Bolotov Boris Vasilievich years of life. Boris Bolotov. Treatment according to Bolotov. Why Bolotov became an underground brewer

Boris Bolotov is a well-known modern scientist who has become famous in many branches of science. Most often, his name is associated with a unique system of cleansing the human body from old cells, which, according to his theory, not only allows you to rejuvenate the body, but also gives it immortality. He also developed a unique system for the fight against cancer.

Boris Bolotov: biography

Let's find out in more detail what kind of person this is. Boris Bolotov was born on November 30, 1930 in a small village Ulyanovsk region. Got a good education first at the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, then at the Moscow Postgraduate School. Here he was offered to stay and continue working at the department, but Boris Vasilyevich decided to return to his homeland, to the Kyiv Academic Institute of Electrodynamics, where he defended his doctoral dissertation.

Such a dizzying rise, unfortunately, ended in a fall. First - demotion, and, finally, the worst - arrest, a psychiatric hospital and imprisonment.

He was sentenced to 8 years. Within the walls of the cell, he developed an installation for and 7 years later he was released early and rehabilitated. A year after his release, he received the title of People's Academician.

Scientific discoveries (recognized and rejected)

Much is associated with the name of Boris Bolotov important discoveries, most of which have yet to be recognized. scientific world:

  • Significantly expanded the periodic table, discovering a number of new elements and calculating all their chemical parameters.
  • Invented foam materials that are stronger than anything known to date. According to Bolotov himself, anything can be built from these materials, from a garage to a rocket launcher.
  • Another invention is paint for covering the bottoms of ships. It is believed that it has unique bactericidal properties.
  • In the manufacturing process of some types of medicines, a unique pure sugar, also invented by Boris Bolotov, is used.
  • The installation, which is popular not only in the homeland of the scientist, is also the work of Bolotov.

Body rejuvenation

Boris Bolotov studied the complex human organism for a long time. Treatment according to Bolotov is based on useful properties certain products. He came to the conclusion that properly organized nutrition and eating the foods that he advises can lead to the rejuvenation of the human body and even to its immortality. To achieve this, you must follow a few rules:

  1. Hundreds of cells die every day in the human body. It is necessary that these unnecessary cells are removed from the body, and completely new ones take their place. To achieve this, Bolotov strongly recommends that each time after eating, put a pinch of salt under the tongue, dissolve it and swallow the resulting salty saliva. In addition, it is desirable to add salt to all vegetables and fruits eaten.
  2. The next step is to remove all toxins from the body. According to Bolotov, acids, which are found in large quantities in all kinds of pickles, will serve as a good remedy here.
  3. The human body contains a lot of salts different types. The bulk of them in one form or another is displayed independently. However, there are those that remain in the body, causing irreparable harm to human health. These are alkali acids. To get rid of them, you need to drink tea from sunflower, watermelon peels or pumpkin tails.
  4. Having studied plant and animal cells in the human body, Bolotov came to the conclusion that he can get sick only from the first. This means that it is necessary to oxidize the body. For example, using pickled peas, oats, lentils or beans.
  5. The last principle of Bolotov is that only the person himself should want to fight his aging and sick body. Only in this case it is possible to achieve certain positive results.

Boris Bolotov: cancer treatment

IN Lately more and more people began to talk about a unique system of healing people from cancer. This terrible disease affects everyone indiscriminately, regardless of age, nationality or social status. This suggests that the fight against cancer must continue constantly, it is necessary not to stop and look for more and more new methods of fighting tumors. This is exactly what the famous Ukrainian scientist is trying to do.

Cancer control tactics

According to Bolotov's theory, all diseases in the human body are provoked by violations in the work of housing and communal services. This means that the treatment of any disease should begin with the restoration of its work. Boris Vasilyevich Bolotov developed and scientifically substantiated a whole “scenario” for the treatment of cancer patients:

  1. Every morning you need to start with cake procedures. The pomace of vegetables and fruits have amazing properties - when they enter the human body, they are able to draw out even heavy metals and carcinogens, and also collect the remaining moisture in the stomach. All this has a positive effect on the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract. Having discovered an oncological disease, it is necessary to take cabbage pomace once a day for about 3 tablespoons for a month.
  2. The following procedure is designed to relieve inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to prepare a simple solution. In a 3-liter jar of water, mix sugar, celandine grass (in gauze) and sour cream (in the proportions of 1 tablespoon: 0.5 tablespoon: 1 teaspoon). Insist for a few days. Take half a cup half an hour before meals.
  3. During meals, you need to take "Royal vodka" 1 tablespoon. To prepare it, you need to take 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of concentrated hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, 0.5 cups of grape vinegar and 4 tablets of nitroglycerin. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. After eating, drink tea, also prepared according to the recipe of Boris Bolotov. Take 2 teaspoons of a dry plant (raspberry, coltsfoot, linden, chamomile), pour boiling water, insist and drink.
  5. During the day, take a solution prepared from 1 tbsp. tablespoons of grape vinegar and 0.5 cups of water (you can take yogurt, yogurt or milk instead of water).
  6. In the evening, before going to bed, take 0.5 cups of salted cabbage juice.

Books by Boris Bolotov

During his long life, Boris Bolotov became known as a writer. He has published a number of books in which he tells readers how to eat right so as not to get sick. Shares recipes for the treatment of various diseases with those who are already sick.

At present, Boris Bolotov, whose books and inventions are known all over the world, is alive and well. At 85, he is in excellent health and continues his literary career.

Boris Vasilievich Bolotov is the greatest scientist of our time. His research in the field of chemistry, physics, biology indicated the vector of development of science in the XXI century. He developed a fundamentally new model of the structure of the atom, created a new generation of chemistry, and made a revolution in the methods of studying the human body. For his discoveries, Bolotov was awarded the title of People's Academician in 1990.

Fundamental Scientific research gave an opportunity to this encyclopedically educated person to lay the theoretical and practical foundations of the medicine of the future, which can help everyone today. The ideas and discoveries of Boris Vasilievich quickly burst into our lives. His books are published in huge editions, his name is known to millions of people. It is not surprising that many began to live in accordance with the laws of Bolotov's health. Recently, in addition to the fundamental work “Human Health in an Unhealthy World”, books have come out from the pen of the scientist in which Boris Vasilyevich examines in detail various aspects of his theory of health.

In the book “The Truths of Bolotov. Cancer can be beaten serious talking about cancer treatment. The work "Immortality according to Bolotov" tells about ways to prolong life by rejuvenating the body at the cellular level. The Bolotov Folk Medical Book was published, in which the developments of Boris Vasilyevich are considered from the point of view of folk methods of treatment. The book "40 phenomena of Bolotov" is dedicated to the new discoveries of the scientist in the field of medicine. In all these works, theory is as important as practice. This edition is the first reference book on Bolotov's medicine. First of all, it owes its appearance to the need to fully describe the treatment regimens for various diseases in accordance with the methods of Bolotovo medicine. As a rule, the disease affects many systems and organs, causing concomitant diseases.

Bolotov's medicine allows you to use several treatment regimens at once (or in turn), which will help bring the whole body back to normal. The use of standard schemes allows everyone to choose the best treatment method for themselves. The reference book describes in detail the Bolotovo preparations - enzymes, kvass, vinegar infusions, sugar and yeast ferments, pepsinostimulants, alkalizing teas. The use of these drugs is an integral part of Bolotov's medicine. On the pages of the book, the authors answered a number of questions that readers constantly ask: “Is it possible to use several enzymes during treatment? Is it possible to drink "royal vodka" at this time? Why does the enzyme, which is prepared exactly according to the described technology, turn sour, become moldy? You will find answers to these and other questions in the book or on this site.

About Bolotov

Tsiolkovsky opened the way to space for humanity, Einstein explained the structure of the universe - all people in the world know about it. But here is a person who can give life without diseases, a life that will last 200 years - almost no one knows such a person. But he, Boris Bolotov, wrote a wonderful book "Steps to longevity. Practical exercises" - and today everyone can read it. Why haven't we heard of her before? Yes, because it sounds very unusual the main idea scientist: a person MUST live without disease for at least two hundred years, and maybe more. The thing is that by adopting the system of life "according to Bolotov", the world will become different, the person himself will change, but he will change for the better. To live 200 years, to live without diseases, full of vitality and joy of being, isn't it wonderful! Isn't that every man's dream! But it is so hard to believe in the realization of this dream that if someone talks about it, it seems that a cruel dreamer is fooling us ... If only we could reach 80 without suffering much from diseases - and thanks for that. Therefore, thousands of people who have heard about this amazingly wise system are completely at a loss: can we learn the secrets of youth and Bolotov's recipes? When will longevity without disease become a reality? Well, we can answer this question. After all, the publishing house "Peter" published Bolotov's book. Not his classic work in 13 volumes "Immortality is Real", which is difficult to master even for a specialist, but a practical book: with a small volume (only 128 pages), it clearly and intelligibly explains how to achieve every person's dream of a long life without suffering, decrepitude and disease. Well, probably, many psychics will have to make room, because Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Boris Vasilievich Bolotov claims that longevity without old age does not require recourse to cosmic forces. It's all about accessing the body's hidden reserves! The discovery of the scientist lies in the fact that the cells of the body, which are "tired of life", have grown old, can be replaced by young, combat-ready leader cells, which will help many people to rejuvenate and gain new strength. And if you think that miracle equipment, entire clinics and a host of doctors are needed for this, then you are deeply mistaken. All you need is your desire, kitchen utensils and the ability to prepare "Bolotov's mixtures" from the simplest and most affordable products. These potions (easily and pleasantly prepared) will bring rejuvenating leader cells into your body, which will lead you to youth and health. And do not think that if you are 50, 60 .., then you should not take up the matter. Not! Just the time to start life according to Bolotov. Of course, it will be somewhat more difficult for you to reach the age of 200 than for a 20-year-old, but you can significantly extend your life, as you can get rid of many ailments. And it is no coincidence that the book of Boris Bolotov, as it were, opens the third millennium, in which human life will be brighter, longer and happier.


I am often asked to talk about how exactly I came to traditional medicine. I'm a technical specialist. After leaving school, I even entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics at Moscow University, that is, it seemed that I was not inclined to study medicine. In fact, it was far from accidental. It all happened a long time ago, when I was still in the fifth grade. I was a restless and noisy child: I pulled the girls' pigtails, rewarded the boys with flicks. And then one day the teacher, completely losing patience, came up to me, put my hands on my knees and said: "Sit like this, raise your hands - I will punish you." I obeyed and sat motionless throughout the lesson, keeping my hands on my knees and not suspecting anything about the peculiarities of such a sitting posture. But when I came home after school, my mother accidentally noticed ulcers on my knees. She didn't give it of great importance, deciding that the ulcers were formed due to crawling on her knees, and smeared them with ointment. But the ulcers would not heal, no matter how hard she tried. I was taken to the doctor, but the doctor could not understand the causes of their occurrence.

Some time passed, I again began to play pranks in the lesson, the teacher once again decided to punish me and made me put my hands on my knees. This time, I clearly felt that some incredible warmth was coming from my hands and a rather strong tingling was felt. Moreover, when I raised my hands from my knees, the pain in my legs disappeared. I was surprised to think: “Why do my own palms cause such a sharp pain in my legs? Do they cause similar pain in other parts of the body? What will happen if I bring my palms, for example, to my head? palm to the head of Grisha Nenashkin? At the end of the lesson, I carried out my experiment, raised my hand to the back of the head of Grisha sitting in front. From the touch of my palm, Grisha suddenly fell to the floor and lost consciousness. The children screamed, the teacher ran up and sees - Grisha is lying, his eyes are open, he is clearly paralyzed. "Who did this?" the teacher asked loudly. Many children pointed their fingers at me and added that I hit Grisha on the head with something. Immediately they began to look for an object with which I could hit Grisha, but they did not find material evidence.

Then I was taken to the director of the school, who also demanded to issue material evidence. I stubbornly tried to explain everything and said that I did not beat my classmate. Indeed, I only lightly put my hand on the back of his head. The director just laughed at these explanations, of course, not believing a single word of mine, and then said with dignity: "Well, put your hand on my head or neck, and we'll see what happens." I put my hand, but with rage and frenzy. The director turned pale at first, and then exclaimed: "This is hypnosis!" Since then, the glory of a hypnotist has stuck with me. They paid attention to me. Adults soon taught me how to hypnotize correctly for the purpose of curing diseases, and explained the meaning of massaging diseased parts of the body with their hands. I learned how to put people into a hypnotic sleep and soon achieved great success in the recovery of many patients. In the village of Glotovka, Inzensky district, Ulyanovsk region, where I was born, there was a rumor that I knew an unusual form of hypnosis and with the help of my hands I relieve pain, stop many diseases and generally heal the body as a whole.

I started with the simplest things. In fact, at first I only brought my palm to the sore spot and uttered such phrases: "Your pain disappears, disappears, disappears ..."; "You're getting better, getting better..." Very often these phrases I uttered only mentally. The result was the same. Many simply asked me to carefully look into their eyes. I watched, as the patient wanted, for several seconds, until he stopped me with the words: "Enough, enough - I'm already good." Initially, I still did not know how to diagnose patients and, as a rule, treated people without knowing the diagnosis, but not without success. However, not everything in my practice went well. Once I did hypnosis by the pond in my village, where not only adults but also children came. I introduced those who wished into hypnosis, instilled good health in them and conducted various experiments along the way. Suddenly, two representatives of the authorities who arrived from Ulyanovsk appeared at the pond, who presented me with an official ban on practicing hypnosis or something else unexplained by science. I had to obey and leave an interesting job for many years, but the mysterious phenomena of the human psyche, capable of influencing the body through the mechanism of forming the mode of action, were studied by me every day.

I entered the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute, but even as a student I continued to improve my method. Months and years passed, I already learned the meaning of hypnosis as a method of treating patients "by diagnosis". I realized that hypnotherapy is only one of the possible methods of treating patients. After all, there are other ways, and no less effective than the method of hypnotherapy. My experience of treating patients with a diagnosis by immersing a person in a state of hypnosis has developed into a more powerful healing skill, which is called modern science psychotherapy. I was called a psychotherapist by medical specialists. The concept of psychotherapy also includes the treatment of mentally ill patients by diagnosis. If the word "psycho" means the soul, then psychotherapy means the treatment of diagnosed mentally ill people. My method of treatment differed significantly from both hypnotherapy and psychotherapy. I called my method "parapsychomatology". I combined the methods of red magic at the level of formation of images of action with psychotherapy, which I connected, ultimately, with the somatics of a person, that is, with his organs.

In short, this is the impact of the astral through the soul on the body. To do this, I learned to form the image of a healthy person and impose it on the organs with psychotherapeutic techniques. Therefore, I should correctly be called not a psychotherapist, but a parapsychosomatologist. Of course, for a specialist of this level, a diagnosis, as a rule, is not required, although knowledge of the medical history significantly helps a parapsychosomatologist as well. Having studied many books on hypnosis, I discovered that in addition to such abilities, I also have a biofield. Later, they began to call me not a psychic, but a super-psychic-sensitive. In other words, I was credited with hypersensitivity to external fields and the ability to emit strong fields that cause burns and even pain. After graduating from the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute, I was invited to work at the Odessa Psychoneurological Dispensary as a psychotherapist. There I continued my experiments in the study of hypnosis, as well as parapsychology.

At the same time, I studied other ways of treating diseases using medicinal plants or insects (bees, ants, medical lice, beetles, worms, fungi, algae, animal cells taken from the liver, pancreas, kidneys and other animal organs). I devoted much attention to the study of the fermentation systems of cells of both animal and plant origin. He was engaged in the extraction of enzymes, pectins, peptides, alkaloids, glycosides, bitterness, fiber, fats, sugars, alcohols, vinegars and other substances from such systems. Promising from the point of view of the rapid cure of diseases were enzymes and sorbents. But I did not leave the technique, which has always remained in the sphere of my interests. I defended my Ph.D. thesis on automation at the Moscow Central Research Institute of Communications. I was also very interested in the theory of nuclear transmutation, and together with my wife, chemist Nelli Andreevna Goryachuk, we developed the Second Generation Table of Chemical Elements, which differs from the Mendeleev one in that it shows how all elements change, pass into others, of course, not randomly but naturally and naturally.

Despite the fact that my name was already known as the name of a scientist and inventor - I had 600 inventions on my account, 150 of them were entered in the State Register of the USSR, and I already had the medals "USSR Inventor" and "USSR Inventor of the Year", - I was arrested and sent to Moscow for a medical examination in a mental hospital for schizophrenia and insanity. Only personal experience folk healer saved me from physical extinction. On the eve of my departure to the colony, after seven months of confinement, I was allowed a brief visit with my wife and son. It was in the fall of 1983. I was declared sane, and the investigation continued. The trial, however, took place only a year later, in October 1984. I was accused of trying to explain the structure of the world from an unscientific position, along with describing medicinal plants and methods of treating various diseases, expressing the idea of ​​a leader structure in nature and society, and therefore social structure different societies in terms of their contradiction to the laws of nature. In short, he spread deliberately false fabrications and denigrated the Soviet system.

It turns out that I slandered science, culture, art and the medical care system. An article about me was even published by the newspaper "Trud", it was called "Weed on the Biofield". So I ended up in a strict regime colony in Gorlovka, Donetsk region. I must say that the prison authorities treated me better than the scientific administrators with whom I had previously dealt. Oddly enough, in the colony I was able to continue scientific work. Based on "metachemistry", that is, on the theory of nuclear transformations, embodied in the Second Generation Tables of Chemical Elements, I built an atomic cold fusion and fission reactor in the colony in my free time. Actually, main goal it was to give the colony heat, to receive electricity through a controlled nuclear reaction, but without ionizing radiation into space. As is known, for the implementation of nuclear fusion and fission, as well as overcoming the Coulomb barrier, it is necessary to bring the nuclei closer together at a distance of the order of the radius of action of nuclear forces. Therefore, it was previously believed that nuclear fusion and fission could be carried out only with the use of accelerators and high temperatures.

However, our studies have shown for the first time that the synthesis and fission of nuclei can be carried out due to electric currents passing between the nuclei, and magnetic fields acting between the nuclei, and magnetic fields acting simultaneously. In other words, the accelerating process of protons and other particles was carried out not due to the Coulomb forces, but due to the ampere forces, which make it possible to accelerate charged particles, such as protons, at ultra-small distances. The first experience was a success. Chain reaction on the transformation of porcelain into silicon became indicative. Heat was received in the colony. Both the convicts and the authorities were pleased. They even called me Prometheus of the 20th century. In the same place, in the colony, I wrote a doctoral dissertation on artificial intelligence. I was released in 1991. Due to the absence of corpus delicti in my actions, the criminal case was terminated.

Of course, a lot is missing. After all, all the books and manuscripts were confiscated from me and, of course, they were not returned. But I keep working. And I am happy to know that people appreciate my work. Three months after my release, I was elected an academician of the Russian Academy, which was founded in 1989 and has an international status. Now my book "Immortality is Real" contains 13 volumes of 300 pages of typewritten text. In this great job a wealth of material has been collected on the problems of substitution therapy by introducing into the body the cells of the embryos of the offspring. The issues of improving the gene pool of people based on the use of the best cellular materials have also been studied. But all this will be discussed in subsequent publications. Here I want to give only a small part of this huge material, which is extremely necessary for people at a given period of time.

Recommend a recipe:



Childhood and youth

Vasily Vasilyevich Bolotov was born in the village of Kravotyn, Tver province, on December 31, 1853. His father, Vasily Timofeevich Bolotov, served as a clerk at the Trinity Cathedral in the city of Ostashkov. A few months before the birth of his son, he drowned in Lake Seliger. After this tragedy, the entire burden of material maintenance and the initial upbringing of his son fell on the shoulders of the widow, Vasily's mother, Maria Ivanovna (nee Vishnyakova). By the time of the tragedy, she was 27 years old.

The family lived very poorly, practically survived. Vasily's mother earned money by making prosphora for the local church and sewing for peasant women.

Until the age of nine, she taught her son herself. Maria Ivanovna had an exceptional memory. At one time, she independently learned to read and write. Apparently, Vasily owed his extraordinary ability to education and self-education to her.

It is hard to imagine, but in maturity, V. Bolotov spoke twenty languages, including the "dead", he knew Hebrew, Aramaic, Persian and others. By heart he quoted Homer, Cicero. In addition to his favorite history, which, one might say, he knew perfectly, he was fond of archeology, mathematics, and astronomy. At one time, the level of his knowledge in the field exact sciences admired by such an outstanding Russian scientist as Dmitri Mendeleev. Father Sergius Bulgakov set V. Bolotov as an example for students of the Theological Institute in Paris. But what is no less surprising, the authoritative Western historian A. Harnak, in order to read the works of V.V. Bolotov in the original, was ready to study and studied the Russian language.

Since Vasily was the son of a junior cleric, he had the right to receive a secondary spiritual education at public expense. This right, of course, was exercised. In 1863 he entered the Ostashkov Theological School. During the holidays, Maria Ivanovna took him to her place. The poverty of their family budget was so tangible that when getting to her son, the mother was not able to hire a carrier with a boat and was forced to use a bypass, coastal, foot route, 35 kilometers long.

Education in theological seminary, theological academy

Upon graduation from the school, in 1869, Vasily entered the Tver Theological Seminary. In the process of learning, he demonstrated such extraordinary success that he surprised both students and teachers. Vasily was especially good at ancient and new languages. Once Metropolitan Filofey, being present at the exam, was so amazed at Vasily's answers that he was forced to make the Sign of the Cross over himself.

After graduating from the seminary, in 1875, Vasily continued his studies at the St. Petersburg Theological Academy, at the church history department. At the academy, among other disciplines, he continued to actively study languages, including ancient ones.

According to contemporaries, at the academy he was not only the first student, but he was head and shoulders above all his classmates. They say that even teachers, setting out educational material, no, no, yes, and they looked in the direction of V. Bolotov, whether he wrinkled his face from disagreement. Actually, even in his student years, Vasily was offered to teach himself. From the third year onwards, he actually played the role of an extraordinary professor, which was unusual even for the best students.

In June 1878, V. Bolotov defended his Ph.D., and in October 1879, his master's thesis.

Scientific and teaching activities

A short time after the death of Professor Cheltsov, Vasily Bolotov took the chair of ancient church history, where he then worked for the rest of his life: first, from November 1879, as an assistant professor, then, from October 1884, as an extraordinary professor, and finally, from September 1896 with the rank of ordinary professor.

I must say that with all the admiration and respect from those around him, Bolotov was not drawn to external well-being. He lived quite modestly. His main wealth was, of course, books. As a hobby, he liked to bind them into multi-colored spines.

As far as possible, Vasily Vasilyevich came to his small homeland, to his mother, went with her to the local church. In general, he tried his best to keep a filial relationship with her. Staying in his native village, the professor liked to swim in the clear lake water, and devoted his evenings to studies.

In the period from 1896 to 1897, V.V. Bolotov occupied the chair of Dogmatic Theology, lectured at the course of the historical presentation of dogmas.

Along with teaching activities in the 80-90s, the professor was also involved in civil affairs: he served as a juror, took an active part in the preparation of expeditions to Ethiopia (as a translator and consultant).

The role of V. V. Bolotov in the translation of diplomatic correspondence from the Ethiopian languages ​​was marked by the state by early awarding him the rank of real state councilor.

In February 1890, Vasily Vasilyevich was awarded the Metropolitan Prize. This is how his fundamental works on the ecclesiastical history of Ethiopia and Egypt were evaluated.

In 1892-1893, he participated as an authoritative expert in the work of the commission on the problem of connecting Old Catholics with Orthodox Christians. The fruit of his participation was the compilation of 27 theses on the Holy Spirit. It must be said that the point of view of V. Bolotov on this issue was not accepted by everyone as a standard.

In 1893, Vasily Vasilyevich was elected a corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

In May 1896, V. V. Bolotov received a doctorate in church history, for a set of works. In fact, as a responsible and purposeful scientist, he planned to write a doctoral dissertation, and then defend himself. As a topic for research, I thought to take two heretical trends of the 5th century, expressing two radical, mutually opposite approaches to the question of the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ: Nestorianism and Monophysitism.

However, at that time, the church leadership did not welcome the studies of professors of the academies in a deep scientific analysis of heretical errors. What was Vasily Vasilyevich to do? Accept any other dissertation topic as long as it gets approved? He chose something else: he refused to write just to write. In the end, the members of the Academic Council, experiencing some moral discomfort from this situation, insisted on awarding him a doctoral degree.

In the summer of the same year, Vasily Vasilyevich developed a tumor on his leg. Probably, it was formed as a result of the professor's sedentary lifestyle and due to his habit of crossing his legs while working, and on top of a lot of books. Despite the painful illness, V. Bolotov found the strength for irony: reassuring his mother in tender letters, he encouraged her, saying that one sore leg is still better than two. During this period, he was visited by friends and comrades, including foreign scientists.

In 1893, Vasily Vasilyevich was elected a corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

In the last period of his life, the condition of V.V. Bolotov was aggravated by serious illnesses: he suffered from chronic anemia, liver and kidney failure. In 1899 his mother died. This loss further undermined the health of the scientist. V. Bolotov survived Maria Ivanovna by only a few months. Despite the fact that, by the nature of his soul, he did not strive for a solitary ascetic life, he never formed a family.

Recently, Vasily Vasilyevich worked in the commission for the reform of the calendar, created under the Russian Astronomical Society. This commission was headed by D. Mendeleev.

On April 5, 1900, V. Bolotov's heart stopped. The archimandrite said: “Professor of the Petrograd Theological Academy Vasily Vasilyevich Bolotov, a famous scientist, a man with colossal knowledge and humble faith in his heart, was dying in full and clear consciousness. He was dying, admonished to eternity with Confession and Communion, and his last words on earth were the delight of his soul before the bliss that opened to the spiritual gaze: “How beautiful the last minutes ... how good it is to die ... I am going to the Cross ... Christ is coming ... God is coming ... ". His body was interred at the Nikolsky cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.

creative legacy

V. V. Bolotov left behind many valuable scientific papers. The works of this scientist were admired by his contemporaries. To date, many of his works have not only not lost their relevance, but are also considered unsurpassed. Among others, such works as deserve special attention; ; ; ; .

Born on November 30, 1930 in the village of Glotovka, Ulyanovsk Region, in the family of a Russian worker. Even in the fifth grade, it was discovered that he has a strong biofield. But such a word was not known then, and the director of the school called it hypnosis. The inhabitants of the village began to come to the boy with their illnesses, he put his hand to the back of their head or simply looked into their eyes, and many were healed. But the sessions had to be stopped - they were banned by "representatives" from Ulyanovsk.

In 1955, Bolotov graduated from the Odessa Electrotechnical Institute of Communications, served in the army, became interested in the possibilities of the biofield, tried to model it, realized that he himself possessed it. He began to study other methods of treatment - the secrets of ancient, Tibetan and traditional medicine, medicinal herbs, homeopathy, etc.

In 1961 he entered the Moscow graduate school, in a year he managed to completely complete its three-year course, make acquaintance with A. Sakharov, and get carried away by the example of human rights activists. The promising scientist was left by distribution in the capital, given a two-room apartment near the Kursk railway station, but as soon as he entered the new housing, a male voice sounded clearly in his head: "Leave Moscow immediately!". The order was then repeated several times. Not wanting to joke with invisible forces (they happen to take especially prominent earthlings under guardianship), Bolotov asked the Minister of Communications to transfer him somewhere. So in 1962 he ended up in Kyiv, where there was a vacancy with the provision of an apartment, and connected his fate with this city.

In 1963, Boris Vasilyevich and his collaborators for the first time carried out a reversible nuclear reaction on the decomposition of molybdenum by current into niobium and technetium. In 1964 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, and A. Sakharov, becoming interested in Bolotov's idea of ​​a "cold" nuclear reactor, invited the Kievan to his doctoral studies. Unfortunately, doctoral studies were soon canceled, and Bolotov had to be satisfied with a transfer to work at the Kyiv Academic Institute of Electrodynamics (1965). He prepared his doctoral dissertation on the creation of an intelligent robot that hears and talks like a person. Bolotov had already passed the stage of preliminary defense, but ... in 1970 he was fired "due to inconsistency with the position held." The discrepancy manifested itself in the fact that he called leadership empty flowers in science, exposed the financial fraud of the deputy director, and when he was offered to join the party before the defense, he told the party organizer that "the party is leading the people in the wrong direction."

From that moment, wherever he worked, his leadership was called from higher authorities, and then from the KGB, and demanded to drive vzashey. A series of layoffs and searches for a new job came against the backdrop of growing interest in his developments from foreign firms. His dissident activities were initially secret. He helped the families of human rights activists, wrote leaflets calling for "independent Ukraine", because he believed that the powerful bureaucracy in the Union could not be overcome. teaching at Polytechnic Institute(1970-1974), he allowed himself seditious statements in front of students, and, heading the laboratory of laser installations at the Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry (1975-1978), where he semi-legally worked nuclear processes decided to do a deed worthy of many others.

In the spring of 1977, he completed the 30-year-old work "Immortality is Real", the typescript of which took 13 folders-books. Three described: 2000 medicinal plants, 6000 recipes of two or three thousand years ago, methods of treatment unconventional ways. One of the books was called "How not to get sick, not to grow old" - the author's original treatment methodology, which is fundamentally different from both traditional medicine and the recommendations of all Braggs and Sheltons. Bolotov formulated the quintessence of this methodology in the form of 5 rules, recently published in several newspapers. But Boris Vasilievich did not limit himself to the science of youth and longevity.

Immortality - the desire of all ages - that's what truly captured him. Bolotov's theory of immortality is based on the periodic replacement every 40 years of the "leader cell", which is located in the center of the human body two fingers below the navel and is responsible for the production of young cells in the body. A person ages because this cell ages, and it must be replaced by a new fertilized egg. After each such replacement, all the cells of the body will be slowly updated. Bolotov established that there is a leader in every population of animals and humans, and if he does not have the appropriate biofields, the population breaks up and dies. The flock changes its leader when he gets old and cannot function normally (this was written during the life of L. Brezhnev!).

Now states are falling apart because we elect fictitious leaders whose decrees do not work.

The book was not, therefore, purely medical. There was philosophy, and sociology, and even nuclear physics. And before putting it into samizdat, Bolotov inserted thoughts in various places about the impossibility of building communism, about the criminality of the war in Afghanistan, about the ignorance of the CPSU policy, about the need for a two-party system and private property, about the correctness of Polish Solidarity. He was not an academician, like A. Sakharov, and he understood well that he could not get away with what the academician allowed himself. When the book spread throughout Ukraine, the author was asked to leave the Institute. At his last job (part-time postman - 30 rubles a month), he lasted only 9 months: the frightened boss begged him to leave from there too.

It was 1981, all that remained was to treat people and travel around the country with lectures on immortality. In a short time, fame spread about him as a miracle worker who even cured cancer. In 1982, the KGB took Bolotov under a tight cap, even recorded his conversations in a taxi. It was at this time that Bolotov was urgently called to see a cancer patient in Pitsunda. And the voice in my head warned: "Do not take a ticket to the top shelf!". But there was no other ticket, I had to go on the top shelf. He lay down with his feet to the window, decided not to sleep.
Suddenly the door opened, the stranger pressed gauze soaked in some liquid to his face, then threw it out the half-open window and went out. Breathing began to stop, the healer turned his head to the window, to the fresh air and covered himself with a sheet.
The stranger reappeared, stabbed twice where his chest had just been, and disappeared. In fact, the killer hit in the leg, and the bloodied Bolotov fell down. He showed us the scars on his left leg, left after the operation. Most likely, this action was carried out by the KGB, and since it failed, on March 15, 1983, they raided his apartment with a 15-hour search, confiscated (and still have not returned!) 750 valuable books, and he himself was arrested and taken to pre-trial detention center of the KGB. Bolotov spent a year and a half there, of which about a year was spent on psychiatric examinations in Kyiv and Moscow. Torture, beatings, bullying... In the end, he was recognized as sane, and in 1984 a trial took place. "Slander against the system" in the book "Immortality" dragged on only for 2 years in prison, so they hung another 6 years under the pseudo-criminal articles "illegal doctoring" and "theft" in the amount of 2620 rubles - the salary that he received at the penultimate place of work (computer center ), having, by agreement with the authorities, a free regime. There was also hooting in the press, Nelly Andreevna's wife was dismissed "of her own free will" from the post of associate professor, her son's apartment was taken away.

And in the zone, in order to set criminals on Bolotov, they spread a rumor that he had raped his own daughter (who he never had!). The situation became threatening, and in protest, Bolotov and his partner in 1986, on the opening day of the XXVII Congress of the CPSU, went on the run, disappearing from the zone at noon. The authorities were warned in advance by them, but did not believe that an escape was possible. Thousands of soldiers were looking for them, but the fugitives themselves returned a week later.
The new court added 2.5 years to Bolotov; however, there was also a positive result - they were transferred to another colony. There, Boris Vasilyevich succeeded in the impossible and incredible: he attracted some of the officers to his side, got at his disposal a small laboratory, got the necessary equipment from the outside, built a nuclear reactor of his own design and, for the first time in the world, carried out "cold" (without accelerators - synchrophasotrons) on it nuclear reactions with the conversion of phosphorus, lead into others chemical elements. At the same time, he received a hundred new chemical elements not known to science. Samples for analysis were sent to the wild through a dumpster, the scavenger was paid in camp currency - tea.

From the Bolotov zone, he corresponded with the scientific world, sent applications for inventions, some, while he was in prison, were introduced at enterprises. He was rehabilitated under political articles (May 1989), but continued to sit on criminal charges and was so carried away by work that on the day of his release he asked to sit for a couple more weeks to complete the experiments. But Nelly Andreyevna, who had come to fetch him, resolutely opposed it. On May 16, 1990, at the founding meeting of the Russian Academy and the World Fund for Assistance to Scientists, Innovators, Inventors, Cultural Figures, a recent convict made a report on the main discovery of his life, the discovery of the century - a table that contains ... more than 10,000 chemical elements and for which the periodic D. Mendeleev's table of elements (a hundred or so elements) is only a special case. These new chemical elements, unknown to traditional chemistry and nuclear physics (Bolotov has some samples) he called isosteres.

After the report, the meeting immediately awarded Boris Vasilyevich the honorary title of "People's Academician". The scientist was able to come to this discovery only by completely ignoring physics, which is taught at school and university. He rejected the Bohr model of the atom, rejected the protons and neutrons that supposedly make up the nucleus. Too many of the effects discovered by different scientists did not fit into the classical scheme. He gave his own model of the structure of the atom, which allowed him to plan the same experiment completed in the zone. The Bolotov table (the scientist's wife and son took part in the work on it) now hangs in the Zelinsky Museum (Moscow) next to the Mendeleev table.

IN in practical terms it opens up fantastic prospects. But it is easy to imagine the confusion of our official science... Bolotov made the same revolution in chemistry. He called the science known to all the chemistry of the first generation - and he himself developed the chemistry of the second generation.

Instead of ordinary water, its basis is lithium water (Li2O), which is compressed into silicon in the thickness of the planet. In Bolotov's chemistry, ordinary chemical elements turn out to be only acids, alkalis, and salts resulting from reactions involving lithium water ions, and the nuclear transformations of elements are the essence of these very reactions!

Today, Boris Vasilyevich has 150 inventions, for which copyright certificates have been received, and the implementation of which has brought enterprises 2 million rubles in profit. Another 350 inventions and 20 discoveries were submitted to the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries. His most valuable ideas were dismissed as... unbelievable. Bolotov's trillions are hidden in the ten science-intensive technologies he proposed.
These are foam materials based on minerals and metals, the strength of which exceeds all currently known materials; it is easy to make anything from them - from cowsheds and garages to rocket bodies.
This is heavy-duty silicon obtained and tested by Bolotov with the properties of a diamond.
This is an environmentally friendly nuclear power industry based on phosphorus and other light elements, for which it is easy to adapt existing nuclear power plants by removing "dirty" uranium boilers; a pocket nuclear reactor for heating the body is also possible.
This is the production of gold from lead and mercury, as well as other valuable substances based on second-generation chemistry. The extraction of water from the air, which will solve many of the problems of arid regions. Production of paper from basalt and other minerals that will save our forests from deforestation. Enzymes that accelerate the growth and increase the productivity of agricultural plants and animals. Production of metals by electrolysis of melts, which is much cheaper than blast-furnace. Production of catalysts that speed up chemical reactions.

Bolotov also has ecological ideas. Fast and efficient way to decontaminate a zone Chernobyl disaster. Removal of radionuclides from the body of people affected by radiation. Saving the Caspian and Aral. He does not want to prove anything to official science and prefers to deal with practitioners - Soviet and foreign entrepreneurs. Offers worth billions of dollars were not long in coming.

Boris Vasilyevich has been fully rehabilitated in all respects. He put forward his candidacy for the post of President of Ukraine, but was refused, because ... according to the electoral committee, he does not know "Ukrainian language" well enough. This is said to a man who owns many ancient and modern languages, including Ukrainian. But Bolotov does not lose heart: he is confident in his leadership abilities, as well as in the fact that his time will come.

The official website of B. Bolotov on the Internet is located on the website: www.tabletless. rf. Phone of the Moscow office of B. Bolotov: 8-499-748-31-87.

© Piter Publishing House LLC, 2017

© Series "Calendars and diaries", 2017

From the publisher

Academician Bolotov is often called the Ukrainian magician. The ideas of this man amaze the imagination, and his discoveries turn the idea of ​​​​the world around us.

The scientist's books are published in huge editions, his name is familiar to millions. It is not surprising that many people began to live in accordance with the laws and truths of Bolotov. And this is understandable, because it was Boris Vasilyevich who opened the way, which already now makes it possible for any person to live up to 150 years, and in the future will lead us to immortality.

On May 16, 1990, at the founding meeting of the Russian Academy and the World Fund for Assistance to Scientists, Innovators, Inventors and Cultural Figures, Bolotov made a report on the discovery of the century - a table that contains more than 10,000 chemical elements and for which Mendeleev's periodic table of elements is a special case.

These new chemical elements, unknown to traditional chemistry and nuclear physics, are called isosteres by scientists. The table of the Bolotovs (the wife and son of Boris Vasilyevich took part in its creation) is now in the Museum. Zelinsky (Moscow) next to the periodic table.

We can say that Bolotov made a revolution in chemistry. He developed his own model of the structure of the atom and presented the chemical elements as acids, alkalis and salts of lithium water, which are obtained as a result of nuclear transformations of elements.

All of these (and many more) fundamental discoveries enabled this encyclopedically educated scientist to lay the foundations for the medicine of the future. But Academician Bolotov is not only a theorist, his teaching contains numerous practical recommendations that can be used today.

Bolotov's books are theory, firmly fused with practice, iron argumentation and polished evidence. One of the amazing revelations for us was the idea of ​​a scientist about the existence of two types of cells. Based on the fundamental principle of being - the principle of pairing - the scientist suggested the following: since there are two types of radiation (wave and in the form of particles), two types of cells arose in nature. Plant cells absorb light and synthesize alkaline proteins and alkaloids, while animal cells absorb electrons and synthesize acidic proteins.

It is clear that this diary does not contain a complete presentation of Bolotov's teachings, its purpose is different - it is designed to become an assistant in the daily fight against specific diseases. The main task of the calendar book is to help a person improve the body and rejuvenate. It will be useful in every home, in every family.

For those who want to get comprehensive information and learn more about Bolotov's healing system, we can recommend the book "Human Health in an Unhealthy World", published by our publishing house.

A significant part of this book is devoted to the treatment of cancer.

The doctor of the highest category C. Vysokova, the head of the therapeutic department of the cardiological sanatorium "Vorzel" of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, said well about Boris Vasilyevich.

“In our time, a doctor, even equipped with all the necessary equipment and medicines, always faces a dilemma: how to treat successfully, but not harm. Therefore, when recommendations appear that are easy to implement, accessible and quite effective, both for healthy and sick people, doctors accept them willingly, and of course, in each case, they choose the most rational ones for this patient. I had a chance to talk with many people who use the advice of Academician B.V. Bolotov, and they all noted the positive effect of observing the rules of quintessence. Let's listen to the voice wise man. He sees beyond us. He gets to the heart of things."

Boris Bolotov largely predetermined the development of medicine. One of the main directions of this development is the use of enzymes. Enzymes are medications from medicinal herbs, in which the active principle is obtained not by a chemical method, but by microbial fermentation. Academician Bolotov developed a number of enzymes that relieve itching, flaking, salt growths, hair loss, sweating, which have diuretic, choleretic, analgesic, antitumor and many other medicinal properties. The action of enzymes has shown their extraordinary efficiency.

What you need to know and be able to be healthy

To use the recommendations given in the diary, you need to know the five basic rules of health. Quintessence (so you can call these rules of health) is effective always and everywhere. It doesn't matter if you are sick or if the doctors harmed you - the quintessence always works successfully, as Newton's law of universal gravitation always works. Quintessence allows a person to maintain his own health at the required level, helps to become healthy and live a long life.

Five rules of quintessence determine the main directions of treatment of diseases (restoration of the gastrointestinal tract, oxidation of the body and individual organs), as well as methods of treatment and recipes for the preparation of therapeutic agents.

So what are the five rules of quintessence?

Rule one - increase the number of young cells

The first rule is to increase the number of young cells in relation to the number of old cells. Effective method rejuvenation consists in the removal (destruction, splitting) of old cells with reduced vital function, which should be replaced by young ones. How to do it? It turns out it's simple. To do this, it is necessary to cause the release of gastric enzymes - pepsins - in the stomach, which, entering the bloodstream, are carried throughout the body and digest old and damaged cells (including cancerous and disease-causing cells), without harming young healthy cells. The amino acid composition of pepsin is similar to the amino acid composition of proteins in young cells. Thus, we need to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, which contains all the necessary elements for the breakdown of old cells.

How to do it? Even in ancient times, for rejuvenation, it was recommended to eat plants of the young family or others that can stimulate the secretion of gastric juices. Among others (there are about a hundred in total), these include the following plants.

Hare cabbage, sorrel, plantain, dill, fennel, trifolium, common cabbage, nettle, clover, aloe, kalanchoe, agave, seaweed, adonis (starodubka), gray jaundice, foxglove, strophanthus, lily of the valley, marsh lily, eleutherococcus, golden root , lemongrass, safflower-like leuzea, Manchurian aralia, zamaniha, ginseng.

There are two simple ways to increase pepsin-like substances in the blood (this is extremely important for rejuvenation and recovery).

Method 1. Put a gram of salt on the tongue for a few minutes and swallow the salty saliva. The procedure is done immediately after eating, and also an hour after eating. During the day, you can repeat up to 10 times. You can eat salted, as well as pickled vegetables and even fruits. Moreover, almost everything should be salted (salted): bread, and cucumbers, and tomatoes, and apples, and watermelons, and melons, and cottage cheese, and butter, and sour cream. In addition, it is also desirable to temporarily not consume vegetable oil, as well as temporarily limit the intake of margarine, mayonnaise and all products prepared with vegetable oils.

Method 2. After eating, it is good to eat 1-2 teaspoons of seaweed or a small piece of salted herring. Borscht is better to cook from sauerkraut with the addition of sauerkraut, sauerkraut, sauerkraut, sauerkraut. Plants from the Crassulaceae (younger) family are also best fermented. To do this, fill a 3-liter jar with a plant (for example, young), put 1 teaspoon of table salt and 1/2 g of yeast and leave to ferment for several days. Then you can take 1-3 tbsp. spoons of kvass during meals.

Doctors sometimes prescribe stomach acid from animals (eg, dogs, pigs, cows) to patients. But the gastric juices of these animals are not suitable for humans. They are replaced by hydrochloric acid, as well as a set of dilute acids, called "aqua regia", which includes hydrochloric acid, and sulfuric, and pyruvic, and acetic.

Spicy seasonings and bitterness are also used to stimulate gastric juices: pepper, mustard, adjika, horseradish, radish, coriander, cumin, cinnamon, mint. Juices should be drunk with the addition of hydrochloric acid or "royal vodka".

"Aqua regia"."Royal vodka" is used in the treatment of many diseases. It can also be used as a prophylactic. If a person is feeling well, it is better to take 4 times a day: after each meal and immediately after sleep. During sleep, some unfavorable substances accumulate in the human body, because of them we sometimes feel lethargic. "Royal vodka" neutralizes these substances and evens out well-being.

In case of serious diseases, you need to drink "aqua regia" 3-6 times a day, 1-2 tbsp. spoons. At the same time, for 1 liter of water, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of hydrochloric and sulfuric acid, 1/2 cup grape vinegar or red grape juice, 4 tablets of nitroglycerin. If necessary, acetylsalicylic acid, succinic acid, methionine, tryptophan, methylalanine or tyrosine, as well as adrenaline, are also added to "aqua regia". Usually, a pod of hot pepper is dipped into a liter bottle, which is not only very useful and gives the drink a pleasant taste, but also gives us much-needed bitterness. You can also add coriander and cumin.

Rule two - the transformation of slag into salt

A lot of salts accumulate in the body - not only in the kidneys, bladder, gall bladder, but also in connective tissues and bones. Slags, which are formed as a result of oxidative processes, are especially dangerous for life. To rid the body of toxins that make connective tissues fragile, it is necessary to act on the toxins with acids. It is necessary to introduce such acids into the body that, on the one hand, would be safe for the body, and on the other hand, would be able to dissolve toxins, turning them into salts. Such acids are substances that are formed as a result of the activity of microorganisms of animal origin in an acidic environment. The fermentation process of these cells in an oxygen environment forms acetic acids, or enzymes.

Very useful acids that are found in all kinds of vegetable and fruit pickles in the form of vitamins and amino acids, in the form of ascorbic, palmitic, nicotinic, citric, lactic and other acids.

When using acidic foods, vinegars, kvass and enzymes, it is advisable not to use vegetable oils, which have strong alkalizing and choleretic properties, which significantly slows down the processes of converting toxins into salts.

Salts formed during the use of acids are partially excreted in the urine, and partially remain in the body. Knowing this, care must be taken to remove insoluble salts. This is the third rule of quintessence.

Rule Three - Salt Removal

Analyzing the salts that are formed in the body, you can see that they are mineral and organic, alkaline and acidic, soluble and insoluble in water. We will be interested only in salts that are not excreted from the body themselves. Observations show that alkaline, mineral and fatty salts, such as urates, phosphates, oxalates, as well as fatty acids such as stearic acid and some urea salts, usually do not dissolve.

Naturally, in order to dissolve alkaline salts, it is necessary to introduce safe alkalis into the body. Decoctions of some plants and juices turned out to be such safe alkaline substances.

So, for example, tea from sunflower roots dissolves many salts in the body. Teas from knotweed, horsetail, watermelon peels, pumpkin tails, bearberry, marsh cinquefoil dissolve salts well.

Salt tea. Sunflower root tea is drunk in large doses for a month or even more. At the same time, salts begin to be excreted only after 2 weeks and are excreted until the urine becomes clear, like water, and a suspension of salts does not precipitate in it. If you collect all the released salts by settling urine, then they are collected up to 2-3 kg. Naturally, when drinking sunflower tea, you should not eat spicy and highly salty dishes (for example, herring), as well as use kvass and vinegars. Food should be pleasantly salty. After the first days of taking tea, pain is possible. They are caused by the movement of sand through the kidneys and ureter. In this case, it is necessary to reduce the dose; you can take a pain reliever such as no-shpy.

To dissolve salts, the juices of some plants are also used. For example, black radish juice well dissolves minerals in the bile ducts and gallbladder and other mineral salts deposited in the vessels, renal pelvis, bladder.

Carrying out such treatment, it is necessary to follow a more fresh diet, avoid spicy and salty foods, but only for the period of drinking juice. When the juice runs out, it is necessary to eat cakes, which by that time will already turn sour. During meals, 1-3 tbsp. spoons of cake. Such treatment helps to strengthen the body, especially the lung tissues and the entire cardiovascular system.

Salts can also be dissolved by the juices of other plants, for example, the juice of parsley roots, horseradish, coltsfoot leaves, chicory, and turnips.

They also dissolve salts with the bile of birds. Indeed, it has long been noticed that chickens, for example, peck at pebbles. They do this to form the egg shell, and dissolves bile stones, which accumulate in birds in the liver. It turned out that chicken bile perfectly dissolves minerals not only in the bile ducts, but almost everywhere. Since vitiligo (discoloration of the skin) arises from blockage of the capillaries of the skin with salt accumulations, the use of chicken bile leads to the purification of the capillaries from salts and the complete cure of vitiligo. Duck, goose and turkey bile has similar properties. Bile is placed in special gelatin capsules, which are used for bitter medicines. Sometimes bile is used in bread balls.

Balls with bile. To do this, small balls the size of a hazelnut are made from the crumb and a few drops of bile are added to them. Swallow 2-5 of these balls in one procedure. Do this 30-40 minutes after eating. The course of treatment takes 5–10 gallbladders, respectively, taken from the same number of chickens. Bile is stored in a special plastic container in the refrigerator.

Remember that the maximum dose of bile should not exceed 20-50 drops. The urea (gouty salts) hardened in the vessels and joints is dissolved by the juices of the leaves of the coltsfoot, as well as by vinegar. Therefore, after alkalization of the body, it is necessary to acidify it.

Rule four - the fight against pathogenic bacteria

The fight against pathogenic bacteria is based on the principle of pairing. The principle of pairing covers all biology down to the cellular level. This principle states that, despite the huge number of diverse cells, they differ from each other in the nature of their vital activity. Cells can only be of plant and animal origin. Let us abbreviate them as KRP and KZhP.

All cells that are pathogenic to animal cells are plant cells, and all cells that are pathogenic to plant cells are animal cells. In other words, a person or an animal can only get sick from the waste products of plant cells. But since plant cells can only exist in an alkaline environment, then the disease of any human organ is possible only when its environment is alkalized. Which means oxidation is the way to fight disease.

Knowing which fermentations are necessary for a particular organ, one can effectively influence it. Since ancient times, people have been fed pickled spleen to improve the spleen, today this plant is called oats. Oatmeal is processed with the help of yeast and given as a dough when hardened in the spleen zone (just below the pancreas). For the treatment of the liver, sour peas, beans, soybeans, beans, lentils, clover, lupins, sweet clover, Japanese sophora.

To do this, take a 3-liter jar of the plant (stuff it completely), pour it with a solution of table salt, add 1–3 tbsp. spoons of granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon of sour cream or 1 g of yeast (from the intestines of a wild boar). All are fermented within a week. The product is then crushed and consumed raw.

Thus, many plants can be fermented and used as needed, and simply for prevention. If the body is reliably oxidized, then there should be no disease-causing processes. But we must also take care not to acidify the stomach and not disturb the acid-base balance of the body.

At the end of the section, it must be said that blood thinning is the most important way to longevity. This is achieved in at least two ways.

First way based on the principle of "like dissolves like". This also applies to blood thinning. In other words, highly alkaline blood is thinned with alkalis. So, for example, during abstinence in drug addicts, the blood is thinned by drugs, which for the most part consist of alkaloids, and they are alkaline. In an alcoholic, a hangover goes away with the use of a small amount of alcohol (vodka). It is especially important here that alcohol, on the one hand, leads to thickening of the blood, and on the other hand, it also thins it.

Second way based on blood oxidation. Oxidation of the blood is carried out with the help of acids. The simplest way oxidation is the introduction of lactic acid products into the body. Whey is especially effective for this.

Other powerful means of oxidation are all kinds of kvass and enzymes.

How to cook kvass and enzymes. To prepare Bolotov's medicinal kvass, you will need 3 liters of fresh whey and 1/2 cup dry or a glass of fresh medicinal plants. For each disease that will be discussed in this diary, you will be told which plant you need.

The grass is placed in a gauze bag and with the help of a sinker (glass pebble) is immersed to the bottom of the jar. In the resulting whey, you can add 1 teaspoon of sour cream and 1 cup of granulated sugar.

Kvass will be ready in 2 weeks, it should be stored in a warm, dark place. Close the jar with three layers of gauze. Kvass is drunk before meals for 10–20 minutes, 1/2 cup, 1–2 times a day. Each time the drunk kvass is supplemented with the appropriate amount of whey or water and sugar. The next day, kvass again becomes suitable for consumption.

Vitamins, as well as mucopolysaccharide acids, oxidize and, therefore, thin the blood. Even ordinary hydrochloric acid or “aqua regia” thins the blood well. Vinegar and all kinds of vinegar-containing wines (old barreled wine), fatty acids, and pickles are excellent blood thinners.

One of the most powerful blood thinners are mucopolysaccharides (chondroitinsulphuric acid, hyaluronic acid, heparin and keratosulphates). In conclusion, I note that if your blood does not thicken, then death, in principle, cannot occur, no matter what diseases you have. On the other hand, oxidized and thinned blood will save you from many diseases.

Rule Five - Restoring Weakened Organs

The fifth rule is based on the principle of indifference. Without dwelling in detail on the principle of indifference, we can briefly say that all elements of any system can be in an indifferent state of equilibrium. This is also true for biological objects. Indeed, if a part of the cellular tissue of the kidneys dies for any reason, then these tissues will not be restored. The kidneys will not cope with their work, and the body will lose its protection from the products of cellular decay.

The organism itself is not able to get out of the critical state, since it, from the point of view of nature, is indifferent. (It is not indifferent only to the person himself.) Therefore, the disease of the body from kidney failure can be cured by special methods and, of course, not by drugs, since there are no drugs that would be able to increase the production of kidney cell tissues in a given period of time.

The author has developed methods for treating diseases associated specifically with shear disorders, that is, with the phenomena of the principle of indifference. They are based on the methods of treatment and restoration of the kidneys, methods of treating cirrhosis and increasing the cell masses of the liver, treating diseases of the heart and lungs (restoration of the lungs). These treatment methods will be discussed in the diary.
