Bibliology component composition. Bibliology is the science of books. Test questions for the course

Modern idea of ​​disciplinary scientific knowledge as a system. The concept of the object domain of disciplinary knowledge. Object area of ​​book science. The concept of the object of disciplinary scientific knowledge. General definition object of bibliographic knowledge. The component composition of the object of bibliological knowledge: the object of general bibliology, the object of book publishing (editorial and publishing) knowledge, book trading knowledge; object of library knowledge; object of bibliographic knowledge. Correlation of objects of general book science, book publishing, book trading, library, bibliographic knowledge. The structure of the object of bibliographic knowledge. The system of the object of bibliological knowledge, reflecting the systematic nature of the book as an objective phenomenon of social reality. The concept of the subject of disciplinary scientific knowledge. The relationship between the object and the subject of disciplinary scientific knowledge. General definition of the subject of bibliology. The component composition of the subject of bibliological knowledge: the subject of general bibliology, the subject of book publishing knowledge, the subject of bookselling knowledge, the subject of library knowledge, the subject of bibliographic knowledge. The relationship between the subjects of general bibliology, book publishing, bookselling, library, and bibliographic knowledge. Structure of the subject of bibliology. The system of the subject of bibliology, reflecting the integrity of scientific knowledge about the book as an object of bibliology. The concept of the composition and structure of disciplinary scientific knowledge. Composition (subsystems) of bibliology: general bibliology, book publishing, bookselling, library, bibliographic knowledge. Structure of bibliology (structural-level organization of bibliological knowledge): methodology, history, theory, methodology of bibliological knowledge and practical bibliological activity. Intradisciplinary structural-level organization of bibliological knowledge.

System of book publishing knowledge:

General editing - Theory of book publishing knowledge - History of book publishing knowledge. History of book publishing. - Methodology of scientific bibliological knowledge in the subject of book publishing knowledge and book publishing bibliological activity.

System of bookselling bibliological knowledge (bibliopolitics):

General bibliopolitics - Theory of bibliopolitics. History of bibliopolitics. History of the book trade - Methodology of bibliopolitics and book trade bibliology activities.

System of library book knowledge (library science):

General library science - Theory of library science. - History of library science. History of librarianship.

Methods of library science and library book research activities.

System of bibliographic book knowledge (bibliographic science):

General bibliographic studies - Theory of bibliographic studies - History of bibliographic studies. History of bibliography. -Methodology of bibliographic studies and bibliographic book research activities. Systemic unity and interdisciplinary organization of bibliographic knowledge.

Book studies and related disciplines. Signs by which this scientific discipline is qualified as adjacent to bibliology. Contents and forms of interaction at the levels of general book studies, special book studies, specific disciplinary and book knowledge.

From the status and content of general bibliology as general theory books and the general theory of book science, it necessarily follows that an important task of bibliological methodology is also the construction and substantiation of scientific knowledge itself, which adequately reflects the nature, essence, processes and forms of the book as an integral system. The starting positions in this case are a systematic approach and a typological method.

The “framework” of any scientific knowledge is formed by such scientific categories as object area, object, subject, composition, structure, interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary organization, system of method.

When studying a topic, you should pay close attention on the interpretation of the objective domain, object and subject of any scientific theory in general. These categories in various scientific studies are interpreted, firstly, in different ways, secondly, often approximately and without evidence, and thirdly, regardless of each other. There is no “object domain” category at all.

Meanwhile, the objective domain is all the phenomena of objective reality given to us in sensations, which this science considers “legitimate” for its research.

Thus, for bibliology, the object domain will be all phenomena of books and book publishing, including all publications on this topic.

A scientific discipline models its object from the phenomena of its object domain. The formation of an object is, in essence, a reflection of the object domain in thinking on the basis of identifying its essential features.

Object of scientific knowledge- this is a generalized theoretical (ideal) model of really existing things, phenomena, their characteristics, properties and relationships, expressed by means of categories, concepts, judgments, definitions. The object of book studies is the theoretical model of the book, the formation of which is the subject of the previous topic of the course. Since a book is a systemic phenomenon, its theoretical model (i.e., the object of bibliology) should, by definition, be a multi-component and structured system, which is revealed in the corresponding section of the textbook chapter.

Item scientific discipline often interpreted as an aspect, a slice in which an object is viewed. A more correct definition of a subject can be as a set of problems and tasks solved by a given science. To put it even more precisely, the subject of a scientific discipline is a set of questions that the researcher asks the object of his research. These questions appear and accumulate either in the process of theoretical self-development of science, or arise in relevant practice (in the book business - for a bibliologist). Not yet identified and unknown connections in the phenomena of reality are recognized in practice as unsolved problems. Reflected by means of theoretical thinking, these tasks turn into formulated problems that science must solve. The subject of science determines the content of knowledge about the object.

The subject of bibliology, therefore, is a set of problems structured according to the structure of the object.

Based on these attitudes, one should learn the interpretation of the object and subject of bibliology, set out in this chapter of the textbook.

Further study of the topic involves mastering the structure of bibliology at the levels of methodological, historical, actually theoretical, methodological and subsystems of bibliological knowledge - publishing, bookselling, library, bibliographic - structured at these levels, as well as the ability to reveal the content of each of the components and structural levels of bibliological knowledge.

In this section, you should know the status and set of disciplines related to bibliology, as well as the mechanisms and forms of interaction of bibliology with them, including such a form as the formation of interdisciplinary problems (for example, the study of the reader and reading).


    Belovitskaya A.A. Bibliology. General book science. Textbook - M.: MGUP, 2007. - 393 p. Chapter 7.


    Andreev M.D. Theory as a form of organization of scientific knowledge, - M.: Nauka, 1977. - 303 p.

    1. Definition of bibliology. System of book knowledge;

      Systematicity as a manifestation of the law of universal interconnection of a phenomenon;

      General scientific interpretation of the system. Signs of systemic education;

      Object area of ​​book science;

      General definition of the object of bibliology;

      Component composition of the object of bibliology;

      Structure of the object of bibliographic knowledge;

      General definition of the subject of bibliology. Component composition of the subject of bibliology;

      Structure of the subject of bibliology;

      Structural-level organization of bibliographic knowledge;

      System of book publishing knowledge;

      System of bookselling bibliological knowledge;

      System of library bibliographic knowledge;

      System of bibliographic book knowledge;

      Book studies and related disciplines.

Bibliology as the science of books, book publishing and the reader.

Modern bookmaking

Book publishing in Russia in the post-Soviet period.

The future of books in the electronic environment

Theory of bibliology.

1) Terminology, changes in the composition of the science of bibliology during the 19th-20th centuries, debatable problems on the composition of science in the 60-80s in the USSR, characterize the object, the subject of bibliology.

2) Modern bookmaking. The problem of interaction between printed and electronic books, consider the definition of “electronic book”, typology of electronic books, debatable issues of the future of the book; features of the organization and structure of the modern book business in Russia, changes in the publishing repertoire, new forms of book distribution.

Topic 1. General book science. Worldview and scientific foundations of general bibliology

The idea of ​​bibliology as a system of scientific knowledge about the essence and forms of the book, the processes and patterns of its existence, movement, development and functioning; method of obtaining new knowledge about the book; the method of organizing the results of book knowledge either into theoretical elements of bibliological knowledge (categories of concepts, judgments, definitions, concepts, theories), or into theoretically realized rules, methods, techniques, procedures of practical activity in a particular area of ​​book business or bibliology. The status of general bibliology as a methodological level in the structure of book science and a relatively independent bibliological discipline.

Object, subject, structure, goals, tasks of general bibliology. Historiography and source study of general book studies.

Worldview problems of general bibliology.

Scientific problems of general bibliology. The idea of ​​the object of general bibliology (the book as an objective phenomenon of social reality and as a fundamental bibliological category; scientific knowledge about the book) and the subject of general bibliology (identification and justification of the essence of the book, the processes and forms of its existence, movement, development; bringing into the system scientific knowledge about book).

Topic 2. History of the formation and development of generalized bibliographic knowledge

Methodological approaches to the study of general bibliology. The relationship between the history of general book science and the history of special book science areas of knowledge (book publishing, bookselling, library, bibliographic). Domestic historiography history of foreign book studies. Foreign historiographical sources on the history of foreign bibliology. Bibliographic, library science, historical and book concepts of generalized bibliological knowledge.

Specific scientific orientations in the development of general theoretical provisions of the science of the book: historical-literary, sociological, information-documentary, psychological-pedagogical, semiotic, communication, commercial, etc. The main directions of modern theoretical research in foreign book science. Practice and prospects for the development of international cooperation in the field of bibliology.

General patterns of the development of bibliology in pre-revolutionary Russia. Prerequisites for the emergence of Russian book science. The first bibliographic works of A.I. Bogdanov on compiling the repertoire of Russian books and the history of book publishing in Russia.

The origin of the science of books in the works of V.S. Sopikov (1765-1818). Development of the science of books in the works of V. G. Anastasevich (1755-1845). History and theory of bibliography as the first bibliological discipline. The emergence of the term “book studies” and understanding of its content at different stages in the history of the development of book science.

The first bibliographic organizations. Russian Bibliographic Society at Moscow University. Theoretical bibliology works of N.M. Lisovsky (1854-1920) and their significance for the subsequent development of the theory of bibliology. Russian bibliological society. Theoretical works A.M.Lovyagina (1870-1925). The theory of bibliopsychology by N. A. Rubakin.

Development of bibliology in the first years of Soviet power. Book research centers of the 20s and 30s. and the main directions of their activities. Theoretical concepts of the largest Soviet bibliologists: A.M.Lovyagina, M.N.Kufaeva, M.I. Shchelkunova, N.M. Somova, A.V. Mezier, A.G. Fomina.

The development of individual bibliological and related disciplines in the late 20s and 30s. Book controversy of the early 30s. Consequences of the controversy for the development of domestic bibliology.

The main directions of book research in the 40-50s.

The “second birth” of bibliology is the beginning of the publication of the theoretical printed organ of bibliology of the collection “Book. Research and materials". Discussion on the problems of bibliology in 1959 and 1964. Scientific and training centers; training of personnel for various branches of the book business; training of scientific personnel.

Development of the general theory of bibliology: All-Union scientific conferences on problems of book science (1971, 1974,1977,1980,1984, 1988); VII (1992), VIII (1996), IX (2000) scientific conferences on problems of bibliology on general theoretical and methodological problems of bibliology.

The concept of the complexity of book science: the main developers, the most significant publications.

Functional concept of bibliology: main developers, most significant publications.

The concept of “overlapping sciences” as an awareness of the need to develop a general theory and methodology of bibliology.

System-typological concept; its initial provisions and principles. Main developers, most significant publications.

Topic 3. Book. Book business. Book edition

Book as a bibliographic category. Modern approaches to the study of the essence of books and book publishing. Basic principles and provisions. General scientific concept of information. The book in the light of the content of the concepts “social information” - “semantic information” (material-subject and semiotic). The communication process “consciousness”, its content and structure, patterns of changing forms of information in this process.

The concept of context, text, work as subsystems of the communication process “consciousness”, forms of semiotic (sign) social communication and the book.

Publishing and process of mass communication, forms of mass communication method. The relationship between books and the press, radio, cinema, television, and computer communications.

A general definition of the essence of a book as an objective phenomenon of social reality. Book in the book business. Contents of the fundamental bibliographic category “book”.

Bookmaking as a way of existence of a real, valid book. Most general forms existence of the book business: book production - book distribution - book reproduction. Forms of books in the processes of book production, book distribution, book reproduction. Modern forms of book production, book distribution, book reproduction processes: editorial and publishing, book trading, library, bibliographic business. Forms of existence and movement of books in them.

Book publication as a material and object form of a book. The content of the concept of “book publication”. Book publishing system. The relationship between the category “book” and the concept “book publication”. Dialectical definition of a book. “Electronic book”, “Electronic edition”, “Electronic book edition”.

Topic 4. System of bibliographic knowledge

Modern idea of ​​disciplinary scientific knowledge as a system. The concept of the object domain of disciplinary scientific knowledge. Object area of ​​book science. General definition of the object of bibliographic knowledge. Component composition of the object of bibliographic knowledge.

The structure of the object of bibliographic knowledge. System of the object of bibliological knowledge. The concept of the subject of disciplinary scientific knowledge. The relationship between the object and the subject of disciplinary scientific knowledge. General definition of the subject of bibliology. Component composition of the subject of bibliographic knowledge. The relationship between the subjects of general bibliology, book publishing, bookselling, library, and bibliographic knowledge. Structure of the subject of bibliology. System of the subject of bibliology. The concept of the composition and structure of disciplinary scientific knowledge. Composition of bibliology: general bibliology, book publishing, bookselling, library, bibliographic knowledge.

Structural-level organization of bibliological knowledge: methodology, history, theory, methodology of bibliological knowledge and practical bibliological activity. System of book publishing knowledge. System of bookselling bibliological knowledge (bibliopolitics). System of library bibliographic knowledge (library science). System of bibliographic book knowledge (bibliographic science). Systemic unity and interdisciplinary organization of bibliographic knowledge. Book studies and related disciplines. Contents and forms of interaction at the levels of general book studies, special book studies, specific disciplinary and book studies knowledge.

System of bibliographic method. General concept about the method of scientific knowledge. The relationship between theory and method. Foundations of the theory of the method. Book theory theory typological method. System, structure, forms of the bibliological typological method. Cognitive capabilities of each of the subsystems of the bibliological typological method at each of the levels of bibliological knowledge (general book studies, special book studies, specific disciplinary). Categorical-conceptual system of bibliology. Subsystems of categories and concepts of general book studies, special book studies and particular disciplinary book studies levels.

Topic 5. General principles of typology of book publications

Book typology as a theoretical justification for the typification method, i.e. systematization, grouping, classification of bibliological phenomena and processes based on essential (typological) bibliological characteristics. Typology of book publications as a substantiation of essential criteria and features of systematization of book publications. Forms of reflection of typological (essential) features of a work (works) of literature, music, visual arts in the process and results of organizing this (these) work into a book publication by means of book publishing. Logical model of book publishing.

System of criteria for typing book publications. Types and types of book publications. Modern classifications of book publications operating in various areas of book publishing. Criteria for publishing, bookselling, library, bibliographic classification of book publications. Main trends, directions and prospects for the development of bibliology in modern stage. Actual problems and unresolved issues of general bibliology.

System of criteria for typing periodicals. Types and types of periodicals. Modern classifications of periodicals operating in various areas of publishing. Unified industry classifier of print media.

System of criteria for typing serial publications. Types and types of serial publications. Differences between serials and periodicals.

Principles and criteria for typing electronic publications. Types of modern electronic publications. Interaction of printed and electronic publications. Complete editions. the essence of the book, the processes and forms of its existence, movement, development; bringing scientific knowledge about the book into the system).

Test questions for the course

  1. Bibliology as a science: object, subject, component composition.
  2. Composition of bibliology. general characteristics components of scientific disciplines.
  3. Book studies and related disciplines. Content and forms of interaction.
  4. The theory of bibliographic typological method. System, structure, forms of the bibliological typological method.
  5. Book typology.
  6. Typology of book publications.
  7. Types and types of book publications.
  8. Modern classifications of book publications operating in various areas of book publishing.

Main literature:

  1. Mandel B.R. Bookmaking [Electronic resource]: Textbook. allowance / B. R. Mandel. - M.: University textbook: INFRA M, 2013. - 634 p. Electronic resource]. - URL: (date of access: 05/1/2016).
  2. Mandel, B.R. Bookmaking and the history of the book: an illustrated textbook for higher education students educational institutions, studying in the specialties “Public Relations”, “Journalism”, “Library Science”, “Museum Studies”, “Book Studies”, “Publishing and Editing”, “Printing” (bachelors, masters) / B.R. Mandel. M.: Direct-Media, 2014. Part 2. 422 pp.: color. ill. Bibliography: pp. 393-402; The same [Electronic resource]. URL: (access date 05/1/2016).
  3. Basic standards for publishing / comp. A. A. Dzhigo, S. Yu. Kalinin. - Moscow: University Book, 2009. - 326 p. 12.2

Additional literature:

  1. Logic and methodology of science: Modern humanitarian knowledge and its prospects: Tutorial/ A.V. Pavlov; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation M.: Flinta: Nauka, 2010. 344 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed September 1, 2014).
  2. Rodin I.O. Publisher's Handbook / I.O. Rodin. Direct-Media, 2013. 386 p. ISBN 978-5-4458-3430-4; The same [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed September 1, 2014).

Internet resources:

  1. Website of RKP (branch of ITAR TASS):
  2. Reference and information portal for librarians:

More literature

  1. 400 years of Russian book printing in Russia. 1564-1964: In 2 vols. M., 1964.
  2. Alekseeva M. Engraving from the time of Peter the Great. L., 1990.
  3. Albina L.L. New about Diderot // French Yearbook. 1984. M., 1986. pp. 189-202.
  4. Aronov V.R. Elseviers. M., 1975.
  5. Arosev A. How bourgeois newspapers were closed in Moscow // Krasnaya Nov. 1929. No. 4.
  6. Archival materials on the history of books and book publishing in the USSR: Index (1917-1977). Central Archives/ State USSR Library named after V.I. Lenin; Comp. T.A. Podmazova. M., 1987.
  7. Artsikhovsky A.V., Borkovsky V.I. Novgorod letters on birch bark. M., 1958.
  8. Bagnovskaya N.M. From scroll to codex (evolution of book forms) // Book. Trade and history of the book. 1990. Vol. 1. pp. 18-29.
  9. Barenbaum I.E. History of the book: Textbook. M., 1984.
  10. Barenbaum I.E. The state of historiography of book history in the USSR / Proceedings of Leningrad. Institute of Culture. T. 15. L., 1964.
  11. Barsuk A.I. On the definition of the concept “book” // Ed. case. Book Science: Scientific Information. Sat. / CBNTI for printing. 1970. No. 2(12). pp. 5-9.
  12. Begunov Yu.K. Manuscript literature of the 18th century. and democratic reader: (Problems and objectives of study) // Russian literature. 1977. No. 1. P. 121-132.
  13. Belovitskaya A.A. The main stages of the development of bibliology in the USSR: Textbook. allowance. M., 1983.
  14. Blum A.V. Private and cooperative publishing houses of the 20s. under the control of Glavlit (according to archival documents 1922-1929) // Book. Research and materials. 1993. Sat. 66. pp. 175-192.
  15. Bogdanov A.P. All-Russian Chronicle Code late XVII V. in the collection of I.E. Zabelina // Russian book literature of the 15th-19th centuries. M., 1989. pp. 183-209.
  16. Bolshevik press: Collection of materials. M., 1960. Issue. 4. (1917).
  17. Bresler V.M., Matyshev A.A. Book publishing house "Aquilon" and artist B.M. Kustodiev. M., 1989.
  18. Budalov A. The great Russian educator N.I. Novikov. M., 1968.
  19. Second-hand book trade: Textbook / Under the general editorship. A.A. Govorova and A.V. Doroshevich. M., 1990.
  20. Second-hand booksellers of Leningrad // Ogonyok. 1944. No. 48-49.
  21. Butenko I.A. Sociodynamics of reader's interests (60s - late 80s) // Book. Research and mtaeries. 1992. Sat. 64. pp. 28-37.
  22. Varbanets N.V. Johann Guttenberg and the beginning of printing in Europe. M., 1980.
  23. Vatsuro V.E., Gillelson M.I. Through the “mental dams”: Essays on the book and the press of Pushkin’s era. 2nd ed. M., 1986.
  24. Verizhnikov T.F. Artistic printing houses in England late XIX-XX V. // Problems of development of foreign graphics. L., 1986. pp. 56-68.
  25. Verite I.G., Litvin A.B. Seal of the USSR in the first five-year plan. M.; L., 1933.
  26. Vinogradova L.A. and others. History of the book trade: Textbook. M., 1982.
  27. Vinogradova L.A. History of book publishing in Russia (988-1917): A course of lectures for universities. M., 1991.
  28. Vityazev P. Private publishing houses in Soviet Russia. Pg., 1921.
  29. Vladimirov L.I. General history books. M., 1988.
  30. Vladislavlev I.V. The first congress of a comprehensive offensive against bourgeois book studies // Book. front. 1932. No. 4-5.
  31. Voltersky V.P. Dictionaries of the 18th century. M., 1986.
  32. Questions of Slavic-Russian paleography, codicology, epigraphy / Rep. ed. S.O. Schmidt. M., 1987.
  33. Gelb I.E. Experience in learning writing. M., 1982.
  34. Gessen S. Book publisher Alexander Pushkin. M., 1987.
  35. Glazer M.M. Publishing house "Alkonost". Brief historical and book review: Ed.-bibliogr. catalog. L., 1990.
  36. Govorov A.A. History of the book trade: Textbook. M., 1976.
  37. Govorov A.A. On the Old Russian origin of the word “book” // Book. trade and history of books. 1990. Vol. 1. P.14-18.
  38. Govorov A.A. Creation of centralized management and planning of the Soviet book trade (1922-1941) // Book. trade. Experience, problems, research. 1983. Vol. eleven.
  39. Golovata L.V. Universities and scientific book publishing (second half of the 18th - first quarter of the 19th centuries) // Book. Research and materials. 1990. Sat. 60. pp. 115-131.
  40. Golubtsov V.S. Memoirs as a source on the history of Soviet society. M., 1970.
  41. Goldin A.I. On the history of the development of mass forms of book distribution (late 20s - early 30s) // Book. trade. 1974. Sat. 1.
  42. Gordon L.S. Some results of the study of the banned book of the Enlightenment // French Yearbook. 1959. M., 1960. P. 89-120.
  43. Gorfunkel A.Kh. Printed and handwritten books in Italy in the 16th century. // Handwritten and printed book. M., 1975. S. 114-120.
  44. Gorshkov Yu. The collapse and revival of Russian book publishing // Book. case. 1993. No. 1.
  45. Gorshkov Yu.A. State and private publishing houses in the 20s. (Options for regulated relations) // Book. Research and materials. 1993.
  46. Gorshkov Yu.A. On the issue of monopolization of the book business in Russia // Book. case in Russia in the second half of the 19th-20th centuries. 1989. Vol. 4. pp. 7-19.
  47. Gorshkov Yu.A. NEP and the book: Creating prerequisites for mass book publishing (1921-1930) // Problems of economic history of the USSR and foreign countries. M., 1991. S. 83-102.
  48. Gorshkov Yu.A. Cyclical patterns of stabilization policy in the Russian book business // Ed. case. 1994. No. 3.
  49. State Archives of the USSR: Directory. Part 1-2. M., 1989.
  50. Green T.I. Article by N.A. Rubakina "Book flow" and its significance for the study of the history of books in Russia / Book. case in Russia in the second half of the 19th-20th centuries. 1992. Issue. 6. pp. 7-19.
  51. Guseva A.A. Unknown publications of the Upper Printing House: (Royal letters of grant of 1681-1683) // Book. Research and materials. 1993. Sat.65. pp. 130-137.
  52. Dandamaev M.A. Babylonian scribes. M., 1983.
  53. Decrees Soviet power. T. 2. M., 1948. pp. 235-236.
  54. Denikin A.I. Essays on Russian Troubles. M., 1991.
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  56. Activities of the LIO Narkompros // Book world. 1920. No. 1.
  57. Dinerstein E.A. Joint-stock companies in the publishing industry of post-reform Russia // Book. Research and materials. 1991. Sat. 63. pp. 86-112.
  58. Dinerstein E.A. Corporate associations of Russian scribes // Book. Research and materials. 1993. Sat. 66. pp. 131-158.
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  60. Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskaya O.A. History of writing in the Middle Ages. M., 1987.
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  65. Dubrovina L. Codicology and codicography of Ukrainian manuscript books. Kyiv, 1992.
  66. Elnikov M.P. Reorganization of book publishing. // Book. Research and materials. 1990. Sat. 62. pp. 16-26.
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  68. Zhukovskaya L.P. Development of Slavic-Russian paleography. M., 1963.
  69. Zavadskaya E.V. The appearance of Buddhist books in Japan (XI-XII centuries) // Buddhism. History and culture. M., 1989. S. 203-224.
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  74. Publications printed under Peter I (civil press): From the funds of the Russian State Pedagogical Institute / Comp. N.F. Chernysheva, O.M. Naumuk. M., 1991.
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  79. Istrin V.A. 1100 years of the Slavic alphabet. M., 1974.
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  85. Kleimenova R.N. Book Moscow of the first half of the 19th century. M., 1991.
  86. Klyuchevsky V.O. Memories of N.I. Novikov and his time // Historical portraits. M., 1991.
  87. Books in Russia in the 17th-19th centuries: From the history of the library of Acad. Sciences: Sat. scientific tr. / B-ka of the USSR Academy of Sciences; Rep. ed. A.A. Zaitsev. L., 1989.
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  98. Komkov G.D. Book during the Great Patriotic War. // Book. Research and materials. 1967. Sat. 15. pp. 105-118.
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  101. CPSU about means mass media and propaganda. 2nd ed., add. M., 1987.
  102. Krylova M.D., Margolin E.M. Development of views on types of bookstores // Book. trade. Experience, problems, research. M., 1963.
  103. Kufaev M.N. Problems of the philosophy of books // Sertum bibiogicum in honor of the President of the Russian Bibliographical Society prof. A.I. Malenina. Pg., 1922.
  104. Lazursky V.V. Ald and aldines. M., 1977.
  105. Levochkin I.V. Kyiv book-writing workshops of the 11th century. and Izbornik Svyatoslav 1073 // Manuscript funds Center. scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR. Kyiv, 1989. pp. 118-124.
  106. Lensky B.V. A book in a changing world. //Book. Research and materials. 1992. Sat. 66. P. 5-16.
  107. Librovich S.F. History of the book in Russia: At 2 hours. St. Petersburg; M., 1913-1914.
  108. Librovich S.F. On the book post: Memories. Notes. Documentation. Tallinn; M., 1993.
  109. Personal archival funds in state repositories of the USSR: In 3 vols. M., 1962-1980.
  110. Lovyagin A.M. Fundamentals of book science. M., 1926.
  111. Luppov S.P. Books in Russia in the post-Petrine era. 1725-1740. L., 1976.
  112. Luppov S.P. Book in Russia in the 17th century. L., 1970.
  113. Luppov S.P. Books in Russia in the first quarter of the 18th century. L., 1973.
  114. Lyublinsky S.B. Devotees of the book. M., 1988.
  115. Lyutov S.N. Military book in Siberia and on Far East in 1917-1941 Problems of publication and distribution: Author's abstract. diss. ...cand. M., 1995.
  116. Malykhin N.G. Essays on the history of book publishing in the USSR. M., 1965.
  117. Marxist and revolutionary-democratic press of the period of the first Russian revolution of 1905-1907: Catalog / Comp. T.V. Mosolkina. Saratov, 1989.
  118. Makhonina S.Ya. Russian pre-revolutionary press (1905-1914). M., 1991.
  119. Melnikov V.P. Working printers in Moscow on the eve and during the first Russian revolution(1901-1907). Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. ist. Sci. / Moscow state in absentia ped. int. M., 1992.
  120. Migon K. Problems of historical bibliology // Problems of the general theory of bibliography: Sat. articles: Transl. with him. and Polish M., 1978.
  121. Moldavskaya M.A. The emergence of capitalism in the printing industry in France in the first half of the 16th century. // Middle Ages. 1955. Issue 7.
  122. Morgenstern I.G. Availability of books in conditions of scarcity. //Book. Research and materials. 1989. Sat. 59. P. 5-22.
  123. Mylnikov A.S. Issues in the study of late handwritten books (problems and objectives) // Manuscript and printed book. M., 1975. S. 19-36.
  124. Mylnikov A.S. On the bibliographic method in source studies: to pose the question // Book. Research and materials. 1972. Sat. 25. pp. 18-22.
  125. Nazarov A.I. The book in Soviet society: Essays on the history of book publishing in the USSR. M., 1964.
  126. Nazarov A.I. Essays on the history of Soviet book publishing. M., 1952.
  127. Naydenov V.N. On the principles of relationships between foreign publishers and booksellers / NPO "All-Union. Prince. Chamber". M., 1991.
  128. Nemirovsky E.L. Ivan Fedorov, circa 1510-1583. M., 1985.
  129. Nemirovsky E.L. Johann Guttenberg. M., 1992.
  130. Nemirovsky E.L. On some ways to improve Soviet book publishing // Book. Research and materials. 1989. Sat. 59. P. 5-22.
  131. Nemirovsky E.L. Essays on the historiography of Russian early printing // Book. Research and materials. 1963. Sat. 8. pp. 14-42.
  132. Novgorod manuscripts of the 15th century: Codicological studies of manuscripts / Rep. ed. A.I. Kopanev. M.; L., 1989.
  133. Okorokov A.Z. October and the collapse of the Russian bourgeois press. M., 1970.
  134. Basic provisions and instructions for bookselling. M., 1939.
  135. Panchenko A.M. Book // Panchenko A.M. Russian culture on the eve of Peter's reforms. M., 1984.
  136. Patrusheva N.G. Censorship reforms of 1865 in the cartoons of Iskra / Book. Research and materials. 1995. Sat.71. pp. 228-238.
  137. Stamp of the USSR for 40 years. 1917-1957. M., 1957.
  138. Pogodin S. In the difficult years of the war (Memoirs of an old scribe) // Book. trade. 1967. No. 5.
  139. Podgorodnikov M.I. The eighth muse: Novikov: pages of life. M., 1978.
  140. Polonsky V. Russian revolutionary poster. M., 1925.
  141. Posadskov A.L. Bookmaking in Siberia in the context of the formation of the Soviet social order(1917 - June 1941): Abstract. diss. ... Dr. Ist. Sci. M., 1993.
  142. Posadskov A.L. On the periodization of book publishing in the USSR (1917-1941) // Sov. library science. 1974. No. 1. P. 103-114.
  143. Raskin D.I. Documentary sources on the history of publication and distribution of books in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. // Book in Russia XVII-XIX centuries: Problems of creation and distribution. L., 1989.
  144. Reznikov B. Military book trade // Book. trade. 1967. No. 7.
  145. Reitblat A. Strategy and tactics in the book market // Book. case. 1994. No. 2.
  146. Reitblat A.I. Moscow "almanacs" // Reading in pre-revolutionary Russia: Sat. scientific works M., 1995. P. 29-53.
  147. Reitblat A.I. From Bova to Balmont: Essays on the history of reading in Russia in the second half of the 19th century. M., 1991.
  148. Rozhdestvenskaya T.V. Epigraphy and book culture of ancient Novgorod // History and culture of the ancient Russian city. M., 1989. pp. 128-133.
  149. Rozov N.N. Book in Russia in the 15th century. L., 1981.
  150. Rozov N.N. Secular handwritten book of the 18th-19th centuries. in the meeting of A.A. Titova // Sat. of the State Public Library named after. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Vol. 2. L., 1954. S. 127-146.
  151. Russia during the period of reforms of Peter I: Sat. articles / Ed. N.I. Pavlenko. M., 1973. P. 384.
  152. NEP Russia: politics, economics, culture. Abstract. All-Union scientific conf. Novosibirsk, 1991.
  153. Handwritten book in the culture of the peoples of the East. T. 2. M., 1988.
  154. Russian popular print book of the 17th-18th centuries: Description of the collection / Comp. O.M. Naumuk, O.R. Khromov. M., 1994.
  155. Ruud Ch. Russian entrepreneur, Moscow publisher Ivan Sytin. M., 1993.
  156. Samorodov B. The pioneers of America // printing. 1989. No. 8. P. 42.
  157. Samorodov B. Printing house in the village of Gruzino // Polygraphy. 1992. No. 3. P. 44.
  158. Sapunov B.V. Book in Russia in the XI-XIII centuries. L., 1978.
  159. Sapunov B.V. Moscow Baroque is a phenomenon of Russian book culture of the 17th century. // Book. Research and materials. 1989. Sat. 57. pp. 60-77.
  160. Sapunov B.V. German books and newspapers in Moscow in the 17th century: (From the history of Russian-German cultural relations) // Book. Research and materials. 1994. Sat. 68. pp. 298-302.
  161. Sikorsky N.M., Nemirovsky E.L. Bibliology and its task in the light of current problems of Soviet book publishing. //Book. Research and materials. M., 1975.
  162. Simonov R.A., Andreeva O.V. Source study and historiography of the history of the book: Textbook. allowance. M., 1993. Dictionary of scribes and bookishness of Ancient Rus'. Vol. 1-3. St. Petersburg, 1988-1992.
  163. Smirnov-Sokolsky M. Russian literary almanacs and collections of the 18th-19th centuries. M., 1965.
  164. Sobolevskaya T.N. Tobolsk printing house of the Kornilievs ( late XVIII - early XIX centuries): Author's abstract. dis. ...cand. Philol. Sciences / LGIK. L., 1991.
  165. Soviet book: Index to literature about books and book publishing: 1917-1945: In 3 hours / State. b-ka USSR named after. IN AND. Lenin; Comp. T.A. Podmazova et al. M., 1976-1984.
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  167. Sokolov K.N. The reign of General Denikin // White Case: Selected works in 16 books. Kuban and the Volunteer Army. M., 1994. P. 5-284.
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  170. Sukhorukov K.M. Libraries and publishers are looking for cooperation // Book. business. 1995. No. 32-33.
  171. Sukhorukov K.M. Professional association in book publishing in the USA // Scientific and technical. achievements and best practices in the region. ed. affairs, half-time prom-sti and book. trade. 1991. Issue 10. pp. 13-14.
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  173. Tikhomirova I.V. Propaganda Department of General Denikin’s Volunteer Army (Historical Review) // Book. trade and history of books. M., 1995.
  174. Tolstyakov A.P. People of thought and goodness: Russian publishers K.T. Soldatenkov, N.P. Polyakov. M., 1984.
  175. Toshchev A.I. Petrovsky "Vedomosti" as a type of publication // Results and problems of studying Russian literature of the 18th century. L., 1989. pp. 184-199.
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  179. Fogelevich L.G. Basic directives and legislation on press. 6th ed. M., 1937.
  180. Francisk Skaryna and his time: Encyclopedic reference book. Minsk, 1990.
  181. Kharlamov V.I. On the question of the history of books as a historical and cultural discipline // Book. Research and materials. 1986. Sat. 53. pp. 43-52.
  182. Hippisley E.R. On the question of the sources of the Amsterdam edition of "Symbols and Ablemata" // Book. Research and materials. 1989. Sat. 59. pp. 60-79.
  183. Khoteev P.I. Book in Russia in the middle of the 18th century. L., 1989.
  184. Reader on the history of the book. Part 1. M., 1995.
  185. Central state archive ancient acts of the USSR: Guide. T.1. M., 1991.
  186. Chernyak A.Ya. Once again about the periodization of the history of book publishing in the USSR // Sov. library science. 1974. No. 5. P. 103-106.
  187. Chernyak A.Ya. History of the book as a science: (Experience in constructing a scientific discipline) // Book. Research and materials. 1989. Sat. 59. pp. 47-60.
  188. Shevtsov A.V. Non-periodical publications of the "Union of October 17th" // Book. Research and materials. 1995. Sat. 71. pp. 130-142.
  189. Shomrakova I.A. Book publishing in developing countries of Africa: Proc. allowance / LGIK. L., 1991.
  190. Shomrakova I.A. Major US publishing houses: General characteristics. M., 1974.
  191. Shomrakova I.A. Trade sector of the State Publishing House of the RSFSR and problems of organizing book trade. M., 1987.
  192. Egger E. The history of the book from its appearance to our times: Trans. from fr. St. Petersburg, 1900.
  193. Eikhe K. Bolshevik printed propaganda among enemy troops and the population of the occupied areas during the civil war and foreign military intervention. M., 1968.
  194. Yastrebitskaya A.L. On the development of capitalist relations in German printing in the second half of the 15th - mid-16th centuries. // Middle Ages. 1963. Issue. 24.
  1. Object of bibliology

Each scientific discipline, determining its scientific status, must establish object and subject own research. The concepts of object and subject of science are closely interrelated and have gone through a certain path of development. If earlier some scientists identified them, now the differences are clearly established.

The specialized literature provides many definitions and interpretations of the concept “object of science.” The following formulation seems to be the most accurate: “ the object of the theory is the essence of a certain class of things in its integrity.” The object of knowledge is also interpreted as certain objective reality.

The object of science always exists in a logical form, that is, in the form of a system of categories, concepts, judgments. The formation of an object of scientific knowledge is the process of reflection of objective reality in thinking and the result of this reflection, expressed by means of thinking - categories, concepts, definitions, judgments.

Consequently, the object of scientific knowledge is objective reality, but not in its empirical, concrete sensory reality (real things, objects, phenomena), but in its theoretical reality.

In the process of constructing an object of scientific knowledge, idealization, a kind of “averaging” of really existing things, objects, phenomena included in the empirical (or objective) field of a given science, because the researcher identifies essential, defining properties, signs, relationships and abstracts from the concrete sensory perception of reality.

The object of scientific knowledge is a generalized theoretical (ideal) model really existing things, phenomena, their properties, relationships and human activity directed at them.

A real, concrete thing is unique, and the object of scientific knowledge is universal, because it reflects in an abstract form the properties, characteristics and relationships between them that characterize the essence of a whole class of things. If science cannot formulate universal statements, then, as is known, it is considered empirical. This is the result of the fact that it has not yet built its object world.”

In modern scientific literature, the following are put forward as objects of bibliology:

2) a book that interacts with the reader;

3) books and bookmaking;

4) “book-reader” system;

5) the “work-book-reader” system;

6) the “book – bookmaking – reader” system, etc.

If we consider the existing definitions of the object of bibliology, we can find that, despite all the differences, in each of them there is a book as an obligatory element. It would seem that no one doubts that the book is the object of bibliology. But can we limit ourselves to just this? Is this definition sufficient and does it correspond to the modern understanding of the problem?

The object area of ​​practical book studies (editorial and publishing, book trading, bibliographic, library), theoretical (general book studies, special book studies and particular disciplinary) activities consists, on the one hand, of all the phenomena of the book, but, on the other hand, and all phenomena of the book business, and all types of book research activities.

In other words, object of the theory of bibliology as a system of scientific knowledge and a way of obtaining new knowledge is generalized theoretical model of a book in book publishing, represented by a system of bibliographic categories, concepts, definitions, and judgments.

They represent the essence in theory books as an objective phenomenon of social reality and book business as a way of existence of a book, as well as the form of a book, the forms and processes of bookmaking, signs, properties, their characteristics and the relationships between them.

Brought into the system, these categories, concepts, definitions, judgments will give a holistic theoretical image of the book as a complex, multi-level, multi-component phenomenon.

At the level of a special scientific definition of an object bibliology can be qualified as book science in bookmaking. The objective definition is not exhaustive, but still gives an idea of ​​the specifics of bibliology and its difference from other sciences. Bibliology studies the book in its integrity, the book in the book business, the book as a systematically ordered set of its constituent components.

Certain properties, aspects, features, functions of a book can be an integral part of the object of other scientific disciplines, such as, for example, literary criticism, linguistics, art history, textual criticism, paleography, sociology, economics, psychology, pedagogy, theory of mass communications, computer science, etc.

And only bibliology has the book in its entirety as the object of its study. This circumstance distinguishes bibliology from other scientific disciplines, in the object of which the book can be included as an integral part of any of its components, elements, properties, features.

Under object of book research the real process, fact or phenomenon of the book business is always understood. This could be a publisher or a reader, various processes of publishing, editorial, bibliographic, information activities, etc.

2.1.7. System of bibliographic knowledge. –8h.

Modern idea of ​​disciplinary scientific knowledge as a system. The concept of the object domain of disciplinary knowledge. Object area of ​​book science. The concept of the object of disciplinary scientific knowledge. General definition of the object of bibliographic knowledge. Component composition of the object of bibliological knowledge: object of general bibliology, object of book publishing (editorial and publishing) knowledge, book trading knowledge; object of library knowledge; object of bibliographic knowledge. Correlation of objects of general bibliology, book publishing, book trading, library, bibliographic knowledge. The structure of the object of bibliographic knowledge. The system of the object of bibliological knowledge, reflecting the systematic nature of the book as an objective phenomenon of social reality. The concept of the subject of disciplinary scientific knowledge. The relationship between the object and the subject of disciplinary scientific knowledge. General definition of the subject of bibliology. The component composition of the subject of bibliological knowledge: the subject of general bibliology, the subject of book publishing knowledge, the subject of bookselling knowledge, the subject of library knowledge, the subject of bibliographic knowledge. Correlation of subjects of general book science, book publishing, book trading, library, bibliographic knowledge. Structure of the subject of bibliology. The system of the subject of bibliology, reflecting the integrity of scientific knowledge about the book as an object of bibliology. The concept of the composition and structure of disciplinary scientific knowledge. Composition (subsystems) of bibliology: general bibliology, book publishing, bookselling, library, bibliographic knowledge. Structure of bibliology (structural-level organization of bibliological knowledge): methodology, history, theory, methodology of bibliological knowledge and practical bibliological activities. Intradisciplinary structural-level organization of bibliological knowledge.

System of book publishing knowledge:

General editing - Theory of book publishing knowledge - History of book publishing knowledge. History of book publishing. - Methodology of scientific bibliological knowledge in the subject of book publishing knowledge and book publishing bibliological activity.

System of bookselling bibliological knowledge (bibliopolitics): General bibliopolitics - Theory of bibliopolitics. History of bibliopolitics. History of the book trade - Methodology of bibliopolitics and book trade bibliology activities.

System of library book knowledge (library science): General library science - Theory of library science. - History of library science. History of librarianship.

Methods of library science and library book research activities.

System of bibliographic book knowledge (bibliographic science):

General bibliographic studies _- Theory of bibliographic studies - History of bibliographic studies. History of bibliography. -Methodology of bibliographic studies and bibliographic book research activities. Systemic unity and interdisciplinary organization of bibliographic knowledge.

Book studies and related disciplines. Signs by which this scientific discipline is qualified as adjacent to bibliology. Contents and forms of interaction at the levels of general book studies, special book studies, specific disciplinary and book knowledge.

2.1.8. System of the method of bibliographic knowledge. – 4 hours

General concept of the method of scientific knowledge. The relationship between theory and method. Foundations of the theory of the method. The theory of bibliographic typological method. System, structure, forms of bibliographic typological method. Cognitive capabilities of each of the subsystems of the bibliological typological method at each level of bibliological knowledge (general book studies, special book studies, particular discipline). Categorical-conceptual system of bibliology. Subsystems of categories and concepts of general book studies, special book studies and particular disciplinary book studies levels.

2.1.9. General principles typology of book publications. – 6h.

Book typology as a theoretical justification for the typification method, i.e. systematization, grouping, classification of bibliological phenomena and processes based on essential (typological) bibliological characteristics. Typology of book publications as a substantiation of essential criteria and features of systematization of book publications. Forms of reflection of the typological (essential) features of a work (works) of literature, music, fine art in the process and results of organizing this (these) work into a book publication by means of book publishing. Logical model of book publishing. System of criteria for typing book publications. Types and types of book editions of works of literature, music, and fine arts. Type- and type-forming characteristics of book editions of works of literature, music, and fine arts. Modern classifications of book publications operating in various areas of book publishing. Criteria for publishing, book trading, library, bibliographic classification of book publications.

2.1.10. Promising directions of development and current problems of general bibliology. – 2 hours

Summarizing the material studied. Forms of reflection of the studied special book science disciplines in the course “General book science”. Generalization of methods for integrating special book studies and private disciplinary book knowledge in the methodology of book studies.

Main trends, directions and prospects for the development of bibliology at the present stage. Current problems and unresolved issues in bibliology.

2.2. Seminar classes, their content and volume in hours

2.2.1. Worldview and scientific foundations of general bibliology. – 1 hour

Preparation for classes and in-depth mastery of the topic is based on the material learned in the process of studying introductory lectures. These lectures give a general idea of ​​what science is, substantiate the status of general bibliology as a methodological section in the system of scientific knowledge about the book and a relatively independent bibliological discipline, reveal a system of basic scientific categories, by means of which the content and structure of any scientific disciplines: object area, object, subject, composition, structure, method, categorical-conceptual apparatus, intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary organization. In the same section of the lecture course, the fundamental problems of general bibliology are formulated, characterizing its subject; some of these problems are of a worldview and scientific character. Part of it is strictly methodological, logical and general theoretical in nature. Worldview foundations of general bibliology. General overview about worldview as a system of views on the objective world and man’s place in it: on man’s attitude to the surrounding reality, to his own kind and to himself. Types of worldview: ordinary (everyday), philosophical, religious. Worldview problems in the fundamental problems of any science. Worldview problems of general bibliology: - identifying the relationship between the ideal and the material in a book; the relationship between the content of the category “book” and the concept of “book publication”; - justification of the social nature of the book as a way of reflection and a means of formation individual, group and public consciousness;

Consistent, meaningful interpretation of the driving contradiction of the book (the contradiction between individual, group and social consciousness) and the book itself as a way to remove this contradiction;

Identification and definition of the system and forms of manifestation of the essential features of a book: informational, communicative, semiotic;

Consistent disclosure of the essence of a book as a way of purposefully organizing the text of an author’s work, existing in the form of a written document, into a book publication by means of book publishing and redistribution of a book publication (group of publications, book publishing repertoire as a whole) by the same means.

Scientific problems of general bibliology. Modern interpretation of science as one of the forms of social-practical (ideal-transforming) cognitive activity; one of the forms of spiritual production, i.e. production of individual, group and social consciousness; a way of producing new knowledge about nature, society and thinking; social communication system. Functions of science in society. Fundamental and applied sciences. Fundamental problems in applied sciences. Disciplinary organization of scientific knowledge. Signs of a scientific discipline. Scientific problems of general bibliology: - justification of bibliology as a system of scientific knowledge about the essence, logical and historical forms of the book, the processes and patterns of its existence, movement, development and functioning; as a method of obtaining new knowledge about the book; way of organizing the results of book knowledge either into theoretical elements of bibliological knowledge (categories, concepts, definitions, judgments, concepts, concepts, theories), or into theoretically conscious methods, rules, techniques, procedures of practical (subject-transforming) activity in one or another another area of ​​book publishing; meaningful interpretation of the system of scientific categories. by means of which the content and structure of any disciplinary knowledge can be presented, namely: the object area of ​​bibliology, the object of bibliology, the subject of bibliology, the composition and structure of bibliological knowledge, the system of bibliological method, intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary organization, forms and mechanisms of interaction -viya with related disciplines, categorical-conceptual apparatus. Bibliography 1. Altukhov V.L. On the nature of cognitive movement into the depth of an object//Questions of Philosophy. 1982. N11. pp. 30-43. 2. Andreev I.D. Theoretical thinking: Essence and basic principles. M.: Knowledge, 1982. 64 p. 3. Andreev I.D. Theory as a form of organization of scientific knowledge M.: Nauka. 1979. 303 p. 4. Analysis of the scientific knowledge system. Saratov, 1976. 182 p. 5. Belovitskaya A.A. General book science. M.: Book, 1987.6. Belovitskaya A.A. General book science in the system of book science // Contemporary issues book studies, book trade and book promotion. 1983. Vol. 2. P. 32-44.7. Belovitskaya A.A. Worldview foundations of bibliology: l.//Eighth scientific. conf. according to problem Bibliology: Abstracts. report M., 1996. p.7-10.8. Gorsky D.P. On the criteria of truth (Towards the dialectic of theoretical knowledge and social practice // Issues of Philosophy 1988 N2. P.28-40.9. Glinsky B.A. et al. Modeling as a method scientific research. M.: Publishing house Mosk. un-ta. 1965. 197 p.10. Gryaznov B.S., Dynin B.S.. Nikitin E.P. Theory and its object. M.: Science. 1973. 248 p.11. Spiritual production: Social and philosophical aspects of spiritual activity. M.: Science. 1981.12. Ilyin V.V. The concept of science: content and boundaries (To the problem of the epistemological integrity of science) // Questions of Philosophy 1983. N3. pp. 40-49.

13. Ilyin V.V., Kalinkin A.T. The nature of science. M.: graduate School. 1985.230s.

14. Kazyutinsky V.V. Philosophical foundations of science//Questions of Philosophy. 1983. N3. pp. 139-145.

15. Karpovich V.N. Systematicity of theoretical knowledge: Logical aspect. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1984. 125 p.

16. Brief philosophical encyclopedia M.: JSC "Progress Publishing Group". 1994. 575 p.

17. Kosareva L.M. Subject of science. M.: Science. 1977. 158 p.

18. Mirsky E.M. Interdisciplinary research and disciplinary organization of science. M.: Nauka, 1980. 303 p.

19. Merkulov I.P. Theory as a method of scientific knowledge // Questions of Philosophy. 1985. N3. pp. 39-49.

20. Scientific theories: structure and development. M., INION, 1978.

21. Podkorytov A.G. Historicism as a method of scientific knowledge. L.: Publishing house Leningr. un-ta. 1967.- 189 p.

22. Rachkov P.A. Scientific studies. M., 1974.

23.Encyclopedia "Book". M., Great Russian Encyclopedia. M., 1999.- 799 p.

24. Stepin B.C. On the problem of the structure and genesis of scientific theory//Philosophy. Methodology. The science. M., 1972.- pp. 158-185.

25. Uledov A.K. The structure of social consciousness. M., 1968.

28. Urmantsev Yu.A. On the forms of comprehension of being //Questions of Philosophy. 1993. N4. P.89-105.

29. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1983.

Bibliographic descriptions used, cited or recommended sources can be concentrated in one place in the book (at the end of the publication, at the end of chapters, sections, etc.), forming a book-specific bibliography. These lists, directly related to the text of the book (as well as out-of-text links), do not have independent meaning, unlike in-book lists, which are independent reference aids.

At the same time, book bibliographic lists also differ from the list of textual references, namely:

2) have an ordered arrangement of entries alphabetically, chronologically, or some other systematic basis, while out-of-text links are arranged in the sequence of their first mention in the text;

3) in each entry in the book list, only one work is indicated, and in the text links there may be several entries under the same number.

Very high demands are placed on the book bibliography, primarily to its content, structure and accuracy of compilation bibliographic description. When compiling lists, you need to keep in mind that each science has its own traditions of designing a bibliographic apparatus, and even the instructions of the Higher Attestation Commission (All-Russian Attestation Commission) recommend that authors of dissertations adhere to the traditions that exist in specific fields of knowledge.

Preface (afterword)

Preface, preceding the book, helps the reader to better understand and evaluate its contents, provides the necessary information about the author, but does not provide a critical analysis of the book.

The preface is often given the title “From the author”, “From the editor”, “From the compiler”, etc. Sometimes the text of the preface is placed at the end of the publication, especially when there have been changes in the team of authors or it has become clear that the reader will better understand this text after reading with a book. Naturally, in this case we will be dealing with an afterword, which is no different from the preface. It is as different from the conclusion as the preface is from the introduction.

The introductory article is very close to the preface, which usually precedes the publication of the works of a major scientist, public figure, or writer. The purpose of the introductory article is to outline the range of issues related to the composition of the publication, to explain textual principles, to provide information about the author’s worldview, to introduce his biography, and to talk about the evolution of creativity. Place the introductory article immediately before the text of the work.

Comments and notes

Comments and notes, accompanying the main text serve, in essence, the same purposes as the preface - they complement this text, increase the information content of the work, remove the “difference in time,” introducing the reader to a bygone era. The purely reference functions of this element of the apparatus necessitate clarification of individual expressions and terms, interpretation of fragments of text, etc. Editorial notes include clarifications and clarifications related to individual parts of the book, including clarifications regarding disagreement with the author. Commentaries are usually provided on collected works or individual literary monuments, including scientifically prepared memoirs.

Table of contents is a sequential list of headings of a separately published work, content is a list of titles of works (stories, poems, articles, abstracts, etc.) included in a particular publication. This is a mandatory element of the apparatus of each publication. The exception is publications of small volume, as well as dictionary publications with very big amount sections.

Auxiliary pointers

Auxiliary pointers- a tool not only for making inquiries, but also to facilitate work in any field of knowledge; they allow you to quickly find information on a particular issue, form an opinion about the achievements of social thought, and the level of scientific and technical developments. The role of auxiliary pointers is especially great in finding information about new ideas that arise at the intersection of sciences. The index acts as an expanded search image of the document.

Auxiliary pointer- this is ordered alphabetically or in some other way. An auxiliary index is a guide to the text of the publication, providing a quick search for the necessary information. It consists of headings, links to pages of the publication, as well as “see” and “see also” links connecting related concepts.

BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LINK- brief bibliogr. description (bibliographic record) of the source of the quotation or borrowing, the publication or work under consideration (criticized, recommended, evaluated), necessary for their identification and search.

When repeating references to one publication (work), a distinction is made between primary and repeated references, formatted differently.

For B. s. characterized by brevity: it, as a rule, consists only of mandatory elements; for a one-volume book this is the author, main. title, serial number of the publication, place and year of publication, and instead of volume, very often the number or numbers of pages on which the quoted or discussed place is printed. Eg:

Tyapkin B. G. Printing apparatus. M., 1977. P. 85.

GOST 7.1-84 establishes for B. s. mandatory title for bibliogr. recordings of works of one, two, three ind. authors and the admissibility of the following deviations: a) entries under the title of publications (works) of a group of authors of four or more people, when this is caused by necessity; b) replacing dots and dashes between description areas with dots; c) descriptions that do not meet the standard in translated and stereotypical publications; d) removal of the title of the work in the analytical description (only the surname of the author or authors, subject to the indication of the page number or page numbers on which the work is printed).

Ticket number 18

  1. Electronic book, electronic publication, electronic book publication - definition and content of the concept.

EBook- a version of the book stored in electronic (digital) form. This term applies both to works presented in digital form and to the devices used to read them. The term “electronic book” is not enshrined in the standards.

In the very general view an e-book is defined as a collection of data(text, sound, static and moving images) in computer memory, intended for human perception using appropriate software and hardware.

Nowadays there is still a confusion of fairly related but different concepts. One and the same English word e-book denoted both the scanned text of a printed monograph (file) and a device for reproducing specially formatted texts. IN Lately the wording has been clarified, and the device is more often called a reader, e-reader, e-reader, although sometimes it is retained under the brand names e-book (electronic book).

Conventionally, e-books (reading devices) can be divided into two groups:

LCD models

Models with electronic ink system (E-ink).

Formats used for reading in e-books:


Electronic publications- documents in which information is presented in electronic digital form and which have undergone editorial and publishing processing, have imprint information, are replicated and distributed on machine-readable media.

(Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 1994 No. 77-FZ “On Legal Deposit of Documents” as amended on July 11, 2011, Art. 5).

Electronic edition- an electronic document (a group of electronic documents) that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, intended for distribution in unchanged form, with output information (according to GOST R 7.0.83–2013).

Components of electronic publications:

  1. Text.
  2. Illustrative material (images)
  3. Sound accompaniment (audio files)
  4. Animation and video.

Electronic document: A document in digital form, the use of which requires computer technology or other specialized devices for reproducing text, sound, or image.

These are electronic analogues of a printed publication, mainly reproducing the corresponding printed publications (text layout, illustrations, links, etc.)

Electronic book edition (EKI) – This is a digital representation of a printed publication that has undergone editorial and publishing processing, intended for distribution in unchanged form and having output information.

  1. Book monuments in library collections: selection criteria and definition

Books (handwritten and printed) and other types of publications, as well as book collections, possessing outstanding spiritual, aesthetic, printing or documentation properties, representing socially significant scientific, historical, cultural value and protected by special legislation, are called book monuments (GOST 7.87-2003). The term “book monument” is synonymous with the terms “rare book” and “valuable book”. It allows you to more accurately define the concept and put the book on a par with other types of historical and cultural monuments.

In accordance with GOST 7.87-2003 “Book monuments. General requirements“When identifying book monuments, chronological, socially holistic and quantitative criteria are used.

The chronological criterion should be understood as the “age” of the book, determined by the length of the time interval between the date of creation of the book and the present time. To establish the upper date of the chronological criterion in the process of identifying a book monument, one should take into account the features of the history of development various areas knowledge, as well as the specifics and history of book publishing in each specific industry and area. This principle is the simplest and most obvious. It defines the chronological boundary up to which all publications published in a certain territory can be classified as book monuments. For example, book monuments include all publications up to and including 1830, regardless of the place of printing.

The social-value criterion should be understood as distinctive properties of a spiritual and material nature, the signs of which, as a rule, are:

Stage-by-stage nature, which characterizes the book as a document that adequately reflects the most important turning points in social development, and is also their direct accessory and integral part;

Uniqueness that distinguishes the book as the only one of its kind, possessing individual characteristics, which have historical, cultural and scientific significance;

Priority characterizing a book as the first ever publication of works of classics of science and literature or the first published edition (edition-book monument), which is of fundamental importance for the development of science and technology, including printing technology and book design, history and culture, social -political development (religion, philosophy, morality, etc.);

Memoriality, correlating the book with the life and work of outstanding personalities, government, scientific and cultural figures, with the work of scientific and creative teams, as well as with important historical events and memorable places;

Collectibility, indicating that the book belongs to a collection that has the properties of an important historical and cultural object.

Signs of the quantitative criterion are low prevalence (low circulation, limited access) and rarity of a book, determined by the relatively small number of surviving copies. The quantitative criterion is usually not applied on its own, but it adds to the value of the book.

Ticket number 19

  1. Bibliology as a science: object, subject, component composition.

Book studies is systems science about the essence, methods, forms and patterns of existence, movement and development of the book as an objective phenomenon of social reality.

The following is put forward as an object of bibliology:

Book, interaction with the reader;

Book and bookmaking;

System “work – book – reader”;

The system “book – bookmaking – reader”.

The subject of bibliology is the study and substantiation of the essence, methods, forms and patterns of existence, movement, development and functioning of the book as an objective phenomenon of social reality, as well as the most systematic multi-level scientific knowledge about the book - its object, subject, structure, interdisciplinary, intradisciplinary organization, method bibliological knowledge, systems of bibliological categories and concepts.

The following main sections can be distinguished as part of bibliology:

Theory of books and bookmaking

History of books and bookmaking

Sociology of books and book publishing.

  1. Development of bibliology in Russia until 1917

The founder of Austrian bibliography, Michael Denis (1729-1800), is considered the first theorist of bibliology. He owns the first book monograph.

The French bibliographer and library scientist Etienne Gabriel Peignot (1767-1849) uses the term “bibliology” to designate the theory of bibliography, which, in his opinion, has a universal character.

The works of Peño and Denis served as the basis for the appearance of the book “Introduction to Bibliology” (1756), in cat. The main point was the identification of the concepts of “bibliology” and “book science”.

Special study of books in Russia began in the middle of the 18th century. It was prepared and stimulated by the beginning of civil printing, publishing and bibliographic activities of the Academy of Sciences (formed in 1725).

Andrei Ivanovich Bogdanov (1696-1766) should be considered the first professional Russian bibliologist. The main work of A.I. Bogdanov’s “A Brief Summary and Historical Research on the Beginning and Production of All ABC Words in General...” (1755) contains material on the history of Russian education, the history of book publishing, a list and description of printing houses. In the bibliographic list, printed books are systematized not alphabetically by names of authors or titles, but by printing houses, i.e. on a bibliographic basis. The terms “bibliography” and “book science” in the works of A.I. Bogdanov are not dating yet.

Theoretical bibliological constructions first appear in the works of the largest Russian bibliologists and bibliographers V.S. Sopikova (1765-1818) and V.G. Anastasevich (1775-1845). In the “Preliminary Notice” to the “Experience of Russian Bibliography...” V.S. Sopikov was the first to point out the social, propaganda, and educational purpose of bibliography and interpreted its content and objectives so broadly that the term “bibliography” designated those branches of knowledge, the totality of which in modern terminology can be defined by the word “book science.”

Reflecting the objective process of differentiation scientific knowledge, V.S. Sopikov named those that, in his opinion, should be included in the range of interests of a bibliographer: the history of book publishing, information about useful and rare books. V.S. Sopikov reveals the content of the concepts “bibliography”, “bibliomaniac”, “bibliographer”, librarian”. In fact, this was the first attempt to create a system of book science, although, of course, it was deeply developed by V.S. Sopikov was not there, just as the word “book studies” itself does not appear in his work.

It was introduced into the terminological use of book studies by A.G. Anastasevich. The article “On the need to promote Russian bibliology” (1820) contains various bibliological considerations. He clearly denotes the difference between practical and theoretical bibliography and tries to divide book publications according to the circle of bibliologists.

In the 20th century The concepts of “book studies” and “bibliography” begin to diverge.

G.N. Gennadi (1826-1880): “Bibliography, like any science, in its practical application must be consistent with the needs of society; then it will receive the vitality of science even within the walls and behind the counter of a bookstore, which itself will sense the benefit of this living contact with theory.” His contemporary M.L. Mikhailov believed that “... bibliography is not the art of compiling catalogs, as some people think, but a science that occupies an honorable place in the ranks of human knowledge.”

In the second half of the 19th century. The scale of book publishing, book trading, library, and bibliographic activities is increasing, and the process of differentiation of these branches of the book business is underway. The activities of the bibliographic commissions of the St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kyiv Literacy Committees on the development of recommendatory bibliographies are expanding.

The first bibliographic periodicals appeared - the magazines “Russian Bibliography” (1879-1882), “Bibliographer” (1884-1914), in cat. Issues of systematization and differentiation of the concepts of bibliology and bibliography were discussed.

The first Russian bibliographic organizations were the Russian Bibliographical Society and the Russian Bibliological Society.

Ticket number 20

  1. Composition of bibliology. General characteristics of the constituent scientific disciplines.
  2. Characteristics of the activities of the Scientific Center for Research in the History of Book Culture.

Ticket number 21

1. Book science and related disciplines. Content and forms of interaction.
