Results of creating a modern educational environment. Presentation for teachers “The educational environment of the school and its components. interconnected OS components

Modern educational environment as a factor in ensuring the quality of the educational process.

Creating a developmental environment for teachers and students is one of the most important areas of activity of educational institutions, providing for the provision of sanitary and hygienic conditions in the school environment, the creation of conditions for training and education, and the creation of psychological comfort.

The basic principles underlying the creation of a developmental environment in an educational institution:

  1. Democratization (distribution of rights, powers and responsibilities between all participants in the educational process).
  2. Humanization (equally accessible to each individual choice of the level, quality, direction of education, method, nature and form of its receipt, satisfaction of cultural and educational needs in accordance with individual value orientations. Reorientation of the educational process to the student’s personality).
  3. Humanitarianization of educational programs (correlation and combination educational subjects and information, the use of such teaching technologies that ensure the priority of universal human values, integrity, consistency, continuity and the advanced nature of learning).
  4. Differentiation, mobility and development (providing students with the opportunity to move as they grow up, social formation and self-determination: changing classes, choosing a profile, direction of education).
  5. Openness of education (providing opportunities general education at any stage, any level: basic and additional).

All these principles become a guide to action in school, where one of the main directions is the creation of a developing environment for teachers and students. In this case, the main function modern school– purposeful socialization of the individual: introducing him into the world of natural and human connections and relationships, immersion in material and spiritual culture through the transfer of the best examples, methods and norms of behavior in all spheres of life. The implementation of this function presupposes, on the one hand, meeting the needs of the individual, group, society, and on the other hand, the formation general culture personality, its social orientation, mobility, ability to adapt and function successfully.

In order to assess how successfully the process of creating a developmental environment for teachers and students is going, the following performance indicators are analyzed:

  1. Innovative activities of the school - updating the content of education (basic and additional components, training and education programs); update pedagogical technologies, methods and forms of work (techniques for mastering programs, the predominance of individual or group forms of organization cognitive activity over general class ones).
  2. Organization of the educational process - self-government, cooperation of teachers, students and their parents in achieving the goals of training, education and development; joint planning and organization of activities of student and teacher as equal partners; division of responsibility for the results of the UVP between the student and the teacher; high level motivation of participants in the pedagogical process; comfortable environment for all participants in the holistic pedagogical process; the right to choose the content, profile, and forms of education for students.
  3. The effectiveness of the educational process is a comparison of the compliance of the final results with the planned ones (the degree of education and training of students, their erudition and deep knowledge of any field of science, attitude to study, work, nature, social norms and laws, attitude towards themselves).

The activities of the school in the mode of creating a developmental environment for all participants in the educational process make it necessary to identify new approaches and management. The leading place is occupied by stimulating motivational management activities of both students and teachers. Along with moral incentives, it is necessary to use material rewards (bonuses for students, bonuses to teachers’ salaries for innovative educational activities, etc.). The nature of control is also changing. Tight control from above turns into self-control mode. The new content of school management functions becomes driving force, allowing you to transform activities from functioning to developing.

The creation of a developing environment at school is facilitated by:

  1. Concept and program for school development.
  2. Modeling UVP as a system that helps personal self-development.
  3. Conducting innovative research work at school.
  4. A team of teachers and students united by a common goal.
  5. Organization of an optimal control system.
  6. System of effective scientific and methodological activities.
  7. Educational and material base sufficient for the formation of a developmental environment.
  8. A set of alternative educational services in accordance with the needs of participants in the pedagogical process.

The activities of the school in the mode of creating a developmental environment also imply special management actions of the administration. This could be, for example, studying the educational needs of children, the desires of parents; the ability of the teaching staff to work in new innovative conditions; determining the zone of proximal development of each participant in the pedagogical process; selection of a system (technology) of training, education and development for each level, etc. The creation of such conditions will allow the student to realize his right to education in accordance with his needs, abilities and capabilities. The teacher will be able to develop his professional and personal qualities. It provides the conditions for transferring a child from an object to a subject of education, gives the child the opportunity to be himself, does not teach, but organizes educational and cognitive activities. The team works in a creative search mode.

Main directions

to create a development environment.

Parents are faced with choosing an educational institution for their child.

It is very important that from the first day a young student is surrounded by a comfortable developmental environment, the opportunity to develop their individual personal abilities, caring and sensitive teachers who create a favorable environment for children psychological climate.

If conditions are created for the teacher and student for the development of personality in the social, mental and physical aspects of development, then the developmental environment for teachers and students in educational institution will be created.

Creating a developmental environment at educational institutions involves

for the teacher:

  1. availability of the concept of continuous training and retraining of personnel;
  2. compliance of the goals and objectives of the development of education in school with the goals and objectives of developing the creative potential of teachers;
  3. creating conditions for the successful formation of teachers’ creative potential (material, legal, sanitary and hygienic, etc.);
  4. creating conditions for pedagogical research, experimentation and scientific creativity;
  5. creating a psychological atmosphere in the teaching staff that provides each teacher with psychological comfort and optimal intellectual mode, the cultural level of teaching work;
  6. providing school teachers with psychological services (psychological trainings, counseling on personal and professional issues, equipping them with psychological knowledge);
  7. implementation of such management of the teaching staff, which is motivated by the success of each teacher;
  8. meeting the needs of teachers in ways pedagogical activity aimed at success (providing the opportunity to teach using new technologies, use audio, video equipment, computers in teaching activities, develop proprietary programs);

for the student:

  1. organization of the educational process based on:

Identifying the characteristics of the student as a subject;

Recognition of the student’s subjective experience as identity, self-worth;

Constructing pedagogical influences with maximum reliance on the student’s subjective experience;

2. education of schoolchildren in accordance with the model of a developed personality in the psychological (high consciousness, developed thinking, great internal and moral strength that encourages action), social (moral self-sufficiency, adequate assessment of one’s “I”, self-determination), physical (normal activity of the body, support for mental and mental development) aspects;

3. the presence of a system of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, the results of which are laid as the basis for personal oriented learning schoolchildren;

4. development in schoolchildren of the ability to independently acquire knowledge;

5. creation in the student body of a psychological atmosphere that provides each child with psychological comfort and optimal intellectual mode, the cultural level of student work;

6. creating conditions for the successful development of schoolchildren;

7. creating conditions for development in children social adaptation, vital security, effective representation in the world today and tomorrow.

Creating a developmental environment involves the formation of a center additional education At school. It is based on a model that involves organizing students in the afternoon into groups that differ in areas (cognitive, creative, developmental) of activity, forms of organization and age composition.

It is necessary to think about creating a comfortable developmental environment for the student even before the child enters school. For this purpose, a comprehensive targeted program is being developed to ensure continuity between kindergarten and primary school, primary school and secondary level. When drawing up this program, the following areas of school activity are possible:

Studying the psychological capabilities of preschool and early teenage children;

Comparing the content of the subjects studied and agreeing on the main program topics, providing conditions for repeating educational material;

Coordination of teaching methods and techniques in 4th and 5th grades, providing conditions for “soft” adaptation of 5th grade students to new forms of education;

Creating favorable conditions for adaptation of 1st grade students;

Analysis of the adaptation period, identification of difficulties, development of measures to overcome them.

The importance of the problem of continuity between kindergarten and primary school, primary and secondary levels is determined by the fact that with the transition to the 1st and 5th grades, schoolchildren begin difficult period adaptation, which is associated with changes in the organization of training, with a change in its forms and methods, daily routine, increase in workload, etc.

Primary school teachers should be well aware of the features early development personal qualities. This will ensure an easy and natural transition for the child to school.

At the same time, primary school teachers working with fifth-graders often underestimate the psychological and physiological changes that occur with younger adolescents during this period. The fact is that they begin the first period of puberty and the processes occurring during this often negatively affect the cognitive activity of children. Thus, fifth graders read and write more slowly, and they need more time to solve logical problems, the amount of memory and attention is slightly reduced. Many teenagers become irritable, react inadequately to adults’ comments, are capricious, and stubborn. Teachers and parents often consider all this to be a manifestation of the child’s depravity and begin to “educate” him, which further aggravates the negative behavior of the teenager. What to do? It is necessary to try to understand the child, give him the right to solve the problem himself, and not react violently to the manifestation of his stubbornness and lack of restraint. It is very important not to increase immediately study load schoolchildren in grades 5-6, otherwise, taking into account their psychological state, stress may occur and a negative attitude towards learning may arise.

To eliminate difficulties associated with the adaptation of students when moving from kindergarten to primary school and from primary school to secondary level, the school has created psychological service. For the same purpose, a comprehensive targeted program of continuity between kindergarten, primary school, primary school and secondary level has been developed.

In the last decade, in modern society, the central idea is to preserve the health of the younger generation, as a fundamental factor in the future well-being of the state. A necessary condition to create a developing environment for teachers and students in an educational institution is to determine a unified approach to solving issues of formation, preservation and promotion of health, based on scientific basis health-improving, educational process, organized taking into account the individual and age-specific adaptive characteristics and capabilities of students, the social, hygienic, sanitary and epidemiological environment in which the school is located - in other words, to contribute to the creation of a health-preserving environment, taking into account indicators of physical, mental and social health.

The formation of a health-saving environment is possible only under the condition of broad integration of basic and additional education institutions, targeted social policies of administrative and management structures, based on accumulated scientific, practical and organizational experience in the use of modern information technologies, means and methods of preserving, strengthening physical, mental and social the health of students and teachers, their adaptation to the educational process, profiling, accompanied by the socialization of the individual.

IN Lately priorities in training have changed dramatically. Purposeful and intensive comprehensive development of the child’s abilities becomes one of the central tasks of the educational process. Modernization of education focuses the school not only on the students’ mastery of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of their personality, their cognitive and creative abilities.

New information technologies are a fairly strong factor influencing the development of the educational environment. The processes of informatization of society as a whole are undoubtedly reflected in the practice of modern schools. A phenomenon that only emerged at the end of the 18th century, when the amount of socially significant information began to increase significantly during one human life and the processing of all this information has become almost unbearable for one person, and has become comprehensive today. The “information explosion” that S. Lem wrote about has become the daily reality of every person. Creating a developmental environment for both teachers and students is impossible without informatization of the school. This is a natural continuation of the school’s work under the development program, first of all, and a reflection of the changing conditions for the functioning of education in modern society. We work in one of the main directions - the development of pedagogical culture: the use modern technologies and teaching methods that provide for subject-subject relationships, aimed at humanizing learning, building partnerships that ensure the own educational activities of all participants in education, focused on obtaining competencies.

The work describes the practice of achieving new educational standards in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school through the creation of a pedagogically comfortable educational environment.

The educational environment is formed in the interaction of Education Standards, content curricula and plans, modern educational tools and educational material, as well as a new quality of relationships, communication between children, their parents and teachers.



An important condition for the success of achieving new educational standards in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school is the creation of a pedagogically comfortable educational environment.

The educational environment is formed in the interaction of accepted Education Standards, the content of curricula and plans, high-tech educational tools and educational material, as well as a new quality of relationships and communication between children, their parents and teachers.

The educational environment, in accordance with individual characteristics, contributes to the discovery of the interests and abilities of the student’s personality. Immersion in the educational environment is designed to promote students’ awareness of their uniqueness, originality, difference from others, the disclosure and recognition of various groups of abilities, self-development, and personal development.

At the same time, in the formation of the educational environment of an elementary school in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, the organization of various technologies of training and education is important. In each of the existing educational technologies the conceptual basis, content features and application methods are clearly visible.
Information and communication technologies are a fairly strong factor in increasing motivation in education. Usinginformation technologieson various lessons increases significantly:

Search activity of students;

Interest in acquiring knowledge;

Ability to work independently.

Increasingly, students present their own presentations in class.

A computer is necessary for the use of clarity and entertainment. Videos, animations and audio allow the student to get the maximum impression from the material being mastered, deeply etched in the memory and stimulating further self-development.

Usage electronic textbooks, paintings, photographs, musical accompaniment, allow you to “revive” dry material, make it vital and interesting.

I organize my activities taking into account the need to preserve and strengthen the health of students. I use the following formshealth-saving technologies : classes using preventive techniques, classes with alternating high and low motor activity. I include compensatory-neutralizing techniques in my lessons: physical education, finger exercises, recreational exercises, breathing exercises, and eye exercises. I use non-traditional lessons in my practice: excursions, walks, outdoor games. And as a result - a reduction in absences from classes due to illness, an improvement in the psychological climate in the classroom, the absence of bad habits among students, and high results in sports events.

The children prepared presentations: “Computer and health”, “Take care of your teeth from childhood”, “Bad habits”. At a parent-teacher meeting, together with parents, we developed a schoolchild’s daily routine, taking into account age and individual characteristics.

Original slogan project-based learning technologies“Everything for life, everything from life.” A project is a plan, an idea, as a result of which the author receives something new: a product, attitude, program, book, etc.

When implementing projects, I consider it important:

Generate an idea for a product that is needed

Give students the right to choose an object from an idea to its implementation;

Get used to sketching a future project on paper;

Choose the most optimal one from a variety of options;

Don't be afraid of your parents' help:

Be fair when assessing the protection of the project;

Mastery of experience project activities enriches learning activities, promotes the development of hard work, a conscientious attitude to work, and has an impact on the cognitive sphere.

Usage research and search methods:problem situations, alternative questions, modeling tasks, etc. contribute to my students becoming equal participants educational process. This certainly does not mean that my leadership role as a teacher is diminished, it is simply hidden from the student. Management involves organizing joint reflection, searching, and independent construction of algorithms. I am moving away from the practice of a “ready answer” and offering the student the role of a “researcher” who searches for the correct answer, deduces a pattern, and draws conclusions.

I teach lessons in system-activity approach. The stages of the lesson correspond to the structure of educational activities: actualization, problematization, motivation, goal setting, “discovery” of something new, generalization, reflection. In the learning process I use methods and techniquespromoting the development of cognitive and creativity(problem situations, solving project problems), helping to include students in independent educational and cognitive activities.

I try to organize the teaching of any subject at school so that the student is interested in the lesson, so that he himself strives to acquire new knowledge, and I do not have to force him to learn the educational material.

I use it in lessons group forms work. Group training includes the work of study groups of different composition and number of participants. When composing groups, I am guided by the fact that these can be teams with approximately the same level of independence, or with different ones. In the first case, the student’s qualities such as initiative, anticipation of results, and creativity are developed. Children learn to express their point of view, respect the opinion of others, and subordinate their point of view to the opinion of their comrades if they were closer to the truth when discussing a learning situation. As a result of such work, joint projects, compositions depicting nature, collages, etc. My students really like to write fairy tales and act out scenes on certain topics. I praise them even for the smallest luck, for finding the right word, for diligence and hard work. This recognition stimulates them to further creativity.

I work according to the “Primary School of the 21st Century” program.Educational training is primarily aimed at the full individual development of the child and his successful learning. The main goal is to teach a child to learn. Students are placed in conditions where they can independently obtain knowledge, apply it, reflect, fantasize, and play. To achieve the goal, I develop cognitive interest through the creation of problem situations in the classroom, and form active cognitive activity.

My approach to assessment of learning outcomesyounger schoolchildren. Assessment involves a number of fundamental principles:

  • Only the student’s work, and not his personality, can be assessed using a mark;
  • the student’s work is compared not directly with the work of other students, but with a sample that is known in advance;
  • Assessment of a student’s performance is considered only in dynamics relative to the child’s previous “successes.”

home purpose of appraisal activity- determine the student’s level of achievement: what happened, what has already been learned. Such a view of control activities will provide the student with an adequate perception of his work. In this regard, we can name the stages of joint monitoring activities of the student and the teacher:

  1. disclosure to the student of his achievements in learning (what happened);
  1. joint analysis of the reasons for errors or shortcomings in work (why it didn’t work);
  1. joint discussion of ways to correct errors and prevent them (what needs to be done to avoid errors in the future).

In first grade Marks are excluded, but assessment is not excluded. A seven-year-old student must clearly understand: good or bad, right or wrong, he performs any task. My task is to form this understanding among young schoolchildren. And this means that I have to analyze each completed task with him, show him what was done correctly and what is not yet good enough. In this case, the first place is to state the student’s successes, and not his shortcomings. I evaluate not so much the results of the first-grader’s activities, but the educational activity itself, the student’s attitude towards it, and the degree of his independence. Verbal assessment not only informs students about the level of their knowledge acquisition, but also forms their self-control and correct self-esteem, prepares them for the correct perception of digital assessment in subsequent grades.

From all of the above it follows that, in principle,There cannot be unsuccessful students in the lessons.

Starting from first grade, I spend three times a yeardiagnostics of learning success.The results show what exactly the student did not learn and why, what difficulties he has in mastering certain educational skills. Pedagogical diagnostics, built on the content of academic subjects, reveals not the level of knowledge of the student, but the level of his linguistic and mathematical development.

I will give generalized results of diagnostics carried out in grades 3 and 4. Performance is assessed in points (from 0 to 3). For good mastery of program requirements, assessed with an “A” upon completion test work, the student cannot receive more than two points. It is important that students learn to think and reason. Only such a result of completing a diagnostic task is assessed with the highest score.

Russian language


The chart data shows that by the end of the school year, students have achieved positive results; there are students in the class who know the program material more than “five”.

Students in my classes are included in the regional system for assessing the educational achievements of students. The results of the study are presented in the following forms: student profile (survey results and dynamics of educational achievements and personal development throughout the period of study in primary school), class profile (student survey results).

Every year, students undergo diagnostics of the level of development of subject actions in mathematics, Russian language, and literary reading.

Achievement basic level formation of subject and meta-subject skills within the framework of independent diagnostics:

Diagnostic direction





2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

2nd grade


Russian language

In addition to the formation of subject knowledge, skills and abilities, I think it is very important to create conditions for the development of learning skills in the classroom. In order to obtain objective information about the state and dynamics of the level of formation of universal educational activities, I conduct monitoring, based on the data of which I adjust educational activities, select methods and techniques for working with students. I fill out “Individual Achievement Sheets” for each child, in which I track each child’s progress. This makes it possible to monitor the growth of basic skills and abilities, take into account individual characteristics when forecasting further development child.
Dynamics of student UUD development


Personal LUD, %

Regulatory AUD, %

Cognitive LUD, %

Communicative UUD, %

4 grades

1 class

2 classes

The level of students' mastery of educational learning corresponds to the planned results of mastering the main educational program. There is a positive dynamics in the formation of personal, cognitive, communicative and regulatory learning skills of students.

Achieving a basic level of development of subject and meta-subject skills within the framework of independent diagnostics

Diagnostic direction





2nd grade

3rd grade

4th grade

2nd grade


Russian language

Reading literacy (fiction)

Reading literacy (non-fiction text)

Group project

Extracurricular activitiesis an important component of the educational process, which provides great opportunities for the formation of general educational skills and the realization of individual abilities of students.

Well "School of Politeness"is an integral and necessary part of the holistic educational process, as it corresponds to its strategic goal: “Creating conditions for achieving a new quality of education, the comprehensive development of students’ personality.” Relevance and social significance of this course is that it is designed to help a growing person understand the norms human relations and on their basis, look for the path of self-education and self-development.

Well "Smart Men and Women"involves the inclusion of tasks and assignments, the difficulty of which is determined not so much by the content as by the novelty and unusualness of the situation. This promotes development logical thinking children, the emergence of a desire among students to abandon the model and show independence. Extracurricular work contributes to the search, selection and creative development especially gifted children. Gives you the opportunity to work according to individual plans. Knowledge and skills acquired in classes on extracurricular activities and lessons, are a solid base, based on which students annually show high results in Olympiads, take prizes, actively participate in municipal, regional, federal and international festivals, competitions.

My goal educational work : revealing the creative individuality of a primary school student through creating an atmosphere of cooperation, tolerance and support in the classroom. A program of educational work with students and parents has been developed. Educational work is carried out in the following areas: civic engagement, personal development, military-patriotic, “The World of Beauty.”

A favorable psychological climate in the team, an atmosphere of camaraderie, mutual assistance and tolerance can be created through the study of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students and various forms of educational activities.

The parent committee is an assistant in educational work. Parents take an active part in celebrating holidays, help decorate the office, prepare costumes, gifts, and themselves become characters, participating in competitions and games together with their children. Attendance parent meetings more than 70%. The parent committee coordinates the work of parents, providing assistance to the class teacher in solving educational problems. Thanks to the parents, the classroom is cozy, the children feel comfortable, and I feel understanding and support.

Developing self-government in the classroom.

In the class, an asset is selected, responsibilities are distributed and general tasks are defined:

  1. creating a favorable microclimate in the classroom;
  1. correction of relationships;
  1. development of communication skills;
  1. organizing creative activities in the classroom and school;
  1. introduction to a healthy lifestyle;
  1. active participation in the work of clubs and sections.

Students learn to analyze, reason, get used to answering not to the teacher, but to the whole class, expressing their opinion: “I think...”, “I want to add...”, “I agree (disagree) with him...” Observation, attention and respect for the judgments of other guys. From the first days of our acquaintance we agreedon't laugh at others' mistakes, this rule also applies in the fourth grade. Analyzing and evaluating the answers of their classmates, the guys try to be objective and at the same time celebrate their successes and applaud if they liked the answer.

Many children attend sports clubs. Good sports form, mutual assistance and friendly relations with each other are shown in “Funny Starts”. In the festival - the Song and Formation Review, students show good formation preparation, singing ability, and cohesion. Parents are not only spectators, but also fans and helpers. Thanks to them, the guys are wearing border guard costumes (caps, ties, emblems).

One of the areas of educational activity is"Civic Engagement"Excursions to school and village museums make a great impression. Children, listening to the museum workers, feel involved in the history of the village and school. The material about the famous writer, fellow countryman P.P. Petrov, whose name the school bears, aroused great interest. A stand telling about the village residents who took part in the Great Patriotic War, also did not leave the guys indifferent. They found the names of their relatives, asked questions, and expressed wishes. Subsequently, the guys presented their material about their relatives and participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Meetings with police officers and excursions to the fire department are part of our practice. Talking about crime prevention, rules of conduct in in public places, children learn a lot of new things and talk about their observations. Result: not a single offense was registered in the class, and there were no absences from school without good reason.

The result of educational work is the following: already in the 4th grade, a cohesive student team is formed that has self-government skills. Children show tolerance and respect for each other, have an active life position, and participate in various school and extracurricular activities. Great importance What helps my students’ self-realization is that a friendly, creative atmosphere most often reigns in the classroom. I try to support each child and make them feel success, even if it’s small. I try to raise my children by my own example. Together with the class I participate in the following events: “ Immortal Regiment"Let's make the school yard clean", "Help the birds", "Letter to a soldier", "Congratulate the defender."

I pay great attention to the development of creative abilities through the system of additional education - 95% of students are involved in various clubs and sections, 25% of students are included in the work of the nursery public organization"Russian schoolchildren movement." More than 90% of students participate in competitions and olympiads at various levels.

One of my students for excellent studies and victories in creative competitions was invited to the Presidential Christmas tree. A New Year's gift was delivered to the girl from the country's President V.V. Putin in the village.

In 2017, two of my students took part in the municipal competition of creative and educational research works “Wonderland - Land of Research”. One of them showed and explained how to solve a Rubik’s cube, and the other, in her work “Physics around us or how crystals grow,” told how she grew crystals of salt and copper sulfate. Both girls became prize-winners at the municipal stage of the competition.

“Development of children's giftedness in the educational sphere within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of Education” is the topic of my methodological work. I try to help children maximize their abilities, achieve high results in competitions, olympiads, and project activities.

Participation in municipal, regional and international competitions





Regional competition “Talents Without Borders”

1 winner

Regional competition "Mini Miss"

1 winner

2 winners


International competition "Spaces of Inspiration" Astana

1 winner

Regional Competition "Mini Miss"

1 winner

international competition children's creativity Saint Petersburg

1 winner, 1 runner-up


Regional children's art festival

3 winners

International Festival-competition of children's creativity "Salute of Talents" Ekaterinburg

1 winner 5 runners-up

Crafts competition for the 25th anniversary of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations

Participation, certificates


XXI International Creative Festival-Competition “On the Creative Olympus”, Sochi

2 winners

Regional competition "Mini Miss"

Sayansky village

1 winner

XI All-Russian competition children's and youth creativity "Moscow - Kansk transit"

2 winners

Regional children's art festival

1 winner

Regional competition “My Favorite Hero”

1 winner

Regional GTO Festival (1st stage)

2 winners


Regional children's art festival

6 winners

Qualifying round of the All-Russian festival “Blue Bird”, Krasnoyarsk

2 participants

Municipal competition of creative and educational research works “Wonderland - Land of Research”.

2 winners

X International Creative Festival "Inspiration of the Golden Ring" Yaroslavl

1 winner, 3 runners-up

International festival-competition "Shores of Hope - Krasnoyarsk"

1 prize-winner

The educational environment is a system of influences and conditions for the formation of a personality according to a given model, as well as opportunities for its development contained in the social and subject-spatial environment

In modern pedagogy, the educational environment is interpreted as part of the sociocultural space, a zone of interaction educational systems, their elements, educational material and subjects of the educational process.

In the “School 2100” system, the educational environment is understood as a holistic qualitative characteristic of the internal life of the school, which is determined by specific tasks; manifests itself in the choice of means by which these problems are solved; meaningfully assessed by the effect in personal, social, intellectual development children she must reach.

In the broadest context, the educational environment is any sociocultural space within which the process of personal development occurs spontaneously or with varying degrees of organization. From the standpoint of the psychological context, according to L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, L. V. Zankov, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin and others, the developmental environment is a certain ordered educational space in which developmental learning is carried out.

The educational environment has its own structure, but there is no single approach to identifying the components of the educational environment. Let's consider the approaches of individual authors.

G.A. Kovalev identifies the physical environment, human factors and curriculum as units of the educational environment. The physical environment includes: the architecture of the school building, the size and spatial structure of school interiors; ease of transforming in-school design in the school space; the possibility and range of movement of students in the interiors of the school, etc. To human factors they include: personal characteristics and student achievement; the degree of their crowding and its impact on social behavior, distribution of statuses and roles; gender, age and national characteristics of students and their parents. The training program includes: the structure of students’ activities, the content of training programs (their conservatism or flexibility), teaching style and nature of control, etc.

E.A. Klimov in the “environment of human existence and development” proposes to distinguish the following parts of the environment: social contact, informational, somatic and objective. The author considers experience, lifestyle, personal example, activity, behavior, relationships of others; institutions and their representatives with whom the person interacts; the real place of a person in the structure of his group, the structure of this group, etc.

Studying the environment, N.E. Shchurkova identifies such components as subject-spatial, behavioral, event-based and informational cultural space.

E.A. Klimova, G.A. Kovaleva and other researchers rely on an ecological-psychological approach, which is consistent with the theory of the “ecological complex” by O. Dunk and L. Shnore, one of the fundamental theories of the functional unity of the human community and the environment. In the “ecological complex” the authors distinguish 4 components: population, or population, environment, technology and social organization. Following these authors V.A. Yasvin builds a four-component model in which he identifies spatial-subject, social, psychodidactic components and subjects of the educational process.

1. The spatial-subject component is the architectural features of the building, equipment, and special attributes of the learning environment.

2. Social component - determined by the form of child-adult community inherent in this particular type of culture. Here it is important to observe several conditions: the teacher and the student are a single polysubject of development; the presence of cooperative relationships between teachers and students; availability of collectively distributed educational activities; communicative saturation of the lives of students and teachers within the walls of the university.

3. Psychodidactic component - the content of the educational process, the methods of activity mastered by the student, the organization of training. This component provides answers to the questions of what and how to teach.

The educational environment is a set of material factors of the educational process and interpersonal relationships that are established by the subjects of education in the process of their interaction. People organize, create the educational environment, and constantly influence it, but the educational environment also influences every subject of the educational process.

As V.I. emphasizes Slobodchikov, the educational environment cannot be considered something unambiguous, predetermined. The environment begins where the meeting between the formative and the formed takes place, where they jointly design and build something. Such an environment can be considered both as an object and as a resource for joint activity.

E.V. Korotaeva emphasized that any component of the environment should be emotionally developing. She identified the conditions that can ensure the emotional and developmental nature of the components of the educational environment:

* the relationship between participants in joint life activities, that is, an emotionally supportive component of the environment;

* regime moments that organize the process of a child’s stay in a preschool educational institution or school, that is, an emotional - developmental component;

* external environment (color scheme, comfort of furniture, etc.) – an emotional – tuning component;

* organizing children's employment - games, studies, surprise moments - emotionally - activating component;

* inclusion of heuristic exercises with children in classes - an emotional - training component.

Most often, the educational environment is characterized by two indicators: saturation ( resource potential) and structure (methods of organization). The educational environment will only contribute to the personal and cultural growth of students when “the existing sociocultural content turns into the content of education, that is, the educational environment itself” (according to V. Slobodchikov).

So, we briefly examined the issue of identifying the components of the educational environment. For modern teacher It is important to be able to model different components of the educational environment and create conditions for the full education and development of students.

Whatever fundamental state documents of recent years we take regarding the school, or books, articles, speeches commenting on any documents, studies, opinions, ideas about the modern school, key to ideology new school called the idea of ​​development. The obvious conclusion is that there is no alternative to development.

Everyone agrees on three important postulates:

– education (school) is the most important factor in personal development;
– education (school) must turn into an effective promising factor of development Russian society;
– The education system and schools need to be constantly developed. (We are, of course, talking about controlled processes).

The school cannot develop in any other way than by creating or mastering new educational practices, i.e. as a result of the innovation process organized and managed within it. The modern school is forced to change and be updated as society renews itself and the social order changes. First of all, these changes concern the educational environment.

The educational environment of a secondary school (OSESSk) is a set of conditions, processes, phenomena, technologies in high school directly affecting the education and upbringing of the student, the comprehensive development of his personality and socialization in general. The school environment is formed both artificially under the influence of management subjects and as a result of spontaneous self-organization. This is a two-pronged process in which it is impossible to separate its components (Fig. 1).

By definition, an environment is a complex system of components that includes a number of subsystems:

  1. Financially
- technical, consisting primarily of the school building, equipment, technical means training, including electronic ones. This subsystem also includes equipment for the dining room, medical office, sports hall and assembly hall;
  • Organizational
  • a subsystem that includes primarily the formal organization of the school;
  • Social-psychological subsystem
  • . It includes the structure of informal relationships in school classes and teaching staff;
  • Technological subsystem
  • , consisting of educational, educational and diagnostic technologies;
  • Management subsystem
  • . It includes subjects of management within the secondary school: the director of the educational institution, his deputies, heads of methodological associations;
  • Aesthetic subsystem
  • . The latter includes the design of school premises and their ergonomic properties.

    A school building, educational equipment, educational and methodological literature, information educational technologies - all this is a material and technical component. His example clearly shows the importance of the educational environment for the formation of an attitude towards learning activities. Currently, a teenager is exposed to a number of factors. Computer information technologies, including the Internet and computer video games, have managed to influence the socialization of one generation. A similar situation was described by sociologist and ethnographer M. Mead: “Today, in all parts of the world, where all people are united by the Internet, young people have a common experience, an experience that their elders have never had and never will have. This generation gap is completely new.” It is possible to bridge this gap by creating a technological environment in primary schools that meets the requirements of the 21st century.

    The problem of textbooks is important. The content of texts studied in lessons and at home as homework, is of particular importance due to the fact that the volume of books read by schoolchildren outside the program is currently declining. Currently, in the structure of a student’s free time at our gymnasium, watching television programs occupies a significant place, surpassing (by the 7th grade) even time spent walking with friends. In this situation, the content of educational texts becomes a factor in the formation of attitudes towards educational activities.

    A special place is occupied by the situation in which a teenager is immune to verbal influence, since the language is not native to the child. We also have this problem. However, in the presence of stable motivation, this factor does not operate for a long time, since adolescence is characterized by high susceptibility to language.

    A reasonable question arises: “How to determine the degree of comfort of the educational environment?” Naturally, there are traditional methods, such as individual conversation with the student, and we are not going to abandon them. In the gymnasium, such a method as color mood has been used for a long time and with success. Everyone knows well how effective it is, especially in elementary school. This method probably has only one drawback: the lack differentiated approach. The student feels bad, he feels “uneasy”... But what was the cause of the discomfort? This question can be answered in an individual conversation, for which there is not always time. In addition, the result of an individual conversation cannot be presented visually, graphically for a teacher’s speech at a parent meeting, administrative meeting, etc. Thus, for all their effectiveness, traditional methods do not allow organizing full-fledged monitoring of the educational environment.

    The educational environment as a whole and its individual components became the object of diagnostics using such a fairly traditional school method as a questionnaire survey. Its use allows you to contact the main subject school life– for our student, when making management decisions, start from a sincere (the key to this is the survey methodology), unbiased opinion about the school environment around him. The survey makes it possible to collect a large amount of information (all students present take part), process it and compare the results obtained in different classes and at different times. The questionnaire allows you to differentiate student responses and find out their attitude towards the components of the educational environment. To conduct a survey at the Gymnasium, a teenager’s questionnaire “Me, my friends and school” was created (

    V–XI class) (Fig. 2, Annex 1). Monitoring data is entered into the Class Passport and allows the class teacher to use this indicator for analysis. The only limitation for using the questionnaire is age. Younger schoolchildren and fifth grade students face difficulties in the process of differentiating their attitudes. Therefore, in primary grades, other methods are used: Student Questionnaire ( I–IV class) (Fig. 3, Appendix 2). The class passport, developed by the analytical and diagnostic center of our Gymnasium, is an important component of the technology for studying the educational environment.

    Figure 2

    The main result of the administration’s work should be the creation of conditions that help a child, a student of our gymnasium, take a certain value position in relation to studies, to other people and to himself - an author, a creator of his own life, a subject of positive educational activity. A properly organized environment helps to strengthen the desired motive for learning activity. Its formation is a necessary condition for the development and consolidation of a stable social attitude.

    Thus, an analysis of the results of the work of our Gymnasium over the past few years allows me with a high degree of confidence to recommend to my colleagues those methods of studying the educational environment that allow them to achieve success (Fig. 4).

    List of used literature

    Laws and other regulations.

    1. Constitution of the Russian Federation
    2. Law on Education of the Russian Federation. M.: Infra-M, 2000.
    3. Convention on the Rights of the Child. M.: Os-89, 1999.
    4. Family code. M.: Text, 2001.
    5. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period of 2010.
    6. National doctrine of education.

    Reference materials.

    1. Dal V. Dictionary living Great Russian language. M.: Slovo, 1998.
    2. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovnik, 1997.
    3. Psychological and pedagogical dictionary. Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 1998.
    4. Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia: In 2 volumes. M.: Great Russian Encyclopedia, 2000-1999.
    5. Dictionary of Ethics./Ed. I.S. Kona. M.: Politizdat, 1983.
    6. Vygotsky L.S. Collection cit.: In 6 vols. M.: Pedagogy, 1982 – 1984.
    7. Vinogradova M.V. Managing the socialization of adolescents in high school. Author's abstract. dis. Ph.D. sociol. Sci. M., 2003.

    A new educational environment focused on the educational results demanded by modern society.

    Such a popular term among specialists in the field of pedagogy as “educational environment” is very young. It began to gain great popularity in our country in the early 2000s. However, among those who are inclined towards further modernization and development of this environment, there are those who constantly point out the mistakes of teaching staff and the lack of sought-after, real knowledge among students of modern schools.

    In the spirit of this provision, the process of modernization of the educational environment has reached enormous proportions. But with all the innovations, the simplest thing is often not visible: “What should the new educational environment be like? What should teachers guide modern schoolchildren towards?

    Many parents adhere to the principle that school should educate and educate. But just how can you force a child to study if he doesn’t want to. If we turn to the opinion of the majority of modern schoolchildren, they will answer that in many ways they are satisfied with everything, but they just need to add... And then there is a whole list of what they want.

    But still, in the conditions of the modern educational environment, learning becomes more interesting, more and more new opportunities are opening up for obtaining the knowledge that is in demand in modern society. The only question is that modern students do not want to perceive for themselves, look for their own solutions, or offer their own points of view. The most convenient option for them is to receive ready-made information, which most of them do not want to put into practice. And most parents blindly defend their child, saying that the workload needs to be less, they taught it better before. At the same time, completely forgetting that there were other possibilities. Now the main problem of modern students is the ease of obtaining the information they are interested in, which hinders the development of skills in searching for information, analyzing and systematizing it. In such conditions everyone remembers Soviet school. Yes, indeed, the education received in the Soviet Union was rated very highly. But we should not forget that a number of methods were taken from our Western neighbors and adapted to our model of the educational environment.

    In many ways, the issue of changing the educational environment was initiated by socio-economic transformations. Russia, like a number of other countries at the beginning of the 21st century, faced a tough question about modernizing the educational space (transition Russian education on the Bologna rails).

    Modernization of education continues under new conditions, which finds its embodiment in the new educational environment, is aimed at the demand and desire for the individual to obtain the knowledge necessary for him. Based on this, there follows a change in the goals of training and education, and its motives, norms, forms and methods, including the role of the teacher himself. In the modern educational environment, knowledge represents the capital of the student - the future specialist. During training, much attention is paid independent work students, self-organization of their educational activities. The teacher’s task is to guide the student in his independent movement from ignorance to knowledge.

    In the context of the modernization process in the field of education and the formation of a new educational environment, where it will be ensured that the knowledge that is required is obtained modern society educational institutions must be equipped with high-tech educational equipment, broadband Internet, competent textbooks and interactive teaching aids, conditions for sports and creativity. However, many educational establishments do not have a high material and technical base modern education. Despite such conditions, teachers try to give students the knowledge that will be useful to them regardless of their chosen profession. Also, do not forget that the responsibility for children obtaining the necessary knowledge lies not only with teachers, but also with parents.
    The new educational environment must be harmonious, ensured by mutual understanding on the part of all its participants: children want and strive to learn, parents are their associates and assistants, and teachers are the “beacons” that guide and ensure that they receive what is in demand from society in a rapidly changing technological and information environment.Depending on how the new educational environment, the system of relationships between school and society is structured, knowledge will be in demand and answer modern conditions their application depends on the well-being of the future generation and the entire society as a whole.
