Requirements for the lesson according to federal state standards. Methodological recommendations "structure of various types of lessons in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard" What does a lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard consist of?

Approximate structure of each type of lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard

1. Lesson structure for learning new knowledge:

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Updating knowledge.

6) Primary consolidation.

7) Information about homework, instructions on its implementation

8) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

3. Structure of a lesson on updating knowledge and skills (repetition lesson)

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproducing and correcting the knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for creative solution of assigned problems.

4) Updating knowledge.

§ in order to prepare for the test lesson

§ in order to prepare for studying new topic

6) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

2 Structure of a lesson on the integrated application of knowledge and skills (consolidation lesson)

1) Organizational stage.

2) Checking homework, reproduction and correction background knowledge students. Updating knowledge.

3) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation educational activities students.

4) Primary consolidation

§ in a familiar situation (typical)

§ in a changed situation (constructive)

5) Creative uses and acquiring knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks)

6) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

4. Lesson structure of systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

3) Updating knowledge.

4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge

Preparing students for general activities

Reproduction at a new level (reformulated questions).

5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation

6) Monitoring learning, discussing mistakes made and correcting them.

7) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

Analysis and content of the work results, drawing conclusions based on the studied material

5. Structure of a lesson for monitoring knowledge and skills

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of development of students’ general educational skills. (Tasks in volume or degree of difficulty must correspond to the program and be feasible for each student).

Control lessons can be written control lessons, lessons combining oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed

4) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

6. Structure of a lesson for correcting knowledge, skills and abilities.

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Results of diagnostics (monitoring) of knowledge, skills and abilities. Definition typical mistakes and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills.

Depending on the diagnostic results, the teacher plans collective, group and individual teaching methods.

4) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

5) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

7. Structure of a combined lesson.

1) Organizational stage.

2) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

3) Updating knowledge.

4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

5) Initial check of understanding

6) Primary consolidation

7) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction.

8) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it

9) Reflection (summarizing the lesson)

Types of modern lesson.

Typology of lessons is an important didactic problem. It should help put lesson data in order, a system for a wide range of purposes, as it represents the basis for comparative analysis lessons, to judge what is similar and different in the lessons. The lack of an accurate and justified typology of lessons hinders the increase in the effectiveness of practical activities.

The type of lesson reflects the design features of the leading methodological task.

Lesson type

Special purpose

Learning Effectiveness

Lesson on initial presentation of new knowledge

Primary assimilation of new subject and meta-subject knowledge

Reproducing rules, concepts, algorithms in your own words, performing actions according to a model or algorithm

Lesson in the formation of initial subject skills, mastery of subject skills

Application of acquired subject knowledge or methods of educational actions in the context of solving educational problems (tasks)

Correct reproduction of samples of assignments, error-free application of algorithms and rules when solving educational problems

Lesson on the application of meta-subject and subject knowledge

Application of universal educational actions in the context of solving educational problems of increased complexity

Independent solution tasks (exercises) of increased complexity by individual students or the class team

Lesson on generalization and systematization of subject knowledge

Systematization of subject knowledge, universal educational activities (solution subject problems)

Ability to formulate a generalized conclusion, level of development of the UUD

Subject knowledge review lesson

Consolidation of subject knowledge, formation of UUD

Error-free execution of exercises, problem solving by individual students and the class team; error-free oral responses; ability to find and correct errors, provide mutual assistance

Test lesson

Testing subject knowledge and skills to solve practical problems

Results of test or independent work

Corrective lesson

Individual work on mistakes made

Independently finding and correcting errors

Integrated lesson

Integration of knowledge about a specific object of study obtained through different means

Deepening knowledge of lesson material through the implementation of interdisciplinary knowledge

Combined lesson

Solving problems that cannot be completed in one lesson

Planned result

Non-traditional lessons (educational excursion, educational trip, laboratory workshop, lesson in the library, museum,

computer class, subject room)

Application of UUD in studying the phenomena of the surrounding world in real life situations; creative reporting; ability to use laboratory equipment; ability to use additional information sources

Lesson on solving practical, design problems

Practical orientation of studying theoretical principles

Use of funds training course in order to study the surrounding world

Types of lessons according to Federal State Educational Standards of NEO

Activity-oriented lessons on goal setting can be divided into four groups:

1. lessons of “discovery” of new knowledge;

2. reflection lessons;

3. lessons of general methodological orientation;

4. lessons of developmental control.

The main objectives of each type of lesson.

1. A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge.

Activity goal: developing in students the skills to implement new methods of action.

2. Reflection lesson.

Activity goal: developing in students the ability to reflect on a correctional-control type and implement a correctional norm (fixing their own difficulties in activities, identifying their causes, constructing and implementing a project to get out of the difficulty, etc.).

3. Lesson of general methodological orientation.

Activity goal: the formation in students of activity abilities and the ability to structure and systematize the subject content being studied.

4.Lesson of developmental control.

Activity goal: developing students’ abilities to carry out control functions.

Let us note that the theoretically justified mechanism of control activities presupposes:

1. presentation of a controlled option;

2. the presence of a conceptually justified standard, rather than a subjective version;

3. comparison of the tested option with the standard using an agreed algorithm;

4. criteria-based assessment of the comparison result.

Thus, developmental control lessons involve organizing the student’s activities in accordance with the following structure:

1. students writing a test version;

2. comparison with an objectively justified standard for performing this work;

3. students' assessment of the comparison result in accordance with previously established criteria.

It should be emphasized that the partition educational process to lessons different types in accordance with the leading goals, it should not destroy its continuity, which means it is necessary to ensure the invariance of the teaching technology. Therefore, when organizing lessons of different types, the activity-based teaching method must be preserved and an appropriate system of didactic principles must be provided.

Lesson structure for “discovering” new knowledge

1) stage of motivation (self-determination) for educational activities;

3) the stage of identifying the location and cause of the difficulty;

4) the stage of constructing a project to get out of the difficulty;

6) the stage of primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech;

9) stage of reflection of educational activities in the lesson.

1. The main goal of the stage of motivation (self-determination) for educational activities is to develop, at a personally significant level, internal readiness to fulfill the regulatory requirements of educational activities.

2. update the requirements for the student in terms of educational activities (“must”);

3. establish the thematic framework of educational activities (“I can”).

2. The main goal of the stage of actualization and trial educational action is to prepare students’ thinking and organize their awareness of the internal need to build a new way of action.

1. reproduced and recorded knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient to build a new way of action;

2. activated the corresponding mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy, etc.) and cognitive processes (attention, memory, etc.);

3. updated the norm of a trial educational action (“need” - “want” - “can”);

4. tried to independently complete an individual task to apply new knowledge planned for study in this lesson;

5. recorded the difficulty that arose in performing a trial action or justifying it.

3. The main goal of the stage of identifying the location and cause of the difficulty is to realize what exactly is the insufficiency of their knowledge, skills or abilities.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary that students:

1. analyzed step by step based on a sign recording and said out loud what they did and how they did it;

2. recorded the operation, the step at which the difficulty arose (location of the difficulty);

3. correlated their actions at this step with the methods studied and recorded what knowledge or skill is missing to solve the original problem and problems of this class or type in general (the reason for the difficulty).

4. The main goal of the stage of constructing a project to overcome a difficulty is to set goals for educational activities and, on this basis, to choose the method and means of their implementation.

To do this, it is necessary that students:

1. V communicative form formulated the specific goal of their future educational actions, eliminating the cause of the difficulty that arose (that is, they formulated what knowledge they need to build and what to learn);

2. suggested and agreed on the topic of the lesson, which the teacher can clarify;

3. chose a method of constructing new knowledge (how?) - a method of clarification (if new way actions can be constructed from previously studied ones) or a method of addition (if there are no studied analogues and the introduction of a fundamentally new sign or method of action is required);

4. chose the means for constructing new knowledge (with the help of what) - studied concepts, algorithms, models, formulas, recording methods, etc.

5. The main goal of the implementation stage of the constructed project is for students to construct a new method of action and develop the ability to apply it both when solving a problem that caused difficulty, and when solving problems of this class or type in general.

To achieve this goal, students must:

1. based on the chosen method, put forward and justify hypotheses;

2. when constructing new knowledge, use substantive actions with models, diagrams, etc.;

3. apply a new method of action to solve a problem that caused difficulty;

4. record in a generalized form a new way of acting in speech and symbolically;

5. record the overcoming of a previously encountered difficulty.

6. The main goal of the stage of primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech is for students to assimilate a new method of action.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary that students: 1) solve (frontally, in groups, in pairs) several standard tasks for a new method of action;

2) at the same time, they spoke out loud the steps performed and their rationale - definitions, algorithms, properties, etc.

7. The main goal of the stage of independent work with self-test according to the standard is the internalization of a new method of action and executive reflection (collective, individual) of achieving the goal of the trial educational action.

To do this you need:

1. organize independent completion by students of standard tasks for a new way of action;

1. organize self-testing by students of their solutions according to the standard;

2. create (if possible) a situation of success for each child;

3. for students who have made mistakes, provide the opportunity to identify the causes of errors and correct them.

8. The main goal of the stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition is the inclusion of a new way of action in the knowledge system, while repeating and consolidating what was previously learned and preparing for the study of the following sections of the course.

To do this you need:

1. identify and record the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge;

2. organize the implementation of tasks in which a new method of action is associated with previously learned ones;

3. organize training of previously developed skills that require refinement or bringing to the level of an automated skill;

4. If necessary, organize preparation for studying the following sections of the course.

9. The main goal of the stage of reflection of educational activities in the lesson is students’ self-assessment of the results of their educational activities, awareness of the method of construction and the boundaries of application of a new method of action.

To achieve this goal:

1. reflection and self-assessment of students’ own learning activities in the classroom are organized;

2. students correlate the goals and results of their educational activities and record the degree of their compliance;

3. goals for further activities are outlined and tasks for self-preparation are determined (homework with elements of choice and creativity).

Reflection lesson structure

1) stage of motivation (self-determination) for correctional activities;

2) stage of updating and trial educational action;

5) stage of implementation of the constructed project;

7) stage of independent work with self-test according to the standard;

8) stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition;

9) stage of reflection of educational activities in the lesson.

A distinctive feature of a reflection lesson from a lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge is the recording and overcoming of difficulties in one’s own educational actions, and not in the educational content.

To conduct a reflection lesson correctly, it is necessary to clarify the concepts of standard, sample and standard for self-test, which we will explain with a specific example.

In order for students’ correction of their mistakes to be not a random, but a meaningful event, it is important to organize their corrective actions based on a reflexive method, formalized in the form of an error correction algorithm. This algorithm should be built by the children themselves in a separate lesson with a general methodological focus on the topic “How to correct your mistakes” and give them a clear answer to this question. If reflection lessons are conducted systematically, then children quickly master this algorithm and confidently apply it, starting with the simplest form, and then gradually refining and detailing it from lesson to lesson.

Let's move on to describing the basic requirements for the stages of a reflection lesson.

1. As for the lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge, the main goal of motivation (self-determination) for correctional activities is to develop, at a personally significant level, internal readiness to implement the regulatory requirements of educational activities, but in this case we're talking about about the norm of correctional activities.

To achieve this goal it is required:

1. create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in activities (“I want”);

2. update the requirements for the student in terms of correctional activities (“must”);

3. based on previously solved problems, establish a thematic framework and create an indicative basis for corrective actions (“I can”).

2. The main goal of the stage of updating and trial learning activities is to prepare students’ thinking and their awareness of the need to identify the causes of difficulties in their own activities.

To do this you need:

1. organize repetition and symbolic recording of methods of action planned for reflective analysis by students, definitions, algorithms, properties, etc.;

2. activate appropriate mental operations and cognitive processes (attention, memory, etc.);

3. organize motivation (“I want” - “need” - “I can”) and students perform independent work No. 1 to apply the methods of action planned for reflective analysis;

4. organize self-testing by students of their work using a ready-made sample, recording the results obtained (without correcting errors).

3. The main goal of the stage of localizing individual difficulties is to understand the place and cause of one’s own difficulties in performing the learned methods of action.

To do this, it is necessary that students:

1. clarified the error correction algorithm that will be used in this lesson.

2. Based on the error correction algorithm, they analyze their solution and determine the location of the errors - the location of the difficulty

3. identify and record methods of action (algorithms, formulas, rules, etc.) in which errors were made - the cause of difficulties.

At this time, students who have not identified errors also perform a step-by-step check of their solutions using the error correction algorithm to eliminate the situation when the answer is accidentally correct, but the solution is not. If during the check they find an error, then they then join the first group - they identify the location and cause of the difficulty, and if there are no errors, they receive an additional task of a creative level and then work independently until the self-test stage.

4. The main goal of the stage of goal setting and construction of a project for correcting identified difficulties is to set goals for correctional activities and, on this basis, to choose the method and means of their implementation.

To do this, it is necessary that students:

1. formulated an individual goal for their future corrective actions (that is, they formulated what concepts and methods of action they need to clarify and learn to apply correctly);

2. chose the method (how?) and means (using what?) of correction, that is, they established which specifically studied concepts, algorithms, models, formulas, recording methods, etc. they need to once again comprehend and understand and how they will do this (using standards, a textbook, analyzing the performance of similar tasks in previous lessons, etc.).

5. The main goal of the implementation stage of the constructed project is the students’ meaningful correction of their mistakes in independent work and the formation of the ability to correctly apply appropriate methods of action.

To achieve this goal, each student who has had difficulties in independent work must:

Students who have not made mistakes in independent work continue to solve creative tasks or act as consultants.

To achieve this goal:

1. a discussion of typical difficulties is organized;

2. formulations of methods of action that caused difficulties are spoken out.

Particular attention here should be paid to those students who have difficulties - it is better that they say out loud the correct methods of action.

7. The main goal of the stage of independent work with self-testing according to the standard is the internalization of methods of action that caused difficulties, self-testing of their assimilation, individual reflection on achieving the goal and creating (if possible) a situation of success.

To achieve this goal, students who made mistakes

1. perform independent work, similar to the first one, but take only those tasks in which errors were made;

2. conduct a self-test of their work against a self-test standard and record the results;

3) record the overcoming of a previously encountered difficulty. At this time, students who did not make mistakes in the control

work, perform self-tests of additional tasks of a creative level according to the proposed sample.

8. The main goal of the stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition is the application of methods of action that caused difficulties, repetition and consolidation of previously learned and preparation for studying the following sections of the course.

1. perform tasks in which the methods of action under consideration are associated with previously studied ones and with each other;

2. complete assignments to prepare for studying the following topics.

9. The main goal of the reflection stage of activity in the lesson is for students to understand the method of overcoming difficulties and their self-assessment of the results of their correctional (and if there were no mistakes, independent) activities.

1. clarify the error correction algorithm;

2. name the methods of action that caused the difficulty;

1. record the degree of compliance with the set goal and performance results;

3. evaluate their own activities in the classroom;

4. outline goals for follow-up activities;

2. In accordance with the results of activities in the lesson, homework is agreed upon (with elements of choice and creativity).

Let us note that reflection lessons, despite quite a lot of preparation for them on the part of the teacher (especially in the initial stages), are the most interesting for both teachers and, first of all, for children. There is significant positive experience their systematic use in schools. Children in these lessons do not just practice solving problems - they learn a method for correcting their own actions, they are given the opportunity to find their mistakes themselves, understand their cause and correct them, and then make sure that their actions are correct. After this, the quality of students’ assimilation of educational content noticeably increases while the time spent decreases, but not only that. Children easily transfer the experience gained in these lessons of working on mistakes to any academic subject.

It should also be emphasized that reflection lessons are much easier for teachers to master than lessons in the “discovery” of new knowledge, since the transition to them does not change the method of work itself.

Developmental control lesson structure

1) the stage of motivation (self-determination) for control and correctional activities;

2) stage of updating and trial educational action;

3) stage of localization of individual difficulties;

4) the stage of constructing a project to correct the identified difficulties;

5) stage of implementation of the constructed project;

6) the stage of generalizing difficulties in external speech;

7) stage of independent work with self-test according to the standard;

8) stage of solving creative level tasks;

9) stage of reflection of control and correction activities.

Lessons in developmental control are carried out at the end of the study of large sections of the course, they involve writing a test and its reflective analysis. Therefore, in their structure, methods of preparation and delivery, these lessons resemble reflection lessons. However, these types of lessons have some significant differences.

In developmental control lessons, in contrast to reflection lessons, when conducting tests, the emphasis is placed, first of all, on agreeing on the criteria for assessing the results of educational activities, their application and recording the obtained comparison result in the form of a mark. Thus, distinctive feature lessons of developmental control is their compliance with the established structure of “managerial”, criterion-based control.

Since these lessons summarize the study of a significant amount of material, the content of the tests is 2-3 times larger than the usual independent work offered in reflection lessons.

Therefore, developmental control lessons are conducted in two stages:

1) writing a test paper by students and evaluating it according to criteria;

2) reflective analysis of the completed test work and correction of errors made in the work. These stages are carried out in two lessons, which are separated by the time necessary for the teacher to check the results of students' work in the first lesson (this time should not exceed 1-2 days).

Depending on who has the reference option (criteria), the following forms of organizing developmental control lessons are distinguished: self-control, mutual control and pedagogical control.

Self-control involves presenting a standard version to the student, independently comparing his own version with the standard version, followed by self-assessment based on established criteria.

In mutual control, the holder of the standard is another student. At the same time, the formation of the ability to self-assessment occurs through checking the fairness of the assessment given by another student and a reflective analysis of mistakes made.

Pedagogical control of developmental direction assumes that the holder of the standard is the teacher. The formation of the ability to self-assessment occurs through agreement with the teacher on the result based on previously established criteria and a reflective analysis of mistakes made.

Let us now move on to a description of the basic requirements for the stages of developmental control lessons.

Lesson 1 (Taking a test)

1. As before, the main goal of the stage of motivation (self-determination) for control and correctional activities

This means developing, at a personally significant level, internal readiness to implement the normative requirements of educational activities, but in this case we are talking about the norm of control and correctional activities.

Therefore, to achieve this goal it is required:

1. determine the main goal of the lesson and create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in control and correctional activities (“I want”);

2. update the requirements for the student in terms of control and correctional activities (“must”);

3. based on previously solved problems, establish a thematic framework and create an indicative basis for control and corrective actions (“I can”);

4. establish a control form and procedure;

5. present the criteria for grading.

2. The main goal of the stage of updating and trial learning activities is to prepare students’ thinking and their awareness of the need for control and self-control of the result and identifying the causes of difficulties in the activity.

To do this you need:

1. organize repetition of controlled methods of action (norms);

2. activate mental operations (comparison, generalization) and cognitive processes (attention, memory, etc.) necessary to complete the test;

3) organize the motivation of students (“I want” - “need” - “I can”) to complete the test on the use of methods of action planned for control and subsequent reflective analysis;

3. organize individual writing of test work by students;

4. organize students’ comparison of their work according to a ready-made sample with recording of the results (without correcting errors);

5. provide students with the opportunity to self-assess their work according to a pre-established criterion.

Lesson II (Analysis of test work)

This lesson corresponds to the lesson on working on test errors in traditional school and is carried out after checking by her teacher.

3. The main goal of the stage of localizing individual difficulties is to develop, at a personally significant level, internal readiness for correctional work, as well as to identify the place and cause of one’s own difficulties in performing the test work.

To achieve this goal it is necessary:

1. organize the motivation of students for correctional activities (“I want” - “need” - “I can”) and their formulation of the main goal of the lesson;

2. reproduce controlled methods of action (norms);

3. analyze the correctness of students’ self-testing of their work and, if necessary, agree on their assessments< оценкой учителя.

1. clarify the error correction algorithm (the algorithm is built on previous lessons based on the reflexive method);

2. based on the error correction algorithm, they analyze their solution and determine the location of the errors - the location of the difficulties;

3. identify and record methods of action (algorithms, formulas, rules, etc.) in which errors were made - the cause of difficulties.

Students who have not made mistakes at this stage compare their solution with the standard and complete tasks of a creative level. They can also act as consultants. Comparison with the standard is necessary to correlate your decision with the methods of action used. This contributes to the formation of speech, logical thinking, the ability to justify one’s point of view based on criteria.

4. The main goal of the stage of constructing a project for correcting identified difficulties is to set goals for corrective activities and, on this basis, to choose a method and means for their implementation.

To do this, it is necessary that students:

1) formulated an individual goal for their future corrective actions (that is, they formulated what concepts and methods of action they need to clarify and learn to apply correctly);

2) chose the method (how?) and means (using what?) of correction, that is, they established which specifically studied concepts, algorithms, models, formulas, recording methods, etc. they need to once again comprehend and understand and how they will do this (using standards, a textbook, analyzing the performance of similar tasks in previous lessons, etc.).

5. The main goal of the implementation stage of the constructed project is the students’ meaningful correction of their mistakes in the test work and the formation of the ability to correctly apply appropriate methods of action.

As in the reflection lesson, to achieve this goal, each student who had difficulties in the test must:

1. independently (case 1) correct your mistakes using the chosen method based on the use of selected means, and in case of difficulty (case 2) - using the proposed standard for self-test;

2. in the first case, compare your error correction results with a standard for self-testing;

4. solve these tasks (some of them may be included in homework).

Students who did not make mistakes in the test continue to solve creative tasks or act as consultants.

6. The main goal of the stage of generalizing difficulties in external speech is to consolidate the methods of action that caused the difficulty.

To achieve this goal, similar to reflection lessons, the following is organized:

1. discussion of common errors;

2. pronouncing the wording of the methods of action that caused the difficulty.

7. The main goal of the stage of independent work with self-testing according to the standard, as in the reflection lesson, is the internalization of methods of action that caused difficulties, self-testing of their assimilation, individual reflection of achieving the goal, as well as creating (if possible) a situation of success.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary that students who made mistakes in the test:

1. completed independent work similar to supervised work, choosing only those tasks in which errors were made;

2. Conducted a self-test of their work using a finished sample and recorded significant results.

3. recorded the overcoming of a previously encountered difficulty.

Students who did not make mistakes in the test complete a self-test of creative level assignments according to the proposed sample.

8. The main goal of the stage of including repetition in the knowledge system is to apply methods of action that caused difficulties, repetition and consolidation of what was previously learned * preparation for studying the following sections of the course.

To do this, students with a positive result of the previous stage:

1. perform tasks in which the methods of action under consideration are associated with previously studied ones and with each other;

2. perform tasks to prepare for studying the following


If the result is negative, students repeat the previous step for another option.

9. The main goal of the stage of reflection of activity in the lesson is self-assessment of the results of control and correctional activities, awareness of the method of overcoming difficulties in the activity and the mechanism of control and correctional activity.

To achieve this goal, students:

1) discuss the mechanism of control activities;

2) analyze where and why mistakes were made, and ways to correct them;

3) name the methods of action that caused the difficulty;

4. record the degree of compliance with the set goal of control and correction activities and its results;

5. evaluate the results of their own activities;

6. if necessary, assignments for self-preparation are determined (homework with elements of choice and creativity);

7) outline the goals of subsequent activities.

Note that in pedagogical practice, control lessons are often conducted that are not related to the development of students’ abilities to control and self-control, for example, administrative control or traditional test work. These lessons should be distinguished from activity-oriented lessons, since they implement educational goals other than activity-based ones and, thus, do not advance students forward in developing the necessary activity-based qualities.

Lessons of general methodological orientation

are designed, firstly, to form students’ ideas about methods that connect the concepts being studied in unified system, and secondly, about the methods of organizing the educational activities themselves, aimed at self-change and self-development. Thus, these lessons organize students’ understanding and construction of norms and methods of educational activities, self-control and self-esteem, and reflexive self-organization. These lessons are supra-subject and are conducted outside the framework of any subject during class hours, extracurricular activities or other specially designated lessons in accordance with the structure of the activity method technology.

The importance of general methodological lessons can be illustrated using the following example. Let's propose solving the same problem in two versions.

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1 Approximate structure of each type of lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard 1. Structure of a lesson for assimilation of new knowledge: 4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge. 5) Primary check of understanding 6) Primary consolidation. 7) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it 8) Reflection (summarizing the lesson) 2 Structure of a lesson on the integrated application of knowledge and skills (consolidation lesson). 2) Checking homework, reproducing and correcting students’ basic knowledge. Updating knowledge. 3) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities. 4) Primary consolidation in a familiar situation (typical) in a changed situation (constructive) 5) Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks) 6) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it 7) Reflection (summarizing the lesson) 3 Structure of a lesson on updating knowledge and skills (repetition lesson) 2) Checking homework, reproducing and correcting the knowledge, skills and abilities of students necessary for creatively solving assigned problems. 3) Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities. 4) Updating knowledge. in order to prepare for a test lesson in order to prepare for studying a new topic 5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation 6) Generalization and systematization of knowledge 7) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction. 8) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it 9) Reflection (summarizing the lesson) 4. Structure of a lesson on systematization and generalization of knowledge and skills 4) Generalization and systematization of knowledge Preparing students for generalized activities Reproduction at a new level (reformulated questions). 5) Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation 6) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction. 7) Reflection (summarizing the results of the lesson) Analysis and content of the results of the work, drawing conclusions on the material studied 5. Structure of the lesson for monitoring knowledge and skills

2 3) Identification of knowledge, skills and abilities, checking the level of development of students’ general educational skills. (Tasks in volume or degree of difficulty must correspond to the program and be feasible for each student). Control lessons can be written control lessons, lessons combining oral and written control. Depending on the type of control, its final structure is formed 4) Reflection (summarizing the lesson) 6. Structure of the lesson for correcting knowledge, skills and abilities. 3) Results of diagnostics (monitoring) of knowledge, skills and abilities. Identification of typical errors and gaps in knowledge and skills, ways to eliminate them and improve knowledge and skills. Depending on the diagnostic results, the teacher plans collective, group and individual teaching methods. 4) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it 5) Reflection (summarizing the lesson) 7. Structure of a combined lesson. 4) Primary assimilation of new knowledge. 5) Primary check of understanding 6) Primary consolidation 7) Control of assimilation, discussion of mistakes made and their correction. 8) Information about homework, instructions on how to complete it 9) Reflection (summarizing the lesson) Structure of the OHS lesson. 1. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities (“need” - “want” - “can”) 1-2 min. 2. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial educational action 5-6 min. 3. Identifying the location and cause of the problem 2-3 minutes. 4. Constructing a project for getting out of a difficulty 5-6 min. 5. Implementation of the constructed project - 5-6 minutes. 6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech 4-5 minutes. 7. Independent work with self-test using a standard 4-5 minutes. 8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition 4-5 min. 9. Reflection on educational activities 2-3 min. Student learning ability: 1-4 min. 60% of information 5-23 min. 80% information min. 50% information min. 6% information

3 How to structure a lesson to implement the requirements of the Second Generation Standards? To construct a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, it is important to understand what the criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson should be. 1. Lesson goals are set with a tendency to transfer functions from teacher to student. 2. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out reflective action (assess their readiness, detect ignorance, find the causes of difficulties, etc.) 3. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used that increase the degree of activity of students in the educational process. 4. The teacher knows the technology of dialogue, teaches students to pose and address questions. 5. The teacher effectively (adequate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problematic form teaching, teaches children to work according to the rules and creatively. 6. During the lesson, tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment are set (there is a special formation of control and evaluation activities among students). 7. The teacher achieves comprehension educational material by all students, using special techniques for this. 8. The teacher strives to evaluate the actual progress of each student, encourages and supports minimal success. 9. The teacher specifically plans the communicative tasks of the lesson. 10. The teacher accepts and encourages the student’s own position, a different opinion, and teaches the correct forms of their expression. 11. The style and tone of relationships set in the lesson create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, and psychological comfort. 12. During the lesson, there is a deep personal impact “teacher-student” (through relationships, joint activities, etc.) Let’s consider the approximate structure of a lesson introducing new knowledge within the framework of the activity approach. 1. Motivation for educational activities. This stage of the learning process involves the student’s conscious entry into the space of learning activity in the lesson. For this purpose, at this stage, his motivation for educational activities is organized, namely: 1) the requirements for him from educational activities are updated (“need”); 2) conditions are created for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in educational activities (“I want); 3) a thematic framework is established (“I can”). In the developed version, processes of adequate self-determination in educational activities and self-reliance in it occur here, involving the student’s comparison of his real “I” with the image “I am an ideal student, conscious subordination of oneself to the system of normative requirements of educational activities and development of internal readiness for their implementation. 2. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial educational action. At this stage, preparation and motivation of students for the proper independent implementation of a trial educational action, its implementation and recording of individual difficulties are organized. Accordingly, this stage involves: 1) updating the learned methods of action sufficient to construct new knowledge, their generalization and symbolic fixation; 2) updating the corresponding mental operations and cognitive processes;

4 3) motivation for a trial educational action ("need -" can - "want") and its independent implementation; 4) recording individual difficulties in performing a trial educational action or justifying it. 3. Identification of the place and cause of the difficulty. At this stage, the teacher organizes identification by students of the place and cause of the difficulty. To do this, students must: 1) restore the operations performed and record (verbally and symbolically) the place - step, operation where the difficulty arose; 2) correlate their actions with the method of action used (algorithm, concept, etc.) etc.) and on this basis, identify and record in external speech the cause of the difficulty - those specific knowledge, skills or abilities that are lacking to solve the original problem and problems of this class or type in general 4. Construction of a project for solving the difficulty (goal and topic, method , plan, means). At this stage, students in a communicative form think about the project of future educational actions: they set a goal (the goal is always to eliminate the difficulty that has arisen), agree on the topic of the lesson, choose a method, build a plan to achieve the goal and determine the means - algorithms, models, etc. .d. This process is led by the teacher: at first with the help of leading dialogue, then encouraging, and then with the help research methods. 5. Implementation of the constructed project. At this stage, the constructed project is being implemented: various options proposed by students are discussed, and the optimal option is selected, which is recorded in the language verbally and symbolically. The constructed method of action is used to solve the original problem that caused the difficulty. At the end, the general nature of the new knowledge is clarified and the overcoming of the previously encountered difficulty is recorded. 6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech. At this stage, students, in the form of communication (frontally, in groups, in pairs), solve standard tasks for a new method of action, pronouncing the solution algorithm out loud. 7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard. When carrying out this stage, an individual form of work is used: students independently perform tasks of a new type and self-test them, step by step comparing them with the standard. At the end, a performance reflection on the progress of the implementation of the constructed project of educational actions and control procedures is organized. The emotional focus of the stage is to organize, if possible, a situation of success for each student, motivating him to be included in further cognitive activity. 8. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition. At this stage, the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge are identified and tasks are performed in which a new method of action is provided as an intermediate step. When organizing this stage, the teacher selects tasks that train the use of previously studied material that has methodological value for introducing new methods of action in the future. Thus, on the one hand, there is an automation of mental actions according to the learned norms, and on the other, preparation for the introduction of new norms in the future. 9. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson (result). At this stage, new content learned in the lesson is recorded, and reflection and self-assessment of students’ own learning activities is organized. At the end, its goal and results are correlated, the degree of their compliance is recorded, and further goals of the activity are outlined.

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Typology of lessons (SLIDE 2) The main methodological goal of a lesson in systemic-activity learning is to create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of students. (SLIDE 3) Main methodological goal

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From September 1, 2011 in schools Russian Federation The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary was introduced general education(FSES NOO) of the second generation. What is the difference between the new standards

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The result of the technological process into the essential characteristics of the student, the content of his competencies, vector personal development. The teacher defines the goal of the lesson as solving the triune task of educational,

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A LESSON is a mirror of the teacher’s general and pedagogical culture, a measure of his intellectual wealth, an indicator of his horizons and erudition V. Sukhomlinsky A LESSON is a pedagogical work, and therefore it

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The main stages of a modern lesson: 1. Organizing time, characterized by the external and internal (psychological) readiness of students for the lesson. 2. Checking homework. 3. Test of knowledge

Types of lessons according to Federal State Educational Standards: lessons of “discovery” of new knowledge; reflection lessons;. lessons of general methodological orientation; lessons of developmental control. lessons of “discovery” of new knowledge; Activity goal: formation

2015 Typology of lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard Matveychuk Marina Vyacheslavovna MBOU "Secondary School 6" 11/17/2015 Typology of lessons (Federal State Educational Standard) The main methodological goal of the lesson in system-activity learning is to create conditions for manifestation

Types of lessons according to Federal State Educational Standards Page 1 Types of lessons: lessons of “discovery” of new knowledge; reflection lessons; lessons of general methodological orientation; lessons of developmental control. Page 2 New formulation Lessons from "discovery"

This should be understood as a set of mandatory requirements for the learning process at a certain level. To implement them in educational institution a main program must be developed, consisting of an academic schedule, working drafts of courses, subjects, and disciplines. It should also include teaching and assessment materials. In accordance with this program, teachers build their professional activity During the school year as a whole, each lesson is planned separately. Let us next consider the main stages of the lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard.

General classification

There is quite a lot taught at school various items. The content of the information is, of course, different. However, all lessons can be classified into the following groups:

  1. Discovery of new knowledge.
  2. Reflection lessons.
  3. Classes of a general methodological orientation.
  4. Lessons on developmental control.

Lesson objectives

At each lesson, certain goals are set and implemented. Thus, in classes for discovering new knowledge, students develop the ability to use new methods of action, and their conceptual base expands by adding new components. During reflection lessons, already learned algorithms, terms, and concepts are reinforced and, if necessary, corrected. In classes with a general methodological orientation, generalized activity norms are formed, theoretical basis further development of content and methodological directions. In addition, the ability to systematize and structure the material being studied is developing. In developmental control classes, children develop self-analysis skills. It should be noted that the division into stages of a lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard (second generation) should not disrupt the continuity of learning.

Characteristics of the stages of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard: "Discovery of new knowledge"

Each lesson follows a specific pattern. We can distinguish the following stages of a lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard (mathematics or Russian, in principle, does not matter):


The goals of the lesson stages according to the Federal State Educational Standard are different. However, at the same time, they are closely interconnected with each other. The goal of motivation is to develop, at an individually significant level, the student’s internal readiness to fulfill established standards. The implementation of this task is ensured by:

  1. Creating conditions for the emergence of an individual internal need to carry out activities.
  2. Updating the requirements for the student on the part of the teacher.
  3. Establishing a thematic framework for activities.

Update and trial action

As main goal At this stage, children prepare their thinking and organize their understanding of their own needs to form a new model of action. To achieve this, students need to:

Identifying problems

The key task at this stage is to realize what exactly the lack of knowledge, abilities or skills is. To achieve this goal, children need to:

  1. We analyzed all our actions. It is worth saying that self-analysis accompanies all stages of a modern lesson (according to the Federal State Educational Standard).
  2. Recorded the step or operation where the problem occurred.
  3. We correlated our own actions at the site of the difficulty with previously studied methods and determined what specific skill was missing to solve the task and similar issues.

Building a project

The purpose of this stage is to formulate the objectives of the activity and, on their basis, select a model and means of their implementation. To achieve this, students:

Project implementation

The main task is the formation by children of a new model of action, the ability to apply it when solving a problem that has caused difficulty, and similar issues. To do this, students:

  1. They put forward hypotheses based on the chosen method and justify them.
  2. They use substantive actions with diagrams and models when constructing new knowledge.
  3. Apply the chosen method to solve the problem that caused difficulty.
  4. The method of action is recorded in a generalized form.
  5. Establish overcoming the problem that arose earlier.

Primary consolidation

It is necessary for children to learn a new method of action. To do this, children need to:

  1. We spoke out loud our steps and their rationale.
  2. We solved several typical problems using a new method of action. This can be done in pairs, in groups or frontally.

Independent work and self-test

These stages of a modern lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard are of particular importance. During independent work, the degree of mastery of the acquired knowledge is checked, and a successful situation is formed (if possible). These stages of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard suggest:

  1. Performing work similar to the first, but solving tasks in which mistakes were previously made.
  2. Carrying out a self-test against a standard and recording the results.
  3. Establishing overcoming a difficulty that arose earlier.

These stages of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard include a special type of work for those children who did not have any problems solving it the first time. They study the level according to the model and then independently check the results.

Inclusion in the scope of knowledge and repetition

The key task is the use of action models that caused difficulty, consolidation of the studied material and preparation for the perception of the following sections of the subject. If the previous stages of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard are completed satisfactorily, then the children:

  1. Solve problems in which the action models under consideration are related to previously studied ones and to each other.
  2. Complete tasks aimed at preparing for the study of other (next) sections.

If the previous stages of the lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard gave a negative result, independent work is repeated and self-control is carried out for another option.


At this stage, the main goal is for children to understand how to overcome difficulties and to independently evaluate the results of correctional or independent work. To do this, students need:

Developmental control lesson

Consider, for example, the stages of a music lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  1. Motivation for control and correctional activities.
  2. Updating and trial training activities.
  3. Localization of personal difficulties.
  4. Construction of a project for correcting detected problems.
  5. Implementation of a new model.
  6. Generalization of speech difficulties.
  7. Independent work and testing against the standard.
  8. Creative problem solving.
  9. Reflection of work.

Performing control activities

The main task of motivation for correctional activities is similar to that described earlier and consists of developing the internal readiness of students to implement the requirements of educational work. In this case, however, there is a control and correction orientation. In this regard, it is necessary:

  1. Establish the goal of the lesson and create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for students to get involved in work.
  2. Update the requirements for the student in terms of control and correction actions.
  3. In accordance with previously solved tasks, determine thematic boundaries and create guidelines for work.
  4. Formulate the control method and procedure.
  5. Determine the evaluation criterion.

Preparing children's thinking

Students must be aware of their own need for control and self-analysis, identifying the causes of difficulties. To implement this task you need:

Lesson of general methodological orientation

The stages of a combined lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard are aimed at developing in children an idea of ​​the techniques that connect the concepts they study into one system. In addition, they contribute to the awareness of the methods of constructing a plan directly educational activities. It, in turn, ensures independent change and self-development of students. In such classes, norms and methods of educational activity, self-esteem and self-control, and reflexive self-organization are created. Such classes are considered extra-disciplinary. They are conducted outside the scope of any discipline at or during an extracurricular activity.


Dividing lessons into stages allows you to present the material clearly structured, in a logical sequence, while ensuring continuous coordination of student activities. For each lesson, tasks and options for students’ actions should be determined. The organizational stage of the lesson on the Federal State Educational Standard is also of no small importance. It precedes the formation of motivation in children. After the greeting, the teacher conducts a readiness check, and those who are absent are identified. After this, the students’ attention is focused and the necessary mood for the perception of information is set. If necessary and possible, the teacher can adjust the lesson plan at the organizational stage.

(slide 1)

The teacher makes the school a school!

With all the variety of subjects at school, teachers, their creative approaches, etc., the same lesson structure, with its constant repetition, will bore anyone, even the most conscientious, most loving student.

(slide 2)

Teachers are different - after all, they grow from students

(slide 3)

  1. The artist learns to mix paints and apply strokes to the canvas.
  2. A musician studies etudes.
  3. A journalist and a writer master the techniques of writing.

A real teacher mixes paints, sketches, and techniques.

(slide 4)

The teacher is a master, a virtuoso. He plays his lesson like notes.

And only another teacher knows how much work went into mastering scales and etudes until the notes, rhythms and melodies merged into the music of the lesson. Strict adherence to the concept of the lesson plan and the simultaneous willingness (and ability) to flexibly rearrange its course when learning situations change, the ability to move on to the implementation of backup methodological options - this is mastery.

(slide 5)

Mastery is a craft with a stamp of perfection.

There are not many masters. But there are many real professionals. As a rule, they have their own professional tricks and techniques.

There are also not many strong pedagogical techniques - often a good professional actively uses only two or three “secrets”. We will talk about one of these secrets.

(slide 6)

Structure of a modern lesson

(slide 7)

A lesson is a cell of the pedagogical process. All its sides are reflected in it, like the sun in a drop of water. If not all, then a significant part of pedagogy is concentrated in the lesson.
Skatkin M.

The reason for the structural monotony of lessons at school is teachers’ poor knowledge (or ignorance) of the typology of lessons and the basis on which the lesson structure is chosen.

(slide 8)

Therefore, the birth of any lesson begins with the awareness and correct, clear definition of its ultimate goal - what the teacher wants to achieve; then establishing the means - what will help the teacher achieve the goal, and then determining the method - how the teacher will act so that the goal is achieved.

The lesson, from the point of view of the logic of the learning process, leads us to the concept of “lesson structure”.

(slide 9)

The structure of a lesson is a set of different options for interactions between the elements of a lesson that arises in the learning process and ensures its purposeful effectiveness.

(slide 10)

When drawing up the structure of the lesson, you should take into account the pattern according to which permanent The stages in each lesson are organizational instruction and instruction on homework.

A student who has not been told how to do his homework will most likely not complete it or, at best, copy it from a friend. Thus, the opportunity to comprehend and assimilate educational material at home is lost, which reduces the overall effectiveness of studying the topic.

The remaining stages: learning new material, checking and analyzing homework, consolidating the learned material, expanding and deepening knowledge can be varied by the teacher depending on the stage of studying the topic and the educational objectives of the lesson.

(slide 11)

Currently, there are many lesson classifications, but a number of theorists and didactics consider the lesson structure developed by M.I. to be very promising. Makhmutov, who proposes to classify lessons according to the purpose of the organization. In accordance with this approach, the following types of lessons are distinguished:

  1. Lesson on learning new material
  2. Lesson on improving ZUN
  3. Lesson of generalization and systematization
  4. Combined lesson
  5. Lesson on control and correction of ZUN
  6. Unconventional lesson

Let's remember: purpose of the lesson → type of lesson → structure of the lesson → time spent at various stages of the lesson. Since the goals of the lessons are varied, their types and, accordingly, structures will be varied. Let's look at them:

(slide 12)

Lesson structure for learning new material

(slide 13)

Structure of a lesson to improve knowledge, skills and abilities

1. Organizing time 1 min.
2. Communicating the topic and purpose of the lesson 2 minutes.
3. Checking homework 3 min.
4. Updating the basic knowledge and skills of students 5 minutes.
5. Determining the boundaries of the possibilities of applying this knowledge. 3 min.
6. Trial application of knowledge. 15 minutes.
7. Exercises based on a model and in similar conditions with the aim of developing the skills of error-free application of knowledge. 5 minutes.
8. Exercises with transfer of knowledge to new conditions. 7 min.
9. Homework message and instruction 4 min.

(slide 14)

Lesson structure for generalizing and systematizing knowledge

1. Organizing time 1-2 min.
2. Message of the topic, lesson objectives 1 min.
3. Checking homework 3 min.
4. Students complete various types of tasks of a generalizing and systematizing nature. 10 min.
5. Checking the progress of work, making adjustments (if necessary) 15 minutes.
6. Formulation of conclusions based on the studied material 5 minutes.
7. Evaluation of lesson results 3 min.
8. Summing up the lesson 3 min.
9. Homework message 4 min.

(slide 15)

Structure of a combined lesson

1. Organizing time 1 min.
2. Checking homework 2 minutes.
3. Communication of the topic, purpose, objectives of the lesson, motivation of schoolchildren’s educational activities 1 min.
4. Comprehensive knowledge test. 5 minutes.
5. Preparing students to perceive new educational material. 5 minutes.
6. Assimilation of new knowledge. 10 min.
7. Consolidation of the material studied in this lesson and previously covered, related to the new one. 15 minutes.
8. Summing up the lesson 2 minutes.
9. Homework message and instruction. 4 min.

(slide 16)

Structure of a ZUN control lesson

(slide 17)

Structure of a lesson on correction of learning skills

(slide 18)

The listed types of lessons in their “pure” form are rarely found in teacher practice. One way or another, the functions of one type of lesson are often woven into the structure of another type.

So, the purpose of the lesson determines the type of lesson, the type determines its components, that is, the structure, and the structure determines the consumption of time at various stages, which allows for its optimal consumption. All this together ensures the successful solution of the tasks assigned to the lesson, and, no less important, will save children from the exhausting monotony of lesson structures in all subjects during eleven years of schooling.

(slide 19)

Each of us is talented in something, but together we are brilliant!


10 steps to success

Step 1. Love and respect yourself.

Step 2. Be personally interested in the child’s success and progress in the subject.

Step 3. Be motivated for a positive result.

Step 4. Empathy for learning.

Step 5. I am a professional in the fields of subject theory, pedagogy, didactics.

Step 6. I am a creator: I create myself every day, I create a student, I create something new in a lesson.

Step 7. The learning process is mutual, and I remember that.

Step 8 A negative result is also a result – food for thought.

Step 9 My emotions outside the lesson do not affect its quality.

Step 10 I remember that I am responsible for my every word and action.


  1. MM. Potashnik, “Requirements for a Modern Lesson” (education of the 21st century), Toolkit, center teacher education, – Moscow: 2007.
  2. S.G. Manvelov, “Design of a modern mathematics lesson”, - M.: Education, 2005.
  3. Yu.K. Babansky, “Optimization of the educational process,” M.: Education, 1982.
  4. V.A. Slastenin, I.F. Isaev, E.N. Shiyanov, “Pedagogy”, – M.: publishing house. Center "Academy", 2002.
  5. A.V. Khutorskoy, “Modern didactics”, – St. Petersburg: publishing house. house "Peter", 2001.
  6. E.S. Polat, “New pedagogical and information technologies in the education system,” - M.: publishing house. Center "Academy", 2009.

The Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) puts the development of the child’s personality at the forefront. This task requires the teacher to have a new approach to organizing the learning process. The lesson, as it was before, remains the main unit of the learning process. But now the requirements for conducting a lesson have changed, and a different classification of lessons has been proposed. The specifics of the system-activity approach also presuppose a different lesson structure, which differs from the usual, classical scheme.

Requirements for a modern lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard

  • The lesson must have a personality-oriented, individual character.
  • The priority is the independent work of students, not the teacher.
  • A practical, activity-based approach is taken.
  • Each lesson is aimed at developing universal learning activities (ULA): personal, communicative, regulatory and cognitive.
  • The authoritarian style of communication between student and teacher is becoming a thing of the past. Now the teacher’s task is to help in the development of new knowledge and guide the educational process.

The main methodological goal is achieved in the following ways.

  • The progress of knowledge is “from the students.” The teacher draws up and discusses the lesson plan together with the students, uses it during the lesson didactic material, allowing the student to choose the most significant type and form of educational content for him.
  • The transformative nature of students’ activities: observe, compare, group, classify, draw conclusions, find out patterns. That is, to awaken to mental activity, and their planning.
  • Intensive independent activity of students associated with emotional experiences, which is accompanied by the effect of surprise. Tasks involving the mechanism of creativity, assistance from encouragement from the teacher. The teacher creates problematic situations - collisions.
  • Collective search directed by the teacher (questions that awaken students’ independent thoughts, preliminary homework). The teacher creates an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class.
  • Creation pedagogical situations communication in the classroom, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, and selectivity in ways of working.
  • Flexible structure. The teacher uses a variety of forms and methods of organizing educational activities, which make it possible to reveal the subjective experience of students.

Main types of lessons at school according to Federal State Educational Standards

The developers of new educational standards propose to distinguish types of lessons depending on the goals:

Lesson type No. 1. A lesson in discovering new knowledge, acquiring new skills and abilities

Activity : teach children new ways of finding knowledge, introduce new concepts and terms.
Content: form a system of new concepts, expand students’ knowledge by including new definitions, terms, and descriptions.

Algorithm for constructing a lesson for discovering new knowledge:

1. Identify and formulate new knowledge.
2. Model the method of discovering new knowledge.
3. Identify the mental operations used in the discovery of new knowledge.
4. Determine the necessary training and methods of its repetition.
5. Select exercises for the actualization stage, based on the list of necessary mental operations and LUNs.
6. Model the difficulty and how to fix it.
7. Model a problem situation and dialogue.
8. Compose an independent work and an objectively justified standard.
9. Determine methods for organizing and conducting primary consolidation.
10. Select tasks for the repetition stage by level.
11. Analyze the lesson based on the notes.
12. Make adjustments to the outline plan if necessary.

Lesson structure for acquiring new knowledge

  1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) for educational activities.
  2. The stage of updating and recording an individual difficulty in a trial action.
  3. Identifying difficulties: what is the complexity of the new material, what exactly creates the problem, searching for contradictions
  4. Development of a project, a plan to resolve their existing difficulties, consideration of many options, search for an optimal solution.
  5. Implementation of the chosen plan to resolve the difficulty. This is the main stage of the lesson, where the “discovery” of new knowledge occurs.
  6. Stage of primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.
  7. Independent work and testing against the standard.
  8. Inclusion in the system of knowledge and skills.
  9. Reflection, which includes reflection on educational activities, introspection, and reflection on feelings and emotions.

Let's consider approaches to the structure of a lesson on discovering new knowledge and the micro-goals of the stages:

1. Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities.

Goal: The main goal of the stage motivation (self-determination) for educational activities is the development at a personally significant level of internal readiness to fulfill the regulatory requirements of educational activities.

— update the requirements for the student in terms of educational activities (“must”);
— establish the thematic framework of educational activities (“I can”).

2. Updating and recording individual difficulties in a trial action.

The purpose of the stage of actualization and trial educational action is to prepare students’ thinking and organize their awareness of the internal need to construct educational actions and organize the recording of individual difficulties by each of them in the trial action.

— reproduced and recorded knowledge, skills and abilities sufficient to build a new way of action;
— activated the corresponding mental operations (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy, etc.) and cognitive processes (attention, memory, etc.);
— updated the norm for a trial educational action (“need” - “want” - “can”);
- tried to independently complete an individual task to apply new knowledge planned for study in this lesson;
— recorded a difficulty in performing a trial action or justifying it.

3. Identifying the location and cause of difficulties.

The main goal of the stage is to organize an analysis by students of the situation that has arisen and, on this basis, to identify the places and causes of the difficulty; to realize what exactly is the insufficiency of their knowledge, skills or abilities.

- analyzed step by step based on a sign recording and said out loud what they did and how they did it;
— recorded the operation, the step at which the difficulty arose (place of difficulty);
- correlated their actions at this step with the methods studied and recorded what knowledge or skill is missing to solve the initial problem and problems of this class or type in general (cause of difficulty).

4. Construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty (goal, topic, plan, timing, method, means).

The main goal of the stage of constructing a project to overcome a difficulty is to set goals for educational activities and, on this basis, to choose the method and means of their implementation.

To do this, it is necessary that students:

- in a communicative form they formulated the specific goal of their future educational actions, eliminating the cause of the difficulty that has arisen (that is, they formulated what knowledge they need to build and what to learn);
- proposed and agreed topic lesson, which the teacher can clarify;
- chosen way building new knowledge (How?) - method clarifications(if a new way of action can be constructed from previously learned ones) or method additions(if there are no studied analogues and the introduction of a fundamentally new sign or method of action is required);
- chosen facilities to build new knowledge (using what?) - studied concepts, algorithms, models, formulas, recording methods, etc.

5. Implementation of the completed project

The main goal of the implementation stage of the constructed project is for students to construct a new method of action and develop the ability to apply it both when solving a problem that caused difficulty, and when solving problems of this class or type in general.

To achieve this goal, students must:

— based on the chosen method, put forward and justify hypotheses;
— when constructing new knowledge, use substantive actions with models, diagrams, etc.;
- apply a new method of action to solve a problem that caused difficulty;
- record in a generalized form a new way of acting in speech and symbolically;
- record the overcoming of a previously encountered difficulty.

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

The main goal of the stage of primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech is for students to master a new method of action when solving standard problems.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary that students:

— solved (frontally, in groups, in pairs) several typical tasks for a new method of action;
- at the same time, they spoke out loud the steps performed and their rationale - definitions, algorithms, properties, etc.

7. Independent work with self-test according to the standard

The main goal of the stage of independent work with self-test according to the standard is the internalization of a new method of action and executive reflection (collective and individual) of achieving the goal of a trial educational action, the application of new knowledge in standard tasks.

To do this you need:

— organize independent completion by students of standard tasks for a new way of action;
— organize self-testing by students of their solutions according to the standard;
- create (if possible) a situation of success for each child;
- for students who have made mistakes, provide the opportunity to identify the causes of errors and correct them.

8. Inclusion of repetition into the knowledge system.

The main goal of the stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition is to repeat and consolidate what was previously learned and prepare for the study of the next sections of the course, identify the limits of applicability of new knowledge and teach how to use it in the system of previously studied knowledge, repeat the educational content necessary to ensure meaningful continuity, and include new way of action into the knowledge system.

To do this you need:

- identify and fix the boundaries of applicability of new knowledge and teach how to use it in the system of previously studied knowledge;
— bringing it to the level of an automated skill;
— if necessary, organize preparation for studying the following sections of the course;
— repeat educational content necessary to ensure meaningful continuity.

9. Reflection of UD in the lesson

The main goal of the reflection stage of educational activities in the lesson is students’ self-assessment of the results of their educational activities, awareness of the method of construction and the boundaries of application of a new method of action.

To achieve this goal:

— reflection and self-assessment of students’ own learning activities in the classroom is organized;
— students correlate the goal and results of their educational activities and record the degree of their compliance;
— goals for further activities are outlined and tasks for self-preparation are determined (homework with elements of choice and creativity).

Lesson type No. 2. Lesson on skills and reflection

Activity : to develop in students the ability for correctional-control type reflection, to teach children to find the cause of their difficulties, to independently build an algorithm of actions to eliminate difficulties, to teach self-analysis of actions and ways to find a resolution to the conflict.
Content : consolidate acquired knowledge, concepts, methods of action, algorithms, etc. and adjust them if necessary.

A distinctive feature of the reflection lesson is the recording and overcoming of difficulties in one’s own educational actions.

To conduct a reflection lesson correctly, it is necessary to clarify the concepts of standard, sample and standard for self-test, which we will explain with a specific example.

The standard can be presented in different types. The main thing is that it correctly describes the essence of the transformations being carried out and is designed together with students in the lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge, is understandable to them, and is a real tool for them to solve problems of this type.

The standard for self-control is the implementation of a method of action, correlated with the standard.

When constructing a standard for self-control, a detailed sample is used next to the standard, which is built and agreed upon in the class during the “discovery of new knowledge” lesson.

Students must learn to compare their work step by step with a standard during self-test.

However, this skill is formed in them gradually. First, they learn to check their work using the answers, then using the short solution.

In order for students’ correction of their mistakes to be not a random, but a meaningful event, it is important to organize their corrective actions based on a reflexive method, formalized in the form of an error correction algorithm.

This algorithm should be built by the children themselves in a separate lesson. If reflection lessons are conducted systematically, then children quickly master this algorithm and confidently apply it.

Structure of a reflection lesson according to the Federal State Educational Standard

  1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) for correctional activities.
  2. Identification of individual difficulties in implementing new knowledge and skills.
  3. Building a plan to resolve the difficulties that have arisen (searching for ways to resolve the problem, choosing the best actions, planning work, developing a strategy).
  4. Implementation in practice of the chosen plan and strategy for resolving the problem.
  5. Summarizing the identified difficulties.
  6. Carrying out independent work and self-testing using a reference sample.
  7. Inclusion in the system of knowledge, skills and repetition.
  8. Carrying out reflection on learning activities in the classroom.

In the structure of a reflection lesson, the fourth and fifth stages can be repeated depending on the complexity of the identified difficulties and their abundance.

A distinctive feature of a reflection lesson from a lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge is the recording and overcoming of difficulties in one’s own educational actions, and not in the educational content.

To conduct a reflection lesson competently, it is necessary to clarify the concepts standard, sample And self-test standard. Let's move on to describing the basic requirements for the stages of a reflection lesson.

Let's consider the structure of the lesson and the main micro-goals of the stages:

1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) for correctional activities.

Main goal motivation (self-determination) for correctional activities is the development at a personally significant level of internal readiness to implement the normative requirements of educational activities, but in this case we are talking about the norm of correctional activities.

To achieve this goal it is required:

— create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in activities (“I want”);
— update the requirements for the student in terms of correctional activities (“must”);
— based on previously solved problems, establish a thematic framework and create an indicative basis for corrective actions (“I can”).

2. Stage of actualization and trial educational action.

The main goal is to prepare students’ thinking and their awareness of the need to identify the causes of difficulties in their own activities.

To do this you need:

- organize repetition and symbolic recording of methods of action planned for reflective analysis by students - definitions, algorithms, properties, etc.;
— activate appropriate mental operations and cognitive processes (attention, memory, etc.);
- organize motivation (“I want” - “need” - “I can”) and students perform independent work No. 1 to apply the methods of action planned for reflective analysis;
— organize self-testing by students of their work using a ready-made sample, recording the results obtained (without correcting errors).

3. The stage of localizing individual difficulties.

The main goal of the stage of localizing individual difficulties is to understand the place and cause of one’s own difficulties in performing the learned methods of action.

To do this, it is necessary that students:

— clarified the error correction algorithm that will be used in this lesson;

- based on an error correction algorithm, they analyze their solution and determine the location of errors - place of difficulty;
- identify and record methods of action (algorithms, formulas, rules, etc.) in which errors were made - the reason difficulties.

At this time, students who have not identified errors also perform a step-by-step check of their solutions using the error correction algorithm to eliminate the situation when the answer is accidentally correct, but the solution is not. If during checking they find an error, then they then join the first group - they identify place And reason difficulties, and if there are no errors, they receive an additional task of a creative level and then work independently until the self-test stage.

4. Stage of goal setting and construction of a project for correcting identified difficulties.

The main goal of the stage of goal setting and construction of a project for correcting identified difficulties is to set goals for correctional activities and, on this basis, to choose the method and means of their implementation.

To do this, it is necessary that students:

- formulated an individual target their future corrective actions (that is, they formulated what concepts and methods of action they need to clarify and learn to apply correctly);
- chosen way (how?) And facilities(by using what?)

5. Implementation stage of the completed project.

The main goal of the implementation stage of the constructed project is for students to meaningfully correct their mistakes in independent work and develop the ability to correctly apply appropriate methods of action.

To achieve this goal, each student who has had difficulties in independent work must:

- further, in both cases, choose from those proposed or come up with tasks yourself for those methods of action (rules, algorithms, etc.) in which mistakes were made;

Students who have not made mistakes in independent work continue to solve creative tasks or act as consultants.

6. Stage of generalization of difficulties in external speech.

The main goal is to consolidate the methods of action that caused difficulties.

To achieve this goal:

— a discussion of typical difficulties is organized;
— the formulations of the methods of action that caused difficulties are spoken out.

Particular attention here should be paid to those students who have difficulties - it is better that they say out loud the correct methods of action.

7. Stage of independent work with self-test according to the standard.

The main goal of the stage of independent work with self-testing according to the standard is the internalization of methods of action that caused difficulties, self-testing of their assimilation, individual reflection on achieving the goal and creating (if possible) a situation of success.

To achieve this goal, students who made mistakes:

- perform independent work similar to the first one, while taking only those tasks in which mistakes were made;
- carry out self-testing of their work against a standard for self-checking and record the results;
— record the overcoming of a previously encountered difficulty. At this time, students who did not make mistakes in the test complete a self-test of additional tasks of a creative level according to the proposed sample.

8. Stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

The main goal of the stage of inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition is the application of methods of action that caused difficulties, repetition and consolidation of what was previously learned and preparation for studying the following sections of the course.

— perform tasks to prepare for studying the following topics.

9.Stage of reflection of activity in the lesson.

The main goal of the stage of reflection of activity in the lesson is for students to understand the method of overcoming difficulties and their self-assessment of the results of their correctional (and if there were no mistakes, independent) activities.

— clarify the error correction algorithm;

— record the degree of compliance with the set goal and performance results;
- evaluate their own activities in the lesson;
— outline goals for subsequent activities;
- in accordance with the results of activities in the lesson, homework is agreed upon (with elements of choice and creativity).

This is how the lesson structure looks like: practicing skills and reflection. Children in these lessons do not just practice solving problems - they learn a method for correcting their own actions, they are given the opportunity to find their mistakes themselves, understand their cause and correct them, and then make sure that their actions are correct. After this, the quality of students’ assimilation of educational content significantly increases while the time spent decreases.

Let us note that reflection lessons, despite quite a lot of preparation for them on the part of the teacher (especially in the initial stages), are the most interesting for both teachers and, first of all, for children. There is significant positive experience of their systematic use in schools. Children in these lessons do not just practice solving problems - they learn a method for correcting their own actions, they are given the opportunity to find their mistakes themselves, understand their cause and correct them, and then make sure that their actions are correct. After this, the quality of students’ assimilation of educational content noticeably increases while the time spent decreases, but not only that. Children easily transfer the experience gained in these lessons of working on mistakes to any academic subject.

It should also be emphasized that reflection lessons are much easier for teachers to master than lessons in the “discovery” of new knowledge, since the transition to them does not change the method of work itself.

Lesson type No. 3. Lesson on systematization of knowledge (general methodological orientation)

Activity: teach children to structure and systematize acquired knowledge, develop the ability to move from the particular to the general and vice versa, teach them to see each new knowledge, and repeat the learned method of action within the entire topic being studied.
Content: teach generalization, develop the ability to build theoretical assumptions about the further development of the topic, teach the vision of new knowledge in the structure of the general course, its connection with already acquired experience and its significance for subsequent learning.

Structure of a lesson on systematization of knowledge

  1. Self-determination.
  2. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties.
  3. Setting educational objectives and lesson goals.
  4. Drawing up a plan and strategy to resolve the difficulty.
  5. Implementation of the selected project.
  6. The stage of independent work with verification against the standard.
  7. Activity reflection stage.

Purpose lessons of general methodological orientation is the construction of methods that connect the studied concepts into a single system.

Lessons general methodological orientation are designed, firstly, to form students’ ideas about methods that connect the concepts being studied into a single system, and secondly, about methods of organizing the educational activities themselves, aimed at self-change and self-development. Thus, these lessons organize students’ understanding and construction of norms and methods of educational activities, self-control and self-esteem, and reflexive self-organization. These lessons are cross-curricular and are conducted outside the scope of any subject. classroom hours, extracurricular activities or other lessons specially designated for this in accordance with the structure of the activity method technology.

Separate now subject lessons should be devoted to the formation of ideas about the methods of science. For example, a mathematics course requires lessons that develop methods of measurement, classification of finite groups of objects by quantitative criteria, expansion of numerical sets, mathematical modeling, trial and error, etc.

Lesson type No. 4. Developmental Control Lesson

Activity : teach children methods of self-control and mutual control, develop abilities that allow them to exercise control.
Content: testing knowledge, skills, acquired skills and self-testing of students.

Developmental control lesson structure

  1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) for control and correctional activities.
  2. Updating knowledge and implementing a trial educational action.
  3. Recording individual local difficulties.
  4. Creating a plan to solve the problem and correct identified difficulties.
  5. Implementation of the chosen plan in practice (project implementation).
  6. Generalization of types of difficulties.
  7. Carrying out independent work and self-test using a reference sample.
  8. Creative problem solving.
  9. Reflection stage of control and correction activities.

Developmental control lessons are conducted at the end of studying large sections of the course and involve writing a test and its reflective analysis. Therefore, in their structure, methods of preparation and delivery, these lessons resemble reflection lessons. However, these types of lessons have some significant differences.

In developmental control lessons, in contrast to reflection lessons, when conducting tests, the emphasis is placed, first of all, on coordinating evaluation criteria results of educational activities, their application and recording of the obtained comparison result in the form marks. Thus, a distinctive feature of developmental control lessons is their compliance with the established structure of “managerial”, criterion-based control.

Since these lessons summarize the study of a significant amount of material, the content of the tests is 2-3 times larger than the usual independent work offered in reflection lessons. Therefore, developmental control lessons are conducted in two stages:

1) writing a test paper by students and evaluating it according to criteria;
2) reflective analysis of the completed test work and correction of errors made in the work.

These stages are carried out in two lessons, which are separated by the time necessary for the teacher to check the results of students' work in the first lesson (this time should not exceed 1-2 days).

Depending on who has the reference option (criteria), the following forms of organizing developmental control lessons are distinguished: self-control, mutual control and pedagogical control.

Self-control involves presenting a standard version to the student, independently comparing his own version with the standard version, followed by self-assessment based on established criteria.

At mutual control the holder of the standard is another student. At the same time, the formation of the ability to self-assessment occurs through checking the fairness of the assessment given by another student and a reflective analysis of mistakes made.

Pedagogical control of developmental orientation assumes that the holder of the standard is the teacher. The formation of the ability to self-assessment occurs through agreement with the teacher on the result based on previously established criteria and a reflective analysis of mistakes made.

Let us now move on to a description of the basic requirements for the stages of developmental control lessons.

Lesson 1 (Taking a test)

1. Stage of motivation (self-determination) for control and correctional activities;

As before, the main goal of the stage motivation (self-determination) for control and correctional activities is the development at a personally significant level of internal readiness to implement the normative requirements of educational activities, but in this case we are talking about the norm of control and correctional activities.

Therefore, to achieve this goal it is required:

- determine the main goal of the lesson and create conditions for the emergence of an internal need for inclusion in control and correctional activities (“I want”);
— update the requirements for the student in terms of control and correctional activities (“must”);
- based on previously solved problems, establish a thematic framework and create an indicative basis for control and corrective actions (“I can”);
— establish the form and procedure of control;
- present the criteria for grading.

2. Stage of actualization and trial educational action;

The main goal of the stage updating and trial learning activities is to prepare students’ thinking and their awareness of the need for control and self-monitoring of results and identifying the causes of difficulties in activities.

To do this you need:

— organize repetition of controlled methods of action (norms);
— activate mental operations (comparison, generalization) and cognitive processes (attention, memory, etc.) necessary to complete the test;
- organize the motivation of students (“I want” - “need” - I can) to complete the test to use the methods of action planned for control and subsequent reflective analysis;
— organize individual writing of test work by students;
— organize students’ comparison of their work according to a ready-made sample with recording of the results (without correcting errors);
— provide students with the opportunity to self-assess their work according to a pre-established criterion.

Lesson II (Analysis of test work)

This lesson corresponds to a lesson on working on test errors in a traditional school and is carried out after the teacher has checked it.

3.The stage of localizing individual difficulties;

The main goal of the stage localization of individual difficulties is to develop, at a personally significant level, internal readiness for correctional work, as well as to identify the place and causes of one’s own difficulties in performing test work.

To achieve this goal it is necessary:

- organize the motivation of students for correctional activities (“I want” - “need” - “I can”) and their formulation of the main goal of the lesson;
— reproduce controlled methods of action (norms);
- analyze the correctness of students’ self-testing of their work and, if necessary, coordinate their assessments with the teacher’s assessment.

— clarify the error correction algorithm (the algorithm is based on previous lessons based on the reflexive method);
- based on an error correction algorithm, they analyze their solution and determine the location of errors - place of difficulty;
- identify and record methods of action (algorithms, formulas, rules, etc.) in which errors were made, - the cause of the difficulties.

Students who have not made mistakes at this stage compare their solution with the standard and complete tasks of a creative level. They can also act as consultants. Comparison with a standard is necessary to correlate your decision with the methods of action used. This contributes to the formation of speech, logical thinking, and the ability to justify one’s point of view based on criteria.

4. Stage of constructing a project for correcting identified difficulties;

The main goal of the stage building a project to correct identified difficulties is to set goals for correctional activities and, on this basis, to choose the method and means of their implementation.

To do this, it is necessary that students:

- formulated an individual goal for their future corrective actions (that is, they formulated what concepts and methods of action they need to clarify and learn to apply correctly);
- chosen way (how?) And facilities(With using what?) corrections, that is, they established which specific concepts, algorithms, models, formulas, recording methods, etc. were studied. they need to once again comprehend and understand how they will do this (using standards, a textbook, analyzing the performance of similar tasks in previous lessons, etc.).

5. Stage of implementation of the constructed project;

The main goal of the stage implementation of the completed project is the meaningful correction by students of their mistakes in the test work and the formation of the ability to correctly apply appropriate methods of action.

As in the reflection lesson, to achieve this goal, each student who had difficulties in the test must:

- independently (case 1) correct your mistakes using the chosen method based on the use of the selected means, and in case of difficulty (case 2) - using the proposed standard for self-test;
— in the first case, compare your error correction results with a standard for self-testing;
- further, in both cases, choose from those proposed or come up with tasks yourself for methods of action (rules, algorithms, etc.) in which mistakes were made;
- solve these tasks (some of them may be included in homework).

Students who did not make mistakes in the test continue to solve creative tasks or act as consultants.

6. Stage of generalization of difficulties in external speech;

The main goal of the stage generalization of difficulties in external speech is to consolidate the methods of action that caused the difficulty.

To achieve this goal, similar to reflection lessons, the following is organized:

— discussion of typical errors;
- pronouncing the wording of the methods of action that caused the difficulty.

7.Stage of independent work with self-test according to the standard;

The main goal of the stage independent work with self-test according to the standard, as in a reflection lesson, it is the internalization of methods of action that caused difficulties, self-testing of their assimilation, individual reflection on achieving the goal, as well as creating (if possible) a situation of success.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary that students who made mistakes in the test:

- completed independent work similar to supervised work, choosing only those tasks in which errors were made;
— conducted a self-test of their work using a finished sample and recorded significant results.
— recorded the overcoming of a previously encountered difficulty.

Students who did not make mistakes in the test complete a self-test of creative level assignments according to the proposed sample.

8. Stage of solving creative level tasks;

The main goal of the stage inclusion of repetition in the knowledge system is the application of methods of action that caused difficulties, repetition and consolidation of previously learned, preparation for studying the following sections of the course.

To do this, students with a positive result of the previous stage:

- perform tasks in which the methods of action under consideration are associated with previously studied ones and with each other;
— complete assignments to prepare for studying the following topics.

If the result is negative, students repeat the previous step for another option.

9. Reflection stage of control and correction activities.

The main goal of the stage reflection on activities in the lesson is self-assessment of the results of control and correctional activities, awareness of the method of overcoming difficulties in activity and the mechanism of control and correctional activities.

To achieve this goal, students:

— discuss the mechanism of control activities;
— analyze where and why mistakes were made, and ways to correct them;
- name the methods of action that caused the difficulty;
— record the degree of compliance with the set goal of control and correction activities and its results;
— evaluate the results of their own activities;
— if necessary, tasks for self-preparation are determined (homework with elements of choice and creativity);
— outline goals for subsequent activities.

Note that in pedagogical practice, control lessons are often conducted that are not related to the development of students’ abilities to control and self-control, for example, administrative control or traditional test work. These lessons should be distinguished from activity-oriented lessons, since they implement educational goals other than activity-based ones and, thus, do not advance students forward in developing the necessary activity-based qualities.

The theoretically based mechanism of control activities involves:

1.presentation of a controlled option;
2. the presence of a conceptually justified standard, and not a subjective version;
3. comparison of the tested option with the standard according to the agreed mechanism;
4.evaluation of the comparison result in accordance with a previously justified criterion.

Thus, developmental control lessons involve organizing the student’s activities in accordance with the following structure:

1. students writing a version of the test;
2. comparison with an objectively justified standard for performing this work;
3. assessment by students of the comparison result in accordance with previously established criteria.

The teacher should pay attention to the following:

Dividing the educational process into lessons of different types in accordance with the leading goals should not destroy its continuity, which means it is necessary to ensure the invariance of the teaching technology. Therefore, when constructing a technology for organizing lessons of different types, the following should be preserved: activity teaching method and a corresponding system of didactic principles is provided as the basis for building the structure and conditions of interaction between teacher and student.

To construct a lesson within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is important to understand what the criteria for the effectiveness of a lesson should be, regardless of what typology we adhere to.

  1. Lesson goals are set with a tendency to transfer functions from teacher to student.
  2. The teacher systematically teaches children to carry out reflexive action (assess their readiness, detect ignorance, find the causes of difficulties, etc.)
  3. A variety of forms, methods and techniques of teaching are used to increase the degree of student activity in the educational process.
  4. The teacher knows the technology of dialogue, teaches students to pose and address questions.
  5. The teacher effectively (adequate to the purpose of the lesson) combines reproductive and problem-based forms of education, teaches children to work according to the rule and creatively.
  6. During the lesson, tasks and clear criteria for self-control and self-assessment are set (there is a special formation of control and evaluation activities among students).
  7. The teacher ensures that all students understand the educational material, using special techniques for this.
  8. The teacher strives to evaluate the actual progress of each student, encourages and supports minimal success.
  9. The teacher specifically plans the communicative tasks of the lesson.
  10. The teacher accepts and encourages the student’s own position, a different opinion, and teaches the correct forms of their expression.
  11. The style and tone of relationships set in the lesson create an atmosphere of cooperation, co-creation, and psychological comfort.
  12. In the lesson there is a deep personal impact “teacher - student” (through relationships, joint activities, etc.)

You can include a research lesson (creativity lesson) in the typology of lessons. It would allow the teacher to make a smooth transition from class activities to extracurricular activities, to use the modification of the lesson through the inclusion of games, play activities, and enclosing the lesson in a game shell. Usage various types lessons expands the possibilities of using a system-activity approach in education.

Lesson type No. 5 – research lesson (creativity lesson).

The structure of a research lesson could be as follows:
I. Updating knowledge.
1.1. Motivation. Updating knowledge and mental operations sufficient to construct new knowledge.
1.2. Fixing difficulties in individual activities.

II. Operational and execution stage.
2.1. Formulation of the problem:
a) creating a problematic situation;
b) statement of the research problem;
2.2. Identify research topics.
2.3. Formulating the purpose of the research.
2.4. Proposing a hypothesis.
2.5. Choosing a method for solving a problem situation.
2.6. Drawing up a research plan.
2.7. “Discovery” of new knowledge by children. Hypothesis testing. Conducting experiments, observations, laboratory work, reading literature, thinking, watching fragments of educational films, etc. Use of tangible or materialized models. Creating motivation for success for every child.

III. Evaluative-reflective stage
3.1. Interpretation of the obtained data.
3.2. Conclusion based on the results of the research work.
3.3. Application of new knowledge in educational activities. Checking students' understanding of the studied material and its initial consolidation.
3.4. Lesson summary. Children's self-assessment of their own activities.

IV. Homework.

Homework involves elements of choice and creativity.

From this structure it is clear that research students spend more time in class than completing assignments based on the model. However, the time spent is subsequently compensated by the fact that students quickly and correctly complete tasks and can independently study new material. In addition, the awareness and strength of their knowledge increases, and a sustainable interest in the subject appears.

Lesson type No. 6 - Combined lesson

Structure of a combined lesson

  1. Organizational stage
  2. Homework check stage
  3. Comprehensive knowledge testing stage
  4. The stage of preparing students for active conscious assimilation of new material
  5. Stage of assimilation of new knowledge
  6. Knowledge consolidation stage
  7. The stage of informing students about homework and instructing them on how to complete it.

Types of lessons for the main types of lessons according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Type of lesson according to Federal State Educational Standards Types of lessons
1. A lesson in discovering new knowledge Lecture, travel, dramatization, expedition, problem lesson, excursion, conversation, conference, multimedia lesson, game, mixed lessons.
2. Reflection lesson Essay, workshop, dialogue, role-playing game, business game, combined lesson.
3. Lesson of general methodological orientation Competition, conference, excursion, consultation, lesson-game, debate, discussion, review lecture, conversation, lesson-judgment, lesson-revelation, lesson-improvement.
4. Developmental Control Lesson Written works, oral surveys, quiz, knowledge review, creative report, defense of projects, abstracts, testing, competitions.

Difference modern lessons from traditional

The structure of the Federal State Educational Standard introduces a new concept - "learning situation" . That is, the teacher should no longer present ready-made knowledge, but build a situation in the lessons during which children themselves learn to find the subject of study, explore it, compare it with existing experience, and formulate their own description.

The creation of a learning situation is based on age and psychological characteristics students, the degree of development of their educational system, the specifics of the educational institution.

Thus, if in high school it is possible to operate with already accumulated knowledge, then in elementary and middle school educational situations are built on the basis of observations, everyday experience, and emotional perception.

Thus, lessons in the light of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard require a thorough reconstruction of the educational process. The requirements not only for the content of the educational process, but also for the results of education have changed. Moreover, the Federal State Educational Standard offers not only a new typology of lessons, but also new system implementation of extracurricular activities. Thus, an integrated approach is taken in educating the child.

Evaluation of the teacher’s activities in the formation of universal learning activities (UAL).docx

Lesson analysis scheme according to Federal State Educational Standards .docx (Option 1)

Technological map of the lesson analysis of the Federal State Educational Standard .dox (Option2)

Technological map as a way to design a lesson that implements a system-activity approach and the goals of forming universal educational actions.ppt

Monitoring the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities in the formation of educational learning based on the lesson analysis matrix .ppt
