our own “information ceiling”, the height of which is dictated by the level spiritual development achieved in our previous lives.

What should we do if all attempts to obtain the necessary information will always be limited by the capabilities of our physical body? And all our opinions and conclusions, based on incomplete information, will be only partially and only temporarily correct?...

Instead of a conclusion

Uplifting melodies are composed of different notes; a wonderful poem and a captivating story - from different letters; an amazing canvas by the artist - made of different colors; the splendor of the nature that surrounds us - from different forms, types of flora and fauna... All their components are different, but connected in a special way, which is called harmony, they are capable of working miracles.

Having different opinions is also beautiful and natural and maybe one of the goals of humanity is to learn to respect the opinions of others and harmoniously combine them together to create miracles that we are not even aware of?

Mikhail Dekhta
April 2015

Man is a unique creature living on Earth. He has great abilities in thinking, memory, imagination, and speech. There are only unconfirmed assumptions in various versions about its appearance on our planet. Its capabilities have not been fully determined. Let us turn to various statements about human development.

Anthropologists claim that several hundred thousand years ago, evolution homo sapiens as a biological species ceased. But...Cro-Magnons and modern man- practically the same look. Since the Neolithic era, any noticeable differences disappear completely. Then the reason for what happened remains unclear. From various sources we learn that such a living fossil as a shark has remained almost unchanged throughout the history of development. Most likely, almost unchanged living conditions in the water space have an effect. Man is a creature endowed with a flexible mind and a tireless desire to learn. the world, mastered new pieces of knowledge, used them in various life situations, acquiring, consolidating and developing more and more new skills and abilities. His brain could not limit itself to a certain standard of knowledge. The gradual development of new territories, a changing climate and adaptation to new conditions - all this changed the habitat, posed new tasks for man to survive, that is, contributed to the search for new means of coexistence in the community and the environment. This was a condition for the development of thought, and therefore thinking and, naturally, the human mind. We have the right to assume that the development of the human mind has nevertheless progressed, but outwardly imperceptibly. Adapting to new living conditions, people changed the environment, which led to changes in human essence and condition.

On the way to progress

Adapting to conditions environment, man constantly searched, found and improved ways to help him thoroughly establish himself in existing conditions. The desire to survive has become the main thing driving force progress of humanity. A revolution in human life was the wire telegraph, which made it possible to exchange information in real time, without delays or delays. Newspapers began to be published more often. Over the years, the press has played a leading role in the exchange and supply of information. The advent of radio speeded up the delivery of information several times. People in a short period of time received information about the facts of events from different parts of the country and the globe.

Radio broadcasting has become a strong competitor to newspaper and magazine publishing houses, which have always been considered the property of the elite. It wasn't cheap. The need for daily information could not satisfy people's needs due to lack of funds. In addition, many people were illiterate and could not independently obtain information from the press. Radio was more accessible to the people, since loudspeakers were hung in publicly accessible places - in squares and crowded places. But radio broadcasting immediately became the main means of influencing the masses in in the right direction influence on the masses. The “carrot and stick” policy has become less intense and more subtle.

Once Diderot, one of the prominent figures of the French Enlightenment, gallantly remarked to the Russian Empress, Catherine II, that she ruled her people with such great art that all her commands were carried out unquestioningly. The Empress replied: “If only you knew how difficult it is: to give exactly those orders that will certainly be carried out...” The art of a ruler lay in the ability to make a behavioral forecast on the reaction of the mass of people and subordinate their actions to his plans. This game of politicians was played constantly and in the difficult conditions of information hunger of those times.

With the invention of radio, people became more aware, but immediately became the “bait” of the ruling circles, who received reliable access to vary the facts and present information to their own advantage. Manufacturers of radios and information did not even imagine the breadth of distribution of what they wanted. For the first time, the question seriously arose about the possibilities not only of influencing public opinion, but also of shaping it in the right direction. Radio technology has replaced enthusiastic agitators, providing opportunities for interested parties to replicate, or advertise, literally everything: tastes, fashion, Political Views, way of thinking.

The newborn media became an ideological platform for the powerful classes, certain groups of people united by common interests and individuals, owners of sufficient funds and entrepreneurs.

The growth of technological progress involuntarily subjugated a person, attracted by the availability of radio information, which does not require additional costs and special efforts to receive and assimilate what he heard. People have become hostages of information progress.

Time has determined a situation when humanity has come close to what we observe in the modern life of human society - a direct confrontation between the individual and information technologies. The time has come when people can no longer imagine life without information warning systems and are under the pressure of huge flows unnecessary information, arriving regardless of their requests.

The mechanism of influence of information on the human psyche.

The peculiarities of human perception are such that, when dealing with redundant information, the brain is aimed at processing data coming from various sources of information about the world around us, highlighting the most important and significant of what is received. This ability has been developed evolutionarily. For the survival of any biological species, a timely and correct reaction to the situation in the diversity of the external world is necessary. To survive on earth, a species must not only survive, but also leave behind offspring. Let us investigate the following property. Many species have peripheral vision. If we are unable to determine the color or shape in this case, we are at least able to notice a moving car, which will be a warning of danger. Nature initially laid down ways to preserve living beings. The reaction to this action is expected to be ambiguous. But with more developed vigilance, a biological individual can avoid death. But that's another question. What does all this physiology have to do with the impact of information technology on the human psyche? It turns out it's direct.

The influence of the external world perceived by the brain is not always reflected as intended by the manufacturer. Each person perceives the world around him in his own way. Let us consider the information entering the brain as a sequence of certain messages from the outside. The science of semiotics studies such questions and directs us in the appropriate direction of reasoning. Any message is formed by signs that carry a certain meaning - explicit and implied.

With messages coming from the surrounding, natural, inanimate nature, special signals enter the human brain as special impulses. For example, you enter a forest, see a windbreak or a swamp - nature has warned you about a danger that you know about from the experience of entire generations and it is up to you to decide what to do. We seem to be faced with an implication of danger. Dense forest. Dangerous! There may be wild animals and unforeseen situations. By entering it, you take a risk. You need to have a lot of knowledge, the ability to navigate in the forest, have endurance, will, and certain skills. Nowadays you should stock up on a compass, cell phone, special insect repellent creams, rubber boots in spring, summer and autumn, a map of the area, and in winter - warm clothing, means of protection against attacks by wild animals and food. The same is true in any other unfamiliar terrain- in the mountains, on rivers, in the desert, in the steppe. Nature will always help you find a clue and guide you to a way out of the current situation. You need to be observant, attentive and careful in choosing your action.

Let us turn to another case, when a message has an author who sends a message with a clearly defined purpose, with a code of meaning. The process of perception becomes more complicated. The meaning of each specific word is determined by the essence of adjacent words. The statement is perceived as a whole, as a single information package. The importance of a statement may be equally valuable for the transmitter and the recipient, or a certain reaction on the part of the recipient of this statement is expected. Moreover, indicators of the meaning contained in a phrase or statement can be intonation, facial expressions, gestures, behavioral reactions and other signs that help a person identify the exact meaning of what was said. The person to whom the message is sent recognizes the essence of the statement and its significance. Sometimes there is some failure in a situation where the goal is not achieved as a result of the transmission of the statement. This happens for a number of reasons. The recipient of the statement is a representative of a different culture, field of activity, level of education, etc. As a result, some of the meanings embedded in the message are dissipated due to misunderstanding or deliberately ignored by the recipient. In addition, there is a danger of the message becoming “noisy” when the recipient tries to read it deeper than the author himself encoded.

Let's return to a thoughtful and planned information message, which is specifically sent to a wide circle of the population, to the masses. If we analyze the impact of information on people, we can note different reactions to what they hear. Information can be one-time and systematic, formal or factual, complete, bright and effective, or meager and superficial. If we talk about the impact of broadcast messages (propaganda, advertising, media campaigns) on the psyche of the audience, then the situation becomes more complicated. The authors purposefully introduce a “preferred” meaning into their messages with a programmed response from the entire mass of recipients. Encoding of the preferred meaning can also be carried out at the level of direct influence on the subconscious. In turn, the audience (ideally) is not a mindless absorber of any information that they are trying to impose on them. Everyone allocates for themselves only part of the required information for certain reasons. Other information may be discarded due to lack of interest. We live in the information age. Day after day, a person accumulates experience in standard time conditions. Understanding the situation leads to thinking about what you heard and saw. The proposed information is sorted. Gradually, a person develops the skill of selecting information on the subconscious, bringing actions to automaticity. It is impossible to process the entire stream of information flows released to the masses. A person masters a new temporary space.

First lecture of the project Teach good things from the course “Information security of the individual in conditions of aggressive popular culture"(14+). It was read at the Sober Rally in Taganrog in May 2017.

The influence of information on a person

A person in his decisions and actions always proceeds from his worldview. The way he imagines the world around him influences his behavior. If you think that the world is cruel and the people in it are evil, you will treat others accordingly and receive the same backlash. If you think that the world is an exceptionally beautiful and bright place, you will always walk around with a smile on your face until you meet someone who thinks the world is evil. Therefore, of course, we must maintain a positive attitude, but assess the situation as objectively as possible, taking into account both the positive and negative aspects. The more objective and holistic your ideas about the world around you are, the more clearly you will imagine the consequences of your actions, and accordingly, you will be able to predict the situation with a greater degree of reliability.

At the same time, we perform many actions in our lives not as a result of conscious volitional actions, but, as they say, automatically. In such cases, we are controlled by our subconscious, which relies on already formed stereotypes and behavior patterns, and we can say that at these moments we act unconsciously, without thinking, but simply working out habitual behavioral programs. But before we begin to understand where these behavioral programs come from, let's define what it means to “live consciously.”

The popular word “mindfulness” today is understood differently by many and is often vague. We offer the following image for this word: “Living consciously means striving to ensure that all your actions bring you closer to your life goals”

Accordingly, it is possible to say that a person lives consciously only when he has formed a certain ordered list of goals and life guidelines and tries to coordinate all his actions and deeds with these goals so that they bring him closer to the realization of his plans. For example, if one of a person’s goals is to maintain and strengthen his physical and mental health, then he will never use alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. That is, in order to live consciously, you need to answer the question to yourself: “Why are you living?”, and then always remember this.

A conscious life begins with an answer to the question “why am I living?” and creating an ordered list of goals you want to achieve. If you don’t have goals, then you cannot manage yourself, which means someone else will manage you.

But let’s return to the worldview, which determines the behavior of every person.

Worldview is a set of interconnected and ordered images that reflect our ideas about the world around us. If the worldview is adequate to reality, that is, the picture formed in our head is similar to the real world, then the person behaves adequately. If there is a kaleidoscope and chaos in your head, then your behavior will be in the style of “seven Fridays in a week.”

Ideas about the world around us are formed under the influence of information that comes to us from the outside. In our heads, all information is somehow processed and stored, occupying its niche in that very worldview picture. Moreover, in order to better understand the mechanics of this process, the human psyche can be imagined as an interconnected two-level information system consisting of consciousness and subconscious, in which the subconscious is an analogue of a powerful computer that operates with huge volumes of various data - visual images, texts, sounds and so on. But consciousness has much lower capabilities for processing information, and it can simultaneously hold more than one a large number of objects. At the same time, consciousness serves as a kind of analogue of the input-output interface of information and operating system, which in the course of its activities relies on the results of information processing by the subconscious.

For example, a person learns to drive a car. To do this, he studies the rules for a long time traffic, masters driving - first with an instructor, then on his own, focuses on how to correctly change gears, turn, and so on, but at some point this whole process ceases to require any serious volitional efforts and largely goes into automatic mode . That is, in order to learn to drive a car, you need to load a certain amount of information related to this process into your subconscious and gain practical skills.

In a similar way, a person learns everything in this world - he perceives a large amount of information, and then uses it in practice. But the trick is that not all the information that we “download” into ourselves turns out to be reliable or useful. And many, in addition, are in the false belief that there is so-called “entertainment content”, which does not need to be assessed in terms of its usefulness or harmfulness, since its influence supposedly boils down only to giving positive emotions or helping to take a break from everyday activities . Whether this is true or not, we’ll figure it out further, and now we’ll answer the question of what external factors most influence a person’s worldview, or what information channels fill it inner world and thereby teach him new behavior patterns and skills?

The main external factors influencing a person’s worldview:

  • Parents/family
  • School/institute/professional field
  • Friends/social circle
  • Media environment (media, TV, Internet...)
  • Other (place of residence, lifestyle, etc.)

Each of these factors plays a huge role in a person’s life, but we will focus on the one whose importance is increasing every year and, apparently, in the 21st century - the century of information technology - will gradually take first place. We are talking about the modern media environment, which is also called “media space”. Its main components.

The main components of the modern media space:

  • A television
  • Cinema
  • Music industry
  • Computer games
  • Advertising sphere
  • Other (radio, glossy magazines...)
  • Internet (combines all of the above)

All of the above information flows affect the lives of each of us. Even if you completely protect yourself from televisions, computers and radios, their influence will still reach you through friends, acquaintances, and work colleagues. Therefore, we must learn to interact with the surrounding media environment, understanding what impact - good or bad - it has on us, and what technologies are used. To this end, we will analyze popular media content, starting with the most significant point - “Television”.

Television as the main manipulator of public opinion

In the presented video, an experiment with a Bobo doll and small children is given as an example of the influence of television, but one must understand that television also influences adult viewers.

Experiment by psychologist Solomon Asch

In 1951, American psychologist Solomon Asch conducted a series of simple but very revealing experiments. He sat groups of 8 people in the audience and showed them 2 pictures. One line was drawn on one picture. In the second picture, three lines were drawn, differing in length. It was necessary to say which of these three lines coincides in length with the one shown on the sample. They were noticeably different.

The trick was this. In each group of 8 people, only one was actually examined. The remaining 7 were decoys. The subject was told that the purpose of the experiment was to test visual perception. Although in fact, conformism was studied, that is, a person’s tendency to agree with the opinion of the majority.

The real subject always answered last in line. That is, he previously saw and heard the answers of the other seven participants. There were 18 attempts in total. And in the first two attempts, the decoys gave the correct answers. The subject could thus make sure that his eyes were not deceiving him, and feel great.

But in subsequent attempts, the decoys deliberately gave incorrect answers in unison, claiming that two obviously different lines coincided in length. The subject heard 7 identical answers that unanimously contradicted what his own eyes saw, and then it was his turn to answer.

What did the results of the experiment show?

The results of the experiment showed that 37% of the subjects gave the same answer that the group gave! The experiment demonstrated that a huge part of people are ready not to even believe their own eyes, just to agree with the opinion of the majority. And television, in the perception of viewers, most often represents its position as the opinion of the majority, or as expert opinion, thereby motivating the audience not to think about many issues on their own, but simply to accept the broadcast point of view.

Now let's watch a few more videos that reveal the goals that popular Russian television shows are working to achieve. The videos were made at different times and different people, so they differ noticeably in video and audio quality, but at the same time they are still united by a single analytical approach.

Unstructured management

As you probably noticed, the term “propaganda” constantly appears in all the videos. What does it actually mean, and is it appropriate to use it?

In fact, the materials of the Teach Good project always talk about unstructured management, but this is done in a language that is accessible and understandable to a wide audience, for which they use well-known vocabulary and, in particular, the term “propaganda”, which implies the management of social processes by disseminating specific information. But let's first understand how the management process can proceed.

Management can be structural, that is, it is like in the army - when there is a superior and a subordinate, and one gives orders and controls the other. The army or any other system with a similar hierarchy is the structure along which the information processes and the tasks assigned from above are solved.

But it is also possible to manage without structure - by creating such an information environment around the object that will stimulate it to act in the manner desired by the customer. The simplest example is advertising. She doesn’t directly tell anyone “go and buy such and such a thing,” she acts differently: she creates an attractive image for the product and tries to create a new need in the viewer, the answer to which will be the purchase. There is no order or structure, but a person goes and buys a product forced on him.

But not only objects can be advertised or promoted into society using an unstructured method, but also behavior patterns, ideas, outlooks on life, life guidelines, values. So, the purposeful and systematic promotion of some ideas in an unstructured way - this, in the terminology familiar to a wide audience, is “propaganda”, which is what all the media without exception do, although many journalists do not even realize this. Therefore, in order to have a good understanding of propaganda issues, it is advisable to know the basic principles of management theory and understand how the processes of unstructured management take place in society. At the end of the course, we will recommend you a list of books that are useful to read.

You should also try to switch to using the correct terminology. In particular, the media are inherently means of formation and management public consciousness , and, when appropriate, it is better to call them that.

"Doesn't affect me"

Many will say: “Well, I watched the episode!, I laughed at their obscene jokes, but after that I didn’t go to the tavern and didn’t cheat on my wife. It turns out that your unstructured management or propaganda in relation to me is not working?”

Firstly, the fact that you didn’t immediately go and grab a bottle doesn’t mean that the TV show didn’t influence you in any way. For example, after watching, a person at least becomes more tolerant of vice, because the natural feeling of indignation and disgust is gradually replaced by humor and the positive emotions associated with it. In addition, information poisoning occurs gradually and unnoticed. The same advertisement must be shown to a person many times before he finally makes a decision. Likewise, the effect of television in imposing behavior patterns may not appear immediately and with its own specificity characteristic of an individual, because television always works with a mass audience. He is not interested in you personally, he is interested in the impact on society as a whole.

With the help of critical thinking, you can block the identified destructive programs that they are trying to impose on you, and protect yourself from frankly degrading content. But in order for your filters of critical perception to be constantly active, you need to remember very well that no information passes without a trace and always affects a person in some way. The next time you hear from TV channel employees that their main task is to entertain viewers, then rest assured that under the guise of entertainment these people are simply hiding their destructive goals

We must always remember that no information passes without a trace and always influences a person in some way.

Information = food

To better understand this, the process of watching a movie, TV series, program or any other media product can be compared to the process of eating food. No one doubts that food is one of the main factors influencing human health. This effect does not appear immediately - you will not die from one hamburger and will not even notice the harmful effects, but once you introduce fast food into your regular diet, diseases will not keep you waiting.

An absolutely similar principle of influence applies to the information that a person consumes. If food affects physical health, then information directly affects his mental and spiritual state.

All products of the Russian TV channel TNT, and many other entertainment TV channels, are poisoned food, these are the same hamburgers that destroy you spiritually, gradually turning you into subhumans, and in the case of young people and children, initially blocking their opportunity to become full-fledged people. An abundance of vulgarity, perversion, flat humor, cynicism and stupidity are analogues of taste enhancers that are used in the food industry. It seems to society that it is only being entertained, while in fact it is being programmed. Let's watch another video on this topic.

In the same way that television promotes alcohol, other harmful behaviors are similarly promoted.

Distorted stereotypes of behavior formed by modern television:

  • Being vulgar, cheeky, ready for life on display is the norm.
  • A selfish, “major” lifestyle is the norm.
  • Commercialism and obsession with money are the norm.
  • The image of a stupid/fatal, accessible woman is the norm.
  • The image of a reveler seeking a volatile relationship is the norm.
  • Propaganda of vulgarity, shamelessness, and perversion is the norm.
  • Promotion of alcohol and tobacco is the norm.

It would seem that if TV is so bad, stop watching it, and that’s all “personal information security” for you. But it's not that simple. After all, television poison in itself is very attractive. A kind of free cheese in a mousetrap. And other areas of modern mass culture, for the most part, do not bring anything good.

Therefore, the point is not to remove the TV box from home and start consuming similar content from the Internet, but to, firstly, learn to distinguish good from bad, and for this you need to know about the impact of information on a person and be able to identify real the goals that such media content works to achieve, and secondly, you need to want to remove the bad.

It’s like giving up alcohol and tobacco - it seems like there’s nothing complicated, you just stopped buying them and poisoning yourself with poisons, no one forces you, but, as practice shows, it’s not at all easy to “want” this very thing. The problem is that in the head there are already a large number of perception models and behavioral programs formed since childhood through the same TV, and their revision requires time and work on oneself. It is necessary to gradually review and re-evaluate many pieces of information that seem so familiar to you that you perceive them as something close and dear, but at the same time you have never really thought about their impact on your life.

We will strive to ensure that you stop wasting your time on all harmful media content, clear your worldview of information garbage and move on to a conscious life, analyzing in detail in other lectures what modern popular TV series, films, cartoons, musical groups and much more.
